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G.R. No. 193190. November 13, 2013.* Regulations of Republic Act No.

9165 provide the procedural

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. guidelines that police officers must observe in the proper handling
MARILYN SANTOS and ARLENE VALERA, accused- of seized illegal drugs in order to ensure the preservation of the
appellants. identity and integrity thereof.
Criminal Law; Dangerous Drugs Act; Illegal Sale of Shabu; Remedial Law; Evidence; Objection to Evidence; Objection to
Elements of.—People v. Hernandez, 589 SCRA 625 (2009), teaches evidence cannot be raised for the first time on appeal; when a party
that “[t]o secure a conviction for illegal sale of shabu, the following desires the court to reject the evidence offered, he must so state in the
essential elements must be established: (1) the identity of the buyer form of objection.—The Court notes, however, that appellants
and the seller, the object of the sale and the consideration; and (2) raised the issue of the police officers’ non-compliance with the above
the delivery of the thing sold and the payment thereof.” People v. provisions only in their appeal. The memorandum of the appellants
Nicolas, 515 SCRA 187 (2007), adds that “[w]hat is material to the before the RTC and the transcript of stenographic notes of this case
prosecution for illegal sale of dangerous drugs is the proof that the did not contain any objections regarding the safekeeping and the
transaction or sale actually took place, coupled with the integrity of the shabu seized from appellants on account of the
presentation in court of evidence of corpus delicti.” failure of the police officers to maintain an unbroken chain of
Remedial Law; Evidence; Witnesses; Settled is the rule that custody of said drugs. This lapse is fatal to appellants’ case. As we
discrepancies on minor matters do not impair the essential integrity have explained in People v. Sta. Maria, 516 SCRA 621 (2007): The
of the prosecution’s evidence as a whole or reflect on the witnesses’ law excuses non-compliance under justifiable grounds. However,
honesty.—With respect to the other inconsistencies enumerated by whatever justifiable grounds may excuse the police officers involved
appellants, the Court agrees with the rulings of the RTC and the in the buy-bust operation in this case from complying with Section
Court of Appeals that the same pertain to insignificant and minor 21 will remain unknown, because appellant did not question during
details that had nothing to do with the essential elements of the trial the safekeeping of the items seized from him. Indeed, the police
crime charged. As held in People v. Madriaga, 211 SCRA 698 officers’ alleged violations of Sections 21 and 86 of Republic Act No.
(1992), that: Settled is the rule that discrepancies on minor matters 9165 were not raised before the trial court but were instead raised
do not impair the essential integrity of the prosecution’s evidence for the first time on appeal. In no instance did appellant least
as a whole or reflect on the witnesses’ honesty. These intimate at the trial court that there were lapses in the safekeeping
inconsistencies, which may be caused by the natural fickleness of of seized items that affected their integrity and evidentiary value.
memory, even tend to strengthen rather than weaken the Objection to evidence cannot be raised for the first time on appeal;
credibility of the prosecution witnesses because they erase any when a party desires the court to reject the evidence offered, he
suspicion of rehearsed testimony. What is important is that the must so state in the form of objection. Without such objection he
testimonies agree on the essential facts and that the respective cannot raise the question for the first time on appeal.
versions corroborate and substantially coincide with each other to APPEAL from a decision of the Court of Appeals.
make a consistent and coherent whole. The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Criminal Law; Dangerous Drugs Act; Chain of Custody Rule; The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
Section 21, paragraph 1, Article II of Republic Act No. 9165 and Public Attorney’s Office for accused-appellants.
Section 21(a), Article II of the Implementing Rules and Regulations LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.:
of Republic Act No. 9165 provide the procedural guidelines that The Court reviews the conviction of appellants Marilyn
police officers must observe in the proper handling of seized illegal Santos yDesamero and Arlene Valera y Papera for the crime
drugs in order to ensure the preservation of the identity and integrity of illegal sale of shabu under Section 5, Article II of Republic
thereof.—Section 21, paragraph 1, Article II of Republic Act No.
