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Sayed Akhtar Hussain Abidi, son of Nayaz Hussain Abidi was

born in the district of Ansariya, Saharanpu, in Ind ia. The spiritual name
he later adopted was Sayed Akhtar Moeed Shah Al -Abidi. At the time of
the partition of India in 1947, Mr. Abidi and his family migrated to
Pakistan. He lived in Karachi for seventeen years when he realised that
his destiny and mission lay elsewhere. At Allah’s will, he migrated to
England. He initially came to Manchester because one of his close
relatives, Mr. Ifitkhar Hussain was already settled here. This happened
in 1961. His stay in Manchester continued for twenty-five years. During
this time, he made many friends and followers, both in England and
Europe as well as various other parts of the world. He has travelled
across the nations to bring about brotherhood, peace, and healing of the
sick and troubled through his spiritual gift .

Mr. Iftikhar Hussain passed away in 1986 and Mr. Abidi moved to
Slough, near Heathrow airport, as wished by his friends. He has thus
been resident in Slough since 1986. His family still lives in Karachi
where he visits them from time to time. He is a s piritual leader and a
faith healer, and Tabeeb-e-Islami (Islamic Physician). He has, on so
many occasions, helped people with miraculous healing particularly
those suffering from chronically disabling and apparently incurable
conditions, in England, Europe and the Middle East. His interviews and
accomplishments are recorded in the international press. He claims not
to possess much formal education but has significant spiritual
knowledge, which is the hallmark of Sufis. He is blessed with, the by the
grace of Allah and the holy Prophet Muhammad Salallah -wu-alaihi
wasaallam (peace be upon him). He had been interviewed over the years
on numerous occasions in Asia, Europe and in the Arab world and he has
already published two books entitled Manzil 1 and Manzil 2. Those who
have read Manzil 1, compiled in 1976, were impressed by the advance


knowledge of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which the world

now knows to have become a reality. His companions, p articularly Mr.
Zahid Sharif, Mr. Mansoor Ali Siddiqi, Mr. Ali Hussain, Mr Mohammad
Farooq and Dr. E. Quraishy insisted him to write a prospective
impression of the world and gave him the undertaking towards its
translation. He therefore decided to put his thoughts, inspirations and
revelations, as bequest by Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala), on paper. Let
the time decide its validity and versatility.



I am grateful for the grace and mercy of Allah Subhanahu - Wa-

Taala that I have been chosen as a recipient of spiritual knowledge
which can help me foresee some of the futuristic aspects and its
meaningful interpretations. I have predicted from time to time, the
course of events accurately but as I was unable to publish the facts in
advance, it seems I may have deprived the world of an important source
of information.
My friends Mr. Zahid Sharif, Mr. Masroor Ali Siddiqi, Mr.
Mohammad Farooq, Mr. Ali Hussain, Mr. Qaiser Ahmad and Dr.
Ehsanullah Quraishy, to name a few insisted that I should share the
spiritual experiences imparted to me with the w orld at large. I therefore
decided with the guidance from Allah Subhanahu -Wa- Taala and through
my spiritual spontaneous writing to express it in the form o f this book,
backed up by the undertaking from my associates for any assistance for
its publication. I would say that the contents of this book were revealed
to me spiritually and the veracity, validity, or otherwise, of this
information can only be judged by the passage of time.

Sayed Akhtar Moeed Abidi

September 2003


Our redeemer on the day of judgment is Muhammad Arabee (PBUH)

Ali is my Imam and I am Ali’s slave
In the name of Ali thousand live are ready to sacrifice

Translation of Hazrat Ameer Khusro’s couplet, written on the wall above the door of
Paradise in green and gold letters




This book is a prophecy of the author and any content therein is not meant to
cause offence to anyone in its political or personal implication. The opinions
and ideas stated here do not necessarily represent those distributing this file.
Please note that this book file may contain typographical errors which are
undergoing correction. It is not advised that wazifas from this text are recited
without granted permission.


Chapter 1
Life of The Visionary
Flow of the reflection of my thoughts and my ecstatic state...
July 22, 1957

My reflection said to me, "Oh Visionary, write a bit of your

biography and how you reached this place". It was the time, when I was
young. I met with a man in a library, we introduced ourselves and I came
to know that he is related to my brother-in-law. He invited me for dinner
at his place, after knowing my thoughts, he asked me to recite a Surah of
Quran and told me that it will change my destiny, and accordingly, I
performed the recitation. My fortune changed its colour and soon after its
completion, I had a vision.

There is a long line of people belonging to different creeds and races and I
joined them at the end of the row. The row was so long that I could not see
the other end.
A ft e r s o me t i me a n a n n o u n c e me n t i s ma d e "P r o ph e t
Muhammad PBUH is coming" all the people bowed their heads and
placed their hands as if they were praying. In front of me, there was a grave
already built-up nearly three feet above the ground. Prophet Muhammad
PBUH came and lay down in the grave, and the angel Gabriel was standing
towards the foot-end of the grave. I was witnessing the whole scene, as I was
closest to the grave. Then I saw all the people approach the grave and fill it
with the burnt-orange soil. After this they all went back to their original place
in the row. Then I heard a voice from the grave "I WANT TO GET UP.”
Now, I alone went forward and all the people were looking. I removed


the soil with my bare hands from the grave and returned to my place in the
row. At a distance of about five feet there was a sma ll platfor m. Prophet
MUHAMMAD P BUH got on t he platform and sat squat. The angel
Gabriel brought a bucket full of water and placed it in front of Prophet
Muhammad PBUH. Prophet Muhammad PBUH washed his face just as
ablution and with the help of both of his hands he pushed back his hair from
his forehead and tucked it behind his ears. While doing this he
proclaimed, "Make an announcement from RASOOL-ULLAH, today
there will be no convocation and ceremony; but the propagation and
publication of the Quran will continue" It took me nearly half a century to
understand and interpret this vision and I did what He wanted me to do.

Anyway, the respectable gentleman taught me about the Holy Names of

Allah and the mathematical permutations. It was difficult for me to
understand, because mathematics was involved. However, as a result of my
efforts, I managed to make the 100 x 100 Naqsh.

My thought said that I should write something about the NAQSH. In

fact this knowledge is originated from Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) named astrology.
He was well aware of the knowledge of stars, their circles, alphabets and
numbers. He conceived all this through sounds. These are practiced by Bani
Israil but the only difference between alphabets and mathematics is that
Hazrat Ibrahim has conserved thirty two alphabets in sounds and Arabic
has twenty alphabet tones as alphabets have to read and write separately.

The knowledge of alphabets travelled from Bani Israil to Hazrat Ismail

(AS) and to Hazrat Abdul Mutalib and Hazrat Abu Talib (AS) to Hazrat
Muhammed (PBUH). First of all he changed the name of Hazrat Siddiq-e-
Akbar and then he changed the name of Hazrat Umar's daughter. And in
Hebrew the names can be written separately in alphabets like Wao, Hay,
Waa and these sounds can form the word Waheywa when read in the
correct order. The knowledge possessed by Hazrat Ibrahim is known as the
Kaballah. Rasool-ul-Allah (PBUH) was following the beliefs of Hazrat
Ibrahim (AS). The Prophet observed fasts, regular prayers, performing
muraqiba and khilwat in the hills. The Holy Prophet did things which
nobody knew about for forty years. Hazrat Ibrahim sent one of his


sons, who was competent with the knowledge of stars, to India. The
Brahahmans are thus the people who belong to Hazrat Ibrahim's family.
The features of their faces are different to other Indians and they are still
present in India.

The knowledge of the Kaballah was given to the Rasool-til-Allah (PBUH).

It is correct to believe that he was illiterate, yet this is almost irrelevant
which university did Hazrat Ibrahim graduate from? A hafiz is able to read
the Quran even though he is illiterate.

As the holy Quran was conceived by the Sarkar -e-do-alam (PBUH),

he was in possession of the same knowledge of the Bani Israil. He taught
this knowledge to Hazrat Ali (AS). The knowledge included the Naqash
triangle, square, mukhammas, musaddas, murabha and even the 10x10. All
these were made by the Bani Israil and this same knowledge was continued
heart to heart beginning with the parents of out master Ali Haider Sahib,
who taught me in the end. I made 12 x 12 first and then I have seen the
artefacts from the Rasool-ul-Allah family once in the corner of Badshai
mosque, which is in Lahore. I saw a piece of the 100x100 Naqash which was
made by Hazrat Ali (AS); this gave me the courage to make the 100x100.
It is at this point that I should reveal a secret. "The changing of
alphabetical letters into the forms of numeric figures is called Naqash, like
"Biss m-i-Allah hir-rahmaan nir-raheem. If you want to write this sentence
in numeric form it can be expressed as the number 786. Whenever Allah
(SWT) gives a command, it will be revealed in numbers, numbers contain
more spiritual power and effect than the alphabet form. Therefore the alphabet
forms must be converted to numeric. Numbers written in triangle,
square, pentagon and hexagon, remembering their calculation and
circulation remained the same. The entire universe contains fixed cycles and
circulations. These are the main factors in life, as without them life would
cease. Examples of these cycles include the circulation of blood in
mammals, the respiratory cycle and the changing of the four seasons. Thus
converting the alphabetic letters into numbers is called Naqsh. I wish to
write one more thing, which is that the name of the Holy Quran is the
Furqaan-e-Hameed (which is its first name). It became the Quran from


Iqra. When it was recorded in a written form it was referred to as the

Khataab-ulAllah. The word Furqaan can be defined as the distinction between
opposite things. Quran-e-Kareem is the book, whichever way that it
recited. It is pure good, not a single part of it can be said to be "bad.” The
Quran contains a broad spectrum of knowledge of both the alphabets and the
numeric figures. It is written in the same form of cycles. It can be called
Zul-Kitaab. Hazrat Ali (AS) used to write in this form as a result of the holy
Prophet's (PBUH) teachings. I have written on this subject very precisely. I
can explain it further if so desired.

Again, the fate changed and I reached Murree, where I dreamt that an
elderly gentleman, carrying a lamp in his hand, is emerging from an earthen
dwelling. Light was reflecting from his face and beard and I started to
wonder, who the gentleman was. By the way, I wish to mention here, that I
used to meditate and reflect as taught by my master. I am writing all this
very briefly, but I also wish that this 'knowledge' remains in this world for
the future.
A person was mentioning that there is a saint sitting at the bottom of
the hills, who is able to change the fortunes of the people and he also
changes governments. As I was on the same path, I wished to meet him
and those people took me to him. It was wintertime, there were people
sitting under the roof of a mud dwelling; there was a stove burning in the
middle, which had a chimney on top and a drum like shape at the bottom. A
woman was continuously putting wood into the stove. Let me tell you here,
that, I am talking about the holiday resort, called Murree, where snow falls
in abundance. People came here from the wayside, as food and tea was
served on time. There was a room in front and another larger room inside,
where there was a stove installed. Along with people, there were many dogs;
in other words, one could see more dogs than people. When I went inside, I
saw the same scene; an elderly gentleman is emerging, with a lamp in his
hand. Later, I heard that near his place for sleeping, there is an empty grave
that had been dug by the same gentleman. And when I saw the scene for the
first time; I was sold. It will make a book, if I wrote the details; however, I am
narrating one incident of our first meeting.


The people, who brought me here, scattered around the room and sat
down where ever they found a place. I could not find a place to sit. I was
young, lacked wisdom and being unaware of the etiquettes of the place.
Without thinking, I sat down near his seat. A rosary of thousand beads was
lying on a prayer mat; it was the same prayer mat and the same bed as I
had previously dreamt. The woman was cooking the bread and passing
it to the elderly gentleman, who was distributing it, after putting some
gravy on it. On my way there with my companions, they had told me that
this saint does not talk to people and when he offers the bread, it should not
be refused, he is called Sain Jee. When my turn came for bread, I noticed
that the bread is quite large, how will I eat it, but my companions had
warned me, that I should not refuse and somehow or another, eat it. I
thought to myself, my stomach is already bad, now it will get worse.
However, Sain Jee, who used to speak with his head raised said, "there is
nothing wrong with this food, the fault is within you.” Then I found the
answer to my heart's rendering, I was already sold, I just picked up the
bread and ate it and my companions asked me to leave with them. In the
same manner, people used to come, take their bread or tea and leave
without talking. Later, I realised that, he talked in an indirect and subtle
manner whatever was in your heart.
A person used to visit there, who was very close to Sain Jee, he was
writing a diary of things of knowledge that Sain Jee observed. Now, I want to
share with you that my visits to Sain Jee stared and I use to sit there at the
same place for hours, without taking to anyone and close to Sain Jee. Sain
Jee was working in his garden. Let me mention here, that, Sain Jee used
to help the people in the forestation initially with few, later hundreds and
now thousands of trees. Sain Jee use to prepare the shoots of the pine trees
and had considerable botanical knowledge. His garden was full of fruits

The talk was going on about the diary writer, he was narrating to my
companions, no one spoke to me, I was a child, what will I understand
about things of knowledge. So, the diary writer was mentioning that, when
he was sixteen, he joined the Postal Service and he came to this place to
deliver mail, here he had a meal. Thereafter, every time going or coming
from home, he used to take his meal or tea, according to the appropriate


time. Sain Jee chose him to write his diary and he became Sain Jee's clerk.
He used to come here and sit, either before going to work or returning from
work and write the diary. He was narrating, that he has now retired, he came
here when he was sixteen years old, at that time, Sain Jee had recently
arrived, he had seen the early period, and how he built his place. When Sain
Jee arrived here, he was just the same as he is today, no one knew, how old
he was. From sixteen, he has retired at the age of sixty-five, some say that
Sain Jee is two hundred years old, and some others say it is much more.
Sain Jee used to ask the Postman, each day, "Tell me, am I in Pakistan, or
India"; Sain Jee could not understand the partition of the country. Holding
his head up, as if speaking normally, Sain Jee used to repeatedly say that,
"Moscow will become the capital; Moscow will become the capital,” now I
know that secret.

One day, a bearded Maulvi came, when he saw all the dogs around, he
whispered 'La Howla-wala Quwwata in such a low tone, that no one
heard it. However, Sain Jee asked the postman, "Have we sent any
invitation to anyone out of these dogs?"
Initially, he was surprised, about what he was asking, then he replied,
"No your honour, they have come here, because they get food.”
"Tell me, shall I slaughter them,” Sain Jee asked and the postman went
quiet. Then, Sain Jee continued, "My job is feeding, regardless, whether I am
feeding a dog, or a human being.
The Maulvi, moved forward, kissed the feet of Sain Jee and apologized.
I also talked to Sain Jee once. One day I started counting the dogs and Sain Jee
was watching. Some dogs moved from one side to the other and my counting
was not getting anywhere, then, Sain Jee asked, "how many are there" and I
replied, "Sire, they are thirty.” He asked me to count again and I started
counting. Again he asked, this time I said, "Twenty-one.” Then he said, "They
have families too, young ones.”
Let me narrate one more incident, it was a wintry day and time for lunch. We
had our meal, then, Sain Jee asked the Postman, to go inside and bring his
register. He went inside, where the grave was dug up. Then, he called me,
"Shah, come here,” and all started saying in unison, come and sit in front. Sain
Jee wants you to take the oath of allegiance (Bai'at) on his hand. He kept my
hand on his and loudly said "Punje-tane-Paak, Bara Imam, Chauda Masoom ka


ganoon manzoor" (I accept the laws of the Sacred Five, the Twelve Imams and
Fourteen Sinless), each time, all the people shouted, say `Manzoor' (I accept). This
was the story of Sain Jee.
Then, from Murree, I came to Sialkot and got involved in the worries of life.
While I was there one night I visioned Sain Jee in the night; there was a room
inside and another one outside, where I was. In the room inside, Sain Jee was
sitting on a royal throne, along with Hazrat Ali (AS), Sain Jee came out and
whispered in my ear, "go to Lahore, tomorrow.” As there was a Durbar' of
Hazrat Ali (AS) in progress, he spoke so quietly, I am writing this briefly.
I was in England, where, I made the "Mathematical Square" I again visioned
Sain Jee. He invited me to come to his anniversary and informed me that he has
invited G. H. Khan, as well. Here, let me introduce Mr. G. H. Khan. His full
name was Ghulam Hyder Khan, he was Surveyor General, along with being
at a high position, in the worldly sense, and he was also at a high level of
spiritualism. Almost a hundred persons used to eat daily at his place. I also
got the benefit of his spirituality, at that time; his spiritual Master was a
resident of Mundi Bahauddin. Once, he also came, he used to squat on his
two legs, motionless, for hours on end and the noise of `Hoo' used to come
incessantly, from his heart. I had noticed that, every visitor was pressing his
legs, once or twice, and then he sat down. I whispered to G. H. Khan, that, I
have not done any such thing and he told me, "when all the people get up for
prayers, then you do the same". I did exactly that; I pressed his legs twice and
found that he had nothing but skin and bones. I then told Mr. Khan that he
had no flesh, what needs to be pressed? I also remarked that, this
gentleman does not offer his prayers, and he replied that, he only offers his
prayers in Karbala-e-Moalla. I again remarked, then it must be once a year.
Mr. Khan said that, he goes out each night and people look for his footprints,
which way he goes, or where from he disappears. This meant that he had the
power to go from place to place in a flash. That was his knowledge.
I had gone to Pakistan in 1967, I was staying with my sister in Society and
Mr. Ali Haider was staying with a relative of his, in Peer Colony. Mr. Ali
Haider visited me and told me that he is returning after a couple of days,
then, he said that I should get up early next morning, as he has to catch a
train. In the night at 3 am, the fan was making a noise, which said, "wake


up quickly," I looked outside, it was dark and everyone was sleeping

inside, I again went to bed. Again, a consistent noise was telling me to get
up quickly. Finally, I got up and went outside and saw my brother -in-law
performing his ablution (wazu), I inquired, hasn't Mr. Ali Haider arrived and
he replied that, it is quite early, and that I should rest, when he comes, he
will wake me up. When Mr. Ali Haider came, I remarked that he did not let
me sleep. He replied, if he had not awakened me so many times, I would
still have been sleeping. This is the same Mr. Ali Haider, about whom, I
have mentioned in the beginning. Now, let me mention briefly abou t the
Surveyor General.

There is no room for false statements in my writing, this is a spiritual

book and my writing is the flow of light of my reflections. Ghulam Haider
Khan was a high official of Survey, during the British Rule. He was
posted in Nagpur, and his superior was an English ex-army officer. One
day, he was returning home after work, on a bicycle and got hit by a
truck. At that time he was reciting the poetry of Maulana Rumi, people
carried him to the hospital. There, senior officers of Survey came along with
the truck driver. What actually happened, only God Almighty knows? It was a
small town, the news had spread and the whole town had come. Later, he
came to know that, the doctors had pronounced him dead; there was one
family servant present in the hospital, who arranged the blocks of ice and
kept them all around the body. The family was informed by telegraph. In
those days, the journey between Lahore and Nagpur used to take three days.
Mr. Khan's mother and brother arrived, when they came, all the senior
officers of Survey were present in the hospital. The mother beat her chest
with her hands and shouted "Ali Haider", the sound echoed and
suddenly, Mr. Khan sat up. On seeing the scene all and sundry ran away,
except the English boss, his brother and the servant. Mr. Khan pointed to a
drop of blood on the floor to look at, thereafter, the English Officer asked all
the details and Mr. Khan narrated that it was not his fault. At first Mary,
Mother of Jesus came, and then came Jesus Christ himself and he extracted
this drop of blood, which was impure, ordered him to get up and he got
up. This story is on record, in the file of Ghulam Haider Khan, Surveyor


In fact, my writing is the flow of my reflection, as it comes, I write it

down and because of that, one story is not written in continuation,
neither is there any repetition. I wish to write that, he was not an ordinary
person, he was highly placed spiritually.
Mr. Ali Haider was an interpreter in Afghanistan and stayed with Amanullah
Shah, when he was the king of Afghanistan. Most of the time of his life was
spent in Afghanistan, and the rest in travelling. During the time, when he
was working as an interpreter, he established his contact with the
mausoleum of the prince; where his spiritual life began. The prince was of
the fifth generation of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), I do not know the exact
lineage, but the prince was only heard of by his title of Shahzada (Prince).
When he visited the mausoleum, he used to converse with the prince in his
One day, Mr. Ali Haider arrived from Khairpur, where he was residing.
He stayed as a guest of my nephew. From London, I had also gone to
Karachi. At that time, my family had already shifted to Karachi. When I
reached my nephew's residence, Brig. Abbas was also with me, Mr. Ali
Haider was sitting in front, a crowd of people was present, and one
gentleman was doing some astrological calculations. Mr. Ali Haider,
jokingly said, Oh Brother, tell me something about myself, then he narrated
a piece of verse, translated as follows:

Oh Brahmana, tell me, when my friend shall meet me

You say like this, God permitting, this year, in this very month
I said in reply, "Ya Syedi, it looks like it has been a long time, since
meeting the Prince."
With tears in his eyes, he said, "it has been three years, since the war
started in Afghanistan, I could not go."
Then, I remarked, "Faithfulness should be like this, 80 years spent in
coming and going!"
He said that he was about to reach his goal when something happened.
My nephew said, "Uncle, do you know what he is saying? He had passed
away in Afghanistan, when we were all there.


Then, my nephew told us the details, the story goes like this: All of us,
brothers, went together to pay our homage to the Prince; this place is near the
Russian border. A spring was flowing, we were all bathing, he came out after
his bath, got dressed and said that he was leaving this world. All of us
wailing and crying. The local people also came; he was carried on a cot. I
asked my nephew to be quiet and said Syedi, you tell us, then, he said that, he
(my nephew) was screaming, someone was kissing his hand and crying and
another was wailing loudly and he was following behind. They took him to
the mausoleum of the Prince, there, the Prince was standing, the Malang,
who took care of the mausoleum, was also with him. On seeing the Prince,
he offered his greetings. The Malang was repeatedly, begging the Prince
to let that man go back, how can he answer those people? Mr. Ali Haider
was pleading, do not return me. Finally, the Prince said, now you go, we
will call you again. This is the short story of Mr. Ali Haider. He again
repeated that, the Malang was inside, as well as outside with him, he was
only there inside and with them, outside, and it was only his skeleton. I am
mentioning these things, because it was due to his knowledge and grace that
I have reached at this stage.

This book can be called as a 'mirror', which is like Internet, whichever

person's condition you wish to know, you can find ou t; like a Web Site,
you click and find the condition of the world. Earlier, I have written a
book titled 'Divine Prophecy Divine', which is about all the countries and
the governments of the world, besides that, one can find out about the
condition of every person. I could not write more clearly, in that book,
fearing that, people will start hating each other. If you can find out that
someone is dishonest, no one will deal with him. Whatever I have written
in this book, cannot be wrong, this is not on numerology, if the less
educated, think of making some use of it, they will not benefit. This is an
ancient Islamic Knowledge, those who knew it, are all gone, I am the last
man of those by gone days and I wish that Knowledge remains in this

Now, I wish to write about the eloquence and depth of this book.
Since the creation of this world, no one has written a book like this one,
if anyone understands it, then, what can happen?


No child will be handicapped. If you understand this book, then, you will
understand why, someone is handicapped, why epilepsy inflicts, what is its
real reason, why, someone is fat, why, a person remains sick? Who is very
greedy, who will cause a loss to the bank, if the bank gave him a job; that
can commit a fraud in the bank? If any employer reads my book, then, he
can employ a person of his choice. How and with what, Insurance can take
a loss; which car will meet an accident? Car of what colour, will put
someone, in trouble; which airline's plane, will meet a disaster; which ship
will sink, or give a loss? 'Which home will flourish and which one will be
destroyed? Which houses sell more often?

Whose friendship and whose animosity will be dangerous? With whom to

deal with in business and with whom not too. Which day to travel, and
when to travel? What day is appropriate for which work? Which and what
names, will make a successful marriage, find out before marrying. Which
woman will create jealousy, which woman will be nervous? Which woman
will be jealous of children and which woman will have handicaps? Which
woman, will become diabetic and who will become lunatic? Which woman
will be jovial and which woman will go away, leaving her children?
Which men and women, will always remain entangled in family problems?
Which house will remain vacant most of the time and which house will
create problems for its occupants? In which house, divorce will take place?
All of this is there in my book, it only requires a bit of reflection and
consideration. Now, I want to explain about the arithmetic. Everything
that God Almighty created is in balance. In Quran Kareem, God Almighty
says, everything has been created as a pair, that is, male and female. Even
pairs of those things too, about which, we do not know, in conclusion,
we can say that every creation of His is in a pair, except God, who is One
(wahed). He has not said that He is One, said that everything is in a pair, this
means He is Wahed which has a numeric value of 19. Why not one, because
one is two's claimant and there is no equal of 19.

God Almighty says, whenever, the word of 19 comes, the belief of the
faithful (momineen), is enhanced further. 'What does God Almighty mean
by this, see, if one becomes sure, that there is one and only One God and
He is the creator of the entire universe. It is not a matter of religion, be that
a Jew, a Christian, or a Muslim, a Buddhist, or a Hindu, all are His


creations, without an y discrimination of colour, or creed, there is only

one Creator. He has one system of justice for all. By planting an apple tree,
only apples will grow, a wrong deed will not have the right result.
The first is his oneness or unity. The second is his justice. Thirdly,
before doing anything, think, lest He is offended, He gets offended, if you
offend his creation, or you commit excesses on them. Thus, think before
you do anything, whether you will be offending God, by doing it, this is
Everything of this world is in numerical balance.
There are seven holes in our body.
There are seven layers of Earth and seven skies.
We make, seven circles around The House of God and seven circled
between Safa and Marwa, throw stones on Satan for seven times
There are seven minarets of The House of God and there were seven
There are seven tones (surs), in music.
Seven are the colours in a rainbow.
Heaven has seven doors.
I wish to explain about the arithmetic, in the first instance. Why is
accounting necessary, why are all my books based on arithmetical issues?

The seven days of the week are related to seven stars.

Minerals grow from stone, water and earth.
Botanical life survives by consuming earth, water and the minerals
that come out of stones.
This is the system of balance of nature.
Animals are the other type of botanical life.
Now consider the soul is the compound of four element s. Some trees
give fruit in five years and some, in eight years. Some plants produce
flowers in spring and some in winter, like yellow jasmine.
Again, ponder on animals, dogs, cats, etc. , produce their young ones in
three months, whereas, a cow, or a buffalo and deer, etc. , reproduce in nine
And again, consider a human being, birth of a child takes place in nine
months. Some scientists think that man has evolved from a monkey, and


then a monkey would have reproduced in nine months. Even today,

there should have been some half human half monkeys.
In short, everything is in balance, including man and animal.
I considered the numerical balance as important, thus, I threaded it into
the arithmetic of the universe. I want to add here that people knew about the
numerical balance even 5,000 years ago. All the Commandments from
God Almighty came in the form of sound, except the Ten Commandments.
Initially, all alphabets also came in the form of sound, subsequently, they
were given a shape and form and they became 'letters'. Then, the letters
were threaded into arithmetic, which are called 'numbers' the sounds are very
similar in Urdu, Arabic. Hindi and Farsi (Persian), with only a few
exceptions, or additional sounds, that are not present in Arabic, like Pey,
Rhe, Chey, etc., this thing should be in mind that, accounting should be done
in sound, in which ever language, it may be. If the arithmetic is done in
English letters and spelling in sound, then the arithmetic will go wrong. For
example, take the name John, which sounds like jon, if you add the letter 'h',
in the arithmetic, then the account will go wrong.

I am putting down the method to enable every person to understand

and I have presented it in its simplest form even then, and the need for a
teacher arises. First, separate the letters of your name, (only your name and
not the name of your family).

For example; Muhammed, where letters separated by sound = meem hai

meem dal
And the numeric values are 40 8 40 4 and total is = 92


On the rule of ABJAD, the numeric values, attached to Arabic alphabets

(which are shown in phonetic form), are given in the table below:
(Al if) =1 (Ye) = 10 (Qaf) = 100
(Bay) = 2 (Kaf) = 20 (Ray) = 200
(Jeem) = 3 (Laam) = 30 (Sheen) = 300
(Daal) = 4 (Meem) = 40 (Tay) = 400
(Hay) = 5 (Noon) = 50 (Say) = 500
(Wao) = 6 (Seen) = 60 (Khey) = 600
(Zay) = 7 (Ain) = 70 (Zaal) = 700
(Hai) = 8 (Fae) = 80 (Dhuad) = 800
(To) = 9 (Saad) = 90 (Zo) = 900
(Ghain) = 1000
You must remember that the arithmetic is done in the way, as it is
shown. You cannot translate the alphabets, the alphabets have been
ordained in sound form and accounting will be appropriate in that form. It
is due to this reason that, I have recommended engaging a teacher
(who is knowledgeable of t he rules and methods), to do the calculation.
I have written about 'names' and their varying effects, what problems
can be encountered, some difficulties that can be treated and what is the
treatment. What I have written about the recitation, or chanting of various
Names of God, that can change the fate of a person. I wish to add here that,
the book written by me is not a novel; rather, it is based on knowledge and
learning. There should either be a teacher, or my book is read again and
again, then, practice on the things that I have written, then only, you are
entitled to accept it, or reject it. Only after eating, you can tell, if it is bitter,
or sweet. If you want to know about marriage, then, consult a teacher
(practitioner of this art), or try to clear ly understand the method of
calculations. Considering love as everything, do not put yourself in trouble.
If you think that it is your great love, then, it is possible that it happens to be
a snake, which has a nature that no one can change.

Wedding, travel, meeting someone, the dates and details that I have
written, should be understood. If the numeric values of the two names are
similar, it is preferable. Five and seven, are the numbers, which can cause
problems for self, as well as, for the partner. What I have written can never be


wrong. Before marrying, one should see that those numbers are not there
for the man as well as for the woman, and the day should not be a
Tuesday, or a Thursday, they are bad omen. 5 — 7 — 14 — 16 — 23 — 25,
should not be there, these d a t e s b e a r i l l o m e n . 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 8
– 9 – 1 0 – 1 1 – 1 2 – 1 3 – 1 5 – 17 – 18 – 19, are the auspicious dates,
which dates are good on which days?

If a woman's name has a numeric value of five, it will not be surprising
if she herself; or one of the parents, or brother is mad; this is absolutely
certain and no one can stop it.

It will not be surprising, if a woman having a numeric value of five has
handicapped children. The man with a numeric value of one as well as five
will have the same misfortune.
They will be of the same face and features all over the world. In the
world, they will only be the fathers of number eight.
How, one is born without a finger, how a child is
born with a hair lip?
If there is a solar, or lunar eclipse and at that time a woman does some
cutting then she will bear a child with a missing limb.

Profit or loss of a bank

If the employee is of number seven, he will commit a fraud in the bank.
He will be very good in his work, accounting for each penny. But for his
personal gain, he will be ready to do anything. I have already written the
method of finding out the number, which I repeat here. To find out the
number of a bank employee, on the basis of sound (phonetics), find out
the letters of the name. If the sum of the numeric values of those letters
comes to seven, then, he will definitely commit a fraud. If the aggregate is


something like 16, or 25, or 34, a simpler method is to divide the number by
nine and if the remainder is 7, then, that person is not suitable for the bank.
This person may belong to any religion, any nationality, he will collect
donations for mosque, or temple, or a church, or for some society, consider it
as his fraud. The number five also comes in the same category, his qualities
will be similar, but he does not collect donations. However, he is a
womaniser, a woman is his weakness.

If the number of the factory is 5, or 7, it will definitely catch fire. If the
owners have the same number, same disaster will occur.
Profit and Loss in Insurance
Any vehicle bearing a number 5 or 7, after summation of all the digits and
dividing the total by 9, if 5 or 7 remain, then, that vehicle will definitely give
an insurance loss, it has to meet an accident. If the vehicle is of green
colour, its condition will also be the same, it will definitely meet an accident,
whatever its number may be. Green colour should be considered as unlucky
for the vehicle. Similarly, any ship having 5, or 7, as its number, it will
sink one day and insurance will also take a loss. In the same way, the house
number, which finally comes to 5, or 7, will be unlucky. The residents
themselves will know. If you do not believe my contention, then, visit an
estate agent and see for yourself, most of the houses on sale will have
numbers of 5, or 7 and the same numbers will give a loss to a bank, or
If the number is 5 or 7, it will either go bankrupt, or it will catch fire, or it
will be shut down and sold.
What I have written cannot be wrong, this is divine knowledge and not
numerology, and its calculations are based on sound.
I have written earlier that, initially, the name of Quran Majeed was
Furqaan Hameed. It differentiates between light and darkness, good and
evil, hot and cold, meaning, showing the difference between two powers


and identifies them. This enables us to know, in which direction we are

going. It is given in Quran Majeed that God has created everything in a
pair. The two powers are present within us too, thus, it is our job to ponder
on the direction, that we are taking, where it will take us, will it lead us
towards light, or darkness, towards love, or towards hatred. These things
cause destruction of families and countries. If some thought is given
before doing something, whether it will take towards good, or evil. We can
only have one thing within us at any one time; two opposite powers cannot be
together in one place. One should adopt the ways, which lead towards
success, the way God has shown, believing in His Unity, His Justice and
His Forgiveness; all this will make the country as Heaven.
Now I come towards 'Sound'. On the one side, there is the voice of love
and on the other, the screams of hatred and anger. Before making a sound,
think about it, is it going to break hearts, or mend them. It is sound itself,
with which a speaker can lead a nation towards destruction and the speech
teaches people about 'good'. It is the sound, which comes out of fireworks,
expressing happiness about a wedding and the same sound coming out of
guns, or out of explosions of bombs, destroys homes and people. It
must be remembered that sound never ends, it stays in the atmosphere. It,
first goes up, then it makes an echo and it returns, again it goes up and
converts into energy and remains there forever.
In Sufism, God Almighty's Name is mentioned and its repetition takes
place in sound. The repetition is done quietly as well, but those who know,
do not disclose to anyone except to their selected followers. I want to add
that, this book is not connected with religion, it deals with the ancient
knowledge. I am giving away this knowledge free of cost, without
discrimination of colour and race, but for the benefit of humanity.
Having found out the numerical value of your name, read your situation
in it and if any problems are found, which do not seem to have a solution,
then repetitively mention the name. Here, I wish to write about the effect of
repetition. First, follow all the rules and given method for the chant,
which I have written, brings it to practice, this is a matter of knowledge.
Furqaan Hameed is based on three things, firstly, the calculation of alphabets,
secondly, the order, or organisation of alphabets and thirdly, the repetition
of alphabets. It is a secret that I am passing on here. If a business company
has to be named, its name should have some repetition, like CNN or


BBC, which are famous in the world. Similarly, Dorian Dorian, Sanchi
Sanchi, have repetition.

I am stating a secret, if a lad wishes to become a wrestler, first, he will do

exercise. What is done in an exercise, it is repeated work, he will do
repetitive weight lifting, or he will do push-ups and sit-ups, meaning, doing
some work repeatedly, which will show his strength. A second lad
practices running, after doing it daily for some days, he will change into
an athlete. A person wishes to become a speaker, then, he will practice
speech making on daily basis, and then, he will become a speaker.
Repetition generates energy, this repetition is also called devotion, and it
may be singing or playing an instrument and for obtaining help in
spiritualism, repeated chants of the name, provide success.

All spiritualists perform the chants of the names, when a person gets
entangled in problems, then, this is its solution. The rules and method must
be followed; this is an ancient practice, going back to thousands of years. If
one feels some difficulty, then, there is a solution for it. Knowledge is
available for all the people, it is a different matter, if someone does not want
to share it, or despite the knowledge, the person does not practice on it,
however, God Almighty has not left people without assistance. Problems exist
only because of the name; I have written the method of chanting the name,
which has a solution for each ill. This practice is not in need of places of
worship; it is that knowledge, which is obtained by ascetics, after
labouring for their entire life and then, they throw it away for free.
Someone has been able to publish his writing and other people have
published some others' writings after them. Anyhow, I have disclosed all
the secrets. I have also written with each Name and again, I am writing it
separately, what I have written, cannot be wrong.


Chapter 2
The Knowledge
In The name of Allah the Beneficent and Merciful
The Flow of my luminous thoughts.
My ecstatic state...

In Urdu I wrote `MANZIL-E-AWWAL', MANZIL-E-DOEM' and

'DIVINE PROPHECY DIVINE'. Mr. Gerald Kaufman, M.P. launched
the last named book in 1987. Beside these, I have written "JAFR-E-JAME'
which is in 28 volumes and each volume is comprised of 28 pages, each page
contains 784 boxes, and each box occupies a combination of four alphabets.
Each combination is unique and is never repeated. Thus each of the 28
pages in one volume contains 784 unique combinations. This if
extrapolated in one of the 28 volumes will have 21, 952 combinations and
taken into all the twenty eight volumes combined a total of 614, 656
combinations. The total alphabets will be 2, 458, and 624. The entire work
was undertaken in Manchester, England.

Besides this, a 100x100 Naqsh was also made. Why one may wonder
could there be a need to write this book? Because I would like to explain
here that this account is based on numeral 19 which is an expression of
oneness of Allah (God). The word Wahid has a numerical value of 4, 816,
summation of which, is 19.
After reading my book, you can decide whether Quran Kareem is a
numerical miracle or not. In Quran Kareem The Gracious Allah says that
everything He has created is in a pair, which means that His Being is the
only one which is single (wahid in Arabic) which has a numerical value of
19. It is explained further on.
Firstly, one who has love in his heart will not notice defects, neither
will he search for one; secondly, diverse things cannot be together at the one


Within you, there will be either hate or love, illumination or darkness,

good or evil, creativity or destruction
Allah states in Quran Majeed, that, when the mention of 19 comes, the
faith of the Momineen is enhanced and their belief in his Oneness is
strengthened. Whatever is ordained by God Almighty in Quran Kareem, is
numerically balanced and every Surah, every Aayah and every letter is an
expression of Oneness of Allah or Unity. I am writing this, because this is
the voice of my conscience.
One is a murderer, another is a helper, yet another is an onlooker-all
the three are wrong doers. For this reason, I decided to write a reply,
however, it was not considered feasible, or appropriate to give answer line
by line. One goes deep in Quran Kareem and brings out pearls, while the
other a non-puritan Muslim, says that this is fake. Quran Kareem is not
only a book of law, but a book of even all the worldly knowledge.
Depending on the knowledge and wisdom of a person, he will produce
pearls, accordingly. My plea is that, who so ever, finds goodness in my
writing, should pray for me. My writing is not based on my thoughts, but it
is the flow of my conscience, I pray to Allah, that the reader is given the
light of wisdom, so that a lost person may not lead the reader astray. One
feels that, the same thing is being said again and again, but it is a reminder
from the Almighty Allah.

Remember that the effort to prove that Quran Kareem is not a numerical
miracle is not a service to the faith, when the whole world believes
otherwise. This book of mine will prove that Quran Kareem is a numerical
miracle. Why should it be considered as being in numerical balance and
what is its proof? Before writing anything else, I want to prove that the
entire creation of Allah is balanced, then, will I write the purpose and need
of this book.

Geological World
Look at the mountains, they are in geometric shape. The stones excavated
from mines are also in geometrical form, like a diamond, amethyst, or an
emerald, all seem to have machines corners or edges and they will be
found to be in proportion.


Botanical World
Then, look at plants, some bear fruit in five years and some others, in
three years. If a detailed account is given, it will become a separate book.
Consider that the autumn arrives and all leaves fall down, this is because
insects eat the leaves and they become disfigured and unattractive.
Later, in spring, the same trees dawn new leaves, which make them look
beautiful; however, all this activity is in balance, based on a plan. If one
tree had shed its leaves at one time and another a couple of months hence,
then the beauty of gardens, or forest will be lost. Mountains look unattractive
during autumn, come spring, mountains and jungles become beautiful
gardens, then, God Almighty bathes and washes them with rain and provides
fruits and flowers.
The gist of this writing is that, everything is based on a balanced plan. No
matter how much you water a plant, or give it fertilizer, it will not give fruit
until a given time. Some plants give flowers all the year round and some
others, only in spring. Most of them shed their leaves in autumn, so that
the entire garden has autumn and spring at the same time and all this
activity is according to a calculated plan.

Biological World
Now, consider the animals - dogs, cats, etc. They give birth after three
months. Cows, buffalo, deer, etc. give birth after nine months. In bigger
animals, time is similarly fixed.
Then, the crawling ones have yet another period for birth. If you look at
birds, pigeons, hens, etc. they bring about their chicks in 21 days; ducks etc.
in 41 days, ostriches and others like them have yet another fixed period.
Consider a human being, the period for birth is fixed. In nine months, a
child is born. The lactation period is also fixed by The Great God. The time
for maturity, or becoming adult, is fixed.
Look at the atmosphere, the seven days are signified by seven stars;
there are seven layers of the Earth and seven Heavens in the sky. There are
seven rivers and seven seas; seven doors to the Baitullah (House Of


God), and there are seven minarets. We go around (tawaaf) the Black
Stone (Hajar Aswad), seven times and seven times do we perform the
Tawaaf between Safa and Marwah. Seven times do we throw stones on
Satan. There are seven body parts involved in Sajdah, one forehead, two
palms, two knees and two big toes. There are seven colours on the rainbow;
seven tones (surs) in music.
There are seven holes in our body. Seven is the sum of the numeric
value of the name of Abraham (our prophet, Hazrat Ibrahim), on the
basis of Abjad and there are seven letters in the name Ibrahim

Alif Bey Ray Alif Hay Ye Meem

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
40 20 5 = 65 70 30 10 = 110
70 200 2 = 272
65 - 9 = 4 110 - 9 = 2
272 - 9 = 2

Hai Seen Ye Noon

8 60 10 50 = 128
128 - 9 = 2

Now look at Haj, it has to be in numerical order, Tawaaf Kaaba, Tawaaf of

Safa and Marwah, then throwing pebbles on Satan. Then, look at Zakaat,
which is precisely calculated. Along with Salah is Zakaat, fasting and
Fitrah, Hajj and sacrifice, are all based on a prescribed numerical scheme.
When things around us are orderly and planned, matters are presented
in Quran, in numerical order, it is a proof, and the Holy Book is from Allah.
Allah Himself declares it to be based on the number 19-signifying Allah's
Oneness i.e. the Wahid
Wao alif hai daal
6 1 8 4 = 19
And this is also claimed by God Almighty in Quran Majeed.


Qul laan ajtamaat alins wal jinn ala an yato bamisl hunal Quran leayatoon
bemisl walkaana bebaazahim Lebaaz zaheera
Let all mankind and jinn jointly try to compile a Quran like this one and
they will not succeed.

(In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful) has 19

1. bey 11. Hai

2. seen 12. meem
3. meem 13. noon
4. alif 14. Alif
5. laam 15. laam
6. aam 16. Ray
7. he 17. Hai
8. alif 18. Ye
9. laam 19. meem
10. re
In that order, the sum is 19 letters. The very first Surah ordained, contains 19
ayaat. Again, God Almighty's name appears 2, 698 times, if the number of 2,
698 is divided by 19, which divides evenly, without a remainder 2698/19 =
Al Rehman has appeared for a total of 57 times 3x19 = 57, Al Raheem,
114 times 19x6 =114.
Although, Al Raheem has appeared in Sura Tauba, but there the Almighty
mentions the quality of God's Messenger, Hazrat Muhammed (PBUH).
The Surah in Quran Kareem totals 114 a multiple of 19 i.e. 19x6=114,
divisible by 19. One hundred and thirteen surahs in Quran begin with
Bismillah hi Rehman ir Rahim. However, Surah toba does not begin with it,
but all almighty has compensated this in Surah Namal i.e. once in the
beginning and again in the middle of Ayat No. 130.


Another important secret of the number 19 is that, the absence of Bismillah in

Surah Tauba and appearance of Bismillah twice in Surah Namal and
especially in a way, when you count the number of surahs from Tauba to
Namal, which also come to 19.
Surah Al Nasar is a special Surah in Quran. If we sum up all the letters in the
Surah, they will also add up to nineteen.



If the Surah Alaq is taken, here also, it will be noticed that a total of 19 letters
are present. The sum of numerical value of all the letters in this Surah comes
to 285, which is evenly divisible by 19 (19x15=285).
An important thing is that Quran-e-Majeed has been presented by Allah
Almighty under the number 19. Regardless of whether we fathom it or not.
In Quran-e-Kareem Allah has stated in surah Mudassar, Ayat 27-31 as

Translated, this means: Do you know what kind of place hell is, this will
neither allow one to survive, nor will it let one go. It will disfigure the body.
There will be 19 angles, we have appointed angles only (and) we have kept


their numbers so, which shall be the cause of idolaters going astray. Owner
of the book should firmly believe it and (in this) faith of the believers will be
further enhanced. Momineen has owners of this Book, should have no doubt,
so that, one who have sickness in their hearts and infidels start saying, what
does Allah Almighty wants to say in this straining subject? This is the way
Allah leads, whosoever he wishes astray, and provides guidance to whom so
even He wishes. (para 29 surah Al-mudassar)

If the number 19 is to be written in much detail, a complete volume

will get filled. Sheikh Rasheed of Egypt has done a great favour by
researching on Quran Kareem and proving that Quran Kareem's numerical
basis and its connection with the number 19.
I have a book which is eight to nine hundred years old, written by
Allama Booni, which has mentioned about the numeral 19.

I am writing about my knowledge of the numerical account. The word

Baitullah (House of God)
Bey ye te alif laam laam hey
2 10 400 1 30 30 5 = 478
4 + 7 + 8 = 19
Meem daal ye n o on hey
40 4 10 50 5 = 109
1 + 0 + 9 = 19
One reporter said that a city in Arabic is called Madinah, and I replied
that in those days, no one referred to Macca as Madina.

Q u r a n , Is l a m, M u h a m ma d R a s u l -A l l a h ( P B U H ) , w a s
Muhammad alone, then, he could have been anyone


qaaf rey alif noon

100 200 150 = 351
alif Seen laam alif meem
1 60 30 1 40 = 132
meem Hai meem daal
40 8 40 4 = 92
rey seen wao laam
200 60 6 30 = 296
alif laam laam h
1 30 30 5 = 66
T h u s 3 5 1 + 1 3 2 + 9 2 + 2 9 6 + 6 6 = 9 3 7 and
9 + 3 + 7 = 19
Every Ayah and every Surah of Quran Kareem states about the oneness of
Allah (God) and the word Wahid equals 19, and that is the way Allah
Almighty has disclosed about Himself.
Subhan allazi khalaqual azwaja kulloha mimma tumbetul
arza wa min anfusehim wa mimma la yaalamoon
Which means: He is a pure being, who has created all in pairs that exist
on the Earth and those about whom you do not know.

This implies that everything is in pairs but Allah (God) being the exception.
The cells within us are in pairs, atoms appear in pairs, but Allah (God) is one or
wahid equals 19.
There is yet another thing in this context, How Allah Taala about Himself and
about Quran. All books in the world contain a preface, mentioning the purpose or
subject of the book and introducing its writer. Similarly, Quran Majeed also
contains Sura Al Baqra, its first ayah “Alif laam meem zalikal kitaba la raiba
feeh,” this Book is such, where there is no doubt. “Hudal lil muttaqeena
yumanoona bil ghaibe wa yaqeemunas-salaata”, guides the pious and those who
believe in the Hidden (being) and perform prayers. “Wa mimma razaqna hum
yunfeqoon,” and they spend out of that, we have provided.
If the above Ayaah are read carefully, then, there will be no doubt left that the
Quran is Allah Almighty’s book, but it guides the pious only, (If Begin, or
Gandhi read it, they will not find guidance from it) and they have faith on the
Hidden. This also means that the hidden is the only self of Allah Almighty and


nothing else, otherwise, He would not have said that all creation has been created
in pairs and Allah (God) alone is single. Similarly, He says that (Momineen) have
faith in the Hidden. Everything else on the surface of the earth and in the Cosmos
is not hidden. See, how the knowledgeable people observe the hidden things
beneath the surface of the Earth through satellites and there is nothing hidden in
the skies, except His being. I will explain about the hidden later on.
So, this is the gist of Quran Majeed, her, I will add that, an earlier name of this
book was “Furqaan,” meaning differentiating e.g. Differentiation between light
and darkness, good and evil. If we keep these differences in view, while spending
our lives and evaluate before doing anything, is it right or wrong in front of Allah
(God), is it leading us into darkness, which will call for the wrath of the
Almighty, or will it lead us to goodness and virtue. The decision will be made
then and there.
The second is His justice; wheat sown will produce wheat and barley sown will
produce barley. For as long as this world lasts, wrong doing will not give the
right result. Kabir Saheb states in his doha:

“Why be afraid for ones deeds and lament what one has done
If tree of thorns is sown, why expect mangoes from it”

God Almighty is one and one alone; Wahid is 19. First of all, one must be
absolutely sure that Allah (God) is present everywhere. He is omnipresent,
where we are, and where we are not, he is there. There is no place, where
He is not present, and there is nothing which is empty of his presence. He
is present everywhere, like the light, even the darkness is not void of His
being; He has no colour, neither any colour is void of Him; He is not
confined to geological items, but they are not void of Him; He is not in
plankton, neither, the plankton are void of His presence. He is not in the
animals, but they are not devoid of his light. He is not in humans, but
humans are not empty from His presence; He is not in any life, neither any
life is void of Him. He has control and presence over all that is present on
the Earth and in the universes. Only verbal confirmation is not enough, see
His presence in everything. For example, all residents of Islamabad may
decide to go to Faisal Mosque for prayers, neither will they be able to go,
nor will there be room on the roads. There will be no places in the mosque,


only those will think, who have place. Our thought process is governed
by His order. See how He provides for mother's milk, even before a child
is born. As a child grows, he produces teeth to enable him to eat, but he is not
able to clean them, that is why he loses them, and new teeth grow
thereafter, and they last for a very long time. When he grows old, he loses
his teeth, so that he does not eat such food, which, he is unable to digest,
because the stomach gets weaker in old age.
Secondly, more of his time is spent resting, as he is not able to do hard
work. See and observe God's kindness at every step being noticeable.
If all of Islamabad's residents suddenly decide to go to Lahore Badshahi
Mosque, there will be neither space on the roads nor on the trains. Our
thinking is obedient to His order, then, why is it our fault? Allah (God) is
the owner of all and He has created those things, external as well as within
us, which tell us, what is wrong and what is right, now, decision is ours.
You cannot expect a pear from an apple tree that you planted. There is an
order in His justice. It is our fault that we sin, of whatever kind it may be;
right from our birth, our parents showed us, friends told us, mentioned in
the places of worship, stated by the prophets and revelations of holy books;
since creation of this and world, it is going on; even within us it is going
on; even after all this advice, we sin and say that God is most forgiving;
surely, Allah (God) is forgiving, but He will not act against His order. When a
tree of sin is sown, its fruit will have to be consumed. I might think that such
and such a person is a big sinner, big bandit, even then, he is living a life of
leisure. Look, the plant of your deeds that you plant, will grow, will bloom,
then it will give fruit, and this is the system of justice which will never be
wrong; one will have to consume the fruit one sows.
Requesting for pardon does not mean that berry plant is sown and
expecting pomegranate from it. Request for pardon means a plea to save
us from sinning. But if one commits the same folly again, only means that,
ones prayer is not accepted. If the prayer is accepted, then we, get rid of the
sin, however, the accountability of the sin that we committed earlier,
will have to be fulfilled. Remember that, punishment and reward is the
result of our deed.


