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Frequently Asked Questions

Finacle Core banking Solution

Sl. No. Scheme/Subject Page No.

1 Savings Account Issues 2-4

2 PPF Issues 4-7

3 MIS/SCSS Issues 8-13

4 Recurring Deposit Issues 14-17

5 Agent Portal Issues 18-24

6 Time Deposit Issues 25

7 Certificates NSC/KVP Issues 26-31

8 NSS-87 Issues 32

9 Agent Related Issues 33-35

10 Passbook Issues 36

11 Signature View Issues 37

12 Clearing (Inward/Outward) Issues 38-45

13 BO Transactions Issues 46-50

14 General Issues 51-69

15 End of Day Issues 70

16 Difference Between Sanchay Post & Finacle 71-77

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(i) How to see balance in SB Account at the time of deposit and withdrawal

Solution:- Please see below screen shot.

Many POs raise the issue of BBT (Balance before transaction) in Finacle like legacy system.
When HTM is invoked, available balance and effective available balance can be viewed.
Effective available balance is the eligible amount of withdrawal.

(ii) What to do when cheque issued in Finacle is presented for withdrawal but not recognized
by Finacle CBS?

Issue noticed in one of CBS Post Office in Account number 0289818958 where instrument number
805380 was presented.

Solution : When the cheque book is issued through the menu HCHBM, the radio button Acknowledge
should be clicked as Yes. The issue was resolved by acknowledging the cheque through the menu
HCHBM- Function Acknowledge and then verifying using the function Acknowledge and Verify the

(iii) How to convert existing SBGEN (non cheque) account to SBCHQ (cheque account) ?

First the account should be transferred to the SB cheque scheme using the menu HACXFRSC by PA.
Supervisor has to verify the same. Then through the CASBAM menu option the account should be
modified to allow cheques. Again, Supervisor has to verify the modification.

(iv) Account Not Getting Closed. Error GR3 is coming.

This issue occurs if the account being closed is the interest credit account for some other account
e.g MIS or SCSS or TD account. To check to which account this is linked, the user can check the
transactions in the account being closed in the menu HACLI. The interest transactions will show the
account number to which the account being closed is linked as shown below
If the closure account is Interest Credit Account, go to Account Modification menu for that linked
account. Change the Interest Credit Account to some other account and then proceed closing this

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(v) Dormant SB account closure issue

Dormant means Silent

Issue Reported : Since the SB account being closed is dormant, the account closure transaction is
not verified and gives error.
The closure process has to be cancelled and the account status to be modified to Live before closing
a) Cancel the closure operation in HCAAC menu. While cancelling an user info will be shown
that the transaction has to be manually reversed. After the cancel operation in HCAAC, the
transaction has to be deleted in HTM.
b) If the account has to be closed , then after cancelling the transaction in HTM menu by
selecting Modify function thru menu CASBAM.
c) Modify the account status of the SB account from Silent to Live and verify it
d) Close the account now in HCAAC and verify it

(vi) Even after deleting RD Standing Instructions using HSSIM menu, Savings account
is not allowed to close.

After deleting the instruction serial number in teller, same has to be verified in supervisor.
Then only closure can be done.

(vii) Trial closure for SB and PPF accounts

There is no Trial Closure for SB and PPF. However, to see closing interest, following process is to be
 It involves two components-Closing accrued Interest for completed months and balance
outstanding in the account.
 To know the closing accrued interest till date (for completed months) the user has to execute
HACACCR menu and see the Report either in HPR or through HAITINQ menu.

HACACCR menu execution

Enter the A/c Id, wait for the name of depositor to appear. Compare name of depositor to ensure that
correct account number is entered. Keep the field 'From Date' as blank and Enter BOD date in the
field ' To date' and submit as shown in the screen shot below:

 This will generate a report HPR .

 The closing accrued interest will be arrived after rounding off the amount shown in HPR to next
rupee. The total amount to be paid to depositor will be arrived at by adding the balance in the
account shown in HACLI/HACCBAL Menu option and the closing accrued interest.
 This amount is to be shown to depositor who wants to close the account. If he agrees, actual
closure has to be done.
 In case SB7A is received from BO for closing sanction of a Savings Account, this amount is to be
entered in SB7A by Supervisor with the remarks on the top that "This sanction is valid up to last
working day of the current month" . Sending the closing sanction to BO should be avoided in the
last week of the month.

(viii) Interest Accrual enquiry using HAITINQ

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The interest accrual enquiry can also be done using the Finacle menu HAITINQ. On navigating the
menu HAITINQ and providing the A/C Id., the interest details would be displayed:

2. PPF
(i) Loans against PPF account closure. .

Calculation of interest upto closure date and deduction of the interest amount Invoke CPDTM menu to
make Principal repayments

i) Select the tran type/sub type as P - Loan Principal Repayment

Enter the amount of loan principal to be repaid and click on submit and verify the same if the amount
is above Rs.5,000/-.

ii) Invoke the menu CLPR for calculation of interest

iii) Invoke HACINT menu to calculate loan interest (CEPT IT Team to be contacted for this)
iv) Invoke the menu CPDTM to make Interest repayments
a) Select the tran type/sub type
b)) Select the type as I - Loan Interest Repayment
v) Invoke the menu HCAAC to close the loan account

(ii) PPF Claim closure is not getting initiated in teller login with an error “this work class is not

After updating date of death in CIF, closure menu, HCAAC should be invoked only by Supervisor.
Same can be verified by another supervisor after system generated withdrawal tran ID is posted and
verified. This activity should be performed by Hos only where there are more than one Supervisor.
Therefore PPF claim closure is to be done at HO only.

(iii) PPF bank transfer closure is not permitting in teller login.

PPF bank transfer out closure has to be initiated by supervisor and transfer proceedings should be
credited to “0322 office account” with a proper closure reason code as Bank Transfer. This has to be
verified by another supervisor. This option should be used by Hos only where there are more than one
Supervisor. Therefore transfer of PPF account from post office to Bank can be done at HO only.

(iv) How to see balance in PPF Account at the time of deposit and withdrawal

Please see following screen shots where balance is shown in Deposit/Withdrawal menus after
entering account number.

CPWTM - Withdrawal

CPDTM - Deposit

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(v) What is the menu for extending PPF Account?

Menu for extending PPF Accounts – HCEXTN

(vi) What is the process of PPF Account Closure?

There is no need to make the balance as zero before closure in PPF accounts .

PPF Closure (without loan)

a) Counter PA has to invoke HCAAC menu for closure.

b) Interest for current financial year will be calculated and posted in the PPF account.
c) System generated transaction ID will be created.
d) Supervisor has to verify the account closure using HCAAC menu.
e) In some cases, when the supervisor tries to verify the account closure, if the Tran ID
(generated in step 3) is in Entered state, then the error message ‘Pending verification exists
for the account’ will be displayed.
f) Tran ID if not noted down in step 3, it has to be obtained from HFTI menu by selecting the
transaction status ‘Entered’ (Tran ID generated against the PFF account number will be
g) In Counter PA login, in HTM – Modify option, this Tran ID is to be posted.
h) In Supervisor login, in HTM, this Tran ID is to be verified.
i) After verification of the transaction, in HCAAC menu, the closure has to be verified.

PPF Closure (with loan)

a) Counter PA has to invoke loan repayment using CPDTM menu.

b) Supervisor has to verify the transaction in CPDTM menu.
c) CLPR menu (PROCESS) has to be invoked by Supervisor for processing loan account.
d) Then, HACINT is to be invoked by CEPT team (at present). On invoking this, the interest for
loan account is calculated and posted in PPF loan account.
e) The loan interest has to be paid through CPDTM menu again, if the PPF account is not a
matured account.
f) The loan interest has to be recovered through CPWTM menu, if the PPF account is a
matured account.
g) Closure of loan account has to be invoked using HCAAC by counter PA.
h) Closure has to be verified by Supervisor using HCAAC menu.
i) For closing PPF account, the procedure for closure of PPF account without loan has to be

(vii) What is procedure for PPF Account transfer to and from Bank?

PPF – Transfer Out (Bank)

a) Invoke HINTTM menu from Postmaster login for zeroing of interest for the current financial

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b) In HINTTM, PPF account number to be entered; From date should be 01-04-YYYY; Interest
table code should be ‘Zero’.
c) Verification has to be done by Supervisor.
d) Closure has to be invoked using HCAAC menu from PA login. Option ‘Transfer’ has to be
selected and transfer account id should be Postmaster account (0340).
e) Closure reason should be selected as ‘Transfer to Bank’.
f) Closure has to be verified by Supervisor.

PPF – Transfer In (Bank)

a) Create CIF ID if already not available.

b) Use CPPFAO menu to open a new PPF account. Select the CIF ID and select the option
TRANSFER and enter the old account number.

c) Also enter the correct account open date and enter the maturity date (31-03-YYYY).

d) Verify the account opening using CPPFAV menu in Supervisor login. Note down the account

e) The text file has to be generated from the excel sheet. Excel sheet should contain all the
transactions of the PPF account and the balance should be checked.

f) The field 'Financial Year End Balance Identifier' should be selected as YES only for the last
transaction of a financial year. For all other transactions, it should be selected as NO.

g) The fields 'Transaction Date' / 'Value Date' should be in mm/dd/yyyy format only.

h) Enter the account number created in Finacle and click on Generate File button to generate
the text file. Excel template is attached with this mail.

i) In Counter PA login, select HTRFTOUN menu. Select the text file generated. In 'Destination
Directory' field, enter /dop

j) The message 'File uploaded successfully' will be displayed.

k) Then, select CTUPLD menu. Enter the account number and then enter the file name (enter as
it is available). The message 'Data uploaded successfully' will be displayed.

l) After this process, login as Supervisor and select CTPROC menu. Select 'Verify' and enter
the account number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT.

m) Again login as PA and select CTPROC menu. Select 'Process' and enter the account
number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT. A screen showing the transaction id
details will be displayed.

n) Then, check the current year transactions in HACLI menu and previous year transactions in
CTINQ menu.

o) Before creating the text file, the date format of the system should be changed as mm/dd/yyyy.

(viii) When PPF Deposit made in wrong account number, what is the process to correct it?

Deposit made in wrong account number

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 Invoke CPWTM menu in Counter PA login
 Add --- C/NP Cash Normal Payment --- N Normal Withdrawal
 Enter the Dr. account number (wrong account number)
 Enter the amount as in the Deposit transaction
 Enter the report code as "REVRS" & Submit
 Verify the transaction in Supervisor login

For making the deposit in the correct account number

 Invoke CPDTM menu in Counter PA login

 Add --- C/NR Cash Normal Receipt --- N Normal Contribution
 Enter the Cr. account number (correct PPF account number)
 Enter the correct amount & Submit
 Verify the transaction in Supervisor login

Deposit amount is wrong

 Invoke CPWTM menu in Counter PA login

 Add --- C/NP Cash Normal Payment --- N Normal Withdrawal
 Enter the Dr. account number (PPF account number)
 Enter the excess amount deposited
 Enter the report code as "REVRS" & Submit
 Verify the transaction in Supervisor login

(ix) How to handle PPF – Wrong account open date cases.

a) Invoke HINTTM menu from Postmaster login for zeroing of interest for the current financial
year for the PPF account (with wrong open date)
b) Verification has to be done by Supervisor.

c) Use HCAAC menu to close the PPF account (wrong open date) in Counter PA login. Closure
reason should be selected as Transfer to Bank. . Option ‘Transfer’ has to be selected and
transfer account id should be Postmaster account (0340).

d) Closure has to be verified by Supervisor.

e) Use CPPFAO menu to open a new PPF account. Select the CIF ID (linked with the closed
PPF account) and select the option TRANSFER and enter the old account number in account
opening screen.

f) Also enter the correct account open date and enter the maturity date (31-03-YYYY).

g) Verify the account opening using CPPFAV menu in Supervisor login. Note down the account

h) The text file has to be generated from the excel sheet. Excel sheet should contain all the
transactions of the PPF account and the balance should be checked.

i) The field 'Financial Year End Balance Identifier' should be selected as YES only for the last
transaction of a financial year. For all other transactions, it should be selected as NO.

j) The fields 'Transaction Date' / 'Value Date' should be in mm/dd/yyyy format only.

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k) Enter the account number created in Finacle and click on Generate File button to generate
the text file. Excel template is attached with this mail.

l) In Counter PA login, select HTRFTOUN menu. Select the text file generated. In 'Destination
Directory' field, enter /dop

m) The message 'File uploaded successfully' will be displayed.

n) Then, select CTUPLD menu. Enter the account number and then enter the file name (enter as
it is available). The message 'Data uploaded successfully' will be displayed.

o) After this process, login as Supervisor and select CTPROC menu. Select 'Verify' and enter
the account number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT.

p) Again login as PA and select CTPROC menu. Select 'Process' and enter the account
number. Transactions will be displayed. Click on SUBMIT. A screen showing the transaction id
details will be displayed.

q) Then, check the current year transactions in HACLI menu and previous year transactions in
CTINQ menu.

r) Before creating the text file, the date format of the system should be changed as mm/dd/yyyy.

3. MIS/SCSS Issues
(i) Whether Reason Code for closure is mandatory to select in all type of closures?

Yes, Reason for closure is critical and mandatory . Hence the selection of reason code to be selected
for all types of closures.

(ii) Before actual closure, is it mandatory to do a trial closure?

Yes, if account closure is done after date of maturity and when closure sanction is to be issued to any
SO or BO, Trial Closure of TD type accounts is mandatory. This will also be helpful for placing
request for issue of Postmaster cheque.
(iii) How to do a Trial Closure of MIS/TD/SCSS
Menu HCAACTD can be used to perform trial closure on MIS/TD/SCSS/Matured NSC&KVP
accounts. As displayed in the screen shots below , the interest amounts can be viewed at the result

(a) Invoke HCAACTD, choose function as L-Trial Closure and provide Account Id. Click anywhere
and wait for the name of depositor to be displayed. Once name is displayed, tally name with the name
mentioned in Passbook so as to confirm that correct account number is entered. The closure value
date and withdrawal amount will be auto populated by the system.

(b) On clicking GO, the account information tab will display the account details

(c) The closure details such as Close Mode and Repayment A/C ID have to be provided in the
closure tab

(d) The Closure Reason Code (and Closure remarks) have to be provided in Closure Exception
Tab. This is mandatory to enter to get correct closure value.

(e) Once all the details are entered correctly, sclik on ubmit
(f) On Submit , the result page is displayed that will contain all the required information on the
account as well as the interest transactions on the account

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(g) Go to menu HPR to see the report wherein net amount to be paid to the customer will be shown

(h) Bonus if any for MIS accounts, will not be shown in the closure details screen, but will appear in
the report generated in HPR during trial closure.


(i) Error “The Mode of Operator for A MINOR can be either 018 or 019” during Account


For Minor accounts, mode of operation should be either

018 – Minor A/c Operated by Self
019 – Minor A/c Operated by Guardian


Error thrown while modifying 15H in SCSS modification

(i) “If main holder is Male, spouse should be Female in the CIF ID and vice versa” while
updating 15H form in SCSS modification

CIF for all the existing accounts are generated during migration. Date of birth is defaulted as
“01/07/1960” and Gender as “OTHERS” as these two data are not maintained in Sanchay Post. Post
migration, operators to modify the date of birth and also the gender by invoking the menu CMRC
before modifying 15H in SCS Modification.

(ii) While closing SCSS Accounts prematurely, Penal fee is not getting deducted.

a) Check whether correct Closure Reason Code is selected. If “death closure” is selected under
“Closure Exceptions” tab, Penal fee will not be deducted.
b) “Collect Penal Int” field is to be selected.

(iii) How to handle SCSS Death Closure within lock up period?

SCSS death closure can be done only at HO. When death is reported, first of all, date of death is to
be entered in CIF Modification menu and verified by the Supervisor. After sanction of death claim
case, account closure form alongwith Passbook is to be sent to HO (if account stands at SO). . Only
Supervisor of HPO can close the account by following the process given below and Postmaster of
HPO has to verify the transaction:-

a). First Supervisor has to invoke HINTTM menu and give the SCSS account number and choose
SBRATE and give start date as Date of death and Verifier can verify the same record.

This is done to ensure until date of death, SCSS rate is given to customer and from date of death till
date only SB rate will be given to customer.

b) After HINTTM verification, user can invoke HCAACTD and system will automatically change the
closure value date and user has to apply mind and change the reason code as "DEATH" to ensure no
penalty is applied to this account.

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(iv) How to Refund TDS when wrongly deducted

As and when it is found that TDS is wrongly deducted, following process should be followed to refund

Write an error in the Error Book showing detail of account number and amount of TDS wrongly
deducted. Go to HRFTDS menu and enter the SCSS account ID in the field” From A/c ID & To A/c ID”
and select trantype as Transfer. Cash option should not be used in trantype. On clicking GO, the TDS
amount deducted will be shown. In the “Refund A/c ID” field, enter the customer's SB a/c if customer
has savings account in any CBS post office or if customer wants cash to be paid, enter office account
0340 and pay cash. In the evening, show this amount as TDS Refund in the daily account or cash

Note 1:- Refund has to be made only before submission of tax returns by respective HOs. No TDS
refund should be made after remitting TDS to IT Department. Customers can get reimbursement only
from IT department after filing returns.

Note 2:- that wherever From A/c ID & To A/c ID fields are shown in Finacle, it refers to a range of
accounts (eg. from 1 to 100) and not transfer-from and transfer-to account ID.

(v) MIS and SCSS/TD interests are not getting paid from sundry even though there is proper
interest outflow in HTDTRAN menu or Interest Amount not fetched in HTM.

a) Please check the accounts in HTDTRAN whether interest posting for the quarter has happened on
30/06/2014 BOD. If the interest is paid to the SB account of the customer, it will not be available in

b) If Interest Posting entry is not shown, then check whether any verification is pending in these
accounts in CSCAM/CMISAM menu and do the verification. Interest will get posted during the next

c) Also, check the EOD reports (in the HPR of the user who ran HSCOLD menu on 28/06/2014) and
check for "Interest Application Failure Reports" which should contain the list of accounts for which
interest could not be posted and the reason thereof.

This is mainly due to faulty process of interest payment from sundry account by mentioning wrong
MIS or SCSS accounts in reference number column in the additional part transaction screen. Further,
in the start and end amount field, no amount is to be entered in additional part transaction details

After making sure of interest posting in HTDTRAN, use HFTI menu to check whether the interest
amount is already paid. The filters to be filled in HFTI are:

 A/c id: SUNDRY ACCOUNT NUMBER (335/337/338)

 Reference No.: MIS account number
 From date: Interest posted date (interest due date / interest posted date as shown in
 To date: Current date
 Click on “GO”

This will list all the transactions w.r.t the account entered in Reference Number

(vi) MIS, SCSS or TD Interest not credited to MIS/SCSS/TD sundry accounts or customer’s
SB Accounts

Interest not credited to Sundry or SB accounts for TDA products is mostly due to unverified audit
transactions. Same can be checked in supervisor level by invoking HAFI menu. After verifying it,

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interest will be credited after EOD. HIOT (before migration interest) and HTDTRAN should be
checked for knowing interest outflow.

