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Love Languages Mystery Game

tter and wish your mom or dad would say to you. Circle the letter that goes with the comment.

A Give me a hug!
1 11
B You are terrific!

C I've got a special birthday present for you!

2 12
D I'll help you with your project.

E Let's go to a movie
3 13
A Give me a high-five!

B You are so smart!

4 14
C Have you made your Christmas list?

D Would you help me cook dinner?

5 15
E I like going to fun places with you!

A Give me a kiss!
6 16
B You are #1!

C I've got a surprise for you.

7 17
D We can make something really cool.

E Let's watch TV together!

8 18
A Tag, you're it!

B You did a great job!

9 19
C You've earned a special surprise!

D You can invite your friends.

10 20
E Let's go to your favorite restaurant.

How Many A's did you encircle? ________

How Many B's did you encircle? ________
How Many C's did you encircle? ________

Love Language #1 - PHYSICAL TOUCH

Description: Likes to receive hugs, kisses, high fives, likes to engage in physical
activity like racing, wrestling, or climbing on your lap
Parenting Tip: hold hands, hug often, tickle fun, read stories together


Description: likes it when others tell him he did a good job
Parenting Tip: write short notes, give compliments, speak positively about him, say
I love you, praise him aloud around others. Be specific in your praise.

Love Language #3 - GIFTS

Description: your child feesl good when someone gives him something. He enjoys a
special present or surprise as well as earning a treat.
Parenting Tip: Keep a small stash of inexpensive gifts, leave gifts for him when you're
out of town, shop with him for a special gift, send him on a gift treasure hunt.

Love Language #4 - SERVICE

Description: He likes it when people do nice things for him. He likes being helped
with chores, school project, being driven to places, being served meals & snacks.
Parenting tip: practice sports together, work together on a project, check homework.
pick him up on time, teach them on how to serve others.

Love Language #5 - QUALITY TIME

Description: Loves to do things with you (wathc a movie, eat out, run errands, play
games), enjoys undivided attention, wants to sit next to you.
Parenting tip: run errands together, have a bonding night, make eye contact, ask
about your child's day, plan special trips, eat together as a family, read together/
A I'm going to give you a big hug!
B You are an awesome kid!

C I made your favorite food.

D I checked your homework, and it looks great!

E You are fun to hang out with

A I'll race you!

B Wow! You did it!

C Check under your bed for a special present!

D I cleared up your room for you

E Let's play a game together

A Would you lie for me to scratch your back?

B You can do it! Don't give up!

C What would you like for your birthday?

D We can pick up your friend on the way to the movie

E I always like doing stuff with you.

A You are so huggable!

B How did you know how to do that? You are brilliant!

C I can't wait to give you your present.

D Don't worry, I'll pick you up on time!

E Let's spend the day doing whatever you want to do!

How Many D's did you encircle? ________

How Many E's did you encircle? ________

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