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Contents i
Foreword ii
Abbreviations iv
List of appendices v
List of tables v
List of figures v
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Construction Industry in Malaysia 1
1.2 Safety and Health in Construction Industry 5
2.0 Objectives 13
3.0 Framework for the Master Plan 14
Strategies on Occupational Safety and Health in Construction
4.0 18
4.1 Introduction 18
4.2 Proposed Strategies on Occupational Safety & Health Enforcement &
4.3 Proposed Strategies on Occupational Safety & Health Education &
4.4 Proposed Strategies on Occupational Safety & Health Promotions 19
4.5 Proposed Strategies on Occupational Safety & Health Incentives 19
4.6 Proposed Strategies on Occupational Safety & Health Standards 21
4.7 Proposed Strategies on Safety & Health Research and Development
(R & D) and Technology
5.0 Implementation of Master Plan 23
5.1 Roles of Stakeholders 23
6.0 Action Plan 28
6.1 Safety & Health - Enforcement and Legislation 28
6.2 Safety & Health - Training and Education 36
6.3 Safety & Health - Promotions 50
6.4 Safety & Health - Incentives and Disincentives 54
6.5 Safety & Health - Standards 56
6.6 Safety & Health - R & D and Technology 67

i of vii

The development of Master Plan for Occupational Safety and Health in

Construction Industry is initiated by the Construction Industry Development
Board (CIDB) to complement the effort of the Department of Occupational Safety
and Health (DOSH) in reducing accidents, injuries and fatalities at construction
site. It is developed to guide the construction industry stakeholders to strengthen
their occupational safety and health activities within the industry.

This Master Plan is produced for used by the construction industry and therefore
participation from all stakeholders is vital. Information and feedback from
stakeholders forms the basis for this Master Plan. To ensure that feedback from
all stakeholders are considered, CIDB has established the National Occupational
Safety & Health Committee for Construction Industry (NOSHCCI) represented by
various organizations. Their role is to consider occupational safety and health
issues within the industry, propose guidelines and monitor the development of
the Master Plan. Gratitude is owed to the wide range of people in NOSHCCI who
has offered their practical experience, approaches and decisions to guide the
formulation of this Master Plan.

The focus of this Master Plan is on six areas identified by the National
Occupational Safety and Health Committee for Construction Industry to achieve
improvement in safety and health performance within the industry. The six areas
are: -

a) Enforcement and Legislation

In the enforcement and legislations front, the master plan has identified
the development of new legislations, amending the existing legislations
and strengthening of the enforcement agency as thrust areas for

ii of vii
implementation. Programs identified for implementation include,
increasing the number of DOSH officers, appointment of construction
safety and health officer instead of general safety and health officers,
comprehensive provision of Personal Protective Equipments, review of
BOWEC’s regulations and penalties, registration of all site safety and
health supervisors and certification of Contractors Management Systems.
It is hoped that with improved coordination and control by DOSH, the
construction industry’s safety and health performance can be further

b) Education and Training

Education and training play an important role in reducing accidents. To

impart safety and health management skills and to inculcate safe working
behaviour amongst workers, a number of safety and health training
programs has been identified for implementation. It is envisaged that a
strong focus on education and training will afford greater opportunity to
all in the industry to relearn and equip themselves with the knowledge
necessary to produce innovative solutions to safety and health issues in
the industry.

c) Promotions

Promotion of safety and health activities among industry stakeholders is

vital. It is envisaged that through aggressive promotion, the safety and
health awareness among the construction industry players can be further
improved. Promotion programs lined up for implementation include
sensitization of prosecutions, occupational safety and health management
systems, safe work practices, annual awards and accident reduction
targets to be achieved during the master plan period. Sensitization will be
through electronic media and conventional methods.

iii of vii
d) Incentives

To stimulate the industry stakeholders to play a more active role in the

promotion of safety and health in the industry, the Master Plan has
identified specific areas, which will receive financial incentives in the form
of subsidies and tax relief. Areas identified to receive benefits from various
government agencies are courses for Construction Safety and Health
Officer, Safety Officer and all other courses earmarked for implementation
under this master plan, seminars and courses organized by construction
safety and health association. It is envisaged that with the introduction of
the stimulus package, the industry stakeholders will be more forthcoming
in participating in all programs organized for the promotion of safety and
health within the industry.

e) Standard Development

In order to support and guide the industry stakeholders to achieve

compliance to legislations and the desired quality of work, the master plan
has identified for development, a number of guidelines and standards.
Guidelines on Construction Occupational Safety and Health Management
System and Code of Practice for safe construction work (such as working
at height, working at confined area, working at noisy and dusty area, etc.)
have all been identified for development during the master plan period.
With the use of the codes of practices and the resulting improved method
of work, the industry will be able to self-regulate safety and health to
further reduce accidents and fatalities within the industry.

f) Research & Developments and Technology

To support the construction industry stakeholders with an up to date

technology to produce innovative safety and health solutions, the master
plan has identified a number of research and development programs for

iv of vii
implementation. Programs for the future include improving existing
reporting system, new methods to prevent falling from height, improving
signalling system for site traffic management, mandatory preparation of
design drawings for temporary works and the development of e-portal for
safety and health.

Stakeholders can use this Master Plan as a basis to set up their own action plans.
However, the successful implementations of this Master Plan depend on the
stakeholders’ incorporation of the master plan’s guidelines and objectives in their
business operations and use as a forward planning document to improve safety
and health in construction. By doing so, it will indirectly increase the productivity
and profitability for contractors involved in construction industry.

v of vii

ACEM - Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia

BEM - Board of Engineers, Malaysia

BOA - Board of Architect, Malaysia

BOS - Board of Surveyor, Malaysia

CIDB - Construction Industry Development Board of Malaysia

CREAM - Construction Research Institute of Malaysia

CSHA - Construction Safety and Health Association

DOSH - Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia

DSM - Department of Standard Malaysia

MPSHCI - Master Plan for Safety and Health in Construction Industry

MBAM - Master Builders Association Malaysia

NIOSH - National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health

NCOSH - National Council For Occupational Safety and Health

National Occupational Safety and Health Committee for
Construction Industry
OSH - Occupational Safety and Health

PAM - Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia

PIAM - Persatuan Insuran Am Malaysia

PKMM - Persatuan Kontraktor Melayu Malaysia

REHDA - Real Estate & Housing Developers Association of Malaysia

TEEAM - The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia

vi of vii

Table 1 - Gross Domestic Product By Sector of Origin

Table 2 - Employment by Sector

Table 3 - Fatalities by Sector


Figure 1A - Annual SOCSO Report – Reported Construction


Figure 1B - Annual SOCSO Report – Reported Construction


Figure 2 - Framework of Master Plan

Figure 3 - Implementation Strategies


Appendix 1 - National Occupational Safety & Health Committee for

Construction Industry

Milestones for The Master Plan for Occupational Safety

Appendix 2 - & Health in Construction Industry
(Year 2005 – 2010)

vii of vii


The construction industry in Malaysia is generally divided into two areas. One
area is general construction, which comprises residential construction, non-
residential construction and civil engineering construction. The second area is
special trade works, which comprises activities of metal works, electrical works,
plumbing, sewerage and sanitary works, refrigeration and air-conditioning works,
painting works, carpentry, tiling and flooring works and glass works. Malaysia
was experiencing significant economic growth at an average rate of 13.5% of
GDP per annum during the year 1993 to 1997 period (Table 1). The high
economic growth rate has had very positive impact on the construction sector
during this period. Generally this rapid growth in the industry has brought an
increased injuries and fatalities in this industry due to lack of focus in
occupational safety and health. The construction industry has strong influence on
the country’s economy and account for about slightly less than 5% of the GDP.
Although it accounts for less than 5% of GDP, the industry is a strong growth
push because of its extensive linkages with the rest of the economy. In particular
the industry has extensive linkages with construction related manufacturing
industries such as basic metal products and electrical machinery. 1In 1998, when
the construction industry experienced a sharp downturn, basic metal industries
incurred some 35.6 percent drop in output. Generally the growth of the industry
was moving in tandem with growth in the manufacturing industry.

The industry is also important in terms of employment generation. The industry’s

contribution to employment is about 7.8 percent of total employment in the
country in the year 2003 (Table 2).

1. Market Watch Malaysia 2004 – Construction and Building Materials Industry

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Despite its important contribution to the nation’s economy, the industry is still
saddled with serious problems such as low quality, low productivity, poor image,
economic volatility, bureaucratic delays, lack of ethics, shortage of skill
manpower and lack of data and information.

The low productivity in the industry is attributed to low technology usage, poor
project and site management, unskilled labour, high input cost and duration
estimation, shortage of construction manpower, high construction wastage, poor
maintenance, non-conducive and accident prone work environment and
bureaucratic obstacles. The poor image of the industry is caused by the high
incidents of accident, absence of job security, poor management, low wages for
high risk jobs and lack of opportunity for career advancement.

The shortage of skill manpower in the industry is caused by poor industry image,
lack of training culture, too many construction activities at one time, and over
dependence on labour.

To address the above problems plaguing the industry, CIDB in collaboration with
the stakeholders is developing a Construction Industry Master Plan (CIMP). This
Master Plan has identified a number of policies, one of which is a policy on health
and safety in construction. It is envisaged that the implementation of this policy
in the short to medium term is expected to reduce the high incidence of
accidents and economic losses to stakeholders thus indirectly improving
productivity, quality and image of the industry as a whole.

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Agriculture 3.9 -1.0 1.1 2.2 0.4 -4.5 3.8 0.6 1.8 3.0 5.7

Mining 12.9 14.7 14.5 12.2 3.0 -13.7 13.5 21.0 -6.2 3.7 5.9

Manufacturing -0.5 2.5 9.0 4.5 10.4 1.8 -3.1 3.1 1.6 4.0 8.3

Construction 11.2 14.1 17.3 14.2 10.6 -23.0 -5.6 1.0 2.3 2.3 1.9

Services 10.0 9.7 9.4 9.7 7.2 -0.8 3.3 4.8 5.7 4.1 4.4

Source : Ministry of Finance, Malaysia

3 of 75

SECTOR Percent (%)

1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003

Agriculture 26.0 18.7 15.2 14.8 14.3 13.8

Mining 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

Manufacturing 19.9 25.3 27.6 26.8 27.2 27.9

Construction 6.3 9.0 8.1 8.1 7.9 7.8

Services 47.2 46.5 48.7 49.9 50.2 50.1

TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.0

Source : Economic Planning Unit, Department Of Statistic

4 of 75

The rapid growth of the construction sector coupled with the rise in the number
of fatalities within the sector over the last ten years has brought into focus the
hitherto low priority placed by the stakeholders on occupational safety and
health. The number of fatalities encountered in the construction industry is
alarming. Out of the total of 73,858 industrial accidents reported to SOCSO by
the year 2003, 4,654 were recorded in the construction industry. From this
figure, almost 2.0 percent or 95 cases resulted in death, while 12.2% or 566
cases resulted in permanent disabilities. In comparison, the manufacturing
industry and the agricultural, forestry and fisheries industry recorded 0.7 percent
and 0.6 percent fatalities respectively out of the total accidents reported. Table
3 shows the percentage fatalities in the construction, agriculture and
manufacturing sectors for a 5 year period, between the years 1999 to 2003. Over
this period the highest fatalities is in construction, followed by agriculture and
manufacturing sector.

