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The learners demonstrate understanding on the underlying theories and basic concepts
of applying the finishing touches on children’s wear.

The learners demonstrate their ability to perform the procedure in applying the different
finishing touches in their children’s wear.

At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
1. Analyze the steps on how to apply the finishing touches.
2. Apply the finishing touches on children’s wear..
3. Appreciate the application of the finishing touches.
A. Topic:Applying Finishing Touches
B. Reference:
 LM- Dressmaking Module (pp. 241 – 257)
C. Material:Laptop, Projector (TV), Manila paper, Cartolina, Buttons,
Snap, Hook and Eye, Zipper, Fabric, Needle and Thread.
D. Year Level: Grade

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity
 Prayer
Everyone please stand and let’s start
our day with a blessing of God

(Student’s Name), kindly lead the Let’s bow our head and feel the
prayer. presence of the Lord.

O Lord God, Heavenly Father

bestow upon us the gift of your
Holy Spirit that enlightened by him,
Give us a sharp sense of
understanding and the ability to
grasp things correctly. Grant us the
talent of being exact in my
explanations and the ability to
express myself with thoroughness
and charm. Point out beginning,
direct the progress, help, in
completion. Through Christ Our
Lord. Amen.

 Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am Relles.
Good morning classmates.

 Classroom Management
Before you settle on your
seatslook around and kindly pick
up pieces of paper on the floor.

Okay please be seated. Thank you Ma’am.

Are you in your proper seats now? Yes Ma’am.

 Classroom Attendance
(Students Name), is there any
absentees for today?
None Ma’am.
Okay it’s good to hear.

Before we moved on, who can give
me the recap of what we had last

Anyone please?
Yes ________? Our topic last meeting is all about
types of fasteners.

Good job! Who can enumerate the

types of fasteners?

Yes _____? There are five types of fasteners:

the buttons, snap fasteners, hook
and eye, zipper, and hook and

How will you describe each one? Ma’am button, is the oldest form of
Yes ____? fastener they come in many
shapes and sizes.

It is made from variety of materials

including shell, bone, plastic,
nylon and metal.

There are two classification of

Okay very good! button: the flat button and
with/without shank.

Another type?
Yes _____?
Ma’am, Snap it is used when
lightweight fastener is needed. It
can be metal or plastic.

It is available in colors like silver

metal and black. It can be sewed
or attached using a special tool or
a hammer.

What else? Yes ____?

Ma’am, Hook and eye, it is the
most strong fastener. It cannot be
easily open.

It is frequently used on waistbands

at the top of the zipper openings.

It has three classification: the

standard hook and eye, covered
hook and eye and skirt hook and

Another one please. Hook and loop it is usually cut from

Yes ______? a strip, it is easy to open and

And lastly? Ma’am, zipper, it is the most used

of all fasteners. There are many
types available in a variety of
lengths, colors and materials.

It has four types: lapped zipper,

open-ended zipper, centered
zipper and invisible zipper.

Any more questions? None, Ma’am.

Very good! Seems like you really

understand our lesson, now let’s
proceed to our activity.


We’re going to have an activity in

preparation for our new topic. You will
be grouped according to your table. I
have here a paper doll dress and a
magic box. I will distribute this to each
group. The first group who will finish
first will have a surprise incentives.

Are you all settled?

Yes Ma’am.

Okay now you can open your box.

(Student will open the box)
What is inside your box Group one
(1) ? Group 1: Ma’am the material we
have here is picture of zipper
How about you Group two (2)?
Group 2: Ma’am we have here
snap fastener

Group three (3)?

Group 3: Ma’am we have here
Hook and eye
Group four (4)?
Group 4: Ma’am we have here
And Group five (5)?
Group 5: Ma’am we have here
hook and loop tape.
Using those materials apply it to
where it belongs by pinning it on the
paper doll dress.

You have 3 minutes only to do the


Are you ready? Yes Ma’am.

Timer starts now.

(After 3 minutes)
Okay hands up class.

Good job! Everyone give their efforts.

So for the group who finish first here’s
your secret incentives.

Please give yourselves a Good Job (Student will do the Good Job
clap. class)

For other groups cheer up we still

have one more activity to do.


So based on our activity what are the Ma’am its all about the types of
ideas you have come up? fasteners in applying the finishing
touches in our children’s dress.
Yes _______?

Other idea please. I’ll give a prize to

the one who can guess our topic for
Ma’am it’s all about Applying
finishing touches on children’s
Very good. So here’s your prize.

As you observe on the activity you’ve

done. I let you put those fasteners
where it belongs. Those are the basic
types of fasteners?

What do you think is the reason why?

Ma’am maybe because it’s more
accessible and common finishing
touches that we used in any dress
Very good.
or clothes.
Before we start for our second activity
let me just tell you the goals that we
need to attain for today.

Please read. Yes ________?

1. Analyze the steps on how to
apply finishing touches.
2. Apply the finishing touches
on children’s wear.
3. Appreciate the application
of the finishing touches.
Thank you, ____ please be seated. I
guess the goals are clear from you. I
expect everyone will achieve the
goals .

So lets start on our next activity.

I have here the types of fasteners,

together with the steps, your going to
apply it on the fabric that will I
distribute to you.

