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SPE 87042

The Arun Gas Field in Indonesia: Resource Management of a Mature Field

Prabodh Pathak, Yan Fidra, Hanifatu Avida, Zulkarnain Kahar, Mark Agnew, ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Inc. and Dodi
Hidayat, BPMIGAS

Copyright 2004, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

Upstream Regulatory Body, BADAN PELAKSANA
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated KEGIATAN USAHA HULU MINYAK DAN GAS BUMI
Modelling for Asset Management held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29-30 March 2004.
(hereinafter called "BPMIGAS"). The discovery of this
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
massive resource in October 1971 by the drilling and
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to testing of the Arun-1 discovery well spawned the birth of
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at the Indonesian LNG industry. Since then, Arun has been
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
a valuable resource that has been carefully developed
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is and nurtured to maximize its potential. Field
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous performance has been excellent and the application of
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
the latest petroleum technologies has extended field life.
Arun remains a great success story with excellent
recovery and high well productivity. Arun has now
Abstract matured and this paper presents the challenges
associated with managing this mature asset to meet
The Arun gas field is a giant hydrocarbon resource in market commitments.
Indonesia and has been supporting Liquified Natural
Gas (LNG) sales to the Asian market since 1978. The The Arun Field is located in the Aceh Province of North
ultimate gas recovery is expected to be about 94% of Sumatra, straddling the coastal plains between the
initial gas in place, and the ultimate condensate recovery Straits of Malacca on the north and the Barisan
is expected to be a very high 87% of initial condensate in Mountains on the south (Figure 1). 1 After the Arun-1
place. As the field has matured, reservoir pressure has discovery well encountered more than 1000 ft of
declined and well productivities have declined. productive limestone in the thickest part of the reefal
Mechanical wellbore failures have increased because of structure, 13 additional delineation wells were drilled to
increased downhole stresses. The lower reservoir map the outer limits of the reservoir.
pressure has also increased the water vapor content in
the gas, and producing wells have started to loadup as Arun was developed from 4 clusters, and a total of 118
flow rates have decreased. wells have been drilled, most of them deviated holes
(Figure 2). The initial reservoir pressure was 7115 psi
The application of new technologies has generated and the temperature 351 oF at a datum depth of 10,050
numerous opportunities to extend field life. Recent work ft (Table 1). The field is approximately 18.5 km long and
has focused at maintaining productivity despite declining 5 km wide and covers approximately 23,240 acres. The
reservoir pressures. This paper presents a summary of average thickness of the Arun limestone is 495 ft, and
Arun history and examples of recent resource the formation has an average porosity of 16.1%, with a
management practices, including compression upgrades low connate water saturation of 10.7%.
to reduce wellhead pressures, under-balanced drilling
into a pressure-depleted reservoir and problem The Arun reservoir fluid is a retrograde gas condensate
well restarts. with 50.4 barrels per million standard cubic feet
(b/MMscf) of 48o API condensate and a dew point of
4450 psi - which is 2665 psi below original reservoir
Introduction pressure (Figure 3). An extensive fluid collection and
analysis program was conducted to characterize the
The Arun gas condensate field in North Sumatra, reservoir fluids and compositional simulations were
Indonesia has been and continues to be a prolific performed using state-of-the-art Equation of State (EOS)
producer of gas for the Asian LNG market. ExxonMobil simulation models.2,3 The importance of the water
Oil Indonesia Inc. operates the field as a Production component was recognized early - both as a source of
Sharing Contractor to the Indonesian Oil and Gas dissolved gas in the liquid connate water phase and the
2 SPE 87042

aquifer, and also as a vapor in the free gas phase.3,4 The to handle the over-pressured Arun reservoir in the initial
initial water fraction in the gas phase is 4.1 mole % and drilling program. As productivity decreased later in the
the gas contains about 14.1 mole % carbon dioxide and field life, big bore wells were drilled to reduce frictional
other non-hydrocarbons. pressure losses for gas flow. Horizontal wells were
drilled in the condensate-rich parts of the formation to
Field development planning began in mid-1972 in increase productivity and condensate recovery.9 Coiled
conjunction with the LNG marketing efforts.2 A high tubing workovers were designed and implemented for
degree of reliability was designed into the system to increasing productivity while ensuring wellbore stability
ensure a dependable supply of LNG to the buyers. Also, and improving flow rates.
gas re-cycling was recognized as being essential to
increase the recovery of condensates from the field. The challenges have changed as Arun has matured, but
First gas was produced in May 1977, gas recycling the application of new technologies has generated
began in July 1977, the first tanker of condensate was numerous opportunities to extend field life. Recent work
exported in October 1977 and the first LNG tanker was has focused at maintaining productivity despite rapidly
loaded in October 1978. Field production continued to declining reservoir pressures. The results of this recent
ramp up until the maximum condensate production rate work - including compression upgrades to reduce
of 130,000 bpd was reached in 1989 and the maximum wellhead pressures, under-balanced drilling into low-
gas production rate of 3,500 MMscf/D in 1995 (Figure 4). pressure depleted reservoirs and problem well restarts
At the peak in 1993, about 900 MMscf/D of dry gas was are presented here.
reinjected back into the reservoir. An NGL plant was
commissioned in 1988 and NGL production continued
until 1998 when gas reinjection was discontinued. The Geological Description
field has been declining since 1997 and currently
produces around 700 MMscf/D with 22,500 bpd of The Arun limestone is a reefal carbonate complex of
stabilized condensate. Early to Middle Miocene age.10,11 The first sediments to
be laid down on top of the basement were thin, localized
The Arun reservoir had an initial gas in place of 16.8 Oligocene sandstones of the Bruksah Formation
TCF (dry gas) and an initial condensate in place of 840 followed by the shales of the Bampo formation. The Arun
million barrels (Table 2). Currently about 90% of the gas reef complex developed on top of the Bampo shales. A
has been produced. The ultimate recovery is expected to major unconformity occurred on top of the Arun
be 15.7 TCF dry gas and 730 million barrels condensate, limestone and a 1200 ft thick sequence of marine shales
or 94% of the initial gas in place and 87% of the initial called the Baong Formation was deposited on top of the
condensate in place. This ranks Arun as one of the Arun formation. The Arun reef was surrounded on all
highest recoveries worldwide for a gas condensate field. sides by overpressured marine shales that provided an
The unique combination of reservoir management, effective seal to allow the Arun gas to accumulate. In
excellent reservoir quality, state-of-the-art drilling and addition, these seals are most probably responsible for
subsurface engineering technologies, and surface the extremely weak water drive in the reservoir.
facilities design and modifications has yielded these
impressive recovery factors. Twenty-five wells were cored, most through part of the
Arun Formation and a few through the entire interval.
Reservoir depletion has been managed with the These cores and the related core analyses provide a
industry's first compositional simulator that modeled all valuable source of detailed information about the
aspects of the production chain - reservoir, wellbore, lithofacies and petrology. Log correlations have been
surface facilities and LNG production.5 Thus, production difficult within the reservoir due to the lack of shales or
optimization for changing market conditions, operational other marker beds in the thick carbonate section.
difficulties or facilities modifications could be However, a detailed core-to-log correlation analysis did
accomplished using a single model. In addition, the show the presence of thin (3-9 inch thick) marker beds of
important reservoir mechanisms - gas expansion, gas wavy to laminated skeletal wackestones that appear to
liberation from the connate water and aquifer, increased correlate with log response across larger distances in
water vaporization from the aquifer into the gas phase, the field.
and limited aquifer movement were all identified and
modeled to optimize the depletion plan. Simulator Lithologic analysis shows five main depositional facies -
development has continued to add new features and Reef, Near-Reef, Inter-reef lagoonal, Slope, and Middle
simulation results have been used extensively for the Shelf environments (Figure 5). Reef facies occur
past 25 years in field development decision making. primarily along the center spine of the buildup while
flanking bodies of Near-Reef facies are developed on
Drilling and subsurface engineering technologies were the wide, southern part of the complex. Lagoonal facies
applied to enhance productivity and improve condensate are found along the sides of the buildup or in large inter-
recovery. 6-8 Innovative drilling techniques were devised reef channels.
SPE 87042 3