Figure 1A and Figure 1B (extracted form SOCSO Annual Report) show the
number of cases of accidents and fatalities respectively from 1993 - 2003. It is to
be noted that SOCSO’s figures only cover those workers subscribing to SOCSO.
The actual figures are much higher if those not subscribing to SOCSO are taken
into account. It is generally believed that many cases of accidents and fatalities
of foreign workers in the industry are not reported to the authorities and hence
the SOCSO’S figures are the accident statistics of Malaysian workers only.

SOCSO’s Report shows that in the year 2000 there were 159 fatalities (the
highest annual fatalities to date) out of 4,873 reported accident cases. In the
year 1996 there were 5,401 reported cases (the highest number of annual
reported cases to date) with 116 fatalities. During the period from 1993 to 2003
a total of 1,033 fatalities have been recorded in the construction industry.

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The high number of incidents of injuries and fatalities amongst construction
workers has generally been due to the nature of the works (evolving), weather
condition and variety of hazards involved. Construction workers are exposed to
falling from heights, movement of plant and machinery, electrical shocks,
excessive noise etc. The underlying causes for the high number of incidents are
summarised as follows:

a) lack of trained workers and competent site supervisors on construction

occupational safety and health matters;

b) lack of occupational safety and health information, training materials,

courses and programmes for the benefits of workers and supervisors in
the construction industry;

c) lack of standard guidelines on construction industry requirements for the

development of safety and health solutions in the industry;

d) lack of communication between those in charge of construction processes

and the workers executing them;

e) misconception that occupational safety and health protection is an

unnecessary expenditure that can be saved;

f) lack of information and know-how’s on occupational safety and health

latest technology;

g) senior managers of the construction industry do not understand the

benefits of having occupational safety and health programs and how it

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could increase their productivity in construction sector; and inadequate
provision of budget and unclear specification on safety and health
requirements for safety and health programs at the construction sites; and

h) Lack of enforcement on mandatory safety requirements.

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YEAR 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Fatality Fatality Fatality Fatality Fatality
rate rate rate rate rate
No of Percentage per No of Percentage per No of Percentage per No of Percentage per No of Percentage per
fatalities fatalities 100,000 fatalities fatalities 100,000 fatalities fatalities 100,000 fatalities fatalities 100,000 fatalities fatalities 100,000
Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian
workers workers workers workers workers

Construction 146 3.1 54 159 3.3 57 89 2.0 28 88 1.8 25 95 2.0 26

Forestry 132 1.0 53 115 1.0 47 75 0.6 29 69 0.7 27 40 0.6 16

Manufacturing 232 0.6 17 282 0.7 20 243 0.7 16 214 0.6 14 213 0.7 13

Source : SOCSO Annual Report

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Reported Construction Accidents







1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Figure 1B: SOCSO Annual Report

Reported Construction Fatalities


1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

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1.2.1 Background

Over many years, the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) has
taken a lot of effort to reduce the number of people who are killed, injured, or
suffering ill health as a result of construction work. But their initiative alone is
insufficient to increase or strengthen safety and health activities within the
growing construction industry. Earnest effort from all the industry stakeholders is
also necessary. Recognizing these difficulties, CIDB initiated the development of
the master plan for safety and health.

Among the immediate measures adopted by the CIDB include the introduction of
the safety and health induction course for construction workers and occupational
safety and health management system course for contractors.

As a short to medium term measure, CIDB in collaboration with DOSH and

industry players proposed to develop a five year (2005 – 2010) master plan to be
CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY” (MPOSHCI) to guide the industry stakeholders to
strengthen safety and health activities within the industry. In pursuit of this
objective, CIDB formed a committee, namely “National Occupational Safety and
Health Committee for Construction Industry (NOSHCCI)”, comprising industry
players and government agency representatives to assist in the development of
this master plan. NOSHCCI members are listed in Appendix 1.

The approach of developing the master plan together with the industry players
and the enforcement agency will facilitate greater industry player ownership of
the master plan that is developed and deliver some enduring skills in safety and
health management plan development that will aid sustainability.

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1.2.2 Need for the Master Plan

Construction accident statistics maintained by SOCSO for the last period of 1993
– 2003 indicates that there are about 1,033 fatalities out of 49,260 reported
cases. The principal reasons for the occurrence of the 1,033 fatalities have not
been analysed and studied. This situation in the construction industry underpins
the need to increase research activities and strengthen safety and health
activities as well as to identify strategies to reduce the fatalities, injuries and ill-

Currently the various stakeholders are implementing their own plans without any
single agency coordinating all their effort. So, this Master Plan is formulated to
strengthen the co-ordination of policies and plans currently being implemented
by the various stakeholders with emphasis on optimisation of resource utilisation.
It is envisaged that this Master Plan will bring about well coordinated
implementation and effective evaluation process regarding construction safety
and health. Moreover concerned stakeholders can use the Master Plan as a basis
to set up their own action plans.

International Labour Organisation (ILO) has estimated that 4 percent of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP – one of the most used measurements of national
wealth) is lost due to accidents and work related diseases. This loss is attributed
to cost arising from compensation payments, early retirements due to disability,
absenteeism, unemployment and poorer household due to seriously reduced
household income. The study also indicates that poor safety and health standard
in a company may have impact on its profitability. The impact may arise from:

a) Higher absenteeism and more downtime, leading to loss of productivity.

b) Low morale, leading to loss of productivity.

2. Safety in numbers – International Labour Office Geneva, 2003

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c) Difficulty in recruiting high quality employees.

d) Payment of compensation.

e) Higher insurance premium.

f) Material damage to equipment and premises.

g) Fines and loss of image.

Therefore it is important to raise the industry players’ realisation that a high

standard of occupational safety and health in their workplace will not only benefit
their employees well being but also their companies’ bottom line through higher

The pioneering effort of improving safety and health performance of the

construction industry through the development of a Master Plan jointly by the
stakeholders can be a reference benchmark for other industries. Thus this Master
Plan can become a reference document for other industries’ to improve their
safety and health performance through the development of similar Master Plans
that suit their industries.

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The objective of the Master Plan is to reduce injury rates, work related ill-health
and consequent days lost from work in the industry. It is hoped that the fatality
rate of 26 per 100,000 workers in 2003 can be further reduced by 30% by the
year 2010. 3The current fatality rate in the developed countries like Japan, France
and the USA is below 20 per 100,000 workers and Malaysia which is striving to
achieve developed nation status by 2020 should strive to achieve the target of
reducing fatalities to less than 20 per 100,000 workers.

Through increased research and development activities, the causes underlying

accidents at construction site could be accurately determine and the right
strategies applied during the planning, design and construction phase of the
project to prevent the occurrence of accidents and fatalities. Such an effective
method of prevention of accidents should increase productivity and profitability of
the construction enterprise and contractors.

3. Asian-Pacific Newsletter on Occupational Health Safety, Vol. 11, number 1, March 2004.

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The framework for the Master Plan for Occupational Safety & Health in
Construction Industry has been structured as follows:

a) Stakeholders to enhance the occupational safety, health & welfare of all

persons working at construction site.

b) Stakeholders to internalise the Master Plan within their own organization.

They must make the master plan as a critical forward planning document
within their organisation. To achieve this stakeholders’ organisation should
be encouraged to set up safety and health committee within their
organisation to prepare their own ‘action plan’ guided by the master plan.

c) NCOSH to review the Master Plan as and when required. Stakeholders

shall review their own ‘action plan’ once every 2 years or earlier to gauge
whether they still meet the current requirements as well as to achieve the
set targets.

d) Presently, accidents data and analysis (if any) are kept by various
organizations (insurance companies, SOCSO, DOSH and hospitals). So
far, no comprehensive study and analysis of accidents on the construction
industry has been carried out and not published. This situation has to be
changed, as any real improvement on occupational safety and health
performance in the industry has to be based on rectification of the current
weaknesses as well as the reasons/circumstances leading to their
occurrence. However, the reliability of findings on the sources of accidents
depends entirely on the correctness and completeness of the data
collected. To achieve this goal, the Master Plan proposes on line reporting
of accidents be introduced in accordance with the proposed regulations,
“Notification of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulation”.

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e) Action plan on measures to improve enforcement, training, management,
good practices, promotion, design and work practices so as to have
overall improvement on safety and health performance in the industry.
The Master Plan also proposes incentives for good performers and
penalties for poor performers in safety and health in the construction

f) Safety and Health to be incorporated into National Occupational Skilled

Standard (NOSS)

Figure 2 shows the diagrammatic framework of this master plan. The framework
of this master plan is based on the notion that safety and health intervention is
necessary throughout the different phases of the project life cycle. The different
phases are planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance.

Threat to workers safety and health may occur at any one of the above phases
and intervention at early phases of planning and design will afford an opportunity
to foresee and design out some of the hazards thus reducing risk during
construction and operation and maintenance phases of projects.

Accidents are prone to occur at any one of the above phases and in the event of
an occurrence the underlying causes for the accident needs to be investigated.
Based on the understanding of the underlying causes, safety and health solutions
can be developed.

If the underlying causes are identified to be lack of knowledge and skill, then
intervention by training the workers to impart suitable knowledge and skill guided
by the National Occupational Skill Standards (NOSS) should be considered.
Similarly if the underlying cause for the accident is due to management
problems, then the management should be encouraged to establish safety and
health management system and seek certification.

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Similarly if the causes identified is due to poor design for safety and health, then
the strategy to train the designers on designing out safety and health risk need
to be given consideration. The intervention to improve safety and health
performance in the industry can be either through training, promotion,
enforcement, guidance or combination of a number of strategies.

With this framework it is hoped that the stakeholders will be able to achieve the
objectives of the master plan to make the construction site a safe and healthy
place to work. It is also envisaged that the good performers would be considered
for reward with incentive and bad performers with disincentive.

