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-4- izFkek izFkeoÔZ] ijh{kk&2017
SECTION-B xk;u@Loj ok|
le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad&75] U;wuakd&25
1. What is Alankar? Explain with example. 7
Vhi%& [k.M&v vfuok;Z gSA [k.M&c esa ls dksbZ ik¡p iz’u gy
2. Write salient features of Raga. 7
3. Describe Raga Bhairav. 7
dhft;s A
4. Define swar and write its kinds. 7 [k.M&v
5. Define Aroh and Avaroh. 7 1- [kkyh LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ dhft;s%& 20
6. What is Pakad? Explain. 7 1. vyadkj dks &&&&&Hkh dgrs gSa A
7. Describe Teental with its theka. 7 2- lIrd &&&&&izdkj ds gksrs gSa A
8. Complete following Alankars:- 7 3- jkx esa&&&&&vkSj vojksg gksrk gS A
(a) RSNS,
. GRSR, _________ 4- jkx Hkwikyh esa&&&&&Loj oftZr gS A
(b) SRSRG, RGRGM, ________ 5- lk vkSj &&&&vpy Loj gSa A
xx 6- jkx Hkwikyh dk xk;u le;&&&&gS A
7- dgjok rky esa&&&&&ek=k,¡ gksrh gSa A
8- jkx ;eu dk oknh Loj&&&&&gS A
9- rhurky esa &&&&&rkfy;k¡ gksrh gSa A
10- jkx ;eu&&&&FkkV dk jkx gS A
2- lR; vFkok vlR; fyf[k;s%& 20
1. xhr] ok| vkSj u`R; rhuksa dks laxhr dgrs gSa A
2- lIrd esa ’kq) Lojksa dh la[;k N% gS A
3- jkx Hkwikyh dk oknh Loj xkU/kkj gS A
4- fgUnqLrkuh laxhr esa FkkVksa dh la[;k 12 gS A
5- o.kZ pkj izdkj ds gksrs gSa A
6- jkx Hkwikyh lEiw.kZ tkfr dk jkx gS A
7- jkx ;eu dk xk;u le; izkr%dky gS A
8- nknjk rky esa vkB ek=k,¡ gksrh gSa A
9- oknh Loj dks jkx dk jktk Hkh dgrs gSa A
10- jkx dks xk;k tkrk gS A
Time: 3 hrs. Max.M.75 Min.M.25
1. vyadkj fdls dgrs gSa \ mnkgj.k lfgr le>kb;s A 7 Note: Section-A is compulsory. Attempt any five questions from
2. jkx dh fo’ksÔrk,¡ fyf[k;s A 7 Section-B.
3- jkx HkSjo dk ’kkL=h; ifjp; nhft;s A 7 SECTION-A
4- Loj dks ifjHkkfÔr dhft;s rFkk blds izdkjksa dks 1- Fill in the blanks:- 20
crkb;s A 7 1. Alankar is also called_______.
5- vkjksg&vojksg dh ifjHkkÔk fyf[k;s A 7 2. There are_______ kinds of Saptak.
6- idM+ fdls dgrs gSa \ le>kb;s A 7 3. There is_______ and Avaroh in raga.
7- rky rhurky dk Bsdk lfgr o.kZu dhft;s A 7 4. _______ swaras are omitted in raga Bhupali.
8- fuEufyf[kr vyadkjksa dks iw.kZ dhft;s%& 7 5. Sa and _______ are called achal swar.
v& js lk fu+ lk] x js lk js] & & & & & & 6. The singing time of Raga Bhupali is_______.
c& lkjslkjsx] jsxjsxe] & & & & & & & & & 7. There are_______ matras in Kaharwa Taal.
8. Vadi swar of Raga Yaman is_______.
9. There are_______ Taalis in Teental.
3/- 10. Raga Yaman is belongs to_______.Thaat.
2- Write True or False:- 20
1. Geet, Vadya and Nritya all together are called
2. There are six shuddha swaras in Saptak.
3. Vadi swar of Raga Bhupali is Gandhar.
4. There are 12 Thaats in Hindustani system of music.
5. There are four kinds of Varna.
6. Jati of Rag Bhupali is Sampoorna.
7. Singing time of Raga Yaman is morning.
8. Taal Dadra has 8 matras.
9. Vadi swar is also called the king of Raga.
10. The Raga is sung.
izFkek vfUreoÔZ] ijh{kk&2017 PRATHAMA FINAL YEAR, EXAM 2017
le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad&75] U;wuakd&25 Time: 3 hrs. Max.M.75 Min.M.25
lwpuk%& igyk iz”u vfuok;Z gS A ”ks’k esa ls dksbZ pkj iz”u gy dhft;s A
Note: First question is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from
lHkh iz”uksa ds vad leku gSa A the rest. All questions carry equal marks.
*** ***
1- ¼v½ fjDr LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ dhft;s%& 05 1. (A) Fill in the blanks:- 05
(i) jkx ;eu dk oknh Loj&&&&&gS A (i) Vadi swar of Raag Yaman is______.
(ii) jkx HkSjo dk FkkV&&&&&& gS A (ii) Thaat of Raag Bhairav is______.
(iii) >irky esa &&&&rkyh vkSj&&&&&[kkyh gksrh gS A (iii) Jhaptal has______ Taali and______ Khali.
(iv) fgUnqLrkuh laxhr esa&&&&&FkkV gksrs gSa A (iv) There are______ Thaats in Hindustani music.
(v) vkB ek=k dk&&&&&rky gksrk gS A (v) ______ Taal is of eight beats.
¼c½ lgh tksM+h cukb;s%& 05 (B) Match the pairs:- 05
(i) >irky & [kekt (i) Jhaptal - Khamaj
(ii) ;eu & nksuksa fuÔkn (ii) Yaman - Both Nishad
(iii) le~ & 10 ek=k,¡ (iii) Sam - 10 beats
(iv) ÔkMo lEiw.kZ & x dk fpUg (iv) Shadav Sampoorn- Sign of cross(x)
(v) [kekt & dY;k.k (v) Khamaj - Kalyan
(C) Write True of False:- 05
¼l½ lgh@xyr fyf[k;s%& 05 (i) Singing time of Raag Bhairav is morning. ( )
(i) HkSjo dk xk;u le; izkr%dky gS A ¼ ½ (ii) Thaat of Raag Khamaj is Khamaj. ( )
(ii) jkx [kekt] [kekt FkkV dk jkx gS A ¼ ½ (iii) Vadi swar of Yaman is Pancham and
(iii) ;eu dk oknh i rFkk laoknh lk gS A ¼ ½ Samvadi swar is Shadja. ( )
(iv) jkx HkSjo ,d vkJ; jkx gS A ¼ ½ (iv) Rag Bhairav is an Aashraya Rag. ( )
(v) rky >irky ds rhu foHkkx gksrs gSa A ¼ ½ (v) Tal Jhaptal has 3 divisions. ( )
2- jkx Hkwikyh vFkok dkQh dk ’kkL=h; ifjp; fyf[k;s A 15 2. Write theoritical description of Raag Bhoopali or Kaafi. 15
3- Hkkr[k.Ms Lojfyfi i)fr dks le>kb;s A 15 3. Explain Bhatkhande Notation system . 15
4- fuEufyf[kr rkyksa dk o.kZu dhft;s¼dksbZ nks½%& 15 4. Describe following taals (any two):- 15
nknjk] rhurky] ,drky Dadra, Teental, Ektal.
5- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha rhu dks le>kb;s%& 15 5. Explain any three from the following:-
y;] ek=k] foHkkx] le] vkorZu A Laya, Matra, Vibhag, Sum, Avartan.
6. Define Music and write its kinds. 15
6- laxhr dh ifjHkkÔk nsrs gq, mlds izdkjksa dks fyf[k;s A 15
7. Compare Thaat and Raaga. 15
7- FkkV rFkk jkx dh rqyuk dhft;s A 15
8. Describe your musical instrument with sketch. 15
8- vius ok| dk lfp= o.kZu dhft;s A 15

