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File Ref.No.

60935/GA - IV - E3/2016/Admn


Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies-Regulation and Syllabi of MBA programme under
CSS CUCSS with effect from 2016-17 admission-implemented-Orders issued.

G & A - IV - E
U.O.No. 6014/2016/Admn Dated, Calicut University.P.O, 10.05.2016

Read:-1.Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Studies in Management (PG) held on

2.Minutes of the meeting of the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies held
on 02.04.2016.
3.Orders of the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor in File No.65884/GA IV E3/2016/Admn on


As per paper read as (1) above, the Board of Studies in Management (PG) approved the
Regulation, scheme and Syllabus of MBA programme under CSS-CUCSS with effect from 2016-17

As per paper read as (2) above, the Faculty of Commerce and Management studies resolved to
approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Studies read as (1) above as such. As per
paper read as (3) above, the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor has accorded sanction to implement the
Minutes of the meeting of the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies read as (2) above,
subject to ratification by the Academic Council.

The following orders are therefore issued.

1.The regulation, Scheme and Syllabus of MBA programme under CSS-CUCSS mode is
implemented with effect from 2016-17 admission. (Regulation, scheme and Syllabus attached)

Anuja Balakrishnan
Deputy Registrar

The Principals/Co-ordinators of the Colleges/Centers concerned.
Copy to: PS to VC/PA to PVC/PA to Registrar/PA to CE/EX & EG Sns/Digital

Forwarded / By Order

Section Officer
University of Calicut
Regulations of Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Programme under CUCSS Mode
implemented With Effect from 2016-17 Admissions in Affiliated MBA
Colleges and MBA Self Financing Centres
1.0 Title of the programme
This degree shall be called MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA).
2.0 Eligibility for admission
Any student who has passed any degree of the University of Calicut (including degree
programmes of SDE/ Open degree programme of SDE, University of Calicut) or that of
any other University or institute or institution recognized by the UGC or AICTE.
Programmes of other Universities or institutions shall be in 10+ 2+ 3 pattern (or 10+ 2+
4) under regular stream. In all the cases, the student should have passed the bachelor
degree examination with not less than 50 % marks in aggregate including the marks of
languages if any (without approximation, that is, 49.9999 % is not eligible since it is less
than 50%), is eligible for admission. However, SC/ST, OBC, and other eligible
communities shall be given relaxation as per University rules.
3.0 Admission Procedure
3.1 For University Department or its Full time and Part time centres
The admission to the programme shall be made on the basis of the score in the entrance
test called CMAT conducted by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) or
KMAT conducted by Admission Supervisory Committee, Govt of Kerala or CAT
conducted by consortium of IIMs. For the academic year 2016-17 MAT examination
conducted by All India Management Association will also be considered for admission to
private self financing management institutes affiliated to University of Calicut and the
marks of the Group Discussion, Personal Interview obtained by the candidates in the
Plus Two /Pre degree examination put together in the following proportion:

3.2 The rank score shall be arrived at as follows:

Entrance test score out of 120
Plus Two / PDC marks out of 30
Group discussion out of 25

Personal Interview out of 25
Total out of 200
The minimum required test score to be eligible for admission to MBA
programme of this University is 10 % of the maximum of the respective
entrance examinations for all candidates and 7.5% for SC/ST candidates. All
entrance tests shall be considered at par and will be converted to a common
denominator of 120 for the purpose of preparing rank list.
3.3 The weightage for Plus Two / PDC shall be based on total marks obtained by the
students in all parts, (that is, languages and subjects or Part I, Part II and Part III).Up to
50% aggregate marks obtained in the plus two examination: No Weightage. Every one
per cent of over and above 50 percent, one mark will be given subject to a maximum of
30 marks for Higher Secondary or equivalent thereof. For calculating this academic
weightage, marks obtained in the Plus two/ Higher Secondary / PDC up to 0.49% will be
rounded to lower full digit marks and 0.5 and above will be rounded to next full digit
3.4 A rank list shall be prepared by the University based on the final rank score
computed as above and a counseling session shall be conducted for admission to the
MBA Programme. While preparing the rank list, if there is same index mark for more
than one candidate, they will be ranked on the basis of the score of the test. Even after
this, there is a tie they will be ranked on the basis of actual marks obtained for Plus Two
examination. If tie exists even after with this, the date of birth is to be considered and
the elder person is to be given preference in the admission.
The candidates admitted to the MBA programme must produce the qualifying degree
mark list/ provisional certificate/ confidential mark list, latest at the last date of closing
MBA Admission by the University. If he/she fails to produce the same, his or her
admission will be cancelled on the next working day. The University will not be liable
for the loss caused to the student. Reservation of seats shall be followed strictly for
admission both in the Department and also at its centres as per the Kerala Government
Rules applicable for the professional colleges.
3.5 For Affiliated Management Institutes
For admission to MBA Programme in private management institutes affiliated to Calicut
University Clause 3.1 of the regulation is applicable. Candidates while appearing for the
selection must produce valid test score before the selection committee both for merit

seats and management quota seats. During the month of March/April the University
shall invite applications for admission to MBA programme under merit seats. Before the
last date of receipt of applications for admissions, the candidate shall have obtained
his/her Test Score and the score card shall be submitted along with the application on
or before the last date of receipt of filled up application form each year. Based on the
Test Score, the candidate shall be shortlisted for Group Discussion and Personal
Interview at least thrice the number of seats or the actual number of applicants
whichever is lesser shall be the number of candidates invited for Group Discussion and
Personal Interview.

