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was a little too young to visit arcades

Seeing it in action at my local
funfair and then experiencing
the Atari 2600 version over at a
friend’s house.
It’s coded so hard into pop
culture’s DNA it’s hard to
pinpoint when my first
encounter was. It’s like trying
My dad had the Atari 2600
version of Space Invaders, so
I’d have been about three years
old when I first encountered it.
I when Space Invaders was first
released, but I did catch it in the
very early Eighties when I visited
our local funfair with my Nan. I was
probably around eight at the time and I can
Expertise: to remember when you first The cart is sitting on my desk remember watching transfixed as those
Juggling a gorgeous wife, two watched TV or read a book. right now!
beautiful girls and an Expertise: Expertise: invaders hypnotically marched across the
award-winning magazine Retaining youth via Owning five Master Systems
Currently playing: supernatural means (I sold two) screen. It’s easy to see why Taito’s game
Currently playing: Currently playing:
Steamworld Dig 2
Favourite game of all time: Nier: Automata Another World
took off like it did, because there was
Strider Favourite game of all time: Favourite game of all time: simply nothing like it around at the time of
Final Fantasy VIII Sonic The Hedgehog
its release, and its sheer popularity not only
helped kickstart the games industry, but
also led to the creation of the shoot-’em-up,
my favourite type of videogame.
Four decades after its release and the
influence of Space Invaders can still be felt
in the industry, which makes it incredibly
satisfying to not only talk to Tomohiro
Nishikado about his legendary creation, but
also the developers and historians that his
game has left an impact on after all this
SAM RIBBITS GRAEME MASON DAVID CROOKES time. There’s more to issue 185 than just
The memory that really sticks My dad played cricket at I pulled a blinder on my first
in my mind is that time the RG Loughton Cricket Club and one attempt and actually got some
advancing aliens, though, and we also talk
team did a Space Invaders high
score challenge....
day they got a Space Invaders
machine. I drove him mad
impressed nods from an to Jeff Minter about his surreal minigame
assembled crowd at an arcade
Expertise: asking for 10p pieces! in Blackpool. collection Batalyx, chat to David Darling
Extreme Carbuncle Expertise: Expertise:
hide-and-seek Adjusting the tape azimuth with Amstrad, Lynx, adventures, and the Oliver twins about Codemasters’
Currently playing: a screwdriver Dizzy and PlayStation (but is it
The Witness Currently playing: retro? Debate!)
numerous simulator games and finally find
Favourite game of all time:
Croc: Legend Of The Gobbos
Favourite game of all time:
Currently playing: out if the high definition
BMX Simulator 2
Resident Evil 4 Favourite game of all time: reissue of Shenmue was
Broken Sword
worth the wait.
Enjoy the magazine!

I’ve some vague preteen Walking up the stairs of Golden
memories of playing a bootleg Gains toyshop in Derby when
machine at the local social I was nine to see this hulking
club and being fascinated by the cabinet with a booming
game’s graphics. heartbeat. You never forget your
Expertise: first 10p.
Being a homebrew hero Expertise:
Currently playing: Camel riding etiquette
Sanxion Currently playing:
Favourite game of all time: Sky Diver
Io Favourite game of all time:
Sheep in Space
>> Load 185 Breathing new life into classic games


06 Play Expo Round-up 30 The Making Of: Batalyx
Our thoughts on London’s very first Jeff Minter takes time out from his latest
Play Expo event virtual reality venture to discuss his
excellent minigame compilation
08 News Wall
A Game Boy Color South Park game gets 34 Hardware Heaven:
unearthed, among other things Videopac 7000
Nick takes a peek at the successor to the
10 The Vault Magnavox Odyssey
More great items, including the very latest
offering from Bitmap Books 50 Classic Moments:
Lords Of Thunder
12 Mr Biffo Nick reveals all the greatest bits from the
This month our columnist remembers his epic PC Engine blaster
first encounter with a killer shark
52 The Making Of: Starion
14 A Moment With… David Webb looks back at his 8-bit
The ex-Ocean graphic artist tells us about wireframe shooter
his brand new pixel project, Dinosaur Pie
64 Pushing The Limits:
16 Back To The Noughties STUN Runner
The next stop for Nick’s time-travelling Nick explains why this Atari Lynx conversion
odyssey is September 2001 is really special

70 Mega Cat Studios 20

Find out how the NES and Mega Drive are a
fertile ground for this new publisher

74 Minority Report: The Impact Of:

Game Gear
Nick takes a deep dive into the import world
of Sega’s portable superstar
Space Invaders
Industry veterans, including creator, Tomohiro Nishikado,
86 The Making Of: Disgaea celebrate 40 years of Taito’s iconic videogame
Hour Of Darkness
REVIVALS Sohei Niikawa reveals the origins of Nippon
Ichi’s best-loved game franchise 36
18 Ice Climber
Drew wanted a to play Celeste but ended up
unearthing a NES game instead

56 Lotus III: The Ultimate

Nick takes the Atari ST version of Magnetic
Field’s racing game for a quick spin

98 Castlevania: Harmony
Of Dissonance 90 Hardware Heaven:
Darran discovers why the Game Boy’s Virtual Boy
second Castlevania game is rather gaudy We take a fleeting look at Nintendo’s
red-and-black VR failure The History Of:
92 In The Chair: David Jones Codemasters Simulators
The classic 8-bit coder looks back at his David Darling, Jason Falcus and the Oliver twins on the
colourful history popularity of their many budget games

Don’t forget to follow us online for all your latest retro updates
RetroGamerUK @RetroGamer_Mag

Retro Gamer Magazine @RetroGamerMag [email protected]

58 66

GAMEPAD Ultimate Guide: The Making Of:

OFFER Another World The Neverhood

The History Of:

Syphon Filter
Key developers from Sony’s popular
shooter series chart its highs and lows

100 Shenmue I + II 104 Homebrew
All the latest coverage from homebrew
hero, Jason Kelk

108 Mailbag
Transform your tweets and letters into
potential prizes
110 How To…
Ou latest guide looks at play
102 WarioWare Gold ar games at ho

102 Another World 11 Next Month

We know what’s in next issue a
102 Okami HD no yo o t

102 Titan Quest 114 Endga

Dis er if the end of Dan
The eF r is
wor reaching

Guide: Raiden
Everything you need to know about Seibu
Kaihatsu’s sensational shoot-’em-up



The popular gaming show finally arrives at the capital
he Retro Gamer team Andy Brown of Replay Events told most popular. Here, under dimmed
Dispatches from the show floor of Play
T was in attendance over
the weekend of 11 and 12
August as Play Expo finally
made its debut in London, the first
major show Replay Events has
us, “and we’ve sold 4,500-5,000
tickets just for the Saturday, which is
almost Manchester year three or four
numbers, after that show had a chance
to build up some momentum.”
lights that helped to recreate the arcade
atmosphere of old, were a multitude of
arcade machines, from classics such
as Pac-Man, Space Invaders and Moon
Patrol, to the pneumatic beasts from
Expo’s first foray into London hosted in the southern reaches of To regular attendees of Play Expo, Sega, After Burner and Out Run. Also in
the UK. After building success with the format for London will have had a this area was a large collection of pinball
8 NEWS WALL its regular Manchester and Blackpool reassuring familiar feel, albeit with a games that had fans patiently queuing
What else is going down in the retro shows over the last few years, the few bonus features thrown in. Queues three-deep in order to experience.
gaming world
organiser felt the time was right to were well handled throughout the day Walking through to the next hall
12 MR BIFFO bring its retro gaming bonanza to the as staff ensured people waited as little revealed a huge area dedicated
Our columnist digs out a memory capital, and in the tradition of its shows, as possible, although Andy admits that to the consoles and computers of
from his halcyon holidays the idea was bigger, and better, with different audience habits assisted here, yesteryear and today, from Amstrads
attendees at the Printworks venue as arrivals were spread throughout the to PlayStations and Nintendo
14 A MOMENT WITH greeted by a dizzying array of arcade day, avoiding a mass of people at key GameCubes. LAN-connected PCs,
Simon Butler talks to us about turning machines, computers, consoles, times. Guests were welcomed with a loaded with Minecraft, rubbed
Eighties popular culture into works of
pixel artwork talks and more. “Straight away, it’s certain DeLorean car, before entering shoulders with a vibrant indie gaming
been our second busiest show,” the first room, and undoubtedly the section, and this latter area, featuring
16 BACK TO THE games such as Stray Basilisk’s RPG,
NOUGHTIES Steamhounds, and Huey Games’
Nick’s time machine lands in a month the shooter, Hyper Sentinel, also attracted
world is not likely to ever forget fans eager to experience the latest
independent games. To the right of
the entrance was a stage set for the
numerous talks from industry veterans
and experts over the weekend. Here
you could catch the Oliver twins
gushing as enthusiastically as ever
» Archer Maclean chats on stage about one of » The talks on offer drew crowds, though some
about their latest game, see how Sega
his iconic games. could’ve done with a host. artist Duncan Gutteridge created the


» A nice feature of Play Exp

o is the way it brings
gamers both young and old

“It was truly an amazing experience.
A great selection of arcades,
computers, consoles, stalls and talks,
all perfectly organised in zones.”
» The glow of the arcade was nicely replicated in the arcade/pinball area. Andy Godoy
(Get To Da Choppa podcast)

I think every show that is new “Play Expo London had its charm, that

and in a new venue is going to have charm being ‘dark’ and ‘industrial’!
You haven’t played on a sit-down Out

some curveballs Run or Power Drift until you’ve played

it in the dark. On top of that, meeting
Andy Brown all my YouTube friends in one place
was a bit of a dream come true.”
recalls happily, “everything just dropped Daniel Ibbertson
» New for Play Expo London was the exciting
Knightmare live show. in place”. Brave attendees were able (Slope’s Game Room)
to don the famous Knightmare helmet
famous look for Sonic The Hedgehog and take on the denizens and perils “I think the event went really well
(and learn how to draw Sonic yourself), of the TV show on stage in a truly considering Friday we basically
or throw questions at Knightmare star unique experience. had an indoor water feature! It was
Hugo Myatt in a Knightmare Q&A. As always with big shows, there packed, and loads of people enjoyed
Also, in an acknowledgement to the were challenges for Andy and his Baggers In Space and Warhawk. Hats
ever-growing retro gaming YouTube team, not least a leaky roof and off to the Play Expo team!”
community, there was a panel featuring mercurial weather conditions. “It had » Retro-themed indie games such as Hyper Sentinel
Jim Bagley
the likes of Larry Bundy Jr, Stuart been blazing hot for ages, so we just proved to be extremely popular. (Game developer)
Ashen, Daniel Ibbertson (from Slope’s assumed everyone was going to be in
Game Room) and Kim Justice, all T-shirts and shorts,” he explains. “And lies in the future. “For me personally, “Being the first Play Expo in London,
chatting about their channels along with then it absolutely battered it down on two days sleep!” he laughs. “But for it was a great chance to attend
hosts, Dan Wood and Ravi Abbott of Friday, meaning we had to change the the show, we’ve got Play Blackpool without spending lots on travel, and it
the Retro Hour Podcast. queueing plans for the show. But I think returning at the end of October, and was a great event. The only problem
In the spirit of Play Expo, there’s every show that is new and in a new another brand-new show launching was the queues for deluxe hydraulic
always something new going on, too, venue is going to have some curveballs, next year.” Despite some gentle cabinets After Burner and Out Run,
and London was no exception, with and dealing with them is part and prodding, Andy declines to reveal more but that’s to be expected with two of
the show Knightmare Live featuring parcel of it – if it’s straightforward, it’s on this new show; nevertheless, with Sega’s best arcade games.”
on both days. “We had David Rowe, boring apparently!” Play Expo London Manchester confirmed for May next Mike Wilcox
the videogame artist, come to one of also saw the beginning of Future year, Blackpool and London likely to (JetSetWilly)
our earlier shows,” tells Andy, “and I Publishing’s partnership with Replay return, and the vast array of impending
didn’t realise at the time he did all the Events, with Retro Gamer staff in gaming markets, the future is looking “Loved catching up with Jim [Bagley],
artwork and backdrops for Knightmare. attendance, happily talking to anyone bright for anyone who wishes to had a chat with Andrew Hewson and
So we tried to get Hugo Myatt [who who’d listen about the world’s greatest experience these shows first-hand. bought some stuff from David Rowe. I
played Treguard in the show] and it retro gaming magazine. “Two weeks off, that’s what I need. spent a lot of time at the talks, too.”
never worked out.” Earlier this year, So with the London event done and Then four gaming markets, and Jake Warren
the team behind Knightmare Live got in dusted and the Printworks returned to Blackpool,” grins Andy. “It’s lucky I (JakeyW)
touch with Replay Events, and as Andy its cavernous state, we ask Andy what don’t like sitting down for too long!”



KENNY ome of the largest and Nintendo Wii, as well as magazines,

prototype of the
very first South Park
videogame has been
found and leaked online.
The platform puzzle game
S most well-known hosts
of retro gaming ROM
files have essentially
shut down recently, as stronger
enforcement measures are taken
comics and more. A statement
on the site explained that “we at
EmuParadise have been dealing with
similar issues for all 18 years of our
existence”, mentioning threatening
was under development for against copyright violators. letters and sudden server shutdowns
Acclaim by Crawfish Interactive, Nintendo filed a lawsuit in late July due to complaints. Emuparadise’s
but was supposedly shelved against the LoveROMs and LoveRetro statement continued, stating, “It's
as the show’s creators, Matt websites, alleging “brazen and mass- not worth it for us to risk potentially » Trying to find any ROMs on Emuparadise now directs
Stone and Trey Parker, felt that scale infringement” of its copyright. disastrous consequences. I cannot in users towards a statement, explaining their removal.
the Game Boy Color was an LoveRetro ceased operations good conscience risk the futures of our
inappropriate platform given its immediately, while LoveROMs team members who have contributed and music piracy are declining due to
younger audience. The leaked removed its Nintendo files before to the site through the years.” the rise of streaming services such as
game features the kind of adult- shutting down completely. The shutdowns have provoked an Netflix and Spotify. Despite this wave
oriented humour you’d expect The move has had a wider impact outcry on social media. Many players of takedowns, copyright infringement
from the notoriously profane too, as Emuparadise remains online have complained that such sites are will prove a tough nut to crack – many
cartoon comedy. The game was but has ceased its distribution of popular due to a lack of convenient alternative download sites are still in
later reskinned for European copyright infringing content, which had and legal alternatives for acquiring operation, offering much of the same
release as Maya The Bee & Her included games from Atari 2600 to older games, citing reports that film content with equal ease of access.
Friends, and then reworked into
Mary-Kate & Ashley: Get A Clue!
for the American market.

umskull is collaborating he Bitmap Brothers’ classic

N with Namco on a new

range of miniature
arcade machines, the Quarter T platformer game Gods
is returning to current-
generation consoles and
Arcade range. The range is PC this year, with Robot Riot
named for the fact that the handling development. The public
machines will be fully playable demonstration was highlighted in
quarter-scale replicas of the Bitmap Brothers cofounder Mike
originals, with authentic wooden Montgomery’s talk at Play Expo in
construction and accurate London, where the Xbox One version
sizes right down to details like was playable for attendees. Gods
properly proportioned buttons Remastered will feature the same
j y
and joysticks. Preorders have g p y and level design as the
opened for the first machine original Amiga game from 1991, but
he range,
in th with a new so oundtrack and
Pac-Man, n which new 3D visu uals including
is sc
cheduled dynamic ligh hts and shadows. » [PC] This side-by-side comparison demonstrates how much work has gone into the remaster.
to la
aunch in If you preferr, the option to
Deccember play with the e original pixel
2018 priced at vailable, at an
art is also av
£149.99, as a improved fra amerate of 60
limitted edition frames per second.
s You can
of 10,000 switch betw ween the classic
units. Further and remaste ered modes
Nam mco at the touch of a button
releases midgame, to oo.
are planned, Robot Rio ot plans to release
withh Galaga, Gods Remas stered in autumn
Galaaxiann and 2018, for Xbox One, PS4,
Ms Pac-Man Switch, PC, iOS and Android.
owing You can follo ow the developers’
in 2019. progress at
godsremaste ered. » [PC] And here's a full screenshot – it’s quite the makeover, isn’t it?


The Art Of Point-And-

Click Adventure Games PICK
Few companies make coffee table books OF THE
as lush as those by Bitmap Books. The MONTH
latest volume is an absolutely gorgeous love
letter to the point-and-click adventure genre,
awash with fantastic imagery and glorious
photography. There’s far more to Sam Dyer’s
book than just pretty pictures, however,
and it’s filled with a number of interviews
from veterans of the genre, including
Charles Cecil, Ron Gilbert, Tim Schafer, Hal
Barwood, Jane Jenson, Al Lowe and many
others. Even if you’re not a fan of point-and-
click games it’s hard not to be impressed by Space Invaders UFO
the sheer amount of effort put into this book. Raglan T-Shirt
Price: £29.99 We’ve been celebrating our Space
From: Invaders cover by walking around in
this nifty-looking long-sleeved T-shirt.
It features a smart monochromatic
design, putting the UFO ship front
and centre, along with the title Space
Invaders in Japanese katakana text
and comes in a variety of different
sizes, from XS to 2XL. It’s the perfect
thing to wear while you aim for a
Space Invaders high score.

Price: £16.99

8-Bit Apocalypse: The

Untold Story Of Atari’s
Pac-Man Missile Command
While Atari’s classic game has been
Heat-changing mug covered many times in the past, it’s
Fans of Namco’s classic maze game won’t
never been to this impressive depth.
want to miss out on this smart ceramic
Author Alex Rubens has not only
mug. Simply add a hot beverage and
spoken to Dave Theurer, but also
you’ll end up with a classy recreation of
Nolan Bushnell and Phil Klemmer,
Frogger/Ms Pac-Man Plug & Play the original Atari 2600 box art, complete
who wrote an entire episode about
The latest plug-and-play devices from Funstock are based with scared ghosts and a giant Pac-Man.
the game for the TV series, Chuck.
on classic arcade games from the golden era of gaming. The same cool image is displayed on both
The book is as much a story about
Frogger, Space Invaders, Double Dragon and Ms Pac-Man sides of the mug, ensuring you’ll always
Atari’s early days as it is about
are all currently available and are all specifically themed have something to look at while you’re
Missile Command, meaning there’s
up to capture the spirit of each game (the Frogger one is enjoying your drink.
plenty to enjoy.
particularly nice). Each device plugs straight into your TV Price: £11.99
via the supplied AV cable and requires three AA batteries. From: Price: £20.41
Price: £19.99 From: From:

COLUMN Here’s my bio… Paul Rose
Paul Rose is probably better known as Mr Biffo – the creator and chief writer of legendary teletext
games magazine Digitiser. These days, he mostly writes for kids TV, but can still be found rambling on
about games, old and new, for his daily website,

These days, arcades are all

ticket-spewing monstrosities
and fruit machines

Arcade perfect
s I write this, I’m about to head off shoot-’em-ups. The one I remember most vividly was There are other mechanical marvels I remember

A for a weekend in Dymchurch with

my parents. A caravan holiday by the
coast was a pilgrimage we made annually
when I was growing up. Indeed, the last time I visited
Dymchurch was in 1975 or thereabouts, when I was
Sega’s Killer Shark.
If you’re too young to know what I’m talking about,
Killer Shark was typical of these early games, in that
rather than have the gameplay displayed via a monitor,
an illuminated, physical, shark target would move
from that era; Sega’s Monte Carlo - the first time I
ever placed my hand on a steering wheel – and a thing
where you had to control a plastic helicopter on the
end of a rod, avoiding obstacles as it flew around a
mountain. Also, Midway’s Seawolf, where you’d sink
mistaken by the camp’s children’s entertainer, one around a playing area designed to look like the deep ships while peering through a submarine telescope.
Uncle Ricky Dinkle, for a girl. I’d gone on stage to sea. The player would aim a harpoon-style lightgun at I loved how tactile these games were; by giving me
try and win a talent competition with a tear-jerking it, and a direct hit would be rewarded with the shark something to play with, something I could interact
rendition of The Wheels On The Bus. thrashing around. Indeed, Killer Shark even appears in with, they’d inspire my imagination in ways I couldn’t
I have a lot of memories from those holidays, but the movie Jaws, briefly, as some neat foreshadowing. achieve at home.
it’s fair to suggest that some of my favourites are of Everything about Killer Shark fascinated me. I Suffice to say, I shall be seeking out the arcades
my first encounters with videogames. We didn’t get couldn’t fathom (pun not intended) how it could when I’m down in Dymchurch. I can’t imagine any of
a Pong rip-off at home until the late Seventies or early possibly work, but I loved that it did. I loved the visuals them will still have anything as special as Killer Shark
Eighties, and it was in the arcades that I bonded with displayed on the sides of the machine – a stylised cabinet. These days, arcades are all ticket-spewing
my grandparents on the penny falls, and those weird scuba diver and shark – and the colourful logo banner. monstrosities and fruit machines. They still have the
Wild West shooting galleries they all used to have. I loved the mechanical timer. Everything about it, noise and the garish carpets, but they’re no longer
More than those, however, I became particularly regardless of how basic it was, felt immersive. Which, what they once were for me: a magical doorway
obsessed with the early mechanical arcade surely, is exactly what games should be? where you’d be transported on adventures.

Do you agree with Paul’s thoughts? Contact us at:

RetroGamerUK @RetroGamer_Mag [email protected]


Pixel Perfect
The ex-Ocean artist Simon Butler discusses his new venture Dinosaur Pie
imon Butler has been a the target audience. Here you can find

S graphics artist for over

30 years, honing his craft
at the likes of Ocean
Software, Virgin Games and
Imagine Software. Now he’s taking
movies, TV shows and music stars that
have stood the test of time and are
not only wildly popular, but have that
‘retro’ feel about them that was my
main intention. It’s a golden age, seen
his love of pixel art and pop culture to by some as tacky and cheesy but by
new levels in order to create a selection others as a time of classic viewing with
of different designs that will instantly stars that were part of an important
make an impact on those who grew up era, something that was “theirs” as
in the Seventies and Eighties. Simon they were growing up. I’m just creating
tells us all about Dinosaur Pie. funny little images that I hope resonate
with that special time in people’s lives.
Why set up Dinosaur Pie?
I started doing low-res portraits of What tools do you tend to use to
friends and family and a few of them create your work?
suggested I try my hand at other I use Pro Motion by a German studio,
images to see if there was a market. Cosmigo. It’s been my sole art tool
My youngest daughter gave me dozens for game graphics for over 20 years.
of suggestions and it just snowballed It’s very similar to the Amiga software
from there. Deluxe Paint, so the transition from one
to the other was incredibly easy and in
Why focus on the iconography my opinion, it just can’t be bettered.
from the Seventies and Eighties?
These two decades tend to contain the
most iconic images that resonate with
How long does it take to create a
typical piece?
My work on my Dinosaur Pie
Some just flow easily and seemingly
create themselves; others can be a
product is a throwback to my
genuine pain in the ass. It differs from
piece to piece. They can bring a ton of
ZX Spectrum days
problems and if it’s a commission, then Simon Butler
they’re problems I have to solve. I have
set up certain guidelines and try not to rather than try to work miracles with How do you add personality to
veer from these for fear of losing the as few pixels as possible. Some take your creations?
‘style’. If one of my ideas isn’t working, minutes; others haunt me for days. The majority are side-on stances, but
I can walk away and forget about it if an action ‘pose’ is required, I do
What do you do to make your the best I can in the set size. I make
work stand apart from other pixel an effort to not have them turn into
artists out there? ‘sprites’ and while a few have come
My art has always been cartoonish, so
M close, I feel there’s a continuity of style
hat has put me in a different box to a in the majority of the work to date.
ot of other game artists. My work on
m Dinosaur Pie product is a throwback
my What would readers need to do if
o my ZX Spectrum days where you they wanted a bespoke design?
had to suggest shapes with a minimal Contact me via my website, Facebook
amount of pixels, but now I can throw or email. I’m online almost all the time
n as many colours as I see fit. I and open to all suggestions.
never gave this venture any conscious
hought; it seemed the solution to solve You can reach Simon at
he graphical problems. [email protected] and
view his work at dinosaur-pie co uk

» You can get all the Doctor Who incarnatio

ns separately or as a single print.
hat makes a videogame only scream to be heard over the games in their original form, with the

W feel great? Is it the game

itself, the friends you
enjoy playing it with, or
the machine powering the amazing
experience that you’re completely
sounds from other games but compete
with the chatter and laughter filling the
room. That’s because arcades used
to be a destination, a place for you to
hang out with your pals and simply
same graphics and sounds that made
them instantly appealing the first time
around. The machines will also turn
heads for their sheer presence since
each cabinet stands at three-quarters
engrossed in? For most of us, have fun. And if you want to replicate the size of the original machine.
the answer is all three. And if you that enjoyment, then how better than Most crucially, however, are the
happened to chance upon a bustling a modern arcade cabinet packed with classic games you’ll be able to enjoy.
amusement arcade during your youth the greatest of hits? GameStop will have a finger-
then you’ll fully understand why. Step forward the Arcade1UP twitching four cabinets in total and » The cabinets aren’t full size, meaning they should be
Games played on a classic arcade cabinets, a range of amazing machines each one contains up to four games. relatively easy to move around.
cabinet seemed to come alive. They’d that bring the arcade home with no
pull you in with graphics that would coins or tokens required. They allow The Asteroids-led cabinet comes This was no mean feat for Arcade1UP,
pop from the screen and provide your favourite games from yesteryear with the addition of Major Havoc, which went to great lengths to find the
robust, chunky controls that perfectly to come back to life in the way that Lunar Lander and Tempest. original art sheets in order to recreate
complemented the game. they should always be played – with Rampage is bundled with them, helping those memories to
Above all else, though, they would arcade-style joysticks, trackballs and Gauntlet, Joust and Defender. come flooding back.
entice you with audio that would not buttons. They’re available at a wallet- To add to the fun, the cabinets need
friendly introductory rate of $299 and Centipede includes Missile to be self-assembled so you get a
cover a variety of classic games. But Command, Crystal Castles and chance to go behind the scenes of the
if you want to guarantee one, then Atari Millipede. machines and get up close with each
you’ll need to be quick. GameStop, Street Fighter II Champion Edition of the parts inside and out. This is a
which is the only retailer allowing has the addition of Super Street very simple process and it has enabled
preorders in store, expects them to sell Fighter II Turbo and Super Street the makers to keep the cost of these
as fast as your reactions will need to Fighter II: The New Challengers. impressive cabinets down.
be to master these games. You can, Don’t forget, you need to get your
however, also order at But just as important as the selection preorder in to guarantee one or more
But why are they set to be popular? of games, is the look of the cabinets, of the cabinets, though. Ask the staff
Well, the cabinets will inevitably light each of which are faithfully decorated at your local GameStop for more
» The controls are authentically retro, so fans of classic
up your room thanks to a 17-inch LCD with the eye-catching marquee and information or head over to its website
arcade machines should feel at home. screen that will perfectly showcase the side artwork of the leading title. at

Nintendo unleashes the
GameCube, the rest of the
gaming world is caught
sitting on its hands, and a
tragedy disrupts release
schedules. Nick Thorpe
looks back at an
infamous month…

On 1 September, England’s
football team handed Germany
a 5-1 defeat in Munich, [GameCube] Former bitter rival Sega
becoming only the second was the only third party with a game
ready for Nintendo’s launch.
team to defeat Germany at
home in a World Cup qualifier.
Carsten Jancker put Germany
ahead after six minutes, but
Michael Owen equalised six THE LATEST NEWS
minutes later, with Steven Gerrard
putting England ahead in stoppage
time. Owen then completed a hat
trick in the second half, with Emile

Heskey rounding off the scoring. fter having the market This was significantly lower number Of The Sword and Scooby Doo: Classic
Charles Ingram, a former major practically to itself for of units than the Game Boy Advance Creep Capers.
in the British Army, cheated at the the year so far, the sold at launch earlier in the year, and Of course, Nintendo loyalists weren’t
game show Who Wants To Be A PlayStation 2 finally considerably fewer than the 900,000 the only ones looking to the future.
Millionaire? to win £1 million. He got some competition in the form PlayStation 2 consoles Sony shifted Dreamcast Magazine was reduced
was assisted by his wife Diana and of Nintendo’s GameCube, which at its launch a year and a half earlier. to reviewing old import games, and
lecturer Tecwen Whittock, a serial released in Japan with three Software numbers weren’t made even then the best one available was
quiz show contestant and former games – Luigi’s Mansion, Wave available, and reviews of the games the merely decent Industrial Spy:
Brain Of Britain semi-finalist, who Race: Blue Storm and Super would have to wait until the press got Operation Espionage (74%, Dreamcast
would cough when the correct Monkey Ball. The Japanese financial their import machines. Magazine). Gamers still on the original
answer was read out. newspaper Nikkei reported that launch The wait must have been PlayStation had choices, but few good
On September 11, members weekend sales were estimated to be excruciating, as there was once again ones as the month’s release schedule
of the terrorist group al-Qaeda around 280,000 to 300,000 from an very little going on in the UK. N64 was clogged with dreck like Roswell
hijacked four flights to commit initial shipment of 450,000 consoles. Magazine in particular was filled with Conspiracies (3/10 Official PlayStation
suicide attacks in the USA. Two previews for GameCube games Magazine, 49% Play), Who Wants To
planes were flown into the twin including Super Smash Bros Melee, Be A Millionaire? Junior (4/10 Official
towers of the World Trade Center Star Wars: Rogue Leader and Phantasy PlayStation Magazine, 37% Play),
in New York, and a third was Star Online. Of course, that was in part Flintstones: Viva Rock Vegas (4% Play)
flown into the US Department due to a dearth of actual N64 content, and Sabrina The Teenage Witch: A
of Defense HQ, the Pentagon in with only Paper Mario rereviewed Twitch In Time (1/10 Official PlayStation
Arlington, Virginia. A fourth flight to mark its UK release. Handheld Magazine). The only noteworthy game
was planned to strike a target in Nintendo fans had an easier time of of the month was The Italian Job, a
Washington DC, but crashed near things, with the magazine dishing out somewhat anachronistic film licence.
Stonycreek, Pennsylvania after 4/5 scores for Game Boy Advance Much like World’s Scariest Police
the passengers fought back. The games Bomberman Tournament and Chases, the game borrowed its mission-
attacks killed almost 3,000 people Hot Potato, and the same for Game based open world driving template from
[PS2] Lotus Challenge wasn’t flashy, overstated or
and injured over 6,000 others. exciting – but it was bloody hard. Boy Color games Tomb Raider: Curse the successful series of Driver games.



Edge N64 Play
This month saw Edge getting The GameCube Clinic aimed to “I love reading your magazine, and
excited by Burnout, calling it inform readers about Nintendo’s own a PlayStation but NOT a PS2,”
“unashamedly fast and frantic” and new console, and retailer Charlie writes a particularly concerned
stating it had “some of the most Ambrose of CA Games was one reader, Marc Nuttall. “Please could
graphically rich racing environments of the experts on hand that N64 you tell me whether you still focus
yet seen on Sony’s black box”. It was spoke to. When asked to predict the on the PlayStation, or have you
also a good month for Sega’s Out UK price and release date for the decided to cut back on it?” It’s
Trigger, with Edge concluding it was machine, he responded “March, never fun realising that your primary
enhancing the genre with “subtle - £199.95. You can bet on it.” Close, gaming platform is nearing the end
yet significant - additions”. but no cigar Charlie. of its life cycle.