-4- e/;ek izFkeoÔZ]ijh{kk

2. Write notation of one Madhyalaya composition in any xk;u@Loj ok|
Raga from your syllabus (except Yaman and Bhairav). le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad&75] U;wuakd&25
3. Define (any five):- lwpuk%& izFke iz”u vfuok;Z gS A “ks’k iz”uksa esa ls dksbZ pkj iz”u gy
Vadi, Samvadi, Meend, Ghaseet, Andolan, Kan, Naad. dhft;s A lHkh iz”uksa ds vad leku gSa A
4. Give theoritical description of any two ragas from ***
following:- 1- ¼v½ lR; vFkok vlR; fyf[k;s%&
Durga, Alhaiya Bilawal, Des.
(i) jkx o`Unkouh lkjax [kekt BkB dk jkx gS A
5. Write life sketch and musical contribution of Pt. Vishnu
Narayan Bhatkhande.
(ii) ^/kekj* dh izLrqfr rky pkSrky esa dh tkrh gS A
6. Write theoritical description of any two taals with theka:- (iii) nknjk 6 ek=k dk rky gS A
Jhaptal, Chautal, Tilwada. (iv) Øfed iqLrd ekfydk ds ys[kd ia- fo”.kq fnxacj iyqLdj gSa A
7. Write short notes (any two):- (v) ÔM~t] e/;e vkSj iape dh pkj&pkj J`fr;k¡ gksrh gSa A
Dhrupad, Khayal, Tarana, Maseetkhani Gat. ¼c½ [kkyh LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ dhft;s%&
8. Define Shruti and establish seven Shuddha swaras on (i) oknh vkSj laoknh Lojksa dks NksM+dj ’ksÔ Lojksa dks
22 Shrutis. &&&&&dgk tkrk gS A
(ii) laiw.kZ tkfr ds jkx esa Lojksa dh la[;k&&&&&gksrh gS A
(iii) y{k.k xhr esa&&&&&dk o.kZu gksrk gS A
(iv) &&&&&xr dks e/;@nzqr y; esa ctkrs gSa A
(v) jkx o`Unkouh lkjax dh tkfr&&&&&gS A
(vi) ’kq) _ÔHk dh LFkkiuk Jqfr Øekad ij&&&&&gksrh gS A
(vii) /kSor dh&&&&&Jqfr;k¡ gksrh gSa A
(viii) rky lwyrky&&&&& ek=k dk gS A
(ix) ,drky esa&&&&&foHkkx gksrs gSa A
(x) ,drky esa&&&&&[kkyh gksrh gS A
-2- -3-
2- vius ikB~;Øe ds fdlh ,d jkx dh e/;y; jpuk dks Lojfyfi MADHYAMA FIRST YEAR, EXAM 2017
esa fyf[k;s ¼;eu] HkSjo dks NksM+dj½ A VOCAL/SWAR VADYA
3- ifjHkkÔk fyf[k;s%& ¼dksbZ ik¡p½%& Time: 3 hrs. Max.M.75 Min.M.25
oknh] laoknh] ehaM] ?klhV] vkanksyu] d.k] ukn Note: First question is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from
4- fuEufyf[kr jkxksa esa ls fdUgha nks dk ’kkL=h; ifjp; fyf[k;s%& the rest. All questions carry equal marks.
nqxkZ] vYgS;k fcykoy] nsl ***
5- ia- fo”.kq ukjk;.k Hkkr[k.Ms dk thou ifjp; ,oa lakxhfrd 1. (A) Write True or False:-
;ksxnku fyf[k;s A (i) Raga Vrindavani Sarang belongs to Khamaj Thaat.
6- fdUgha nks rkyksa dk ’kkL=h; ifjp; ,oa Bsdk fyf[k;s%& (ii) Dhamar is performed in taal Choutal.
>irky] pkSrky] fryokM+k (iii) Taal Dadra has 6 beats.
7- laf{kIr fyf[k;s%& ¼dksbZ nks½%& (iv) Pt. Vishnu Digambar Paluskar is the author of
/kzqin] [;ky] rjkuk] elhr[kkuh xr ‘Kramik Pustakm Malika.’
8- J`fr dh ifjHkkÔk nhft;s rFkk 22 Jqfr;ksa ij 7 ’kq) Lojksa (v) Shadja, Madhyam and Pancham have four