16 of 75

Current state
of Safety and Incentive
Health in the Planning, Design, Construction, Operation & Maintenance and abandonment Disincentive
Industry To Targeted state of
achieve Safety and Health
without the
Master Plan after implementation
of the master plan








Figure 2: Framework of the Master Plan

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The management of safety and health in the construction industry, like in other
industries is also governed by the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and
the Factories and Machinery Act 1967 and Regulation made there under. The
Factories and Machinery (Building Operations & Works of Engineering
Construction) (Safety), Regulations 1986 in particular has played an important
role in shaping the safety and health management practices in the construction
industry. Beside these legislations, there are few Malaysian Standards published
by Department of Standard (DSM) and code of practices issued by DOSH.

Currently there are no specific guidelines or Master Plan on the implementation

of occupational safety and health programmes for the construction industry
players to improve their performance. But however, there is a provision in the
occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, namely Section 4(d) which encourages
the development of a system of regulations and approved industry codes of
practice to operate in combination with the provisions of the Act which has been
designed to maintain or improve the standard of safety and health. Hence this
Master Plan for Safety and Health in construction industry is developed to guide
the systematic improvement of the standard of safety and health performance in
construction industry.



Compliance to legislation and management systems put in place by industry

players need to be monitored and performance evaluated so as to ensure its
effectiveness. Therefore adequate control and monitoring mechanism must be in

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For Occupational Safety and Health in the construction industry, new legislations
should be enacted, existing ones to be reviewed and amended and the
enforcement agency strengthened.

Action Plan for this focus area is as per Section 6.1.



Education and training is a continuous process for human development, and

therefore construction personnel should be equipped with suitable knowledge
and skill on occupational safety and health through increasing the number of
education and training programs. Training should be extended to all level of
workers in the industry.

Action Plan for this focus area is as per Section 6.2.



Promotions on Occupational Safety & Health should be one of the main pillars of
enhancing safety and health in the construction industry. Promotion activities
should be enhanced and aggressively pursued. Stakeholders should be
encouraged to organise safety and health promotion activities regularly.

Action Plan for this focus area is as per Section 6.3.



Incentives are crucial for the effective implementation of programs identified

under the Master Plan. More incentives should be introduced and the existing one

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extended to stimulate active participation from industry players. Incentives could
be in various forms such as award of recognition, financial support and premium
discounts for good risk management.

All stakeholders should jointly provide financial incentives for the successful
implementation of the programs outlined in this master plan. The requirement for
employment of construction Safety and Health Officer for works having contract
value above RM 20 million be reviewed in the light of the requirement for
contractors to have construction safety and health management system in their
enterprise. Such a review would act as a catalyst to further encourage the
contractors to invest in safety and health management system.

Contractors should be encouraged to manage their risk by introducing good loss

prevention measures at the construction sites. Insurance companies should be
encouraged to provide premium discount as a reward for good risk management
at construction sites.

The government may consider some tax relieves or tax exemptions to be given
for Personal Protective Equipment and safety tools/equipment used in the
construction industry.

In tender evaluation, companies certified with OSH Management System shall be

given priority or considered as a factor of evaluation to determine their suitability
for award of work. In this respect equal recognition should be accorded to
Construction Occupational Health and Safety Management System (COHSMS),
Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18000 or MS OSH.

Action Plan for this focus area is as per Section 6.4.

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In order to enhance Occupational Safety and Health practices in the construction

industry mechanisms for good safe work practices need to be established.
Therefore necessary standards and guidelines should be developed and
introduced to the stakeholders.

Guidelines on MS Construction Occupational Safety & Health Management

System should be developed and more certification bodies should be accredited.
It is envisaged that an enterprise with good and effective management system
should not only have reduce risks to safety and health but should also have high
returns on productivity and profitability.

Codes of practice, for safe construction works and code of practice in oil and gas
industry should be developed. Guidelines on fall prevention should be developed
on fast track basis. Code of practice for certain high risk activities should also be
identified and developed. Standard design drawings for scaffolding, workers
housing and temporary sanitary system should be developed.

In line with the spirit of self regulation of OSHA, the guidelines and code of
practices should be developed immediately by SIRIM/DSM.

Action Plan for this focus area is as per Section 6.5.



R & D and Technology is important for the industry to meet the need for
innovative solutions for a better workplace. Therefore, R & D should be further
encouraged in the area of construction safety and health, through identification
of more research and development projects. More mechanized method of

21 of 75
construction should be introduced to reduce labour dependency. Industrialised
Building System shall be promoted in Construction Industry.

The existing construction accident reporting mechanism should be reviewed to

identify inherent weaknesses and new reporting mechanism should be proposed.
It should enable sharing of information among agencies and collation of accident
statistics that are more accurate. Above all, it must be able to detect multiple

Action Plan for this focus area is as per Section 6.6.

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Successful implementation of the “Master Plan for occupational Safety and Health
in Construction Industry” depends very much on the stakeholders’ incorporation
of its guidelines and objectives in their business operations and also use it as part
of forward planning document within their organizations. Under this approach,
Stakeholders (e.g. contractors and owner organizations) may assume the
leadership role to define standards, provide advice and guidance; monitor
progress; and remind and urge the members to implement the Master Plan. It is
intended that such efforts be reviewed once in every two years.

Figure 3 shows the roles of stakeholders for the implementation of this Master
Plan. They are summarized as follows:-

Stakeholders are the driving force for improvement of occupational safety and
health performance in the construction industry. Occupational Safety & Health
Act 1994 defines that ‘the management of safety and health at the work place is
the responsibility of those who create the risks and those who work with the
risks’. Thus, the participation of all stakeholders such as government agencies,
professional bodies, contractor assocations and training providers is a pre-
requsite for any safety and health program to succeed. It is essential that
stakeholders coordinate the implementation of the guidelines and objectives set
out in the Master Plan and avoid any duplication of efforts. Performance of the
stakeholders will be monitored and evaluated by National Council For
Occupational Safety and Health (NCOSH) and if necessary corrective actions or
improvement programmes to be introduced by NCOSH.

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The assigned roles of each stakeholder are as follows:

5.1.1 Government Agencies

Government Regulatory Bodies monitoring the performance of safety and health

in the construction industry are expected to exercise their statutory
responsibilities. It could be in the form of enforcement or collaboration with other
stakeholders in promotional activities, development of training curriculum and

The performance and achievement in occupational safety and health by

government agencies such as JKR is of utmost importance, as this will be used as
a benchmark by the industry players; their poor performance will be construed as
the Government is not serious in pursuing on occupational safety and health
improvement for construction workers.

SOCSO could also play a meaningful role in promoting and attracting maximum
participation in occupational safety and health training programs through
financial incentives to stakeholders.

Government Agencies to work closely with other stakeholders such as owner and
trade association, professional bodies, training providers and other interested
parties to ensure that the programs, guidelines, etc recommended in this Master
Plan are effectively implemented.

24 of 75



Figure 3 : Implementation Strategies

25 of 75
5.1.2 Trade Associations/Contractors

The basic philosophy of the Occupational Safety & Health Act 1994, requires that
the Government Agencies, Owner and Trade Associations work closely together,
for the improvement of occupational safety and health performance in the
construction industry. Thus, commitment by Trade Associations/Contractors to
support and actively participate in all the programs and activities initiated by the
Government Agencies is essential for the successful implementation of the Master
Plan. Trade Associations/Contractors are encouraged to be more active to
develop industry codes of practice and organise training and promotional
programmes in collaboration with other government agencies or OSH training

5.1.3 Professional Bodies

The Professional Bodies to give full commitment and support to ensure that the
guidelines and standards set for occupational safety and health performance in
the construction industry are effectively implemented. Professional Bodies should
take action against their members who failed to comply with the provisions of
OSHA 1994.

Professional Bodies shall also encourage their members to incorporate

occupational safety and health requirements in the planning and design of a

5.1.4 Project Owners

Project owners are equally important in the promotion of safety and health
program by including requirements for safety and health of workers in the
tender/contract document for the project. They could also insist that only
contractors with good safety and health track record be selected for the project.

26 of 75
5.1.5 Training Providers

Training providers are important in the development and upgrading of

occupational safety and health performance. They are to be encouraged to
identify and develop suitable training courses for the construction industry
workers and personnel. The planning for the courses to be based on feedback
from other stakeholders and also the guidelines set out in the Master Plan.
Training providers must use training modules developed by CIDB or NIOSH and
they must be professional in their undertakings.

Regulatory bodies to establish relevant standards and trade associations could

help in identifying the actual training needs.

5.1.6 Insurance Companies

Insurance companies to promote and recognise good occupational safety and

health performance of contractors through providing discount on insurance
premium or other benefits.

5.1.7 Roles of National Council For Occupational Safety & Health

Through exercising the power conferred under Section 11(1) of the Occupational
Safety & Health Act 1994, National Council For Occupational Safety and Health to
play a major role to ensure successful implementation of the Master Plan. The
Council to give direction and appropriate advice to the stakeholders in particular
the Government Agencies (such as DOSH, CIDB, JKR, etc.) on the
implementation of Master Plan.

27 of 75

The ‘Action Plan’ under the Master Plan includes programme identified by the
National Occupational Safety and Health Committee for Construction Industry
(NOSHCCI) for implementation during the Master Plan period (between 2005 and
2010). A summary of the programs to be implemented for each year under the
Master Plan is shown in Appendix 2.


6.1.1 Background

Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) is a government

department under the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia. This department is
responsible for ensuring the safety, health and welfare of persons at work and
protection of other people from hazards to safety and health arising from the
activities of persons at work in various economic sectors among which is the
construction sector.

At present, there are about 700 personnel in the department throughout the
country. They are 400 inspectors varying from technicians to engineers and their
main job is to enforce the Occupational and Safety and Health Act 1994 and
Factories and Machinery Act 1967 and Regulations made there-under.

The Occupational Safety & Health Act 1994 provides for the establishment of The
National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (NCOSH) to carry out the
objectives of the acts. The membership of the NCOSH shall not be less than 12
and not more than 15. It consists of representatives from government and other
related organizations or professional bodies of whom at least one must be a
woman. The council has the authorities to do all things expedient or reasonably
necessary for or incidental to the carrying out of the objectives of the Act. At the
moment, DOSH is the secretariat to the council.

28 of 75
6.1.2 Objectives

To improve safety and health performance in the construction industry through

enhanced enforcement and strengthening of existing legislations.