Act No. 9165, otherwise known as the Comprehensive
9165 and Section 21(a), Article II of the Implementing Rules and
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. The Regional Trial Court (RTC) examination of the drug specimens in this case by taking a
of Muntinlupa City, Branch 204, adjudged appellants guilty representative sample of the white crystalline substance from
of the above crime in its Judgment1 dated June 19, 2008 in each of the plastic sachets. The same tested positive for
Criminal Case No. 06-394. The Court of Appeals affirmed the methamphetamine hydrochloride.13
conviction in its Decision2 dated November 10, 2009 in CA- PO2 Luisito Lopina Aninias testified that he was a
G.R. CR.-H.C. No. 03493. member of the PNP assigned at the Philippine Drug
In an Information3 dated April 21, 2006, appellants were Enforcement Agency (PDEA) CALABARZON Regional Office
charged with the violation of the first paragraph of Section 5, in Calamba City, Laguna. He stated that on April 19, 2006, a
Article II4 of Republic Act No. 9165, which was allegedly confidential informant came to their office at around 9:00
committed as follows: a.m., telling them that a certain Marilyn and Arlene were
That on or about the 20th day [of] April, 2006, in the City going to sell her 300 grams of shabu in the amount of
of Muntinlupa, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this P750,000.00. The informant stated that she already arranged
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, conspiring the deal, which would take place any day along the vicinity of
together, not being authorized by law, did then and there A. Bautista Street, Bayanan, Muntinlupa City. PO2 Aninias
willfully, unlawfully and feloniously sell, deliver and give
said that their team leader, Police Chief Inspector Julius
away to another Methylamphetamine Hydrochloride, a
Ceasar V. Ablang, formed a buy-bust team. PO2 Aninias was
dangerous drug, weighing 297.76 grams contained in six (6)
big heat-sealed transparent plastic sachets, in violation of the designated as the poseur-buyer, while SPO2 Male was to act
above-cited law. as the back-up arresting officer. Their team leader then
ordered them to conduct a casing and surveillance of the area
When appellants were arraigned on May 10, 2006, they where the buy-bust operation will take place. At 10:00 a.m. of
pleaded not guilty to the offense charged.5 that morning, PO2 Aninias, SPO2 Male and the informant
At the trial of the case, the prosecution presented the went to A. Bautista Street, Bayanan, Muntinlupa City to
testimonies of (1) Chief Inspector Lorna Ravelas Tria;6 (2) survey the area. Upon returning to their office, they reported
Senior Police Officer (SPO) 2 Marcelino Perez Male;7 and (3) their findings and made a Pre-Operation Report.14
Police Officer (PO) 2 Luisito Lopina Aninias.8 On the other On April 20, 2006, the buy-bust team proceeded to the
hand, the defense presented the testimonies of (1) appellant subject area at 8:45 a.m. Their team leader gave PO2 Aninias
Marilyn Santos;9 (2) appellant Arlene Valera;10 (3) Maricar D. four pieces of five hundred peso bills. PO2 Aninias put the
Olbes;11 and (4) Editha L. Valenciano.12 bills at the top of the boodle money and placed the same in a
The relevant portions of the prosecution witnesses’ paper bag. To authenticate the genuine money, PO2 Aninias
testimonies are as follows: put his initials “LLA” on the five hundred peso bills. The team
Chief Inspector Lorna Ravelas Tria first took the arrived in Bayanan, Muntinlupa City at 10:30 a.m. He, SPO2
witness stand for the prosecution. The parties stipulated that Male and the informant rode a Toyota Revo, while the rest of
she was an expert forensic chemist and a regular member of the team rode in another vehicle, a Mitsubishi Adventure.
the Philippine National Police (PNP) Crime Laboratory, When they reached the area, the police officers instructed the
particularly assigned with the Regional Crime Laboratory informant to fetch the person who would sell them the shabu.