(vii) SCSS Interest amount differs.

It is mainly because of deduction of Tax at source. For those accounts without PAN Card 20% tax will
be deducted and accounts with PAN Card and without 15G or 15H, 10% tax will be deducted.
Availability of the PAN Card can be checked at CIF level. Any Modification done in the CIF level as
regards Income proof has to be verified by the Supervisor.

(viii). Difference in MIS & SCSS interest in First month/quarter after migration.

This issue is being raised by many post offices.

When any office is migrated to CBS, while generating interest for the first quarter after migration, one
day’s interest is deducted by Finacle from the due quarterly interest. This interest belong to the day of
account opening given by Sanchay Post. This one day interest will be paid on the day of closure by
Finacle. This is happening due to fundamental difference between Sanchay Post and Finacle.
Sanchay Post is paying interest for the day of account opening and not for the day of closure e.g
account opened on 3.4.2013 will be matured in Sanchay Post on 3.4.2018. Sanchay Post will pay
interest from 3.4.2013 to 2.4.2018 and payment will be made on 3.4.2018.In Finacle, with same
example, interest will be calculated and paid from 4.4.2013 to 3.4.2018 and payment will be made on
3.4.2018. Total interest in both the cases will be same. When account is opened in Sanchay Post and
closed in Finacle, one day’s interest will be paid extra. Therefore, this extra interest is being deducted
in Finacle during first payment after migration

In Sanchaya, rounding off was being done every quarter/month to the higher side of a rupee if interest
is in 50 paisa or more but Finacle adjusts rounding off every quarter/month to restrict total interest to
the actual rate of interest. Therefore, any extra interest already paid in Sanchay Post due to higher
rounding off is also deducted during interest credit of first quarter/month after migration.

For migrated MIS Accounts, Finacle is calculating interest on basis of number of days in a month from
the date of opening of account.

Due to this, interest is not calculating equally for every month. This issue has been taken up with
Infosys for correction. Till it is rectified, customer should be convinced that less interest credited/paid if
any will be adjusted during next month.

Sanchay Post interest paid details can be known by invoking menu TIPM. Unpaid interest in Sanchay
Post can be viewed in HIOT and interest calculated after migration can be viewed through HTDTRAN.

Sample Calculation of Interest in Finacle

1) Sanchay Post calculates interest from the date of opening till the date prior to maturity date.
Example account - 0494076240, Sanchay Post calculates interest 30/09/2009-29/09/2014. No interest
is paid for 30/09/2014. Finacle calculates interest from the next day of opening till the date of maturity.
In this case from 01/10/2009-30/09/2014. So, the first interest payment of Rs.24/- is excess.

2) Sanchay Post rounds off the interest amount during every quarter; in this case Rs.2227.5 is
rounded off as Rs.2228. Finacle does the rounding off / flooring off on such accounts on alternative
quarters. Please view the Flow tab for this account for more clarity.

3) For broken periods, Finacle calculates interest as follows (Eg. account-0494079867):

Quarterly amount / 3 => 2227.5/3 = 742.5

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(Monthly amount / number of days in the month) * number of interest-eligible days =>
(742.5/31)*21 = 502.98 rounded off to 503.

4) This amount is also visible in the Flow tab of the account.

So, the interest amount depends not only on the principal amount but also on the date of opening
and the number of days in the month.

(x) How to handle Withdrawal of Excess amount from MIS Account in case of death of one of
joint holder where amount invested is more than the prescribed limit for single holder.?

In case of Joint MIS Account where one of the joint holder dies and the investment in the account(s) is
more than the MIS investment limit fixed for single holder, following process has to be followed:-

The user needs to withdraw the excess amount by selecting part closure in the menu HCAACTD.
Once HCAACTD is invoked the user needs to enter the date of death of the holder in closure value
date and excess amount to be withdrawn in the withdrawn amount field.
Once the user goes into the closure details page of the menu HCAACTD, Collect penal flag has to be
chosen as ‘No’ and in closure exceptions tab, closure reason code has to be selected as ‘DTCLM’.
E.g. Date of closure when legal heir asks for removal of name of joint holder due to death = 10-10-
2013. Date of death - 7-7-2013. So in the closure value date, the user will enter date as 7-7-2013.In
the above scenario, conversion has to be done at account level from joint to single as well.

For this the following steps need to be followed once part closure is done at HCAACTD:-

If the deceased share holder is not the main holder of the account then in the menu CMISAM, the
deceased share holder has to be marked as deleted.
If the deceased share holder is main holder of the account, then user needs to invoke menu HCCA
and change the CIf id of the main holder to that of remaining holder, who would be the main holder in
the account. e.g. CIF A, B and C are joint holder. CIF A dies and remaining holder want to make CIF B
as main holder. Then the user will invoke menu HCCA and change the CIF id from CIF A to CIF B. (In
Finacle, First Holder is the main Holder)

(xi) When Account Holder of MIS/SCSS/TD scheme approaches CBS Post Office, where
account stands for transfer of accounts before maturity to another CBS Post Office.

The Counter PA or Supervisor or Postmaster should politely request the Account holder that since
CBS has been implemented in the office, where he wants to transfer Accounts, there is no need for
transfer of Accounts as he/she, on maturity, can take payment from any CBS Post Office after giving
fresh KYC documents. Whenever any account is closed at the office other than the office where
account was opened, payment should not be made by cash in any case and payment should either be
made by crossed cheque or credit to savings account (where required KYC documents have been
taken). Monthly/quarterly or Yearly interest can also be withdrawn at any CBS Post Office.

(xii) When Account Holder of MIS/SCSS/TD scheme approaches any CBS Post Office for
taking interest or closing accounts.

The Counter PA should first go to HACLI and see that Account(s) are genuine and stand in Finacle.
He/She will verify signatures of the holder(s) on the withdrawal Form or Account Closure Form with
that available in Finacle. Once, it is confirmed from the signatures that holder is genuine, payment of
interest should be made to the account holder as per process being followed for normal withdrawal. If
account closure is requested, take SB10(b) form, fresh ID as well as Address Proof. After proper
verification of KYC documents, Accounts(s) first to be transferred IN by using HACXFSOL. Whenever
any account is closed at the office other than the office where account was opened, in any case,
payment should not be made by cash and payment should either be made by crossed cheque or
credit to savings account (where required KYC documents have been taken) only. If holder wants re-
investment, closing proceeds should be transferred to Re-investment office account (0387) and credit

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re-invested amount into newly opened account/certificate. Remaining amount can either be credited
to savings account or paid back by cheque.

SB10(b) and KYC documents should be sent to CPC of the office where payment is being made. CPC
will scan the document and attach the same with CIF.

(xiii) When any claimant presents documents for preferring claim in respect of any
MIS/SCSS/TD/RD/PPF account(s) stand at another CBS Office alongwith claim
application form for payment or transfer of account (RD/TD/SCSS) in the name of

Date should be noted in the relevant field in CIF of deceased depositor. Follow the procedure laid
down for settlement of deceased claim case. After sanction of claim, follow the procedure mentioned
in scenario 5 above. If claimant wants to transfer RD/TD/SCSS account in his/her name, open new
CIF (based on new Account Opening Form (AOF)} in his/her name (if not already exists) and attach
the existing Accounts with new CIF. Name of holder can be changed through menu HAALM.

Claim Application Form and KYC documents of claimant or Account Opening Form (AOF) should be
sent to CPC of the office where payment is being made or claim is sanctioned. CPC will scan the
document and attach the same with CIF.

(xiv) TDS is being deducted even after entering 15G or 15H forms.

This happened because while entering 15G or 15H, users have not changes status of Tax as
No Tax. There are certain cases where this has happened when 15G or 15H was entered
before end of April 2014. In such cases, user has to go to FIF modification and just click on
submit. Status will be changed to No Tax. In future, this problem has been resolved.

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4. RD Issues.
(i) RD Premature Closure when requested within 3 years

Counter PA should be careful while closing RD account. System will THROW EXCEPTION if the RD
account is closed within the lock in period and if exception is accepted, it will allow premature closure.
Therefore, Counter PA should not accept the EXCEPTION and should not proceed further. If
EXCEPTION is accepted, Counter PA will be responsible for closure.

(ii) Death Closure of RD products

During closure of RD once the customer dies, the user will have to update Date of death in CIF after
marking as "Deceased" and then invoke the menu CRDCAAC and select death closure as ‘Yes’ and
then select whether PSS closure is applicable or not. Date of death will automatically be taken from

(iii) Is it possible to waive the default fee for defaulted RD accounts in Finacle?

Solution: No. Finacle will automatically calculate the default fee. It is not possible to waive the default

(iv) Can RD accounts be extended?

Solution: Extension is automatic in Finacle on the day of maturity. On the day of maturity, during EOD,
eligible RD accounts where 60 months intallments are deposited will be extended for a further period
of 60 months. If any account is missed, it can also be extended manually using PRDCM menu

(v) Can the maturity date deferred

Solution: Customer has the liberty to have maximum of 4 defaults on the day of maturity. Maturity date
can be deferred equivalent to the number of defaults using the menu PMDDRD(Maturity Date
Deferment for Recurring Deposit). During the deferred period, defaults deposits can be paid without
default fee.

(vi) In case if there are cases of default and rebate in account, cheque should be prepared
for what amount.

Solution: In case if the monthly deposit is Rs.1000/- and there is a default of Rs.10/- (one month
default) and the customer is to pay for 7 monthly deposits to get rebate of Rs.100/-. Total cheque
amount should be

Total 7 months deposit – 7 x 1000 – Rs.7000

Default - Rs.10
Rebate - Rs.100

Total cheque amount - 7000+10-100=6910

(vii) Is it mandatory to open RD Loan account separately for taking half withdrawal

For Half Withdrawal, RD Loan accounts needs to be opened in Finacle. Corresponding RD account
will be collateral for this RD Loan account. RD Loan account number will be the same RD account
number but suffixed by “1”. If RD Loan Principal is outstanding during migration, RD Loan account
will be created automatically.

(viii) Whether RD Loan account number will be created during migration if RD PRINCIPAL
IF FULLY PAID and Interest is pending or partially paid

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No. RD Loan account will not be created if the RD Loan Principal is fully paid. For RD Loan interest,
LIEN will be marked for the corresponding RD account. Before closure, LIEN amount should be
collected and LIEN to be removed by invoking the menu HALM.

(ix) Can the RD account be closed without closing the RD Loan Account?

No. RD accounts cannot be closed without closing the Loan account as this RD is marked as
COLLATERAL for the RD Loan accounts.

(x) Can the RD account be transferred without transferring the RD Loan account?

solution -RD Account can be transferred only when loan account is closed.

(xi) What is the Procedure of RD account closure when RD Loan was taken?

Premature Closure

Invoke the RD Closure menu CRDCAAC from Operator Login. System will automatically deduct the
RD Loan amount and interest will be calculated on SB Rate of interest as per rule. Loan interest will
not be calculated. RD Loan account balance will become 0 but will not be closed. Loan account with
Zero balance should be remained as it is and not closed. No need to invoke HLAUPAY or HPAYOFF
for repaying the Loan amount.

On Maturity

RD Loan amount should be adjusted before closing the RD account. Invoke the menu HPAYOFF
(Loan Pay Off Process) to pay the pending principal along with interest. Interest will be calculated at
the prescribed rate. Total amount displayed to be collected from the customer. In case of transfer,
select the repayment account of customer or office account from where the loan amount is adjusted.
Supervisor need to verify the same. Invoke the menu HCAAC to close the RD Loan account and
verify the same. Invoke the menu CRDAAC to close the RD Account.

(xii) Can the loan amount be less than 50% of sanctioned amount?

While opening Loan Account invoking menu CAOLARD, 50% of RD balance will be sanctioned. But
the operator has the option to modify (reduce) the sanction amount but the amount should be in
multiples of Rs.5/- but sanctioned amount cannot be increased. LARDD menu to be invoked to
disburse the loan amount.

(xiii) Is it mandatory that RD Loan amount to be accompanied with RD monthly deposit?

No. As per existing rule, RD Loan cannot be made without depositing the monthly deposits. But, in
CBS Post Offices, since RD Loan is separate account in Finacle, system will allow you to pay only the
RD Loan amount without paying the monthly deposits.

(xiv) Will system allow Loan / Half withdrawal in extended period?

Yes. As per rule, only one Half withdrawal ie Loan is allowed in the entire life term of RD
account ie 60 months if the account satisfies the eligibility conditions.

(xv) Why Default fee is displayed even after paying the current month deposit?

This is common complaint made by Post Offices. In Finacle there is no concept of “PAID FOR THE
MONTH OF” like in Sanchay Post. From account open date to current month, number of months will
be calculated and if the number of months paid is less than the number of months to be paid, then
system will consider it as DEFAULT. In case if there are gaps in between ie intermittent gaps in
sanchay post ie for eg - 3 intermittent defaults, Finacle will push all the deposits and last three months

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will be shown as default even though the current month deposit has been made. Therefore, ask the
customer to pay first for the defaulted month.

(xvi) How Default fee is calculated in Finacle?

In Finacle Default fee will be calculated as per the new Default Fee structure as per recently modified
rate ie 5 paisa for every 5 rupees and Re.1/- for Rs.100/- deposit instead of Rs.2/-

(xvii) Can the current month deposit be paid without paying the defaulted instalment or
without paying the default fee?

No. Current month deposit cannot be paid without paying the defaulted instalment. Default fee also
cannot be waived. Only in case of Maturity deferred cases, defaulted instalments can be paid without
default fee in the deferred period.

(xviii) Error “A time stamp error occurred” during RD account closure?

This is happening due to Verification pending for some modification made in the respective account.
Verify the account by invoking the menu CRDACM by supervisor and then proceed for closure.

(xix) Error “Parent record does not exist for the record 0000123456” during bulk posting by
invoking the menu HAGTXP.

This happening due to following reason:-

When single cheque is given for multiple RD accounts,

(a) cheque number will be available in first record under the field “CHEQUE NO. FOR RD

(b) For all other accounts linked to this cheque, the cheque number will be available in the field
“CHEQUE Remarks”

(c) Ready for Posting flag should not be removed for the record which has “Cheque No. for RD
instalment” (a) If this record is removed, balance records will fail with above error.

(xx) Error “E4221 while closing Loan account?

The above error occurs when the balance is not zero for the loan account. This means that payoff has
not been done for the account. Please complete the payoff process and then close the loan account

(xxi) Error P39 coming in RD loan account payoff done through cash receipt

This error will be thrown in offices migrated in the middle of the month. (ie on or after 2 nd)

In case of Loan Disbursement or Loan Repayment, the value date will be automatically changed to
01st of the month as interest is calculated from the 1 st of the month for loans. As Cash account of that
office will not be available as on 1 st (since the office has migrated in the middle of the month) this error
is thrown in Supervisor while verification. This error will be thrown only in the month of migration and
from 2nd month cash mode can be used for repayment or disbursement.

Workaround to overcome this error

“In case of Loan disbursement – Instead of Cash (even if it is below Rs.20,000) select Transfer and
show RD Loan Disbursement office account (Account number ending with 323) and pay by cheque or
cash from this office account. ( CTM menu is to be used for this )

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In case of Loan repayment – Instead of repaying through cash accept loan repayment through
Transfer. Transfer can be from RD Loan Repayment office Account (Account number ending with 323)
or SB account of customer (if available) (CTM Menu to be used for this).

(xxii) Why RD SI executing after EOD of 15th?

While configuring standing instructions of SB to RD, option should be selected as (B) i.e.
After change of Date. Otherwise, SI execution will happen after EOD of 15th.

(xxiii) How to execute RD Trial Closure:-

For invoking Trial Closure of RD account, user has to invoke CRDAAC menu. Select, trial closure and
go to HPR to see amount to be paid after closure.

Customer should be told about the amount of interest and if he agrees, fill up amount in SB7A and get
the signatures of customer on receipt portion. After that, actual closure should be invoked.

In case, SB7A is received from BO alongwith Passbook for sanction, amount of principle and interest
should be entered on the Warrant of Payment Side under signatures of APM/SPM and a remark on
the top of the SB7A should be written as "Sanction Valid till last working day of the month only". Other
procedure as laid down in BO Procedure document should be followed

(xxv) Issue Reported : When the user tried to invoke HAGTXP menu in Modify mode, an error is
displayed as “Invalid Agent Type and Scheme Code Combination”.

Solution : SAS type of Agents do not have access to post RD bulk posting. The Agent Type for that
particular Agent ID needs to be modified as either PRS or MPB in HDSAMM menu. Post this
modification, user will be able to do posting in HAGTXP menu. Appropriate Agent ID need to be
modified as the commission structure differs for both.

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(i) What is the procedure to get eBanking User Id and Password?

Solution: eBanking user ID and Password will be forwarded on the day of migration by DMCC team
only for agents (MPKBY/SAS/PRSS) who were linked with SB account in Sanchay Post. For agents
created in Finacle after migration , DSA ID along with SOL ID and other mandatory details should be
sent to fsihelpdesk for generation of eBanking User Id and Password.

(ii) eBanking user Id and Password created in wrong name.

Solution: eBanking user id and password will be generated in the name of the Primary (First) account
holder of the linked SB commission credit account. Suppose an MPKBY agent Kala has linked Joint
Account as commission credit account with Primary(First) account holder name as Ravi, eBanking
user id will be generated in the name of RAVI only and not in the name of Kala. This will not have any
effect anywhere. If the agent wants eBanking User Id generated in their own name, either single
account should be given as commission credit account or their name should be primary account
holder in Joint accounts. This is added as a discrepancy in DBA Plus

(iii) Unable to Login. Please try again or contact bank for more details – Agent Portal

Solution: Either the user name / password is incorrect or Agent portal not functioning. Agent portal
will not function when the Finacle Core is down

(iv) What to do when Agents User ID and password is locked due to wrong entry of
password for more than ten times.

Solution: Password will get locked if entered wrongly for 10 times. Agent should contact their
respective Post office and in turn PO will raise a request to CPC who in turn will raise ticket with
FSIhelpdesk with details of DSA ID and SOL ID to get the password reset for the agents. Agents
should not contact Help Desk directly.

(v) Whether SAS agents can use Agent Portal?

Solution: SAS agents will also be provided with eBanking User Id and Password. SAS agents can
logon to portal but no accounts will be linked to these agents. This DSA ID to be noted on the account
opening form for getting the commission credited to their SB accounts.

