Unit 1 Part B Calendar

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UNIT 2- Solving Systems October


A-REI.11 7 8 9 10 11
N-Q.1 Unit 1A, Test #6, pg. 52
-Test Retakes (1.3.1) #1-2, Graphs &
Additional Supporting Standards: Reflections AND START page 49-51 #3-5, pg. 52 Estimates
A-REI.1 A-REI.9 (+) -Correct Tests (1.3.1) #1-2, Only
A-REI.10 A-REI.8 (+) page 49
A-SSE.1 N-VM.6(+)
14 15 16 17 18
A-SSE.3 N-VM.7(+)
A-CED.3 N-VM.8(+) NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL #6, pg. 52 Substitution
Substitution Practice (Due STM & Notes
N-VM.10(+) N-VM.9(+)
by the end of AND
class) Quiz Review
Learning Targets: AND WKST
-I can create and solve a system of Finish up #6 (Due before quiz)
equations using graphing, substitution,
21 22 23 24 25
elimination or matrix methods.
Writing Finish #1-3,
Systems pg. 54-56 Finish #4, Systems of Elimination
-I can interpret the meaning of the
Solving page 56 Equations Quiz
variables in the context of a problem.
Substitution #4, page 56 Practice AND
Quiz Elimination (Due at the end of #1-3, pg. 57-
Notes class) 59
Unit 1B- Systems of Equations
#1-3, pg. 54-

28 29 30 31

#3-4, pg. 59 #5-6 page 59 Unit 1, Part B Unit 1, Part

Review B Test

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