dh LFkkiuk dhft;s A Shrutis each.

3/- (B) Fill in the blanks:-
(i) Swaras other than Vadi and Samvadi are called
______ swars.
(ii) Total number of swaras in Sampoorna jati is____.
(iii) Lakshan Geet has description of______.
(iv) ______ Gat is played in medium Drut tempo.
(v) Jati of Raag Vrindavani Sarang is______.
(vi) Shuddha Rishabh is established at shruti
(vii) Dhaiwat has ______ shrutis.
(viii) Taal Sooltal has______ beats.
(ix) Ektal has______ divisions.
(x) Ektal has ______ Khalies.
-4- e/;ek vafreoÔZ] ijh{kk&2017
2. Write theoritical description of the following(any two):-
xk;u@Loj ok|
Hameer, Bageshree, Asawari, Bheempalasi.
3. Explain the notation system of Pt. Bhatkhande in detail. le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad&75] U;wuakd&25
4. Write short notes on any two from the following:- lwpuk%& izFke iz”u vfuok;Z gS A “ks’k iz”uksa esa ls dksbZ pkj iz”u gy
(a) Taan Toda (b) Poorv Raga-Uttar Raga (iii) Sandhi Prakash Rag. dhft;s A lHkh iz”uksa ds vad leku gSa A
5. Write Thah and Dugun of any two talas from the following:- ***
(a) Ektal (b) Jhaptal (c) Teevra (d) Deepchandi. 1- ¼v½ lgh tksM+h cukb;s %&
6. Describe the merits and demerits of Vocalist or Instrumentalist. (i) /kekj & lkr ek=k
7. Write notation of any one madhyalaya composition from your (ii) dsnkj & xkU/kkj oknh
syllabus with two tans/Todas. (Except Yaman and Bhairav). (iii) pkSrky & 4 foHkkx
8. Write the life sketch and musical contribution of any one
(iv) :id & dY;k.k FkkV
of the following in brief:-
(v) fcgkx & 6 foHkkx
(a) Amir Khusro
(b) Tansen
¼c½ [kkyh LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ dhft;s%&
(c) Maan Singh Tomar. (i) fryokM+k esa &&&&&& ek=k ij [kkyh gksrh gS A
xx (ii) jkx dsnkj dk oknh Loj&&&&&& gS A
(iii) jkx HkSjoh dh tkfr &&&&&& gS A
(iv) jkx dsnkj dk xk;u le; &&&&&& gS A
(v) jkx HkSjoh&&&&& FkkV dk jkx gS A
¼l½ lR; vFkok vlR; fyf[k;s%&
(i) jkx dsnkj vkSMo tkfr dk jkx gS A
(ii) vkM+k pkSrky 14 ek=k dk rky gS A
(iii) cM+s [;ky dks foyafcr [;ky Hkh dgrs gSa A
(iv) jkx fcgkx dk xk;u le; izkr%dky gS A
(v) jkx fcgkx esa _ÔHk Loj dksey yxrk gS A

-2- -3-
2- fuEu jkxksa dk ’kkL=h; o.kZu dhft;s¼dksbZ nks½%& MADHYAMA FINAL YEAR, EXAM 2017
gehj] ckxsJh] vklkojh] Hkheiyklh VOCAL/SWAR VADYA
3- Hkkr[k.Ms Lojfyfi i)fr dks foLrkjiwoZd le>kb;s A Time: 3 hrs. Max.M.75 Min.M.25
4- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fyf[k;s%& Note: First question is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from
v& rku rksM+k c& iwoZjkx&mÙkjjkx l& laf/kizdk’k jkx the rest. All questions carry equal marks.
5- fuEufyf[kr rkyksa esa ls fdUgha nks rkyksa dks Bkg ,oa ***
nqxqu esa fyf[k;s%& 1. (A) Match the perfact pairs:-
v& ,drky c& >irky l& rhozk n& nhipUnh (i) Dhamar- Seven beats
6- xk;d vFkok oknd ds xq.k&nksÔksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A (ii) Kedar - Gandhar Vadi
7- ikB~;Øe ds fdlh ,d jkx esa e/;y; jpuk dks nks rkuksa@ (iii) Chautal - 4 Vibhagas
rksM+ksa lfgr Lojfyfic) dhft;s ¼;eu o HkSjo NksM+dj½ A (iv) Rupak - Kalyan Thaat
8- fuEu esa ls fdlh ,d dk laf{kIr thou ifjp; nsrs gq, (v) Bihag - 6 Vibhagas.
lakxhfrd ;ksxnku fyf[k;s%& (B) Fill in the blanks:-
v& vehj [kqljks (i) In Tala Tilwada Khali is on_____ matra.
c& rkulsu (ii) Vadi swar of Rag Kedar is_____.
l& eku flag rksej A (iii) Jati of Rag Bhairavi is_____.
3/- (iv) The singing time of Raga Kedar is_____.
(v) Raga Bhairavi belongs to_____Thaat.
(C) Write True or False:-
(i) Raga Kedar is a raga of Audav Jaati.
(ii) There are 14 matras in Ada Choutal.
(iii) Bada Khyal is also known as Vilambit Khyal.
(iv) The singing time of Raga Bihag is morning.
(v) Rishabh swar is Komal in Raga Bihag.