3.6 Out of the total seats, 50% shall be Merit Quota (Government Quota) and 50% shall
be Management Quota. University shall conduct the Group Discussion and Personal
Interview for merit quota seats in self-financing institutes and a common rank list shall
be prepared, for all the self financing institutes. Options will be collected by the
university from the candidates during the counseling and will make allotment of
candidates to different institutes on the basis of merit and according to the choice of the
candidates, keeping all community reservation rules applicable as per rules of
Government of Kerala rules. Based on this, allotment letter will be given by the
University to the candidates and the college shall give admission to the candidates in the
merit quota seats based on the allotment letter. Fees for these seats are fixed by the
University from time to time.
3.7 If sufficient candidates are not joining in the merit quota seats as per the University
allotment letter, the college/institute shall report the matter to the University and with
the written permission of the University, the college/institute may fill the seats from the
rank list prepared by the University based on the Entrance and GD/PI conducted by the
University. However, the management can collect only the fees fixed for the self
financing centres run directly by the University. The management quota seats shall be
filled up after preparing a rank list based on the CMAT/CUMAT score. The private
management institutes shall inform the Registrar, University of Calicut and also the
Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies about the entrance test that the
institute shall use for ranking candidates for Management Quota seats.
3.8 Admission shall be strictly based on the rank list or lists that the institutes prepare
and publish based on the above. The institute shall send one copy each of such rank list

or lists of the candidates admitted to the Registrar, University and the Dean, Faculty of
Commerce and Management Studies within two weeks of its closing admission each
3.9 The University may prepare a calendar of MBA events for admission, class
commencement and ending, end-semester university exam, etc. The date of publication
of notification inviting applications, last date of receipt of filled up applications, date of
admission and commencement of classes shall be based on the calendar of events for
MBA issued by the University. If the University does not publish the calendar for MBA
events the institutes shall admit students and start classes only after getting a letter of
approval of the schedule for the above from the University.
3.10 Those candidate seeking admission under Merit and Management Quota through
tests mentioned in clause 3.1 willing to obtain combined score card from the University
shall produce the original test score card to the University.
4.0 Medium of Instruction and examination
The medium of instruction and examination shall be English.
5.0 Schedule and Hours of Lecture
5.1 Duration of the programme
The programme shall have four semesters. Each semester shall consist of16 weeks.
Instruction and University examinations in each course in a semester shall be
completed within 90 days in a semester.
Semester Beginning Month* Closing month* Duration
1st Semester 1st August every year 31st January every year 6 months
2nd Semester 1st February every year 31st July every year 6 months
3rd Semester 1st August every year 31st January every year 6 months
4th Semester 1st February every year 31st July every year 6 months
* However, the University has the right to change these schedules according to
5.2 Lecture Hours
Each full course (4 Credit) shall have four hours and each half course (2 Credit) shall
have two hours of lecture classes per semester. Each courses having a maximum of 4/2
credits will be considered as full course and all courses having a maximum of 2 credits
shall be considered as half courses. Each full course shall have a minimum of 60 hours of
lecture and each half course 30 hours of lecture in a semester.

6.0 Attendance
A student shall attend at least a minimum of 75 % of the number of classes actually held
for each of the courses in a semester to be eligible for appearing for university
examination of that semester. If the student has shortage of attendance in a semester, he
or she shall not be allowed to appear for examination of that semester. However, the
University may condone shortage up to 10 % of the maximum number of contact hours
per semester. If the candidate has shortage more than this limit he/she has to
compensate the shortage of attendance of that semester along with the next batch and
appear for the university examination of that semester.
7.0 Internal Assessment
All courses shall have internal assessment.
7.1Internal assessment components
The internal assessment will be based on the following components. Each faculty shall
have the freedom to decide the appropriate weight of individual components except for
tests, which shall be minimum of 50% of the total internal assessment. But the following
components may be followed:
Periodic tests (Marks of best 2 out of a minimum of 3 tests) 50%
Seminar paper and presentation 20%
Classroom participation and attendance 10%
Case analysis/ other assignment 20%
7.2 A student should have obtained a minimum of D grade( 50 % of the maximum
marks ) in internal assessment in each course to be passed successfully in that course.
7.3 In case a student fails to get D grade in any course, he or she shall take retest(s)/
submit assignments to the concerned faculty to get the required minimum in that
course. Internal assessment has to be completed before the university examination for
each semester.
7.4 If the student fails in getting the required minimum marks in internal assessment in
spite of taking retests or resubmission etc. he or she shall not be allowed to write the
University examination in that semester for that particular course.
7.5 Such students shall repeat the course along with the successive batch of MBA
students for getting pass marks in internal assessment and then appear for University
examination in such course.
8.0 Transparency about Internal Assessment

