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Salesforce Communities

Managers Guide
Salesforce, Spring ’19

Last updated: February 5, 2019
© Copyright 2000–2019, inc. All rights reserved. Salesforce is a registered trademark of, inc.,

as are other names and marks. Other marks appearing herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

MANAGE YOUR COMMUNITIES FOR SUCCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1


TOGETHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Assign a Community Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Assign a Community Moderator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

THE ONE-STOP SHOP: COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Community Management Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Access Community Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Get Started with Communities Dashboards and Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Report on Communities with the AppExchange Packages for Community
Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Insights for Community Engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Measure Community Success with Dashboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Community Moderation Strategies and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Track Community Activity with the Moderation Overview Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Enable Members to Flag Items in Your Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Community Moderation Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Community Moderation Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Review and Approve Posts and Comments in Your Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Moderate Flagged Posts and Comments in Your Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Moderate Flagged Discussions in Your Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Moderate Flagged Files in Your Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Moderate Flagged Direct Messages in Your Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Moderate Flagged Private Messages in Your Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Set Up Apex Triggers for Flagging Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Community Pulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Communities Moderation Limits and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Organize Communities with Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Manage Topics in Communities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Automatically Assign Topics to Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Set Up Featured Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Set Up Navigational Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Set Up Content Topics (Beta) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
See Your Community’s Topics and Subtopics in One Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Add Topics to Articles or Remove Them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Translate Topics Names and Descriptions for Communities with International
Audiences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Customize Recommendations in Communities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Create Targeted Audiences for Your Community Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Gamification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Recognition Badges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Reputation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Community Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Limit Files in Your Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

RESOURCES FOR COMMUNITY MANAGERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Monitoring and managing your community is the key to ensuring the community is a success.
This guide is intended to introduce you to the roles that help ensure a community is successful, and the tools that they can use to achieve
that success.
Great communities don’t just happen; there are many people involved, from the designer to the implementer to the developer who
performs customizations. But once a community is up and running, the community manager and moderator are crucial to making sure
it succeeds. These two roles combined help to ensure that the community is:
• Active: Members are logging in regularly
• Engaged: Members feel motivated to actively participate on a regular basis
• Healthy: Member are posting, commenting, and sharing appropriate and helpful information. Inappropriate information or files are


Communities can thrive when community managers, moderators, and admins understand their
unique roles and work together effectively.
A community manager and moderator work hand-in-hand. They are partners and support one Available in: Salesforce
another in fostering engagement and harmony in the community. Sometimes, they perform some Classic (not available in all
of the same tasks, but each has unique contributions. While the community manager is typically orgs) and Lightning
responsible for monitoring adoption and engagement, the moderator is typically responsible for Experience
ensuring the community is a healthy environment and that members feel encouraged to be active Available in: Enterprise,
and helpful to each other. Performance, Unlimited,
Community managers, moderators, and admins all work together to protect, engage, and measure and Developer Editions
community success.

Prevent spammers, bots, and trolls from Welcome new members, add contributors, Review analytics on community health.
attacking the community. and connect members with resources. Measure return on investment (ROI) and key
Protect the community from trademark Help ensure that members questions are performance indicators (KPI), such as money
infringement and legal issues. answered quickly. saved and cases deflected.
Ensure community members use Acknowledge helpful members and thank Identify and track community trends.
appropriate language and adhere to the them.
terms of use. Identify, encourage, groom, and retain

Assign a Community Manager

To assign a user as a community manager, simply give them the “Manage Communities” permission.
Assign a Community Moderator
Make one or more people moderators in your community so they can keep an eye on its content.

Community Managers, Moderators, and Admins Working Assign a Community Manager

Assign a Community Manager

To assign a user as a community manager, simply give them the “Manage Communities” permission.
Community managers must be employees of your organization; external community members
can’t be community managers. To assign a user as a community manager, give them the “Manage Available in: Salesforce
Communities” permission. With this permission, they can access the Community Management Classic (not available in all
page or Community Workspaces. orgs) and Lightning
Note: Go to Communities Settings to enable Community Workspaces.
Available in: Enterprise,
1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission Performance, Unlimited,
Sets, then click New. and Developer Editions
2. Create a permission set that includes the “Manage Communities” permissions.
3. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users. USER PERMISSIONS
4. Find the user you want to be a community manager and add the permission set to their To assign permission sets:
Permission Set Assignments related list. • Assign Permission Sets
The user can now manage the community through Community Management or Community

Assign a Community Moderator

Make one or more people moderators in your community so they can keep an eye on its content.
Moderators can be users from your internal organization or external users, but only internal users
can moderate from within Community Management and Community Workspaces. External users Available in: Salesforce
who are moderators can moderate within context of the community, such as directly in the Classic (not available in all
community feed. orgs) and Lightning
You can assign moderators by assigning a permission set that includes one or more of following
moderation permissions. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Permission Allows Users To and Developer Editions

Moderate Communities Feeds Review flagged posts and comments and take action, such as
removing flags or deleting the post or comment. Moderator USER PERMISSIONS
options for feed content are available in the community feed
To assign permission sets:
and in Community Management and Community Workspaces.
• Assign Permission Sets
Moderate Communities Files Review flagged files they have access to and take action, such
as removing flags or deleting the file. Moderator options for
files are available on a file’s detail page and in Community
Management or Community Workspaces.

Moderate Communities Chatter Review flagged messages and take action, such as removing
Messages a flag or deleting a message. This permission allows users access
to only flagged messages in communities they’re a member

Can Approve Feed Post and Approve, delete, or edit posts and comments that are pending
Comment review.

Community Managers, Moderators, and Admins Working Assign a Community Moderator

Permission Allows Users To

Moderate Community Users Freeze external users who are members of the community. Moderators can freeze
members on their user profile page or from an Insights report.

Manage Communities Moderate community content in Community Management or Community Workspaces.

Access Community Management Access community pages from Community Managementand Community Workspaces

You can also add these permissions to a profile. These permissions are valid for all communities the user is a member of, but don’t apply
in your internal organization.
1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission Sets, then click New.
2. Create a permission set that includes the appropriate permissions.
3. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users.
4. Find the user you want to be a community moderator and add the permission set to their Permission Set Assignments related list.
After you grant moderator permissions to a user, keep these things in mind:
• The user can now moderate any items they have access to in all communities they’re a member of.
• The user can flag items even if Allow members to flag content is disabled in a community.
• Moderators can receive an email notification when a post, comment, or file is flagged by selecting the Flag an item as
inappropriate email notification.
Access to moderator functionality is slightly different depending on user permissions:
• In the community feed: Both internal and external users with the “Moderate Communities Feeds” permission can view flag indicators
directly in the community feed for posts and comments and decide to either remove the flags or delete the content.
• In Community Management and Community Workspaces: Only internal users with the “Manage Communities” or “Create and
Set Up Communities” permission can access the Moderation area.


Community Management Overview

Set up and monitor your community from Community Management orCommunity Workspaces. You can manage basic setup information
including membership and branding, dashboards, reputation levels and points, and topics.
Community Management and Community Workspaces give community administrators, managers, and moderators a central place to
monitor the health of their community and its members.

Important: The options available in Community Management or Community Workspaces are based on your community template
selection, permissions, and preferences. For example, if your community doesn’t use topics, you don’t see the Topics section. Some
options in the following list might not appear in your community by default. To display all sections, go to Administration >
Preferences and enable Show all settings in Community Management or Show all settings in Community Workspaces.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Access Community Management

Access Community Management

Community administrators and managers use Community Management to monitor community
activity, and set up other important management features.
1. Access Community Management in one of the following ways. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
• From the community:
orgs) and Lightning
– In Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce communities, click in the global header. Experience
– In Community Builder-based communities, use the drop-down menu next to your Available in: Enterprise,
name and click Community Management. Performance, Unlimited,
• From Setup, enter All Communities in the Quick Find box, then select All and Developer Editions
Communities and click the Manage link next to a community. To access this page, you
need the Create and Set Up Communities” permission. USER PERMISSIONS
• From Community Builder, in the header, use the drop-down menu next to the name of
To access Community
your template and click Community Management.
Workspaces or Community
If your community has Community Workspaces enabled, access that instead and navigate to Management:
the Moderation workspace. • Access Community
Management OR
2. Choose the part of the community you want to manage:
Manage Communities
Note: The options available in Community Management and Community Workspaces OR Create and Set Up
are based on your community template selection, permissions, and preferences. For
example, if your community does not use topics, you don’t see the Topics section. Some • AND is a member of the
of To display all sections, go to Administration > Preferences and enable Show all
settings in Community Management or Show all settings in Community To access moderation rules
Workspaces. and criteria:
• Preview the community or access your community’s settings in the Community Builder, • Manage Communities
Lightning Platform, or Studio from Community Management or Community OR Create and Set Up
• In Engagement, you can view Insights reports and take action on activity in your community. To customize administration
settings or use Community
• In Dashboards, you can view community dashboards and reports. Builder:
• In Moderation, you can set up moderation rules and monitor flagged feed items. • Create and Set Up
• In Topics, you can manage navigational and featured topics. Communities
• In Recommendations, you can set up custom recommendations to appear in your
• In Reputation, you can set up reputation levels and points.
• In Administration, you can customize your community properties, such as name, description, URL, status, and template. You can
also update your community settings, such as members, tabs, branding, login and registration, and emails.

Get Started with Communities Dashboards and Insights

Dashboards in Community Management and Community Workspaces provide essential reports for managing your communities. Insights
help you drill down to the source of activity and take action.
Let us do the hard work for you!
1. Install the Salesforce Communities Management package and get preconfigured dashboards and Insights.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Report on Communities with the AppExchange Packages for
Community Management

2. Check out your new mapped pages. Click Dashboards and Engagement in Community Management or Community Workspaces.
Don’t be afraid to customize the preconfigured dashboards and Insights to fit your community’s needs. You can edit the source
reports or dashboards at any time.

Alternatively, create your own dashboards and Insights.

1. Create custom dashboards and custom Insights.
2. Map those dashboards and Insights in Community Management or Community Workspaces.

Report on Communities with the AppExchange Packages for Community

The Salesforce Communities Management packages give community managers an essential starter
set of dashboards and reports to keep tabs on activity and engagement directly in Community
Management or Community Workspaces. Available in: Salesforce
Use the Salesforce Communities Management package to: Classic
• Take advantage of the newest features using preconfigured reports (use the latest package Available in: Enterprise,
version) Performance, Unlimited,
• View the latest metrics and rapidly spot trends and Developer Editions

• Determine how fast your community is growing

• Find out who your most engaged members are USER PERMISSIONS
• Discover which discussions people and groups are most excited about To install AppExchange
• Identify areas in your community that need attention packages:
• Download AppExchange
• Take immediate action on recent activity with Insights reports
Note: To use the preconfigured Insights reports, your community must use Chatter.

During installation, dashboard and report folders are automatically installed in your internal org. You’ll also have the option to give your
community managers access to the package contents so you don’t have to share the dashboard and report folders with them later. If
you have no previous Insights or dashboards mapped in Community Management or Community Workspaces, they are automatically
mapped for you during installation.
After the package is installed, you can access your new dashboards and reports alongside all your other Salesforce dashboards and
reports. When you view the dashboards in Community Management or Community Workspaces, community-specific data is displayed.

Insights for Community Engagement

Insights are reports that help your community managers monitor activity and take action on that
activity. Insights make it easier to manage day-to-day moderation tasks, encourage community
engagement, and drive member adoption. You can set up Insights to monitor new members, Available in: Salesforce
unanswered questions, newly created groups, trending topics, and even recent Chatter contributions. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Insights for Community Engagement

Example: With an Insights report set up to track new members, community managers can quickly navigate to a new member’s
profile to send them a welcome message.

They can also access other reports about members directly from the Insights page using the drop-down menu.

Tip: Let us do the setup work for you! Get out-of-the-box Engagement Insights in the Salesforce Communities Management
package available for download from the AppExchange. To use the preconfigured Engagement Insights, your community must
use Chatter.
Insight reports provided in the package are 100% customizable. You can change the default Insights page names, report folder
mappings, and even the Insights report columns and filters at any time. So don’t be afraid to customize or change what you get
in the package. You won’t hurt our feelings.

Enable and Map Engagement Insights for Community Managers

Community managers can use Engagement Insights reports to monitor recent activity and take action on that activity. To get up
and running quickly, use preconfigured Engagement Insights from an AppExchange package. You can also create and map your
own. Each community can have their own Engagement Insights.
Create Your Own Insights for Your Community
Create your own Insights to display in Community Management or Community Workspaces. We recommend that you create your
Insights reports based on custom report types available for communities.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Insights for Community Engagement

Create Custom Actions for Community Insights

Do more with community Insights reports with custom actions. Say a spammer attacks your community. You can create and use a
custom action to remove all the spammer’s posts and comments with just one click. Custom Insights actions work with standard
objects and custom objects.
View and Customize Engagement Insights for Your Community
Use Engagement Insights in to monitor recent community activity and immediately take action. EngagementInsights help you
manage day-to-day moderation tasks and keep up on adoption and engagement in your community.

Enable and Map Engagement Insights for Community Managers

Community managers can use Engagement Insights reports to monitor recent activity and take
action on that activity. To get up and running quickly, use preconfigured Engagement Insights from
an AppExchange package. You can also create and map your own. Each community can have their Available in: Salesforce
own Engagement Insights. Classic (not available in all
Engagement Insights pages map to report folders in your internal org. All the reports included in orgs) and Lightning
that folder are displayed in the dropdown menu on the Engagement Insights page. Adding or Experience
removing an Engagement Insights report from the report folder in your internal org updates the Available in: Enterprise,
Engagement Insights page in Community Management or Community Workspaces. On the Performance, Unlimited,
Engagement Insights page, links are automatically created for report fields such as Created By and Developer Editions
or Group Name. For posts, comments, and messages, you can even see the contents directly on
the page.
Tip: Get out-of-the-box Engagement Insights in the Salesforce Communities Management
package available for download from the AppExchange. To use the preconfigured Engagement To map Engagement
Insights, your community must use Chatter. Insights in Community
Management or Community
When you install the package, report folders are automatically installed in your internal org. Workspaces:
If you have no previous Engagement Insights mapped, the package automatically maps them • Manage Communities
for you. You can change the default mappings at any time. OR Create and Set Up
To map or update Engagement Insights for your community: AND
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management. Manage Reports in
2. Click Engagement > Settings. If you are using Community Workspaces, click Engagement > Public Folders
Settings from the Dashboard workspace. AND
3. Provide a name for each Engagement Insights page and then select the report folder you want Is a member of the
to map to the page. community

You can map up to 10 Engagement Insights pages.

Make sure that you have shared the mapped report folder with your community managers or they can’t view the Engagement
Insights reports.

4. Click Save.
Engagement Insights pages are visible to community managers when they expand the Engagement section in Community
Management or Community Workspaces.

Go check out your changes. Click Engagement and then click each Engagement Insights page name. Use the dropdown menu to verify
the reports mapped to each page.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Insights for Community Engagement

If you installed the Salesforce Communities Management package, moderation-related Engagement Insights reports are also mapped
to pages in the Moderation section of Community Management or in the Moderation workspace of Community Workspaces. Unlike the
page names in the Engagement section, the page names in the Moderation section can’t be renamed or unmapped.

