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Date: May, 23rdth, 2013
Grade: 9th H (L1)
Frequency: 2 hours/week - 50 minutes/hour
Book: Click on2, Express Publishing 2004
Type of lesson: Consolidation Modal Verbs
Skills: reading, speaking, writing,
Teaching techniques: explanation, elicitation, guiding questions
Work procedure: individual work, pair-work
Materials: textbook, blackboard, hand-outs;
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-Ss, Ss-T, S-T
Evaluation: • initial through warm-up
• Continuous through activities, observation
• Error correction
• Final through oral feedback

Objectives: By the end of the lesson the Ss will be able to:

1) Cognitive Objectives:
- gain understanding of modal verbs’ meanings and uses ( can/can’t, must/mustn’t, have to/don’t have to, should/shouldn’t)
- generate their own sentences using modal verbs by describing different situations
- use freely modal verbs in speaking
2) Affective Objectives:
- to stimulate students’ imagination and creativity.
- to help Ss. become more confident when speaking English.
Aim: -to create the atmosphere proper for the lesson
Procedure: - T. checks attendance and dialogues with the students. Asks a few informal questions to make the students feel at ease: ‘How
do you feel?’, ‘Do you like the weather today?’ Ss. talk with the teacher.
Interaction: T-Ss
Skills: speaking
Timing: 3’

Aim: - to check understanding of the previous material
Procedure: T. checks if all the students have done their homework and corrects the errors they made. Ss. read their homework and
correct any possible mistakes.
Interaction: T-Ss
Skills: writing, reading
Timing: 5’

Aim: - to raise students’ awareness in their ability to use the language
Procedure: T. evaluates the homework. (Verbal appreciation)
Interaction: T-Ss
Skills: speaking
Timing: 2’

Aim: - to check understanding of the previous material
Procedure: T. writes on the blackboard a set of sentences with modal verbs and asks Ss. to say what each modal verb expresses .Ss answer.
1. You can take my camera if you promise to bring it back tomorrow. (permission)
2. You shouldn’t take such a foolish decision to give up this job. (advice)
3. Can you help me carry this bag, please? (request)
4. Mother to her child: “You must wash your hands before lunch!” (obligation)
5. You have to change your shirt. It’s dirty.(necessity)
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T, S-T
Skills: speaking
Methods: elicitation, dialogue, guiding questions
Evaluation: verbal appreciation
Teaching aids: blackboard
Class management: whole class activity
Timing: 5’

5. Activity 1: FILL IN THE BLANKS

Aim: -to consolidate their use of modal verbs
Procedure: T asks the Ss to have a look at a set of sentences and to fill them in on their handouts. (Appendix ex.1). Ss solve the task and
after that, they are asked to read the sentences and correct if necessary. T. asks Ss. to justify their answers.
Interaction: T-Ss; S-T; T-S;
Skills: reading, writing, speaking.
Methods: guiding questions (asking & answering), elicitation
Evaluation: Verbal appreciation
Teaching aids: hand-out
Class management: individual work
Timing: 4’

6. Activity 2: HOW TO...

Aim: - to practice modal verbs of obligation for describing different situations
Procedure: The Ss. work in groups of 3 students. To instruct the Ss T. writes on the blackboard the following HOW TO PASS AN
EXAM, then writes down the modals from the worksheet and asks the Ss to give examples to complete each sentence. The T. gives each
team a worksheet and a “How to” situation. The pairs will then race to write six sentences expressing obligation for the given situation.
(Appendix ex. 2).
Example situations:
How to make a cup of tea.
How to be a good student.
How to keep fit.
How to learn English.
How to take a photograph.
How to get a promotion at work.
As soon as a pair has finished their sentences, T. asks them to read out their sentences to the class. If their sentences have the correct form
and match the situation, they win the round. The game is played until all the situations have been used.
Interaction: T-Ss Ss-Ss; S-T
Skills: speaking, writing
Methods: dialogue, guiding questions (asking & answering)
Evaluation: Verbal appreciation
Teaching aids: worksheet
Class management: group-work
Timing: 10’

7. Activity 3: SPORTS MIME GAME

Aim: - to make up a pleasant and warm atmosphere
Procedure: T. proposes the Ss to play a mime game and guess what activity the S that mimes can do. T. asks several Ss. in turn to come in
front of the class and to mime some activities from the cards on the T’s desk. Ss. come and mime the activities and the other Ss try to
guess the action he mimes making sentences with “can”.
Interaction: T-Ss, S-T
Skills: speaking, reading
Methods: mime game
Evaluation: Verbal appreciation
Teaching aids: cards
Class management: whole class activity
Timing: 4’

8. Follow-up Activity 4: Ex.14, 15, 16,17/page 80 from the textbook

Interaction: T-Ss, T-S, S-T
Skills: speaking, reading
Evaluation: Verbal appreciation
Teaching aids: textbook
Class management: whole class activity
Timing: 12’
Aims: - to stimulate Ss & encourage them.
Procedure: T. assesses the results of the class and their involvement in the class development. The teacher evaluates students’ answers and
draws conclusions. T. appreciates Ss. ` activity both verbally -praising their activity- and by giving marks.
Interaction: T-Ss
Skills: speaking
Evaluation: Verbal appreciation; marks
Timing: 3’

Aims: - to encourage Ss.’ creativity
Procedure: T. assigns the Ss. the homework: exercises 10/page 37. Ss. write down on their notebooks the homework they have to prepare
for the next English class.
Interaction: T-Ss
Skills: speaking, writing
Timing: 2’

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