Office, Camp Vicente Lim, Calamba City, Laguna as of April The informant alighted from the vehicle. After more or less
20, 2006. She testified that she conducted a qualitative thirty minutes, the informant returned together with two
women. One was wearing a pink blouse and the other was positive for methylamphetamine hydrochloride. PO2 Aninias
wearing a white T-shirt.15 The one wearing a pink blouse stated that he and SPO2 Male brought the confiscated drug
carried a box. PO2 Aninias later came to know that the specimens to the crime laboratory and the same were received
woman wearing a pink blouse was appellant Marilyn Santos, by the forensic chemist.19
while the woman wearing a white T-shirt was appellant SPO2 Marcelino Perez Male also testified on the
Arlene Valera. The informant invited the two women to go conduct of the buy-bust operation in this case. He stated that
inside their vehicle and the latter obliged. The informant on April 19, 2006, their confidential informant told them that
introduced PO2 Aninias as the buyer of drugs then she told she had a drug deal with two women named Arlene and
the appellants that she would alight from the vehicle to serve Marilyn.20 Said individuals were based in Bayanan,
as a lookout.16 Muntinlupa City. SPO2 Male and his team proceeded to the
Thereafter, Marilyn asked PO2 Aninias if he had the aforesaid place to conduct surveillance and they found the
money and the latter gave a positive reply. PO2 Aninias got place suitable for a buy-bust operation. Afterwards, they went
the paper bag containing the boodle money and flashed the back to their office and planned the conduct of a buy-bust
same to the two women. He asked Marilyn where the drugs operation. He was the designated driver and the back-up
were and she immediately showed him the box containing six arresting officer while PO2 Aninias was the poseur-buyer.
pieces of plastic sachets of shabu. Marilyn gave the box to PO2 The pre-arranged signal to communicate that the transaction
Aninias and told him to hand the money to Arlene. PO2 was consummated was for PO2 Aninias to remove his bull cap.
Aninias gave the paper bag to Arlene and then removed his The marked money was also prepared, which consisted of four
cap to signal to SPO2 Male that the transaction was already pieces of original P500.00 bills. PO2 Aninias placed his initials
consummated. PO2 Aninias drew out his gun and told the on the original bills.21
women that they were being arrested for selling shabu. SPO2 SPO2 Male related that the actual buy-bust operation took
Male gave a “missed call” to their team leader and the other place on April 20, 2006. Aside from him, the buy-bust team
members of the team arrived. PO2 Aninias marked the box was composed of their team leader P/Chief Inspector Ablang,
containing the shabu by placing thereon the wording Exhibit PO2 Aninias, the confidential informant, SPO2 Lapitan,
“B,” his initials, his signature, and the date April 20, 2006. He SPO2 Abalos, PO2 Llanes and PO1 Villanueva. They used a
also marked the six pieces of plastic sachets as Exhibits “A-1” Toyota Revo and a Mitsubishi Adventure in going to the target
to “A-6” and he wrote his signature and the date on each of place. Upon arrival at the target place, the informant alighted
the sachets.17 from the vehicle to contact the suspects. After about thirty
After marking the items confiscated, the team went back minutes, the informant returned with two women. One was
to their office in Camp Vicente Lim in Calamba City, Laguna. wearing a pink blouse, while the other was wearing a white
The two suspects were investigated upon and the team T-shirt.22
accomplished a Booking Sheet and Arrest Report. They
likewise made an inventory of the items recovered.18 The team According to SPO2 Male, the informant and the two women
also prepared requests for the physical and medical boarded their vehicle. The informant introduced PO2 Aninias
examination of the suspects, as well as a request for drug test. to the two women as the buyer of shabu. Afterwards, the
For the drug specimens, they prepared a request for informant disembarked from the vehicle to serve as a lookout.