6.1.3 Recommended Actions

The guiding principle of Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 is self-
regulation that is employers should comply with the regulations because of self-
interest rather than official sanction. However, the alarming rate of accidents
since the introduction of the Act suggests that the industry players have not still
understood the philosophy behind the Act. Therefore enforcement effort should
focus more on continuous promotion and education of stakeholders rather than
imposing immediate legal sanctions. Recalcitrant offenders however should be
subjected to severe penalties to inculcate sense of ownership and accountability
under the law. The following are recommended action plans for implementation: Enhancement of Capabilities of Enforcement Agencies

The increasing number of workplaces, coupled with shortage of enforcers, and

poor attitude towards `self regulation’ by the industry players necessitates the
strengthening of the enforcement unit by the year 2006 as recommended by the
NOSHCCI. To complement their officers, the Director General of DOSH may
exercise the powers conferred by Sub-Section 6(1) of Occupational Safety &
Health Act 1994 to appoint independent consultants. By the year 2007 the
enforcement agency should be strengthen with increased manpower.

Enforcement officers are currently recruited based merely on their academic

background. They are not well versed with the construction processes or work
activities in a construction environment and this has hindered them from
performing their tasks effectively. Intensive training program have to be
arranged for these officers to improve their capabilities and knowledge level on

29 of 75
the tasks they have to perform so that they can discharge their responsibilities
towards the enforcement of various provisions in the legislations connected with
construction safety, health and welfare effectively. Review of Existing Regulations

The main legislation in Malaysia that governs safety and health in the
construction industry are the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (and its 6
Regulations) and Factories and Machinery Act 1967, (with its 15 Regulations).
The basis in the enactment of the OSHA 1994 was three-fold: Self-regulatory,
Consultation and Co-operation. The provisions in the Occupational Safety &
Health Act 1994 complement the provisions of the Factories and Machinery Act
and its Regulations. In the event of any conflict, the provisions in Occupational
Safety & Health Act 1994 shall prevail.

One specific regulation, which have great influence on the construction industry,
is the Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction (Safety)
Regulation 1986 (BOWECS). Other legislations, which have lesser influence on
the safety and health in construction industry, are:

a) Workers Act 1966.

b) Social Security Act 1969.

c) Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974.

d) Uniform Building by Laws 1984.

e) Environmental Quality Act 1974.

f) Fire Services Act 1988.

30 of 75
g) Control of Destruction Disease-Bearing Insect Act 1975. Review of Factories & Machinery (Building Operations and

Works of Engineering Construction) (Safety) Regulations 1996

Some provisions under Factories and Machinery (Building Operations and Works
of Engineering Construction) (Safety) Regulations 1986 do not reflect the current
practices in the construction industry and therefore require review. Instead of
undertaking review on a piecemeal basis the authorities may consider enacting a
new legislation exclusively to govern safety and health in construction industry.

It is proposed that the following provisions to be considered in such review:

a) to include provisions on appointment of Construction Safety & Health

Officer & Site Safety Supervisor funded by the owner for projects costing
more than RM 20 million;

b) to include provision requiring safety and health officers working in the

construction industry to undergo mandatory induction course and
continuous education course to be conducted by accredited training

c) to include provisions related to career advancement for Site Safety

Supervisor – to include provisions for his (her) upgrading to Construction
Safety & Health Officers;

d) to include provisions on mandatory requirements for Principal Contractor

to appoint Registered Occupational Health Practitioner to monitor
occupational health of the workers for projects more than RM 50 million;

31 of 75
e) to include provisions for work activities, which are not covered under the
current provisions such as lifting operations/use of cranes, the use of
safety harness, tunnelling works, etc.;

f) to include provisions for Mandatory Preliminary Risk Assessment Report by

client/project consultant or contractors prior to commencement of
construction work for a project;

g) to include provisions for Mandatory Training Program – Tool Box Talks

before commencing with the day’s work;

h) to include provisions for designated places for smoking at project site and
separate, hygienic and safe cooking amenities at the workers quarters;

i) to include provisions for designated storage area for hazardous substances

such as cement, chemicals and highly inflammable materials by

j) to include provisions for all temporary works to be designed by the

competent professional engineers and they have to be approved and
supervised by the professional engineers engaged for designing the
permanent works;

k) to include provisions for project owners to provide adequate allocation for

Principal Contractors to provide PPE, other related safety & health tools
and equipment to workers; and

l) to include provisions for penalties for non-compliance – impose penalties.

Provisions for penalties shall include heavier penalty for repeated

32 of 75
It is proposed that the above proposed revision or new regulations to replace the
existing one to be enforced in the year 2006. Proposed New Construction (Design & Management)


A comprehensive new regulation should be developed to define the roles and

responsibilities of all parties involved in the project, right from the project
owners, consultant/designers, principal contractors and, so on. This should
include requirements for preliminary risk assessment by the project owners prior
to awarding the contract. It is proposed that DOSH be made the lead agency to
introduce the new Construction (Design & Management) Regulations by the year
2006. The current legislative models adopted by United Kingdom and Australia
to regulate Construction (Design & Management) can be further studied and
adopted if suitable. Revision on the Provisions for Reporting of Accidents/

Incidents and Diseases

The objective of accident/incident and diseases reporting is not solely for

purposes of prosecution. Accidents/incidents statistic is vital for the conduct of
comprehensive study and research. It will be also useful to identify trends and
weaknesses in the current system adopted for construction work so that
recommendations can be made for improvement.

At present, the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) is

reviewing the current reporting mechanism to enhance its effectiveness through
a separate regulation known as Notification of Accident, Dangerous Occurrences,
Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease Regulations 2004, NADOPOD.
This new regulation should come in force by mid 2005 and penalty for
contractors, consultants or project owners who fail to report or hide any injuries,
diseases and dangerous occurrences should be imposed. As part of continuous

33 of 75
improvement exercise provisions regarding penalty for violation should be
reviewed in 2009. Circulars on Occupational Safety & Health Requirements

While reviewing exercise on the Factories and Machinery (Building Operations

and Works of Engineering Construction) (Safety) Regulation is in progress, as a
short term measure, DOSH to play an important role on reminding the
Government Agencies, Project Owners, Consultants and Project Management
Consultants are to be reminded on the need to specify occupational safety &
health requirements of the relevant legislations in the tender/contract document.
The following items should be highlighted:

a) Requirements for establishing an Occupational Safety & Health

Management System for complying with provisions of Section 15(2)(a), of
Occupational Safety & Health Act 1994.

b) Requirements for appointment of Safety Personnel such as Construction

Safety & Health Officer and Site Safety Supervisor.

c) Requirements for establishing and maintaining a Safety & Health

Committee at the work place.

d) Requirements for client/project owner to allocate adequate funding in the

contract sum for the Principal Contractor to make necessary arrangements
pertaining to occupational safety and health matters including provision of
adequate and suitable PPE, tools and equipment related to safety and
health for the workers.

e) Requirements for existing Safety and Health Officers and Site Safety
Supervisors to attend a mandatory course organised by accredited training
providers so as to be registered with CIDB as Construction Safety &

34 of 75
Health Officer and Site Safety Supervisors respectively. They should
attend continuous education program to renew their registration. Proposed New Standard for Safety and Health Management


It is proposed that by the year end of 2005, the relevant regulatory body or
agency to develop a standard for safety and health management system for the
industry. It is vital so that a uniform and standard assessment can be conducted
for all industry players. The standard may be known as Malaysia Standard –
Construction Safety & Health Management System.

It is also proposed that by the year 2010, all Grade 7 (CIDB) contractors would
have to obtain the MS COSH Management System Certificates (MS COSHMS) or
MS OSH or OHSAS 18001. Construction Occupational Safety & Health
Management System shall be part of the assessment requirements for selecting
and awarding contracts by Government Agencies.

Contractors who have been penalised more than five (5) times (related to
construction safety & health) within three (3) years by the enforcement
authorities shall have their registration downgraded. It is mandatory for one of
their key personnel to attend a specific course conducted by accredited training
providers. Curriculum for such program should emphasize on the relevant legal
provisions and consequences for failure to comply, real cost of an accident –
tangible and intangible costs and benefits of an effective occupational safety and
health management system. Registration upgrading could only be considered
after the successful attendance of the above training program. Statutory declaration by Contractors on accidents and


35 of 75
Currently conditions of contract require that contractors submit a statutory
declaration to client prior to the final payment due to him under the contract.
This statutory declaration among others will require the contractor to declare that
he has indeed paid all payment owing to the various parties under the contract.
In this declaration, a requirement should be included for the contractor to declare
the number of accidents/fatalities in his contract and notifications to relevant
authorities about the accidents, if any. A copy of this declaration, should be
extended to the authorities by the client.


6.2.1 Background

The construction industry is labour intensive and as such should regard its
workers as one of their major resources. It is important that when improving the
quality of the industry, the skill and the knowledge of its personnel are also
improved. Successive studies carried out by the Health and Safety Executive in
the UK has concluded that a significant factor on the cause of accidents is lack of
training of the people involved.

Therefore, training on occupational safety and health should be made part of the
overall management system. There are different types of trades and levels of
training, and training should be regarded as an integral part of trades and
management training. Thus training will help people to acquire skills, knowledge
and attitude that contribute towards the competence of a person for safety and
health related works.

Presently, there are not many approved training providers on safety and health in
the country. Besides the National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health, there
are few approved private training providers conducting Safety & Health Officer
Competency Courses.

36 of 75
6.2.2 Objectives

To enable the development of environments that shape safe working behaviour

amongst workers.

6.2.3 Recommended Actions Training for Safety & Health Personnel Site Safety Supervisors (SSS)

All Site Safety Supervisors should attend a prescribed course to register

themselves as Site Safety Supervisors with the authorities. Registered Site Safety
Supervisors will be required to attend at least one continuous education program
course every year to renew their registration. This program should be
implemented in 2005. Factories and Machinery (Building Operations and Works of
Engineering Construction) (Safety), Regulations 1986 stipulates that:

a) main contractors are required to employ competent part-time Site Safety

Supervisor at the place of work (Regulation 25 of BOWEC 1986); and

b) sub-contractors with 20 or more workers must employ competent part-time

Contractor’s Safety Supervisor at the place of work (Regulation 26 of
BOWEC 1986).

Based on the above-mentioned statutory requirements, a standard training

module based on the National Occupational Skill Standard (NOSS) for
Construction Industry shall be developed.

37 of 75
The ultimate goal of this course is to produce competent Site Safety Supervisors
by equipping them with relevant knowledge pertaining to their roles and
responsibilities as stipulated under Regulations 25 and 26 of Factories &
Machinery (Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction) (Safety),
Regulations 1986. The need for competent Site Safety Supervisor is critical for
projects costing less than RM 20 million. For these projects there are no
requirements for appointment of safety and health officer under OSHA 1994 and
hence the Site Safety Supervisor will be playing a pivotal role in advising the
employer on safety and health issues.