(vi) Agent Portal Host Error

Solution: Agent Portal is down or Finacle server is down. Try after sometime.

(vii) Agent Portal could not be logged on in newly migrated offices

Solution: Ensure whether the port access for accessing the agent portal is given by SIFY.

(viii) eBanking User Id and Password is generated more than once for many agents

Solution: eBanking user Id and Password will be generated for all the agents migrated to finacle
including license expired agents / duplicate agent id. In order to avoid this, ensure that the license
expired agents and duplicate IDs are not linked with SB account number.

(ix) No RD accounts are linked while logging in to portal

During Go Live Migration - Transformation Layer, Agent Reconciliation excel sheet is shared with the
Postmaster to ensure 100% migration of agents. Finacle DSA ID, Agent Type and number of accounts
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columns are available. Postmaster to check the correct DSA ID from Reconciliation Excel and logon
by using that DSA ID before raising the issue.

Suppose if a single agent is having both SAS and MPKBY. Two ebanking user Id and Password will
be generated. Use the appropriate eBanking User Id. Suppose three more eBanking user Ids are
generated for the same agent due to duplicate IDs in Sanchay post, logon with appropriate eBanking
user ID.

(x) Some RD accounts are not linked / not visible in the Agent Portal

Solution: Discontinued / Closed accounts will not be visible in Agent Portal. Ensure that RD account
was linked to correct Agent in Sanchay Post. Inquire the RD account using CRDACM menu to check
the DSA ID linked. If any account is not linked to any agent, user should link that account with correct
DSA ID by using CRDACM menu.

(xi) How to prepare Bulk list with default fee

a. Default fee is automatically fetched from Finacle Core and displayed in separate column
“Default Fee”
b. Suppose in one account there are 4 months default, only one month default will be shown
in the portal by default.
c. If the customer wants to pay more than one defaults, in the edit screen , click on radio
button in the appropriate RD account .
d. Enter the number of months to be paid and click on “Get Default and Rebate”. System will
automatically fetch the default and rebate.
e. Click on Save
f. In the first part of the screen against the RD account, new default fee will be displayed
and the ‘MODIFIED” column will become “YES”
g. Once all the accounts are selected and edited, click on “Pay all modified instalments” to
generate the eBanking bulk reference number.

(xii) How to prepare Bulk list with Rebate

Rebate is automatically fetched from Finacle Core and displayed in separate column “Rebate”
a. Rebate will be calculated if, 6 or more months instalments are paid. If the customer
wants to pay more than one month instalment, in the edit screen , click on radio button in
the appropriate RD account .
b. Enter the number of months to be paid and click on “Get Default and Rebate”. System will
automatically fetch the rebate.
c. Click on Save
d. In the first part of the screen against the RD account, Rebate will be displayed and the
‘MODIFIED” column will become “YES”
e. Once all the accounts are selected and edited, click on “Pay all modified instalments” to
generate the eBanking bulk reference number.

(xiii) Whether the Default fee and Rebate to be added in the cheque?

Solution: In the DOP/Non Dop cheque, Default fee should be added and Rebate to be deducted
along with monthly instalments. Suppose in an account with Rs.200/- denomination, there is a default
of one month. If the customer wants to get rebate, 6 months instalments has to be paid. Already one
default is there. Hence the customer should pay 7 months instalments to get rebate.
200 x 7 = Rs.1400, plus Default fee – Rs.2/- less rebate – Rs.12
Total cheque amount – 1400 + 2 – 12 = Rs.1390/-

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(xiv) In case of cheques, can the default fee accepted as cash and monthly instalments as

Solution: No. Partial cash and partial cheque not allowed. While posting system will check
for the total amount (Monthly instalment plus Default less Rebate) for that account. If there is
a difference, an error “CHEQUE NOT CLEARED” will be thrown.

(xv) Process of posting Non DOP cheques

(a) It is presumed that the MPKBY agent has prepared the bulk list NDC34245 using Non
DOP option with all required details like BANK NAME, CHEQUE NUMBER ) When an
agent prepares the bulk list with cheque number with 0 as prefix, 0s are truncated while
storing in agent portal.
(b) If the cheques are not handled through outward clearing, the following process should be
(PLEASE NOTE: This process should not be followed if OUTWARD CLEARING
PROCESS is followed)
a. User to invoke CXFER MENU in finacle.
b. Debit SBI (Sundry) account( SOL id followed by 0007 as debit account eg
c. Credit the following account
d. RD Retail / Bulk – SOLID0017 (Outward Clearing account)
e. For RD Retail / Bulk the cheque number SHOULD BE ENTERED in the Transaction
Particular field (CXFER) without fail as described below
i) Invoke CXFER , Dr Acct and Cr Account as above and
ii) Enter the cheque number in the “Transaction Particulars” field by removing
the word “BY TRANSFER”
iii) Cheque number should be of 6 digits
iv) Cheque number should be entered without prefix 0 (ie) cheque number
00234 should be entered as 234.
f. To ensure that the amount of Bulk list is credited, Invoke HACLINQ and enter the
Outward Clearing Account Number SOLID followed by 17.(0017)
g. Ensure that the Bulk list amount is credited along with the cheque details in the
remarks column.

Procedure for Posting RD Bulk list

a. Operator – Invoke menu HAGTXP – Modify – E Banking Reference Number – Click on

b. RD Bulk list verification – Supervisor – Invoke menu HAGTXP – Verify - E Banking
Reference Number – Click on Submit

(xvi) Truncation of 0

Since 0s in cheque number are truncated in outward clearing, while preparing the bulk list also the 0s
are truncated while storing even if the cheque number is entered with 0 prefix.

(xvii) Agent cannot generate bulk list for more than Rs.10,000/- if mode is payment is Cash

Solution: An error will be thrown if agent tries to generate bulk list for more than Rs.10,000/- if the
mode of payment is CASH. For DOP and Non DOP cheques there is not limit. But in a list only 50
accounts can be selected.

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(xviii) How many accounts can a bulk list contain?

Solution: A bulk list should contain maximum of 50 RD accounts or it should not exceed Rs.10,000/-
if paid in cash whichever is applicable

(xix) Can a cheque paid for more than one account?

Solution: Single Cheque can be paid for multiple accounts. Suppose if there are 8 RD accounts in
the list and serial number 2, 4, 7 are paid by same cheque eg INDIAN BANK CHEQUE with cheque
number 002345.

Click on 2nd RD account, enter the BANK NAME in the field. Suppose you enter the bank name
INDIAN BANK as IND BANK, enter the cheque number – 002345 , account no for RD instalment –
Indian Bank Savings Bank account number of this cheque eg 643567 (This field will not be validated).
Click on Save.

Click on 4th RD account, enter the BANK NAME in the field. Enter the bank name as IND BANK only
as entered in the 2nd account ( Here the bank name should not be entered as IND. BANK or IND BK
or any other format. The bank name entered here should be exactly equal to the Bank name entered
in the 2nd record), enter the cheque number – 002345 , account no for RD instalment – Indian Bank
Savings Bank account number of this cheque eg 643567 (This field will not be validated) Click on

Click on 7th RD account, enter the BANK NAME in the field. Enter the bank name as IND BANK only
as entered in the 2nd account. (Here the bank name should not be entered as IND. BANK or IND BK
or any other format. The bank name entered here should be exactly equal to the Bank name entered
in the 2nd record), enter the cheque number –002345 , account no for RD instalment – Indian Bank
Savings Bank account number of this cheque eg 643567 (This field will not be validated) Click on

(xx) Agent ID gets blocked

Solution: Agent ID gets locked when the password is entered wrongly for 10 times.

(xxi) At Nagpur City Ho 440002 there comes error while verifying lot.Lots are prepared by
agent on 16/03/2014 in there prepared list default does not shown. Counter PA accept
the lot on counter and send the lot for verification. But at the time of verification the it
shows different types of error that does not exist, default fee is different etc. Due to
which lot not verified.

Solution: Suppose agent prepares bulk list (Cash Mode) on 8th wherein few RD accounts opened
from 1st to 15th dates are available. No default fee will be generated during bulk list generation on 8 th.
Finacle will calculate Default fee when the Agent presents the same bulk list at PO counter after 15 th .
When the operator tries to the post the Bulk list, only those accounts without default fee will get
posted and accounts with default fee will be rejected. Remarks “ERROR - DEFAULT FEE/REBATE
CALCULATION INCORRECT” will be thrown. New bulk list need to be prepared for those rejected
accounts .

(xxii) How many accounts will be displayed per page in the portal?

Solution:- 10 accounts will be displayed per page. Total number of accounts linked to the agent will
be displayed as 10 of 247 on the right side corner. Only first 500 accounts will be listed in the first
screen. If there are more number of accounts, click on the option “Click here to fetch more accounts”,
another set of 500 accounts will be displayed and by clicking this option, any number of accounts can
be displayed in the portal

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(xxiii) Can the RD accounts be sorted account number wise enabling easy selection of
account for generation of bulk list

Solution:-When we click on the Account Number column, the RD accounts will get sorted either by
ascending order or by descending order. Agent can select the required RD accounts by browsing
through the pages. Agent can directly move to required page by entering the required page number
and click on Go.

Agents can use any of the below three options for searching
a. Sort the account numbers and select the accounts manually by browsing through the
b. Entering the RD account number in the Searcher field. This option can be used to select
only one record.
c. Click on the File icon on the top right corner. Soft copy of the entire list of account will be
displayed. Required RD account can be searched using Find option (Ctrl + F) and thereby
exact page number can be identified and can directly move to the respective page and
select the RD account.(gopi – icon)

(xxiv) The Fonts in the portal are very small. Is there any option to increase the size of the

There are three Font icons on the top right corner. Click on the icon to increase or decrease the font.

(xxv) Agent portal session ends frequently. Not able to generate even a single bulk list.

Agent Portal session will automatically logout in 30 minutes if remains idle. There will be a message
alerting the user to “Continue the session” for another 30 minutes. By continuing the session agent
can remain the portal for hours together.

(xxvi) All the Ebanking reference numbers are printed together while taking print out of E
Banking Lists:-

Click on the Reports – Enter the from and to date – enter the required eBanking reference number –
select the status as Success and click on Search. Only the required eBanking reference number with
Success status will be listed. Select the downloadable format either pdf or .xls and click on OK. RD
Instalment report with the required eBanking reference number can be either saved or printed.

(xxvii) Can an agent pay the default fee alone by cash and monthly instalment by cheque.

No, agent cannot pay the bulk list partially by cash and partially by cheque. Default fee should be
added in the cheque itself. The bulk list will be posted only if the cheque number matches with the
entire amount (monthly instalment along with default fee)

(xxviii) Is it compulsory to change the login password for the agent portal?

Yes. The agent should change the login password once in 180 days.

(xxix) Can the RD accounts linked to agent be paid across the counter?

Agent linked accounts cannot be paid across the counter. An error will be thrown while accepting the
RD deposit across the counter. However if the customer still wants to pay across the counter, the
Counter PA can delink the Agent DSA ID using CRDACM menu and after verification, accept the
monthly deposit. Agent commission will not flow as the account is delinked from agent ID. For this
purpose, depositor has to submit application in manuscript.

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(xxx) Suppose a customer with RD account of Rs.5,000/- denomination want to pay for one
year. How to prepare bulk list (Cash) with Rebate for denomination of Rs.5000/-

Solution: Prepare two Cash bulk list for two months simultaneously. Each bulk list will have two
months with Rs.10,000/-. These two bulk list needs to be posted. On successful posting of two list
only, Agent should prepare the third list for two months. While preparing the 3 rd list, system will show
rebate as 6th instalment is being paid. Bulk list can be prepared with rebate and this list to be
presented for posting in the counter.

Please do not prepare THREE LIST simultaneously in the above scenario. Only two list to be
prepared and third list to be prepared on successful posting of two lists.

(xxxi) “Host not available” in Agent Portal on clicking the “AGENT ENQUIRE AND UPDATE

Technical issue due to Network/Port access. Check the portal after few hours

PRSS Bulk List

(i) Is there any option to generate bulk list for PRSS agents

Yes. Bulk List Creation option available in Agent Portal can be used by PRSS agents to generate

(ii) Can the PRSS agent select all the accounts in a single click

Yes. Only those RD accounts without default/Rebate will be available in agent portal for selection.
PRSS agent can use the select all option to select all the RD accounts in single click. By default all
the accounts will be in selected mode. If the PRSS group leader want to remove any account from the
list, deselect the required account.

(iii) Can single cheque used for all the accounts in DOP/Non DOP cheque case

Yes. An option “Save and Copy” is available to copy the cheque number for all the accounts.

(iv) Whether single eBanking Reference Number will be generated in PRSS bulk list

Sub eBanking reference numbers with maximum of 500 accounts will be generated. In case if there
are 4600 accounts, 10 sub eBanking reference list will be generated. Last eBanking reference number
will contain 100 accounts and balance 9 eBanking reference list will contain 500 accounts .

(v) What is the command for posting Bulk PRSS


(vi) Whether posting will happen sub eBanking reference number wise

Yes. Operator to select sub eBanking reference numbers while posting the list.

(vii) Whether the same Bulk PRSS option used for generating list in case of default/rebate

No. Bulk List creation option cannot be used for accounts with Defaults/Rebate. Regular “Agent
Enquire and Update Screen” option to be used for Default/Rebate accounts.

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6. Time Deposit
(i) How to handle Death closure of TD product.?

During the death closure of a TD account, the User has to choose the previous completed year of TD
tenure, as the closure value date in the menu HCAACTD. e.g. TD account was opened on 5-3-2010
for 5 years. The customer dies and the legal heir of customer asks for closure on 25-10-2013. Since
TD has run for 3 years, 7 months and 20 days, during closure the user has to choose the completed
year of the tenure as on date of death i.e. 3 years only and enter the closure value date as 5-3-2013.
Once the user goes into the closure details page of the menu HCAACTD, Collect penal flag has to be
chosen as ‘No’ and in closure exceptions tab, closure reason code has to be selected as ‘DTCLM’

(ii) What closure reason code and closure value date is to be selected in normal
closure of TD?

During Normal closure, the user does not need to change the closure value date.
In the Closure exceptions tab, User has to choose the closure reason code as ‘Normal’.

(iii) How to generate separate LOT for 1/2/3 and 5 Years TD?

While generating LOT in HFINRPT, select scheme code as 1 year TD or 2 Year TD or 3 Year TD or 5
Year TD instead of TD Alone.

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7. Issues in Certificates (NSC/KVP)
(i) ERROR:-NSC/KVP accounts not fetched

In the input criteria in the Registration No. field, ’R’ has to be suffixed before Registration number.

(ii) ERROR:- NO records fetched

While discharging the certificate, if error shown is as "No records fetched", there is a possibility that
the certificates are not migrated. Please check re-conciliation report if NSC was available in Sanchay
Post or check data digitization sign off report if NSC were issued manually. Write to DMCC.

(iii) Not able to print Certificates

Before handing over physical certificates to the holder, do the following:-

1. First of all, ensure that certificate inventory is moved from DL(Double Lock) to EM(Employee
Location) as and when certificates are to be issued.

2. After completion of all certificate issue process, a print command needs to be executed in
Finacle using HDRP. Ensure that "printed successfully" radio button is ticked during executing the
menu HDRP. Even if printer is either not installed or is not working, this command is to be executed.

3. In case certificate is wrongly printed and the customer has returned or the post office is in
possession of the wrong certificate - a duplicate certificate needs to be printed using HDUDRP menu
option. This menu is available for Postmaster only.

(iv) NSC account opened but verification is not happening


The above error occurs during account opening. Only instrument date has been entered and no other
instrument details entered In such cases, the transaction will not be posted and has to be deleted in HTM menu.
Once the transactions are deleted the accounts opening has to be cancelled and then new accounts have to be
opened again with proper data entry.

(v) Process of NSC/KVP Bulk Closure

This process should be adopted only if customer applies to discharge all certificates issued under one
registration number on the same day. With this process all certificates under one registration number
can be discharged but certificates will be discharged 50 at a time and payment can be made by
Postmaster Cheque only or maturiry proceeds can be transferred to Savings Bank account of the
customer.if available . When this menu is invoked, if certificates are less than 50, all the certificates
will be discharged. If certificates are more than 50, this process has to be repeated again with same
Registration number and CIF number. It will continue to select next 50 certificates till all certificates
under that registration number are discharged.

Closure by Counter PA

Step 1-Enter CNSBCV menu and select Z-Close.

Step 2- Enter Registration number and CIF ID.
Step 3 – Enter the repayment account if maturity proceeds need to be transferred to PO Savings
Bank of the cusomter. If POSB account not available, leave this repayment account id as blank.
Step 4- Click on Submit..
Step 5- Go to HPR and see NSC Bulk Closure Success or failure Report after 10 minutes.

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Verification by Supervisor :-
Step 1- Enter CNSBCV and select V-Verify.
Step 2-: Enter registration number and CIF ID. Repayment Account will get auto populated. It will be
Postmaster repayment account from which Cheque is to be issued i.e 0340 if POSB account is not
Step 3 : Click on Submit.
Step 4 :- Go to HPR after 10 minutes and Check Success/Failure Report.
Step 5 – Details of maturity proceeds will be available in the success/failure report.
If Supervisor wants to Cancel the Operation due to any reason, X-cancel option should be selected
before verification. After verification, there is no option to cancel the same.

(vi) Duplicate certificate printing menu HDUDRP is not available.

This menu is available only for Postmaster of HPO. Duplicate certificate printing can be done by
Postmaster by taking proper certificate stock. Correctness of the certificate allotment can be checked
using NSCAM menu

(vii) NSC and KVP certificates are not getting discharged even after showing proper balance
and status in HACLI menu.

This is mainly due to unverified closure transaction which was already initiated using NSCAC menu
previously. Same has to be cancelled in NSCAC menu before initiating the closure.

(viii) How to do a Trial closure at the time of Premature Closure of NSC/KVP accounts

Menuusing CSCCAAC(NSCAC).
 Trial premature closure option for the NSC/KVP accounts is done by executing the menu
 The interest applicable on premature closure of NSC/KVP accounts can be seen using the above
referred menu.

CSCCAAC (NSCAC)Menu execution

Enter menu CSCCAAC(NSCAC) and provide the inputs as shown below and select GO

On press of GO, the details will be shown in the details page, the interest details are highlighted for
the record.
Once the Close option is selected, the principal amount and interest amounts can be seen.
Once the details are observed and noted, select Cancel.

Submit should not be clicked as it would lead to actual closure of the account.

If by mistake, Submit is clicked, a warning message " Please confirm again

this is a actual closure and not a Trial Closure" would appear for confirmation.
User should immediately enter 'No' and cancel to avoid actual closure.

