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Anatomy of Flowering Plants

K C Meena
PGT Biology
 A group of similar cells performing same function.
 Types of plant tissues - Meristematic tissues and permanent
Meristematic tissues

 Have power of cell division

 Characteristics features
 Cells are thin walled
 No intercellular places
 Abundant cytoplasm
 Retains power of cell division

 Classification based on position. Three types

 Apical meristem
 Lateral meristem
 Intercalary meristem

 Based on the origin – three types

 Promeristem- embryo/ seedlings
 Primary meristem
 Secondary meristem
 Growth in plants is largely restricted to
specialized regions of active cell division called
 Apical meristems are the meristems which occur
at the tips of roots and shoots and produce
primary tissues
 Intercalary meristem are the ones which occur
between mature tissues
 Lateral meristem occurs in mature regions of
roots and shoots and appear later than primary
Permanent tissues:
 The newly formed cells from primary and secondary
meristems which become structurally and functionally
specalised and lose the ability to divide are permanent
Simple permanent tissues
 Parenchyma( storage)-living
 Collenchymas (support ) below epidermis, living
 Sclerenchyma – sclereids and fibres- dead
Compound permanent tissues
 Xylem- xylem vessels, xylem tracheids, xylem
parenchyma, xylem fibres
 Phloem – sieve tubes, sieve cells, companion cells,
phloem parenchyma
Simple tissues
Made up of only one type of cells
Parenchyma -
 Major component within organs
Isodiametric,spherical, oval,round
polygonal,elongated in shape.
 Thin cell walls made of cellulose.
 Closely packed or have intercellular
 Function-Photosynthesis, storage,
Collenchymas –
 occurs in layers below epidermis, either in
homogeneous layer or in patches
 Thickened at the corners due to pectin, cellulose,
oval, spherical, polygonal
 Assimilate food when chloroplasts is present
 Intercellular spaces absent- function. Mechanical
Sclerenchyma -
 long narrow cells, lignified walls, with pits
 Dead- fibers-thick walled, elongated, pointed
 Sclereids- spherical, dead, narrow cavity-lumen
 Found in – guava, pear, sapota
 Function. Mechanical support
Complex tissues
 More than one type of cells

 Xylem.
 Conducting tissue for water and minerals

 Tracheids. Elongated or tube like cells, dead, main

water transporting element

 Vessels. Long cylindrical, lignin in cell walls, large

central cavity, devoid of protoplasm.

 Xylem fibres- lumens present, septate/aseptate

 Xylem parenchyma- living thin- walled, cell walls,

cellulose, store food as starch or fat, tannins
Phloem - (transports food material)
 Sieve tubes- long, tube like, perforated,
forms sieve plates
 Companion cells – pit is present , helps
in maintenance of pressure gradient in
the sieve tubes
 Phloem parenchyma – elongated,
tapering, dense cytoplasm, cell wall,
cellulose, pits
 Phloem fibres - unbranched, pointed,
quite thick.
Tissue system :
Epidermal tissue system
 Cuticle present- contains stomata ( guard cells, subsidiary cells, stomatal
apparatus )
 Trichomes – (on stem) multicellular, secrete oils. Root hairs- single celled.
Ground tissues
 Tissues except epidermal and vascular tissues.
 Mesophyll. ( collenchymas, sclerenchyma, parenchyma )
Vascular tissue system
 Cambium. ( lateral meristem )
 Radial vascular bundle – in roots
 Conjoint open vascular bundle - in dicot stem and leaves
 Conjoint closed vascular bundle – in monocot stem and leaves
Anatomy of Dicotyledonous root

 Epidermis – root hair –

cortex ( Parenchyma )
endodermis – suberin layer
as casparian strips
 Pericycle (lateral roots) pith
is small – conjuctive tissues (
between xylem and phloem )
 Cambium ring ( 2-4 xylem
and phloem )
 Stele ( endodermis,
pericycle, vascular bundle
and pith )
Monocotyledonous root

 No cambium in the
vascular bundles. (6
vascular bundles
and are scattered)
called polyarch -
 pith is large – since
no cambium, and no
secondary growth
Dicotyledonous stem
 Epidermis, cuticle, trichomes, hypodermis (collenchymas)
 Cortical layer ( parenchyma ) endodermis(starch sheath)
 Pericycle - vacular bundles – medullary rays
 Vascular bundles are in a ring ,Conjoint, open, and endarch protoxylem
 Pith is larger (parenchyma)
Monocotyledonous stem
 Epidermis – hypodermis ( sclerenchyma ) scattered vascular
bundles, sclerenchyma.
 Bundle sheath – vascular bundles are conjoint, closed, no
cambium Peripheral vascular bundle are smaller than central
 No secondary growth- no trichomes
 Water containing cavities are present- no distinct pith
Dorsiventral leaf /dicot leaf:
 Epidermis are adaxial epidermis (upper) and abaxial epidermis (lower)
 Cuticle – stomata is more on lower epidermis
 Mesophyll – it has two types of cells , palisade parenchyma and spongy
 Vascular system vascular bundle are present in vein and midrib
 Reticulate venation –vascular bundle are surrounded by bundle sheath
Isobilateral / monocot leaf:

 Same anatomy – but no spongy parenchyma and

stomata on both side
 Bulliform cells – parallel venation
Secondary growth:

 Primary growth- apical meristem ( grows length wise )

 Secondary growth –increase in girth
 It involves lateral meristem vascular cambium and cork
 Vascular cambium
 Formation of cambial ring
 Intrafacicular cambium
 Interfascicular cambium
 Activity of cambial ring
 Formation of secondary xylem secondary phloem
 More active on the inner side so more xylem
 Spring early wood –more active and light coloured
 Autumn late wood – less active and dark coloured
 The two kinds of wood that appear as alternate concentric
rings, constitute an annual ring
 Heart wood – dead, elements, highly lignified provides
mechanical support
 Sap wood – peripheral region , secondary xylem, light in
colour, conduction of water and minerals
Cork cambium:
 Cortical and epidermis layer get broken
 Replaced to provide new protective cell layers
 Cork cambium/ phellogen –develop in cortex region and produce new cells
towards both sides
 Outer cells form cork / phellum
 Inner cells form secondary cortex / phelloderm
 Bark - soft early bark – formed early in the season
 Late / hard bark – formed late in the season
 Lenticels. Lens shaped openings helps in exchange of gases
Secondary growth in roots:

 Wavy ring – later becomes circular

 Secondary growth occurs in gymnosperms too
(except in monocots) as monocot do not have

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