The porosity distribution within Arun is related to a high permeability conduit for gas movement in the
carbonate diagenesis that was initially controlled by the south-east part. Lean gas injected in west injection wells
lithofacies distribution. The buildup experienced strong fingered through to Cluster II in the north and Cluster IV
meteoric diagenesis in which two main pore types were in the south without having any impact on Cluster III
created - micropores formed by re-crystallization and wells. Also, gas injected in the south-east wells broke
macropores formed by dissolution. Vuggy macroporosity through to wells in the eastern part of Cluster IV very
is found mainly in Reef Facies while moldic fast. In the big picture, the field does behave like one
macroporosity occurs mainly in Lagoonal Facies. high-permeability, well-connected carbonate deposit, but
Approximately 25% of the total porosity is due to the there are local discontinuities that impact only certain
facies-controlled macroporosity. The Reef facies have portions of the reservoir.
the highest porosity and permeability. The most
pervasive porosity is intercrystalline microporosity that is
found throughout the reservoir and accounts for the Challenges in Managing a Mature Arun Field
remaining 75% of total porosity. Inter-particle porosity is
found mainly in Near-Reef facies and a small fraction of Arun currently produces at an average well rate of 11
fracture porosity is found in all the facies. MMscf/D from 65 wells. This is, of course, much less
than the maximum well productivities of more than 200
The high porosity Reef facies predominates at the top of MMscf/D and the average well productivity of 130
the reservoir while the lower porosity Middle Shelf and MMscf/D reached in 1978 (Figure 6). The primary cause
Lagoonal facies are present deeper and at the edges. of the lower productivity is reduced reservoir pressure.
Permeabilities in the Reef facies that have well- The average reservoir pressure in Arun has fallen from
developed macroporosity are an order of magnitude the initial 7115 psi to about 700 psi currently, and as
higher than other facies in which micropores dominate. shown in Figure 7, the compositional reservoir simulation
Thus, the Arun reservoir generally has higher model matches the field data very well. There is a
permeabilities at the top throughout the reservoir (Figure reservoir pressure gradient in Arun with pressures in the
5). This characteristic has contributed tremendously to northern clusters (Clusters 1 and 2) measuring 500-600
the high recoveries in Arun but it also impacts drilling psi, and the southern clusters (Clusters 3 and 4) having
operations, workover effectiveness and wellbore higher pressures, about 700-800 psi. Differential
stability, as discussed later in this paper. depletion and injection have caused this pressure
distribution across the reservoir. Higher pressures exist
The Arun Field has closure in all directions with a in the south, in part, because of higher gas injection in
bounding fault and a steep reef edge on the east, a previous years.
structural plunge on the north and north-west, and a gas-
water contact on the south and west. The gas-water In addition to declining reservoir pressure, Arun
contact appears to be lower towards the south, with a production has also declined because of wellbore
dip of about 650 ft from the north end to the south. The failures and well loading. The number of producing wells
cause of this tilt has been discussed extensively. 10,11 started to decline in the early 1990's as wellbores failed
Hydrodynamics has been ruled out because of the lack due to increased mechanical stresses. Well loading has
of access to reservoir in the north and an outlet in the become a critical issue recently as the declining
south, and also because the influx of fresh water would reservoir energy is not sufficient to lift condensed liquids
have flushed out the salty aquifer water in the Arun. Two out of the tubing.
other theories have been proposed - a fault-block
controlled concept with differing gas-water contacts in Wellbore Failures
each fault-block, and a lithofacies controlled concept
with more microporosity in the north leading to larger Most Arun wells are deviated from a cluster surface
transition zones and higher contacts. There is little direct location. The primary drilling phase in the field was
evidence for substantiating one of these theories and conducted using 7" tubing that was considered the
there is most probably an element of both lithofacies and largest practical tubing size in the industry in the late
fault control in determining the gas-water contact. 1970's. The 9-5/8" tubing completions in the 1992-1995
Big Bore drilling program were the largest gas
The simple reservoir description of the Arun limestone completions in the world at that time.12 Additionally,
was modified as the lean gas injection was history- horizontal completions were used to increase
matched, and the existence of reservoir heterogeneities productivity from low-permeability zones that contained
became evident. First, the permeability of the laterally- pockets of rich gas that had been bypassed by the
extensive Reef facies had to be modified to match the injected gas.
north-south pressure gradient.5 Second, tracking the
movement of the injected gas by mapping the dew point Two major wellbore failure mechanisms have been
pressures of the produced gas indicated the presence of identified - subsidence and Arun pay zone failure. The
a north-south barrier in the western part of the field and subsidence failures occurred in the overpressured
Baong shale above the Arun limestone. Subsidence
4 SPE 87042