[PlayStation] We didn’t want to do a joke about blowing 1 Operation Flashpoint
the doors off, so we merely referenced doing one.
With little else to shout about, Official 2 Diablo II: Lord Of
PlayStation Magazine put the game on Destruction (Vivendi)
its cover and its demo disc, and gave it 3 Emperor: Battle For Dune (EA)
a score of 8/10.
4 The Sims: House Party (EA)
For those PS2 owners expecting
the future now, pickings were still 5 Black & White (EA)
relatively slim. Lotus Challenge was the [GameCube] There’s no denying that Luigi’s Mansion looked lovely, but it didn’t inspire much enthusiasm at launch.
main review in Play, but Kuju’s racing PLAYSTATION 2
simulation failed to enthral reviewer Anderson of PC Zone, who praised the 1 Red Faction (THQ)
Mark Crawley. Noting that the game game’s multiple combat modes and 2 Rugby (EA)
“wants to be Ferrari F355,” he found effectively told plot. The game was
that the game “requires the kind of awarded 84%, with the main gripe 3 Escape From Monkey
precision and sobriety demanded by the being an antiquated look. Edge was Island (Activision)
most nightmarish of driving examiners” less impressed, however, awarding 4 The Bouncer (Sony)
and scored it 72%. Rescue pilot game the game 5/10 and opining that “the 5 Extermination (Sony)
City Crisis fared no better, with Will unwieldy and flabby interface conspires
Johnston remarking that it was “a to thwart the player’s attempts to get to N64
game whose mechanics could quite grips with the game universe”. Though
1 Banjo-Tooie (Nintendo)
easily be replicated on a mid-Eighties PC Zone was closer to the critical [PC] You can see what PC Zone meant about dull
LCD handheld game”, and awarding it consensus in this case. graphics – Arcanum is a bit bland to say the least. 2 Excitebike 64
70%. Edge considered the game “well In a rare case of real world events (Nintendo)
constructed and delicately designed”, affecting the gaming world, a number with Sega stating, “Although the game 3 Kirby 64: The Crystal (Nintendo)
but felt that it lacked variety and depth of games were impacted in the content does not deal with terrorism in 4 WWF No Mercy (THQ)
and gave the game 5/10. Importers aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 11 any way, it is possible for a determined
had more to be excited about thanks to September. Konami’s eagerly awaited individual to deliberately play the game 5 Conker’s Bad Fur Day (THQ)
games such as Gitaroo Man, Twisted Metal Gear Solid 2 depicted a terrorist in a manner that generates images
Metal Black and Ka, but UK gamers group operating in New York, but would similar to those we have seen on the MUSIC
would have to sit and wait. still make its November release date – news. We want to avoid causing any 1 Can’t Get You Out Of
Even PC gamers were subject to albeit with minor edits to remove the additional grief to those involved in My Head
a relatively dull month. If you weren’t World Trade Center from scenes. In this week’s tragedy and feel this is an (Kylie Minogue)
interested in Microsoft Train Simulator Japan, the forthcoming PS2 building appropriate action.” 2 Hey Baby (DJ Otzi)
(80% PC Zone), the big game of the demolition puzzle game Buile Baku Join us again next month for
3 Smooth Criminal
month was Arcanum: Of Steamworks had its planned 29 November release early GameCube impressions, the
(Alien Ant Farm)
& Magic Obscura. Blending steampunk postponed. The Dreamcast aerial countdown to the Xbox launch
elements into the usual high fantasy combat game Propeller Arena was and the departure of a much-loved 4 Mambo No 5 (Bob The Builder)
RPG setting, the game impressed Chris delayed until January 2002 worldwide, gaming magazine. 5 Luv Me Luv Me (Shaggy)

Ice Climber
 NES  1985  NINTENDO R&D 1

Recently I’ve had a compulsion to buy and play

Celeste, a 2018 retro-style twitch platformer
about a young woman who wants to scale an
icy mountain. I’m having a frugal month, though,
so I had to rummage around the RG office for
alternatives. That’s when I had the brainwave to try out Ice Climber
on the NES. It’s basically the same, right? A big snow-capped
mountain to scale, hazards everywhere and a bit of fruit/vegetable
collecting sprinkled in for good measure. Close enough. It’ll do.
I was after a challenge, and boy did I find one. To boot up Ice
Climber is to start an unforgiving uphill slog, where you frequently
find you doom at the hands of perilous drops, deadly creatures and
your own sheer incompetence. You also have to wrestle with the
shonky jumping, where you often find yourself tumbling to your
doom despite actually connecting with the floor.
This wouldn’t bother me too much – a lot of retro games have
slippery and imprecise controls by today’s standards – but at times
Ice Climber wants you to navigate jumps and jump up through holes
that are one block wide. Maybe it’s because I’m out of practice with
platformers but, jeez, that’s a bit of a tall order.
If you hadn’t already gleaned, I don’t get along well with Ice
Climber. It’s a little too imprecise for my tastes, and the arcade-style
game design doesn’t grab my attention enough to keep me playing.
Still, despite not being all to fussed about the game, I’m a fan of
its characters – specifically the Ice Climbers themselves. I frequently
pick Popo and Nana to take part in scuffles in Super Smash Bros
Melee – they’re too cute and ridiculous not to pick, really. As for my
mountain climbing compulsion, though… I’m just going to have to
cough up the cash for Celeste.

avid Crook

T hroughout the best part of the

Seventies, game developer
Tomohiro Nishikado looked towards
America with aspiration in his eyes.
In turn, the US peered back at Japan with a
dollop of suspicion.
But that was symptomatic of the state of
these nations during that period — a decade in
which post-war America, in line with much of
the western world, suffered economic stagnation
while the far east enjoyed rapid growth.
Nishikado was a talented young developer, an
engineering graduate who had been employed
by the Japanese vending machine manufacturer
Taito since 1969. He’d had reasonable success
with a variety of games, starting with the Pong
clone Elephong in 1972, followed by Davis Cup
and Soccer in 1973, again inspired by the classic
game from Atari.
Charting 40 years of repelling invaders
Space Invaders
released in the arcades
Yellow Magic
Orchestra samples Space
Invaders sounds in the
single Computer Game
Gamers could pop
their name on the high
score table in Space
Invaders Deluxe
A cocktail table
follow-up, Space
Invaders II, appears

» [Virtual Boy] You’d

With that in mind, Nishikado’s next game, Space be seeing red if
Invaders, would face multiple battles. Alien invasions you played Space
Invaders on the
aside, it had to fight against a fear of Japanese influence Virtual Boy but that
on American culture. And, there were worries the game was entirely down to
was proving too distracting for children. the screen.
» [Arcade] The game mirrored your own anxiety: the more successful and
palm-sweaty you were, the faster it became. On the issue of Japanophia, however, Lindsay
contends Space Invaders “gave more fodder or proof for
The titles he worked on would show great promise not being afraid”. Indeed, it opened up gaming and its
and innovation. Speed Race in 1974 had scrolling huge potential right across the world. “It’s hard to know
graphics, a racing wheel controller and a choice of what would have happened to gaming without Space
beginner or advanced play; Western Gun, or Gun Fight Invaders,” says Mark Cutmore, head of commercial
in the US, was the first to bring human-against-human enterprises at the Science Museum Group.
violence to videogames the following year. Space Invaders landed with impeccable timing.
Yet at that time America was dominating the “Videogames were in the ascendent, a new form
videogame industry. Atari in particular had seized the of entertainment with untold promise,” explains Iain
market and it was leading in arcades – and homes, too, Simons, director of culture at the British Games Institute.
thanks to the launch of the 2600 console. Nishikado As such, it was a time of great experimentation, of
became hooked on Atari’s Breakout and the more he pushing the available tech and creating new genres.
played, the more determined he became to better it. To that end, Nishikado began work on Space
“My goal at that time was to catch up with the Invaders in 1977 and he created a microcomputer
United States,” he tells us. But in that aim, he was not from scratch to do so. It was the first Japanese
alone. For throughout the Seventies (and going into the game to use microprocessors and it became the
Eighties), Japan had been snapping at the heels of key most advanced arcade game available. Built around
American businesses, most notably the automobile Intel’s 8080 8-bit processor rather than using
industry. American manufacturing had been in decline discrete logic chips, it made for a better performance.
and power was swinging. Perhaps more importantly, Space
As such, there was rising discrimination Invaders also anchored itself to the
and an increase in what has been dubbed predominant themes of mainstream
‘Japanophobia’ – a revival of anti-Japanese culture at the time. “This era was the
sentiment that predated the Second dawn of the space age – both in reality
World War. “There was this interesting with the Apollo moon landings, the launch
tension as the rise and strength of the of the space shuttle, communications and
Japanese economy really made an spy satellites, interplanetary probes, and
impression on the US national identity with science fiction such as Star Wars,
as the great country of innovators and Star Trek, Dune and Aliens,” says Eugene
inventors,” says the academic game » Tomohiro Nishikado is the Jarvis, who went on to produce his own
designer professor Lindsay Grace. creator of Space Invaders. sci-fi shooter, Defender, in 1981.

10,000 players
Funny Stuff The Pretenders compete in the Bally Midway
Super Invader releases the song Disco release the hit song Space Invaders lands National Space Invaders releases a
becomes an early clone Space Invaders Space Invader on the Atari 2600 Superbowl run by Atari pinball version
1979 1980

IN JAPAN” Tomohiro Nishikado

felt that our games might be overtaking the videogame

giant.” The US had competition.
» [GBA] Space Invaders is such a simple, casual game that it works It was 1981 and a number of parents in the affluent
perfectly well on smaller screens. village of Irvington in the state of New York were waging

» [Mega Drive] A rather faithful rendition of the original game, Space

Invader 90 nevertheless had enhanced sound and graphics.

It wasn’t always going to be that way. Initially,

Nishikado considered aeroplanes as the enemy, but he
switched to humans for technical reasons. Taito wasn’t
E ven so, Space Invaders still had to be
attractive in itself and that was always
at the forefront of Nishikado’s mind.
It meant that when Space Invaders was
released in the arcades in Japan in 1978, its impact was
immediate, with some pachinko parlours and bowling
alleys soon rebranding themselves as Space Invaders
arcades, filled to the brim with coin-op machines.
“I was surprised by media reports saying that
a war of sorts against their children. They were incensed
at the plethora of coin-op machines which had been
invading their space for a few years and they’d manage
to convince the authorities to do something about them.
The proposal was dramatic and involved banning
anyone under the age of 17 from playing. It also sought
to impose a $100 licensing fee for machines and restrict
the number that any single establishment could have to
two. “I hear they’re addictive,” said mayor Reginald F
Marra, as the village prepared to vote on the issue.
happy and felt it would be too immoral to have gamers pachinko parlours – a leading industry in Japanese Marra was against the age limit, but he sympathised
blasting away at people so Nishikado chose to set the entertainment at that time – were being invaded by the with the concerns. Just as in Japan, the games were
game in space instead. It was, he tells us, “a convenient game,” Nishikado says. He was also astonished to read eating up pocket money and while that was good news
theme for videogames unlike sports that are bound by that the game was causing a shortage of 100 yen coins. for the owners, they were being blamed for kids going
specific rules”. He chose well, as history demonstrates. “It is true that newspapers reported Space without lunch or arriving late at school.
“Star Wars had just captured the imagination of the Invaders caused the shortage of 100 yen coins and, The coin-op had been brought to America by Midway
entire world, not just as a movie, but as a universe,” Iain consequently, Nippon Ginko’s increased production and it had quickly appeared in cafes and pizza parlours in
continues. “We didn’t just buy a ticket to watch the film, of 100 yen coins, but I didn’t feel that much at the cities across the US. But although arcade machines had
we bought the action figures and the lunchbox to take beginning of the boom,” Nishikado explains. “One day, I been making in-roads into American culture for the best
our sandwiches to school in. Space Invaders arrived at happened to see the tyre of a truck weighed down by a part of ten years, they had not attracted quite the same
the peak of that first wave of a new, popular science load of collected 100 yen coins in the car park at Taito’s level of attention as the Japanese newcomer.
fiction explosion. It was a new, aspirational technology headquarters. This surprised me and I realised that “I found a Pong machine in a landromat in Kent,
that shackled itself to the moment.” Space Invaders had become a phenomenon.” Ohio, in 1975 and I decided that I preferred spending my
Although many a gaming expert have since dispelled quarters on drying clothes,” scorns games developer
the yen shortage as fake news, Space Invaders’ Matt Householder, who went on to develop Moon
popularity was very much true. But even though it was Patrol, for the ColecoVision. “Space Invaders was the
eating up cash, there were fears in Japan that the game first videogame (coin-op or otherwise) that I found was
was leading to delinquency and children playing truant. truly fun to play.” He wasn’t alone.
“It was an unanticipated fad for the amusement “Suddenly videogames had some character,”
industry and so rules or regulations were not able to Iain says. “Sure, they were two dimensional and
catch up with that instant phenomenon,” rudimentarily animated but the aliens in
Nishikado says. “But if I, as a games Space Invaders had enough character
creator was to look back in a positive to make themselves feel like characters.
way, I’d say it heralded a new era of Pong was an astonishing achievement,
entertainment in Japan.” but it didn’t provide videogames with a
There is no denying that. When figurehead. Space Invaders’ marauding,
Nishikado visited the Amusement and oceanic aliens delivered such a powerful
Music Operators Association show in character design that they’re still used to
1978 when the game was introduced, symbolise videogames to this day.”
he was astounded. “I saw a lot of people As it proved, 1978 was a turning
waiting in the queue in front of the Space » Mark Cutmore works at the point both for the videogame industry
Invaders cabinet and, at that moment, I Science Museum Group. and the growing backlash against it. The

» [Arcade] Space Invaders Part II allowed gamers to add their names to

their high scores, making for a more competitive, social experience.
Acclaimed author
Martin Amis writes Pepsi Invaders is Taito releases
Invasion Of The Space Invaders commissioned by Return Of The the game on the NES KP Snacks sells
Space Invaders grosses $2 billion Coca-Cola Invaders is released in Japan Space Raiders crisps
1982 1983 1985 1987

same happened in the UK, the

rest of Europe and other markets
around the world. One of the main
How Space Invaders made its way into the zeitgeist
problems was that Space Invaders
was so attractive and addictive,
QIt may seem odd that Martin Amis’ wrote the guide,
although some people found other, Invasion Of The Space Invaders, in 1982 but he’s not the
more bizarre reasons to outlaw this only author to reference the game. Terry Pratchett’s
particular invasion. Only You Can Save Mankind saw invader-style

I n Japanamerica:
How Japanese Pop
Culture Had Invaded
the US, author Roland
» Iain Simons works at the
British Games Institute.

Kelts writes of Pac-Man creator Toru Iwatani’s

“bafflement when discussing the banning of Space
Invaders in several southern states in the Eighties
– allegedly because aliens are not in the Bible, and
because of the game’s violence towards them”.
QMusicians were inspired by Space Invaders after its
launch and, even putting aside the sampled audio in
aliens surrendering and seeking help. Characters in
Discworld play Barbarian Invaders.

the messy medley that was Yellow Magic Orchestra’s

Unlucky for them, Space Invaders’ success only led to hit, Computer Game, fans could enjoy Disco Space
more shooters. In the Eighties, Japanese arcades were Invaders by Funny Stuff in 1979, Space Invader by The
dominated by them. Pretenders in 1980 and Space Invaders by Player One.
“As the most popular game of the era, Space
Invaders became the target of fear but the cause was
that people didn’t understand the emerging trend for ART
Q The urban artist Invader has decorated cities
gaming or recognise the positive aspects of it,” argues
Mark. “The same fears had been levelled at television across the world with Space Invaders ceramic tile
in its early days and at new genres of music like punk mosaics, some of which were stolen in Paris in 2017.
and hip-hop.” The game has also featured in many exhibitions and
As it happens, the proposed ban on children in gallery spaces, with one single alien invader sprite
Irvington was thrown out and the planned restrictions becoming a design icon.
on cabinet numbers were loosened to three machines

© KylaBorg
per establishment. Yet arcade games – Space Invaders
in particular – continued to attract as much negative
attention as it did positive. In 1981, George Foulkes,
Labour MP for South Ayrshire in Scotland tried to push
the Control of Space Invaders and Other Electronic
Q Space Invaders has had an impact on the small
Games bill through the UK parliament. screen in a variety of ways. Not only was a BBC
series by celebrity builder Tommy Walsh called Space
Invaders, there have been numerous references to the
game in Futurama, Scrubs, Chuck, Danger Mouse and
Black Mirror among many others.

Q Many home interior design companies are called
‘Space Invaders’. But does the game’s influence
spread to blueprints? Yes, if NL Architects’ proposed
Space Invaders alternative tower block is anything to
go by. It was earmarked for South Korea.

Q Whether it’s Spaced Invaders or appearances in
» [PC Engine] With better weapons and lovely backdrops, Taito’s porting of sci-fi films such as Terminator 2: Judgement Day and
Space Invaders to the PC Engine in 1990 was a success.
Cherry 2000, Hollywood hasn’t been immune to the
classic title. Space Invaders has a role in Pixels and
there’s talk of a movie directly based on the series.

Space Invaders
Majestic Twelve: The Versions of the game A prize-winning riff Super Space Invaders appears in the The remake Space
Space Invaders Part IV hit the Game Boy and on the game offers a offers non-arcade action film Terminator 2: Invaders DX for arcades
launches Mega Drive £20 jackpot for home computers Judgement Day is released
1990 1991 1993


Key games that define the series
1978, ARCADE
QThe original was entirely black and white
and was released in Japan by Taito as a sit- 1995, ARCADE
down cocktail table. An upright cabinet was QThis is a wacky, upbeat, cartoony rendition
introduced in the west by Midway, reflecting of Space Invaders which allowed you to play as
the graphics on to a painted backdrop. Gamers various characters. It has many Earth-based
soon became acquainted with the need to blast settings and gives you five bosses to battle
away five rows of 11 aliens. making it familiar and unique at the same time.

1980, ATARI 2600 1999, PLAYSTATION
QAtari bagged the home licence from Taito QThis was one of a glut of Space Invaders
and created the 2600’s must-have title. It variants at the turn of the millennium but it
only had 36 aliens and three rather than four puts a fresh spin on the design. Modelled in 3D
defence barriers but there were a staggering and with a blistering soundtrack, players have
112 game variations along with an assortment to hit four aliens of the same colour in a row to
of shots, difficulty levels and a two-player receive different power-ups. There are nods to
modes. It sold very well indeed. 1978 in the intro, too.

1985, ARCADE
QThe true-colour sequel launched seven years
after the original and it unleashed the invaders QProduced to coincide with Space Invaders’
like never before. The blocks of old were 30th anniversary, Space Invaders Extreme
supplemented by patterned waves of aliens stands as one of the finest remakes in the
that proved increasingly difficult to see off. series’ history. Four-hit combos would earn
Deflector invaders had to be shot right in the power-ups and it was possible to control when
centre otherwise your fire would bounce back. the UFO appeared. A sequel arrived in 2009.

1990, ARCADE
QAlso known as Super Space Invaders ’91, QAs another reimagining, Infinity Gene
this version was ported to 8-bit and 16-bit brought Space Invaders up to date with
computers and consoles. As well as charming simplicity, making the most of the
introducing boss invaders, the CG30 cannons touchscreens of mobile devices. It also added
could take more than one hit and it was the ability to unlock better weapons and
possible to play with a friend. rewarded the chain destruction of enemies.

1993, ARCADE
QA number of games make up this classic:
2017, ARCADE
there are colour, monochrome and cellophane QYou can’t miss Raw Thrills’ Space Invaders
versions of the original. The most fun of all Frenzy. It plays on a nine-foot screen, uses
is the parody game. This replaced the iconic lightgun cannons as controllers and allows
Space Invaders sprites with characters you to identify and blast at individual aliens
from nine of Taito’s games including regardless of where they may be.
Bubble Bobble and Arkanoid.

The game is chosen
Players can enjoy Space Invaders looks Space Invaders Space Invaders The PSP is blessed to represent Japan by
a Virtual Boy Space very different on the Anniversary celebrates 25 Revolution is launched on with the interesting Space the country’s Agency for
Invaders experience PlayStation years of the series the Nintendo DS Invaders Evolution Cultural Affairs
1995 1999 2003 2005 2006


GRAPHICS’” Graeme Devine

“A Sheffield mother is quoted as saying that a

Jekyll and Hyde change came over her 14-year-old son
when he became hooked on Space Invaders,” he told
MPs. “In London, a 13-year-old vanished from his home
for ten days, visiting arcades to play the machines.
Also in London, a 17-year-old boy was so desperate for
money to feed the machines that he turned to blackmail
and theft, demanding £900 from a clergyman with
whom he had previously had sexual relations.”

F or those who were playing Space

Invaders however, there was nothing
better on Earth. It proved inspiring and
it created a social scene for young people
to hook into. “The game was being enjoyed by all
ages due to its simple gameplay,” explains Nishikado.
“Having said that, the game is not that easy to win.
The enemy aliens shoot at the player, which makes the
players feel frustrated and nervous. On the other hand, » [PlayStation] Sony’s PlayStation received a number of upgraded arcade classics and Space Invaders was no exception.
the game gives exhilaration when the player defeats all
the enemy aliens and clears a level. A blend of these Scores of players and wannabe developers agreed the impact it had not just
feelings urged the players to insert another coin for and there was no getting around the fact that Space on her but other media. “It
next challenge. I suppose this is the reason for the Invaders was hugely innovative. “It was one of the first was April 1980 and my best
success of Space Invaders.” times I had seen ‘advanced graphics’, and the novelty of friend was very interested in
controlling something on a screen was still really new,” new music,” she says. “He » Graeme Devine created The
says Scottish game designer and programmer Graeme played the first Pretenders’ 7th Guest and The 11th Hour.
Devine, who went on to create The 7th Guest and The album constantly and it had
11th Hour. “Space Invaders was also a watchable game: an instrumental song called Space Invader on it. I didn’t
you’d understand the rules after watching a friend play a typically like instrumentals but I heard that one so much,
few games and you’d want to have a go.” I started really liking it.”
Some of videogaming’s key figures over the years One night she asked a friend what the song was
were influenced by the game, not only in Japan but about and what the title meant. “He got wildly excited
in the US, UK, the rest of Europe and beyond. John and explained it was about this great arcade game called
Romero cites it as a key influence, as does Eugene. Space Invaders,” she says. “He said there was a game
“It was the first fully-formed videogame with real in a bar close to where we worked, and I should go
enemies, incredible audio, ever-increasing difficulty and there with him at lunch some day to check it out. We
tension with infinite play time as long as you can stay went, he put in quarters, I got killed before I could figure
alive,” he tells us. “It also created the first videogame out what I was supposed to do but I recognised how
addicts and launched the worldwide videogame much the game display looked like the climate control
revolution. By allowing expert players to set record display I programmed on the car back at work, and
scores limited only by skill, endurance and bladder that’s how I fell in love with videogames.”
capacity, Space Invaders also became the first esport.” Dona ended up moving to Sunnyvale in
Dona Bailey, who was working as an assembly May 1980 without a job or much of anything
language programmer for microprocessors in Cadillac else but she was soon hired at Atari where
» [Arcade] If the characters here look familiar it’s because they’ve come engines at a GM-Delco plant in Santa Barbara, California, she devised and worked on Centipede.
from various Taito games. How many can you name? clearly recalls her first encounter with videogames and Space Invaders had taught her

Space Invaders is An art game Invaders!
included in the Game On Taito releases an is included at the GH ART Space Invaders Infinity
exhibition at the Barbican Space Invaders Get album called Space exhibition at the Games Space Invaders Gene launches on PS3
Centre, London Even appears on WiiWare Invaders 2008 Convention, Leipzig launches on iOS and Xbox 360
2006 2008 2009 2010

AND REWARD” Nolan Bushnell

that you have to be careful of quick judgments about a

game – you need to play it enough to make an accurate
judgment. It became one of my favourite games.”
» [Wii] Made available as WiiWare, Space Invaders Get Even allowed Suddenly a Japanese-made game was propelling
players to control the aliens. an American-created console to great heights and
Space Invaders began to enjoy a second wind. “It was
The coin-ops themselves were another disrupter. probably the first videogame that had both dynamic and
The emergence of the arcades proved crucial in getting narrative development,” Nolan continues. “It had the
» [PS2] Known as Space Raiders in Japan, this was rebranded here as people interested in videogames and it could be argued correct balance between risk and reward.”
Space Invaders: Invasion Day. It’s not particularly memorable, either. that gaming and Space Invaders may not have become Just as with the arcade coin-op, the home console
so big had they not been introduced in such a way. version proved encouraging. “It inspired a new
much about gameplay and she thrived. The same “The immense success of the Space Invaders arcade generation of people to get into games development
was true of other developers. cabinet saw competitive gaming enter new and often and coding,” Mark says. “The music and sound effects
“Skill, risk and strategy,” affirms David Perry of the unexpected locations for its time, such as shops and in Space Invaders were influential on the future of
lessons taught. “The feeling that each time you play, restaurants,” argues Marie Foulston, curator of the games development, showing what a background
you feel you’re getting better; the rewards for taking V&A’s Videogames: Design/Play/Disrupt Exhibition. score which reacts to development within the game
risks. Space Invaders really was ahead of its time.” Jason Fitzpatrick, curator and chief executive officer of can do for the experience. People recognise that these

D avid draws attention to the fact that

players could not hide the whole game.
They had to keep popping out into danger
or risk being exposed when the barriers
were destroyed or killed if the aliens got too close. “The
fact that you could attack in any order and use bases for
the Centre For Computing History in Cambridge, agrees,
“They didn’t have a strong barrier to entry – players
could put 10p in a machine and play without having to
invest in expensive home computers or consoles. The
arcades had a feel about them and an atmosphere that
people enjoyed. Games were instantly social.”
Even so, Space Invaders did land in peoples’ homes.
cover allowed for strategy and the two most clever parts In 1980, Atari had grabbed an exclusive licence for the
were that things sped up, forcing you to rethink your
strategy of how to handle the last invaders,” he says.
game, making it the first arcade game to be ported on
to a console. It appeared on the VCS, later known as the
developments had a huge impact and Space Invaders is
held in high regard as a creative turning point.”
It had a big effect on people such as Jenna Seiden
who was eight years old when Space Invaders launched
on the Atari 2600. She eventually became the former
vice-president of content development and strategic
partnerships at Microsoft Studios, and she is the current
head of content acquisition at the gaming distribution
platform Ultra. “Space Invaders hit all the right notes
and it became iconic the moment it landed on the
“And that was before you saw the glorious strategy 2600, and became a hit, helping to quadruple sales of shelf,” she says, “It combined the successful shoot and
disrupter – the spaceship.” the machine three years after it was launched. destroy mechanics of previous titles with more intense
“Probably the biggest masterstroke was cementing graphics, and it was an inspiration for gamers like me.”
Space Invaders into peoples’ homes by porting it to the
2600,” Iain said. “By bringing a half-decent version of
an arcade experience onto the first truly popular home
videogame console, it embedded itself into living rooms
as well as arcades.”
For Atari cofounder Nolan Bushnell,
it was another feather in his cap.
Already successful in the arcades
himself thanks to Pong, he had pulled
off a coup, even though he was
J enna says the game became an icon
because it moved the industry into one
of the first examples of storytelling
in videogaming. “I did love the double
bullets if you held the reset button while you turned the
2600 on, and I liked getting my phalanx-narrowing on,
but it was truly the fact that Space Invaders spawned
the next phase of iconic titles like Galaga and Asteroids
that also resonated with the marketplace.”
initially sceptical of it. “Space Invaders Space Invaders also impacted on the Japanese
gave me further humility on how to development scene. “Space Invaders’ success
judge a good game,” Bushnell tells stimulated many companies in Japan to embark
us. “When I first played it I didn’t on game developments.” says Nishikado. “The
» [PlayStation] The intro to Space Invaders
on the PlayStation made multiple knowing » David Perry cofounded think much of it but clearly I was rapid growth of the game industry threw up some
references to the original game. Shiny Entertainment. massively wrong. It made me realise masterpieces and developed the consumer game


A new species of Space Invaders The Space Invaders

arachnid is named Taito appears in the Adam Frenzy coin-op dwarfs
spaceinvaders Sandler movie Pixels gamers in the arcades
2014 2015 2017

field from which the Famicom,

or NES, was born. When the
Famicom became a global hit, it
was clear Japanese videogames
were taking the world by storm.”
How Taito and Square Enix are celebrating four decades of Space Invaders
As for Space Invaders, its legacy To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Space
was set in stone. Invaders, Taito’s sister company Square Enix
The game grossed $2 billion in planned and developed four attractions. It
less than four years and, as Mark has brought the game to life like never before,
argues, “it demonstrated that the starting with the amazing Play! Space Invaders
» Mario Foulston curates the
emerging entertainment industry Design/Play/Disrupt exhibition. Exhibit in January which took place at in the
was big enough to rival film and Roppongi district of Tokyo, Japan.
music”. Big companies were keen The highlight has been Space Invaders
to associate themselves with Gigamax, a huge, wide installation that projected
the game. But unlike those who the game on to the windows of the building and
worked in rival industries, Nishikado allowed up to ten players to enjoy the classic title
did not achieve personal fame for a against the backdrop of Tokyo. It proved to be a
few years, with Taito’s policy being sight to behold with the invaders making their » Space Invaders being projected against a backdrop of
to hide the creators. way towards the city’s streets as gamers sought the night sky is an no-brainer, really.
“I don’t think that I felt frustrated to blast them away.
at the time, but I had some small Another exhibit created by Square Enix is weapons falling off the playing field. It’s energetic
sad and envious feelings when I Arkinvaders which projects the game on to the and fun and an artistic spin on age-old gameplay
» Atari cofounder
encountered the individual names Nolan Bushnell. floor and introduces elements of Arkanoid. Here, that feels fresh.
of videogame creators of other players seek to destroy the aliens by kicking More sweat-inducing is Noborinvaders which is
manufacturers later on in magazines,” Nishikado says. digital circles at them while trying to prevent the projected against a climbing wall. As the players
“I feel happy that nowadays disclosing their individual reach climb, invaders appear on the various
names is quite natural and common sense.” boulders meaning players have to position
French street artist Invader has peppered cities across themselves close and reach out to touch them,
the world with depictions of the Space Invaders aliens thereby removing the aliens from the playing
that he creates out of square ceramic tiles. People also area and racking up the points.
often use pseudonyms to take part in Space Invaders Finally, there is Bahamut Disco, a mind-
competitions (although Frank Tetro was more than bending, almost migraine-inducing experience
happy to be named when, aged 14, he hit the headlines which projects the game on to a 360-degree
for achieving an incredible 110,125 points in the National screen. Four players each pick a colour of alien
Space Invaders Superbowl of 1980). and use Vive VR controllers to swat them away
Crucially, the name Space Invaders has become as they appear, all played to a disco beat. Since it
ubiquitous and it remains on the tip of people’s tongues. doesn’t need a virtual reality device, Square Enix
» The simple design of Space Invaders invites many
“The visual design of space invaders is a universal iconic innovative ideas on how to play the game.
says it offers a new way of playing with VR.
shorthand for ‘videogames’,” says Iain. “Even if only by
that measure, it’s hugely relevant.” » The art and iconography
of the arcade classic lends
itself perfectly to a unique
art exhibit.

» [Xbox 360] Launched for Xbox Live Arcade, Space Invaders Extreme saw
revamped graphics as well as new visualisers created by Jeff Minter.
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The mid-Eighties was a period of transition for Jeff Minter, as he toyed
with new ways to interact with computers. Enter the mighty Batalyx,
with half a dozen minigames and a whole heap of inspired weirdness
Words by Paul Drury

metaphor for life? “Oh, I wasn’t thinking of it in a

philosophical way. It was just an interesting thing
to do in a game.”
Jeff sketched out the basic concepts for Batalyx
during a Greek holiday in the summer of 1985 and
spent four months coding the game on his return.
As usual, he worked alone, but did recruit Mo
Warden, a talented young artist who would go on
to work at Novagen on such titles as Mercenary
and Encounter!, to create the loading screen.
“She’d written to me saying she liked my games
and we met up at a computer show,” remembers
Jeff. “She was a really good artist and did a great
» [C64] Run, goat, run! That Cippy sure can move, spewing out odd job, which is good because I’m shit at art. And no,
bullets as he speeds along. the hairy character she drew isn’t me… it’s the
Ancipital from Brian Aldiss’ Helliconia sci-fi trilogy,

J eff Minter leans back in his chair and

grins. “I was entering an experimental
stage,” he says of Batalyx. “I’d been
doing some fairly conventional games
and I wanted to try something different, which led
into the whole ‘Psychedelia’ thing. I was realising
there were different things you could do rather
than the traditional structure of a game.”
Though we’re not sure Jeff’s previous work,
which we’d both read.”
Batalyx was well received by the gaming press,
Zzap!64 awarding it 94% and ‘Sizzler’ status. “It’s
one of my games that kind of gets lost,” adds Jeff.
“Everyone remembers Revenge Of The Mutant
Camels and Llamatron, but Batalyx is a nice little
game and it’s been fun sitting and talking about it.
In fact, I think I’ll have a game myself.”
So without further ado, let Jeff take you
full of mutant camels and flying sheep, could through all six subgames.
be termed ‘conventional’, Batalyx was certainly
different. A collection of six subgames, players
could jump in and out of each at will, tackling the
variety of challenges on offer in any order. You
could aim to complete all of the minigames or just
focus on pushing up your score on one, and rather
than being allocated lives, you decided how long
your game would last, from a few minutes to a
concerted hour-long campaign. It was all about
tailoring the experience to the individual.
“You could shape your own game,” muses
Jeff. “Batalyx was about having a bunch of
games going on in parallel and the difficulty of
all of them was increasing as you played. If you
were bad at one minigame, you could choose to » [C64] A bemusing overload of audio and visual static combined
play that first while it was not so hard.” Is that a with much swift lateral thinking. Our head hurts.

A little bit of Asteroids DNA, a lot making this a more thoughtful shooter
of firepower and a plethora of odd than you might expect. “I like this
enemies to destroy make one,” smiles Jeff. “It’s fun. The idea
Hallucin-O-Bomblets an entertaining came from the bullets in your ship
and accessible opener. Though being your reaction mass. You had
dispatching a set number of baddies to fire away from the direction you
to progress to the next wave is not wanted to move.” Isn’t that rather
difficult in itself, the challenge is counterintuitive? “Yeah, but I like doing
to avoid frequent collisions, which that and when you get used to it, it’s
reduces your hit count and thus adds pretty cool.” The array of surreal foes
to the time needed to achieve the that swarm around your little ship
completion icon for this subgame. are not your typical alien adversaries,
Indiscriminate blasting does not help, either. From floppy disks to aggressive
‘Eyes Of Providence’, each has a
special significance for Jeff. “A lot of
the sprites in it were inspired by the
various people I knew on Compunet,
like the stylised cougar head was a
homage to this guy called Cougar.
The skull and crossbones represented
software piracy and the actual rotating
ship you control is from Bomb Jack. I
just like referencing games I’ve loved.”
And what about the giant spliffs that
try to smoke your ship? “Oh, that was » [C64] The title of each wave scrolls along the bottom of
just me,” Jeff winks. the screen and shows Jeff’s love of puns has a long history.

Fans of Jeff’s early work will
immediately recognise this reboot
of one of his defining titles, which in
turn was his nod to the Atari 2600’s
The Empire Strikes Back, substituting
giant camels for AT-AT walkers. “I just
wanted to do a nicer version of Attack
Of The Mutant Camels,” he explains.
“The original was clunky and by this
time I’d done the Atari version, which
had lots more colour and a scrolling
foreground, so I wanted to do that
on the C64. Plus I was able to draw
better camels. The original ones had
looked like two fat men in a camel
suit.” The way the camels squat and
jump is also nicely handled here and
is a testament to how Jeff’s coding
skills had developed in just two years.
“I’d worked out how to do a smooth bothered him. “Ever since the first
scroll so yeah, it was technically more game, I felt guilty about encouraging
accomplished,” he agrees. “In fact, people to attack camels. So I made it » Jeff revisits
I think it’s probably the best version that it wasn’t the camels fault because Batalyx in the
pagges of Nature
of AMC there is.” Jeff also used this they were telepathically controlled. I Of The Beast,
revisiting to correct one other issue knew if I was bringing them back, they thhe newsletter
he produced for
from the original that had always had to be droids… Dromodroids!” Llaamasoft fans.

Five more 8-bit minigame collections
More camel-orientated action as
you find yourself atop one of the hairy
beasts, heading for the titular base.
Though your eyes are drawn to the
directional points of your joystick plus
the fire button as the centre and as the
blocks light up, you must move your
stick to match the sequence. Imagine
LAZY JONES all-seeing pyramid on the horizon and the old handheld Simon but with a heap
1984 the colourful spheres swirling around of visual distractions. “This is essentially
QThis collection of 15 the head of your ride, you should, in a rhythm game,” muses Jeff. “I’d never
minigames (if you count the fact, be squinting at the small square played a rhythm action game [back
hassle of getting served at in the bottom left of the screen. Made then] but looking back, you can see it.
the bar as a game) from SID up of nine smaller blocks arranged in a I wanted something where you were
maestro Dave Whittaker 3x3 grid, these correspond to the eight sitting on the camel and something
features little tributes to about activating the pyramid so I had
arcade classics like Space Invaders, Frogger and Breakout hidden this idea of sequences you had to follow.
in various hotel rooms. There’s a lovely ‘kerdumpf’ noise when
you get it right. You could really feel it!”
FRANKIE GOES Performing 100 responses correctly to
TO HOLLYWOOD activate the base, signalled by a rainbow
1985 effect, can be tough, though you are
QDenton Designs showed allowed six mistakes. We like the
it too could experiment rhythmic swaying of the camel’s neck,
with the subgame concept, which helps get into the swing of things.
offering ten surreal “I had sat on a camel at this point and I
minigames, including the » [C64] The undulating landscape, the ominous pyramid and
wanted to get that experience across,”
political shooter Raid Over the swirling spheres can be very distracting. says Jeff. “Just without the smell.”
Merseyside and the ‘Two Tribes Video Meets Boot Hill’ of Talking
Heads, on your journey to the Pleasuredome.

QWe could have chosen
any of the excellent Winter
Games and Summer Games
series but this gets the
nod due to the diversity
of the sports included, Cippy is, of course, an abbreviation
from skateboarding to surfing, and the addition of a hacky sack of Ancipital, the goat-man creature who
subgame makes it such a period piece, too. first appeared in the superlative Sheep
in Space and remains one of Jeff’s
WINTER CAMP favourite creations. “I absolutely love
1992 him,” he beams. “He’s such an excellent
QWe’d argue this late character and one of these days I really
release for the C64 has ought to do another Ancipital game. His
enough of a variety mechanic is so nice – walking on walls!”
between stages to merit the The task here is to traverse every » [C64] We would love to see Jeff revisit Ancipital on
‘minigame’ mantel, from the section of the grey platforms at the top modern consoles. Cippy in VR, perhaps?

side-scrolling ‘Ice Patrol’ to and bottom of the screens, jumping

the shooting gallery style ‘Snowball Fight’ and the Donkey between them to avoid gaps, danger Chaplin, which looks especially comical
Kong-esque leaping of the final mountain climb. zones and an assortment of enemies. during the bonus levels. “I wanted the
The way the surfaces change colour effect of a stream of Cippies, a rainbow
GAME THEORY as you step on them reminded us of a row following him, and you could see
2007 certain Gottlieb coin-op. “I’m sure it was the gravity reflected in the nice arc of
QThis homebrew release
inspired by Q*Bert,” agrees Jeff. “Some the goats behind. Yeah, it does look a bit
for the VIC-20 riffs on
enemies even rub out what you’ve trippy. Were any substances involved?
WarioWare, with tiny
painted. I was learning how to do proper Nah, nothing more than a bit of spliff,
challenges lasting just a
gravity jumps, that feeling of inertia, so really. People think I must have been
few seconds, ranging from
when he jumps, he floats.” We like how having all kinds of drugs but all I’ve ever
catching ghosts to popping
the goat’s little legs blur when he gets been into is a little spliff. And maybe a
balloons. A sequel has since followed, proving that the 8-bit
a good sprint on, like a bovine Charlie pill or two in later years….”
minigame collection genre lives on!