Create Your Own Insights for Your Community

Create your own Insights to display in Community Management or Community Workspaces. We
recommend that you create your Insights reports based on custom report types available for
communities. Available in: Salesforce
Tip: Get out-of-the-box Engagement Insights in the Salesforce Communities Management Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
package available for download from the AppExchange. To use the preconfigured Engagement
Insights, your community must use Chatter.
1. Create custom report types based on the Networks object. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Only reports that are based on the Networks object show community-specific information in and Developer Editions
Community Management and Community Workspaces.

Note: You can create reports based on other objects and expose them in Community USER PERMISSIONS
Management or Community Workspaces. Keep in mind that they show data from across
your organization, not just for the community in which you’re viewing them. To create custom report
• Select Networks as the primary object.
• Manage Custom Report
• Select a child object: Types
– Chatter Messages To create, edit, and delete
– Feed Revisions
• Create and Customize
– Groups Reports
– Network Audits To create and share report
– Network Activity Daily Metrics folders:
– Network Feed Revisions • Manage Reports in
Public Folders
– Network Members
– Network Membership Daily Metrics
– Network Moderations
– Network Public Usage Daily Metrics
– Network Unique Contributor Daily Metrics
– Recommendation Metric
– Topic Assignments
– Topics
– Unpublished Feed Entities

2. Use the custom report type to create an Insights report.

Insights reports are just like any other report, except they must also meet the following requirements:
• The report must be a tabular report.
• The report can’t include pagination.
• We recommended that your report only return 2,000 rows or less because only the first 2,000 rows are displayed in Community
Management or Community Workspaces.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Insights for Community Engagement

• To view “Approve” and “Delete” comment actions, you must add the FeedCommentID column to your Insights report.
Be sure not to filter the report by Network ID to ensure that the report dynamically displays data for the community you view it from.
Adding a Network ID filter causes the report to only show data for the community with that Network ID, regardless of which community
you view it in.

3. Save the report to a new report folder that you can map to in Community Management or Community Workspaces.
We recommend that you create a separate report folder for each of your Insights pages. For example, create one report folder called
Insights Members and another called Insights Moderation.
Engagement Insights pages map to report folders in your internal org. All the reports included in that folder are displayed in the
dropdown menu on the Engagement Insights page. Adding or removing an Engagement Insights report from the report folder in
your internal org updates the Engagement Insights page in Community Management or Community Workspaces.

4. Share your Insights report folder with your community managers.

5. In Community Management or Community Workspaces, click Engagement > Settings to map Insights pages to your report folder.
When a community manager accesses Community Management or Community Workspaces, the Insights reports appear in the drop-down
menu on the mapped Engagement page.

Note: Some Insights are not available in Developer Edition or sandbox orgs.

Create Custom Actions for Community Insights

Do more with community Insights reports with custom actions. Say a spammer attacks your
community. You can create and use a custom action to remove all the spammer’s posts and
comments with just one click. Custom Insights actions work with standard objects and custom Available in: Salesforce
objects. Classic (not available in all
When you click an Insights action in the report, behind the scenes a Visualforce page drives the orgs) and Lightning
action. The Visualforce page links to standard or custom objects using standard controllers or Experience
standard list controllers. Available in: Enterprise,
Here are the high-level steps of how to create a custom Insights action: Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
1. Create a Visualforce page.
There are a few options you can use:
• Use a standard controller
Choose this option to create a Visualforce page that contains the same functionality and To create, edit, and set
logic used in standard Salesforce pages. For example, if you use the standard Accounts version settings for
Visualforce pages:
controller, clicking a Save button in a Visualforce page results in the same behavior as
• Customize Application
clicking Save on a standard Account edit page.
To edit custom Visualforce
• Use a standard list controller controllers:
Choose this option to create a Visualforce page that can display or act on a set of records. • Author Apex
Examples of existing Salesforce pages that work with a set of records include: list pages,
related lists, and mass action pages.

• Use a controller extension that uses Apex

Choose this option if you want to expose new functionality, customize the navigation through an application, use callouts or
Web services, or if you need finer control for how information is accessed for your page.

All options work with standard objects and custom objects.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Insights for Community Engagement

For detailed information about these options, see the Visualforce Developer Guide.

2. Add your custom action to the Insights report.

Actions are displayed based on the data returned in the report. Make sure that you have a report that is currently returning the data
your action needs.
a. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management.
b. Navigate to the Insights report that you want to apply your new custom action to.
c. On the report, click and then add your custom action from the picklist.

3. Ensure that your users have the correct permissions to complete your custom action.
Depending on how you set up your custom action, after the action is executed, the user either stays on the Insights page or is redirected
to a page in your internal org. Unlike our standard Insights actions, users don’t receive the standard success or failure message for custom

Example: Here’s an example of a custom action to delete all activity from a community member. This custom action is great for
cleaning up the community after a spam attack.
Create a custom controller extension using an Apex class and use it in your Visualforce page. The following
DeleteAllActivityControllerExtension class is an example of a custom controller extension.

public with sharing class DeleteAllActivityControllerExtension {

private List<Id> ids;

private String retURL;
private Database.DeleteResult[] deleteResult = null;
private Map<String, String> resultMap;
private String success = 'success';
private String failure = 'failure';

public DeleteAllActivityControllerExtension(ApexPages.StandardController controller)

resultMap = new Map<String, String>();
/* The IDs you select on the Insights page are stored in a comma separated
string of IDs.
This string is passed in a parameter called "idsList" */
String idsList = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('idsList');
//The return URL to the Insights page is passed in a parameter called "retURL"

retURL = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('retURL');
ids = idsList.split(',');

public PageReference deleteAllActivity() {

//Include these two lines of code to be redirected to the Insights page after
you click the action.
PageReference retPage = new PageReference(retURL);
Integer failureCount = calculateFailureCount();
Integer successCount = ids.size() - failureCount;
retPage.getParameters().put(success, String.valueOf(successCount));

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Insights for Community Engagement

retPage.getParameters().put(failure, String.valueOf(failureCount));
return retPage;

private void deleteFeedPosts() {

List<FeedItem> feedItems = [Select Id, CreatedById FROM FeedItem WHERE
CreatedById IN :ids];
deleteResult = Database.delete(feedItems, false);
//Update the resultMap with failures to calculate the failureCount
if(deleteResult != null) {
for(Integer i=0;i < deleteResult.size();i++) {
if (!deleteResult.get(i).isSuccess()) {
for(Database.Error error : deleteResult.get(i).getErrors()) {

private void deleteFeedComments() {

List<FeedComment> feedComments = [Select Id, CreatedById FROM FeedComment WHERE
CreatedById IN :ids];
deleteResult = Database.delete(feedComments, false);
//Update the resultMap with failures to calculate the failureCount
if(deleteResult != null) {
for(Integer i=0;i < deleteResult.size();i++) {
if (!deleteResult.get(i).isSuccess()) {
for(Database.Error error : deleteResult.get(i).getErrors()) {

private Integer calculateFailureCount() {

Integer failureCount = 0;
for (String result : resultMap.values()) {
if (failure == result) {
return failureCount;

This code creates a Delete All Activity button in your Insights report. This button deletes all posts and comments for any selected
members. If you wanted to delete all private messages and files too, you could expand the code.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Insights for Community Engagement

• This code example doesn’t include any permission checks. This custom action only works for admins.
• The IDs for the items you selected on the Insights report are passed to the Visualforce page using the idsList

The following Visualforce markup shows how the custom controller extension can be used in a page:
<apex:page standardController="User"
extensions="DeleteAllActivityControllerExtension" action="{!deleteAllActivity}"

View and Customize Engagement Insights for Your Community

Use Engagement Insights in to monitor recent community activity and immediately take action.
EngagementInsights help you manage day-to-day moderation tasks and keep up on adoption and
engagement in your community. Available in: Salesforce
Each Engagement Insights page includes multiple reports. You can access these reports using the Classic (not available in all
dropdown menu on the page. On the Engagement Insights page, links are automatically created orgs) and Lightning
for report fields such as Created By or Group Name. For posts, comments, and messages, Experience
you can even see the contents directly on the page. Available in: Enterprise,
Engagement Insights are powerful tools that you can use to perform mass-actions. For example, if Performance, Unlimited,
a spammer attacks your community, you can select all the offending posts and click Delete Post. and Developer Editions

Important: Some Engagement Insights actions require special permissions. If you can’t
perform an action, let your admin know. USER PERMISSIONS
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management. To view Engagement
2. Click Engagement or Moderation. Insights in Community
Workspaces or Community
Note: Your admin maps Engagement Insights pages. If the Engagement section isn’t Management:
visible or the Moderation section doesn’t include any Engagement Insights pages, your • Access Community
admin hasn’t mapped them yet. Management OR
Manage Communities
Pages with mapped report folders appear when you expand the sections. OR Create and Set Up
3. Click the Engagement Insights page you want to view.
• To access other Engagement Insights reports, use the dropdown menu.
Is a member of the

To customize Engagement
Insights reports:
• Create and Customize

• Take action! Only the first two actions are displayed on the page. To see more actions, click
next to the displayed actions. You can select up to 100 rows at a time.
• To filter the report by relative and custom date ranges, use the dropdown date filter. Select one of the following relative date
ranges: All Time, This Week, This Month, Last Month, Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, and Last 30 Days. You can also enter your
own custom date range.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Measure Community Success with Dashboards

• To sort the report by a specific column, click the column heading. An arrow on the column indicates whether the report is sorted
by ascending or descending order.
• To edit or customize the report, click to open the report in your internal org. From there you can customize the report to fit
your community needs, such as adding or removing columns and updating the report filters.
Be sure not to filter the report by Network ID to ensure that the report dynamically displays data for the community you view it
from. Adding a Network ID filter causes the report to only show data for the community with that Network ID, regardless of
which community you view it in.

• To edit the actions assigned to a page, click to open the Edit Engagement Insights Actions page.
Actions that appear on the Engagement Insights report are displayed based on the data returned in the report. For example, if
the report returns data about a user, the Freeze Member and Unfreeze Member actions are displayed. If the report stops
returning data, actions aren’t removed. However, when you go to update the actions, we let you know that some are no longer
Each Engagement Insights report can have its own actions. You can edit these actions at any time, but keep in mind that an
Engagement Insights report must have at least one action. Actions displayed in the picklist on the Edit Engagement Insights
Actions page are all the available and appropriate actions for your report, including custom actions.

Engagement Insights reports for your community are automatically refreshed when you access them. You can also force an update.

Measure Community Success with Dashboards

Use Dashboards to view your community’s analytics, such as metrics and trends on activity.
Dashboards give you mid-term to long-term views on adoption and engagement, providing you
with a high-level view into the health of your community. Dashboards also help you monitor return Available in: Salesforce
on investment (ROI) and key performance indicators (KPI). Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Enable and Map Dashboards for Community Managers Experience
Community managers can use dashboards in each community to measure its success. You can Available in: Enterprise,
even map a dashboard to the Community Management or Community Workspaces Home Performance, Unlimited,
page. You can map custom dashboards or use the ones provided in our AppExchange package. and Developer Editions
Create a Dashboard for Your Community
While you can show any dashboard in your community, we recommend creating them based
on the custom report types available for communities.
View Community Dashboards.
Use dashboards to monitor the health of your community.
What’s the difference between Engagement Insights and dashboards?
Engagement Insights let you take immediate action on recent activity in your community, and the reports in dashboards let you see

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Measure Community Success with Dashboards

Enable and Map Dashboards for Community Managers

Community managers can use dashboards in each community to measure its success. You can
even map a dashboard to the Community Management or Community Workspaces Home page.
You can map custom dashboards or use the ones provided in our AppExchange package. Available in: Salesforce
You can choose to map any dashboard you have access to, but ensure that your community Classic (not available in all
managers have access as well. orgs) and Lightning
All dashboards display as Lightning dashboards, regardless of what types of dashboard you’re using
or what interface your org is using. For example, a Salesforce Classic dashboard gets displayed as Available in: Enterprise,
a Lightning dashboard. Not all browsers support this Lightning view, so make sure you’re using a Performance, Unlimited,
supported browser. and Developer Editions

Tip: Keep in mind that you can get preconfigured dashboards in the Salesforce Communities
Management package available for download on the AppExchange. USER PERMISSIONS
If the Salesforce Communities Management package is installed in your organization, each of the To map dashboards in
pages has a default mapping to a dashboard from the package. You can overwrite these values as Community Management or
needed. Community Workspaces:
• Create and Set Up
To map or update your dashboards:
Communities OR
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management. Manage Communities
2. Click Dashboards > Settings. AND

3. For each of the pages, select the dashboard you want to show to community managers. To Manage Dashboards in
Public Folders
change the name of the dashboard page, click inside the dashboard label.
The dashboard you map to Home displays on your Community Management or Community
Workspaces Home page. Is a member of the
4. Click Save.
Dashboards are visible to community managers when they expand the Dashboards section or
visit the Home page in Community Management or Community Workspaces.

Verify the dashboard mappings by clicking Dashboards and then clicking each page name. If you mapped a dashboard to the Home
page, check that out too.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Measure Community Success with Dashboards

Create a Dashboard for Your Community

While you can show any dashboard in your community, we recommend creating them based on
the custom report types available for communities.

Tip: Keep in mind that you can get preconfigured dashboards in the Salesforce Communities Available in: Salesforce
Management package available for download on the AppExchange. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
All dashboards display as Lightning dashboards, regardless of what types of dashboard you’re using Experience
or what interface your org is using. For example, a Salesforce Classic dashboard gets displayed as
a Lightning dashboard. Not all browsers support this Lightning view, so make sure you’re using a Available in: Enterprise,
supported browser. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Open Community Workspaces or Community Management.
1. Create custom report types based on the Networks object.
Only reports that are based on the Networks object show community-specific information in
Community Management and Community Workspaces. To create custom report
Note: You can create reports based on other objects and expose them in Community • Manage Custom Report
Management or Community Workspaces. Keep in mind that they show data from across Types
your organization, not just for the community in which you’re viewing them. To create, edit, and delete
• Select Networks as the primary object. reports:
• Create and Customize
• Select a child object: Reports
– Chatter Messages To create and share
– Feed Revisions dashboards:
– Groups • Manage Dashboards in
Public Folders
– Network Audits
– Network Activity Daily Metrics
– Network Feed Revisions
– Network Members
– Network Membership Daily Metrics
– Network Moderations
– Network Public Usage Daily Metrics
– Network Unique Contributor Daily Metrics
– Recommendation Metric
– Topic Assignments
– Topics
– Unpublished Feed Entities

2. Use the custom report type to create a report.

Be sure not to filter the report by Network ID to ensure that the report dynamically displays data for the community you view it from.
Adding a Network ID filter causes the report to only show data for the community with that Network ID, regardless of which community
you view it in.

3. Create a dashboard with components. Select the report as your source type.
• Add a component for each report you want to include in your dashboard.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Measure Community Success with Dashboards

• Find your report on the Data Sources tab and add it to the component.
For a Salesforce Classic dashboard to optimally render in the Lightning view used in Community Management and Community
Workspaces, make sure that your dashboard meets these requirements.
• Includes only up to 20 reports arranged within three columns
• Doesn’t include unsupported charts, such as funnel, scatter, table, multi-metric, pie, and gauge
For a list of dashboard features not supported in the Lightning view, see Reports and Dashboards: Lightning Experience Limitations.

Note: Metrics are supported in the Lightning view, but they display as large tiles. We recommended that you don’t include
metrics in your dashboards.