(ix) How to do NSC Premature Closure i.e. closure before the maturity date

(a). In the menu CSCCAAC,

i) The closure value date will be auto populated as BOD. In case of closure due to death, closure
value date should be changed to date of death.

ii) Select the account which needs to be closed prematurely

iii) Input the closure reason code as one of the below:

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OBMIN- Order by Ministry of Finance

FORFT - forfeiture of certificates

DTCLM- Death claim (in case of closure due to death)

iv) Mode of repayment allowed will be "Transfer" only and "Cash" mode will not be allowed

(ix) How to do KVP Premature Closure i.e. closure before the maturity date

KVP Premature Closure i.e. closure before 2 years and 6 months from KVP account open date

(a). In the menu CSCCAAC,

i) The closure value date will be auto populated as BOD. In case of closure due to death, closure
value date should be changed to date of death.

ii) Select the account which needs to be closed prematurely

iii) Input the closure reason code as one of the below:

OBMIN- Order by Ministry of Finance

FORFT - forfeiture of certificates

DTCLM- Death claim (in case of closure due to death)

iv) Mode of repayment allowed will be "Transfer" only and "Cash" mode will not be allowed

In case of NSC issuance – the DOP user has to check for stock availability and then open the account
with NC4 or otherwise. Opening of Account when inventory is unavailable

(a). Check the availability of inventory using HISRA report (b). In case the inventory is unavailabe,
procedurally issue NC4a receipt

(c). Invoke the menu for NSC account opening i.e. CSCOAAC

i) Input the NC4A receipt number in the field for "NC4A Receipt Number"

ii) Input all the other mandatory details

(d). On receipt of Stock - Use the HDRP menu to print the certificate by input of account number.

(e). Invoke HFINRPT to generate a report of all NC4 a`s are issued with certificate printing pending

(x) How to do NSC/KVP Normal Closure.

First user has to do a Trial Closure. Once holder is ready to get payment, following process need to
be followed:-

(a). In the menu CSCCAAC,

i) The closure value date will be BOD. No need to change the same.

ii) Select the account which needs to be closed on maturity iii) Input any closure reason code
from the searcher as NORML

iv) Mode of repayment allowed will be "Transfer" or "Cash" mode

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(xi) Is it necessary to enter account number of certificate in Bulk Discharge (CNSBCV)

No. CIF ID and Registration Number is mandatory. Account number of certificates need not be

(xii) Can the maturity proceeds of bulk discharge be made through cash?

In Bulk discharge, payment through cash is not possible. There is an option to enter the REPAYMENT
ACCOUNT ID. POSB account of the customer if available can be entered in this field. If no repayment
account is entered, maturity proceeds will get credited to Postmaster Cheque Account (0340).

(xiii) When a certificate holders attend CBS Post Office from where Certificates were
purchased for transfer of certificates to another CBS Post Office.
The Counter PA or Supervisor or Postmaster should politely request the Certificate holder that since
CBS has been implemented in the office, where he wants to transfer certificates, there is no need for
transfer of certificates as he/she, on maturity, can take payment from any CBS Post Office after giving
fresh KYC documents.

(xiv) When a Certificate holder attends any CBS Post Office to encash certificates either on
maturity or for premature closure where certificates were purchased from other CBS
Post Office.

The Counter PA should first go to HACLI and see that Certificates are genuine and stand in Finacle.
He/She will verify signatures of the holder(s) on the certificates with that available in Finacle. Once, it
is confirmed from the signatures that holder is genuine, holder should be asked to fill NC-32 and give
fresh ID as well as Address Proof and Mobile number. After proper verification of KYC documents,
Certificates first be transferred IN by using HACXFSOL. Customer’s new address and mobile number
should be entered through account modification menu and it should be verified by Supervisor. Then
payment should be made by crossed cheque or credit to savings account. Payment should not be
made by cash in any case. If holder wants re-investment, closing proceeds should be transferred to
Re-investment office account (0387) and credit re-invested amount into newly opened
account/certificate. Remaining amount can either be credited to savings account or paid back by

If certificates belong to the period of pre-migration, an intimation of discharge should be sent to the
office of issue by service registered post which will make discharge entry in the Purchase Application.

NC-32 and KYC documents should be sent to CPC of the office where payment is being made. CPC
will scan the document and attach the same with CIF.

(xv) When any claimant presents certificates issued by another CBS Office alongwith claim
application form for payment or transfer to claimant’s name.

In CBS environment, claim form can be submitted at any CBS post office. When such a claim is
presented at any CBS post office, first of all, user has to enter date of death in the CIF and supervisor
has to verify. Then procedure of settlement of deceased claim case has to be followed. After sanction
of claim, if claimant wants payment, procedure mentioned in scenario 2 should be followed. If claimant
wants to transfer of certificates in his/her name, open new CIF in his/her name based on new AOF(if
no CIF is available in his/her name) and attach the existing Certificates (Accounts) with new CIF.
Name of holder can be changed through menu HAALM.

In this case also, If certificates belong to the period of pre-migration, an intimation of discharge or
sanction of claim should be sent to the office of issue by service registered post which will make
discharge entry in the Purchase Application and attach sanction memo.

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Claim Application Form and KYC documents of claimant and Account Opening Form (AOF) should be
sent to CPC of the office where payment is being made or claim is sanctioned. CPC will scan the
document and attach the same with CIF.

(xvi) A Certificate holder whose certificates stand at CBS post office wants payment of
matured certificates at non CBS Post Office .

When a certificate holder attends non-CBS post office, he/she should be asked to submit application
on plain paper in duplicate requesting payment at non-CBS post office and his/her contact number.
He/she should be asked to submit original certificates duly signed on the back. The certificate holder
should be identified with fresh KYC documents. Postmaster of the post office (Non CBS) will accept
KYC documents on the application for payment under dated signatures and send original certificates
and application for payment duly accepted under his dated signatures attesting holder’s signature
with designation stamp by service Insured Post to the Postmaster of CBS Post Office from where
certificates were purchased. He will enter details of certificates and holder (including contact number)
in a register to be maintained in manuscript.

When Insured is received at CBS Post Office, Postmaster will open the same and enter details of
certificates and holder (including contact number) in a register to be maintained in manuscript.
(CBS)Postmaster, after satisfying that Postmaster of Post Office (Non CBS) from where insured was
received has attested signatures of holder on the application, will transfer original certificates to the
CBS counter. Further process for discharge of certificates will be followed at the CBS Post Office. A
crossed Postmaster cheque for the maturity amount will be prepared in the name of holder and
handed over to the Postmaster. Entry of the cheque will be made in the same register and cheque will
be sent by service Insured Post to the Postmaster of the Post Office (non CBS) from where
certificates were received. Insured Letter number and receipt should be entered in the register and
receipt will be pasted against the entry.

On receipt of Insured letter at the Post Office(non CBS) from where certificates were sent, Postmaster
will open the Insured Letter, enter Insured Letter number and cheque number as well as date in the
register against the entry which was made at the time of sending the certificates. Certificate holder
should be called over phone to receive the cheque. When certificate holder attends post office,
cheque should be handed over to him under receipt in the register against the relevant entry.

(xvii) Application for transfer of certificates sent for verification by non CBS post office and on
receipt of verification, post office migrated CBS.

The Postmaster will send such requests to the divisional head who will inform the certificate holder
and arrange payment from the nearby non-CBS Post Office.

(xviii) A Certificate holder of CBS Post Office, lost certificates and wants to get duplicate
certificates issued.

In such cases, certificate holder can apply for issue of duplicate certificates only at the CBS post office
from where, certificates were issued. Process of issue of duplicate certificates should be started and
completed by that CBS Post Office only.

(Procedure )

1. Move the inventory of Duplicate Certificates (if available) of same scheme to the user id from
which duplicate certificate is getting printed. Otherwise, fresh certificates will be taken from the
existing inventory.
2. GO to HDUDRP and provide details like account number /cif id for which certificate is getting
3. HDUDRP will take the current inventory i.e either normal or duplicate certificates which is available
with the user.
4. If certificates are actually printed through printer, the user is able to see DUPLICATE on the
certificates. If certificates are not printed then a Rubber Stamp of “Duplicate” should be placed on the
certificates where normal certificates are used.
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5. After this, new certificate number will be available under the account number. Use NSCAM
menu to confirm that new certificate numbers are replaced with lost certificates.
6. If the any holder/customer come with old certificates, while closure, system will not those
certificates in the closure menu .
7. Old certificate number will not be reflected in the system and user can’t be able to close the

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8. NSS 87
(i) Account Closure

1. Invoke the menu HCACC for collection of TDS amount before invoking the menu HCAAC for
account closure 2. Invoke the menu HCAAC for account closure

i) Specify the Transaction type i.e. Transfer or cash and specify the corresponding Transfer
account id for transfer mode i.e either customer's Savings Account or Postmaster Cheque Account..

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(i) Non migration of agents and Creation of new agent ID in finacle and getting ebanking
reference number

Solution: As per migration logic, agents who were not linked with SB account number will not be
migrated. Agent IDs (DSA ID – Direct Selling Agent) to be created in Finacle and the DSA ID to be
sent to fsihelpdesk for creation of eBanking user id and password. Newly created DSA ID in Finacle
should not have (.) Dots and Spaces.

(ii) Creation of MPKBY/SAS/PRS agents in finacle

Solution : Login as Operator, Invoke HDSAMM menu. Click on Function Add. Enter the mandatory
details. Select the appropriate Agent Type (MPB or SAS or PRS) by expanding the TAB. Agent
Authority number to be captured in License No. free field without special characters. Set ID should be
the SOL ID to which the DSA ID is attached. Please do not select ALL in the SET ID. Tax Code is
mandatory. For PRSS agents, select as NO TAX and for other agent type, select as TDSAG.

Click on Product Tab – Select the appropriate scheme code from the searcher. Payment Frequency –
D – Daily, Holiday, Next Day (No other options should be selected) Pay Commission should be Yes,
select the appropriate subvention rev credit placeholder account number, Next Commission Date –
Any date after migration date. 20 products should be linked to SAS Agent type, 1 product to MPB
agent type and 15 products to PRS agents Supervisor to invoke HDSAMM menu to verify the newly
created DSA ID.

(iii) Creation of Agent ID from existing DSA

Solution: Invoke HDSAMM menu, select the function COPY, select the appropriate SOURCE DSA ID
(select MPKBY agent type for creating new MPKBY agent) from where the entire details to be copied,
Target DSA ID to be entered by the operator. The target DSA ID entered will be user name in agent
portal also. Hence do not give complicated DSA ID. The DSA ID should not contain (.) Dots and
Spaces. New DSA ID will be created along with Product Details. Operator to modify the agent name,
address, commission credit SB account number, license expiry date, set id. No changes to be done in
Product Tab. Supervisor to verify the newly created agent. By using this option new Agent can be
created within few minutes.

(iv) Invalid Payment Frequency error while creating new Agent ID

Solution: While creating agent id, select appropriate payment frequency in Product Tab. Payment
frequency should be D-Daily, If Holiday – Next Day) No other option should be selected.

(v) Procedure to link RD accounts to new created DSA ID

Solution: Counter PA to invoke the menu CRDACM. Select the radio button Agent in the
Agent/Employee Code field. Enter the required DSA ID in the appropriate field. Click on Submit.
Supervisor to invoke the menu CRDACM to verify the RD account which was linked with agent code.

(vi) Posting of other office AGENT LIST

Description of issue raised by Nagpur:.

While working on RD counter today, I wrongly post the agent lot having lot no-C 42453, Amt.2000 /-
(Two thousand only) belong to Sol ID of Allahabad Ho & Agent ID is MIG007088 in the name of Smt.
Kamini shandilya 2. Lot amount of Rs.2000/- shown in my cash position (HARI2612). Hence 2000/-
P a g e 32 | 76
are shown excess in my today cash position of finacle system. Also this lot shows in today’s Allahabad
HO Agent Report.

Solution: In HAGTXP menu, Operator should not enter e Banking reference number instead select
the eBanking Reference number from the searcher to avoid wrong entry. Now this is avoided by
making the AGENT DSA ID as mandatory field.

(vii) No commission is credited for MPKBY/SAS for new accounts opened


a. Funding should be done during account opening itself for accounts opened through
agents compulsorily. If funding is done subsequently, agent commission will not be
b. If funding is done during account opening and still commission is not credit, check
whether the PAY COMMISSION field is selected as “YES” in HDSAMM menu – Product

(viii) PRSS agent is credited 4% commission like MPKBY agent

Solution: Check the agent type in HDSAMM menu. Appropriate agent type should be selected in
Agent Type field.

(ix) PRSS agent is also deducted Tax

Solution: Invoke HDSAMM menu and check whether the TAX CODE field is selected as NO TAX for
PRSS agents. For other agent type TAX CODE should be TDSAG compulsorily

(x) Tax is not deducted for MPKBY agents

Solution: Invoke HDSAMM menu and check whether the TAX CODE field is selected as TDSAG for
MPKBY agents.

(xi) Agent name is not visible while opening MIS/NSC/SCSS/RD accounts.

Solution: Ensure that appropriate products are added to appropriate agent type. For SAS Agent type
20 products viz
NSC81 – NSC VIII Issue Rs. 100/- denomination
NSC82 – NSC VIII Issue Rs. 500/- denomination
NSC83 – NSC VIII Issue Rs. 1000/- denomination
NSC84 – NSC VIII Issue Rs. 5000/- denomination
NSC85 – NSC VIII Issue Rs. 10000/- denomination
NSC91 – NSC IX Issue Rs. 100/- denomination
NSC92 – NSC IX Issue Rs. 500/- denomination
NSC93 – NSC IX Issue Rs. 1000/- denomination
NSC94 – NSC IX Issue Rs. 5000/- denomination
NSC95 – NSC IX Issue Rs. 10000/- denomination
MISN1 – Monthly Income Scheme
SCSCM – Senior Citizen Savings Scheme
SCDEF - Senior Citizen Savings Scheme – Retired from Defence
SCVRS - Senior Citizen Savings Scheme – Voluntary Retirement
TDIP1 – One Year TD
TDIP2 – Two Year TD
TDIP3 – Three Year TD
TDIP5 – Five Year TD
PPF – Public Provident Fund

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If NSC 81 and NSC 91 are not linked, the agent will not be displayed in the searcher. It is mandatory
that all NSC products are linked to SAS agents.


RDIPN – Recurring Deposit

(xiii) Will system allow transaction of an agent if the License is expired

Solution: System will not allow transaction by an agent after the license expiry date. Agent should
renew the licence expiry date well in advance This should be done using modification option in
(xix) Query from one Post office As per rule the agent can deposit cash in any scheme the
commission will be paid to agent for investment of only Rs.10000/-, but in Finacle the
amount paid more than Rs. 10000/- by cash the commission paid to agent directly to his SB
account which is irregular.
Solution: In agent portal an error will be thrown if an agent tries to prepare Bulk list for more than
Rs.10,000/- in cash mode. Suppose if the agent prepares 6 lists with max amount of Rs.10,000/- and
presents at the counter. Operator will be able to post even all the 6 bulk list in a single day.

(xx) Agent ID -DOP.MIG0002231 is not shown in finacle when we want to open an account
of MIS through agent

Agent Type is configured as SAS but only RDIPN (RD) product is linked to this agent. For SAS Agent
type, 20 products to be linked in HDSAMM and for MPBKY, only one product RDIPN to be linked.

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(i) Whether there is a provision to handle stock and supply of Passbooks in Finacle?

No, there is no provision for Passbook stock and supply in Finacle. This has to be maintained

(ii) Name of the office or the customer address being printed wrongly in Passbook

Solution: Check the city code linked to the address of the Post office or the customer address. Then
validate the city code description in the menu HRRCDM. Either the HRRCDM city code in the
customer's address / Post office address has to be changed in the address details or the description
of the particular code has to be changed in HRRCDM menu. For any more help, CEPT Team can be
contacted.HRRCDM access is given to DOP Operations team to maintain the details.

(iii) Error B17 is coming while printing Passbook.

Solution: The passbook is not enabled at the account level. The same has to be modified at the
account level for passbook printing.

For PPF account, the menu HACM has to be used for modification of the field A/C statement in the
General Details tab. HACM menu is available with CEPT Team. Therefore, account should be emailed
to CEPT for modification.

For SCSCC accounts, the menus CSCAM/SCSSMAV to be used

For MIS accounts, the menus CMISAM/MISAMAV to be used

(iv) What are Passbook printer settings for Finacle?

(1) Printer Setting (Passbook)

For the proper printing of the passbook, the Passbook Printer needs to be configured as per the below
specified document.


(v) An account holder of a CBS post offices wants to get duplicate Passbook issued.

Duplicate Passbook can be issued by any CBS Post Office after following the laid down procedure of
issue of duplicate Passbook.

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11. Signature view issues -
(i) Issue Reported : Signature is not displayed

Solution: There may be a case that signature is not uploaded in Finacle. In such cases, system will
show the below details:

A discrepancy is added in DBA Plus to check whether the signatures are within 25 KB. All the
signatures which were within 25KB will be migrated. It was noticed that few signatures which were
well within 25KB were also dropped. Now all the signatures which were dropped due to file size have
been migrated.

Any signatures present in Sanchay Post database which is above 25kb size shall be dropped while
migrating in Finacle. After the data upload, as a part of the recon details, Infosys shall provide the
details of signatures dropped during upload. POs need to ensure that when the customer whose
signature is dropped comes to the PO, fresh signature mandate is captured using a new 'account
opening form' and customer's transaction is allowed based on the fresh signature mandate. POs to
ensure that the account opening form is clearly identified by writing 'Signature mandate' on top of first
page of the form . They should also clearly mention the CIF id and account number on the form. The
form shall be sent to CPC for scanning and upload of signature in Finacle.

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12. Clearing Issues

Important:- The HO which is dealing with Clearing House will debit all cheques
received from Clearing House at that HO only after following the prescribed procedure
given below. No cheque should be sent to any other CBS HO or CBS SO.

(i) Supervisor to open the Zone and enable the Operator to lodge (enter) the inward
cheques received for clearing.


Invoke menu HMICZ – for Zone Open

a) Select the appropriate zone (MICR OR CTS). As of now only MICR zone should be
opened. CTS Zone should not be selected even the office is linked to a CTS Zone.
b) Zone Date – By default System date

c) Total Advice -Supervisor should enter the total amount of inward clearance amount. This can
be modified even at a later stage.
d) Total No. of instruments in Advice – Total number of cheques corresponding to the Total
advice to be entered. This also can be modified at a later stage. Click on Submit.
e) Zone is opened successfully`


a) Invoke menu HICTM – to Lodge (Enter) cheques received for Inward clearance

b) Select the appropriate Inward clearing zone opened by supervisor.

c) Enter the cheque number, amount and account number

Carve – by DEFAULT it is YES

(Carve – Carve means to slice off specified portion of funds equivalent to cheque clearing amount out
of the total available balance. This is done to ensure that the cheques received for inward clearing is
for sure cleared if sufficient balance is available. Customer cannot withdraw even from this account,
the amount carved).

