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Master Bedroom
● SECRET ITEM:​ (Click on the light switch the left side of the screen)
● Submit (Best if you want to appease wife)

● Knock
● Enter (You will accidentally see her undressing, no effect)

Daughter’s Bedroom
● Side with her (She will remember this)
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(DO NOT touch her leg and touch her face instead)
● Hug your daughter (​Grants one relationship point)

● Check on daughter (No effect -- optional)
● Look for wife (No effect -- optional)
● Head downstairs
● Follow your wife (Not doing so will miss an opportunity)
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Compromise with her)
● Head downstairs

● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Make her coffee black and bitter)
● Cream & Sugar (She will like and remember this)
● SECRET ITEM:​ ​(Click on her coffee cup immediately after sitting down)
● Ask about her day
○ Outside Date​ (Branch 1 -- Outside date in morning + come home after for
Stay-In Date. Best Choice for the most interaction with daughter)
○ Stay-In Date​ (Branch 2 -- Spend morning winning wife over + later in day
Stay-In Date with daughter. A balanced choice between both girls)
○ Cancel​ (Branch 3 -- No date with daughter. Talk to Wife in the morning and
run into daughter while looking for the son)
● Say nothing
● Talk about yourself
● Bring up earlier encounter
● Follow daughter to her bedroom

Daughter’s Bedroom
● Sympathize (She will remember this)

Guest Bedroom
● Charm her (​Grants one relationship point with Wife​)
● Enjoy the ride (Branch 1, 2 and 3 run on what’s essentially autopilot)
● Wife wakes you up (​Grants one relationship point with Wife​)

● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Choose the outside date)
● If chose outside date (​Grants one relationship point with Daughter​)

TV Room
● SECRET ITEM: (​Click on the TV screen right when you enter the TV scene)
● Watching TV (​Grants one relationship point with Daughter​)

Son’s Bedroom
● Check [X] (Check every room until you arrive at the staircase)

● Shop / Food Court / Cinema (Can be done in any preferred order)

Clothes Store
● SECRET ITEM: (​Click on the mannequin's head just as you enter the store)
● Wavy dress (the wavy dress is correct and ends sequence, check others for variety)

● Snackbar (You will recognize Isaac the next time you encounter him)
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Ask him about the injury that he received)

After Dinner
● Wife’s bedroom (unlocks special scene with wife next installment)
● Guest bedroom (unlock special scene with daughter next installment + ​grants one
relationship point​)

Guest Bedroom
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Go to the daughter’s bedroom and finish the exposition sequence)
● Search
● Kitchen (Other rooms give optional exposition)

● Check on the girls (Other options directly avoid peeping encounter, avoiding blackmail
from Niece)

● Choose to take a shower (​Grants one relationship point w/ Niece)

Daughter’s Bedroom
● SECRET ITEM:​ (Click on the camera on the left side of the screen when it appears)
● Keep watching (Again, select leave if you want to avoid getting blackmailed by Niece)

● Niece touches you under the table (​Grants one relationship point w/ Niece)

● SECRET ITEM:​ (Click on the right side of the pink pillow as soon as the dream starts)
● Resist (No change to relationships, shows more of the segment)

Guest Bedroom
● Foyer

● Agree with wife (Not agreeing with her will upset her)

● Seat with Wife (Will remember this)
○ Ask about relationship
○ Talk about daughter
○ Hold her hand
○ GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Choose to hold her hand)
○ Kiss her (​Grants one relationship point with Wife​)
● Seat with Karen (Will remember this, invites you to touch her)
○ Confront about yesterday
○ Refuse (Submit if your goal is to have sex with your niece + ​grants one
relationship point with Niece​)
○ Submit (​Grants two relationship points with Niece​)
○ Cover her leg (No change in relationship, choose either)

Sis-In-Law’s House
● Be friendly
● Confront about Karen (Emotional debate, relationship isn’t changed)
● Small talk (Gets physical with the Sis-In-Law, avoid if not wanted)
● Current suit (bikini CE only, just cosmetic changes)

● SECRET ITEM:​ ​(Click the left umbrella pole right when you arrive at the beach)
● Ditch her (Avoids sexual situation with niece -- swim if wanted)
● Swim (​Grants one relationship point with Niece​)