I’ll give you 15 minutes to do that.

Just raise your hand if your group is

done. So I can check your work.

Are we clear?
Yes Ma’am.


I will call you to present and explain

your work
Are we clear? Yes Ma’am

(Student’s Name) kindly present your (Student’s Name) will present their
work and explain how you apply the work and explain.
fasteners in the fabric.

How about you (Student’s Name) (Student’s Name) will present their
work and explain.

(Student’s Name) (Student’s Name) will present their

work and explain.
How about you (Student’s Name)
(Student’s Name) will present their
work and explain.
And lastly (Student’s Name) present
your work and explain how you apply (Student’s Name) will present their
the fasteners on the fabric. work and explain.

Excellent class, I see that all of you

have your own ideas on how you will
apply the finishing touches.

Class please give them a good job

clap. (Student will do the Good Job clap)
(Student’s answer may vary)
Very good presentation class. Settle

Let’s have some clarifications about

your work.

Like what I said earlier everyone has

their idea on how to apply finishing

In applying the hook and loop tape,

why did we always consider to put the
stitches at the edge of the tape? Ma’am because the edge of the
Yes_______? tape is not dull and it is the part that
we can easily stitch.

Exactly, Good job.

How about in applying the buttons.

Why do we need to put shank if we are

using flat buttons?
Anyone? Ma’am because if we apply shank
in flat buttons it will have allowance
so we can easily put in and out the
button on button holes.

What problem may occur when you The button will only be a
didn’t put shank in flat button? decoration for the dress because it
would be hard to put the button to
the button hole

Upon observing with your work in

applying the snap.

Why is it necessary to hide the

stitches on the right side of the fabric?

Other hands. Yes_________? Ma’am it is necessary to hide the

stitches in the right side of the
fabric to make it presentable and
Correct. Very good.

In applying the hook and eye. Why do

you think is the reason why we also
need to hide the stitches on your

Yes_____? Ma’am because the dress will look

more presentable if the stitches is

How about the zipper?

Why do we need to position the zipper Ma’am because the zipper will not
before stitching? appear flat to the fabric and it might
affect the dress.
Any question? Clarification?


Apply the finishing touches on your

children’s dress.
Dimensions Performance Level
Very Needs No Points
Excellent Satisfactory Satisfactory Improvement Attempt Earned
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. Use of tools Uses tool and Uses tools Uses tools Uses tools No
and materials. equipment and and and attempt
correctly and equipment equipment equipment
confidently at correctly and correctly but incorrectly
all times. confidently less and less
most of the confidently confidently
times. sometimes. most of the
2. Application of Manifest very Manifest clear Manifest Manifest less No
procedures. clear understanding understanding understanding attempt
understanding of the step-by- of the step-by- of the step-by-
of the step-by- step step step
step procedure. procedure but procedure
procedure. sometimes seeking
seek clarification
clarification. motif the time.
3. Safety work Observes Observes Observes Most Of the No
habits. safety safety safety time not attempt
precautions at precautions precautions observing
all times most of the sometimes. safety
time. precautions.
4.Completeness Task is Task is Task is nearly Task is No
of Tasks completed completed completed started but not attempt
following the following the following the completed
procedures in procedures procedures in following the
the activity. most in the the activity procedures in
activity most sometimes. the activity.
of the time.

As you can notice you will be

evaluated by the teacher and your
classmates. Fifty percent (50%) of
your grades will come from me and
the other half are from your
classmates. So it means that each of
you will go to each group so you can
evaluate their works.

Search for the ways on how to
package your children’s dress.

Prepared By:


Student Teacher
Checked By: Noted By:


Cooperating Teacher TLE Coordinator
Approved By:


Principal II

Dimensions Performance Level
Very Needs No Point
Excellent Satisfactor Satisfactor Improvem Attem s
(5) y y ent pt Earne
(4) (3) (2) (1) d
1. Use of Uses tool Uses tools Uses tools Uses tools No
tools and and and and and attemp
materials. equipment equipment equipment equipment t
correctly correctly correctly incorrectly
and and but less and less
confidently confidently confidently confidently
at all times. most of the sometimes. most of the
times. time.
2. Manifest Manifest Manifest Manifest No
Application very clear clear understand less attemp
of understand understand ing of the understand t
procedures. ing of the ing of the step-by- ing of the
step-by- step-by- step step-by-
step step procedure step
procedure. procedure. but procedure
sometimes seeking
seek clarification
clarification motif the
. time.
3. Safety Observes Observes Observes Most Of the No
work habits. safety safety safety time not attemp
precautions precautions precautions observing t
at all times most of the sometimes. safety
time. precautions
4.Completen Task is Task is Task is Task is No
ess of Tasks completed completed nearly started but attemp
following following completed not t
the the following completed
procedures procedures the following
in the most in the procedures the
activity. activity in the procedures
most of the activity in the
time. sometimes. activity.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Pol ytechnic University
San Pablo City Campus
Province of Laguna

Detailed Lesson
Dressmaking 9
March 15, 2018

2:15 pm - 3:15 pm

Submitted by:

Relles, Christine Joy


Submitted to:

Mrs. Michelle M. Dimaculangan

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