Suppose if there is insufficient balance in the account – An error will be thrown. Change the
Carve as NO and lodge (enter) the cheque. Ensure that this cheque is marked as “Reject” in
Inward zone – Inward reject can be done by using OPTION HICTM after running Post Validation

d) To make Carve NO for rejected cheques (compulsory) first user need to click on empty space
near individual cheque summary and then proceed further by clicking on explode button for additional
rejection details. After completion of filling additional rejection details and click on accept then only
rejected cheque’s carve status will become NO. With Carve Yes, rejected cheques will not be
allowed to lodge. In above 3 screenshots how inward rejected cheque carving status changed from
Yes to NO is shown.

e) Alternatively by selecting the particular and clicking on show exception carve status can be
changed to NO.

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f) For both type of rejects i.e. Inward and Outward rejects carving should be NO.

g) Click on the SVS – Signature Verification system icon to view the signature

(iii) Procedure to identify the duplicate cheque/instrument entry and delete the duplicate
cheque entry

Errors will be thrown during EOD if Duplicate cheques are entered. Procedure for deleting the
duplicate entries is as follows:-

(a) Invoke HICTM and select Delete function.

Note: Delete function can be used to delete the verified as well as unverified instruments
(b) Click on Accept and the below screen comes up.
(e) The Selected check box should be ticked for the record which needs to be deleted. For the
other cheques, this check box shouldn’t be ticked

(iv) If error “Carving could not be done as there are scheme errors” is shown, following is
the solution:-.

This error is thrown when wrong account number is lodged (entered) in HICTM menu. This error is
also when the scheme of the SB account is non cheque. Same has to be changed using HACXFRSC
before lodging the instrument.


(v). What to do by the Supervisor:-

Verify the cheques lodged (entered) using menu – HICTM

Click on Accept after verifying the details.
Suspend the Zone – HMICZ
(Please Note: No cheques can be lodged (entered) after SUSPEND. Still if any cheques are left out or
high priority cheques to be entered, the same can be done by un-suspending the zone thru menu
UNSUSPEND. Again lodge the cheques thru HICTM, verify and suspend the zone)

HMICZ - Validation run. This is Very Very important.

After Suspension of Zone, validation Report should be generated. This report can be checked by
using menu HPR to find out any rejects.
If any rejects are found in HPR due to insufficient balance or for other reasons, go to HICTM – Modify
– Select the appropriate cheque number and mark as INWARD REJECT by selecting appropriate
reasons. If any double entries are found, go to HICTM and DELETE the appropriate cheque.

(vi) Process for Rejecting the cheques which failed

(a) Invoke HICTM – Modify option from operator

/(b) Click on Accept without entering any details

(c) Select as “Inward” from the drop down in “Reject” field

/(d) After clicking on Inward Reject an error will be thrown as “Enter all Mandatory Field”. Click on the
red and white button near the Reject field
P a g e 38 | 76
/(e) If any error is found in HPR, supervisor cannot proceed further to POSTING.

(f) If no errors are found, zone status will show as Validation run successful. This can be checked
through menu HMICZ – Inquire – Zone Status

(g) Go to HMICZ – Modify mode- Enter the total number of instruments and total amount. This should
be done in SUSPENDED ZONE. This is mandatory. Supervisor cannot POST the zone
if this is not done. Once the postings are initiated these statistics cannot be modified. Hence, extra
care must be taken to update the correct statistics before initiating the postings.

(h) HMICZ – Post. Actual transactions happen at this stage only.

(Suppose if CARVE is NO. Balance will not be checked at time of LODGING. Suppose funds are
available during VALIDATION RUN and while POSTING, no funds are available, these transactions
will be in ENTERED state. The reason for this transaction in ENTERED state can be checked in HTM
– Enter Tran ID - List All exceptions menu. Reason for entered state can be recorded and this cheque
is to be deleted using HICTM menu. However this cheque cannot be honored.

(i) Reports can be taken in HPR . Scheduled report for all CLEARED CHEQUES.

(j) For taking print out of Rejected Cheques INVOKE MENU HREJREB

(k) Zone Close – HMICZ. This should be done after all the above are completed


(vii) First of all, Supervisor has to open Zone

 For Opening of Zone, Supervisor will go to – HMCLZOH

 Select “Open Zone” in the Function field and select the date
 Select the appropriate zone “MICROW” for MICR Outward. CTS-MICR for MICR Outward
CTS should not be selected.
 Click on Go

(viii) Entering of cheques.

 Counter PA enters the outward cheques using the menu HOCTM

 Select the function “Add” in the Option field and select the zone code and zone date
 and click on GO. MICR flag will automatically change to YES
 Enter the Account Number for which the cheque is to be credited
 SB account number - SB account number in case of subsequent SB Deposit
 SOLID0017 - In case of subsequent RD Deposit / Agent Bulk Deposit
 SOLID0017 - In case of PPF subsequent Deposit
 SOLID0382 - In case RD/TD/MIS/SCSS/NSC Account Opening

 Enter the amount in the Amount field

 Enter the Transaction remarks like PPF, MIS, NSC, etc in the free Text field.
 Click on Add

 If Single Cheque and Single Account Enter the instrument details in the second part of the
 If Single account – Multiple cheques – Click on Add below the Instrument details option
 If multiple account – Single cheque – Click on Add below the account details
 Enter the Instrument Date – Cheque Date
 Enter the Instrument No – Cheque Number
 Enter the transaction code as 10
 Enter the sort code - Sort code is of 9 digits. Enter the 4,5,6 th digit
 Click on the searcher
P a g e 39 | 76
 The Bank Code list searcher will appear. If sort code is not available in searcher, enter sort
code of any branch of that Bank.
 Click on submit and select the appropriate Bank, Branch Code
 Once all the accounts / cheques are entered, the SUMMARY details can be viewed. Total
Credit amount and Number of instruments.
 Click on Submit. Set No. will be allotted for cheques lodged.
(ix) Verification by Supervisor.
 Supervisor to verify the cheques lodged using the menu HOCTM
 Select the Function – Verify and click on GO
 Select the appropriate ZONE CODE, Zone Date and Set Number
 Click on Go
 All the instrument details will be listed below
 Instruments details can be viewed by clicking on the respective instrument number
 Total CREDIT AMOUNT and Number of instruments should tally
 Click on Submit
 “Successfully Verified in Online Module along with SET NUMBER “ will appear

(x) Suspension of Zone.

 Invoke the menu HMCLZOH to suspend the zone

 Invoke the menu HPCLSO to print the CLEARING HOUSE SUMMARY REPORT

(xi) Release to shadow balance.

 Invoke the menu HMCLZOH to Release to Shadow Balance

 Select the function “Release to Shadow Balance”
 Select the appropriate date and zone
 Click on Go
 A window with General and Statistics tab will be opened
 Click on Submit
 Job will be initiated and the report has to be checked in HPR

(xii) Marking of Outward Reject.

 After receipt of scroll, Rejects if any to be marked. Outward rejects are to be marked in Inward
Clearing Zone. (Process given at Point (vi).)

(xiii) Regularization of Zone

 Invoke the menu HMCLZOH to REGULARISE SHADOW BALANCE. Zone will be

automatically closed on completion of this step.
 Select the Function “Regularise Shadow Balance”
 Select appropriate date and zone
 Click on Go
 A window with General and Statistics tab will be opened
 While Regularising Shadow balance, the ZONE STATUS should be “RELEASED TO
 Click on Submit
 Batch Job will be initiated and the report can be taken using the menu HPR
 If status of the any of the cheque is unknown HMARKPEN menu can be invoked to keep that
cheque in pending for clearance. Same can be revoked by using the menu
HREVPEND(available only for Postmaster). Using these 2 menus, zone can be partially

P a g e 40 | 76
 The balances in SB will be posted automatically once the zone is Regularised.
 Funds cleared for RD, PPF subsequent deposits will be parked in the Office Account. Invoke
the menu HACLINQ to check the balance in the office account SOLID 0017. Fund the
respective RD, PPF account using the appropriate menus by transferring funds from this
office account.
 Funds cleared for NSC, MIS, TD, SCSS account opening will be parked in the office account
SOLID 0382. Invoke the menu HACLINQ to check the balance in the office account SOLID
0382. Fund the respective accounts by transferring from this office account.
 The status of the zone can be viewed using the menu HMCLZOH

Procedure for handling Cheques presented at CBS SOs

(xiv) AT CBS SUB OFFICE from where the Cheques are sent to CBS HO dealing with
Clearing for clearance

 Invoke the menu HOMSO

 Select the function “Add”. Date will appear automatically
 Click on GO
 In case of subsequent deposit in Savings Account, Enter customer’s savings Account Number
irrespective of where the account stands.
 In case of cheques presented through MPKBY Agent LOT, enter or select from searcher SO
SOLID0017 as Account number.
 In case of RD Subsequent Deposit at counter, enter or select from searcher, HO SOLID0017
as Account Number.
 In case of PPF Subsequent Deposit at counter, enter or select from searcher HO SOLID0017
as Account Number.
 For new accounts/certificates opened by cheque, enter or select from searcher, SO
SOLID0382 as Account Number.
 Enter the amount of cheque
 Enter the cheque number
 Enter the MICR code available in the cheque (this is mandatory)
 Enter the cheque date
 Enter the Tran Code as 10
 Click on Submit if only one cheque is available
 If multiple cheques are available, click on ADD and enter the cheque details of other cheques
as detailed in above steps.
 Supervisor need to verify the cheques entered using same menu HOMSO
 Select the function VERIFY and enter the date
 Data verified successfully message will be displayed
 Take the report using the menu CHLR. This menu is accessible only for OPERATOR
 Report can be generated using menu CHLR
 Softcopy of cheques lodges can be viewed by clicking on the explode icon
 Copy the filepath from the above location
 Invoke the menu HTRFTOPC. Enter the source file name (the copied content can be pasted
here) and the destination directory
 The txt file will be copied to the said location in the local drive.
 Send this txt file along with CHEQUES to HO

Note:- Same procedure will be followed by CBS HO not dealing with clearing house but
attached with another CBS HO dealing with Clearing House.

P a g e 41 | 76
(xv) At CBS Head Office (Dealing with Clearing House)

After entering the HO cheques through HOCTM, upload the SO/Other HO Cheques using the
procedure mentioned below:-
 On receipt of Physical Cheques from SO or HO alongwith list, HO will tally cheques with list.
 Invoke HCLUPLD from supervisor menu
 Copy the .txt file received from Sub Office to the required location.
 Browse and upload the file path wherein the cheque lodged txt file is available in the local
 This has to be verified by the supervisor using HOCTM menu
 After verification, both the HO and SO/other HO cheques will be available in the Outward
Clearing Report.
 Suspend the zone
 Take the reports using the menu HPCLSO
 Release to shadow balance.
 If no errors are thrown, release to shadow balance will happen successfully.
 Cheques received from SOs and other HOs will be sent to Clearing House alongwith cheques
lodged at HO (received at HO counter).
 On receipt of cheque clearance scroll from Clearing house, HO will regularize the Shadow
 Once regularized, funds will be credited to
a) Respective SB account of customer and would appear in SB Consolidation of HO.
b) Office Account 0017 of SO for cheques presented by MPKBY Agents at SO for subsequent
deposit in RD.
c) Office Account 0017 of HO for HO cheques of RD Deposits.
d) Office Account 0017 of HO for Sub Office cheques – For subsequent deposits (RD, PPF)
e) 0382 of HO for HO cheques presented for opening new Accounts/certificates.
f) 0382 of Sub Office for cheques received from sub offices – For New account opening.

 Amount of cheques received from SOs for RD Deposit of MPKBY Agents and for Opening of
New Accounts/Certificates will be shown as Remittance Received in advance from SO
concerned and intimation will be sent to Sub Offices via E Mail as well as entry in SO Slip.
 Amount of subsequent deposit into Savings Accounts, RD and PPF of SOs and HO received
through clearing will be accounted for at HO. In case of Savings Accounts, credit will happen
directly on release of shadow balance and amount will be reflected in LOT as well as
Consolidation. In respect of RD and PPF, HO has to credit the amount of each cheque in
respective account after looking from Pay-In-Slip from HOSOLID0017 office account. This
amount will also appear in HO LOT and consolidation.
 For new Accounts/Certificates, HO will open new accounts/certificates and fund these
accounts by debiting HOSLOID0382 office account.

(xvi) Process at SO or HO (not dealing with clearing house) on receipt of Intimation of


 On receipt of intimation from HO, Sub Office or other HO will post the agent lists by debiting
their SOLID0017 office account.
 SO or other HO will open new accounts/certificates and fund these accounts by debiting their
SOLID0382 office account.
 SO and other HOs will account for this amount as Remittance to HO or Clearing House HO
against intimation of clearing received.

(xvii) Errors and solution

 In case after the cheques are lodged and while viewing the cheques lodged report, a message
“No records present for the given criteria “ is available in cheque lodged report.

P a g e 42 | 76
Reason: This is due to non verification of HOMSO by the supervisor

 It is advisable, to use searcher for typing SORT CODE, as HOMSO doesn’t validate for the
availability of SORT CODES in the database unlike ZONE. If any SORT CODES are not
available in the database uploading will fail at ZONE level.

(xviii) What to do when Posting of Inward Clearing Zone not going through.

Ans.- This issue was noticed in one of CBS post office because of the below issues .

Solution:- User failed to see from validation report in HPR that 'Total Amt. in Advice' and 'Total No. of
Instr. In Advice' in HMICZ menu was not entered hence the posting of the zone was not going

(xix) Point to be remember:-

Once the zone is opened in HMICZ, the instruments are lodged in HICTM menu. Once the
instruments are all lodged and verified successfully, before suspending the zone in HMICZ, the 'Total
Amt. in Advice' and 'Total No. of Instr. In Advice' should be entered and then the zone should be

(xx) Duplicate, Postdated instruments are getting lodged in Inward clearing zone and
postings are initiated.

For this, workaround has already been circulated by Directorate. To avoid this scenario,

 Click on “Show exceptions” to view the error while lodging.

 Validation run report should be compulsorily checked in HPR. Only when there are no
discrepancies in that report, postings should be initiated. Even amount and instrument statistics
should be updated properly before initiating postings. After posting is initiated statistics cannot
be modified.

(xxi) Outward reject instruments are not getting lodged in inward zone.

This is because in outward clearing zone, balance is not released to shadow balance. Only after
outward zone balance is released to shadow balance, outward rejection instruments can be lodged in
inward zone.

(xxii) Can the cheque cleared date be changed in Outward clearing?

Suppose if the cheques are sent for outward clearing on 01/08/2014 and scroll is received on
06/08/2014 with cheque clearing date as 04/08/2014, while regularizing the zone, cheque cleared
date will be by default the current date and there is no option to enter the actual cheque cleared date.
While funding new MIS/SCSS/TD/RD/NSC/PPF accounts opened or for subsequent deposit in
RD/PPF accounts, actual cheque cleared date should be entered in the Value date field.

(xxiii) How to handle Outstation Cheques in Finacle?

Use HIRM menu and follow below mentioned steps:-

a. Invoke the menu HIRM.

b. The details of the cheque and the account number have to be keyed in using the Lodge
c. Finacle will automatically collect the collection charges.
P a g e 43 | 76
d. Verification should be done for the lodged cheque.
e. Send the cheque physically to the outstation location.
f. If the cheque is cleared - intimation coming from outstation location - the Realize function
needs to be invoked in HIRM menu and submitted.
g. If the cheque is dishonoured - the dishonour function to be invoked and submitted in HIRM
menu option.
(xxiv) How to handle dishonoring charge when outstation cheque is dishonored.

In case of dishonor of Outstation Cheque, the user has to choose the charge event ID in HIRM menu
in change detail tab as dishonor (Not calculation just choose the only available value).

(xxv) What is the procedure for outstation ' AT PAR' cheques.

Solution : At Par cheques should be treated as local cheques and entered in the outward clearing
zone with other cheques. No outstation charges should be collected from AT Par cheques and these
cheques should not be sent out just like other Outstation Cheques.

P a g e 44 | 76
13. Branch Office Transactions
(i) New Account Opening at BOs

When new account is opened at any BO and Account Opening Form is received at Account Office,
User has to Select Branch Office name in the field Branch Office ID. For this, User should Go to
Account opening screen of concerned scheme and click on Branch Office Code. List of BOs with BO
code will appear. Select BO from where Account Opening Form is received for opening of account.

(ii) A/c Opening date (Branch Office date):-

While opening of account, Value date should be transaction date at Branch Office. Other procedure
for opening of account will be same as prescribed for account opening at SO/HO. Only difference is
that value date for opening of account should be BO Date and while funding the account, BO
Settlement Account (0339) is to be debited. Savings Account is to be funded after opening of account
and RD or TD Account is to be funded while opening the account.

(iii) B.O SB Deposit at Account Office

On receipt of Pay-In-Slip from BO, PA of Account office should follow the following process:-

a) Invoke CXFER menu.

b) Select the Function – Add

c) Select the Transaction Type / Subtype – T/BI-Bank Induced


e) Enter the BO Name in the Transfer Particulars column by removing the word “BY TRANSFER”

f) Enter the amount of Deposit

g) Enter the BO date in the Value Date column

h) Click on Post

System will generate Transaction ID on posting the same. PA should note down TRAN ID number on
Pay-In-Slip in red ink (example:- TRAN ID SB-34567) and will hand over the same to Supervisor who
should verify the transaction by using same menu. Only after verification, the transaction will appear in
LOT and Consolidation.

(iv) BO SB withdrawal at Account Office

For withdrawals above Rs.5000/-, when SB7 is received from BO in Account Office, PA and
Supervisor will go to HACLI menu and see balance in the account. Signature of depositor should also
be compared with the available signatures in Finacle and PA as well as Supervisor will follow the
same procedure as being followed now and sanction will be sent to BO

On receipt of SB7 from BO after payment (either up to Rs.5000/- or above Rs.5000/-) PA of Account
Office should follow the following procedure:-

 Invoke CXFER menu.

 ii) Select the Function – Add

 iii) Select the Transaction Type / Subtype – T/BI-Bank Induced

P a g e 45 | 76

 Enter the BO Name in the Transfer Particulars column by removing the word “BY

 Enter the amount of Deposit

 Enter the BO date in the Value Date column

 Click on Post

System will generate Transaction ID on posting the same. PA should note down TRAN ID number on
SB7 in red ink (example:- TRAN ID SB-34567) and will hand over the same to Supervisor who should
verify the transaction by using same menu. Only after verification, the transaction will appear in LOT
and Consolidation.