The most abstract of the get progressively harder, with
subgames and, for most players, invisible blocks and an increasing
the most taxing and downright amount of audio and visual static.
frustrating. The idea is to immobilise “This started out as a Compunet
a series of bouncing spheres by demo,” explains Jeff, Compunet
‘trapping’ them on a square that being a sort of protointernet for
is rotating at the same speed and the Commodore 64. “The original
in exactly the opposite direction. had a series of horizontal platforms
You can move your cursor to any and various Ancipitals that all ran
square to adjust the rotation of at different speeds and when they
all squares of that colour and if went off the end of one platform
you do (eventually) manage to they’d appear on the other side,”
trap one sphere, you’ll need to says Jeff. “You had to get one on
catch the other sharpish before it each platform by synchronising the
decides to float off. The eight levels speed of the platforms to get a goat
running in static on each one.” You
still following this, readers? “It takes Jeff Minter is unique in the field of videogames. Like a psychedelic
some getting used to but I liked unicorn, he’s an enigma, and he’s been producing distinctive titles for
the idea,” he continues. “It’s the over 35 years, blending familiar motifs and mechanics with new tech
closest thing to a puzzle game I’ve and innovations, oen revisiting old ideas on different platforms. Has
done! I was also interested in using he even considered returning to Batalyx, revamping the concept for
generative audio, so the chords modern consoles or even VR? “I’m not sure in this form”, he muses,
change according to the speed [of “but maybe taking one or two of the bits and turning them into bigger
the blocks] so you get these tonal things. All of the games could be taken as sketches for bigger games.
drones going on.” If John Cale made We’ll see. I definitely don’t look back and think, ‘That’s a bit shit!’ I still
» [C64] The sequel to a Compunet demo, this subgame is
8-bit soundtracks, this is what they enjoy playing it. It was me being experimental, hence Mama Llama
the one we find most challenging. might sound like. coming aer it, which some might say was too experimental!” That’s
a story for another day, perhaps.

If you needed any more evidence that
1985 was Jeff’s ‘Year of Experimentation’,
other games, you can hit that button and
chill out for a while. Not everyone might
his only other full release that year besides have thought to buy Psychedelia when it
Batalyx was Psychedelia, a user-controlled came out… I mean, when I first wrote it, I
light synth. A fairly full version of it appears wanted to give it away because I thought
here and acts as a groovy kind of pause the idea was too good to be sold. Too pure
mode. “I loved Psychedelia so much I to commercialise!” There’s no completion
wanted to chuck a version in,” enthuses icon for this subgame, but it is a lovely
Jeff, “so if you get stressed out playing the way to take a break from the blasting and
appreciate that part of Jeff’s genius is
looking beyond the traditional idea of what
constitutes a ‘game’. “There are parallels to
I, Robot and the doodle mode they had in
there,” he explains. “You could choose to
play the game or play the ‘ungame’. I really
like that idea and this was me saying, ‘You
can play with these graphics and make nice
stuff!’ When I first invented, or discovered,
Psychedelia, I got the feeling I could really
do something with and it went on to become
Trip-A-Tron and all the visualisation stuff for
the Xbox. It was something I’d never thought
of doing with a computer before – a light
» [C64] Jeff says he “discovered more than invented” the idea of
synthesiser to music. It blew me away.” » [C64] Chillax everyone and dig those crazy patterns in this
the light synth and has revisited the concept over the years. unorthodox take on the pause mode.

G7000 fact
QIf you’ve got a Videopac with built-in joysticks that don’t
work, don’t worry – they’re not wired to the motherboard.
They’re actually using connectors located inside the
console’s casing.



Videopac G7000
 MANUFACTURER: Philips  YEAR: 1978  COST: £150 (launch), £15+ (today)
hough its keyboard may fool you into thinking that it’s a computer, the Philips

T Videopac G7000 is the direct successor to the Magnavox Odyssey – indeed,

in North America it was marketed as the Odyssey 2. As one of the wave of
programmable consoles that came in the wake of the Pong clones, it was able to achieve
a respectable commercial performance, outlasting the likes of the Fairchild Channel F and Bally
Astrocade, but falling short of the Intellivision and especially the Atari 2600. It was most popular in
Europe and Brazil.
The console’s bulky silver body is rather striking and futuristic next to the woodgrain styling of the
Videopac G7000’s contemporaries. Frustratingly, the cartridge labels are uniformly black with a red
number rather than a title, but cartridges have distinctive handles that set them apart from otherwise
similar competitors. Some G7000 feature joystick ports while others include built-in joysticks, but
the most memorable games for the system combined computer controls and board game setups
to create a unique play experience. Unusually, the European version of the console doesn’t have a
power switch of its own – it must instead be switched on and off at the plug socket.
This is famously the game that Atari sued Philips over, claiming that
it was substantially similar to Pac-Man – for which Atari held the
exclusive conversion rights. The American courts decided in Atari’s
favour, but not before Munchkin had become a bit of a hit with
the Philips/Magnavox crowd. The game actually features a good
few things which make it
more enjoyable than Atari’s
official port – apart from
the shapeshifting maze, the
Munchies begin to wander
as you come close to
completing the maze. It gets
tense when you’re trying to
intercept the last Munchie,
while the Munchers try to
munch Munchkin.

in For m u la 1 to a hole in
From a crash cour nd tumble of BMX racing
one and the rough the ring, Codemasters’
and a few rounds in not have truly mimicked
budget simulators rtainly stormed the charts
real life but they ce vid Crookes
Words by Da


David Darling on the simulator tha
started Codemasters’ obsession
With a keen interest
in motorsports and
biking, Richard and
David Darling decided
to replicate the success
they’d had with BMX
Racers at Mastertronic
by producing a similarly
themed game for » [C64] BMX Simulator made its debut on
64, with other systems follow ing.
their new company, Commodore
Codemasters. From the
further than they had done
start, however, they decided to go
ation and making a game that
before, bringing physics into the equ
could on a Commodore 64.
sought to mimic real life as best they
ics at school and we liked
“We’d been really interested in phys
ogames,” says David. As
the idea of simulating real-life in vide
with bikes viewed from the
such, Richard began experimenting
ent could affect how they

top down, looking at how the environm
t was a little aside buried deep. As well as making games for the » [Amstrad CPC]
BMX Simulator gravity and the effects on the
deep within issue 67 of Crash budget publisher, the pair ended up was the first of handled. “He began to think about
id adds. “He considered the
magazine, but anyone who read owning half of the company and they many top-down bikes as they went over bumps,” Dav
racing games from physics would speed the bikes
it could have been forgiven for would work with other developers to
Codemasters. bumps and the banks and how the
letting out a small, snide snort. select the best titles to take to market. and slow them down.”
sic, with Richard devising
“Rumours have it that MouldCasters “We realised that a lot of programmers » David Darling
What emerged was an all-time clas
cofounded me progressively harder. It
are due to release Advanced Tortoise were coming to us with games about Codemasters seven different BMX courses that beca
a friend and there were action
Simulator later this year,” jibed the space, but that the ones which did really with his brother could be played competitively with
Richard. er of close finishes.
fictional writer Lloyd Mangram. But had well were based on existing themes,” y which was great to identify a winn
p ays
features that we
Codemasters (the obvious butt of this David adds. “We also noticed that many “These were the kinds of innovative
d out,” David says. “Right
particular joke) actually produced such people liked their games to be realistic.” thhought would make the game stan
e titles that could be
a title, it’s unlikely many gamers would With that in mind, Richard had got frrom the start, we were trying to mak
have been surprised. down to work on BMX Simulator, fuull-price games at budget prices.”
s with. Players
Three years before that reference, seeking to capitalise on the huge It helped that it was easy to get to grip
le or right to career
Codemasters had released a popular interest in BMX bikes at the time. He would simply accelerate and push
e felt straightforward
game called BMX Simulator and created it in the Codies’ small office arround the tracks but while the gam
ps to the hay bales and
followed it up with plenty more. It was based at the Beaumont Business en nough, the obstacles – from the jum
ortant that players
1986 and the company’s cofounders Centre in Banbury, infusing the game g – made for tricky races. “It was imp
Richard and David Darling were drawing with as much realism as possible under felt challeenged and so I would help come
it to
on their experience of working for the constraints of the Commodore 64 up with ideas for the game and test
Mastertronic. “We’d made a game by working hard on the physics. ensure itt worked well,” says David.
called BMX Racers for them and it had “The whole idea was to avoid Richaard Darling upped the ante
sold very well,” says David. “So when making an arcade-style racer because with BM MX Simulator 2 in 1989. As well
we set up Codemasters, we thought there were already a good number of as adding a choice of tyre width and
we’d be able to replicate the success.” them around,” David continues. “It also chainwheel size which could affect
Such thinking was based on solid meant we could justifiably make use of the turrning and acceleration, there
evidence since the Darling brothers’ the word ‘simulator’ which was a term were tten new courses, dirt biking
involvement at Mastertronic had been people were familiar with thanks to and qu uarr y racing options as well the
the professional flight simulators being ability to play with three other pals
w e allowing two players
“We wer on
used in the aviation industry.” When
BMX Simulator subsequently sold well the jooysticks and another two on
for Codemasters, the Darlings were the kkeys and it worked really well,”
convinced they were on to a winner. sayss David. The game didn’t top the
Philip and Andrew Oliver were salees of BMX Simulator, which shied
quick to spot the potential, too. Having 5000,000 units, but it certainly showed
already produced a couple of games for Coddemasters’ ambition.
Codemasters – Super Robin Hood and
Ghost Hunters – the twins were looking
for their next project. As soon as they
» [Amstrad CPC] Pro Golf Simulator was a comprehensive set eyes on BMX Simulator, they knew
little golf game that enthusiasts were sure to enjoy . what it should be. “We wanted

The story of the high-speed racing sim
as told by Phillip Oliver ulator,
“Within a minute of
seeing BMX Simulator,
it was obvious how
we’d create Grand Prix
Simulator,” says Philip
Oliver, who developed
the game alongside
brother, Andrew. “The
game showed us a way
» [C64] The blocky cars were annoying,
to capture the spirit of a but
otherwise Grand Prix Simulator was great
sport with good gameplay
on very limited technology. So we ado
pted the same top-down
view and took the same game desi
gn, simply changing the bikes
to cars.” The effect? Another bestselle
The Olivers developed the game on
an Amstrad CPC, draing trum.
Prix Simulator to be converted to the Spec
in James Wilson to help with the grap
hics and getting Jon Paul » [ZX Spectrum] It took six months for Grand
Edridge to work on the audio. “We
started by drawing courses
created from a small number of repe
ated sprites and we produced to do a top-down car racing game Indeed it was. “We realised that it
a top-down car sprite with rotated
versions,” Philip explains of the along the same lines,” Philip says. “We made sense to have a sub-brand or
initial process.
This was carried out using Panda Spri
thought it would work perfectly.” badge and ‘simulator’ seemed to fit,”
tes, a toolset they had As huge, huge motorsport fans, the David explains. “It gave a flavour of
created themselves and sold to Inte
rceptor Soware in their Darlings instantly agreed. “We were the direction we were taking with the
pre-Codemasters days. But while it
proved effective, the twins had in the habit of choosing developers games and it also showed that we
to bear in mind the low resolution of
the game. “Players needed to based on their pedigree and ability were trying to be different. So many
be told it was a car,” Philip says of
the tiny motors which ended up to make high-quality games and the companies were making games from
looking like small bricks. And yet it
still made for a fun title. Olivers fit the bill,” David says. Yet the scratch, having one hit and then going
Not that it didn’t have some problem
s. “We based our collision aspiring Olivers had an ulterior motive on to produce a completely new game.
on reading the screen pixel colours
so if the car was on black then for wanting to produce what became But we felt that we could build some
it was the road, but if it was on gree
n then you were on the grass Grand Prix Simulatorr “Fast cars were good momentum.”
and therefore we had to add higher
friction,” Andrew explains. very aspirational for us as teenage boys BMX Simulatorr and Grand Prix
“It became a little trickier when we
had to deal with the bridges and when we saw the Darlings’ Toyota Simulatorr sold for a pocket-friendly £1.99
which we were keen to feature. Sad
ly this approach led to a bug MR2 and Celica we thought we could and Codemasters believed gamers
where you could crash the AI cars
and leave them very confused.” buy cars like those if we wrote a game were more likely to pick up further titles
Even so, the Olivers packed enough
goodies in the game to that sold really well,” Philip says. if they could see signs of consistency.
more than justify the £1.99 price tag.
Aside from allowing one or It became crucial to pick the right kind
two players to speedily race around
for three laps within a set n their bid to ensure it would be of sport or activity to maximise sales,
time limit in the hope of avoiding last
place, there were 14 tracks, a hit, the twins vowed to match although this was often done for personal
numerous obstacles and even som
e digitised speech counting you the quality they’d seen with as well as rational reasons.
down at the start of the race.
It took the Olivers about two months
Richard’s BMX Simulatorr on the “It was often a case of, ‘We’ve just
to write – Super Robin Commodore 64 in October 1986. been skiing with the Olivers so we’ll do
Hood was developed in half the time
– but it was completed over “That game had set the benchmark a skiing game,’” says David, “or we’d
December 1986 and January 1987.
“Our sixth form friends had in terms of gameplay and it showed see a trend such as the popularity of jet
returned from university and since
it was Christmas we were us exactly how we could create a car biking and consider it a decent theme.”
expected to spend time visiting rela
tives so that slowed us down,” racing game,” Philip continues. “We Past experience was also considered:
Philip says. “Super Robin Hood was
also number one in the charts simply adopted the same game design, ATV Simulatorr and Professional BMX
and we lost a few days ays to memeetings at Codemasters, intervie
ws changing bikes to cars.” The rest Simulatorr sought to build on the huge
with magazines and newspapers, time
seemed to slot in to place. appetite for motorsports.
spent taking royalty cheques to the
bank.” Opting for a top-down view, however, “The trick was to pick something
Foor all that, however, the Olivers wer
e saw the game lambasted by Activision, aspirational where players would say,
still disappointed, particularly with
the amid accusations that it was too similar
grapphics and the control of the cars.
to its conversion of Super Sprintt Both
“Mosts disappointing was how long it
the Olivers and Codemasters refuted
tookk for someone to convert it from the
the charge and refused to withdraw it
Amsstrad to the Spectrum – six mon
ths from sale, with the subsequent fuss
e Spectrum version was endorsed
and press coverage soon having a
by Joh
J nny Dumfries, teammate of
positive effect. Grand Prix Simulator
Ayrrton Senna],” says Philip. “But the
sold more than 250,000 copies on
ntroversy from Activision claiming
the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum,
we had copied Super Sprint helped:
Amstrad CPC and Atari 8-bit computers.
e press coverage boosted the sales.”
“The Simulatorr series of games was » [ZX Spectrum] ATV Simulator was surprisingly good
born,” says Philip. fun, with an enjoyable multiplayer mode.


We wanted people to recognise TH E M A
Codemasters first and the FRUIT MACHINE
individual titles next
David Darling
SIMULATORabout the
Phillip and Andrew Oliver tell us
‘I’d love to play that’ because they This was definitely the case. All of title that raised eyebrows
wanted to do it in real life,” says Philip. Codemasters’ games carried a similar
Designed by James
“It was important that they had an idea eye-catching look which made them
Wilson and written by
of what the game would be and it was instantly recognisable to anyone scanning
Mark Baldock, Fruit
our job as developers to give them the the shelves. The hope was that they had
Machine Simulator was
best possible experience in that theme bought a previous title from the Codies
a controversial game –
given the constraints of the computers.” and that this would make them more
but not for the reasons
willing to take another to the till.
you’d imagine. Far from

ven so, one of the criticisms “It was important that the packaging
worrying the game could
levelled at Codemasters’ would carry through with all of our
encourage gambling, most » [ZX Spectrum]] You didn’t win real money, but
simulators was that the games and so we would have the p lar.
torr still proved popu
objectors were concerned Fruit Machine Simula
claims on the box did not familiar yellow splashes and numbers on
the game didn’t actually
always match the game. Were Fruit the spines,” David says. “We wanted ,
let you win anything and that, they said
Machine Simulator, Pro Skateboard people to recognise Codemasters first tless.
rendered it all rather poin
Simulator and Advanced Pinball and the individual titles next.” For this
But did it? The game certainly had
Simulator really “just like the real thing” strategy to work, however, the quality of
many features familiar to anyone who
as the back of the games’ packaging the games had to be reasonably high.
played a fruit machine, from cash box
claimed? And, indeed, was International “We tried really hard to make all of
to nudge to feature holds. It was also
Rugby Simulator “absolutely brilliant” our games look and play well,” David it
good fun for up to four players since
as David Darling was quoted about his continues, “and one of the ways we did your friends’
encouraged you to beat
company’s own game? that was to give our developers space.
winnings and it felt quite competitive
“Producing more accurate We’d leave them to make the actual
as a result.
simulations was beyond the capability
Despite that, its origins remained
of those 8-bit computers and beyond thee
odd since artist James Wilson wrote
our ability to code them,” admits
whole game as a lengthy description.
Andrew. “But in game development, thiss
Since James wasn’t a programmer,
everything’s a trade-off and we focused ent and h
was passed to Mark to implem
more on fun than simulation, but at in huge
did so, before seeing the game sell
budget prices, which is all that was d
numbers. Sadly, James died in an acci
expected. Codemasters had great boxes the roya ies.
and so he didn’t benefit from
that looked exciting, but were also his family, the Olivers stepped
With the money then earmarked for
informative. Within seconds of flipping a version to keep the cash
in and agreed to create the Amstrad
box over in the shop you knew roughly
flowing. Once again, it sold loads.
what you were getting.” we had such a slick pipeline
the Dizzy
“By the time we came to write this,
de their names with easier to just look at the
» The Oliver twins ma
d on a numb er of sims. for writing games that we felt it was
series, but also worke uced, reproduce all the
Spectrum game that had just been prod
ther with our own code,”
graphics elements and tie them toge
’t even look at the original
remembers Andrew Oliver. “We didn
right decision as it only took
Spectrum code, but it was clearly the
us a week to complete.”
ed to be reformatted given
In order to do this, the graphics need
was 256x192. But in deciding
that the Spectrum game’s resolution
ing a resolution of 160x200), it
to use the Amstrad CPC’s Mode 0 (giv
d use to 16. “We felt making
upped the number of colours they coul
more important,” Philip says.
Fruit Machine Simulator colourful was
problems with the text on the
“That, however, gave us quite a few
e four-pixels wide.”
buttons because some of our fonts wer
the Olivers also used
As was becoming their trademark,
ers with the technique in Super
digitised speech (they’d amazed play
d Prix Simulator). “It was very
Robin Hood, Ghost Hunters and Gran
it added an additional feature
basic and it took a lot of memory but
added this aer finishing the
and extra quality,” says Andrew. “We
spare memory.”
main game, making use of the available
trad Action gave the game
So what did they make of the fact Ams
ip says. “For some reason
zero per cent? “It was so absurd,” Phil
no physical money being
they could accept that, regardless of
virtual currency. Interestingly
involved, it was still fun to play with
Andrew and I did use real
enough, whilst debugging the game
er and the banker.”
money, taking it in turns to be the play

» The Oliver twins are fantastic at archiving

their work. Here’s Fruit Machine Simulator.
Optimus Soware’s Jason Falcus talk
through his murder sim s us
Although the very
first Codemasters
simulator was created by
cofounders Richard and
David Darling, numerous
other developers worked
on subsequent titles.
They included Optimus
Soware which was set
» [Amstrad CPC] Some Codemasters game
up by Darren and Jason the term ‘simulator more loosely than other
s used
Falcus in 1988. s.

“We met David at Codemasters that

summer and agreed a deal
to make some games for them,” reca
lls Jason. “We went away
and brainstormed some ideas, and
SAS Combat Simulator was the
first idea we came up with. We love
d games like Commandos, Ikari
Warriors and the Rambo game at the
time, and loved the idea of
making a similar top-down arcade
shooter with a military theme.” there are exceptions.
games are found on the 8-bit systems, but
With the go-ahead given, Jason beg
an to code the game and » [Amiga] Most of Codemasters’ simulator
develop the art while his brother help
ed with the design.

They’d decided early on to lend a twis game and trust that they’d do it well. t meant there was room for
t to the games that
inspired them by allowing the gam Only
O once they’d made it would we experimentation and this
e to scroll both vertically
and horizontally at different sections ddiscuss ways to improve a title. We was actively encouraged by
of the levels. “We also
chose to add a side-scrolling combat ccertainly didn’t dictate how it should be Codemasters. With Professional
section inspired by
games like Green Beret ever y other ddone from the beginning because we Ski Simulator, for example, the Olivers
level,” Jason adds.
To produce the game, Codemasters ddidn’t want to affect creativity.” attempted pseudo-3D isometric visuals
gave Optimus a
crossplatform development kit mad The Olivers back up that claim, by having the player view the action
e by a UK company called
PDS, which consisted of a PC conn saying
s the only real constraints on the from a 45-degree angle. It also tried to
ected to the Amstrad CPC
and Spectrum. “This allowed us to simulators
s were from the sports or put gamers in the shoes of the skier so
very quickly compile the
game for both platforms and it was activities
a themselves. “There were no that pushing left or right on the joystick
a huge advance compared » Jason Falcus
to the development soware we had rules
r for the creation of the games, but would move the stickman figure to
previously used.” Yet worked on SAS
developing simultaneously was still Combat Simulator. there was an understanding that they its left or right rather than yours. With
a challenge because each
machine had different display hard should be multiplayer which was rare in two-player action, the ability to compete
ware and limitations.
“I had to create a linear ‘buffer’ on those days,” affirms Philip. This came against the computer and a screen split
which the game was
projected, and then copy this buffer from David and Richard’s competitive into three, a good amount of thought
to the Amstrad and Spectrum
displays in different ways,” says Jaso streak and their penchant for wanting to had gone into the title. It even boasted
n. “I also had to allow for two
different sets of graphics – the Spe win at anything they turned their hands digitised speech. Not bad for a game
ctrum only allowed two colours
in any 8x8 pixel character square, to, especially videogames. Ultimately, made in a month by devs who admit
whereas the Amstrad allowed
individual pixels to be different colo though, the general theme of the game they were never looking for challenges.
urs. This was particularly
challenging when designing a scro was all that really mattered. “Pro Ski Simulator required us to
lling game on the Spectrum.”
Added to that was the realisation that “It was great to have the reference master the isometric design, code
Jason’s art skills weren’t
up to the standard needed. “We plac of the imagery and rules of a sport as and graphics, if we were to do justice
ed an ad in the local computer
shop and were soon approached by inspiration but we didn’t pay too much to the game,” says Philip. “We loved
a local guy called Adrian
Ludley who was an experienced gam attention to the real rules – it just set Marble Madness in the arcades and
es artist looking to move
back to the North East. He joined the the theme for us to then design a game thought it showed how the side of a
team and went on to do all
of the art for the game.e ” Once the game was complete, within the capabilities of the computer,” mountain could be achieved, and how
it w
was ported to the Commodore 64, Andrew says. “You have to remember, traversing it would be fun. Sadly on
Am miga and Atari ST. “It allowed us in the early days, game design was the Spectrum and Amstrad, achieving
to sstart employing staff and build limited to what the computer could do. the speed and fluidity we wanted from
ourr first development studio,” That’s why it was the programmers that a scrolling screen was beyond the
Jasson continues. also did the game design. They often capability of the computers, so we were
Today, Jason has fond memories did the graphics too – we often did!” always disappointed with the results.
of the simulator games, especially It’s a shame but 8-bit, pixel mapped
beccause it didn’t really affect the way computers weren’t really suitable for
thee developers approached their scrolling games.”
titles. “It was really a tag and it was Still, they tried. With 4 Soccer
ag great decision because I’m sure it Simulators, Codemasters bowed to
helped contribute to the game goin the world’s biggest sport and came
to number one in the UK charts the up with a varied compilation based
we eek it was released,” he says. of the beautiful game that included
vertically-scrolling version of 11-a-side,
indoor soccer, soccer skills and street
» [C64] Every developer has at least one football title in its soccer. The fact that none of these are
library and Codemasters is no exception. It has several. enthusiastically spoken of today speaks


We were making so many

sims that people were only
remembering the big ones
David Darling

o that end, it seemed to Foul”. Codemasters also offered
matter little that Fruit to refund any gamers who already
Machine Simulator was had the original game.
handed a big fat zero in The upshot was that the
Amstrad Action despite being an Simulator branding had been
enjoyable game (“maybe it didn’t down but it was certainly not
» [ZX Spectrum] International Rugby Simulator brought a fit as well as Grand Prix and BMX out. What had received a bloody
game of side-on rugger to the 8-bits and the Atari ST. but it was still something we could nose, however, was an attempt
realistically simulate,” David says). to create another price point for
volumes (they were no Emlyn Hughes, Similarly, the Codies largely got away its simulators that was mid-way
Match Day II or Sensible Soccer) but with grabbing By Fair Means Or Foul between budget and full-price.
they nevertheless ended up on the from Superior Software and re-releasing Promoted by Codies’ marketing
main 8-bit computers as well as the PC it as Pro Boxing Simulator by simply chief Bruce Everiss as the » David Darling remains a huge motorspor
t fan and he
and NES and sold very well. changing the packaging and lending Codemasters Plus range, it came often competes in karting events even today
Meanwhile, Advanced Pinball it a new title screen. David does not with the bonus of two cassettes and
Simulator didn’t just attempt to translate remember much about this but it two modes: ordinary and expert.
the pinging of balls around a board to caused a minor furore at the time, albeit The first game in this range was Jet
computers, it tried to shoehorn a plot in one that blew over very quickly. Bike Simulator followed by Pro BMX
amid the trapdoors, rollover lanes and The big issue was that Codemasters Simulator, but the higher price point
mega-bumpers. labelled the game as a “new release” placed a little extra pressure on the
In some ways such frivolous and it meant that anyone who had development teams. “The extra price
additions would mask underlying faults, bought it at full price from Superior felt meant we had to put more in and so
in this case the disappointing ball cheated. Richard Darling went on to we’d give ourselves six to eight weeks
physics, but in the most part those were tell Crash magazine that it was a new on these games,” says Philip. “In reality
due to the constraints of the machines. release (for Codemasters, at least) it meant creating more courses, as
“Our initial intention was to create a “but it was really unfortunate and a there was only so much we could do
series of pinball games all based on the mistake not to indicate that the game within the game itself.”
same code, adding themes and new had been originally published with a Codemasters had felt that it would
mechanics over time just as arcades different name”. As a consequence, the be too much to go straight for the £9.99
did with real pinball machines,” says “new release” label was amended to price yet it yearned to show that it could
Andrew. “But towards the end of “previously known as By Fair Means Or produce more than budget games.
developing the game, we ended up
putting a lot of ‘bodge code’ in just to
cover up the poor ball movement so
that it was good enough to ship.”
For David, the odd blip here and
there was not such a big deal as long as
developers aimed high in the first place.
“There’s always a risk that if a game
isn’t good, then you don’t sell very many
and that, ultimately, limits the damage,”
he says. “We were at the point where
we were making so many simulators
that people were only remembering the
big ones anyway.”

» [ZX Spectrum] Advanced Pinball Simulator was created by

the Olivers with Christian Shrigley coding the C64 port (right).

CHART BUSTERS Three Codemasters simulators reache
d num ber one in the official Gallup charts
QAccording to the blurb on the inlay
of BMX Simulator 2,
the original title spent more than 100 wee
ks in the British
computer software charts and it sold mor
e than half a
million copies making it, by far, the mos
t successful of all of
the Codies’ simulations.

QPublished on the Codemasters PRO BOXING SIMULATOR
Gold label for £8.99 in
1988, this compilation of four football gam QEven though it was a re-release
es – 11-a-Side of Superior Software’s By
Soccer, Indoor Soccer, Soccer Skills and Fair Means or Foul, Pro Boxing Simulator
Street Soccer – seemed to floor the
was developed by Supersonic Software opposition in 1989 by selling incredibly
and it was later well. It may have had
re-released for £2.99. something to do with the fact ‘new relea
se’ was plastered
on the box, however.

We were all on royalties so

we would get more money per
game sold
Phillip Oliver

in which tanks fired bullets which Simulator, even though that appeared
bounced off walls,” says Jason. “We to go against David’s original ethos – an
wanted to do something inspired by that arcade game and a simulator in one? It
fun mechanic but with a more detailed, was, however, a way of distinguishing
arcade-like graphic style.” it from the likes of Microsoft Flight
Advanced Pinball Simulator, Simulator given that it was not, in any
meanwhile, was made even more way, shape or form, as comprehensive
surreal with the addition of lightgun as its more expensive rival. Instead it
support when it appeared on the had players in various planes pitched in
flip-side of the Defender Light Gun battles from the two world wars (and a
compilation. The Olivers also built on proposed third conflict).
» [C64] Many of the sims would include “The mandate was that they had Grand Prix Simulator with a sequel. By this point (1989 to 1990), the
and this
to Codemasters, such as Moto X Simulator,
helped to cement the overall brand. to be bigger and better than the usual “The original had various issues we simulators had been released as
games so that they would deserve the wanted to fix so we got on and did it,” a steady stream and there was a
higher price,” Philip continues. “The Philip remembers. feeling that the Codies had pretty
good news is that we were all on much exhausted the possibilities (Your

royalties so we’d get more money per evisiting old themes Sinclair had already lampooned the idea
game sold too.” with the simulators by popping Advanced Lawnmower
According to David, “the price made commercial sense. Simulator on the covertape of issue
reflected the extra costs of production “The games had a short shelf 45). That said, some decent, if
and development to some extent” (Jet life even if they were very good, so a above-average, games were still
Bike Simulator also came with a sticker year after release you wouldn’t be able being launched such as yet another
and a free colour poster). “But we didn’t to buy a copy,” Philip explains. “The motorsport title in Moto X Simulator.
» [Amiga] Bold and colourful, Pro Powerboat Simulator achieve anywhere near the volume of sequels were also great from a creative Players could also enjoy Pro Golf
was another top-down sim but we reckon in real-life the our £1.99 and later £2.99 games.” Cue point of view because you were always Simulator which had a cool course
racers don’t have bombs.
a return to simulators at the lower price, left with regrets that a game could have editor and Pro Tennis Simulator which
among them Super Tank Simulator been better. A follow-up was a good had a range of court surfaces, a simple
which was developed by Optimus way to improve a game and get it back interface and decent animation. Their
Software, headed up in Middlesbrough in the shops, selling to players that had instant playability pulled in gamers faster
by Jason Falcus. bought the first game, but also selling to than a serve by Samuel Groth.
This game had players rumbling new players.” What’s more, Pro Tennis Simulator
along in a tank, avoiding mines while One of the sequels was Fruit had a sense of realism that, say, Pro
shooting turrets and other vehicles. It Machine Simulator 2, proving that – Powerboat Simulator did not. As a
also included a shooting range section despite the scorn the original received – vertically scrolling racing game for up to
for variety. “We were inspired by classic it had performed well for the company. two players, it had you picking up fuel
old games from Atari consoles, I think, There was even room for Arcade Flight and seeing off your opponents with


How the Oliver twins transported water
mopeds to your home
“Codemasters had got
a good reputation for
great games, but they
were always budget,
even though the quality
was there to justify
higher price points,”
says Philip Oliver. “It also
meant our games were » [Amstrad CPC] Jetting about at the Cotsw
f in the wate r park led to the creation of Jet Bike Simulator.
on a different shel
shops so the decision was
the Codemasters Plus range
made to produce a go-between.” Cue
costing gamers £4.99.
Simulator, was the first
Jet Bike Simulator, along with Pro BMX
l and it had been inspired by
some well-dropped mines (something the industry moved on and we got into » [Amstrad CPC] game to be released on this new labe
Super Tank ds. “His parents were rich
we’d hazard a guess doesn’t happen in Nintendo games,” David says. “On the Simulator had one of Philip and Andrew Oliver’s frien
we’d spend many wonderful
real life). But reality was also biting for consoles the cartridges were expensive loads of enemy and they had bought two jet skis so
using them,” says Philip.
the team at Codemasters. Not only was so we had to move to full-price and that fire to contend aernoons on the Cotswold water park
with – you could movies such as Police
competition nibbling but it needed to continued with the move to PlayStation. even deflect shots “We also saw them appear in some
aspirational toys that would be
move away from budget games in order Yet the core of the simulators stayed off the walls. Academy so we felt they were fun,
to survive in the long term. with us. We might have stopped using perfect for a racing game.”
Andrew Oliver plunged in,
“By this time, we were having the simulator brand but we didn’t Codemasters agreed, so Phillip and
to their other racing titles. In
problems with other companies stop the desire to make racing games thinking up ways to make it different
same top-down formula that
copying our idea and releasing games realistic and that’s still in the DNA of doing so, they decided to adopt the
rework the handling of the
with ‘simulator’ in the title and that Codemasters with the TOCA, DiRT and worked well with previous games but
was confusing for gamers.” says Formula 1 games.” water-based vehicles.
cles handle very
David. Zeppelin was one of the Philip agrees. “The Simulator series “Being in water would make the vehi
showing this in action on a
“offenders” with games such as Rally – and the Dizzy games, of course – differently but the tricky thing was
. “We came up with the
Simulator, Spaghetti Western Simulator, were the backbone of Codemasters,” humble Spectrum,” Andrew explains
jet skis. This gave the
Go-Kart Simulator and Professional he says. “Without these, we doubt idea of ‘jet bursts’ out the back of the
the amount of thrust and the
Go-Kart Simulator, but there was also the company would have survived.” appearance of water while showing
very helpful for the player.”
Turbo Boat Simulator by Silverbird Andrew says the simulators were able direction which we felt was visually
ations was giving the jet
Software, Future Bike Simulator by to evolve as the technology improved One of the most important consider
turning circles. “We wanted
Hi-Tech Software and, perhaps most and developers became au fait with skis the right amount of inertia and
d to lose the ability of agile
bizarrely but eye catching, Top Ten earlier titles. people travelling at maximum spee
could get the classic ‘risk-
Software’s Werewolf Simulator. “We enjoyed making them and we turning,” Andrew says. “This way we
to gaming. Faster is better, but
are happy they were fondly received reward’ pattern that’s so important
speed you could handle.”
harder, so you’d push yourself to a

odemasters sought to get and remembered well,” he says. “It
, they looked to create the
some extra mileage out was interesting to see other developers Once they had perfected such a feel
ld normally with ‘standard’
of its own offerings with attempted creating ‘simulators’, although courses, adding more than they wou
ting lakes because we’d
the Quattro compilations. we think having Goat Simulator was budget games. “We considered crea
we wanted variety and we
Quattro Sports contained Soccer taking the concept a little too far.” Not been used to racing around those but
ld be far more fun,” says
Simulator, Pro Tennis Simulator and as far as an Advanced Tortoise Simulator thought racing around dockyards wou
to get more environmental
BMX Simulator; Quattro Power but we get what he means. Philip. “By doing this, we had hoped
as large boats moving
Machines included Pro Powerboat moving objects into the courses such
many problems, and sadly we
Simulator; Quattro Arcade popped across the course but it gave us too

Fruit Machine Simulator, Grand didn’t get in as much as we wanted.
Prix Simulator and Advanced In the end, Jet Bike Simulat or didn ’t sell as well as other sims
get a few tweaks, re-recorded
Pinball Simulator either side of the because of the high price but it did
onship Jet Ski Simulator for
tape; Quattro Skills consisted of speech and a re-release as Champi
that Kawasaki had copyright
Professional Skateboard Simulator, £2.99. “We were slightly concerned
aer us, so we called them jet
Pro Tennis Simulator, International on the name jet ski and may come
idation behind the name.
Rugby Simulator and 11-A-Side bikes,” says Philip, explaining the trep
rly a name we could use
Soccer and on it went. “We later decided that jet ski was clea
“We also ported our simulators without fear of being legally pursued
on the 16-bit machines, the Amiga
and Atari ST and they worked really
well for us for a few years until

» The idea for Professional Ski Simulator

followed a joint holiday taken by the
Darlings and the Olivers. RETRO GAMER | 43

Every now and again a videogame arrives that despite being

wholly unoriginal sets a new standard for its genre that all others
are judged by. Never was there a better example of this than with
Seibu Kaihatsu’s Raiden and it’s time to find out why
Words by Kieren Hawken

espite being founded as early as 1982 an exclusive deal with the American company

D most people would probably struggle

to name any arcade games by Seibu
Kaihatsu before the electrifying release
of Raiden in 1990. Perhaps its biggest hits before
this point in time were Dead Angle and Dynamite
Fabtek Inc in 1989 to both manufacture and
distribute its games to international audiences. This
deal put the company under pressure to not only
come up with games that would be successful but
also titles that would appeal to western audiences.
Duke, innovative Operation Wolf-style shooters The funny thing is that despite its huge success
where you saw the outline of your character on Raiden was never seen as that game. In fact, quite
the screen so you could move around to avoid the opposite. The boss of Seibu, Hitoshi Hamada,
taking hits. They were both a moderate success in had serious doubts about Raiden due to its
the arcades, but are probably best known for their unoriginal gameplay and felt it wouldn’t stand out
respective Sega Master System and Mega Drive in an already flooded market.
conversions. Originally known as Seibu Denshi, The plot of Raiden, which loosely translates as
it had licensed many of its games out to bigger ‘Thunder And Lightning’ (and is pronounced as
companies such as Taito and Tecmo before signing rye-den not ray-den), is every bit as generic as the
vertically scrolling gameplay style. It tells us, “In the
year 2090, Earth has suddenly become the target
of deranged aliens known as the Cranassians.
Following the invasion, the World Alliance Military
builds a new cutting-edge weapon, the Raiden
Supersonic Attack Fighter. Based on a captured
alien craft, it is humanity’s only hope for survival.”
So what was it exactly that made Raiden so damn
good? To put it simply, it just got everything right!
In the highly critical world of videogames, people
will always manage to find negatives in almost
any game and relish pointing out the flaws. But
with Raiden, the reviewers very much struggled
to do that as they praised the fair but challenging
difficulty curve, intelligent attack patterns, twoo-
player co-operative gameplay, well-thought-ou ut
power-up system and excellent soundtrack.
Such was the almost instant success of the
game that it went on to sell 17,000 units
before it was su

» [Arcade] Whenever you see train

tracks it means that armoured rail cars
are incoming.

