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Unit Education: High School

Class / Semester: X / 1

Subjects: Physics

Topic: Temperature, Heat, and Heat Transfer

SubTopic : Black Principle

Time: 4 x 3 hours Meeting

Meeting: 2 out of 2 meetings

A. Core competencies:

1. Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion.

2. Develop behavior (honest, discipline, responsibility, caring, polite, friendly environment,
mutual aid, cooperation, peace-loving, responsive and proactive) and displayed as part of the
solution to the various problems of the nation to interact effectively with social and natural
environment as well as in placing itself as a reflection of the nation in the association world.
3. Understand, applying, and analyze the factual knowledge, conceptual and procedural in
science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with the insight of humanity, national, state,
and civilization-related phenomena and events, as well as applying procedural knowledge in
the field of study that is specific to with their talents and interests to solve the problem.
4. Processing, reasoning, presenting and creating in the realm of the concrete and the abstract
realm associated with the development of the learned in school independently, and able to use
the method according to the rules of science.

B. Basic Competency:

1.1 Recognizing the greatness of God who created and governs the universe through
observations of natural phenomena and physical measurement.

2.1 Demonstrate behavioral science (curiosity; objective; honest; careful; meticulous;

diligent; carefully; be responsible; openly; critical; creative; innovative and caring
environment) in their daily activities as a form of implementation of the attitude of doing
experiment , reporting and discussion.

3.1 Analyze the influence of heat and heat transfer in everyday life.
4.1 Presenting the results of the measurement of physical quantities using appropriate tools
and techniques for scientific investigation.
C. Indicators of Competence Achievement

1. Shows the scientific attitude in conducting experiments on the black principles.

2. Explain the theory of black principles.
3. Applying the theory of black principles.

D. Learning objectives

1. After doing the experiments, discuss, seek information and ask, students can investigate
the Black principles.

E. Learning Materials

Events of heat release of substances that have a high temperature to substances that
have a low temperature so as to achieve temperature equilibrium investigated by Scottish
scientist named Joseph Black. Joseph examined the heat release hot water mixed with cold
water. According to Black, the amount of heat given off hot water equal to the amount of heat
received cold water. The statement was later known as the Black Principle. Mathematically,
Principle Black stated:

Qreleased = Qreceived

Black also used the principle is also used in the manufacture of hot water in the dispenser.
The water in the dispenser may boil for obtaining heat energy from the electrical energy
derived from the heat element. In that event, the heating element provides heat energy and
water accept it. Mathematically, the equation can be written:

Qreleased = Qreceived

Q = m.c.∆t

M = Mass

C = Specific heat

T= Change of Temperature

F. Approach / Model / Learning Methods

The learning approach is a scientific approach (scientific). Cooperative learning

(cooperative learning) using problem-based discussion groups (problem-based
G. Learning Activities

Learning Scientific Description of Time

Activities approach Activities Allocation
PRELIMINARY  Teachers opened 5 minutes
learning activities
with greetings.
 Teachers check
 Teachers do
apperseption about
Q = m.c.∆t, where
Q is the heat given,
m is mass, c is the
specific heat of
objects, and ∆t is
the change in
 Delivering the
objectives of
phase 1  Teachers explore 10 minutes
Orientation preconceptions
students to the students through
some of the
questions that have
been designed.
CORE  The teacher divides 60 minutes
ACTIVITIES the students into
several groups
phase 2
Organizing of
phase 3  With the guidance
Develop and of teachers,
present work students conduct
Try experiments mixing
cold water with hot
water with his
group each one.
phase 5 Creating  Students are given
Analyze and a the task to fill the
Network Student
evaluate the
Learning Worksheet.
problem solving
 Provides the
process opportunity for
each group to
present the results
of his experiments.
Closing  Students are
guided by the
teacher to conclude
15 minutes
that Qreleased =

H. Tools / Media Learning

Tool: hot water, cold water, glass, container / bowl, thermometer.

Instructional materials: the student handbook.

I. Learning Resources

1. Kanginan, Marthen. 2013. PHYSICS 1 for SMA / MA Class x. Jakarta:

2. The school environment

J. Assessment of Learning Outcomes

1. Assessment Techniques: observation, written test

2. Evaluation Procedure:

No Aspects assessed technique of time

Assessment Assessment
1. Attitude Observation During the current
1. Shows curiosity study and
2. Accuracy and carefully discussion
3. Perseverance and responsibility
4. Communicate
2. Knowledge Observations and Settlement of
The principle of conservation of tests individual and
energy, the heat given off by the group assignments
hot water equal to the heat received
cold water
3. skills Observation Completion of tasks
Skillfully applying the concept / (both individual and
principle and problem-solving group) and the
strategies that are relevant with current discussion
regard to the exchange of heat
K. Assessment Tools study results
Assessment attitude

Score description
Shows curiosity 3 Showed great curiosity, enthusiastic,
active in group activities
2 Shows curiosity, but not overly
enthusiastic, and had been actively
involved in group activities when
1 Showed no enthusiasm in the
observation, it is difficult actively
Accuracy and 3 Viewing the results of the
carefully experiment in accordance with
procedures, carefully in doing
2 Viewing the results of the
experiment according to the
procedure, less careful in doing
1 Viewing the results of the
experiment are not in accordance
with procedures, less careful in doing
Diligence and 3 Diligent in completing the task with
responsibility the best result that can be done,
attempted timely
2 Attempting to timely complete the
task, but has yet to show his best
1 Not seek earnestly in completing
tasks and duties are not completed
communicate 3 Active in the question and answer,
can express ideas, respect the opinion
of other students
2 Active in the question and answer,
did not put forward the idea, lack of
respect for other students' opinions
1 Off in the question and answer, did
not put forward the idea, do not
respect other students' opinions
Student worksheet
Black’s Principles

I. Purpose: Students are able to prove the theory of Black Principle

II. Basic theory :
Black Principle is a principle in thermodynamics expressed by Joseph Black.
This principle lays out:
a. If two different objects whose temperature is mixed, hot objects provide
heat on cold objects so that the temperature is finally equal
b. The amount of heat absorbed cold objects equal to the amount of heat
released hot objects
c. Objects were cooled remove heat equal to the heat absorbed when heated

Black Principle is as follows:

"By mixing the two substances, the amount of heat released higher
temperature substance" in general formula Principle Black is

Qreleased = Qreceived

and the following formula is a description of the formula above:

(M1 x C1) (T1-Ta) = (M2 x C2) (Ta-T2)

M1 = mass of objects that have a higher temperature level

C1 = Heat of types of objects that have a higher temperature level

T1 = temperature of the object that has a higher temperature level

Ta = temperature of the final mixing of the two objects

M2 = mass of objects that have a lower temperature level

C2 = Heat of types of objects that have a lower temperature level

T2 = temperature of the object that has a lower temperature level

III. Research methods

A. Tools and Materials
2. Hot Water
3. Cold water
4. Container
B. Experimental Procedure

1. Prepare tools and materials to be used in this lab

2. Measure the temperature in a beaker containing hot water
3. Measure the temperature in a beaker containing cold water
4. Combine hot water and cold water, then measure again the temperature
5. Record your measurement results in Table observations

IV. Table Observations

Temperature Temperature The temperature of the

of Hot of Hot water mixture (0C)
water(0C) (0C)

V. Conclusion


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