(v) Procedure for BO SB account closure

 When SB7A alongwith Passbook is received from BO, User will Invoke the menu
 Enter the details in field “Report To” as PM
 Select “INR” in CCY field
 Enter the BO SB account number in the “From A/c ID”
 Enter the same BO SB account number in the “To A/c ID”
 Click on “Submit”
 A message “Batch program successfully lodged “ is displayed
 A report “Accrual Interest report” is available in the queue . Go to HPR and select the
report to print.
 Click on the Print screen for viewing the “Interest accrual report”
 The total amount accrued as interest till date is displayed at the end of the report.
 Interest amount shown in the report should be added to the balance in the account and
noted On WARRANT OF PAYMENT of SB7A. This should be sent to Branch Office for
closure of SB account with direction that this is valid up to last working day of the
month. Other procedure for sending sanction to BO should be followed.
 On receipt of SB7A from BO after closure, invoke the menu HCAAC for account
 Select the function “CLOSE”
 Enter the BO SB account number to close
 Click on the check box “Transfer” in Balance field
 Enter the BO Settlement account in the “Transfer A/c ID” field
 Click on Go

 The balance amount in the account will be displayed in the A/c Information tab
 Click on the “Closure” tab to select the reason code and click on “Submit”
 On clicking “Submit”, total amount along with interest will be displayed. BO SB account
will be closed and amount adjusted in BRANCH SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT.
Transaction ID generated should be noted on SB7A and submitted to Supervisor for
verification. After verification, transaction will appear in LOT and consolidation.

(xii) B.O RD DEPOSIT at Account Office

 On receipt of Pay-In-Slip from BO, PA of Account office should follow the following process:-
P a g e 46 | 76
 Invoke CRDP menu.
 ii) Select the Function – Add
 ii) Select the Transaction Type – T/BI-Transfer Bank Induced
 Enter the RD account Number
 Enter the amount of Deposit
 Enter the BO date in the Value Date column
 Mode of Payment - Click on the “Transfer” Radio button
 Click on “Submit”

System will generate Transaction ID on posting the same. PA should note down TRAN ID number on
Pay-In-Slip in red ink (example:- TRAN ID RD-34567) and will hand over the same to Supervisor who
should verify the transaction by using same menu. Only after verification, the transaction will appear in
LOT and Consolidation.

(xiii) BO RD CLOSURE at Account Office

On receipt of SB7A and Passbook from BO, PA should first invoke Trial Closure for issue of closing
sanction. Same procedure should be followed as being followed for Trial Closure of RD Accounts
standing at SO/HO in Finacle. Enter closing amount in SB7A and after following laid down process of
sanction of BO W/D, Passbook and SB7A should be sent to BO with the direction that sanction is valid
only up to last working day of the month. If customer does not attend BO up to that date, a fresh
sanction is to be obtained by BO for which fresh Trail closure should be invoked. Once paid SB7A
signed by customer duly entered in BO daily Account is received at Account office, following process
to be followed by counter PA:-

 Invoke CRDCAAC menu.

 ii) Enter the RD account number

 iii) Enter the BO date in the Value Date column

 Closure details will be displayed.

 Select the repayment mode as “Transfer”

 Enter the BRANCH SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT (SOLID0339) as Repayment ID

 Click on “Submit”

Transaction ID will be generated and PA should note that Tran ID on SB7A and hand over to
Supervisor for verification. Supervisor should verify transaction using same menu and option “Verify”.
Once, transaction is verified by Supervisor, transaction will appear in LOT and consolidation.

(xiv) B.O Interest Payment of 2,3 & 5 Years TD accounts at Account Office

When SB7 is received from BO for sanction of interest, PA at Account Office (SO/HO). First Invoke the
menu HTDTRAN or HIOT to check the interest accrued for the said TD account. Following procedure
should be followed:-

Enter the SOL ID

Select the scheme type as None

 Enter the TD Sundry account Number

 Enter the period wherein the TD interest has accrued (Start date and end date)
 Enter the TD account number in the Ref No. field
 Click on Submit
P a g e 47 | 76
 Accrued TD interest is displayed.

The interest accrued can be viewed in the HPR report. The interest accrued should be written in the
Payment Warrant (SB7) and after signature of Supervisor, send back SB-7 to BO concerned after
following the laid down procedure for sending sanction to BO. On receipt of TD SB7 after payment
from BO, the following procedure has to be followed by PA for entering the Interest paid on TD
account in case of 2/3/5 TD through HTM

 Counter PA to invoke HTM menu

 Select the Function – Add
 Select the Transaction type – Cash/Cash Transfer
 Select the Transaction Type as Debit and enter the SUNDRY DEPOSIT TD account number
 Enter the amount of TD interest paid
 Enter the BO TD account number in the reference column
 Click on GO
 Enter the BO TD account number in the Ref. No. field
 Click on GO
 Click on the required row which contains the unpaid TD interest for the said BO TD account.
 Click on Accept
 Click on the Credit Radio Button “Credit” and enter the BRANCH SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT
(SOLID 0339) and in Ref No. field, enter TD Account number.

Click on Submit. Interest paid with respect to BO TD account in case of TD 2/3/5 is completed.

(xv) CLOSURE OF BO TD ACCOUNT at Account Office

When SB7A is received from BO for sanction of TD closure, Invoke TD Trial closure for the required
BO TD account and send SB7A to BO concerned by filling closure amount on Warrant by following the
laid down procedure for sending sanction to BO. Before doing Trial Closure, unpaid TD interest if any
should be checked by using HTDTRAN or HIOT menu. Total amount to be paid alongwith unpaid
interest should be mentioned on the SB7A on the Warrant of Payment Side with signatures of
Supervisor. It should also be mentioned that sanction is valid up to last working day of the month and
if customer does not come for closure up to that day, fresh sanction should be obtained. All other
provisions mentioned in the rules should be followed. On receipt of closed voucher from BO, the
following procedure to be followed

 Invoke the menu HCAACTD.

 Select the Function (Z – Close) select closure (Trial Close selected in the screen shot)
 Enter the BO TD account which was closed at Branch Office based on the sanction of SO/HO.

 Enter the BO Date in the Closure Value Date field

 Click on SVS (Signature Verification System) icon to verify the signature in the BO withdrawal
 Click on GO
 BO TD account details will be displayed. Check the amount of principal.
 Click on “Closure Details” Tab
 Select the R-Repayment A/c only option for BO Accounts

 Enter the BRANCH SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT (SOLD ID 0339) in the Repayment A/c ID field
 Click on “Closure Exceptions” Tab
 Enter the Branch Office Settlement Account (SOLID 0339)
 Select the Closure Reason Code as NORMAL from the Searcher
 Closure details detailing the principal, interest adjustment and actual Booked Interest (Rs.10,000
+ Rs.405.94) paid as maturity proceeds to the BO TD account to be verified with the voucher .

P a g e 48 | 76
Click on Submit. BO TD account closed at Branch Office is closed at Account Office. Transaction ID
Generated by the system has to be noted on the SB7A and handed over to Supervisor for verification.
After verification, transaction would appear in LOT and Consolidation.

P a g e 49 | 76
(i) How to enter cheque details at the time of opening of account when account is opened by

In the Account opening screens, there is a field for entering Cheque details if account is opened by
cheque. This field is meant for entering POSB Cheque only. This option is available only for NSC, RD
schemes. For other schemes, there is no option to enter the instrument type and number. Cheque of
other bank should be first lodged in the Outward Cheque Clearing menu (HOCTM) and on realization
in Office Account (0382) " Account opened through Cheque" new account is to be opened and funded
by selecting Transfer option and enter the Office account 0382. While opening or funding account,
Cheque details should be entered in the remarks column and not in the Cheque detail field.

(ii) How to handle cheques sent for collection before migration but clearance received after
MIGRATION (ie) Cheques sent in Sanchay Post and realized Post Migration


(a) Few cheques might have been sent for clearance during migration. (ie) Cheques might have
been sent for clearance in Sanchay Post and intimation of clearance not received(received
after go live)
(b) These cheques may pertain to MIS/RD/TD/SCSS/PPF/NSC account opening, RD/SB/PPF
subsequent deposits, RD Agent Bulk list.
(c) Due to introduction of new default fee structure, RD accounts opened from 1 st to 15th may get
failed if the cheques are not cleared before 15th . Similarly RD accounts opened from 16st till
last day of the month may get failed if the cheque is not cleared before the last working date
of the month.
(d) Below mentioned workaround should be followed till such time the outward cheques are
processed through Outward Clearing Zone (HMCLZOH).

Please Note: This workaround to be used ONLY until the cheques are processed through

User to invoke CXFER MENU in finacle.

Debit SBI (Sundry) account( SOL id followed by 0007 as debit account eg 600002000007)
Credit account to vary according to the schemes listed below (0382 – Accounts Opened by cheque
a. SB – Respective account number (Subsequent deposit)
b. MIS – SOLID0382 – For New Account
c. NSC - SOLID0382 – For New Account
d. PPF – SOLID0382 – For New Account
e. TD – SOLID0382 - For New account
f. SCSS -SOLID0382– For New account
g. RD – SOLID0382– For New Account
h. RD Retail / Bulk – SOLID0017 (Outward Clearing account) – Subsequent deposit
i. For RD Retail / Bulk the cheque number SHOULD BE ENTERED in the Transaction
Particular field (CXFER) without fail as described below

a. Invoke CXFER , Dr Acct and Cr Account as above and

b. Enter the cheque number in the “Transaction Particulars” field by removing the word “BY
c. Cheque number should be of 6 digits
d. If the cheque number is 00234, “0”(ZERO) in the prefix of the cheque number should be
omitted and enter as 2345 (i.e. 2345)

P a g e 50 | 76
(iii) What is the procedure for Posting RD Bulk list

a. Operator – Invoke menu HAGTXP – Modify – E Banking Reference Number – Agent ID-
eBanking ref No. - Click on Go. Value date to be changed for records if necessary.
b. RD Bulk list verification – Supervisor – Invoke menu HAGTXP – Verify - E Banking
Reference Number – Click on Submit

(iv) What is the Procedure for New account opening (MIS/NSC/SCSS/TD/PPF)

a. Invoke account opening menu of respective schemes

b. Enter the mandatory fields
c. Instead of cash – select Transfer and select SOLID0382 (Account opened by cheque) for

(v) What to do when user wants to inquire about Finacle menus / Work flow / Procedure /
Assistance etc

Ans.:- In case of any enquiries regarding Finacle menus / Work flow / Procedure / Assistance etc
CBS offices should contact the Circle Level Team located at the CPC. If it is not solved at Circle level,
SPOC/any member of Circle team, may send mails to [email protected] Ph: 044 28543481

(vi) How to send information about Circle CBS Monitoring Team to be stationed at CPC to
CEPT Team and Directorate.

Ans:- Information in the table below should be sent to [email protected].,

[email protected] and [email protected] with copy to
[email protected] and all the CBS offices of your Circle.

Circle Name :

Circle level team email ID :

Sl Name Land-line number with Mobile number

No STD code

1 Single Point of Contact


2 User Champion -1-Circle

3 User Champion -2-Circle

4 User Champion -3-Circle

5 User Champion -4-


6 User Champion -5-


(vii) .- What is the email ID of FSI Help Desk and its Toll Free contact number? What is
escalation method if no response is received?

FSI HELP DESK - Infosys :

P a g e 51 | 76
In case of any issues / errors / technical problems in Finacle, it should be reported
to [email protected] before 5 pm BY CPC. Post Offices will send issues to CPC

Help Desk Toll free number 18001039474

Escalation : In case FSI helpdesk-Infosys fails to provide Ticket number / Resolution with in 2 hours,
escalate it to [email protected]

(viii) How and to whom Network Related issues be reported?

Net work issues :

Sify toll free number : 18603458888, 044 – 22540985
Sify email ID : [email protected]
Portal :
If not resolved within 4 working hours, escalate it to
Circle level Contact person (Sify) :

(ix) in HTTUM menu multiple times salary or pension is getting uploaded.

Salary/Pension text files should be uploaded only once and after uploading HPR should be
compulsorily be checked for OFTI report, upload success report and upload failure report.
Generation of report may take up to 30 minutes some times, If no relevant report is generated
immediately, we need to wait for minimum 30 minutes before uploading the same file again.

In case multiple postings are initiated due to multiple time uploading, SPOCs should be immediately
contacted for reversal entry. HTTUM postings report can be taken from HFINRPT menu.

(x) .Funding for new accounts:

Funding not allowed for TDA products(NSC/MIS/TD/SCSS) after account creation. Except for SB and
PPF, for all other schemes funding should be done at the time of creation of account by selecting
Transaction as Yes.

(xi) HREVPEND not enabled for user

After marking “pend’ for a particular cheque using HMARKPEN in supervisor login, it can be revoked
only by Postmaster using HREVPEND.

(xii). Transfer of accounts from one CBS Post Office to another CBS Office.
Use HACXFSOL menu for transfer of account from one CBS Post Office to another CBS Post Office.
In menu HACXFSOL, account number should be entered mandatorily. If it is not done, all accounts of
a scheme will be transferred. Therefore, extra care must be taken before invoking that menu for
transfer of individual accounts.

(xiii). Claim closures of TDA products are deducting discount even after updating CIF

When claim closure is initiated, proper reason code, “death claim” should be given and “penal” flag
should be changed as ‘N’. Otherwise discount will be deducted from principle amount.

(xiv). CIF modification in case of migrated data throwing an error.

While migrating, the DOB and Gender Status have been set as “01/07/1960” and “others” respectively
by default. While doing modification for migrated CIF, date of birth along with gender also has to be
modified and saved. This has to be verified by the Supervisors.
P a g e 52 | 76
(xv). Enquiry of transaction;

To inquire the transaction details of a particular Tran ID, in HTM menu, “inquire” function can be used
with proper transaction date. Entered and verified details of the transaction can be known in the
detailed screen by clicking on other part transaction. Transaction inquiry can also be done by using
menu HFTI.

(xvi). Transaction not getting posted in CTM/HTM menu

Solution :

The user who is trying to do the operation doesn’t have a teller account linked to his employee id,
hence the issue.
Either the teller should post the transaction or the user trying to post the transaction should have a
teller account attached to his employee id.

(xvii) . Menu not available to particular user

Issue Reported : When the user tried to invoke any menu, an error is displayed as Menu Not
avaialble for the user.

Solution : Please contact CEPT Team at Chennai for the required access to be given to the specified
user for the particular menu id.

(xviii) User already logged in and User Account got locked.

Issue Reported : When the user tried to close the browser with out proper logout, again on log in, it
gives error message as User Already logged in.

Solution : Please contact DOP Operations Team at Chennai for the unlocking the user id.

(xix) User_Menu_ID is undefined

Issue Reported : When the user tried to login and invoke any menu, it gives an error message as
User_Menu_ID is undefined.

Temporary Solution : Logout from Finacle Application. Make Internet Browser as your default
browser. Press F-12, Clear all cookies and history. Then try to Login through default browser i.e
(Internet Explorer)

(xx) Finacle Not Available or Finacle is Down

Instructions for Users at Post Office

The below list of instructions is for the users at the Post offices to raise a helpdesk request during
CBS-Finacle connectivity issues ( Finacle not accessible)

The IncidentReporting.jsp page has to be typed in the browser, the complete path of which can be like (to be provided once the page is made active)

The below page appears with the details of the user’s computer on the left panel and a section to
enter the user details on the right panel.

The fields which are marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
P a g e 53 | 76
 The city of the user can be chosen from the dropdown provided

 On selection of a city, all the pin codes under the city are shown in the Pin Code dropdown

 On selection of a pin code, all the post offices under the pin code are shown in the Post Office
Name dropdown with the first one selected

P a g e 54 | 76
 On entering all the mandatory fields and a valid 10 digit contact number , the submit button has
to be clicked

 On successful submission of the page with the user computer details and the user details, the
confirmation page appears

P a g e 55 | 76
(xxi) Issue Reported :
Initially 2 systems are connected with Finacle. Later on when 2 new system are connected, they are
not working properly.

Solution : For the newly added two systems, desktop configuration is not done. Once the
configuration is completed as per the provided PDF, it started working fine.

(xxii) Desktop Setting ( Browser setting, Security settings, JRE version etc.)
For the Finacle CBS application, the configuration details are specified in the below attached zip file.

Fin acle Desktop

settin g version 1

(xxiii) Salary-DA-Bonus/Pension-DA/BO (MGNREGS) Payments upload process in Finacle.

Creation of excel file

For pension credits, an excel file containing Finacle Account number, Credit Amount and PPO
Number should be generated separately. List of pension accounts can be generated using HACSP
menu in Finacle, specifying scheme as SBPEN (pension accounts without cheque) / SBPWC
(pension accounts with cheque).

For salary credits, an excel file containing Finacle Account number, Credit Amount and remarks (eg.
Salary for Feb.14) should be generated separately.

For debiting individual BO SB accounts after payment of NREGS payment, a debit

option has been provided. Debit option is to be selected and the option ‘OTHERS’ is
to be selected; SOL ID is to be entered. Excel file should contain only Finacle account
number, Debit Amount and remarks (eg. NREGS payment). BO settlement account
0339 will be credited.

The excel file should not contain column headers and total; also, the account
numbers should be exactly typed as available in Finacle including the prefixed zeroes.

Conversion of excel file to Finacle format

Run the file ‘TTUM.exe’. Select ‘Credit / Debit’ option and then the option (Salary / Pension / Others).
Enter your SOLID. Then, click on ‘Create Finacle Format File’ option. Select the excel file needs to be
uploaded. The excel file will be converted into Finacle format and message mentioning the file name /
no. of accounts along with total amount included in text file will be displayed.

If the excel file is not in the required format, the conversion will fail and error message will be

Required corrections should be made in excel file and then conversion has to be done using the new
excel file.

P a g e 56 | 76
Uploading the file in Finacle
In Finacle the file has to be uploaded on the day of credit only; i.e. For February on 28/02 morning

Menu ‘HTTUM’ is to be used for uploading the file in Finacle. The menu is available for System Admin
work class.