BOSS RUSH Your guide to ending Raiden’s mechanical monstrosities
QA large mothership reverses onto the screen
QThis is a moving fort that splits into three
and then starts launching scout ships towards pieces almost immediately – a large central
you before a final flurry of bullets. This boss is part and two smaller installations on each side.
slow and the scouts have predictable attacks Move to the far sides of the screen to take out
patterns, however it has tough armour so it the side units, then weave to the middle and
may take some time to destroy. back to take out the last part of the enemy.

QA large tank with multiple gun turrets pulls
QA giant gunboat breaks free of the dock and
out of a building and then joins another tank on then starts to move up the river unleashing its
fixed to the rails ahead of it. If you get in close, payload towards you. Shoot out the cannons as
you can kill the first tank before the second one quick as you can and this one is really easy to
even gets moving. Alternatively, wait until they beat. Also annihilate the dockyard for a batch
are both together then drop a bomb. of extra points.

Graphics man Shaun McClure on the
Jaguar, Falcon and PC ports of Raiden
How did you end up working
on Raiden?
Well, I actually wasn’t meant to! The existing
artist they were using was pretty crap and
the boss (Martin Hooley) was distinctly
unimpressed by his work. The other guy, I won’t tell you
his name to save embarrassment, was called into Martin’s
office and told in much less polite terms that his visuals
weren’t up to scratch. Then I was called in immediately
aer and asked to save the project. I had only just been
hired by Imagitec and it was very unusual for them to ask
the new guy to work on such an important title.

What was it like working with the Jaguar and its

graphics chip that was so far ahead of anything
else out there at the time?
It was a godsend! I suddenly didn’t have to fit everything
into one universal palette anymore, which was bliss! I had
256 colours to draw each sprite, more than I had ever had
before, and the coders even said I could have multiple
palettes too if I wanted to get more!

Were you given the original graphics?

We had dumped the graphics from the arcade machine we
had in the office, but all the colours were garbled and the
resolution was wrong, so I ended up having to completely
redraw most of them.

What program did you use to recreate the

graphics for Raiden then?
Believe it or not we used Deluxe Paint on the Amiga!
Photoshop hadn’t even been invented yet and this was the
easiest/cheapest option. It was actually quite restrictive
in a way as it only has access to 4,096 colours and the
machines we were targeting could actually use a lot more!

QTwo ancient-looking mechs warp into view.
QA tank moves out from the enemy fortress
These two-headed metal beasts shoot bullets along a rail. As it moves arms come out from
out of their mouths as asteroids fly across the each side and bolt extra reinforcements onto it.
screen. Shoot them in the back of their heads Try to take it out before it locks into the base at
while avoiding the oncoming asteroids. Take the the other end of the rail. Drop a bomb as soon
top one out first then move on to the lower one. as the arms lock in to catch it at its weakest.

QA huge tank manoeuvres onto the screen,
QA mothership takes off from the space station
then two wings slide out from each side. It then and then shoots at you in all directions from
proceeds to despatch armoured drones. This both moving and stationary turrets. Wipe out
foe’s main weapon is a large central cannon, the top central turret first, as this is the most
but this can only shoot forward, so stay at the powerful, and the mobile turrets will never stop
sides and use homing missiles or Vulcan. coming. It’s much easier than it first looks.

To put that figure in context that is more units

than huge hits such as Battlezone (15,122), Dragon’s I had 256 colours
Lair (16,000) and Star Wars (12,695) – no mean feat.
Raiden still ranks as the most successful game ever to draw each sprite,
produced by Seibu Kaihatsu and one of the best
selling arcade shoot-’em-ups of all time. more than I had ever
Now let’s go back to that aforementioned power-
up system for a moment and explain how it works
had before
a bit further, as this is arguably the one thing that Sean McClure
makes or breaks a game of this type. In Raiden you
have two types of power-ups that are each split into level of strength. The first power-up type is your
two subcategories, to keep things simple. Each of main shot and the two varieties on offer here are
these can be upgraded by continuously collecting Vulcan (red) and Laser (blue). The Vulcan starts
the same icon and, by waiting patiently, the type of off as a fairly weak double shot but progresses
power-up will change from one to another to help into a full spread of bullets that arcs across the
make this possible. Be warned, though, because if whole width of the screen meaning only the most
you collect a different power-up to the one you are powerful of enemies can get past. The Laser
currently using it will not only change to the one however is a single focused stream that while only
you just picked up but also reset to the minimum having a very limited range, has the most power
and can eliminate most enemies with ease. Then
you have your secondary weapons, which are
either homing missiles or standard rockets. Both
the power and frequency of these are enhanced by
collecting the appropriate icons. From time to time
a special ‘P’ icon will appear on the screen, if you » [Arcade] Once the set of planet based levels is finished your ship lands
at a mid-air base before shooting off into space to continue the fight.
grab this before it vanishes you will be rewarded
with a fully powered ship and 100,000 points.

o scrolling shooter is ever complete

N though without some sort of super

weapon at your disposal and Raiden
certainly doesn’t let us down here, either.
Your supersonic fighter is equipped with a limited
amount of thermonuclear bombs. When detonated
these create a huge cloud of flames that
fills almost all of the play area, a very
impressive sight to behold. While you
start with just three, more can be
collected as the game goes on and
these are also replenished every
time you lose a life. There
» [Arcade] Two players compete to grab the super ‘P’ power-up before
the giant tank takes them out.

QDefinitely one of the most
faithful conversions from the
original line-up, this port for the
obscure computer (and Marty
console) features a remastered CD
soundtrack and a widened play area.
It also offers different play modes.
QThis version uses the Lynx’s QA launch game for Atari’s 64-bit
vertical orientation to keep the console, Imagitec’s port is often
arcade game’s aspect ratio. Sadly criticised for the huge status panel.
it was released incomplete, so it’s But this keeps the game to the
missing the music and gives you correct ratio and keeps the original
near-limitless bombs. That aside, design intact. It also features a
the design is pretty authentic. superb Jaguar-only soundtrack.

QThe Falcon version was never
finished and exists as a four-player
demo that was picked up and
published by 16/32 Systems after
Atari Corporation’s demise. It’s a
shame as this conversion shows
real promise.
QThere are two versions of Raiden QReleased as Raiden Project, the
for the console, the original Hu-Card PlayStation game features nigh-on
edition and a Super CD-ROM port arcade-perfect ports of both the
» [Arcade] The giant warplanes come from the bottom of the screen, so
released a year later. The only original game and the sequel . It you must make sure you move out the way in time!
real difference is the enhanced also features a remastered CD
CD soundtrack with both versions soundtrack and a new FMV intro as
offering up solid ports of the original. well as a TATE mode for the purists.
are also other bonuses that can obtained during
the game, too, that increase your score in the form
of medals, which are usually revealed when you
QThe first portable version of the
destroy buildings, and the wizard (a cameo of
game since the Atari Lynx, you won’t
Wiz from one of Seibu’s earliest games) that will
be surprised to learn that this PSP
grant you 10,000 extra points. At the end of each
port is in fact just a conversion of
stage you are awarded an additional bonus for
the PlayStation game and was sold
the total number of medals collected multiplied by
exclusively in Japan for download
the number of bombs you have left. Should you
via the PlayStation store only.
 PC DOS  SNES manage to complete the entire game, then you are
QThe PC DOS port of Raiden is an QUsing the title Raiden Trad, this rewarded with 1 million points before the game
almost exact port of the Jaguar port is mostly good. The graphics loops back to the start, only with a higher difficulty.
version using the same graphical are authentic and there’s a good
he huge success of Raiden in the arcades

assets. The two main differences version of the original soundtrack
come in the form of a remixed too. Where it falls down massively is meant it was quickly snapped up for home
soundtrack and the removal of the in the removal of the simultaneous conversions by a variety of publishers.
large side panel. two-player mode, which is a shame. Most of these conversions turned out well
but the ports for the FM Towns, PlayStation and
Atari Jaguar (where it was a launch game) were
 MEGA DRIVE the particular highlights. It also went on to spawn
QThis Sega port is similar to the
four direct sequels, with the most recent being
SNES and goes by the same name Raidenz V on the Xbox One and PS4, as well as
too. It’s also lacking the two-player a spin-off series in Raiden Fighters. When Seibu
sadly but does add a status panel at Kaihatsu went bust in 1993 the creators of the game
the side to preserve the aspect ratio. went on to form a new company called MOSS and
The graphics and sound are both promptly bought the rights from the liquidators
weaker than its rival conversion. in order to continue the series up to this very day.
There’s no doubt that the Raiden series has gone on
QThis is the same game as the PSP QYou will be unsurprised to
to become one of the most beloved shoot-’em-up
port, a download-only version of the learn that this is once again the
franchises and one of the few that’s stood
PlayStation’s Raiden Legacy that was same game as the PSP and PS3
the test of time. But it all started right
sold via the Japanese PlayStation and coding duties are once again
here with the original game and
store. It’s sad that Sony never handled by Hamster Corporation.
if you haven’t yet played
released it in the west, especially Again, this was only made available
it then you definitely
given the game’s huge popularity. in Japan via download.
need to remedy that
very soon!


Martin Hooley was the owner of Imagitec
and responsible for five Raiden ports
First of all, how did Imagitec land
the gig to do the Atari conversions
of Raiden?
Well, it all started when I was introduced to
Jack Tramiel by Robert Stein of Andromeda
Soware and it kind of went from there, really. Once he
saw what we could do he was very interested in working
with us and gave us loads of support in terms of giving us
development machines and hardware to work with. The
first title we did for Atari was licensed to them and was
to develop a port of Viking Child on the Lynx. From there
we ended up working on numerous games for the Atari
7800, Atari ST, Falcon, Jaguar, Jaguar CD and Lynx. We
already had experience of porting arcade shoot-’em ups,
with both Silkworm and Gemini Wing, so Raiden seemed
like a natural fit.

What support did Atari give you?

They gave us a real arcade machine, which was really
good, as we usually just got a board and had to connect
it up ourselves. In terms of a dev kit we were given some
Atari TT computers, but these were upgraded to Falcons
with 14MB of memory and hard drives.

Did anyone from Atari get involved in the

development of Raiden?
The producer at Atari was John Skruch and his assistant
was Julie Long – they were bloody fantastic folk. Imagitec
already had a great relationship with them and they
always gave us loads of useful feedback. As you know,
the effective boss of Atari was Sam [Tramiel] – who was
a really good bloke. The CTO was his brother Leonard
– he was a different matter. He would hear no wrong to
their hardware, if you got into it about problems with the
hardware his standard answer was that ‘maybe it is your
skill/aptitude at fault – not our hardware’, so we generally
stayed out of his way!

Raiden already had a fantastic soundtrack but

Imagitec added two extra tracks for the Jaguar
version. Can you tell us about the decision to
do this and how you kept it in keeping with the
original music?
We already had a great reputation for our audio studio and
had created lots of freelance music for companies such
as Gremlin Graphics and Electronic Arts. So we already
had expert musicians who knew what they were doing, I
pretty much let them do their own thing as I trusted them
to provide the goods. I do remember that our music player
on the Jag was a modified ProTracker player so all our
existing Amiga Mods would play, making conversion work
easy. We had eight channels of sound with four for music
and four for effects. Atari ended up licensing this from us
to use on other games.

Was converting Raiden a big deal for Imagitec?

Oh yes, most definitely. Aer we did the cancelled Panther,
Jaguar and Falcon versions of the game we were also
making ports for the PC and Amiga, too. Atari were
going to publish the PC version, but we couldn’t find a
publisher for the Amiga port so that was scrapped. We
ended up getting the licence from Fabtek to publish the PC
conversion ourselves.
Fans of the PC Engine would have had
every reason to look forward to Lords
Of Thunder – Red Company’s previous
shoot-’em-up Gate Of Thunder was utterly
fantastic. But beyond the name and the
genre, the two games had very little in
common. Still, Lords Of Thunder was great
in its own right. The high production values
of the previous game were maintained,
with awesome graphics and a great rock
soundtrack. The fantasy setting was just as
enthralling as space, and the new power-up
system with shops between stages added
an extra strategic element. A passable
Mega-CD version followed in 1995.


Bombs Away Make My Monster Grow
It’s almost tempting to use You arrive in the boss area and
your bombs as soon as you what do you see? Nothing
try each different type of but a teeny tiny (and, if we’re
elemental armour, as each has being brutally honest) rather
a unique effect. We love the puny human. But then that
fire armour’s blazing dragon, little person jumps into the
which flies around the screen air, lands in the water and
wreaking havoc, but there’s something almost divine about emerges as a gigantic mermaid monster, about a hundred times
calling down lightning upon your foes. the size of a regular person. Get ready for a big battle!

Death From Above All Systems Full Power

Lords Of Thunder could just A good spread gun is always
spawn enemies from the useful, and we certainly
top of the screen, but it’s appreciate having one early
testament to Red Company’s on in the game. But we’re
attention to detail that it suckers for awesome
doesn’t. In this stage, you weapons, and that’s where
need to watch the archways in this flamethrower comes
the sky – otherwise you’ll be busy fighting and neglect to notice in. The long, linear blast isn’t so practical but it does burn the
the spearman that has walked out and dived on top of you. baddies to a crisp, just the way we like them.

Lords Of Thunder

ou probably got everything wrong the first time

Y you played Lords Of Thunder. You skipped through

the map screen thinking it was a simple intermission
rather than a stage select, and you had no idea how
best to spend the little currency you had in the shop screen.
But once the game proper got started, it didn’t matter. First
impressions count and Lords Of Thunder made a very big one.
As the desert background scrolls along, impressive parallax
effects give a sense of distance and perspective to the sand,
the buildings and the far-off mountains. Enemies flood onto the
screen, leaving behind gems when beaten, and antlions erupt
from the sand. It sounds as good as it looks, with rock guitars
wailing in the background – and just when you think it can’t
get more impressive, this huge enemy crawls into view with
more baddies riding on its back. You’re soon dead, thanks to
your failure to understand the shop, but it doesn’t matter – you
immediately start another game because Lords Of Thunder has
its hooks into you.

2 0 1 8 , W IR E FR AME N . MO OTED
DEPTH, B Words by Graem
e Mason

side-business, and like many computer enthusiasts

aving already established itself as an in the UK, it was the ZX Spectrum that proved to
all-round premier software house with be the breakthrough for the young programmer.
early games such as The Hobbit and “I moved on to the Spectrum as soon as it came
Penetrator, as well as utilities and books, out; it had colour, and a decent screen resolution,”
Melbourne House began to cement its reputation he says. “The graphics chip also meant the screen
in the mid-Eighties. Way Of The Exploding Fist, could draw much quicker, although you had to work
Hampstead, Rock ‘N’ Wrestle, Terrormolinos, Fighting around the two colours per 8x8 block. Sir Clive was
Warrior and Gyroscope all saw release in 1985, in on a budget.” In space, no one can hear you scream.
addition to this lightning-fast space adventure from the Fortunately, as David acknowledges with a smile, you
mind of programmer David Webb. can get away with black and white graphics.
We rewind four years earlier, and David has just Starion was not David’s first game, having already
published his first program. A 1K ZX81 toolkit, the utility dabbled in a brace of programs that appear somewhatt
caught the attention of the-then fledgling antipodean familiar. “Spookyman and ETX were obviously not
» [ZX Spectrum] Once company which was keen to focus on the technical side original game designs,” he grins of his early efforts.
an enemy had been
despatched, it dropped a
of home computers. David, while at sixth form college The former is a Pac-Man clone (even the maze design
letter to collect. and latterly, university, was soon nurturing a profitable is virtually identical), the latter a copy of the film licence
ET although, to be fair, beyond its protagonist, it bears
little resemblance to the infamous Atari game. Bedford- KNOW
based Abbex Electronics published both games after  PUBLISHER:
taking note of David’s ZX81 Toolkit program. “I had Melbourne House
taught myself Z80 machine language using the ZX81,”  DEVELOPER:
David Webb
he recalls. “That toolkit for the ZX81 with 1K of RAM
was my first commercial program which I sold via  RELEASED:
classified ads.” In addition to Abbex, Melbourne House
was also interested, although not primarily in games. ZX Spectrum,
“They first commissioned me to write a toolkit for the Amstrad CPC,
16K ZX81, that is, a 1K machine with the infamously Commodore 64
fragile 16K RAM pack hanging on the edge connector.”  GENRE:
David met the publisher’s boss, Fred Milgrom, several
times. “Initially they tried to get me to code-for-hire, but
I soon negotiated that to an advance and royalty basis. I
guess the relationship was okay given that they ended
up publishing most of my work.” Despite the games
and utilities, it was David’s next creation for Melbourne
House that helped define his career. Super Charge
Your Spectrum, a series of machine code programs,


» [ZX Spectrum] What are

you waiting for? Fire!

» [ZX Spectrum] The

countdown to launch
has begun.


David Webb

was released in 1983 to an enthusiastic reception and In terms of games, the comparison, as
was called an ‘amazing collection’ by Your Spectrum with all wireframe vector graphics games
magazine. “I wrote Super Charge while doing my of the era, to Elite was inevitable, but in
A-levels and S-levels,” remembers David, “and it was a Starion’s case, awry. “Elite came out for
way for people to accelerate their BASIC programs with the BBC Micro while I was still working
chunks of machine code.” on Starion, so that was a bit annoying,” says David. “But the top two-thirds of the screen with the vectors and
David followed up with another book, Advanced it was not surprising that people were working on similar star field are 256x128 black or white pixels, so that is
Spectrum Machine Language, in 1984, but already things for other machines given that we all wanted to 4KB or RAM.” This view has to be refreshed while the
his publisher had recognised that there was potential push the machines harder.” Having originated in the beam from the CRT is not drawing it – which it does 50
for its author to create something special on the arcades with iconic titles such as Battlezone, wireframe times per second. “And the beam draws the display,
screen, as well as on the page. Now studying Maths graphic games had been slow to appear, at least in an left to right, one row of pixels at a time, and when it
at Oxford University, David felt a vector graphics and acceptably speedy form, on the home computers. reaches the bottom of the screen it flies back to the
motion simulation would come fairly easily to him, so top and starts again,” David continues. Now comes the

planned to build a game round this style of graphical ll that changed with Starion. Incredibly clever bit. “So you draw each frame in another 4K bank
display. Games instructions and inlays in the Eighties fast, it’s an exhilarating experience, of RAM and then swap it out when the interrupt signal
were prone to exaggeration; in the case of Starion, even today. We’ll get to the additional tells you the coast is clear, in order to avoid tearing.
the claims would be accurate. ‘The game utilises the gameplay elements shortly. But for now, Then, the routine for moving the new frame into the
most advanced vector graphics system ever developed how did David achieve that smooth and rapid display? video area of RAM had to be as efficient as possible in
for a home computer,’ exclaims the introduction to “I sacrificed a lot of sleep,” he half-grins. “There were CPU cycles. I figured out that I could do this by treating
David’s space adventure, as it also boldly proclaims actually several aspects to this. First, timing, and second, it like a huge stack and using Z80 push/pop instructions
itself ‘a multidimensional, 243 zone space-time travel coding as efficiently as possible.” The latter was a huge that were not intended for that purpose.” In addition, the
simulation’. The description was apt, given David’s part of programming in the Eighties; getting what you coder had to find time to get the Spectrum to handle
prime inspiration for his space adventure. “The main could out of the limited memory and technology was a other key elements of the gameplay such as reading
thing I wanted to do was push the Spectrum as far as skill that has served most veteran coders since. Clearly the player’s keyboard inputs and generating sound.
it could go with 48K of RAM and a 4MHz 8-bit CPU,” enthused by the straight-to-the-metal method of the era, It all sounds quite an exhausting amount of work but
he explains, “and generating the graphics smoothly.” David reveals how he made Starion tick. “Remember, whatever your depth of programming knowledge,

E W RF RE Five more wiry

WIREFR M STARGLIDERd the wonderful Starstrike games,

Q Having alre
ady code gard as its crow
ftw are crea te d what many re nove lla
Realtime So in-depth
r Ra inbird Ga mes in 1987. An ap hics,
achievement fo ent perfectly the am
azing gr
d co m pl em ht.
and superb soun a particular delig
e epon ym ou s enemy craft is
of which th

ete with its icon
e classic. Compl
Q The original -destroy tank
on e is a sim ple search-and
viewfinder, Battl
ez d instantly
w ith th ose be autiful, clean an
plet e e
simulation, com than most of th
STAR WARSs, the arcades were the best place to le w ire fram e graphics. Slower
nethel ess.
Eightie ly the daddy recognisab of the genre no
Q In the early , an d this is arguab lis t, but a legend
e ga m es es on th is
experience wire
fr am y sit-down ga m
tic an d th rilling, the legendar
, fran
of them all. Fast e if you’re lucky
ov id es a fantastic experienc
cabinet still pr king order.
one in good wor
enough to find

the result looks hugely impressive, and plays

astonishingly well.
But there’s more to this game than just simple
CONVERSION C PERS shooting. The year is 2010, and you are Starion, the
most successful student of the Space Academy, and
ZX SPECTRUM selected to pilot an experimental time ship named the
Q Developed on a Memotech SS Stardate. “I wanted the game to be set well into
computer, the prime version of the future,” chuckles David. “25 years seems a long DEVELOPER
Starion saw the ZX Spectrum time when you’re 19 years old! Actually, I didn’t want HIGHLIGHTS
squeezed and stretched to its it so far away that it seemed inconceivable to players, SPOOKYMAN
absolute limits by programmer but in retrospect maybe I should have made it 2210 or PICTURED

David Webb. Fast 3D graphics something.” Piloting the time ship, the player had an SYSTEM: ZX
that had to be seen to be extraordinary task to perform: travel throughout time and SPECTRUM
believed elevated the game and correct the destruction wrought by aliens. Evil aliens, YEAR: 1982
its author, and gave publisher naturally, and this is accomplished by destroying their SUPER CHARGE
Melbourne House another huge spacecraft and collecting the resulting dropped letter. YOUR SPECTRUM
hit, selling over 100,000 copies. Once all the enemies within a time zone are destroyed, SYSTEM: ZX
the letters can be rearranged to give the name of a SPECTRUM
historically significant item stolen from a nearby time YEAR: 1983
AMSTRAD CPC zone. When all 27 time grids and 243 time zones have E.T.X.
Q Converted by David Webb
been corrected, a final code will allow the player to exit SYSTEM: ZX
from his own ZX Spectrum
the space-time continuum and become Event Zero, SPECTRUM
code, this Amstrad port of
assuming the title of Creator. Yes, you read that right: in YEAR: 1983
Starion proved to be the coder’s
Starion you get to become god. But to paraphrase Blade
final piece of videogame work.
Runner’s Roy Batty, not an easy task, to become your
It’s a great effort for David to
maker. “Well I didn’t expect every player to finish it,”
bow out on, too, offering all of
smiles David. “That’s still the case with most games,
the speed of the original game
together with a much-needed
dab of colour and improved
sound effects.

Q The C64 version of Starion
was farmed out to another
coder, with Louis Madon
credited on the loading screen.
But while 3D displays could
work on the computer, Starion
is one of several examples
that got it wrong. The core » After working in games, David
moved to Hong Kong in 1991 and
design is there, but the slow
» [Amstrad] The status screen displayed crucial information. is now an activist.
speeds render this port
virtually unplayable.


ELITE ealth of combat

trad in g ga me, there’s a w
Q Ostensibly
a sp ace lly against
en an d Ian Bell’s classic, usua
d Brab yed
involved in Davi ce. It’s all portra
ve Th argoid in sectoid alien ra that
the aggressi wireframe grap
atm os pher ic black and white ps .
with shoot-’em-u
genre of space
inspired a whole
» An advert for Stario
n, showcasing
its wireframe graphica
l style and
Crash Smash status

MERCENARYstile planet of Targ, Mercenary

the ho
Q Stranded on ar and, as the na
ay er into a civil w
pitches the pl either side for h
ests, is ab le to supply help to gr aphics
sugg ireframe
r re w ards . Mercenary’s 3D w
and othe gn perfectly.
open-world desi
complement its


David Webb
» [C64] With all the letters collected, it’s time to solve
that most players never reach the highest level – but that anagram.

they get bragging rights when they do! If it had been

easy to complete the game, then people would not feel copies sold later, and Starion was a palpable
they had value for money.” hit for David and Melbourne House. Yet
At the core of Starion are its anagram puzzles, strangely, despite the acclaim, its coder, save
effectively making it the first shoot-‘em-up-slash- a conversion to the Amstrad CPC, promptly
anagram space adventure. “I always enjoyed Scrabble,” called time on games programming. “Yes,
remembers David, “so there’s a bit of that in there, and that was basically the end of my short
I wanted to devise a game that had multidimensional game-writing career,” explains David. “I
levels so that it could have some addictive/completion was two years into a maths degree, and
qualities, something all designers strive for.” The design needed to stop and concentrate on my finals. It was
also assisted David in optimising Starion to its limits. also clear to me in 1985 that with increasing computing
“RAM was in short supply, so a word-based game level power, it wouldn’t be long before a single author could
was a very efficient use of it. Each level just has a short no longer produce a top-quality game on their own,
text clue, and an answer.” Adding more gameplay to and that it would take a larger team of people. I didn’t
this scenario remained impossible. David also jettisoned know anything about business, so it was too risky for
the idea of hidden-line removal and shading for his my appetite and I didn’t want to become just a coder for
graphics, in the pragmatic realisation that it would have someone else’s company.”
slowed and rough-edged his game into an almost Gaming’s loss was the financial industry’s gain as
unplayable state. David graduated in 1986 and moved into corporate
finance, retiring in 1998 and setting up his own web

tarion was developed on David’s site, The achievement of fame through
Memotech computer, connected to the Starion’s cassette inlay (as part of his print-based
Spectrum via the RS232 port housed contract, David had a right to be identified as author
on the ZX Interface, the pages of code of anything he produced for Melbourne House) and
squirted down a wire, ready for testing on its resultant earnings did little to dissuade the young
commercial platform. The result was met with coder. In a classic videogame moment, the deadline
almost universal acclaim, at least on the ZX Spectrum. crunch helped seal his career decision. “To get Starion
» [ZX Spectrum] Looks like the Galactic Empire from Star Wars made its
“Everything is drawn with extreme precision, very finished, I had a final push and coded for about 36 hours TIE fighter designs open source.
quickly and smoothly,” sang Crash magazine in its 94% straight,” he remembers painfully. “Melbourne House
Smash-awarding review. “I’m surprised by how sent someone to Oxford to stand over me and make
complex shapes can be spun, rotated and coffee, because they wanted to get the game out
whizzed towards you – I must say the before I left for Easter. So, in the end, it was a
effect is amazing.” Over 100,000 classic hackathon!”

Lotus III: The
Ultimate Challenge

I’m the sort of person that loves adaptations – I can’t

help but love the slightly different interpretations
of a concept when it migrates across various
entertainment media. It’s why you’ll find both the
Scott Pilgrim comics and film on my shelves, as well
as the Battle Royale novel, films and manga. As a result, I tend to enjoy
doing the Conversion Capers you often find in this fine publication, and
sometimes I just compare games across platforms for fun.
One such occasion came recently when I took a look at Lotus III: The
Ultimate Challenge, which I’d grown up with as Lotus II: RECS on the
Mega Drive. I was aware that the games were substantially similar to
play, and was more interested in comparing the music between versions.
I knew the Amiga tunes were great and I’ll always love the sound of the
Mega Drive’s YM2612, but I was interested to see how the Atari ST’s
relatively limited YM2149 chip would handle these tunes. I was pleasantly
surprised, too – the strong compositions were still intact when run
through the ST, with all the energy and character of the other versions.
Some people baulk at the idea of enjoying games on ‘lesser’ platforms,
screaming, “Why would you play that version?” But surely we can live
and let live – if the creativity of the developers shines through despite
technological restrictions, that’s all that matters. Besides, it’s a fine racer
on any platform, no matter what the music sounds like.
I D E :

1 6  B I T G A ME T HI S
N’ T M A N Y AT I C ’, B U T
O M E . J O I N U S
T H AT ’ S J rds by Nick T

that Éric felt able to return to programming, which
he’d previously done during the Amstrad days.
This allowed him almost total control of the game,
from concept to programming, graphics and even
some sound effects. His only major collaborator
for the game was Jean-François Freitas, who
provided additional sound effects and composed
the game’s music.
As a result, Another World was not a normal
game at the time it arrived. Normally, the sort of
plot detail described above would be confined to
a game manual or a text prologue, but thanks to
its use of vectors, rather than predefined sprites,
Another World was able to show cinematic full-
screen animations in an era before full-motion
» [Amiga] Lester sips on a cool drink, shortly before leaving Earth
behind forever. video – and this meant that we were able to
watch the events unfold for ourselves. What’s
more, the game looked the same, so when the

ester Knight Chaykin is the sort of guy
who, if he were real, would be the object player was unexpectedly thrown into the deep
of everyone’s envy. Not only is he clearly a end and expected to rescue Lester from a watery
gifted physicist, he’s the owner of a pretty grave, the game looked just as good. Though
neat Ferrari and a proud bearer of ginger hair.
Indeed, everything seems to be pretty great for
Lester, until he returns to the lab one fateful night
for a cheeky bit of particle acceleration that goes
horribly wrong. One errant lightning bolt overloads
the system and suddenly Lester and his desk wind
up underwater on a planet that is decidedly not the
Earth we all know. We hate it when that happens.
But if the story of Another World as a game is
that of a single visionary going horribly wrong,
the story of the development is that of one getting
things right. The game was primarily driven
by Éric Chahi, who had previously worked as a
» [Amiga] Lester attempts to befriend his rescuer. The alien is
graphic artist for Delphine Software on Future about to demonstrate how unimpressed he is.
Wars. Though he wasn’t a programmer on that
game – that job fell to Paul Cuisset, who would go
on to create Flashback and Shaq Fu – there was
enough documentation available for the Amiga

backgrounds were ultimately constructed as Buddy), you can tell from his actions that he’s
HEART OF bitmaps rather than from polygons, the world
maintains a matching minimalist look throughout,
more than just someone to escape with.
Of course, the strong focus on the cinematic
THE ALIEN which gives the game a striking look. experience does result in a more rigidly defined
solution than most platform games. Because
Lester performs those context-sensitive actions

Though Another World is widely regarded nother World is best described as an
as a classic, you’d find few players who action adventure game, which uses the rather than allowing the player to tackle problems
even know that it received a sequel. That’s platform genre as a base. Your goal is to dynamically within the game’s systems, and
because Heart Of The Alien was tied to the guide Lester to survival on a planet where because enemies have to be in specific places
Mega-CD and only released in North America all of the local lifeforms seem intent on killing him – at specific times for crucial scenes, there’s no
and Brazil. The game arrived in 1994, well aer a kind of ‘Space Australia’ environment. Right from variation from game to game. It’s a short game,
the platform’s initial hype had subsided. the off, even the smallest flopping worm can carry too – in its original form, a perfect game will take
As the title suggests, Heart Of The Alien some deadly poison capable of killing our hero, and less than 20 minutes.
deals primarily with Lester’s alien friend Buddy that’s to say nothing of the beast that chases you Still, when Another World arrived on the 16-bit
and accomplice from the first game, who you’ll down if you can make it past those pests. It’s just computers in 1991 after two years of development,
play as. The game picks up where the original after this chase that you quickly learn about one of it was a revelation. Praise for the game focused
le off, with Buddy and a near-dead Lester Another World’s major strengths, context-sensitive on its unique control system, striking graphics and
flying in on the dragon-like creature from the controls. Though Lester has a standard set of smart storytelling. Amiga Power’s Mark Ramshaw
first game’s end sequence. A lengthy cinematic actions for most of the game, specific situations will noted that “the intuitiveness of the controls is quite
opening reveals more about Buddy and his require him to perform one-off feats like swinging remarkable” in an 89% review, while CU Amiga’s
world, showing that his home was attacked by a cage or picking up an object. In such cases, the Steve Keen gave the game 91% and opined
hostile forces before he was imprisoned, and single-button joystick controls respond naturally,
many of the first game’s events are recapped with the action you’re supposed to perform as a
from the alien’s perspective, showing what he player matching up with your first instinct.
got up to while absent from Lester’s view. The One of the great strengths of this system is that
game’s look and feel closely follow those of it allows the game to show you how things work,
its predecessor, and ultimately provides firm rather than telling you. After you first pick up a
closure to Lester’s story. laser blaster, your interactions with enemies will
The game was broadly well received, teach you about its three capabilities – shooting
earning 91% from Sega Pro in the UK, 84% enemies, shielding yourself and destroying
from Consoles+ and 85% from Player One obstacles. The game takes the same approach
in France. Éric Chahi was not involved in the to its narrative, too. Soon after Lester’s arrival on
development of the game besides approving this hostile planet, he’s imprisoned with a large
the initial concept, and doesn’t have a lot of humanoid alien. Though you never learn his name » [Amiga] You’ll be able to see Buddy in the foreground or
love for it. He states on his website “neither the during the game (he’s commonly nicknamed background, and sometimes even need to help him.
animations nor the game, entirely developed
by Interplay, were up to the job”.

1991 1992
QThe Atari does a good job here, with only Q This runs at a slightly lower resolution than
slightly different colours and a lack of music the home computer versions, but the jump move
compared to the Amiga release – and given is now assigned to the buttons rather than the
that the music was only present in the intro and joystick, which is a welcome improvement.
ending sequences, it’s no major loss. The sound There’s a new soundtrack, too, adding to the
effects are just fine, too. atmosphere during the game.