Registered Site Safety Supervisors should attend continuous education program

as part of their registration renewal requirements. Stakeholders should identify
and develop suitable course curriculum. Construction Safety & Health Officer (CSHO)

All practicing registered safety and health officers in the construction industry
should attend and complete a course to be prescribed by the authorities to
register themselves as construction safety and health officers. This program is to
be implemented in 2005. Occupational Safety & Health Act 1994 requires all
employers and self-employed persons to appoint a full time competent person as
a Safety and Health Officer at the place of work. Further provisions were made
under the Occupational Safety & Health (Safety and Health Officer) Regulations
1997 and Orders 1997; amongst others those provisions defined the
qualifications, roles and responsibilities of a Safety & Health Officer. For building
operations and works of engineering construction with contract sum of more than
RM20 million, the contractors are required to appoint a full time Safety and
Health Officer.

Currently there are two categories of DOSH registered Safety and Health Officers
practicing in the construction industry. They are:

38 of 75
a) individuals with approved Certificate of Competency; and

b) individuals with more than 10 years of experience in safety and health

related works.

In order to obtain the Safety & Health Officer Certificate of Competency,

individual must attend a training program either conducted by NIOSH or, any
other approved training providers and he/she must pass the competency
examination organized by the authority. Besides that they must also posses other
pre-requisites such as the years of working experiences in occupational safety &

Course modules adopted for those training programs are generic in nature. They
are not industry specific and the authority may have the rationale for this. Only
approximately two (2) hours is allocated to cover construction safety and health.
Based on the nature of the construction industry, the extent of coverage given is
inadequate for the individual to assist his/her employer to manage the
occupational safety & health effectively on construction sites.

For the second category, they did not under-go any formal training as Safety and
Health Officers, but solely relying on their hands-on experiences. Their approach
varies, depending on their experiences. Normally they are more efficient in
playing the supervisory roles rather than advisory roles as stipulated under the
Occupational Safety & Health (Safety & Health Officer), Regulations 1997.
Matters became worse in situations for those without the industry’s background
and experience; they are not familiar with the construction processes, working
culture and environment. With the shortcomings they are unable to communicate
and manage occupational safety and health effectively.

A tailor-made training program for existing Safety and Health Officer practicing in
the construction industry is to be developed and accredited. A training program
should be developed specifically for the construction industry safety officers. The

39 of 75
main objective of introducing this course is to enhance the knowledge of safety
and health officers so as to enable them to perform effectively as Safety & Health
Officers within the industry. The groups targeted are DOSH registered Safety &
Health Officers who intends to work in the construction industry.

The proposed program should incorporate assessment on knowledge and skill. In

the year 2005, successful candidates should be required to register with CIDB as
Construction Safety & Health Officer before they can continue and practice in the
construction industry. CIDB shall make this as a requirement for all projects with
contracts valued more than RM 20 millions.

Registered Construction Safety & Health Officers should attend continuous

education program as part of their registration renewal requirements. Curriculum
for Construction Safety and Health Officers Continuous Education Program should
be identified and implemented in the year 2006. Career Advancement for Site Safety Supervisors

A career advancement scheme for Site Safety Supervisors should be identified.

Site Safety Supervisors with certain number of years (minimum five years could
be reasonable) should be considered to be upgraded as Safety & Health Officer.
Knowledge and skill assessment should be part of the additional pre-requisites. Designated Person

Certain provisions under the Factories & Machinery (Building Operations & Works
of Engineering Construction) (Safety), Regulations 1986 requires
employer/occupier of a work place to appoint competent persons as designated
person in order to assist in the supervision of work as stipulated under the
Regulations. The designated persons to be appointed are:

a) Public Vehicular Traffic - Reg. 18 (1);

40 of 75
b) Concrete Work, Formwork, Shoring & Other Supports - Reg. 29 (1), (2) &

c) Safety Belt / Safety Harness - Reg. 54(1);

d) Safety Net - Reg. 57 (1);

e) Scaffolds - Reg. 74 (1) & 85 (1);

f) Demolition - Reg. 103;

g) Excavation Work - Reg. 111 (2) & 113 (2);

h) Piling - Reg. 125 & 127; and

i) Blasting & Handling of Explosives - Reg. 135

A specific competency-based training program for this group of personnel should

be identified and developed. A two days training is recommended. Safety & Health Committee Members

Safety and health committee members should be trained to execute their

functions effectively. Section 30, of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994
requires employers with forty or more workers or as directed by the Director
General of DOSH to establish a safety and health committee at the place of work.
The committee shall be equally represented; by the management and workers.

Roles and responsibilities of such committee stipulated under the Occupational

Safety & Health (Safety & Health Committee) Regulations 1996 are as follows:

41 of 75
a) To assist in the development of safety and health rules and safe system of

b) To review the effectiveness of the safety and health programs. To carry

out studies on the trends of accidents, dangerous occurrences,
occupational poisonings or occupational diseases that occurs at the
workplace. To report to the employer of any unsafe or unhealthy
conditions or practices together with recommendations for corrective

c) To review the safety and health policy and make recommendations for any

d) To inspect the workplace at least once in every three (3) months.

e) To investigate accidents, dangerous occurrences, occupational poisonings

or occupational diseases that occurs at the workplace and discuss the
findings and recommendations for corrective and preventive actions.

To ensure that the safety and health committee members carry out their duties
effectively, they shall be adequately trained. Training curriculum shall be tailor-
made to suit their tasks as committee members.

Stakeholders should develop curriculum for the Safety and Health Committee
members training based on their duties as mentioned earlier. Senior Management’s Training

Managerial personnel being policy makers for their organizations, they must be
aware and well versed with the safety and health legislative requirements. Their
commitment is vital for effective implementation of safety and health program
within their organization.

42 of 75
Relevant agencies may organise courses and seminars to attract Senior
Management of contractors to attend. Stakeholders should identify and develop
necessary training programs for these groups. The curriculum may include but
not limited to the following:

a) Legal Provisions – OSHA 1994, FMA 1967, Construction & Design

Management Regulations and other applicable Acts & Regulations.

b) The Real Cost of an Accident.

c) Safety & Health Leadership.

d) Safety and Health Accountability;

e) OSH Management System; and etc. OSH Competency to be Pre-Requisite for Registration of

Professional Architects, Engineers and Quantity Surveyors and other
related professionals

Currently Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) has made it mandatory for graduate
engineers to attend a 12 hours course on safety and health. Attendance in this
course is one of the pre-requisite for registration as a professional engineer. It is
recommended that the Board of Architects and Board of Surveyors adopt the
same training methodology or modify if necessary. Thus safety and health course
attendance be made a pre-requisite for registration of professional engineers,
architects and surveyors in the year 2007.

43 of 75 Workers’ Training

As part of a good safety and health management system in construction, all level
of personnel shall be adequately trained. Contractors should identify and develop
general training curriculum/kit for construction workers, which should include but
not limited to general awareness, tool-box talks, hazard identification techniques,
basic first aid, handling and reporting of accidents, etc. The purpose of the
proposed kit is to enable Principal Contractors to organise and conduct on-site
training program. Safety Induction for Construction Personnel

All construction personnel are required to undergo a one-day (minimum. six

hours) induction course prior to being allowed to work on site. Upon completion
of such course they will be issued with CIDB Green Card or NIOSH Coupon.
Enforcement Agencies should improve enforcement of the induction program.

The current program did not make any provision for CIDB Green Card or NIOSH
Coupon holders to undergo a refresher program for renewal. Construction
personnel should be kept informed on the latest development in the construction
safety and health issues, thus stakeholders should formulate, develop and
implement a refresher program for the inducted personnel. The following shall be
considered: Senior Management

Senior management personnel should be encouraged to attend at least one

safety and health management course or seminar a year. Stakeholders should
ensure that this program is to be implemented in the year 2006.

44 of 75 Professionals/Sub-Professional

All engineers, surveyors (quantity and land), architects, technical assistants, site
agents, technician, clerk of work should be encouraged to attend at least one
approved occupational safety and health related course or seminar or workshop a
year organized either by their respective professional organization or accredited
training providers. Training providers should issue certificate of attendance. This
program may be implemented in 2006. Seminars

To enhance the level of awareness, stakeholder should collaborate to organize a

number of construction occupational safety and health seminars annually at
national and state level. These seminars may be organized by relevant
government agencies such as CIDB, DOSH, NIOSH, SOCSO, MBAM, PKMM and
Professional bodies such as BEM, BAM, ACEM, PAM, IEM, and etc. Other Trainings Competency & Skill Training

In the introduction of Industrialised Building System, new plant, machinery and

new technology will be introduced to the construction industry. Some of the
plant, machinery and new technology require competent person to operate them.
Stakeholders should identify and develop training curriculum for specific plant,
machinery and tools. The curriculum should not only cover the skill requirements
but also must include the safe and healthy usage and handling of such plant,
machinery, new technology and tools.

45 of 75 Specialised Training for High Risk Jobs

There are jobs or tasks in construction work that expose workers to high hazards
and risks (such as working in high rise buildings, bridge construction, tunnelling
work, etc.). Prior to allowing them to perform such work, they must be
adequately trained with proper techniques of identifying associated hazards,
assessing potential risks and introducing suitable control measures.

Stakeholders should identify and develop suitable training program for high-risk
operations, which should include but not limited to Job Safety Analysis, Risks
Assessment Methodology, etc. Training Providers/Individual Trainers

Currently there is no standard and clear guideline for organization or individuals

to be accredited as safety and health training providers. Therefore regulatory
bodies should define the pre-requisite and conditions for the accreditation

As a general guide, only organization with qualified and competent trainers with
adequate facilities should be allowed to conduct competency-based training.

Construction work is unique by itself. The nature of the work is totally different
from other industries. Work conditions and environment on site keep on evolving
from the start up to the completion. Therefore only those who had the
experiences working on construction sites are well versed with the art of it. The
objective is to ensure only qualified trainers are allowed to conduct approved
training programs in order to achieve and maintain the quality and standards of
the programs.

To ensure all training programs are being run effectively, trainers must be of high
quality and standard. Thus, all trainers shall undergo a competency test to be

46 of 75
conducted by regulatory bodies as pre-requisite for accreditation. Potential
training providers/individual trainers shall register with relevant authorities. This
program should be implemented as soon as possible. Training on “DO IT YOURSELF” (D.I.Y) OSH Management

System for Construction Industry & its Certification. General

Stakeholders should collaborate to organize a course or seminar to assist the

contractors in understanding and implementing the OSH Management System
through “DIY” concept. The curriculum shall cover each fundamental element of
the management system. After completion of seminar or course, contractors shall
be guided in developing and implementing the system in their organization. The
training concept of “DIY” for ISO 9000 currently being conducted by CIDB may
be adopted. Certification

Contractors should be encouraged to seek certification on OSH Management

System. To encourage more contractors to adopt OSH Management System and
to seek certification “DIY”, concept of developing OSH Management System
should be widely promoted. By the year 2007, the industry should endeavour to
have at least 100 contractors certified to OSH Management System.

