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580/1 0/1



Charity number:

Unit address:
Marlow Sea Cadets
Trinity Court
Wethered Road

Address for correspondence:

3 Romsey Way
Abbey Park
HP11 1QP

Unit Management Team members (the charity trustees) at the date of the report:
Mr Richard Royall* Chairman
Mr Robert Savidge" Treasurer
Mr Nicholas Jones Commanding Officer
Mr Graham Cooper*
Mr Phillip Moore

Note: Those trustees marked with an asterisk above are additionally trustees of the Marlow Sea
Cadet Unit buildings.

Names of other persons who were charity trustees in the financial year preceding this

Nature and date of the Unit's constitution (governing document):

Governed by Sea Cadet Regulations (2008 Edition)

The method(s) adopted for recruiting new trustees and how trustees are elected or
otherwise appointed (and by whom) in accordance with the Unit's constitution:
Unit Management Team (UMT) members are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting
(AGM). UMT members are elected from the membership of the Sea Cadet Unit which is drawn
loosely as being those with an interest in the unit. In the event of a vacancy arising during the year
(known as a casual vacancy), the UMT have the power to appoint a new UMT member. The UMT
member appointed will serve until the date of the next AGM, after which the post will be filled by

The Unit's charitable purpose(s) as set out in its constitution:

To help young people towards responsible adulthood by encouraging valuable personal attributes
and high standards of conduct, using a nautical theme based on the customs of the Royal Navy.
The Unit's main activities and achievements for the financial year:
The main achievements in 2009/10 were as follows:

. lmprovements to the Unit building through work on the new Boatswain's Store, the
installation of an Information Technology suite, the complete re-surfacing of the grounds and
decoration of the cadet classrooms;
e Addition of two new boats to our fleet (a powered tender that was kindly donated and a
Trinity 500 pulling boat); and
. Recruitment of additional adult volunteers to assist with the training activities of the Unit.

Public benefit:
The UMC continue to give due regard to the public benefit provided by the Unit in relation to the
charitable purpose of the Sea Cadet movement as set out in the activities and achievements as
outlined above. The aim is to promote the development of young people in achieving their physical,
intellectual and social potential as individuals and responsible citizens in a safe environment. In
order to achieve this, the Unit takes young people from all backgrounds, including where possible
those with disabilities and develops their skills and abilities by:

. Regular and structured activities with a nautical theme;

r Allowing young people to take part in activities connected with the wider Sea Cadet
movement such as seaborne activities, events and competitions at District, Area and
National levels; and
o Availability of formal educational achievements whilst taking courses to earn badges and

Contributions are kept low in order to ensure all those who wish to take part in the activities of the
Unit may do so.

Reserves policy:
The charity trustees' policy aims to maintain unrestricted reserves at a level equating to 3 months'
revenue payments in order to safeguard the Unit's on-going activities from any unexpected
fluctuations in income.

Unrestricted year-end reserves amounted to E1371.89 equal to 2.5 months' on that basis. The
trustees aim to increase these unrestricted funds to 3 months' revenue payments through
increased total cadet contributions by recruiting new members and increased rental income of the
hall in 2010111.

Designated funds:
The Unit holds €5,500 in designated funds for future projects to be carried out in 2O1Ol1'l as
currently planned.

Signed as authorised by the Unit Management Team:

N M Jones, Commanding Officer

rc/\-w R J Royall, Chairman

Note: The independent examination report on the Statement of Account is attached.

16 Sep 10


NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Marlow Sea Cadets will be held
at the TS APOLLO, Wethered Road, MARLOW, SL7 3TZ at 1930 on Tue 12 Oct 10 to transact the
following business.


Item Lead

1. Apologies for absence. Chair

2. Opening address. Chair

3. Minutes of the last AGM for adoption. Chair

4. Matters arising in those minutes. Chair

5. Unit Chair's report. Chair

6. Commanding Office/s report. co

7. Treasurefs report and adoption of accounts. Treasurer

8. Election/re-election of President. Chair

9. Election/re-election of Unit Management Team (UMT) (see notes 1-7). President

10. Any other business (see note 8). Chair


1. Individuals seeking election to the UMT must have their nomination proposed and seconded.
2. Nominations of new members of the UMT can only be accepted if they are submitted in
writing to:

Mr R Royall, 3 Romsey Way, Abbey Park, HIGH WYCOMBE, HP11 1QP

Tel: 01494 439763

3. There are criteria laid down in Sea Cadet Regulations (SCR) as to who is eligible to sit on the
UMT. Please see SCR or contact Mr Royall for details.
4. Any waiving of these criteria is at the discretion of the Area Business and Management
5. Proof of posting is not proof of receipt.
6. Nominations of new members need to be received by Mr Royall no later than Fri 8 Oct
7. All newly elected UMT members will be required to undergo a criminal record disclosure and
to sign a declaration indicating that they no reason why they cannot become a charity trustee.
8. ltems of any other business will only be considered if they are proposed and seconded in
writing to Mr Royall at least 24 hours before the meeting.
505/1/1 0

4 Nov 10

See Distribution


Present Mr R Royall Chair

Mr R Savidge Treasurer
Lt (SCC) N Jones RNR Commanding Officer
Cllr D Anson MBE President
Mr J Hall
Mrs J Hall
Mrs S Roberts
Mrs S Davidson
PO (SCC) C White Non-votino member
Apologies Mr I Riddell Southern Area Chair
Mr M McCluskey Southern Area Business Management Director
Lt Cdr (SCC) P Piercy District Officer
Mr G Cooper
Mr P Moore



1. Richard Royall welcomed everyone and thanked them for taking the time to
attend the Annual General Meeting.



2. No corrections were proposed to the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held
on 13 Oct Og.

3. Cllr Doug Anson MBE proposed and James Hall seconded their adoption.

4. They were adopted unanimously by those present.



5. ltem 12 from the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 13 Oct 09
related to the outstanding payment of a grant from Sea Cadet Headquarters,
which lvor Riddell promised to enquire about further. Bob Savidge reported that
this grant has now been paid.

6. Richard Royall presented a written report (attached).


7. Lt Nick Jones presented a written report (attached).


8. Bob Savidge presented a written report and the Unit accounts (attached).

9. Prior to the meeting, the accounts were independently examined by Graham

Sweet of Holly Tree House, Henley Road, MARLOW, SL7 2DF, who Bob Savidge
thanked for his assistance.


10. Cllr Doug Anson MBE proposed and Lt Nick Jones seconded their adoption.

11. They were adopted unanimously by those present.


12. Cllr Doug Anson MBE volunteered to stand for re-election for 2010111. There
were no new nominations.

13. Richard Royall proposed and Bob Savidge seconded his nomination.

14. Cllr Anson was re-elected unanimously by those present.


15. All members of the Unit Management Team (UMT) present volunteered to stand
for re-election for 2010111.

16. Additionally the two absent members had expressed their interest in standing for
re-election to the Chair prior to the meeting.

17. There were no new nominations.

18. James Hall proposed and Lt Nick Jones seconded their nominations.

19. All those standing were re-elected unanimously. Elected to the Unit Management
Team were.

a. Richard Royall;
b. Robert Savidge;
c. Graham Cooper; and
d. Phillip Moore.

20. Cllr Anson particularly wished to extend his thanks to Bob Savidge for his tireless
work as Treasurer: applying for grants on behalf of the Unit and spending a great
deal of time at the building ensuring that the hall was to the required standards of
all those using it.

R J Royall
Unit Chairman, Marlow Sea Cadets
Tel: (01494) 439763


Members of the Unit Management Team

Members of the Unit Instructional Staff
Southern Area Business Management Director
Southern Area Chairman
Oxon/Bucks District Chairman
Oxon/Bucks District Officer

Annual General Meeting - 12 October 2010

Chairman's Report

2010 has been a challenging year for Marlow Sea Cadets.

We had a disappointing Unit Review in May, which has prompted a programme to

include an increase in staff support and a cadet recruiting campaign. This is yielding
both an improvement in cadet numbers and training opportunities. Our aim is to
achieve an Efficiency Award in2}ll.

Again our cadet Christmas dinner was a great success and we look forward to our St.
George's Mess Dinner on Saturday 23 April 201 I - a date for your diaries.

Our Unit facilities continue to substantially improve both for cadets and communiqr
use, the latter enabling an increased revenue stream. However, funding remains a
major concern - we continue to live hand-to-mouth and have not had the luxury of
being able to generate an "emergency fund". Bob will elaborate on the financials and
plans - our immediate concerns being a leaking roof and the need for a new fire alarm
system to enable cadets to benefit from sleepovers whilst attending training courses.

On behalf of the Unit I would like to congratulate Nick on his well-deserved

promotion this year - as Bob noted in a recent e-mail reply to one of the daily half-
dozen e-mails we receive from Nick - "Don't you ever sleep?"

My sincere thanks to Nick, his staff and recent help, and to Bob and Graham for their
continuing dedicated support of Marlow Sea Cadets. As we have our highs and lows
we have to remember we are all volunteers. Our aim being to provide a safe, trusting
environment for today's youth, enabling them to discover wider interests and develop
their personal and leadership skills under careful and caring supervision.