fon izFkeoÔZ] ijh{kk&2017 VID FIRST YEAR, EXAM 2017
izFke iz’u i= Paper-I
le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad&75] U;wuakd&25 Time: 3 hrs. Max.M.75 Min.M.25
lwpuk%& dksbZ ik¡p iz”u gy dhft;s A lHkh iz”uksa ds vad leku gSa A Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

*** ***
1- dksbZ rhu fyf[k;s ¼dks rhu½%& 1. Write short notes (any three):-
v& dEiu c& vko`fÙk (a) Vibration (b) Frequency
(c) Beat (d) Overtone
l& Mksy n& miLoj
2. Explain Diatonic and Tempered scale.
2- Mk;Vksfud ,oa VsEiMZ Ldsy dks le>kb;s A
3. Compare Hindustani and Karnatic swar-saptak.
3- fgUnqLrkuh ,oa dukZVd Loj lIrdksa dh rqyuk dhft;s A
4. Explain the Lakshan and kinds of Gamaka.
4- xed ds y{k.k rFkk izdkjksa dks le>kb;s A 5. Give general introduction of Indian Classification
5- Hkkjrh; ok| oxhZdj.k dk lkekU; ifjp; nhft;s A of musical instruments.
6- jkx ds xzg vkfn nl y{k.kksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A 6. Describe ten Lakshanas of Raga such as grah etc.
7- vius ok| dk ,sfrgkfld fooj.k nhft;s A 7. Give historical description of your musical instrument.
8- fuEu esa ls fdlh ,d ds thou ifjp; ,oa lakxhfrd 8. Write the life sketch and musical contribution of any one:-
;ksxnku dks fyf[k;s%& (a) Baba Ustad Alauddin Khan
v& ckck mLrkn vykmíhu [kk¡ (b) Ustad Abdul Karim Khan
c& mLrkn vCnqy djhe [kk¡ (c) Pt. Bhaskar Bua Bakhale.
l& iafMr HkkLdj cqvk c[kys A xx
fon izFkeoÔZ] ijh{kk&2017 VID FIRST YEAR, EXAM 2017
f}rh; iz’u i= Paper-II
le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad&75] U;wuakd&25 Time: 3 hrs. Max.M.75 Min.M.25
lwpuk%& dksbZ ik¡p iz”u gy dhft;s A lHkh iz”uksa ds vad leku gSa A Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

*** ***
1- ,drky] lwyrky rFkk /kekj dk ’kkL=h; ifjp; nsrs gq, 1. Giving theoritical description write thah and tigun of Ektal,
mudh Bkg ,oa frxqu fyf[k;s A Sooltaal and Dhamar.
2- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks jkx tksfM+;ksa dh rqyukRed O;k[;k 2. Write comparative description of any two raag pair of the
dhft;s%& following:-
v& Hkwikyh&ns’kdkj c& tkSuiqjh&vklkojh l& dsnkj&dkeksn (a) Bhoopali-Deshkaar (b) Jounpuri-Aasawari (c) Kedar-Kamod
3- ikB~;Øe ds fdlh ,d jkx esa ,d foyafcr jpuk] nks vkyki 3. Write a vilambit composition in Bhatkhande notation system
rFkk nks rku@rksM+ksa lfgr Hkkr[k.Ms Lojfyfi esa fyf[k;s A with 2 aalap and 2 taan/toda in any one raag from your
4- xed rFkk frjksHkko&vkfoHkkZo dks le>kb;s A syllabus.
5- ikB~;Øe ds fdlh ,d jkx esa /kziq n vFkok xr¼rhurky ls i`Fkd 4. Explain Gamak and Tirobhav-aavirbhav.
rky esa½ Hkkr[k.Ms Lojfyfi esa fyf[k;s A 5. Write a Dhrupad or Gat(other than teental) in Bhatkhande
6- fdUgha ik¡p ij fyf[k;s%& notation system in any one raag from your syllabus.
rksM+k] d`Uru] cksy vkyki] eqdhZ] lwr] ehaM] >kyk A 6. Write short notes on any five of the following:-
7- ikB~;Øe ds fdlh ,d jkx esa e/;y; jpuk ik¡p rku@rksMk+ as Toda, Krintan, Bol Aalap, Murki, Soot, Meend, Jhala.
lfgr Hkkr[k.Ms Lojfyfi esa fyf[k;s A 7. Write a madhyalaya composition with 5 taan/toda in
8- fdlh ,d foÔ; ij yxHkx 400 ’kCnksa esa fucU/k fyf[k;s%& Bhatkhande notation system in any one raag from your syllabus.
v& ’kkL=h; laxhr o yksdlaxhr 8. Write an essay on any one topic in about 400 words:-
c& laxhr dk nSfud thou esa egRo (a) Classical music and Folk music.
l& vkidk fiz; laxhr dykdkj A (b) Importance of music in daily life.
xx (c) Your favourite Musician.
fon vafreoÔZ] ijh{kk&2017 VID FINAL YEAR, EXAM 2017
izFke iz’u i= Paper-I
le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad&75] U;wuakd&25 Time: 3 hrs. Max.M.75 Min.M.25
lwpuk%& dksbZ ik¡p iz”u gy dhft;s A lHkh iz”uksa ds vad leku gSa A Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

