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Everyone was playing baseball.

A ball hit Allison in the head.

How does she feel?


Describing Feelings
Autism & PDD: Abstract Concepts, Level 1 8 Copyright @ 2OO2 LinguiSystems, lnc.
"cul 'suralsA5rn6ul ZCOZ O lLj0u,{doC t p^a1 's1decuo3 lcertsqv :OAd g ws!fiV
sburlea3 0u;qlrcseq
alseJ OIKX seop
'8op slq puIJ ],uec^AoH
Mary got a present.
How does she feel?

Describing Feelings
Autism & PDD: Abstract Concepts, Level 1 21 Copyright @ 20A2 LinguiSystems, lnc.
oul suralslsrn0ull zo0z g gq6u,{do3 I p^al 's1dacuo1 tculsqv :e1d 8 ws!]nv
sOurleel 6utqlrcseg
eleeJ z(eq}. op 1\\oH
'puol4 rorl trro4 8nq € ]o3 ,(llex
fce cream dripped on John,s shirt.
How does he feel?


Describing Feelings
Autism & pDD: Abstract Concepts,
Levet l I4 Copyright @ 2002 Linguisysrems, lnc.
oul 'sulalsAsrn6ull Z00Z g 1q6tr{do3 t p^oT 's1dacuo7 tcetlsqv :CAd I Lus!]nv
s0utlael 6utql:cseg
eleoJ ot{ soop A\oH
'r{euolu s.riuel {oo} ouoeuros
A big dog with sharp teeth is barking ar Maria.
How does she feel?

Describing Feelings
Autism & PDD: Abstract Concepts, Level l 13 Copyright @ 2OO2 Linguisystems, lnc
Mark touched a hot stove.
F{e burned his hand.
How does he feel?


Describing Feelings
Autism & PDD: Abstract Concepts, Level 1 15 Copyright @ 2002 LinguiSysiems, lnc
Brandon is watching a movie about monsters.
How does he feel?

Describing Feelings
Autism & PDD: Abstract Concepts, Level 1 22 Copyright @ 2002 LinguiSystems, lnc.
Rich fell off his skateboard.
How does he feel?


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Describing Feelings
Autism & PDD: Abstract Concepts, Level 1 17 Copyright A 2002 LinguiSystems, lnc.
somebody ripped Juan's favorite book.
How does he feel?


Describing Feelings
9 Copyright @ 2002 LinguiSystems, lnc
Autism & PDD: Abstract Concepts, Level 1
The lights went out in Josh's house.
The rain and thunder are very loud.
How does Josh feel?

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Describing Feelings
Autism & PDD: Abstract Concepts, Level 1 12 Copyright O 2002 LinguiSystems, lnc.
cul 'sruslsfsrn6ull ZO0Z g 1q6u{do3 tz I p^a1 's1dacuo3 petsqv :OOd 8 wsllnv
s6ut1ea3 6ulql.icsag
eleeJ eq SoOp /\\OH
'uaopr.{cno} B epeur otrroJof
,(e1d.,",#lfi ;Ti,'ffX S:f ,oq,o eqr
Michael's brother broke one of his toys.
F{ow does Michael feel?


Describing Feelings
Autism & PDD: Abstract Concepts, Level 1 20 Copyright @ 2A02 LinguiSystems, lnc.

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