Bearing that in mind we desperately need sorne help on the Unit Management Team.
Apart from Nick, Bob, Graham and I, and I think it is no secret, average over 70.
Without a succession plan and new members on the Unit Management Team, the Unit
will be inadequately supported in the future. We are inviting help to bring fresh
enthusiasm to the team and assistance with fundraising and social events. It is not
onerous and at the end of the day it is extremely rewarding to see a vibrant and happy
goup of cadets.

12 October 2010
Commanding Officer
Marlow Sea Cadets
Flat 39 Sovereign Courl
Totteridge Avenue
HP13 6XL

Telephone: 01494 523331

Mobile: 07952922836
Email: madowscc @!
Website : http ://u OtS.m S-sc.prq/Darlow

Our reference: 505/1/1 0/1

8 Sep 10


The year from April 2009 to March 2010 was a very difficult one f rom a training point of view for the
Unit and, as I highlighted in my last report, we entered this period with a low number of cadets (14
in October 2009) who had a relatively poor record of attendance. While we had a number of new
staff in the process of joining the Unit, we were not able to retain all of them for a number of
reasons and, as a result, by the end of November we had reverted to only four members of staff
(two uniformed and two civilian instructors).

As a result of these poor cadet and staff numbers (and the requirement for continued training to
develop those staff members who were in the Unit) the qualifications achieved by the cadets and
total number of training days fell dramatically. These results, even when they were combined with
our continued, exceptionally high standards of health and safety, led to a low score in our annual
Unit Review by the District and Area teams.

Shortly after this Unit Review, however, we welcomed the Area Officer, Commander Andy Giles
RN, to inspect our biannual Royal Naval Parade. The cadets excelled themselves on the evening,
demonstrating a very good standard of ceremonial and performing well in a very difficult
seamanship display, Even with this though, the combined result of the Unit Review and Royal
Naval Parade was that the Unit did not achieve pennant standard for the first time since 2006.

As we move into 2010/11, a number of things in the Unit are picking up. Petty Officer Kelly Searles
joined the instructional staff at the beginning of the summer bringing with her a great deal of
knowledge and experience. She has quickly taken on the role of Training Officer within the Unit
and the improvements to the structure of the training the cadets are receiving have been
immediately apparent.

The Assistant District Officer, Lieutenant Andy Searles, has also been assisting the Unit with
regards to recruiting and a drop of 315 leaflets to six local schools at the end of the last school year
has led to a dramatic influx of new cadets, with eight new cadets joining (and staying) over the
summer holidays, which is traditionally a very difficult time to recruit. As a result of both of these
improvements, we currently have 18 cadets in the Unit (10 seniors and 8 juniors), all of whom are
attending more regularly than was the case this time last year.

We are also continuing our excellent relationship with our affiliated ship, HMS ARK ROYAL. Just
last month, six cadets and two instructors from the Unit were able to stay on board learning more
about the each of the different departments of the ship. Additionally we have provisionally planned
two more visits over the next six months in November and February respectively. As I mentioned
last year, this affiliation continues to be a feature that sets us apart from other local youth
organisations and, in fact, many other Sea Cadet Units.
The last few months has also seen two cadets represent the Unit and the District at the Area
Swimming Competition. Junior Cadets Major and Searles both did extremely well, especially
seeing as they were very new to the Unit themselves, coming back with a number of medals
between them!

While I feelthat the points highlighted above are very promising, there is still a lot more work to be
done for the Unit to reach its great potential. I hope that through the continued hard work of the
instructional staff (supported by those on the Unit Management Team), we will be able to help
encourage our cadets to get far more out of the Sea Cadets: gaining a larger proportion of the vast
array of qualifications available, taking part in competitions both at a local level and further afield,
and participating in local community events, such as the Regattas, the Carnival and the rapidly
approaching Remembrance Parade.

N M Jones

The Sea Cadets
Marlow Unit

Treasurer's Repo rt 2009 /10

This year we have made considerable progress with the refurbishment of the
u'orkshop/bosun's store with a donation of f,4000 from HQ and rvill have it completed
before the winter sets in. tn addition lve have decorated the computer room and
purchased new desks, also u,e decorated the senior cadets room and the upper
corridor. Hence the unit is now beginning to look in very good condition.

For the cadets rve acquired a new boat at a cost of f 1,250, which rvill hopefully give
the cadets lots of fun in the coming years. We are very gratefrrl for the donation of
computers for the cadets and the ofTicers, including the time given for their

The car park has been re-surfaced for f,l,600, which has made the whole area safer
and makes the unit look far more attractive to renters.