● Connecting with Daughter (​Grants one relationship point with Daughter​)

Hot Tub
● Drink (You pass out, your son yells out before Karen can undress you)
● Refuse (You won’t pass out quickly, Karen will successfully molest you)
● Let her continue (​Grants one relationship point with Sister-In-Law​)
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Let her continue)

Sis-In-Law’s House Night

● Address her feelings (If you do this, you can choose to sleep in bed with her at home)

Sis-In-Law’s House
● Approach Karen
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Get Daughter)
● Persist
● Follow her
● Kiss her (​This initiates a romantic relationship that will develop in the future​)
● Refrain (This lets her know you want to care for her platonically, not romantically)

● Help apply (She will remember how this touch felt)
● SECRET ITEM:​ ​(Click on the grass when you first look down at her backside)
Sis-In-Law’s House
● Meet with her (If Karen molested you, your in-law will blackmail you for sexual favors)
● Get in car (Avoids confrontation with in-law, whatever happened last night)

Master Bedroom
● Persist (Will only work if you addressed her feelings last night)
● Comply (If you don’t want to intrude on her privacy)

Master/Guest Bedroom
● Enter (Informs you further of what you fear. Avoid if you don’t want to see her

● Nobody/You (Doesn’t change future events, just different dialogue in dream)
● Daughter (Just self-admission, doesn’t change future course. Karen if you feel guilty)

Master/Guest Bedroom
● Exit into hallway

● TV Room (Optional exposition about son)
● Upstairs/Daughter’s bedroom
● Open (Her changing, she will see someone at door and will ask if you did it in future)
● Knock (Avoids seeing her nude, she won’t confront you in the future)
● Kitchen

Theater Lobby
● Embrace (Asserts dominance in front of Ben, makes him jealous. Will remember this)

● SECRET ITEM:​ ​(Click the lid when you first look at the cup in the theater)

TV Room
● Admit (Only if you opened her door earlier, she knows and forgives you for seeing her)
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Admit your wrongs)

Your Bedroom
● SECRET ITEM:​ ​(Click the ball as you turn your head)
● Let her continue (Otherwise she will get very angry)
● Blame Dad
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Comfort her)
● Comfort her (​Grants one relationship point with Mother)
● Pick up your guitar
● (Play anything)
● Stop playing
● Put down guitar
● Check your phone
● Reply (Isaac will remember this)
● Blow him the fuck out
● Reply​ (Branch 4 -- Sneak out to party with cousin. By default, you will only sneak
out alone and it will give you special scenes with your cousin)
● Ignore​ (Branch 5 -- Stay at home instead of going out. Activates dream sequence
with Mom/Sis)

● Check on Mom
● Enter (Knocking will nullify the spying scene)

Master Bedroom
● Stay & hide
● Sneak across room
● SECRET ITEM:​ ​(Click on ceiling fan bulb right when you see it)
● Sneak out
● Confess truth (She will remember this)

● Check on sister

Sister’s Bedroom
● Talk about school
● Talk about Mom & Dad
● Invite her to the party​ (Branch 6 -- ​Sneaking out with your sister will give you special
scenes with her. ​DO NOT invite her to access the Karen sex scene​)
● Move in closer
● Compliment her (She will remember this)
● Leave room
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Insist that she stays)

● Head back to room
Party (Branch 4 & 5)
● Talk with Sis
● Socialize
● Approach hoodie girl
● Explore apartment
● Outside balcony
● Approach​ (She will remember this interaction)
● Leave & return​ ​(This gets the drugs the fastest, however she dies. You will never
see her again)
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Leave and return the balcony)
● Explore apartment
● Kitchen
● Enter corridor
● Approach girl
● Go upstairs (​Karen sex scene only if Sis isn’t with you)
● Sex sequence
● If no Sis, Cousin kiss (​Grants one relationship point with Cousin)
● Be a man​ (Isaac will remember this, if with Sis this grants one relationship point
with her)
● Submit​ (Isaac will remember this. Your next encounter with him will be influenced)

Dream (Branch 6)

● SECRET ITEM:​ ​(Click the moon when you first see it)
● Mom​ (Initiates dream sequence, grants one relationship point with Mother )
● Sis​ (Initiates dream sequence, grants one relationship point with Sis)
● Someone else​ (Your future relationships with your family will be uninfluenced)
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Finish the sequence)