4. Share the folder that you save your dashboard in with your community managers.
5. From Community Management or Community Workspaces, click Dashboards > Settings to map your dashboard.
When a community manager accesses Community Management or Community Workspaces, the dashboard appears under Dashboards.
If you mapped a dashboard to the Home page, the dashboard appears there.
Dashboards in Community Management and Community Workspaces are automatically refreshed every 24 hours. To see the latest data,
click Refresh. If you access the dashboard after it has been recently refreshed, the dashboard displays the globally cached data from
the last refresh. If the dashboard hasn’t been refreshed in 24 hours, it’s refreshed automatically when you access it. All role-based external
users in your community can refresh dashboards set up with “Run as specified user” and “Run as logged-in user” up to 1,000 times daily
per org. Scheduled and automatic refreshes don’t count against the limit. There is no refresh limit for internal users.

Note: Communities don’t fully support dashboard subscriptions. If you subscribe to dashboards, you receive email notifications
with updated dashboard information, but you can’t click through to the dashboard from the email notification.
Remember that you can customize your dashboards at any time. To edit your dashboard, go to the Dashboards > Settings page in
Community Management or Community Workspaces. Click into the Label field to edit the page name and select the down arrow to
the right of the Dashboard field to map to a different dashboard. Click Edit dashboard to open the dashboard in your internal Salesforce
org. If you’re using a dashboard that was created in Lightning Experience, the edit link doesn’t work.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Measure Community Success with Dashboards

View Community Dashboards.

Use dashboards to monitor the health of your community.
All dashboards display as Lightning dashboards, regardless of what types of dashboard you’re using
or what interface your org is using. For example, a Salesforce Classic dashboard gets displayed as Available in: Salesforce
a Lightning dashboard. Not all browsers support this Lightning view, so make sure you’re using a Classic (not available in all
supported browser. orgs) and Lightning
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management.
2. Click Dashboards. Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
Note: If the Dashboards section isn’t displayed, your administrator hasn’t mapped them and Developer Editions
for your community.
Pages that have dashboards mapped to them appear in the Dashboards section or on the Home USER PERMISSIONS
To view dashboards:
3. Click the dashboard page you want to view.
• Manage Communities
The dashboard appears. For an immediate refresh of dashboard data, click Refresh
Note: The refresh button is not available in Lightning communities accessed through Create and Set Up
mobile devices. Communities
Dashboards in Community Management and Community Workspaces are automatically Is a member of the
refreshed every 24 hours. To see the latest data, click Refresh. If you access the dashboard after community
it has been recently refreshed, the dashboard displays the globally cached data from the last
refresh. If the dashboard hasn’t been refreshed in 24 hours, it’s refreshed automatically when
you access it. All role-based external users in your community can refresh dashboards set up with “Run as specified user” and “Run
as logged-in user” up to 1,000 times daily per org. Scheduled and automatic refreshes don’t count against the limit. There is no
refresh limit for internal users.

Note: Communities don’t fully support dashboard subscriptions. If you subscribe to dashboards, you receive email notifications
with updated dashboard information, but you can’t click through to the dashboard from the email notification.

4. To view a related report, click View Report on the dashboard.

Remember that the dashboards are configured to display community-specific data.
Be sure not to filter the report by Network ID to ensure that the report dynamically displays data for the community you view it from.
Adding a Network ID filter causes the report to only show data for the community with that Network ID, regardless of which community
you view it in.

Remember that you can customize your dashboard at any time. To edit your dashboard, go to the Dashboards > Settings page in
Community Management or Community Workspaces. Click into the Label field to edit the page name and select the down arrow to
the right of the Dashboard field to map to a different dashboard. Click Edit dashboard to open the dashboard in your internal Salesforce
org. If you’re using a dashboard that was created in Lightning Experience, the edit link doesn’t work.

What’s the difference between Engagement Insights and dashboards?

Engagement Insights let you take immediate action on recent activity in your community, and the reports in dashboards let you see

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Moderation Strategies and Tools

Use Engagement to view, monitor, and act on your community’s Use Dashboards to view your community’s metrics, such as trends
activity. Engagement Insights give you a detailed look at a specific on activity. Dashboards give you mid-term to long-term views on
area of your community. adoption and engagement in your community. They help you
monitor return on investment (ROI) and key performance indicators

For example, you can visit the Engagement > Adoption page to For example, you can visit the Dashboards > Activity page to
view a report about new members in your community that have track total posts and comments including overall contribution
received the most likes on their posts and comments. This trends in your community.
Engagement Insights report helps you identify and engage with
your active new members that are receiving positive feedback
from other community members.

Community Moderation Strategies and Tools

Community moderation allows you to empower members of your community to monitor content
and ensure that it’s appropriate and relevant. Set up rules to automate moderation and do the
heavy lifting for you. Available in: Salesforce
Moderation is crucial for a community to thrive. You need active moderators who are willing to Classic (not available in all
spend time ensuring that the members and content in your community are appropriate and helpful. orgs) and Lightning
It’s also critical to empower members to speak up when they view something as inappropriate or Experience
offensive. Available in: Enterprise,
With Communities moderation, you can: Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
• Designate specific users as moderators so that they can closely monitor the community
• Allow members to flag posts, comments, files, and messages that are inappropriate or spam
• Allow moderators to review and act on flagged items, such as deleting a post, comment, or file
• Allow group owners and managers to moderate within their groups
• Create rules and criteria to automatically block, flag, replace keywords in member-generated content, such as posts or comments
• Create rules to review and approve content from specific members
• Track flagging and moderation activity within your community

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Moderation Strategies and Tools

To limit the size and types of files allowed in your community, go to Administration > Preferences.
To report on moderation activity in your communities, you can use the preconfigured Audit Trail Insights report provided in Salesforce
Communities Management package. You can also query the flagged content or activity using the API, or create a custom report type
using Networks as the primary object. For more information about the Salesforce Communities Management package, see Report
on Communities with the AppExchange Packages for Community Management.

Note: Changes to a feed item’s status are not included in the Audit Trail Insights report.

If you want to create custom advanced moderation logic for your community, you can create triggers that flag content. Custom triggers
run behind the scenes and don’t require you to allow your members to flag content.
If your org is using Transaction Security, community moderation offers some of the same functionality. Transaction Security and
communities moderation can be used at the same time.

Track Community Activity with the Moderation Overview Page

Moderation Insights are arranged in clickable tiles in the Moderation Overview page of Community Management and Community
Workspaces. View the entire picture of your community’s moderation activity at a glance and take action on day-to-day moderation
Enable Members to Flag Items in Your Community
Turn on flagging for your community to empower members to flag posts, comments, files, and messages that they deem inappropriate.
Community Moderation Criteria
Create criteria that define keywords or groups of members. Criteria are used in rules to moderate member-generated content, such
as posts and comments.
Community Moderation Rules
Create and modify rules for your community to moderate member-generated content. Each rule specifies the member-generated
content the rule applies to, the criteria to enforce the rule on, and the moderation action to take. Moderation rules help protect your
community from spammers, bots, and offensive or inappropriate content.
Review and Approve Posts and Comments in Your Community
Premoderation rules to review and approve content ensure that non-compliant and inappropriate content isn’t immediately visible
to everyone in your community. Posts and comments pending review aren’t displayed in the community feed; only the author and
community moderators can see pending posts and comments in the feed. An author can see a pending comment on a pending
post only if the author posted both. After you set up the rules, moderators can approve content directly in the community feed, in
Community Workspaces, or in Community Management.
Moderate Flagged Posts and Comments in Your Community
Community moderators can review a list of posts and comments that members of the community have flagged as inappropriate
and act on them. Group owners or group managers, can view flags and act on items in their groups.
Moderate Flagged Discussions in Your Community
Community moderators can delete and unflag posts and comments from discussions, and freeze or communicate with the author
of those posts, all from one place.
Moderate Flagged Files in Your Community
Community moderators can review a list of files that members of the community have flagged as inappropriate or spam and take
action. Group owners or group managers can view flags and take action on files in their groups.
Moderate Flagged Direct Messages in Your Community
Community members can flag messages in communities built using the Customer Service (Napili) template. Community moderators
can review and act on a list of direct messages that members of the community have flagged as inappropriate or spam.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Track Community Activity with the Moderation Overview Page

Moderate Flagged Private Messages in Your Community

Community moderators can review and act on a list of Chatter messages that members of the community have flagged as inappropriate
or as spam.
Set Up Apex Triggers for Flagging Items
Use triggers to create custom advanced moderation logic that automatically flags items in your community.
Community Pulse
Community Pulse displays metrics at the top of Workspaces. Click a metric to open the corresponding report or dashboard for more
information or to take action. Customize the displayed metrics or create new ones to meet your needs.
Communities Moderation Limits and Limitations
Community moderation limits ensure that your community performs optimally.

Track Community Activity with the Moderation Overview Page

Moderation Insights are arranged in clickable tiles in the Moderation Overview page of Community
Management and Community Workspaces. View the entire picture of your community’s moderation
activity at a glance and take action on day-to-day moderation tasks. Available in: Salesforce
Example: To view all flagged posts and comments, click Flagged Discussions and go Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
directly to the Flagged Discussions queue. You can approve or delete flagged posts and
comments in bulk, directly from the queue.
Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Enable Members to Flag Items in Your Community

Tip: Let us do the setup work for you! Get out-of-the-box Engagement Insights in the Salesforce Communities Management
package available for download from the AppExchange. To use the preconfigured Engagement Insights, your community must
use Chatter.
Insight reports provided in the package are 100% customizable. You can change the default Insights page names, report folder
mappings, and even the Insights report columns and filters at any time. So don’t be afraid to customize or change what you get
in the package. You won’t hurt our feelings.

Enable Members to Flag Items in Your Community

Turn on flagging for your community to empower members to flag posts, comments, files, and
messages that they deem inappropriate.
Community moderation must be enabled for your organization before you can allow members to Available in: Salesforce
flag content in the user interface. If you don’t see the option to allow flagged content, contact your Classic (not available in all
administrator. orgs) and Lightning
This setting isn’t required to flag or moderate items using the API.
Once an item is flagged, your community moderator can review it and take action. Remember that Available in: Enterprise,
Performance, Unlimited,
moderators can continue to flag items even if flagging is disabled for community members.
and Developer Editions
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management.
2. Click Administration > Preferences, then select Allow members to flag content. USER PERMISSIONS
3. Click Save.
To enable community user
With this setting enabled in a community: flagging (allow community
• Members can flag posts, comments, and files using the Flag as inappropriate option. members to flag items):
• Create and Set Up
• Members can flag messages from within the community on their My Messages page in Chatter. Communities
If a member has turned on email notification for messages, they can also flag the message
directly from their email. Members can only flag messages that are sent from communities they
are members of. Is a member of the
Note: Messages can’t be flagged in partner or customer portals, your internal organization,
or from the Salesforce app.

• Group owners and managers can moderate groups they own or manage.
If you want to create custom advanced moderation logic for your community, you can create triggers that flag content. Custom triggers
run behind the scenes and don’t require you to allow your members to flag content.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Moderation Criteria

Community Moderation Criteria

Create criteria that define keywords or groups of members. Criteria are used in rules to moderate
member-generated content, such as posts and comments.
Plan Your Use-Cases Available in: Salesforce
Before creating your member criteria, think about what you want to do. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
• Do you want to protect your community from bots and spammers? Most spammers attack
shortly after they’ve joined. Set up member criteria based on a user’s creation date.
• Do you want to review members’ first posts? Set up member criteria that targets users Available in: Enterprise,
without community contributions. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
• Do you want to moderate your internal users’ activity in your community? Set up member
criteria to include only your internal users.
• Do you want to be notified when a partner contributes for the first time? Set up member criteria to include only your partner
users that don’t have community contributions.
Before creating content criteria, think about what you want to moderate.
• Do you want to moderate profanities and slang? Set up separate keyword lists for each group of related words.
• Do you want to replace competitor product names with asterisks? Create a keyword list just for your competitor products.
• Do you want to monitor content for HIPAA compliance? Create a keyword list that alerts of possible HIPAA violations.

Create Content Criteria to Moderate Your Community

Create and modify content criteria that define offensive language or inappropriate content that you don’t want in your community.
Content criteria are used in rules to moderate member-generated content, such as posts and comments.
Create Member Criteria to Moderate Your Community
Create and modify member criteria to use in community moderation rules. Target specific groups of members based on their user
profile, user type, user creation date, or whether they've posted or previously commented in the community. Use member criteria
in your rules to help pin-point specific use-cases, like reviewing posts only from your customer users who were created in the last 7

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Moderation Criteria

Create Content Criteria to Moderate Your Community

Create and modify content criteria that define offensive language or inappropriate content that
you don’t want in your community. Content criteria are used in rules to moderate member-generated
content, such as posts and comments. Available in: Salesforce
You can also use the Metadata API or Tooling API to set up keyword lists. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Some things to keep in mind:
• Your org can have up to 30 keyword list criteria. This limit is per org, not per community.
Available in: Enterprise,
• A keyword list can have up to 2,000 keywords. Performance, Unlimited,
• Capitalization and trailing punctuation are ignored when matching your keywords to and Developer Editions
user-generated content. For example, if your criteria includes BadWord, it’s matched when
a user types BADWORD or badword.
Set up content criteria to use in your moderation rules:
To view, create, edit, and
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management.
delete criteria:
2. If you’re using Community Workspaces, access Moderation by clicking Moderation > Content • Manage Communities
Criteria > New. If you’re using Community Management, access Moderation by clicking OR Create and Set Up
ModerationContent Criteria. Communities

3. Enter a name, unique name, and description for your criteria. AND
Is a member of the
4. Click Save.
5. Update the keywords in your criteria.
To add keywords, click Add.
• Keywords can only be up to 100 characters and can include letters, numbers, spaces, and special characters.
• Wildcard characters aren’t supported.
• Separate keywords with commas or line breaks.
• When adding keywords, you can copy and paste up to 32,000 characters at a time.

Tip: To cover different variations of the same word, you can use special characters and spaces. For example:
b a d w o r d

To delete keywords, select the keywords you want to remove, then click Delete.
A message indicates how many keywords were added or failed to add, and the number of duplicates that were ignored. If your
entire entry failed to save, review the keyword requirements and then submit again. Don’t worry about adding duplicates because
they’re ignored.

To delete criteria, click Del from the Content Criteria page. If criteria is being used by a rule, you can’t delete it.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Moderation Criteria

Create Member Criteria to Moderate Your Community

Create and modify member criteria to use in community moderation rules. Target specific groups
of members based on their user profile, user type, user creation date, or whether they've posted or
previously commented in the community. Use member criteria in your rules to help pin-point Available in: Salesforce
specific use-cases, like reviewing posts only from your customer users who were created in the last Classic (not available in all
7 days. orgs) and Lightning
Some things to keep in mind: Experience

• Your org can have up to 100 member criteria. This limit is per org, not per community. Available in: Enterprise,
• Each member criteria can include up to 100 user conditions. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
You can create criteria that includes only user types and user profiles, or just filters. Or if you want
it all, your criteria can include user types, user profiles, and filters. Let’s get started.
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management.
2. Click ModerationMember Criteria, then click New. To view, create, edit, and
delete criteria:
3. Enter a name, unique name, and description for your criteria. • Manage Communities
4. Select the types of user types or user profiles to include in your criteria. OR Create and Set Up
You can select any combination of types and profiles. Members are included when they belong
to any one of your selections. AND
Is a member of the
If you delete a profile in your internal org, the profile is also removed from your member criteria.
5. Select to filter your members by:
• None—Select this option if you don’t want to filter the criteria using the other options.
None is the default selection.
• User creation date—Select this option to include only users that were created within a specific time frame. Enter the
number of days since the user was created.