laboratory examination. The drug specimens turned out The two women asked PO2 Aninias if he had the money for
the shabu. PO2 Aninias was then sitting in the passenger seat to the PNP Medical Service for the conduct of a physical
of the vehicle beside SPO2 Male, while the two women were check-up on the suspects, as well as a urine test for drug
in the middle seat. PO2 Aninias showed the women the boodle dependents. The request for laboratory examination turned
money placed inside a paper bag. The woman in white shirt out a positive result for methamphetamine hydrochloride.26
showed PO2 Aninias the contents of the box she was carrying, On cross-examination, SPO2 Male clarified
which contained six plastic sachets containing white that both appellants talked to PO2 Aninias about the
crystalline substance. She handed over the carton to PO2 payment for the drugs. When PO2 Aninias showed them the
Aninias, who, in turn, gave the paper bag containing the boodle money inside the paper bag, appellants opened the
boodle money. PO2 Aninias then removed his baseball cap, carton box to show the contents thereof. After appellants
which act was the pre-arranged signal to indicate that the handed over the drugs to PO2 Aninias, the latter removed his
transaction was consummated.23 cap to indicate that the transaction had already been
After the pre-arranged signal was executed, SPO2 Male consummated.27
immediately dialed the number of their team leader so the The defense’s version of the events, however, was in stark
latter can assist in arresting the suspects. The police officers contrast to that of the prosecution’s. They vehemently denied
told the two women that the latter were being arrested for that a buy-bust operation was ever conducted by the police in
violating the provisions of Republic Act No. 9165. SPO2 Male this case. As summarized in their Appellants’
later learned that the name of the woman wearing a pink Brief,28 appellants related that:
blouse was Marilyn Santos, also known as Malyn, and the In the morning of 20 April 2006, appellant Marilyn Santos
name of the woman wearing a white T-shirt was Arlene was in her house in Bayanan along Bautista Street,
Valera.24 Muntinlupa City with her 24[-]year old daughter Maricar and
After the arrest, the team went back to their office. There, her eight[-]year old grandson Carlo. At 8:00 in the morning of
the same day, appellant Arlene Valera visited appellant
they made an inventory of the items they confiscated. SPO2
Marilyn Santos together with the former’s mother, brother,
Male said that he was present when the inventory was
two nieces, one nephew and two friends. They were thus 11
conducted. SPO2 Male and PO2 Aninias also executed their in the house at that time. In the meantime, appellant Marilyn
respective affidavits regarding the arrest of the suspects. Santos asked her daughter Maricar to fetch an acquaintance
They also accomplished a booking sheet report.25 of hers by the name of Winnie in the corner of Bautista Street
and National Road as Winnie had earlier texted appellant
SPO2 Male stated that PO2 Aninias marked the Marilyn Santos. Maricar waited for Winnie for about 10
confiscated evidence inside the vehicle upon the arrival of the minutes. Winnie then arrived aboard a blue car together with
backup officers. SPO2 Male said that he saw PO2 Aninias put three other persons. Maricar boarded the car to direct them
the latter’s initials LLA on the confiscated items that to her house. Upon reaching the house, all of them alighted
consisted of six pieces of plastic sachets, which contained from the car except for the driver, a male in his thirties
wearing a jersey and a baseball cap who Maricar would later
white crystalline substance. PO2 Aninias was in possession of
learn to be police officer Luisito Aninias. Maricar invited the
the said items from the time they were handed over up to the
driver to go inside but the latter declined. Maricar, Winnie
time they were brought to the office. SPO2 Male said that they and Winnie’s two companions entered the house.
made a request to the PNP Crime Laboratory for an Winnie was carrying two plastic bags. The first bag
examination of the drug specimens. Also, they made a request contained fruits and vegetables which Winnie handed to
appellant Marilyn Santos. Appellant Marilyn Santos did not box and also three Php 500.00 bills. Aninias asked for another
know what was inside the second bag. Then, around 10 to 11 Php 500.00 bill from a woman, the latter then produced said
am, (sic) while the people inside the house were talking, bill which Aninias marked and placed on the table.
somebody bumped/“bumalya”/kicked the door. Six male Thereafter, appellants were required to change into orange
persons wearing civilian clothes armed with long firearms uniforms and they were subsequently photographed. Then
entered the house. Appellant Marilyn Santos asked what they Maricar was asked to sign the Certificate of Inventory
wanted and they replied that drugs were being sold in the without the presence of any lawyer.