failures are diagnosed by shale production, severe hole combined with casing strength data in the QRA model to
shift, and wireline tag-ups above the top of the Arun. Pay quantify the risk of well failure.
zone failures occur when the Arun limestone itself
collapses. Pay zone failures are normally indicated by TASC/QRA model results show that bending strains
limestone production, and wireline diagnostics indicate caused by subsidence did not increase appreciably for
no hole shift and the tubing is clear to the formation. The most wells until 1985. Figure 8 shows that for typical
root cause of both failure mechanisms is the limited Arun wells, the onset of well deformations, kinks in the
strength of the Arun limestone and the severe tubing and casing strings, and wellbore restrictions were
mechanical stresses induced by the reduction in first noticed in the 1987-1990 time frame. The maximum
reservoir pressure. strains are reached around 1998-2000, and this time
period also corresponds to the largest number of well
A total of 34 wells have failed, and subsidence failures failures. The study also identifies the remaining Arun
dominated in the 1994-1999 timeframe. In later years, wells that are at risk of subsidence or pay zone failure.
more formation failures have been recorded, but there Another important observation is that wells drilled
have also been a few wells where the failure mechanism parallel to the natural fracture slip plane dip may be less
was most probably a combination of both subsidence likely to fail. Cores taken in the Baong shale indicate that
and formation failure. In 2000, the highest number of the natural fractures are oriented in the north-west
well failures were recorded, but well failures have direction. Thus, wells drilled in the north-west or west
declined during the past 3 years to about 2-3 failures per direction have a reduced risk for failure, although they
year. The ratio between wellbore failures and formation have some of the highest bending strains in the field.
pay zone failures is now about equal. Eight of the failed
wells have been restored and are still producing. The Arun wellbore team recommended that new well
locations should be at least 1000 ft away from existing
Rock mechanics studies of the Arun limestone indicate downhole locations to avoid excessive localized
that the compressibilities are in some cases as high as subsidence. Wellbores in the north-east end of the field
100 mips. In addition, the high porosity rocks, which are may have failed because of excessive clustering and
present in greater abundance in the Reef and Near-Reef reduced spacing. In addition, the team recommended
facies, are also susceptible to pore collapse. Pore that all new wells should have a liner penetrate at least
collapse increases formation subsidence and also the top 30-50 ft of the high porosity, high compressibility
accentuates formation failure. The large Arun limestone to prevent the overpressured Baong
compressibilities induce increased subsidence with shale from entering the wellbore as the formation
decreasing reservoir pressure. As the Arun limestone subsided. Highly deviated and horizontal wells were not
subsides, the overlying overpressured Baong shale also recommended because of the risk for pay zone failure.
moves creating high shear stresses in the casing in the
Baong. Subsidence also increases the hoop stresses in Well Loading
the borehole and the borehole wall starts to fail.
Stimulation treatments in which acid was injected down Liquid loading in gas wells occurs late in field life when
the tubing, and in which most of the acid dissolved the gas flow rates decrease, and gas velocities in the
upper high permeability zone may have also contributed wellbore are not sufficient to lift the condensed liquids to
to increased subsidence and pay zone collapse.8 the surface. Liquids start to accumulate in the wellbore
until the flow ceases when gas pressure cannot lift the
An Arun wellbore review team was formed to analyze column of liquid. 13 It was recognized early in the Arun
the well failures with key members coming from development that liquid loading would become
ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Inc., ExxonMobil Upstream increasingly important as the field matured. 5 A series of
Research Company and ExxonMobil Production studies were performed to analyze and quantify the
Company Central Technology organizations. mechanism of liquid loading and well tests were
Geomechanical models were developed to analyze performed to check the applicability to Arun conditions.
wellbore stresses and predict future failure rates. A
Three-Dimensional Analytical Subsidence and Both hydrocarbon and water condense from the gas
Compaction (TASC) model was developed in phase in the wellbore. The fraction of each liquid phase
conjunction with a Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) that condenses depends on the PVT properties of the
model for Arun wells. TASC uses analytical solutions for gas-condensate-water components and the flow
analyzing subsidence in reservoir and overburden grid properties of the mixture. Both pressure and temperature
cells. The Arun reservoir properties, geometry and decrease as the fluids move up the wellbore, and the
pressure for each well are imported from the reservoir dominant liquid fraction will depend on the phase
simulation model and the TASC model analyzes the equilibrium properties at the local conditions along the
bending strains, reservoir subsidence, principal strains, wellbore. This paper presents the results from the most
and shear stresses. The mechanical loads are then recent compositional wellbore hydraulics study.
SPE 87042 5

