Growing and Changing Trends in Consumer Behaviour: Ms. Harneet Mr. Deepak

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Biz and Bytes (Vol. 8.

Issue: 1, 2017) E-ISSN: 0976 0458, Print ISSN: 2320 897X

Growing and Changing Trends in Consumer Behaviour

Mr. Deepak Ms. Harneet

Student of MBA Assistant Professor in Management
A.S. Group of Institutions, Khanna A.S. Group of Institutions, Khanna

The modern era is a digital revolution of the market place allows different types of products,
services and promotional messages than older marketing tools. Digital marketing will helps the
companies to collect and analyze the data on consumers buying patterns and their personal
characteristics. The impact of 'Make in India on changing consumer behavior are deal in this
paper. Consumer will more aware than even before because they can use many different
intelligent agents like social media, internet, friends etc. They can easily locate the best price of
product or service, bid on various discount schemes by passing different outlets and shop for
goods around the world. By identifying and understanding the factors that influence their
customers, brands have the opportunity to develop a strategy, a marketing message(Unique
Value Proposition)and different advertising in line which will give the different ways of thinking
to the customers. According to their needs and wants the goods will be prepare for the consumer.
Keywords: Consumer behavior, Markets, Products, Consumers, Trends.

The paper is focused on the perceptions, buying behavior and consumer satisfaction in Indian
market. Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organization and the processes
they uses to select, secure and dispose of products, services, experiences or ideas to satisfy needs
and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. It blends elements from
psychology, sociology, social anthropology, marketing and economics, especially behavioural
economics. This will know the process of buying behavior both individually and in group such as
how different factors affect the buying behavior. The paper will focus mainly on the
characteristics of individual consumer and different intentions like re-purchase intention, brand
loyalty, willingness to provide feedback, in an attempt to understand people's want. It also tries to
influences on the consumer as a family, friends, sports, reference groups, and society in general.
The study of consumer behaviour is concerned with all aspects of purchasing and consumption
behavior as well as all persons involved in purchasing and consumption activities.
Six “Digi-Sifting” Trends
If we talk about McKinsey's research that will talking about leaders in telecoms, media, and
technology(TMT) sectors tracks the different cross-device behaviors of thousands of consumers
every year in both developed and emerging markets around the globe Findings from the fifth and
most recent year of research highlight six major ongoing consumer trends that are will tell us how
the trends will shifting?
Device Shift – From PCs To Mobile/Touch Devices. Smartphones are fast becoming changing
trends in India , with penetration of about 684 million user in India. If we talk about the figure of

Biz and Bytes (Vol. 8. Issue: 1, 2017) E-ISSN: 0976 0458, Print ISSN: 2320 897X

2013 it was 524 million users in India. Mobile phones and tablets now account for around 44
percent of all personal computing time, having nearly doubled since 2008. Most device
manufacturers and their major retail partners are already experiencing the implications of this
Communications Shift – From Voice To Data And Video. E-mail and telephonic voice have
increased from over 55 percent to about 85 percent of the telecoms sector while time spent on
social networks has doubled to take over a quarter of all user communications time. And when
consumers do use their phones, only about 20 percent of the time is for talking because they will
spend more time on social networking sites. The majority is used for more data-centric activities
such as streaming music, browsing Web sites, and playing games. Mainly in present era
consumers will go more data and video than voice because Reliance will also introduce a 4G in
India so that will also give some kind of help to the consumer.
Content Shift – From Bundled To Fragmented.
We have a great thankful to powerful search tools, the long tail of media and content which have
been include materials like text, video, classified, product for sale etc. if we talking about the
traditional method like bundles ( newspapers, network TV stations, or big box retailers etc) has
been eroded. The way mobile phones are used illustrates this well. The number of apps installed
(typically for a specific, single purpose) has doubled to over 30 per phone from 2008 to 2012.
Spending on these apps is, however, highly fragmented, and growth potential remains very
uncertain. It will easily clarify that the consumer will more aware regarding their beneficial apps
as well as products.
Social Shift – From Growth To Monetization
Social networking sites represent a quarter of all internet time (up 10 percentage points since
2008) and reaches over 75 percent of all internet users. It is the first time when we have seen small
declines in both total audience and level of engagement in developed economies. It is a
remarkably fast climb to maturity, given that major sites in the markets like Facebook, LinkedIn,
and Twitter have yet to enjoying their tenth birthdays. Facebook and LinkedIn now face the
quarterly earning pressures of the public markets as well. At the same time, businesses of all
shapes and sizes are actively trying to use social media as part of their marketing efforts.
Video Shift – From Programmed To User-Driven. Traditional live, linear television
consumption remains relatively flat on an absolute basis, but has slipped on a relative basis. It
now represents just 65 percent of all video viewing for US consumers on their television screens
and 52 percent across all screens. If we talk about 10 years back VCR/DVD was used to watching
video on TV and now over-the-top Internet video services such as Netflix – makes up much of
the balance. The entertainment also shifts from TV to PC's and then now it will be the time of
smart phones.
Retail Shift – From Channel To Experience. Despite its tremendous growth and
transformation of the retail landscape, e-commerce only accounts for about 5 percent of all retail
sales. About half of all smart phone owners now use their devices for retail research – and
although only few today, significantly more consumers will soon be using smartphones and