Look at such and such a person who takes a lot of bribes, has a palatial
house, many servants, eats well and consumes liquor. Look, whatever we eat,
that goes in making of our blood and flesh. Pork and wine are forbidden,
usurping others wealth, income from cruelty, are all forbidden. Consuming
liquor and gambling are equal to one portion of sin, but income from cruelty
and usurping other people’s money, are equal to two crimes, because they
concern the creation of God Almighty. Once it is cruelty on one’s own self
and his progeny, but due to the effect of this sin on others, it calls for the
punishment of Allah (God).

Allah (God) has given us a law — code of practice, what to eat and drink and
what not to. The Indian Prime Minister drinking his own urine can be
believed in the same manner, as, when we take a dead body for burial in a
graveyard, but we cannot believe that, one day, we will also be dead and the
same treatment will be meted out to us.

Once we are dead, our children and parents will be in a hurry to bury us,
there will be no one to love us, no one will say, do not put him in the grave,
as we are related to him. Relationships are with the soul and not with the
body. When the spirit departs, the remains become useless. Think, why do
we consume forbidden things and produce children who will have all the
qualities of eating the forbidden. Some sins are equal to eating of pig and
some others are equal to drinking of wine and all this goes in the making of
flesh and bones. How cruel we are on others and without any thought.
They are the same children who have to bury us, who will think about
their parents and wonder, how many cruelties and sins they earned, which,
they are taking along, but these children will also have the same qualities.
The discussion was going on about 19, which, I did not know. I was
living in Thawbury Avenue, Manchester, where I had a house. One day, I
received divine guidance, that, one shop is vacant and there are
refrigerators lying about and that I should purchase. I narrated this
episode to my followers and everyone started looking in his locality, but
this effort did not produce any result. I also looked around along with my
friends, but could not succeed. My friends asked me to pray, to lead me to
that place, which I will buy. I kept wandering and praying. One day, I started
wondering, why is it that, after roaming around all over Manchester, why
do we come back to the same spot, then, the secret was revealed; there was
a vacant shop with a trellis covering; a close examination revealed that


refrigerators were lying inside. This was 289 Slade Lane, where all the
subsequent successes occurred; its full address being 289 Slade Lane,
Levenshulme, Manchester 19.

This was built in 1919 AD; there from, the thought process started.
After a long time, it also occurred, that the telephone number 2244313
also added up to 19. All successes moved from here; books: Manzil Awwal
(First Stage), Manzil Doem (Second Stage), Jafr Jame (Detailed Arabic
Numerology), 100x100 Nakhsh (Chart), were all written from here. I
toured all over the world providing treatment — including the Muslim
Rulers, my work published the all over the world. And a time came when I
said 'good bye' to this place. This marked the end of this phase and
everything left me. This was the secret of 19. Then I stayed in London,
people of all religions visited me, discourse continued, but it di d not come
to that level. However, when the secret revealed itself, my thoughts brimmed
with the thought of oneness of Allah. day and night and the curtains was
removed from my heart.

Then, one day a friend of mine, who was translating the Divine Prophecy,
Mr. Qazi of Birmingham, came to me with a book and said that it is not
from me, but has found — you from Allah. It day is meant for the English
speaking, and it is imperative that you compile a reply as the saddening
to see in this book the argument against Quran being arithmetically accurate.
Having studied it from all angles, the Jewish Rabbis were forced to proclaim
that Torah is also arithmetically accurate and that is the proof of its being
a revelation from God and it is thus a miracle. Peer-e-Roam says that “dust
in the hands of a knowledgeable person, becomes gold, and gold in the
hands of an ignorant person, becomes dust and poison, at the hands of an
ignorant may be consumed by himself, or fed to mother, leading one to death
but the same poison, in the hands of a wise man and a doctor, will become
a medicine healing hundreds and thousands.”
All my statements and writings come back to the central point of oneness of
Allah. I repeatedly say and write, if you accept this then, ail the ills of the
world will disappear. If you believe in the Creator, then, you are not alone and
you will not commit any wrong. All sins and crimes will end; Islam is a
distant thing, if one is unsure of the very first stage.


I have written that Islam is not the name of evil, it is the name of peace,
pull down this mausoleum, deface this grave; Islam is the name of
construction and not destruction.
Wherever Muslims went, they built roads, forts, mosques, everything
they did was constructive; see, what the believers do. You may yourself
visit the Masjid-e-Nabavi, look, what Islam and Unity provides; look at the
Taj Mahal, and look at the Badshahi Mosque, the Masjid Al Qartaba Al
Hambra in Spain. Go and take a round of the world, a Jewish Synagogue,
notice some memorial, 5000 years old religion, but show some
constructive work or constructive thing!

Set your sight on the modern civilisation that ruled the world, but did
only those things which helped in perpetuating their rule, meaning, a
lookout tower, road & etc. You will say, they made the car or airplane to
travel faster or to transport the army faster. Cars turned into tanks and
proved a means of destruction. Planes made for travel turned into
bombers, whatever was built was converted for destruction; even the fly
killer, or the mosquito killer, turned into chemicals produced for killing
The Islamic method of treatment is to create resistance within. Do we
see many things that Islam has created for destruction and compare this on
the other side and decide from the evidence. You will say that Islam
committed wars and destruction, but then, in the whole of 1400 years and all
the wars did no more than one per cent of human loss, against what the
western society may have done over the last two thousand years in terms
of human loss. The First World War, the Second World War, Hiroshima,
Nagasaki, Vietnam, all narrate the stories of human destruction. Look at
Korea, Red Indians in America and Aborigines of Australia — the
virtual annihilation of an entire race.
In comparative terms with other religious faiths you will notice that
Islam did not commit even one percent of cruelty. Islam does not teach
about capturing land, instead, it instructs us to preach about the Unity of
God, so that the mankind gets educated and the entire world becomes the
cradle of peace. Christianity enslaves the world, now they have changed their
ways. According to time, the Muslims following call it as civilized, for
whosoever adopts it and he is called educated, or cultured.


In this culture, a woman goes almost naked, cuts her hair short, loses her
modesty, dances with other men in clubs, exhibits the sensuous parts of
her body, wears such dresses which expose those parts of the body, which
God has instructed to keep hidden; instead, they do all those things that lead
to obscenity.
It is correct that dancing and singing are natural, but singing and dancing
in front of the world and doing the same at a happy occasion, in one's
house, are different, besides, unrelated man and woman sitting together.
Education is necessary, but adult boys and girls living together and the
modern culture wants just this, the entire nation becoming debauched,
consumption of wine becoming common and the nation drowning itself in
moral corruption, is all that is desired, so that, the nation goes totally against
the dictates of God and Islam.
What will happen due to disobedience to God, what comes out of
debauchery, then listen, Mr. Bhutto wanted to build a hotel on the beach
to attract visitors from Lebanon, Egypt and Europe and get their business
transferred. Mr. Bhutto's close advisors used to say that they will make
Karachi like Las Vegas of America. Just imagine if such hotels were made,
what would have happened? It is correct that unemployment would have
declined, but it would have become a nation of waiters and waitresses.
Markets of debauchery would have been thriving, liquor would have
been commonly consumed. Karachi would have had gambling dens.
Gambling and wine would not have been considered as bad, pleasure mania
would have been called as progress. This equates to being "civilized". It is
correct that money would have flowed, but crime would have reached the
skies, religion is a distant thing, certainty belief in the existence of God
would have ended.
The "civilised" world wants nations to become debauched (pork commonly
sold, even if not consumed by oneself), imagine, even if wine is not
consumed by one, yet, its foul smell all around entering lungs through
breathing would have been equal to drinking. Cooking and frying pork
saturating the clothes with germs smeared into clothing, would have been
equal to eating it.
There is no one but God who provides the best code of practice. It is
from him that we are directed to keep ourselves clean eat and drink with


preserved cleanliness and enter into fair and just relationships with one
another. It could never be from him that one of the prime ministers of a
large Asian country consumed his urine in order to prolong his life.
Allah has guided the humans that all excretions, be it sweat ear nose and
throat and excreta are unclean and unhygienic and must not be released in
public. Furthermore even if a dirty drop falls into a clean bucket of water
it becomes unclean and unhygienic promoting germs to multiply and
resulting in diseases.
Europeans have adopted scientific principles and practices and we have
ignored them. They want us to simulate not only these practices but also to
drown ourselves in the depths of pleasure as a distraction from progression
towards science and our leaders to remain engrossed with regional
languages and regional religious intolerance. This in reality prevents the
dissemination of worldly knowledge. Imagine yourself as to where we are
going when the God has given us the Holy Book-each page of which is
full of miracles and wisdom. Look at the old Muslim on one side and the
new Muslim on the other, and decide who is better in the name of Islam.

The topic of my book is that Quran Kareem has a balanced account;

however I wrote whatever came along the way. My book is based on
inspirational light and not on thoughts. I only want to state the praise of
Quran Majeed, however, my knowledge is limited. This Quran has been
revealed as a miracle in the form of sound to the Holy Prophet (PBUH),
and Hafizeen had memorized it by heart. It was later compiled in a written
form as the book of Allah. Hajjaj Bin Yousuf added the signs or symbols
(zair and zabar), so that the possibility of error in reading is eliminated. Quran
Kareem consists of three elements, alphabetical account, organisation of
alphabets and repetition of alphabets.

I have already written that the arithmetic is based on 19, which is Unity of
God and Unity (wahed) is 19. The method of accounting is the count of
alphabets and then, the derivation of numbers on the basis of `abjad', like:
wahed = wao alif hai daal = 6 + 1 +8 + 6 = 19.
Quran Kareem is in balance, has been written. Now, I want to write
about its order, for example, there have been many big people having the
name of Muhammed Ali, but Ali Muhammed is almost negligible. Why,


because the order of alphabets has changed. The word God, we use for
calling Allah Taala, if we reverse the alphabets, it becomes altogether
different. The Sura Al Shams has repetition of Ha Ha, details are as follows.
If something is done repeatedly, then, it gains strength. For example, a
wrestler will do push-ups and sit ups, and then his body becomes the way
he wants. But there is a secret, that the needful cannot be achieved without a
skilled instructor. Again, if a person wants to become a boxer, he will have
to work hard. Another person wishes to become a singer, he will also
have to persevere; this means, something done again and again, is
perseverance, which provides strength and it is the secret, besides, some
machinery, or some movement gives birth to strength. Besides, everything
rotating creates energy, if the same movement is repeated.
Abjad can be explained this way, the first letter alif which in itself is
consistent of three letters i.e. alif laam and fey, then, multiply it with one,
thereafter, with two, then with three and likewise up to nine, then, the
number and alphabet is explained thus:


Abjad kawwaz hutti kaleman saafas qarashat sakhaz zazzagh

Alif ye qaaf
1 10 100 1+10+ = 111
100 111x1=111
bey kaaf ray
2 20 200 2+20+ = 222
200 111x2=222
jeem laam sheen
3 30 300 3+30+ = 333
300 111x3=333
daal meem tay
4 40 400 4+40+ = 444
400 111x4=444
hey noon say
5 50 500 5+50+ = 555
500 111x5=555

wao seen khey

6 60 600 6+60+ = 666
600 111x6=666
zey ain zaal
7 70 700 7+70+ = 777
700 111x7=777
hai fay dhad
8 80 800 8+80+ = 888
800 111x8=888
to suad zo
9 90 900 9+90+ = 999
900 111x9=999



Now, if you want to find out the numerical value of 'wahed', we will
construct major sum from minor sum, thus: wao alif hai daal = 6 1 8 4
(added together) = 19.
God Almighty has bestowed us with five senses; senses are present in
every living thing, but they are different from human senses. These senses
give us information of the past, present and future.
The first thing comes from heart to heart, then,
photographically, subsequently, is written text. Again, there are two things;
the first is the news of occurrences, or events, the second is the warning
that the predecessors made, that you should not commit folly, where
there is your benefit.

Now, I want to write about the senses (ears). The first thing is sound, a
child learns to listen first, then, talking. Thus, from sound itself, he gathers
all knowledge of past, future and present. Sound provides the
constructive and destructive knowledge. The explanation of it is that
the first thing is the advice, what to do and what not to do. All the knowledge
of the world is conveyed through sound, except Moses, who received the
Ten Commandments in written form from God Almighty. Quran Kareem
was revealed in sound. Sound can become the greatest cause of
destruction, for instance, the noise of earthquake, noise of cyclone or
storm, the speech which leads the world towards war and destruction and
also leads most constructively. Advice given in places of worship,
recitation of God's scripture in a pleasant voice (music, may it be naat, or
qawwali, or poetry), or musical instruments. However, one difference I want
to state here, that a player of musical instrument cannot be a murderer,
because he tunes his instrument in tune and he himself is in tune; the way
one repeating Ranja Ranja, becomes Ranja, or another, repeating Raheem,
himself becomes Raheem (benevolent). Before sighting somethin g, the
sound informs, for instance, the sound of horses' hooves, tell us that horses
are coming, like the noise of the train, or that of an airplane, noise informs
Then secondly, language, or tongue makes the world as one’s own,
charms the whole world with a beautiful voice, by singing, recitation of
`naat', singing of `qawwali', reading Quran. The same tongue tells us,
whether something is bitter, or sweet, it will enter the body and make one
ill, or unsuitable for the body and it will tell us not to take it in.


The third is the nose, which informs us through smell. It will tell us about
the unseen bad smell, be cautious! What causes bad smell? Its presence
causes what? Bad smell, meaning polluted air, which is dangerous for our
life, be it gas, burning smell of something. But all this will be received by
someone who is in his senses and he will be guided by it. However, when
someone is not in his proper senses, will not be guided, why, because one
with lost senses will think negatively, one whose blood, bones and flesh is all
made from pork and wine, will only think according to his build.

Contradictory things cannot assemble in one place, either there will be

light, or darkness within, presence of hate, or love. Pork and wine give birth
to evil within, then, what good can be expected? In twelve years, one neither
loses the smell of beggary, nor that of royalty. This Jamaican professor,
swore to conceive the good things as weaknesses, but could not succeed,
because protection of Quran Kareem has been promised by God Himself.
God Almighty has shown the man the writing, food and drink, living
style & etc. Thinking that, Quran Kareem is not in numerical balance, I
state here, that this Jamaican is only concerned and thinks that the
alphabet is not in balance, which is due to the defect in his own certainty
and not its grace, though, whatever order, or instruction

God Almighty has given in Quran Kareem, is not only balanced by letter, but
every order is balanced in itself, be it prayers, zakaat, fasting, fitrah, hajj,
If the question of divorce occurs, then the order of iddat is given, breast
feeding period for an infant is fixed.
I wish to write clearly that our religion is the religion of nature. The
nature wishes that the animals and birds wake up before daybreak, when
it is still dark, when there is no question of food and drink, but they chirrup,
why, the question arises. This is what prayer in one's own language is. We
should also terminate our sleep, regardless of being sick, or healthy, we
should also pray as nature demands. Prayer should be offered loudly, in a
good loud voice, call to prayer (azaan) should be given, as the sound
moves in the atmosphere; it makes an impression in our heart. Although,
the function of the person announcing loudly, is to make his voice reach
our ears, but changing our heart, is in the hands of God Almighty. If


prayer is performed loudly, at home, then, the inmates will be awakened by

themselves and get used to the habit,
Secondly, it becomes the cause of peace in the household. Besides,
this sound will keep moving in the atmosphere, until the Day of Reckoning,
even when the world disintegrates. Then, all the animals and birds, all
together, get busy in their feeding and drinking. Our religion is collective,
collective prayers, collectively celebrate marriage and wedding, similarly, in
sadness, in difficulty, jointly face the difficulties, that is all what nature
and religion demand. The stars in the skies rotate round the Earth and they
all move anti-clockwise, in the same way, we all should go round the House
of God (Kaaba), so that the circumnavigation is completed. Going round is
the second name of life, if the movement stops, death occurs, may it be
circling the House of God. If one is deducted out of the given rounds,
then, it becomes useless, or going in between Safa and Marwa, or
movement of air in and out of our body, or food entering and coming out,
like water going in and coming out, entry of sound and its coming out, even
if one of these stop moving around, then, death occurs. And remember,
all movements are based on a programme, I have given its details.
I have already written the details about circling, we go round Khana-e-
Kaaba according to the nature, if we get to know, that this order is part of
nature. God Almighty's entire organisation is revolving. Take wheat,
one seed of wheat is sown in the ground, and the Gracious God says that,
he makes the sheaf in it grow, then, we eat it, insects eat it, birds also eat it
in the farm. Again, it is excreted and takes the form of soil, in the
form of manure, everything is according to a plan. Sowing of seed in the
earth has a time, its ripening occurs at another given time, in short,
everything is in arithmetic order and Quran Kareem, being
numerically accurate, is a miracle and it is the sign for its being
heavenly, or God's Book.
Remember that, doubting the goodness of Quran is going astray. God
Almighty has created everything in pairs and 'One' is His Being alone,
and `waked' is equal to 19.
A human being will have light, or darkness
Love will be present, or hate
Evil will be present, or goodness


Diverse things cannot assemble in one place, one who loves, will not find
any need to make goodness as defect.
Each and every word of Quran Kareem is in balance and states the Unity
of God, this account is connected with 19. And wahed is equal to 19.
Arabic has 28 alphabet, or letters, and if the repeated alphabets in Sura Al
Hamd are removed, then, 21 alphabets are left, meaning that, out of 28
letters, 21 have been included and seven do not occur, which are dotted
alphabets, which are: zay jeem sheen khey fay dhuad and say. These are those,
which, God has not kept in Sura Hamd. The reason being that Sura Hamd is
recited in the five prayers of the day, if those letters were also present and
any error was committed in recitation, it will have caused reversal, that is
why, God has not kept them. This is knowledge, these hints cannot be
known to Mr. Philip. Mr. Philip considers it only as a book of law, but this is
a sea of knowledge. Even if we accept it as a book of law, then imagine,
how to fast, what to feast, everything is in exactness. There is one law, how
to pray, which contains complete exactness, then, there is a law, how to pay
zakaat, which also is based on arithmetic. There is law on, how to govern and
if war takes place, then, how to treat the prisoners, then, whatever is left in the
war field, is to divide on the basis of some exact account. Islamic order of
existence is a complete order based on exactness and this is the sign that it is
from God. In its entire order, evil and discord will not appear and neither the
God loving spread any discord. Then, there is the Greatest Name (Icm-e-
Azam) in Quran Kareem, which has not even been mentioned by Mr. Philip.
What is Icm-e-Azam? When my book, Manzil Doem was under
publication, my friend, Mr. Moosa Rizvi, resident of Karachi, gave me some
pages of a masnavi, which contained something about Icm-Azam, and he
said that, I should include it in my book and that it shall add to the beauty of
my book, twofold. I decided that, I myself, should obtain the Icm-e-Azam. My
friends and acquaintances were sitting. While I was looking at each page of
Sura of Quran Kareem and my sight got stuck on one line, I lifted my head
and all the people went quiet, I uttered the word 'yes' and was about to say
that this is Icm-e-Azam, immediately, a thundering voice came, saying that,
"thou shalt not speak about it" and I requested for pardon and said that, I do
not deserve to acquire the Icm-e-Azam. By talking about it, I may cause
displeasure of God Almighty and this whole episode, I have written in Manzil
Doem, alongside the translation of the masnavi so that, knowledge remains in
the world. One who deserves, may obtain it. Mr. Philip, this is the knowledge
in Quran Kareem, which is not in your fate, because you have adopted the


road, which, makes the good quality of Quran Kareem look as defect, put
a seal on your forehead to be identified with Rushdi, in the world and the
religion. How does this seal look on Salmaan Rushdi's forehead! If one
does a wrong for the first time, he feels sorry about it, when a person
slaughters a chicken for the first time, be feels sorry about it, but if this is
repeated on daily basis, then, the voice of mercy in the heart disappears, thus,
the hearts and ears get sealed. Mr. Philip should know that drawing
curtains on the goodness of Quran Kareem, will never succeed. Quran
Kareem contains every kind of knowledge which cannot be fathomed by
every person. Mr. Philip, you consider that arithmetic is faulty, which
appears wrong to you. A frog in the well, sees the entire world in there,
Mr. Philip, come out of the wetland observe, the entire creation is in 28
sounds and the organization of these 28 sounds is the order of Quran
Kareem, about which I have written. Quran Kareem is in order and this
order is connected with 19. Order is alphabet, repetition is alphabet. This
is Quran Majeed. Besides, there is a method, or the basis of `abjad' to
obtain the numerals of Quran Majeed, from which the method of reading is
extracted. Accordingly, God Almighty says in Quran Majeed that
everything has been created according to a plan, If we think that balance
does not exist, it is a limitation of our knowledge. Let someone show,
which thing is not in order, just ponder.
Look at the honey bee and observe the bee-hive, how honey is collected
and stored, how the holes are kept of one size, where every hole is a perfect
hexagon, being six by six, as if an engineer has made it. It never happens that
one hole is round and another is flat, it does not occur, all are based on a
plan. If shown to the knowledgeable, as if they have learnt from a school.
There is a draftsman, an engineer, solders are there, thing according to a
plan, why is Quran Kareem not in balance? Remember, being in arithmetical
balance guards are separate and workers are separate. The workers search for
flowers in an organized manner and their dance shows to others, in which
direction to go, where the flowers are, also warn of all kinds of dangers.
If temperature increases, then, cool water is kept, so that the wax does not
melt. God Almighty has shown in Quran Kareem, that honey is a cure for all
illnesses. It is sad that God Almighty has created everything in balance and he
has taught his creation about its account and yet, people doubt the
arithmetical accuracy of the book of God Almighty, and say that it is not. If
it is not in balance, then, what can happen? If Quran Kareem was
unbalanced, then the world would have said that, God Almighty has


created everything is a sign that the book is from God Almighty. Then, the
account is not meaningless, every letter is narrating the Unity of God and
every Sura and every line is an expression of His Unity, or Oneness. It is
not necessary that we obtain a degree from school, or college, then, we
come to know everything, without the inner light. Today, there are so many
sects, just because they have failed to understand Quran Kareem; as opposed to
this, all saintly people (sufis), are all on one platform. Now, you may not
believe in my writing. Experiment yourself. Recite Bismillah arrehman
arraheem 19 time before meals. The condition is that it should be in one
voice and one rhythm because this sound will stay in the atmosphere until
the end of the world. I will give its detail later on. No matter, how many
people are there, food will not fall short, recite it once again and you will
know the difference. I am writing this secret, which only sufis know, but
this is not the topic of my book, but as we talked of 19 and 'wahed' is equal
to 19.
In London, all Sikhs, Hindus and Christians recite Bismillah, 19 times and
it has become well known that food never gets short, regardless, how
many people drop in at the same time. Besid es, recantation of 12000 and
19000 is known to persons of all faiths and they recite solution of their
difficulties. By reciting, over and over, and remembering by heart, Mr.
Philip can become a professor, but he cannot obtain the secret of Quran
Kareem, because a certain light is wanting in him.
The result is in front of the reader, that the effort to make the beauty of
Quran Kareem as its flaw, it is not this alone, but other students have also
been led astray. The whole world knows that Quran Kareem is
arithmetically balanced and there is no doubt about it.
In Quran Kareem, God has given a law on eating and drinking, why did
the need to write it arise? So that the readers may read and know the result of
disobedience. The gist of my writing is to write about the Oneness of God
and that of the beauty of arithmetical balance of Quran Kareem, but
something else came along the way. So I am writing it to eliminate the
misconception. That, by asking for forgiveness, all misdeeds will be
forgotten. The system of God Almighty's organisation is that, until the
religion remains, one who barley, will produce barley and one who sows
wheat, will reap wheat and this is justice. Wrongdoing cannot be
condoned, no matter, how much one is penitent. This is the system of
God and not based on thinking about my writing. This is the flow of light of


my thought, which is due to God Almighty's and Sarkar Do Alam, Hazoor

Nabi Akram's (PBUH), grace and charity. I always say that my writing is
neither for any business nor for any animosity, it is only to respond against
the efforts to hide the elegance of Quran Kareem, which became necessary
for me, so that the world does not lose its way. There are people who adopt
the way of guidance, who receive enlightenment due to kindness of God
Almighty and they enlighten all. Some throw filth themselves and teach
others also in slinging filth and dirt, whatever one has, will be able to give it
to others.
What is 'Halal'?
Halal is not just slaughtering with knife. Those animals, that God Almighty
has made Halal, there are five conditions required in four legged animals.
Number one, it chews the cud; number two, it does not have upper
teeth, has only the lower teeth; number three, they must have
split hooves in their feet, unlike a horse, or donkey. number four, when trying
to sit down, they must fold their front legs first and number five is, when the
animal tries to stand up, they must lift their back side first, then stand up.
These five salient features are required in a Halal animal. Beside these, there
are some animals, which are corrupted, who have periods, like a sea cow,
which gets periods and gives birth to a kid and suckles for two-and-a--half
years. Beside these, rabbits have periods, besides that, any fish which does not
have scales on its body should not be eaten, such as dolphin, or shark etc.
Then, those birds, which have ears outside, like bats etc. Then the birds
must have three qualities. One is that, when the bird flies, it should flap its
wings, unlike an eagle, or crow, which glide in the wind without flapping; they
should be like pigeons, always moving their sides, while in flight. Number
two is that, they should not hold their prey in their claws, for eating, and
number three is that, and their beaks should not be curved, like a parrot's. If all
the details are written down, then, a separate book will be made, thus, I am
writing only briefly. One more important thing is that, those, whose genes are
nearest to humans, should also not be eaten, like monkey, frog, and rat, rabbit,
on which all the medical experiments are conducted.
What happens by eating similar genes? Such blood ailment, which is
untreatable, like monkey is eaten in Zaya, where an illness has developed,
which has no cure! Blood oozes out from every part of the body and the illness
can be contagious. For example, when a blood transfusion is required, before


that, the blood group is determined and that blood which conforms to the
group is given. If the blood is wrong, it starts escaping, because the body does
not accept it. As a matter of fact, if genetics are closer, then blood ailments
will occur. I am writing again, that my book is about Quran Majeed, being
in numerical balance, you will know yourself, I have not deviated from the
subject, but this is written as a reminder.
The question arises, what happens by eating halal? See, if we start eating rats,
then consider, cholera germs are born from rats, fleas live on rats which is the
cause for the spread of cholera. Then on top of flea, there is another flea which
lives on the blood of the flea and this is so small that it can only be seen
through a microscope. All this is the growth of rats. If we start eating rats
like the French, Chinese etc., such illnesses will take shapes that are
impossible to treat, and habits will also be like rats.
I wish to clarify that the flea is a rat's own creation like nits that
sometimes grow in our clothes or in our heads which are our own growth,
they do not come from outside. Again, if we start eating dog, then the
qualities of dogs will be found because our flesh and bones is made up of
that. Dogs sometimes bark without any reason, all those habits will be
found, its illnesses will be born, meaning rabies. Besides, dog is the enemy
of dog, does not have love with its own species, they eat dogs in South Tunis.
In conclusion, whichever animal we eat, similar qualities will develop.
We should be thankful to God Almighty for having endowed us with
knowledge of what to eat and what not to eat. He has forbidden us from
eating each and every non-vegetarian animal. Beside this, one more thing I
wish to write. You will not see any flock of falcons or eagles, but what they
eat will be seen in flocks. Tigers, wolves will not be in seen in large flocks,
deer and blue bull will be seen in large flocks, because one that is sacrificed
has its breeding, which is the secret of the religion of Hazrat Muhammed
Mustafa (PBUH) and in the sacrifice of Imam Husain (PBUH), because of
this sacrifice, Islam kept on spreading all over the world. Remember,
abundance is the secret of sacrifice, one who sacrifices money will have
abundance of money, one sacrificing cloth will have abundance of cloth,
this came on the way so I mentioned it. I was writing about eating halal.
One who has his flesh and bones made from eating haraam, whose parents
and forefathers had been consuming haraam, are getting the students do
PhD to prove that Quran Kareem is not in balance and basis of 19 is wrong,


rather is a bidat and wrong. One could expect only this, that the beauty of
Quran being in numerical balance may somehow be proved as its defect.
What will be the result of this and what happened, Saudi Arabia became a
beggar, because there is one murderer, another is his assistant and
onlookers, all three are to be blamed. Making the good qualities as the
defects of Quran Kareem, resultant was the appearance of Iraqi
poverty. The world of Islam has become a beggar, the winner as well as
the loser have both become beggars. These days they are feeding the wrong
food to animals resulting in dangerous illnesses, the animals which are
vegetarian were fed with meat which resulted in mad cow disease. Food
has a big part in human life, his thinking and his body is made from it. In
Islam, the initial teaching is about eating and drinking so that thinking and
body are healthy. Now I wish to write about drinking so that the readers
may themselves decide why Mr. Philip's thinking is like this.
For drinking there is a law, God has created such a thing in water which
has no substitute, neither is there anything tasting like it. Man has made
different kinds of drinks suited to different weathers but water is according
to our nature a drink that can be used in every season and used in every
It is our misfortune that we left water and made Coke and no one
knows how many types of drinks are made which are known as fizzy drinks,
and we are unable to estimate the harmful effects of them. Then the world
says that we drink fruit juices and what is wrong in them. So listen, you
cannot eat one kilogram of carrots, but you can drink the juice of one
kilogram of carrots at a time which is against nature and the cause of
various illnesses. Then those who drink wine and call themselves as
advanced and the rest as backward.
What is the result, wisdom which is the superior part of our body?
Wisdom through which the human being and animal is differentiated,
wine makes it paralyzed, besides God Almighty has forbidden it. Because of
this, those sensitive parts of brain, like memory and forgetting the
difficulties of sadness, it awakens them again, which should not happen.
This wine brightens the qualities of mischief, some people become
quarrelsome, again, all thinking faculties get changed. This wine gives you


just that. The example is in front of you. Someone extracts pearls out of
Quran Majeed and someone else says that the pearls are fake.
The one telling the pearls as fake is neither a jeweller nor a goldsmith,
but saying that the gold is fake. One can obtain a degree by memorizing, but
wherefrom will he find spiritualism, having come within the fold of Islam,
the wayward wishes to mislead the world. Sultan Bahu says, 'You take
someone to Macca a hundred thousand times, it will not become a melon,
and in the well of bitter water you pour a hundred maunds of sugar, it
will not become sweet'. The entire creation is in balance, every order that
God Almighty has given in Quran Kareem is in balance, how can it be that
Quran Kareem is not in balance and God Almighty is one (wahed) and that
is equal to 19 and the whole Quran is in numerical balance. Every

order is in balance and all alphabets are stating the unity of God Almighty,
because the accounting is connected with the account of 19. It is a different
matter as to how and wherefrom the arithmetic is done. The written order of
Quran Kareem is not the same as it was originally revealed, because of this, it
is not within the capacity of every person to do the arithmetic, what The
God Almighty says is that everything that has been created is in balance.
The order of Quran Kareem has been given by the respected sahaaba on the
basis of divine light, the secret of which is not known to every person, this
secret will be revealed by those who have the light. The beauty of this secret
is its beauty, which is liked by the angels and companions (et-the prophet),
and God Almighty and Nabi Akram (PBUH).

Now, the talk about drinking was going on, God Almighty has instructed
us on what to drink and what not to drink. I have already written previously,
from his side, the Indian Prime Minister drank urine, or the water that
comes out of earth of drops in the form of rain from the sky, which has one
benefit, that all minerals that are needed by human beings are provided.
Beside this, there is one taste from which one can never be tired of and there
cannot be a new replacement for its taste or its goodness. Although,
whatever has been created by God Almighty is unique and has no
replacement, the finger print given are such that there can be no similarity
on earth, rather, until the world exists there will be no similar finger print.


Not only that, there will be no other person with similar face. The
conversation on drinking was going on, the second drinkable thing that
God Almighty has given us is milk. But before the explanation about
milk, I wish to write that everything has its zenith and perfection, for
example the perfection of mountain is Mount Everest which has no equal
in its height and beauty. Climax of stones is in diamond.

These were geological items. And now, botanical items, in all fruits, dry
fruit and fresh fruit, look in the grape, look in the pomegranate, look at
olive, look in the fig and the climax is date which has no equal, neither an
equal of the tree and nor an equal of fruit. When the stone reached its
zenith it became the House of God, when water reached its peak it
became Zam Zam water, became life giving in this world and hereafter.
Created mothers' milk, man has not even been able to reach all its
advantages, the beauty it endows to human strength, has no equal. That
affection that grows after drinking mother's milk has no equal. Now people
will say that animal's milk also contains all that, yes it does, if buffalo's
milk is consumed, it will give buffalo's wisdom that has been provided by
God Almighty for its calf. If you drink cow's milk, you will develop the
qualities of the cow. Remember, God Almighty has given a law on
drinking from now on the qualities that will develop from mother's
milk, will be human, that his religious thinking, may it be any religion. Our
body and flesh is made from it, the thinking faculty develops from it. A
time will come when it will be found that consuming animal's milk has
caused the development of animals' habits, human greatness will be
absent, which is gradually moving upward.
The repetition in my writing, or more or less appearance of the subject, is
simply the result of the flow of Light, however the meaning of the
subject will be different.
My writing is not according to my conscious, rather, I receive light and
that is my writing. The writing that is written through conscious needs
thinking. The purpose of my book was to narrate the quality of Quran
Kareem being in arithmetical order, but the emphasis that I gave on eating
and drinking that it should be Halal, not only this, but each and everything
that is forbidden by God is haraam, permissible and non-permissible have


been narrated. What is the benefit or loss what is their effect on the beauty
of Quran. In fact, whatever we eat or drink goes in the making of our flesh
and blood and it affects our being. Consumer of forbidden things will
appear as a different being, eating pork will make the body like a pig and
features and face will also look like that. Then people say that English are
beautiful, so does the foal of a donkey look beautiful? After passing of age
one finds out about the beauty. Consumer of Halal has a sheen or glow on
his face which stays until old age and as the years pass the glow increases.
Colour does not make one as beautiful; beauty is from luminosity,
innocence. Look at small children, while playing their clothes may not be
good or clean but they look pretty. The reason is their innocence and being
away from sins. Even when they quarrel, later they become the same again.
If flesh and blood is built from permissible food then the need does not
exist to make the good qualities of Quran Kareem as defects, on l y t hos e
pe ople ma ke i t wh os e t hi n kin g i s ma de fr om consumption of
forbidden things. Then we are not one, there is my body and there is my
soul. Whatever changes take place in our body also affect our soul. If our
body becomes flabby then our thinking will not have the qualities of young
men, even if the capacity of running is there, talking and thinking capacity, all
will be affected. Our thinking is constructive or destructive is dependent upon
what we eat or drink. I have written this again and again that more or less
hundred thousand prophets came and everyone’s message was connected
with the unity of God Almighty. If certainty in the existence of God is
established then the world will become heaven, burglary, bloodshed and plunder
will not remain. There will be no cheats because there will be assurance that
giver of reward and punishment is present. We cannot hide anything from
Him and nothing is hidden from Him. Now what remains is what will
happen if not certain, the same for what has been committed; the resultant will
have to be borne. Regardless of the belief in His existence or not, the
difference is that our life would have destroyed others' lives, the nation's life and
also that of the country, if there is no certainty.
My friend was saying that we are the most superior beings, we should not
be like animals. Our brain is superior to animals, yes it is true that the
difference between animal and human is only due to the brain. Beside this,
human mind was bigger, but when the brother killed his brother, then he
started wondering what to do. He saw a crow burying something in the
ground and learned the way of burial.


Beside this, when a human being evades th e order of God Almighty,

where does that lead him too? Again, The qualities of an animal become alive,
someone with that of a fox, someone with that of a wolf, someone with that of
a horse and someone with that of a pig.
Do not evade the order of God, otherwise, the end result will be like an
animal. However, the animals are subordinated to fate and the human being
if he is one is subordinate to the order of God. Arise! Be a human-being.
Despite of having a human body a human being may not be a human, because
there is soul in the body and everything is alive, brain and also the mind. If
the soul flies away then it is all a skeleton which is useless which is buried,
incinerated, drowned in water, but the soul in part of God, so do not make the
gift of soul to die by defying or disobeying God Almighty. The body is alive
from the presence of soul or else it will become an animal, but the animal
does not come under disobedience, you will surpass even them. God
Almighty's disobedience makes the soul as dead, and serenity is in the
mention of God Almighty. Thinking That Quran is not in numerical
balance is the shortcoming of our knowledge, And Quran being in
balance with 19 is the sign that it has been ordained from God Almighty. I
have written the reference to Sura Mudassir, that when the mention of 19
comes, certainty of the faithful is further enhanced.
You yourself reflect at World War I which started in 1914 AD and
ended in 1918 AD and then there came peace in the world 1+9+1+8 =
The Second World War started in 1939 AD and ended in 1945 AD, then
the world saw peace 1+9+4+5 = 19
This means that peace came to the world when the year of 19 started.
Not only that, when the year of 19 came, the enslaved countries became
independent, those countries that were destroyed, started being rebuilt,
cement factories got started, the work of masons and labourers got
underway, the work of carpenters started, electrical work started separately,
wire-making work started, switch-makers got busy in their work.
In short, unemployment disappeared, the end of the period of slavery
started. Burma got independence, Indonesia became independent, the
South Pacific gained freedom, India, Pakistan came out of slavery. In
short, the realm of independence got started, if I narrate the history of one
country it will become a book. This is what 19 has given you. Again, all the


inventions that took place in the world, took place in this century of 19,
which the common man calls the twentieth century.
Everything from fly killers to germ killers were made, similarly, from
fertilizers to germicidal chemicals for farms were made, poultry farms,
cattle farms, sheep farms were made. There is no equal to eating and
drinking items, the way the world got settled, other things got established
having no equivalent, landing on the moon, got all the knowledge of the
space, from space satellites to instruments for observing underground
things. Then, television, radio and video were made. Not only that,
calculators and computers were made. Since the inception of the world
all the things were made in this century, details of which, if written, will
make a book. Telephones and fax machines were built, which and what
things can be mentioned, this was the century of the Unity of God
Almighty, which will now end in the year 2000, as there is no noticeable sign
of 19, what will happen if it is not there, I will write about it in another
book. It was the effect of the Unity of God Almighty that caused peace in
the world, what else can I narrate, was talking about 19 of wahed, if people
do not accept it, there can be no compulsion. One gentleman was saying that
there are a lot of remedies in saliva, it cures, if applied in the eye. Here, I
wish to write one thing, what is excreted from our body is untouchable,
meaning that germs of disease spread from it, may it be from the mouth,
nose, urine, abdominal excretion, excreted from ear or coming out of eye.
And whenever, something has to be released out of the body, it should not
be done in front of others, this should be the principle. Besides, anything
pertaining to the body, should not be disposed of outside, even if they are
nails or hair, they should be buried, so that illnesses do not spread, because
birds' or pigeons' feet ma y get entangled in hair which is the cause of
many difficulties, now, people will say that the Messenger of God himself
applied his saliva, no one can compete against him (PBUH). I have written
this briefly as it was the flow of the light of my thought, although it was
separate from the topic of this book.
At the culmination of the recitation on 12 th Rabi-ul-Awwal, this question


Firstly, whether Ghulam Ahmed was a messenger or not, secondly,

more messengers can come or not, the topic is away from my book, but the
question is such that compels me to respond. This is just like one is a
murderer, another is his assistant, the third one is an onlooker, in the eyes of
God Almighty all the three are wrong doers. There are many places where a
person can adopt silence, but there are some situations in which one may
get thrown out of religion, if the reference is concerning God Almighty,
silence will not be the cause for being thrown out of religion, however, if it
is a slur against Quran or the lord of both the worlds Muhammed
(PBUH), then silence is waywardness, equivalent to being ousted from
Islam. I am responding according to my light, firstly, anyone can make a
claim, no one can stop, the method is that, you make a scale and measure
against it, I am writing and the readers will decide. First thing, more or
less one hundred and twenty four thousand messengers came, none
received any education in this world. If they had to receive education, then
their tutor also had to be a prophet who was more learned. Secondly, one
who teaches, uses books written by someone else, meaning that that
writer should also have been a prophet, having greater knowledge who
wrote the books.
Thirdly, now the question is, why the prophet is illiterate, what is its
secret. The first thing is that, God Almighty sent the prophets to teach the
people and not to learn themselves. People would say, such and such a
teacher is more learned, what are you telling, our uncle taught has
instructed you, now you make tall claims, now I want to explain it
Beside this (the prophet) is a provider of light and not the receiver of
light, he is a giver of knowledge and not its receiver, he provides guidance
and does not receive it. Beside this, ours and prophet's love is totally
different. A prophet is a prophet from birth, and God Almighty creates him
as a guide, during infancy, during adulthood and in old age, he remains a
prophet. Now I want to write clearly, prophets are from divine light and
this divine light cannot be burnt by fire, however, the divine light can
cool the fire. Besides, our strengths are limited, whereas, the prophets are
owners of unlimited strengths as provided by God Almighty. Before I write
anything else, I wish to write the qualities of a prophet, explanation of divine
light I will give later.


1. The prophet does not receive education from anyone else, he

remembers, 'lest I forget' is not the quality of a prophet, otherwise, he
may forget the order of God Almighty.
2. Prophets can only be children of the preceding prophets, this can
be well understood by genealogists. Tigers are born from the lineage
of tigers, wolves are born from the descent of wolves. The thing is
like this that everything has passed through the development stage to
its climax, similarly, God Almighty's book Quran Kareem is the
climax, there can be no further development. Man may have gone
into space, but he cannot get outside of the galaxy. All other prophets
were at the development stage, then the last prophet arrived.
Everything has a beginning and an end and this is the climax.
3. The prophet brings the rejoiner of the period, Abraham (PBUH)
showed how the fire got cooled by his jumping in it. David (PBUH)
defeated all by his beautiful voice. Moses (PBUH) threw his staff
which became a serpent which swallowed all other snakes, and
when he put his hand in and brought it out of his collar, it sparkled,
in short, all the magicians were defeated.
Then, Christ (PBUH) came and there was the domination of
physicians, he revived the dead and defeated all other physicians, then a
prophet born as slave does not die as a slave, he gets freedom for his nation.
Prophet is recognized from the opposite power, Moses was Pharaoh,
Abraham's were Namrood and Shaddad, Christ's was the kingship of that
time. When the boxer Muhammed Ali claimed to be a Muslim, all
Christianity rose against him. Opposite strength shows the status, because
of this, the Sufis go and sit in the jungle and do not make claims.
Spiritualism and chemistry are in the middle of two lies, ones who have
knowledge do not talk and another who does not know, claims that he
knows everything and asks all to Gather around him, why does he hide,
thinks, why should he tell the uneducated and recites the verse of Mian

I have written that everything in this world has passed the stage of
development. Meaning that it has reached its climax and this is the order
of this world, beside this the prophets arrived in one region, there is a
special reason for that, this region has been the centre of spiritual order.


Now, the question was, this prophet can come or should come? The
example is like this, in a university, there is a professor, having all the
qualities, which ought to be there in him. The people responsible for
running the university have assigned all the necessary responsibilities to
this professor.
Now, on the insistence of some people that there should be another
professor, then, either the other professor is more qualified, when the first
one is already distinguished, the other cannot be more than him, neither is
education nor in any other quality. In the same manner, our last prophet
(PBUH) was all in all in knowledge. I have written earlier that one
hundred and twenty four thousand prophets' knowledge was at various stages
of development, like for example, Zakaria (PBUH) is asking God in Sura
Mariam, Para 16 to give him a son, who will be his successor of his
Madani Ilm, and also the successor of the progeny of Yakoob. This
means that supernatural knowledge, which is coming in degrees, can come
only in his descendants, besides, his book is the miracle of God Almighty.

1. This book is a numerical miracle, one who can present

something alike can claim being a prophet. God Almighty
says and Quran Kareem challenges, let someone bring even
one line like it.
2. The first name of this book is Furqaan, which shows the difference
between two things: The difference between light and darkness.
The difference between truth and lies.
The first law given in this book for the guidance of human being is that,
at birth of a child, even before he opens his eyes, he is instructed for
confirmation about the Oneness of God Almighty and Muhammed
(PBUH) being His prophet, why it is so, because this is the first promise.
Now, the people with limited knowledge will say that this child can neither
understand nor can he talk, what was the need for all that.
Now ponder, one who can listen will learn how to speak, meaning,
one who is deaf will also be dumb.


Now, when the child heard the promise through the Azaan (call to
prayer), and witnessed that Muhammed (PBUH) is his prophet, it is not
that he was, rather, it is witnessed that he is the prophet of God. If the child
stayed on this oath, he is called a Muslim throughout his life, if he believed
in any other prophet, he will become an outcaste, meaning, that he is
standing on the covenant throughout his life which is Islam and he is a
Muslim otherwise, he would become wayward and an infidel.
I have written that this Quran is a numerical miracle, and it has stated
about the unity of God Almighty.
Quran's real name is Furqaan, meaning one which differentiates, the
difference between light and darkness.

What to eat and what not to eat, the difference between Halal and haraam,
and following the order of God Almighty in every situation as He is
observing, He is present. That food is Halal which has not been obtained by
theft or dishonesty, what to drink and what not to drink, prohibited from
wine, and this view should always be in front of us that He is observing,
conviction of God Almighty's presence. What kind of clothing to be worn,
for example, instructed about silk, what type of clothing should be worn
during prayers, for example, in what condition one should be at home
during Hajj, how to treat our elders, knock before entering and if
permission denied, then do not be sad. How much to sleep, although the re
is no restriction on sleeping but there is a limit. Before the sun rise,
laughing is not prohibited but one should keep remain within ethical
bounds, talking is not forbidden but one should not be like an ass, anger is
denied, in a nutshell, taught about all the ethical aspects.
After this, look at marriage, which relative one can marry, for example,
aunt, uncle's wife etc. how old one should be, and if divorce has to take
place, how it is to be done, then there is a complete order about iddat.
How many wives one can have at a time, in short, provided complete
education. People with limited knowledge tell us wrongly that marrying
close relatives gives birth to genetic illnesses, if it is like that, then all the
Jews would have been handicapped, again, Bohris, Memons, all marry
within their own communities, as a matter of fact, all these ailments are
the result of the order of alphabet, about which I will write further on.


Beside this, what should be done if a person dies, in short, if each topic is to
be written fully then each and every subject will become a book, which is why
I am writing briefly.
Then, how to govern, how to attack in the holy war (jeliaad), how to treat
the captured people, how should be the ruler of the time and what are his
responsibilities, all of this has been included by the Europeans in their
constitution. The companions of the holy prophet have shown by
following these laws. It is the responsibility of the government to arrange for
1. It is a human birth right that wheat, or maize , or whatever is
available to him, may he be without work or ill, or he is a thief or
nincompoop, should be provided for without any account, if he
sell his share and get tipsy, even then he should be provided. No
one should sleep hungry at night, that is why, the caliphs used to
roam at night to ensure that none is hungry, was this for the
vote, no! They were afraid of God, would say that I am the ruler
of the time and it is my responsibility, I am answerable to God
Almighty. Not only that, they were sure that after death the will
have to answer, rather, at that time they considered God
Almighty as omnipresent.
2. Cloth should be available to cover the body without any distinction,
if one sell the cloth even then one should not go about naked, it
should still be provided to him (the English provide it).
3. Milk is a child's birth right that he should get, despite of mother's
being available, he should get it separately from the government.
4. A place should be given to at least hide his head, be it a hut, a
palace is not essential.
5. There should be provision for treatment if he is sick.
6. Responsibility of education, in any case a child should get
education, this is the responsibi lit y of the government.
7. Should be able to pray according to his wish, there should be
no restriction.
8. Independence is his birth right, he should be able to inquire
from the ruler without any fear or danger.


9. Security of his belongings, whether he keeps in the bank or at

10. Safety of his life.

This is why it is said that it is the sign of the presence of Islam.