The fraction of water in the gas phase increases the tubing. Because the fluid flow and heat transfer
dramatically as reservoir pressures fall below 1000 psi in equations are being solved simultaneously, model
the high-temperature Arun reservoir environment (Figure stability improves if the bottomhole pressure and
9). Arun gas in the reservoir equilibrates with the two temperature are specified for a particular flow rate and
sources of water in the reservoir - the aquifer and the the model calculates the resulting surface temperature
connate water. The vaporization of water at the gas- and pressure. Attempts at specifying both bottomhole
water contact may impact aquifer movement. Also, the and surface conditions usually made the model unstable.
vaporization of the connate water may improve gas
permeability. The field water production is also shown in Results show that at high flow rates the pressure and
Figure 9 and it closely matches the water content in the temperature decrease uniformly as the gas travels up
equilibrated gas produced. Thus, the produced Arun gas the tubing (Figure 11). Wellhead temperatures are high
is saturated with water at reservoir conditions. Chemical (about 270 oF) and wellhead pressures are
analyses also indicate that the produced water is very approximately 200 psi less than bottomhole pressures.
fresh compared with aquifer water salinities. The fraction of liquid dropout in the wellbore is small,
less than 1%, and the fluid flow behavior is similar to
A series of well tests were performed in 1999 to single-phase gas flow. As the gas flow rate decreases,
measure well loading rates. In each well test, wellhead liquid holdup in the wellbore increases significantly, and
parameters such as pressure, temperature and rate the flowing gas phase has to overcome frictional
were measured as the well was choked back and resistance from the liquid held in the wellbore. The two-
production rates decreased. The well was produced at phase flow regime is annular flow at high flow rates but
each reduced rate for a few days to ensure that the rate as the liquid holdup increases it becomes slug flow
was stable. Once the well loaded up, it was quickly (Figure 12). Wellhead pressures decrease until the
unloaded by reducing the wellhead pressure and minimum stable flow of 3 MMscf/D is reached. At this
removing the wellbore liquids. Figure 10 shows the low flow rate, liquid holdup is around 10% for the top
results for a typical Cluster I well that was producing 10 7000 ft of the tubing but it increases to more than 20% at
MMscf/D before the test began. The well was initially depths around 10,000 ft (Figure 13). The water phase
produced at a lower rate of 8 MMscf/D for a few days. fraction is almost 90% in the top 6000 ft and thus, water
The wellhead pressure decreased by about 60 psi after is condensing more than the hydrocarbon phase (Figure
about 100 hours because an extra compressor was 13). At depths greater than 7000 ft, the liquids are a
turned on to meet increased gas demand from the field. mixture of both water and hydrocarbon phases. The gas
Wellhead pressure was increased to 350 psi at 320 produced from the reservoir is in the two-phase
hours and the gas rate initially decreased but then envelope of the PVT diagram initially at higher depths,
stabilized around 6.5 MMscf/D. Further increases in and the liquid condensate phase does condense at the
wellhead pressure reduced the gas rate dramatically to 2 higher pressures and temperatures, but the liquid
MMscf/D. The well loaded up as both the well rate and condensate phase revaporizes at the lower pressures in
wellhead pressure continued to decrease. Tests on other the upper part of the tubing. Wellhead temperatures
wells showed similar behavior - the well would flow at a continue to decrease as the flow rate is decreased, and
stable rate for many days but a small reduction in rate or wellhead temperatures below 200 oF generally indicate
increase in pressure would trigger the instability and load a well that has loaded-up. Well loadup rates increase as
up the well in a few hours. the tubing size is increased, so Big Bore wells with 10"
tubing are expected to load up at 3.75 MMscf/D
A compositional wellbore hydraulics model was (Figure 14).
developed to analyze well loading. The model uses a 9-
component Equation-of-State (EOS) characterization, The well loading rates are very low compared to most of
which is similar to the characterization used in the the industry because wellhead pressures are very low -
reservoir simulator. The original PVT model was updated about 90 psi. The well loading rates are also lower than
to reflect current reservoir conditions. The EOS the Turner correlation results of 4-6 MMscf/D because of
characterization was input into a well performance model the simplifying assumptions made in the Turner
that models both the fluid flow and the heat transfer correlation about spherical droplet shapes and viscous
around the wellbore. The tubing component sizes and drag forces. In Arun, a substantial portion of the current
other properties were entered into the wellbore model gas production is produced from low rate gas wells.
and the overall length of the wellbore was discretized Almost 80 MMscf/D of the total 700 MMscf/D is
into 21 individual sections of approximately 500 ft length produced by wells making less than 6 MMscf/D.
each. The flow properties and liquid holdup in different
sections of the tubing could then be analyzed. The Managing a Mature Arun Field for the Future
OLGA steady-state correlation was used to model the
fluid flow although it slowed the simulation runs Arun is a critical field for meeting LNG delivery. Much
compared with other correlations. Reservoir flow was not effort has been put into maintaining the production,
modeled in this study and the simulation was confined to managing the reservoir and stemming the production
6 SPE 87042