*** ***
1- ia- ’kkjaxnso dh prq%lkj.kk fof/k dks le>kb;s A 1. Explain the method of Chhatuhsarana of Pt. Sharangdev.
2- fgUnqLrkuh laxhr ds 32 FkkVksa dh fuekZ.k fof/k dks 2. Explain the method of deriving 32 Thaats of Hindustani
le>kb;s A music.
3- :idkyfIr o mlds Hksnksa dks le>kb;s A 3. Explain Roopkalapti and its kinds.
4- FkkV&jkx oxhZdj.k dks foLrkj ls le>kb;s A 4. Explain Thaat-Rag Classification in detail.
5- oh.kk ij iafMr vgkscy dh ’kq)&fod`r Lojksa dh LFkkiuk 5. Explain the method of establishing Shuddha and Vikrit swra

fof/k dks le>kb;s A by Pandit Ahobal on Veena.

6- xkU/koZ ,oa xku dks le>kb;s A 6. Explain Gandharva and Gaan.

7- fyf[k;s%& 7. Write short notes:-

v& ’kq)&Nk;kyx c& ewPNZuk l& e/;e xzke (a) Shuddha-Chhayalag (b) Moorchhana

8- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d dk thou ifjp; fyf[k;s%& (c) Madhyam Gram.

8. Write life sketch of any one:-
v& mLrkn vyh vdcj [kk¡
(a) Ustad Ali Akbar Khan
c& ia- iUukyky ?kksÔ
(b) Pt. Pannalal Ghosh
l& mLrkn cM+s xqyke vyh [kk¡ A
xx (c) Ustad Bade Gulam Ali Khan.

fon vafreoÔZ] ijh{kk&2017 VID FINAL YEAR, EXAM 2017

xk;u@Loj ok| Paper-II
f}rh; iz’u i= Time: 3 hrs. Max.M.75 Min.M.25
le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad&75] U;wuakd&25 Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

lwpuk%& dksbZ ik¡p iz”u gy dhft;s A lHkh iz”uksa ds vad leku gSa A ***
1. Write a madhyala laya composition in Bhatkhande notation with
1- vkids ikB~;Øe ds fdlh jkx esa ,d e/;y; jpuk ik¡p rkuksa@rksM+ksa five taans/todas in any raag prescribed in your syllabus.

lfgr Hkkr[k.Ms Lojfyfi esa fyf[k;s A 2. Write the theka of Jhaptal, Ektal and Teental in 3/2 Laya (Aad

2- >irky] ,drky ,oa rhurky ds Bsdksa dks vkM+ y; ¼3@2½ eas Laya).

fyf[k;s A 3. Write theoritical description of any two of the following Raags:-

3- fuEufyf[kr jkxksa esa ls fdUgha nks jkxksa dk ’kkL=h; ifjp; fyf[k;s%& Chhayanat, Jaijaywanti, Puriya Dhanashri.

Nk;kuV] tStSoUrh] iwfj;k /kukJh 4. Write one Vilambit composition in any Raag in Bhatkhande

4- vkids ikB~;Øe ds fdlh jkx esa ,d foyafcr jpuk dks nks vkyki Notation of your syllabus along with 2 Alap and 2 Tanas.

rFkk nks rkuksa lfgr Hkkr[k.Ms Lojfyfi esa fyf[k;s A 5. Explain Staff Notation system in brief.

5- LVkQ uksVs’ku i)fr dks la{ksi esa le>kb;s A 6. Write definition of Tihai and explain its types with examples.

6- frgkbZ dh ifjHkkÔk fyf[k;s ,oa mlds izdkjksa dks mnkgj.k lfgr 7. Write short notes (any two):-

le>kb;s A (a) Harmony-Melody (b) Biyad - Kuaad

7- laf{kIr fyf[k;s¼dksbZ nks½%& (c) Utility of notation in Music.

v& gkeZuh & esyksMh c& fcvkM+&dqvkM+ 8. Write an essay in approx 400 words on any one topic:-

l& laxhr esa Lojfyfi dh mi;ksfxrk A (a) Importance of Practice in Music.

8- fdlh ,d foÔ; ij yxHkx 400 ’kCnksa esa fuca/k fyf[k;s%& (b) Description of a music programme listen by you.

v& laxhr esa lk/kuk dk egRo (c) Classical music and Film music.

c& vkids }kjk lqus x;s laxhr dk;ZØe dk o.kZu xx

l& ’kkL=h; laxhr vkSj fQYe laxhr A

dksfon izFkeoÔZ] ijh{kk&2017 KOVID FIRST YEAR, EXAM 2017
izFke iz’u i=
le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw . kkZ a d &100
lwpuk%& dksbZ ik¡p iz”u gy dhft;s A lHkh iz”uksa ds vad leku gSa A Time: 3 hrs. Max.M.100
*** Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1- ia- ’kkjaxnso dh prq%lkj.kk dks foLrkj ls le>kb;s A ***