house which Santos denied as she was not into that and she After the signing of the Certificate of Inventory,
was merely entertaining visitors. Two of the six men stood appellants, together with Maricar and her son, entered a
guard and did not allow the people inside the house to move cubicle near the kitchen where they waited for 30 minutes
while the other four men, by themselves only, searched the before SPO2 Male approached them and said that if they
house. The men did not have any search warrant. After ten wanted to get out of the place then they should produce Php
minutes, the men returned to the sala carrying a box which 300,000.00 each. Appellants answered that they could not
they allegedly found in the premises and saying that drugs produce such amount and in fact they had nothing to do with
were indeed being sold in the house. The box was opened in the incident, so Male told them to think about it. Male then
their presence and contained therein was a plastic bag which left the room and informed Maricar that she could already
contained white substance that looked like “tawas.” They leave. Eventually, Maricar left with her son. Fifteen minutes
were then told to go with the men but appellant Marilyn from the time Maricar left, PO2 Aninias and Male brought
Santos protested since the things found were not from them appellants to the laboratory where the urine samples where
and were not even from inside the house. Despite Santos’ (sic) taken from them. They spent the night at a cell in PDEA.
protest, all the people inside the house were asked to go out The following day, the husband of Marilyn Santos arrived
and appellants Santos and Valera, together with Santos’ and he was also informed by Male to produce Php 300,000.00
daughter Maricar and the latter’s eight[-]year old son were for the release of his wife but Santos’ husband replied that
boarded inside a vehicle parked outside the house. They were they did not have anything to do with what happened and
not apprised of their rights. they do not have Php 300,000.00 to produce. Appellants were
Appellants Santos and Valera, together with Maricar and then brought to the Office of Prosecutor Liban in the City Hall
Carlo, were brought to the PDEA Office in Camp Vicente Lim, of Muntinlupa. There, Pros. Liban inquired from PO2 Aninias
Canlubang, Calamba, Laguna. They were allowed to take a and SPO2 Male whether they had search warrants and
seat for about five minutes. Thereafter, they were taken warrants of arrest for appellants to which the police officers
inside a cubicle where there was a man in front of a computer. answered in the negative. Pros. Liban likewise inquired from
Appellant Marilyn Santos was called first to be investigated. the police officers why they conducted the operation against
She was asked regarding her personal circumstances. She the appellants when it was already outside their jurisdiction
was not asked whether she needed a lawyer. Next to be to which the police officers answered that it was because
interviewed were appellant Valera followed by Maricar. somebody called them up. Thereafter, appellants were
Thereafter, the man left the room and so they just waited referred to the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO), then they were
inside the cubicle. They were then asked if they wanted to eat subjected to inquest then finally, they were brought to the
which they answered in the negative. So they were told to Tunasan jail.29 (Citations omitted.)
wait for a media representative and a barangay official to On June 19, 2008, the RTC convicted appellants of the
arrive. Then, they were told by PO2 Aninias to go to the sala. crime of selling of illegal drugs in this wise:
There, Aninias placed on a table the things that were in the
WHEREFORE, premises considered and finding the RTC gave more credence to the prosecution’s version of the
accused MARILYN SANTOS y DESAMERO and ARLENE facts, notwithstanding that the testimonies of PO2 Aninias
VALERA yPAPERA GUILTY of violating Sec. 5 of the and SPO2 Male contained purported inconsistencies on the
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 beyond following points:
reasonable doubt, they are sentenced to LIFE 1) Who between Marilyn Santos and Arlene Valera actually
IMPRISONMENT and to suffer all the accessory penalties transacted with the poseur-buyer. According to Aninias, it
provided by law and to pay a fine of ONE MILLION PESOS was Marilyn who committed the overt acts constituting the
(Php1,000,000.00) each with subsidiary imprisonment in case sale of illegal drugs. Arlene’s participation as a co-conspirator
of insolvency. was her mere presence in the transaction. According to Male,
The Branch Clerk of Court is directed to transmit the however, it was Arlene who was drug pushing and Marilyn
subject “shabu” contained in six (6) big transparent plastic was merely an onlooker.
sachets to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency for 2) The kinds of vehicles used in the alleged entrapment.
proper disposition. According to Aninias, the operatives used a Toyota Revo and
a Mitsubishi Adventure while according to Male, the vehicles
used were a Revo and an Isuzu Crosswind.
ordered committed to the National Corrections for Women or
3) The kinds of boodle money used. According to Aninias,
the Correctional Institute for Women until further orders.
the boodle money consisted of photocopies of P1,000.00 and
The preventive imprisonment undergone by the accused
P500.00 bills as well as paper cut-outs from yellow pages
shall be credited in their favor.30
which were already used several times in their operation. On
On appeal,31 the Court of Appeals, in its Decision dated
the other hand, Male testified that the boodle money
November 10, 2009, affirmed the ruling of the RTC. The consisted of cut newspapers that had just been prepared for
appellate court decreed: that transaction.
WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, the 4) Who between Aninias and Male handcuffed the two
instant appeal is DENIED. The Decision of the Regional appellants. According to Aninias, both he and Male had
Trial Court of Muntinlupa City, Branch 204[,] in Criminal handcuffs but only one was used for both appellants and that
Case No. 06-394 convicting accused-appellants Marilyn it was Male who did the honors because Aninias was holding
Santos and Arlene Valera for violation of Section 5 of R.A. his gun and the drugs received from Marilyn. Male, on the
9165 is AFFIRMED.32 other hand, claimed that it was Aninias who handcuffed the
Appellants appealed their case to this Court.33 As both two appellants as he did not have any handcuff with him.
parties no longer filed their respective Supplemental 5) The distance of the parked vehicles from Marilyn’s house.
Briefs,34 the Court will now consider the arguments invoked According to Aninias, the vehicle was parked 30 meters away
by the parties before the Court of Appeals. while Male testified that it was only parked 10 meters away.
The Ruling of the Court 6) The number of officers who brought the confiscated items
Appellants argue that the RTC erred in finding them guilty to the crime laboratory for examination. According to Aninias,
of violating Section 5, Article II of Republic Act No. 9165 since both he and Male brought the items to the crime laboratory.
Male insisted however that it was only Aninias who brought
the prosecution failed to prove all the elements of the crime
the items there.36
beyond reasonable doubt.35
The Court does not find merit in the appeal.
Appellants contend that there was no proof that a sale of
People v. Hernandez37 teaches that “[t]o secure a conviction
illegal drugs ever took place. They lament the fact that the
for illegal sale of shabu, the following essential elements
must be established: (1) the identity of the buyer and the prosecution for violation of the Dangerous Drugs Law, a case
seller, the object of the sale and the consideration; and (2) the becomes a contest of the credibility of witnesses and their
delivery of the thing sold and the payment thereof.” People v. testimonies. When it comes to credibility, the trial court’s
Nicolas38 adds that “[w]hat is material to the prosecution for assessment deserves great weight, and is even conclusive and
binding, if not tainted with arbitrariness or oversight of some
illegal sale of dangerous drugs is the proof that the
fact or circumstance of weight and influence. The reason is
transaction or sale actually took place, coupled with the
obvious. Having the full opportunity to observe directly the
presentation in court of evidence of corpus delicti.” witnesses’ deportment and manner of testifying, the trial
In handing down its judgment of conviction against court is in a better position than the appellate court to
appellants, the RTC gave more credence to the testimonies of evaluate testimonial evidence properly. The rule finds an
PO2 Aninias and SPO2 Male that appellants were caught in even more stringent application where the said findings are
flagrante delicto of selling illegal drugs in a buy-bust sustained by the Court of Appeals. (Citations omitted.)
operation. The RTC ruled that the inconsistencies pointed out We have examined the records of the case and we found no
by appellants did not destroy the credibility of the police reason to depart from the factual findings of the RTC, as
officers’ testimonies. The inconsistencies merely involved affirmed by the Court of Appeals, as regards the credibility of
peripheral matters that did not totally cause damage to the prosecution witnesses.
declarations of the police officers, which the RTC found to be Appellants first point out the allegedly irreconcilable
credible and consistent on material points. The RTC found statements of PO2 Aninias and SPO2 Male as to who between
that appellants acted in conspiracy with each other in the appellants Marilyn and Arlene actually transacted with PO2
selling of shabuto PO2 Aninias as both appellants were Aninias.
present and actively participated in the sale. As regards the
testimonies of the defense witnesses, the trial court deemed To begin with, PO2 Aninias stated in his direct
the same insufficient to refute the affirmative allegations of examination that a confidential informant came to their office
the police officers and the presumption of regularity in the on April 19, 2006, informing them that she set up a drug deal
performance of their official functions. involving a certain Marilyn and Arlene. SPO2 Male, in his
cross-examination, stated this very same fact. Thus, at the
The Court of Appeals also found credible the testimonies of outset, the police officers were already aware of the fact that
PO2 Aninias and SPO2 Male, stating that the same they were about to deal with two female drug dealers.
