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David Deaver Jack Somppi

Fluke Corporation (retired) Fluke Corporation
PO Box 9090 PO Box 9090
Everett, WA 98290 Everett, WA 98290
425 335 0615 425 446 5469
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract – Recommendations on how to apply the requirements of minimizing the risk of

the probability of a false accept decision to a maximum of 2%. The Z540.3 standard states:
False Acceptance Decision Risk Specific application (5.3): “Where calibration provides for
verification that measurement quantities are within specified tolerances, the probability
that incorrect acceptance decisions (false accept) will result from calibration tests shall
not exceed 2% and shall be documented.” [1] This paper reviews application guidelines
from the Z540.3 Handbook for this requirement and makes the recommends using the root
difference of squares implementation of Method 6 for most calibration laboratories.


ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 represents another significant paradigm shift in the evolution of metrology.
There is considerable evidence of metrology in antiquity for trade, astronomy, time
measurements and warfare. The importance of associating accuracy with measurements has
long been recognized: “You must have accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you
may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” [2] In the late 18 century, the concept
of interchangeable parts was demonstrated for the production and maintenance of firearms,
greatly increasing the interest in the accuracy and repeatability of measurements. The leaders in
the new auto industry were those that adopted the assembly line which incorporated this concept
of interchangeability. World War II brought about a massive mobilization for the production of the
machines of war and a closer association of quality with the manufacturing process. This
marriage led to a measurement assurance programs, use of statistical tools and a growing
awareness of the concept of measurement uncertainty through the atomic age and the race to
space. Until recently, detailed uncertainty analyses were performed only by the highest
laboratories. Working laboratories made sure they had good procedures, standards, traceability,
quality programs and relied heavily of the definition test specification ratio (TSR) as a figure of
merit to determine the adequacy of the measurement process. In this context, TSR (also referred
to as Test Uncertainty Ratio (TUR) or Test Accuracy Ratio (TAR)) was defined as the ratio of the
specifications of the device under test to the specification of the standard(s) used for the
calibration. MIL 45662A and Z540.1 established that TARs of at least 4:1 was a reasonable
demonstration of adequacy of the measurement process. There was considerable academic
effort expended in studying statistically the risks of false test decisions and in determining that, in
most cases, the uncertainty of the measurement process was dominated by the standards. Most
of the working labs benefited from the work of the these statisticians and mathematicians by
adopting the guidelines but, for the most part not delving into the academics.

With the adoption of ISO/IEC 17025 in 1999, laboratories that want to be recognized to that
standard were required to state their measurement uncertainty, pushing more rigorous treatment
of uncertainty down to the accredited working laboratories. In addition, the standard stated that
the uncertainty much be taken into account if claims of compliance with specifications were

Considerable debate surrounded the writing Section in the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. As
a result, the means of taking the measurement uncertainty into account, when making claims of
compliance, was not prescribed. Section 5.3 of Z540.3 deals with these claims of compliance
and the writing of that section was also hotly debated. Ultimately, the standard was able to give
some guidance though it still allows a fairly broad range of interpretation. In releasing this
standard, the adequacy of the calibration is stated in terms of risk rather than TSRs or even
uncertainties. Section 5.3 states that the probability of false acceptance (PFA) must be
constrained to less than 2% when claims of compliance are made. Z540.3 still has a couple
escape clauses, however. If acceptable to the client, the lab does not have to make a claim of
compliance. Secondly, if the TUR is at least 4:1, the claim of compliance with be deemed to meet
the 2% PFA requirement. It is important to note, for Z540.3,the uncertainty used for the
denominator for this TUR calculation is the total measurement uncertainty of the measurement
process calculated in compliance with the Guide to Uncertainty of Measurement (GUM) [3] and
stated at the 95% confidence level.


The working level labs that would like to step up to customer demand and improvements in the
management system are finding that Section 5.3 is a formidable barrier. Few are prepared with
the academic horsepower and resources to deal with this issue in the depth of those who have
been studying measurement decision risk for years. Fortunately, those who have been working in
this field, have published considerable guidance and produced a number of good software tools
to help. But, there is still some effort that must be expended to understand the breadth of
strategies and methods implementing decision rules. Because decision risk is new for many labs,
the guidance Handbook for Z540.3 [4] devotes more ink to this one requirement than any other
part of the standard. It shows six approaches that can be used to comply with the 2% PFA
requirement. However, there is considerable difference in the justification of compliance in each
method, resulting in huge differences in the cost of rejected units. The authors contend that all
are valid methods but will identify the method they contend is most appropriate for the bulk of the
working laboratories.