1. Explain the Chatuhsarana of Pt. Sharangdev in detail.
2- dY;k.k jkxakx dh fo’ksÔrkvksa dk mnkgj.k lfgr
2. Describe the characteristics of Kalyana raganga with
o.kZu dhft;s A
3- ^lk js x e i* dk 110 ok¡ izLrkj D;k gksxk \ le>kb;s A
3. What will be the 110th prastar of ‘Sa re ga ma pa’? Explain.
4- ?kjkus ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ Xokfy;j ?kjkus dh
4. What do you mean by Gharana? Throw light on the
fo’ksÔrkvksa ij izdk’k Mkfy;s A
characteristics of Gwalior Gharana.
5- dkO; vkSj laxhr ds laca/k dks foLrkjiwoZd le>kb;s A
5. Explain the relationship between Kavya and Sangeet in detail.
6- flrkj vFkok ’kgukbZ dh mRifÙk ,oa fodkl dk foLrkj
6. Describe the origin and development of Sitar or Shehnai in
ls o.kZu dhft;s A
7- lsfu;k ?kjkus ds fdUgha nks dykdkjksa dk ifjp; nhft;s A
7. Give introduction of any two artists of Senia Gharana.
8- fyf[k;s ¼dksbZ nks½%&
8. Write short notes any two:-
v& FkkV ,oa ewPNZuk
(a) Thaat and Murchhana
c& rr~ vkSj forr~
(b) Tat and Vitat
l& NUn vkSj rky A
(c) Chhand and Taal.
dksfon izFkeoÔZ] ijh{kk&2017 -2-
xk;u@Loj ok| l& fnfj fnj nk· jknk ·jk fnfj nk fnfj nk jk nk · nk jk nk jk]


¼ ¼

¼ ¼
¼ ¼
f}rh; iz’u i= nk jk nk fnfj nk nk· ·jk nk nk jk nk · nk jk nk fnfj]

¼ ¼
le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw . kkZ a d &100 nk jk nk fnfj nk jk nk fnfj nk jk nk fnfj fnfj fnfj nk· jknk


1- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d foÔ; ij yxHkx 600 ’kCnksa esa fucU/k ·jk] nk nk fnfj nk jk · nk nkjk nk fnfj nk jk nk jk

fyf[k;s %& 25 n& nk fnfj nk nk · nk fnfj nk nk · · jk nk fnfj nk jk

¼ ¼ ¼ ¼
v& ’kkL=h; laxhr ,oa fp=iV laxhr A nk · jk nk · jk nk jk nk fnfj fnfj fnfj nk· jnk ·jk nk

¼ ¼

¼ ¼ ¼

¼ ¼
c& laxhr esa lkSUn;Z rRo A nk fnfj nk jk nk fnfj nk jk nk fnfj fnfj fnfj nk· jnk ·jk nk


¼ ¼
l& daB lk/kuk dk egRo A nk fnfj nk nk · jk nk jk nk fnfj fnfj fnfj nk· jnk ·jk nk
n& laLFkkxr f’k{k.k iz.kkyh ds xq.k ,oa nksÔ A


Write an essay on any one of the following topics in about
3- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks jkxksa esa ik¡p&ik¡p mPpLrjh; vkyki fyf[k;s%& 10
600 words:-
Write five high standard Aalaps each in any two Ragas form the
(a) Classical music and Film music.
(b) Aesthetic elements in music.
(c) Importance of voice culture.
clar eq[kkjh] nslh] fcykl[kkuh rksM+h A
(d) Merits and demerits of the Institutionalized system Basant Mukhari, Desi, Bilaskhani Todi.
of music teaching.
2- fuEufyf[kr i|ak’k vFkok cksyksa esa ls fdlh ,d dks vius ikB~;Øe 4- fuEufyf[kr dks Lojfyfic) dhft;s%& 15
ds jkx o rky esa Lojfyfic) dhft;s%& 2200 ¼v½ jkx vfgj HkSjo esa ,d vyadkfjd rku A
Compose and write in notation any one of the following ¼c½ jkx iwfj;k dY;k.k esa ,d vojksgh rku A
selecting anyRaga & Taal from your syllabus:- ¼l½ ikB~;Øe ds fdlh ,d jkx esa rhurky ds rhu vkorZu
v& gfj rqe HkDru ds fgrdkjh dh ,d frgkbZ;qDr rku A ftldh frgkbZ 20 ek=k esa gks A
vc jf[k;ks ykt gekjh A Write in notation the following:-
izgykn HkDr dks fgj.; d’;i us (a) An alankarik taan in Rag Ahir Bhairav.
d”V fn;k tc Hkkjh A (b) An Avarohi taan in Rag Pooriya Kalyan.
ujflag :i cuk;s vlqj dh u[k ls nsg fcnkjh A (c) A Taan with tihai in any Raga from your syllabus in
vFkok three Avartanas of teental Tihai should be of 20 matras.
c& izHkw esjh uS;k dks ikj mrkjks 5- jkx ’kq) dY;k.k] lksguh vkSj f>a>ksVh esa ls fdUgha nks jkxksa dk
eSa rks Mwcr gw¡ et/kkjks A foLr`r ’kkL=h; o.kZu dhft;s A 30
Hkolkxj tynqLrj Hkkjh lw>r ukfg fdukjks Give detailed theoritical description of any two Ragas
chp leUnj xksrk [kkos [ksoV gS Hk; Hkkjks A from Raga Shuddha Kalyan, Sohini and Jhinjhoti.
dksfon vafreoÔZ] ijh{kk&2017 KOVID FINAL YEAR, EXAM 2017
izFke iz’u i= Paper-I
le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw . kkZ a d &100 Time: 3 hrs. Max.M.100
lwpuk%& dksbZ ik¡p iz”u gy dhft;s A lHkh iz”uksa ds vad leku gSa A Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