Note: A user’s creation date might not be the same date they became a member of the community. For example, you
can have an internal user that was created 120 days ago who became a member of the community 5 days ago. For users
that self-register, their creation date is the date they become a member of the community.

• Members without community contributions—Select this option to include only members that haven’t posted
or commented in the community. Posts that are pending review don’t count as community contributions until they are approved.
If you selected user types or user profiles, and you also select filter conditions, members are included only if they belong to one of
the selected user types or profiles and the filter condition.

6. Click Save to apply your changes.

Example: Let’s look at the following conditions:

User Types: Partner
User Profiles: Customer Community Plus Login User, Customer Community Plus User, and Customer Community User
Filter By: User creation date is set to 7 days since the user was created
This member criteria applies to:
• Partner users created in the last 7 days
• Customer Community Plus Login User created in the last 7 days
• Customer Community Plus User created in the last 7 days

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Moderation Rules

• Customer Community User created in the last 7 days

You can use this member criteria in a rule to:
• Review and approve their posts
• Be notified of their contributions
• Flag all their contributions

To delete criteria, click Del from the Member Criteria page. If criteria is being used by a rule, you can’t delete it.

Community Moderation Rules

Create and modify rules for your community to moderate member-generated content. Each rule
specifies the member-generated content the rule applies to, the criteria to enforce the rule on, and
the moderation action to take. Moderation rules help protect your community from spammers, Available in: Salesforce
bots, and offensive or inappropriate content. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Customize Preconfigured Moderation Rules Experience
If your community was created after Spring ‘17, your community comes populated with Available in: Enterprise,
preconfigured moderation rules that block, flag, freeze, replace or review banned keywords. Performance, Unlimited,
Simply activate the rules and they are ready to go. You can customize both the rules and the and Developer Editions
list of banned keywords.
Create Content Rules to Moderate Your Community
Create and modify rules for your community to moderate member-generated content. Content rules protect your community from
offensive language and inappropriate content created by spammers or malicious members. You can create content rules that block,
replace, flag, or allow you to review and approve member-generated content.
Create Rate Limit Rules to Moderate Your Community
Create and modify rate rules to monitor and limit how frequently member-generated content is created in your community. Rate
rules protect your community against spammers and bots that attack your community by posting the same message multiple times
in a row. You can create rate rules to notify your moderators of suspicious spammer-like behavior or freeze a member on the spot.
How and when do community moderation rules execute?
Rules that block content run first, followed by rules to review and approve content, then rules that replace content, and last by rules
that flag content.
Enable Record Feed Moderation
Run moderation rules on comments or posts on any record feed that is visible from within a community. Record feed moderation
ensures that member posts or comments stay within the guidelines of the community.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Moderation Rules

Customize Preconfigured Moderation Rules

If your community was created after Spring ‘17, your community comes populated with
preconfigured moderation rules that block, flag, freeze, replace or review banned keywords. Simply
activate the rules and they are ready to go. You can customize both the rules and the list of banned Available in: Salesforce
keywords. Classic (not available in all
• Your org can have up to 30 rules. This limit is per org, not per community. This limit includes orgs) and Lightning
both content rules and rate rules. Experience
• Each content rule can have up to 3 keyword criteria and 10 member criteria. Available in: Enterprise,
• Rules that block content run first, followed by rules to review and approve content, then rules Performance, Unlimited,
that replace content, and last the rules that flag content. If two or more rules perform the same and Developer Editions
action, the oldest rule runs first, based on the date the rule was created. Rules to replace content
don’t run when the content also applies to a review rule—we want community managers to USER PERMISSIONS
review the original content.
• Moderation rules apply only to feed posts, comments, and polls. Moderation rules do not apply To view, create, edit, and
delete rules:
to topics that are created.
• Manage Communities
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management.. OR Create and Set Up
2. Click Moderation > Rules > Moderation Rule, then click Edit next to the rule that you want Communities
to modify. AND

3. If the rule meets your requirements, simply click Activate. Or you can customize the following Is a member of the
• Name—Change the name of your rule.
• Unique Name—Enter a unique name for your rule. The unique name used by the API.
• Description—Optionally, change the description.
• Activate Rule—Select to activate rule.
• Applies To—Specify which types of member-generated content this rule applies to. Posts and comments only apply to content
created in groups and user profiles. All feed types, such as polls and links, are supported.
• Moderation Action—Change what you want to happen when the criteria is matched.
– Block prevents the content from being published.
– Review allows users with the “Can Approve Feed Post and Comment” permission to approve the content before it’s published.
– Replace publishes the content with the keywords replaced as asterisks. For example, BadWord becomes *******.
– Flag publishes the content and then automatically flags the content as inappropriate.

• Message for Member—Change the existing pop-up message that your member sees when their content is blocked. If you
don’t specify a message, the member sees the standard message: “You can’t use %BLOCKED_KEYWORD% or other inappropriate
words in this community. Review your content and try again.” The %BLOCKED_KEYWORD% variable displays up to 5 blocked
words. You can also use this variable in your own custom message.

Tip: For international communities, you can translate this message. From Setup, enter Translate in the Quick Find
box, then select Translate. To provide a translation for the message, select the Moderation Rule setup component and
expand the community the rule belongs to.

• Member Criteria—Specify member criteria to enforce this rule. Ask yourself, who should this rule apply to?
• Content Criteria—Specify the content criteria to enforce this rule. Ask yourself, what specific keywords should this rule apply
to? A list of banned keywords has been created for you and is preselected for the rule. You can add or remove terms from the
list by clicking Content Criteriaand clicking Banned Keywords.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Moderation Rules

4. Click Save.
A few things to bear in mind:
• If you activate a content rule without specifying member criteria, the rule applies to all members.
• If you activate a content rule without specifying content criteria, the rule either:
– Prevents members from creating posts and comments entirely
– Sends all posts for review
– Flags all posts and comments

• If you select member criteria and content criteria, the rule applies only when both criteria are met.
• Specifying criteria is optional. However, we recommend that you include criteria in your rules to target specific members and content.

Create Content Rules to Moderate Your Community

Create and modify rules for your community to moderate member-generated content. Content
rules protect your community from offensive language and inappropriate content created by
spammers or malicious members. You can create content rules that block, replace, flag, or allow Available in: Salesforce
you to review and approve member-generated content. Classic (not available in all
If your community uses the Customer Service template, moderation rules apply to questions and orgs) and Lightning
group posts created by your community members. If you community uses Salesforce Tabs + Experience
Visualforce, moderation rules can also run on publisher actions. Available in: Enterprise,
You can also use the Metadata API or Tooling API to set up content rules. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Some things to keep in mind:
• Your org can have up to 30 rules. This limit is per org, not per community. This limit includes
both content rules and rate rules. USER PERMISSIONS
• Each content rule can have up to 3 keyword criteria and 10 member criteria. To view, create, edit, and
• Rules that block content run first, followed by rules to review and approve content, then rules delete rules:
that replace content, and last by rules that flag content. If two or more rules perform the same • Manage Communities
action, the oldest rule runs first, based on the date the rule was created. Rules to replace content OR Create and Set Up
don’t run when the content also applies to a review rule—we want community managers to
review the original content. AND
Is a member of the
Tip: Before creating a rule, we recommend that you create criteria to use in the rule. community
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management.
2. Click ModerationRules, then click New and select Content Rule.
3. Complete the following fields:
• Name—Enter a name for your rule.
• Unique Name—Enter a unique name for your rule. The unique name used by the API.
• Description—Optionally, enter a description.
• Activate Rule—If selected, the rule is activated.
• Applies To—Specify which types of member-generated content this rule applies to. Posts and comments only apply to
content created in groups and user profiles. All feed types, such as polls and links, are supported.
• Moderation Action—Specify what you want to happen when the criteria is matched.
– Block prevents the content from being published.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Moderation Rules

– Review allows users with the “Can Approve Feed Post and Comment” permission to approve the content before it’s
– Replace publishes the content with the keywords replaced as asterisks. For example, BadWord becomes *******.
– Flag publishes the content and then automatically flags the content as inappropriate.

• Message for Member—Specify the message that your member sees when their content is blocked. If you don’t specify
a message, the member sees the standard message: “You can’t use %BLOCKED_KEYWORD% or other inappropriate words in
this community. Review your content and try again.” The %BLOCKED_KEYWORD% variable displays up to 5 blocked words.
You can also use this variable in your own custom message.

Tip: For international communities, you can translate this message. From Setup, enter Translate in the Quick Find
box, then select Translate. To provide a translation for the message, select the Moderation Rule setup component and
expand the community the rule belongs to.

• Member Criteria—Specify member criteria to enforce this rule. Ask yourself, who should this rule apply to?
• Content Criteria—Specify the content criteria to enforce this rule. Ask yourself, what specific keywords should this rule
apply to?

Important: Keep the following things in mind:

• If you activate a content rule without specifying member criteria, the rule applies to all members.
• If you activate a content rule without specifying content criteria, the rule either:
– Prevents members from creating posts and comments entirely
– Sends all posts for review
– Flags all posts and comments
Yikes! Be careful.
• If you select member criteria and content criteria, the rule applies only when both criteria are met.
• Specifying criteria is optional. However, we recommend that you include criteria in your rules to target specific members
and content.

4. Click Save.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Moderation Rules

Create Rate Limit Rules to Moderate Your Community

Create and modify rate rules to monitor and limit how frequently member-generated content is
created in your community. Rate rules protect your community against spammers and bots that
attack your community by posting the same message multiple times in a row. You can create rate Available in: Salesforce
rules to notify your moderators of suspicious spammer-like behavior or freeze a member on the Classic (not available in all
spot. orgs) and Lightning
Each rate rule controls two actions: notification and freeze. You can set up your rate rule for both Experience
actions or just one. You can apply the rule to: posts, comments, files, and private messages. In Available in: Enterprise,
communities that use the Customer Service template, this includes questions and answers. Performance, Unlimited,
Some things to keep in mind: and Developer Editions

• Your org can have up to 30 rules. This limit is per org, not per community. This limit includes
both content rules and rate rules. USER PERMISSIONS
• Each rate rule can have up to 10 member criteria.
To view, create, edit, and
Tip: Before creating a rule, we recommend that you create member criteria to use in the delete rules:
rule. • Manage Communities
OR Create and Set Up
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management. Communities
2. Click ModerationModerationRules, then click New and select Rate Rule. AND
3. Complete the following fields: Is a member of the
• Name—Enter a name for your rule.
• Unique Name—Enter a unique name for your rule. The unique name used by the API.
• Description—Optionally, enter a description.
• Activate Rule—If selected, the rule is activated.
• Applies To—Specify which types of member-generated content this rule applies to. Posts and comments only apply to
content created in groups and user profiles.
• Member Criteria—Specify the member criteria to enforce this rule. Ask yourself, who do I want this rule to apply to?
Spammers are typically new members. We recommend creating member criteria that only includes customer users that were
created in the last 7 days.

– Rate rules don’t apply to internal users. You can use member criteria that includes internal users, but the rules don’t
apply to them.
– If you activate a rate rule without specifying member criteria, the rule applies to all external users.

• Content Creation Time Frame—Select the time frame you want to use.
• Notify Moderators—Enter a number. Moderators are sent an email when a member creates this much content in your
set time frame.
• Freeze Members—Enter a number. Members are frozen when they create this much content in your set time frame.

Important: When members are frozen, they’re frozen in all communities that they’re a member of.

Emails are sent to users with the “Moderate Community Users” permission. Make sure that you assign your moderators this permission.
Emails are sent even if a user has turned off Chatter emails.

4. Click Save to apply your changes.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Moderation Rules

Example: Let’s use the following rate rule as an example.

Applies To: Posts and private messages
Member Criteria: Customer users created in the past 7 days
Content Creation Time Frame: 3 minutes
Notify Moderators: 6
Freeze Members: 10
With this rate rule, here’s what happens when a member reaches your limits.

In the span of 3 minutes, a member creates... Is the moderator notified? Is the member frozen?
4 posts and 2 private messages

6 posts


8 posts and 2 private messages

10 posts


A rate rule with these values protects the community from spammers and bots but also allows you to help your new members.
Maybe a non-threatening member posted a question over and over hoping to get it answered faster. Rate rules do more than
protect—they let you help members in need.
Here’s a rule set up just for private messages.
Applies To: Private messages
Member Criteria: Customer users created in the past 3 days
Content Creation Time Frame: 15 minutes
Notify Moderators: 1
Freeze Members: 3
This rate rule protects the community from spammers that attack via private messages.

My rate rule didn’t do anything. What’s going on?

Give it time. Rate limit rules might not seem exact, but they are. Trust us. For example, say you set up a rate rule to freeze members
when they create content 10 times in 3 minutes. It’s possible for a member to create 9 items towards the end of the first 3-minute
time frame. In this case, the member isn’t frozen until they post another 10 items in the second 3-minute time frame.
Check the member criteria you’re using. For example, let's say you have a rate rule that uses member criteria to filter for members
without community contributions. After a members first post or comment, the rule doesn’t apply to the member anymore, so the
member doesn’t reach the freeze limit you set.

How and when do community moderation rules execute?

Rules that block content run first, followed by rules to review and approve content, then rules that replace content, and last by rules that
flag content.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Moderation Rules

If two or more rules perform the same action, the oldest rule runs first, based on the date the rule was created. Rules to replace content
don’t run when the content also applies to a review rule—we want community managers to review the original content. On the server,
Salesforce executes community rules within the standard order of execution.
Rules that block content execute during system validation. Rules that block content ignore changes made by before triggers. For
example, if a before trigger changes a feed post, a moderation rule that blocks content isn't aware of the changed content and
executes on the original content.
Rules to review and approve content execute before database saves. These rules execute before rules that replace content.
Rules that replace content execute before database saves.
Rules that flag content execute after workflow rules.