A common assessment and evaluation system based on merit point assignment

for compliance and achievement to measure contractors’ safety and health
performance should be established and made effective by the year 2008.

Contractors with low performance (based of predetermined standards) shall be

given further guidance for them to improve.

47 of 75 Construction (Design & Management) Course for

The proposed Construction (Design & Management) Regulations to be

promulgated will place duties on all those who can contribute to health and
safety of a construction project. Duties are placed upon clients, designers and
contractors and the regulations create a new duty holder-the planning
supervisor, whereby the main role of this Planning Supervisor is to advise the
client and the Designers on all relevant safety matters including their duties. He
can also play the role as designated person to give advice on health and safety
management to the client and the designers. Since the word planning supervisor
seems to suggest speciality in planning rather than safety, it is proposed that the
designation be Safety Advisor or Safety Coordinator.

Since construction involves teamwork of client, designers (including architects,

engineers and surveyors) and contractor, all parties or duty holders must work
together towards a better safety consciousness and contribute accordingly.

There are three courses/seminars, which must be introduced before the

implementation of the said regulation. First, will be the Malaysian CDM
Regulations awareness course/seminar. It’s an introduction kind of
course/seminar whereby the salient points of the regulations needs to be
highlighted and addressed. The main target group will be the client and the

Secondly, for the Principal Contractors this course/seminar must be designed for
contractors who are required to undertake the role of principle Contractors as
defined in the new regulations.

Thirdly, for the Designers/Safety Advisor this course must be designated for
person or company who are required to undertake the role of safety advisor.
The objective of this course/seminar is to ensure that the appointed personnel

48 of 75
are capable of carrying out their duties as stipulated under the proposed CDM
(Malaysia) Regulation.

To help the designers to fulfil their safety duties, relevant regulatory bodies
should take the lead to provide a code of practice or guideline before it can be

All engineers, surveyors (quantity and land) and architects should attend the
“Construction (Design & Management)” course/seminar to be introduced in 2007
upon the promulgation of the Construction (Design & Management) Regulation. Role of Trade Associations in Training

Trade association such as Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM),

Persatuan Kontraktor Melayu Malaysia (PKMM) and others are the umbrellas for
their members. Indirectly they have the control on their members, specifically in
promoting and encouraging contractors to participate in safety and health
training programs, thus they shall disseminate information on safety and health
training to their member. Integration of Occupational Safety and Health Content into

the Curriculum of Trade Schools, Local Colleges and Universities

All undergraduate, Diploma and trade certificate programs in engineering,

architecture, surveying and all other related courses conducted by local
universities, colleges and trade schools to incorporate occupational safety and
health content into their course curriculum. Regulatory bodies should work jointly
with the professional bodies to set this requirement as a prerequisite for the
recognition of their qualification. For the diploma and certificate level courses,
National Accreditation Board should be consulted to make this as a requirement
for accreditation of these courses. Regulatory bodies should implement this policy
in 2006.

49 of 75 Capacity Building of Enforcement Agencies Officers

Enforcement Officers (inspector) are fully trained and experienced in matters of

enforcing health, safety and welfare related legislations. As Enforcement Officers
are multi-tasking, they are required to carry out inspection and auditing in the
construction safety and health. Therefore they must upgrade their knowledge &
skills on construction techniques as well as occupational safety and health. The
capacity of enforcement officers should be enhanced.

The success of all education & training programs rely on the commitment of the
industry stakeholders. Therefore effective collaboration amongst stakeholders
should be encouraged.


6.3.1 Background

CIDB is currently implementing a number of promotion activities to promote

excellence and creativity in the industry. Among the activities include the award
of Annual Malaysian Construction Industry Excellence Award for various project
categories, the promotion of Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series -
OHSAS 18001 “ DO IT YOURSELF” scheme to industry players, training programs
in construction occupational safety and health, a number of publications and
publicity through media. The existing promotion programs are insufficient and
specific programs need to be outlined to guide safety and health promotion
within the construction industry. The stakeholders are encouraged to implement
the promotion programs identified in this Master Plan.

6.3.2 Objectives

To raise the awareness of employers, workers, the public and other stakeholders
about safety and health in construction industry and the proposed action plans

50 of 75
for them to implement in order to improve the safety and health performance
within their enterprise.

6.3.3 Recommended Actions Promotion through electronic media

Regulatory bodies should consider sensitising through electronic media such as

television, radio and Internet. Utilisation of Internet facilities should be
maximised by encouraging the stakeholders to establish occupational safety &
health columns on their existing websites. This program should be implemented
as soon as possible. Regulatory bodies should liase with relevant media
organisation to ensure all information and issues pertaining to safety and health
are highlighted during primetime. Stakeholders role in promoting MS-OSHMS through ‘DO IT

YOURSELF’ program

Regulatory bodies should encourage owner associations and trade associations to

promote and assist their constituent members in setting up Malaysian Standards
Occupational Safety and Health Management System within their enterprise
through the “DO IT YOURSELF” program. The approach taken by CIDB for ISO
9000 DIY Scheme should be adopted. The concept should be widely promoted to
industry stakeholders through media, exhibitions and seminars in the year 2006. Formation of Malaysian Construction Safety and Health

Association - MCSHA

Stakeholders should initiate the formation of Malaysian Construction Safety and

Health Association (MCSHA) by inviting major industry players to lead the
formation of pro-tem committee to register the Association. This program will be
implemented as soon as possible. Stakeholders should work together to make

51 of 75
this program a success. The objective of forming this association is to pool the
industry stakeholders’ resources under one umbrella body to further enhance
construction safety and health. Promoting Safe Work Practices

Relevant Government’s Agencies should encourage stakeholders and trade

associations to promote the following safe work practices:- Development of Standard Safety Signs

Relevant Government’s Agencies (such as DOSH) should collaborate with relevant

parties (such as NIOSH) to develop and publish guidelines for the development
of standard safety signs in local languages (English and Bahasa Malaysia) in
consultation with and for implementation by, industry players (stakeholders,
Trade associations and worker unions). This program will be implemented as
soon as possible. Safety promotion by stakeholders

Regulatory bodies should encourage owner associations, trade associations and

worker unions to organize regular safety and health promotion activity such as
safety campaigns in every state or district. Annual Award

Annual award for Best Project Owner (who has contributed to safety and health)
should be introduced. Currently awards are only available for best contractor.
Project owners play a pivotal role as much as the contractors, and therefore
should be recognised for their effort and commitment.

52 of 75
Regulatory bodies should draw up the selection criteria or assessment
methodology for all safety and health related awards and announce it widely to
the industry stakeholders. This program is to be implemented as soon as
possible. Special Certificate of Achievement for Best Practice In

Occupational Safety & Health

CIDB and DOSH may jointly issue Special Certificates of Achievement for Best
Practice in Occupational Safety & Health in Construction Industry, to first 100
contractors and 20 developers who may achieve a certain pre-determined
standard, annually beginning the year 2006. Relevant parties should formulate
the assessment methodology to be used. Publication of Safety & Health Prosecutions

Currently news on legal proceedings related to occupational safety and health is

rarely published in the major newspapers and in the electronic media. Due to the
lack of awareness on this matter, majority of the employers are not aware of the
legal consequences for not complying with the statutory requirements.

The objective is to enhance the level of awareness particularly the employers and
generally the public on occupational safety & health in the construction sector.

To utilize publicity as a training tool, regulatory bodies should establish an

effective mechanism to facilitate dissemination of such information to the public
through appropriate channel and websites.

53 of 75

6.4.1 Background

CIDB currently provides funding mainly for training programs in construction.

Amongst the funding provided include the funding for safety and health induction
course for construction industry personnel and safety and health management
course for contractors. The existing financial incentives focus very little on
construction safety and health per se and there is no specific program to
stimulate the improvement of safety and health performance within the industry.
To overcome these deficiencies, stakeholders should consider the following
programs to stimulate the improvement of safety and health performance in the
construction industry.

6.4.2 Objectives

To encourage more construction personnel to undergo training programs and

also encourage construction related organizations to play active role in promoting
occupational safety and health in construction industry.

6.4.3 Recommended Actions Incentives for Construction Safety & Health Officer Course

and Site Safety Supervisor Course

Interested organizations may consider sponsoring or subsidising training

programs for Construction Safety & Health Officer and Site Safety Supervisor. Incentives by SOCSO

Annually SOCSO has to pay millions of Ringgit for workplace accident

compensations. As a counter measure to reduce the compensation, SOCSO

54 of 75
should continue it’s current program of providing grants and sponsorship for
occupational safety and health training.

In 2003, SOCSO has paid RM754 million 4in compensation for all industrial
accidents. Out of this, it is estimated that RM37 – RM40 million was paid as
compensation for accidents in construction industry. To reduce the
compensation, SOCSO may want to consider increasing the grant for safety and
health programs organized by interested parties in construction industry. The
provision of such grant may encourage stakeholders to organize and participate
in occupational safety and health programs. Thus, this will lead to a more
knowledgeable and skilled workforce in construction industry, and could minimize
work place accidents and compensation to be paid by SOCSO. Stakeholders’
cooperation and commitment is vital for the successful implementation of this
recommendation. Incentives from Insurers for Good Risk Management

Stakeholders should seek the assistance of the Director General of Insurance and
the Persatuan Insuran Am Malaysia (PIAM) to recognise construction companies
with MS-OSHMS or MS-COHMS and rated good safety and health performers to
be awarded with lower insurance premium. The formula and incentives should
be worked out and implemented immediately. Itemisation of Safety and Health item in Preliminary

Project owners or clients shall itemise safety and health management items in
the preliminary section of Bill of Quantities and not to be lumped under the lump

4. Source: New Straits Times – Front page, 19th April 2004

55 of 75 Tax-Exemption for PPE, all tools and equipment related to
safety and health used in the Construction Industry

Government may consider exempting tax on personal protective equipment (PPE)

used for the purpose of securing safety and health of construction workers. Reduction of fee for Occupational Safety & Health

Management System Certification

CIDB may work with certification bodies to encourage more construction related
companies and contractors to be certified with Occupational Safety & Health
Management System. Higher incentives may be considered in the initial years
(2006 – 2010) and may gradually reduce thereafter. Incentives for Courses to be Organised by the Proposed

Malaysia Construction Safety and Health Association

All construction safety and health seminars to be organized by the Proposed

Malaysian Construction Safety and Health Association for the year 2006 may seek
incentive from SOCSO and other agencies having interest in reducing accident at
work place.