His life will be protected, his belongings will be secure, his job will be
secure, education of his child will be guaranteed, may it be in language, the
places of worship will be safe as they are considered the house of the
This is the sign of the ruler of the time being a Muslim. if there was a
Muslim ruler, then he will think before ending a person's job, I am ending
the livelihood, God Almighty may get annoyed if I do so. These things are
away from my topic, but my reflection guided me to write, Again, in the
same manner, a complete law is give right from birth, how to survive, again
in the same manner laws are given for the soul. So far, the mentioned laws
were for the body, now I will write about the soul.

Laws of the Soul

The soul wants an end to the body and to become free. See, if you ride a
motor cycle, as fast as you drive, you will feel that much pleasure, in spite of
knowing, that if an accident occurred making small pieces of the body, the
thrill will remain; not only that, every dangerous job will give you the same.
Beside this, when man and woman get together, it gives a great pleasure, but
it takes the body towards destruction, however the person feels happiness,
and from the same, increase in progeny takes place. This is similar to a

biting a hollow bone to such an extent that it injures its own mouth and
sucks its own blood, thinking that it is getting the pleasure from the bone, not
knowing that its body is being destroyed.


What has Islam and Quran given to you? Certainty of the presence of
God Almighty at every instant; secondly, temperance in every job. As much
is there for the body, it must be in equal measure for the soul.
Eat and drink as you please, make mud houses, but be aware of the
danger of their falling down, or use your brain and build a solid house with
baked bricks. Make coarse cotton cloth, make open or tine linen. In the
same manner, prepare good food to eat, or eat it boiled. Live like a beggar
or like a rich person, this depends on us. Yes, eat and drink then sleep at
night, and go forth remembering God before the day breaks, the spirit will
be at peace in the prison of the body, in spite of worldly difficulties. People
will say, how can this be possible, then listen, peace is not due to velv et
cushions or big limousines, had the mention of God and this prayer and
fasting not given the peace, then the whole lot of people would have
murdered the rich and looted their wealth for the sake of peace.

Ponder, those beggars, sitting in one place, spend their lives, do not even
think of going outside, the soul gets peace at the mention of God.
Now I will shorten it, God Almighty gave such a complete order, for the
body and for the soul. Why could not God Almighty write that another
prophet will come, a lthough, God Almighty's instructions in Quran are
so complete, yet, the mention that another prophet may come is not written.
Mention of the past and bygone is written, there are instructions, there is
instruction how to praise God repeatedly, predictions of coming events
are there, earlier people committed such and such errors, you should not
commit, otherwise similar treatment may be meted out to you. God
Almighty mentions in Quran Kareem that Jews and Christians are your
enemy, what do the Jews and Christians want, that, God's prophet is
expelled from the religion. Then, what will they gain, all will get converted
as Jews or Christians, who also believe in God. If you wish to remain a
Muslim, then there is no room for another prophet, neither will be another
to go to

Zenith (mairaaj). Now, you will say that this Mairaaj was spiritual,
may God forbid, then listen, God Almighty has made a special mention
that you should not remove your shoes, come the


same way, Oh friend of God. Remember, there is no questi on of shoes

along with the spirit, it is only and only with the body. The messenger of
God's shoes can cool the fire where Arch Angel's wings may get burnt.
Now, you yourself decide whether to believe in the Superior and believe in
the superior book, do not make yourself a fool by twisting Quran Kareem, or
believe in the inferior.
The prophet is complete knowledge. I have written earlier, that, a person
acquires education in school, college, there he reads books written by
someone else; now the question is that, there is an end to this learning; one
cannot become a teacher before being tutored; then, the student will not be
more qualified than the teacher; better qualified will be the teacher himself.
One who has not been tutored by another can be a prophet, one who is
taught by another, or remembers after listening, is only a narrator, may he
hear or read another one's book.
The prophet is complete knowledge, knowledge shines from his breast, he
does not speak without God's consent, the whole world narrates from him,
and prophet is complete knowledge. Now, there is my episode.
I am writing the same which is the writing of the weakness of my faith, my
knowledge is not based on the light of Hadees and Quran, my narration is
obtained from the light of my reflection; I am not concerned, who likes it
and who does not. My writing expresses my affection for the Ruler of the
two worlds-Muhammed (PBUH), I am not praise worthy, I align myself
with Muhammed (PBUH) and his progeny.
According to my light, I am an individual of Abidi family, I carry the blind
faith and love of my ancestors.

Before I went to England, I was living in Nazimabad, Karachi, during my

adulthood and childhood; one evening, when I was returning to the place
where I lived, along the way, there was a tent installed and a Majlis was in
progress, I had some friends with me, they asked, who is the speaker?
These were the questions and answers while we were going, my friend said
that he is Hafiz Kifayat Husain, heard two sentences of the speech and became
engrossed in thought, Hafiz Saheb saw saying that if the Noor of the
Sanctified Five Persons was not there, then there would have been nothing
in the Universe and questions and answers started in my brain. When one
thing starts, it keeps going in spirituality; I used to think that Christians call


God's son, which the Muslims cannot do, then how can he say, if the Noor
was not present, then nothing would have existed, the same thing kept on
repeating itself in my reflection. This series kept going, I went to England,
the series continued for two years; then, the answer came. I saw that
someone is saying that this is the period of five thousand years ago, one
young boy of brown complexion that I was seeing, having his hair tied in a
bun on top of his head, carrying a bow and arrow around his neck, a loin
cloth tied from above his knees, had the names of the Sanctified Five's on
his forehead, and a sound was coming, whether thou believeth or not, go
and go to India and see, even today, the signs have remained after changing
faces, and even in those time people knew them, the readers will themselves
decide, whether a prophet can come or there can be one.

I have written about the names in Manzil Awwal and Doem, now, in
his book I have written about all the creation being in numerical balance.
When everything is running in balance, then Quran Kareem being in
balance and being a proof of being the book of God Almighty. Again, the
human being in numerical balance is the proof that whatever occurrences
take shape, are not by chance, they happen due to some influences and they
are influences of the alphabets, which, people call, knowledge of figures, but
it is not like that.
Look and ponder, Muhammed Ali and Ali Muhammed are in balance,
but the effects are different; because they are not in the same order. Many
big and famous people have been Muhammed Ali, but not Ali
Muhammed. If it depended on the effect of numbers, then, both would
have had equal effect; before I write something else, I wish to explain, how
far, the effects of name are effective.

In the first place, family or profession; a butcher's son and a teacher's

son, the two will have different thinking, even if the numbers are the
same, even if education is also equal, my constant repetition that the baby of
a wolf will remain a wolf, meaning, the effects of family will be effective, the
face will also start showing the effects of profession. The combination of
letters, meaning the order of letters, like Hindu, Hindustan 's person will
be the enemy of Islam, like Mr. Humphry, who has played a big role in
dividing Islam. Then, the effect of the date of birth, then the effect of the
day, then the role played by the seven stars and their effects, then, the


effects of the beginning of the name, for example, the letter Gaaf and words
like Gundegi (filth), Gober (cow dung), Gudha (ass), Gaali (abusive word),
Gunja (bald). From Jeem, Junglee, Janvver (wild animal), joota (shoe); and
then the effects of religion, if the thinking is not on the basis of Unity of
God Almighty, then one would be the target of superstition. Then, the name
Jahangir was real, one who ruled the world, and Noor Jehan was a beauty,
this is the result of the effect of the name. I am reiterating that numbers
are only for arithmetic. The number, alphabet and the sound are there, now
the question arises is which is first, the alphabet or the number, chicken first
or the egg first, there is no answer.
In Islam, Rasool-ul-Ullah (PBUH), was the first to change the names,
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq's name of Abdul Kabah changed to Hazrat Abu
Bakr Siddiq (RAA), also, changed the name of the daughter of Hazrat
Omar Farooq (RAA). Now, let me write, how the arithmetic of the name
should be done. Separate the alphabets of the name, change the total to
short total, for example, like the name of Muhammed (PBUH), I am
starting with this sacred name
Muhammed = meem hai meem dal = 40 8 40 4 = (added together)
make 92, if divided by 9, the remainder will be 2, and if large total of 92 is
brought to small total, which is 9 + 2 = 11, and again 1+ 1 = 2.
In whatever way the arithmetic is done, remember this, that the name only
will have its effects, and the same alphabet will be called as part of name,
either call by the alphabet or by the numeral, it is all the same;

Then the pen name or title, like Raja, Khan or Syed, will have separate
effects. Let me write one thing, which is very important, one whose
name's numbers are 19 will not come in one, it will remain 19 itself.
Wahed has 19, I have written earlier, that there are only nine types of human
beings. During the life time of Rasool-ul-Ullah (PBUH), his name has been
considered as very important, he changed names, prior to sending for war, he
used to bestow a new name. He had the knowledge of which and when a
name is on the rise. One who got the name from him, never returned


Chapter 3
Essence of the Peculiarities of
Alphabets and Numerals

No. 1.
Alif. Penniless, poverty, worries, unsuccessful married life and children,
learned, philosophy, music, travel.
No. 2.
Bey. Knowledge, philosopher, poet, brave, religious revolution, messenger
of God, benevolent, well-dressed.
No. 3.
Jeem. Gorilla, bandit, thief, business, artisan, anger, temperamental,
unreliable, construction, building, richness, proud.

No. 4.
Daal. Establishing government, wasteful, temper, just, crooked thinking,
instead of living in good condition, living badly, excessive sleeping,
intelligent, short of hearing, excessive talking, discussion and debate.
No. 5.
Hay. Singing and music, love affair, eating in excess, too much talking,
stating everything in a long drawn manner, sick daughters, less boys,
excessive children of none at all.

No. 6.
Wao. Living alone, Sufi poet, writer, famous, unsuccessful marriage, less
intelligent, physician.


No. 7.

Ze. Spiritual, miser, cruel, weak hearted, excessive eating,

considering a friend as enemy and enemy as friend, sickness, murderer,
bandit, thief, sacrifice, lot of children, more sons, discussion and debate.
No. 8.
Hai. Unclean, romance, love, harsh worded, more girls.
No. 9.
To. Anger, cruel, spendthrift, more girls, hardworking, physician, greedy,
friend of friends, trustworthy friend, murderer, foul tongued.


Qualities For Men

Number One, (Waked) Alif

General Qualities
Anger, hot tempered, prejudiced, well dressed, fond of high living,
entertainer of guests, thinking beyond capacity, fond of music, eat
high class food, and making food, full faith in religion, not believing in
breaking up, once connected, spend the whole life without thinking
of gain or loss, comfort loving, praying, rolling in wealth in the last
years, dissatisfied with children

Number One and Profession

People bearing this number are great people, he is a first class

general, does not betray under any circumstances, because he is hot
tempered, he is not afraid of anyone, he takes on the biggest of
storms, without caring for his life, self-confident from childhood,
feeling for standing on own feet, in his personal life, his uncle plays a
big role, usually, changes many professions, however, when he joins
army, he is compelled to stay in one place, beside this, going in steel
related work, he stays at it, for example, dealing in automobiles,
or being a mechanic, or computer engineer, in short, can enter any
profession connected with steel, or with machinery, from mental point
of view, he has a mechanical brain, it may be, electronic, or related to
it, he is just successful in service, but not financially, however, if he goes
in business, he is very successful. In business, his success is either in
steel, or in electronics, or in food business, hotel, café, restaurant,
opportunity for making food also comes in his life, no matter, how big
a person he may be, it may either be at home, or in a picnic, he has to
pass through it. His thinking is along with the time, he does not


make distant programmes, he has great contentment, and because of

that, he does not like to succeed by inflicting loss on others, he may
sleep at night, without food, but he does not like to stretch his hand, is
a big

entertainer of guests under all circumstances, even if he has to worry later.

He changes his professions along with the ups and downs of life. They are
actors and doctors too, by putting in a little effort, they become very successful
in the field of science, he does not like too much of talking, comparing

Number One and Religion

He is very prejudiced, has blind faith in his religion, in his view, everyone is
wrong and he is correct, such Thinking, does not avoid getting involved in
brawls. Believes in omens, sees a miracle in everything, in other words, he is
sure of self-confidence, they never change their religion without wisdom and
Regardless of the kind of preacher, where ever he is located, he is satisfied, he
has big faith in giving alms and Zakaat. He also looks after the poor, does
debate and discussion in the name of religion, even if it ends up in brawl and
fight, he feels great pride in making his residence as a place of worship, so
many people were present in the religious ceremony, he has no hypocrisy, due
to which, he buys the wrath, meaning, plain talking. He tells on the face
clearly, without thinking of the consequence, for the same reason, many a time,
his job gets into jeopardy. He is a high class correspondent, he is a fearless and
unbridled correspondent, does not lie, has a great impression in his writing.

Number One and Dress

He prefers the white dress more, but if white is not available, then he likes
blue. He always stays in clean clothes, may it be the workplace or home.
Usually, he stays well-groomed even at home, and does not consider bad in
doing all the household chores, himself. He dresses better than his capacity,
he, very much likes decorating his house, he is a high-class person by nature.
He has dignity in his talking.


Number One and Music

He is also a singer of hymns (Naats), also vocal, voice has beauty and pathos, he is
close to the voice of his parents, because in both the tunes, there is pathos, he
is a very good poet. He is a scholarly type of person, not essentially, very
learned, as a teacher, may that be music, or education, professor of Arts,
language professor, is a very intelligent type of person, not so fortunate in luck,
usually unstable in family life.
Gets inclination towards poetry, philosophy and music, owner of a soft heart,
he has a say in acting and directing. He is fond of films and dramas. He stays
young hearted up to the end of his days, he could be an expert musician, or a
repairman. Gets a chance of sea travel, may it be in service, or for pleasure.

Number One and Health

He is very healthy due to his fondness for food, however, he may have
stomach, or heart problems. There is no wonder if he has leukoderma. Eating
and cooking, he knows all the three things very well, and that becomes the
cause of his illness. Also has blood ailments too, or may have piles which
either can be bloody, or dry. They are critical in eating and drinking also,
because they know how so make food and how to eat. He is more fond of sweets,
usually, he does not get the diabetes, no matter how much sweets he consume.

Number One and Marriage

He does not have a very happy married life, but spends the time intelligently,
his marriage is according to his choice, still, the conditions are not pleasant
at home. He does not have hypocrisy in him, he calls wrong as wrong, but in a
tactful manner, never involved in rowdyism at home, meaning, unethical
things, regardless of the amount of tension at home, his children have great love
for him.

Number Two, Bey

The numbers influence everything in this universe, whether you call it a

number, or an alphabet, it is one and the same, be it a human being, or an
animal. For example, the riding animal, elephant, now its numbers will be
extracted in the following manner:


HATHI (elephant) =
hey + alif + tey + liey + ye
5 + 1 + 400 + 5 + 10

If we divide 421 by 9, the remainder will be 7, if we convert the large

sentence into small sentence, it will still be the same, that is you add 4 + 2 + 1
this will also give 7

Again, take the horse, or horses (GHOREY)

gaaf + hey + wao + rdey + ye
20 + 5 + 6 + 200 + 10
this will be 241 they will also make 7, again take a camel (OONT)
alif + wao + noon + tey
1 + 6 + 50 + 200
(summed together) = 457 = will only be 7

In the same way, take an ostrich (SHUTR-MURGH)

sheen + tey + my + meem + ray + ghain
300 + 400 + 200 + 40 + 200 + 1000
(summed) = 2140, which is = 7

Let me write something about two.

Hazrat Ali states, that, let all the trees become pens and all the seas become
black ink, I write about Quran Kareem and the angel keep accounting all their
Whatever is in Quran Majeed, all that is present in Sura Al-Hamd and all
the same is in Bismillah and whatever is in Bismillah, is in the bey of Bismillah,
and I am the spot of this bey.
Now the question is, what is this BEY, now read with attention. The
arithmetic of Hazrat Muhammed (PBUH), will be done like this :

meem + ltai + meem + dal

4 0 + 8 + 4 0 + 4 = 92
which will be = 2, meaning bey


The learned people say that, if Hazrat Muhammed's (PBUH) noor (divine
light) was not there, then there would have been nothing in the universe,
what is that? Observe, Hazoor Pak's numbers are 92, from the same 92
elements, this universe was created, if these nineteen elements were not
present, then, there would have been nothing in this universe.
Then, we were created from 46 chromosomes, these are also in which
added together, become 92, if these elements were not present, then,
there would have been nothing,
Number 2 = bey, show the number 2, if one and one added together
make two, meaning, that two is the sum of one, and one is considered to be
synonymous with God. 19 is also one, like 92 = 2 ire formed, in the same
manner 19 also will only be one.
I always state that repetition is the secret of powers. Repetition of ones
made two, then the first meem of the name of the Lord of the Two Worlds,
repetition of two memes occurred, then the first meem of meme’s 4 was
repeated, now it happened like this, it is a matter of knowledge. The first meem
ye mem, then the second meem ye meem, saying 4 — 4 are repeated, meaning
of this is that his name meem hey
Meaning two memes = eight times repetition, when two, twos repetition
is accumulated, will make 16. The secret of strength is in the repetition,
meaning, repetition of letter, or repetition of number.
For example Duran was a very famous pop group, Saatchi and Saatchi is
a famous advertising company, if you ponder, repetition in name is
only due to good qualities. CNN, BBC, became famous, the secret of
strength is in the repetition, repetition causes increase in power. May it be
devotion to prayers, or exercise, hard work towards speech, or devoted
writing, or concentration in singing, or hard work at playing music, or
running in sports, or doing the same work repeatedly, be it a technical, or
whatever, continuous concentration is the secret of strength. This is the
secret of two.

The name of the Exalted Prophet (PBUH) was revealed for the first time
by God Almighty on the surface of the Earth, which make two. Again, Hazrat
Ali's are two and Hazrat Imam Husain's are also two.


alit laain ye
70 30 10

110, either divide by 9, or convert the large sum to small sum, the result
will remain as 2.

Hai Seen Ye Noon

8 60 10 50
= 128, which only make two
Now, if two and two becomes four, then it is considered as a sign of
success. Prophet Muhammad PBUH always kept Hazrat Ali along with him,
right from his childhood so that his name along with name of Hazrat Ali
add up to four.
Because of this, The Sanctified Lord kept people of four around him, like
Hazrat Omar (RAA), Hazrat Usman (RAA), then, the name of Hazrat
Siddiq Akber's which was Abdul Kabah, was changed by Him And
changed into such a name that the first and second names together made
four, so that the effects of Four remain.

Number Two, Bey

Brave, firm belief, learned, solid intentions, handsome, good qualities,
giver of knowledge and wisdom, one who brightens, be the lover of
country and nation, well dressed, fond of perfumes, along with white,
liking to coloured garments also, may have contradictory things in him,
like general and philosopher.
Number Two and Profession
Number 2, bey. The military generals having this number are very
successful. I have written that two, is the sum of ones. A man of number
two will have many good qualities of number one. They will be found in
army and police and will also be found connected to secret agencies. They
are very responsible right from childhood. They are also found in the field of
medicines and in general are very good scientists.
He has perfection in everything he does. They are excellent professors,
teachers, slightly irritable, meaning, angered quickly, but it dissipates as


quickly. By birth, he is like kings, he is very brainy, he has a great passion

for charity, they take very good care of their parents, getting separated from
one of the parents is quite possible. They are writers, philosophers, poets,
scientists, they have a technical mind, regardless, whether there is
opportunity or not. They are religious type of people. People of this
number, do not do anything, which may cause a loss to others, whatever they
do, they do it with dignity. They are ready to sacrifice their life on principles.
They do not change along with the season, they have a lot of ups and
downs in their lives. They achieve such things, which make their names
everlasting. They are often, writers of books. Two is a solitary number, until
it does not make two and two four, when, owners of two and two join
together, then they reach the skies in every department of their lives.
Number Two and Marital Life
Married life remains pleasant, but in a short while, they make it a problem,
although it does not usually happen. Have a large number of children, they
usually are not childless. Their life, comparing others in th is world, is
more pleasant. Their life's ambition is to climb up, they are called king
makers. They may have more than one marriage, or they may have love
affair, or friendship. He gives preference to white dress, however, likes
coloured as well, but he dons high-class clothes.
Number Two and Travel
They are very fond of tourism, whenever they get an opportunity, they take
advantage of it, they do not like sitting in a corner, hiding, because of this,
they have many friends. He has lots of travel in his life, whether it is within
the country, or abroad.

Number Two and Music

By nature, they have sweetness and beauty in their voice, regardless, whether
they recite Quran, or sing hymns in delectable voice, or sing in
accompaniment of instruments. Usually, he is fond of listening to
instrumental music, he is responsible for such a society, meaning that, he
looks after if he also patronizes such institutions. He is a very good poet,


and patronizes such gatherings. He also sings with rhythm. He has a light
in him which adds to his voice many folds.

Number Two and Leadership

He is the best speaker, has capacity of overwhelming the crowd. He is also a
religious and national leader, he is successful, because he is far sighted, may
he be an Imam Of Masjid, or a Hafiz, there will be very little strife and
trouble. Where ever he is. in front of him, even the enemy adopts a soft
behaviour, whatever he may think later, the leader of this number has the
capacity of building the nation, he has a firm belief in God, before doing
anything he thinks first, lest, God may not be displeased.
Number Two and Health
He is usually healthy, condition is that, there is no difference in the name of
any wife or child, he has trouble only relating to stomach, he may have
ailments of liver too, due to which. he may have the ailment of piles also,
by nature, he is very healthy and smart, his ailments may be due to good
food, eating rich food does not usually cause him paralysis, or facial
paralysis. neither is he faced with diabetes.
Number Two and Shortcomings
Right from childhood, his life passes through ups and downs, by birth, he
is well dressed, eating well, living style of kings, others cannot bear him. He
is a very benevolent kind of person, which becomes the cause of jealousy
for others. In his life, perfume has a special symbol, he passes through ups
and downs many a times during his life time, but he is not shaken away
from his destination. If ever he comes in the field of science, he changes the
fate of the nation. His life is of constant struggle with ups and downs. He is
known as the king of fate, and the fate gives him the last shock, and he lands
from throne to the ground, even then, no difference comes in his respect or
his dignity.

Number Two and Life in General

Despite of all the good qualities, 2 is lonely and unsuccessful, until, two and
two become four. Most of the reformers who came in this world, were the


owners of this number. Starters of religion in this world are all of the same
number, meaning, they have been owners of bey. if he is a person
responsible of some department, then that will gain four folds. He has lot
of glory around him, but he has no pride. They are fathers of religions also,
they have the capacity of awakening the magic of sound, they are best
speakers, best organizers and best poets, beside this, they have the
capacity of driving the nation and the country. They are singers also, they
have travels in their lives, if they are in-charge of the travel department,
that gives a great fillip to it. His brain remain busy night and day, eating
and sleeping all the time, does not become the occupation of his life. His
life functions like a machine. His own occupations are so many, that,
sometimes, he himself gets worried. He has worldly affairs as well as
philanthropic pre-occupations. They have faith in religious and spiritual
people, because their nature is of fathers of religion, so, they can
understand their religion very well, they also trust friends and also give
sacrifice. They have a lot of far sightedness. Their programmes are
long-lasting. They also migrate in their lifetime. Besides being fond of
listening to music, they also enjoy singing. They do not look jovial, seem
serious, but they are light hearted. One cannot be a better administrator
than this number. He is not less than anyone else on the field of acquiring
education. He is a very powerful newspaper reporter, due to his great
capability of stating incidents and writing capacity. They are writers of
books also. Bearers of this number are summation of spiritual qualities.
If he goes in the department of medicine, he becomes a very capable
physician, although, this department will not prove to be good, because
he has great passion for love and kindness. He has a singular thinking in
art of construction, can design a house, mosque, and every kind of building,
in fact.

He is a born artist. Poetry, music, art, are in his nature, whether he

utilizes it or not, or he gets the chance, or not, but he is the owner of
these qualities.

Number Three, Jeem


Qualities Of Life
What will happen, if there is jeers in front of a name. From jeers joota (shoe), jut
gli (wild),Jandarjism (living body), javani (youth).
People with this number, are the owners of gorilla type of mentality,
they are more present in the army, mean ing, they are more in the
government, out of them, there are high ranking officers, also, for
example, generals, & etc. One specialty is that, they are not treacherous, they
have less of their own thinking, they often accept advice of others, give less
importance to wisdom and more to advice, he acts first and thinks later,
whether it is correct, or not, they do not have kindness in them, People of
this number are more in business, they are also in government, because
Pakistan also is three, that is why, more warrior type of people may be born
here, in this country also. Enemies of this country will always be Bharat and
Afghanistan, and they will remain so. They will be in every type of business,
like take away, meaning, fast food, all businesses relating to iron and steel,
factory, ship breaking. car manufacturing plants. He takes great care of his
relatives, and includes his relatives along with himself. He has a lot of favour
for relations.
He has destructive disposition, termination of employees, & etc. Owner of
this number does not have the good qualities of Islam, one who has the
goodness of Islam, before destroying another, he will be afraid of God
Almighty. For his own benefit, meaning, his chair, he will not hesitate from
sacrificing all. He does not have any courtesy. His thinking is something like
this. that, now I am born, now, I will not let another to take birth, because the
population has grown, I got the employment, now, I will not let anyone
else to remain on the job, the government has no fund s. He does not
know, that if all the people move into a desert, God Almighty sends rains
and converts the desert into a garden. Owners of this number are not any
philosophers, poets, or writers, if they were writers, they w ou ld ha ve had
de s truc ti ve th in kin g, the y a r e n ot good correspondents, they are also
present in politics. There are incidents of love affairs in their lives. Their
thinking is. construct roads, make bridges, pillage money from people and
spend it on construction, meaning, build motorways, construct bridges.
People of this number do construct, but their construction is not so


beneficial, because the general public want employment, food, clothing,

and not the big roads which are used by only a few, meaning, at most 5 per
cent. Liaquat Ali, Abdur Rab Nishtar and Nazimuddin, were there, yes,
one thing is that, when they sit in the chair, then, they move from the chair
by either force or by bullet, like Liaquat Ali, King Faisal, & etc. , They get
a lot of opportunities for the seat, may it be in politics, in business, or
guerrilla warfare, they are leaders, anyway, but their fame does not last for
long, people start hating them, the longer he stays in government, that
much more, people dislike him. They usually are not good speakers.
They have less of leadership and more of ruling show. It cannot happen,
that, the world get ready to die on their direction. In our country, only after
Quaid-e-Azam, Mr. Bhutto was a leader, and Ms Benazir and Mr. Altaf
Husain of MQM, and I wish to write that there is no leader better than
Mr. Altaf Husain, in our country, neither will there be any. Respect and
degradation are both bestowed by God Almighty. Only that person deserves
to be called a leader who is liked by the people, the decision about who is
good and who is bad, is made by the people.

Number Three and Dangers

If they take control of the country, then they will have to face big dangers
from Bharat and Afghanistan, because Pakistan and Kashmir, both
have three, and they will have the danger from Bharat and Afghanistan.
If the borders with Bharat are opened, then, the result will be like
Afghanistan, one who comes in will not mention of going back. My topic is
not giving advice, but it is just to write about the qualities. My writing is
the flow of the light of my thought, because of that, the writing is away
from my topic, this danger will always remain, when the year of three will
come, dangers will have to be faced. The same condition is that of Jordan, no
matter, what kind of peace is made, the dangers from Israel will not
dissipate, gave their own land on lease, which will never be returned. Hong
Kong was ultimately obtained, because China was strong, otherwise, they
would have washed their hands from it. Remember, an agreement is there
only to shut the voice of the weak, Hindustan wishes that Pakistan is
merged again, forgetting that, this is not Korea, or Germany, it separated


in the name of religion, it cannot be together until Dooms Day, this has been
built by the blood of tens of thousands of people. People like Nawaz Shareef
were not there, who first faltered then thought, that, it was wrong, its
makers were leaders. Becoming a minister by fraudulent ballot is a
separate thing. And there was Quaid-e-Azam, believer in Muhammed
(PBUH) and Ali, and that is why, was Muhammed Ali, and founded
the country, like President Ayub built the capital, Mr. Nawaz Shareef is
scheming to construct motor way. His living standard is very high, he give lot
of attention to dress, people of this number are thieves and bandit s also,
their teeth are very pretty, body is never slim, they have a heavy body.

Number Three and Character

This number has a great spirit of love, love for parents. love for own relatives,
care for own brothers and sisters, giving the biggest of sacrific e for them,
this is the special thing of this number. Beside this, he has scandal also in
his life, which can take him, or the other towards destruction. He cannot be
trusted in love. His married life has stability. Purpose of his life is dependent
on money. his love also has business like thinking, his love affair is usually
with the owner of six, meaning, friendship also with owner of six. The owner
of six, meaning wao, does not join any other letter in the beginning, there
are some other alphabets also, which do not join with other letters in the
beginning, like alif which is always alone in the beginning, Bey combines, jeem
combines, but wao remains alone, similarly, owner of wao stays alone. He
is the sum of ones and twos, some good and bad qualities of one and two
are also present. but more of the qualities of own number are present.

Number Three and Profession

They are present in all the professions of the world, iron factory, mill,
foundry, car plants, in short, they are in every department, may it be a sugar
mill, or cloth mill, he adjusts himself in every business. if he is in the army,
he reaches the rank of a general. In gorilla nature, he is number 1. He does
not have a kind heart.
They are thieves and dacoits as well. They do not lag behind in the field
of a race.


When they join politics, they give the biggest of sacrifice for being
successful, subsequently, they gain a lot from it. They fill all their relatives
and friends, and they destroy the nation for the sake of their own benefit.
They always act on the advice of others, may it be business, or service, or
political department, construction is in his destiny, like President Ayub, who
built the capital, took it nearer to his home town from Karachi, Mr. Nawaz
Shareef is involved in roads, these were the achievements of the owner of
number 3. By a cease fire, Liaquat Ali, caused loss to the country and
nation, Mr. Ayub c ommi t t ed the s a me err or , Na wa z S hare ef i s
t hin kin g of committing similar folly, but the nation is now on its guard.
When three is in the governance, he forgets his friends for the sake of
his gain, however, he makes a lot of claims, but they are all hollow. After,
Benazir, whoever held the reins of the country, he provided such an order,
that led the country to the mouth of destruction, correct, or wrong, time
will tell.

Number Three and Marriage

Family influence is present in the marriage of the person with this number, it
takes place, where ever, his relatives wish. Special consideration is given
to relationship, in his wedding. The secret of his success is in the friends of
his father. In his life, he passes through love affair, which can take him to
the edge of destruction, to himself and to the other party, also. But he is
unfaithful, love is a big thing, he does not have even the courtesy. He does
not know how to sacrifice, but takes sacrifice from others. His talk is dry
and full of pomp.

Number Three and Health

He is healthy from every point of view, considering body,
considering thinking, considering brain, but thinking is negative. He sees
success in causing loss to others. He suffers from cold, which, keeps him
suffering from stomach ailment also, due to which, his eyes and hair are
also affected.
Number Three and Finance


He knows how to make money, whether he is in the gover nment or in

business, he is not miserly, but he is frugal, although, his life is not bad,
financially. In his life, money flows. In every condition, he becomes useful to
his relatives and friends.
Number Three and Hobby

This number has no taste, he is very fond of reading newspapers, if anyone

leaves a newspaper in the train, he picks it up for reading. He is also fond
of reading books. He has no interest in art or singing, or has no artistic
inclination. For example, Nusrat Fateh Ali is liked in every country of the
world, there were some countries, where people bowed even if front of the
poster, like in Japan. But during the period of Nawaz Shareef’s
government, no importance was given, and now he is dead. He was a
chosen person of God Almighty, may others like him, or not, respect and
disgrace are from God Almighty. He likes dressing well. If he wishes to help
another, then, he does it with government fund, or with other people's
money. He is not interested in sports, but he is more concerned with
controlling his figure, lest, he becomes fat. because of that, he takes part in

Number Four, Daal

General Qualities
Brave, clever, far-sighted, well-dressed, excessive talking and listening
less, bad temper, debate and discussion. liking of arts, being an artist
himself, religious follower, music. benevolent, spends first, then, faces the
difficulty for having spent too much. People with number four establish
governments, like Muhammed Ali, Shaukat Ali, who tried hard, like Mr.
Muhammed Ali Jinnah, who obtained Pakistan and formed the
government_ Owners of this number are mostly in government, there is no
one better than them as administrators, but everything of theirs, requires
doing twice, for its completion, may it be education, service, business,
they are extravagant, they spend first and think afterwards. They are fond of
entertaining guests. Yes, the biggest problem of his life is money, his thinking
is not straight, his own life is not peaceful. he is not settled in his life, he
has to pass through big ups and downs, he has very loving parents . In his


life, he definitely has a bank balance, he spends his life, comfortably, with
the profit accruing from his bank balance.

He is successful in every department of life, he is high class advisor, he

does such things in the world, that. his name stays in history. He is very
short tempered, he is argumentative, debates, or argues on everything, if he is
not educated, he goes on fighting with everyone, he is, often a subject of
mental confusion, in his life. Beside his own number, he has the qualities
of numbers one to three. He feels sleepy, most often, lose the balance of
his sleep, meaning, staying awake all night and sleeping after day break, likes
commercial food, may it be rubbish, fusses a lot on eating. T hey prefer
sharp foods. If he is not educated, it becomes his habit to shout at children
at home. Like the number ones, inmates of his house, become thankful,
when, he goes out He is often found with religious followers. In his life, he
faces many accidents. Number hour borrows and spends, then he returns, he
deals with money.

Number Four and His Nature

Bearers of this number, are brainy and bold, his friends want to remain
friendly with him, everyone is desirous of his friendship. When, Umar
(RAA) accepted Islam, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) expressed great
happiness. People with number four, had their hand in the formation of so
many governments. Muhammed Ali, Shaukat Ali, tried so much to set up
an Islamic government, then, Mr. Muhammed Ali Jinnah, ultimately

Number Four and His Nature

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) kept the bearers of number four around
him, Abu Baker Siddiq (RAA), was known as Abdul Kaabah, which was
changed to Abu Baker Siddiq Akber, again, the two joining together,
become four. And again, Omer (RAA), was of Four, and again, Usman
Ghani (RAA), was of Four. Then, along with him, Ali's (AS) name was
proposed, which was Two, meaning, his own Two and Ali 's (AS), Two,
which become four, in conclusion, all were of Fours, which was the


cause for the establishment of the government in the world. In Pakistan, the
work Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto performed there will be no equal in the
history. There were two floods due to come on Pakistan, rather, on the
world of Islam, in which, the world of Islam would have flown, number one,
the Deluge of Qadi attl yet, which was ultimately finished for all times,
during Mr. Bhutto's government, the second was that the Indian Army's
mind was in the skies due to the Bangladesh issue, and they used to say
that they will trample over the Pakistani flag like that of Bangladesh, their
thinking met the dust due to Mr. Bhutto's Atomic Programme, meaning,
that the fear of atomic bomb is holding off, the deluge. Usually, the thinking
of number four, is revolutionary.
Number Four and Marital Life
There is a great stability in the married life, there is no surprise, if he is
married twice, because all the things in his life get completed in two
attempts. He trains his children well, in every respect, may it be in
education, or any other part in life, from childhood onwards, he tries to
inculcate a very high standard, in every respect. If he is not well educated and
does not sit in good society, then, he makes his household, like hell,
shouting and abusing, all the time, screaming on children, like a scourge
of God Almighty, on the inmates of his house, his house mates thank
Goodness, when he goes out. Any excuse is sufficient for him to get angry.
His choice has a big say in the wedding.

Number Four and Profession

Barrister, advocate, professor, teacher, doctor, businessman, every kind of
religious service, construction of mosques, building of schools, if he gets a
mosque built, then, it is impossible to keep away from its management, he just
considers it as his private property. He does not know of running away, due to
fear, but he is honest. He is very benevolent in giving alms and Zakaat, no
one can compete against him. He is absolutely certain in the affairs of religion,
not so successful in business, very successful in politics and its trickery,
election, or in selection.


Number Four and Hobby

He is fond of music and he usually has a good voice, has mastery over
listening to music, as well as, on musical instruments. He is also a very good
preacher, because he is very fast. if he play sitar, he gets counted amongst the
fast players. Right from childhood, he is bestowed with kindness from God
He is successful in the field of games, too. He has a colourful taste. He
has a great affiliation to religious hymns (naats and quawaalis). If he is a
sitarist, then he often breaks its strings, because of his speed.
Number Four and Health
He is always mentally fit, his thinking is not straight, physically also, he is very
fit. He will always suffer from cold, due to which, his eyesight is affected. In
his lifetime, he may encounter psychological difficulties, the biggest reason for
it being, his staying awake at night. Due to his cold, he feels very sleepy and
if does not sleep, then he is affected by a variety of problems, meaning, he
gets very short tempered.

Number Four and Wealth

Bearer of this number has a lot of wealth in his fortune, he is very lucky,
but he does not know, how to spend, first, he spends, then, thinks that, he
has made a mistake. It is in his fate that he lives, etc. the returns from the
savings in the bank. No matter, how much money he has, he is always
penniless, his problem is always money.

Number Four and Travel

He has a lot of travel in his fortune, may it be within his own country,
or across the oceans. He also has liking to recreational 'purism. He is a
sociable person. Money is not his only thinking. He comes in number
two. He has a liking to photography and filmmaking, ones bearing this
number, are expert photographers, .1_73 they get opportunity in the film
industry to make films on prism. Wherever he goes, even as a coolly, he
establishes respect dignity, and God Almighty, provides him opportunity
of tourism and travel.


Number Four and Private Life

People with this number, sleep a lot, eat very little, but they are very fussy,
they are ever ready for debate and argument, they talk more and listen
less. They are good advisors, because they are argumentative, due to
which, they make successful advocates and successful barristers. They are
good poets, good philosophers, but they are very fast, eat their food very
quickly, do not dress well, do Not think straight. These people love the food
from outside, they are wry short tempered, their sleeping is out of balance.
They often stay awake at night and go to sleep near dawn, they are fond
of listening to music and fond of singing. Plays Tabla and plays well, because
it is fast. They are not good calligraphers, because they are ways in a rush,
eat their food so quickly, as if they have just tasted it.
They are in a rush for everything, because of this, they often injure their
face, while shaving. If he is not well educated, his living standard gets very
low, for instance, not dressing well, keeping unkempt beard, looking like a
barber, washerman. He is the most successful leader of the world. He has to
pass the highs and lows, many a times, in his life. Due to their being leader
type of persons, they have the danger of hanging, murder, or death by
accident. His

parents love him a lot, no matter how many children, they have. He is
wealthy and has a good fortune. No matter, how wealthy he is, he remains
worried about money, spends more than necessary, mindlessly.
There is no moderation in his work. If he prays, then that too,
excessively, he does his recitation on beads (tasbih), very, very fast. He
performs such feats in the world that his name stays ever after, in the
realms of the world. All the things in his life get completed in two attempts,
be it education, or travel.

Number Five, Hey

General Qualities
His life, is a busy life, when he is in service, he is entangled with overtime.
There is no one who can surpass him, in working at a stretch. Purpose of
his life, is to earn money, day and night, he is busy in that effort. Owners


of this number, mostly, have religious inclination. Wherever they are, they
are satisfied. They, very rarely, change their religion, they do not hesitate from
giving the biggest of sacrifices, in the name of religion. They are very frugal.
They have a great passion for being social, they have many friends.
He is very fond of fine arts, music is also his favourite. He is a good
singer (Qaivival/ ttaat-khivaan), he has pathos in his voice and because of that,
he is a very good singer. He pays extra attention on food. His life depends on
eating good food and munching all the time. He sleeps very little, due to
which, he gets into psychological problems, which is written in his fate.
Either, he himself, or his parents, or any of his brothers or sisters, remain
sick, there will be no surprise, if his brother is a lunatic. He usually gets
diabetes, because of his great liking for sweets.

In reality, he is a meat eater, if he eats vegetables, then that too will

definitely, contain meat. Special feature of his life is that, it may be icy cold,
he will take a bath with cold water. Usually, he does not suffer from facial, or
general paralysis, Had he been a General, he would never have been a rebel,
rather, in every transaction in life, he will never revolt. He has a great faith
in spiritual persons, hermits and beggars. He is also fond of going to
courts. He is frugal for himself, his money is spent of his friends and
debauchery and religion. Where there is sickness written in his fate,
entertainment of guests is also there. He has a great interest in ga mes, he
himself happens to be a player and due to that reason, he has a great desire
to entertain fellow players and he is prepared to give the biggest of sacrifices
for their sake. He is very fond of travel, be it, to attend someone’s wedding,
or join someone in his bereavement, he just needs an excuse. He is not good
in business. He does not make long term plans, goes on day to day basis.
There are educated people also, in this number. They are artists of high
standard, their life style is poetic, they, themselves are poets and they
decorate similar gatherings. Life of the bearer of this number is of hobby
and taste. He loves every kind of art, they have life in their living. He drives
very fast and commits accidents as well.
This number is a spiritual number, no one knows his secret and he is a
high class spiritualist.


Number Five and Education

Owners of this number are teachers, professors and also doctors. They
create a special name for themselves, in the department of chemistry,
they lag behind in the field of science. They are Newspaper reporters, as
well, they present every News in an exaggerated manner, similarly, they
exaggerate everything that they present. They are mostly, jovial, due to that,
they are good teachers and professors. They are very much liked by children,
usually, they keep good dress. He is also fond of story writing and
storytelling is a big occupation. They are building engineers as well, they
are draftsmen of high calibre, because they are owners of artistic
thought. Their life is not Hellish, either love with someone, or hate someone,
only one route is adopted. if they go in calligraphy, they create a big name
for themselves.

Number Five and Profession

They are found in every department of life, medicine, dispensing, or nursing,
they are moulders, turners, engineers and overseers also. They are brick
layers, makers of buildings, they have great expertise in wood work. They
are in bakeries department, meaning, bread, cake making. In whichever
department of life, they are, they apply their heart, in their work. They
never sow discord. In this number, auto engineers, auto mechanics, body
painters, are also found. They adopt sports and they may also be famous.
They are religious scholars and also the Prayer Leaders in mosques.
They teach children, they have talents of a teacher, professor, or an
artist. They adopt singing and music as profession. They will provide
ground training to pilots, but they cannot become aircraft pilots, because
they have one lazy eye, can also be squinted. Eyes, are big problems, in
their life. He is a very good judge, beside justice, he is not hard hearted.
He is not a good speaker. He is a spiritualist of class.

Number Five and Marriage


Bearer of this number, marries on the basis of his love and his own desire, he
may fall in love with an older girl than himself, or with a married woman. It
has rarely been noticed that he is childless. Then, he marries many a
times, has a pleasant married life and many children, it is however possible,
that he has more girls and less boys, or there may be none. His weakness is
woman and marries early, in young age.

Number Five and Health

In this number, sickness is in his fate, either he himself will be ill, or his
parents, or brother or sister will be. If the brother loses his mental
balance, it will not be a surprise. But he himself is, usually, quite healthy,
from physical point of view. He is very fond of exercise. Besides, one
special feature is that, he may have a lazy eye, or squint is also found, in
addition, he may have night blindness. He often suffers from the illness of
cold. He cannot keep control on his food and drink, and for that, many
problems arise. Owner of this number, also suffers from sleeplessness at
night, meaning, the balance he has with the sun, is impaired, when the
sun sets, he awakens and when the dawn is about to break, he becomes
drowsy, then he feels hungry before sleeping. He may suffer from heart
ailment and blood pressure problems, because he has no control over his

Number Six, Wao

General Qualities
This is a spiritual number, Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ, had the same
number. Prince Charles also has the same number and your servant, also has
the same number. A special feature of this number is the separation from at
least one of the parents right from childhood, living at a distance from parents,
he has a broken heart from childhood. His own condition is like a candle,
which keeps burning by itself, but give light to others. His life is different from


common people. A time comes in his life, when, substantial amount of his time
is spent in a darkened place, may it be office, or ship, or a mountain cave.
Bearer of this number, stands up on his own feet from a very young age.
He is found in every department of life. He is a reformer in every
circumstance, in the world. Imparts training, presents religion in a beautiful
manner, too. His thinking is like that of kings, every big thing, he likes, they are
the effects of the letter wao. And wao also does not join with any letter in the
beginning, remains alone. Similarly, this number also remains separate from
parents, and when he gets married, stays away from wife and children,
usually, he gets married late and his marital life is painful. It is a simple
matter, to get married more than once, but he has many romances. Not once,
but a thousand times, he may get married, he will not have peace. He adopts
different ways to get peace, but peace remains allusive and he remains after it.
He searches peace in the desert and forest, because every worldly thing is at
his feet. He is a pious and religious person.

Even if he is a beggar, his living style and thinking, is like kings. He likes
music a lot, good qawwal, like Ghulam Fareed, and he is a player of
instruments. He is very kind hearted. He does not like hunting. He likes
vegetarian food. He has his own style of eating, always likes a gathering at
meals. He likes feeding the poor and distributing food among them. He very
much likes giving presents. He has many friends, who may be men or women,
getting together, arranging different kinds of gatherings, that is, religious, or
musical. In short, he is an uncrowned king, who has no country. He lives
like a poor person in his own country, home.

He has been created by God Almighty, for the sake of common people.
He, very much loves, excursions and tours, he is extremely fond of walking.
Number Six and Health
He is very rarely sick, suffers mainly from stomach ailment, if he passes by,
close to food, he becomes fat. His whole life is consumed in trying to keep
his body, slim, instead of control over food, he wants control over his
body. He has a long life. In relation to his family, he can have eye problems,
in old age. He can get scabies, or skin ailment during his lifetime.


The gist of the matter is that, he tries to look smart. A special feature is
that, he meets accidents many times, during his life.
Number Six and Hobbies
He has liking for singing, may that be qawaali, or naat, or classical music,
he also has a liking for playing instruments. They are writers, as well, they
are very fond of reading and writing. They greatly like art of every kind,
they are artists of the highest quality. They like keeping various kinds of
statues at home, they are not concerned with the (celestial) reward, or
punishment. He has a lot of photographs at home, but not religious, he
likes keeping many clocks at home and hanging them on the wall. Pays a lot
of attention on dress, even at home, he remains well groomed. He is not
very intelligent, he survives due to the kindness of God. He likes making a
palace out of his house, even if he is poor, his living style is that of kings. He
gets little sleep.

Number Six and Finance

The luck of this number has an expanse, right from childhood. He never has
any need to spread his hands in front of anyone. Owners of this number,
become independent right from childhood. They move forward and wealth
follows them. Their uncles, etc. , have a contribution if their life. This
character is for each and every one, this is the special feature of this
number. If each and everything is narrated about this number, then that will
become a book by itself. His life is full of incidents.

Number Six and Profession

Owners of this number are present in every department of life, they, very
much like business, but they are not good big businessmen. They are very
honest and philanthropic. They treat their servants in such a manner, that
they become an example of their own. Valour and bravery is their nature,
they are also in the forces, but they do not reach a high rank. They are also
present in the technical fields, but they do not make very good engineers,
they just about mark their time. They are very good physicians, this
number is very successful in as many departments there are, for treatment.


There is one thing, if he is a building engineer, then he will construct

something like pyramids of Egypt.

They are very successful doctors in surgery, they are good teachers
and good professors. They are successful in every scientific profession,
particularly in the field of chemistry, they are extremely successful. They are
good advocates, good barristers and as a judge, they are very kind hearted
and competent, most of their good qualities are God's gift. If he is a
Itakeem, then he is very successful in the field of dispensing (attari). He is very
fond of making pictures. He will create a big name in glass cutting. They are
also writers of professional books.

Number Six and Marital Life

His married life is like a lesson, it is written in his fortune. Since childhood,
living separate from parents and after wedding, living away from wife and
children, his children love him very much. He has more of boys and less of
girls, he love his children so much, that he becomes incapable to educate and
train them.
His having two marriages will not be surprising, there are many love
affairs, or romances, in his life, however, if he marries a thousand times,
he will not find peace, or get solace.

Number Seven, Zey

General Qualities
God Almighty has kept a quality in this number that he knows how to make
money. He is very good in business, he is not dishonest, but accounts for
each and every penny, however, if he takes money, he returns it after a lot of
cribbing, he is a spendthrift of extreme kind. He does not spend on himself,
if he buys groceries, then, he prefers bulk purchase. He has uncountable
qualities in the matter of spending money. He has a lot of money in his


fortune, but it does not come of use for him. He is very keen to buy a good
car, like a Mercedes Benz, which he prefers more. He has a great longing for
a good house. It is normally noticed that the owner of number seven has a
very good house. However, it has also been seen that instead of living in
own house, he lives in a rented dwelling. He is very fond of travel and
tourism, he love going around. Instead of buying food, he takes foodstuff
with him, lest money is spent. In spite of having money, he is extremely
frugal in spending. In short, he tries to extract money, one way, or another,
from insurance, or some other means, in short his thinking is towards money.
Number Seven and Hobbies
Owner of this number is very fond of playing games, be it football, or
cricket or another type. Players of this number are very famous and well-
known. If he watches television, at first he will look at games; he is greatly
affected by listening to news. He is also fond of music. He cannot keep quiet;
he only needs some topic. They are speakers too, and they wait to listen to
the praise of their speeches, from people. Similarly, he has great interest in
poetry, but he is in search of ways to make money out of every activity in
life. He is very keen to collect donations for the mosque, if money comes
in his hand, he remains very happy, it may be his own, or someone else's.
They are mostly honest, but they find a way to extract money out of
everything, he keeps his eye on every penny. He performs his service like his
hobby. He likes making pictures. He also likes making aircraft models. He
is a most intelligent person and he starts such projects, where from, he
expects immediate, or future return. He has a great desire of making a
school and he does it, or making a mosque. As many qualities and defects
there can be, they are present in this number. He is very fond of raring bulls
and running them in races, the racecourses, etc. are dependent on the
bearers of this number. He gambles in races and keeps horses. He
establishes religious gatherings, meelad, majlis.