Enable Record Feed Moderation

Run moderation rules on comments or posts on any record feed that is visible from within a
community. Record feed moderation ensures that member posts or comments stay within the
guidelines of the community. Available in: Salesforce
Members can post or comment on any record types that have a feed. The moderation rules Classic (not available in all
configured for your community catch any posts or comments that don’t meet the rules’ criteria. orgs) and Lightning
Flags on a record feed are only visible from within the community that flags them. You can also Experience
turn off moderation rules for internal users so that their feed activity isn’t flagged. Available in: Enterprise,
1. Enter Communities Settings in the Quick Find / Search bar. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
2. Click the box next to Moderation applies to all feed posts regardless of where they are

Example: Enable Record Feed Moderation from Communities To view, create, edit, and
delete rules:
• Create and Set Up
Is a member of the


The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Review and Approve Posts and Comments in Your

Review and Approve Posts and Comments in Your Community

Premoderation rules to review and approve content ensure that non-compliant and inappropriate
content isn’t immediately visible to everyone in your community. Posts and comments pending
review aren’t displayed in the community feed; only the author and community moderators can Available in: Salesforce
see pending posts and comments in the feed. An author can see a pending comment on a pending Classic (not available in all
post only if the author posted both. After you set up the rules, moderators can approve content orgs) and Lightning
directly in the community feed, in Community Workspaces, or in Community Management. Experience
Note: The “Can Approve Feed Post and Comment” permission applies not only to Available in: Enterprise,
moderation but also to any Chatter feed a user can access. In other words, an assigned Performance, Unlimited,
user can edit or delete any post or comment. They can take these actions whether in and Developer Editions
a community or their internal Salesforce org, in any feed they have access to.
To set up a moderation rule to review and approve posts and comments, go to USER PERMISSIONS
ModerationRules and create a content rule that uses the Review action. Here are some
ways that you can use rules to review content: To approve, delete, or edit
posts and comments that
Self-Service Community are pending review:
Does your community allow members to self-register? You can set up a rule to review
and approve questions from all your self-registering users. Use member criteria that Note: An author can
see a pending
includes only your guest user profile and filters for members who were created in the
comment on a
past seven days. pending post only if
Have spammers ever attacked your community? Use member criteria that includes only the author posted
your guest user profile and filters for members that have never contributed to the both.
community. • Can Approve Feed Post
and Comment
Partner Community
Want to ensure that your partners aren’t discussing a recent acquisition or other sensitive To approve, delete, or edit
posts and comments that
transactions? You can set up a rule to review posts and comments that include keywords
are pending review in
such as “acquisition” or “merger.” Community Workspaces or
Employee Community Community Management:
Does your community require HIPAA compliance? Set up your rules to review posts and • Can Approve Feed Post
comments from all your employees. and Comment
Note: Users must have Manage Communities or Create and Set Up
Access Community
Communitiespermissions to create moderation rules.
Management OR
Pending Review is displayed in the header of the post or comment until it’s approved. Manage Communities
Remember that while a post or comment is pending approval, the author can still edit or OR Create and Set Up
delete it, however they can’t comment on it. An author can see a pending comment on a Communities
pending post only if the author posted both. To prevent the author from editing the post or AND
comment, you can disable feed post editing for certain users. Is a member of the
There are two ways to review and approve posts and comments in your community: community

• Use a preconfigured Insights report in Community Workspaces or Community

Use the Pending Insights report provided in the Salesforce Communities Management package. This report lets you see all the posts
and comments that are pending review in your community. The Insights report displays the contents of posts and comments so
you can quickly assess whether that content is spam or harmless. You can then approve or delete the item directly from the report.
You can also perform mass-action and approve multiple items at once.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Moderate Flagged Posts and Comments in Your Community

To get this report, install the Salesforce Communities Management package from the AppExchange. For more information, see
Report on Communities with the AppExchange Packages for Community Management.

• Approve posts and comments directly in the community feed.

In the community feed, users with the “Can Approve Feed Post and Comment” permission see an extra action in the post or comment
drop-down menu. If the item is inappropriate, they can delete it. If it has a typo, they can edit it.

After the item is approved, the author receives an email letting them know the item is approved and providing a link to it. Email
notifications, such as @mentions notifications, are sent only after the item is approved.

Moderate Flagged Posts and Comments in Your Community

Community moderators can review a list of posts and comments that members of the community
have flagged as inappropriate and act on them. Group owners or group managers, can view flags
and act on items in their groups. Available in: Salesforce
Flagged posts and comments have a small orange flag next to the post or comment date. The Classic (not available in all
number next to the flag indicates how many people have flagged the item. The moderator can orgs) and Lightning
review each item and act on it. Experience

A few things to keep in mind: Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
• Moderators can only view and act on items they have access to.
and Developer Editions
• Within a community group, group owners or managers can moderate items in their groups,
including viewing or removing flags and deleting posts, comments, or files.
• If Allow members to flag content is disabled in a community, only moderators
can flag items and view flagged items. To view flagged items,
There are a few ways you can moderate flagged posts and comments: remove flags, and delete
posts or comments:
• View flagged posts and comments from the Moderation Overview Home App in the Flagged • Moderate Communities
Discussions queue on page 37. Feeds
• Use a preconfigured Insights report in Community Management. To moderate posts and
If you have not enabled Community Workspaces, use the Flagged Comments and Flagged comments in Community
Discussions reports provided in the Salesforce Communities Management package. These Workspaces or Community
reports let you quickly manage your community’s flagged posts and comments. You can see
• Access Community
the content of the post or comment and then remove the flag or delete it. You can also select
multiple items at once. ORModerate
• Use the flagged feed in Chatter. Communities Feeds

If you’re using a Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce community, you can see a list of flagged posts AND
and comments using the Chatter menu in your community. The Allow members to Manage Communities
flag content preference must be enabled to see the Flagged feed. OR Create and Set Up
Is a member of the

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Moderate Flagged Posts and Comments in Your Community

• Moderate using a custom list. You can expose a list of flagged posts and comments using the Chatter REST API or ConnectApi in
• Click the link to the post or comment from the notification email.
• Moderate directly within context of the community by removing flags or deleting content in the feed.

Tip: To receive an email each time an item in your community is flagged, select the Flags an item as inappropriate checkbox
on your Email Settings page.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Moderate Flagged Discussions in Your Community

Moderate Flagged Discussions in Your Community

Community moderators can delete and unflag posts and comments from discussions, and freeze
or communicate with the author of those posts, all from one place.
Moderators can view an entire discussion in context (including all comments related to a post) and Available in: Salesforce
sort by the newest discussions or the oldest. Click View Discussion to open a discussion thread. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions


To view flagged items,

remove flags, and delete
posts or comments:
• Moderate Communities
To moderate posts and
comments in Community
Workspaces or Community
Click a post or comment or select View Flag Details to see how a post or comment has been • Access Community
flagged and who flagged it. Management
Communities Feeds
Manage Communities
OR Create and Set Up
Is a member of the

Want to know more about the author of a flagged post? We’ve got you covered. You can see which authors have a history of flagged
posts and how many times a moderator has deleted their posts. If necessary, freeze the author and send them a message from the same

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Moderate Flagged Discussions in Your Community

A few things to keep in mind:

• The Flagged Discussions queue is available only in organizations that have enabled Community Workspaces.
• Moderators can only view and act on items they have access to.
• Within a community group, group owners or managers can moderate items in their groups, including viewing or removing flags
and deleting posts, comments, or files.
• If Allow members to flag content is disabled in a community, only moderators can flag items and view flagged items.
Want to see what’s going on in your community overall? Install the Salesforce Communities Management package from the AppExchange.
For more information, see Report on Communities with the AppExchange Packages for Community Management.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Moderate Flagged Files in Your Community

Moderate Flagged Files in Your Community

Community moderators can review a list of files that members of the community have flagged as
inappropriate or spam and take action. Group owners or group managers can view flags and take
action on files in their groups. Available in: Salesforce
Members of your community may post files that aren’t appropriate because they contain sensitive Classic (not available in all
information or offensive content. Other members of the community can flag these files for review. orgs) and Lightning
Flagged files have a small orange flag. The number next to the flag indicates how many people Experience
have flagged the item. Available in: Enterprise,
A few things to keep in mind: Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
• Moderators can only view and act on items they have access to.
• Within a group in a community, group owners and managers can review and remove flags on
files in the groups they own and manage if Allow members to flag content is USER PERMISSIONS
enabled for their community.
To view the file detail page,
• If Allow members to flag content is disabled in a community, only moderators remove flags, and delete
can flag items and view flagged items. files:
There are a few ways you can moderate flagged files: • Moderate Communities
• Access the Flagged Files Insight report directly from the Community Management Moderation
To moderate files in
Overview page. Community Management:
• Use a preconfigured Insights report in Community Management or Community Workspaces. • Moderate Communities
Use the Flagged Files report provided in the Salesforce Communities Management package. Files
This report lets you see the name of the flagged file, who created it, who flagged it, and how AND
many flags the file has. You can click a link to open the file and review the content. Then you Access Community
can remove the flag or delete the file. You can also select multiple items at once. Management OR
Manage Communities
To get this report, install the Salesforce Communities Management package from the
OR Create and Set Up
AppExchange. For more information, see Report on Communities with the AppExchange Communities
Packages for Community Management.
• Moderate using a custom list. You can expose a list of flagged files using the Chatter REST API Is a member of the
or ConnectApi in Apex. community
• Moderate directly within context of the community by removing flags or deleting content on
the file detail page.

Tip: To receive an email each time an item in your community is flagged, select the Flags an item as inappropriate checkbox
on your Email Settings page.
To limit the size and types of files allowed in your community, go to Administration > Preferences.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Moderate Flagged Direct Messages in Your Community

Moderate Flagged Direct Messages in Your Community

Community members can flag messages in communities built using the Customer Service (Napili)
template. Community moderators can review and act on a list of direct messages that members
of the community have flagged as inappropriate or spam. Available in: Salesforce
Note: Private messages and direct messages are separate features. Direct messages are Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
newer and offer a richer feature set for private communication in communities. Direct messages
are based on Chatter and offer a rich text editor that supports inline images and attachments.
With direct messages, you can start a message right from a feed post. Available in: Enterprise,
The “Moderate Communities Chatter Messages” permission allows moderators to see the contents Performance, Unlimited,
of flagged direct messages, remove flags, and delete flagged messages. and Developer Editions

1. If you haven’t already, install the Salesforce Communities Management (for Communities with
Chatter) package from the AppExchange. USER PERMISSIONS
2. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management. To view and moderate
3. In Community Management, go to Moderation > Flagged and select Direct Messages from flagged direct messages in
Community Management or
the dropdown menu to filter the flagged items.
Community Workspaces:
4. Review and act on the flagged messages. • Moderate Communities
Chatter Messages
Tip: If you want to receive an email each time a message in your community is flagged, select
the Flags an item as inappropriate option on the Email Settings page. To receive emails,
you must have the “Moderate Communities Chatter Messages” and “Manage Chatter Messages Moderate Chatter
and Direct Messages” permissions. To set your email preferences, go to your profile page Messages and Direct
within a community, click the dropdown button in the upper-right corner, and select
My Settings, then click Email Settings.
Moderate Communities
Access Community
Management OR
Manage Communities
OR Create and Set Up
Is a member of the

To make all posts available

to moderation, including
direct messages, in
Communities Settings under
Community Moderation Rule
• Moderation applies to all
feed posts regardless of
where they are visible

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Moderate Flagged Private Messages in Your Community

Moderate Flagged Private Messages in Your Community

Community moderators can review and act on a list of Chatter messages that members of the
community have flagged as inappropriate or as spam.
The “Moderate Communities Chatter Messages” permission allows users to see the contents of Available in: Salesforce
messages, remove flags, and delete messages only in communities they’re a member of. With this Classic (not available in all
permission, only flagged messages can be deleted. The “Modify All Data” permission allows orgs) and Lightning
moderators to remove flags or delete a message in the SOAP API. Experience

Ensure that your moderators are assigned the “Moderate Communities Chatter Messages” permission, Available in: Enterprise,
not the “Manage Chatter Messages” permission. The “Manage Chatter Messages” permission allows Performance, Unlimited,
users to see all the messages in your entire Salesforce org. Avoid security and privacy concerns; and Developer Editions
double-check that your moderators and managers have the right permission.

Important: Keep these limitations in mind: USER PERMISSIONS

• Community members can’t flag messages sent from communities that they aren’t a To moderate messages in
member of or that haven’t turned on flagging for their users. Community Management or
• Users can’t flag messages in your internal organization, in the Salesforce app, or in partner Community Workspaces:
and customer portals. • Moderate Communities
Chatter Messages
There are a few ways to monitor and manage flagged messages in your communities: AND
• Access the Flagged Files Insight report directly from the Community Management Moderation Access Community
Overview page. Management OR
Manage Communities
• Use a preconfigured Insights report in Community Management or Community Workspaces. OR Create and Set Up
Use the Flagged Private Messages report provided in the Salesforce Communities Management Communities
package. This report lets you track trends and stay on top of message spamming attacks in your AND
community. You can view who sent the message, the contents of the message, when it was
Is a member of the
sent, and who flagged the message. You can use this report to unflag messages and delete community
To view the contents of a
To get this report, install the Salesforce Communities Management package from the
flagged message in reports:
AppExchange. For more information, see Report on Communities with the AppExchange
• Moderate Communities
Packages for Community Management. Chatter Messages
• Create your own report. To remove flags or delete
messages in the SOAP API:
First, create a custom report type using Networks as the primary object and Network
• Modify All Data
Audits as the secondary object. Then create a report using your new custom report type
and add a field filter for Audited Object Type set to equal Chatter Message.
Use the API to delete flagged messages.
• Directly query the flagged messages from the API and then delete them.

Tip: If you want to receive an email each time a message in your community is flagged, select the Flags an item as inappropriate
option on the Email Settings page. To receive emails, you must have the “Moderate Communities Chatter Messages” and “Moderate
Communities Feeds” permissions. To set your email preferences, go to your profile page within a community, click the dropdown
button ( ) in the upper-right corner and select My Settings, then click Email Settings.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Set Up Apex Triggers for Flagging Items

Set Up Apex Triggers for Flagging Items

Use triggers to create custom advanced moderation logic that automatically flags items in your

Tip: Did you know you can do this in the UI? Most communities don’t need custom Available in: Salesforce
moderation triggers. You can create moderation rules and criteria directly in Community Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Workspaces or Community Management. For more information, see Community Moderation
Using triggers to automatically flag items allows you to moderate your community behind the Available in: Enterprise,
scenes. These flags are only visible to moderators. You can view flags in Community Workspaces Performance, Unlimited,
or Community Management, query for them in the API, or use custom report types to create reports and Developer Editions
on flagged items, people whose items are flagged most, and more.
Consider the following when creating triggers: USER PERMISSIONS
• Create Apex after insert triggers on either FeedItem, FeedComment, ChatterMessage, or To create triggers:
ContentDocument. • Modify All Data
• Define criteria that when met creates a NetworkModeration (flag) record, with the FeedComment,
FeedItem, ChatterMessage, or ContentDocument as the parent.

Example: This trigger automatically flags posts in your community that contain BadWord.
trigger autoflagBadWordOnPost on FeedItem (after insert) {

List<NetworkModeration> flags = new List<NetworkModeration>();

for (FeedItem rec : {

if (!<CommunityId>.equals(rec.networkScope)){

if (rec.body.indexOf('BadWord') >= 0) {
NetworkModeration nm = new NetworkModeration(EntityId =, Visibility
= 'ModeratorsOnly');

if (!flags.isEmpty()) {

A similar trigger on comments would look like this.

trigger autoflagBadWordOnComment on FeedComment (after insert) {
List<NetworkModeration> flags = new List<NetworkModeration>();

for (FeedComment rec : {

if (!<CommunityId>.equals(rec.networkScope)) {

if (rec.commentBody.indexOf('BadWord') >= 0) {

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Pulse

NetworkModeration nm = new NetworkModeration(EntityId =, Visibility

= 'ModeratorsOnly');

if (!flags.isEmpty()){

Community Pulse
Community Pulse displays metrics at the top of Workspaces. Click a metric to open the corresponding
report or dashboard for more information or to take action. Customize the displayed metrics or
create new ones to meet your needs. Available in: Enterprise,
To get started, map reports and dashboards to your Workspaces. You can either map manually or Professional, Unlimited,
install the Winter ’18 or later version of the AppExchange package. After installation, Community and Developer editions.
Pulse displays automatically. If you have a Community with Chatter, four tiles display once you
install the package: Members, New Members, Unanswered Questions, and Flagged Discussions.
To customize a metric tile, click Edit Metrics. From here, create a metric or edit an existing one. You can have up to six metrics at a time.