*** ***
1- Jqfr vkSj Loj esa lEcU/k crkb;s rFkk izkphu ,oa vk/kqfud 1. Describe the relation between Shruti and Swar and explain the
fo}kuksa ds vuqlkj Jqfr;ksa ij Lojksa dh fLFkfr le>kb;s A establishment of swaras on Shruties according to ancient and
2- tkfr dk lkekU; ifjp; nhft;s rFkk mlds izdkjksa dks modern scholars.
le>kb;s A 2. Give general description of Jati and explain its kinds.
3- FkkV&jkx oxhZdj.k ij vius fopkj izdV dhft;s A 3. Express your views over Thaat-Raag classification.
4- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ok|ksa dh mRifÙk ,oa fodkl ij 4. Throw light over evolution and development of any two
izdk’k Mkfy;s%&
of the following instruments:-
v& ljksn c& fofp= oh.kk l& rkuiwjk n& ok;fyu¼csyk½
(a) Sarod (b) Vichitra Veena (c) Taanpura (d) Violin(Bela)
5- laf{kIr fyf[k;s ¼dksbZ nks½%&
5. Write short notes (any two):-
v& jkx vkSj jl dk laca/k c& n’kfo/k jkx oxhZdj.k
(a) Relation between Raag and Rasa
l& o`Un oknu A
(b) Dashvidh Raag classification
6- xk;u ds t;iqj vFkok oknu ds eSgj ?kjkus dk o.kZu dhft;s A
(c) Orchestra (Vrind Vadan).
7- fuEu esa ls fdUgha nks dk thou ifjp; ,oa ;ksxnku la{ksi esa
6. Describe Jaipur Gharana of Vocal music or Maihar Gharana
v& ia- ,l-,u- jkratudj of Instrumental music.
c& ia- Hkhelsu tks’kh 7. Write life sketch and contribution of any two of the following:-
l& MWk- izseyrk ’kekZ (a) Pt. S.N. Ratanjankar (b) Pt. Bhimsen Joshi
n& mLrkn vCnqy gyhe tkQj A (c) Dr. Premlata Sharma (d) Ustad Abdul Halim Jafar.
8- Loj&varjky ukius dh lsoVZ i)fr vkSj lsVa i)fr dks le>kb;s A 8. Explain Sevart and Cent system for measuring swar intervals.
dksfon vafreoÔZ] ijh{kk&2017
xk;u@Loj ok|
f}rh; iz’u i=
le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw . kkZ a d &100
1- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d foÔ; ij yxHkx 600 ’kCnksa esa
fucU/k fyf[k;s %& 25
v& laxhr esa ok|ksa dh mi;ksfxrk A
c& laxhr esa xq# dk egRo A
l& yksdlaxhr o ’kkL=h; laxhrA
n& laxhr o lekt A
Write an essay on any one of the following topics (in about
600 words):-
(a) Utility of instruments in Music.
(b) Importance of Guru in music.
(c) Folk music and Classical music.
(d) Music and Society.
2- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d dks ikB~;Øe ds fdlh mi;qä jkx
,oa rky esa Lojfyfic) dhft;s %& 20
Compose and write in notation any one of the following in
appropriate Raga and Tala from your syllabus.
v& jke uke jl ihtS euok
jke uke jl ihtS AA
rft dqlax] lRlax cSfB fur
gfj ppkZ lqu yhtS AA

c& vc eksjh lqu yhtks js cuokjh

vkl rdr gw¡ frgkjh AA
nqfu;k ds QUn tky] eksgs lclksa fudky
vku iM+ks rqEgkjh ’kj.k
ykt vc j[k yks gekjh AA

-2- -2-
l& nk fnj nk jk nk nk fnj nk· jknk ·jk 5- rky dgjok dks lokxqu ¼4 esa 5½] f=rky dks ikSu xqu¼4 esa 3½ rFkk

¼ ¼ ¼


¼ ¼ ¼
fnj fnj nk· jnk ·jk fnj nk fnj nk jk >irky dks Ms<+xqu¼2 esa 3½ esa fyf[k;s A 15


nk fnj nk jk nk nk fnj nk jk fnj Write Taal Kaharva in Savagun (5 in 4), Trital in paungun(3 in

nk fnj nkfnj fnj fnj nk jk nk· jknk ·jk 4) and Jhaptal in Dedagun (3 in 2).



n& nk fnj nk nk fnj nk jk

fnj fnj nk nk· jknk ·jk nk

¼ ¼
¼ ¼ ¼

¼ ¼
¼ ¼
fnj fnj nk fnj fnj nk jk
nk· jnk ·jk nk jk nk jk A

3- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha rhu jkxksa dk ’kkL=h; ifjp;

fyf[k;s A 30
v& ’kq) lkjax c& jkxsJh l& dkSalh dkUgM+k
n& e/kqoarh b& fea;k eYgkj A
Write the theoritical description of any three Ragas from
the following:-
(a) Shuddha Sarang (b) Rageshree (c) Kaunsi Kanhada
(d) Madhuvanti (e) Miya Malhar.
4- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks jkxksa esa ik¡p&ik¡p mPp Lrjh; vkyki
fyf[k;s%& 10
v& njckjh dkUgM+k c& jkxsJh l& HkfV;kj
n& e/kqekn lkjax
Write five high standerd Alaps each in any two Ragas from
the following:-
(a) Darbari Kanhada (b) Rageshree (c) Bhatiyar
(d) Madhumad Sarang.
xhraktfy twfu;j fMIyksek] ijh{kk&2017 GEETANJALI JUNIOR DIPLOMA, EXAM 2017
lqxe laxhr LIGHT MUSIC
le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZda &75
&75]] U;wuka d&25 Time: 3 hrs. Max.M.75 Min.M .25
lwpuk%& izFke iz”u vfuok;Z gS A “ks’k esa ls fdUgha pkj iz”uksa dks gy Note: First question is compulsory.Attempt any four questions from
dhft;s A lHkh iz”uksa ds vad leku gSa A the rest. All questions carry equal marks.