decline. Three major efforts are discussed in this paper - initial rate, making the 9-5/8" Big Bore program much
the new drill well program, the compressor and more attractive. The capital investment to drill a
dehydration upgrade project, and the problem well sidetrack is significantly less than the capital required to
restart program. Other initiatives, such as gas well drill a new well, but the risks associated with formation
dewatering are also being considered to further subsidence around a sidetrack openhole completion are
maximize recovery. also higher. The economics for all three cases yielded
positive results but the Big Bore well provided superior
New Drill Well Program economics. In addition, it provided the highest
productivity for meeting market demand, and thus, the
Wellbore failures made it imperative that the failed wells Big Bore new well program was selected instead of the
be replaced by sidetracking existing wells or by drilling sidetrack option.
new ones to supply the required gas capacity. Seven
Arun wells were re-entered and sidetracked in 1997- Seven new drill wells were selected for the drilling
1999 to maintain productivity. However, more wellbores program. A new optimized Big Bore well design was
were needed to meet supply quantities and a program used.12 The major innovations included the use of a 10"
was initiated in 2000 to evaluate new wells. An important tubingless completion string to replace the old assembly
factor in the decision making process was that Arun had of a 10" liner, 13-3/8" production packer and 9-5/8"
to be drilled underbalanced to prevent formation damage floating seal assembly. After the 10" liner is set, a 7" drill-
in a reservoir where pressures had decreased in liner is used to drill across the bottom section of the
substantially. Drilling underbalanced at low pressures in Baong shale and case it off across the 8000 psi
a high temperature environment at depths exceeding transition into the Arun limestone. The underbalanced
10,000 ft presents a formidable challenge. Also, the drilling of the Arun limestone at 10,000 ft is
reservoir pressure continues to decrease by about 8 psi accomplished using a nitrogen-water mist as drilling
per month at current depletion rates. Thus, decisions fluid. The well suspension procedures were modified to
about when to drill and the pace of drilling are essential ensure minimal formation damage. Directional profiles of
in program planning. the wells were kept below 25O to maximize
wellbore stability.
The reserves produced by Arun wells can be correlated
with their productivity and the time that the wells were The drilling program began on 18 June 2002 with the
put on production. Thus, wells with high productivity, as spudding of the first well and was concluded on 6 Sept.
measured by the product of permeability and thickness 2003 with the completion of the final well. The program
(Kh), usually produce more reserves. The Kh maps showed conclusively that under-balanced drilling (UBD)
generated from core, log and well test data are essential operations could be conducted at very low pressures -
in identifying the high quality reservoir areas, i.e., the for instance, the static bottomhole pressure during UBD
"sweet spots" on the Kh maps (Figure 15). Two other operations in one of the Cluster III wells was 560 psi.
factors were considered in choosing well locations. First, The nitrogen-water mist was effective at removing
clusters with higher reservoir pressures were given a cuttings at these low pressures and wellbore damage
higher priority because the risks associated with was minimized.
underbalanced drilling would be lower. Also, the
productivities would be higher there because of the Eight wells have been drilled, of which seven successful
higher pressures. Finally, the probability of well failure wells are currently being produced. One well had to be
due to subsidence was lowest around Cluster III, re-drilled because of mechanical problems. Table 3
followed by Cluster IV, II and I. This ranking system summarizes the initial rates through the wellbore. The
eliminated most of the locations around Cluster I and II, wells are performing as expected and the overall drilling
leaving possible locations only around Cluster III & IV. program has been successfully concluded. These wells
are probably the last wells to be drilled in Arun, but the
Once the bottomhole locations for the new wellbores had drilling technologies that were developed and refined in
been identified, the next major decision was whether to Arun will continue to be used in other locations.
sidetrack an existing well or to drill a new well. The
sidetrack could be drilled by cutting a window in the 9- Compressor and Dehydration Upgrade
5/8" casing, and drilling into the Arun with a 7" or 4-1/2"
completion. Figure 16 shows the nodal analysis results Booster compressors were commissioned in Cluster II
for the sidetrack completions and for a new Big Bore 9- and Cluster IV in 1995 to reduce wellhead pressures. All
5/8" completion. There is little pressure drop in the the gas from Cluster I is cooled, dehydrated and sent to
reservoir and most of the frictional resistance to gas flow a gas-liquid separator before flowing to Cluster II where
comes from the tubing. The Big Bore well produces it is combined with treated Cluster II gas for
about four times what the 4-1/2" sidetrack completion compression. Similarly, all the Cluster III and IV treated
would make and 50% more than the 7" sidetrack. The dry gas is compressed at Cluster IV for delivery. The
recovery for each well type would be proportional to its
SPE 87042 7

compressed gas from Cluster II and IV is sent to PT An active facilities and reservoir surveillance team
Arun LNG facilities through a 42" pipeline. monitors compressor performance. This interface of
reservoir performance and compressor performance is
The dehydration facilities installed in 1992 were essential in understanding the overall field performance.
designed to reduce the gas dew point to 150 psi. The There are limited tools available to integrate the
facilities used propane refrigeration to cool the gas to 40 reservoir with the compressors. Most reservoir
F to avoid water dropout in the carbon steel simulators, including the Arun compositional model,
compression equipment and pipelines. Arun gas have a simplified compressor performance capability. On
contains about 14.1% carbon dioxide and thus, any the other hand, accurate compressor performance
water dropout can lead to rapid corrosion. A joint predicting tools have limited reservoir simulation
ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Inc. and ExxonMobil capabilities. Although the Arun simulation model does
Production Company Central Technology task force was include simplified correlations for the compressor
commissioned in 2000 to evaluate alternatives for performance, the short-term optimization of field
reducing the operating suction pressure to 50 psi. A performance is done using a material balance model that
number of alternatives were considered including the incorporates the subsurface nodal models for all the
installation of a new glycol dehydration plant, but the wells and the surface network for collecting, treating and
most economic was the upgrade of the existing propane transporting the gas to the compressor suction header.
dehydration system. This alternative had the added This material balance model has been developed over
benefit of a faster installation schedule and lower training the past few years and all the Arun wells have been
requirements because operations personnel were history-matched. Multiple operating scenarios can be
already familiar with this technology. evaluated quickly using this tool.

In conjunction with the dehydration upgrade, the The compressor performance curves from Figure 17
compression facilities were also re-evaluated. The have to be overlayed with the reservoir performance
original compression facilities consisted of six curve in order to analyze the production rates. At Cluster
compressor trains, three each at Cluster II and Cluster II, one old compressor and one new compressor work in
IV. The compressor trains were designed to operate a parallel to compress the Cluster I & II gas. The
minimum suction pressure of 150 psi, and although the compressor performance curve for this configuration of
suction pressure could be drawn down to 75-80 psi, the compressors in Cluster II is shown in Figure 18 at an
compressors became increasingly inefficient at the lower outlet discharge pressure of 950 psi. Thus, as the
suction pressures. A number of alternatives were suction pressure increases, the compressor capacity
considered including the re-wheeling of both compressor also increases. The corresponding reservoir
stages, and re-wheeling or replacing the low pressure performance curve at the current operating conditions,
stage. The task force recommended the replacement of which is calculated from the material balance model, is
the low pressure compressor casing and the installation also shown in Figure 18. In the case of the reservoir, as
of larger wheels to increase throughput and reduce the suction pressure increases, the flow rate decreases
suction pressures to 50 psi. Because Arun gas rates are as the backpressure on the wells increases. The
decreasing and the Cluster II compressors have much intersection of the reservoir and the compressor curve
lower throughput than the Cluster IV compressors, the determines the daily operating capacity of the cluster,
upgrade of all six compressors was not recommended. and as shown in Figure 18, the material balance and
The optimum number of compressor upgrades was compressor models accurately predict field performance.
found to be three, i.e., two compressors on Cluster IV
and one compressor on Cluster II. The upgrades allow The reservoir performance curve is constantly changing
the early retirement of old compressor trains, which as reservoir pressure continues to decrease while the
helps reduce compressor fuel usage, turbine overhaul compressor performance remains reasonably invariant
costs, operating and maintenance costs, and emissions unless operating conditions change. Figure 19 shows
of carbon dioxide and other gases. that the reservoir performance curve shifts to the right as
the drilling of the new wells increases productivity. The
The dehydration project and compressor upgrades were decision to run two new upgraded compressors in
completed in 2002. Figure 17 compares the performance Cluster IV or to run the third old compressor also
curves for the old compressor and the new modified depends on market demand, the additional rate from the
compressor. At comparable suction and discharge third compressor and the fuel usage in the compressor.
pressures, the new compressor capacity is almost 75% As shown in Figure 19, the new wells have increased
higher. For instance, at a suction pressure of 95 psi and field deliverability and the analysis shows that 20
discharge pressure of 950 psi, the old compressor MMscf/D of additional gas can be produced if the third
throughput was limited to 120 MMscf/D while the new compressor is also run.
compressor can handle 210 MMscf/D. The compressor
and dehydration upgrades have reduced anticipated At this time, all three compressors in Cluster IV are
reservoir abandonment pressures to 270-290 psi and being operated to compress the gas being produced
increased Arun ultimate recovery by about 130 BCF.
8 SPE 87042