6.5.1 Background

Standards are the documents established by consensus and approved by

recognized body that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines,
code of practices or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the
achievement of optimum degree of order in a given context. Standards should be

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based on the consolidated results of science, technology and experience, and
aimed at the promotion of optimum community benefits.

A code of practice can be defined as a document prepared for the purpose of

providing practical guidance on acceptable way of achieving compliance with
statutory duties and regulatory requirement. Code of practice shall be followed,
unless there is another solution which achieves the same or better result.

Standards are important to ensure that every working man and woman in a
nation would be provided safe and healthy work conditions while preserving the
national human resource. Standards would provide proper guide for good
practice in occupational safety and health. Good practice in occupational safety
and health means one can expect that the number of accidents at workplace
could be minimized or reduced systematically over the years. Malaysian Standards

Malaysian Standards is a consensus standard developed by Standard

Development Committees within the Malaysian Standards Development System
and approved by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation accordance
with the Standards of Malaysia Act 1996 ( Act 549). There are few types of
standards as listed below: -

a) Adapted Standard

An adapted standard is a standard that is adapted from regional standards

or other foreign national standards which is technically modified to suit
local needs.

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b) Confirmed Standard

A confirmed standard is a standard which has been reviewed by the

Standard Development Committee and considered to be satisfactory
without change and indicated by the word ‘Confirmed’ together with the
year of confirmation on the front cover of the standard.

c) Indigenous Standard

An indigenous standard is a standard which is prepared either based on a

collection of references including literature or data collected from industry,
association, survey or data obtained through research and technology
development. Such standards are usually unique to local conditions in

c) Revised Standard

A revised standard is a standard which is reviewed in terms of its technical

content and presentation i.e. where technical content is found to be
obsolete or inappropriate in the light of current technological
development. A revised standard supersedes the standard published

d) Provisional Standard

A provisional standard is a standard developed as a result of urgent needs

such as for legislative requirements and implementation of government
policies. It does not need to go through the normal procedure for the
development of standard as provided in clause 15 of the Standards of
Malaysia Act.

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6.5.2 Objectives

To guide industry players to adopt good practice guidelines acceptable to the

industry that will enable them to achieve compliance with occupational safety and
health legislation.

6.5.3 Recommended Actions Guidelines on MS Construction Occupational Health and

Safety Management System (MS COHSMS)

Fatal accidents in the construction industry are still among the highest compared
to other industrial accident. Moreover, to train all workers and staffs at
construction site on occupational safety and health may not be practical as the
level of understanding, ability to perform a task in safe manner and knowledge
on potential hazard may not be fully understood by everyone at construction site.

Further, legislation alone cannot ensure safety and health at the workplace.
Addressing occupational safety & health issues require a good management
system. A good occupational safety and health management system is a self-
regulatory system, which usually addresses the general duties of employers and
employees as well as designers, manufacturers and suppliers. It provides
protection to the safety, health and welfare of persons at work and of others that
may be affected by hazards originating from activities of persons at work.
Specific OSH Management System for specific industry could further strengthen
the self-regulation system.

A tailor-made Construction Occupational Health & Safety Management System or

in short COHSMS need to be developed by the industry. COHSMS is to help in
reducing the risk of construction occupational accidents.

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In addition, the guidelines will encourage the establishment of manuals in order
to effectively implement risk assessment at construction site. It will promote self
-sustained safety and health management system.

MS 1722:2003 on Occupational Safety and Health Management System which

was approved in 2003 is a general management system on occupational safety &
health and applicable to all industries. Similar goes to OHSAS 18001:1999.

Therefore, and as recommended by the special committee set up by CIDB

(NOSHCCI), it is high time to develop a specific guidelines on MS Construction
Occupational Safety and Health Management System (MS COHSMS) so that both
effective management systems at business office and project site could be
addressed systematically and be audited.

An effective MS Construction Occupational Health & Safety Management System

(MS COHSMS) shall take into consideration the fundamental factors on corporate
responsibility, social and moral obligation, good business sense and legal
obligation. Good and effective safety and health management system does not
only reduce risk to safety and health but also ensures high returns in terms of
productivity and profitability.

DSM, SIRIM, CIDB and DOSH shall collaborate to develop COHSMS by 2005. By
the year 2006 COHSMS must be ready to be used and accredited certification
bodies must also be available for certification purposes. Certification scheme
need to be developed. Thus COHSMS needs to be reviewed by the year 2008 and
2010 to incorporate latest development and legislation requirement.

60 of 75 Guidelines for Safe Construction Works Guideline on Prevention of Falls at Construction Sites

The guidelines for prevention of falls at construction site have to be developed on

a fast track basis and must be ready by end of 2005 (Provisional Standard). The
reason is, falling from height is the major cause of accidents reported in the
construction industry in Malaysia and other part of the world. It is also the major
cause of accidental death in construction industry. Currently, there is no specific
Code of Practice or guidelines for prevention of falls at Construction Sites. Those
existing standards such as MS ISO 10333-1:2003, MS ISO 10333-2:2003 and MS
ISO 10333-3:2003 are meant for Personal Fall Arrest System- dealing with the
tools and devices only and does not specifically address the detailed prevention
measures. Prevention measures are vital to reduce the possibility of falling from

A specific guideline for Prevention of Falls at Construction Site is necessary

covering both the prevention measures and fall injury prevention systems to
combat the increasing number of accidents reported in construction industry. Guidelines on Working at Confined Area

Not knowing the dangers of confined areas/spaces has led to the deaths of many
construction workers. Often those killed include not only those working in the
confined space but also those who, not properly equipped, try to rescue them.
Work in confined areas requires skilled and trained people to ensure safety. If
work cannot be avoided in a confined space, it will often be safer to bring in a
specialist for the job. There should be a safe system of work for operation inside
or at confined spaces/areas. This guideline shall be developed and ready for the
use/reference by 2006.

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The proposed guideline shall include specific requirement for entry into confined
spaces. The guideline shall provide guides in minimizing the need to enter
confined spaces and avoiding exposure to hazards that may be experienced
when entry to a confined space is necessary. Guidelines – Working at Noisy and Dusty Area

Regular exposure to high noise levels can cause deafness. The exposure of
anyone to noise from work activities should be assessed and controlled. Where
risk to hearing cannot be eliminated, employer must provide hearing protection
to their workers. This guideline has to be developed and ready by 2007.

Contractors shall improve their assessment of noise hazards, control measures

and training of employees. The most effective way of controlling exposure to
workplace noise is through reduction of noise at it sources.

The proposed guideline shall emphasis on acceptable level of noise and noise
control measures at construction sites. The employer must provide proper
hearing protecting devices. Other guidelines

Other guidelines such as guideline on Construction Activities at Night, Safe

Movement of Vehicles at Construction Sites; Manual Handling, etc. to be
developed as well.

62 of 75 Standards for Scaffolding material and jointing method,
workers housing and amenities

It is vital and timely to produce standard design/drawings on scaffolding, workers

quarters/housing and temporary sanitary system at construction sites.

There are not many types of scaffolding available in the market. It is therefore
highly recommended that standard design and drawings be produced by DOSH
to assist the contractors to erect these approved scaffolds safely and confidently.
Also by having standard design & drawings, the project owners or consultants
can incorporate these standard drawings in their master list of drawings for
tender or construction purposes.

Similar approach should be considered by other relevant authorities to produce

standard drawings and design for workers housing and temporary sanitary
system. These standard design & drawings should be ready for the industry’s use
as soon as possible. Guidelines on Construction (Design & Management)

Regulations (CDM)

CDM is a new regulations being proposed in this master plan. Traditionally, the
duties and responsibility on safety and health in construction industry placed on

This newly proposed CDM regulations will be imposing duties on five key parties,
namely; client, designer, planning supervisor, principal contractor and other
contractors to a contract. This guidelines need to be developed by 2007.

When this regulations approved and come into force, a proper guidelines need to
be developed to facilitate the project owners, consultants, planning supervisor
and contractors to understand and incorporate safety and health elements in the

63 of 75
design and construction at a later stage. The guidelines on CDM shall explain the
client, designer, planning supervisor, principal contractor and other contractor’s
duties and other significant requirements in the CDM Regulations. Code of Practice on Construction at Highly Hazardous


The Code of Practice on construction at highly hazardous workplace may be

similar to the normal construction but extra precaution and emphasis must be
given on hazard prevention measures especially for those new construction
projects approved nearby or within highly hazardous area such as working near
or within existing plant, which is under operation. Safe construction systems
need to be established.

For oil and gas construction sites, due to its highly hazardous workplace, specific
code of practice has to be developed. Hand Book on Good Practice – Occupational Safety and

Health at Construction Sites

The proposed handbook on good practice for occupational safety and health at
construction sites has to be handy and simplified for the use of every employee
or worker at construction sites. This handbook must be drafted and available for
use or reference as soon as possible.

As there are quite a number of general workers who could not read or write
properly in construction industry, it is proposed that the contents of this
handbook be illustrated and explained by using cartoons, drawings and simple &
plain language (in Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese and Tamil).

64 of 75 Department of Standard Malaysia To Accredit Certification

In order to speed up the process to certify contractors to MS COHSMS (MS for

Construction Occupational Health and Safety Management System) and for the
effective implementation of ‘Do - it- Yourself’ Program, Department of Standard
Malaysia shall accredit and recognize relevant agencies (CIDB, NIOSH, etc)
beside SIRIM QAS to carry out certification exercise on OSH Management
System. This program needs to be implemented as soon as possible.

Those agencies or organizations that have been identified by DSM for the
accreditation purpose shall train their staffs to be qualified auditors on MS
COHSMS or general OSH management system. Green Lane Approval for Standard Design and Drawings –

Scaffolding, Workers Quarters and Temporary Sanitary System

The relevant government agencies (DOSH, KPKT and JKR) should facilitate the
industry to develop standard design and drawings on scaffoldings, workers
quarters and temporary sanitary system. Once developed, authorities shall
encourage the project owners and consultants to use these approved standard
design and drawings on scaffolding, workers quarters and temporary sanitary
system for their projects. This program must be implemented by the year 2006.

The advantage of using these pre-approved design and drawings is that, project
owners or consultants do not need to make submission to relevant authorities in
regards to scaffolds, workers quarters and temporary sanitary system. This would
speed up the construction activities and at the same time will ensure that the
scaffolding are erected and dismantled according to the approved specifications,
safe and hygienic worker’s quarters built at construction sites and proper &
hygienic temporary sanitary system lay at construction sites.

65 of 75 Revision to Code of Practice & Guidelines to Incorporate
Latest Legislation & Technology

As a general requirement, standards need to be reviewed every five years.