1991 1992
QAs the original format for the game, the Amiga QResponding to criticism of the original release,
is a reference point for most other versions. It’s Delphine Software added more checkpoints to
worth noting that it’s a bit shorter and harder lower the frustration factor. Additional areas
than all except the Atari ST version. Still, you were also created to increase the play time – it’s
don’t miss too much – some might even argue about 15 per cent longer. As a result, this is the
that the pacing is tighter. first of the complete versions of the game.

1993 1994
QThis is a straight conversion of the DOS Q The Mega-CD version is slightly different to
release, with nothing major or minor to the cartridge version, featuring an improved
distinguish it. That’s just fine by us, though, as resolution and added loading delays. The big
both versions are perfectly good ways to play the deal here is that the game contains an exclusive
game. As you might expect, you’ll need an older sequel, Heart Of The Alien. Frustratingly, this was
Mac OS to run this. only released in North America and Brazil.


1992 1993
QThis conversion comes straight from the SNES QThis version retains the lower resolution and
source code, and offers high-quality graphics improved controls of the SNES version, and
and sound. The choice of screen modes does features an arranged version of the soundtrack
make a difference to the game’s performance, introduced in that game, this time by Tommy
which feels a touch slower than that of the other Tallarico. It’s a good way to play the game, but a
computer platforms. redundant one if you have access to a Mega-CD.


2006 QOther versions of Another World include
QThis 15th anniversary version was converted releases for Symbian mobile phones and
from mobile and PocketPC, and features a PocketPC, which formed the basis for the 15th
second graphical overhaul. This one was by Éric Anniversary Edition. An impressive officially
Chahi and is in keeping with the original’s look, approved Atari Jaguar version was released
working better at higher resolutions without on cartridge in 2012, incorporating the original
losing the minimalist aesthetic. graphics and the updated anniversary graphics.
With a limited production run of well under a
3DO IOS thousand copies, it now changes hands for
1994 2011 hundreds of pounds. The 20th Anniversary Edition
QAs you can see, Another World received a major QThis 20th anniversary version is an exemplary (later known as the 25th Anniversary Edition) was
graphical overhaul here, as the backgrounds are update, compiling everything into one package. ported to PS3, PS4, Vita, Xbox One, 3DS, Wii U,
now more detailed bitmap images. Éric Chahi has The game is complete with its extra scenes, both Switch, PC, Mac and Android, and is more or less
expressed a distaste for this look, finding that the original and anniversary graphics, plus the equal across platforms.
they made the game ‘overworked’, but you may original and remastered soundtracks with the
feel that it’s better – it’s a matter of preference. console ones as a bonus.

Another World is the kind of
landmark game that should be
experienced by everyone that
cares about the medium

that the polygon graphics were “refreshing and

THE EXTENDED CUT essential to the game’s addictiveness”. Reviewing
the game for The One Amiga, Paul Presley
Later versions added to the Amiga and Atari ST’s ‘theatrical awarded the game 93% and commented that
release’ – but what were the new scenes? “Quick cuts, close-ups and smooth animation all
add to the tension and atmosphere created.”
Aer the initial release of Another World was

criticised for its short length, Éric Chahi added riticisms focused on the game’s short
additional scenes to the game – by his own length, rigidity and focus on trial-and-
account working 16-hour days, seven days a error solutions. In a 90% review for Zero,
week for two months. These take place shortly Duncan MacDonald noted that “this is
aer Buddy rescues Lester from the dead end not totally unlike a Don Bluth game,” a sentiment
corridor near to the end of the game, and actually shared by Trenton Webb of Amiga Format, who
add some unique puzzles. noted that “at its worst Another World has distinct
Aer Lester and Buddy escape the dead end, Dragon’s Lair /Space Ace overtones”. He also
they end up outside a guard station. Buddy walks complained that, “Time and time again it slays
into it and feigns surrender – to pass, you’ll need to you with no chance or choice, then dumps you
guide Lester around the outside and into the back back further than you wanted to go.” Despite the
entrance, allowing Buddy to overpower one guard criticism, he awarded the game 82% – the game’s
while you engage the other in a gunfight. Once low point in the UK press.
you’ve passed this, Buddy will throw Lester across After the initial release, Interplay signed up
a chasm. However, your alien friend fails to make to fight through a palace, a feat which involves Another World for an American release (renamed
the jump himself, preventing a deadly drop by baiting a guard into blowing a hole in the floor Out Of This World) and conversion to a variety of
clinging to a cloth shade. To rescue him you’ll need with grenades, holding one alien up at gunpoint, other platforms – but it did require some changes
and setting a caged beast free in order to scatter first. The game was extended slightly, with new
the waiting guards. Once you’ve made it back to scenes inserted immediately before Lester and
Buddy, a floor will appear beneath him allowing
a drop to safety, and the two of you teleport up to
hijack a vehicle.
If nothing else, this sequence shows just how
labour-intensive Another World was to create. For
all the time that Éric Chahi spent working on it, this
additional content only lasts about three minutes if
played without error. The addition is welcome, but
» [PS4] Buddy is being held up while Lester has to sneak
Amiga and Atari ST purists shouldn’t feel too hard
around behind his aggressors. done by for not getting it.

» [Amiga] One short segment of the game requires you to swim

back through the cave you previously flooded.


Another World’s cinematic tendencies meant that it featured
some striking death sequences – check these out



» [Amiga] This infamous swimming pool gatecrash was censored

in the SNES game, to minimise the appearance of bums. Really.

his buddy hijack a vehicle to aid in their escape. EXPLODED PUMMELLED

Extra checkpoints were added to minimise
frustration, and in-game music was added for
the console versions. Further revamped versions
began to appear from 1994 with the release of
the graphically overhauled 3DO game, and Éric
Chahi himself would remaster the game in 2006 to
mark its 15th anniversary. Another World’s story
would be concluded in Heart Of The Alien, a much
lower profile release for the Mega-CD. After this,
Éric Chahi would work on Heart Of Darkness, an
ambitious platform game that made heavy use of
prerendered 3D and took many years to develop.
Another World is the kind of landmark game MAULED POISONED BY A WORM
that should be experienced by everyone that cares
about the medium. The game sold over a million
copies and achieved critical praise. It has been
cited as a favourite game by the likes of Hideo
Kojima (Metal Gear Solid ), Keiichiro Toyama
(Silent Hill) and Goichi Suda (Killer7). What’s more,
there are few excuses not to try it. The game can
be completed in an evening, and a significant
effort has been made to keep the game available
on modern devices. So if you haven’t already, take
a journey to Another World – just try not to step on
the grass, as it’ll probably kill you.


STUN Runner
Could Atari pack polygons into a portable game? No
– but you won’t care with a conversion this good

ometimes, arcade conversions Fortunately, the Lynx hardware was

S demand miracles of their

programmers. We’ll surely all
remember occasions when the gulf
between a state-of-the-art coin-op and a lowly
home system was just too great to overcome
extremely capable when it came to simulating
3D, as it was able to perform sprite scaling.
This was a very big deal, given that this was
a feature that wasn’t even common in home
consoles at the time. Using this technique, the
– Double Dragon on the Atari 2600 and Street game draws road and tunnel cross-sections
Fighter II for the ZX Spectrum both come to with increasing size as they reach the screen.
mind. Yet sometimes, a coder will rise to the Repositioning these sprites allowed for
occasion and pull off the seemingly impossible, perspective to shift as the player moves around.
thanks to their ingenuity and a little bit of artistic This same technique could also be used for the
licence. D Scott Williamson did just that with tunnels, which were drawn in quarter segments
the STUN Runner conversion for the Lynx. to allow for the shading differences between
In the arcades, STUN Runner was a bit of a the top and bottom halves of the tunnel.
marvel – a fast and flashy blend of racing and With the polygonal tunnels replaced by
shooting, with a striking polygonal tunnel and something more suited to the capabilities of the
intense action. Despite being a powerhouse Lynx, everything else fell into place pretty easily.
in its own right, there was no way that the STUN Runner was able to fully achieve the
Lynx would handle a 3D game like that while speed and excitement of the arcade game, and
still retaining the spirit of the arcade game, as it remains one of the most exciting games on
proven by the slow speed of the Hard Drivin’ the console. In fact, it was the best of the home
conversion released later in the system’s life. ports until an emulation of the arcade version
What’s more, thanks to the tunnel, regular line- appeared on Midway Arcade Treasures 3, some
scrolling effects used to simulate roads in other 15 years later – and you’re unlikely to carry an
games couldn’t be used here. Xbox in your bag to play that.

Perfect Perspective
By shifting the position of the smaller
track cross-sections towards the
extreme edges of the larger, closer
ones, the coder was able to simulate
bends and perspective without
resorting to predrawn curves.

Super Scaling
The speed and smoothness of the
game wouldn’t have been possible
without the scaling capabilities of the
hardware. This also saved on storage,
reducing the number of animation
frames needed to convey distance.

Extreme Efficiency
All of the sprites in the game were
only drawn with enough animation to
travel 90 degrees around the tunnel,
then flipped horizontally and vertically
in-game. Tunnel quarters were
mirrored horizontally, too.

Colour Cheats
Not only did the main game’s palette
have to change incredibly quickly
when moving from tunnels to open
track segments, the status bar at the
bottom of the screen was an entirely
different palette to the top half.
iny En tertainm en t, ar i
tist Do
D ug Te nN apel set up a
Aer leaving Sh hiny de velopers. Mark
Lo re nzen an d othe r ex -S
studio with Mark ad ve ntur es led them to
lo ve of po int-an d-cl ick
explains how their e Neverhood
design the claymation cult classic Th
Words by Rory Milne

avid Perry’s sale of Shiny was working there,” Mark explains. “I went to
Entertainment to Interplay in 1995 college with Doug, and he recommended that I
came as something of a shock to join up. So when Doug was going to form his own
his staff, and in the period that group I felt like it was natural that I go with him.”
followed many of his firm’s key developers left Doug’s group became known as The Neverhood,
the acclaimed studio, including Earthworm Jim Inc, and this name would lend itself to the team’s
creator Doug TenNapel. first project, which grew from the developers’
IN THE Subsequently, Doug announced that he was
setting up his own design team, and a number of
weariness of working on platformers coupled with
their appreciation of an entirely different genre. “We
KNOW former Shiny developers opted to join him. Among all had an affinity for the point-and-click adventure
 PUBLISHER: their number was artist and coder Mark Lorenzen, games that were coming out of LucasArts at the
INTERACTIVE whose friendship with Doug dated back to long time – and for Myst,” Mark notes. “We had a
 DEVELOPER: before their time at Shiny. “I first started doing work consensus that we all would enjoy working on that
THE NEVERHOOD, INC for Shiny because my best friend Doug TenNapel kind of a game, a narrative-driven game, and that
 RELEASED: we wanted a break from platformers.”
1996 Doug’s team let artwork be the guiding force
 PLATFORM: behind its efforts, and so before going near a
computer they worked out their point-and-click
 GENRE: adventure entirely on paper. “Most of what you
ADVENTURE saw in terms of interaction, props and objects was
all conceived before we started making the game,”
Mark discloses. “We storyboarded it out on paper.
Before we started shopping the idea around, we
had pretty much drawn the whole game out. So
collecting the video player disks, the pins to pop
balloons and the keys to turn locks – those kinds of
things – were all conceived upfront.”
Of course, characters were required to populate
» [PC] The musical doorbell puzzle is based around five monotone The Neverhood, and given that this task fell to
chimes and a mouthful of water. Doug it’s perfectly understandable that the player


More memorable games set in clay universes

QIt would be a bit unfair to call
Trog a claymation Pac-Man,
but Namco’s coin-op certainly
informs Midway’s dinosaurs and
cavemen maze game. Besides its
clay model sprites, Trog further
distinguishes itself from its
inspiration with cartoon violence and a range of power-ups, but its greatest
deviation is its multiplayer mode.

QReleased as a kid-friendly
claymation alternative to Street
» [PC] Surreal characters are a Fighter II and Mortal Kombat,
staple of The Neverhood, like the guy Clayfighter showcases a roster
who lives in his TV.
of bizarre fighters including
» [PC] Odd challenges define The an evil snowman and an Elvis
Neverhood, such as sending a impersonator called Blue Suede
projector and a mouse up a chute.
Goo. Beyond its novelty value, Clayfighter impresses by equipping its
malleable combatants with usefully deformed moves.

Clayfighter 2:
Judgement Clay
QAs well as being faster and
much more intense, Clayfighter’s
sequel turns the already odd
character he designed for the project – Klaymen – nature of the series up a notch by
DEVELOPER should bring to mind his popular Shiny character introducing a human banana and
HIGHLIGHTS Earthworm Jim. “There might have been a passing a giant octopus as fresh fighters.
THE NEVERHOOD awareness,” Mark concedes, “but it was certainly Clayfighter 2 improves on its predecessor by adding evil versions of each
SYSTEM: PC,PLAYSTATION not by design. It was just Doug’s penmanship; all character as bosses,
bosses nicer-looking
nicer looking sprites and 3D backdrops
YEAR: 1986 his characters tend to have that same aesthetic.
SKULLMONKEYS ABOVE There definitely wasn’t any plan to feed off Clayfighter
y g
SYSTEM: PLAYSTATION Earthworm Jim’s popularity. If there had been there
YEAR: 1998 would have been some other invertebrate in a
63 1/3
BOOMBOTS super suit – a starfish in a Tesla or something!” Q The N64 follow-up to the
SYSTEM: PLAYSTATION SNES originals, Clayfighter 63 1/3
YEAR: 1999 ther characters soon followed, combines strange new opponents
including the godlike Hoborg and his with characters from the first two
childish creation Willie Trombone, games and heroes from earlier
whose narration would include the Interplay titles like Earthworm
wrongful conclusion that – unlike the developers Jim. Nintendo’s 64-bit system allows for more convincingly rendered
– Hoborg had to create things to be happy. “I fighters to use far more sophisticated moves in a series of 3D arenas.
think the narrative that said Hoborg had to create
to be happy was really more evidence of Willie Platypus
Trombone’s naiveté than it was of a deeper truth Q To look at, you would imagine
of our worldview”, Mark clarifies. “Willie was Platypus was a love letter to
a famously unreliable narrator. He was telling Gradius, but its main influence
eyewitness accounts of what had happened, but it is actually 1942. Regardless,
was slanted by his ability to comprehend it.” Platypus is a faithful recreation of
A subsequent creation of Doug’s proved to be Eighties side-scrolling shooters
less innocent, in fact, the only aspect of its giant using visuals made entirely
crab-like design that lacked horror was its name: from photos of clay models. The game’s emphasis is on
» After The Neverho
od, Mark the ‘Weasel.’ “I think that it was called the ‘Weasel’ increasingly over the top foes and weapon upgrades.
rked on several
Loren zen wo
ation games. before Terry Tailor composed its musical theme,
other claym
which was a musical quote of ‘Pop Goes The
“We were trying to come up
with puzzles that were varied
in what part of the brain th
taxed but also something we
The gaming legacy spawned by The Neverhood

could execute quickly”

Klaymen Klaymen
– Neverhood
No Nazo Mark Lorenzen
QA Japan-only PlayStation
port of The Neverhood, but it’s
worth highlighting how Klaymen Weasel,” Mark muses. “When Doug designs THE
Klaymen differs from the original. characters, I think the name is not the first step; NEVERHOOD
As well as speeding up the first- it’s the second one. The alliteration and the word 101
person sections and most of the side-on stages, Klaymen Klaymen gives pictures of the name are as part of the character as QIn gameplay terms,
hints on its first level and all but dispenses with the Hall Of Records. the lines that define their form. I think the Weasel The Neverhood is a point-
and the musical jack-in-the-box were probably and-click adventure that
Skullmonkeys conceived all as one moment, so that might be tasks players with solving
where the name Weasel came from.” puzzles and using lateral
QSkullmonkeys’ narrative picks
thinking to complete

up where The Neverhood left off,
n addition to character development, The logistical challenges, but
but its overall design owes more
Neverhood team also found time to produce the game’s beautiful clay
to Aladdin and the Earthworm
elaborate props to help pitch its project to universe and engrossing
Jim games, which many of its
a prestigious film production company that FMV narrative make
developers worked on previously.
was moving into games. “We made a wordless the journey through the
The PlayStation platformer
illustrated book for the express purpose of Neverhood an entirely
stands out from its 16-bit predecessors by filling its imaginative claymation
pitching,” Mark remembers. “And, as well, we immersive experience.
world with exploding monkeys and 32-bit effects.
made posters and little statues, because we wanted
to communicate what the aesthetic was; the
uniqueness and the novelty of it. Steven Spielberg
gave it a green light immediately, and from that
Gun-Hockey point we were expecting to be beholden to our
QThe Neverhood, Inc had nothing publisher, but instead DreamWorks gave us a great
to do with this budget Japan- amount of creative and operational agency.”
exclusive air hockey title for kids, That freedom allowed the designers to invent
and besides featuring Neverhood an new form of videogame based around digitally
characters, the polygon-model- capturing images of clay models and transforming
based Klaymen Gun-Hockey those images into sprites and levels. “In its actual
shares little with the other games in the series. It’s not bad for what it is, but execution it was still sprites and pixels,” Mark
it should never have been allowed to be a Neverhood title. argues. “It was just that instead of drawing out » [PC] The surrealist
those pixels in Deluxe Paint we were using first- environments meshed well
with The Neverhood’s
BoomBots off-kilter tone.

QAfter following up a point-

and-click with a platformer,
Neverhood, Inc produced this
robots vs alien cats brawler.
Although not technically a
Neverhood game, BoomBots does
include Klaymen as an unlockable
fighter. The challenging polygon-powered arena fighter features range
weapons and hilarious claymation cutscenes.

QInstead of Klaymen, Armikrog
features spaceman Tommynaut
and his dog Beak-Beak, but it’s
a follow-up to The Neverhood
in every other way. Designed
by former Neverhood, Inc
developers in 2015, the
Kickstarter-funded claymation title combines cutscenes with
beautifully rendered point-and-click puzzles and challenges.

» [PC] A crucial disk lies at the end of The Neverhood’s

39-screen-long journey through the Hall Of Records.

generation digital cameras and then writing our

own software to create a pipeline for those assets
to become sprites. The whole game was first made
in pencil drawings, which were scanned, and then
once everything was playable in the drawings we
would use them as the guide for the photography.”
Having created the visuals for the game, there
remained the matter of making them interactive.
“We had to make an AI that would interpret the
location of a 2D click and then build a sequence of the final clue required to solve
» [PC] An illuminated equation provides
events that would smoothly animate from what this locked door puzzle.
the character was doing, and where they were, to
cleanly interact with where they were headed,” “Aiming and unlocking the cannon in order to
Mark recalls. “It was complicated, because any click move the teddy bear was required in order to
could occur at any time with the character at any get the cannon aimed and then get Big Robot Bill
place doing anything.” moved to an open spot,” Mark recollects, “but
But while The Neverhood’s coding was in hand, even leading to that you had a chain of events
by the midway point of its development, time that were required. That’s something that was just
constraints necessitated a fresh mechanic. “One conceived by: ‘You have to do a and b to get c.’ But
idea that came in the middle of the production was it wasn’t systematic; it was done narratively. Each
the teleport pod,” Mark divulges. “The ability to just step produced its own motivation, because when » [PC] The Neverhood’s finale hinges on a decision to take Hoborg’s
pop out of one place and show up in another one you did all of those things you didn’t know that crown or give it back to him.
was a shortcut to a more involved feature that we ultimately you were going to be disabling a giant
had conceived. The original game in storyboard robot, climbing in and switching it to ‘good’.” think that it quite met its potential,” Mark admits.
form was probably 50 per cent bigger than what we “One weird thing was that the game was given a
ended up making, so we had to heal some wounds dditionally, puzzles devised as a result 17-and-up rating. I think that was very off-putting
from making some cuts.” of a division of labour complemented because our primary market was retail. Ultimately,
Disappointing omissions aside, those gameplay the game’s physical challenges. “Doug we found that the justification was a video that we
elements in The Neverhood’s original design that would provide the scenario and the included where one of our team vomited.”
its developers did have time to realise included a aesthetic, and then I would provide the cerebral In the months following The Neverhood’s release,
number of interconnected logistical challenges. element,” Mark reflects. “We were trying to come Mark realised a second regret related to the time
up with puzzles that were varied in what part of taken to complete one particular level. “The design
the brain they taxed but also something we could of the Hall Of Records was so that you could walk
execute quickly. In some cases the solution was down it and survey the chronicles on the wall,” he
quite obvious. It was just a matter of whether you says. “The original design had more clues coming
were able to clear your mind enough to see it.” from the reading than we ended up with. After
A third objective came in the form of collecting releasing the game, I had a little bit of regret with
video player disks, which as Mark explains also how those elements that we cut ended up making
acted as milestones. “The disks were the primary the hall feel kind of punishing without a reward.”
inventory element, and knowing that there were But far from informing Mark’s current thoughts
20 of them was a way of letting the player take on The Neverhood, these reservations don’t even
a sounding of how deep into the game they had warrant a mention in his appraisal of the innovative
reached. Although it became somewhat of a grind adventure. “I’m very proud of it,” Mark states,
to get the last few because they were harder to find “not only of the game but also of the way that we
and generally took longer trips to encounter. But came together and performed an amazing miracle
with the last video Willie gave you the third key, to get that thing from concept to release in 11
which you needed to finally enter Klogg’s castle.” months. There was no game engine; we built it
Antagonist Klogg’s castle was depicted in one from scratch. We invented a medium that had never
of a series of impressive FMV cutscenes, which, as even been conceived before, we made an asset
with most other aspects of The Neverhood, were pipeline, we designed a game and we executed
» [PC] The Neverhood’s mouse puzzle stumps a lot of players, but
praised by critics on its release – its fortunes at retail it – all photographically; the look and the feel from
it’s painfully easy to solve once you know what to look out for. were slightly less impressive, however. “I don’t nothing. So the feeling I’m left with is pride.”

» [NES] If Double Dragon taught us anything its that if a weapon is lying around, use it!

ega Cat Studios’ mission statement
of ‘waging war on boredom’ and
‘supporting the retro rennaissance’
should be enough grab any retro
gamer’s attention. The developer – which is behind
games such as Coffee Crisis (Mega Drive/PC), Little
Medusa (NES/PC), and Fork Parker’s Crunch Out
(SNES) – is made up of retro enthusiasts creating
physical cartridges of the company’s own modern
games for retro consoles. It has released games on
the NES, SNES and Mega Drive, as well as Steam and
modern consoles, and thanks to the passionate retro
community, the team shows no signs of stopping.
Since starting development of retro games in 2015,
Mega Cat has released nine games that feature a gamut
of outlandish elements – from bio-punk and death metal,
to android presidents, ninjas, Greek legends and, of
course, zombies. So what exactly goes into making new
retro-style games for old consoles? And how do you
cultivate games with the odd themes reminiscent of the
Eighties and Nighties? To get some insight, we tracked
down Mega Cat cofounder Zach Manko.
Creating a new, physical game for an older console
isn’t exactly an easy (or cheap) process. Each cartridge
has to have its own custom PCB board, shell, manual
and case. “All of our games are made in-house,” Zach
explains. “We own the cartridge injection moulds to do
custom colours, and all labels and box art are developed
by our team. Physical assembly can be a chore, but in a
world gone digital, nothing beats the feel of a hard copy
game in your hands. We do work with a partner for the
limited edition versions of our games, so we can offer
collector-worthy custom cartridges.”
Mega Cat makes a point to ensure its games feel
authentically retro and are designed to run on retro
hardware. “This of course means that we have to
work within the limitations of the retro systems.” Zack
elaborates. And perhaps the biggest limitation NES

» [NES] The detail on the trees and rooftops in the background make this
particular fight a spectacle.

Words by Anna Blackwell


Releases from Mega Cat Studios
that you should keep an eye out for
QA spiritual successor to Kickle Cubicle
with updated graphics and Greek
mythology wrapping. You play as the
Gorgon Artemiza and must petrify
enemies to bridge gaps and beat bosses.
It’s not light on content, either, with five
worlds and a secret bonus world if you can
We own cartridge injection beat the game fast enough.

molds to do custom colours, ALMOST HERO 2

and all labels and box art are NES
QThe sequel to the co-op ninja beat-’em-
developed by our team up Almost Hero. You play as one of two
Zach Manko ninja hopefuls trying to save their online
bonsai business. Almost Hero 2 is currently
still in development, but it looks to be
developers face in the modern age is the checking » [NES] Sometimes you’ve
just got to look at your keeping with the feel of the original albeit
integrated chip or ‘lockout chip’. Originally made so that architect and ask who with better looking environments and
Nintendo had full control over the NES cartridge supply, hurt them.
crisper sprites.
the chip has continued to be a bugbear for developers.
Not everyone is confident enough to pop open their
NES and start hacking bits of the circuit board off, then COFFEE CRISIS
there’s the issue that modified consoles are often GENESIS/MEGA DRIVE/PC
sold for much more than your typical market finds, so QAn arcade-style brawler featuring
developers have to make sure their games work on 12 original tracks by bands including
an unmodded console to hit the largest market. The Psychostick, Terrorizer, Lords of the
chip itself isn’t even a great deterrent as unlicensed Trident and Nile – also with appearances
cartridges can force their way past the chip with a from influencers Metal Jesus Rocks and
simple voltage spike, but if you’re going to the effort to Alpha Omega Sin. Sadly, good music and
make something genuine, you have to go whole hog. mediocre graphics don’t do much to cover
The team doesn’t strictly stick to old school game the standard-fare combat or weak plot.
design, however. Where it would help the modern
gamer, it add elements to keep it in line with current
retro-style games – extra power-ups with more LETHAL WEDDING
impressive visuals, for example or improved framerates GENESIS
and higher fidelity soundtracks. However, designing for QWhile still in development what we’ve
older systems means that hardware constraints have to seen looks intriguing. Lethal Wedding
be accounted for. When asked about these restrictions is a top-down twin-stick shooter with
Zack explains, “Restrictions force us to be creative in some nice pixel art. The overly risqué lady
new and fun ways, and we are masters at pushing sprites we could do without, though – just
these consoles to their limits. We’ve actually contributed because it’s a retro-style game doesn’t
info to the development databases and communities mean you should embrace everything from
for these systems, based on our experiences and the old days.
accomplishments in making these games.”
Development and production aren’t the only parts
that are tough when making modern retro games. IN COD WE TRUST
Testing has to be rigorous, and Mega Cat doesn’t have NES
QAnother title that’s due out this later on
the luxury of being able to patch its physical games
year, In Cod We Trust is a Saturday morning
after release. Any bugs that make it onto a cartridge are
cartoon-inspired fish fighting platformer
there forever, just like the devs of the Eighties, Nineties
with customisable equipment, challenging
and early Noughties, so the team has to spend a lot of
levels, and eight-direction scrolling. The
resources on QA before even thinking about production.
art is attractive enough to draw you in,
Producing new games for old consoles is a
lets just hope it doesn’t smell as bad as
niche market, so Mega Cat’s games are also
its namesake.

» [NES] Little Medusa riffs off the NES game, Kickle Cubicle, but adds a
distinct Ancient Greek theme.

» A special NES released on Steam, PS4, and Xbox One, but game Take-This, a US charity dedicated to raising awareness
collector’s edition of
Little Medusa. development isn’t the big money maker that some about mental health issues. And if it sells well then who
may think it is. Originally, Mega Cat Studios plied its knows, perhaps this might mark a step forward for the
trade refurbishing old consoles. “We started by selling legitimacy of the retro scene and we may see more
modified Game Boys, Backlit Game Boy Advances, publishers looking into physical retro-style releases that
and Game Boy Colors,” Zach says. At this point Mega work on older systems.
Cat had 11 people working at the company, and actually Developing a game for Take-This isn’t Mega Cat’s
had more hands on deck than games developers. After first philanthropic endeavour. “We aim to do a few
plugging away on console mods for a time, the team philanthropic projects each year,” Zach pledges. The
started moving into game development and became a company’s first Kickstarter title, a neo-rogue brawler
developer-for-hire and used that contract work to form Coffee Crisis (Mega Drive) was made pro-bono to
the backbone of the studio. Now with a core team promote a niche heavy metal-themed coffee store.
of around 20 members, and nearly double that with Before that it made Germ Squashers for the NES
subcontractors and freelancers, Mega Cat is able to which was made to support the Children’s Miracle
juggle projects as necessary. And as it has built itself Network. Its most recent philanthropic creation, the NES
up, the team has been increasingly able to pursue its game Sitten Kitten is described as “the first and only
passion more and more. game designed for the feline gamer” was created in
Building upon the past but keeping an eye on the partnership with rescue shelters and adoption clinics to
future is the kind of mentality that breathes new life into find homes for neglected and abused cats.
retro gaming, and Mega Cat is not afraid bridging the

gap. The studio’s newest game Fork Parker’s Crunch hile there might not be as much
c a
Cat Studios. Out (SNES) is a game about indie game publisher money in the modern retro market,
Devolver Digital’s fictional corrupt CFO and the there is at least a market for
questionable motivational tactics he uses to keep his ‘artisanal cartridges’. And for the
» [NES] In Cod indie dev minions on task. And this is a pretty big deal serious collector, Mega Cat works closely with Rose
We Trust is an as this marks the first time Devolver Digital has involved Coloured Gaming to make custom cartridges. The
upcoming release.
Hopefully it plays as itself in retro games. The game itself is being developed limited edition run for Log Jammers (NES) actually has
good as it puns. with the intention of giving 100 per cent of the profits to a wooden shell while the upcoming Little Medusa has
been made with multiple layers of custom cut acrylic
and features intricate engraving and metallic gold inlays.
Mega Cat has also played the role of publisher to
small studios and solo devs and helped games like
Dushlan (NES) and Mega Marble World (Mega Drive)
get a physical release. And, as is to be expected from
any philanthropic retro enthusiast, it buys and repair old
consoles. “I want to rescue every Genesis I come by,”
Zach smiles. “We repair and refurbish them and we do
sell them on our website, but we pick them up at every
convention we go to.” Of course, reselling consoles that
are no longer manufactured isn’t going to work in the
long term so Mega Cat also offers console bundles; the
Hyperkin RetroN 1 and RetroDuo Portable Handheld
with collector quality boxes, custom controllers, and a
selection of games to boot.
Going forward, Zach says Mega Cat plans to assist
the retro scene by continuing to make games and
sharing what it learn with the wider game development
community. The team plans to keep working alongside


More companies that are helping to
produce new experiences on old systems
QStarted in 2002 this UK based nonprofit publishing
house produces cassette games for the ZX Spectrum,
» [SNES] In Crunch Out, game devs are miserable but the money-hungry Fork Parker doesn’t care. Commodore 64, Vic-20, Amstrad, and Dragon-32.
Its games are very cheap, usually around £5, and
any profits the company makes goes to paying the
We started by selling modified game creators or improving the service. You’ve got to
admire the dedication of those involved.
Game Boys, Backlit Game Boy
Advances, and Game Boy Colors PSYTRONIK
Zach Manko Q Focusing on retro computer systems such as
the Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC, VIC-20 and ZX
Sppectrum, Psytronik has built up a catalogue of over
other retro and indie developers, helping the small-scale
50 games across various platforms. Publishing since
developers find somewhere to publish, and doing what
19993, it is one of the oldest retro publishers around,
it can for philanthropic causes.
annd it has games available on tape, CD, floppy disk or
On the helping other indies side of thing, a great
ass doow
d from
from tch
example is the studio’s NES title, Expedition, which is a
NES port of the Android and iOS app for the card-based
RPG of the same name by Taking the core
design and wrapping it with classic 8-bit fantasy art and RETRO GAMES LTD
music changes the feel of the Expedition card game QA trio of console designers that got

which it also ships with. And to sweeten the deal, Mega together to create the C64 Mini and
Cat’s NES version has exclusive quests. have managed to get the licenncess
Mega Cat Studios is not alone in its endeavours, for 64 classic titles with moree to
other developers like FoxBot, John Lester, and Piko come. But in the meantime yoou caan
Interactive have been launching new SNES and NES load C64 games through a US SB drivve forr
projects via crowdfunding. And it’s not just games that an authentic emulation experience.
are coming out of the retro scene, every year there is
some new hardware that pushes the envelope on what
can be achieved. Whether that’s new, easier-to-use RETRO
homebrew kits that hobbyists can use, or even officially Q A Pittsburgh, PA retro developer that also create
licensed consoles like the C64 Mini and the Nintendo its own physical NES cartridges for its Haunted
Classic Mini range. Mega Cat offers useful tools like its series. Like Mega Cat, it releases games on Steam
SNES/Genesis 240p test suite cartridges which allow inn order to reach a wider audience. Check out
players to test and calibrate visual aspects like colour Haunted: Halloween ’85 or Haunted: Halloween ‘86
bleed check, PLUGE, gray ramp, and overscan. As well (CCurse Of Possum Hollow) for some retro-style
as a Mega Drive test cartridge which allows players beat-’em-up action.
to test and troubleshoot any part of the console or
peripherals to see what could be causing console faults.
As these retro developers continue to support one INFINITE NES LIVES
another and explore the limits of what can be done with QThe biggest hurdle in NES development is the
the old tech, it’s not too far fetched to think we may see lockout chip built into the cartridges. Thankfully
» Mega Cat’s partnership with Rose
Coloured Gaming has produced some amazing retro games in the coming years. With Infinite NES Lives is working to distribute working
some unique cartridge designs more and more nostalgic entrepreneurs turning their blank cartridges to developers. Its custom consoles,
using acrylic and wood.
attentions to the past to stand out from the increasingly controllers and games it has published take gamers
saturated modern indie market, it’s like living in the right back to the Eighties. It also publishes collections
golden age of cartridges all over again. of NES homebrew titles.


a ’s b a tte r y -hung o
Seg d oe s n’t get to
handhe e these days, but
much lov actually plenty
there are hile games
of worthw th e y ju s t didn’t

to play ach our shores.
always rerpe checks out
Nick Tho iguing imports…
some intr



■ In the mid-Nineties, Sega seemed experience, you won’t be surprised to certain barrier enemies, while
intent on refocusing the Game find that they put together a platform only Zenki is capable of breaking
Gear’s software line-up to appeal game to represent Zenki. blocks from above or below.
to kids, acquiring the rights to The game starts off with the titular What’s nice about the platform
produce games based on a number character Zenki in his ‘demon god’ stages is that they’re not just
of popular anime licences – Yu Yu form, fighting in a short boss battle. graphically attractive, but varied and
Hakusho, Magic Knight Rayearth, This single-screen encounter gives interesting to play. Each has unique
» [Game Gear] Boss fights are the only stages to
Saint Tail, Doraemon and more. both Zenki and his opponent life bars, gimmicks – destructible floors, feature Zenki in his ‘demon god’ form, the most
Kishin Douji Zenki was part of and Zenki is able to select from four moving bars to hang from, and combat-oriented character in the game.
this licensing drive, and while different attack moves – a fireball, a even alternative exits leading to new
you might not have heard of it, its lightning spark, a dash and a tornado stages. Some stages are the usual
popularity in mid-Nineties Japan attack – by pressing the start button. left-to-right affairs, while others see
was unquestionable – the original After you win, you’ll head off to the you moving mostly vertically.
12-volume manga spawned a map to select one of the main action The game’s presentation is top
51-episode TV anime adaptation, plus stages, but these boss encounters notch, too. The graphics are good for
a short straight-to-video animated are frequent throughout the game. the Game Gear, and plenty of story
film and five videogames. In the main platform stages, you cutscenes add to the atmosphere.
The team assembled for this play as either a small version of The soundtrack by Saori Kobayashi
adaptation was quite a talented one. Zenki, or his shrine maiden friend is also good considering the
Producer Katsuhiro Hasegawa was a Chiaki. Zenki can attack enemies limitations of the system’s audio
Sega veteran whose previous work by curling into a ball, either when hardware. It’s not the most inventive » [Game Gear] The animation in Kishin Douji Zenki
is rather nice – just look at the detail as Chiaki drops
included The GG Shinobi and Deep jumping or by performing a forward of games, and if you’re a Game Gear in from above.
Duck Trouble. Director Hisayoshi roll from a crouching position, while fan you probably have a few good
Yoshida had worked on Sonic 3, Chiaki can use her magical powers platformers already. However, it’s
Sonic & Knuckles and Legend Of to shoot small flames or find single- an exclusive game for the system
Illusion, and his planning partner use spell tags to summon lightning, and a high quality one at that – not
Tadashi Ihoroi had experience on wind or fire. These unique skills something you’ll come across too
the 8-bit Sonic games Sonic Chaos grant different paths through the easily on the Game Gear, so it’s
and Sonic Triple Trouble. Given their stages, too – only Chiaki can defeat worth the £15-£25 it sells for.