Your Bedroom
● Explore house (Phone and guitar are optional segments)
● Kitchen (Other rooms show optional scenes and exposition)

● Approach
● Move behind her
● Embrace her
● Let go (Reaching higher will result in negative reaction)

● Compliment
● Bench / Squats (You can go through them in any order)
● SECRET SCENE:​ ​(Click on the weight plate on the left side of the screen when you
watch her stretch)

● Downstairs
● Refrain (Trying to kiss her will make her distrust you, canceling the bed sequence)
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Don’t take advantage of her, go back to sleep)
● Touch, kiss & go back to sleep don’t effect points regardless

Your Bedroom
● Wake her up (Bare ass scene, same outcome)
● Get out of bed (Dick on ass scene, same outcome)
● SECRET ITEM:​ ​(Click on the lamp shade once visible on the left)
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Leave for Cousin early)
● Leave into hall

● Stay and peek
● Hide in master bedroom

● Lift skirt (Has no repercussions, besides moral)
● Cousin touching you (​Grants one relationship point with Cousin)

Your Bedroom
● The dance
● Her and Dad
● Touch her hand (​Grants one relationship point with Sister​)
● Agree to unlock (Karen will give you her friend’s phone number in the future)
● Teach her (Gives you an exclusive brother/sister segment in the future)

● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Pull her top back up)
● Pull up skirt (Has no repercussions, besides moral)
● Pull top down (Has no repercussions, besides moral)

● Forgive him (Brings you two closer, he will do favors for you in the future)
● Shun him (Distances you further, one step closer to evicting him from house)

Aunt’s House
● SECRET ITEM:​ ​(Click on the blue vase on the table exactly when it appears visible)
● Check Hallway
● Move closer
● Peek (Will lead to earnable points with Sister later)
● Ask for a hug (Choose who you want to interact with, no change in relationship)

● Come with Sis (Choose if you want to gain points with Sis)
○ Admit actions (Only appears if you spied on Mom & Aunt earlier + ​grants one
relationship point with Sister​)
○ GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Admit actions)
● Stay with the others (Choose if you want to see Mom + Aunt + Karen)
● SECRET ITEM:​ ​(Click on the floral towel when it appears visible)
● Follow Karen (Choose if you want to spend time with Karen)
● Follow Mom & Aunt (Choose if you want to spy on them naked)

● Open (Keep closed if you don’t want to sexualize Cousin)
● Let her continue (Help her if you don’t want to take advantage of her while drunk)

Hot Tub
● Talk with Mom (​Grants one relationship point with Mother​)

Aunt’s House (Night)

● Warn Dad (This will avoid him from being assaulted by Karen but upset Aunt)
● Stay silent (Let Karen assault Dad and Aunt will reward you in the future)
● Peek around corner

Bathroom (Night)
● SECRET ITEM:​ ​(Click the bottle of soap on the bottom left when you turn to the door)
● Drugs (Will give you drugs to use in the future, opening up social options with girls)
○ Stuff
● Cash (You can pay for the clothes when you go shopping, pleasing your mom)
● Her (Kiss your aunt, she won’t forget this)
○ Her (Confirming you want to get physical with her)
○ Pin her against wall (Going all the way to sex, cumming inside her. There will be
future consequences)

Clothing Store
● Change in front of her (She will see and remember the size of your member)
● Change alone (Spare her from embarrassment)
● Offer to pay (Only works if you chose cash from your aunt, she will remember this)
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Offer to pay)

Aunt’s House
● Peek (No consequences, only if you want to invade her privacy once again)

Your Bedroom
● Exit into hall
● Sister’s bedroom (Gives short exposition about her and Dad)
● Master bedroom (Mom talks to you about you and your father moving out)

● Yes/No (No change to future events, gives different dialogue with skeleton)
● Cockpit (Confrontation and nude sequence with Mom)
● SECRET ITEM:​ ​(Click the circular altitude dial in the center when you enter the cockpit)
● Rear (Submission and nude sequence with Mom)

TV Room
● Pull her leg (She falls on you, her date will see her on your lap. He will remember this)
● GALLERY SCENE:​ ​(Pull her leg)

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