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Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Center of Ocean Engineering


Fall 2006, Quiz 1 - Solutions

1) (20 pts)

a) Discuss how Controllable Reversible Pitch (CRP) propellers can help prevent engine
overloading. Consider your answer in terms of Torque (Q), angle of attack (α), Lift, Drag,
Velocity of Advance (J), Pitch, and shaft speed. (The use of all terms is not necessary as
long as a logical sound argument is made.) (10pts)

A number of factors such as heavy seas, towing evolutions, and / or excessive loading
conditions may cause J to decrease. Generally, with CRP propellers operating above 12 knots, the
speed of the shaft is programmed to remain constant. To compensate for the decrease in relative
water velocity the angle of attack should increase. This will result in an increase in lift and thus
require additional torque from the main engines. To bring the engine torque back to its original
designed value the pitch is reduced by controlling the angle of attack. This allows the engine to
operate at designed torque and prevent overloading

b) Discuss the cause of ua and ut . ua *

The vortex produced by the propeller
action affects the flow field over the
propeller. These effect velocity in the VA
direction of advance and transverse Vo
directions and are represented by ua and
ut. This changes the angle of inflow and
produces V* (10 pts) G


2) (50 pts) A ship captain must purchase a new propeller to replace the damaged one currently
installed on his ship. The supplier only has two propellers in stock. Both are fixed pitch, 5
blade Wageningen B-series propeller with an EAR of .45, one has a pitch of 17.1 ft and the
other a pitch of 20.9 ft. The details of the ship are as follows:
Conversion factors
Ship and Propeller characteristics:
B-series 5-45 propeller (see attached sheet) knot = 1.688
Pitch1 = 17.1 ft or Pitch2 = 20.9 ft sec
Diameter = 19 ft
Wake Reduction Factor, w = .2 sec
ρ := 1.9905lbf
⋅ ⋅
Thrust Reduction Factor, t = .12 4
Relative Rotative Efficiency, ηR = 0.89
Ship Resistance at max Power, 174800 lbf
Velocity of the ship = 20 kts
a) Using the provided Wageningen B-Series design curves, determine the best choice between
the two propellers in stock with respect to efficiency ηo. (J2 function, ηo, and correct choice
– 20 pts)

b) Determine Joptimum, KToptimum, KQoptimum (15 pts)

c) Determine the Optimal propeller speed np. (5pts)

d) Calculate Thrust (T) and Torque (Q) (5pts)

e) The ship’s engines are capable or producing 16 x 103 HP, will the ships engines be
adequate for propeller selected? (5pts)

Solution only thing unknown is n, eliminate ...

T VA Kt 2 2
Kt J T n ⋅D T
2 4 ⋅
ρ ⋅n ⋅D n⋅ D 2 2 4 2 2 2
J ρ ⋅n ⋅D VA ρ ⋅ D ⋅ VA

Kt/J2 is constant; independent of n and P/D, Determine n, P/D which gives maximum ηo.

Vs := 20knot w := 0.2 t := 0.12 D := 19⋅ ft R := 174800lbf

R 5
VA := ( 1 − w) ⋅ Vs VA = 16knot T := T = 1.986 × 10 lbf

Kt_over_J_sq := Kt_over_J_sq = 0.379
2 2
ρ ⋅ D ⋅ VA

a) Draw KT=.379*J2 function on B 5-45 Chart to determine the most efficient design

b) From the B 5-45 For P/D of .9 For P/D of 1.1

J_1= .655 J_2= .755
KT= .14 KT= .22
KQ= .027 KQ= .04
ηo= .63 ηo= .65

Using the above J and P/D=1.1 on the B 5-45 plot, we get KT := 0.22 and KQ :=

n p := 1
J_2⋅ D n p = 112.952
2 4 5
T := KT⋅ ρ ⋅ n p ⋅ D T = 2.022 × 10 lbf

2 5 5
Q := KQ⋅ ρ ⋅ n p ⋅ D Q = 6.987 × 10 lbf ⋅ ft

d) Power delivered by the engines is not quite enough to support the optimum propeller.

R⋅ Vs
η 0 := .65 PE := η R := .89
lbf ⋅ ft
550⋅ 4
s ⋅ hp PE = 1.073 × 10 hp
η H := PE
1−w QPC := η 0⋅ η H⋅ η R PD :=
QPC = 0.636
PD = 1.686 × 10 hp
Power delivered by the engines is not quite enough to
support the optimum propeller.

Looking at exercise 1 in chapter 10, the required propeller power PD is what was being asked for.
PE in this case required looking at the resistance due to hull form. That is the reason it is
calculated this way. Only 2-4 pts taken for incorrect answers.

2) (30 pts) The same Captain asks you to design a new propeller for his pleasure boat. You run
PVL and get the following results at r/R=.7:

r/R = .7
Nprop = 220 rpm
Va = 18 m/s
Vt = 0 m/s
Ut* = -.9 m/s
Ua* = .9 m/s
G = .7 m^2/s
c = .18 m

a) Draw the inflow vector diagram at .7R (10 pts)

b) Find V* (10 pts)
i) Hint: ω = 2*pi*N
c) What is CL? (5 pts)
d) How do we determine if the blade will cavitate? No calculations are required. You can
describe or use formulas. You do not have enough information to calculate a number for
this blade. (5pts)

3) Lifting Line theory Question

a) Flow Vector Diagram

w := 0 c := .18⋅ m

b) Find V* m −1 2
D := 1⋅ m Va := 18⋅ Nprop := 220⋅ min m
s Γ := .7⋅ G := Γ
m m D r
utstar := −.9⋅ uastar := .9 R := .7 r := .7⋅ R r = 0.35 m
s s 2 R

1 m
ω := 2⋅ π ⋅ Nprop ω = 23.038 ωr := ω⋅ r ωr = 8.063
s s

⎡ ( 2⎤
⎣ ωr + utstar + ( Va + uastar ) ⎦
Vstar := )2 Note: The Vs cancels out of the eqn so able to use
PVL values
Vstar = 20.212
c) find CL
Now we know that 1 2
L ρ ⋅ Vstar ⋅ Γ ⋅ ρ ⋅ Vstar ⋅ c⋅ CL
therefore: Γ ⋅2
CL := CL = 0.385
Vstar ⋅ c
d) How to determine if a blade will cavitate
If -Cpmin is greater than σlocal then the blade will cavitate.
Pinf Patm + ρ ⋅ g ⋅ h
Pinf − Pvap
σlocal := The lowest Pinf occurs at the shallowest blade
1 2
⋅ ρ ⋅ Vstar depth of the blade section

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