By design, clicking a metric opens the corresponding report. However, selecting Open in dashboard lets you open a dashboard instead.

Communities Moderation Limits and Limitations

Community moderation limits ensure that your community performs optimally.

Criteria Limits Available in: Salesforce

Classic (not available in all
• Your org can have up to 30 keyword list criteria. This limit is per org, not per community. orgs) and Lightning
• Your org can have up to 100 member criteria. This limit is per org, not per community. Experience

Available in: Enterprise,

Performance, Unlimited,
Rule Limits and Limitations
and Developer Editions
• Your org can have up to 30 rules. This limit is per org, not per community. This limit includes
both content rules and rate rules.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Organize Communities with Topics

• Moderation rules apply only to feed posts, comments, and polls. Moderation rules do not apply to topics that are created.

Audit Limitations
Changes to a feed item’s status are not included in the Audit Trail Insights report.

Organize Communities with Topics

Navigational, featured, and content topics are a fantastic way to organize information and content in a community. Use topics to structure
your community content or highlight key discussions. You can create topics or use the topics that organically emerge from community
member posts.
Choose navigational topics and subtopics to provide a consistent map of your community. Use featured topics to highlight current,
popular conversations. Use content topics to organize your original content. In the community itself, member-created topics let users
organize information for each other, creating a personalized experience that boosts community engagement.
Community members can keep up-to-date on topics by following them and, optionally, receiving email notifications for topics they

When members choose Every Post, they get notifications when a post or question is added to the topic. They don’t get notifications
when the hashtag topic is added to a comment, answer, or record feed.

Navigational Topics
On every page of a self-service community, navigational topics are available from the Topics menu at upper left. Community members
can also see all the community’s navigational topics and subtopics in one place in the topic catalog.

When visitors choose a navigational topic, the banner image you selected for it appears at the top of the page.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Organize Communities with Topics

Note: Properties on the Ask and Contact Support & Ask components let you block selection of a new topic when a user asks a
question. For more information, see Ask Button and Contact Support & Ask Buttons.

Featured Topics
Featured topics are accessible from the body of your community home page. Thumbnail images you select for featured topics uniquely
identify them. (These unique thumbnails appear only on the home page; at the top of all featured topic pages, the default banner image
specified in Community Builder appears.)

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Organize Communities with Topics

Content Topics (Beta)

Note: This release contains a beta version of CMS for Community Cloud, which means it’s a high-quality feature with known
limitations. CMS for Community Cloud isn’t generally available unless or until Salesforce announces its general availability in
documentation or in press releases or public statements. We can’t guarantee general availability within any particular time frame
or at all. Make your purchase decisions only on the basis of generally available products and features. You can provide feedback
and suggestions for CMS for Community Cloud in the Community Cloud group in the Trailblazer Community.
Content topics allow you to organize your original content around common themes. Enable topics that you’re already using for content,
or create topics and enable them for content. After topics are enabled for content, assign them to your native content.

Member-Created Topics
When posting questions, community members create topics by using hashtags in body text, or typing in the topic suggestions box. (In
Setup, the “Assign Topics” and “Create Topics” permissions must be enabled for community users.)

If any suggested topics are poor matches for the post, members can simply click to delete them.

Tip: Member-created topics can be accessed via search or highlighted as featured topics.

Topic Metrics
Community members can check how often a topic has been used in the past 60 days and how many followers it has. Find metrics on
a topic’s detail page. With this information at their fingertips, community members know how current and popular a topic is. Admins
can also use these metrics to highlight certain topics in their communities or consolidate similar topics based on usage.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Manage Topics in Communities

Manage Topics in Communities

As the number of topics in a community grows, curate them to improve usability. You can create, merge, rename, enable for content,
and delete topics in one convenient location.
Automatically Assign Topics to Articles
Transport all your hard work of organizing Salesforce Knowledge in your community by mapping topics to data categories. All articles
published with a specific data category are tagged with the topics you specify. And articles added to the data category in the future
will also be tagged.
Set Up Featured Topics
Featured topics highlight current, popular community conversations. Change them regularly to keep community members up-to-date
and engaged.
Set Up Navigational Topics
Structure your community’s content and help your users find what they need with navigational topics. If your organization uses data
categories, community managers can link current Salesforce Knowledge articles associated with those categories to each navigational
topic. (If data categories aren’t enabled, administrators can add articles to each topic using the Chatter REST API.)
Set Up Content Topics (Beta)
Content topics organize your original content around common themes.
See Your Community’s Topics and Subtopics in One Place
You’ve gone through the exhaustive task of adding topics and various levels of subtopics to your community’s content. Now you
want your community members to see all the organized topics in one place, so they can navigate to any subject their hearts desire.
Fear not! They can see everything in your community’s topic catalog.
Add Topics to Articles or Remove Them
Easily add multiple topics of any type to specific articles, or quickly remove them as community needs change.
Translate Topics Names and Descriptions for Communities with International Audiences
Use the Translation Workbench to translate topic names and descriptions in international communities.

Manage Topics in Communities


To access Community Workspaces or Manage Communities Available in: Salesforce

Community Management page: OR Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Create and Set Up Communities Experience

To create topics: Create Topics Available in: Essentials,

Enterprise, Performance,
To merge topics: Merge Topics Unlimited, and Developer
To delete topics: Delete Topics Editions

To edit topics: Edit Topics

As the number of topics in a community grows, curate them to improve usability. You can create, merge, rename, enable for content,
and delete topics in one convenient location.
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Manage Topics in Communities

Tip: If you want to create content topics or enable topics for content, use Community Workspaces.

2. If you’re using Community Workspaces, access topics by clicking Content Management > Topics. If you’re using Community
Management, access topics by clicking Topics > Topic Management.
3. Do one of the following.
• To create a topic (often with a plan to merge existing ones into it), click New. Add a name and a topic description to boost SEO.
If you want to be able to associate the topic with native content, select Enable for content.
• To combine topics, click Merge.
Merging a topic automatically redirects existing hashtags in posts. If you merge a navigational or featured topic, the topic type,
image, and any subtopic relationships are discarded. If you merge a topic with a content topic, the content associations are

• To enable up to 10 topics for content at the same time, select the topics and click Enable for Content.
After enabling topics for content, you can associate the topics with your native content.

To edit a topic in Community Workspaces, click and select Edit. In Community Management, click .
If you deselect Enable for content when editing a topic that is associated with content, saving your changes removes the

• To see a topic detail page in your community, click the topic name.

To delete a topic in Community Workspaces, click and select Delete. In Community Management, click .
If you don’t see a topic you’re looking for, you can search for it.

Tip: For communities with a global audience, you can translate names and descriptions of topics.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Automatically Assign Topics to Articles

Automatically Assign Topics to Articles

Transport all your hard work of organizing Salesforce Knowledge in your community by mapping
topics to data categories. All articles published with a specific data category are tagged with the
topics you specify. And articles added to the data category in the future will also be tagged. Available in: Salesforce
To use automatic topic assignments, enable Community Workspaces in Community Settings. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
1. Open Community Workspaces.
2. Access automatic tTopic assignments by clicking Content Management > Topics > Automatic
Topic Assignment. Available in: Essentials,
Enterprise, Performance,
3. Enable Automate Topic Assignment. Unlimited, and Developer


To access Community
• Manage Communities
Create and Set Up
Is a member of the

To set up automatic topic

• Edit Topics
View Data Categories

4. Select a data category group and a data category.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Automatically Assign Topics to Articles

5. Add the topics that you want to assign to the articles under that data category.

6. Select the option to add the topics to existing articles in the data category. The topics are then assigned to all articles in all data
categories under the data category group. If you don’t select this option, the topics are added only to new articles added to the data
category, and the existing articles remain unchanged.
7. Click Save.
Consider the following as you set up your topic assignment rules.
• Topic assignments are community-specific. If you use the same article in two different communities, set up automatic assignments
in both communities.
• If a translation of a topic is available in Salesforce, the translated article is tagged with the corresponding translated topic. If there’s
no translated topic in the system, localized articles are tagged with the base language topic.
• You can’t automatically remove topics from articles. Instead, you must manually remove topics.
• If you merge two topics, you must set up new rules.
• If you automatically add a topic to a data category, the topic is added to all articles in the data categories above it in the hierarchy.
Topics aren't automatically added down a hierarchy to child data categories.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Set Up Featured Topics

Set Up Featured Topics

Featured topics highlight current, popular community conversations. Change them regularly to
keep community members up-to-date and engaged.
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
2. If you’re using Community Workspaces, access featured topics by clicking Content
orgs) and Lightning
Management > Topics > Featured Topics. If you’re using Community Management, access
featured topics by clicking Topics > Featured Topics.
3. Enter the first few letters of the topic name in the search box. Select a suggested topic and click Available in: Essentials,
Enterprise, Performance,
Add. Use navigational or member-created topics.
Unlimited, and Developer
Tip: Using the Chatter REST API, you can create unique featured topics, separate from Editions
navigational or member-created ones.

4. Hover over a topic name, and click USER PERMISSIONS

. Then click Upload thumbnail image, and select an
image that represents the featured topic on the community home page. To access Community
(Thumbnail images are scaled to 250 x 250 pixels. To prevent distortion, create image files with Workspaces or Community
Management page:
those dimensions.)
• Manage Communities
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to create several featured topics for your community, up to a maximum OR
of 25. Then click Save. Create and Set Up
To edit featured topics, hover over a topic name. Communities
• To move topics up or down, click the arrows at left. AND

• To delete topics or change their thumbnail images, click Is a member of the


To set up featured topics:

• Edit Topics

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Set Up Navigational Topics

Set Up Navigational Topics

Structure your community’s content and help your users find what they need with navigational
topics. If your organization uses data categories, community managers can link current Salesforce
Knowledge articles associated with those categories to each navigational topic. (If data categories Available in: Salesforce
aren’t enabled, administrators can add articles to each topic using the Chatter REST API.) Classic (not available in all
1. From Setup, enter Topics for Objects in the Quick Find box, then select Topics orgs) and Lightning
for Objects, and enable topics for all the article types you want to include. Experience

Note: Enabling topics disables public tags on articles. Personal tags aren’t affected. Available in: Essentials,
Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
2. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management.
3. If you’re using Community Workspaces, access navigational topics by clicking Content
Management > Topics > Navigational Topics. If you’re using Community Management,
access navigational topics by clicking Topics > Navigational Topics USER PERMISSIONS
4. In the text box at right, enter a topic name, and click Add. Want to add subtopics? After you To access Community
add a topic, choose your topic from the dropdown menu (under Show subtopics of). To add a Workspaces or Community
subtopic, add another topic and click Add. You can add up to two levels of subtopics for each Management page:
parent topic. • Manage Communities

5. If your organization uses data categories, hover over the navigational topic name, and click . OR
Select a Data Category Group, then select the categories you want to add to the topic, and click Create and Set Up
Add Articles & Close Window. Communities
Important: This process adds only current articles to a topic. To add new articles, return
Is a member of the
to Community Management or Community Workspaces and repeat the previous step.
6. Hover over a topic name, and click . Then click Upload banner image and select an image To set up navigational
that appears across the top of the topic page. topics:
(Banner images are scaled to 1400 x 180 pixels. To prevent distortion, create image files with • Create Topics
those dimensions.) AND
Edit Topics
7. Repeat steps 4–6 to create several navigational topics for your community. Then click Save.
To add articles to topics:
8. Use subtopics to further categorize your content. Associate articles for each set of subtopics for • View Data Categories
a more granular organization.
This table shows the maximum number of navigational topics and subtopics you can create in
the UI of a Customer Service community template. Read on related article
Level Maximum Number of Entries
One (parent) 25

Two (subtopic) 10

Three (subtopic) 10

With Chatter REST API or Chatter in Apex, you can create an additional five levels, each with 10 subtopics, for a total of 2,775
navigational topics.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Set Up Content Topics (Beta)

Tip: To edit navigational topics, hover over a topic name.

• To move a topic up or down, click the arrows at left.

• To rename or remove a topic, change its banner image, or remove assigned articles, click .

Set Up Content Topics (Beta)

Content topics organize your original content around common themes.
Note: This release contains a beta version of CMS for Community Cloud, which means it’s a
high-quality feature with known limitations. CMS for Community Cloud isn’t generally available Available in: Salesforce
unless or until Salesforce announces its general availability in documentation or in press Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
releases or public statements. We can’t guarantee general availability within any particular
time frame or at all. Make your purchase decisions only on the basis of generally available
products and features. You can provide feedback and suggestions for CMS for Community Available in: Essentials,
Cloud in the Community Cloud group in the Trailblazer Community. Enterprise, Performance,
1. Open Community Workspaces. Unlimited, and Developer
You can view and edit content topics in Community Management, but you can’t create content
topics or enable topics for content in Community Management.
2. Access topics by clicking Content Management > Topics.
To access Community
3. Select All Topics > All Content Topics.
Workspaces page:
4. To create a content topic, click New. • Manage Communities
5. Enter a name and description. Select Enable for content. OR
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to create several content topics for your community, up to a maximum Create and Set Up
of 25. Communities
Alternatively, use the All Topics list and select up to 10 topics at a time and click Enable for AND
Content. Is a member of the
After a topic is enabled for content, you can associate the topic with your native content.
To set up content topics:
To edit or delete a content topic, click in the topic row and select Edit or Delete. • Create Topics

See Your Community’s Topics and Subtopics in One Edit Topics

You’ve gone through the exhaustive task of adding topics and various levels of subtopics to your community’s content. Now you want
your community members to see all the organized topics in one place, so they can navigate to any subject their hearts desire. Fear not!
They can see everything in your community’s topic catalog.
The topic catalog shows the hierarchy of navigational topics you’ve created for the community. It’s only visible after you set up navigational
topics, and it’s accessed from the navigation menu.
How is the topic catalog useful to your community members?
• New and returning users look at all the organized topics in one place, getting a lay of the land before diving deeper into a specific
• Any community user can use the topic catalog as a jumping point to go from topic to topic.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management See Your Community’s Topics and Subtopics in One Place

To set up the topic catalog, select Add the “More Topics...” link when editing the navigation menu on the home page. The link appears
when you have at least one subtopic.
You can also see an article or discussion’s placement in the topic hierarchy using breadcrumbs. To show breadcrumbs on your community’s
pages, drag the Breadcrumb component to the page in Community Builder.


