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of Printed Pages : 4 MS-2

Term-End Examination
June, 2012


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 70%)
Note :
(i) There are two Sections, A and B.
(ii) Section-A has five questions carrying 20 marks each. Attempt any three questions from
this section.
(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carring 40 marks.


1. What are various social factors which influence the Personnel/Human Resource
Management functions of an organisation in Indian context ? Briefly explain with
suitable examples.

2. What is the purpose and significance of Interview in the process of hiring human
resources ? Briefly describe , various types and limitations of Interviews , with suitable

3. What are various problems encountered in Performance Appraisal Process ? What are
the ways to improve the probability of "What is Appraised is what was supposed to be
Appraised "? Explain with examples.

4. What are the determinants of compensation ? How does compensation function

contribute to the organisational effectiveness ? Explain with suitable examples.

MS-2 1 P.T.O.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) 'Self concept' and Organisation Socialisation

(b) Benchmarking

(c) Voluntary Machinary

(d) Theories of Trade Unionism

(e) Grievance Handling Procedure

MS-2 2

6. Read the case study titled and answer the questions given at the end :

XYZ Limited is a public sector undertaking with a staff strength of around 1,200
including 300 officers. As per the recruitment policy of the company , most employees
join as trainees and after successful completion of training , are absorbed at the lowest
intake level. Thus, in the case of workers , most start as Technician/Operator Trainees
and officers , as Management Trainees. The company expects the higher posts to be
filled by promotions and therefore , as far as possible , direct recruitment to higher
positions is avoided. Only when there is an urgent requirement of a person to fill a
higher post and no candidates from within the organisation are eligible, is an open
advertisement released.

In 1982, the company urgently needed one Junior Engineer (Instrumentation)) to

take charge of one of its plants. At that time, the company had four Junior Engineers
(JEs) in position who had joined as Management Trainees in 1980 and had been
regularised in 1981. Immediately above them was an Assistant Engineer, who in turn
reported to the Project Manager. The company released an advertisement for the post
of JE , seeking applications from those with at least two years' experience in the field.
One Mr. Ramesh Chaudhari , who had four years ' experience in a private concern
applied and was selected. He found the terms of appointment lucrative and joined the
company in May 1982. As four JEs were already working in the company, Chaudhari
became the junior - most JE as per the promotion policy of the company ; the four JEs
would become eligible for promotion to the post of ' Assistant Engineer' in 1985
(on completion of four years 'service ) and Chaudhari in 1986.

In July 1983, the Assistant Engineer left his job and hence, the company decided
to fill the vacancy by direct recruitment. In the advertisement it was stipulated that the
applicants should have a minimum of five years' experience. Chaudhari met the
specification since he had four years previous experience plus one year in XYZ Ltd.
Therefore, he applied for the post through proper channel. The company decided to
call all the eligible candidates for interview. Accordingly, Chaudhari was also called
along with the external candidates. He performed exceedingly well in the interview
and was found suitable for the post. The General Manager (GM) , who was chairman
of the selection committee, congratulated Chaudhari and told him that he had been

MS-2 3 P.T.O.
However, the GM changed his mind subsequently and asked the Personnel
Officer not to issue the appointment letter to Chaudhari. He gave the following rea-
sons for reverting his decision :
1. Mr. Chaudhari would get a higher post after completion of just over one year's
service in the organisation as against the normal requirement of four years.
2. When Mr. Chaudhari joined , he was junior to the four JEs by about one year.
If he was offered the higher post , he would suddenly become their boss. This
would demoralise the JEs - in fact they had already decided to seek jobs
elsewhere if Chaudhari became Assistant Engineer.
The GM was convinced that he could not afford to lose four JEs and therefore , he
chose to disappoint Chaudhari.
Questions :
1. If Chaudhari had been an external candidate , would he have got the job ? As an
internal candidate , did he deserve to be treated in a different fashion ?
2. Did the management make a mistake in calling Chaudhari for an interview and
selecting him, when he was "too junior " in the organisation ?
3. Are there any drawbacks in the recruitment / promotion policies of the
company ? If yes , elaborate them .

MS-2 4

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