On the dolwside we have had major expense rvith our sewage system where after 25
years they have failed. Hopefully they will last at least 5-10 years more. Also we
have significant expense in maintaining the main deck heating system plus the hot
water and heating system in the rest of the unit, both of these may need replacement in
the next year or so.

Insurance of over fI,200 is a major cost and rve have been informed that HQ is
negotiating with the insurers for a considerable reduction in 2010.

The roof is still a m{or problem with rvater coming through to the main deck and a
classroom We have an estimate of f,8,600 to have the retaining bolts replaced where
necessary and to coat the whole roof with a plastic material that has a 10 year
warran$. We are currently endeavouring to raise the funding for this work.

The day-to-day costs of running the unit erceeded f6,000, including a f,900 credit
negotiated with Thames Water. Our major expense of f6,900 was for repairs and
refurbishment of the buitding.

Due to the loss in cadet numbers subs fell by near 50%. Fund raising fell by
approximately the same percentage, the major cause being bar takings.

Rent fell by f700 to f3,100, as rve lost income during the snow and long winter, and
tlo long-term renters never recovered and closed down-

Registered Charity No. 300299

Wethered Road. Marlow. Bucks SL7 3AH
Unit Tel: 01628 475629 Email: [email protected] web: http//units.sea-cadets,org/marlow
Donations rvere high at f,13,000 as against f9,000 the previous yoar. This was mainly
due to the f4-000 grant from HQ towards the refirbishment ofthe workshop/bosun's

The balance of income over expenditure of f,2,900 is good but the majority of this is
reserved against specific projects. Of the f,6,900 held in our current account we have
the following reserves against specific proJects where we have received donations:
{1,500 for the workshop, f,3,000 for the roo{ f,l,000 for the toilets/flooring. This
leaves us r,vith just one and half months of daytoday running costs. It is therefore
critical that we continue to apply for funding from all sources for projects and equally
importantly running costs, which barely get covered by subs, fundraising and rent.

On behalf of the Cadets. Officers and UMC I would like to thank all the individuals
and organisations for their donations and support, and Graham Sweet for auditing the

We are delighted ttre unit is still viable and helps our cadets achieve their ultimate
potential and at the same time have fun while having respect for their fellow cadets,
the community and the environment.

R.B. Savidge
Treasurer and Trustee
I am reporting on the accounts of the Trust for the year ending March 31,t 2010

The Charities Trustees have prepared the accounts.

I have examined them and followed the Directions of the Charities Commission
applicable for receipts and payment accounts.

In connection with my examination no matter has come to my attention.

Graham Sweet B.Sc(Hons); M.Sc

Holly Tree House, Henley Road, Marlow, Bucks, SL7 2DF

21't September 2010

Marlow Sea Gadets
Income & Expenditure
1 April 2009 - 31 March 2010

Expenditure lncome Expenditure lncome

2008t9 2008/9 2009t10 2009110
Building Costs
Electric 767.00 760.00
Water 600.00 138.93
Gas 1080.00 1158.00
Security 766,02 424.56
Waste 409.63 4',19.24
BT/Talktalk 225.06 234,69
lnsurance 1233-62 1272.94
Legal 0.00 0.00
Cleaning 2411.55 1903,09
Misc 0,00 10.32
Repairs 7052.70 14545.58 6932.66 13254.43

Admin 0.00 -91.48
Dist Levy 0.00 70.00
Uniform 12.O1 0.00
Band 0.00 0.oo
Subs -e14.50 -460.00
Misc 323.22 57.25
Activities 819.44 -2'1.12
Boats 343.41 1510.65 1065.30

St. George's Dinner -354.29 -519.06
Regatta -250.00 -435.00
Bag Packing -450.30 0.00
Skittles -121.00 -165.14
Bar -1111 .84 -2287.43 -54.57 -1173.77

Rent -3778.00 -3085.00

Donations -8967.00 -12994.93
Bank interest 0.00

Totals 15129.16 -15032.43 14319.73 -17253.70

Balance of Expenditure/lncome 96.73 2933.97

Marlow Sea Gadets
Assetsl Funds
I April 2009 - 3f March 2010

Closinq Balance as at 31 March 2009

NatWest 4100.40
C/O Tin 104.03 4204.49

Expenditure over income for year 200819 96.73

Glosinq Balance as at 31 March 2010

NatWest 6871.89
C/O Tin 266.51 7138.40

Income over expenditure for year 2009/10 2933.97

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