Number Seven and Personality

Owner of this number likes to stay clean and tidy, always keep clean clothes.
However, when he starts bathing and washing, or ablution, it will not be


surprising, if an hour is taken. He is fond of collecting various types of

clothes, like coloured garments. At home also, he spends beyond his capacity
on living. At home, he keeps each and everything that is strong, he has a
singular style of life, a good car, a good house, but he keeps changing them.
He does not like keeping servants, that much, if he has servants, he makes
their life like Hell. He has a world of his own.
Number Seven and Spiritual Qualities
It is a secret of God Almighty, no one knows about it, different types of
guesses are made in each country around the world, some consider it as a
lucky number others reckon it to be unlucky, or cursed. For the first time, I
am revealing its secret.
There are seven stars, which are identified with seven days. There are
seven layers of Earth and there are seven skies. There are seven seas
and seven rivers.
There are seven tunes in music, seven colours in the rainbow. Seven
stones are thrown on Satan during Hajj.
There were seven doors to the House of God (Bait-Ullah). There are
seven minarets.
There are seven rounds of the House of God (Bait-Ullah). There are
seven rounds of Saffah and Manvah.
There are seven holes in our body.
There are seven parts for Sijdah.
On the basis of Abjad, Hazrat Ibrahim's name has a value of seven. The dreams
of the owner of this number are usually true, if he does a little praying, he
starts considering himself as a saint and thinks his guide as brainless,
rather he forgets his teacher. In this number, there is sacrifice after
sacrifice; special feature about the owner of this number is that, he has to
give the sacrifice of his children. He gets very unusual dreams,
sacrificing a child, slaughtering his wife, his dreams are often true; mostly
sacrificing a male issue, is seen, or accident, or passing through an illness
like leukaemia, is also observed. If the man having his number as seven, one
child having five and if the other has six, then, the one having the number
of six, will definitely have leukaemia. It is rarely observed that a girl is


An owner of this number will himself be sick, or his parents, or brother, or

sister; sickness is written in his fate, but only bodily. It is not like number
five, who has a danger of mental illness. Special feature of this number is
that, his brain never sleeps, while he is sleeping, his brain keeps awake. He
is very cruel, there is nothing like kind heartedness in him.
He is very thrifty, he feels mental agony when he spends money, his
effort is that, life may go on without the need to spend money. He will,
rather walk, than, spend money on ticket, similarly, he does not spend on his
children. He is very fond of saving money, even if he dies and his money
goes in the name of others. If he borrows, he will only return it only after a
fight. He makes a long talk, repeats the same thing time and again.
Spending life with him is very difficult. He has many children. His
memory is not that good. They are found in every department of life. He is
very scared of climbing ladders and heights. If he sees blood, it will not be
surprising that, he faints due to fear. He loves sweets, and eats a lot of
food. He might marry more than once. If he is in the army and happens to
be a regimental officer, then he make life as most miserable and as
general, he definitely, will be treacherous; treachery can be done in every
department of life. Owners of this number are very cordial, they join in the
happiness and sorrow of everyone.
Number Seven and Profession
Owners of this number rise up to high rank in the forces, but it will not be
surprising, if they are treacherous as a general. He is very good in doing
and giving training. Owners of this number have a great perfection in their
hands as engineers, be it automobile, or aircraft. Every piece of work, he
performs with great perfection. They are also engineers and draftsmen in
buildings, they are there from brick layers, labourers and even up to
engineers. They are in the field of training, they are from teachers and
even up to professors. They are from auto mechanics right up to
auto engineers. They are found in every walk of life, they are also found in
art, they also are artists as well as singers and musicians. They are also good
poets. They do very good wood work, if one sees them at work, they perform
so beautifully that make a person wonder struck, if they work speedily,
they make one amazed. He is a very good photographer, or a reporter. He


presents everything in a beautiful manner. He is not afraid of fighting

for the sake of religion. They are also preachers and liafizeen.
Regardless of belonging to which ever sect it may be, but collectors of
donations are only the owners of number seven. He cannot be good pilot, as
he loses his balance due to going on height, his plane can always crash, or
lie might make a crash landing. He is a very good driver, drives with
patience, does not like driving fast. While sleeping, he covers himself, even in
the heat.

Number Seven and Marital Life

It will not come as a surprise, if the owner of his number marries more than
once. He has a large brood; he is troublesome for his housemates. He talks
a lot and debates and argues on everything. Since sacrifice is in his fate, he
sacrifices, more or less, in every department of life. He has many affairs in
his life, but it is not necessary that he marry each time. However, he
makes life miserable for his wife and children. When he goes out, his
children thank Goodness. On the subject of marriage, he does not hesitate
from committing murder. He wants education for his children, but without
spending money, wants that they do part time and educate themselves. If he
gets the service like that of Minister of Finance, he puts himself and the world
in misery; the resultant effect is on his health. He thinks about money as it
is his own, and gets different kind of illnesses.

Number Seven and Health

Owner of this number has sickness written in his fate, either he himself
remains sick, or his parents, or brother, or sister. When he gets married,
either his wife, or children will be ill. More than often, it has been observed
about the owner of this number that he has to sacrifice his male child. May
that be in any form, be it sickness, an accident, he himself having paralysis,
or his son being disabled due to some deformity of hands, or feet, which is
written in his fortune.

Girl's sacrifice is very rare. As he eats a lot, he gets many stomach ailments,
besides that, whether it is summer or winter. he loves very cold drinks, such


as, lemon, or pickled lemon, due to which, he gets intestinal ailments. He gets
a lot of forgetfulness illness, however, a special feature is that his mind does
not sleep, it keeps awake even when he is sleeping. He prefers to keep all the
windows of his house open, be that winter, or summer. If he goes for bathing
and take an hour or two, it will not be surprising, similarly, throws water
all over, when he performs ablution, due to this, he gets various kinds of
illnesses. He has heart problems also, because his life is different from
common people. He tries to economize in everything, even for medicine;
he tries to cut expenses. Surprising thing is that, he covers himself with thick
cloth while sleeping, in summers too. His ailments are connected with
malfunction of liver and kidneys; he may also suffer from diabetes. As long
as they stay in sports, they remain healthy; all the illnesses start as soon as
they separate from sports.

Number Eight, Hey

General Qualities

The bearer of this number is full of love, all the lovers that there have
been, they have been of this number, like Heer and Ranjha, Qais and Laila. He
has affairs in his life, but marries only once. Life of the owner of this number
is full of ups and downs. I always call the owner of this number as 'one
man king'. He, very often gets into a rage, along with it, he is kind hearted
too. When he drives, he thinks that all are driving wrongly and he is doing
it correctly. If he is educated, he will boil within and if he is uneducated, he
will start using abusive language, if opportunity arises, he does not hesitate
from a physical fight. If an accident occurs, he makes life miserable for
himself and others. Beside his own qualities, he has the qualities of one
through eight. He has roughness in his conversation, as if he is fighting, nut
he is not ill mannered, however, his style of talking is his own. Even when
he is taking lovingly, one feels, he has no love on his heart. He is very
proud. Until the other person does not invite, he will not call. His bad
manners do not allow a congenial atmosphere to prevail in his house. He is a
bit nonchalant about his house. He feels very sleepy, he is habitual of sleeping


early, and he saunters during daytime, be it winter, or summer. In comparison

to vegetables, he prefers meat and poultry, eats his bread with a little of curry.
He does not eat much, he greatly likes eating sweets. He is fond of reading
newspaper and he is very much affected by the news; after reading,
either he gets worried, or feels happy. Normally, they have more girls
and less boys, he is not so lucky. Usually he loses his hair on head. He has
a lot of children; it is rarely seen that he has only one or two offspring.
There are many travels in his life. He stays on his religion and he desires a
change within. Owners of this number feel very honoured in administering
the affairs of mosques and Imam Bargahs. They feel very proud in joining
religious gatherings. He is a first class spendthrift. His living style is usually
simple. He does not pay much attention to dress also. Owner of this number
has a limited circle of friends. His brothers and sisters always love him. It
has always been observed that they are more learned. Amongst his
relatives, he is very sanguine in worldly matters and he adheres to
tradition. His meeting others is not based on greed, or motive, the ones he
meets, he continues to do so, as always.

Number Eight and Profession

Owners of this number are found in the professions of doctors, hakeems,

and dispensers, etc. They conduct all their experiments on themselves, they
are good hakeems and good doctors. They do not like making money
fraudulently. They feel very proud by giving free treatment to the poor.
They build hospitals, etc. , for the poor people, besides that, they put a lot of
effort in making orphanages, schools and colleges. They have a great spirit
of 'taking care of the poor'. The weakness is their temper and that makes all
their good work, go to waste. People of this number like book reading and
distributing free books very much. They themselves like the
professions of a writer, reporter, photographer, or an artist. Hobby and
service is one and the same for them, they perform their service, not as
service, rather as a joyful activity. They also like computer and
electronics. They are very good engineers and experts in electronics.
They also perform administration of mosques, Imam Bargah and


mausoleums. They themselves are religious. Owner of this number is not a

good driver, because while driving, his abusing others is a part of his nature.
He is well respected in his family. On the basis of his own capability, he
provides great service to his brothers, sisters and parents. He adopts his own
profession and that provides benefit to others too. He is a superb advocate
and a very learned judge. They are less involved in building works. May
be, they are draftsmen, but they are never the brick layers, or labourers. They
are seldom any businessmen. If they are partners, they are owners of the
factory, or mill. They are also in the farming profession, but there is
very little part of judicial courts etc. , in their life. He gets annoyed without
reason. He likes establishing things from the level zero upward. From
psychological point of view, he is very healthy. He has a great capability of
doing technical things; this quality of his is God given. Owners of this
number are also found in the carpet making industry. They are geologists
also and they have a lot of experience in semi-precious stones and
precious stones. Owner of this number is very fond of stones and rings.
Owner of this number is also a designer of cloth and then, setting up
market for sale and sewing, has also been found. Besides that, as teacher,
professor, they do not lag behind anyone in the field of science. They are
very fond of experimenting. He can be an advocate, a barrister, or a very
learned judge, who is renowned. Despite of infrequent meeting with
people, the world knows him.
Number Eight and Health
He also has cold problem. Walking and exercising are part of his
occupation. Whether it is winter, or summer, he has a cold. He is also fond
of cigarettes and cigars, without consideration of their ill effects. He has
heart problem and diabetes too. It has often been observed that they lose
their hair in young age. He is also keen in making medicines and
experimenting with those drugs on himself. He continues to read different
kinds of books and does all his experiments for eating and drinking. His hot
headedness creates the causes for his illnesses; he loses his mental balance
due to his pride and temper. It will not be surprising to see the owner of
this number stammer. He is a dry conversationist, due to which he seems
sick or worried.

Number Eight and Marital Life


Owners of this number have a romantic disposition. Heel; Ranjha, Qais and
Laila, were all of number eight. He has many affairs in his life. He always
keeps himself smart looking. In most cases, there is only one marriage, has
more girls and fewer boys, but a large brood. The atmosphere at home does
not remain congenial due to his bad temper. His children look better than
him and he does not like much of show.
He lives a simple life. Due to his preoccupations, the owner of this
number is negligent of his home. It has also been seen that one, or two issues
of his have number eight, but it is very rare.
Number Eight and Finance
Due to his careful spending habit, he does not have problems, in his life; he is
very frugal. He gives big sacrifice in the name of religion. He does not earn
his money dishonestly. Most of his money is obtained due to his
competence and labour. In the second part of his life he has money
flowing. The period during his young age is ordinary, but later, it is all
light and bright and at the end time, a reasonable amount is present and he
knows how to make property and he has the property too. It rarely
happens that he lives in a rented house.
Number Eight and Hobbies
He does not have pathos in his voice, because it is very thin, that is why,
owner of this number is not a singer. However, they can be musicians
playing tabla, or another instrument and they are qatuwals as well, but not
famous. Amongst them, there are very few hafizes. Owners of this number
populate the mosques, but they rarely become saintly. They are aamils too,
but rarely. They are astrologers, numerologists and talisman providers; the
owners of this number are very fond of palmistry and listen to the coming
events with great attention. Many a times, it is his special hobby to make
medicines, pickles, chutneys and jam. Make all kinds of drinks, even if he
cannot consume them. He will read books at home and talk about them,
gets greatly affected by newspaper news, in spite of knowing that mostly
they are false, he exaggerates more than the newspaper, while telling that
news. Making mixtures for the growth of hair and making hair oils, is his


hobby, he does not sit idle. Owner of this number loves walking and he just
continues to walk.

General Qualities
From a friendship point of view, there can be no number better than this
one. He is a spendthrift of the top order. He cannot be called like number
seven, who is greedy, he sacrifices on his friends. But he is very short
tempered, make life miserable for the housemates, while he is at home.
Most of his time is spent on putting the house in order, keeps his house like a
showroom. There is ferocity I his talking, his tongue is not sweet. He is
very meticulous in dressing, even at home, he sits in such a manner that the
crease does not go bad. He buys best clothes and foods. He likes poultry meat
and does not go near vegetables. His living style and his environment is much
higher than his standard. Usually, he has more girls and fewer boys, and always
keeps account of expenses at home, should have spent so much and so much
is spent. In the same manner, he keeps account in his dealings, the other person
is always at a loss. However, after having all these habits, he does not betray his
friends and does not forget his friends. They are found in all professions, but
they are very good in accounts as accountants. He is wise and brave, he
himself is very successful in the army, similarly, he is very successful in the
navy and air force. Owner of this number is very fond of making property, for
the sake of that, he adopts either right, or wrong method. He is not very fond of
travel and tourism. He is fond of gardening and also growing flowers. He is
also fond of keeping animals, specially, cats, chicken, etc. and very much likes
keeping a dog.

Number Nine and Profession

Owners of this number as chartered accountants, or clerks, or in banking,
prove to be very good. They are universally successful in computers, or typing,
they can be good typists, or stenographers. As reporters also, they are fearless and
outspoken writers. They are very good editors of newspapers. They have a great
ability of organizing anything. Beside construction, as critic, they are very
brave and principled. In the army, whether it is the fighting force, or navy, or air
force, they are successful in all of them. Bearers of this number, besides being
in accounts, they have been hakeems and doctors. They


are very rarely found in the department of mechanics. May that be in and
department of the air force, or auto, they do not like technical work. They are
very successful in farming and horticulture. In fact, they are very brave and
tough. He is very successful in radio and television, as announcers, or
newscasters. Major reason is their beautiful voice, which has pain in it, but
due to the thinness of their voice, they are not good singers. They are found in
the profession of music as players of instruments, or musicians. They are
very good in the department of computers, for example, hardware repairs,
etc. They are teachers, professors, they are universally found in all the
departments for running the university. In the field of science, they do not
fall behind anyone. They are very good colour makers, which can be as
an artist, or in cloth printing, they keep universal expertise in all the fields.
They are draftsmen and building engineers too. They are found in the
department of geology as well. They are owners of mills, or factories, but
they are not businessmen. They are not good shopkeepers, because they are
not sweet talkers. They take special part in religious societies. As aalims of
mosques, as hafiz, etc., they are found in all departments of life.

Number Nine and Health

Owners of this number are very tough and hardy, but due to their liking for
sweets, they are necessarily diabetic. Relatives of the owners of number
two, or he himself misses hands, or feet. Beside stroke, dislocation of
shoulder, or dislocation of leg from hip, is possible at some time or
another in life. Beside this, he becomes hard of hearing, the reason being,
he rarely suffers from cold. He drinks very cold water, due to which, many
problems take shape. Beside meat and poultry, he does not like vegetables,
due to this, he usually has a heavy body. Even when he tries to reduce, he is
unable to do so. He eats an unbelievable number of bananas and that aids in
his growing fat. Every kind of sweet, which may be a drink, or an ice cream, he
consumes a lot of it and that makes him so fat that he gets worried about it
himself. His temper keeps his blood pressure high. He keeps his
housemates, sisters, brothers and parents, all of them in tension. He starts
becoming a curse for his housemates. His eye sight remains usually good,


He remains very short tempered. He does not get any dreams, however, if
he sees any, they become absolutely true.

Number Nine and Hobbies

The owner of this number is very fond of wearing good clothes and roaming
around with friends, he has many friends. His major expenditure is on
clothes and eating out in restaurants. Owner of this number does not like
sports at all, the second is listening to music, which may be classical or
modern. He is also fond of playing musical instruments. Owner of this
number takes part very keenly in weddings and religious ceremonies.
Beside this, where ever, there is a gathering for food, he is always present
there. Besides, he takes special part in the collection of donations for schools,
mosques and Imam Bargahs. If he is in the management, he will not allow
the money to be wasted, even if he has to fight for it. Although he is
frugal, he takes care of the poor; his frugality remains only for himself.
At home, it is his great hobby to plant flowers and water them. He is very
fond of writing, reporting and running of schools, not as business but as a
hobby, even if he loses everything in it, but it fulfils the taste of the owner
of the number. He is very fond of keeping animals, mostly cats, hens, etc.
and give great care for them. He has many friends. He likes saving money as
in comparison to spending it.

Number Nine and Marital Life

There is a great part played by the owner of this number in his own marriage.
He does not like the arranged marriage, so much. The owner of this
number has more girls and less boys. Due to his having high te mper,
the owner of this numb er ma kes his housemates worried and he creates
tension all the time. His married life is not so good, he also has affairs in
his life, more than one marriage is possible, or one is divorced due to his
fighting, but this happens very rarely. Owner of this number has many
Due to his fondness for making property, his children, in his later
years wish him dead, so that they divide the property amongst themselves.
When he goes out of house, his family members thank goodness.


Number Nine and Wealth

The financial conditions of the owner of this number are good right from
childhood. They themselves stand on their feet and parents also play a
great part. Owner of this number is very much loved by his parents. He
does not have any financial worries and he has passion for making
property, wealth kisses his feet. Even if he is not educated, he knows how to
make money. By nature, he is very clever. Even after having temper, his
parents love him greatly, they try very much to provide education to him,
whether he can learn or not. His being there is a good omen for his
parents. He is very frugal in expenditure.


Qualities for Women

I wrote about the numbers and alphabets and their properties, all related to
men. My younger son, Ali Akber Abed said that `Daddy, there should
be separate section about women.
Although most of the condition are identical for both men and woman,
but still I have given certain specific effects for woman.

Number One, Alif

General Qualities
Qualities of one, alif she has too much of anger, since childhood, she has
been very quarrelsome at school, all the time she has her temper at the tip
of her nose, regardless of that, she looks quite jovial. However, if she is
not educated, she makes it a problem for her husband at home, in spite of
all these conditions, stage for divorce does not come. The lady bearing
number one, is very fond of cooking and eating food. She has a great
passion to serve, due to which her in-laws like her. Even if she is poor, she
does not care about poverty, just spends her life. She is far sighted. Her life
is of middle class, but this number has no greed, where ever she is, she
remains satisfied. She always remains clean, she looks after the house
very well, due to which, her husband ignores her bad temper. She very much
loves sweets. She performs the work of sewing and stitching very well,
regardless of that being for service or domestic. She is very sociable. The
owner of this number is very fond of embroidery, she is very successful in
carpet manufacturing. Carpet making starts from childhood, it begins as a
hobby. Similarly, the silk industry is also her hobby. Ladies bearing this
number are also found in hand loom work. There is free flow of wealth in
the later years. She is also fond of music, naats meelad recitation. Singer ladies
usually belong to this number. A lady of this number is found in radio,
film, or in catering department. Due to her liking for food, she plays a big


role in cake making. Lady with this number provides great service in nursing.
She gives service in all the departments of public, which may be as a
doctor, a nurse, or in the computer department. She keeps her house quite
clean and tidy, but she does not make it like a showroom. She receives a lot
of guests, and she looks after her guests beyond her capacity. Since she
likes sweets, she provides sweets to her guests .

Number One and Health .

Lady of number one suffers more from eye ailments, which may be in any
age, like parbaal, itching eyes, or cataract, etc.… or stomach ailments. She
does not usually suffer from dangerous illnesses, these are the effects of `alif.
Number One and Marital Life
Her wedding usually takes place early, because her marriage depends
on her relatives, it never happens that she marries according to her
will, or elopes with someone, regardless of how the conditions turn up.
This number has never been seen as childless. If it happens that the door
is closed in marriage, delay occurs, then the name starting with 'alit',
should be recited for one hundred and twenty-five thousand times,
regardless of that taking ten days, or five days, then the door will open. For
instance 5 , a Allah', at one time, one place and in one number. This
restriction is necessary because the angels arrive at the same place and at
the same time and they stay there until the end of the recitation, some
time, they are also visible, Then, God willing, prayers will succeed.

Number Two, Bey

General Qualities

Usually the situations of men and women are similar, except a few qualities.
A woman of number two is most intelligent, regardless of her being educated
or not, but they are irritable. They get angry very quickly and the anger ends
as quickly. Ladies of this number, mostly teach Quran, or they are teachers
in schools, they mostly do the work of teaching, they may be in a bank, or
may be a doctor, they are nurses as well. They are found as writers and


poets, they are in literature, also writing articles in newspapers and

magazines. They have a great affinity to religion. Cooking is not their
occupation, but they do it per force, they are happy in getting the work
done by

servants. There are more chances for the women of this number to go
abroad. Ladies of this number are film stars, singers or players of music in
fi lms, the y are a ls o found in the department of broadcasting, it is not
necessary that, they themselves are musicians. They can also be present on
the hotel counters, because they are always smart, they also take care of their
figure, lest they become fat. There are more educated ladies in this number.
They can also be artists. They are also found in the field of sciences, like a
professor etc... they can also be advocates.

Number Two and Marital Life

In the marriage of number two, the presence of her choice is essential,
even if the wrong result comes out, at a later stage. However, she does
not go against the wishes of her parents, but she expresses her wishes. A
woman of this number is outspoken, but she is not bad mannered. While
talking to her one feels that he is talking to a human being. Not many
problems exist in her marriage, she is always married in a good family and
she is never deprived of children. However, it will not be surprising, if there
are more girls than boys. I have written in the chapter of number one, that
if the door is closed in case of marriage, then in this case, similar recitation of
the name starting with 'bey', is required, to save the effort of searching the
name starting with 'bey', is Ya Basit, which needs to be recited. (Special thing
is that the married life is very pleasant).

Number Two and Health

Normally no serious illness occurs in this number, except cold like illness.
Simple problems of liver of kidney may occur. Cancer-like illnesses are rare
in this number, neither paralysis, nor facial palsy occurs.

Number Two and Profession


Ladies of this number are found in literary departments, like teacher,

head teacher, professor in the college, or university. They can be
receptionists on the hotel counters. They can be film or TV artists and can
also be in the radio. They are also present in the field of science. They are
also present in the computer field or working as typists, secretaries etc.

Number Three, Jeem

General Qualities
The lady of this number is very jovial. Her teeth are very pretty. Ladies of
this number are also in police; besides that, they are also in the circuit
department and they are also found in the gorilla organizations.
They are air-hostesses, or they work in other departments of an airline,
similarly, they can be in some naval department, or working in the field of
catering, which may be connected to any department. Like the number two,
she can have a lot of travels. Her body always becomes heavy. She pays a lot
of attention on dress. A woman of this number is normally not well
educated. She works in some government department. Besides that, she is
found in the catering department of the hotel. They work in the political
department as well; they are also in receptions. They prefer more
colourful clothes; they may be of any age. Spirit of sacrifice is also found
in them. They have a great faith on religion and they practice too. They
are not found in handy crafts. In this number, both men and women are very
fond of keeping a good car. Voice of the bearer of this number is gruff,
even when talking laughingly; she does not have delicateness by nature. She
is a brave type of woman. She likes working from morning till evening. She
does not have delicate disposition. If thieves or bandits enter, she faces
them like a man and fights bravely. She has less of politics and more of
straight talking in her. She manages the whole family. Whether a man or a
woman, her existence is a good omen for the parents. She is open hearted in
her dealings. A lady of this number is very far sighted.


Number Three and Finance/Marriage

By nature, her financial condition is very good. Her marriage usually

take place in a good family. Ladies of this number are by far and few. By
nature, they are very attractive. Due to their cheerful nature, every person
loves them. From the point of view of luck, they bring good fortune,
because they do all their work beautifully. Her parents and also her relatives
like her very much. No problems occur in her marriage and there is no
concern about children. The special thing is that there is never cause for

Number Three and Health

Usually, the body of the lady of number three, is heavy. Chances of paralysis
and facial palsy are very high because it has been observed that a woman of
this number has a high blood pressure. She keeps getting cough problem,
head ache usually occurs. There is a danger of getting her finger injured, or it
may be any part of her body. Hair problems also exist in this number, but
usually the health remains very good. Woman of this number is a gorilla
type, a very good body, strong and hardworking. Ladies of this number
are usually very healthy, they do not fall in the clutches of doctors, and
neither does she suffer from any feminine sicknesses. She has many

Number Three and Profession

It has been observed that most of the businesses that women can run, are
dependent on number three, which may be a boutique, or a factory, stitching
and sewing work, they run themselves. They do the ladies hair dressing
work also. They are very good nurses, good doctors and they perform the
work related to various department of education, extremely well. Art,
implying embroidery business, she does it very well. In short, she is
business minded. A lady of this number does not remain behind anyone in
the field of chemistry. She can be a good advocate, good barrister. Special
feature is that, she has a natural capacity for running a business. The
business may be of any kind, she does everything with great honesty,
there is nothing in her thoughts about dishonesty. Woman of this nu mber


can be called a very brave person. She has faith in darbars, peers and faqeers,
but she looks at everything as business, she does not like any work where
there is no return.

Number Four, Daal

General Qualities
The lady of the number generally has many good qualities. She has a lot of
anger, but she does not get angry all the time, normally she laughs, because
of that, her parents, brothers and sisters love her a lot. She is also fond of
music, she very much likes musical gatherings. She herself does
meelad and plays music. They are present in films too, they are quite
famous in radio and TV. She herself is very good and pious. She does
everything very fast. Like a man, woman of this number is very brainy. She
is very sociable, she helps everybody in difficulty, she is very kind hearted.
There is one thing, she is habitual of telling on others. Ruling exists in
her thinking she has a lot of money in her fate. Her presence is a very good
omen for her parents and because of that, she is called 'light'. She very
much likes decorating her house. Comparing others, she has greater
capabilities. She has a special thinking in buying and selling. She spends
with an open hand, similarly, with the blessing of God Almighty, there is
everything in plenty. She is very fond of cooking, she equally has great
experience of getting the work done by servants. She knows how to give
orders, by nature, she has that capacity. She is a ruler by birth, even if she
is born in a peon's house; after her birth, fortune of her parents c hanges
completely; after her birth nights change into days. When she visits others,
those people observe her dress and they copy. She is very fond of putting
perfumes on. Her voice also has great melancholy and when she sings,
she overshadows the gathering.

Number Four and Profession

Ladies of number four work as clerks, they are very keen to work as a
receptionist amongst the staff of a hotel. They like whatever kind of job that
may be, but ruling is in their nature and they like giving orders. She likes


eating but she does not have any liking for cooking. She is a good teacher
and professor, she accepts the job of a nurse, but she does not like serving
that much. She is a good doctor and treats her patient well, does not worry
about returning, and she is very kind hearted. She is a very good car
driver. She is very successful in films, whether she is an artist, or a singer.
She becomes very famous in radio and telephone. Her voice is full of
melancholy, in singing; she is also fond of playing instruments. You will also
find her among waitresses. Her own choice of service is at the airport. They
are successful as stewardesses.

Number Four and Health

Ladies of this number are usually healthy. All the illnesses are related to
stomach, she also gets skin disease, like leukoderma, or itch. She sleeps a
lot, likes going to bed late and getting up late.

Number Four and Marriage

A woman of this number is not short of proposals, the relationship is of
her choice; stage for divorce never arrives, because she is loved by all and
she is always wedded in good families. Problem of money does not occur in
her life.

Number Five, Hey

General Qualities

Life of this number is full of problems, the first thing is that either she
herself will remain sick, or her parents, or brothers, sisters. Woman of this
number does not have many brothers. She normally gets lot of dreams,
sometimes they are true, and they are strange dreams. This number very
much likes wearing black clothes, which has many reasons. This number has
a very sharp sixth sense. There are very many nurses among the women of
number 5 and they are heart patients. There is no surprise if one of her
parents gets separated, either due to death, or due to divorce. Out of
her relatives, one will have to pass through mental problems. Ladies of this
number are generally educated. The woman of this number is very clever.


She is very close to food, she herself has great expertise in cooking and she
is fond of eating too. People of this number like cleanliness, and they keep
their house very tidy. It has also been observed that if their hand touches
something, they immediately go for washing, all day is spent in washing
hands, as if she is stuck in a psychological problem. There is no moderation
in anything she does; she takes everything to its climax, while doing it. She
is very fond of cursing and it is a very good desire. This number has a great
liking for embroidery, they are also found in the carpet industry. Ladies of
this number are also found in the handloom industry and especially in the
silk industry, they have their interference. They have said in spinning of
silk yarn and in the farm where silk cocoons are reared. Beside that they run
the clothes stitching factories and they also work in those factories.
Woman of this number has a special kind of attraction, which is not present
in any other number. Women of this number also like being in service.
They also have a liking for music and they have a great melancholy
in their voice, due to which they also work in radio, television and they
become actresses of great fame; they are found, especially in the film industry.
They also carry a special status in the medical line; they are also found
working as doctors, nurses, or in the field of chemists. Besides that, they are
also found especially in education, from teacher, to being a professor in the
college, or in the university, they are there in the department of science too.
Number Five and Marriage
This number has no problem in wedding, because this number is attractive
by itself, due to which, her choice is present in her wedding. There is
no shortage of proposals for her, she likes marrying according to her
choice. She accepts the arranged marriage under compulsion, but she does
not make it as a problem for her relatives.

Number Five and Wealth

The financial conditions of this number are very good, whether she works or
stays home. She has a lot of wealth in her fortune, from childhood onwards,
money kisses her feet and after marriage, she does not face any financial
problems. After marriage, this number gets many chances for travel.

Number Five and Health


It is in the luck of this number to have lot of illnesses, either herself, or her
parents, or brothers, or sisters; and when she gets married, then her
husband, or children will remain sick. A special thing is that, this number
might have the possibility of a handicap, or problem of losing the child.
In the end, I will write briefly, what can be the treatment for the problems.
If the four ‘Quls' are recited 19 times, then, there will be no sign of the
illness will remain. This book of mine is not on this topic, however, I am
writing this secret, beside this, if `Ayetul Kursi’ up to ‘Khalidoon', is recited
daily for 19 times, then the above problem can never occur.

Number Six, Wao

General Qualities
A woman, or man, of this number has tough luck. It will not be surprising,
if one of the parents is lost in childhood, it may be that one goes far away
for service or gets separated due to some other reason. Similarly, wao does
not join any other letter. After marriage, one will have to live awa y from
wife and children, this is unavoidable, and none can stop it from
happening. Your humble servant also has the same number and my father
also had the same number, he stayed in India and I was in England, then I
went to Pakistan, even then I was in Islamabad and my children remained in
Karachi. The effects will be the same either for a man, or for a woman,
and no one can stop them from happening. This is a spiritual number for
man or woman, like Jesus Christ, or Gautama Buddha. From health point of
view, she is very healthy. She will be generous, treat the relatives very well
and provide help to them, in other words, she will be like Hatim Taie, her
living style will be like that of kings. Wealth kisses her feet during her life,
she will also be the same in spending. Her luck will be like a lantern, giving
light to others and burning inside. She likes every big thing, she does not
like small utensils, similarly, like a big house. Her married life is unpleasant,
if she gets married to Number 9 and the life completely destroyed, as it
becomes like hell. A lady of this number is able to adjust in all departments
of life; she is usually religious minded. Whether a man or a woman, they
will have to pass through service also.


Number Six and Profession

The woman of this number has to work for her living during her life,
regardless of being in service of another person, or being involved in her
own business. During the lifetime, a situation arises when the person has to
spend part of her time in a dark place, like spending 20 minutes in the
basemen; it may be due to being in service with someone or for some other
reason. Maybe working as a doctor or in the profession of nursing or
working in a hotel for cooking. Besides that, working as a school teacher
or as a college professor, stitching work in a factory; can even work as radio
or TV artist or even film acting. In short, she can adjust in any profession.
Number Six and Marital Life
Late marriage takes place for the woman of this number. After marriage,
living separate from husband and children is also possible. The woman of this
number will have at least two sons, and more are possible. The life of the
woman of this number is not that even and married life is also not pleasant.
There are many ups and downs in her life. If the life of number six is
reviewed, it will make a complete book; life is full of incidents; more than
one marriage is also possible.
Number Six and Health
By nature, this particular number has no specific illness the condition
being that she is not married to a number 5 or 7; or that 5 or 7 is not related
to the name of the child. She has a long life and mental balance is
maintained in the twilight years. She is always keen to keep a smart body,
but there is one thing and that it if she passes any food, she gains weight.

Number Seven, Zey

General Qualities

The lady of this number has a life full of problems. Her parents are not
responsible for her problems; she creates problems for herself as well as for
her parents. Without any reason she picks up a fight at home; her situation
is like that of Chavez Khan, who used to say that he has come in the world,


as a scourge of God. Similarly, the lady of number 7 comes as a curse of

God for herself and her parents. In the first place, her marriage takes
difficulty, even when it takes place, she stays with her parents instead of
staying with her husband. In short, she will create a problem out of
everything. Her getting married twice will not be surprising. Despite being
educated, the lady of this number acts illiterate. She does not give her
consent for marriage that easily. She will say 'Yes' and 'No' as many times
during a day, no one can believe her. Although the lady of this number is
very learned, her financial conditions are very good, but her luck is very
bad. Despite wealth etc. she does not have peace. Her mind remains
awake. It will not be surprising, if she has epilepsy, beside that she could
have feminine illnesses. One special thing is that the lady of this number
likes cleanliness. She always looks busy, washes a lot of clothes, in short,
she never seems to be free. She is very fond of travel and adventure. If she is
engaged in service, she will work as if she is working for herself. She is
very fond of working on an airline and sometimes she succeeds. It is her trait
that she will make big and elaborate programmes but changes them daily. No
matter how near she is, she cannot be trusted.

Number Seven and Marital Life

Her life is full of problems. Taking place of her marriage is no less than a
miracle; it will not be surprising if a divorce takes place within 10 or 15
days. She goes to her parents without any divorce and marries according to
her choice, regardless of its consequences. She is a problem for her parents
and her husband. It has also been noticed that she abandons small children
and goes away. There is no shortage of proposals for her, but due to her own
investigations, her wedding becomes a problem.
Number Seven and Health
Sickness is in the fate of this number, she also suffers from epilepsy. Woman
of this number loves having cold drinks, because of which, several illnesses
crop up, feminine illnesses are usual, also suffers from itch. However, such
illnesses like cancer etc., do not occur. Besides that, life goes on in a healthy
condition. She has a great fancy for dieting etc., to enable her to keep her
body looking beautiful.


Number Seven and Finance

Wealth is in her fate right from childhood. From financial point of view, her
situation is very good. Woman of this number also gets wealth from her
parents. She does not have to face any financial difficulties, in her life.
Money comes mysteriously, and she spends shrewdly, due to this reason
also, she does not have to face problems. Her own effort is that, to help all
her relatives. In spite of being a spend thrift, she helps others.

Number Eight, Hey

General Qualities
A man or woman of this number has about the same good, or bad qualities.
This number has a lot of anger. Ladies of this number are more suited for
police work, because she is a brave and organized type of woman, she does
not get worried in biggest of dangers and she can face difficulties. She has a
very hard voice and gets angry all the time. When she drives, she abuses
everyone, as if all are driving wrongly and she is correct. Over and above all
that, she also has a great spirit of love. As many well-known lovers there
have been, most of them belonged to this number, like Laila and Qais, Heer
and Ranjha. There is lot love in this number, but the tongue is bitter.
Woman of number 8, gets hair on her face, beard and moustache start
growing, it is not necessary that everyone has it, but it is possible. A
slight negligence in eating will be enough of a cause for putting on weight. A
lady of this number is very sociable, she organizes a lot of religious
gatherings, that is meelads etc.

Number Eight and Marital Life

A lot of proposals come for the lady of this number, the lady of this number is
very attractive. It never happens that the woman of number 8, remains
unwedded and neither a situation arises for divorce. Her family life is
usually very good. There is no shortage of relationships in her life, delay
only occurs due to her own investigations.


Number Eight and Finance

The woman of this number receives respect and wealth with the Grace of
God. She is successful at every stage of life. After marriage, she changes the
luck of her husband also. There is no problem of poverty in her life.

Number Nine, Toi

General Qualities
The woman of number nine is very short tempered; whomsoever she gets
friendly with, she remains friendly. Regardless of being a man or a woman,
in other words, she is faithful; that is why it is well known that, whether
a man or a woman, there is no bet ter friend than the number nine. But her
married life is not that good because she makes the life of her husband
difficult due to her bad temper. However, stage for a divorce does not
arrive. There is a lot of wealth in her fortune and this number also has
considerable greed for money, she is also very fond of collecting it. Over
and above all this, she is also frugal. She has late marriage. Mostly they are
educated, but due to absence of sweetness in her tongue, she behaves like
an illiterate. She has no hospitality in her, she remains nervous due to her
bad temper and that causes nerve illnesses; defect in hand or leg may
occur, like paralysis, facial palsy, slipping of hip or shoulder joint, including.
As she uses a lot of sugar, she is sure to suffer from diabetes. Woman of this
number is a teacher, or head teacher, they are also there in the department
of nursing. Woman of this number is also found as a reporter, writer, they
are also there in the film department and also in radio and TV

Number Nine and Marital Life

There is no extreme problem in the wedding of number nine, but it usually
takes place late and that happens due to like and dislike. There is never a
possibility of divorce in this number; although, due to her bad temper, her
own life, as well as, that of her husband's, become difficult. She is never


childless, even after having money and children, she does not have a happy
married life; it is not caused due to luck, but due to her own bad manners.
Number Nine and Health
The reason for sickness in this number is nervousness; due to which,
occurrence of diabetes is necessary, even if sugar is controlled. There
is also a danger of paralysis, or facial palsy. There will be no surprise, if her
husband or her child has paralyzed hand or foot. She herself has a heavy body.

Summary of Number 1, Alif

Number one has many good qualities, the biggest of them all is that, with whom
so ever, he lives, he spends his entire life, without thinking about his own
benefit. Poverty is in his fate, but later in life, money flows freely. This
number does not get much happiness from his children, in other words, married
life is unsatisfactory.

Summary of Number 2, Bey

In this number, literature, philosophy, poetry, science, and all the good things,
that exist, are present. But it has irritability; living style is like kings, due to
which, he becomes prominent. Usually, he has more girls and less boys. There
are a lot of ups and downs in his life.

Summary of Number 3, Jeem

This is a gorilla type of number, it is a number of businessmen, this number
has fondness for construction. In business, takes his family along. There are
affairs also, in his life. From financial point of view, this number is always
successful. He is religious.

Summary of Number 4, Dall

This number is of governance, he is very keen to govern, may that be in
service, or in a mosque. His hand is open like that of kings. The major
problem in his life is money. He is liked by all. His parents love him a lot. He
is very short tempered.

Summary of Number 5, Hey


This number is a secret, there is a lot of love in it. His weakness is woman.
He receives a lot of guests. Sickness is in his fate, either he himself, or parents,
or wife, or a child will be sick. In his fortune, there is a free flow of God's gifts.
He is a religious kind of person. There is a lot of travel in his luck.

Summary of Number 6, Wao

This number is called that of Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ. Owner of
this number is lucky from every point of view. Married life of this number
is never pleasant. Not one, but one thousand marriages one can do, life
will not become pleasant, even after having all the gifts of God in the
world. He is not clever.

Summary of Number 7, Zey

The mind of the owner of this number remains awake, even when he
sleeps. Life of the owner of this number is full of problems. Sickness is
also his fate. His close relatives, or he himself, or his child remains sick.
Special feature is that, sacrifice after sacrifice is in his fortune, generally, a
boy's sacrifice is committed, usually, incidents of accident have been seen.
This number is called as the secret of God. The problem of his life is
money. His life is spent in crying for money.
Summary of Number 8, Hae
This number is called the number of love and affection. Qais and Laila,
Heer, Ranjha's letter is hae. I have written this number as one-man king. His
speaking has tastelessness. He has more girls and less boys, usually, there is
only one boy.

Summary of Number 9, Toi

The sign of this number is dedicated to friendship. Who so ever is
befriended, that friendship is never broken. He has a lot of anger. He is keen
to save money. There is a possibility to have more girls. He suffers from
diabetic illness.


Effects of Numbers on Home

and Occupation

n the flow of light of my contemplation, I have written the names of all the
I men and women and their effects. Now, if home and
occupation is also kept in mind, then there will be no difficulties, which may
be a house, or a shop, there should not be any 5 or 7 in the name. The method
is this, If the numbers are more than 9, then accumulate and divide by 9, again,
the resultant should not be 5 or 7 and only five and seven are the same, still, I
am writing its detail. If it is 57 or 75, both will have the effects of five and
seven and when both are together, then the difficulties will be manifold.
No. 2 It is acceptable if the house is in a square, or oblong shape, but it
should not be in a geometrical shape. Like the pyramids of Egypt; in fact,
dealing in geometrically shaped house is not good. I am writing the numbers
also, to avoid difficulty.
5 — 14 — 23 — 32— 41 — 50 — 55
all these numbers come under the group of 5.
7 16 — 34 — 43 — 52 — 61 — 70 — 79
come under group of 7.

Solution to The Difficulties Created Due to The Effects of Names

I have written in detail about the names, in the chapter about the effects of
names. If the name is not correct in account, or there is some illness, or
worries, then, out of God Almighty's Glorious Names, pick the name equal
to the numerical value of your name and perform its chant, this will be the
solution for the difficulties. Suppose, if the numbers of your name are 308,
then, repetition of
Raziq', should be done, if the numbers of your name are 129, chant of
Lateef is to be done. Method of reading is mentioned along with every
Good Name, this is the treatment. If the name has such numbers, that there is


no equivalent Name, then, there can be possibly two, three, or four Names.
However, be mindful, if it is a question of sustenance, then, it should be Ya
Raziq, if it is a problem of the shortage of funds, then, the name should be Ya
Ghoul, should be recited. If it is for wedding, or for service, or the problem
of a court case, or any other matter, then the chant of Ya Wallah should be
done, otherwise, easiest of solutions for every problem is in Ya Lateef:

Method Of Performance of The Chant (continuous

Firstly, take a bath, then wrap yourself with two sheets of cloth like an
ehram, Offer two rakaat prayers for the bath (ghusl), then two rakaat prayer for
istagfaar and then, two rakaat prayers for the need (hajat).
The need or hajat should only be one. The prayer of need (hajat) should be
offered before each chant. Recite the durood shareef as many times as one
wishes, before and after the chant. At the end of the chant, pray for the need
(hajat), there should only be one need.
Count of every name is one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000),
this is divided over days, either on five days, or on ten days. Easiest
method is that, after each of the five daily prayers, chant five thousand
times, this will make 25,000 times daily. For 5000, it takes less than an
hour. Alternatively, chant 12, 500 times in the evening and another 12, 500
times in the morning, but do not forget that the place, time and the count
remains one and the same. If the chant is broken, it can never be mended.
One after another, perform the chant three times and later, recite as many
times as possible. Equal to the least count of numbers of the name, should
be recited after each prayer. Suppose, the chant of Ya Allah is done, then,
after this name's chant of 125,000 done thrice, the numerical value of this
name is 66, then, for a minimum of 66 times, recite after each prayer, or as
many more times as possible, it should be recited.

The place where chant has to be performed must essentially be clean.

Shoes should not be taken at the place of chant. At night, during the
invitation, there should be darkness and people should not be coming and
going, there should be seclusion. Counting of beads should be at least for
five hundred times, attention should not be on counting, but on purpose.
Food should be very simple, so that


wind is not released. If during the invitation, ablution is broken, there is

no need to get up and during the invitation, whatever one sees, or dreams,
should not mention it to anyone except to his leader. These things are
important during the chant. Rizq Halal, honest talking, eating less, talking
less, sleeping less, not considering the chant as drudgery, keeping the body
clothes and the place clean, it is better if the permission of the guide is
Who Is The Guide?
The guide should himself be a complete performer, one who does his
chants, has practical experience and he is knowledgeable with the letters
and be familiar with the mysteries and secrets of the God Names.


Chapter 4
Asma- Ul-Husna
The Divine Names Of God
The Holy Names of Allah The Almighty
Asma — Ul — Husna

A llah is wahid (one). The transliteration of Allah is not possible. The

elaborate and accurate description of His ninety-nine Icms (attributes) in
a language other than that of Quran is also difficult. However, attempt is
being made to list and describe the Icms and suggest the method of wazifa
(utterance) and their benefits to the host (the person who engages in wazifa).

List Of Names/Attributes Of Allah, Translation &

Numerical Values (In Brackets)

ALLAH Huwa Allah-Ul-Lazi La Ilaha Illa Hu (Proper Name) [66]

Ar Rahman (The Beneficient) [298]
Ar Raheem (The Merciful) [258]
Al Maalik (The Sovereign Lord) [90]
Al Quddus (The Holy) [182]
As Salaam (The Source of Peace) [131]
Al Mu'miin (The Guardian of Faith) [136]
Al Muhayminu (The Protector) and 142]
Al Azeez (The Mighty) [156]
Al Jabbar (The Compeller) [206]
Al Mutakabbir (The Majestic) [662]
Al Khaliq (The Creator) [731]


Al Baari (The Evolver) [213]

Al Mussawwir (The Fashioner) [336]
Al Ghaffar (The Forgiver) [1281]
Al Qahhaar (The Subduer) [306]
Al Wahhaab (The Bestower) [14]
Ar Razzaq (The Provider) [308]
Al Fattah (The Opener) [489]
Al Aleem (The All Knowing) [150]
Al Qabid (The Constrictor) [903]
Al Baasit (The Expander) [72]
Al Khaafid (The Abaser) [903]
Ar Rafae (The Exalter) [351]
Al Mu'izz (The Honorer) [117]
Al Muzill (The Dishonorer) [75]
As Samiee (The All Hearing) [180]
Al Baseer (The All Seeing) [302]
Al Hakam (The Judge) [68]
Al Adl (The Just) [104]
Al Lateef (The Subtle One) [129]
Al Khbeer (The Aware) [812]
Al Haleem (The Forbearing One) [88]
Al Azeem (The Great One) [1050]
Al Ghafur (The All Forgiving) [1286]
Ash Shakur (The Appreciative) [526]
Al Ali (The Most High) [110 ]
Al Kabeer (The Most Great) [232]
Al Hafeez (The Preserver) [998]
Al Muqeet (The Maintainer) [550]
Al Haseeb (The Reckoner) [80]
Al Jaleel (The Sublime One) [73]
Al - Kareem (TheGenerous) [270]
Ar Raqeeb (The watchful) [312]
Al Mujeeb (The Resposive) [55]
Al Wasae (The All Embracing) [137]
Al Hakeem (The Wise) [78]
Al Wadud (The Loving) [20]


Al Majeed (The Most Glorious) [57]

Al Ba'ith (The Resurrector) [573]
Ash Shaheedu (The Witness) [319]
Al Haqq (The Truth) [108]
Al Wakeel (The Trustee) [66]
Al Qawiyy (The Most Strong) [116]
Al Mateen (The Firm One) [500]
Al Waliy (The Ptrotecting Friend)
Al Hameed (The Praiseworthy)
Al Muhsi (The Reckoner)
Al Mubdi (The Originator)
Al Moeed (The Restorer)
Al Muhyi (The Giver)
Al Mumeet (The Creator of Death)
Al Hayy (The Alive)
Al Qayyum (The Self Subsisting)
Al Waajid (The Finder)
Al Maajid (The Noble)
Al Waahid (The Unique One)
Al Ahad (The One)
As Samad (The Eternal)
Al Qadir (The Able)
Al Muqtadir (The Powerful)
Al Muqaddim (The Expediter)
Al Muakhkhir (The Delayer)
Al Awwual (The First)
Al Aakhir (The Last)
Al Zaahir (The Manifest)
Al Baatin (The Hidden)
Al Waa-lee (The Governor)
Al Mut aal (The Most Exalted)
Al Barr (The Source of All Goodness)
At Tawwab (The Acceptor of Repentance)
Al Muntaqim (The Avenger)
Al Affuww (The Pardoner)
Ar Ra’uf (The Compassionate)
Maa-Lik-Al-Mulk (The External Owner of Sovereignty
Dhul-Jalaal-Wal-Ikraam (The Lord Majesty and Bounty)
Al Musqsit (The Equitable)


Al Jammi (The Gatherer)

Al Ghaniy (The Self Sufficient)
Al Mughni (The Enricher)
Al Manae (The Preventer)
Ad Darr (The Distresser)
An Nafae (The Propitious)
An Noor (The Light) [256]
Al Haadi (The Guide) [20]
Al Badae (The Incomparable) [86]
Al Baaqi (The Everlasting) [113]
Al Warith (The Supreme inheritor) [707]
Ar Rasheed (The Guide to the Right Path) [514]
As Sabur (The Patient) [298]


General Rules Of Wazifa

1. For all benefits of the worldly affairs and the reward in life hereafter,
Allah and His characteristic names (the Icms) are repeated i.e. wajifa.
2. The characteristic attributory titles of Allah (Icm) has specific
meaning which is self-explanatory and countless angels utter it all the
3. At the time of need and when intended to engage in the act of repetition
i.e. wazifa, first ensure that your need is right and pure otherwise there
is likelihood of falsification and the host is likely to incur difficulties.
4. In order to prepare for the wazifa, body, clothes and the place must
be clean and preferably permission from the Murshid (spiritual
guide) is obtained. The place and time of the wazifa is to remain
fixed until its completion. The food eaten must be halal and simple
during the course of the wazifa. It is better to eat, speak and sleep less
during the period.
5. Prior to starting the wazifa, perform wadhu (ablution) or preferably
take a bath and pray two rikah Salaah—e-Haazat (prayer of need). It is
then to be followed by Astagfaar and Darood Sharif several times and
finally start the wazifa of the specific Icm.
6. Wazifa is to be engaged preferably at night and in solitude. Avoid to
speak or move out of the place of wazifa until the session is complete
7. During the initiation of the Icm, avoid sharing of the personal
experiences or dreams with anyone other than the Murshid.