A detailed explanation of these six methods will not be attempted here but they are listed only
briefly to illustrate they one method is recommended above the others. These descriptions are
also not made very rigorously but are made to highlight the main differences in perspective. More
detailed descriptions are in the Z540.3 Handbook and a more rigorous analysis of the risk is
found in [5].

Method 1: Unconditional PFA, Test Point Population Data

This method estimates the PFA by making a calculation based on the probability density function
(PDF) of both the measurement process and the individual point being measured. A calculation
must be made of the convolution of the two PDFs. This is generally done by solving double
integrals numerically using general purpose commercial software such as MathCad, MatLab,
Maple, or Mathematica, referring to charts of PFA the author has published [6] using MathCad,
creating an Excel spreadsheet built to calculate false decision risk [7][8], or purchasing
commercially available software such as that commercially available from Integrated Sciences
Group [9] designed specifically for the calculation of measurement decision risk. For a complex
instrument, documenting the PDF for each measurement point of the unit under test (UUT) can
be a considerable burden.
Method 2: Unconditional PFA, MT&E Population Data
The in-tolerance reliability of the unit under test estimates the PFA by making a calculation based
on the PDF of the UUT. For a complex instrument, there can be a huge difference in the
confidence level of an individual point and of that for the entire UUT. The authors suggest that, for
complex instruments, instead of using the in-tolerance reliability directly as an estimate for the
confidence of the individual points, a higher reliability be assigned to the individual points based
on a model as discussed in [10]. Then the tools in Method 1 can be used to calculate the PFA.

Method 3: Conditional PFA, Acceptance Subpopulation

Like Method 1, this method is calculated using PDFs from both the measurement process and the
individual points being measured. However, it assigns a different PDF for the UUT points than
Method 1; a subset of only the accepted points instead of the PDF. This results in more
aggressive guard bands (smaller acceptance limit) than those of Method 1.

Method 4: Conditional PFA, Bayesian

Like Method 1, this method is calculated using PDFs from both the measurement process and the
individual points being measured. However, it also includes the measured value in the calculation
of the PDF. Since this uses an prior assumption combined (updated) with the current measured
value, the mathematics are similar to those used in Bayesian calculations. The resulting guard
bands, however are the most aggressive of all six methods in the handbook.

Method 5: Guard Bands Based on Measurement Uncertainty

These are the simplest guard bands to calculate in that they do not involve the PDF of the UUT at
all. They are calculated only from the measurement uncertainty. These result in very aggressive
guard bands. The test limit is determined not from the aggregate PFA but are based on the worst
case PFA that will be accepted for any individual measurement. The authors argue [11] that, for
most labs, guard bands this aggressive, even though they are written into some documentary
standards, are not justified and do not adequately share the PFA risk with the probability of a
false reject (PFR).

Method 6: Guard Bands Based on TUR

The effort to calculate these guard bands, as in Method 5 are simple because they depend only
on the measurement uncertainty when compared with the specification limits of the UUT, result in
the TUR. The PDF of the UUT is not considered in the implementation of the method. As with
most of the methods, however, the UUT PDF is considered at great length when developing the
method and evaluating its effectiveness. The authors have published a number of these TUR
based method in [11]. It is the TUR based implementations of Method 6 the authors suggest are
the most appropriate for the bulk of the working labs.
Guard Band Required

Method 5 Method 4

Method 2 Method 3

Method 6 Method 1

Small Large
Table 1: Effort of Implementation and Size of Resulting Guard Bands

In 1998 Michael Dobbert presented a paper [11] in which he also warned that aggressive guard
bands often result in false reject rates that are too high. We concur with Mr. Dobbert’s conclusion
that the least aggressive guard bands that will satisfy the 2% PFA requirement are the most
appropriate for most of the labs. He began his analysis by calculating PFA as a function of TUR
and the confidence level of the UUT using Method 1. The author presented the results of the
same calculations in charts and graphs in a 1993 NCSL paper [6]. However, Mr. Dobbert plotted
his results differently. Instead of TUR, he used the confidence level of the UUT as the abscissa.