corroborated each other on material points and established Thereafter, according to PO2 Aninias, it was Marilyn who
beyond reasonable doubt that the crime of illegal sale of asked him if he had the money for the drugs and he replied in
dangerous drugs was indeed consummated. The appellate the affirmative. He then got the paper bag containing the
court added that, based on the conduct of appellants during boodle money and showed the same to both Marilyn and
the buy-bust operation, their actions collectively could not be Arlene. When PO2 Aninias inquired about the
interpreted to mean anything other than their eagerness to drugs, Marilyn gave the box to him and she told him to give
sell illegal drugs to the poseur-buyer. the money to Arlene. After PO2 Aninias handed the money to
The Court emphasized in People v. Naquita39 that: Arlene, he removed his cap to signal that the drug sale had
The issue of whether or not there was indeed a buy-bust already been completed. Upon the other hand, SPO2 Male
operation primarily boils down to one of credibility. In a testified during his direct examination that both Marilyn and
Arlene asked PO2 Aninias if the latter had the money for the a whole or reflect on the witnesses’ honesty. These
drugs. SPO2 Male also said that it was Arlene (the woman inconsistencies, which may be caused by the natural
wearing a white T-shirt) who handed over the box containing fickleness of memory, even tend to strengthen rather than
the drugs to PO2 Aninias. In his cross-examination, however, weaken the credibility of the prosecution witnesses because
they erase any suspicion of rehearsed testimony. What is
SPO2 Male stated that it was “the suspects” that handed the
important is that the testimonies agree on the essential facts
box containing the drugs to PO2 Aninias.
and that the respective versions corroborate and
To our mind, the above seemingly incompatible statements substantially coincide with each other to make a consistent
of PO2 Aninias and SPO2 Male did not destroy their and coherent whole. (Citations omitted.)
credibility. Nor are these statements utterly irreconcilable as Brushing aside the alleged inconsistencies in the
appellants would like this Court to believe. As to the sale testimonies of the prosecution witnesses, the Court finds that
transaction itself, the testimony of PO2 Aninias is of greater the testimonial evidence of the prosecution duly established
relevance considering that he was the poseur-buyer who dealt the fact that appellants sold to PO2 Aninias, the poseur-
directly, i.e., face to face, with appellants. PO2 Aninias stated buyer, six heat-sealed transparent plastic sachets that
in his cross-examination that he was seated at the passenger contained white crystalline substance that later tested
seat of their vehicle and his head was turned towards positive for shabu. Thus, the elements of the crime charged
appellants while he was talking to them. On the other hand, had been sufficiently established.
SPO2 Male, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, merely Appellants next claim that the procedures for the custody
listened to the conversation between PO2 Aninias and the and disposition of the alleged drug specimens, as mandated
appellants. SPO2 Male had no actual participation in the by Section 21 of Republic Act No. 9165, were not complied
exchange of illegal drugs and boodle money.40 His recollection with. As such, the identity and integrity of the alleged seized
of events might not be as precise as that of PO2 Aninias. Thus, drugs in this case had been seriously compromised. Other
PO2 Aninias was in a better position to testify on who handed than the testimony of PO2 Aninias and SPO2 Male that the
to him the box containing the shabu and to whom he gave the drug specimens were marked right after the buy-bust
boodle money. The variance in the statements of SPO2 Male operation, appellants aver that the other requirements under
as to the role(s) played by appellants does not detract from the the law were not complied with and the prosecution failed to
fact that both accused were involved in the transaction with proffer any valid reason therefor.
the poseur-buyer. Neither did the same mean that the police This argument likewise fails to persuade us.
officers in this case were guilty of prevarication or otherwise Verily, Section 21, paragraph 1, Article II of Republic Act
in bad faith in their testimonies. No. 9165 and Section 21(a), Article II of the Implementing
With respect to the other inconsistencies enumerated by Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9165 provide the
appellants, the Court agrees with the rulings of the RTC and procedural guidelines that police officers must observe in the
the Court of Appeals that the same pertain to insignificant proper handling of seized illegal drugs in order to ensure the
and minor details that had nothing to do with the essential preservation of the identity and integrity thereof.