8. The course of every Icm is its utterance of 125000 times which

could either be taken as a single uninterrupted session or
divided between five or ten days — 5000 utterance after each
salaah five times a day or alternatively 12500 twice a day morning
and evening. It must be remembered that the time, place and
the number of utterances for each course of the wazifa remains the
same. As any changes will affect the outcome and effectiveness of the
9. It is recommended that three courses of wazifa each of 125000,
one after another, are completed, in order to maximise its
effectiveness and as a follow up, the same Icm is repeated e.g. for Ya
Allah-sixty-six times after each salaah. Each wazifa sitting is to be
concluded with Darood Sharif as many times as possible.



1. Allah Ya Allah (Specific To Allah) He who has

goodness which is the power to create the entities.
This name is the essence of the name; innumerable angels
continuously engaged in its utterance; star is Zohal, its pleader is Israel.
When there is any 'want', or 'need', first of all, it must be ensured that the
need is reasonable and pure or there is reversal i.e. the person asking for
help, himself gets into trouble.
To be uttered every need pertaining to duniya and deen (worldly affairs and
for welfare in life hereafter)
To be uttered under the same conditions as outlined above.
To be uttered sixty-six times every Friday night and three or more
courses each of 125000 times completed in one sitting or divided in five
or ten days.
If the mission is crucial, complete 1000 utterances in Ruku (kneeling)
position, the mission, Insha Allah (Allah willing) will be successful.
If along with Allah, two qualitative names are included, that makes the
Greatest Name, for example, Bismillah Ar-Rehman NirRaheem, contains
one essence of the name and two names describing the quality. If the
numerical value of one's own name and the total of the numerical value of
the descriptive name and the two qualitative names, becomes equal, then,
that becomes the kme-Azam (Greatest Name).
If there is a mission, then, sitting in one posture and legs folded
underneath, repeat for a thousand times, with the grace of Allah, wish will
be fulfilled.

2. Ar—Rahman — Ya Rahman (The Beneficent)

The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers and the blasphemers in this world and
especially for the believers in the hereafter.
Anyone who invites this Icm after salaah will be awarded with modesty
and humble attitude.


Anyone who writes this Icm on a plate with Saffron and Mushk and
gives its washings to a patient to drink will be cured of the illness Insha
Allah provided the writer is
Aamil i.e. one who recites this Icm.

If the Icm Ar—Rahman is engraved on a stone and worn, it will lead to

success in the mission.
Whosoever invites this name after the prayers, he will gain
humbleness and humility. Beside this, for every kind of illness, write this
name with a mixture of musk and saffron, on a plate and let the patient
drink Allah willing, the patient will recover. The condition is that, the
writer must be an Aamil i.e. one who invites the wajifa If this name is
etched on a precious or semi-precious stone and worn, then, it will work
wonders on missions impossible.

3. Ar—Raheem-Ya Raheem (The Mercifid) The One who has

plenty of mercy for the believers.

The one who invites this Icm will be rewarded with kindness from all
creations and gain popularity.
If Ar—Raheem is written two hundred and fifty-eight times daily for
forty-one days and place under the pillow, the seeker will be answered
about the issue in question.
If one is unable to recite the Icm himself or herself, say because of ill
health and all treatment measures have been exhausted, such an individual
if he drinks the washings of the Icm written in saffron twice daily —
preferably morning and evening, will be rewarded with cure.
If the utterances of Ya—Rahman and Ya—Raheem are combined together,
the effect will be enhanced Insha Allah in relation to any pure and genuine
The combined Icm may be uttered for any mission.
If Ar-Raheem is written 258 times daily for 41 days and kept by the
pillow at night, he/she will be answered about any problems.


If Ya Rehman Ya Raheem are combined, then the effect will be enhanced.

These two names can be repeated for the success of any mission. These two
names are associated with the name of essence.

4. Al Maali-Ya Maalik (The Sovereigh Lord)

The One with the complete Dominion, the One Whose Dominion is clear from
Invitation of this Icm is highly effective for wealth, respect and grandeur.

Utterances are completed by the same common rule as described above-

125,000 times and is followed by its continued invitation 90 times after each
Salah. If the purpose still remains unresolved immediately take up
another course in association with Ba Muakkil as described below:
First day Ya Allah ho, Ya Maliko 700 times
Second to eighth day5,000 times each day with Ba Muakkil. Please
ensure all rules described above are observed.
Furthermore, one who invites this name for strength, pres tige,
respectability, and sanctity, it is a proven means. Firstly, its Zakaat should be
paid, after that, along with every prayer, the invitation in continued for ninety
times. If there is delay in the fulfillment of the 'need', then, he should carry
out the utterance three times; each course of 125000 times must be
completed in five or ten days. If the solution for the difficulty is still allusive,
then he must immediately recite Ya Mo'wakkil, along with the Primary
Name. The method is that, on the first day, with the intention of Zakaat,
repeat Ya Allah Ya Mulk, for 7,000 times, 700 times with the intention of
Ushr, 70 times with the intention of the Lock, 196 times with the intention
of Distance, 530 times with the intention of Gift, 8 times with the intention
of End, twenty time Sari-ul-Ijabah and after that, 5, 696 times for seven
days on account of the 'need', in that order. Then, on the first day recite
Ya Mu'wakkil, Ya Do'Ta'eel ba haqqe Ya Mulk 90 times, on the second
day recite Ya Ta Ta'eel ba haqqe Ya Mulk 71 times. On the third day, recite
Ya Hardo'zaeel ba haqqe Ya Mulk, 100 times. If there is still some delay in
fulfillment of the wish, then, make an invitation as Ya Do Ya'eel, Ya Ta
Ta'eel, Ya Hardo'Za'eel, Ya Kasta'eel, ba haqqe Baqas'kaheel, Ya Mulk, 2,
079 times, either in one day, or equally divided over five days.


It must be known that all the methods and rules are followed. This is a
secret which I have written, for overcoming the problems regarding wealth,
or respect, or for souls or Jinns.

5. Al-Quddus-Ya Quddus (The Holy)

The One who is pure from any imperfection and clear from children and
Write this Icm on a plate with saffron 182 times and drink the washings
and keep the naqsh — the person will be saved.

Invitation of this Icm as the rules described earlier (125,000 times), the
women prone to losing unborn children born proves helpful in its
Invite the Icm for 125,000 times over three days.
The other thing is that, one who invites this name, God Almighty
will give him children of virtues.
If the children are disobedient, for that, recite thrice for 125,000 times,
each recitation must be over five or ten days duration, after each course of
utterance, do dam on water or sugar, God willing, the children will become
The people, who are disturbed by evil thoughts, should recite this name
for 182 times after each prayer.
Wajifa of the Icm removes the paucity of funds.

6. As-Salaam-Ya Salaarnu (The Source Of Peace)

The One who is free from every imperfection.
Salaamun Qawlaam mir-Rubbir-Raheem, recited for 131 times after the
Fajr prayers, leads to Allah's bounties and prosperity. The method is that, you
make an oblong diagram and keeping it in front of you, you carry out the
utterance. This may lead to very unusual apparitions to appear, but that
should not be told to anyone, as this is a secret between the man and his
Creator, there is a hidden hand in it.


7. Al-Muomin-Ya Muominu (Guardian of Faith)

The One who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him. And He witnessed
for His believers that they are truthful in their belief that no one is God but Him.

If there is any disharmony between the husband and his wife, then the
wife should get the recitation of this name completed over ten days. After
each prayer, after reciting Dorud, repeat the Icm for 2, 500 times, which
will be completed in ten days and this Dum it on a small cup of water and
make one to drink it. God willing, both will find togetherness in harmony.
In the same manner, the man can also do the khatm.
The Icm works in an unusual manner if it is transcribed as a Naqsh and
the man and the woman should keep it with them. The mention of this
name opens the door in the heart. W ithout openness in the heart, a man
cannot observe. Observation has the second place in spiritualism, this is the
evidence of completion of faith of the learned people'
The repetition of this name improves the spiritual life by four folds.

8. Al-Muhaymin-Ya Muhayminu (The Protector)

The One who witnesses the saying and deeds of His creatures
If anyone has a worldly, or religious need, then he should have his bath
and offer two rakaat prayers Tahte ul Gusl and thereafter, he should offer
another two rakaat prayers for deliverance (isteghfaar). Before the
repetition of the Icm, offer two rakaat prayers for the 'need', reciting
Sura-e-Ikhlas, 15 times, after the recitation of Sura-e-Al-Hamd. After
completing Sura-e-Ikhlas, remain standing and recite Ya Muhaymin for
156 times, similarly, after each Ruku and each Sujud, each time you sit
down and up until last Salaam. After the Salaam, you pray for the heart's
desire, God willing it will be fulfilled. Continue this practice for seven
days. This name opens the doors of spiritualism, while in a trance, the
square also performs the same purpose, the condition is that, the person must
be a Practitioner.


9. A l-A ziz -Ya Azizu (The Mighty)

The defeater who is not defeated.
Mention of this name is life revival. Dead hearts become lively, opens the
door to spiritualism; knowledge of chemistry, metallurgy and all the spiritual
subjects become alive.
If anyone wishes to obtain a spiritual secret, then he should have a bath,
then offer two rakaat prayers for the bath, followed by similar prayers
for deliverance and then the prayer for the requirement; after that, start
the wazeefa of Ya Azeez, 5,000 times after each prayer, this will come to
125,000 in five days.
Alternatively, recite 12, 500 times at night and another 12, 500 times in
the morning, in that way, do it thrice of 125,000. Whatever apparition or
guidance received in the dream, should not be disclosed to anyone,
regardless of it being understood or not, by talking about it, one loses the
If the wazifa is performed after fulfilling all the conditions, then Allah
Almighty provides a hidden hand.
The performer of this Icm cannot be dependent of anyone else. Its naqsh
also has the same effect, but there should not be an associated invitation
along with this name. This is a warning. The naqsh can be engraved on a
silver ring and if worn Allah may bestow respect and sustenance out of
His hidden treasure.
For those whose doors for employment are sealed, invite the Icm and
complete the course in five or ten days, one witnesses the result by the next
day. However, effort should be made to complete three i.e. one after
another and thereafter to repeat it ninety-four times after each of the five
Salah a day.
The other method is to repeat the Icm 155 times after each of the five daily
prayers with all the basic rules and conditions and see that Allah bestows all
from the hidden. all I can say is that the person would never be dependent
of his needs.


10. Al-Jabbar-Ya jabbaru (The Compeller)

The One that nothing happens in His Dominion except that which He willed.
One who performs the Icm, remains safe from the mischief of enemies. If
this name is etched on a ring in the form of an oblong or square impression,
even that will have the same effect; one will be safe from sudden
unpredictable calamity.
If someone is very worried, harassed by his enemies, who are not dissuaded
by any means then, invite this 2, 500 times after each prayer, for ten days
and at nights at the tune of Tahajjud, for 206 times, in a loud beckoning
voice, thereafter, state the problem and leave it to the mercy of Allah.

11. Al-Mutakabbir-Ya Mutakabbiru (The Majestic)

The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures and from resembling them.
If any person is suffering from psychological problems, always in a state of
fear, or the child gets very scared in his dreams, then an etched impression
of this name is worn around the neck; Allah willing, the person will be

If this name is also invited as wajifa, it will have a stronger effect. The
mention of this name will give spiritual control and riddance from fear and
If the name is written and its washings drunk, even that will have the
beneficial and curative effect.
In the case of children's disease such as rickets the Icm is better invited as
Ya Jabbaru Ya Mutakabbir as much as possible, the naqsh are worn in the
neck and washings of its impression drank, Allah willing benefit will ensue.

12. Al Khaliq-Ya Khaliqu (The Creator)

The One who brings everything from non-existence to existence.
One who does not have children, should carry out the repetition of this
name for 125,000 times, completed in five days, or ten days. If it is to be
completed in five days, then, the recitation should be done for 5,000 times
after each prayer, which will make a total of 25.000 per day; the wajifa will be


completed in five days. If it is not possible then 2, 500 times after each prayer in
ten days and after that according to the capability, to be continued.
It is preferred to perform the wajifa, once every month, until gifted with
a child. Husband and wife, both should do this w2azifa, and if possible, they
should meet all the requirements and also drink the juice of makuk — a herb.
It is preferable that, they themselves boil it and extract the juice, make a
naqsh of this Icm and wear it round the neck.

13. Al-Baari-Ya Baariu (The Evolver)

The Creator who has the Power to turn the entities.
This name owns a lot of properties, but its brief is that, recite the Icm at
Salah Maghrib and Tahajjud time, starting on a Thursday. Continue the Icm
for forty days, until such time that one starts getting to know about
everything in advance of its happening. If one is a doctor, he will know about
the illness immediately.
One should not reveal about the things that he sees, knowledge about the
condition of every newcomer, but the newcomer should not know, because
three Names have come into being-Name of Khaliq, Name of Bari, Name
of Musawwir. If all the three Names are recited together, until a trance like
state comes over and one start seeing the angels assembling, one becoming
able to talk to them, and they, giving the warning of all occurrences in
advance. However, this should be kept as a secret. This is not the work of a
common man, it is for those who are spiritually apt as a commoner may get
into difficulties.

14. Al-Musawwir-Ya Musawwir (The Fashioner)

The One who forms His creatures in different pictures.
For the childless woman, if the Icm is repeated and completed in ten days
and fasts for ten days every month and also repeats it 336 times, at the time
of Iftar and drinks the dummed water and makes a naqsh —one for
wearing and one to keep in front at the time of wajifa, Allah willing, blessed
by a child unless a victim of a physical condition.
It is also recommended that both husband and wife also drink the
extract of herb Makoh. is counted as missed.


It has been tested that the success Allah willing is ensured. It may take a
year but wajifa must be continued. The husband is recommended to
recite Sura-e-Maryium and the woman should continue with wajifa. It is a
miracle of Sura-e-Maryium and seen on friends that everyone has been
blessed with a son. I, myself have recited this and with the Grace of God, I
have been blessed with two sons, one is called Raza Ali and the other is
Akbar Ali, both have been named before their birth.

15. Al-Ghaffar-Ya Ghaffaru (The Forgiver)

The One who forgives the sins of His slaves time and time again.
Anyone, having animosity with someone and wanting to patch up with
him, should perform invite this. It should be 5,000 times, after each prayer,
making a total of 25,000 in the day, continue for five days, on the sixth day,
signs of peace will start appearing. This name is also beneficial, in case of a
superior being annoyed.
There may be a situation where one trouble has not yet ended and the
other starts, peace is completely lost; such a sin has been committed, that,
all doors of His Kindness are closed. To start the chant for forgiveness,
firstly, take a bath and offer the prayer for the bath, offer the prayer for
forgiveness and give charity (sadqa), then, offer the prayer for the 'need'
and start the utterance of Ya Ghaffar.

According to capacity, divide 125,000 over five or ten days and perform
three courses and despite the situation improving after the first. Whatever is
seen in the dream or while awake, should not be mentioned to anyone.

16. Al-Qahhaar-Ya Qahhaaru (The Subder)

The Subduer who has the perfect Power and is not unable over anything
If a superior harasses a subordinate and that superior is cruel, then the
person must pay the zakaat of this Icm and pray that he becomes kind. If
all the people are worried due to his cruelty, or there is someone in the
locality, to be source of worry then all the people must get together and in
one sitting, they should carry out the utterance of this Icm for 125,000
times. If the required result is not achieved in one session, the wajifa
should be conducted for seven consecutive days. However, it must be


remembered that the prayer should be for the riddance of the evil and it
should not be a curse, as cursing will not be with the permission of the writer.
If this method is not feasible, then, carry out the wajifa on every Tuesday
after Salah Maghrib, for 11,000 times, which takes less than two hours.
This experiment is like a hit on bull's eye and this should be performed for
the riddance from cruelty

17. Al-Wahhaa-. Ya Wahhaabu (The Bestower)

The One who is Generous in giving plenty without any return. He is everything
that benefits whether Halal or Haram.

The Icm is one of the greatest names; there are different methods for its
contemplation. The first one is that the name is called for a hundred times,
in a loud voice and standing under an open sky; then the 'need' will be
fulfilled. The second method is that, if this name is recited for 133 times,
then the effect will be stronger.
The third method is to recite this name for 14 times, while in sajda, God
willing, the wish will be fulfilled.
If Al Kareem Al Wahhab Zul Tool, is repeated innumerable times, God
Almighty will open the doors of sustenance and provide it from places,
which are unthinkable.
Firstly, call Al Wahhab for 125,000 times, which may be completed
in five days, either, by reciting it for 12, 500 times in the morning and another
12, 500 times in the evening, or by reciting it for 5,000 times after each
prayer. After that, repeat it for two more times, completing it in five or
ten days, whether it is for employment, or sustenance, or for wealth
and even after its completion, continue recitation of the name Ya Wahhab
400 times after each prayer.
Let me write here that recitation of the name for 5,000 times, takes
about an hour; however, all the rules laid down for the wajifa need to be
strictly observed, including, what one sees in his dream, or while awake,
not to disclose it to anyone. When, one is successful, or when he starts,
others should not know, what wajifa is being undertaken. The utterance of
this name should be done to fulfil a need and not to become rich. The
good qualities of this name cannot be written; the writer lacks strength


to write the qualities of this Great Name. However, it is sufficient to say

that, when the writer's son was six years old, he was taught about this name
and before going to school, he used to repeat it for 14 times and when he
reached the age of twelve, he started its recitation for 14,000 times. He
gained the healer's touch in his hand at the age of twelve years and for him
there is no value of money. He also created a Naqsh, as well as an oblong
impression of the name which he keeps with himself and uses it for his
Beside this, it is a tried method of this writer, that the repetition of this
Icm is done for 14,000 times at night, for 41 nights and even before its
completion and God willing, one will find the fulfilment of one’s heart felt

18 AI-Razzaq-Ya Razzaqu (The Provider)

He who provides all things to his creation.

Most of my circle of companions invite the Icm, regardless of one being

needy or not. If the doors of sustenance are closed for someone, then,
incantation of this name, will reopen them. He may not become rich, but
he will definitely, become able to be financially supportive to his
relatives. There are many ways for its recitation-repeat the Icm three
hundred and eight times after each of the five daily Salah prayer; or a
course of 125000 is completed in 41 days and finally the third method is for
real financial hardship and there is hunger and destitution-complete the
course of 125,000 in five days i.e. 5,000 times after each of five daily Sahah
prayer This is to be followed by an offering to the Chosen Five (Punj-e-
Tan), and tabey tabe'een and leave the offering of the tabe'een on the roof;
for the birds to consume. In the event of the latter not being practical I
suggest feeding it to children. Continue this process for 41 days even if the
desired result is attained sooner.
If there is a knot, which does not easily untie, then, one should have a
bath, offer the prayer for the bath. Thereafter, offer the prayer for
forgiveness (isteghfaar), same night at 2 am, if possible, under an open sky
repeat the Icm Ya Raziq for 308 times, then, offer two rakaat prayer and recite
Ya Razaq 308 times again. Continue the prayers and recitation, until the time
for Fajr prayer arrives, after offering the Fajr prayer, recite Ya Razaq for


308 times. Continue this practice for seven days. (I have myself done this
chant). After seven days, make a Naqsh of the name in the form of a square,
or a pentagon and hang it in the house, one will never see poverty in the

19. Al-Fattah-Ya Fattahu (The Opener)

The One who opens for His slaves the closed worldly and religious matters.
The following are the properties of the above -mentioned name. If
anyone has been imprisoned without any crime, he should do the wajifa of
this name and God willing, he will be freed.

If someone is involved in litigation being innocent, he should get the

repetition of this name. He should assemble twelve people, who could utter
t6he Iem 125,000 times in one sitting and this procedure is carried out for
41 days. After each-day session, one should make an offering of some thing
or another, if this is not possible, then, at least tea should be offered, all
should sit together in one place. It is recommended that the same people
remain involved for the whole period and it is carried out at the same place
and at the same time. If a situation arises, where, one person is unable to
attend, then, the wajifa continues and no new person should be added. If
this is also not possible, then, all members of the household should
assemble and recite. There may be men and women together, but they
should be belonging to one family, where there is no concept of purdah (if
a na-mehrum woman is present, the wajifa will be incomplete); complete
the wajifa in three or in five days. If that is also infeasible, then, one should
do the utterance 125,000 times completing it in five or ten days, and it
should be remembered that this is to be done thrice of 125,000. Whatever
apparition or dream comes, it should not be mentioned to anyone. The
utterance should be continued even after the three times of 125,000. After
this, if it is possible, one should make a Naqsh of the numerical value,
which is 489, that must be worn around the neck; thereafter, wherever one
goes, he will be successful. This name is the key to every type of difficulty
and hurdle. If someone's doors for marriage are closed, wajifa of this Icm Insha
Allah will be effective.
If someone is not finding employment, or worried about success in the
examinations, in all these situations, one can do the wajifa in the suitable


manner and according to the laid down method. If the utterance is done
before the exams, it will have two benefits, whatever is read will be
retained in the mind, or memorized and God's help will be included,
besides, he will be successful, wherever he goes provided on he continues his
hard work in studies alongside he wajifa. God only helps those who help

20. Al Aleem-Ya Aleemu (The All Knowing)

The Knowledgeable; The One nothing is absent from His knowledge.
People, who practice the Icm, achieve the level of Knowledge of certainty,
provided, they observe all the requirements, such as, one has to be a mystic
devotee, penitent, clean and comprehending; time and place must be assured,
and the count set, which is not less than 5,000 after each of the daily prayer,
or 12, 500 in the morning and another 12, 500 in the evening. After every
course of 125,000 of the name, one must make an offering; this should
continue for forty days. At the end of forty days, one must fast and then make
a square impression of the name; in the sixteenth square of the impression.
make another impression. The impression of Allah will be in the four sides
and the impression of Alim, will be in the sixteen houses. Thereafter, one can
keep this impression under his head while sleeping, subsequently,
whatever is asked will be responded. One thing must be remembered, that
the person inviting, should not ask a wrong thing, for instance, regarding
gambling, or horse races, etc. If the question is regarding something
underground, it will be answered; anything for the benefit of people or in
connection of something stolen, or an illness with an unknown cure. All
these questions will be answered.

21. A1-Qabid-Ya Qabidu (The Constrictor)

The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdom.
One, who is unable to control his thirst and hunger, should perform the
utterance of this name, which can be in a brief or enhanced form, whatever
is convenient; God willing, he will obtain the control.


If any woman has complaint about her menstrual periods, she should do
the repetition of this name, obtain its impression and wear it round her neck,
God willing, the complaint will be gone.
If someone is suffering from diarrhea and no medicine is working, the
patient may be an adult, or a child, get two impressions made with saffron, one
is worn around the neck and the other is used for drinking.

22. Al-Baasi-Ya Baasitu (The Expander)

The one who widens the sustenance with His generosity and mercy.
The Icm is to undo every kind of knot. In the beginning, I wish to write, in
case of stoppage of menstruation of any woman, she should do the utterance
of this name, make its impression and wet some Haleelah Kabuli, in the
evening and in the morning, wash the impression with it and drink it.

If someone's livelihood has stopped and all doors are closed, the person
should perform the brief wajifa of the name. Alternatively, he should pray two
rakaat Salah Hajat (Prayer of need), in which, he should recite Sura-e-Qul-ho-
Allah after Surah Fateha and thereafter repeat the Icm the 72 times, then 72
times in the Ruku, again standing up after Ruku and again in Sijda. At the
end of the prayer, pray for the resolution of the problem. Continue the practice
for 41 days. This virtuous Name has the hidden hand. This name as wajifa is
to be practiced for 41 days, and in such a way that 125,000 is divided over 7
days and uttered in the morning and evening with appropriate abstinence,
wearing white clothes and whatever one observes, while awake or in his
dream, is not to be told to anyone else. The wajifa should be nertaken in
seclusion, where no one passes by. Make an offering after seven days, which is
consumed by himself, or given to young children. One white bearded old
gentleman will appear, who will answer all the questions but remember not
to ask which is not in conformity to the religious law.

Few I have known have invited the Icm and one gentleman from Jhelum,
asked questions about pools and the old gentleman used to answer,
subsequently, we came to know that the permission has been revoked.
This name is good for those people, for whom guidance has ceased and
they are unable to see anything in their dreams, the Icm will undo the knot.


If the opportunity for marriage of a girl looked impossible or there is a

situation of calamity, observance of the Icm, Allah willing, lead to the doors
of His kindness opened.

23. Al-Khaafid-Ya Khaafidu (The Abaser)

The One who lowers whoever He willed by His Destruction
Whoever does the repetition of this name, fasts for seven days and
carries out the recitation of this name, God Almighty turns the heart of his
enemy to kindness; enhanced wajifa is preferable.
If anyone or his family members suffer night terror, Naqsh of this name
if kept in the house, will save everyone from it.
If after dividing the house number, a remainder of seven or nine is left,
then, write the impression of this name and keep it in the house to be saved
from its ominous effects, because knowledgeable people consider the
numbers five and seven, afflicting undesirable effects on the residents. This
is not a matter of prejudice, but a fact and it is known to those with spiritual
knowledge and wisdom.

24. Ar-Rafae-Ya Rafaeu (The Exalter)

The one who raises whoever by His will and endowment.
Anyone doing the incantation of this name, for 2, 100 times, after each
prayer, will find people being courteous, everywhere. If he wears the
impression of this name around his neck and goes if front of a ruthless
administrator, he will be kind.
Similarly, going in front of a magistrate or judge and doing dum in front
of them, will make them decide favorably. Back biting of the person who
invites this name is stopped.
If the ruler performs the incantation, then, all his subordinates will
follow his orders and they will never revolt, neither, will they talk behind
his back. Get the impression made on a ring, a triangle is better than a square
and be taken into safety from enemy, scorpion or snake.

25. Al-Muizz-Ya Muizzu (The Honorer)

He gives esteem to whoever He willed, hence there is no one to degrade Him


He who utters the Icm for 117 times, after each of the five daily prayers,
will find respect in the world. Anyone, who wishes to invite this name along
with its recitation, for promotion, he should first, make a square and
keeping it in front of him and begin. He should have bath, offer the prayer
for the bath, then, he should offer another prayer for forgiveness
(isteghfaar), he should wrap one white sheet around his waist and
another around his shoulders, down to waist, like an Ehram, abstain from
consuming meat, fish, milk, honey, or anything else which comes from an
animal. He should complete wajifa of the name for 12, 500 times in
the morning and another 12, 500 times in the evening, and make an
offering after five days. After a lapse of one day in between, he should
start the wajifa again for the second time and in this manner, he should
complete eight such courses... He should ensure that the square impression is
always in front of him; electric light should be avoided, candlelight, or an oil
lamp is preferable, use of essene is recommended. It will take a month to
complete the meditation, however, it must be remembered that whatever one
sees while he is awake, or what one sees in his dream, is not talked about.
Prerequisite for this is Halal food, honest intentions, comp ulsory
offering. If after five days, nothing is seen, this will mean that the
conversation is not open, meaning that, this name is not going to work,
somehow, or somewhere, an error has been committed. After completion of
wajifa 125,000 times, or even during the process, receiving an answer is
essential. If the wajifa is broken, it can never mend. No one should know
about the wajifa or what has been recited. There are three essentials for
wajifa; the first is that, the count must always be the same; the second is
that, the place must be the same and the third is that, the time must be the
same, otherwise, it will be a waste of time. If there is delay in persevering
the timing, one should simply avoid doubts — His presence, kindness
and forgiveness.

26. Al Muzill-Ya Muzillu (The Dishonorer)

And He degrades whoever He willed, hence there is no one to give Him esteem.
One, who is harassed by the ruler, should keep the square of this name,
with him, that will make the ruler to become kind to him.
If someone is tired and fed-up of his enemy, he should beckon this
name 75 times in his sajdah (prostration) and also take the name of the cruel


person, with whom he is tired; Allah will turn the heart of the cruel person
into kindness.
If a group of-the-people are worried from a person, then they should
jointly recite this name for 125,000 times daily, the assembly must be of at
least ten persons, the recitation must continue for seven days. It must be
remembered that curse is not called for, prayer should only be for the end
of tyranny of the person. One should pray for kindness from Allah for
himself and not curse others.
A special quality of this name is that, before its repetition for 125,000 is
completed, the person may be out of the scene.

27. As-Samiee-Ya Samieeu (The All-Hearing)

The One who hears all things that are heard by His eternal hearing without an ear,
instrument or organ.
If any person's doors for prayers are closed, then, he should conduct
the repetition of this name. If someone is afflicted by an illness, where,
even the doctors are unable to do anything, and he himself is not able to do
the wajifa, he should collect some ladies and request them to complete the
Icm for him, God willing, the prayer will be accepted.
If there is such a difficulty, which seem irresolvable like the wedding
of a daughter not taking place, or some other problem, then, one should
repeat Ya Baseer along with Ya Samiee. If success is not seen, in a few
days, then continue this for 41 days. Despite this effort, if success is not
noticeable, then include the primary Name, making it as, Ya Allah Ya
Samiee Ya Baseer. One Name depicting the all-embracing and two Names
showing the qualities of the God Almighty together. They make the
Great verse like Bismillah-hir-Rehman-nir-Raheein.
There methods for its utterance are as follows-firstly, complete Ya
Samiee 125,000 times either in five, or in ten days; secondly, combine the
two Names together and recite 482 times after each of the five-daily prayer,
for 41 days and finally reciting all the three Names together for 548 times,
along with daily prayers, for 41 days. The Naqsh of these Names also work
in the same manner, subject to its being made during the period of wajifa.


28. Al-Baseer-Ya Baseeru (The All —Seeing)

The One who sees all things that are seen by His eternal seeing.
This name is pertinent to many qualities. The person repeating this
name will not go blind, provided, he does not start its wajifa when he is
nearing blindness. The person repeating this name, will never have dull
memory and he will get to know about everything that is going to happen
in future and before someone talks to him he will know, what he wants i.e.
If this name is repeated at the time between Tahajjud and Fajr prayers,
God Almighty will enlighten his heart.
If a child runs away from school, does not put his heart into his studies,
write this name on a plate for 302 times and make the child drink its
If the child is younger than eight years, make him repeat the name for
14 times and if older, make him repeat the name 300 times, before going
to school and without fail make him drink its washings. This will make the
child interested in his studies. If a Hakeem, or a doctor, repeats this name,
he will be able to diagnose without any X-ray, and no error will ever be
committed. As the patient starts talking, he will know the ailment.
A person who suffers from forgetfulness or problem with memory
retention, write this name and drink it along with doing its wajifa.

29. Al-Hakam-Ya Hakamu (The Judge)

He is the ruler and His judgement is His word.
Whoever does the repetition of this name for the given number and keep
its Naqsh with him, the ruler will become kind.
If anyone utters this name after each of the five daily prayers for 1, 100
times or for 4, 100 times, God Almighty will open the hidden door. If the
Naqsh of this name is kept in the house, bad omen be distanced, shortage
of funds will never occur, epidemics will not pass close by.

For all the skin diseases, one should wear its impression around his
neck, which will make such problems to go away. This name, written on a
china plate 68 times, washed with rain water, or Zam Zam water and


consumed, will heal the illness. By repetition of this name on 1, 100 grains
of gram and feeding them to pigeons, God Almighty will make the
difficulties pass.

30. Al-Adl-Ya Adlu (The Just)

The just one.
Anyone who repeats this name on bread and eats it, God Almighty
will make the hard times go away.
If anyone is caught in litigation or jailed without his fault, he should
beckon this name, which will work. This can also be uttered for someone
else, provided, the reader is a relative. Paying money for wajifa is not
allowed, this is not only for this name, but for all Names; it cannot be done
on wages as there will be no effect. However, household members and a
few outsiders, can complete the wajifa of any Name. Anyone inviting this
name, will be thankful as his fortune will turn for the better. The Naqsh of
this name will also have similar qualities

31. Al-Lateef-Ya Lateefu (The Subtle One)

The One who is kind to His slaves and endows upon them.
This name also has the status of the Great Name and the writer has the
experience of it and personally witnessed the miracles. The first thing about
this name is that, the answer appears quite openly.
If anyone has financial difficulty, then, the person undertaking wajifa for
125,000 times, in five or ten days; after one course the problem will begin
to resolve. However, it must be remembered that at least six courses are
performed in a month and a total of 18 is better completed. If not
successful, then he should be taken as a story teller as the writer has tested
One should keep the Naqsh, which may be in a square, or five -sided
form, in front of him and repeat the name for 11,000 times at night and
continue it for 41 days. It is important that wajifa undertaken without
electric light and before midnight.


If someone has been relieved of his employment or he is without job, he

should invite the Icm for 5,000 times along with each of the 5 daily prayers
for six days and God Almighty will make ways for the job.

32. Al-Khabeer-Ya Khabeeru (The Aware)

The One who knows the truth and secrets of things.
The repetition of this name brightens up the heart. If someone is fond of
chemistry or medicine and he wishes that the knowledge is enhanced and
revealed up in front of him then he should do the wajifa of this lcm-
repeating for 12, 500 times after each of the five daily prayers as well as
Tahajud. There should be only one question at one time. The wajifa is
spanned over at least 21 days.
If he wishes to receive the answer to his question, immediately such as a
theft or where the location of subsoil water or if one should some thing
or not, complete a course in five days, reciting 12, 500 times in the
morning and 12, 500 time in the evening, making a total of 125,000 and
such six courses each month are recommended for a totals of eighteen. It
will not be right to stop the wajifa as soon as the answer is found as the
answer will begin evolving after just the first course in the dreams but
after three months, when the course is completed, an elderly
gentleman dressed and with appearance like Khwaja Khizr will show
himself during the repetition of the Icm and converse as if in reality. There
will be no fear or danger, which occurs by controlling spirits and Jinnat,
etc. However, if a sin is committed during the wajifa, it will cause its
breakage. One should not be committing such a crime as there is no slot for
its pardon.

If he wishes to have a good spiritual connection, then, he should observe

all the restrictions and fulfil all the requirements necessary, like dress, place,
timing, etc., has been mentioned previously. One will not fail after seven
courses as this also being the personal experience of the author. The
practitioner finds about the illness almost immediately. These are few of
the benefits of this name that I have described.

33. Al Haleem Ya Haleemu (The Forbearing One)

He who is clement


He who writes this name on a piece of paper, washes it with water and
sprinkles that water on anything, that thing will become safe from loss and

34. Al-Azeem-Ya Azeemu (The Great One)

The One derving the attributes of magnificence, exaltation, glory and
Those who repeat this name many times will be respected

35. Al-Ghafur-Ya Ghafuru (The All-Forgiving)

The One who forgives all.
He who has a headache, fever and is dependent, continuously repeats
this name will be relieved of his ailment and will have Allah's

36. Ash-Shakur-Ya Shakuru (The Appreciative)

The One who gives a lot of reward for a little obedience.
He who is afflicted with monitory troubles or with any other calamity
and suffering, will find relief from these, if he repeats this name 41 times

37. Al Ali Ya Amu (The Most High)

The One who is beyond the attributes of anyone.
This Icm is one of the greatest names. I am writing about it briefly.
whoever, invites this name, becomes rich, from poor; sick becomes well;
childless becomes parent; homeless becomes house owner; traveler get
home; prisoner gets his freedom; and if innocent trapped into litigations
they are acquitted. If a relative is lost and alive, he will return or news from
him will be received. If someone has appeared in an Exam and he is
worried about his result, God Almighty will grant success. If husband has
ousted his wife from the house, the Icm invited by would, Allah willing,
result in unity and bring happiness to the household.
The method of inviting the Icm are, its repetition 12,000 times in the
evening, 12,000 times in the morning, 500 time at Asr or 5,000 times in the


night, 5,000 times in the morning, 1,000 times at Zohr, 1,000 times at Asr
and 500 times at the time of Maghrib.

For a child with enuresis (nocturnal wetting), a grown up repeats the Icm
and completes the course of 125,000 times, in five or ten days and after
this its Naqsh in the form of squares is made and one hung around the neck
and the other is washed and the washing is drunk, Allah willing, the
problem will be resolved.
Wajifa of this name can take a person to the stage of the knowledge
of certainty and progress him to a wali-friend of Allah.
If caught in a difficult situation, where, there is no solution in sight and
no one to assist, invite the Icm for it to pass. Then, on a Thursday, the
person concerned should, on a Thursday, have a bath in the morning and
fast on that day. After breaking the fast in the evening, he should repeat Ya
Ali for 110 times, pray for Salah Maghrib and thereafter pray salah Hajat i.e.
need and start repeating Ya Ali Ya Azeem, without keeping a count, until
the time for Isha prayer. Then pray for Salah Isha and after rest, wake up in
the early hours of the morning-say 2 AM and start repeating Ya Ali until
4 AM, without keeping any count. After this repeat Ayah-Al-Kursi for 131
times. Continue this procedure for seven days, what will be the effects one
could see himself. It is beyond my pen to write and my strength to describe.

38. Al Kabeer-Ya Kabeeru (The Most Great)

The One who is greater than everything in status.
The one who is the greatest.
The repetition of the Icm brings honor and respect from others.

39. Al Hafeez-Ya Hafeezu (The Preserver)

The One who protects whatever and whoever He willed to protect.
He who repeats this Icm frequently and keeps it with him will be protected
against calamities.

40. Al Muqeet Ya Muqeetu (The Maintainer)

The One who has the Power.


If someone with a bad-mannered child repeats this Icm into a glass of

water and gives it to the child to drink, the child will procure good

41. Al Haseeb Ya Haseebu (The Reckoner)

The One who gives the satisfaction.
If one feels afraid of anything he should repeat the words Hasbee-
allahul-haseeb 70 times morning and evening daily for eight days
commencing from Thursday, he will be relieved of all fears and worries.

42. AlJaleel Ya jaleelu The Sublime One)

The One who is attributed with greatness of power and glory of status.
He who writes this name on a piece of paper with musk and saffron
and keeps it with him and repeats this Icm frequently will attain honor and

43. Al Kareem Ya Kareemu (The Generous)

The One who is clear from abjectness.
He who repeats this Icm many times at bedtime will have esteem in this
world (and the Hereafter) among the learned and righteous people.

44. Ar Raqeeb Ya Raqeebu (The Watchful)

The One that nothing is absent from Him. Hence i's meaning is related to the attribute of
To narrate the qualities of this Icm is extremely difficult. if someone
utters this name daily, after prayers, for his children and blows on water,
which is drunk by the children; they will remain healthy, not only bodily,
but spiritually as well. They will also be obedient to their parents. If a child
runs away from school (truants), his parents should undertake the wajifa of
this name-a course of 125,000 times, which may be completed in five, ten,
or more days. At the end of this, blow on a small quantity of water and
give the child to drink. They should also make the impression of this name
in a square form; the child will start taking interest in his studies.


45. Al Mujeeb Ya Mujeebu (The Resposive)

The One who answers the one in need if he asks Him and rescues the yearner f he
calls upon Him.

The qualities of this name are obvious from the name itself -approver
of prayers. If the doors of his sustenance are shut, then, he should utter this
name for 12, 500 times daily in ten days. From eleventh day on wards, start
the repetition of Ya Mujeeb Ya Razzaq, and continue for 41 days morning
and evening. However, under no circumstances, should the wajifa be less
than five thousand. Place, timing and the number of utterances must be
identical on all days, right from the start. A similar course can be
undertaken for the marriage of a girl or those under debt and difficulty in its
repayment or some other financial problems. Despite the required period,
if there is a delay in results, one should continue the practice, so that the
effect of the Icm is maintained. God Almighty awards the deserving.

46. Al Wasae Ya Wasaeu (The All-Embracing)

The Knowledgeable.
A human being can not have strength to mention the qualities of this
name. This is the solution of difficulties. Inviting this Icm result in
expansion of sustenance. If someone is tired of being hands tied, he should
do the wajifa of this name on the basis of its numeric value and if the
problem remains unresolved, then, he should conduct the wajifa in the
way described earlier. Have a bath, offer the prayer for the bath, then, offer
the prayer for forgiveness, and follow this with the wajifa of the Icm, for
5,000 times after each of the daily prayers.
This should continue for five days, on the sixth day, make an offering
and in the evening, carry out the wajifa for 12, 500 times and in the
morning for 137 times. This must be extended over a period of ten days
and from eleventh day, utter for 5,000 times and 137 times as mentioned
above; this will be extended for 21 days.
If the impression is made in the square form, one worn around the neck
and another kept in the house and repetition of Ya Wasiu Ya Razzaqu.
then, according to his status, God willing, his sustenance will be
opened, and everything of the world will bow to his feet. Condition is that,


he should not do any wrong things, neither, should he tell anyone what he
is doing, or what wajifa is being invited. This is an experience of the
author, who got several hundred people do this and he has seen its
results. If those situations are narrated, will be considered unbelievable.

47. Al Hakeem Ya Hakeernu (The Wise)

The One who is correct in His doings.
He who repeats this Icm continuously (from time to time) will not
have difficulties at work and Allah will open to him the doors of wisdom.

48. Al Wadud Ya Wadudu (The Loving)

The One who loves who do good and bestows on them His compassion. He who is the
only one to be loved and befriended.

By the repetition of this name, husband and wife find harmony between
them and induces love between two opponents. The method is that, it
should be started on a Friday after Zohr prayers. recitation can be as Al
Wodud, or as Ya Wodud, until the arrival of Asr time, but one should keep
the count in mind, it comes to 5,000 in one hour. After offering the Asr
prayer, sweet things are to be offered to those who want love and
harmony to be established between them. If one Friday is found
insufficient for success, then its repetition sessions should be undertaken on
a daily basis for ten days-12, 500 times in the morning and 12, 500 times in
the evening and at the culmination of the ten days period, an offering is to
be made, God willing, success will be reached. If so desired, one can make
a Naqsh on completion of the wajifa.

49. Al Majeed Ya Majeedu (The Most Glorious)

The One who is with perfect power, high status, compassion, generosity and kindness.
If someone has an ulcer or a wound, which is not healing, or any such
illness which has no cure, then, he should invite this Icm. if he himself is
unable to perform its repetition, then, someone else can do it for him-
completing a course of 125,000 times, in five or ten days. Thereafter, the
name should be written on a saucer and its washing is given to the patient
to drink.


Let me write it again, if there is a stomach ulcer or some other type of

wound, then write this name and put it in the juice of Makuh and
drink it, God willing healing will be done. The impression of this
name can have the desired benefit.

50. Al Baith Ya Baithu (The Resurrector)

The One who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment.
If someone's ruler is cruel, then this name should be Invited, God
willing, the ruler will become kind. If the recitation is continuously done,
then the person will have an alert brain, prompt in answering. If amnesia is
present, even then, this name will work. If the name is etched on a saucer and
water fed, even then it is good for dull memory; the name should be etched
for 573 times, or written in saffron water for 573 times, under both conditions,
it is necessary that the writer is chanting this name. After chanting, one should
do the writing during the day, while writing, he should not talk to anyone.

51. Al Shaheed, Ya Shaheedu (The Witness)

The One who is presnt everywhere and who observes all things.
For the disrespecting, disobedient or rebellious sons and daughters,
put your hand on the forehead of the child, repeat the Icm Ya Shaheed 118
times, God willing, his need will be fulfilled. Recitation of this name provides
respectability. This gives humility and kindness and distances evil and satanic
thoughts from the heart and mind.
People who are short tempered, should perform the wajifa of this name 3, 100
times, which takes, only twenty-five minutes, but see the effects, thereafter.
The effects start after seven days. Its impression also has similar effect.

52. Al Haqq Ya Haqqu (The Truthful)

The One who truly exists.
There are many properties of this name, but I am making it brief. If there is a
sudden and unexpected court case, or one is imprisoned or charged with theft
or bribery without having committed such acts, he should invite this Icm.
Method of wajifa has been mentioned earlier but besides that, he should


repeat the Icm 108 times after each of the five daily prayers, and with the will
of Allah be freed from such problems.
If he is involved in an unexpected difficulty, despite being innocent, then,
he should offer two Rakat prayer, wherein, after recitation of Sura-e-Al
Hamd, repeat this Icm for 1,000 times, in both Rakat. He should perform six
rakaat in the morning and six in the evening and continue with the wajifa
for seven days, God willing the difficulty will be resolved. What is seen in
the dream or while awake, should not be mentioned to anyone. This is a

53. Al Wakeel, Ya Waked (The Trustee)

The One who gives the satisfaction and is relied upon.
If this name is written on a piece of paper, for 66 times, with a mixture
of musk and saffron and it is buried in each of the corners of the house,
the living in the house, will become peaceful and protected. In any
house, where there is an ill shadow, or the danger of a Jinn, then, make a
circle and make a square of 66, in the middle of the circle. On the four
corners of the square, write Allah for 66 times, and outside of the circle,
write Al Wakeel, 66 times. The person chanting this name will never be
needy. Wrestler will be successful against his enemy. He will be
successful in Examination. The methods of chanting, is that after each
prayer, recite 2, 500 times and complete it in ten days, alternatively,
recite 5,000 times after each prayer and complete the chant in five days

54. Al-Qawiyy-Ya Qawiyyu (The Most Strong)

The One with the complete power.

If a woman, who frequently aborts, should take the juice of herb Makuh
daily, on which, this Icm has been recited a thousand times-this only take
ten minutes. Along with this, her husband should also invite the Icm
5,000 times after Isha prayers. The order and instruction that has been
given for wajifa, should be followed. After the lapse of 25 days, one
impression in the form of a square is to be written, which will have Allah's
name, written on all four sides and this is worn by the woman around her
neck; this procedure should start after the commencement of pregnancy.


The people who suffer from neurosis and fearful of going out
(agoraphobia), disturbed by noise, or a child who is scared, invitation of
this Icm and written impression worn carry beneficial or remedial
effect, but before writing the impression, one should do the wajifa.


55. Al Mateen Ya Mateenu (The Firm)

The One with extreme power which is un-interrupted, and He does not get tired.
The parents of the children who cry a lot, should write this Icm on a
saucer and give its washing to the children; also write its impression
and tie it around their neck. Alternatively, write the Icm 500 times on
paper, using a mixture of musk and saffron. While writing, they should
light up a Bakhur; Fajr prayer time is preferable. After offering the
prayers, one should invite the Icm 500 times, thereafter, its impression is
made, immerse it in water and give it to the children. In the same manner,
an impression is written which is to be worn on the arm or the neck. If a
child has dull memory, even then, making the child drink it, will improve

56. Al-Waliy-Ya Waliyyli (The Protecting Friend)

The Supporter.
The repetition of this Icm takes a person to the level of a saint. The
properties of this name are obvious by themselves. If any 1cm is to be
invited for spiritualism, then, one has to take up this Icm as a means. This
enlightens the heart. One of the qualities of this, is that there is revelation
in advance, about someone's arrival; just by questioning, all things
become known.
The method for inviting this name is that, on each Friday eve, repeat
this for 12, 500 times and daily, for 5,000 times, which will take only 50
minutes. This repetition should be undertaken with punctuality, for at
least 41 days. Whatever is seen while awake or seen in a dream, is not
disclosed to anyone. It should be dark at the time of the wazifa; it should
always be at the same place, same time and the same count. Every
coming event will become known in advance, but that should not be
mentioned to anyone. At the completion of the course, any question
will be answered, however, it must be kept in mind that the question is
legitimate, otherwise the effects of the Icm will be lost; the answering
body will reveal the secrets but only once.

57. Al Hameed-Ya Hameedu (The Praiseworthy)


The praised One and who deserves to be praised.


A person who has no control over his tongue, used to be foulmouthed, or

swears at home or the woman is bad mouthed, then, one should repeat Ya
Hameed for 41 days and complete a course of 125,000 times during the
period and puffs afterwards on water which is then consumed. After 41
days, write this name 62 times on a saucer and drink the washing; Allah
willing the problem will be resolved. Besides, if a square is written and tied
around the neck, even then, tongue will not be able to utter foul words. If that
is not controlled, then repeat the Icm associating with your own name and
mother's name. Afterwards, write two impressions, one to be stirred in water
and drunk and the other to be kept under the pillow.

58. Al-Muhsi-Ya Muhsui (The Reckoner)

He who knows the count of all things, countless they may be and knows each of
Repetition of this Icm, on daily basis and without missing a day, will
make the whole day pass peacefully. Knowledgeable people have written
that the repetition of this Icm will keep the house safe from thieves and
sudden calamity. Utterance of this Icm Allah willing will protect those who
are engaged in business of buying and selling animals their children and their
He who is fearful of the day of judgement may have ease and clemency
through repetition of this Icm.

59. Al-Mubdi'-Ya Mubdi'u (The Originator)

He who is the creator of all the beings from nothing.

For the childless repetition and completion of this Icm may bring about
the desired result. A course of 125000 times completed in either ten or
five days. Its wazifa for 12500 times a day spread over morning and evening
times takes approximately an hour. After the daily wazifa an apple is puffed
and eaten between a husband and wife. A further course or courses of
125000 times to be completed in 21 days with an apple being shared
between husband and wife further re-enforces its effect. Subsequently, a


combined wazifa of Ya Mansoor along with ya mubdi is to be completed

until success is achieved. I will say from my experience that sometimes
achieving the result may be delayed for the whole year, but one need not

disheartened. In addition to this wazifa of Ayat-al-Qursi adds to the effect and so

far, I have not come across any failures.

