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Every body knows about honey. Honey is a pretty amazing substance and there is a
lot more to it than just a sweet tasting treat. Honey plays a crucial role in the life of a
honey bee and can also be very beneficial to the human body. For your information,
besides its health’s function, there are also many other interesting facts about honey
we have to know as honey lovers. We invite you to learn more about honey and bees.
These are following 10 honey and honeybee’s interesting facts:

1. Honey is a mixture of every pure compounds.

Honey contains a mixture of sugar and other compounds related to carbohydrates,
especially fructose (around 38.5%) and glucose (around 31.0%). That's why honey is
similar to synthetic sugar syrup.

2. Honey doesn't have fat levels.

Honey doesn’t have fat levels which sometimes always being a problem. Healthline
states that in one dish honey does not have fat content so it can be used as food
ingredients that help to diet and control body weight.

3. Honey is a natural skin and beauty care for women.

Honey can cure acne, skin lesions, allergies, infections, prevent bad breath, nourish
digestion and prevent hair loss

4. Honey is never stale until 3,000 years.

During pyramid excavation which is more than 3,000 years old, honey is found in
conditions that are still good and not damaged. This shows that honey is never stale
and can be stored for thousands of years. This is because the water content in honey is
so low that decomposing bacteria do not have time to live in it. In addition, the acidity
(pH) of honey ranges from 3.2-4.5. This acidity level can prevent the growth of

5. Honey can improve the memory.

Honey can help to improve our memory. That's because honey has good nutritions for
brain health.

6. Honey is a common remedy for insomnia.

One of the main symptoms of anxiety. In fact, the University of Cambridge
Counseling Service suggests eating bread with honey or drinking warm tea with
honey before bedtime to alleviate anxiety.
7. Honey bees always do a small dance when they return to the nest with pollen to
make honey.
The honey bees dance to make the whole nest know where the nice flowers are. The
bee will then convert the collected nectar to honey by adding enzymes from their
stomachs and reducing moisture by flapping their wings at high speed. Very unique
when we imagine how cute these bees dancing.

8. Instead of taking nectar, bees can take honeydew.

Honeydew is sweet secretions of aphids or other plant sap-sucking insects. Honeydew
honey is very dark brown in color, with a rich fragrance of stewed fruit or fig jam, and
is not as sweet as nectar honeys. Germany's Black Forest is a well-known source of
honeydew-based honeys.

9. New Zealand is one of the largest country which produces honey.

New Zealand has 320,000 beehives that produce an average annual crop of 10,600
tonnes of honey. These hives are owned by nearly 5,000 beekeepers and are spread
over 22,000 apiaries (sites where beehives are kept). The greater number of these
beekeepers are hobbyists with 88.3% of them owning an average of only 5 hives. The
remaining 11.7% of beekeepers are commercial and semi commercial operators
managing an average of 513 hives each.

10. The reason why honey is named for beloved people.

Honey contains 80% sugar which makes honey taste so sweet. Because honey is very
sweet, it’s being a name that people give to loved ones who are considered always
sweet like honey. Honey’s really romantic right?

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