The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Add Topics to Articles or Remove Them

Add Topics to Articles or Remove Them

Easily add multiple topics of any type to specific articles, or quickly remove them as community
needs change.
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
2. If you’re using Community Workspaces, access topics by clicking Content Management >
orgs) and Lightning
Topics > Article Management. If you’re using Community Management, access topics by
clicking Topics > Article Management.
3. Use the search bar to look for articles. Filter your search by selecting a data category group, Available in: Essentials,
Enterprise, Performance,
followed by a specific category.
Unlimited, and Developer
4. Click an article, and then type to assign topics, or click existing ones to remove them. Editions
Note: To automatically add the translated version of a topic to translated articles, the
translated topics and articles must already be uploaded in the system. Otherwise, the translated USER PERMISSIONS
article is tagged with the English topic.
To access Community
Workspaces or Community
Management page:
• Manage Communities
Create and Set Up

To add or remove topics:

• Create Topics

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Translate Topics Names and Descriptions for Communities
with International Audiences

Translate Topics Names and Descriptions for Communities with International

Use the Translation Workbench to translate topic names and descriptions in international
1. From Setup, enter Translate in the Quick Find box, then select Translate. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
2. Select the language you’re translating into.
orgs) and Lightning
3. Select Managed Topic for the Setup Component. Experience
4. For Aspect, select Field Label for the topic name, and Description for the topic description. Available in: Essentials,
5. In the Community Name column, expand a community to see its master topic names. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
6. To enter language-specific names for topics, double-click in the Topic Name Translation column.
For descriptions, double-click in the Topic Description Translation column.
Consider the following when you’re using the Translation Workbench:
• There’s no Metadata API support for translated topic names or descriptions.
• While topic name uniqueness is guaranteed in English, the translator must ensure the To translate topics:
uniqueness of topic names in the translated language. • View Setup and
• Modifying topic names from Community Workspaces or Community Management only
changes the English community. All translated topic name and description changes must AND
be made using the Translation Workbench. Be designated as a
• If a translated topic name is entered when the community is in English mode, the translated
name can appear twice in the translated community.
• When topics names are translated with the Translation Workbench, hashtags in the translated
communities also change. For example, #help shows as #aiuto in Italian. If the community member then reverts to English from
Italian, clicking the #aiuto hashtag gives an error message rather than showing the topic detail page of #help.

Note: To automatically add the translated version of a topic to translated articles, the translated topics and articles must
already be uploaded in the system. Otherwise, the translated article is tagged with the English topic.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Customize Recommendations in Communities

Customize Recommendations in Communities

Create recommendations to drive engagement for your community, encouraging users to watch
videos, take trainings, and more. Target specific audiences and use channels to specify locations
for the recommendations. Available in: Salesforce
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
2. Open Recommendations.
• In Community Workspaces, select Content Management > Recommendations.
Available in: Essentials,
• In Community Management, select Recommendations > Recommendations. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
3. Select Default Channel or one of the custom channels.
A channel is a way to group recommendations together so you can determine where they
show up in the community.
Default Channel
Recommendations in the default channel appear in predefined locations, such as the Home To access Community
and Question Detail pages in Customer Service and Partner Central communities. Workspaces or Community
Custom Channel
• Manage Communities
You choose the pages where you want these recommendations to appear. In Community
Builder, add the Recommendations Carousel component to the page where you want the OR
recommendation to appear. Use the property editor to specify the custom channel with Create and Set Up
the recommendation. Communities

Using a custom channel, you could surface a recommendation to review specific knowledge
articles on a product description page to guide customers to more information.
If you want to change the channel of a recommendation, delete the recommendation and recreate it in a different channel.

4. Click New.
5. Complete the following fields:
• Name—Enter a name for the recommendation. This name doesn’t appear in the community.
• Image—Click Upload Image to include an image with your recommendation.
• Title—Optionally, enter header text that appears above the image.
• Description—Enter detailed text that suggests what users can do.
• Button text—Enter a label for the button in the recommendation.
• https://—Enter the URL that the button opens.
The URL can contain context variables to pass information about the user who clicked the recommendation and the context in
which it was clicked. For example, include a {!userId} context variable in your URL,{!userId}. When a user clicks the button in the
recommendation, Salesforce sends the ID of that user to your server in the HTTP request.
Recommendations support these context variables.

Context Variable Description

{!actionLinkId} The ID of the recommendation link that the user clicked.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Customize Recommendations in Communities

Context Variable Description

{!actionLinkGroupId} The ID of the recommendation link group containing the
recommendation that the user clicked.

{!communityId} The ID of the community in which the user clicked the

recommendation. The value for your internal Salesforce org is
the empty key, "000000000000000000".

{!orgId} The ID of the org in which the user clicked the


{!userId} The ID of the user that clicked the recommendation.

• Audience—Select an audience for the recommendation. If you don’t select an audience, all members of the community see
the recommendation.

Tip: To create an audience that appears in this drop-down list, in Community Workspaces, select Content Management >
Recommendations > Audiences. In Community Management, select Recommendations > Audiences. Click New.

• Enabled—If checked, this recommendation is active and appears in communities.

The Recommendations Carousel displays your custom recommendations and also displays system-generated topic
recommendations for your community.
After a community member clicks or dismisses a recommendation, it no longer appears for that member.

6. Click Save.

Tip: To remove a recommendation, click the recommendation name. At the bottom of the recommendation details, click Delete.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Create Targeted Audiences for Your Community

Create Targeted Audiences for Your Community Recommendations

Create audiences of new community members or use the API to manage customized lists of audience
members to organize and target recommendations.
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management. Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
2. Open Recommendation Audiences.
orgs) and Lightning
• In Community Workspaces, select Content Management > Recommendations > Experience
Available in: Essentials,
• In Community Management, select Recommendations > Audiences. Enterprise, Performance,
Unlimited, and Developer
3. Click New.
4. Complete the following fields.
• Name—Enter a name for the audience. USER PERMISSIONS
• Audience Type
To access Community
– Select New Members to create an audience based on how long users have been Workspaces or Community
community members. Management:
Enter the number of days since registration for audience members. • Manage Communities
– Select Custom List to create an audience based on any criteria you want.
Create and Set Up
Note: You can’t manage audience membership for custom lists through the UI. Communities
Add and remove members through the API.

5. Click Save.
Audiences you create appear in the Audience drop-down list when you create a recommendation.

Tip: To remove an audience, click the audience name. At the bottom of the audience details, click Delete. If you remove an
audience that is associated with a recommendation, the recommendation is disabled and the audience is set to the default (All
community members).

Use gamification tools, like Recognition Badges and Reputation, to keep your members engaged
in your community.
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Recognition Badges orgs) and Lightning
Acknowledge your members’ accomplishments or celebrate with them using Recognition Badges. Experience

Available in: Enterprise,

Available in: Enterprise, Professional, Unlimited, and Developer editions. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions

We provided some default badges but you can create your own. You can also choose who else can
create badges and who can give badges in your community.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Recognition Badges

Recognition Badges Limitations

While Recognition Badges are a great way to keep your members involved in your community,
keep a few things in mind when you use them.
• Chatter must be enabled for your community. Available in: Enterprise,
• Community members with the following user licenses can see the badges that they have Professional, Unlimited,
received, but not give badges: and Developer editions.

– Customer Portal User

– High Volume Customer Portal
– Internal Portal User
– Standard Partner

• Badges aren’t translated. The badge name and description are the same regardless of which language the member is using.
• “Review” moderation rules are not enforced for badges comments. To help prevent blacklisted keywords from appearing in your
community, add your list of words to “block” or “replace” rules.

Recognition Badges Setup

With just a few steps, you can set up Recognition Badges for your community and restrict who can
create and give badges.
Available in: Enterprise,
Professional, Unlimited,
and Developer editions.

Enable Thanks

Recognition Badges are based on the Thanks feature. Enable this feature plus the ability
to restrict who can create badges before continuing in your setup.

Note: You don’t need an additional license to set up the Thanks feature. Available in: Enterprise,
Professional, Unlimited,
1. In Classic, from Setup, enter in the Quick Find box. and Developer editions.
2. Select Settings.
3. Under Thanks Setting, select Enable and save. The Restrict Custom Badge Creators option is USER PERMISSIONS
now available.
To set up the Thanks feature:
4. Under Restrict Custom Badge Creators, select Enable, and save. • Customize Application

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Recognition Badges

Configure Who Can Create Recognition Badges

Use permission sets, our recommended method, to choose which members can create recognition
badges. Restricting who can do so helps control the number of badges in your community and
maintains the value of a badge. Available in: Enterprise,
Say that you create a recognition badge to be given to MVPs. Restricting who can create badges Professional, Unlimited,
helps eliminate the risk of having multiple MVP badges. Restricting who can give the badge to, say, and Developer editions.
community managers helps make sure only those members who are truly MVPs receive recognition
1. First, set up the permission set for creating badges. From Setup, enter Permission Sets
in the Quick Find box, then select Permission Sets. To create permission sets:
• “Manage Profiles and
2. Click New. Permission Sets”
3. Enter your permission set information. Name the permission set “Create Custom Badge To assign permission sets:
Definitions.” • “Assign Permission Sets”
4. Click System Permissions and then click Edit.
5. To add the permissions for creating a badge, select Create custom Badge Definitions permission.
6. Select Manage Assignments and add those users you want to let create badges.

Configure Who Can Give Recognition Badges

Use permission sets, our recommended method, to choose which members can give recognition
badges. Restricting who can do so helps control the number of badges in your community and
maintains the value of a badge. Available in: Enterprise,
Note: Buttons for giving badges appear in two places on the member’s profile. If, after Professional, Unlimited,
and Developer editions.
following the steps below, your approved users don’t see the Give button at the top of a
member’s profile, under Settings, go to Users. Edit the User Page Layout and add the Give
Badge action in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section. USER PERMISSIONS
1. First, set up the permission set for giving badges. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in
To create permission sets:
the Quick Find box, then select Permission Sets.
• “Manage Profiles and
2. Click New. Permission Sets”
3. Enter your permission set information. Name the permission set “Give Recognition Badges in To assign permission sets:
Lightning Communities.” • “Assign Permission Sets”

4. Click System Permissions and then click Edit.

5. To add the permissions for giving a badge, select Give Recognition Badges in Lightning Communities permission.
6. Select Manage Assignments and add those users you want to let give badges.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Recognition Badges

Use Components to Display Recognition Badges on Member Profiles

Use the User Profile component or the Recognition Badge component to display Recognition
Badges on a member’s profile.
You can either use the User Profile component or the Recognition Badges component to allow Available in: Enterprise,
assigned badges to display on a member’s profile page. Professional, Unlimited,
and Developer editions.
1. In the User Profile component, select Show Recognition Badges.


To manage page
• Create And Set Up

2. Alternatively, drag the Recognition Badges component onto the profile page.

Display the Full List of Recognition Badges on a Member’s Profile Page

Edit the user profile layout to display the full list of recognition badges on a members’ profile page.
1. From Setup, go to Users under Customize. Select Page Layouts.
Available in: Enterprise,
2. Click Edit next to User Profile Layout.
Professional, Unlimited,
3. Click Related Lists and drag Recognition to the Related Lists section of the page layout and and Developer editions.


To update the user profile

• Customize Application

4. Each community’s guest users have a discrete user profile. To find out which user profile layout to update, go to Community Builder,
of the community you’re working on, open Settings, and then click the link to the guest user profile. Repeat steps 1–3 for that user
profile layout.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Recognition Badges

Game mechanics, such as using badges, are a great way to get your users involved in your
community. However, assigning badges manually can be time consuming. Instead, use the Missions
feature to assign badges automatically. Community managers have their say in what action earns Available in: Enterprise,
a badge and when it can be awarded, and then Missions takes care of the rest. And members can Professional, Unlimited,
see which badges they haven’t yet earned, inspiring action. and Developer editions.
Community managers create missions and choose the badge, the action, and the threshold. For
example, a mission could assign the Nice Work badge when a member answers 10 questions.
Actions you can choose from include writing a post or comment, receiving a like, and more.

Create a Mission
Create a mission, choosing an action, threshold, and badge, to automatically give badges to your

Note: To use Missions, set up Recognition Badges. Available in: Enterprise,

Professional, Unlimited,
1. In Community Workspaces, click the Gamification tile and go to the Missions section. and Developer editions.
2. Click New.
3. In the New Mission popup window, give the mission a name and a description. USER PERMISSIONS

To create recognition
• Create Custom Badge
To manage your recognition
• Create And Set Up
Moderate Chatter
Manage Communities
Moderate Chatter
4. Select the action that the member performs.
5. Enter the threshold, which sets how often a member must repeat the action to earn the badge. To manage badges created
by someone else:
6. Choose your preferred badge and save your changes. • Modify All Data
Tip: To make a badge available for missions, in the Recognition Badges section, create AND
or edit a badge and select Mission Badge. Moderate Chatter
As a best practice, use the badge’s name and description to explain how the user can
earn it.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Recognition Badges

Display Unearned Badges

Inspire members to participate more in your community by showing them which badges they can
earn. You can display the unearned badges in the member’s recognition badges list.
Available in: Enterprise,
User Permissions Needed Professional, Unlimited,
To edit page components: Create and Set Up Communities AND View and Developer editions.
Setup and Configuration

Note: To use Missions, set up Recognition Badges.

1. In Community Builder, open the Badge Received Related List page.

2. Click the User Recognition List component.

Select Show unearned badges.

Turn On Recognition Badges in Community Workspaces

Turn on Recognition Badges via the Gamification Tile to finish setting up and start giving badges.
Before you can complete this task, you enable’s Thanks feature, configure permission
sets for who can create and give badges, and add recognition to user profile layouts. Available in: Enterprise,
Professional, Unlimited,
1. In Community Workspaces, click the Gamification tile.
and Developer editions.
2. In Settings, turn on Recognition Badges. A Recognition Badges section appears above Settings.
3. To see the available badges and create and manage badges, click Recognition Badges. USER PERMISSIONS

To turn on or off Recognition

• Create and Set Up
Moderate Chatter

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Recognition Badges

Create, Edit, and Delete Recognition Badges

In addition to the four default badges, you can create your own to fit the needs of your community.
You can edit both the default badges and your custom badges.
1. To create a badge, in Community Workspaces, click the Gamification tile and go to the Available in: Enterprise,
Recognition Badges section. Professional, Unlimited,
and Developer editions.
2. Click New.
3. Give your badge a name and a description and upload an image. Click Save. The Public and
Active checkboxes are selected by default. When you save, your badge is immediately available USER PERMISSIONS
to everyone with permissions to give a badge. If you want to limit who can give a badge, deselect To create recognition
• Create Custom Badge
To manage your recognition
• Create And Set Up
Moderate Chatter
Manage Communities
Moderate Chatter

To manage badges created

by someone else:
• Modify All Data
Moderate Chatter

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Recognition Badges

Public. If you aren’t ready for it to be live, deselect Active. If you want the badge to be available for a mission, select Mission

4. To edit the fields, go to the badge related list, click the dropdown and the end of the badge’s row, and click Edit.

5. To delete a badge, go to the badge related list, click the dropdown and the end of the badge’s row, and click Delete.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Recognition Badges

Manage Who Can Give a Specific Recognition Badge

Controlling who can give a recognition badge helps make sure that the right badges are awarded
to the right members. For example, you can set it up so that only community managers can award
MVP and VIP badges. Available in: Enterprise,
By default, recognition badges are available to everyone with permission to give badges. To be able Professional, Unlimited,
to select specific givers, make sure to deselect Public when you create or edit the badge. and Developer editions.

