Your Scores For The General Test Taken On May 13, 2019: Zaid A Rababa Most Recent Test Date: May 13, 2019

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Note: This report is not valid for transmission of scores to an institution.

ZAID A RABABA, Most Recent Test Date: May 13, 2019

Address: JORDAN/IRBID, IRBID, Jordan, Registration Number: 5 4 3 5 5 5 3

. . . . . . .

Print Date: May 21, 2019

Email: [email protected],
Phone: 9 6 2 - 0 7 9 6 4 4 3 4 5 6 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date of Birth: August 24, 1996

Social Security Number (Last Four Digits): ,
Gender: Male,
Intended Graduate Major: Civil Engineering ( 1 1 0 2 ) . . . .

05-13-19,131,1.000,156,61.000,1.0,1.000,AVAILABLE, 131,1.000 156,61.000 1.0,1.000

Your Scores for the General Test Taken on May 13, 2019

Image graphs of the General Test Taken on May 13, 2019 Graph of verbal reasoning with your scaled score of 131 out of 170 which is the 1st percentile. Graph of quantitative reasoning with your scaled score of 156 out of 170 which is the 61st percentile. Graph of analytical writing with your score of 1.0 out of 6 which is the 1st percentile.

Your Test Score History

General Test Scores table.

, Test Date , Scaled Score , Percentile , Scaled Score Percentile , Score , Percentile
, for Test Date May 13, 2019 , Verbal Scaled Score, 131 , and Percentile, 1 156, and
, quantitative Scaled Score, 61 , Analytical Score, 1.0 , and Percentile, 1

Subject Test Scores table.

You do not have reportable test scores at this time.

Your Score Recipient(s)

Undergraduate Institution
Report Date Institution (Code) Department (Code) Test Title Test Date

Designated Score Recipient(s) table.

Report Date Score Recipient (Code) Department (Code) Test Title Test Date

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Note: This report is not valid for transmission of scores to an institution.

ZAID A RABABA, Most Recent Test Date: May 13, 2019

Date of Birth: August 24, 1996 Registration Number: 5 4 3 5 5 5 3

. . . . . . .

Print Date: May 21, 2019

About Your GREΠ Score Report

Score Reporting Policies

With the ScoreSelectΠ option, you can decide which test scores to send to the institutions you designate. There are three options to choose

‡ Most Recent option ±Send your scores from your most recent test administration

‡ All option ±Send your scores from all administrations in the last five years

‡ Any option ±Send your scores from one OR as many test administrations in the last five years (this option is not available on test
day when you select up to four FREE score reports)

Scores for a test administration must be reported in their entirety. Institutions will receive score reports that show only the scores that you
selected to send to them. There will be no special indication if you have taken additional GRE tests. See the GREŠInformation Bulletin for
details. The policies and procedures explained in the Bulletin for the current testing year supersede previous policies and procedures in
previous bulletins.

Scores will be sent to designated score recipients approximately 10-15 days after a computer-delivered test and 5 weeks after a paper-
delivered test. If your scores are not available for any reason, you will see ³Not Available´in Your Test Score History.

GRE test scores are reportable according to the following policies:

‡ For tests taken prior to July 1, 2016, scores are reportable for five (5) years following the testing year in which you tested (July 1 ±
June 30). For example, scores for a test taken on May 15, 2015, are reportable through June 30, 2020. GRE scores earned prior to
August 2011 are no longer reportable.
‡ For tests taken on or after July 1, 2016, scores are reportable for five (5) years following your test date. For example, scores for a
test taken on July 3, 2016, are reportable through July 2, 2021.
Note: Score recipients will only receive scores from test administrations that you have selected to send to them.

Percentile Rank (% Below)

A percentile rank for a test score indicates the percentage of test takers who took that test and received a lower score. Regardless of when
the reported scores were earned, the percentile ranks for General Test and Subject Test scores are based on the scores of all test takers
who tested within the most recent three-year period.

Retaking a GRE Test

You can take the GREŠ*HQHUDO7HVWonce every 21 days, up to five times within any continuous rolling 12-month period (365 days). This
applies even if you canceled your scores on a test taken previously. You can take the paper-delivered GRE General Test and GREŠ6XEMHFW
Tests as often as they are offered.

Note: This policy will be enforced even if a violation is not immediately identified (e.g., inconsistent registration information) and test scores
have been reported. In such cases, the invalid scores will be canceled and score recipients will be notified of the cancellation. Test fees will
be forfeited.

For More Information

For information about interpreting your scores, see Interpreting Your GRE Scores at

For detailed information about your performance on the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections of the computer-delivered
GRE General Test, access the free GRE Diagnostic Service from your ETS account. This service includes a description of the types of
questions you answered right and wrong, the difficulty level of each question, and the time spent on each question. This service is available
approximately 15 days after your test administration and for six months following your test administration.

If you have any questions concerning your score report, email GRE Services at [email protected] or call 1-609-771-7670 or 1-866-473-4373
(toll free for test takers in the U.S., U.S. Territories and Canada) between 8 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. (New York Time).

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