*** 1. Write True-False:-

1- lR;@vlR; fyf[k;s % & (a) All shuddha notes are used in raag Yaman.
v& jkx ;eu esa lHkh Loj ’kq) yxrs gSa A (b) There are four vibhagas(divisions) in Rupak taal.
c& :id rky esa pkj foHkkx gksrs gSa A (c)Flute is a string instrument.
l& c¡klqjh ,d rr~ ok| gS A (d) Presence of Aroh-Avaroh is necessory in a thaat.
n& FkkV esa vkjksg&vojksg dk gksuk vko’;d gS A (e) A Sher of a ghazal may have more than two lines.
b& x+t+y ds ’ksj esa nks ls vf/kd iafä;k¡ gks ldrh gSa A (f) Dadra is a folk music taal basically played on Dholak.
Q& nknjk ewyr% <ksyd ij ctk;k tkus okyk ,d yksdrky gS A (g) Thumari is a singing style of classical music form.
d& Bqejh ’kkL=h; xk;u dh ,d fo/kk gS A (h) Raag is menifested by Pakad.
[k& idM+ ds }kjk jkx Lo:i izdV gksrk gS A (i) First division of Roopak taal carries two matras.
x& :id ds izFke foHkkx esa nks ek=k,¡ gksrh gSa A (j) Basic rasa of bhajan is shringaar.
?k& Hktu dk ewy jl J`axkj gS A 2. Give diagramatic description of any one out of Tabla, Benjo
2- rcyk] csUtks¼cqycqy rjax½ vkSj rkuiwjk esa ls fdlh ,d dk lfp= (Bulbul tarang) and Taanpura.
o.kZu dhft;s A 3. Explain Pt. Bhatkhande Notation system.
3- ia- Hkkr[k.Ms Lojfyfi i)fr dks le>kb;s A 4. Write meaning of any one Ghazal with its lyrics learnt by you in
4- ikB~;Øe esa lh[kh gqbZ fdlh ,d x+t+y dks fy[kdj mldk HkkokFkZ your syllabus.
fyf[k;s A 5. Give short notes on any two of the following:-
Ravindra Sangeet, Nazrul Geet, Tarana.
5- fuEufyf[kr ij fyf[k;s¼dksbZ nks½%&
6. Draw life sketch of any one of the following:-
johUnz laxhr] ut:y xhr] rjkuk Gopaldas Neeraj, Mirza Ghalib, Soordas.
6- fdlh ,d dk thou ifjp; fyf[k;s%& 7. Describe Trital, Ektal and Kaharwa with their thekas.
xksiky nkl uhjt] fet+kZ x+kfyc] lwjnkl 8. Write an essay on any one topic of the following in about
7- f=rky] ,drky rFkk dgjok dk Bsdk lfgr o.kZu dhft;s A 300 words:-
8- fdlh ,d foÔ; ij yxHkx 300 ’kCnksa esa fuca/k fyf[k;s%& (a) Light Music : A Lyrics based Music style.
v& lqxe laxhr % ,d ’kCniz/kku laxhr ’kSyh A (b) My Favourite Light Musician.
c& esjk fiz; lqxe laxhrK A (c) Opportunities of employment in Light music.
l& lqxe laxhr esa jkstxkj dh laHkkouk,¡ A
xhraktfy lhfu;j fMIyksek] ijh{kk&2017 GEETANJALI SENIOR DIPLOMA, EXAM 2017
lqxe laxhr LIGHT MUSIC
le;% 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZda &75] U;wuka d&25 Time: 3 hrs. Max.M.75 Min.M.25
lwpuk%& dksbZ ik¡p iz”u gy dhft;s A lHkh iz”uksa ds vad leku gSa A Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
*** ***
1- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d ok| dk lfp= o.kZu dhft;s%& 1. Describe any one instrument from the following with its sketch:-
v& uky c& dh&cksMZ l& Lisfu’k fxVkj n& lkjaxh (a) Naal (b) Key-board (c) Spanish Guitar (d) Sarangi
2- ikB~;Øe esa ls fdlh ,d Hktu vFkok x+t+y dks HkkokFkZ 2. Write the lyrics with its meanings of any Bhajan or Ghazal
lfgr fyf[k;s A prescribed in your syllabus.
3- lqxelaxhr ,oa yksdlaxhr dh fo/kkvksa dks la{ksi esa le>kb;s A 3. Give brief explanation of Light music and Folk music.
4- daB laLdkj dk lkekU; ifjp; nhft;s A 4. Give general description of voice culture.
5- gkeZuh&esyksMh o estj&ekbZuj dkM~Zl dks la{ksi esa le>kb;s A 5. Explain Harmony-Melody and Major-Minor chord in brief.
6- fdUgha ik¡p dk o.kZu dhft;s%& 6. Describe any five of the following:-
ehaM] eqdhZ] rky] ek=k] le] Bsdk] vkorZu Meend, Murki, Taal, Matra, Sam, Theka, Avartan.
7- fuEufyf[kr rkyksa dks Bkg] nqxqu rFkk pkSxqu esa fyf[k;s%& 7. Write the taals given below with Thah, Dugun and Chougun:-
nhipanh] [kseVk] /kqekyh Deepchandi, Khemta, Dhumali.
8- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d dk thou ifjp; fyf[k;s%& 8. Write life history of any one of the following:-
v& dchj nkl (a) Kabir Das
c& egknsoh oekZ (b) Mahadevi Verma
l& ehj rdh ehj A (c) Meer Taqi Meer.
xx xx

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