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(An Autonomous Institution Established in 1996)
 “A” Grade NAAC Accreditation  College with Potential for Excellence

Diligence & Excellence

(Since 1996)

{A Study on Customer Experience Analysis and Social Media

Marketing for Mobile App in Fashion Industry}


Dr. Tanu Srivastava Name of Student: ANUJ


Roll No:18011019

Class- MBA 2ndSemester


I express my deep gratitude to my institution Pioneer Institute of Professional

Studies, Indore for providing me to attain my most cherished goal.

I express my profound gratitude to my esteemed guide Dr. Tanu Srivastava

Indore for making me fortunate enough to work under the guidance and
supervision. His constant witness, encouragement, motivation and positive criticism
made this work daybreak.

I take this opportunity to thank respected Dr. P K Jain, principal sir for providing
me the facilities and encouragement for the successful completion of this work.

I also thankful to my entire esteemed faculty member’s for their help.

I owe thanks to all non-teaching staff for their timely help.

Name of Student :ANUJ BHAI PATEL

Roll No:18011019

Class- MBA 2nd Semester


This is to certify that the project work entitled “A Study on Customer

Experience Analysis and Social Media Marketing for Mobile App

in Fashion Industry” has been carried out by (Name of student along with
class) under the guidance of (Name of Guide),
Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies, Indore (M.P).

I recommend this piece of work for acceptance as project for the partial fulfillment
of the Degree Master of Business of Administration of Pioneer Institute of
Professional Studies, Indore (M.P).

Date : (Dr. Tanu Srivastava)

Place: Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies


I hereby declare that the project work entitled “ A Study on Customer Experience
Analysis and Social Media Marketing for Mobile App in Fashion Industry
Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies, Indore is a record of an original work
done by me under the guidance of Dr. Tanu Srivastava

Name of Student: ANUJ BHAI PATEL

Roll No: 18011019

Class- MBA 2nd Semester

Chapter Page No.

Chapter : 1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction
1.2Conceptual framework
Chapter : 2 Literature Review
2.1 Review of literature
2.2 Rational
2.3 Objectives
Chapter : 3 Research Methodology

Chapter : 4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Analysis of Data
4.2 Results & Discussion
Chapter : 5 Conclusions
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Scope for future work
5.3 Limitations
Annexure (s)
Fact files (Questionnaire, Excel sheets of data,
secondary data)

The project report is an extremely important aspect of the project. It should be properly structured
and also necessary and appropriate information regarding the project.
The aim of the project is to produce a good product and a good report, that you developed during
the project are merely a means to this end.

The Report would consist of 5 chapters, are mentioned above in content page. These chapters
further consist of various sub parts, all the desired information has been gathered on the basis of
that sub parts.

Chapter: 1

It mainly comprises of introductory part that clearly defines brief description of your project. The
overview of entire study undertaken. What are the basic aspects of research, which methodology
has been preferred by you?

This is one of the most important components of the report. It should begin with a clear statement
of what the project is about so that the nature and scope of the project can be understood by a lay
reader. It should summaries everything you set out to achieve, provide a clear summary of the
project's background, relevance and main contributions. The introduction should set the context
for the project and should provide the reader with a summary of the key things to look out for in
the remainder of the report.

Chapter: 2

A literature review is basically a summary of 'what the academic literature reveals' about the
subject of your investigation

The review of literature is an essential aspect of the research project. The literature in any field,
forms of foundation upon which a future work is built. Review of related literature avoids
duplication of work, shows strength and weakness of various past researches and determines the
design of further research. It enables the researcher to know the means of getting to the frontier in
the field of study. The review of literature bridges the gap between new and old knowledge and
provide the guidance to the researcher that he is doing his work systematically and correctly. The
literature review. A review of the literature is an essential part of your academic research project.
The review is a careful examination of a body of literature pointing toward the answer to your
research question.
This Chapter also includes Rationale
This Point includes reasons or justifications for the question that Why the study is

After rationale, the next title is Objective(s)

Objectives should be start with the word “To”.
For example In ‘A study of Brand loyalty in the product category of biscuits’ the
objective should be
To find the level of customer loyalty in selected biscuit brands
Chapter: 3

This chapter deals with the methodological steps adopted in your study. Right from selecting the
topic and carrying out till recommendations research methodology drives the researcher in the
right track. The entire research plan is based on the concept of right methodology. Research
methodology includes the following points
Research Type
Research Unit
Sample Size
Sampling Method
Tools for data collection
Tools for data analysis
Chapter 4:

This chapter includes the Data Analysis, in which by applying various tools researcher make the
statement about the results.


A results section should follow. Testing of the project, resources used, measurements taken,
graphs, tables, photographs, and so on. It’s the output that shows in the form of documents.


Now comes the discussion section, where you compare the results with the intentions of the
project. If you wish to include an indication of the chronological development along which the
project proceeded, it may well be placed here. You can also give an indication of the scope for
future work, and discuss how you might have approached the project differently were you to do it
again. You might also indicate what you learned from the project, and put in any comments on the
factors which enabled or impeded the project.

Chapter: 5

This chapter basically deals with, what exactly you got at the end of research. The project's
conclusions should list the things which have been learnt as a result of the work you have done.
Avoid tedious personal reflections. It is common to finish the report by listing ways in which the
project can be taken further. This might, for example, be a plan for doing the project better if you
had a chance to do it again, turning the project deliverables into a more polished end product.

It includes the resources that you have used, to represent the whole scenario of the research.


This consists of a list of all the books, articles, manuals etc. used in the project and referred to in
the report. You should provide enough information to allow the reader to find the source. In the
case of a text book you should quote the name of the publisher as well as the author. During
writing the Bibliography following points should be keep in mind

References should be written in APA Style.

Each element (e.g. Author[s], Date, Title, Publication information) has a
standardized format including punctuation and presentation style (e.g.
capital letters and italics etc.).
Sequence of information should be
a) Author(s) Name( Last Name first)
b) Date or year of Publication
c) Title of the work
d) Publication Information
e) Additional information (e.g. Editions, Page No)


All the resource related to web, included in Webliography. With web address date & time should
be mentioned by researcher.

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