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Teaching Observation Checklist: Primary

School_______________________________________Year Group__________________________

Class___________________________________Number of additional adults___________________

SEN Pupils:
PPG Pupils:
Any other factors e.g. EAL

Inclusive teaching strategies (tick if observed and indicate if Comment

n/a to the lesson)
Whole class teaching

Access to teaching and resources planned, for visibility, lack of
background noise, ease of handling

Classroom clear of obstacles and seating planned

All students clear about the structure and objectives of the

Teacher checks for understanding of vocabulary and

Strategies in place for pupils who need support to remember
the task or instructions

Questions pitched to challenge pupils at
all levels

Questions used to ensure pupils are listening

Time is given (thinking time, partner time etc.) to allow for

pupils given time and opportunity to help
one another

Buddying used for seating for paired, partner
and group work

Interactive aids used if necessary

Inclusive Teaching Observation Checklist: Primary

Visual, auditory and tangible aids used

Evidence of pupils who need it being
given pre-tutoring or follow up support

Plenary ensures that learning outcomes
achieved by all or suggests ways forward
for reinforcement/ extension activities

Group and Independent Work

Transition from class to independent
work clearly signaled and actively managed

Tasks clearly explained or modelled,
checking for understanding

A variety of materials and resources available
and accessible for all pupils

A distraction free area has been set
up for pupils who need it

Pupils have been taught strategies to
enable them to continue when they are

Tasks linked to earlier or later learning

Tasks simplified or extended for pupils
or groups of pupils

Tasks made more open or closed according
to pupils’ needs

Alternatives to pencil and paper tasks

Help given to pupils who need support or resources to access

Scaffolding to assist task
e.g. writing frame
Inclusive Teaching Observation Checklist: Primary

Variety of groupings so that pupils use one another’s skills

Appropriate behaviour noticed, praised,

Effective use of ICT as an access strategy

Marking or assessment is used effectively during
the lesson to progress learning

Pupils are helped to stay on task

Pupils can explain their work to others

The Role of Additional Adults: whole class

Enables access to teaching and resources
by helping, explaining, simplifying, signing
or scribing

Sits close to pupils and helps them focus
reminding of instructions etc.

Helps pupils prepare an answer to a question
the teacher has asked

Provides resources to help students understand

Provides appropriate praise and

Supports pupils with behaviour

Observes pupils for assessment

Monitors progress of individuals
on behaviour or learning targets

Inclusive Teaching Observation Checklist: Primary

The Role of Additional Adults: group and individual work

Goes over the task and explains further

Ensures access by scribing, signing,
using ICT or other resources

Supports teacher-planned differentiated

Carries out guided reading, writing or talk

Works on a structured programme

Coaches behaviour

Supervises the class while teacher
works with a group

Shares the same approach to behaviour and learning as the

What went well?

What improvements could be made?

Suggestions to improve the inclusive
elements of teaching and learning

Signature (Adviser):

Signature (Teacher):


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