60. Al-Mu-Eed-Ya Mu-Eedu (The Restorer)

The one who resurrects everything.
If someone has been lost, or someone has run away from home, or a
person has forgotten, where he has kept something, then, he should utter
this Icm for eleven days, reciting for 5,000 times daily. If the requirement is
fulfilled earlier, even then, he should complete the required repetition. In
addition, he should write the impression in a square form, every day and
for the first ten days, he should let the impression float away in water, on
the eleventh day, he should hang it on a tree. If floating in water is not
feasible, then, it should be hung on a tree, on daily basis. When the
purpose is achieved, then, all are taken down from the tree and floated in
water or buried in the ground. He should again start the wazifa for eleven
days and continue it until five such courses are completed. If success is not
achieved, even after five times, then one should be resigned to the fate.

61. Al-Muhyi-Ya Muhyiu (The Giver Of Life)

'The One who took out a living human from semen that does not have a soul.
He gives life by giving the souls back to the worn-out bodies on the resurrection day
and He makes the hearts alive by the light of knowledge.

If someone is afflicted with paralysis or facial palsy then he should or

someone else on his behalf do the wazifa of this Icm and puff on the
affected parts and a glass of water for consumption, by the Will of Allah
the affliction will be cured. It is better that oil, water and saffron are
blended and the mixture is used for massage, saffron is also to be used in
food. The method of the wazifa is that, after each of the daily five prayers,
repeat the 1cm 1, 100 times and puff on edible items, or on oil and water,


Allah willing, he will be cured. Its impression also has the same effect,
which can be made for drinking and worn in the neck. One thing
should be remembered that, when the treatment has started, it is
continued, until cured; doing it for once or twice, is not sufficient, the
effects start after eleven days.

62. Al-Mumeet-Ya Mumeetu (The Creator Of Death)

The One who renders the living dead.
The Icm is repeated to overcome one’s enemy.
This name should always be read jointly as Ya Muhyi Ya
Mumeet. In case of an incurable illness, where doctors are helpless, the
family are worried. All people should jointly undertake the wazifa of
this Icm along with Ayate-Kareema, to complete a course of 125000
times on every Thursday until the difficulty is resolved.

63. Al-Hayy-Ya Hayyu (The Alive)

The One attributed with a life that is unlike our life and is not that of a
combination of soul, flesh or blood.
He who repeats this Icm, Allah willing, will have a long life. A child,
who starts running away from his studies, his parents should invite this
name and make the child drink the sanctified water. if one who is ill
should repeat this name, Allah willing, he will be cured. If he himself is
not able to perform the utterance, another person can on his behalf and
make him drink some sanctified water. If the child is dull, repetition of
this Icm, will make his brains to open up. If this name is written on a
saucer, with a mixture of musk and saffron and its washing is drunk, its
effect will be enhanced. If someone's relative is lost, then, he should
invite this name, if the relative is alive, he will return, or he will get the
The method of inviting this Icm is similar to any other. The count of
125,000 must be completed, either in five, or in ten days. First, offer the
prayer for the 'need', in the morning, thereafter, start the wazifa and
continue for eleven, 21 or 41 days whichever is practically possible. If
along with Ya Hayy, Ya Qayyum is also added it will have superior effect.


64. Al-Qayyum-Ya Qayyumu (The Self—Subsisting)

The One who remains and does not end.
If someone is in danger of losing his job his land or his house, then, he
should invite this name during the day time and before th is he should
offer the prayer of need. The purpose must be singular, and the
repetition should be 21000 times preferably along with Ya Qayyum and
continued for 91 days even if one is successful in a much shorter period.
It is important that mention of the wazifa is avoided to anyone or any dreams

65. Al-Waajid-Ya Waajidu (The Finder)

The rich who is never poor. Al-Wajid is richness; he who finds whatever and whenever he
wishes .
He who repeats this Icm will have the richness and bestowed with the
peace of heart.
If someone has his hands tied financially, then he should engage in the
wazifa of this Icm for 1100 times after each of the five daily prayers for 41 days
and during the course after the fourteenth day make a circle with saffron on a
piece of paper and make a five sided figure of this Icm in its middle; make a
squre of this name at each corner and write the name of the angels, by the Will
of Allaah it will be propetious

66. Al-Majid-Ya Majidu (The Noble)

He whose highness is great, and who is beneficient and his munificence is rich.
He who repeats this Icm in privacy and sincerely his heart will be enlightened.
The glory of this Icm is that the sick are cured the illness is kept at bay
even if there is an epidemic around. This wazifa brings about respect and
honour in the world and reversal of the financial hardship.

67. Al-Wahid-Ya Wahidu (The One)

The One without a partner.
The person repeating this name will achieve contentment, avarice and
greed goes away from the heart and the heart gets cleansed of lust. He
achieves respect and status, does not remain needy, all fear disappears, and
heart and mind are cleansed of bad thoughts. The impression of this name also


contains similar virtues, be that a square or pentagon. Fear of God is generated

in the heart along with the certainty of His existence.
69. Al Ahad-Ya Ahadu (The One)
The person inviting this name becomes respectable in the eyes of the
world. If he performs the Icm in an orderly manner, he will become
renowned in the country and the nation. The reader of this name does not
stretch his hand in front of any body. God Almighty creates such
conditions, that make him famous. All bad habits go away and such
qualities are created, which are not present in common people. He
reaches the stage of certainty and in which ever job, he puts his hand in,
becomes successful. It is better if Wahed is included with Ahad, which can
be recited with a prefix of Al, or Ya, whichever is easier in fluency.

70. As-Samad-Ya Samadu (The Eternal)

The Master who is relied upon in matters and reverted to in ones needs.
I have heard about many qualities of this name. A friend of mine, named
Ali Hyder, from whom I obtained the procedure of making the
impression, had gone to Mash'hed Muqaddas. There, he was repeating
this name in front of the sacred shrine, suddenly, a voice said `Ya
Samad', and then he started repeating this name, and saw many unusual
things. The person repeating this name, will find freedom from
financial shackles, if sick, he will find cure, if travelling, he will
return home. If any girl is unmarried, then, she should complete the
recitation of this name 125,000 times, either in five days, or in ten days,
but she must repeat this three times, after which, she must recite the
name for 134 times, after each prayer, and continue doing that.

71. Al-Qadir Ya-Qadiru (The Able)

The One attributed with power.
If anyone is trapped in such a difficulty, which has no obvious
solution, like sickness, danger of losing one's job, financial
pr ob le ms , or h a vi n g n o a c c o mmod a t i on , u n d e r a ll s u c h


circumstances, he should repeat this name. On the first day, he should

have his bath, offer the prayer for bath, then, offer the prayer for
forgiveness. Firstly, he should recite Durood Shareef, three times and
offer another two rakaat prayers, thereafter , say `Ya Musabbabil-
Asbab', for a thousand times, then call'Ya qadir' for six thousand times,
then, perform the recitation in the morning for 6, 500 times, which takes
one hour. Continue this for ten days, that will make the count of
125,000. God willing, he will find the job reaching the desired
conclusion, but he should do three such wazifas. The reader can never
be unsuccessful, difficulties may be the size of mountains, they will
dissipate. Its impression also contains similar qualities. If after
performance of the wazifa, one writes the name himself, he will find very
unusual effects.

71. Al-Muqtadir-Ya Muqtadiru (The Powerful)

The One with the perfect power that nothing is withheld rom Him.
By reading this name jointly as Ya Qadir Ya Muqtadir, will have
stronger effect. Both the names have identical qualities. Recitation of
these two Names is as follows. Recite after every prayer for 1, 100 times,
but continue for 41 days. A person who does not have children,
should recite Sura Maryum, every day after prayer and then recite this
name. Extract of Maku should be drunk by both. This has been
experimented by the writer. Beside this, if there is any financial
problem, even then, one should do the wazifa of these two Names, along
with that, recite Sura Muzammil eleven times at night, its effect will be

72. Al-Muqaddim-Ya Muqaddimu (The Expeditor)

The One who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead what He wills
By doing the wazifa of this name, one gets away from evil. If
someone is unsure about the faithfulness of the husband, or wife, then
he should do the wazifa of this name for 125,000 times, in five, or ten
days, thereafter, write the impression and feed the wash. Its recitation will
remove the problem. By writing the name on a saucer for 184 times, will


also have the same effect. By repeating this name, all the evils go away from
the heart and fear of God take shape in the heart.

73. Al-Mu'akhkhir-Ya Mu'akhkhiru (The Delayer)

He is the one who delays what He wishes.
In the first instance, complete the wazifa of the name for 125,000 times,
which may be performed in five or ten days. After that, write the
impression in the form of a square, which may be kept with the belongings, or
in the house, they will be protected from thieves. If tied around the neck of a
child, he will be safe from bad company. If a healthy person wears it around
his neck, he will remain safe from sickness.

74. Al-'Awwal-Ya Awwalu (The First)

The One whose existence is without a beginning.

75. Al-'Akhir-Ya Akhirn (The Last)

The One whose existence is without an end.
If someone's son or daughter always fails in exams, then he should
combine the names and recite as Ya Awwal Ya Akhir and complete the
recitation in twenty-one days. Write the impression and also write 37
times on a plate and make the wash to be drunk by the child, God willing,
the child will be successful in every Exam. Beside this, whoever will have this
impression, will be successful in every game. The total count of this name is
125,000, regardless of its being completed in 21 days, or 41 days. It is all
the better, if the child recites it himself and parents can also read.

76. Az-Zahir-Ya Zahir (The Manifest)

The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He
exists without a place.

While studying, if anyone does not get his answer, or dreams have
stopped, then, he needs to do the wazifa of this name, by reciting it 1, 106
times, after each prayer and complete the recitation in 21 days, making a
total of 125,000. His heart will be lit up, not only that, by continuing the
recitation, one will start receiving information on things that are yet to


happen. If it is a question about something special, for example, something

is lost, or wanting to know the reason for somebody's promotion, or his
demotion, or it is a question about one's illness; then, what is needed is to
recite the name for 5,000 times along with each prayer for five nights. Each
night recites Sura Luqman, for once. But one should not talk about what he
has seen, answer will definitely be found, this has been tested by the
writer. Its impression also has the same effect.

77. Al-Batin-Ya Batinu (The Hidden)

He, the exalted, His existence is obvious by proofs and He is clear from the delusions of
attributes of bodies.
He who repeats this Icm thrice a day will be able to see the truth in things.

78. Al-Waali-Ya Waaliu (The Governor)

The One who owns things and manages them.
If someone has no support, not finding any employment, does not have
any means of sustenance and the way out is not in sight, having no friend or
helper, he should recite the holy name.
He should complete the wazifa of 125,000 in five days, by reciting it
for 5,000 times after each prayer. Alternatively, he should recite it for 12, 500
times in the morning and another 12, 500 times in the evening, this will
take about two hours, each time. If someone has not done any wazifa
earlier, then, he should do the 125,000 in ten days. Even if the desired
result has been reached earlier, the wazifa must be continued and done
three times, so that the effect of the name remains. His heart will be
enlightened, in whatever thing, he puts his hand in, and he will find success.
If the girl is not finding a match, recitation of this name done by the girl
herself; or her parents, God willing, success will come.

79. Al-Muta-Al-Ya Muta-Aiu (The Most Exalted)

The One who is clear front the attributes of the creation.

Who so ever, has his way to promotion blocked, may that be in service, or
lack of success in business, or whatever he does, he finds obstacles in it. or


wedding of a daughter is not taking place, some girl's proposal is not

coming, that person should invite this name. He should recite this name for
1, 102 times along with each prayer, this will take only fifteen minutes, but
he should recite forty-one days, when the result starts emerging. if he
continues the recitation, then, all difficulties will be resolved. If a child
consistently fails in his Exams, then, he should recite the name for 551
times, either in the morning, or in the evening. Alternatively, one of his
parents should do the recitation, blow on water and give it to the child to
drink. If the child does the recitation himself, it will be more auspicious.

80. Al-Barr-Ya Barru (The Source OfAll Goodness)

The One who is kind to His creatures, who covered them with His sustenance and
specified whoever He willed among them by His support, protection, and special mercy.
Writing this name for 202 times, on a plate and giving it for drinking its
wash, it is beneficial in qulanj pain; writing must be with musk, or saffron.
Besides that, if one is suffering from such an illness, that the doctors are
helpless, he should do the wazifa of this name, if he himself is not able to do it,
then, someone else can read for him. The method is that, between mid-night
and four in the morning, the wazifa of this name for 5,000 times is done. This
will only take fifteen minutes, after that, recite Sura Qul-Ho-Wallah, for 130
times, thereafter, he should pray, or blow on water and feed it to the patient.
Prepare the impression also and feed its wash, God willing, he will be cured.

81. At-Tawwab-Ya Tawwab (The Acceptor of Repentance)

The One who grants repentance to whoever He willed among His creatures and accepts
his repentance.
Whosoever recites this name after the Fajr prayer, God Almighty will grant
him the `tauba nusooh'.

82. Al-Muntaqim-Ya Muntaqimu (The Avenger)

The One who victoriously prevails over His enemies and punishes them for their sins. It
may mean the One who destroys them.


Whosoever is unable to take the cruelty of his enemy any further, one should
beckon the name, on three consecutive Fridays, Allah Almighty will make turn
friend out of the enemy.

83. Al-Afuww-Ya Afuwwu (The Pardoner)

The One with wide forgiveness.

84. Ar-Ra'uf-Ya Ra'ufu (The Compassionate)

The One with extreme mercy. The mercy of Allah is His will to endow upon whoever He
willed among His creatures.

85. Malik Al-Mulk-Ya Malik Al Mulku (The Eternal Owner Of

The One who controls the dominion and gives dominion to whoever He willed.
It brings great blessings, if the three names are read together, openness,
wealth, and sustenance. Financial strain will never occur, and the reader will
soon become strong. The impression should be made along with the name. -
Whoever has it, will never be hands tied, condition being, that he should do
the wazifa of this name, thereafter, write the impression, a square is
preferable, the same impression must be present in the house. One who
continues the recitation and keeps the impression with him, will find
unusual miracles.

86. Dhul-Jalal Wal-Ikram-Ya Dhul-Jalal Wal-Ikramu (The Lord Of Majesty &

The One who deserves to be exalted and not denied.
Anyone who invites this name will be exalted in this world and he will
have control in the spiritual world. It is said that Asif Burkha recited this name
and produced the throne of Bilqis. The writer has also found innumerable
properties of this name.

87. Al-Muqsit-Ya Muqsitu (The Equitable)

The One who is just in His judgment.


If a pregnant woman does the wazifa of this name, she will have an easy
delivery, it is even better, if the impression is also kept, along with. While
reciting, if nothing comes in sight, he should repeat 5,000 times daily, for
21 days. At the end of 21 days, write this name on a thin paper, mix the paper
in flour and make 209 small balls out of it. Feed one, or two of the balls to
pigeons, after their being eaten, take the rest to such a place, where if they are
released, they will fly on the water, they will float from one side of the river
to the other side. Immediately thereafter, the knot will be untied,
unusual excursion will take place.

88. Aj-Jami-YaJamiu (The Gatherer)

The One who gathers the creatures on a day that there is no doubt about, that is the
day of judgement.
If someone's relative has been lost and there is no news about him, or
due to disharmony between husband and wife, the whole family has fallen
in disarray, then the recitation of this name will fulfil the need. The Name
should be recited for 21 days, 5,000 time daily. If the wazifa is for
someone lost, then, after the wazifa, prepare the impression, and tie it
daily, around a spinning wheel and turn it 19 times, if that is not possible,
then, tie it to a tree, where it shakes due to the wind. If someone's money is
not blessed, even there, repeating of this name will bring the blessing.
If the impression is present in the house, things will be done without
expenditure, such blessings will take place, which are unimaginable.

89. Ai-Ghaniy-Ya Ghaniyu (The Se!f-Sufficient)

The One who does not need the creation.
If both names are recited together, poverty can never occur. This name is
recited to avoid destitution. The method is that, first recite Ya Ghani for
125,000 times, either in five, or in ten days, thereafter, repeat Ya Mughni for
125,000 times and after that, combine the two names and recite. After Isha
prayer and after Fajr prayer, recite Sura Muzammil, for eleven times, this
will cause the effect to be stronger. It is a fact that the reader of this
name will never be a pauper.

90. AI-Mughni-Ya Mughniu (The Enricher)


The One who satisfies the necessities of the creatures.

If someone has no control over himself, then, before going to sleep, he
should put his hand on his chest and start repeating the name and continue
doing so, until sleep comes. God Almighty will put his self under his

91. At - Mani - Ya Maniu (The Preventor)

The supporter who protects and gives victory to His pious believers. Al-Mu'tiy
The Withholder. If anyone has bad habits, repeating this name, will
make them go away from the heart. If bad habits are present in a child, like
habit of stealing, or running away from school, or some other habit, then, on of
his parents can perform the wazifa of this name for 125,000 times. After that,
this name should be written in a mixture of musk and saffron, on a plate and
make the child drink its wash. Prepare an impression and make a talisman
around the neck of the child, God willing, success will be found.

92. Ad-Darr-Ya Darru (The Distresser)

One who has arrived at a status and position, should invite this name, his position will
be maintained.

93. An-Nafi-Ya Nafiu (The Profitious)

The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He
If somebody, fears that he will encounter a loss, on goods he bought, has
done wrong purchase, or some other type of error has occurred, or he has
bought a house; he should perform the wazifa of this name, with the Grace of
God, expected loss will be converted into profit. The method is to recite this
name for 125,000 times, completing it, in five, or ten days. If the problem
is of huge proportions, then, after morning prayer, recite Ayat-al-Kursi 41
times, thereafter, perform the wazifa of the Auspicious Name 5,000 times, the
required will be done, God willing, in twenty-one days, but the wazifa should
be continued for 41 days. If he has not read Quran, then, he can recite
Bismillah-hir-Rehman-nir-Raheem for 786 times, then, recite the name for
11,000 times daily, continue the recitation for 41 days, even if the result is


obtained earlier. Whatever is seen during the wazifa, should not be mentioned
to anyone.

94. An-Noor-Ya Nooru (The Light)

The One who guides.
This auspicious name is suitable for the people who are deep thinkers and
do the wazifa, its recitation, enlightens the heart. Initially, recite Ayat-al-
Kursi upto Khalidoon, for eleven times, then, start the wazifa of this name
125,000 times, whether it is completed in five, or ten days. Each day offer
the prayer for the 'need', before commencement, and at the end, recite Ayat-al-
Kursi again, then pray. This should be continued for 41 days.

Unusual things will be noticed, but that should not be told to anyone, and
neither, one should be proud, because these things come along the way. if the
forest route is adopted, wild animals will appear, if a city route is taken, there,
the bazaars will be crowded with people, similarly, by adopting the way of
God, all observations will be made, but it is not the climax, these are the things
of the way side. The real climax is the adoption of the ways of Hazrat
Muhammad (PBUH), working on those lines and becoming his slave.

95. Al-Haadi-Ya Haadiu (The Guide)

The One whom with His guidance His believers were guided, and with His guidance the
living beings have been guided to what is beneficial for them and protected from what is
harmful to them.
Whoever has worries and having no one to explain, or anyone who is
trapped in calamity and doors of the world are closed for him, he ought to
invite this name, but he should remember to start after the prayer for the 'need'.
In the first place, before starting, he should decide how he wants to go about,
as this name is recited either for some need, or for obtaining God's consent
(Isteqara), both have different methods.
Start the recitation after the prayer, completing the count of 125,000 in
five, or ten days, God willing, the requirement will be fulfilled. However, the
wazifa should be repeated three times. Alternatively, after the first wazifa,
he should set a count, which is not less than 5,000 times, repeating in the


morning and evening, for 41 days. It should be remembered that no mention

is made about the wazifa to anyone, otherwise, control is lost.

96. Al-Badi-Ya Badiu (The Incomparable)

The One who created the creation and formed it without any preceding example.
If there is some disease which he cannot get treated, then he should do the
wazifa of this name. The wazifa should be on the total value of the count, which
is 179, recited along with each prayer. If the person himself is not able to
perform, then, someone else, can do the wazifa on his behalf. Alternatively,
another person can write the impression, and also write it with musk and
saffron, on a saucer, for 179 times, same effect will be found. The writer
must do the wazifa, on the basis of the total count of 179 and then write
the impression.
Beside this, if anyone is without a child, he should recite the name for
1, 100 times along with each prayer and read Sura Maryum, once,
before going to bed at night. This should be continued, until, God
Almighty bestows the child, sometimes it takes even a year for the signs of
success to appear, he should not be disheartened

97. Al-Baqi-Ya Baqui (The Everlasting) The One that the state of
non-existence is impossible for Him.

Anyone, who loses the child after birth, he should do the wazifa of this
name at the commencement of pregnancy. Man and woman, both should
recite, but it is necessary that the man recites after each prayer and completes
the count of 125,000. Alternatively, he should recite the name for 5,000 times
after Isha prayers, this will complete the wazifa in 250 days. At the
culmination of the wazifa, he should bring a pair of pigeons, which is
rotated seven times, around the head of the woman and then, releasing
them, being mindful, of not hurting the pigeons. Thereafter, selecting a
place at home, where sun's rays are not falling, he should write the
impression, which will always remain around the neck of the woman.
Subsequently, he can recite the name, as many times as possible, there are
many qualities which he will get to know after reading. The woman can also
recite as many times as she wishes, but at least 1, 100 times.


98. Al-Warith-Ya Warithu (The Supreme Inheritor) The One whose

existence remains.

Whoever does the recitation of this name, reaches to a high position in

spiritualism. The method is to make three times of the count of 125,000.
The first 125,000 times, to be completed by reciting the name for 5,000
times after each prayer, this will end in five days. Subsequently, recite 2,
500 times after each prayer, this will end in ten days. Thereafter, recite
5,000 times after Isha prayer and 1, 100 times in the morning. This process
will finish after three recitations of 125,000. If the reader also offers the
Tahajud prayers, then he should recite this name, as many times, as he
can, very unusual thing will be seen, which should not be talked about with
anyone. There are many more qualities, which I am unable to write.

99. Ar-Rasheed-Ya Rasheedu (The Guide of The Right Path)

The One who guides.
Whoever carries on the recitation of this name, will continue to receive
guidance from God Almighty. If the recitation of this name is done before the
Fajr prayers, God Almighty will make provision of sustenance from hidden
sources. This name has a hidden hand. During the fasting month of Ramazan,
starting from the first day, if someone, recites this name for 5,000 times,
between Maghrib and Isha prayers (which only takes 45 minutes) and after
Sehri, recites for 7, 500 times. By continuing the procedure for the entire
month, God willing, he will find the key to every difficulty. If it is not the
month of Ramazan, then, he should fast for seven days and then, start the
wazifa and continue for 41 days.

100. As-Sabur-Ya Saburu (The Patient)

The One who does not quickly punish the sinners.
". . Naught is as His likeness; and He is the Hearer, the Seer. . . Qur'an
(Arabic transliteration: Huwa Allathi Laysa Ka Mithlihi Shay'un Wa)

Whoever recites this name along with each prayer for 1, 100 times, God
Almighty will bestow contentment and he will not be a dependent on anyone,
condition being, that the recitation is continuously performed. Its


impression also has the same effect. If someone has a habit of doing everything
in a hurry, or rush, or one who is very short-tempered, gets furious, they
should recite this name, God Almighty will bestow patience. The child who
cries, while going to school, for him, the impression is very successful. but
before writing the impression, the writer should conduct the recitation of the


Chapter 5
Secrets of Alphabets
The flow of my luminant thoughts, the ascending
state of my spiritualism...

The hidden secrets behind letters of the alphabet.

My conscience said that Haruf-e-Abjad should be written about. Oh, my
Allah, Almighty, all the universe was created by your saying, "Be. " In your
reverence are sublimation and prostration. We came into being by your
benevolence, and it is your favour that we incur.
For those who write and those who can comprehend, letters of the
alphabet are likened to the body, and their numerical values of the life. Letters
are the transcripts of sounds.
They were revealed onto Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) in the shape of 22 letters.
Through refinement reached to Hazrat Muhammed (PBUH) as 28 letters.
The holy Quran was revealed in sound form via these 28 letters. It was
revealed onto the holy prophet's (PBUH) heart. Letters are actually the shapes
given to sounds and are thus their image. The numerical value is their hidden
power, which is quantifiable. Each of these pictures (letters) is given a
different name. These sounds are the Holy Quran in essence. These 28
letters are entrenched in our daily lives, and no one can comprehend
the full extent of their power. Their influence is unlimited.
Only he can understand their secrets who has spiritualism in his heart and
soul. Last night I decided to write about the secrets of the letters of the
alphabets, of which I am aware, so that this knowledge will remain in the world.
I saw in a dream that someone is saying that an angel is coming to draw
lines on book sized paper, so that the letters of the alphabet can be written.


It must be remembered that Allah almighty has kept the powers of these
letters a secret. All the sublime and spiritual books of the world are the
sounds of these letters.

28 letters in the Arabic alphabet.

Hay, Wao, Zeh: Hay Thoay, Yeh
Qaaf, Meem, Noon:
Seen, Ain, Feh, Suadh:
Qureshat: Sakhaz: Feh, Zoay, Ghain. All sounds
have different qualities.

The letter Alif (A).

The holy Quran begins with the letter Alif. The letter contains the
secrets of the Almighty, which no one has ever been able to attain. If
someone is childless then they should incant the letter Alif repeatedly, and
they will be blessed with a child.
First, 2 Raqat Nafal are performed, then recite "Ya Ale 19 times, followed
by incantation of "Alif Alif, " at least 5000 times. In this way 5000 times is
recited morning and night, it should be done in the same place, and one
should not speak or be spoken to at these times. This process should not be
interrupted during its 125,000 entireties.

The letter Ba.

Ba is being stated briefly. Ba incantation is for release from captivity,
i.e. prison. If there is too much rain or danger of flooding, a Naciash
should be made on a piece of fired unused pottery, and hung in cloth out
of doors, and at the same time begin the Ba incantation. Along with the
names of the almighty, "YA Qavio, " "Ya Badhio, " the rain will stop before
the end of the incantation.


The letter Tey.

If a person writes the letter Tha onto a piece of magnet, and everyone
looks at it with respect and admiration, and prior to doing this he/she
incants Tha 125,000, in ten to 20 days, this letter is powerful for love
and respect. Placed around the neck (like an amulet), is its best use.

The letter Sey

If a child or baby cries ceaselessly and nothing seems to work, then
recitation of the letter Sa 125,000 times, and then writing it on to a silver
tablet and placed around the child's neck, will cure the habit of crying. This
will also work for chicken pox.
If written onto a silver ring, the wearer will experience unusual
phenomena. However, it's Naqash is at its most powerful .

The letter Ja or Jeem.

If a fruit tree is barren, Jeem is recited 125,000 times. Then write it in
Naqash form onto a wooden surface and hang it on the tree. The tree will
become fruit bearing.
If the Naqash is kept on one’s person, whomever he/she meets will
become amenable.
If it is written onto one’s fingernails, then one’s superiors will become
amenable in his/her presence.

The letter Hey

The secrets of Ha lie in Hiyo, Hamido, Halimo. If Ha is recited 125,000
times, these three Icms are recited (names of the almighty). When the
Naqash is written onto paper and kept in one’s person, then unusual
benefits will occur.

The letter Khey.

If one has nightmares, or one suffers from fear of water e. g. flood in
dreams, or one is frightened of venturing outdoors, then Kha is recited
125,000 times followed by an incantation of Ya Khabiroh. The results


will be weird and wonderful. However, he/she must not reveal his/her
dreams to anyone, as they will know the results of their action beforehand.
If a child is fretful then the Kha Naqash should be placed around the
child's neck, fretfulness will cease. The Naqash Kha can reveal the answer
to all questions.

The letter Dal or Dhal

If one is hard up, or suffering from poverty, Dhal should be recited
125,000 times, as before, in 5 or 10 days, maximum.

The letter Zal or Za

The recitation of this letter rids one of poverty. It is incanted as previously
mentioned for the other letters, in other words two Raqat Namaz Nafal is
performed, the followed by Darudh Sharif and then one begins the
recitation. One must not communicate with anyone else during the entire
process, just as during Salah. If the recitation is interrupted, then it cannot
be recommenced unlike Salah. Whatever one sees during this time must not
be revealed to anyone else.
Either five thousand or ten thousand times is the minimum recitation
per sitting, as any less than this will have no benefits. This can be performed
either ten thousand at one sitting or five thousand in the morning and five
thousand in the evening. The recitation to this will never allow anyone to
become penniless.

The letter Rey

The one who recites this letter is also bestowed within abundance
of food because this is the incantation of edibles. This recitation should be
completed in five or twelve days. One sees weird and wonderful visions
during this recitation. There is also the invocation of the redeemer and
keeper in this letter. This letter is the gathering of all Allah Almighty's
secrets. The most important aspect of this is that when one finishes the
recitation of this letter after five or ten thousand times then one should
recite Ya Razako, Ya Rehmano, Ya Raheemo as much as possible, then the
secrets of this letter will be revealed but one must not tell anyone their


The letter Zey

This letter is the secret of Al — Aziz (the near one). A recitation of 125,000
times of this letter unlocks the hidden secrets that lie within. The
recitation of this letter bestows respectability and social position of the
recitor. It is performed in the same way as all the previously mentioned

The letter Seen

This letter invokes the mysteries or secrets of Ya Sitaro, and Ya Samio.
The recitation of this letter will soften one’s superiors. The superiors will
become more amenable to the recitor. If a person is imprisoned and recites
this letter, freedom from prison will be obtained. A recita tion of five or
ten thousand of these letters and followed by recitation of Ya Sitaro, Ya
Samio results in release from captivity.

The letter Sheen

After completing one hundred and twenty-five thousand recitation
of this letter then Surah — Al — Shams should be recited seven times. Then
whatever questions the recitor asks during the night Allah Almighty will
provide him with the response. Whether someone is lost or there is an
unsolvable problem, this letter and Surah are also used for Istikhara.

The letter Suadh.

The recitation of this letter bestows contentment on the recitor. If one
has a volatile temperament, then this recitation brings calm on the recitor. If
a child cries constantly then a Naciash of this letter placed around the child's
neck stops the crying. But the Naciash will only have effect if the writer has
first recited "Sheen" 125,000 times.

The letter Zhuad

The recitation of this letter provides the ability to control and mould. The
recitor of this letter is freed from restraints of all kind e. g. marriage and


employment e. t. c. the doors will open for the recitor. Even restraints that
occur during recitation of letters. This letter is the invocation and witness to
the unknown.

The letter Tony

This letter is the invocation of Al—Basit. Recitation of this letter leads one
towards purity of the mind. It is for opening doors in order to solve
problems that have plagued one and appear unsolvable. Revelations
take place in one’s dreams. If questions are asked Allah Almighty provides
the answers.

The letter Zhoay

This letter reveals hidden meanings and mysteries of Al-Azharo. Along
with the recitation of the letter one must also recite Al Azharo.

The letter Aen

This letter is included in Icm-e-Azam, and Ya Alio, Ya Azimo, Ya Alimo, Ya
Azizo, Ya Adlo, Ya Afuo are its incantations. One who recites this letter is
blessed with the revelations of these six Icms and becomes nearer to Allah
Almighty. I must state that I cannot say more than this about the secrets of
this letter.

The letter Ghain

This letter Invokes Ya Ghanio, Ya Ghaffaro. The recitation of these
words changes one's destiny within days. The doors to wealth are opened
beyond one's imagination. The condition is that the mystery must be kept
a secret. Revealing of these mysteries to anyone will bring the wealth to
an end, in just a few days, just as they were bestowed in just a few days.

The letter Feh

The 72 names of Allah Almighty that were revealed onto Hazrat Ibrahim
(AS), Feh, Wao, Yeh is their invocation. Recitor gains unlimited respect.
Recitation of Feh is the first step, followed by the recitation of these three


letters. The secrets are only revealed after recitation. These letters are a
secret of the holy Quran.

The letter Koff

This letter is the admission of Al-Qavio. This is the secret that no one has
seen optimised. When Qaff is recited the secrets of "Alif' and "Feh" are
revealed. After the one hundred and twenty-five thousand recitation of this
letter if the Nagash is carved onto a silver tablet, and kept on one's person, will
instil respect from the public.
Keeping this tablet in the home will instil security for the occupants.
This letter is part of the Holy word.

The letter Qaff

The recitation of this letter will reveal the secrets of Al—Kabiro, Al—
Kareemo. Its power is unlimited. This letter produces an abundance of love
and respect in the public. Wherever the recitor goes, he will find love and
respect for himself. After recitation one should write Qayaff, Alif Feh
according to their numerical values and portray it in their house, wonderful
benefits will be gained.

The letter Laam

This is the beginning of the Holy Quran, "Alif Laam, Meem" it is the
secret of the sacred word, and no one can aspire to know the secret of Meem.
Alif Laam Meem is first suffused into the names of the almighty. These three
letters are a secret of almighty Allah. It is the declaration of Ya Latihfo.
125,000 repetitions of this letter followed by an incantation of Ya Latihfo,
one will see what revelations will take place, and what benefits will be gained.
This is a secret that must remain so.

The letter Meem.

Meem is a secret of the Holy Quran. It is a part of the sacred word Alif
Laam, Meem. It is the beginning of the holy Quran and has a special position
in the sacred word. That is one the recitation can take one to limitless benefits.


Only the recitor will understand this point. This word is the invocation
of Motheqabaro, Mohemano, Mujeebo, Mueedo, Muhiyo, Momitho,
Majido, Mumino, Maliko, Muqsetho, Mughio, Maanio, and Majeedo. The
recitation of this word can take one to unsurprised heights. Its secret is that the
Holy Quran begins with these three letters. The name of the Holy Prophet
(P. B. U. H.) also begins with Meem. The one who recites this letter
will be blessed with the secrets of these names by the almighty Allah. It
should remain a secret and not be revealed to anyone else.

The letter Nuun

This letter is the invocation of the Icm Ya Nafio. It is the secret of
Nuun and the sacred word. One of the Surah's of the holy Quran
begins with this letter. The recitor is blessed with good tidings by
Allah almighty. There becomes an abundance of all things.
If it is written as a Nagash and kept on one's person, great tidings are

The letter Wao

This is an admission of the Icm Wahab. The recitation of this letter
gives rise to a new ………………. It is the key to all problems. First one
recites the letter Wao followed by Wahabo, then one will see the results.
Almighty Allah states in the Holy Quran, that Hazrat Suleman prayed to
the Almighty to make him near to him.
Allah thus states: "Remember me by my Icm. "
Hazrat Suleman then said "Anthil Wahab. "
Allah Almighty replied: "We have given you power over the air or
winds, Djinn and human beings. "
Its numerical value is 14. The recitor of this is successful in all aspects
of life.

The letter Hey.

This is an admission of three secrets. Ha, Hoo, Howah. The birth of
this universe is dependent on the three Hey's.


When Howah from the sound Hoo is recited, angels descend to the
earth. I will leave this secret as a secret.

The letter Yeh.

This letter is a declaration or statement. Ya comes before any sacred
or holy name. Ya Allah, Ya Muhammed, Ya Hoo, Ya Howah.

Whosoever has begun a trait name of Allah Almighty with Ya has

achieved success.


Chapter 6
Qualities Of Stones

My reflection asked me to write something about stones, because

problems get resolved with the help of stones. If a wrong stone is worn, it
makes life a misery, break up of family, occurrence of an accident,
everything becomes possible. I am writing it briefly, but I want that
knowledge to remain in the world.

All colours of the rainbow are found in this stone, for example white,
orange, milky, yellow, rosy and black. The black colour is very rare and
wearing it causes destruction. It creates contentment in heart and mind and
makes the person like a rainbow, make family life as pleasant. In the olden
days, it was worn as a talisman. It rectifies the stomach and the nervous
system. It is favourable to those, whose dates are 3 — 6 — 9, or any date that
is fully divisible by three


Mention of this stone is found in Bible, Torah and the Old Testament.
In Hindi, it is called Bhukhum. Mention of this stone is found in many more
spiritual books. It has a special connection to mind. It awakens the spirit of
progress. This stone brings the things of unconscious to conscious. It
awakens the strength of yoga and cleanses hidden feelings. The people
who perform mental, or sensual exercises, should wear this stone.
Historically, this stone was worn for decoration. Bible and the old Testament


have described it as a sacred stone. In olden days, this stone was used in
worship and other religious ceremonies. In Greek giant necklace, the
biggest Greek deity Zeus's wineglass was made of this stone. This stone is
suited for those whose number is divisible by 2, not for the birth on Tuesday.

This is a green coloured stone, it has blood spots on it and because of
that, it is called as bloodstone, and in Arabic it is called hajr al drn. This stone
is allied with the name Jesus Christ. In the old days, a cross-used to be made
out of it and it was worn as a talisman. Person wearing it becomes kind
hearted. This stone is also worn after getting the impression etched on it.
Person wearing it remains protected from every illness and it stops the
arterial blood. The person whose name starts with either rey, or hai, or ain,
and date of birth is odd, this stone is favourable for him, but every person
can wear it, as it a cause of wellbeing.

Aqua Marine
This is a crystal coloured stone, in spherical shape. Rosaries are made
from this stone. A person carrying the rosary of this stone, becomes good
and open hearted. This make poverty disappear, it is also good for skin
diseases and nervous disorders. If the date of birth is in between November
22 to December 27, then this stone is favourable.

In Persian, this stone is called pukhraj and in Arabic, it is called yaqoot
asgher. This has similarities with diamond. The best quality of this stone is
one, which is clean, clear and of golden hue. People wear double coloured
topaz. Nervous disorders unduly take place, all illnesses related to
circulation of blood get cured.
If a name starts with pey, kaf, qaf, or meem, then this stone is very favourable
or lucky. In Delhi Museum the dagger having a hilt made of yellow topaz,
belonging to Shahinshah Akber, is on display. The Maharaja of Patiala,
Bhupinder Singh, got a topaz ring made for his heart ailment. Sultan
Salahuddin Ayyubi's ring also had a topaz in it. The royal crown in


Portugal bears 198 carats of high quality yellow topaz, decorating it. This
stone is useful for body pains and all the illnesses related to blood. It makes
the marital life pleasant. The people whose date of birth is between May and
July, it is most useful for them.

Red Rock
This is a cornelian type of stone; its yellow, red and brown colours are
famous. Talisman and magic are etched on it. It is useful in epilepsy,
provided, the sufferer does not use sugar, elders have written it like this. If
the beginning letter of a name is ye or qaf or the date of birth is between May
3 and June 31 then this is most suited.

Durr Najaf or Zair Najaf

This is a superior stone, despite it being cheap, because it is found in
abundance. It has historical facts associated with it. Its colour is very
bright and shiny white. It is not harmful, and anyone can wear it.

Sting Sulaiman
This stone is a type of cornelian; its colour is black, yellow, or red.
Often, it has lines of other colours. Muhammed (PBUH) used to emerge
from his abode wearing the ring of sung Sulaiman and he has said that
praying after wearing its ring bears great reward, there are many other good
qualities, which are beyond writing. It has been customarily worn since
the time of (Prophet) Solomon. Earlier, it used to be put around the neck
of the statues of Dewatas and Devis.

Sun Stone
There is a halo of light around this stone. In Arabic it is called hajr
ashms, this stone is found in red and brown colours, sometimes a
yellowness is also found, white, in which golden colour is showing, its
one quality, which is considered as superior. Beginning letters meem, hey, tai,
and khey are more favoured.

Sung Hadeed


In this shiny stone, iron is mixed. During olden days, it was used in
jewellery. Due to the presence of iron, it resembles blackish colours and
earthen colour are more popular, but the stone of black colour is liked. This
is usually found in China. In difficulty, it proves to be of assistance. Sung
Hadeed is the birthstone for the people, having their dates of birth from
December 20 to January 22. It is in legends that Imam Jafer Sadiq Al Qaol
(AS) advised a person, who was in a danger from the administrator of the city,
to get a ring with Sung Hadeed made and told him to get the following words
in Arabic, etched. "Aouzo BeJalalahoo. "

This is a very well-known stone, acid does not affect it, does not melt in
fire, only its colour changes. There are many benefits from this stone; snake
and scorpion run away from turquoise. It makes poverty and destitution go
away, it warns about impending accident, in advance and immediately cracks
up. A broken turquoise should immediately be removed. Every person can
wear it.

This is an aromatic, river stone, in Arabic it is called `umber; its identity is
that it attracts a strand of straw. It is found in different colours, but the
orange colour shows in everyone. Mention of this stone is present in the
Bible. It enhances the spiritual power, in Arabia, they keep its rosary in
hand, whoever holds it in his hand is saved from all sorts of problems. Whoever
has a ma, me, or mu, in the beginning of his name, it is very beneficial for him.


This is the most superior stone in the world of precious stones. In

Arabic and in Urdu, it is called la'aP. In Persian and Arabic, it is called as
'moot'. Its colour is red, like the eye of a pigeon, or like human blood. This
is considered as one of the most expensive stones and it is precious. A ruby
is cut with diamond. If red rays pass through it, then, it is considered as fake.
The colour filter is available with eyeglass shops. It is washed with tamarind
water. It enhances self-reliance, makes improvement in earnings and


strengthens the will power. It is supporter in love and friendship. It is a

supporter of people, whose names start with meem, hai, or airy, or their
numbers are amongst any of the following 6 — 2 — 3 and 9. This stone has
been praised by Hazrat Ali (AS) and Imam Jafer Sadiq Sadiq Al Qaol (AS).
Sultan Muhammed Ghauri had found a rare ruby out of an n idol in
Soamnath, which was lost after two generations.

Romani Ruby
This stone shies in the dark of the night, in English it is called spinal, in
Sanscrit, it is mangia and its Arabic name is la'al romani. Its quality is that it
provides sustenance, respect, fame and increase in livelihood is found.
Increases self-confidence, when the colour of this stone changes, it is a
warning of coming danger. In the museum in England, on the forehead of
Gautama Buddha, the shining la'al romani is of the size of the egg of a
sparrow. In the crown of Queen Noor Jehan, a la'al romani of 315 carats was

Cat's Eye
Looking like a cat's eye, in Persian it is called gurba chashm and in Hindi, it
is called do darya. It is found in many colours, but the glitter of yellow
and pink colours is conspicuous. It protects from the powers of magic and
bad eye. If it is put in milk and then it is drunk, it will protect from abortion.
It is beneficial for everybody.

Moon Stone
Having connection with Moon, this shote is called hajr al gamar in
Arabic. This stone glitters during the days of rising Moon and becomes
dull during warning period. It enhances respect and dignity, keep bad
omen away. It is the cause of good fortune, for whoever has it.

Coral Stone

Found at a great depth in oceans, this stone is called as marjan in Arabic. Its
top shell is quite hard, like an amethyst and you cannot tell. Red and
brownish red stone is considered as good. It is put around the necks of


children, to protect them from evil spirits. It is a guarantor of well-being and

freedom from worries, it becomes the cause of livelihood and every person
can wear it. Rich people make rosary with it, it is more expensive than gold.

Blue Sapphire
This blue-coloured, expensive stone is called as `neelum' in Hindi. Sapphire is
considered as one amongst high-class jewels. Sapphire and opal have similar
qualities. If this stone does not favour a person, then he should not wear it.
This can cause nothing but ruination and destruction. This stone can make a
king as a beggar within days, eventually; it can lead a person onto the
hangman's board. In case of suitability, it makes a person as a king of kings,
increases love, fulfils the prayers, and adds to the dignity. Special feature is that
it makes the personality as attractive. Historians have written that the hardships
that fell on Jesus Christ were due to the sapphire stone. King Solomon's
throne was also decorated with sapphires.

Diamonds and emeralds are considered to be the most expensive stones.
Diamond is called as almas in Arabic and Persian. A diamond can only be cut by
another diamond. Different religious schools of thought in India have
mentioned this stone. A white diamond is considered as good. It provides
happiness and peace, opens the doors of respect and good fortune, if it favours.
It cannot be found through any calculations, or arithmetic, if it will favour or
not. The bigger the stone, the greater will be its effects.


Its history is very old; this stone has graced the jewellery. It has no equal, in
its shine and brightness. It is popular amongst other jewels. If it has a line, or
it is shaded, then, it is considered as defective. It is light in weight. No acid
can affect it. When imitation emerald looks red, it is a saying of Hazrat Ali (AS)
that bad dreams do not appear. It is a saying of Hazrat Imam Raza (AS) that,
by wearing it, every difficulty gets resolved, it concurs enemies, creates fear on
the opposition, creates softness in temperament and it is the cause of
satisfaction and peace. On the sight of it, a snake gets scared. In case of the


effect of any demon, then, despite of its being fitted in the ring, it starts
shaking. It changes its colour in the hands of a bad person. Treatment for snake-
bite is the oxide of emerald, if antidote injection of the venom, is not available.
This stone is not necessarily favourable to everyone. It should be worn after
careful consideration; the same goes for sapphire and opal.

Zircon and diamond are very similar to each other; zircon gets deceived
for a diamond. However, zircon is lighter than a diamond. They are found in
many colours, this is a natural stone. In the old days, the sailors used to
wear it in a ring, for safety against storms. By keeping this stone close to
you, it enhances the prestige and increases the earnings, creates a balance in
a person's temperament. Everyone can wear this stone.

This has similarity of colour with emerald, but this is semi precious. In
fact this is a kind of topaz. It has shining green colour. Every person can wear
it; it does not have any bad effects.

This is a well-known stone, it is found in innumerable colours. In
Persian, this stone is known as `aqeeq' and in Arabic, it is `ageeq yamani'.
Dervishes and knowledgeable people mostly wear this stone. This stone is
a protector of all dangers and also in travels. It is an antidote of magic
spells. It has been tried, whenever there is some danger, this stone cracks.
It should not be worn after it cracks. It should immediately be removed.


Diamonds, sapphires, emeralds and topaz are considered as precious

stones, the bigger it is the more effects it will have. The remaining stones
are counted as semi-precious. Whenever, you want to wear a stone in a
ring, first recite Bismillah ar-Rehman-MrRaheem, 1, 100 times, then blow it
on the stone and keep it under the pillow, before sleeping. Good and bad
effects of that ring will appear in the dream, it is not possible that answer is


not received, however, those with number 5 and number 9, should keep it
under someone else's head, to get the answer, but there is no harm, if they
try themselves.

I have written everything very openly, regardless, if anyone takes any

benefit, or not. My writing is my divine, it cannot be wrong.


Chapter 7
Effects of Colours on our Lives
Flow of the light of my reflection and my ecstatic

riends of mine were insistent that, in accordance to my spiritual light, I

F write about the effects of colours on human life. In the beginning when
the world was created, it was ball of fire, then it changed its colour to
yellow and the fire cooled down, the yellow colour was telling that the fire
was finishing. Before I write something else, I will write about the types of
colours, which are shown in a rainbow. There were seven colours, after
combining with one another; many more colours were created. The
discourse about yellow colour was going, so, when the fire reached its
dead end, at first, it adopted the yellow colour, then it turned into white
and became ash, or coal. Consider about the trees of a forest, when their
leaves adopt a yellow colour, then it becomes the sign of the coming
autumn. What happens next? They fall down from the trees and wind blows
them around, as if it is the end. Forests take on a shape of a wilderness.
Similarly, when a human face takes on the yellow colour, it looks
jaundiced. Likewise, if you wear clothes of yellow colour, it will give a sick
feeling, or even if you are not sick, it will show as if you have been sick and
coming out of it. Look at wheat, when it becomes yellow, it is ready for
harvesting, otherwise, animals will eat it, if it is left, it will go waste. If we


wear yellow clothes, then our thinking also becomes that of sick people.
Look at the farm, when a fruit becomes yellow, it is separated from its
source, and otherwise it will go bad.
When and which colour should be worn, is an important aspect in our
life, colours make our thinking. Sorrow and happiness are expressed
through colour, yellow colour is the sign of autumn.

A red and white face indicates health and happiness. In case of anger, the
face also becomes red. This colour expresses happiness and weddings or
marriages. Red dress is worn in weddings, celebrations, Eids and Shab-
braats, but no one has seen anybody wearing a red dress at a funeral,
whenever it is worn, it expresses happiness, and it is also worn in the
happiness of others. It awakens the young person within and makes one feel
that he is young, but it also generates anger. There is nothing wrong in the
car of this colour, but it is not impressive, it is counted as childish colour
and not a sober colour.


This is known as a sacred colour and why is it sacred? Greenery attracts

rain and helps the crops grow; wheat, rice, etc., make food available to us.
Trees grow, greenery grows, various types of wood become available, which
are used in the household. Greenery is from gardens that give us fruits.
When we do not consider green as sacred and how important it is in our
lives, we become worried. The cause of rain is greenery alone; God has
called it as sacred. Every green thing provides benefit to others. The secret of
the life of this universe is in the greenery. Green dress creates a kind of
wholeness within us. It is not a dress of a bandit or thief. This brings the
nation together; this is the uniform of the army, police and the guards.
After autumn, spring arrives, every tree, herb and shrub becomes green,
everyone with a soul is born; flowers and fruit appear in their prime; on
seeing the greenery, everything expresses happiness; animals deliver their
young ones, birds lay their eggs. Then comes the rain, which bathes and
washes them all, in short, this is a life-giving colour.