PCFX SNES Q If you’re just looking for
Q Renowned as one of the QThis Zenki game features a really good Game Gear
best games for the ill-fated more combat moves than platform game, it’s hard to
system, this take on the the Game Gear game, and go wrong with this one. The
Zenki story has a far greater much more in the way of first four stages each hide
focus on combat, with short platforming than the PC-FX a new ninja with different
beat-’em-up sections and game. It’s a pretty standard coloured outfits and abilities, and can be chosen in any
lots of bosses to fight. The production values and sprite action platformer on a format not short of them, but it’s order, before a fifth and final stage is unlocked. Yuzo
work are amazing, but it fetches sky-high prices. worth playing just for the sublime background graphics. Koshiro’s soundtrack is ace, too.

Q This icon shows the current
spell tag that Chiaki is carrying –
in this case, lightning. It’ll be useful
if we encounter any overwhelming
attacks, or barrier enemies.
Q This floating orb
happens to be a bomb
– after a while it’ll
start flashing before
detonating and damaging
you. However, it can also
be used as a platform.

Q Chiaki’s standard flame attack
actually emanates horizontally
from the palm of her hand,
USEFUL ENEMIES explaining the slightly odd pose
Q Our baddie here happens to be
she’s adopted in this screenshot.
making the bomb float by blowing
it upwards. If we kill it, the bomb
will drop and destroy the ground
below, opening up a new route.


■ Ninkuu was quite a popular franchise back in

the mid-Nineties – not only did the series jump
from manga to anime and even videogames, but
the games were popular enough to generate
this spin-off. Sensing the potential to revive a classic
game design, Sega cast the main character Fuusuke’s
pet penguin Hiroyuki in a game that bears more than
a passing resemblance to the old arcade hit Pengo.
You still walk around a maze of blocks, kicking them
at enemies in an attempt to crush them, and even the
diamond blocks and associated bonuses are back. But
this time there are more enemies with new behaviours,
bumper blocks for moving ice to bounce off of, and
instead of the wall kick Hiroyuki is able to stun enemies
with his terrible flatulence. (Yes, really.)
There’s a bit more to it than just that, though. What
really elevates the game above Pengo is the additional
stage types – the new puzzle stages require you to
arrange ice blocks into a predetermined pattern, and
each set of stages concludes with a boss battle. These
are particularly dangerous, as the supply of kickable
blocks are replenished throughout the fight in a deadly
fashion – they’re dropped in from above, potentially
squashing poor Hiroyuki. If you happen to be able to
read Japanese, there’s also a story to follow.
Ninkuu Gaiden isn’t just a more compelling game
than the original Game Gear conversion of Pengo, it
might actually be the best take on the game overall –
and that’s including the Mega Drive version, which sells
for many times the price of this overlooked gem. The
only downside is that there’s no more Popcorn theme, » [Game Gear] All of the ice blocks must be placed in the » [Game Gear] Hiroyuki has achieved his goal here,
but we think that’s a pretty small price to pay. marked 4x4 area, which requires sensible sequencing. squashing a baddie between two ice blocks.


■ YEAR: 1993
■ YEAR: 1991
■ YEAR: 1994
■ If you’re bored of Mortal Kombat II ■ This arcade game, known outside ■ YEAR: 1995 ■ This two-on-two street basketball
and Fatal Fury Special, this sumo Japan as The Berlin Wall, has largely ■ Basing a platform beat-’em-up on game was actually endorsed by the All
game offers a different take on been forgotten – perhaps because this this anime series was a good call, as Japan Street Basketball Association,
fighting that proves to be pretty Japan-only release was the only home the licence is perfect for this purpose. an organisation we’d never heard
compelling. The big thing here is that conversion it received. It’s a rather cute Combat and platforming are simple, of before. It’s prettier than the other
you can lose with a full life bar – as single-screen platformer in which your with the former resembling Kung Fu basketball games on the system, with
well as being knocked out by palm goal is to trap enemies by knocking Master with a few extra moves, but some well animated cartoon players
strikes and head-first charges, your out floor blocks, then bop them with the game is attractive and minigames doing their thing on the half court. It
opponent can also push you out of your hammer to get rid of them. are present to break up the action. dunks on NBA Action all day long and
the ring and throw you to the mat. It’s There’s even link cable support, for The lack of difficulty is unfortunate, is just as much fun as NBA Jam for the
a tad easy once you understand it, but those occasions when you find fellow but fans of the series will likely have a Game Gear, so see if your skills cut it in
well worth investigating. Game Gear players. good time with it regardless. the streets.



■ For some reason, Speedball 2 never made

the jump from Master System to Game Gear,
meaning that Sega fans on the go had to
look elsewhere for their fix of future sports
action (or just buy a Master Gear converter,
we suppose). While this alternative doesn’t
quite match up to the Bitmap Brothers’
classic, it’s not too bad. The aim of the game
is familiar, as you need to take a ball and
shoot it into the goal, which lies at the end
of a pitch strewn with bumpers. Your robots
can tackle opposing robots to steal the ball,
and dealing enough damage will temporarily
disable them.
However, there are quite a few differences
on offer here. For a start, the pitch is divided
into different sectors by impassable electrical
barriers, so the ball must be shot over those.
Then there are the gimmicks like pitch areas
that will speed up or slow down your robotic
players, which change location depending
on which of the six stadiums you choose to
play in. Lastly, scoring is determined by how
long you charge your shot before releasing it
towards goal.
The major problem with this game is that
the standard time limit is definitely too long,
so you’ll want to reduce it to avoid boredom
setting in. If you do that, this should be a fun » KENY
and frantic game – and if you can blackmail a UU DENS
» [Game Gear] Just past the area barrier, » [Game Gear] The zone containing the goal E TSU YAIB
Game Gear-owning friend into buying a copy, those red and blue areas will slow you down is the most chaotic area of any pitch thanks ■ SEGA
■ 1994
you can even play it together. and speed you up respectively. to a surplus of bumpers.
■ This s
is just to inging p
o frustra latforme
enemies ting, tha r
suddenly nks to
play and teleporti
a lack of ng into


■ YEAR: 1991
■ YEAR: 1993
■ YEAR: 1991 ■ Griffin is mostly a run-and-gun in ■ YEAR: 1994 ■ Tile-based puzzlers are a staple
■ If you’re familiar with the Xak series the style of Commando, but you’re in ■ This is a bit of an odd licensed game of any handheld gaming platform,
of Japanese RPGs, you’ll know Fray as a tank instead of on foot. The difficulty – what’s the connection between the and this forgotten Mac conversion is
a trainee sorceress. This action spin-off level jumps up quite quickly thanks to sport and the cartoon? Still, Technos a good one. Your goal is to remove
pits you against enemies in a top-down an irritating plane mid-boss, but the did make it work, with each of Popeye’s tiles from the board by flipping over
world with forced vertical scrolling. enemies are varied, the boss designs opponents having a unique skill used to them, while avoiding landing on tiles
Unlike most games of this type, you’ll are pretty cool and you even take to disrupt play. You’d be surprised at just of a different colour, which creates
need to jump over pits as well as keep the air in one stage. Sadly, it’s a little how difficult this game is as a result – combination tiles that are difficult
an eye on the enemies attacking you. bit on the short side – there are only but, thankfully, you can recruit these to remove. Things start off simple,
There’s a bit of dialogue that you’ll four stages to blast through, although players to your team upon beating but with ever more complex stage
miss if you don’t speak Japanese, but you do need to beat a second loop to them, replacing Olive Oyl and the shapes and increasing numbers of
nothing that will ruin the game for you. see the proper ending. incredibly useless Mr Wimpy. combination tiles, it soon gets tricky.

Words by Adam Barnes

egardless of whether or
not you’re a fan of the
PlayStation, it’s hard to deny
that the story of Sony’s first any concrete design attached to it, just
console helped catapult gaming into one element that had players absorb » [PlayStation]
the mainstream. Syphon Filter is just – or syphon – the game’s enemies. “I The ability to set
someone aflame
one slice of PlayStation history and it, have no idea who is responsible for that just by holding
too, has its own dedicated fanbase even original pitch,” says Richard Ham, lead the taser down
long enough will
to this day. However, the development designer on the original game and the forever remain
of the franchise is a tale that, as it turns creative vision that set a lot of how the a memorable
out, offers a perfect example of what series would come to be known. Richard PlayStation
it was like to develop games for Sony worked for Eidetic, a maligned developer
throughout its PlayStation and PS2 eras. that at the time had just had to suffer
In fact, the concept started within the release – and the scorn that came
Sony itself. This isn’t a fulfilling story with it – of the PlayStation’s Bubsy 3D. but let’s make it about being an assassin
of inspiration borne from the mind of a Richard explains that the project’s name or something like that.’”
developer keen to see a vision or story and setting had been associated to it It was with that concept that Eidetic
come to life: first, it was just a name by a producer at Sony, intended to be was put to work, Sony being one of the
within a corporate entity. There wasn’t a pseudo sci-fi title where mankind few publishers willing to “take a chance
was struggling to survive after a virus on us when pretty much no one else
had obliterated the Earth’s population. would”. It was this initial pseudo-sci-fi
It was supposed to blend elements of hitman theme that Richard – after being
fantasy with modern design in a way that appointment lead designer on the project
PlayStation Final Fantasy games had, but – wanted to change first. He was eager
once Eidetic had its hands on it the name to make a game that did something
‘Syphon Filter’ had shifted to a different different, a title that Eidetic could redeem
experience. “By the time it came to us,” itself with after the failings of Bubsy 3D.
says Richard, “the producer at Sony to “The first thing that I said was, ‘Okay,
who it had been assigned to was a big I dig this idea, but why set it in some
fan of anime and he loved Golgo 13, it’s a future tech-war-type thing? Let’s set
comic book series. It’s about an assassin- it today.’ Because at this time, back in
type guy, and he said, ‘Okay, we’ll keep the mid-Nineties, nobody was
this far-flung fantasy future type thing,
» [PlayStation] Syphon Filter suffered unfair comparisons to Metal
Gear Solid, though there were some parts that felt familiar.

CORE doing that, back then the idea of a big
the one that said, ‘You know what, I
don’t think people are going to want to

CHARACTERS triple-A project that wasn’t set in some

kind of fantasy of sci-fi environment just
be hitmen, let’s make them spies.’”

made no sense to anybody. But I pushed ut this only affected the
for it hard, because of two things I was story of the game, how it
There’s a fair amount of characters to keep track of excited about. First, I loved the movie would be played was based
Syphon Filter, here’s a selection of the most recognisable Assassins, starring Antonio Banderas. around Richard’s second
And I said, let’s keep all this Golgo thing, inspiration: John Woo-style gun-fu
GABRIEL ‘GABE’ LOGAN but look at how cool Assassins is, let’s cinema, which offered a sense of
QThe primary protagonist and the name that any set it in modern times.” Despite the action and style that he wanted to
level of Syphon Filter fan ought to know. He is the pushback from Sony, eventually it was see implemented into a videogame.
franchise’s Solid Snake, its Sam Fisher, and even on approved and tweaked in only one way “We had played GoldenEye, which was
the rare occasions when he hasn’t been playable he’s by an exec by the name of Connie Booth a revolutionary game, we had played
been a significant part of the story. – not the Fawlty Towers actor. “She was Tomb Raider – that had just come out
incredibly influential on the game in a lot – and in fact, from a gameplay point
of ways also,” says Richard. “She was of view, Tomb Raider and GoldenEye
LIAN XING were my two big influences.” Richard
QLogan’s second-in-command and one of the few
enjoyed the modern day spy setting of
characters to have appeared across the franchise, and
GoldenEye while the acrobatic, dual-pistol
has even been playable at times. Fun fact: in the PS2
combat of Tomb Raider had inspired him
and PSP games, Lian Xing was voiced by the same
to focus the game around this style of
actress that voiced Metal Gear Solid’s Mei Ling.
deft, agile combat to replicate the Hong
Kong cinema that he was so keen on.
MARA ARAMOV With everything set in stone from a
QAs a hired assassin, Mara Aramov is a recurring design perspective, Eidetic had to create
character throughout the series – and primarily as an the content to go with it. Richard tells
antagonist or mid-game boss. She has on occasion us of the barriers that Eidetic faced with
assisted Logan in his missions, but only when it has Syphon Filter, of how there are so many
benefitted her to do so. cutscenes inside corridors or office
» [PlayStation] You can’t have a spy game with a section in
Moscow and not have your agent have a gunfight in a nightclub.
QIntroduced in Syphon Filter 2, Teresa Lipan’s
assistance has since been constant throughout the


series, often directing missions from afar. Her current
status, however, is not confirmed, after she was
injured in Logan’s Shadow.

MAGGIE POWERS An action hero is only as good as their armoury of guns and gadgets
QYou can’t have an American spy story without the
de facto assistance from MI6. Powers – perhaps the
QPrimarily made available in missions where
sister of Austin? – is the typical Brit in these stories,
stealth is a focus, the ability to detect enemies
appearing in Syphon Filter 3 and helping Logan in
moving in the dark makes travelling about a level
every game since.
undetected a doddle.

QAs a friend of Teresa, Lawrence Mujari was also
introduced in Syphon Filter 2 and has also been
a big part of the franchise’s various stories. As a
biochemical expert, his aim is to help eradicate the  AIR TASER
Syphon Filter virus and cure infected allies. QPerhaps the most infamous weapon of them
all, the comical effect of setting enemies aflame
GARY STONEMAN by tasing them never gets old – even if it is
QThis ex-CIA operative and trained hitman features in supposed to be used for stealth.
a number of Syphon Filter games beginning in Omega
Strain, but is also playable at times, too. He’s your  K3G4
typical US soldier, offering a hard-nosed approach to QDespite being held one-handed, this is an
his colleagues – but a valuable intelligence gatherer. assault rifle. It’s particularly notable for its ability
to shoot through flak jackets, meaning it is no
longer necessary to aim for the head.
QThe unnamed player character of Omega Strain
replaces Gabe Logan as the primary protagonist
to help facilitate the multiplayer gameplay of the
PS2 game. Cobra can be customised to the player’s
preference and can be male or female.
QThe basic pistol and Gabe’s default weapon.
It comes permanently equipped with a silencer,
making it useful for stealth missions where
lethality doesn’t matter.


spaces just so they could streamline
their creation or how awkward motion HE AD DOWN,
capture sessions had led to a running
animation that looked like its protagonist
had soiled themselves. It’s the solution
to its AI that Richard is most pleased
with: the “smoke and mirrors to just Richard Ham
give the effect and feeling of being
constantly under assault”. Richard
» [PlayStation]
explains how he had to run lines of The opening
scripting splines, or “spaghetti lines” as one occasion. “Yes, it was,” confirms to SF2 showed
he calls them, to spawn any number of Richard, “but I’ll be honest, I didn’t know just how much
Eidetic had
potential threats. “We have no control it at the time. I had my head down, nose learnt from the
over which ones will come, which lines to the grindstone, just trying to make the previous game.
they’ll take,” he adds, suggesting that game as best I could, but apparently we
this was how the AI came to be so well had problems with 989 Studios.” This
praised for its unpredictability. was a US division of Sony that made – but we came back and we got our
a lot of the decisions surrounding the energy, cheerleader-salesman-type thing. window and ultimately went ahead and

uch were the workarounds company’s published games in America, I just pitched him the game and talked shipped.” Syphon Filter was released
that was a necessary part but in the case of Syphon Filter it seems about what we have and where we’re on PlayStation in February 1999, and
of game development on that Richard had unknowingly saved going and what our difficulties were and was greeted with huge acclaim. Though
the PlayStation. Eidetic the title from being cancelled. “Connie how we’re going to solve those. And I it was met with comparisons to Metal
had arguably bitten off more than it came to me and said, ‘Richard, you’re just did my best to get him really excited Gear Solid, which had released only
could chew with the project, but with the lead designer, you’ve got to fly with about the game, and not because it was a handful of months prior, the slick
a little bit of ingenuity and a substantial me down to 989 Studios down in San Kelly Flock. Unbeknownst to me I had combination of stealth, gun combat and
amount of determination, it managed to Francisco.’ We got down there, and I get the future of the company in that demo, I player freedom all helped to give it a
make a standout title. But it took quite taken into Kelly Flock’s office, he was the had no idea, nobody told me this.” unique identity that many would come
some time to get to that point, and president of 989 Studios, he was one of Richard’s sales pitch did the job, since to love. But the threat of MGS had been
there was a lot of pressure from Sony; the biggest bigwigs in the industry, and he had saved the project and, with it, a knock to the team; with only a few
according to legend, Syphon Filter was I had to give him a demo of the game. I Eidetic’s survival. “Apparently I came months left until release and a number of
on the chopping block on more than just sat down and I did what I do, when back, we got whatever it was that we comparisons to Kojima’s classic – some
I need to be I’m an up-tempo, high- needed – I don’t know if we needed a of which couldn’t be changed so
budget expansion, a time expansion or
just needed faith from the upper-ups

 M16  AU300
QThe standard-issue assault rifle for games, QOne of the more fantastical weapons in the
the M16 is typically one of the first assault rifles series, the AU300 utilises an x-ray scope to allow
available to the player throughout the series and the player – and the special bullets – to shoot
is a general all-rounder weapon. through hard surfaces.

 G18  M79
QA machine pistol with one of the highest QAppearing more rarely throughout the series
firerates in the series, the G-18 can obliterate for obvious reasons, the grenade launcher is
weak enemies but can leave Gabe exposed as the adept at handling large groups of enemies or
clip of bullets doesn’t last long. even armoured vehicles.

QThe Heckler and Koch is based on the MP5, a QRarely seen in the franchise, the crossbow is
widely used weapon in games. As a submachine a nonlethal weapon that is useful for debilitating
gun it’s quicker than a pistol, more agile than an targets rather than killing them – mainly useful
assault rifle but weaker over long range. against nonhostile targets.

QThough it is primarily suited to short-range QThey come in various forms throughout
combat, the shotgun’s ability to knock enemies the series, but primarily they can be used
to the ground is advantageous in dealing with aggressively with their explosive variant or
bigger groups at medium range. during stealth with their poisonous gas type.
To say Syphon Filter takes you across the world is a bit of an understatement…
ALASKA Q Travelling to Belarus to
Q Gabe doesn’t get sent to very many HELSINKI, FINLAND deal with disappearing cattle
glamorous locations, and the start of the NEW YORK CITY, Q A series of missions in the PSP might not seem like much
PSP games is no different with a series of NEW YORK game Dark Mirror culminates of an issue for Cobra, but it’s
missions set in the cold north of America. Q A repeat location for the franchise, in a battle against the game’s all connected to the Syphon
taking place inside an expo centre, antagonist at the Aerospace Filter virus in the long run.
the Agency’s biolab and even the Integrated Technologies HQ.
streets of the city itself.

Q Omega Strain opens with Cobra –
the player character – having to deal
with a terrorist threat in Carthage
over a series of missions. DUBLIN, IRELAND
Q On board the SS Lorelai, Gabe
joins up with MI6 to scuttle
the ship that is containing the
Syphon Filter virus.

ATLANTIC SEA Q For a threat that initially
Q As a callback to SF3, Omega focused on the US, the Syphon
Strain has the player visit a Filter virus certain seems to
COLORADO salvage operation on a rig out in spread to a large number of
Q Starting in the Rocky the North Atlantic Sea. European countries.
Mountains then going via ZURICH,
the interstate and a train SWITZERLAND
ride across the state, Gabe’s Q Niculescu is the primary
adventures in Colorado antagonist of Omega Strain, and
ends with a crash. his tower is found in Zurich.
Cobra accompanies the famous PESCARA, ITALY
Gabe Logan to prove Niculescu’s Q An outbreak of the Syphon
connection to Syphon Filter. Filter virus also hits this town in
Italy. Players have to investigate
WASHINGTON, DC this, but naturally end up dealing
Q The opening stage of the
with a mob boss as well.
first game sets the tone and
what to expect. Terrorists
have taken over the streets of
Washington, and Gabe must
help combat the problem.
Q This location is the opening scene
for the original game, but actually
becomes playable in Syphon Filter 3
as part of its series of flashbacks.
Q South America doesn’t feature too often
in the series, considering that’s the first
place we see. All the same, Peru is where
Gabe meets up with an old acquaintance.

Q While not strictly part of the Syphon
Filter storyline, regularly appearing
character Mujari has a mission here
that introduces his involvement.


late in development – Eidetic was

feeling the pressure. “I cannot stress
just how crushing Metal Gear Solid
was. When we all saw that at that E3,
we all thought that history was going to
repeat itself [with Bubsy 3D]. Those last
Q In a worldwide battle against
SIBERIA months, they were the worst. Those
bioterrorists, Russia is certain to appear
Q Another of the series’ frozen were the ones when I just didn’t leave
at some point. Naturally meeting an
destinations, this time involving the building at all.” But of course all that
informant at a nightclub doesn’t end well.
a break-in and break-out of the panic and worry was for nothing: “I don’t
Aljir prison located there. think anyone was any more surprised by
how well it was received than us. We
were all floored, to come in the next day » [PlayStation] The variety of objectives available in Syphon
and expect the worst and see that first Filter 3 meant a much broader range of missions.
review from IGN or GameSpot. They
were just praising it to high heaven and
getting everything that we wanted to do, exploding and all kinds of really cool
and saying, ‘Yeah, you might think it’s a stuff.” The story in general could now
Metal Gear clone, but it’s not, it’s its own be notched up a gear, as much because
thing’. So it all worked out, we all took of Eidetic’s experience in building the
off two weeks and then right back to original as for the fact that consumer
making Syphon Filter 2.” interest and Sony’s confidence in the
KAZAKHSTAN brand gave the team the encouragement

Q The snowy base of Rhoemer, the first ith the immediate it needed. For Richard, his desires lay
game’s antagonist and where Gabe success of the original more in the gameplay elements, where
confronts him. There’s also missions apparent from the start, he hoped to overcome the limitations he
set in both Ruzovka and Almaty. Eidetic wasn’t given a had met with during development. “I had
moment’s respite. Sony commissioned felt so constrained by the way that Jeff
a sequel and for Richard and the team [Ross, assistant designer] and I could
it was time to really make the most of populate levels. If we wanted to set
what they had wanted to achieve with up any kind of cool cinematic moment
the original. “There was no time to rest,” [in the original game] we had to beg,
TOKYO, JAPAN Richard says. “Syphon Filter 2 was just borrow and steal from the programmers
Q Appearing in the game at a us trying to fix everything that bugged schedule.” To alleviate this, Eidetic’s CEO
couple of points, typically as us about Syphon Filter, which was a Marc Blank created a scripting language
part of assassination missions foolish thing to do because we didn’t and taught the two designers to use it,
during with a high-level threat. have time for that, man… that was a ultimately giving them control over the
rush job.” With only a year to produce a game’s scripted moments. “And that’s
sequel, Eidetic had to cram in as much why, right from the get-go, you see
as it could, and there was a long list of guys parachuting into the levels,” says
things that the team wanted to fix. “John Richard. “We were having Mexican
[Garvin, designer] really wanted to get standoffs; we could do anything we
KABUL, the animations better,” explains Richard. wanted!” But the elation in Richard’s
“In Syphon Filter 2 the characters actually voice doesn’t last long. “And that was
Q Another location used to
had real, polygonal noses! That was a my single biggest mistake in my entire
introduce characters into the
big deal to him. And the cinematics are history of videogame development,” he
franchise. It’s where Gabe
much more bombastic, with bridges laments, adding that Mark had “given
and Lian Xing meet for the
us too much power”. Though Eidetic
first time.
would meet its deadline of March 2000,
and the sequel would match the
» [PlayStation] Syphon Filter 3 had
some cool additions – like a weapon
that can shoot through solid objects.

Q Taking on pirates in the Somali
coastline certainly seems like
something Gabe would start a game
doing. This time he’s assisting the
Q A brief stint in the
Australian Outback has Lian
looking into test subjects,
and not kangaroos.

MEMORABLE success of its predecessor, Richard

MISSIONS regrets not having the “development

maturity to realise that one of the biggest
strengths of Syphon Filter was how
unpredictable it was”. All that bombast
The franchise’s best setpieces and bombastic moments. had meant that there was no downtime
How many do you remember? and, worse still, the player’s movement
was restricted to prevent those scripted
FLAMETHROWER moments from breaking. “To make sure
FIGHT we had all of these amazing moments
QThis fight against Anton Girdeux but to deal with the fact that the testers
was built up with a good sense of just kept ripping them apart and making » [PSP] The implementation of user-generated levels on the PSP’s
pacing, and introduced the concept of them unplayable, we stopped you from Combat Ops was a little awkward.
shooting a heavily armoured enemy doing anything,” says Richard. “Syphon
in the back – something that is kind Filter 2 has a lot of neat moments, but it
of a throwaway idea these days. The fight itself was challenging, though, and plays very on-rails.” cent co-op. It was going to have narrative
certainly felt unique at the time. elements that would be randomly

espite this, it was clear the generated that would mesh in that could
INCOMING CHOPPER fanbase was still interested, be scripted ahead of time. We were
QSyphon Filter’s battle against a and with the PS2 on the going to be able to shoot double-fisted.
helicopter might’ve compared with horizon, Eidetic wanted to There were many things that we were
Metal Gear Solid’s equivalent, but be “on the ground floor”. The fact that going to do.” The concept was underway
it was a standout moment all the Sony had bought the company later in and trucked along for quite some time,
same. It was a pinnacle moment after 2000 and renamed it Sony Bend – after it even had a new AI in the works that
escalating a building from a stealth the small city in Oregon where the would avoid the issues of Syphon Filter
mission on the ground, through to an intense mission of deactivating missiles studio is based – only helped spark the 2. “It was going well,” recalls Richard,
before escaping through a silo, only to be met with this threat. developer’s imagination for what could “I was as excited as I’ve ever been
be possible on the next generation of in development.” The problem was,
COMMANDER PlayStation. “At the time everyone in Sony – now the company’s owner – felt
ASSASSINATION the office was addicted to two things, a third PlayStation Syphon Filter would
QWith the added flexibility to SF2’s Diablo and Counter-Strike. And just like be worth the cost, and persuaded the
scripting language, the developers before when I was so inspired by Tomb studio to switch the project from PS2 to
were able to create their own Raider and GoldenEye, now I was equally PlayStation, losing almost all of its unique
standout moments. As such there inspired by Diablo and Counter-Strike.” elements in the process. “I was like,
were quite a number of high-octane Set to be called Syphon Filter Online and ‘Seriously? I’ve come too far, you can’t
points to pick from, but this subdued puzzle which required assassinating a launch with the PS2, the game would make me go back,’” says Richard, who
commander without his ally noticing provided a great thrill after figuring it out. have a long list of features that could’ve didn’t go back. He helped get the project
been ahead of its time. “It was going started, but soon left and gave Jeff Ross
to have randomly generated real-world a chance to step in as lead designer. The
3D levels,” says Richard, “it was going result was, understandably, a confused
QLong before Uncharted 2’s exciting
to be a multiplayer game with drop-in, game that had been crowbarred in to fit
battle aboard a train pelting it down
drop-out. It was going to have a meta the limited capabilities of the PlayStation
some mountainside tracks, Syphon
campaign, it was going to be 100 per within a development time of only eight
Filter 2 had already made the concept
months, resulting in a “hodge podge”
a real spectacle. The game itself is
that didn’t have the same quality of the
crammed with interesting, one-off
previous two games.
events but this was perhaps one of the most impressive setpieces that
had Gabe leaping from carriage to carriage, attack chopper in tow.

QThe opening mission of Syphon
Filter 3 was special because it didn’t
throw players into the middle of a
firefight. A suited and booted Gabe
Logan simply rode an elevator to his
room in a hotel, where he found his
equipment ready to snipe his assassination target. It was a simple yet
brilliant way of opening a spy game.


QSyphon Filter 2 had players start
levels by parachuting in, and that
felt ‘spy’ enough. However, the
introductory mission for Mujari had
him parachuting into a gold mine in
much the same way, except this time
the player had the freedom to choose whether to float in guns blazing, land
behind an enemy and silently pick them off or find their way to the bottom. » [PSP] New gameplay elements – such as ziplining – were introduced with Dark Mirror.

V ID E O G A M E D E V E L O P M E N T ”
Richard Ham
» [PS2] Though
the graphics
and peripheral
details were
impressive in
Omega Strain, it
was a technical
the potential problems.” Just to get the challenge

ut at this point there was system to run smoothly was a challenge, implementing
already an expectation set in fact: “There was a lot of manhandling the engine to
allow for more
with Syphon Filter. Sony by the designers in terms of controlling open-ended
had seen that it was a brand the activation of the level geometry as gameplay.
it could push, Bend was geared up to well as the enemies. I wish we had more
work on the PS2 and the fans already time to focus on that. So, okay we built
had an idea of what to expect from the the level, we can play it for what it is, but by Mario 64 and Syphon Filter had to
name. John Garvin, the writer for the how can we possibly make it more fun?” compare itself to Metal Gear Solid, now
series up until this point, retained his This deviation didn’t necessarily the team was once again suffering the
creative control on the next project, while play out as hoped, either. The PS2 weight of expectation.
new designers stepped in to help bring wouldn’t end up the online device that

the new generation of Syphon Filter to Sony had hoped for it, and Omega t’s likely for this reason that the
life. “For Omega Strain, definitely the Strain suffered for it. In part its split developer decided to go back to
whole point was to make it online,” between multiplayer and single-player basics with the final two games.
says Scott Youngblood, the senior had restricted its design, but since it Rather than attempt to mix up the
designer on the project. “We invested was largely played single-player the genre, the next game – Dark Mirror –
heavily in the technology to be able to fans were rather disappointed with the would separate the single and multiplayer » [PSP] Surprisingly it took many years before the typical
underwater level made an appearance in the franchise.
do that.” The new generation of Syphon result. “It was kind of an experimental components completely. “We realised
Filter was to become online, taking the game,” recalls Scott, “no one had really that doing multiplayer in that way with
elements that Richard had hoped for made anything like that on a console Omega Strain didn’t quite work for
and blending them into a familiar mission before so it wasn’t known how well us,” explains Scott, “it didn’t satisfy the game for the PSP and released it
structure that allowed for cooperative it was going to be received.” After a our goals for single-player and it didn’t in 2006, but also ported the game to a
play over the internet. “For me it was year-and-a-half in development, Syphon satisfy our goals for multiplayer. And so higher resolution and larger screen for
a huge step into the multiplayer front, Filter: Omega Strain launched on PS2 we took a step back and asked what the PS2 a year later. This was similar to
and that’s what I found very interesting in May 2004 to a muted response. The could be done for a multiplayer Syphon the next and final game in the series,
and challenging about working on that problem was the “compromise” that Filter experience?” This meant two Logan’s Shadow, which was a run-of-
game,” says Scott. “Instead of having was made to try to appeal to a wider designers – Scott working on multiplayer the-mill sequel that released on PSP in
missions that were single-player or audience, which weakened both online and Ron Allen working on single-player 2007 alongside an online-only release
split-screen, now we had to deal with and offline aspects of the game. Things – to create two separate modes. The also for PSP that expanded on the online
the concept of players that all have their weren’t helped much by the release of latter looked back to the previous titles components of the two ‘proper’ Syphon
own PlayStation. It just got a lot more SOCOM two years prior, which not only to figure out what worked, while Scott Filter games on handheld. This latter
complicated in terms of the possibilities set a standard for how multiplayer should looked at what was becoming standard game, Combat Ops, empowered players
of what could go wrong.” work on PlayStation but also a tone for in the online multiplayer scene. What with user-generated content, allowing
And because the idea was so new, it the sorts of experiences that the PS2 was different, however, was the move for gamers to create and share their own
was hard for the team to find the right was about. Gone was the bombastic, to PSP. “That was a decision from the missions. Despite the quality of the three
balance. Scott explains that there was a action of Syphon Filter, now it was about studio,” says Scott, “they always wanted titles, however, the brand didn’t have the
lot of trial and error through testing, but slow, tactical combat. In much the way to make content for whatever the new pulling power that many of Sony’s other
even that wasn’t enough. “Unless you that Bubsy 3D had been obliterated platform was. The biggest challenge brands had achieved. As a result, despite
put it in front of thousands of players,” he for us was the translation to the smaller the rumours and hopes of a devoted
adds, “you’re not really going to see all screen, some things needed to be fanbase praying for a modern release of
called out more so they were more Syphon Filter, the franchise has remained
visible. But other than that it wasn’t too dormant for more than a decade. Despite
» [PS2] The
much different for us to develop on the bombast of the series, it has come to
move to a next PSP than it was for PS2.” To hedge its a stop with a fizz and not a bang. What
generation bets, however, Sony Bend developed is interesting, however, is that many
of hardware
didn’t mean the original Eidetic developers still remain at
game design Sony Bend, working on its first console
changed all that
title since Omega Strain. While zombie
survival game Days Gone certainly looks
the part, there’s an air of anticipation
about it – almost as if Bend has to prove
itself once again. And with PlayStation
classics like Crash and Spyro making
waves again, a Syphon Filter return is
entirely possible. Depending on Day’s
Gone’s performance, Bend could be in a
position to deliver on that in the future.
» [PSP] The PSP games were well received, and they were
masterfully handled by the team at Bend.