elements of the crime charged. As held in People v. Section 21, paragraph 1, Article II of Republic Act No. 9165
Madriaga41 that: reads:
Settled is the rule that discrepancies on minor matters do not SEC. 21. Custody and Disposition of Confiscated,
impair the essential integrity of the prosecution’s evidence as Seized, and/or Surrendered Dangerous Drugs, Plant Sources
of Dangerous Drugs, Controlled Precursors and Essential The Court notes, however, that appellants raised the issue
Chemicals, Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or Laboratory of the police officers’ non-compliance with the above
Equipment.—The PDEA shall take charge and have custody provisions only in their appeal. The memorandum42 of the
of all dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous drugs, appellants before the RTC and the transcript of stenographic
controlled precursors and essential chemicals, as well as
notes of this case did not contain any objections regarding the
instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory equipment so
safekeeping and the integrity of the shabu seized from
confiscated, seized and/or surrendered, for proper disposition
in the following manner: appellants on account of the failure of the police officers to
(1) The apprehending team having initial custody and maintain an unbroken chain of custody of said drugs. This
control of the drugs shall, immediately after seizure and lapse is fatal to appellants’ case. As we have explained
confiscation, physically inventory and photograph the same in People v. Sta. Maria:43
in the presence of the accused or the person/s from whom such The law excuses non-compliance under justifiable
items were confiscated and/or seized, or his/her grounds. However, whatever justifiable grounds may excuse
representative or counsel, a representative from the media the police officers involved in the buy-bust operation in this
and the Department of Justice (DOJ), and any elected public case from complying with Section 21 will remain unknown,
official who shall be required to sign the copies of the because appellant did not question during trial the
inventory and be given a copy thereof[.] safekeeping of the items seized from him. Indeed, the police
On the other hand, Section 21(a), Article II of the officers’ alleged violations of Sections 21 and 86 of Republic
Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. Act No. 9165 were not raised before the trial court but were
9165, which implements said provision, stipulates: instead raised for the first time on appeal. In no instance did
(a) The apprehending officer/team having initial custody appellant least intimate at the trial court that there were
and control of the drugs shall, immediately after seizure and lapses in the safekeeping of seized items that affected their
confiscation, physically inventory and photograph the same integrity and evidentiary value. Objection to evidence cannot
in the presence of the accused or the person/s from whom such be raised for the first time on appeal; when a party desires
items were confiscated and/or seized, or his/her the court to reject the evidence offered, he must so state in the
representative or counsel, a representative from the media form of objection. Without such objection he cannot raise the
and the Department of Justice (DOJ), and any elected public question for the first time on appeal.
official who shall be required to sign the copies of the All told, appellants failed to convince this Court that the
inventory and be given a copy thereof; Provided, that the guilty verdict rendered by the RTC was unmerited. Thus,
physical inventory and photograph shall be conducted at the appellants’ conviction must be upheld.
place where the search warrant is served; or at the nearest WHEREFORE, the Decision dated November 10, 2009 of
police station or at the nearest office of the apprehending the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR.-H.C. No. 03493 is
officer/team, whichever is practicable, in case of warrantless herebyAFFIRMED. No costs.
seizures; Provided, further, that non-compliance with these SO ORDERED.
requirements under justifiable grounds, as long as the Judgment affirmed.
integrity and the evidentiary value of the seized items are
properly preserved by the apprehending officer/team, shall Notes.—Any objection to evidence must be timely raised in
not render void and invalid such seizures of and custody over the course of the proceedings in which the evidence is first
said items.
offered. (Land Bank of the Philippines vs. Nable, 675 SCRA
253 [2012])
Although the police officers did not strictly comply with the
requirements of Section 21, Article II of R.A. 9165, their
noncompliance did not affect the evidentiary weight of the
drugs seized from Hambora as the chain of custody of the
evidence was shown to be unbroken under the circumstances
of the case. (People vs. Hambora, 687 SCRA 653 [2012])


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