Green is the colour of the dervishes and spiritual people, this colour has
wholeness in it, if it was understood, then the whole world would have
become a Heaven. This colour is the life of this universe, be they the learned
people, or the dervishes, or the police, or the army, all will be guardians. No
matter, how advanced the world becomes, we will continue making clothes of
this colour and there will be no substitute for it. When greenery finishes, it
is the sign of desert formation. Where there is greenery, animals, birds and
human beings gather, cities get created.
Only green, blue and brown eyes look pretty and not the yellow, not the
black and not the red. Bandits have red eyes.

Blue gives us the information of distance; the limit of our sight looks blue. A
blue-coloured car is not so impressive. Young people may like it; however, blue
dress is the symbol of friendship. If any body part of a human being, turns
blue, then its separation is considered as better, be that an arm, or a leg. The
same goes for the colour of the dress, on a small matter; two friends get separated
on a slight. That is why, blue sapphire is said to bring one, to the mouth of
destruction. If it is not suited, then you can imagine what a colour can do to
you. A blue house will not look pretty, however, green will be. The world
kneels in front of green be it the army or the police, they bow for fear. We also
bow down in the mausoleum for the sake of respect. Blue colour looks
pleasant from a distance, but it does not have a good effect on us. If it is light
in shade, then it is called as sky colour. It will not remain as blue. Any colour,
which becomes lighter, it changes its effect, even if it is sapphire.

Pink Or Rosy
One who has rosy or pink complexion looking like a ruby, will be
considered as pretty. In humans, there will be no equal in beauty. Out of
flowers, rose is considered as the most beautiful flower, because all other
coloured flowers are made from it. Similarly, anyone wearing clothes of pink
colour, will bear its good effects, the way flowers are liked, so he will be liked by
others. However, some colours are associated with men and some with
women, pink is considered as feminine. Men can wear this colour but
wearing trousers of this colour will not have a favourable effect on the body.


Ruby also has pink and red colours. A pink coloured fruit looks good, like
green grapes having a shade of pink in them, are preferred. At home, pink
will look better and not green, which will make it look like a tomb. A red
colour house will only be of a fool. Only white and pink will look good in a
house, other colours in lighter shades are a different matter.

Mauve or Lilac
Jamun is a fruit that grows on a tree, from which colour makers make the
mauve colour. The fruit is also used for controlling sugar in the human
body. In most cases, pip of the fruit is thrown away, but in case of this
fruit, the pip is used for making medicine for diabetes. They carve out
cups from the wood of this tree, then, at night it is filled with water, which
is drunk in the morning, it keeps the sugar as normal.
Another vegetable of the same colour, which is known as
`baadanjan' in Persian and Arabic, is prepared in a special way with yoghurt
and the people having sugar problem also use that. In India and Pakistan, it is
called as `baigan), it is hot in effect and a beneficial vegetable. (Brinjal, or
eggplant in English)

This colour gives light to the darkness it has an opposite power. As God
Almighty has created everything in pairs, on one side there is good and on
the other, it is evil. When darkness falls on the world, when black laws
prevail in the country, then all start praying for light and that is white
colour. However, there is a saying that somebody's eyes have gone white,
meaning that his eyes have lost love, where there is no courtesy. White
dress is respectable; it brightens and beautifies the house; it is a dress for
wedding; it is a dress of learned and knowledgeable people; it gives
respect and coolness. I may be the summer clothes at home, or in the car,
it gives comfort. This colour leads towards good.

The saying goes that it is not bad if someone's colour is black, the heart
should not be black. Black hearted is a hypocrite, having one appearance


from outside and quite the opposite from inside. Black dress is good for the
winters, but it is bad in summers, as it attracts heat towards it. It expresses
sorrow and it is worn in mourning; it is not appropriate in weddings and
marriages. It is not good for women in any form or design, when she
wears a black print, all her ill will become apparent.


Chapter 8
Flow of the light of my reflections
and my ecstatic condition...


S mell is such a thing that is given out of everything, which is unseen and it
flies with the air. It will remain in one place, if there is no air, it remains
stationary at one place; wind spreads it in the atmosphere. This smell comes
out of plankton, released by animals, given out by minerals, like gas.
Whatever, the animals release out of their body, it is known as bad smell, and
similarly, what humans let out of their body will be a bad smell. What smell is
released by plants, cannot be termed as bad smell, people themselves extract
perfumes out of them, called attar. They extract perfume out of sandal tree.
Each vegetable has its own smell, like that of garlic, onion, which is quite
sharp, and everyone knows. But does anyone know that cauliflower, turnip has
separate smell, every fruit has its own aroma, which comes out without its
being realised. Then look at flowers, rose has a different smell, and its attar is
extracted. Besides that, people apply deodorants, however, these deodorants
only suppress bad body odour, which remains. The ancient method of
application was totally different. You take rose flowers, decant their juice and
bottle it. Later, whenever you feel thirsty, you pour a few drops of the decanted
rose water in the glass of water and drink it. Rose water does no harm and your
perspiration will have a pleasant smell, instead of a bad odour. Other
deodorants get mixed with perspiration and change its smell, but the old way
will produce perfumed sweat out of the body. Hamdard people sell sandal,


rose and everything, it is known as `arq'. People mostly use rose water in
summers, gives out rose smell in the sweat. In Europe, due to cold weather
people take baths less frequently but in warm places, they take baths daily.
The way perfume of a sandal tree becomes known from a distance, you
know that there are sandal trees. Observe the flowers, rose has one perfume,
jasmine has another. In short, scents of all fragrances are available, that is
why I say that everything has a separate smell. The same goes for animals,
many keep a cat in the house, it creates a smell that no one can stop. You may
be able to make the smell of a dog in the house, go away, but there is one
problem that every ordinary person does not know, like keeping a cat in the
house creates greater chances for the children to have asthma.
How the chances of asthma arise, I will write here. You may wish to keep the
cat or dog at a distance from you, but their smell will be all over the house like
the smell of a cigarettes, regardless, anyone believes it or not, the smell will
persist, and its effect will also be present. Smells are not just the air, there is a
life that goes with it, which we cannot see. The way, there are chances of
asthma for children, increase due to the presence of a cat, same way, whatever
you say or do, you cannot get rid of the effects of a dog in the house. Also,
cat and dogs have ticks of their bodies, theses do not come from outside but
are the local growth on the body. Then there is a flea like the tick on the body
of a dog, which does not come from outside and it is known as bad smell. It is
the flea that causes harm and it is amongst the harmful powers. Like small
pox and cholera all these germs are present in the smell, which is the
discharged wind, released from anything. A deer finds about the presence of a
tiger nearby, by its smell. All the animals and the birds recognise danger, by smell.
I am writing an anecdote; whether anyone believes it or not, it is historical.
One day, Hazrat Ameer Khusro was returning from some expedition, he was
still about forty miles away from Delhi, he started telling his army men that
he smells his Sheikh.
They replied "Sir, Delhi is forty miles away. "
After a little while, a person came in sight and he spurred his horse and
came near that person and asked, where from was he coming. He replied that
he is coming from Delhi. Asked, if he had been to see the Sheikh. The man
replied, yes, he had stayed there for a week, in the expectation of getting
something that he was promised, but nothing turned up. Finally, the Sheikh
offered his shoes and his turban to tie around the head. Ameer Khusro asked
him to sell those things and he replied, what will anybody pay for these


worthless things, you can take them for free. Ameer Khusro took out a pouch
of gold coins and gave it to the man with an apology that, at that time he was
unable to pay more for the priceless items. This is the thing about recognizing
When the wind comes, we say that mild pleasant smell is coming, it
must have rained somewhere, or we immediately recognize the smell of
food and its type, or that of greenery.

Pleasant Smells
My reflections told me to write about 'smell'. Everything has a different
smell. A good smell is called as 'perfume' and a smell that you feel bad about is
just known as bad smell. The smell that comes out of minerals, is in the form of
gas and it is harmful in smelling. Amongst the plankton, each has a different
smell. If you take the sandal tree, it has a pleasant smell. attar is made out of
its wood. Extraction of its juice and its usage is ancient. In summers, people
used to put the juice in water for drinking, so that the perspiration smell of
sandal. These days' people use deodorants to eliminate the smell of sweat.
Flowers are used, rose extract was the choice of Sheikhs and Kings. They
used to put flower petals in the water for bathing, this was a favourite method
of the Mughal Kings. Queen Noor Jehan Jehangir used to put flowers in water
for bathing. Out of all flowers, rose is the most famous flower. In India,
extracts of rose, jasmine, sandal etc. are still used particularly in Arab countries
in the summer; they mix it in drinking water. Similarly, attars are ladies’
favourite as perfume. Use of perfumes is ancient. Even in the days of Pharaohs,
it was customary to wear perfume.

More than anyone else, dog is an animal, which recognises, differentiates

and memorises smells, no animal or human can match its capability. It
recognizes its owner's smell; it has a unique capacity of recognizing smells. If
there is a dog in the house and someone breaks in, commits a crime and runs
away, the dog can follow the smell and lead up to the criminal. Although, a dog
has its own smell, it recognizes its owner and differentiates any visitor or
intruder, by their smell. Just think, the dog has its own smell, then, his master
has his smell, the lady of the house has her smell and each of the


children have their own smells, despite of all these smells, the dog recognizes
and differentiates the smell of the enemy.
It is the smell through which a mother recognizes her child and the child
recognizes its mother. Experiment on a cow or a goat blindfold the goat and
still it will recognize its kid.
Perfume opens the human mind, bad smell sickens a person, besides that,
if a person spends his life in a place which smells foul, then he loses his
thinking faculty. A person working in the meat market, or in a slaughterhouse,
will think differently to the person working in a flower market. Some people
use After-Shaves and perfumes, this thinking is not that of every person, the
finer the mentality, the more the sensitive nature it will be; the person will be
the owner of good thinking. It will not be the thinking of a thief or bandit. Like
the instrumentalists, they cannot be criminals, similarly, people using
perfumes own fine mentalities. Use of perfumes, in the olden days, was
common in the places of worship, like aloes, benzoin, sandal, incense sticks,
etc. When perfume is used, spiritualism appears, angels descend; it makes the
place of worship as peaceful. Peacefulness can provide good environment.
The ladies, who wear perfume, do not get nervous quickly. When a person is ill,
vomiting, then perfume is also used in treatment. Perfume makes a difference
for lunatics, their fit stops. A perfume influences our thinking. If there is an
unbearable stench, vomiting starts. In weddings and marriages, perfume
creates a peaceful atmosphere. The people who have a problem of sleep,
their problem is resolved by smelling perfume. Smelling of perfume stops
the fit of epilepsy.

Just imagine, an avalanche comes, or an earthquake occurs, and people get

trapped in the debris. It is only from the smell that dogs sniff the presence of a
person and help in recovery. It is the smell, which makes a person, pass off, or
lose senses and it is the perfume, which brings him back to his senses. Wild
animals recognize their young ones through smell. Smells tells us that
something is burning. Entering a house, one recognizes the aroma of food that
is being cooked.
This smell tells all, there is cannabis or heroine hidden inside and there is
no one better than a dog in smelling it out.


Chapter 9
The Soul
The Stream of luminance of my thoughts. The height of my
spritual state...

T have written many books: Manzil 1 and Manzill II, Jaffra -eJamma; Jamma;
Divine Prophecy; Wahid Ish'aat Wahid.
Why is it necessary to talk about this topic? Actually, my close friend,
Abdul Satar requested that I should write about this topic. Doctor Quraishy,
Masroor Siddiqi and Zahid Sharif requested the same and I felt that I should I
should write about this important subject.
My writings are not bound, or dependent on my thoughts. They are the
stream of my spiritualism, that are brought to me by my thoughts. This is my
text on this subject. The ones who have knowledge have written books in the
light of religion. Poets have written about the soul according to their views.
Philosophers have also written profusely on this subject.
I have now reached the stage, where I should write about this topic.
The reason for the arrival of Adam (A. S) on this earth. The first
question is, are we the inhabitants of this planet.
Secondly, or are we aliens? In other words, are we the inhabitants
off another planet?
If we are the inhabitants of another world, did we happily come here? Or
have we come here by mistake through our endeavours. Or has someone sent
us here, by way of punishment?
The readers will decide this for themselves. The question that now arises
is, if we have come here, where have we come from?
Was that place, that world, better than this? Will we go back there again?


One thing is certain. In the entire Universe, be it this world, or another, life
is dependent on the four basic fundamentals; earth, wind, fire and water.
For instance, if the sun loses it brightness, i.e. becomes cold, no soul or spirit
could be born. Nothing could stay alive.
Secondly, if water is taken away from the planet, no spirit of anything that
is alive could remain alive.
If air or wind is taken away, then nothing could remain that is alive.
All these four basic elements of life are in a particular ratio to each other.
If this ratio is altered, even this is a danger to life. In other words, if water
ebbs away life, our lives would come to an end.
Or if the Sun comes nearer, and the heat increases, even then our lives would
be in danger, and catastrophe would take place.
If the winds bring storms and hurricanes, day and night endlessly, our
life again would be in danger.
Apart from this, if the greenery or foliage is taken away, we could not stay
alive, and neither could anything else. Why is the foliage so vital, I will explain
further on.
However, if we are taken away from this planet, then this world would not at
all be affected. Everything would carry on regardless.
This means that these four elements have been created by Allah in order to
maintain our lives, and that we are not a part of this world.
There is a reason for everything that has been created in this world. So,
there must be a reason for our creation as well, even though it is certain that
we could not remain alive without these four elements, and that our absence
would not affect anything in this world.
1. One thing is crystal clear and that is that we do not belong to this planet,
or eco-system. We have come here from some other planet. Without us, life
on this planet would remain unaffected and intact.
2. What is the meaning of our lives? Let us say, for example, that one way or
another we have arrived here. Whether we came here of our own free will,
or by force as a way of punishment.


Before I go any further, I must write why foliage is so vital. In other

words, why the colour green has been con sidered so important. And here
we are responsible for the destruction of this greenery.
The reasons why the colour green is so esteemed in Islam. Why is
greenery so esteemed?
One: this is the proof that Islam is the religion of Allah's (S. W)
Fourteen hundred years ago what was said by my Lord and Master, is
still not fully understood today. If this secret could have been comprehended,
then every Islamic Country would have been green and fertile today. There
would be no desert. The nation that considered it, have made their countries
Just look at Israel; when it came into being and how big it is. Go and see and
learn from it.
Where there is foliage, there will be rain. Just like there are four elements for
life, in the same way there are four seasons, which are responsible for life.
The place that has the four seasons, is the place that can be likened to
paradise. The greenery is the reason for the four seasons.
Now you will say that, it is because of the four seasons that there is greenery.
There are four seasons in the Northern Hemisphere as well, but there is no
sustained spring there.
Greenery is needed for the season of spring.
What does greenery or foliage give us?
If there is foliage, there will be rain, and if there is rain there will be foliage,
if there will be rain, there will be trees. They provide fruits and shelters for
birds and animals.
Agriculture depends on water, and water is necessary for greenery.
Then the animals eat the plants, to maintain their lives, and we use animals
for food.
Now you will say that, it is not a good thing to cut short the lives of poor
animals. But this is a personal choice. One can be vegetarian or meat-eater i. e.
carnivorous. There is no compulsion on anyone to be one or the other. Many
people do not agree to this system of nature.
This is why Allah (S. W) has created a system where systematic disposal is
taking place, before an animal dies i. e. it becomes food for another and so on.


There can be no better system possible than this one.

There is a secret in the multiplication or increase. What is that secret?
The secret of Increase of Multiplication lies in sacrifice. Whoever makes a
sacrifice of his money or his wealth, Allah (S. W) makes abundant that
person's wealth.
It can be explained in this way, sheep, goats, cattle, deer etc. all give birth
to one young at a time usually, and many animals and humans eat them, yet
there are herds and herds of them.
On the other hand, dogs, cat and pigs etc, have multiple births, still they
are not seen in great number of packs.
By way of example, at the festival of Eid -ul-Adhaa, goats are sacrificed
by Muslims the world over, even then there are flocks and herds to be seen.
Lions, tigers, wild dogs eat these animals, but their own numbers are very
limited. They are not seen any great packs or groups.
Thus the secret of increase lies in sacrifice.
Whoever has sacrificed his wealth becomes wealthier and wealthier.
This is why Allah commanded Zakat to be given, so that there is a greater
abundance or increase.
Whosoever has given cloth, has amassed fabrics and yet more fabrics.
This is why people present gifts of clothes every year. Some give in the
name of those who have died. Others give for their own sakes. Now,
some people say, what is the point in giving clothes in the name of those
who have died, what is the benefit of doing this to the one who has died?
The clothes do not reach that person (in the same way as Dhua)
Listen, whether clothes do reach them or not is one thing, but your
nation, which is poor, does benefit. People get clothes, so that their bodies
are veiled. It becomes a reason for Allah's (S. W) benevolence upon us.
Whosoever has given a sacrifice of food, Allah (S. W) has given him an
abundance of food. He has increased his lot many fold.
People distribute food at offerings at shrines. The same question arises
again now. Does it benefit or reach the person who has died, and on behalf
of whom it has been distributed?


Whether it reaches the deceased or not, it does help to feed Allah's (S.
W) people and fill their appetites. It becomes a reason for the benevolence of
Allah (S. W)
What happens when there is benevolence?
If there is benevolence, then He makes food plentiful. There will be an
abundance everywhere.
The amount that you spend, is the same amount that you get again. This
is Allah's (S. W) promise.
The food that someone has eaten and has been provided by you, in
return, Allah will increase your share, so that you can go on sharing, to
your heart's desire.
If everyone in the country could get food and clothes free of charge,
there would be no commiting any misdemeanours. No one would rob or
steal. Even if there is no complete end to it, there would be a very
significant reduction in these crimes.
Apart from the humiliation, begging would come to an end in our
society. Pay attention and you will see the wounders of an Islamic
society. The system in England and Europe along with the Laws, are derived
from Islamic Laws. Along with food and clothes, they also give financial
assistance. Even if this money is misused i. e. wasted on narcotics or spirits,
these governments do not let people go without food and clothes.
Again, pay attention, the Islamic System is a system to maintain life,
which is happening in Europe. We seem to have preference for a system
that advocate destruction. How to kill, at home, in the market places or
shopping centres, or in Mosques and Imam Barghas, these are our
It had been the way for thousands of years, that food and clothes were
distributed at shrines. No one used to walk around naked and hungry.
The system was very ill-conceived. You will think it was wrong. This is not
one of the topics of this book, but since it has arisen, my thoughts told me and
I am putting it into my text, whether anyone likes it or not.
Islam was brought by the one who is benevolence for the world, and it was
benevolence for the whole world, but we have curtailed and forgotten it, in
this century.


During this period, when everything has surpassed height and success,
to the point, when the vast majority of discoveries and inventions have
taken place, we have forgotten the very basics. Instead heading towards
greater successes and higher landmarks, we have gone towards unrest and
dissention; towards conflict instead of peace and serenity.
However, the topic was about the four basic necessities of life i. e. earth,
wind, fire and water. Just as these four basic elements are necessity for this life,
there are necessities for our external and internal environments as well.
Take heed, it takes an imbalance of just one of the basic elements to bring
about an end to our lives. They are important equally in our internal
environments and systems as well. For instance, if there is a shortage of water
outside or inside our bodies, there is a danger to our lives.
In the same way, if there is a reduction in heat, externally or internally, it
poses a peril for life.
If the air outside our bodies is reduced or cannot get into our lungs, again
the same will happen, and becomes the reason for death.
Minerals, in the same way, which are obtained from the Earth, and are
actually an achievement of the earth, are found in different soils and rocks, and
any imbalance of their quantities within us, also causes death.
One noteworthy point is that this food that we eat, what is it within us?
How is it digested, cooked within us? How is it separated into its microscopic
Consider carefully, what furnace is there within us? 'Where is the heat coming
from? What else is needed to run this body? What are the systems that control
this heat? And that, there is never any mistake in this system. We disturb this
internal environment from the outside, and spoil its balance, with our
greed for food. Otherwise, there is no fault in Allah's (S. W) system, ever.
Another thing, our lives on this universe are just as important, as theses four
elements are for our lives. The moon and stars are just as important for the universe.
Our internal and external well-being is dependent on their orbits.
Look at your own world, the moon orbits the earth. Life is dependent on
this orbit. It completes one orbit in 28 days. In other words, it circumnavigates
the earth.
Other planets, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn etc. also go around in orbit. The
earth itself is orbitting around the Sun, plus it is spinning around on its own


axis. Its orbit is in such a fashion, that it is itself in turn being orbitted by the
If this is written about fully, then it would be considered as a completely
new book on the Solar System. Because it is not one of the topics of my book,
I am mentioning only in passing.
If one of these stars breaks loose from its orbit, it would result in doomsday.
The whole of the Solar System would collapse.
We, in exactly the same way, orbit, walk round or circumnavigate — call it
what you will, the House of Allah (S. W) — The Holy Ka'aba.
If we go around it one time less than the obligatory seven, then all of the
worship becomes useless. In other words, the spiritual connection is broken.
Walking around the house of Allah by us is a sign of the spiritual system or
link. Then walking between Safa and Marwa is part of this spiritual system.
After seven times around the Holy Ka'aba, Hajre-Aswath (The black stone
placed at one corner of the Holy Ka'aba) is then kissed. The kiss is meant to
show devotion, and if it is not possible to get near due to the surging crowds,
then by raising ones hands towards it and kissing ones hands, it considered as
part of this ritual.
Another thing which is a secret and has to be mentioned is that, there is a
secret which is part of our religion. That is our first oath, in which we first
refute all gods, and then declare that there is only one Allah (S. W). In the
same way, after having circumvented the Holy Ka'aba seven times, we pay
homage to Allah's (S. W) command by kissing Hajre Aswath. We obey
Allah's (S. W) command and kiss the black stone, to proclaim the oneness of
Allah (S. W)
For exactly the same reason, we then stone the devil, for 3 days, or to put it
another way by stoning, we are refuting the devil.
By Allah's command, this is also a part of that spiritual system. By this
method, and in the way, the spiritual system is completed.
If one goes round the House of Allah one time less than the prescribed
number, then spiritual system is incomplete.
The same happens if the devils is stoned one less than the prescribed
Thus this spiritual system is the meaning of life. In other words, going
around (orbiting) is life, and it has special conditions.


Why are the conditions so strict? Because a single mistake turns this system
into blasphemy.
The blood, in exactly the same way, is going around in our hearts, in
other words orbiting. In other words, it is the secret of our lives.
The four elements are vital in this whole spiritual system. The House of soil
and water is circumnavigated. According to Allah's (S. W) COMMAND, water
from the Well of Zum Zum is then drunk and poured over the head.
This is followed by stoning the fire, i.e. devil to show our disgust.
Therefore, the four elements, even in this, are a reason for life.
I was writing about rotation or orbits, being another name for life. For
example, these four elements are outside and inside our bodies. If we stop
inhaling and exhaling air death occurs. or if there is a shortage of water (fluids)
within us, or if water cannot leave our bodies we would not be able to stay alive.
If food does not enter or leave our system death will occur. Similarly, if we get
too cold, or if heat cannot leave our bodies it would cause death.
If the rotation or orbit of these four elements is broken, we die. Therefore,
life is due to these elements. The universe, in the same way, depends on orbits
for its very existence.
Now there is one more thing in this system, which is very important,
and that is the cycle of blood within our bodies, and within our hearts.
Because the house of Allah (S. W) is in our Hearts, and this is life itself.
Everything has a fixed place and function. For instance, sea water rises as
vapour and turns into the clouds and impregnates the atmosphere. It then
comes down as rain. It washes mountains and soil. Some of it flows into
rivers. Some of it clefts its way into the sub-terrainean labyrinths and fuses with
its origin. And it is this very water that is taken up by the trees and foliage, to
relieve their demands. It is also this water that keeps alive the fruits,
vegetables and flowers. And it is this very water which is the basis for life itself.
It runs long with life, sustaining it, and then flows back to its origin.
When life comes to an end, it transports everything to its appropriate
destination. It completes its mission and returns to its origin.
If you think about it, everything, every life completes its reason for living. A
mother gives birth to her young and leaving her crying offspring (i. e. combating
the tribulations of life), rejoins her origin.


Everything completes its cycle and perishes. It mixes with the earth itself
and becomes earth.
But mankind is different because stones, rocks and minerals have one spirit,
essence or soul. It grows but cannot propagate its own kind. Neither does it
possess any sense of feeling. Take vegetation, it possesses two souls. It grows
itself and propagates its species. Then, there is the wildlife i. e. and birds. They
propagate the species, possess feelings, they feel sad, feel the sorrow of
parting, and they can also exhibit devotion or love.
Then look at mankind. There are four essences or souls common to all
human beings. We humans feel delight and sorrow, propagate our species,
educate and teach social etiquettes, and possess one very special quality, which
is, we have aspirations or demands. This quality is not possessed by any other
life form. Humans have highly developed brains the likes of which are not
found in any other species.
When this brain is used constructively, the boundaries of intelligence,
ideas and visions reach new plains. It spells success for the individual and for
mankind, as a whole.
Used negatively, it brings downfall and destruction for the individual
and mankind generally.
When the life cycle is complete, everything returns to its origin, because
everything is part of this earth. It becomes earth with earth, whether it was once
alive, or inanimate.
But there is one thing that does not perish like everything else in this world,
and that is described by the word "me" or "I".
If it was a part of this body or soul, of this world, it would perish. But it does
not cease to exist. This in itself is the very evidence that it is not a part of
this world, and that this "me" comes from somewhere outside our bounds.
The question now is what type of body did it once possess? And what
has become of that body or structure?
Or, was it without a body in the first place, and cloaked itself in a body here
and discards here as well?
Well, it will be proved.
Then where does this "me" go?
I am now going to write about this "me" or "I".
When does it find peace?


What does it want?

So far it has been proved that this thing called "me" is not a part of this
world. If it had been, then it would perish here.
Or this "me" imperishable. Everything will be destroyed but this "me" will
remain intact.
Now the questions are:

1. How does this "me" find peace?

2. What does it want?
3. It is evident that it is not apart of this world. If it had been it would
have perished here.
When the body is finished, where does this "me" go?
Because nothing is eternal in this world, everything lives and dies.
The only eternal thin is Allah (SWT). It can be ascertained from all the
books, where has Adam come from? Whether he came by choice, or by way of
a punishment.
It is difficult for the intellect to accept that if he came from another
planet, he came alone. But that he must have had at least a few companions.
This being the case, it shows that he did not come here by choice.
However, it is said that there is only one soul or essence, which is extra
terrestrial. And it is from Allah (SWT) It is eternal.
These essences are essential to our being. They are a part of our natural
system. These essences that are coursing through our bodies are from here.
They all perish. Everyone's life is dependent on sustenance. A lack of food
becomes a cause of their death.
And their lives are dependent on orbits or circulation. As long as we are
alive they are circulating, they are alive. They have a new beginning every day
and then, perish.
However, we are discussing the "soul" Allah ( (SWT) has created everything in
pairs, so how can there be only one soul?
It is not alone, Whatever has been created, also has an opposite force. This
is a certainty. In the same way, the soul (ruh), which has come from elsewhere,
is not alone either.
There are two angels with each of us. One for good, the other for bad.
Similarly, there are two angels which are recording our deeds, at all time.
The question now will be, how do they record?


Look, our voices are not lost in the air. They are preserved forever.
Whenever the angels find it necessary, they separate them.
So, we were talking about the Ruh or soul, and whether it is singular or
plural. The soul is another name for life, which is present within us, and is
otherwise called "ME" OR "I" The angel of death is its opposite force, which
replaces it, when it has left.
All, it can be said that, when the angel of death comes it leaves the body
and departs. In other words, when the flame of life is extinguished, darkness
takes it place.
Actually, we were talking about this galaxy, and that we cannot go out of
this system, or life, or this solar system.
You will now ask, how it this possible?
The thing is this, actually, there are limits to everything to or lives. There
is a limit to the amount we can eat or drink, how much weight we can lift, the
distance that our voices can travel. And the speed that we can run at, etc. so it
is evident that there is a limit to all our abilities.
If there were no limits, then the first thing that we would do is to expand or
open out the computers that are perched on top our bodies and use them
effectively, to remove the barriers of these limits, and make everything
without limit.
In other words, tools were made. For instance, the crane was invented for
lifting heavy weights. Binoculars and telescopes were made for viewing at great
distance, and amplifiers to carry the voice. It is suffice to say that the limited
became the unlimited. But there are bounds to this as well . It is not
bouundless. That only it the realm of Allah (SWT).
We can do everything within our bodies. We can transplant kidneys and
liver. We can even transplant the heart, but once this "ME" has departed, we
cannot bring it back i. e we cannot give life.
Similarly, we can go into the galaxy, but cannot leave its bounds.
This is why Allah (SWT) has limited our horizons, so that we do not destroy
the civilisations that exist on other planets.
What is that way, which would enable us to leave this galaxy?
That way is to attain spiritual perfection. We can traverse the entire
universe with our souls spiritually. But spiritualism cannot be used as a weapon
for hurting anyone or anything.


That only leaves one question. This "ME" or "I, " this soul, is it alone or is it
I have already stated that the other name for this "ME, " that is within us, is
life. I have also stated that if life if the name for the soul, then its opposite
power is death. Death is the other name for life as thee is resurrection after
death. This resurrection is immortal i. e. that life will be eternal.
Now the question which occurs again and again is that did the soul come
here alone, or was it accompanied by something?
I will just say that, there is a soul in brains, or it is in our hearts, or it is in
the entire body. But there is one thing that is with this soul and life, and, that
it is intelligence or knowledge.
So what is it that accompanies the soul?
Its explanation is, when we are asleep, we are still alive, but the soul or
essence leaves us. Similarly, when there is an accident, and the victim is in
coma, one essence maintains life, but there is no sign of recognition or
intelligence in the brain. Despite being alive, to all intents and purposes the
victim appears to be dead. Thus one soul is alive and the other is dead.
One essence is life, and the other is intelligence. They are both essential
within us.
Life is incomplete if one is without the other. The other name for
intelligence is knowledge, and Allah (SWT) has created them both. (In Sura
Rehman, Allah says, that Allah taught the knowledge and then created
mankind) and allotted this life. When both these essences or powers are
together, life is complete.
In other words, He created mankind and bestowed intelligence. This is a
benevolence of Allah (SWT)
Now, if for the sake of argument, we accept that there is only one soul,
which is again the command of Allah (SWT), as he has created everything in
pairs, even those of which we have no knowledge.
This means, there are two, one is "ME" or "r and other is intelligence or
Life is the combination of these two powers, otherwise the result is death.
If there is no intelligence, then a person is living corpse. It goes without
saying that if there is intelligence, then, the brain is alive, the rest is just a
dead body.
Intelligence is with life, and life is with intelligence. These are the two
things which make up mankind.


Chapter 10
I want to write about heaven, Paradise. What is it like? In Heaven, 1 there is
no eating, there is no drinking there is no marriage, no wedding. There are
no relations, or relationships.
Now you will ask, will there be prayer, fasting, Hajj or Pligrimage
in heaven?
No, it is not like that.
There is no prayer in heaven because if there was prayer, there would be
zakat (alms for the poor). If there is zakat, then there has to be a currency.
Where would this currency come from? There would have to be factories
and employment. Thus, it is free of all these things.
Then you will ask, what bout fasting?
If there is fasting, then there has to be the breaking of the fast with food
and water. There is no fasting or breaking of the fast. Therefore, no fast, no
Now you will say, there must be circumnavigation upon
circumnavigations in heaven i.e. going round and round in worship. If there
was circumnavigations, then there would have to be sacrifice.
This is why there is no prayer, no fasting, no Hajj, no zakaat. All these
things are a part of this world.
When farewell is said to this world, then it is farewell to all these things as
Heaven is incomparable. There is no comparison with anything in this
What is there to write about a place that has no comparison. There are
springs and fountains everywhere. There are rivers everywhere. There is
greenery and well-being. If one sees a garden, then there are gardens upon


gardens as far as the eye can see. There are bounties and bounties of food on
the ground. If there is a pear, then there will be apple orchards as far as the
eye can see.

If there is a vineyard, then there are vineyards upon vineyards as far as the
eye can see. If there are figs, then there are figs upon figs. If there is a
pomegranate, then there are orchards and orchards of pomegranates.
The point is that this is just an example. I just want to add that you must
have heard the phrases, these are fruits of heaven. The question now is, who
brought them? How did they get here?
Did they get there from here? No, nothing can go there from here. They
only come from there. This is a place of sinners. Sinners cannot go there.
Just like prisoners need to be taught and rehabilitated, in the same way,
Allah (SWT) has sent prophets here to teach and explain to us.
If someone observes and adhered to the laws and commands, he becomes
successful. This topic is not a part of my text, but I am mentioning it.
124,000 prophets came, just to tell us that there is A creator. He is
everywhere or omnipresent. He is watching us. If we still don't comprehend,
then just as we were thrown out of heaven, we will be thrown into hell, as a way
of punishment.
The 124,000 prophets that came, they all had different messages, or did they
have the same message?
If the message was the same, then, what was it?
Will the prophets keep on coming always?
Now that is the question, I will answer in brief.
It is certain that they all had the same message.
Why is that?
Because there is only one creator.
What was the message?
To annihilate anyone who did not agree with our views? To kill them in
sight of their children?
Or from a motorbike?
Or to kill them in a mosque?
Or in the imambargah?
Or during prayer?
Or as they are leaving the mosque?


So Allah sent his final Prophet as a benevolence to mankind. What was

the message?
The message was that Allah is the ultimate benevolence, and HE is alone.
Believe in him and prostrate yourself before him.

Before any deed see it is not an annoyance to HIM. Don't spread hearsay,
divisions and falsehoods. If you do not refrain then I can s e e with certainty
and I swear by that sustainer who has benevolently sent luminance to
teach us.
If the commands are not practically obeyed then HE will throw us into
hell, in exactly the same way as our forefathers were banished from
What I’m writing about is not what happens after death. That is the place
of justice. Allah who is the creator of this entire universe will turn this very
place into hell. HE will change life and turn it into hell.
He will carry out justice before we reach that place of justice. Change
yourself even now.
The one who gave us the final message of Allah and whose voice is still
resonating in the air, is making us repeat the final message with our tongues
via the very air that we breathe.
The listener could not comprehend but the speaker had spoken.
The message for the whole life was contained in one hiccup.
Mankind does not comprehend anything without examples. There is
nothing here which can be used as an example, that can be complared with
anything which is in heaven. There are obsticales at every step here. Everything
here has an ever ready opposite power. The system is based on setbacks and
separations. The system here advocates dog eat dog.
Destroy or usurp others rights in order to better ones own lot. There I sno
elegance or beauty to be seen in the system of this world.
But this is not a criticism, since we are here by a wa y of
punishment. We have not come here voluntarily.
Everyone knows about this world.
What comparison of heaven can I give? Examples or comparisons can only
be drawn when things resemble each other. But it will still not compare with
heaven. It is impossible for anyone to compare anything with heaven. If it is
possible then there is no difference between heaven and an ordinary place. An


example of this was given when a person said that he had seen the Holy
prophet many times in his dream. So you tell me who the comparison was
with. As I have already humbly stated, if it is similar to anyone, then it is just
the image of an ordinary man. Because the Holy prophet is beyond comparison.
He has no likeness on this earth. Allah is without equal and HIS
benevolence is for the entire world. The holy pr ophe t is a ls o wi thout
compare. Hea ven is a ls o be yon d comparison. The question now is; are
there gardens, orchards, fields and crops in heaven.
Look is there a controller or is everything self-governing? Who is
that oversees everything?
Firstly, everything is self-perpetuating and self-governing. Unlike in
this world, no one there is the case of any destruction. Here, destruction is
used as a means to exploit the world of its riches and to better one’s own
lot. The reason for destruction of the forest is to make more land available for
In heaven it is the opposite. Because there is no one who eats anything.
There is no concept of food and drink and neither there is anything that causes
destruction and desolation. The life is spiritual.
The ways of spiritualism are different. The ways of worship are different.
Even greetings are different.
Once I visited a place in my dream which was neither a mosque nor a
house. It was a jungle, or it could have been a cave in a mountain. I
offered salaam (greetings) to my opposite but he made no reply. I enquired
about this from that person and in response he said "this salaam is for your
world only. Here, everything is at peace. (salaam means: may peace of Allah
be with you) this offering of peace and awaiting of response is not a part of
Who is it that oversees everything? Because the ones who live there, be
they men or women, have spiritual life’s. Nothing is material.
Everything that is off this earth and that grows and is born here, is a
spirit in itself. Its beauty lies within its instinct. You will ask, how is this
possible? Human beings are born, animals are born. Birth itself is a
beauty. Everything has a beauty according to its instinct. Just look at the
mountains where man has no jurisdiction.


Cloth or fabric is not found in heaven, so how does man cover his
nakedness. The first thing is that the four elements are essential here. It is
not the same in heaven. The seasons do not change as they do here. There
is only one constant season. Everything has its autumn here. There is no
autumn is heaven. Everything undergoes a change in this world. There is
no change in heaven. In other words, spring is the eternal season of heaven.
There is no injustice or darkness in heaven. Unlike this world, everyone
there, be they male or female, sit opposite each other, fully at ease, and
converse freely

with each other and are completely immersed in the worship and oration of
There is no sorrow nor separation in heaven. These things are of this
world. The question is how do they cover their bodies?
In the same way that an animal is never considered naked and its body is
covered according to its species, so, the satanic or evil instinct is not
Even though the bodies are not covered, there is no nakedness. Whereas
in this world, clothed, people can still be naked.
The first thing is that, whosoever is bare, cove rs up their
embarrassment. Neither is there nakedness there or the question of covering


Chapter 11
(Knowing the Will of God)
y friends have expressed a desire that the phenomenon of the Istih khara
M shou ld be re corded on pa per so that the knowledge will remain
for all time.
It was the special wish of Councillor Aftab Ahmed. He is the translator
in our organisation and translates my writings from Urdu to English. Aftab is
also an optician and is very far sighted.
I decided to put pen to paper and record this phenomenon, so that
regardless of religion, colour or creed, all could gain benefit. Allah (SWT)
is for all creation, and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is benevolence for all
mankind, whether one believes or not. The Holy Quran, Furqaan-e-
Hameed is for all mankind. all the books before this were for one nation or
one country for one particular time. However, the Quran -e-Kareem,
Furgan -e-Ha meed is different. All the books from time immemorial such
as the torah, Zaboor, Anjil have all come for the benefit of mankind. They
are encompassed within the holy Quran, and it is eternal.
The first point to address is: what is Isthkhara?

If a person is unsure regarding a particular problem, i. e. whether an action

would be detrimental or beneficial, and there is no one to advise them for
their benefit, one should turn to the holy Quran and reflect on the fact
whether he is worthy of obtaining solace from the book ordained by Allah
Almighty (SWT), if not then he should begin by bathing, praying and
contemplating. He should recite surah 'Al Hamdh one hundred times
without interruption and consider the problem and his course of action
repeatedly, and should say the words, "isthkara Allahho Ba Rehmat Khaira
Than Affia" three times. If this is not possible then he sh ould say the


following, "I am doing the isthkara Ya Allah Please reveal the answer to my
que s ti on . " Then th e h oly Q ur an sh ou ld be open ed
purposefully, and the names of Allah Almighty (SWT) should be counted on
the right-hand side of the page.
He should then turn to the number of pages according to the number of
names, and then count down the same number on the lines on that final
found page, and read from the numbered line, and then, find the beginning
of the ayaath in order to find the solution to the prescribed question. But it
should be noted that the answer given should be to the point.
Isthkara is performed for one problem at a time. And the answer can be
sought three times on the same day only, by repeating the previously given
method, at anyone occasion.
The answer is always cryptic, and one needs the acumen to decipher its
meaning. If the isthkara reveals a negative response to a particular problem, then
further steps to solve it should not be taken, or further complications and
intrigues could develop, as Allah (SWT) order will have been disobeyed.
Therefore, one should think prior to resorting to resorting to isthkara, and if
the response is positive then it must be fulfilled, with using one’s judgement.
And if the response is negative, then he should disregard his proposed course
of action, regardless. Isthkara should not be treated as a game, nor should it
be used for illegal or immoral dilemmas.
If one does not know surah 'Al Hamdh, then one trait name of Allah (SWT)
should be incanted. Either Bismillah-ir-rehman-nirraheem should be repeated
three thousand times. Or "Ya Allah" should be incanted three thousand times.
This should be attempted in seclusion. This is the second method of
performing isthkara and is called the rosary method. The rosary should have
one hundred beads. Bismillah it rehmaan should be incanted one hundred times,
while keeping the problem in mind, and beseech Allah to give guidance as
to whether the prescribed action should be carried out or not.
Then pick up the rosary at a random point and then begin dividing the
beads into pairs from that point forwards. When the end of the rosary is
reached in this fashion, if one bead only remains, then the response is
positive, if a pair remains at the end, then the response is negative, and one
must refrain from that particular course of action.
The next method is prescribed to be carried out at night; and this is for an
extreme difficulty, for a problem which seems to have no solution. It is not for


experimentation. It is called "Wa Shams Wal Lail. " To perform this

isthkara one should first bathe, and then perform two rakats prayer with
the intention of namaz-e-ghusal. Follow this with two rakats prayer with
the intention of astaghfaar. This is for the first day. On the second evening
prior to sleeping surah shams should be recited seven times, followed by
seven recitations of "surah Wal Lail. " It takes about twenty minutes to
recite both surahs.
Then the intention or the reason for the isthkara should be put into
writing and then one should go to sleep with the paper under the pillow.
This should be repeated for seven consecutive nights, the answer will be
revealed in the form of a dream, and one should not reveal this response or
dream to anyone. It has been noted that revelation has taken place during
recitation of the surahs for some people.
Another way of praying if one has an urgent problem, and there is
nowhere to obtain advice from, or there is not the time for a lengthy
prayer, then this isthkara should not be taken lightly. It is to be used only in
times of extreme difficulty. If the response is negative, then it must be
obeyed, regardless of ensuing loss or strife.
This is isthkara salath.
The first thing is to bathe, regardless of having bathed previously with the
intention of bathing. Then two rakats namaaz salah -eghusal are performed
followed by two rakats namaz asthagfaar, one hour or more prior to
performing the isthkara.
Later when the isthkara is to be performed, two rakats Hajath is prayed.
Then namaz-e-isthkara is undertaken. Solitude is essential for this.
One’s intention is that I pray two rakats namaz-e-isthkara, for obtaining
the benevolence of Allah (SWT).
First bismillah hir rahmaan nir raheem then al-hamdh, when one reaches
the words iyah ka na boudouh wa iyah ka nastaeen, they should be recited
one hundred times, and then continue the first rakat as normal. Then pray
the second rakat in exactly the same way as the first.
At the end of the two rakats, if one’s face is pointing towards the right-
hand side, the answer is positive, if ones face is pointed to the left, then the
answer is negative. It has also been found that just as in the dream, one


obtains the answer within one’s dream, one obtains the answer within one’s
thoughts during the salah.

Another method is called the Icm isthkara. It is said that this isthkara also
reveals the answer to any problem. First an Icm is recited one hundred and
twenty-five thousand times in a period of five or ten daysin equal instalments.
This recitation invokes the power of the Icm. This method is sure to provide the
answer to any problem, but there are limits to everything, and they should not be
crossed, or greater problems will arise. The Icms used in this are either Ya
Kabiroh or Ya Basitoh. The answer to any and every problem and limitation
is given during this isthkara, and revered personalities also appear in a vision,
dressed in white and give the responses and they help practically as well.
If someone has run away from home or their whereabouts are unknown,
they actually state the exact whereabouts of the lost person e. g. if a belonging
is lost or stolen e. g. a car, they reveal all the aspects of the theft and then give
the solution.


Chapter 12
2000 AD and Beyond
The stream of luminance of my thoughts.
The height of my spiritual consciousness...

T oday was the inauguration of Divine Prophecy, and my conscious told

me to begin the second edition and fulfil the promise. That is beyond the
scope of the present volume. In other words, about time and present
future. So, I begin writing straightaway.
My book, Divine Prophecy Divine is about the Oneness and Justice of
Allah (S. W). My conscience saying, 'If there is no. 19, then what will this
be?' I have written about the 1900s called the 20'1' century and will briefly
write about it again.
I have written Jaffar-e-Jamma, which is in 28 volumes. There are 28 pages in
each volume, and there are 784 squares on each page. In each square there is a
four-letter combination; each four-letter combination appears once only in
the entire 28 volumes. In other words, there are 784 unique four-letter
combinations on each page, and 21, 952 in each volume. Therefore, a total
614, 656 in the 28 volumes, without any repetition. The combination that has
come once, does not come again, in the entire work.
The knowledge of this book was gained in Egypt. A professor gave me a
book and said, 'A book was written by your great grandfather Hazrat Ali
(A. S). 'This is about that book. It was written in the book that he gave me,
whoever again will write this book in exactly the same way, Allah will reward
him by making known to him all that is apparent, and all that is unknown.
(Zahir and Baton). I had this statement printed on the first page of every


volume of Jaffar-e-Jamma. It took me 9 years to write this book. The scholars at

the Museum of London have examined it. This book is one of a kind and has
no equal.
Apart from this, I have written 100x100. In other words, written the
Suras of Holy Quran in a numerical form, called a Naqsh. It is in figures
i.e. numbers not words, produced with knowledge and mathematics. It
cannot be copied by anyone. When this is placed on someone's head, and a
question is asked, an instant reply is given by Allah (S.W). The most notable
things that I have accomplished in my life is the writing of Jaffar-e-Jamma,
fasting for three months each year, proclaiming the oneness of Allah (S. W).
In truth, this is the jist of my life, this is what my every breath is for. Neither
am I Sunni, nor do I possess the qualities. It is the gra ciousness and
kindness of The Lord and Master of the Universe, who has bestowed
everything to a man like me who possesses no qualities.
I have completed my writing about this century. What will happen
after the year 2000 is what my conscience is telling me now. First, I want to
write about what happened 2000 years ago, then I will describe other
things later. Everything in this Universe is in orbit. When an entity's orbit is
broken or stopped, its death occurs.
I have given its explanation previously. In other words, it’s known as
history repeats itself. The orbit is now complete. The same will happen after
2000AD that took place 2000 years before. Only things will occur in a
different manner.
2000 years ago, people came to Jerusalem in search of The Messiah
and to pay him pilgrimage. People with knowledge ascertained the
outcome of events taking place at that time and were hoping that someone
was coming. At that time, they were waiting for Jesus Christ (Hadrat Isa).
2000 years later the same expectation is here again. Some are waiting for the
messiah others calling hadrat Mehdi A. S. The point is that, there was
someone expected 2000 years ago and there is someone expected now.
Before I write anything else, I want to ask, what can be the time of his
arrival? or when will he arrive? I have seen Jesus (A. S) in a vision. I
expressed a desire to have an audience with him, but he said, 'You cannot
come to us. 'I requested, 'I have many things that I need to ask. 'He replied,
'We will come to you. 'In response, I requested, 'Sire, please do not come
on Tuesday' (A day associated with bad connotations by Sufis).


Along with Mr Norman Cocker, I had an interview on Piccadilly Radio

Manchester many years ago. It had been arranged by Norman. Once during
this interview I said that the Prophet Jesus (A. S) had forgotten his
promise to me. On that very night in a vision (dream) he said, 'The time
has not come yet.' It means that, an audience with Jesus (A. S) will take
place in my lifetime. After him, will come Hazrat Imam Mehdi (A. S)
Now I will write about the state of things before the birth of Jesus
Christ, and the state of things 2000 years prior to that. Because the orbit after
2000 years, is now complete i.e. things have come around full circle
again. It began (the new orbit or circle) approximately one year ago.
The state of things will be there to be seen. In other words, when I have
written events from 4000 years ago, only then will things become clear.
This is the continuation of Divine Prophecy. It was the time of Moses
(A. S). Everything was at its peak. If you look at the buildings, the
construction is beyond belief. How such big stones were placed so high up,
to build the Egyptian Pyramids. Then, their geometrical shapes. They are not
without meaning. They contain an enormous secret. If a triangular shaped
bowl (same as the pyramids) is used to cover a lump of flesh, then the flesh
will not rot. Then there is a special technique in opening and closing the
pyramids, so that no one steals its contents.
Apart from this, the colours have been applied from the inside, so that
today, thousands of years later, they are still the same. Then, the golden
Sarcophaguses which house the mummies, their beauty cannot be snatched
even today. The gold has not lost its lustre. If everything is written in detail,
then a separate book would result.
The solar knowledge of that time is a source of our knowledge today.
The distances measured, are still true today. There is no mistake in them.
We have burnt all the books on solar knowledge. All we have now is a list
of books.
Then, medicine or treatment was greatly understood. Operations were
performed skilfully and knowledgably. They operated on the eyes. The proof is
in the books by SeeNuh, who was an herbalist.
In the time of Pharaoh, even sorcery (magic) was at its height. In other
words, whatever you name, everything was at its zenith. It is so baffling it


stuns the mind. The reason why I needed to write all this? I will first write that
inhumanity and suppression of the human spirit were at their peak. Human
beings were enslaved.
Then Allah (S. W) sent HIS Prophet (A. S). HE with guidance, knowledge
and miracles freed his followers, and then took them out of Egypt. These
followers were waiting for someone to come and answer their prayers and
relieve them of their servitude. After crossing the desert, they settled in the
lap of mountains. They had taken all their possessions with them. They carried
with them gold and silver as there was no paper currency in those days.
They had brought gold and silver with them, they did not come penniless.
They made a golden calf and began to worship it. It was impossible to take all
their gold with them. It is buried in the safety of the mountains. Events took a
turn, things changed, and they scattered here, there and everywhere. Their
dwellings became uninhabited. Then the unsettled people began waiting
for the Messiah (A. S).
Events turned again, and people started to come from near and far to wait
for the arrival of the Messiah. At last, after thousands of years of waiting, the
Messiah came (Jesus Christ). Some believed, some did not believe, and the
one who came roamed hither and thither. Then all that was done to him, what
can be talked about and what can be left about. It was the time of the Roman
Empire. The currently and inhumanity saw the death of the Roman Empire.
There was also Jewish rule. It can be called Philistine (Palestinian)
or it can be called Jerusalemanian. It too came to an end. It had come, after
waiting two thousand years.
It is a separate issue, who the oppressor was who carried out the oppression.
The result is that up to now people have put up with it. Now, two thousand
years later, the situation is the same again, and people are waiting for the one
who is coming. I have written about the one who is expected and pointed out
the given signs that reveal his coming.
I am repeating them again. One of the signs is that everything will be at its
zenith. From the Earth, man has landed on the Moon. From the skies, he can
see under the surface of the Earth. He can communicate from the Moon to
the Earth. In Space, man has orbited with Earth. Used X-rays for writing
(printing) on paper. Sent faces to the other side of the Earth in seconds.
Everything has reached the height of its development. What else can I say, but
that even the hidden wonders of genetics are there for everyone to see.