Words by Nick Thorpe
The original PS2 release isn’t the only
way to enjoy Disgaea – here are the
other conversions

QReleased for the PSP in 2006, this conversion of
Disgaea offers multiplayer battles and some new
optional bosses. However, the biggest addition
is Etna Mode, a new story featuring Etna as the
protagonist after she accidentally kills Laharl at the
beginning of the game.

eing an evil overlord isn’t going out of business. Right before


B an easy job. For a start some

of your wicked minions will
inevitably be loyal only to
themselves. So you need to be strict
in dealing our disciplinaries to your
we decided to make Disgaea, we met
internally and had lots of discussions
to try to decide what to make next.
The result of that process was that
we had no clue, we didn’t know what
Q2008 brought a conversion of Disgaea for the original
Nintendo DS, boasting touchscreen controls and the
additions made to the PSP version. Various cutbacks had
to be made to the game’s graphics and sound, including
the removal of a lot of voice acting and toned down
underlings, while remembering that to make. So we decided, ‘Let’s just
special attack animations.
they need to be in good shape to make what we want to make.’” This
IN THE fight – after all, you need to repel rivals ethos required flexibility, a need which
KNOW for your domain almost as frequently
as do-gooders. In order to do all of
shaped the setting of the game, too.
“We thought we could do a game set
NIPPON ICHI SOFTWARE that successfully, you need the ability in the Netherworld, with demons as the
 PUBLISHER: to formulate solid battle strategies. If main characters, and because of this,
NIPPON ICHI SOFTWARE, you’re thinking, “I can handle all of that,” essentially anything goes.”
ATLUS, KOEI , but don’t have the time for a career in Though Disgaea’s story touches
politics, then you’re probably the sort on a conflict over leadership and later
 RELEASED: of person who’d love Disgaea: Hour Of war between worlds, it’s a lighthearted
Darkness, a cult classic strategy RPG. game. “My style for writing is comedy, I
PLAYSTATION 2 Disgaea was something of a passion like to write comedy. Whenever there’s DISGAEA PC
 GENRE: project for its development team. an opportunity to throw a nice joke in, I PC
STRATEGY RPG “Disgaea was made right around when make sure to do it,” says Niikawa. While QReleased in 2016, Disgaea’s computer debut struggled
Nippon Ichi Software was ten years old,” the protagonist Laharl gets some good with some early bugs but patches later smoothed things
says Sohei Niikawa, president of Nippon lines in, much of the game’s laughs are out. The game’s UI and textures have been updated,
Ichi Software and producer of Disgaea. provided by the other major characters, although the sprites haven’t, and there’s keyboard and
“Up until that time, the company ranged Etna and Flonne. “The four previous mouse support. Content is otherwise broadly the same
from ten to 20 people. Every year, there games I had written had all featured a as the PSP version.
would be one game, and if that game female main character, so this was the
didn’t sell the company was at risk of first chance I had to work on a male

MEET THE CAST Who’s who and why are they here? Find out with this primer
LAHARL Q An angel sent from Celestia to kill King LAMINGTON
Q The son of King Krichevskoy, overlord of Krichevskoy, only to find out that he’s QThis high-ranked angel is the one CAPTAIN GORDON
the Netherworld. At the start of the game, already dead. Flonne is a bit of a ditz and responsible for sending Flonne on her QAlongside his sidekicks Jennifer and
he awakes from a two-year nap to find strongly believes that everyone is capable quest to assassinate King Krichevskoy. Thursday (a robot, of course), he serves as
that his position as heir is highly disputed, of love, including demons. He’s calm and kind, but there may just be a defender of Earth. The kids love him, but
and sets out to reassert it. more to him than initially meets the eye. he’s slow on the uptake and easily tricked,
making him somewhat ineffective.

ETNA Q This vain and dramatic demon is the early VULCANUS PRINNY
Q A demon who serves as Laharl’s vassal. She’s frontrunner in the race for the Netherworld’s QThis archangel is Lamington’s second QSinful human souls are sewn into these
a bit of a bully, especially towards the Prinny throne. Laharl has no respect for him, in command, and rather more outspoken peg-legged penguin bodies upon death,
squad she hired, and has very questionable and refers to him exclusively as ‘mid-boss’ and loud than his boss. He’s got no to toil in the Netherworld until they earn
loyalties. She also provides delusional after meeting him. time for demons, and views humans as reincarnation. They’re a bit lazy and fond of the
anime-style previews of coming chapters. essentially sheep that angels must herd. word ‘dood’ – and they explode when thrown!

“DURING THE MAKING OF THE GAME, on. The team’s previous game was La
Pucelle: Tactics, a strategy RPG, and
Pucelle: Tactics. These include Geo
Panels, tiles on the battle map which can
THERE WAS AN ANYTHING GOES Disgaea is a game of the same genre.
The usual trappings are all there – battles
grant special properties to the characters
standing on them, and Geo Symbols,
APPROACH… SEE WHAT WORKS” take place on isometric maps, and
each side takes turns executing orders.
which determine the properties given. If
destroyed, Geo Symbols can change the
Characters have a range of physical Geo Panels on the map, damaging any
attacks and can join up in teams, or use character standing on them. “Previously
main character,” says Niikawa. “So, I to that you need something like heaven, special skills including magic attacks. in strategy RPGs, you either smacked
wanted to have two heroines. That said, or Celestia as it’s called in the Disgaea There are a variety of job classes and the enemies to death or used magic on
it wouldn’t be interesting to have both world,” explains Niikawa. “The idea of weapons, and plenty of items to equip. them. The cool thing about Geo Panels
of the heroines be demons, so I wanted having a world filled with demons and and Geo Symbols is that they create
one to be an angel.” a world filled with angels allows us to owever, the ‘anything goes’ a puzzle-like element, so you’re not
The devilish vassal Etna is a favourite
thanks to her bizarre ‘episode preview’
fantasies and general fondness for
insubordination, and she’s crucial to
getting the game off to the right start. “It
expand the plot and push it forward, and
that’s why Flonne exists.”
Still, the breakout characters of the
game were the Prinnies, who now serve
as the mascot of Nippon Ichi Software.
H approach can be found in
oddly amusing systems, such
as throwing. Characters can
lift others and throw them around, often
for extra movement. “This idea was
constrained to having to beat the enemy
in one particular way,” says Niikawa. “I
wanted to give the player that freedom.”
Disgaea’s other unique features
can be found outside of battle. For a
was important to create an impactful first “The design was left up to the character from the director,” we’re told. “During start, there’s the Dark Assembly. You
scene that just let players know what designer, Takehito Harada,” explains the making of the game, there was an can present proposals to this group of
kind of game, what kind of world this Niikawa. “The only thing I requested of anything goes approach – throw out senators, such as improving stats such
was,” says Niikawa, referring to Etna’s him, after explaining the world and the your ideas and see what works. So we as counterattack rates, which they
attempts to wake Laharl up with an kind of setting we were dealing with, all agreed when the idea was proposed, will vote on. “The Dark Assembly in
arsenal of weapons. “Within Disgaea’s was to create a mascot character. And I that this would be a really fun mechanic. and of itself is nonsensical. With most
genre, not many games have an opening got a penguin… we didn’t expect them In other strategy RPGs you have to go games, there are a clear set of rules and
like that.” Then there’s Flonne, a ditzy to become this popular!” tile by tile to reach your enemy, which is parameters within which you must play.
trainee angel who has seen a little too Though Disgaea’s setting was kind of boring. So we thought, ‘Throw We were thinking what could we do to
much anime – seemingly an odd fit unusual, it turned out that the game him over there and get to work!’” add something more interesting – maybe
with the demonic cast. “If you have a Nippon Ichi wanted to make was pretty Some of the systems used in all these rules that were in place didn’t
setting like the Netherworld, in contrast close to what it’d already been working Disgaea actually originate from La have to be there,” says Niikawa. Of


Sohei Niikawa discusses Disgaea’s
upcoming HD remake

» [PS2] When you smash Geo Symbols on Geo Panels of

a different colour, you can cause crazy chain reactions.

how much fun it was, and how much I

wanted to keep playing it.”
Despite this confidence, there was
no expectation that the game would
be internationally successful – indeed,
it initially wasn’t planned for an export A high definition remake of
release. “We thought we were just the original Disgaea is nearing
» [PS2] Not all attacks work this well course dirty politics can be employed – going to sell it in Japan,” reveals Niikawa. the end of development and
from height – sometimes, you just
can’t reach your foe.
it’s possible to bribe senators and even “At the time, Atlus USA picked it up and getting ready for release. But
subjugate them by way of force. released it in America – they came to us, why remake the game, and
and said, ‘We’d love to do this game, why now? “This is the 15th
nother way you can please let us do it.’ I remember telling

anniversary of the series, so
progress is to visit the Item the person who came to ask for the there’s no better time to do it,”
World to improve your game, ‘I wrote this with Japanese otaku answers Niikawa. “Also, this is an
equipment. “Levelling up in mind, and I have all these parodies and excellent opportunity to allow fans of the series
items is fun, but just going to a menu references to manga and anime. I don’t to experience the game with high resolution
and hearing a ‘ping ping’ noise is not as think this is going to sell over there.’” graphics, so that it looks better than it ever has,
interesting,” says Niikawa. “So the idea The North American release took and give them one more chance to spend some
was, ‘What if a world existed within place in August 2003, and Koei published time with these characters.
these items?’ We could allow the player a European version in May 2004. “Another thing is, here we are being

DEVELOPER to enter the world as a dungeon, and

travel through that world to strengthen
Reviews were positive, with most
praising the game for its engaging battles
interviewed by Retro Gamer – this game is very
old at this point,” Niikawa continues. “But I feel
HIGHLIGHTS it. That’s where that idea came from.” and enormous scope for character that there are many young people, middle school
PIECES However, Item World did conflict with and item development. In the end, the students, high school students, that haven’t had
SYSTEM: SNES getting the player through the game. unplanned overseas release ended up a chance to play this yet, and I’d love for them
YEAR: 1994 “The thing is though, the Item World helping Nippon Ichi to achieve its goal. “I to have the chance to play it as well.” Indeed,
LA PUCELLE: dungeons are randomised, so it’s a new was very worried, but the game came while the PC audience got a version of Disgaea
TACTICS ABOVE experience every time. We ran into out and ended up selling better than it did a couple of years ago, the most recent console
SYSTEM: PLAYSTATION 2 issues where people were only playing in Japan,” says Niikawa. “I was incredibly conversions of the game were released a decade
YEAR: 2000 Item World, and getting lost in that surprised by that!” In the 15 years since ago for the PSP and DS.
THE GUIDED without continuing with the main story.” Disgaea launched, it has become Nippon What can fans look forward to in this release?
FATE PARADOX One aspect of the game that was Ichi’s best-known series, with four main “The biggest feature is that many versions of
SYSTEM: PLAYSTATION 3 uncommon at the time was its use of sequels (each focusing on a new cast), Disgaea have been released that added bits of
YEAR: 2013 2D sprites. This was the only frequently as well as the direct sequel Disgaea D2 content here and there, so this is an opportunity
criticised aspect of the game, with and two games in the Prinny platforming to compile all of that and make one complete
reviewers remarking that visually, spin-off series. Disgaea has already version,” says Niikawa, meaning you won’t miss
Disgaea could have been achieved on been converted a few times, and a new out on Etna Mode or any of the optional fights from
the original PlayStation. “As a company, HD remake means that you won’t have the previous releases.
wwe were well-versed in making sprites,” to track down an older copy. So if you Disgaea 1 Completee is due for release on
explains Niikawa. “There’s also a warmth haven’t had the pleasure, you might wish PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch on 12
tto 2D sprites. Looking at the artwork of to consider playing Disgaea – especially October 2018.
Mr Harada, we thought we could best as we hear there’s a Prinny suit waiting
express his artwork through 2D.” for those who shun its charms.
Disgaea was initially released in Japan
in January 2003, and Nippon Ichi’s
goal was for the game to sell 100,000
copies – a lofty target given that La
Pucelle: Tactics hadn’t managed to hit
t 50,000 mark. “Before the game
c out, when we were doing test
play and debug, I also participated,”
Niikawa recalls. “I found that I was just
a rocked up to playing the game, just enjoying it. That
» Sohei Niikaw ring his trusty
w wea
our intervie was the first time in my career that I’d
Prinny hat.
experienced something like that, playing
the game that I’d made and seeing just
Virtual Boy
 MANUFACTURER: Nintendo  YEAR: 1995  COST: $179.95 (launch) £120+ (today)
espite how poorly Nintendo’s Wii U sold it can still go up to console
heaven knowing that it made a far better impact than the Virtual Boy.
Originally known as VR32, the Virtual Boy is an infamous example of Nintendo
ignoring market trends. Rather than compete in the arms race that was taking
place between Sega and Sony, it instead focused on creating the world’s first games
machine with stereoscopic 3D graphics. This approach wouldn’t last, though, as Nintendo
soon realised it needed to catch up with the progress Sony’s PlayStation was making and it
began to divert more resources to its N64, which ended up crippling the Virtual Boy.
When the machine launched in 1995 its high price, monochromatic visuals and tendency
to frequently dish out headaches if used frequently soon sealed the console’s fate and
it remains Nintendo’s biggest console disaster – it didn’t even make it to European
shores before it was canned. It’s a pity that the quirky machine ultimately
never took off, because there’s plenty to like about it and
there’s an eclectic range of games to seek out for
it. In fact, it’s becoming something of a dream
for collectors due to its small limited library
of titles, which means it’s relatively
easy to amass a complete
collection of games, providing
of course that you have deep
enough pockets.
Boy fact
Q A colour display version was planned at one point, but
Nintendo found that it was more expensive to produce
and caused jumpy images during tests.



EDITOR’S CHOICE Virtual Boy Wario Land

This entertaining platformer is arguably
the best game on the Virtual Boy and
shows off the system nicely. Nintendo’s
game features a variety of different
hats that Wario can use to navigate the
well-designed stages so he can collect
the level’s key and move on to the next
level. It makes great use of the system’s
3D as well, particularly during its many
boss fights.
Magic Knight became one of the most iconic heroes for the ZX Spectrum
off the back of classic games such as Finders Keepers and Spellbound.
Creator David Jones talks to Retro Gamer about his life in games
Words by Paul Davies

After such a long career in writing videogames

David Jones’ foray into some may be surprised you started your
writing games came by working life as a quantity surveyor. How long
chance after meeting with did you spend doing that and how did that get
you into programming?
video rental shop owner,
Only for about two or three years. There was a
Albert Owen, who was
task that I needed to do at work so I took my home
looking to set up a games
computer to work to do it quicker – they saw that I
company. After his initial could use a computer so they invited me to move
release of Bonkers and then to the head office to write software for their new
some utilities programs Commodore micros. For me, it was an interesting
for the ZX Spectrum, step, but I did wonder what they were thinking. I had
David followed up with his enthusiasm, but no training and no idea how to deal
breakthrough hit Finders with customer expectations, so when they told me
Keepers; his first game to what they wanted me to write, I just got on with it and
» [ZX Spectrum] Bonkers was the first published game that
feature Magic Knight. The started writing. No design documents, just enthusiasm
David released and was based on an idea by Albert Owen.

character would go on to – it was never going to work out.

feature in three more games, lot better. It wasn’t long before I was entering programs
Spellbound, Knight Tyme and Do you remember the first computer that and making changes on the fly so that the eventual
Stormbringer, and became a you owned? result would be better. That only lasted a while, though,
cult figure for the Spectrum, Yes, it was a Video Genie, which was basically a 16K because within two months I was looking at assembly
tying together the platform TRS-80 model I clone with a built-in tape deck. There language and there weren’t any easily available assembly
and adventure genres to weren’t a lot of games available for it but Tandy sold language listings for the TRS-80 or Video Genie.
give the player a unique low-resolution monochrome versions of arcade games
experience. After success like Galaxians and text adventures with two-word Was there anything in particular that sparked
with the Spectrum, David commands like ‘Get Axe’, ‘Go North’ etcetera. With no your interest in writing games?
stuck around with games graphics, a lot of imagination was required. Initially, no. I played some games on my own computer
over the years, having a I spent a lot of time typing in games from books and learned how to write assembly language so when
hand in the development of with most games taking longer to type and debug than the ZX Spectrum arrived, it was obvious to me that
games for the Amiga, PC, I ever spent actually playing them. At the time, I was I should write for it. But without Albert Owen, the
Xbox, PlayStation and up to always irritated when they wouldn’t work first time and father of Ray Owen who created the graphics in all
current-generation consoles. then when they wouldn’t work even after I’d made sure the Magic Knight games, I probably wouldn’t have
I’d typed them in accurately. I didn’t realise what good written anything publishable. He was enthusiastic and
training this was for being a programmer, as fixing my supportive and obtained the device I used to download
typos and then the printing errors in the magazines and from the TRS-80 model III (my second computer) to
books meant I needed to understand the programs a the Spectrum.

I played some games
on my own computer
and learned how to write
assembly language
David Jones

Your first published game was Bonkers added to the game, so I still had my unique feature. We
SELECTED TIMELINE for the ZX Spectrum, would you say that was took the almost-complete game to Mastertronic and I
just an exercise in game programming before remember a meeting with Robert Maxwell and Richard
GAMES you tried bigger things? and David Darling where they were quite positive
QBONKERS [1984] ZX SPECTRUM Bonkers was an idea from Albert [Owen]. He was a about it, but Mastertronic had decided to create an
QDYNAMIC GRAPHICS (UTILITY) [1984] ZX bit vague about the design, but very happy with what education games range at the time so they wanted to
SPECTRUM I wrote. It was my first go at a game and I was quite see if they could push it in that direction. One of us, I
QDYNAMIC PROGRAMMING (UTILITY) [1984] pleased with it at the time, but I knew I could do better. can’t remember who, suggested having price values
ZX SPECTRUM for the objects so there would at least be a little bit of
QFINDERS KEEPERS [1985] ZX SPECTRUM How did you get to know Ray and Albert? arithmetic involved and that seemed to satisfy them.
QSPELLBOUND [198]5 ZX SPECTRUM I met Ray through Albert, and I met Albert because In the end they released it as a proper noneducational
QTYPE ROPE (UTILITY) [1985] ZX SPECTRUM somebody told me there was this ex-taxi driver running game in January 1985.
QFOURTH PROTOCOL [1985] ZX SPECTRUM a video rental shop who wanted to break into being a
QKNIGHT TYME [1986] ZX SPECTRUM games publisher. I followed up on that and it all worked How did the success of Finders Keepers
QSPELLBOUND 128K [1986] ZX SPECTRUM out very well. Albert has since died, but I met up with make you feel?
QSTORMBRINGER [1987] ZX SPECTRUM Ray a couple of years ago when Sheffield Hallam I was pretty pleased, but I wanted to go on and do
QECO WARRIORS [1990] PC University did one of their Games Britannia events something more ambitious for my next project.
QGNOME ALONE [1991] ATARI ST based upon Finders Keepers. They’d contacted me and
QCOSMIC SPACEHEAD [1993] PC I roped Ray into it, it was good to catch up with him. That next project turned out to be the excellent
QDARK STALKERS [1995] PLAYSTATION sequel, Spellbound. This was a big deviation
QOVERBOARD [1997] PLAYSTATION, PC Finders Keepers saw the introduction of Magic from its predecessor moving from a platform
QG-POLICE 2 [1999] PLAYSTATION, PC Knight, who features in a series of games. How game to a graphic adventure. Was Spellbound
QRC-REVENGE PRO [2001] PLAYSTATION 2 did the character come about? something that had been planned for a while,
QXGIII: EXTREME G RACING [2002] Albert came up with the initial character name and even before Finders Keepers, or was it developed
GAMECUBE, PLAYSTATION 2 there’s a bit of copyright-free art that he based the on the back of its success?
QDJ HERO [2009] appearance on. But again, he let me just write what Spellbound came about after I’d seen an early
PLAYSTATION 3, XBOX 360, WII I wanted to and Ray did the art. The actual gameplay Apple machine for a few minutes and realised how
QDJ HERO 2 [2010] for Finders Keepers, which was originally just called a windows system could be easily adapted to a text
PLAYSTATION 3, XBOX 360, WII Magic Knight, was meant to be similar to Manic Miner. adventure format. It was a new idea that didn’t start
QLITTLEBIGPLANET 3 [2014] But from the start I wanted to add something extra until a few months after Finders Keepers was released.
PLAYSTATION 3, PLAYSTATION 4 so that’s why the mazes are in there. I didn’t know it
would end up as a budget title so I thought I’d need to Do you remember how you developed the
push things a bit to compete. game at all?
By the time it was finished, Jet Set I started Spellbound by modifying Finders Keepers.
Willy had been released and I was I’d decided quite early on that Magic Knight should
relieved to see that mazes hadn’t been be taller so the first thing to do was rewrite the sprite

» [ZX Spectrum] Gordon, what can you give me for a lump of cheese and a tube of glue?

While Finders Keepers

took me three months,
I think Spellbound was
nearer to six months
David Jones

» [ZX Spectrum] Finders Keepers was originally intended to be like Manic Miner, but David soon had other plans.


FIVE TO PLAY Five delights from

David you should play


QDavid Jones’ breakthrough QSpellbound opened up a whole Q The follow up to Spellbound, QThe finale of the Magic Knight Q David Jones was part of the
game and the first adventure of new world for Magic Knight; and this time Magic Knight finds series sees our hero up against team behind the third incarnation
Magic Knight, which involves a larger castle and a cast of themselves aboard the starship themselves. It seems that maybe of the creative game, in which
exploring a castle to gather items characters to command to get to USS Pisces, tasked with the that machine they used to get players can create their own levels
for trading, teleporting, navigating your end goal of rescuing Gimbal mission of finding a way back to home may not have been the most and guide Sackboy around many
perilous mazes and having to find the Wizard. Combining platformer their own time. With the help of the reliable, as Magic Knight finds it worlds that have been built. There
your way past a very large cat to elements with on-screen ship’s crew, can Magic Knight gain has created a doppelganger. The are extra characters play as, too:
escape. After this, Magic Knight commands, Spellbound is one hell control of the ship and navigate other Magic Knight is hellbent on OddSock, Swoop and Toggle are
moved on to even bigger things. of an adventure. themselves back home? destroying their original self. added to the fun.

routine to be 24x16 pixels. The latest games at the but I always knew I’d want to cram as much of it as
time had started using masked sprites rather than the I could into the 48k version. I did what I could and
earlier XOR type, so that also needed to be upgraded. added data compression and other systems to help
Generally, platform games had moved on so a full with that. Stormbringer was a bit of a drag to write.
graphic upgrade was required and my main interest John Maxwell, who was my main contact person at
was in getting a much more adventure feel into the Mastertronic, had moved on and I didn’t feel I had a
game with genuine puzzles to solve, like the ones I’d good working relationship with the new person. This
enjoyed when playing the old text adventures. meant that I couldn’t visit the office in the same way
While Finders Keepers took me a total of three to get an enthusiasm burst like I was used to. I had no
months, I think Spellbound was nearer to six months. appetite for working further with Mastertronic after this
If I’d known at the start what I was writing it would even though I had other games sketched out.
have been a lot quicker, but I was experimenting as
I went. Since then I’ve seen people design games Do you think those games will ever see the light
before starting to write them, and for a while, I was of day? Do you remember what they were called
persuaded that doing it that way makes more sense. or what they were about?
» [ZX Spectrum] There’s nothing like a plant and some chandeliers to
make you feel at home on a spaceship.
Though after gaining experience from developing other It’s possible that some version of these games might
projects, I am now pretty convinced that making it up eventually be seen, but there’s a lot of work involved
as you go along is at least equally as valid as a start with and there’s very little money in the games industry for I found the degree quite easy, but then I should have.
a design document. indie developers these days. If the games do appear After all, I’d been writing games for ten years by then
then one basic theme is more time travel, but more like and if I didn’t manage to do very well, it would have
Following Spellbound were the sequels the Michael Moorcock character Jerry Cornelius than shown that I wasn’t as good as I thought I was.
Knight Tyme and Stormbringer. How happy Doctor Who. Jerry Cornelius just appears in stories at
were you with these games and how was the different points in time without us knowing how or why Did you work on any games whilst at university?
development of these titles? he got there, unless I missed something. For those I worked on a number of games during that time,
Knight Tyme was the pinnacle of the technical content who know these books, I wouldn’t be adding in the mostly for a small company based in Stroud. They
of those games. I initially wrote it as one of the few extensive drug references and other non-family friendly weren’t my own designs and, frankly, they were pretty
original games for the newly released 128k Spectrum, factors that Jerry Cornelius is known for. much rubbish designed by the partner of the boss who
had no real clue. But they paid a few bills at the time
You spent a lot of time working on games for and I was happy with my code quality, at least.
the ZX Spectrum but when the Spectrum scene
started to die off, you no doubt started to look How did the opportunity come about for you
at the 16-bit market. What direction were you to start working at the revered Psygnosis after
looking to after that? finishing university?
Other things came up and I experimented with the A friend and fellow freelancer had applied to work at
Atari ST for a while. I was sad as I saw the Spectrum Psygnosis’ south west office, and when he told me his
market slipping away, but I knew that 16-bit would be reasons for going for a full time job I realised that they
better in many ways. were also valid for me so I also applied and I started
there two weeks after he did. I worked on Darkstalkers,
You completed your BSc(Hons) in Information Overboard and G-Police II while I was there. That was
Technology in 1991, was this something that you for about five years until the office was shut down.
wanted to do prior but not had time, or did you
» [ZX Spectrum] Good news banshee, it’s on Netflix now! We think feel that then was the time to do it? What was is like working at Psygnosis?
you’ve been stuck in that bottle for far too long. I thought it would be fun to get a degree, and it was. I mostly enjoyed working at Psygnosis, but apart

We managed to get
Acclaim to set up an
office nearby and take
on the entire team
David Jones

An ode to the title that kicked
off Magic Knight’s stardom
» [ZX Spectrum] A robot with a cousin. How ludicrous.

from some social media contacts I am not in touch I told them I would resign, go and see the eclipse and
with anybody from there anymore. It was my first then return and offer my services to them again – just
experience of being employed full-time in the games to be polite about it. But because they’d started my
industry and having to work on games that I largely thinking about my future, I realised I could leave even
didn’t believe in, designed by people who couldn’t write sooner – so I did.
them themselves. I’d written some games before
which were designed by non-programmers, but only as After moving back into the world of
a freelancer, and I always had the option to turn them videogames, you became involved in the
Where it all began; the first screen of Finders
down. I did enjoy working on Overboard though and I development of the games DJ Hero and DJ
Keepers is certainly an iconic one. The king
managed to get a design idea into that. Hero 2 by FreeStyleGames. Were they as fun
sends you on a mission to find a birthday present
developing as they were playing them? And
for the princess (maybe she’d love a lump of
After spending five years at Psygnosis you whilst we’re on the subject – how would you
cheese?) by teleporting you to the castle to find
moved on another big name in the games rate your own DJing skills?
something suitable. Many hours later, after
industry, which was Acclaim. How was I’m rubbish at DJing, but those games were fun to
getting lost in a few mazes, doing a few trades
it working there? work on. Also that company, FreeStyleGames, was the
with Gordon and taking on a giant cat, you may
When the Psygnosis office was shut we managed to most engineering-oriented games company I’ve ever
find that feeling of satisfaction should you exit
get Acclaim to set up an office nearby and take on the worked for. There were a lot of very good practices
the castle triumphant. You also may find yourself
entire team. It was a sweet deal, we got redundancy used and the games were probably some of the best-
stuck in the aforementioned maze unable to
money from Psygnosis and some of us were kept quality code produced at that time.
escape the many ghosts and monsters found
on for a few months on the promise of a bonus for
lurking in the doldrums and hitting the ‘0’ key to
completing G-Police II. Then about a week after that In more recent years, you have taken the
start the game again.
we walked into the new Acclaim office. move across the sea to work abroad, currently
Finders Keepers captured the imagination
plying your trade in the Netherlands as a games
of many ZX Spectrum owners and just the
You took some time out from games after
mention of the game brings a smile to the face of
working for Acclaim. Did you feel you needed to
many, and went on to spawn more adventures
get away from games after working with them
for Magic Knight. Who was to know that the
for such a long time?
game would go on to become such a hit a go
No, I just realised I didn’t need to work full-time
down as one of the Speccy’s finest? Not only
anymore. I’ve always had more projects on the go than
that, but the character would also become an
time to do them, so it seemed like a good idea at the
icon of the ZX Spectrum scene as we followed
time. I actually only left Acclaim at that time because I
her exploits through space and time over the
wanted to take four weeks off to go to Australia. There
following three games.
was a total eclipse due and I’d told my producer about
two years in advance that I was going. When the
schedules for the current project were made, there was
no sign of my four weeks of holiday, so I questioned it
– to be met with, ‘You must be mad if you think you’re
getting that much time off!’ Well, it wasn’t something I
could move and I had income from rental properties so » [ZX Spectrum] Um, time to turn around and run away we think.

The Magic Knight creator
Are there any tips you can share now?
answers your queries
Because after three decades, we are still
struggling to finish it! ZX_SPECTRUM_30: Be good to
I can’t really offer any tips this long after the release know if FK was always intended
of Spellbound, but there are YouTube videos of the to be a budget title and if
solution. If I was going to play it again myself I’d find Mastertronic were first choice?
a good one of those and keep it handy. I think I’d be
more likely to replay the 128K version of Knight Tyme
though. I think it’s the best of the trilogy. No, Magic Knight, as it was originally
called, was intended for £5.95 release
Are there any projects that you’re involved in at by Procom, the company set up by
the moment that we can look forward to seeing Albert Owen, father of Ray Owen, who
in the future? was the artist. But that company didn’t
» [ZX Spectrum] Maybe wearing a suit of armour during a thunderstorm Yes, there are a few things I’m working on currently. manage to survive so Albert arranged
wasn’t such a good idea. Firstly is my science fiction book, which is currently for us to meet Mastertronic and they
planned as a trilogy. The working title for the trilogy loved it so it became a budget game.
is The Ada Chronicles – as in Ada Lovelace, the
lecturer at Breda University. How did this mathematician who worked with Charles Babbage on
role come about? the Difference Engine. Another book I’m working on
I was looking for a way to get out of writing games is about how to write science fiction, currently called WIZWORDS: Why did Magic
and I’d explored the options of becoming a maths or The Writers’ Handbook – Science Fiction. I actually Knight have such a weird jump in
computer science teacher. I did some practice days wrote this first, which now feels a little arrogant, but Finders Keepers?
at a local school and I still believe I’d have been good my main reason for writing it was good. Far too much
at that, but teachers aren’t paid anywhere the sort of new science fiction uses broken or tired old tropes that
money that I am used to so I couldn’t really afford to earlier authors have covered. I realised I should write
do it. Then a friend told me that NHTV were looking a book about how to write decent science fiction. I’m Largely because I just did the simplest
for an experienced games programmer to teach and looking for a publisher at the moment. jump possible. Let’s call it a ‘magic’
landed that job. I’m enjoying it here and feeling like my Another project I’m working is The Magic Knight jump. It was just a straight line +1y for
experience is of use to our excellent students. Game Book – I wrote the first version of this around every change in x for (I think) 16 steps.
1988. It’s a fighting fantasy-style adventure book that
There was talk a while back that new versions now only exists on faded print out. I am reading this to
of Spellbound and Finders Keepers were being my computer and I will be editing it as a collaboration
worked on. Are these both still happening? between a young me and current me. DEKAY01: The mazes in Finders
Spellbound was looking good last time I saw it, Also there’s my board game, currently called Path Keepers were the most frustrating
but progress is quite slow due to Mike Hall, the of the Mage, which is a hex tile-based game that I’m parts of my childhood gaming.
programmer, having other commitments. Finders prototyping at the moment. Were they this hard intentionally?
Keepers+ is my own project and I progressed it quite
far before putting it on hold for a bit; my aim is to see Finally, how do you feel about the legacy of
how good I could have made it if I knew then what Magic Knight? It must be a good feeling that the
I don’t like people completing my
I know now. character has had such an impact on fans.
games quicker than it takes me to write
I really appreciate how loyal the fans have been. It’s not
them, so yes, they were meant to be a
What format will these games be released on a frequent thing, but every now and then somebody
challenge. But the maze enemies were
should they come to fruition? Is there any chance asks me what I do. I tell them I write games, to which
on simple paths and there were places
of a physical Spectrum release? they reply, ‘Anything I know?’ I ask them how long they
for Magic Knight to hide. Also, I had to
Spellbound is being rewritten in Unity so the target have played games, and if they are old enough to have
play test them a bit so there’s a limit to
platform is flexible and Finders Keepers+ is purely an played Spectrum games or say they like retro games,
how hard I’d make them.
assembly language project for the 48K ZX Spectrum. I’ll mention Magic Knight. It’s great when people tell me
No 128K version, and unless somebody wants to throw they loved playing those games because I loved writing
a wad of cash my way, there will be no Next version them and sometimes people have told me that they
either. If or when I complete Finders Keepers+ it is my are writing games themselves because of my games.
intention to do a limited cassette tape run of it. Obviously I realise, it’s not just my games, but it’s nice JOHNNAAAAAAA: What
to feel a part of it. are your thoughts on the
Are there any interesting stories that you’d like Spectrum Next, and what is the
to share from your long career? likelihood of writing or licensing
Just after Spellbound was released I was browsing the something for it?
computer and gadget shops in Tottenham Court Road
in London, when I spotted somebody buying the game.
I couldn’t help myself; I said to the buyer, ‘I wrote that!’
The Spectrum Next is, in my opinion,
– imagine my shock when he replied, ‘No, you wish
what should have been created next
you wrote it!’ Anyway, when Spellbound was released
after the 128K Spectrum. It would’ve
I had the confidence to insist that Mastertronic put my
been great back then and I expect I
name on the tape cover, so after I recovered from the
would have written for it, but I have too
shock of that statement, I showed him my name on
many active projects at the moment.
my credit card and he believed me. He was buying it for
However, if somebody with appropriate
his son so he asked for some tips and I think he asked
» [PS3] Despite not being a deft hand with the actual instrument, David levels of skill wants to discuss projects
me to sign it – but it was three decades ago so I’m not
took to the turntables to help produce FreeStyleGame’s DJ Hero. where they write the code and I design
100 per cent certain about the signing.
the game, then I am open to that.
Castlevania: Harmony
Of Dissonance

I didn’t need to buy a copy of Harmony Of Dissonance

earlier this year and I certainly didn’t need to pay £48 for
the privilege. I already own it on the Game Boy Advance as
part of a double pack that also contains Aria Of Sorrow, so it
felt like a somewhat frivolous purchase even to me.
I really did need to have it though, mainly because I absolutely love the early
Castlevania games and need to know I have all the original games on the many
systems I own. I’m sure a therapist would take great interest in my use of the
word ‘need’ here, but that’s what happens when you walk down dark paths
(and I’ve walked down more than a few with my collecting pursuits over the
years, as anyone on the team will tell you).
Interestingly, though, Harmony Of Dissonance is not a game of dark paths,
even though the setting remains as Gothic and macabre as any other of the
franchise’s titles. Aware of the criticisms made over Circle Of The Moon,
Konami made numerous changes to ensure that its GBA sequel was far easier
on the eyes and while it has larger sprites and more varied environments it’s
also a little gaudy in places thanks to some odd colour choices that would
ensure those playing on a non-backlit GBA wouldn’t have any problems.
Interesting palette choices aside, Harmony Of Dissonance is a cracking
adventure that never outstays its ten-hour playthrough. I recently completed
it earlier this month (I got the ‘okay’ ending if you were wondering) and it
still impresses me thanks to its dual castles to explore, dynamic and varied
weapons and brilliant boss encounters. Best of all, the last time I checked on
eBay, a copy recently sold for £80, which is always pleasing to see.
I may not have needed to buy Harmony Of Dissonance, but I’m bloody glad
I did. Now all I need to do is get rid of that double pack.
» [PS4] Fights can be pretty spectacular, with furniture
tumbling over as the brawl continues.