However, if there is a need to review the Code of Practice and Guidelines on the
proposed Occupational Safety and Health Code of Practices / guidelines especially
when the need arises due to amendments in law or regulations / introduction of
new technology in safe work systems or changes in construction methods, it is
strongly recommended that these Code of Practice(s) or guidelines be reviewed
even before the said five years period.

66 of 75

6.6.1 Background

Research into the working life within the construction sector in Malaysia is
important for describing various aspects of the current working life situation and
for analysing causes and relations. Research can help to provide a sound basis
for decision making, both at strategic level and directly in the worksite. Research
that is relevant to improving safety and health in the construction industry might
include a detailed study of the industry’s structure contractual and bidding
practices, workers training and education, risk assessment of construction tasks,
high risk work practices, or incentives or constrains to adopting good work
practices or equipment that could reduce occupational injuries or illness.

We have a poor understanding of how either individual attitudes and behaviour

or management action is related to safety in the construction industry. Thus, a
research to understand the factors that influence safety behaviour and
compliance with safety requirements on construction site should be undertaken.

Technology in the economic and industrial context is seen as a combination of

four visible forms, all of which dynamically interact and together enable the
accomplishment of desired transformations. The four visible forms which can
exist in various degrees of sophistication are object, person, document and
institution. Objects like machines and factories enhance the muscle power and
brain power of individual human beings. Documented facts store accumulated
knowledge so as to avoid reinventing the wheel. Personal abilities generate,
operate and maintain all objects. Institutional frameworks help plan, organize,
activate, motivate and control transformation processes. All four visible forms
are complimentary to one another and are required for any industry. Hence
technology provides the means to achieve transformation of available inputs into
desired outputs.

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Development of technology may be dependent upon services which may be
available internationally but application is dependent upon politics, economics
and the culture of the society where it is to be utilized.

CIDB’s current policy on technology emphasizes on moving away from labour

intensive activities towards technology driven activities.

6.6.2 Objectives

To reduce occupational safety and health hazards by introduction of

mechanization and new method of construction that will optimise labour
utilization in the industry.

6.6.3 Recommended Actions Construction Accident Reporting Mechanism

Currently construction accidents are reported to a number of agencies. To fulfil

the requirement of Factories and Machinery Act a report is lodged with DOSH.
To fulfil the requirement of penal code a report is lodged with the police. To fulfil
the requirement of social security Act and the workmen’s compensation Act
(depending upon local or foreign worker) report is lodged with SOCSO and
Insurance Company respectively. All these agencies currently maintain their own
accident statistics. There is no single agency that coordinates the collection of
these data. To improve coordination and to avoid multiple reporting, a standard
reporting procedure and common reporting form need to be developed. In
addition, all the agencies should be able to share and retrieve information
whenever necessary. Therefore it is proposed that DOSH lead the other agency
to undertake a study to identify the weakness inherent in the present system and
propose best method of reporting that will enable all agencies to share
information as well as to collate accident statistics that are more accurate for
future use.

68 of 75 New Methods For Preventing Fall From Height

Falling from height is one of the leading causes of occupational fatalities and
disabling injuries in the construction Industry. Fall Protection is defined as any
means or system used to protect employees from falling from an elevated
walking or working surface. It involves the elimination, prevention and/or control
of fall hazards.

Currently statutory provisions regarding fall prevention or working at height are

very minimal and brief in nature. There are no standards or approved guidelines
or codes of practices with respects to this available for reference.

As general control measures industry players currently adopt the provision of

scaffolds, safety belt, safety lines and guardrails as means of protection and
prevention. Unfortunately due to lack of enforcement and as a cost saving
measure those precautionary measures are implemented half heartedly.

In order to improve the above situation industry stakeholders and training

centres should be encouraged to:

a) Develop new methods of prevention through research and development.

b) Consider the introduction of mobile elevation work platform (MEWPS),

mast Climbing Work Platforms (MCWPS) and motorized mobile scaffold. Research and Development on Project Safety and Health

Currently there are not many research projects that focus on improving
construction safety and health. DOSH, CIDB and other industry players should
jointly identify more research and development projects that will enhance safety
and health in construction industry. The following R & D projects are
recommended for consideration by CREAM and Universities.

69 of 75 A Study should be conducted to identify and examine the Socio-
economic factors that shape the development and/or adoption of safety and
health management in the construction enterprises in Malaysia. The essence of
this study is to develop an understanding of the decision processes involved in
investing on safety and health solutions; including the initial drivers of the
decision to invest; the influence on the type of investment processes. The study
may not have to be limited to construction industry but extended to cover all
other industries particularly the small and medium scale industries managed by
the Malaysians. A comprehensive study should be conducted to identify effective

ways of rewarding construction enterprises to improve safety and health
performance. Areas to be covered shall include: -

a) Introduction of insurance Premium Discounts for a construction in

proportion to the number projects completed without accident claims
perpetually to an agreed maximum amount.

b) Good safety and health performance of an enterprise should be a factor of

good corporate governance as well as good corporate citizenship. For this
purpose the current corporate environmental performance reporting can
be extended to include safety and health performance reporting. The
possibility of tying up this requirement as one of the pre-requisites for
upgrading of companies listing status from the second board to the first
board should also be investigated.

c) The existing projects success factors could be extended to include safety

and health and environment management. This requires a paradigm shift
among construction industry professionals as well as the possibility of
building into construction contract agreement to reward the contractor for
good safety and health performance. The reward could be either from the

70 of 75
government or the project proponent in pursuance of the “caring society
policy’ or ‘Dasar Masyarakat Penyayang’ as enunciated in the vision 2020
policy as well as in the Third Outline Perspective Plan.

d) A comprehensive study of causes of accident and the circumstances

leading to a loss of life within the construction industry in Malaysia
between 1997 to 2004 should be carried out. Such, a study will provide an
essential foundation for understanding the nature of construction safety
and health in Malaysia.

e) A study to develop construction safety and health management guidelines

for owners, constructors, subcontractors and consultants to guide them on
the roles each of them should play in order to achieve good safety and
health performance in their project.

f) A study to develop standard safety and health training modules for use by
all categories of contractors ranging from G1 to G7. Training materials
such as training manuals, guides, work books and videos should be
developed. Wherever possible those developed by the International
Labour Organisation (ILO) could be modified and adopted.

g) A study to look into the possibility of making, the provision of minimum

safety requirement to workers by the contractor to be a precondition for
full payment of compensation by SOCSO and insurance companies should
be undertaken. In the event of failure on the part of the contractor to
provide the minimum requirement, then SOCSO and insurance company
will only be required to pay partial compensation and the remaining to be
borne by the contractor. The viability of introducing such scheme should
be studied from the legal, human and fundamental insurance prospective.

71 of 75 Improving the Signal System for Site Traffic Management

DOSH and NIOSH should spearhead the task of improving the signal system for
site traffic management and the latest state of art temporary traffic management
system. DOSH and NIOSH to work jointly with JKR and relevant organisations. E-Portal for Construction Occupational Safety & Health and

On-Line Accident Reporting

NIOSH has already developed and maintaining an e-portal for occupational safety
and health. This e-portal should be enhanced and the industry to utilize it to
communicate issues on construction occupational safety and health matters. The
e-portal should provide information related to training, accredited training
providers, safety and health news, etc. related to construction occupational
safety and health. Hyper link should be created at all government, trade
association and related bodies.

Enforcing Agencies such as DOSH may work jointly with NIOSH, CIDB, SOCSO,
MCSHA and other interested parties in establishing an on-line accident reporting
facilities. Personal Protective Equipment, Safety tools and Equipment

for Working at Height

DOSH or NIOSH should identify and recommend suitable PPE necessary to secure
the safety, health and welfare of the worker working at height. They should also
endeavour to make it mandatory the use of safety harness with straps attached
to horizontal lifeline.

72 of 75 Tools and Equipment for Working in Confined Spaces

All monitoring safety equipment and PPE used in working at confined spaces
should comply with the latest international standards. Standard Drawings for Temporary Works Implemented by


Regulatory bodies should make it mandatory for design consultants to prepare

design drawing for a standard temporary works and to incorporate safe erection
and installation during construction stage and safe occupancy and maintenance
of permanent works. DOSH should implement this policy jointly with the BEM,
IEM and PAM. Industrialized Building System (IBS)

The introduction of IBS has brought in new technology and methodology for
construction activities. This includes the introduction of pre-fabricated
components and requirement for use of mechanical plant and equipment, thus
leading to minimum utilization of manpower. In other words the number of
workers being exposed to hazards and risks has been minimized. Unfortunately
the utilization of machinery, plant and new materials may create new hazards
and risks. Therefore regulatory bodies should incorporate occupational safety and
health requirements in the IBS program. Those requirements may include on the
provisions for heavy lifting and manual handling.

73 of 75 Study on the Suitability and Practicability of Personal
Protective Equipment and Safety and Health Tools and Equipments for
use in Construction Industry in Malaysia.

Currently there are many personal protective equipment that are imported and
used in this country. Their suitability in tropical country like Malaysia need to be
studied and acceptable ones should be recommended for industry use.

74 of 75
Appendix 1

The National Occupational Safety and Health Committee for Construction Industry
(NOSHCCI) consist of the following representatives:

Ir. Dr. Johari bin Basri (Chairman) Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
Pekerjaan / National Institute of
Occupational Safety & Health

Ir. M. Ramuseren Construction Industry Development Board

Ir. Amir bin Hj Yahya, P.M.P Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan


Tn. Hj. Awang Che Seman Perbendaharaan Malaysia, Kementerian


Ir. Nazari Hashim / Ir. Hashim Buyu Jabatan Kerja Raya, Malaysia

En. Nordin Mohamed Salleh Jabatan Kerajaan Tempatan, Kementerian

Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan

Dr. Mohamed Azman Aziz Mohamed Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial

Hjh. Maimunah Hj. Khalid National Institute of Occupational Safety &


Ir. Dr. Abdul Khalim Abdul Rashid Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

En. Hazman Jaafar Persatuan Kontraktor Melayu Malaysia

Mr. Foo Chek Lee Master Builder Association Malaysia

Ir. Kesavan Jeganathan Institution of Engineers, Malaysia

Ar. Jerry Sum Phoon Mun Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia

Ir. Mohd Mazlan Md Ismail Merican Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia

Mr. Lee Yee Kuang / Mr. Christopher Tio Persatuan Pemaju Perumahan & Hartanah

En. Iqbal Abdullah Petroliam Nasional Berhad

Mr. Ong Ang Sung Persatuan Insuran Am Malaysia

Major (Rtd) Ir. Kamarulzaman Hj. Musa KLIA Consultancy Services Sdn Bhd

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