It is just like the time before Moses (A. S), when everything was at its
height. They used to pray for someone to come. He came. Some obeyed his
commandments. Others worshipped a gold calf. Then there was expectation,
for thousands of years, and finally Jesus (A. S) came. Now the world is at a
zenith again. People are praying again.
Why when everything is at its topmost?
Because before Moses (A. S), in the time of the Pharaoh, despite
everything being at its best, people were confused. They were pleased
with the way of things.
That Vau is like this Vau. There is another Van, that makes three. There is
a fourth Vau, Which I have written about already. Again, people are waiting
for the one who is coming.
I must write one thing. When achievement and growth had reached
its peak, and oppression had reached its extreme, then came Moses (A. S)
for Pharaoh. Again, people became confused, suppressed.
Oppression became extreme. It was the time of Romans. Then after
the time of oppression, came the time of forgiveness.
Now, two thousand years later, oppression is widespread again. Bodies
stuffed into sacks, have been dumped. This is one of the signs of the one
who is coming.
What will happen after this arrival? I will write about that later. First, I
will relate the given signs. Unworthy and heretic people will consider seizing
a sacred place. The government will consist of buffoons. A sacred place
will be ruined. An esteemed location will be shaken by an earthquake.
That place is called the Java of the wealthy. Just like after the coming of
Jesus (A. S) came the death of the Roman Empire, the false empire will also
have its funeral.
The first time it was Pharaoh’s funeral, this resulted after the coming of
Moses (A. S). Then came Jesus (A. S) and the extinction of the Roman
Empire. Pharaoh is chronicled in history. The Roman Empire is also in
history. In the same way, kingdom will be in turmoil. Four kings will
be left. Then, there will be another unreligious kingdom. Just like one
that came after Moses (A. S). Then the one that came up after Jesus (A.
S). In exactly the same way, there will be a religious kingdom. You will
ask who will be these four Kings, who will be left in the world. The people
who are favoured by these kings, will become extremely wealthy, and they
will make paupers out of the ones they don't favour. They will rule the
world, but they will not be able to enter sacred monuments and locations.
These Kings will have enmity only with Muslim scholars. Another one of the


given signs is when the cemetery of the city of Kuffa will enjoin Najaf
When dogs can be heard barking in sacred places. When non -Muslims
will enter sacred monuments without re moving their shoes, for peace
and sanctuary. When stockpiles are made of sacred monuments. When
sacred land is used for wine and gambling. When night become day, and
day become night. When things are against the human instincts and
conscience, like going to sleep in the morning, instead of waking up.
When the position of Allah (S. W) is overlooked or ignored. A vacant day
is left in every religion. Six days are kept for employment. Just as the
followers of the Torah have Saturday as a vacant (free) day. The
followers of the Holy Bible maintain Sunday as a free day. Then instead
of maintaining Friday as a free day, as ordained by Allah (S.W) his
command is ignored. When guidance to do good feels unacceptable. When
even Allah (S.W) is forgotten, and his system of justice and forgiveness is
considered a falsehood. In other words, an apple tree will only yield apples,
not pears.
When this divine system of justice itself is considered flawed, and,
belief and conscience become such that people don't care what happens after
they die (i.e. they have no belief in life after death-Heaven and hell). When
a flood, just like the one that came in the time of Noah (A. S), will flood the
Gulf. The only difference will be that in Noah's (A. S) flood, all the animals
were allowed to survive by letting them board the Ark. This time will be
different, because nothing will be left alive, above or below the surface of the
water. In fact, the whole of the Gulf will drown. I am talking about the time
when the Sahara will inch forwards, turning every city and town into the
desert. But there will be no retreat. A flood ebbs away, but this will not be
The world will know it as the Babylon Storm. This is that place, where
storms have always arisen, and always will. All storms, floods, catastrophes
are peculiar to a region or locality. This one will envelop the entire world
within itself.
Apart from this, there will be a migration, just like the one, at the time of
pharaoh. It will be exactly the same. It began with Vau. The last time it took
place after the coming of the Awaited one. And the one who came, took
them across the Sea. It will happen, in exactly the same way again. His
name will be the one who opposed Pharaoh.


Pharaoh was the dictator first, now the particular country is dictating to
the world. There is no question of right and wrong.
So, I was saying, 'who is the one who is coming and what will be his
name? Which letter will his name begin with? it will begin with the letter
`M' (Meem). He will come, definitely come. It i s a promise, that will
certainly be fulfilled.
The question now is, when will this happen? Take heed, Jesus (A. S) said
that 'I will come' but did not say when he will come in my lifetime,
according to his promise. Or his system (rule) will come. That is just the
same as his begin here. What is that system? That is the rule (system) of
forgiveness. In other words, cleansing and purifying, because everything in
this world has reached its ultimum. Now, according to the system of Allah
(S.W) or according to natural instinct, whatever gores up, must come down.
However, those who keep on endeavouring to achieve greater heights, will
keep on rising, because this the way of the world. Either things go up, or they
go down. There is no middle ground, or in between. Apart from this, nature
keeps a balance of everything balance is kept by gales, storms, hurricanes
and earthquakes? Why does this happen? So, everything in the aftermath
becomes balanced. I always say, don't behave in such a way that says, now that
I am born, I will not let anyone else be born. But don't make a 'poultry farm'
either. Abide by the ways of Islam. Feed babies on mothers' milk. It will create
an equilibrium, according to natural instinct. Of what use is it? If you don't
do this, then a war will be born. Whenever Allah's (S. W) favour and near
ones have come, they have always come as saviours for mankind. A war
began. So, we were talking about the one who is coming. He will not be for
one colour, one race or one religion. Nether will be for one nation or one
country. He will be the one for whom every race, every country will say, He is
ours, we want this system, his method. He is one of us. I must write what
will so important about the one who is coming, when this world is so full of
knowledgeable philosophers, esteemed professors, lauded poets, learned
scholars, and enigmatic scientists. They cannot take mankind out of its
difficulties. So, read on. There are two resident and active power in this
world, and every government has an army for the security of its country, and
police for controls. He will be superior to all of them. Just like Iran, where a
sign from an old man, people sacrificed themselves without a thought. It will
happen in exactly the same way. Then, I must write another thing. This i s a
true story. In the time of the Mughal Rulers, Muslim scholars complained


to the king that Hazrat Nizam Uldheen made people prostrate themselves
before him.
The King said to Hazrat Amir Khusro, because he was also follower of
Hazrat Nizam Uldheen, 'Call your Sheikh'.
The Sheikh came. The King told him the scholar's complaint that people
supplicated themselves before him, and added, 'Is this correct?'
The Sheikh said in reply, 'Oh King, You are Ruler.
`The King responded, 'Yes'
`Why don't they supplicate themselves to you?'
`I don't have any army or any wealth. There is nothing. Why do they
supplicate themselves to me?'
The king was silent, and then said, 'I am the King, and still they don't
supplicate themselves to me.
`In exactly the same way, the world will obey and respect and follow the
one who is coming, (with their hearts and minds). Just as the world followed
Moses (A. S). As it followed Jesus (A. S). And then just as it is ready to
sacrifice itself at the signal or sign from the Holy Prophet Muhammed
(P.B.U.H). Whatever type of sacrifice it is, there is one thing to be
remembered, there will be many pretenders or false promisers, many who
have bought (bribed). Therefore, that will be the most important thing to
differentiate between real and the false. Obstinate are always ready to replace
one another. This should always be remembered. Therefore, I must also write
that the One who is coming, for whom this entire world is waiting, will not
be from amongst the wealthy. He will not from South America, nor will be
from the South East. Neither will he be from Greater Russia. He will not be
from Europe either. He will be from the Middle East, just like the 124,000 that
have come. That is exactly how he will be. By Allah's commandment, his
way by virtues will be those of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), because he is
successor and heir of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). He will be from the family of
the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.). Jesus (A. S) will come. The sign of recognise
him by are that he will be not receive any education from anyone, because
the teacher has to be more learned that the pupil. So, therefore the teacher
would be enough, there is no need for the pupil, when the teacher is
present. All the materialist power of this world will fail, just like the
American helicopters in the Iranian Crises, colluded with each other, and were
destroyed. By far the best way to recognise him by is via the powers that
oppose him. Just like the power opposing Moses (A. S) was Pharaoh, the


power in the time of Abraham (A. S) that was in opposition was Namrod
and the power that opposed Jesus (A. S) were rulers of the time. Whatever
the calibre of the human being, his opposite power will always be of a
similar calibre. I had already stated that orbit or revolution is the basis of life.
If it is only an atom, even then, the orbits with in it are taking place. In the
same way, the one who is coming, will come with all the virtues, that the
one who came before him, brought with them. They had to contend with
all the power of their times, It will exactly the same again. The one who
is coming, will have to brave the gauntlet, just like the Ayatullah
Khomeini had to face all the challenges. The Ayatullah did not bring his
own system; he only had to free his nation from oppression and tyranny
and brought Allah's (S. W) laws back into practice again. Some were in
favour, some pretended to be in favour, but did not accept inwardly. But
one day they will have to accept. That system has begun. That is the
system of Oneness of Allah (S. W). The inauguration has been initiated.
The one who is coming here, will not bring a new system, or structure or
order of things. He will bring that same system, which the world has
forgotten. What is it, without which the whole fabric of society had
deteriorated? Without which everything is useless? That is belief in the
Oneness of Allah (S. W), and loss of faith in the Almighty. I have written
about this before, and I am writing it again. If there is faith that Allah (S.
W) is omni-present, and that nothing is hidden from the Almighty, then we
could never even begin to do wrong. Then you will say that when He holds
divinity, then why doesn't he punish us there and then upon transgression
of his laws? Look, there is the Oneness of Allah (S. W), and there is his
system of Divine Justice. And what is His justice? If an apple tree is planted,
it will yield apples, not pears. He never gives punishment. In other words,
fruit cannot be obtained until a tree has been planted. Therefore,
before doing anything, think whether your ac tion displeased Allah (S.
W). Thus, a war will arise before He comes. He will all have to eat the fruit
of the garden that we have planted and nurtured. There will only one such
place called the Roof of the World, which is in the control of others, which
will be liberated first of all. The Ones who have seized it, will be lost,
forlorn, forgotten within it. Just like Changaiz Khan and Halaku Khan, after
they had invaded Muslim countries, were lost, forgotten in these countries.
They will become like Muslims amongst Muslim. Then you will say,
when Muslims came to India, they did not become lost, forgotten, and
end up as Hindus. Actually, when Changaiz Khan and Halaku Khan


invaded, their system was not such that it could be acceptable to Muslims.
Thus, when the Muslims came to India, they brought with them a spiritual
awareness advocated by the Sufis, which, the host community found very
endearing and acceptable, and they became Muslims. In exactly the same
way, the ones who live on that roof, have had a spiritual system for
thousands of years. They will become lost with in it. This was the first
place in the world, where supplication to Allah (S. W) took place, and still
taking place today. And it is also the place that is circumambulated i.e.
where Thuwaf is performed. This is the mention of that place, where
there is no army or police. At the moment it has been seized by usurpers,
which will end. There is no Halla Baloo, but the curtain has been
lifted. The shop is now open. The curtain is dropped, and the shop is
closed. The dog here is a vegetarian. Neither is there any drama or
bribery here. Even government system is pious. It is in the hands of Sufis
or monks and will remain so. At dusk they will go into supplication
altogether in one line. They will all be served the same foods, in their
bowls. And they will eat it happily and be content with their lot. Amongst
them will be philosophers, doctors, lawyers, monarchs and ministers. Thus,
this place will be clean of all those evils and sins of which the Day of
Judgement is concerned with. Now I want to write about this: People
will say, 'He has never written about good and nice things.
`So I will write the good first. Then I will tell you what the Day of
Judgement is. So, the conversation was about the garden. T he garden that
we have planted, everyone will have to eat his fruit. Every garden has a
season. In other words, a mango garden will yield fruits in the heat.
Pomegranate trees only give fruit in cold climates. But this garden that we
have planted, its fruit will be available twelve months a year. The yield of
every garden is good to look at and nice to taste, but the fruit of this garden
will be different. This garden was planted in the first place, by Europeans,
but did yield any fruit. It went then, to the land of United State of America,
where it prospered and grew. Its fruit was fed to Hiro. Its taste will linger for
years. Exactly the same fruit within the white -skinned race only. And that
it should be the inheritance and property of the white-skinned race only. But
this was not possible. Thus, I was writing that there will be a tree. This
tree will be different from all the trees of this world. It is a tree from that
garden, and it will reach up to the sky. First, a trumpet will sound, in other
words, a sound will be heard. I have already written that there is no power
more destructive: and more constructive than sound. And there is nothing more


beautiful than a melodious voice to sooth the heart. There is also nothing to
compare the feelings that a loathsome voice produces when there will
be a very strange and bewildering atmosphere. At the moment, this seems
incomprehensible, why the white-skinned ones are trying to stop it. Because
that the gardener has realised that the whole garden is of the wrong variety and
its roots are diverging wider and wider. Despite all his efforts, people are still
planting them. This will be found out only after it head prospered and
grown. Then its fragrance will envelop the world. The seas will become
stormy and reach the shores. People will call them tidal waves. The worry
now is that the population is increasing. It has to be stopped. But then,
how can it be done, so that the population remains? Dusk will come even
before the sun goes down. It will not be possible to tell whether the night is
near, nor will anyone know if the sun has set. There will be no way of
knowing, if the sun has risen. There will be a strange atmosphere of Huu
(unknown). The sound of moans and groans will be heard from all
directions. Normally people pray for long lives. At that time, they will pray
for death. Who is responsible for this turn of events? Which nation is
responsible? That every nation is responsible, whose guide preached and
thought forgiveness. That is why he will come, to see again. This is one sign,
from the given signs, of that one who is coming. After this begins the time of
the storm. This storm will not be limited just to the area where the tree will be
invisible from the earth to the sky like an umbrella. Instead the world will be
in its envelopment. It will spread from the area from which it appears.
Everyone will be equally perplexed by it. Then, the population growth of the
world will cease to be a worry. Family planners will stop giving advice about
birth control. Then Allah's (S. W) frightened creation will be apprehensive of
Allah (S. W). They will no longer be greedy or think treacherously. Despite
being alive, they will all be dead (lifeless). They will have forgotten their
habitual smiles. Then the race to build bigger and better bungalows and
houses will be forgotten. They will live and endure exactly fifty years in fear
and apprehension.

Then they will regain their youth again, and the children of that time will
also grow up. Bit by bit, the hardship will lessen, and life will become easier.
Then Allah (S. W) will, according to his system,


make them alive again. Because man dies and is brought back to life, many
times in this world (i.e. suffers many disappointments and resurrections).
This is a must and also written and will surely take place. Again, I will
remind you that all this take place when there is no longer 19. Nowadays,
the wonder is to ascend from here on up. Then, the wonder will be to
descend from on high. I must write one thing; this era of the Arian 5
rocket will be a time to be seen. I will also briefly write about 2001: I will
write about this pure and heaven-like 2001 in passing. Fate has changed
course after 56 years. And changed course in such in such a way that it
has made everything apparent, even without illumination. Now each
and every door is opening. After this, the one who exclaims 13 has shown
you your way. The one whose own was 13 and whose locales have 13, whose
religion has 13, and whose very foundation has been based on 13, cried "13,
13," and left. Then 13 became liberated. The numerical value of his name also
adds up to 13. Five will not be in that locale now, but belief will be in five. A
storm will emanate from here. History will again replay the exodus.
Everyone will be responsible for themselves and will have to repay what
they have done. This will surely happen. This is a result of that mistake,
which was made by the leaders (Pandiths). Had they not shown those
seeds, then nor would we have to see this whose fruit has been eaten for
fifty years. Now this tree has enveloped everyone and everything.
Everyone will say that, 'We have to eat this fruit, it is a must. 'Quarrels and
arguments will arise in every household. Everyone will speak in their
own language. No one will listen to anyone. The rat race will be at its height.
There will be unrest and turmoil everywhere. Then, will be remembered
the mistake made by the leaders (Pandiths). Up to now, cows and goats
have given birth to their young. Then, the country will have children
each speaking its own language. Those children will then imitate and try to
emulate the Americans. Then trade in the garden will prosper. Then there
will be one that will be like America. At first, there used to be quarrels over
the wealth created by parents. Some will say this, and others will say that.
Some will try to answer other’s rights. Here, they speak our language. I must


say, what this is all about. It is a story of brother. Yes, reap what ye sow, so
why be so sad? There are only two type of human beings that have been
created by Allah (S. W). The first type is the one that shows the way, in other
words, the teacher. The other type is the follower or learner. When
the followers take the place of the teachers; the whole system becomes topsy-
turvy. This is exactly what has taken place, and this is one of the signs of the
one who is coming. The readers will say, what is this mention of the one who
is coming again and again? Look, when everything reaches its zenith, then the
wonders of the nth degree also signals its impending downfall as well. See
here, when night falls, and pitch darkness results, then that very pitch darkness
signals the coming of the approaching dawn. Then light replaces the
darkness. Heat and humidity signal the coming of the rains, and the rain relays
news of the coming spring. Then winter or coldness takes its place.
Pharaoh-like characteristics or tyranny and oppression and state terrorism
is bringing the news that Allah (S. W) is about to ordain Moses (A. S). Allah's
(S. W) divine system cannot be such that he is coming to annihilate mankind.
That is the system of tyranny or Pharaoh. When tyranny and oppression are
included in religious ideals, then the Moses-like system has to come. This will
begin in the country of Vaau, from where a gr eat exodus and hullaballoo
will emanate. This will be the third migration in human history, where monkey-
like antics will take place. Everyone will become the proprietor of a sweet-meat
shop, so that they can play for blessing for the souls of their grandfathers. Some
people will be very depressed and upset, while others will be well-off and
flamboyant. The balance between them will be unchanged and on a par with
each other. One country will become an imitation of another and will turn
itself into an estate. And one who has estate will turn them into a country. But
this task will not be an easy one, missiles and rockets will have already taken
their toll. Why will this take place? This will take place because this was the
country that first made slaughterhouses or abattoirs. It gained a lot of
experience in this and will turned the country into an abattoir. Its atomic
and hydrogen bombs will be put aside. Why will this happen? As has
happened before, a non-believer became a believer, and people will take
control of his bombs. Exactly the same will happen again. This is a must and


will take place definitely. Floods, hurricanes, storms and tidal waves will
always take their toll there. Earthquakes will become its fate. At first, it used to
change the fate of the world. It changed the fate of bygone names and bygone
fates and made a slaughterhouse there instead. It did the same with the
gateways and also drank the blood of the red-skinned people. Now it will have
to repay. The funeral of its empire will take place. the world order will

remain. At first people preferred to go there. Then they will want to emigrate
from there, just like the Indo-Pak people, and these are the signs of the one
who is coming that I am mentioning. In the same way that it closed all the
gateways, so as not to carry out a search, and with the pretense of providing
security, encamped permanently on all sides. It demanded payment
for this encampment as well. Actually, what security can a caretaker
provide? At the moment, the sum of the caretaker is as its height. Just let its
eclipse come, then the one in Iran will see for themselves. From here will be
written the sages of the wonders of its ruin. There will come a time when
the owners themselves will beat the caretaker. I was talking about 2001, when
the heaven will be near the pure land. That was the East. Then from the West,
an island will be separate from the land mass. Deal will see the goal. Then
forklike land will also separate. This is not an easy thing, as butter fat can never
be extracted with a straight finger, so there will be invasion. After the drama,
Arjun will make a spectacle. The Arjun shared a great talent for speech-
making. A volcano will erupt from a long mountain; and the sage of
destruction will read Shaikh Chilli (storyteller). Aid will be sent by the world.
Arjun will have shown such valour that all the long mountain and Shaikh
Chilli will also align with it. The sage of earthquakes will begin with the
mountain and bring back memories, right to the bottom. The cooking pot
is heating up, and the wait has always been for the boiling point. And it will
only stop after it has boiled. In 2002, the land will go to the sky and the giver
of interest, the one who gives 100 time will be, just like on Earth, will be in the
sky as well, because their fates are linked in both prosperity and destruction.
Ethiopia, after loaning a part, will once again reach out towards the lost part.
First, there will be an abundance of food, then famine will take hold. Because
death has already seen the houses, famine will come again. Then Allah (S. W)
will give rise to a singer, so that through his songs, deliverance can be
attained. One important point is that when desert advances towards the
west, nothing will be able to stop it. This is about the place, where, apart from


the women, even the men cover their faces. Even members of the households
never show their faces. There is such an abundance of oil and gas there that the
world will forget the bounties of the Arabs. When the gas is finished in all the
world, then petrol and gas will be plentiful there only.

I must write about those countries from where migrations have taken place
and will take place again. These are those countries where division has taken
place, and people roamed homeless. This will happen again, and 2003 will be
a strange year. There will be many illnesses. There will be floods and
storms. This will not happen in one country only and will be everywhere
else. The country that is called the roof of the world, while the rest of the
world will suffer floods and storms, here there won't even be any news of
these catastrophes. The country will only have to contend with snow and ice,
but there will be no shortage of food and drink, like there will be in the rest of
the world, regardless of anything. This is secret of Allah (S. W) that I am
putting into text.


Chapter 13
A Prophecy
he stream of luminance of my thoughts, the height of my spiritual
T awareness. Since the time of creation; no one has revealed this
secret, but I am putting into text now. Whenever the year '19' came in
this universe, Allah granted all successes and achievements. For
example, conquest achieved its height in the world. They began their
year, and when '19' came success was at their feet, and an empire came
into being. In the same way, the Chinses Empire was formed, then the
Persian Empire or in other words the Iranian Empire, achieved its successes
and victories. The Egyptian Empire came into its own. Then the Jewish
year began, and '19' came again. The entire world becomes Jewish. The
Greeks made their year 19 and their empire came into existence. The
Roman Empire came exactly the same way. Then the abassis made their
year, and when the year of 19 came, Allah (S. W) granted their success the
world over. When the year 19 came end, Islam brought forward the Islamic
year of calendar for the world. When it reached its 19t h year, the entire
world wished its success. But this world had not witnessed the 20t h
century (1900s) before. When it came, everything reached its pinnacle.
Every aspect of life has achieved new heights, to the point that even the
Moon has kissed the feet of man. I must write this, whether anyone
believe it or not. 19 is coming to an end. The doom for European
and American supremacy and knowledge will begin. Why will it
happen? It will happen because 2000 is about to begin then, as I have stated,
19 will be no more. Then what will happen? After 2000, in other words.
Exactly the same will happen, that has happened to other nations. But
what will that be? Just as every time that the year 19 came, and some


nation believe in the oneness of Allah (S. W), and found everything as
its feet, then in the same way, Islam has spread throughout the world in
the last 26 years. As long as effects and aspects of 19 remain, and there is
belief and faith in the Oneness of Allah (S. W), and there is adherence to
his Divine Commands, now I must state explicitly. It is now the year
1418 in the Islamic Calendar. When the 1900's come, in Islam, then
fate will turn. Everything will be at its feet. This is not wishful thinking.

successes and achievements have taken place like this before, in this world,
but take heed that Allah (S. W) is the Allah (S. W) for entire creation, and
the Prophet (P. B. U. H) is benevolence for the entire universe. If this is
enacted upon, and there is belief and faith, then even the lives of animals will
be safe and secure. The nation that practices this, in other words, follows
Allah (S. W) and his beloved Prophet (P. B. U. H), will be either the
Christians or the Jews, that will be the nation that has all successes at its
feet. The ones who voice claims only, and those who make sects, ans
those who go agianst the commands of Allah (S. W) will not succeed.
'One's action determine the fruits of life, even Heaven and Hell' Iqbal. I
have now reached the stage where every man asks this question, `What has
happened? How can we understand these oversights?' I have revealed this
secret. If you know put it into practice, success will kiss your feet before
time. Because even at the allotted time it will be application of his
commands that will be the most factor, and not just time. I am not stating
this about the year of 19, but the 20th century (1900's). It has come twice and
only twice in this entire Universe. This is the proclamation and revelation of
the Oneness of Allah (S. W) Allah says in the Holy Quran, 'When 19 is
mentioned, it increases and heightens the faith and belief of the
believers. 'Stand up! Believe in Allah (S. W). Prostrate yourself on ly to
Him. Before doing anything, think, will Allah (S. W) be displeased? There
should be faith that Allah's (S. W) Book is Divine, and everything is
contained within it. And that Allah (S. W) can see all your actions and


thoughts. When this happens, this life will be heavenly, and everything
will be at your feet. This is sign of the one who is coming, for whom the
entire universe awaits. Now you will say, `What is it to us, whether or not,
he comes. We won't even be here. `That is absolutely correct ! You
will not be here, only your descendent will be. But while you are here,
another 11 have come. There were 12. One came from amongst them and
created turmoil and upheaval in the world. But it is not a must that they will
all be Maulanas (priests). They will be Sufis, only Sufis. Why will they be
Sufis? The reason is that Maulanas are always for a neighborhood, a town, a
sect. Sufis are free of these geographical and sectaraint constraints. People
from all religions and all countries go to them. Maulanas avert hardships
but cannot change hearts and minds. Humans and animals all forget
themselves in the presence of a Faqir (Sufi). It is a historical fact and a fable
that the Moghul king went hunting to Shah Dharrah. He saw deer running
ahead of him. His minister, who was accompanying him, said, 'Sir, shoot
your arrow.'
`The King replied, 'No, they are tame. They belong to someone. `Sir, they
are not tame, Shah Dholawali has put garlands around their necks, because
animals are not frightened of him.'
The King expressed a desire to meet him, and Shah Dholawali was
summoned. He was accompanied by his followers. Behind him, they were
chanting La Illah.
The King heard the chant, and went up to the parapet of the fortness,
and asked, 'Who is this?'
The minister replied, 'This is Dholawali.'

Shah Dhola entered the building. A thought crossed the King's mind!
'What if he rebels?' At once, he ordered that an emerald goblet laced with
poison be brought. When the King tried to offer the goblet, his hand began
to shake, and before it passed from his hand, it fell and was smashed. The
King pardoned himself and asked for a goblet of milk. He then proffered
diamonds and gems. Shah Dhola placed his hands on the gems and gave
them to be distributed among the regiment. Even big and great kings bow


in the presence of faqirs. They change fate and fortune at the glance. This is
why they can only be Sufis/Faqirs, because they are foe the world always.
They have love in their hearts, not hatred. Luminance not darkness. There
can be no clash within them. They only have sole attributes. One important
fact is that they are near and dear to every nation. They will go from one
place to another. Wherever they will go, they will change fate and fortune.
Language will not be barrier to them. Their language will be the language of
love. Every person and every animal understands the language of love,
which does not need to be explained to anyone.


The author has sent his advice to the Prime Minister on various
issues of national importance.
Some of his letters are attached here.


The Rt. Hon. Mr Tony Blair MP 10 Downing


13 December 2000
Dear Prime Minister,
The spiritual strata guide me to write to you about BSE and its human
form CJD — its enormity as a problem and its solution. It is now obvious that
its understanding and its solution are difficult enough for the scientists and
the politicians. It originated in cattle, now known to affect human beings
and it is likely to become widespread to possibly sheep and poultry.

Thus Allah almighty has decreed strict laws, governing food and drink,
from time immemorial through his prophets Abraham, Moses, Jesus and
finally Mohammad. These laws govern that which is permissible and that which
is not. They apply equally to all living creatures and comply to the principles of

The law states that the animals for consumption must have all the following

1. They should be herbivores and chew the cud.

2. They should have teeth on the lower jaw only.
3. They should have cleft hooves.
4. They should bend their forelegs when they sit.
5. They should lift their hindquarters first, on getting up.

In order to fulfil one of the aforementioned criteria, herbivore must be fed

accordingly. It defies the law of nature to feed a herbivore with animal
products. The practice being unnatural has resulted in the spread of BSE
within Europe-United Kingdom, France and Germany, similar to the word
widespread of AIDS. Almighty Allah has forbidden the consumption of blood as


it carries many diseases. Hence animals for human consumption should be

bled via the severance of the jugular veins.

In order to minimise suffering, the animals should be provided food

and water and treated humanely before slaughtering. Furthermore I
am given spiritual guidance that during gaming with firearms, it is noted that
a number of birds fall to the ground simply due to shock, along with the
intended target. These stunned birds can be slaughters in the name of
Allah, before they regain consciousness and hence are halal. It is thus
permissible in my view that the animals can be given an electric shock
to stun them prior to slaughtering.
This law must be observed for all the animals and since it is in line
with the laws of Almighty Allah, its effects could only be beneficial for the
mankind. If it is defied, BSE will spread beyond meat products
including milk and from cattle to other animals with disastrous
consequences to human beings. The disease can be contained and even
eradicated with the common consumption of halal meat and neither the
humans nor the animals will suffer the torment and death resulting from it.
Mr Blair, I, as a British Muslim, take pride of our past when Britain
was an Empire and Muslims of British India fought the Second World
War, shoulder to shoulder with others to maintain the principles and
values of a free society. The British Empire is no more but its values
stand today. Wherever there is a cry for humanitarian help, Britain
spearheads in terms of material and technical aid, be it a famine in Ethiopia,
or a civil war in Sudan. This country becomes a sanctuary for the migrant
refugees. Everyone has food and shelter be they citizens or migrant, be they
villains or the downtrodden. Everyone has basic security of life and limb,
free education and medical treatment. I thus believe that this is the
foremost country which puts into practice without due recognition, the laws
of Allah, as these are the fundamentals Almighty Allah desires for all his


Prime Minister, you as the leader of the country that is the world
champion to the cause of humanity and charity, lead the world in
eradicating this disease by providing conditions in observing and
implementing the law of nature — as this is the only practical and prudent
way of eliminating the BSE and CJD.

Finally please accept my sincere greetings of peace and goodwill for

Christmas and the New Year.
A visionary - A. A Moeed


Dr. E. Quraishy
MBBS; BSc; Dip Derm; (Univ. London): DPM; MRC Psych.
303 Bramhall Lane South,

The Rt. Hon. Mr Tony Blair MP

10 Downing Street,
London SW1 1AA
13 December 2000
Dear Prime Minister,
Mr. A. A. Moeed, is a man in his seventies and although of Indian
origin, migrating to Pakistan at the time of Partition in 1947, has lived in this
country for many years and is proud to be called a British citizen.

I have known Mr. Moeed for several years, followed him closely with
interest and it is my considered view, as a practising Consultant
Psychiatrist of long standing, that he is a credible and impressive spiritualistic
man who is widely renowned for faith healing and original religious writings.
Mr.Moeed, is well known and respected in the United Kingdom and
abroad and has significant followings. I have seen a number of articles about
him, in the news media with positive comments on his virtues, as a faith
healer. Mr. Moeed is, at such a height on the ladder of Sufiism that he
surpasses the barriers of race, creed, or colour. He is blessed with a great deal
of wisdom, original religious literary gift and a courteous, loving, caring
and compassionate disposition for the welfare of all human beings. He is a
mystic and a Sufi, in the truest sense.

It is beyond my ability to define exactly the manner in which he has been

successful in producing the twenty eight volumes of Jafar-eJama and a scroll
of enormous importance and value. The later when an individual places on


the head and leaves it for a few minutes with the eyes closed, is lead to the
strata of the untold and unknown i.e. prediction of some of the events of the
future. The twenty eight volumes of the Jafar e-Jama which he has compiled, is
indeed a lasting masterpiece.

After my careful observation and scruitiny, over many years,

although I have been confounded by lacking scientific explanation for the
gift possessed by Mr. Moeed, nevertheless extremely impressed. The
manner he had often helped, comforted and alleviated peoples sufferings,
particularly with their intractable and chronic disabling conditions, and his
predictions and prophesies for events concerning individuals, countries and
regions of the world proving to be correct, had been incomprehensible and
therefore of miraculous proportions. I, along with others have been privileged
to have personally witnessed much of it taking place.
Among his many books-the notable are "Manzil" volumes 1-3 in
Urdu and " Divine prophecy Divine" initially written in Urdu language,
over a period of about eighteen months, completed and translated in English
about two years ago and as Mr. Abidi himself mentions, I along with others
believe, to have originated from his spiritualistic and visionary thoughts
and meditation and above all, his conviction and faith in core Islamic
religious principles and guidance from Allah and His prophet Mohammad.

Mr Moeed has continued his pursuit and recently completed two

numerical versions (100x100 & 1000x1000) of holy Quran - an original
and master piece work.

Finally, I am privileged to introduce Mr. Moeed as a gifted man and

enclose his letter to you which he has written simply as someone deeply
concerned to the welfare of the mankind.

With kindest regards.

Yours sincerely,
E Quraishy


The Rt. Hon. Mr Tony Blair MP

10 Downing Street,
London SW1 1AA

13 January 2001

Dear Prime Minister,

Further to my previous communication last month, I wish to add the

following for your kind consideration.


From the stream of the luminance of my thoughts

My spiritual consciousness reflected once again towards my

automatic writing about BSE — the mad cow disease — reasons for its
development, its containment and prevention
Its causation is determined by our actions against nature. Allah
almighty — the creator, has commanded and prescribed us to consume
meat of those animals with following characteristics

1. They should chew the cud.

2. They should have teeth on the lower jaw only
3. They should have cleft hooves
4. They should bend their forelegs when they sit
5. They should lift their hindquarters first, on getting up

In fact the above are normally possessed by the herb ivorous

mammals. This is the way nature is.
Furthermore, in the context, one can notice that the predatory
mammals like tigers and wolf prey on those that are herbivorous. This
again is the rule of nature.
It is also a common observation that the mankind h as consumed milk
solely from the mammals that are herbivorous. Milk from predatory


animals or non halal (those discarded by God's law) are never be consumed.
Has one heard of milk used by man from a sow or a bitch?
Halal means what is allowed by Allah and guided to human beings by his
Prophets-Abraham to Moses and Jesus to the Prophet of Islam
Mohammad (Peace be upon them). The law of Allah and the beliefs are the
same to the Jewish people as it is for the Christians and Muslims — all being
the Peoples of the Books. It means the animals are to be slaughtered in the
manner prescribed by Allah. However there is no reason for the animals to be
stunned, in order to reduce their suffering, prior to slaughtering, in the name of
Allah — the Creator and their blood must be drained. It is my view that if the
birds dropping unconscious due to the gunshot shock can be acceptable in
Islam, there is no reason the act of stunning the animals prior to slaughtering
cannot be acceptable.

BSE in cattle has not arisen in a day but insidiously over a period of time.
However, it has recently become recognised and caused the spectre all over
Europe. It is now obvious that its understanding and its solution are difficult
enough for the scientists and the politicians. It originated in cattle, now known
to affect human beings and it is likely to become widespread to possibly
sheep and poultry. It is unlikely to be limited to brain tissue and meat on
bones but as its causal agent bay enter blood stream, sooner or later milk is to
be affected.

The spiritual strata guide me to write to you about BSE and its human
form CJD — its enormity as a problem and its solution.
Thus Allah almighty has decreed strict laws, governing food and drink, from
time immemorial through his prophets Abraham, Moses, Jesus and finally
Mohammad (Peace be upon them). These laws govern that which is
permissible and that which is not. They apply equally to all living creatures
and comply to the principles of nature.


I am also guided spiritually to state that it can be contained and prevented


1. Avoiding meat-based feed to the herbivorous animals like cattle

and sheep. Feed them grass and vegetarian products and avoid
conflict with nature.
2. Slaughter the animals as prescribed by law of Allah brought
through the great Prophets i.e. halal method but in humane and
kind methods but by draining the blood by severing the main blood
vessels — jugular veins.

There is need, Mr Prime Minister to understand the law of nature and

to put this into practice. I would request that by taking a lead in
the right direction will avert the direct and indirect consequences and
misery of BSE and CJD to the mankind.

A visionary - A. A Moeed


Dr. E. Quraishy
MBBS; BSc; Dip Derm; (Univ. London): DPM; MRC Psych.
303 Bramhall Lane South,

The Rt. Hon. Mr Tony Blair MP

10 Downing Street,
London SW1 1AA
22 January 2001
Dear Prime Minister,

I have written to you previously on behalf of Mr Moeed.

Please find enclosed a copy of his "thoughts" on BSE. Which highlights his
concern for the condition effecting mankind, its causal factors and means
towards its containment and prevention.

Mr Moeed humbly requests you to consider the points he has made.

With kindest regards.

Yours sincerely,

E Quraishy


I have known the author, Mr. Abidi for several years, followed him
closely and with interest and it is my considered view, as a practising
consultant psychiatrist of longstanding that Mr. Abidi is a credible and
impressive spiritualistic man who is widely renowned for faith healing and
original religious writings. Mr. Abidi, is well known and respected in the
United Kingdom and abroad and he has significant followings. I have seen a
number of articles about him, in the news media with appreciating comments
on his virtues, as a faith healer. Mr. Abidi is, at such a height on the ladder of
Sufiism that he surpasses the barriers of race, creed, or colour. He is blessed
with a great deal of wisdom, original religious literary gift and a courteous,
loving, caring and compassionate disposition, for the benefit of all human
beings. He is a mystic and a Sufi, in the truest sense.

It is beyond my ability to define exactly the manner in which he has

been successful in producing the twenty eight volumes of the Jafra – e – Jama.
And a Scroll of enormous importance and value that when an individual places
it on the head and leaves it for few minutes with the eyes closed, is led to the
strata of the untold and unknown i.e. prediction of some of the events which he
has compiled, is indeed a lasting master piece. After my careful observation
over many years, although I have been confounded by lacking scientific
explanation for the gift possessed by Mr. Abidi, but nevertheless, extremely
impressed. The manner he had often helped, comforted and alleviated peoples
sufferings, particularly with their intractable and chronic disabling conditions,
and his predications and prophecies for events concerning individuals,
countries and regions of the world proving to be correct, had been
incomprehensible and therefore miraculous proportions. I, along with others
have been privileged to have personally witnessed much of it taking place.

Regarding the book “Mathematical Mysteries of Alphabets”, I would

like to state that it has been written in Urdu language, over a period of about
several months. It was completed about two years ago, and as Mr. Abidi
himself mentions, I along with others believe, to have originated from his
spiritualistic and visionary thoughts and meditation and above all, his


conviction and faith in core Islamic religious principles and guidance from
Allah Subhanahu -Wa -Taala and his Prophet Mohammad Sallalahu–wa- Alaihi
wasallam (peace be upon him).

It has taken long but translation of this book to English has been
completed. The translation of the original Urdu scripts of his “spontaneous
writing” has proved to be a difficult and challenging task because of the need
to preserve the meaning, sequence and correctness of its contents. This has
been achieved to a large extent but not entirely and if there remain any
difficulties in terms of meaning, clarity or interpretation for the reader, it arises
from the translator and not the author. It is our belief that the book will find its
way far and wide. Finally I am privelleged to know Mr. Abidi, and to be asked
to contribute to the manuscripts and translation of this book, which I believe
will be found both revealing and inspiring and a means towards advancement
of ancient knowledge of historical and practical significance.

Dr. Ehsanullah Quraishy

B.SC; M.B.B.S; Dip.Derm (University of London); D.P.M

(London); M.R.C.Psych.
Specialist Consultant Psychiatrist
303 Bramhall Lane South,
Cheshire, SK7 3DW

19 September 2003


Quran Majeed was ordained for the guidance of the entire mankind.
These words are for the benefit of everyone. Our great companion (of the Holy
Prophet) and respected Imams had dedicated their lived n search of the real
meaning, place and greatness of the Holy Quran, so that its message and
benefits reach the mankind.

Every piece of verse, every word and every letter contains great benefit.
These words are for all the mankinf and remedy for the Momineeen. Millions
of books have been written ti fathom the obvious beauty and meaningful
benefits of the Holy Quraan. In Eygypt, Sheikh Rasheed has written a book on
the topic of Furqaan-e-Hameed and its arithmetic and in connection with this
accounting, the number 19 is described as proof o fhte Wahdaniyat of Allah
(oneness of God). But, Abu Ameena Pillip, resident of Saudia, has challenged
the numerical accuracy and the challenge is the immediate response in the form
of this book.

Wahid Ishaat Wahid, Third Stage, I have read with considerable interest
and have ahd the pleasure of meeting the writer Mr. Moeed Shah Al-Abidi,
several times. The writer has depp interest in Quraan-e-Hakeem, like a Momin,
and through this book, he has tried to praise Quraan Majeed in a unique
manner. What he has writtern in this book is his flow of thoughts whilstand.

Respected Shah Saab is a straightforward hermit like person, who has a

flow in his narration besides being simple and honest.

In the book under review, Mr. Moeed Shah Al-Abidi, himself writes
that, what-so-ever he is writing is the coice of his consciousness. The topic of
this book is, that Quraan Kareem is a balanced book, whatever else that cample
by the wayside, has alos been written. This book is based on the light of the
sould, not on thoughts.


The writer has logically and in a beautiful manner proved that the
Quraan Majeed is a balanced book, it is a miracle and proof of its being a book
of God.

While reading the book, one feels that some of the subjects and topics
are repeated. But, this is just a feeling, the writer has explained this aspect
himself:- In his writings as he himself states repetition of the subject matter is
due to the glowing flow of inner thoughts, thus introjections if topic and
meanings are sometimes in variance. In the end of this book, the writer has
mentioned the names of Allah, significance numerals and alphabets, and their
perculilartiies and properties which will be of considerable interest ot the
readers. Shah Al-Abidi has also given many incantations and supplications for
the benefit of the best creations of Allah – mankind.

In this book, Shah Al-Abidi has given common knowledge examples of

Urdu and Persian couplets, Bhagat KAbeer’s dohas, Mian Muhammad
Bakhsh’s and HAzrat Shahd Sultan Bahoo’s philosophical poems and
references from Maulana Roam, and put them in relevant manner thus enhacing
the beauty, interest and value.

I believe the lovers of Quraan Kareem will find this book as a beautiful
and invaluable presentation. This represents and aspect of Quran Majeed and
the readers will find aiding strength to their faith. Ihope, this book will become
known and everlasting. I pray to Almighty God, that the wirter, Mr. Moeed
Shah Al-Abidi, had ongoing service to Quraan Majeed, its readers and


Abdul Khaliq Aawan (Islamabad)

Retired Director General, Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation
Presently: Additional secretary, Gov. of Pakistan



Flow of light of my reflections and my ecstatic condition

I wrote Manzil and showed its name to my friend Mr Farooq. There was
a gathering of people who glorify God and chant His Name. After this
supplication, I inquired from all of them, what did you see? To which Mr.
Farooq replied that he saw Hazrat Ali (AS) had come, he had a book in his
hand and he said that this is your Mr. Shah’s book. And on the book, the name
‘Manzil’ is written. Manzil also has a numerical value of 19.

More or less, one hundred and twenty-four thousand Messengers of God

have descended and all of them stated about the Unity of God. We only have
with us the prayers, Hajj, Zakaat and sacrifice, but we do not have the belief in
the Oneness of God Almighty. We decorated different types of idols, but belief
in the existence of God is altogether missing. You may ask what we obtain by
believing. If we were absolutely certain that, there is a Creator of the entire
Universe as well and He is present everywhere. If it is certain, that he is
watching, then a human being will neither be alone, nor will he do anything
wrong. If sure of that, He will punish, or reward, then no one will murder
anyone else, any theft, or any dacoity will be committed, no one will commit
any crime. Everything is present, except belief in the Creator.

Anyway, I named my first book as Manzil-e-Awwal, and then I got the

light and brought Manzil-e-Doem in writing. Then I was instructed to write
Manzil-e-Some. Then ‘knowledge’ came in the middle, and I named the
publication as Wahed Isha’at Wahed, which is being translated in English, for
which, I am writing this ‘Writer’s Appeal’. This book is beyond the bounds of
any region, any colour and race. It has been written for the benefit of mankind.
The important thing is that, if the method of calculation is understood, then,
one will find out all the countries of the world, own situation will become
known; he will realise that he has excessive anger and because of it he is


unpopular, Then, he will start controlling it himself; family life will also
become congenial. He will be mindful of his strengths and weaknesses, for
example, I have written that, until he does not take up working with iron, he
will keep on abusing it. If he knows in advance then, he will take up working in
that line right in the first place and without trying so many other fields.

I have written about the conditions in detail. The initial mistake that was
committed in named a child cannot be rectified by anyone. However, no child
will be handicapped in the future, no one will become epileptic; none will be
unduly obese. In short, I have writer which mistake causes these difficulties
and what is the solution, this is given in my Manzil-e-Some, Wahed Isha’at
Wahed and the second script which has been translated in English.

I have written another book; its details are that, I had gone to Egypt for
treating somebody, because I am a professional healer and a homeopath.
Anyway, in Egypt, a professor of Azhar University gave me a book, saying that
your ancestor has written a book and this one is about it. That book was read by
many Arab scholars, but each said that it is ancient Arabic. In the end, a friend
of mine, Dr Zohair said, this is a book of alphabets. Then, after investigations,
it was found that 1,400 years ago, the book was started by Hazrat (AS). The
Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said that, the angel Gabriel had shown it to the
Prophet at the Seventh Heaven, the book symbolically came under the writing
of the Messenger of God (PBUH). However, Imam Jafer Sadiq, Sadiq al Qaol
(AS), completed this book. There is one book in India titled as ‘The Soofi
Azam in India’. In this book there is mention of Jafer Jamey, which is no more
there in this world. It took six generations to complete the book in those days,
and according to rules and regulations, I wrote it in nine years. The weight of
this book is thirty kilograms and the name of everything, animals, birds and
humans, names of all, any name you take, is all there.

The Conservative MP, Mr. John Whatts came, the attendants of our
gathering started explaining it to him and he said that, he will explain and said
that it is an encyclopaedia, containing the name of everything.


The details of the book are that there are 28 letters of Arabic and
accordingly, the book has 28 volumes, where each volume has 28 pages and
each page has 784 boxes. Each of the boxes contains a combination of four
letters, each combination is unique, and it appears once only and does not
appear again. The organisation is like this, there are 784 combinations on each
page and each volume contains 21, 952 combinations. Over 28 volumes, there
are 614,656 combinations, a combination that appears once and is never
repeated. This is a spiritual book and the writing is dependent on super natural
guidance, even the ink was described, what colour it should be. When six
volumes were completed, a voice came, saying God Almighty has bestowed
one thing on you. If only allowed to write, is a great honour by itself. I have
rewritten the book of Hazrat (AS), which was shown to the Messenger of God
(PBUH) at the Seventh Heaven. Why this book was written, details of that are
given in the book that was given to me in Jamae Azhar. This is the only book
of its kind in the world, why was it written and what are the benefits? It has
been written by Hazrat Ali (AS) himself and it is repeated in this book that, he
was addressing the congregation in Masjid-e-Koofa and said, ‘Ask me anything
you wish to ask. I know more about the celestial routes, like you know about
the land routes.’ The people replied, then you, tell us what will happen after
you are gone and he said that he will write a book, which will contain all the
things of the past, present and future. This book needs to be decided, how it can
be read, although it is written in Arabic, but, from its script to its name, it is a
miracle. And the definition of a miracle is that, it is in front of you and yet, you
cannot believe. There are four volumes; these were taken to London Museum,
in the desire to show to show to one Mr. Shareen of the Arabic Department,
who had some background knowledge about the book. After examining the
book with different magnifying glasses, said that, this book cannot be a hand
written one. It is printed by a computer, there is no correction, or deletion,
neither, there is any repetition of any combination, a human being cannot write,
how can he remember so many combinations?

Then it was sent to a laboratory and they confirmed that, the book is
hand written. After handing written this book, then I realised, what I had


achieved. Earlier on, I used to write as a hobby, without thinking about the gain
or loss. This publication gave me a great enhancement, the person who printed
the papers and the lines, he also became successful and I became famous, I do
not claim to have a lot of knowledge of my religion.

Whatever I write, is based on the flow of my light, I do not think and

write and because of this, sometimes my writings seem repeated, but it is not
like that. This is at divine book, which cannot be printed and neither there will
be any buyer nor anyone who can read it. When this book was completed, there
was a gathering by all participants of our company. In our gatherings, people of
all colours, races and religion participate. I was in London, when this book was
opened a voice was heard saying, ‘when you open this book, order of God
Almighty is issued, this book contains the great name’.

When the name of everything in the world is in there, seeing this book, a
person gets astonished. After this I made the 100 x 100 naqsh, again a sound
came, ‘now you make the 1,000 x 1,000 of the whole Quran’. Now I am
writing the biography of the respectable Mohammed (PBUH), I do not know if
I live or not. The details of the 100 x 100 and the 1,000x 1,000 will come soon.

Akhtar Moeed Shah Al Abidi



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