Biz and Bytes (Vol. 8. Issue: 1, 2017) E-ISSN: 0976 0458, Print ISSN: 2320 897X

tablets to complete their transaction as well. The combination of mobile retail and different
multichannel have a great transformative effect on retail business and creating a new era of retail

1. To understand the different trends recognize the different consumer types & communicate
2. To know the factors that affect their buying behavior.
Review Of Literature
Sharma Sunanda & Dr. Kashmiri Lal says that we live in a digital age and thus need to keep up
with new trends in the social media. The Internet has become the first medium in history to allow
for complex interaction between networks of people. The challenge of changing consumer
behavior can be met through high degree of research efforts, serious hard work related to
knowing the behavior of consumers, making sensitive analysis of change of consumer behavior
and action of competitors.
George J. says that it must be the mantra of every entrepreneur and company and business of
micro or macro type. The Sellers' market has turned to be the buyers' market. Thus, the marketers
need to change and must be in accord with the consumer need and expectation. The growing
consumer behavior change is an un-ending process. An enhanced global outlook will foster a
richer understanding of the dynamics of cultural differences.
Rani Pinky said that for a successful consumer oriented market service provider should work as
psychologist to procure consumers. By keeping in mind affecting factors things can be made
favorable and goal of consumer satisfaction can be achieved. Study of consumer buying
behavior is gate way to success in market.
Research Methodology
The research paper is mainly based upon the secondary data. Data is collected from related
journals, books & newspapers. Mainly data will analyze to know about the changing behavior of
consumer in society.
Trends That Will Decide The Consumer Behavior.
1. Multiplicity. We have many options to increase our expectation to do more that interacting
with all our sensors. There is a growing desire for multiplicity and past experiences are expected
to offer more for us. It is no longer time to immerse the viewer in an experience and people are
rejecting because of idea of passive on looking.
2. The New Industrial Revolution. The new revolution is good for industry. But it is also good
for all of us if they use the proper technology to create a new ways leading to new appreciation of
the digital as a thing of beauty. The use of science is no longer just for experts. Coding has gone
fully mainstream, and the rise of 3d printing is hailing a new era for industry.
3. Escape. It this world of austerity and responsibility, we have many desires to choose and
indulge in childlike freedom joy. People are demanding more from every type of experience.
People are seeking occasions that allow them to let go of all responsibilities and inhibitions, and
embrace outlandish hedonism.

Biz and Bytes (Vol. 8. Issue: 1, 2017) E-ISSN: 0976 0458, Print ISSN: 2320 897X

4. Mindfulness. In a world of buzz people are seeking more depth and meaning. They are
craving time away from the stimulus of internet, making their leisure time more about self
improvement and taking their own ethical responsibility seriously.
Many other research proves that social media has a strong influence on buying decision across
different product category. If we talk about the connection of social media or internet 26 percent
of the product was recommend by the social media. Smart phones will also get more smarter than
simple phones which was very beneficial for the company as well as consumer also. By smart
phone it will become easier for consumer to share their views about the product and services.
This type of conversation will very helpful for the company. According to that company will
prepare their products. Many companies like LEGO, Pepsi, Unilever; Procter & Gamble is
already use crowd sourcing and test their new products. Companies can't afford to ignore these
conversations. They should consider investing in ways to listen in on—and, just as important,
generate—social-media buzz. Many companies—LEGO, Pepsi, and Unilever, to name a
few—already use crowd sourcing in one form or another to develop and test new products.
Companies must meet consumers' rising expectations for being able to buy what they want, when
and how they want it—which means providing a seamless Omni channel experience. They must
ensure that consumers have every opportunity to interact with the brand, be it through online or
offline channels.

The study tells us that the consumers are more aware from 5-6 years because of changing trends
in digital market. The consumer will aware from many different ways like social networking
sites, experiences new things, more advance technology that will easily helpful for consumer to
know the exact price of product which will creating a big issues for companies. Changing trends
will always beneficial for consumer because the trends will lead to more competition in the
market which will give extra advantage to the consumer. For example Reliance Jio will introduce
4G at very cheapest price that will change the trends in market for the telecom, internet sector.
Form that offer many company has face problems to compete with the Reliance Jio offer but they
don't. the answer lies in responding to change with analytical skill, an adaptive mindset for the
good condition of organization in the market.
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