from Clusters III and IV. The two compressors in Cluster of condensed liquids, installing flow-control valves to
II on the other hand are not fully loaded and have minimize solids production, and re-starting wells that
additional compression capacity. The Arun reservoir and were thought to have failed. Some of the PWR
facilities team looked for innovative ways to move gas recommendations were not successful because of fill in
from Cluster III to Cluster II to better utilize all the the tubing or because of the catastrophic mechanical
compressors. A review of the field facilities identified failure of the casing. When the well work is completed,
pipelines that were not currently being used. A pipeline the PWR is closed. If unsuccessful, a new PWR is
that had previously been used for gas injection was generated, the problem is re-studied and new
recommended as the best way to move gas between recommendations are made. The PWR process is a
Cluster III and Cluster II. Preliminary field testing dynamic method for monitoring well work, increasing the
indicates that about 15 MMscf/D of Cluster III gas can be responsiveness of Jakarta staff to the Arun production
moved through this line to Cluster II for compression and operations, and reducing the time required to execute
thus, the need to run the third compressor at Cluster IV work programs. The PWR program has paid off in an
has been reduced. additional 100 MMscf/D that has been returned
to production.
Problem Well Restart Program
The second part of the Arun problem well restart
From the start of Arun production in 1977, the field has program is a change in the operating philosophy of the
had the luxury of excess production capacity. In the early field. Arun is part of a larger supply source that feeds the
years, the gas re-injection program was used not only to PT Arun LNG facility. Other fields in the area, such as
increase condensate recovery but to also act as a buffer Pase and South Lhoksukon, were brought on-stream in
in case additional gas was needed for LNG production. 1996-1998 to provide additional supply to meet gas
Thus, gas re-injection was curtailed for short periods if demand. Arun still remained at the core of the
LNG demand was high. In later years, Arun wells operations, but the production from the other fields was
remained so prolific that market demand could be met by increased to balance the depletion between the core and
increasing production from low condensate-gas ratio the satellite fields. In case of short-term operational
wells that had been choked back. In the current stage of difficulties or demand fluctuations, Arun was used to
field life, significant excess capacity does not exist. balance the production requirements. Thus, Arun wells
Consequently, low rate wells need to be watched closely would be choked back or shut-in during periods of low
and immediate corrective actions taken if one of the demand. As Arun has matured and reservoir pressure
wells ceases to flow. declined, it has become more difficult to lift condensed
liquids out of the choked-back wells. Since late 2002, the
An active well restart program was initiated in 2000. The area operating strategy has been changed, such that the
first part of the program was a Problem Well Report satellite fields are used to balance demand. This
(PWR) system for tracking problem wells and simplifying ensures the Arun wells are kept on-line at all times
the process for restoring them. A PWR is issued to thereby reducing well load-up associated with system
identify production problems and is then used to track pressure variability.
progress on restoring the well. PWR's are generated by
reservoir engineers, subsurface engineers or operations The third part of the Arun well restart program was the
personnel for any unexpected change in well start of production from the Gas Injection Wells (GIW).
performance - sudden drop in gas rate, solids The GIW's are located on the western edge of the field
production, high/low annulus pressures or increased and are the lowest wells on the depth structure maps.
water production. The PWR is discussed in bi-weekly There was some concern that aquifer movement may
surveillance meetings and a multi-disciplinary team of have flooded the productive gas zone in these wells. The
reservoir, subsurface, production operations and movement of the aquifer has been monitored by running
facilities engineers analyzes the problem. The analysis cased-hole neutron logs in observation wells that are
may involve nodal analysis, wellbore stress modeling or located between the GIW's and the main production
sub-surface equipment checks. The team recommends Clusters (Figure 2). The aquifer has moved 66 ft
corrective action after the analysis is completed. When between the startup of the field and 1998 based on the
the program was started, the time taken to recommend logs in the observation well (Figure 20). Extrapolating
corrective action could take up to 3 months, but as the this trend to the current time indicated that some of the
program has matured the timing has been reduced to GIW's could still be produced if they are perforated high
under 10 days. on the structure. Thus, a program to test the GIW's was
started in 1999 and well tests indicated that some of the
A total of 30 PWR's have been issued for Arun wells, of GIW's had high productivities. For instance, a GIW on
which 14 have been executed in the field with varying the south-west side of the field made 25-30 MMscf/D in
degrees of success. The major well work the 1999 well test, which was comparable to some of the
recommendations that have been implemented include better wells in the field at that time. A program to repair
unloading the well to flare in order to clean the wellbore
SPE 87042 9

and refurbish the GIW's was started in 2002 and 6. Innovative methods for utilizing all existing
currently two GIW's have been put on production. infrastructure in the field need to be evaluated.
Upgrading existing compressors and dehydration
Conclusions facilities can reduce wellhead pressures and keep low
rate wells flowing longer. Periodic reviews of pipelines,
The Arun gas field development has been one of the separation facilities and compressors can provide
most technically challenging and also one of the most innovative solutions to facilities debottlenecking and
successful gas developments in the world. The improving operational efficiency.
technologies developed for the field have proven to be
extremely important in ensuring excellent ultimate 7. A well-organized Problem Well Report system is
recoveries from a deep, high-temperature, high-pressure essential in maintaining field production. All operational
reservoir. The success of Arun is based on the insight, groups need to be involved in this effort - field
hard-work and efforts of engineers, operations operations, reservoir engineering, subsurface
personnel, geoscientists, and business professionals engineering, facilities engineering and wellhead and
over the past 32 years. wireline operations. A regular meeting schedule with all
personnel maintains excellent communication and fast
The challenges have changed as Arun has matured, and resolution of problems as they occur.
the lessons learned in optimizing the production from the
field include: Acknowledgements