 Enter ‘PM’ in ‘Report To’ field. Select the transaction sub type as ‘Transfer – Bank Induced’.
 Select ‘Trial’ for Action. Select ‘On Successful Upload’ for ‘Rename File after Upload’ option.
 Select ‘Local File Path’ and click on ‘Submit’ button (or Press F10).
 Next screen with ‘Browse’ button will be displayed; select the text file generated using
‘TTUM.exe’ and click on ‘Go’ button (or Press F4).
 A message ‘Batch program successfully initiated’ will be displayed.
 Go to HPR to see the success / failure report.
 If failure report is generated, the errors such as invalid account number, should be corrected
in the excel file and the excel file is to be converted into finacle format using ‘TTUM.exe’.
 After success report is generated, you have to proceed with the following steps.
 Invoke ‘HTTUM’ menu in System Admin login.
 Enter ‘PM’ in ‘Report To’ field.
 Select the transaction sub type as ‘Transfer – Bank Induced’.
 Select ‘POST’ for Action.
 Select ‘On Successful Upload’ for ‘Rename File after Upload’ option.
 Select ‘Local File Path’ and click on ‘Submit’ button (or Press F10).
 Next screen with ‘Browse’ button will be displayed; select the correct text file generated using
‘TTUM.exe’ and click on ‘Go’ button (or Press F4).
 A message ‘Batch program successfully initiated’ will be displayed.
 Go to HPR to see the success / failure report.
 In the report, the transaction id will be displayed (here S19873). Note down the transaction id.
 Check whether the ‘Salary account’ (SOLID0409) / ‘Pension account’ (SOLID0408) is debited
for the entire amount and also check the individual credit of salary for each account.
 Salary and Pension account will always be in Credit (-ve) to that extent of salary and pension
payment made.

P a g e 57 | 76
 The Dr should be equivalent to the salary or pension credited for the month. It is the duty and
responsibility of the Supervisor to ensure that the amount debited from Salary and Pension
account is equivalent to the credits made in respective salary and pension accounts.
 HTTUM report available in HFINRPT is to be used for taking print out of the transactions
created through TTUM upload.

(xxiv) Transfer of Accounts

 Advice of Transfer(AT) issued by a non CBS HO received at CBS HO or SO.

Account Holder should be contacted and requested to provide name of any nearby non CBS Post
Office for opening of account. On getting such information, account will be opened on transfer in that

 An account holder applies for transfer of account to any other HO or SO at CBS or Non
CBS Post Office.

Postmaster or Sub Postmaster of SO/HO where transfer of account is applied will go to DMCC
Chennai website to see list of CBS Post Offices and confirm that post office to which transfer is
applied is not a CBS Post Office. If SO is completely manual and unable to see the list, it will be the
duty of HO that before issue of AT, list should be consulted and if that post office is already in the list
of CBS Post Offices, AT should not be issued. Account holder should be contacted and asked to
submit name of any nearby non CBS post office.

(xxv) Inter CBS Post office Transactions (INTERSOL TRANSACTIONS)

In CBS environment, transactions can be initiated in any CBS Post Office. Any depositor of Savings,
RD, TD, MIS, SCSS, PPF or Certificates can initiate transaction either Financial or Non-Financial at
any CBS Post Office. Transaction will appear in the Report No.19 i.e Common Counter Wise
Transactions Report-Inter Branch of the office where transaction is initiated. Amount of the transaction
would also appear in Consolidation of the same office. No transaction would appear in the office
where account/certificate stands. Extra care should be taken at the time of such transactions. In
respect of withdrawal from savings Account for more than for Rs. 50,000/- , it should be allowed only
if required KYC documents of the account holder (s) have been taken. In respect of accepting
deposits, no extra care is required to be taken. As regards, payment of maturity value of
MIS/RD/SCSS/TD/PPF/Certificates, payment should be made by crossed cheque or credit to Savings
Account (where appropriate KYC documents have been taken). Non Financial transaction means
modification in account or CIF. This can also be initiated at any CBS Post Office but it should be
supported by documentary proof. This document and application for modification (to be taken on A4
size paper) should be sent to concerned CPC where modification is being done for scanning and
attaching to CIF. Please ensure that all Financial or Non Financial Transactions should be verified by
Supervisor/SPM at the same office and same time when initiated.

P a g e 58 | 76
(xxvi) A customer wants to do re-investment of matured amount in CBS post office.

In case, depositor wants re-investment from one scheme's maturity value to another
scheme, total maturity value+interest should be credited/deposited under Office Account
0387 and then amount to be invested should be debited/withdrawn from this account
and credited/deposited in the concerned new account. Remaining amount can be paid
by cash/cheque from this account to the customer.

One Supervisor/SPM should take print out of the ledger copy of this office account by
invoking HACLPOA or Office Account LOT and cross verify all debits and credits with
corresponding re-investment entries in the LOTs on daily basis. Supervisor has to
ensure that balance at the end of each day in this account is Zero i.e against all the
credits entered for re-investment, amount should be debited from this account and
concerned accounts are credited or remaining amount is paid.

(xxvii) How to change name of depositor in Finacle?

Procedure for changing the name in Account details

( in case of name change, use menu (HAALM)


A customer has changed the name in Gazette and wants to change the name in all the

1. Invoke the menu CMRC and select the function MODIFY

a) Change the required Last name, Preferred name and short name
b) Click on Submit

2. Verify the modified details using CMRC menu

3. The Name change done in CIF will not get effected in Account level as this CIF has
already been linked.
4. Now to correct the name in account details, invoke the menu HAALM from operator
a) Select the function MODIFY
b) Enter the account number wherein the name change has to be done
c) Click on GO

5. The old account details will be displayed

6. Required name to be changed in A/c Name and A/c Short name fields

7. An exception will be thrown, click on Accept

8. Verify the same using HAALM in Supervisor login

9. An exception error will be thrown. Click on Accept

10. Name has been changed successfully in the PPF account

(xxvii) Which are the Office Accounts to be used by Counter PAs and Supervisors?

Office Account Account number i.e Purpose for which Process to be followed
P a g e 59 | 76
SOL ID number
followed by following
last digits( for
example if SOL ID is
78100100, the office
account number will
be 78001000405,0339 account is to be
Description etc.) used

Vault Account 0405 For entering transfer At the start of day's

of cash received or operations, each Counter PA
returned to has to credit this Vault
Treasurer by each Account and Debit his Teller
teller(counter) Account. Supervisor/SPM
has to verify this
Transaction ID. At the end of
the day, each Counter PA
will tally his cash with
balance in the account and
credit this account for the
whole cash and debit Vault
Account to make Teller Cash
Account as Zero.
Supervisor/SPM has to
verify this Transaction and
will be responsible for
making all Teller Accounts
as Zero before leaving the

BO Settlement 0339 For entering One Supervisor/SPM should

Account transactions take print out of the ledger
received from Bos copy of this account by
duly entered in BO invoking HACLPOA and tally
Daily Account. At all the credit and debit
present this is a entries with the BO
common account for Summery on daily basis.
all Bos and all
schemes. In future,
on the day of go live,
separate office
account number for
each BO and each
scheme i.e SB, RD
and TD will be
intimated to the
post office having

P a g e 60 | 76
BOs and user has to
select the relevant
BO office account
while posting BO
transaction. Detailed
process of BOs will
be circulated

Post Masters 0340 For credit of One Supervisor/SPM should

cheque maturity take print out of the ledger
account Value+Interest or copy of this account by
premature invoking HACLPOA and tally
value+Interest to be all the credit entries with
paid through the Postmaster Cheques
Postmaster issued against the maturity
Cheque(to be on daily basis.
selected as re-
payments account
when payment is to
be made by
Postmaster Cheque
to customers)

For lodging of non Total amount credited in this

POSB Cheques in case account and debited from this
of opening of new account should be cross
accounts of verified by one
RD/TD/MIS/SCSS/PPF Supervisor/SPM by taking
and purchase of print out of the ledger copy of
certificates. After this account by invoking
clearance, amount will HACLPOA with the SB
be credited into this Clearance taken into HO
account. After Summery or SO Daily Account.
Clearing, while Supervisor has to ensure that
opening accounts, balance at the end of each day
New Account amount to be in this account is Zero i.e
opening debited/withdrawn against all the credits received
RD/TD/MIS/SCS from this account and after clearance, amount
S/PPF/Certificat credited/deposited in should be debited from this
es by other the concerned account account and concerned
bank Cheque. 0382 of customer. accounts are credited.

Money Order 0385 Any amount Total debit and credit in this
transfer received/to be paid by account should be cross
Account SBMO/MO is to be verified by one
debited/withdrawn or Supervisor/SPM with MO Issue
credited/deposited or MO Paid branch on daily
from this account. basis by taking print out of the

P a g e 61 | 76
ledger copy of this account by
invoking HACLPOA.

In case, depositor One Supervisor/SPM should

wants re-investment take print out of the ledger
from one scheme's copy of this office account by
maturity value to invoking HACLPOA and cross
another scheme, total verify all debits and credits
maturity with corresponding re-
value+interest should investment entries in the LOTs
be credited/deposited on daily basis. Supervisor has
under this account to ensure that balance at the
and then amount to end of each day in this account
be invested should be is Zero i.e against all the
debited/withdrawn credits entered for re-
from this account and investment, amount should be
credited/deposited in debited from this account and
the concerned new concerned accounts are
account. Remaining credited or remaining amount
amount can be paid by is paid.
cash from this account
Deposit to the customer.
Account 0387

If this account is used for

credit or refund of default fee
in any case, ledger copy of this
For credit/debit of RD account is to be taken by one
RD DEFAULT Default fee collected Supervisor or SPM and tally
FEE Account 0384 or refunded. with the RD LOT.

When any PPF Account is

transferred out or in from
To be used for Bank or Non-CBS post office,
credit/debit the debit or credit will be made in
amount received/paid this account. Whenever any
from/to Bank on PPF Account transfer is
account of transfer invoked, one Supervisor or
in/out of PPF Account SPM has to take print out of
and then debit/credit ledger copy of this account
this account and and tally with PPF LOT against
PPF Transit credit/debit customer corresponding entry of closure
Account 0322 PPF Account. and opening.

SCSS Transit 0437 To be used for When any SCSS Account is

Account credit/debit the transferred out or in from
amount received/paid Bank or Non-CBS post office,
from/to Bank or Non debit or credit will be made in
CBS Post Office on this account. Whenever any
account of transfer PPF Account transfer is

P a g e 62 | 76
invoked, one Supervisor or
in/out of SCSS Account SPM has to take print out of
and then debit/credit ledger copy of this account
this account and and tally with SCSS LOT against
credit/debit customer corresponding entry of closure
SCSS Account. and opening.

It is a pointing account and

while paying interest, counter
PA and Supervisor has to
ensure that SCSS Account
number is entered in the
Sundry Deposit Reference number field.
SCSS - Interest For paying quarterly Otherwise transaction will not
payments 0338 interest in case of SCSS be reflected in LOT.

It is a pointing account and

while paying interest, counter
PA and Supervisor has to
ensure that TD Account
number is entered in the
DEPOSIT TD Reference number field.
Interest For paying yearly Otherwise transaction will not
payment 0335 interest in case of TD be reflected in LOT.

It is a pointing account and

while paying interest, counter
PA and Supervisor has to
ensure that MIS Account
number is entered in the
DEPOSIT MIS Reference number field.
Interest For paying monthly Otherwise transaction will not
payment 0337 interest in case of MIS be reflected in LOT.

For lodging of cheques One Supervisor or SPM has to

Clearing Cr.. presented by MPKBY take print out of ledger copy of
A/C. Outward Agents with LOT and this account and cross verify
Clearing subsequent deposit in the amount of remittance to
Account 0017 RD and PPF at Counter. Bank or HO on daily basis.

One Supervisor or SPM has to

take print out of ledger copy of
this account and cross verify
For giving clearance of the amount of drawn from
Clearing Dr. A/c. POSB cheque received Bank or received from HO on
Inward Clearing 0101 for clearing. daily basis.

ECS Suspense 0098 For credit of MIS/SCSS One Supervisor or SPM has to
Account interest on due date take print out of ledger copy of
and debit on the day this account and cross verify
of clearance. the amount with ECS LOT and
drawn from Bank or received
P a g e 63 | 76
from HO on daily basis.

One Supervisor or SPM has to

take print out of ledger copy of
Outward Credit For outward ECS Cr. this account and cross verify
ECS Settlement After receipt of the amount of remittance to
Account 0096 clearance. Bank or HO on daily basis.

One Supervisor or SPM has to

take print out of ledger copy of
Outstation For Dr. Outstation this account and cross verify
Cheque Cheque clearing the amount of remittance to
Clearing 0110 advice amount Bank or HO on daily basis.

For crediting pension in

multiple accounts, this
account is to be debited. One
Supervisor or SPM has to take
print out of Ledger Copy of
this account at the end of the
day and tally the total amount
For credit of Pension debited with the Pension
Pension Upload (Postal, Telecom, credit shown in HO Summery
Account (Dr.) 0408 Railways) or SO Daily Account.

For crediting salary in multiple

accounts, this account is to be
debited. One Supervisor or
SPM has to take print out of
Ledger Copy of this account at
the end of the day and tally
the total amount debited with
Salary Upload the Salary credit shown in HO
Account (Dr.) 0409 For credit of Salary Summery or SO Daily Account.

For crediting Government

Benefits under DBT in multiple
accounts, this account is to be
debited. One Supervisor or
SPM has to take print out of
Ledger Copy of this account at
For credit of NREGA, the end of the day and tally
Old the total amount debited with
Age/Disabled/Widow the DBT amount credit shown
DBT Upload Pension and other in HO Summery or SO Daily
Account (Dr.) 0410 Govt. benefits. Account.

Discontinued Scheme Accounts

Office Accounts to be used for payment of Principal Amount Invested

P a g e 64 | 76
For Payment of MAHILA SAMRIDHI The procedure for payment of
principal 0138 YOJNA (MSY) principal amount of
discontinued schemes to be
For Payment of followed is :
principal 0139 FD 5 YEARS
Invoke HTM in counter PA
principal 0140 1963
Select the relevant office
For Payment of
account as debit account and
principal 0141 5 YEARS CTD enter the old registration
number or old account
For Payment of number in Ref. No. column in
principal 0142 10 YEARS CTD the main screen.

For Payment of Select 'A - Additional Part

principal 0143 15 YEARS CTD
Transaction Details'. Click on
For Payment of 'GO'.
principal 0144 INDIRA VIKAS PATRAS
In 'Transaction Maintenance -
NATIONAL Minor Subsidiaries Details'
For Payment of DEVELOPMENT screen, don't enter anything in
principal 0145 BONDS start amt. field and end amt.
field. In Ref. No. enter the old
For Payment of registration number or old
principal 0146 10 YEARS SSC account number.

For Payment of NATIONAL DEFENCE In Filter, select 'U -

principal 0147 CERTIFICATE 12Y Unresponded' and click on
'GO'. Then, the details will be
displayed. Enter the amount
For Payment of DEPOSIT
and click on Accept.
principal 0148 CERTIFICATES.
Supervisor has to verify this
NATIONAL SAVINGS transaction and Discharge
For Payment of ANNUITY Journal has to be prepared
principal 0149 CERTIFICATES manually.
12 YEARS NATIONAL Amount paid can be verified
For Payment of PLAN SAVINGS from Office Account LOT or
principal 0150 CERTIFICA Discontinued Scheme LOT.
10 YEARS NATIONAL Amount is either to be paid by
For Payment of PLAN SAVINGS Postmaster Cheque or Credit
principal 0151 CERTIFICA into savings account. No cash
payment should be made.
For Payment of 12 YEARS NATIONAL
principal 0152 SAVINGS CERTIFICATES For payment through
Postmaster Cheque, In HTM
For Payment of 0153 7 YEARS NATIONAL screen, click on ADD and then
principal SAVINGS CERTIFICATE select ‘Credit’ option.

P a g e 65 | 76
For Payment of 5 YEAR NATIONAL

For Payment of
principal 0155 NSC 1ST ISSUE

For Payment of
principal 0156 NSC II-ISSUE

For Payment of
principal 0157 NSC ( III-ISSUE)

For Payment of
principal 0158 NSC ( IV-ISSUE)

For Payment of Enter Postmaster Cheque

principal 0159 NSC ( V-ISSUE) account 0340 (for issuing
Postmaster cheque).
For Payment of
principal 0160 NSC (VI-ISSUE)
For credit into Post Office
For Payment of Savings Account, In HTM
principal 0161 NSC (VII-ISSUE) screen, click on ADD and then
select ‘Credit’ option.
For Payment of
principal 0162 10 YEARS NSC I ISSUE Enter the SB account number
if customer is having any SB
For Payment of 5 YEAR PO CASH account in any CBS Post Office.
principal 0163 CERTIFICATES
Office Accounts to be used for Payment of Interest (if any) to be calculated manually.

For Payment of INTEREST ON10 YEARS The procedure for payment of

Interest 0411 CTD principal amount of
discontinued schemes to be
For Payment of INTEREST ON15 YEARS followed is :
Interest 0412 CTD

For Payment of INTEREST ON FD 5 Calculate Interest amount

Interest 0413 YEARS manually
Invoke HTM in counter PA
For Payment of INTEREST ON 10 login.
Interest 0414 YEARS SSC
Select the relevant office
INTEREST ON account as debit account and
For Payment of NATIONAL DEFENCE enter the old registration
Interest 0415 CERTIFICATE number or old account
number in Ref. No. column in
For Payment of 0416 INTEREST ON 10 the main screen.
DEPOSIT CER Select 'A - Additional Part

P a g e 66 | 76
INTEREST ON Transaction Details'. Click on
Interest 0417 ANNUITY CER
In 'Transaction Maintenance -
INTEREST ON MAHILA Minor Subsidiaries Details'
For Payment of SAMRIDHI YOJNA screen, enter amount of
Interest 0418 (MSY) interest calculated manually in
start amt. field and end amt.
INTEREST ON field. In Ref. No. enter the old
For Payment of COMPULSORY registration number or old
Interest 0419 DEPOSIT SCM 1963 account number.

For Payment of INTEREST ON INDIRA Supervisor has to verify this

Interest 0420 VIKAS PATRAS transaction and Discharge
Journal has to be prepared
INTEREST ON manually.
For Payment of DEVELOPMENT Amount paid can be verified
Interest 0421 BONDS from Office Account LOT or
Discontinued Scheme LOT.
For Payment of NAT PLAN SAVING Amount is either to be paid by
Interest 0422 CERTI Postmaster Cheque or Credit
into savings account. No cash
INTEREST ON 10 YEAR payment should be made.
For Payment of NAT PLAN SAVING
Interest 0423 CERT For payment through
Postmaster Cheque, In HTM
INTEREST ON 12 screen, click on ADD and then
For Payment of YEARS NAT SAVING select ‘Credit’ option.
Interest 0424 CERTI
Enter Postmaster Cheque
For Payment of INTEREST ON 7 YEARS account 0340 (for issuing
Interest 0425 NAT SAVING CERTI Postmaster cheque).