Figure 1: Dobbert’s PFA Without Guard Bands [11]

The resulting plots show clearly the curves exhibit a peak PFA. He suggested that just enough
guard band be applied using Method 1 to reduce the PFA to the required 2%. He made the
calculation for many TURs and empirically fitted a curve to be able to express the required guard
band as a function only of TUR:

Eq. 1 A = T − U × M = T − U × 1.04 − e ( 0.38 log( TUR ) −0.54) (Eq. 5 in [11])

Where A is the acceptance limit, T is the specification limit, U is the measurement uncertainty
(stated at the 95% confidence interval), M is the multiplier to calculate the guard band determined
empirically and the TUR is calculated using the complete measurement uncertainty calculated at
the 95% confidence limit.

To aid in the comparison with the Dobbert method with the other methodologies presented in [10]
which uses a guard band factor K where TL = SL x K, Eq. 2 shows the relation ship between K
and M.
Eq. 2 K= = 1− • M = 1−

Figure 2: PFA of Dobbert Guard Bands Relative to Other Strategies in [10]

In Figure 2, showing PFA at the 95% confidence level from [10], the Dobbert guard
bands are plotted along with those investigated in that paper. It is interesting that the
Dobbert guard band appears to be approximated very closely by the RSS, or root-
difference-of-squares (RDS) method.


1.1 0.60 0.44 0.42
1.5 0.76 0.36 0.75
2.0 0.86 0.28 0.87
2.5 0.91 0.21 0.92
3.0 0.95 0.16 0.94
3.5 0.97 0.10 0.96
3.99 0.99 0.05 0.97
4.00 1.00 0.97
Table 2: Dobbert Guard bands Compared with RDS Guard bands

For the many calibration laboratories use the Fluke MET/CAL software, the Dobbert and
RDS guard bands are quite easy to implement. For MET/CAL 7.10 and higher, setting
the guardband parameter to “rds” in a VSET or TSET command implements the root
difference of squares guard bands. Dobbert guard bands can be implemented by
specifying “tur” for the guardband parameter and then building a simple table, the
guardband_table with relates returns a guard band factor, K, from the TUR value. The
Dobbert guard band values vs. TUR are a very smooth, well-behaved function and
MET/CAL can be set to interpolate between values in the table so the table does not need
to have many entries. The TUR and K values within the bold lines of Table 2 constitute
an acceptable guardband_table.


The authors’ study of PFA in [6] and [10] conducted in the early 1990s re-affirmed the Fluke
practice of using the root difference of squares method for guard banding when taking the
uncertainty of measurement into account. The authors concur with the work done by Michael
Dobbert to implement Method 6 of meeting the Z540.3 2% PFA requirement. It is a justification
that, in our opinion, provides compliance with the standard with the least impact to false rejects of
the six methods. However, the authors would contend that the root differences of squares method
is the preferred method of implementing Z540.3 Handbook Method 6.

[1] Requirements for the Calibration of Measuring and Test Equipment, 2006, ANSI/NCSL

[2] Deuteronomy 15:15, New International Version (NIV Bible)

[3] U.S. Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, ANSI/NCSL International,

Z540.2-1997 (R2002)

[4] Handbook for the ANSI/NCSL Z540.3-2006, 2009, ANSI/NCSL International

[5] Castrup, H., Risk Analysis Methods for Complying with Z540.3, 2007 NCSL International
Conference and Symposium

[6] Deaver, D., How to Maintain Your Confidence, in a World of Declining TURs, 1993 National
Conference of Standards Laboratories Conference and Symposium

[7] Nicholas, R., Measurement Decision Risk Simplified, 1999 Measurement Science Conference
and Symposium

[8] Nicholas, R., How to Build your own Unilateral Consumer Risk Calculation Tool, Including the
Treatment of Biases, 2008 Measurement Science Conference

[9] Integrated Sciences Group, Bakersfield, CA,

[10] Deaver, D., Having Confidence in Specifications, 1993 National Conference of Standards
Laboratories Conference and Symposium

[11] Dobbert, M., A Guard-Band Strategy for Managing False-Accept Risk, 2008 NCSL
International Conference and Symposium

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