1. The initial design of the field development is critical in The authors would like to thank BPMIGAS, ExxonMobil
ensuring the long-term success of the field. In the case Oil Indonesia Inc., ExxonMobil Production Company,
of the Arun development, most of the important reservoir and ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company for
mechanisms and operational issues were identified permission to publish this paper. This paper represents
before the development started. For instance, the the work of many dedicated ExxonMobil* work-teams
decision to recycle gas from the onset of field production over the past 10 years. In particular, the authors would
has contributed to the very high ultimate condensate like to thank Alex Isnya, David Baxendale, John Turner,
recovery of 87% from the field. Jon Benesch, Tim Busing, Tumiran, Mark Hoefner,
Rakhmadi Avianto, John Crane, Sarbini, Clif Jordan, Dwi
2. Compositional reservoir simulators are extremely Sulistio, Jerry Fugate, Purwanto Widjaya, Zakaria
useful throughout field life. The development and use of Zainun, Mohammad Hafizh, Terry Templeman, Teuku
compositional simulation has been essential in making Mirza, Dale Pittman, Meg O'Neill, Arlene Pollin, Michael
early predictions of rates and recoveries, in monitoring Kroeger, Ram Seetharam, and Ravi Vaidya for
the performance of the development, in understanding their help.
the recovery mechanisms and in the later stages of field
* The term ExxonMobil as used in this material may refer to Exxon
life to analyze well loading. Mobil Corporation, to one of its divisions, or to the companies affiliated
with Exxon Mobil Corporation, or to any one or more of the foregoing.
3. Geoscientists need to be continually involved in field The shorter term is used merely for convenience and simplicity.
Nothing in this material is intended to override the corporate
management - from the early development planning to
separateness of those entities.
the later infill drilling. The insights provided by the
detailed lithologic analysis have been essential in
understanding the movement of hydrocarbons within the References:
reservoir and in deciding the locations of the new wells
to maximize gas recovery. 1. Myers, S. D., "Arun Field : Model for Successful Gas
Development", SPE Paper No. 30150, Presented at SPE
4. Geomechanical modeling of the reservoir should be PetroVietnam 1995 held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,
done early in field life to understand the long-term impact 1-3 March 1995.
of reservoir depletion on wellbore stability and formation
subsidence. Accurate formation compressibility data 2. Seipel, J. R., "Arun Field Development Phase", SPE
should be collected routinely as part of the core analysis Paper No. 10483, Presented at the Offshore South-East
package. Wellbore design and tubular selection should Asia 1982 Conference, Singapore, 9-12 Feb. 1982.
be based on formation subsidence and shale
movement analyses. 3. Sutan-Assin, T., S. C. Rastogi, M. Abdullah, D.
Hidayat, S. Bette and R. F. Heineman, "Use of
5. Drilling into depleted low-pressure reservoirs requires Compositional Simulation in the Management of Arun
state-of-the-art under-balanced drilling technology to Gas Condensate Reservoir", SPE Paper No. 17683,
minimize reservoir damage. Presented at the 7th Offshore South-East Asia
Conference, Singapore, 2-5 Feb. 1988.
10 SPE 87042

4. Hasan, N., S. C. Rastogi, H. J. Ng, and N. R. Table 1

Nagarajan, "Phase Behavior of Retrograde Gas Arun Initial Reservoir Properties
Condensate-Water System Under High Pressure and
Temperature Conditions", OSEA No. 88203, Paper Initial Reservoir Pressure at Datum 7,115o psi
Presented at the 7th Offshore South-East Asia Reservoir Temperature at Datum 351 F
Conference, Singapore, 2-5 Feb. 1988. Datum Depth 10,050 ft
Productive Area 23,240 acres
5. Bette, S. and R. F. Heinemann, "Compositional Average Thickness 495 ft
Modeling of High-Temperature Gas-Condensate Average Porosity 16.1%
Reservoirs with Water Vaporization", SPE Paper No. Average Water Saturation 10.7%
18422, Presented at the SPE Symposium on Reservoir Initial Water Vapor Content 4.1 mole%
Simulation, Houston, TX, Feb. 6-8, 1989. CO2 and Other Non-Hydrocarbons 14.1 mole%

6. Bolt, L. H., M. Soepardi and D. Suherman, " Drilling of

Table 2
Arun Gas Field", J. Pet. Tech., pp. 771-778, May 1984. Arun Ultimate Gas and Condensate Recovery

7. Aladyrus, M. U. and T. P. Bordeleon, "Boosting

Initial Gas in Place 16.8 TCF
Deliverability in the Giant Arun Gas Field", SPE Paper #
Free Gas 16.3 TCF
22997, Presented at SPE Asia Pacific Meeting, Perth, 4- Solution Gas 0.5 TCF
7 Nov. 1991.
Gross Ultimate Gas Reserves 15.7 TCF
8. Bunnell, F. D. and M. M. Daud, "Coiled Tubing Gas Recovery Factor 94%
Simulations Eliminate Hole Failures and Condensate
Losses in Arun Field", SPE Paper No. 30681, Presented Initial Condensate in Place 840 million barrels
at SPE Annual Technical Conf., Dallas, 22-25 Oct. 1995.
Gross Ultimate Condensate Reserves 730 million barrels
9. Sunaryo, A. C., A. Mulia and M. D. Sulitra, "Horizontal
Condensate Recovery Factor 87%
Wells in Management of the Arun Reservoir", Proc.
Indonesian Petroleum Association, IPA 92-23.33, 21st
Annual Convention, Jakarta, October 1992.
Table 3
10. Soeparjadi, R.,"Geology of the Arun Gas Field", J. New Drill Well Performance
Pet. Tech., pp. 1163-1172, June 1983.
Initial Rate