INTEREST ON 5 YEAR For credit into Post Office

For Payment of NATIONAL SAVINGS Savings Account, In HTM
Interest 0426 CERT screen, click on ADD and then
select ‘Credit’ option.
For Payment of INTEREST ON NSC 1ST
Interest 0427 ISSUE Enter the SB account number
if customer is having any SB
For Payment of INTEREST ON NSC II- account in any CBS Post Office.
Interest 0428 ISSUE

For Payment of INTEREST ON NSC ( III-

Interest 0429 ISSUE)

For Payment of 0430 INTEREST ON NSC ( IV-

Interest ISSUE)

P a g e 67 | 76
For Payment of INTEREST ON NSC ( V-
Interest 0431 ISSUE)

For Payment of INTEREST ON NSC (VI-

Interest 0432 ISSUE)

For Payment of INTEREST ON NSC (VII-

Interest 0433 ISSUE)

For Payment of INTEREST ON 10

Interest 0434 YEARS NSC I ISSUE

For Payment of INTEREST ON 5 YEAR


For Payment of INTEREST ON 5 YEARS

Interest 0436 CTD

P a g e 68 | 76
(i) In SOL status inquiry, EOD event not in progress is shown but SOL status is shown as

In such scenario, invoke HSCOD menu by selecting RUN ONLY POST DATED CHANGE BATCH
JOBS option and check the SOL status in HSSI.

(ii) Steps to ensure a fast EOD

Supervisor should not wait for verification of transactions in the evening. This should be done
regularly after every 30 minutes,

Identify all the transactions which are in Entered Status and un-Posted/Partially posted status.

These Transactions needs to be verified in each post office by using relevant menu at the earliest and
before the EOD starts.

If still any transaction is not getting posted then use HTM to post that transaction.

If still transaction is not getting posted, contact FSI Helpdesk immediately.

(iii) Steps to Inquire EOD blocking validations.

Pending Transactions, Unposted, unverified transactions – HFTI menu should be used.
 Pending inward Zone to be closed - HIMCZ/HICTM menu should be used.
 Pending Non Financial Unverified Accounts – HAFI menu should be used
 Pending Unverified Inventory Transaction List – HIMC/HICHB
 HSVALRPT report can be invoked to view the blocking validation for each sol.

P a g e 69 | 76
16. Difference between Sanchay Post & Finacle

(i) Post Office ID.

 In Finacle, each Departmental Post Office is called as Service Outlet (SOL) and allotted a ID which is
called as SOL ID.
 Combinations of different SOLs in Finacle is called SOL Set and separate SOL Set ID is allotted for each
type of sets.
 Each Branch Post office will be allotted a separate Code during migration which needs to be selected at
the time of doing BO transactions from account opening screen.
(ii) Account Number.

 In Finacle, account no. is called as Account ID. Account number will be generated by the Finacle CBS
application randomly and will be in 10 digits.

 From the Account ID, you cannot identify the scheme as it has no such indication.

 Every Transaction will be given a Transaction ID in Finacle CBS and Counter PA has to write Transaction
ID on the voucher.

 Supervisor has to ensure while verifying that Tran-ID is written on the voucher.

 From the Tran-ID, anyone one can see the details of the transaction.

(iii) Handling of Cash.

 In Finacle, cash is handled through VAULT.

 All Counter Pas are called as Tellers and each Teller is allotted Teller Cash Account.

 Cash taken from Treasurer is to be first entered in Teller’s cash account and main Vault account of the
Supervisor by each Counter PA(Teller).

 Supervisor will verify these entries in the Finacle CBS Application. Only after this, a cash transaction can
be done by Counter PA.

 All cash receipts and payments done at the counter are entered into Teller Cash Account automatically.

 Each Counter PA(Teller) has to tally his cash at the close of the counter with his Teller Cash Account.

 After tallying cash, all Counter PAs will return cash through Finacle Teller Cash Account to Supervisor’s
Vault who in turn will verify these entries.

 Physical cash will continue to be taken by Counter Pas from Treasurer and Counter Pas will also
continue to return physical cash to Treasurer.

 Supervisor has to ensure at the day end that Teller Cash Account of each Teller (Counter PA) is Zero.

(iv) Creation of Customer Information File (CIF)

 In Finacle, for every depositor, CIF has to be created. CIF Number will be in 9 digits generated by the

 Before creation of CIF, a de-dupe check has to carried out for checking as to whether the customer is

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already having any CIF.

 At the time of migration, new CIF will be created for each depositor or guardian.

 CNAC is the menu in Finacle CBS to look the CIF and new account number generated against old
account number during migration. Invoke the menu CNAC – In the Old account number field - enter the
soldid,Scheme and old account number. For eg: MISaccount No. 1642 of TNagar SOL is to be entered


and click on Submit.

CIF, New Account Number and Scheme for the above mentioned old account number will be displayed.

 Counter PA has to write new CIF and Account number in the Passbook of old customers as and when it
is presented for transaction.
 All accounts of a customer will be attached with the CIF in Finacle CBS.

 By entering CIF no,, detail of all investments of the customer can be seen by invoking menu HCRV.
 On implementation of Finacle CBS application, while opening new accounts by using new Account
Opening Form (AOF), additional signatures of depositor(s) to be taken on perforated slip for Savings
Account Holders who are able to sign.

 This signature slip needs to be pasted on the SS Book for reference at the time of withdrawal till scanned
image of signatures are uploaded into Finacle by Circle Processing Centre (CPC).

 This is to be implemented in HOs as well as SOs after migration to CBS.

 In Finacle CBS, entering of Date of Birth for all accounts is mandatory.

 Entering of Last name in also mandatory in Finacle CBS.

 When there is no last name for a customer, first name should be entered as last name.
 Since entering of Date of Birth is mandatory in Finacle CBS, it treats all depositors of age below 18 years
as minor.

 When Minor attains majority, it stops transactions and allow transactions only when status of account is
changed from minor to normal.

 Counter PA has to take fresh Account Opening Form with fresh KYC of the depositors after attaining age
of 18 years and change status of account from minor to normal.

(v) Funding of Account (Deposit while opening of account).

 In Finacle, deposit is called as Funding.

 Savings and PPF Account cannot be funded during account opening.
 Funding has to be done after opening of Savings and PPF Accounts.
 In case of other types of accounts/certificates, funding has to be done while opening the accounts.

(vi) Issue of Certificates

 In Finacle account number will be generated against each certificate issued

 Same process is also applicable to existing certificates and account against each certificate will be
created during migration.
 Suppose a registration number contains 25 NS/KVP certificates, and if the nomination is to be
changed/added after migration, nomination modification has to be done for each and every accounts
separately, But while account opening, if nomination details are entered once, the same will get
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replicated to all 25 accounts.

(vii) Minimum deposit/withdrawal in Savings Account

 Finacle CBS has no such validation for minimum deposit. Counter PA and Supervisor has to ensure that
no deposit and withdrawal of less than Rs.5/- is accepted from depositor.

(viii) Interest in MIS/TD/SCSS Accounts.

 In Finacle, Interest is not credited to the MIS/TD/ SCSS Accounts.

 As a batch process, interest in all these three categories of accounts is calculated and credited into
repayment account.
 If depositor is having savings account in any CBS post office, interest will be automatically credited into
Savings Account of the depositor during batch process.
 Otherwise, interest will be credited into Sundry MIS/SCSS/TD Office Accounts created for each such
 For payment of interest, by cash, Counter has to pay interest from Sundry Office account.

(ix) Transfer of Certificates from one person to another.

 Process of inventory of certificates and cheque books is different in Finacle CBS application.
 In Finacle CBS application, CIF is to be created for all new depositors.
 Before creation of new CIF, a de-dupe check has to be made for checking about the existence of the
 New CIF is to be created for the new customer whose name is going to be added or in whose name
NSCs are going to be transferred.
 New CIF is to be attached with the existing accounts created against each certificate. This is required to
be done for each certificate transferred.
 On the physical certificate, name of old customer has to be rounded and name of new customer to be
added under dated signatures of Supervisor.
 In case of single to joint, name of new customer is to be added on the existing certificate.
 Transfer of certificate from one person to another is to be done only once from date of issue to date of

(x) Issue of Certificates in Sanchay and Finacle.

 In Finacle CBS application, issue of certificate from stock is linked to the printing of certificate.
 Even if printer is not working or not available, Counter PA has to invoke the menu of printing a certificate
to issue certificate.
 Mere issuing a certificate would not reduce the certificate balance. Only after using print command is
executed (HDRP), the certificate balance from stock is reduced. Before handing over certificates
to holder, ensure that certificates are attached with the account number/Registration number.

(xi) Issue of certificates when stock is not available.

 In Finacle CBS System, in such cases, receipt from NC4(a) has to be issued to the customer and it
should be ensured that only those denominations should be selected while opening account which can
be made available in the near future on receipt of stock as denomination once selected cannot be
changed later.

 An account is opened against each certificate in Finacle CBS and Counter PA has to enter the NC4(a)
receipt number in the relevant field in Finacle CBS.

 Once, certificates of same denomination are received in stock, the Counter PA has to print certificates

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against account created under NC4(a).

 Even if the printer is not ready or not working, the Counter PA has to give print command in Finacle so
that Certificates will be attached against the accounts opened.

 Certificates can be filled by Hand also. Any user or visiting officer or inspecting officer or even, DAP
officer, Divisional Office, Regional Office or Circle Office can watch the pending NC4(a)’s issued by any
post office against which certificates are not issued through a report.

(xii) Acceptance of Bulk RD Deposits of MPKBY Agents.

 Finacle CBS does not have the facility to accept deposit in bulk and post the transactions later with back
 Posting has to be done on the day of receipt.
 Therefore, after Migration to CBS, RD Bulk Lists are to be accepted only through Agent Portal.
 In Finacle CBS Application, there is no provision to accept accounts linked to MPKBY/PRSG
Agents/Leaders at counter.
 For bulk acceptance of RD deposits from MPKBY Agents/PRSG Leaders, an Agent Portal has been
developed which can be accessed through DOP website using internet.
 Any RD account during opening or after opening can be attached with any MPKBY Agent/PRSG
 Once account is attached to the agent, deposit cannot be accepted at the counter in that account unless
depositor gives in writing to cancel the attachment with agent.
 During migration, all accounts already attached with a particular agent in Sanchay Post will be attached
with the same agent in Finacle CBS application.
 All MPKBY agents will be issued Login ID and Password to operate Agent Portal.
 When agent logs in to Agent Portal, all live RD accounts attached with the agent will be visible to the
 Agent can select the installment month. Default fee/ rebate will be calculated by the system.
 Agent can select three different modes of deposits i.e cash, by POSB Cheque and by any other Bank
 When agent selects cash as mode of deposit, system will stop entries, once limit of Rs.10,000/- is
 System will generate one reference number against each List.
 Agent can print the LIST by using any printer.
 When agent comes to the post office with printed List(s) with either cash/POSB Cheque/other Bank
Cheques having reference numbers against each list.
 Counter PA will enter the reference number printed on the List and will be able to see the List(s)
 Counter PA will compare all the entries in the printed List with that in the Finacle CBS and see that there
is no change in the default fee or rebate on the day of presentation and accept the List after counting
cash or POSB Cheques.
 CBS System will once again validate all the entries in the Finacle Core Banking Solution application and
accept the deposits.
 If any deposit is rejected, Counter PA can print the revised LIST and return the excess money to agent.
 Counter PA will post the eBanking reference ID and then Supervisor has to verify the posting.
 Only, after Supervisor verifies the posting the list amount would be reflected in the LOT(Report No. 5 -
Agent listwise consolidation report).
 Agent commission will be automatically credited into Agent’s savings account after deducting the TDS.
 In case of other Bank cheques, Counter PA will not post the entries.
 Cheque will first be sent for clearance after lodging them into Office Account called, “””Outward clearing
account 0017”
 Once credit comes into this office account, the LIST is to be posted and system will debit that Office
 All entries of all agent Lists will then be printed in the Counter LOT after verification by Supervisor.

 In case, any agent finds it difficult to operate Agent Portal and brings either printed or handmade copy of
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List, Counter PA can enter as Super User into Agent Portal and make entries on behalf of that agent.
 After List is printed on behalf of agent, the rest is the same procedure.
 There is no provision to keep the posting of RD agent list pending in Finacle CBS.

(xiii) Handling of Passbook stock.

 Finacle CBS application does not support maintenance of stock and supply of Passbooks.
 After Migration to CBS, Passbook stock and supply is to be maintained manually.

(xiv) Office Account concept

 Finacle CBS Application is based on Double Entry Accounting system.

 Every entry into Finacle CBS has two legs i.e Debit/withdrawal and Credit/Deposit.
 Many Office Accounts have been opened for taking care of the second leg of posting.
 Some of the Office Accounts are operated by Counter PAs and Supervisors and some are maintained by
the System itself.
 Supervisor has to take LOT of Office Accounts operated by user on daily basis and verify these
transactions with office record.
 List of office Accounts to be operated by the staff has been circulated.

(xv) Handling of KYC documents

 On implementation of Finacle CBS application, a document scanning and storage system called ECMS
is also being implemented.
 On opening of account, the Counter PA has to take additional signatures on the perforated slip of new
Account Opening Form (AOF) and paste the same in SS Book after tearing from AOF.
 AOF along with KYC documents will be sent to CPC on daily basis where KYC documents will be once
again matched with AOF and on acceptance, AOF and KYC documents will be scanned in ECMS and
uploaded into Finacle Core.
 The scanned images will be available in both ECMS and Finacle CBS and any CBS post office will be
able to see these documents.
 Photo and signature will be separately stored for ready reference in all Finacle withdrawal and closure
screens and can be accessed using the “SVS” icon provided.
 Physical documents will be sent back to concerned Post Office by CPC.
 Any rejected AOF will also be returned to Post Office with KYC document mentioning the reason for
 Post Office will get the rectification done and resubmit the documents with AOF to CPC for further

(xvi) Transfer of Accounts

 In Finacle CBS application, the account can be transferred to any CBS post office only.
 Similarly, non CBS post office can transfer account/certificate to Non CBS post Office only.
 In Finacle CBS Application, there is no need to generate any AT or Transfer General or do the pairing.
 Only, the post office, after satisfying the genuineness of depositor, has to change the home SOL (post
Office) of the account and account will be transferred instantly.
 A report can be generated showing accounts transferred from one SOL to another in all CBS post offices.
 Certificates issued from non CBS Post Offices cannot be discharged at CBS Post Offices.
 Certificates issued from CBS post offices can be discharged at any CBS post office by changing the
home SOL of the certificates.
 PPF and SCSS accounts can be transferred IN and Out from CBS post offices to Banks and from Banks
to Post Office.
 In Finacle CBS application, except in Savings Accounts, Cheques cannot be lodged/entered against
relevant account numbers.
(xvii) Cheque Clearing

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 Finacle has a full fledged Cheque Clearing Module. Full fledged Cheque Clearance Module of Finacle
CBS will be implemented when one HO and its all SOs are migrated to CBS and Core System Integrator
(CSI) is implemented.

 Cheque are to be lodged against an Office Account created as “Account opened through Cheque(0382) ”
for new account opening and “Outward Clearing account(0017) ” for subsequent deposit of PPF and RD.
 The procedure for handling cheque clearance in Finacle CBS is totally different from Sanchay Post.
 Till CSI, comes, the present cheque clearance will be handled by the Treasurer in the same way as
these are handled today.
 Treasurer will be handed over two lists, i.e one of Sanchay Post and another of Finacle CBS.
 Posting of inward cheques lodged in Finacle will be done in Finacle CBS at HPO level itself and there will
be no need to send any intimation to SO for posting.
 In case of new accounts, SO can see the credit happen in Office Account of SO and can open and
fund/make deposit in account from the office account putting date of credit as value date.
 Once CSI comes, the clearing house activities will be handled by Treasurer by using Finacle CBS
cheque clearing module.

 In Finacle, Cheques of other Banks cannot be lodged against the scheme or account number.
 The cheques are to be lodged in Office Account and once credit is received, the account can be
funded/deposited by debiting/withdrawing amount from that Office Account.

 While opening new accounts after getting credit information in Office Account, the Counter PA has to
enter the cheque details in Remarks field of Finacle screen so that Cheque number can be
captured/entered and shown in the remarks column of LOT.

The cheque detail field in account opening screen is for entering POSB Cheque details only.

 After opening or during opening of account, amount of deposit can be credited by debiting the office

 Other Bank Cheque details will not be automatically captured by the system from office account during
account opening. However, POSB Cheque detail can be entered in while account opening only in case of
RD and NSC.

 In Finacle, as stated above, other bank cheques cannot be directly lodged/credited against
relevant RD or PPF accounts.
 Cheques have to be lodged against designated Office Account and after getting clearance
information, each and every deposit is to be made in the relevant RD and PPF account by
debiting that identified office account.

(xviii) Death Claim Cases

 In Finacle CBS application, different processes are to be followed for different death claim cases.
 CIF of the deceased has to be suspended and date of death is to be entered in CIF.
 In case, nominee or legal heir wants to continue account, his/her CIF has to be created and existing
account has to be attached with new CIF.
 All the nominees or legal heirs have to come together to claim amount as there is no provision to keep
the amount in the account for the nominee or legal heir who does not claim along with other one.

(xix) RD Half Withdrawal and PPF Loan.

 In Finacle, there is no concept of Half Withdrawal. Instead, a separate Loan Account is opened in RD
for Half Withdrawal.

 Loan account is also having separate number with 1 suffixed to the original account number.
 Amount of Loan/Half W/D is not reduced from balance and instead, a lien is marked for that amount so
that at the time of PMC, this amount is not paid.

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 At the time of closure of RD account where loan is taken, Counter PA has to first close RD Loan
 For PPF loan also, Loan account is opened separately and have an account number with 1 suffixed to
the original account number.

(xx) End of Day

 The End of Day process in Finacle is done in three parts – First at SO/HO, then at CPC and the last
part at the Data Centre level for date changeover..
 SO/HO has to run, SOL validation command, clear blocking validations and change of date before
leaving office.
 At CPC, System Administrators (User Champions) will do End of Day for SOs and Hos under the circle.
 Once all CPCs do the EOD, CEPT Team at Chennai will do EOD at Data Centre Level.

(xxi) Standing Instruction.

 In Finacle, Standing Instruction (SI) is entered in SB accounts for credit into RD Account.
 MIS/SCSS and TD interest Auto Credit into SB account is not termed as SI in Finacle CBS but termed
as Customer Instruction. For this, in MIS/SCSS/TD account, SB account is to be entered as interest
repayment account. Once this is done and verified by Supervisor, Interest will start credited into SB
Account on due date.
 While entering SI in Finacle, frequency and date of execution have to be entered positively.

(xxii) RD related issues.

 In Finacle CBS, RD Claim is allowed only till the month in which depositor expired and the remaining
advance deposits paid would be refunded without any interest.
 In finacle, the loan repayment is not allowed to be made through Agent Portal. The same has to be
done across the counter by the depositor or agent on behalf of depositor.
 In Finacle CBS, repayment of loan can be done any time with any amount.. For this, Counter PA
has to select option of Unscheduled payment when loan account is opened in Finacle.
 Unscheduled repayment entries to be paid through HLAUPAY.
 In Finacle CBS, Lump Sum deposit is called Bullet Payment.

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