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Safe Method:

Opening and closing checks

It is essential that you do certain checks every time you start and finish baking for your
business. This helps you maintain the basic standards you need to make sure that
your business makes food safely.

Opening checks

You should do these checks at the beginning of the day before you start any
food preparation. You can also add your own checks to the list

Your fridges and freezers that contain any ingredients you will be using are
working properly
Your other equipment (e.g. oven, mixer etc) is working properly and there are
no loose or broken parts that could physically contaminate the food.
There is no broken glass
You are fit for work and wearing clean work clothes
Food preparation areas are clean (work surfaces, equipment, utensils etc)
There are plenty of hand washing and cleaning materials (soap, paper towels,
cloths etc). These are stored away from food.
No foods/ingredients are past their ‘use-by’ or ‘best-before’ date
There are no signs of pests or pest damaged stock
There is no personal laundry in the kitchen
Pets and children are excluded from the kitchen

Closing checks

You should do these checks after the cakes have been made. You can also
add your own checks to the list

No food that needs refrigeration is left out at room temperature

No food is kept past its “use by” date
Dirty cloths have been removed for cleaning
Waste has been removed
Food preparation areas are clean and disinfected
Floor swept and mopped
Equipment checked for missing parts

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