1. In Community Workspaces, click the Gamification tile.

2. Click the dropdown and the end of the badge’s row, and click Manage Badge Givers. USER PERMISSIONS
3. In the popup window, search to add the users or public groups you want to have permission To create recognition
to give badges. Only those users with the Give Recognition Badges in Lightning Communities badges:
permission are available. You can remove members from the list by clicking the X by their name. • Create Custom Badge
Click Save. Definitions
To manage your recognition
• Create And Set Up
Moderate Chatter
Manage Communities
Moderate Chatter

To manage badges created

by someone else:
• Modify All Data
Moderate Chatter

Give Recognition Badges to Community Members

Giving badges to members helps reward them for staying engaged in the community.
1. Open the member’s profile page.
Available in: Enterprise,
2. Click either the Give Badge button at the top of the profile or the Give button on the
Professional, Unlimited,
Recognition Badges card.
and Developer editions.
3. Choose which badge you want to give by clicking Change badge.
4. Add a message letting the member know why they are getting the badge, and click Give. USER PERMISSIONS

To give recognition badges:

• Give Recognition Badges
in Lightning

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Recognition Badges

Delete Assigned Badges

Sometimes badges are assigned to a member by mistake. If you gave the badge, you can delete it
from the member’s profile page.
1. Open the profile page for the member who got the badge by mistake. Available in: Enterprise,
Professional, Unlimited,
2. To open the Recognition Badge list view, click View All under Recognition.
and Developer editions.


To manage your recognition

• Create And Set Up
Moderate Chatter
Manage Communities
Moderate Chatter

3. Locate the badge in the list and click the dropdown at the end of the row.
4. Click Delete.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Recognition Badges

Use the API to Give Recognition Badges Sample Code

You can use the API to programmatically give recognition badges to community members.

Assign a Recognition Badge and Notify a Member Using Apex

ID networkID = '0DBB0000000CdBaOAK';
ID badgeDefintionID = '0W1B0000000ekuJKAQ';
ID giverID = '005B0000003InDeIAK';
ID recipientID = '005B000000483dDIAQ';
String message = 'Welcome to the community';

WorkThanks thanks = new WorkThanks (

insert thanks;

WorkBadge badge = new WorkBadge(

insert badge;

// optional: create a Chatter post on the user profile

// showing the badge. The user will be notified through
// the standard Chatter notification mechanisms.
FeedItem feedItem = new FeedItem(
insert feedItem;

// Unfortunately, there is a limitation in the API that

// prevents these 2 lines from working:
// thanks.FeedItemID =;
// update thanks;

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Recognition Badges

Assign a Recognition Badge When a Member Reaches a Number of Reputation Points

To avoid assigning the same badge twice, we’ve added a custom “hasBadge_c” field on the user object.
trigger NetworkMemberTrigger on NetworkMember (after update) {
for (NetworkMember nm : Trigger.New) {
User user = [select ID, hasBadge_c from User where ID =
:nm. MemberID];
If (nm.ReputationPonts >= 40 && !user.hasBadge_c) {
WorkThanks thanks = new WorkThanks(
Message='inserted by trigger',
insert thanks;

WorkBadge badge = new WorkBadge(

insert badge;

user.hasBadge_c = true;
update user;

Automatically Add Reputation Points When Badge Is Assigned to a Member

To avoid hardcoding the number of reputation points that are assigned with the badge, this example assumes that the WorkBadgeDefinition
entity has been customized with an additional "ReputationPoints__c" field.
trigger WorkBadgeTrigger on WorkBadge (after insert) {
for (WorkBadge badge : {
if (badge.DefinitionId == '0W1B0000000T1QBKA0') {
WorkBadgeDefinition badgeDefinition = [select Id,
ReputationPoints_c from WorkBadgeDefinition where Id =
NetworkMember member = [select Id, ReputationPoints from
NetworkMember where MemberID = :badge.RecipientId];
member.ReputationPoints = member.ReputationPoints +
update member;

Assign Recognition Badge When Member Creates Number of Posts or Comments

The ChatterActivity object contains the following useful fields:
• CommentCount
• CommentRecievedCount

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Reputation Overview

• LikeReceivedCount
• PostCount
These counters can be used to programmatically assign badges based on various thresholds. For example, members could get a badge
whenever they create 100 posts or whenever they received 100 likes.
trigger ChatterActivityTrigger on ChatterActivity (after update) {
for (ChatterActivity ca : Trigger.New) {
if (ca.PostCount >= 10) {
// TODO: assign badge to user if he hasn't received one already

Reputation Overview
Your reputation in the community directly corresponds to how active you are. The more you post,
comment, and share, the higher your reputation level will be.
Your reputation level appears on your profile page and when any user hovers over your name. It’s Available in: Salesforce
visible to other community members so that they know how influential you are. When you start Classic (not available in all
out in the community, you are at the lowest level. As you become more active in the community, orgs) and Lightning
you gain points and your reputation level increases. Increases in reputation levels are posted to Experience
your feed. In other words, as people see you participating and sharing your knowledge, your Available in: Enterprise,
credibility and influence grows. Performance, Unlimited,
These are the default actions that increase your reputation level. You increase your reputation by: and Developer Editions

• Posting
• Commenting
• Liking a post or comment
• Sharing a post
• People sharing your posts
• People commenting on your posts
• People liking your posts or comments
• Mentioning someone
• Being mentioned
• Asking a question
• Answering a question
• Receiving an answer
• Marking an answer as best
• People marking your answer as best
• Endorsing someone for knowledge on a topic
• Being endorsed for knowledge on a topic
Your administrator defines the activities that help you gain points. They also set the number of points for each action.

Enable Reputation in Your Community

Enable reputation in your community so that members are recognized and rewarded for participating.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Reputation Overview

Set Up Reputation Levels

Update the default reputation levels to meet your community’s needs and help motivate your members.
Set Up Reputation Points
Set up a point system to reward users for participating in the community.
How is my community reputation calculated?
The reputation level on your profile is calculated based on your total points.

Enable Reputation in Your Community

Enable reputation in your community so that members are recognized and rewarded for
A powerful tool for a community manager is the ability to recognize individual members for their Available in: Salesforce
participation. Community managers know that recognition and a little friendly competition usually Classic (not available in all
lead to more active members. Enabling reputation turns on a default point system and set of orgs) and Lightning
reputation levels in the community. A community manager can personalize labels and point values Experience
from the Community Management page. Available in: Enterprise,
Members start to accrue points by performing the actions that have assigned point values. Once Performance, Unlimited,
the member exceeds the top of the level’s point threshold, they move up a level. They, and other and Developer Editions
members of the community, see their reputation level on their profile and when hovering over
their name. Total points also show on member’s profiles.
Note: When you enable Reputation, Chatter influence is removed from the Contribution
To edit Communities
section on the profile page. settings:
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management. • Create and Set Up
2. Click Administration > Preferences.
3. Select Enable setup and display of reputation levels, then click Save.
Is a member of the
After you enabled reputation, a default point system and set of reputation levels is available on the community whose
Community Management page. The default reputation points are as follows: Community
Management page
Action Points they’re trying to access.

Community Engagement

Write a post 1

Write a comment 1

Receive a comment 5

Like something 1

Receive a like 5

Share a post 1

Someone shares your post 5

Mention someone 1
If your post contains more than one @mention,
you get a point for each @mention.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Reputation Overview

Action Points
Receive a mention 5

Questions and Answers

Ask a question 1

Answer a question 5

Receive an answer 5

Mark an answer as best 5

Your answer is marked as best 20


Endorsing someone for knowledge on a topic 5

Being endorsed for knowledge on a topic 20

If your selected community template doesn’t have Chatter enabled, the Reputation section doesn’t appear in Community Management.
To show the Reputation section, go to Administration > Preferences and select Show all settings in Community Management.

Set Up Reputation Levels

Update the default reputation levels to meet your community’s needs and help motivate your
When reputation is enabled for a community, 10 default levels are added. You can add or remove Available in: Salesforce
levels, give each level a name, and update the point range and image for each level. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Note: A community must have at least three reputation levels and can have up to 50. Experience

1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management. Available in: Enterprise,

2. If you’re using Community Workspaces, access Reputation by clicking Administration > Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Reputation Levels. If you’re using Community Management, access Reputation by clicking
Reputation > Reputation Levels.
From here you can: USER PERMISSIONS
• Upload your own image for each reputation level. Click the default image to browse to an To update reputation levels:
image file and upload a new image. • Manage Communities
Note: You can’t revert to the default reputation level images from the Salesforce AND
user interface. Use the Salesforce Chatter REST API to do this. Is a member of the
• Give each level a name, such as “Beginner,” “Intermediate,” and “Expert.” If you don’t assign
a name, the default is used. For example, “Level 1,” “Level 2,” “Level 3.”
• Edit the point range for a level.
When you update the higher value of a level’s point range, the lower value for the next level is automatically adjusted when you

• Add more levels by clicking Add a level, located underneath the list of levels.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Reputation Overview

• Remove a level by clicking next to the level.

3. Click Save to apply your changes.

You can now update the point system for the community. The point system determines how many points a user gets when they perform
certain actions or when others recognize their contributions by commenting, liking, or sharing their posts. Reputation level increases
are posted to member feeds.
You can translate reputation level names so that international community members can view their reputation levels in the appropriate
language. In Translation Workbench, select the Reputation Level setup component and then expand the node next to your

Set Up Reputation Points

Set up a point system to reward users for participating in the community.
When reputation is enabled for a community, there is a default point system set up. When users
perform the actions with assigned point values, their total points increase and they start to move Available in: Salesforce
towards the next reputation level. Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Note: Only active users accrue points. For example, if an active user likes the post of an Experience
inactive user, the active user gets 1 point, but the inactive user does not get points.
Available in: Enterprise,
The table shows the default events and points. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Action Points
Community Engagement USER PERMISSIONS
Write a post 1 To update reputation points:
Write a comment 1 • Manage Communities
Receive a comment 5
Is a member of the
Like something 1 community

Receive a like 5

Share a post 1

Someone shares your post 5

Mention someone 1
If your post contains more than one @mention,
you get a point for each @mention.

Receive a mention 5

Questions and Answers

Ask a question 1

Answer a question 5

Receive an answer 5

Mark an answer as best 5

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Reputation Overview

Action Points
Your answer is marked as best 20


Endorsing someone for knowledge on a topic 5

Being endorsed for knowledge on a topic 20

Questions and answers in the community feed are not to be confused with the Chatter Answers functionality.

Note: In organizations with reputation enabled before the Winter ’15 release, actions associated with questions and answers are
available at the time of the release. Their default point values are set to 0. Existing user reputation points are not affected by the
release, and users don’t accrue points from these actions until you configure point values for them.
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management.
2. If you’re using Community Workspaces, access Reputation by clicking Administration > Reputation Points. If you’re using
Community Management, access Reputation by clicking Reputation > Reputation Points.
3. Update the points for each action. If you don’t want users to accrue points for a certain action, set the Points to 0.
4. Click Save.
Point totals show up on profile pages beneath the photo. Point totals are visible to anyone in the community.

Tip: You can directly update reputation points for a community member via the Salesforce API. You can also use Apex triggers
to send custom notifications based on changes to reputation points.

How is my community reputation calculated?

The reputation level on your profile is calculated based on your total points.
Points are accrued when you perform activities that your community manager has assigned point
values. You could also potentially gain points if your posts or comments draw reaction from other Available in: Salesforce
community members. For example, your community manager may have decided that writing a Classic (not available in all
post earns you 5 points. If someone else shares your post, your community manager may decide orgs) and Lightning
that you should earn 10 points because your post is influencing others to contribute. Experience

Note: Only active users accrue points. For example, if an active user likes the post of an Available in: Enterprise,
inactive user, the active user gets 1 point, but the inactive user does not get points. Performance, Unlimited,
and Developer Editions
Default point values are as follows. Keep in mind that your community manager may have
customized these values. For more information, contact your community manager.

Action Points
Community Engagement

Write a post 1

Write a comment 1

Receive a comment 5

Like something 1

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Community Administration

Action Points
Receive a like 5

Share a post 1

Someone shares your post 5

Mention someone 1
If your post contains more than one @mention, you get a point
for each @mention.

Receive a mention 5

Questions and Answers

Ask a question 1

Answer a question 5

Receive an answer 5

Mark an answer as best 5

Your answer is marked as best 20


Endorsing someone for knowledge on a topic 5

Being endorsed for knowledge on a topic 20

Community Administration
Customize your community’s properties, such as name, description, URL, status, and template, in the Administration section of Community
Management or Community Workspaces. You can also update your community settings, such as members, tabs, branding, login and
registration, and emails.

The One-Stop Shop: Community Management Limit Files in Your Community

Limit Files in Your Community

Restrict the size and types of files that your community members can upload. This whitelist of file
types lets you control what your community members upload and also prevents spammers from
polluting your community with inappropriate files. Available in: Salesforce
Community file moderation must be enabled for your org before you can limit files in your Classic (not available in all
community. If you don’t see the option to limit files in Community Workspaces or Community orgs) and Lightning
Management, contact Salesforce. Experience

Your community file limits apply to files uploaded by community members anywhere in the Available in: Enterprise,
community—in posts and comments, directly in the Files tab, and also from the Salesforce app. Performance, Unlimited,
You can also set community file limits using the SOAP API or Metadata API. and Developer Editions
Files uploaded before setting your file limits are unaffected. However, newer versions of those files
must meet the limits you specify. USER PERMISSIONS
Keep the following things in mind:
To limit the files in your
• A file must meet the file limits set in the community in which it’s uploaded. For example, if a community:
customer uploads a file on a case and then an agent uploads a newer version in your Salesforce • Manage Communities
internal org, the limits from the customer community still apply. OR Create and Set Up
• Files uploaded in your internal Salesforce org that are shared in a community aren’t subject to
community file limits. AND
Is a member of the
1. Open Community Workspaces or Community Management.
2. Select Administration > Preferences, then enter your limits in the Files section on the page.
• Maximum file size in MB—Enter a number between 3 MB and your org’s
maximum file size. To use the default limit of 2 GB, leave this field empty or enter 0.
• Allow only these file types—Enter file extensions separated with a comma (for example: jpg,docx,txt).
You can enter lowercase and uppercase letters. You can enter up to 1,000 characters. To allow all file types, leave this field empty.

3. Click Save.
After you set your community’s file limits, members receive an error message if their file is larger than the size you set or if their file
extension isn’t allowed.
When a member tries to upload multiple files at once and a file is found that doesn’t meet your limits, none of the files are uploaded.

Note: By default, guest user files are blocked from being uploaded. Once developer customizations (Lightning pages, for instance)
have been created, admins can change the settings to let guest users upload files. To enable, go to Setup > General Settings, and
select Allow site guest users to upload files.

Note: Files uploaded by guest users are unassigned. Unassigned files are public by default. We recommend setting up a trigger
to assign an owner to files uploaded by guest users. You may also wish to restrict file upload size or type using community file


When you’re managing a community, every extra bit of information helps. Use these resources to assist you with your daily community
management duties.
Have a question about Communities? Have a great idea about community management that Salesforce should implement? Know
a lot about communities and want to help others? Visit the Salesforce Trailblazer Community and start collaborating with other
Salesforce Communities users just like you! From the Salesforce Trailblazer Community you can ask questions and get answers, post
ideas, view help and training offerings, collaborate with other Salesforce users and more.
Playbook: Engaging Your Customer or Partner Community
A playbook that contains strategies and tips on how to grow engagement in your community.
Playbook: Build a Thriving Community
A playbook that contains details about how to create a successful community, including the story of how the Trailblazer Community
was built.


Community Pulse 43
Communities R
moderation execution 32
Recognition Badges 60–62, 64–65, 67–69
reputation points 74
Community ManagementCommunity Workspaces W
how to access 5
Workspaces 43
required permissions 5


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