11. Jordan, C. F. Jr. and M. Abdullah, "Arun Field- MMscf /D

Indonesia, North Sumatra Basin, Sumatra", in Foster, N. Well Pre-Drill Actual
F. and E. A. Beaumont, eds. "Stratigraphic Traps III,
Atlas of Oil and Gas Fields", AAPG, Treatise of 1 22 27
Petroleum Geology, pp. 1-39, 1992. 2 27 27
12. Benesch, J., Nazri Nor and M. M. Ngatijan, 3 29 26
"Optimization of Big Bore HTHP Wells to Exploit a Low- 4 29 30
Pressure Reservoir in Indonesia", SPE Paper # 87171,
To Be Presented at IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, 5 27 33
Dallas, 2004. 6 22 21

13. Turner, R. G., M. G. Hubbard and A. E. Dukler, 7 25 31

"Analysis and Prediction of Minimum Flow Rate for the Total 181 195
Continuous Removal of Liquids from Gas Wells", J. Pet.
Tech., pp. 1475-1482, Nov. 1969.
SPE 87042 11


AREA MAP- Arun Field Ar ea NSO




Bar isa SLS/PASE
n Mou
0 Km 25
ntai ns FIELDS






Figure 1 Arun is located in Aceh in North Sumatra

12 SPE 87042






-9000’- -9500’
-9500’- -10000’
-10000’- -10500’
-10500’- -11000’
-11000’- -11500’
-11500’- -12000’
0 2Km s
-12500’- -12000’

Figure 2 Arun Structure Map Showing Cluster Locations

SPE 87042 13

Fluid PVT Diagram

Original Res. Pres. 7115 psi.,

Dew Point - Reservoir Temp. 351 oF
4450 psi


Pressure, psi


Current Res Pres. 600 - 900 psi

Temperature, oF

Figure 3 Arun Gas PVT Diagram

Arun Production History

3750 250
Sep Gas

, Mbpdbpd
3000 200

Separator Gas, MMSCFD
Sep Gas, MMscf/D


2250 Condensate 150

/ Water,

1500 100

750 50

0 0
1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003

Figure 4 Arun Separator Gas, Condensate and Water Production Rates

14 SPE 87042

Arun Lithology and Permeability

West-East Cross-section

Figure 5 Arun Lithofacies and Permeability Distribution

SPE 87042 15


Number of Production Wells

Productivity per Well, MMscf/D






1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003

Figure 6 Number of Production Wells and Productivity

Average Field Reservoir Pressure


7,000 Simulation

Average Reservoir Pressure, psi






1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

Figure 7 Average Field Reservoir Pressure Decline

16 SPE 87042

C-I-7 TASC Bending Strain


Casing Failed
TASC Bending Strain


First Noticed Restriction


Casing Installed

1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004


Figure 8 Increase in Casing Bending Strains

Water Production Comparison


60 Actual

% H2O




0 500 1000 1500 2000
Pressure, psi

Figure 9 Water Equilibration at Reduced Reservoir Pressures

SPE 87042 17

Figure 10 Well Loading Test

High Gas Rate Pressure & Temperature Profiles



Measured Depth, ft


10 MMscf/D
Annular & Stratified Flow



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Pressure, psi / Temperature oF

Figure 11 Pressure and Temperature Profiles in Wellbore at 10 MMscf/D

18 SPE 87042

Figure 12 Pressure Profiles in Wellbore at Low Flow Rates

Figure 13 Liquid Holdup and Water Fraction in Wellbore

SPE 87042 19

Impact of Tubing Size on Loading Rate


Minimum Stable Gas Rate, MMscf/D




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tubing Size, inch

Figure 14 . Impact of Tubing Size on Well Loading Rate

C3-2 C4-1
Cluster-3 KH WELL TEST MAP Cluster-4 12
2 29
20 3


1 40 Well 3
0 5

38 25

21 28
Well 7
26 17

Well 5 27
33 52
Well 2
6 57 74
27 20-40 DarcyFt 34

20-40 DarcyFt 40-60 DarcyFt Well 6


40-60 DarcyFt 30 60-80 DarcyFt

107Well 4
60-80 DarcyFt
Well 10

0 500 METERS
0 500 METERS

Figure 15 New Wells Are Located in High Kh Areas

20 SPE 87042

Inflow / Outflow Curves

4-1/2” comp.

Reservoir 7” comp.
Inflow Curve
Reservoir curve
inflow curve
Pressure, psi

9-5/8” comp.

C-III-16C New Drill Well

Kh = 40,183 md. ft
9-5/8” Comp : Initial Rate 27 MMscf/d
7” Comp : Initial Rate 18 MMscf/d
4-1/2” Comp : Initial Rate 7 MMscf/d

Gas Rate, MMscf/D

Figure 16 Nodal Analysis of Sidetrack Options and New Big Bore Well

Cluster II Reservoir & Compressor Performance

Discharge Pressure - 950 psi

Old New
Compressor Compressor
200 Combined
Suction Pressure, psi




0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Gas Flow Rate, MMscf/D

Figure 17 Cluster II Reservoir and Compressor Performance

SPE 87042 21

Cluster II Compressor Performance Model

Discharge Pressure - 950 psi

Cluster II Reservoir

Suction Pressure,


(1 New + 1 Old)

Actual field measured data

260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310

Sep Gas Rate,

Gas Flow Rate,MMscf/D

Figure 18 Cluster II Compressor Performance Model

Cluster IV Compressor Performance Model

Discharge Pressure - 950 psi

Base + 1 New Drill Base + 7 New Drill

200 Base Well Wells
Suction Pressure, psi


2 Compressors
100 (2 New)

3 Compressors
(2 New + 1 old)
50 Matched Points
Actual performance with 2 compressors
Actual Performance with New Well and 3 compressors online

420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580

Gas Flow Rate, MMscf/D

Figure 19 Cluster IV Compressor Performance Model

22 SPE 87042

Gas-Water Contact Movement in Observation Well

GR 2000 CNTC 1987 22000 2000 CNTC 1993 22000 2000 CNTC 1998 22000
0 150 CFTC 1987 CFTC 1993 CFTC 1998
0 11000 0 11000 0 11000

GWC @ 10530’ in 1998

GWC @ 10535’ in 1993

GWC @ 10596’ in 1987

Figure 20 Aquifer Movement at Observation Well

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