>> The
becomes true
and Shenmue
fans finally get
their much
asked for HD
reissue. In fact
it’s reissues
all round, with
Titan Quest,
Another World
and Okami all
being ported
to Switch

Shenmue I & II
INFORMATION As fan followings involves exploration and information
go, it’s fair to say gathering, fighting (using a real-time
PS4 that Shenmue’s is battle system), minigames and QTE
 ALSO ON: amongst the most sequences. The games are as much
XBOX ONE, PC passionate in the about getting lost in the authentic
 RELEASED: gaming business. environments as making progress BRIEF HISTORY
OUT NOW Years of relentless campaigning for through the story, and you’ll frequently  At the time Shenmue was
released in 1999, its world felt
 PRICE: a re-release have shown a clear and find yourself buying capsule toys, visiting more alive than anything seen
£24.99 unwavering belief that Yu Suzuki’s the arcade and just popping into random in a videogame before – but at a
PICKS OF magnum opus is special – but Sega shops to see what they’re like. Over the cost. AM2’s game was the most
 PUBLISHER: expensive ever made at that
THE MONTH SEGA lost a lot of money on Shenmue before, course of the games, the story will take point, and despite selling a million
 DEVELOPER: and it’s easy to get the feeling that it you from a sleepy Japanese suburb to copies, Sega took a big loss. With
D3T the sequel performing better
hasn’t put too much budget behind this Hong Kong and mainland China, with a despite also appearing on the
 PLAYERS: new remaster. But before we address slow build that leads to some impressive Xbox, the series went on a long
1 that, let’s talk about how the games and memorable sequences, particularly hiatus until Yu Suzuki announced
a third game in 2015.
play today. during the second game.
Although Shenmue was never Open world adventures have moved
DARRAN originally billed as an RPG, that’s on considerably since 1999 and revisiting
Titan Quest » [PS4] Low-res textures essentially what it is. You play Ryo Shenmue is a potent reminder of that.
It’s not a fantastic port but from the original game have Hazuki, a young man out to avenge Ryo is a bit of a pain to control, getting
I can’t stop slaying satyrs, been left untouched, like this
centaurs and other Greek
punk’s jacket. the murder of his father, in a quest that stuck behind pedestrians and moving
monstrosities during my rather deliberately – particularly if you
lunch breaks. just want to move backwards, which
involves a full 180 degree turn, a couple
of steps forward and then another turn.
Additionally, the series has a reputation
for being somewhat idiosyncratic and
meandering, and the first game in
particular has a glacial pace, with very
DREW few action sequences until the late part
Okami HD of the story. Then there are odd design
Regardless of what choices – if a character won’t show up
system you play it on
until 7:00pm in the game, you just have
Okami is great. And the
Switch version just to occupy yourself until then as there’s
makes it more versatile. no option to let time pass. Shenmue II



» [PS4] And with that one

sentence, a generation of internet
memes sprang into being.




more on textures than polygon geometry Ironically, despite being demanded

for detail, which is a look that doesn’t by the die-hards, it might be series
translate well to HD without major newcomers that get the most from
care – and since the original low-res this release. If you’re just looking for a
textures haven’t been improved, the way to play the first two games in the
game is full of smeary, blurry objects. series without having to fork out for a
Slowdown and pop-in remain present Dreamcast and expensive original copies
where they existed in the original games, of the games, this collection will mostly
and ideally Shenmue II’s improvements do the job fine. But the hardcore fans will
(such as the time-skip option) would likely keep their original copies, thanks
have been ported back to the original. to a lack of bonus materials and missed
Additionally, there’s a lot of bonus opportunities to improve the games.
material that doesn’t appear to have
made the transition to the compilation. In a nutshell
The Shenmue Passport content isn’t The Shenmue games aren’t
» [PS4] Passing time at the arcade is great fun – Hang-On, Space Harrier, Out Run and After Burner II are available. included, and neither is any of the everyone’s cup of tea, but they’re
concept art found on Shenmue II’s still exciting adventures that are
does include this option and other battle and escaping a dilapidated building original discs. This won’t detract from capable of impressing, despite some
improvements such as the ability to ask while handcuffed to a reluctant ally are your enjoyment of the games, but antiquated features. It’s just a shame
about specific topics, as well as a more truly exhilarating. these materials could have made for an the remaster didn’t go further.
action-packed story. The games are presented with a excellent museum mode as found in
Despite the problems, the Shenmue refreshed UI, HD rendering (which other retro releases. >> Score 81%
games do retain something special. At can be switched off if you prefer) and
times, it’s easy to forget that the first widescreen support – though this is
game was released in 1999, as the scale only during gameplay, as cutscenes are
and ambition of the world is beyond presented in 4:3 in the first game and
anything else available at the time, and letterboxed 4:3 in the second. There’s
the mix of activities is pretty close to also the option to add bloom lighting,
that found in Sega’s own Yakuza series. depending on your taste, and you can
But unlike its younger cousin, Shenmue choose to use the English or Japanese
trades in very fine details, allowing you voice acting – this wasn’t an option in
to knock on every door and follow every any of the original releases. Some people
NPC’s daily routine. It doesn’t add much find the hammy acting of the English
to the game other than atmosphere, dub to adds to the charm, but we found
but this commitment to detail is still ourselves sticking to the Japanese.
impressive – you can visit places that are Loading times have also been minimised,
completely unnecessary and they’ll still which greatly improves pacing.
be modelled with care and attention, and But while everything that has been
every character has voice acting. What’s done is good work, that’s the extent of
more, when the story finally does get the improvements and there was plenty
going, sequences such as the 70-man of room for more. The Dreamcast relied » [PS4] Shenmue’s cutscenes are pillarboxed into a 4:3 format, as the original coding didn’t account for widescreen displays.




WarioWare Gold
» System: Nintendo 3DS » Buy it from: Retail, Online » Buy it for: £30
There’s no game series that produces 20 microgames per session, each culminating
a feeling of pandemonium like in an easy ‘boss’. And you have to do this 15
WarioWare does. And that’s a fact that’s times for each of its characters before getting
neatly punctuated by WarioWare Gold, a to the good stuff. That said, it won’t take long
compilation that showcases a tempest of to finish – no more than two hours – so you
microgames from throughout the series. can soon get those fast and frantic modes
The microgames are sorted into three with all the microgames unlocked.
different ‘divisions’: Mash, Twist and Touch, The selection on offer is great. Nintendo
depending on which control scheme is being has included 316 microgames with Gold and
used. However, later on you can enter into it feels like a suitable ‘best of’ for the series.
modes which scramble all three together, The ‘just one more go’ compulsion to clear
turning your humble 3DS into a madcap, as many of the zany, off-kilter and downright » [3DS] Some of the
games have had a
sweaty-palmed game of Bop It as you try and bizzare minigames as possible as the speed touch-up graphically.
parse what the game wants you to do. This is and difficulty ramp up is just as fun as it was
»[3DS] A lot of
the best way to experience WarioWare Gold, when it was introduced on the GBA in 2003. classic Nintendo
as it perfectly showcases the madness that It makes for a good compilation for both games put in
makes the series so unique and fun to play. those of you who are after a nostalgic toybox like the NES’s
Getting to these high-level and low-sanity and for those who haven’t encountered the Balloon Fight.
game modes is a bit of a slog, however, wild world of WarioWare. You could arguably
because you have to clear the story mode have put this on the Switch, however the
to get to them. It’s not that the story itself is control schemes would work best on the
bad or anything – it’s actually well animated 3DS, and it serves as a stark reminder of the
and quite funny in places – it just feels a bit at handheld joy that WarioWare delivers.
odds with that WarioWare is about. The mode
eases you in with gentle jogs of no less than >> Score 80%

Another World Okami HD Titan Quest

» System: Switch » System: Switch » System: Switch
» Buy it from: Online » Buy it for: £8.99 » Buy it from: Retail, eShop » Buy it for: £15.99 » Buy it from: Retail, eShop » Buy it for: £35.99
The classic adventure has made the journey Capcom continues its quest to rerelease its Iron Lore Entertainment’s Grecian take on
to yet another system. Another World offers PS2 classic on each system known to man. Diablo remains as fun now as it was in 2006.
many memorable moments thanks to its This latest offering isn’t quite as sharp as the Granted, the genre has come a long way in the
cinematic approach and remains enjoyable today, recent PS4 and Xbox One versions when played last 12 years, but the core mechanics remain
but it has always been a little short and low on on the move (where it drops to 720p), but it’s a sound with a fantastic character tree at its core,
replay value. We’ve often felt that the control small sacrifice for being able to play anywhere along with an engaging world to explore that’s
scheme could use an update, too. Handling all you want and it still manages to looks great. full of classic monsters and heroes.
three functions of the laser blaster on one button Other differences that set Switch Okami apart Sadly, this Switch port isn’t as good as it
is authentic but fiddly, and feels unnecessary from its peers include the ability to use motion could’ve been and while aspects like online
without the constraints of a one-button joystick. controls, or to swipe your finger across the multiplayer and a new control system are greatly
The Switch version includes all of the welcome touchscreen when using the game’s Celestial appreciated, there are a lot of niggly aspects like
enhancements that have been common to Brush. It’s otherwise the same great remaster, a hard-to-read map (particularly noticeable when
versions since the 20th Anniversary Edition – featuring neat additions like the ability to switch playing undocked) your character occasionally
optional HD graphics, a choice of soundtracks and between widescreen and 4:3 aspect ratios and freezing, as well as disappointing framerate
three difficulty modes. If you’re looking for a way the option to skip cutscenes. A great Zelda-like stutters and other issues that makes it hard to
to play this classic, this is a good option. adventure that we’ll never get bored of playing. justify the high asking price.

>> Score 79% >> Score 82% >> Score 65%


Presented by




Visit to cast your vote @GoldenJoysticks

rewinŁ sincĠ 2005

B » [PICO-8] Exploring in CODE-8 and finding parts to repair your spaceship.


Running for a couple of weeks A little more literally down to Earth between Skool Daze and The Office”
iin May, the AdventureJam is Spy Quest 1 – Mission: SPECTRUM where the player’s avatar is starting
was an online challenge for
w where the player is an agent for the their first day at an exciting new job
developers to put together a
d Highly Clandestine Agency – we have but might not make it to the second. 1
story-driven game. There were
s never heard of them, but that’s probably New Message delivers its story about
Steggy getting into
» [Windows] Aye Fair Lady’s over 60 entries spread over a range of
o what a secret organisation would a mysterious family weekend through
ble on Mandatory Singing Day.
trou different platforms – everything can be
d want – on an important mission to a mobile phone interface and text
discovered by examining
d infiltrate the headquarters of Spectrum messages. If that’s not strange enough
adventurejam-2018 – so there’s lots
a Enterprises in order to find out what for you, how about a Yorkshire-based
tto explore and too much to cover in their latest nefarious plot is and how comedy musical with robots called Aye
detail, but here are a few entries which
d it can be foiled. And continuing the Fair Lady where heroine Steggy decides
grabbed our attention.
g espionage theme is Cross Purposes, a to end the tyranny of Mandatory
CODE-8 is a LucasArts-style multiplayer variation on point-and-click Singing Day and the machine overlords
ppoint-and-click adventure game for games where a detective, assassin and enforcing it?
tthe PICO-8 fantasy console where the spy must work together in their search To finish off there’s Kinder Morgan,
pplayer starts the story stranded on an for a notorious mobster but might find a traditional text adventure with a
aalien world. Their battered spacecraft as the game progresses that their aims two-word parser for the Tandy TRS-80
is structurally sound and everything aren’t entirely aligned. MC-10 that starts out as a bracing hike
» [TRS-80 MC-10] Pausing
for a spot of self reflection in
nneeded to get it back into the great There are some quirkier games as through Canada’s Rocky Mountains but
Kinder Morgan. black yonder can be scavenged, but the well. Sticking with the point-and-click soon turns into something far darker.
bigger questions are what caused it to motif but going for a more mundane
crash in the first place and is that related scenario is Nine Survive which the
to the other downed craft nearby? developer describes as “a cross
If you have a homebrew project you would like to see featured then please contact us at: [email protected]

» [Amstrad
CPC] Running
away from tthe
maestro and his

Aer playing Bomb Jack Beer Edition on the

Amiga we wondered where the idea to do a
new conversion of the classic came from. So we
grabbed developer Graeme Cowie for a chat
The Amiga already has a
port of Bomb Jack, what
was so wrong with it that
needed fixing?
The Amiga received a straight
ST port of Bomb Jack and
didn’t make use of any of the
Amiga’s custom chips so as a
result the performance suffered
badly. The music wasn’t the The Amstrad CPC has received two new games
best, either. from developer Sebastian Braunert recently. Pink
» [Amiga] Caught between pursuing Pills stars Moritz, a dog who hasn’t been well and, due

rocks and an explosive hard place.
How long did Bomb Jack to the side effects of his medication, hallucinates about

Beer Edition take to create it caught the attention of searching for bones while being pursued by postmen
and who was involved? one of the musicians - Simone that Jack would and vampires. The chase starts behind the link at
I started the project one night JMD Bernachhia – who offered collect beers
during October 2017 when I to help with the game music instead of bombs but I had to The other release is Mike The Guitar where the titular
grabbed my A500 from the and sound effects. The entire settle for just giving the player instrument just wants to play a little Nirvana but needs
attic and was looking through game took six months to code lots of points when collecting to collect plectrums to practise with and avoid the bust
my old source disks, I was in 68000 assembler using bombs on these extra rounds of Beethoven and his gang of sentient instruments.
reminiscing about how much Devpac, though later I moved due to my available time. takes you there.
I enjoyed coding back in the to a cross assembler for speed.
day with aspirations of being a What sort of feedback have
games coder. On Halloween
2017 I posted on the English
So… why is it called the
Beer Edition?
you had so far?
The feedback has been really Everyone who plays
Amiga Board coders forum
about writing a sprite driver for
Well I do like a beer, growing
up in the Eighties around
positive, pretty much everyone
who plays it tells me it is close it tells me it is close to
a game, set off coding using
some Bomb Jack test sprites
Sunderland I spent a lot of
ten pence’s in the arcades
to the arcade so I’m quite
happy with the end result. the arcade
and it snowballed from there. playing Bomb Jack and when
I began by coding the I wasn’t there I was tinkering And finally, do you have any
enemy mummies walking with my Amiga so I thought future plans our readers » [CD32]
and falling off the platforms I’d combine the three- beer, would be interested in? Slamming
the brakes on
and by mid-December I had Amiga and Bomb Jack. The Coding is very time consuming before weaving
all the scenes in place along idea I had planned for beer and has to be balanced with through some
deadly traffic.
with the collision detection edition was to have landmarks family life, so I’m taking a break.
routines. If you look for my that are located within my I like the idea of making some
thread on the EAB coders favourite places to socialise, Amiga game coding tutorial
section I documented my entire so new rounds included videos to help other developers
progress every few days with in the game are Penshaw bring more games to the
YouTube videos! By January Monument (Sunderland), Amiga homebrew scene so I
2018 I announced I was making Big Ben (London), Chichen may do this, if not then I’ll make
an arcade port of the game in Itza (Mexico), and Edinburgh another Amiga game as it is
the main EAB forums where Castle. The original plan was so much fun.

» [Am
[A iga] Gathering a couple of enemies before the power-u
p expires.


Fire up your Amiga and hit the streets for some
FMV-powered vehicular vengeance with the
recent version of Road Avenger. The plot as always
sees the lead character driving a souped up car and
taking on the biker gang who murdered his wife on
their wedding day, mostly by reacting to on-screen
button prompts.
This conversion seems pretty solid – better than the
Mega CD version in fact – and comes in a couple of
» [Amiga] Getting perilously close to defusing different flavours at,
the last couple of bombs. including an ISO image for the CD32.

Head to the garden for some
bug splattering action with
Sinister Developments’ Atari ST
homage to the coin-op classic
Centipede. The action is mouse-
controlled and quite challenging,
even on the easiest difficulty, with
the player’s avatar spending most
of its time harassed by bouncing
spiders, snails which leave a
trail of mushrooms, fast-moving
scorpions and of course the
titular centipedes.
There are also occasional bonus
waves where lots of one enemy
pile into the play area. These last
for 20 seconds or until a life is lost
and braver players can rack up a
decent score during them. It’s not
a 100 per cent accurate conversion,
and the collisions have to be learnt
and allowed for, but Centipede is
solid enough to keep most happy. will lead
you into the garden.



VR has finally matured by the year and out of the each screen to ascertain
3000 to the point where the populace what threats are present will work far
» [Atari ST] Avoiding the spider swarm. spend the majority of their time in better than a thud and blunder approach.
virtual worlds to avoid dealing with There are some slightly anachronistic
the dystopia that surrounds them. vending machines which freely serve
Pretty much any experience can be up more ammunition and life-restoring
created on a whim, allowing the user to medical packs and, while they might
experience and indeed interact with any not be particularly frequent, Richard
point in human history such as posing can also search the environment to find
for Da Vinci or sitting in the front row more supplies and the keys he’ll need
» [ZX Spectrum] Less than stealthily dealing
at a Beatles concert. But one particular to progress through the bunker. Not with one of the patrolling guards.
user named Richard Burton doesn’t want touching the mines is advisable though,
» [Atari ST] There’s lots of bugs in this program to enrich himself in this way and has since they’ll explode on contact.
that need blasting.
instead decided to simulate killing Hitler. Strange scenarios aside, The World
Richard will need to infiltrate the War Simulator: Part 2 is a reasonable if
bunker, take out guards along the way flawed top down shooter, entertaining
and, on finding their leader, deal with but marred by the random movement
him. Despite running on state of the art of the enemies and a few screens with
hardware, the AI managing the soldiers wider entrances where merely walking in
issn’t particularly bright so they wander at the wrong position can see the ‘hero’
around in a rather erratic manner – the unfairly gunned down without time to » [Amstrad CPC] Important keys can be found
in the oddest of places.
best strategy is lying in wait until one even retreat. That’s frustrating when it
wanders into the line of fire, although it
w happens, but the game is still playable
y so
becomes a reaction test when they do – more hardy VR warriors might ant
and, when they spot an intruder, they’re try their luck at the mission.
offten frustratingly accurate with their
sh hots which means quickly ducking in >> Score 70%


Don’t forget to follow us online for all the latest retro updates
RetroGamerUK @RetroGamer_Mag [email protected]

The future of TV game shows is all about
one-on-one action, pitting two people directly
against each other in a battle of wits and strategy.
The studio floor has been divided into a play area
which is nine tiles square, and the two players take
turns first selecting an adjacent cell to move into and
then placing an obstruction in any free space with the
intention being to wall their opponent up so they’re
stuck on a single tile while trying to avoid the same Running a railway is a tough
fate themselves. job especially if, as seems to be
» [C16] You two chaps look familiar, have we met before?
There’s not much else to it really, the console’s the case in Trolley Follies for the
AI plays reasonably well most of the time but single C64, you’re the only driver. You’ll
It might look a little like Jeff Minter’s player mode becomes repetitive quite quickly. have to pick up passengers and
classic blaster Gridrunner, but the Prisonnier 2 is one of those games that works best drop them off at their colour coded
objective in GridIron doesn’t involve with two players vying against each other for space on station of choice, pausing to act
shooting anything. Instead, the player has the playfield, so finding a friend with a second Master as signalman to switch the points
to collect all of the tokens scattered around System controller to compete against yields the best where necessary. The game also
the grid in order to progress to the next area. overall experience. comes with a level editor and users
There are enemies patrolling at the edges can submit their creations to the
of the playfield which will sling bullets at the >> Score 74% developer’s website behind
player’s craft when they’re aligned with it and,
since the collectibles on the level are reset The unexpanded VIC 20 release
when a life is lost, it’s best to concentrate on Escape is an action game where
survival as a priority, gathering tokens only the exit for each maze-like stage
when it’s safe to do so. must be unlocked by collecting all
GridIron is fast, furious and challenging to of the key cards. The craft starts
the point where all three lives can be lost within moving when the level begins and
mere seconds if the player’s concentration can’t be stopped, so care must be
» [Master System] We’re going to build a
drifts but, along with occasionally being wall. It’s going to be a powerful wall.
taken to avoid collisions with walls
frustrating, is fun to play in short, high octane as well as the enemy. Run away to
bursts. There’s even a neat little level designer
included for those gamers who fancy being a
little creative.

>> Score 81% PROJECT ZX 2


S Clive Sinclair was never happy about his
creation the ZX Spectrum being associated with
games and, in an alternative universe where he’s
evil as well as a genius, something is going to be
d about that. His newest invention is the C6,
a washing machine that erases the character from
Spectrum game sprites, deleting Horace, Sabreman and
Miner Willy from the public consciousness.
Enter our hero Jetboot Joe, a character who didn’t
quite get the leading role in a game despite trying for » [Windows] Having a smashing time with the boss
from a famous shoot ‘em up.
decades who now has to take on the heinous Sir Clive
and his minions by flying through large multidirectionally
zles, maybe it’s true here? scrolling stages and blasting pretty much everything
first works with jigsaw puz
» [C16] Finishing the edges w
within them to pieces. There’s lots to see in each area
with setpieces relating to famous Speccy games, as well
as bonus items to collect and power-ups delivered by
Horace as he floats through the playfield with a balloon.

>> Score 84%


Ever y mo
one luckhy,
writer-in w
spankingeive a
of either oopy
NES / Mas ur
System o r
SNES / Me r

ARC there this month, so look out for

TEAM Hi the ere,

I just want
w to send a message about
an article in the next few issues.

PLAYS a feature I think would be great in
Retro o Gamer. I recently found out
about Arcade Club, an old mill in Bury,
Hi Darran,
I don’t know if you’ve seen or heard
SPACE INVADERS whicch is now home to the largest about a fan-produced magazine called
arcaade in Europe. I feel the more The Classic Adventurer. It’s fairly similar
peo ople that know about this place to Retro Gamer – lots of interviews
the better. It’s like warping to a with game creators and ‘making of’
time forgotten, when arcades articles – but it’s devoted entirely to
with classics such as Bubble text adventures and can be found at
Bobble, Power Drift, Mercs, Three issues
Sinistar and Golden Axe were have been released so far, although I
commonplace. only found about it a week or two ago.
Just after writing a 780- I think it should be given a mention in
word review on TripAdvisor Retro Gamer.
about how amazing it is, I Nicholas Campbell
thought the best exposure the
place could receive would be from It’s not escaped our attention,
he biggest retro game enthusiasts,
th Nicholas. We’ll be hopefully
thhe readers of Retro Gamer. running an article with its creator,
Beenjamin Tilbrook Mark Hardisty in a later issue of
We’ve jumped back in time to the magazine.
the progenitor of high score Maany thanks for getting in
challenges this month. Let’s see
how the team fared touuch Benjamin. We’re glad you SWITCH TO ROM?
enjooyed your time at Arcade Will Nintendo eventually release the
SAM 5,130 Club
b, and you’re right, it definitely back catalogue for all games over all
Boy, this is a tough game! It’s all deseerves to be in the magazine. their systems on the Switch? I’ve heard
well and good focusing on the
We’re actually planning to go up they are taking ROMs off the net, so
mystery UFO for points to start
with, but once you get a few levels in it’s just
a game of survival.

DREW 3,790
I don’t know how I got this score,
my eyes must’ve glossed over
and I found myself enter a
state of Zen. I haven’t even come close to
replicating it. Hi all, the blanket my very talented wife
Just finished the excellent Tetris article, crocheted, it’s an absolute beast that
NICK 3,140 I love how such a simple game has took months of her life to make! Her
I had the best score early on, but taken the world by storm over the other creations, including some retro
then went on holiday for a week course of the last three-and-a-half themed thingies can be found on
and got overtaken. I’d have tried
decades and is still evolving and Instagram @magicsheepcreations.
to take the crown back, but I was too busy
messing around with my Game Gear. finding new ways to hook us all over Anyway cheers for keeping the
again, without straying too far from the mag fresh for 183+ issues, it seems
humble origins of it’s original simple like no time at all since I picked up the
DARRAN 2,740 concept. It can be played on pretty first issue back in 2004 and thought
I got a great score before I went much any system from the ZX81 to it’d be an interesting one-off or short
on holiday and le it on Drew’s a PlayStation 4. lived niche publication.
desk via a post-it note. The note One comment I would make is that All the best,
mysteriously disappeared, leaving this
people always call it a puzzle game, Dave
lower score as my only documented effort.
but there’s no puzzle, there’s nothing
to solve, it’s a twitch arcade resource Glad you loved the article Dave
management game which perfectly and we’re massively impressed
encapsulates the ‘simple to play hard with your wife’s blanket. It looks
to master’ ethos that the very best absolutely lovely and we can
games have. imagine it’s the perfect thing to
As you can tell, I’m a huge fan, wrap up in while you’re reading » Dave’s quilt looks absolut
ely marvellous.
We’re quite jealous!
and I thought I’d share a picture of the next issue.


Don’t forget to follow us online for all the latest retro updates
RetroGamerUK @RetroGamer_Mag Retro Gamer Magazine @RetroGamerMag

Snail Mail: Retro Gamer,
Future Publishing, Richmond House,
33 Richmond Hill, Bournemouth,
Dorset, BH2 6EZ
Email: [email protected] Future PLC Richmond House, 33 Richmond Hill,
Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 6EZ

Editor Darran ‘Large Invader’ Jones
[email protected]
01202 586237
DISCUSSED THIS MONTH Production Editor Drew ‘Small Invader’ Sleep
Senior Staff Writer Nick ‘Medium Invader’ Thorpe
Game Gear Advanced Senior Designer Sam ‘UFO’ Ribbits
This month Nick decided to buy a TV Tuner Brand Director, Games Tony Mott
for his Game Gear. He’s then spent the past Senior Art Editor Warren Brown
couple of weeks finding various things to run Photographer James Sheppard
through it. Highlights include an Xbox 360
running Street Fighter V and a selection of old Contributors
Adam Barnes, Anna Blackwell, David Crookes,
VHS wrestling tapes. He’s currently planning
Paul Davies, Paul Drury, Kieren Hawken, Jason Kelk,
to connect it to a Game Boy Player. Don’t ask us JȸƏƺȅƺxƏɀȒȇً«Ȓȸɵ‫ژ‬xǣǼȇƺً¨ƏɖǼ«Ȓɀƺ
» Classic Adventurer is the latest project from Mark why. It seems to keep him happy, though.
Hardistry. Expect an interview in a future issue. Advertising
Media packs are available on request
Commercial Director Clare Dove
is this all part of a Nintendo master [email protected]
» If you’re using old Advertising Director Tom Parkinson
plan to keep it all in house for their own consoles you should always [email protected]
download service? try and hook them up to a CRT. Account Director Kevin Stoddart
[email protected]
Craig Johnson
hardware. Maybe you have already Retro Gamer is available for licensing.
While the idea of every single covered this (if so what edition was it Contact the International department to discuss
partnership opportunities.
Nintendo-owned game appearing so I can procure a copy) but it would International Licensing Director Matt Ellis
on Switch is the stuff dreams are be great to see an article on the topic. [email protected]

made of, it’s highly unlikely to Perhaps covering the best CRTs Subscriptions
Email enquiries [email protected]
happen. The recent news about for a retro gaming set up and also UK orderline & enquiries 0344 848 2852
Nintendo cracking down on certain covering some of the more weird and Overseas order line and enquiries +44 (0) 344 848 2852
Online orders & enquiries
ROM sites is most likely to protect obscure CRT models. Magazines Marketing Director Sharon Todd
its intellectual property and to Cheers from a happy subscriber. Circulation
send a direct message, rather than Chris Cheeseman Head of Newstrade Tim Mathers
because it has plans to release its Head of Production Mark Constance
entire back catalogue. We’ll cross We completely agree with you Production Project Manager Clare Scott
Advertising Production Manager Joanne Crosby
our fingers, though. Chris when it comes to CRTs, they Digital Editions Controller Jason Hudson
really are the best for playing retro Production Controller Vivienne Calvert

TV OR NOT TV? games. Funnily enough, we’ve been Management

!ǝǣƺǔ…ȵƺȸƏɎǣȒȇɀ…ǔˡƬƺȸ Aaron Asadi
Hi Retro Gamer, discussing this very topic as one of Commercial Finance Director Dan Jotcham
As a retro gamer I think a CRT TV is our ‘How To’ guides, so expect a » [SNES] It’s highly unlikely that Nintendo’s entire back
Group Content Director Paul Newman
Head of Art & Design Rodney Dive
essential if you like playing on original feature in the coming months. catalogue is going to appear on any system any time soon.
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Future Publishing Limited (company number 2008885) is registered in
Space Invaders? 0ȇǕǼƏȇƳƏȇƳáƏǼƺɀِ«ƺǕǣɀɎƺȸƺƳȒǔˡƬƺ‫ي‬ªɖƏɵRȒɖɀƺًÁǝƺȅƫɖȸɵً ƏɎǝ ‫׏‬
1UA. All information contained in this publication is for information only and
is, as far as we are aware, correct at the time of going to press. Future cannot
Brendan Randall the early Eighties. I remember accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. You
Played it with my dad in the the sounds and thought it was a are advised to contact manufacturers and retailers directly with regard
to the price of products/services referred to in this publication. Apps and
Arcades in about 1979-1980 I was lot of fun! websites mentioned in this publication are not under our control. We are
only about four so he used the not responsible for their contents or any other changes or updates to them.
joystick while I mashed the fire @YeOldGamerSteve
companies mentioned herein.
button… been hooked on games My first was the official arcade
If you submit material to us, you warrant that you own the material and/
ever since. game in late 1978, I walked into » [Arcade] Space Invaders has been causing a lot of arguments in the or have the necessary rights/permissions to supply the material and
an arcade and there’s like 120 office this month. you automatically grant Future and its licensees a licence to publish
your submission in whole or in part in any/all issues and/or editions of
Bruno Pierre Space Invader machines, all lined publications, in any format published worldwide and on associated websites,
Never seen it in arcades here in up row upon row. Let me tell you, Josey Wales I have one of my own now, a social media channels and associated products. Any material you submit
is sent at your own risk and, although every care is taken, neither Future
Brazil, only on the Atari 2600. it was hard to find a free one! And Atari. Aged four. I would play Taito upright.
nor its employees, agents, subcontractors or licensees shall be liable for
the sound of all that was amazing it when my brothers were at loss or damage. We assume all unsolicited material is for publication unless
Dave Dragert and ear-shattering. Haha. school. We had a couple other @VituaOllie64 otherwise stated, and reserve the right to edit, amend, adapt all submissions.

I found the 1978 arcade version games but Space Invaders was I played some sort of version
at a Pizza Hut back in 1980. Simon McD my favourite. I’d make up my on my Uncle’s PC in the early
Millendreath Holiday Village, own storyline while I played. Nineties. Great that such
Robert Forthun Damli Cornwall, 1982. Will have been an iconic classic was still
A friend of mine had a neighbour, about six years old. Remember Tim Keeling one of my very first gaming
which had Space Invaders on thinking that Galaga and Phoenix I used to play it in Kwik Save. I experiences, over a decade aer
his computer. This was back in looked miles better! think it was the Midway version. it first appeared.
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GAMES AT HOMEWith all the arcade-perfect ports on consoles today, life is good – unless
» ARCADE GAME PCB your favourite game never got ported. But there’s no need to worry, as you
» KICK HARNESS OPTIONAL can still use a Supergun to play it at home…
Choose a Supergun. These come in a range of

DON’T 02 shapes and sizes – some have controls built in

while others support external controllers, some
allow you to wire up test and service buttons, some
FORGET... support six buttons. If your TV doesn’t support RGB
» If you’re holding a bare PCB, SCART, some Superguns support composite and S-Video.
hold it by the edges and don’t
touch the metal contacts.
» Some games required multiple
PCBs – always check a manual
beforehand to ensure you’re
getting all the parts you need.

» Vogatek
This UK-based shop
Do some research into the games you want to run,
sells compact entry-level
Superguns, including the
Mark IV pictured in this feature.
» Retro Elektronik
01 as certain characteristics will help you decide what
you need later on. For example, does the game
use more than three buttons? Does the game PCB use a JAMMA connector? Once you’re happy with your choices,
This French seller’s Supergun pick up your first arcade PCB.
ProGamer offers almost every
option we could imagine, at a
reasonable price. Some arcade games, including all games made
» Windy Gaming
An American site, whose ATP-
300 Supergun comes with
04 before 1985, don’t use a JAMMA connector. If
that’s the case with your board, you’ll need an
adaptor. If your game uses more than three buttons, you
everything you need except a may need extra wiring known as a ‘kick harness’ – named
game and controller. after Street Fighter II ’s kick buttons.

Most Superguns will require some extra

03 components – get those, too. Our one is pretty

barebones, so it needed an ATX power supply
(as used in PCs), an RGB SCART cable, a set of speakers
and Neo-Geo controllers. If we wanted a test switch, we’d
need to supply one of those, too.



Something you’d like to see a guide for? Contact us at:

RetroGamerUK @RetroGamer_Mag [email protected]

MYTHBUSTER Everything you know is a lie

MYTH: Surely I can just connect the MYTH: Don’t I need a special
sound to my TV?
FACT: Only if you want to blow
out your speakers! Arcade games
monitor to play arcade games?
FACT: For the majority of older
games, your TV will do just fine,
use amplified sound that is liable
to wreck your TV’s speakers if
but you might need to rotate it
for vertical games. Some games
connected directly. Certain boards, require medium resolution A selection of smaller questions from readers…
such as early versions of the (23KHz) or high resolution (31KHz)
Neo-Geo MVS, have a volume monitors, though. For these UNTIE THE KNOT in clear polypropylene
slider which makes direct games you’ll need to bypass your What’s the best solution sleeves to protect them
connection possible. If yours Supergun’s video output and use a for retro cable spaghetti from the elements, with
doesn’t, stick to passive speakers. screen capable of these resolutions. avoidance? I find myself card backing boards to
doing a mass untangle every ensure they don’t get bent
two or three months. out of shape. As always,
Old Dean Leopard via be sure to keep them well
Twitter away from direct sunlight
If your TV doesn’t support RGB If you’ve got a fairly
and damp areas.

SCART, some Superguns support stable setup and you’re

not constantly swapping
How do I justify paying big
composite and S-video systems in and out, plastic
cable ties are cheap and
money for a single cartridge,
to a partner who thinks
effective (though obviously retro gaming is done via a
not reusable). If you need Raspberry Pi?
WHAT to move things more Brian Hooper via Facebook
NEXT? often, a durable plastic
spiral wrap cable tidy like You could visit
» Some people like to
‘consolise’ cartridge- the one pictured can be and
based boards like the very useful, as it can be see if you can find data
Neo-Geo MVS, adding reused. to support the idea
the video output, of the cartridge as an
power and control
inputs straight to the
MAG LOVE investment. It might
How do you keep be possible to invent a
magazines in good nick? I psychological justification
» Capcom released just put mine all piled up on to support your purchase.
the CPS Changer in
Japan, a rare device my bookcases but I am sure Alternatively, Nick finds
which was essentially there are better ways. that being single is an
a Supergun. Due to Vince White via Facebook effective way of ensuring
its awkward shape, that he never has to worry
it’s still best used To keep them in absolutely about a partner’s concerns,
Connect everything up and power it on. If it all with Capcom’s tip-top shape, the best but you may feel this is

05 goes correctly, you should see the attract mode

start up. If you have a test switch installed, you
can use this to set your options before you start playing.
official releases. thing to do is keep them rather too drastic.

Now marvel as the arcade experience comes home!


Do you want to clean a console but are too scared to open
it up without guidance? Do you want to back up your
cartridges but don’t know how? Send us your questions
and the best ones will feature as a full How To guide, just
like this one. Reach us at [email protected].

» Some older games, usually ones from Nintendo, never lose value so they’re a
worthwhile investment, provided you can look after them.







>>LOAD 186





Team17, Fallout, 1943, 16-bit Loading Screens, Krusty’s Fun House,
Storm Lord, David Mullich, Wonder Boy In Monster Land and much more
» Danan’s a man on a mission – not only has the
neighbouring tribe killed his guardian Jimba, they’re
trying to unseal the evil god Gilbas. Short on clothes,
long on rippling musculature and unsure as to whether
or not he’s related to the similarly-named warrior Rastan,
our hero fights his way through the Amazon to defeat the
ancient threat. Here’s a look at what happens when he
succeeds in his quest

01 02 03
» Gilbas is defeated, but not dead. In » Given that Jimba’s dead and everything, » Danan doesn’t want to do it alone,
fact, Danan says that he can never be Danan doesn’t have a home to go to though. He mentions that he could use a
truly dead, so long as humans desire anymore, so he decides to stick around companion, and Linda says “I was hoping
the things they were never meant to and stop any other miscreants from you’d ask.” Danan, failing spectacularly
have. Linda responds with a depressingly awakening the fearsome ancient evil that at reading the mood of the conversation,
accurate assessment of human nature. has once again been sealed away. busts out this classic invitation.

04 05
» Somehow, despite being on the receiving end of one of the » Off they trot back to a nearby house – which presumably has
least romantic lines ever delivered by an action hero, Linda is just been empty, waiting for them to make this noble sacrifice.
overcome with emotion and decides that she’ll stick around in But if Gilbas can be defeated by a man equipped with no body
the jungle for the rest of her life, too. Why bother? They don’t armour and a simple knife, he’s not that bloody dangerous, is
even have pizza delivery or Wi-Fi. he? Get over yourself, Danan.


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