8.1 Each faculty shall maintain record of performance and attendance of each student
in his or her class course-wise.
8.2 Each faculty shall submit the internal assessment marks of the students to the
Head of the department or institution on conclusion of lecture class in each semester.
8.3 Such internal assessment mark lists shall show all the components separately
and the total of internal assessment marks awarded to each student.
Format of Internal Assessment Mark list

Sum of Best 2 tests

Seminar paper


Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

8.4 The Department or Centre or Institute shall publish the list of internal assessment
marks of all the students within a week of conclusion of the lecture classes in each
semester before sending it to the Controller of Examinations.
8.5 The internal marks of the student shall be communicated to Controller of
Examinations along with Attendance and Progress Certificate (APC) within two weeks
from the last day of class in each semester.
8.6 The faculty shall make available details of the internal assessment marks, with
explanations wherever required, to the Head of the Department or Institution in
case of grievance regarding internal assessment.
9.0 Procedure for grievance handling of internal assessment
9.1 If the students have any grievance against any member of faculty, such grievance
shall be dealt with at three levels for a solution. First the concerned student may
present the grievance and discuss it with the concerned faculty.
9.2 If the grievance is not solved at the faculty level, the student shall submit a written
complaint with all the relevant details to the Head of the Department, centre, or

9.3 The complaint shall be dealt with by a Committee of Teachers with the Head of the
institute, one senior teacher and the teacher whose assessment is a matter of
dissatisfaction for the student or students.
9.4 If it is not solved at the Department or centre or institute level the head of the
institution shall forward the written complaint of the student along with the reply of
the concerned faculty member to the Controller of Examinations, University of
9.5 The student and the faculty member may be invited to present the facts of the
dispute in writing before a Committee consisting of the Controller of Examinations,
Head, Department of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Calicut and
the Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies of the University. This
Committee may take a final decision based on the facts presented by the student(s)
and the concerned teacher and the answers they get from them.
10 External Examination
10. 1 The University shall conduct semester end examinations, carrying 2.4 credits for
full course and 1.2 credits for half course, for each of the courses in the first, second,
third and fourth semesters.
11.0 The duration of examination shall be three hours for full courses and 1½
hours for half courses.
11.1 A student shall register for all the courses in a semester to appear for examination
in the respective semester for the first time. Part appearance shall not be allowed for
first appearance.
12.0 Major Project
12.1 The students shall do a major project during their final semester of MBA under a
faculty guide, preferably in their area of specialization.
12.2 The faculty guide must have either (a) M. Phil or Ph.D. in Management or
Commerce or Economics or (b) two years’ MBA teaching experience.
12.3 The duration of fieldwork for major project is eight weeks.
12.4 This project work is to be done individually by the students.
12.5 The student shall prepare and submit a project report, printed and bound
(preferably spiral bound) with a minimum of 100 A4 pages of text, to the Head of the
Department or Centre or Institute before the last working day of the final semester.

12.6 The head of the institute shall send the projects of all the students together to the
Controller of Examinations well in time so that they are received in the Pareeksha
Bhavan within two weeks from the last date for project submission to the institute.
12.7 Projects received late shall be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations along
with a request for late submission supported by necessary fee for late submission as
fixed by the University.
12.8 However, such late submission shall be done within one month of the last date for
final semester project submission.
12.9 A certificate showing the duration of the project work shall be obtained from the
organization for which the project work was done and it shall be included in the project

13. Structure of the report (Common for minor and major projects)
Title page
Certificate of the Head of the Dept. /Institution
Certificate from faculty guide
Certificate, in original, from the organization (for having done the project work)
Chapter I: Introduction (Organization profile, Research problem, objectives of the study,
Research methodology etc.)
Chapter II: Review of literature / Theoretical profile
Chapters III and IV: Data Analysis (Can be 3 or more chapters)
Chapter V: Summary, Findings and Recommendations.
Appendix (Questionnaire, specimen copies of forms, other exhibits etc.)
Bibliography (books, journal articles etc. used for the project work).
14.0 Evaluation of Major Project Report
14.1 The major project report during the fourth semester shall be evaluated in two
14.2 Internal assessment by the faculty guide out of 3.2 credit for the project.
14.3 External evaluation by the final semester Board of Examiners appointed by the
University for a maximum of 4.8 credits for the major project in the final semester.

While evaluating the project report 72 weights may be distributed in the following

No Compulsory Criteria Major Project (Weights)

A Problem Formulation 12
B Methodology Adopted 12
C Analysis of the data 24

D Clarity of Findings 12
E Report Writing 12
Total 72

14.4 Head of the Department or centre or institute shall send all the projects of final
semester students to the controller of Examinations after internal evaluation.
14.5 Sum of the marks awarded to each student in the internal evaluation out of 3.2
credit and the external evaluation out of 4.8 credits together shall be the to be awarded
to the student for the major project.
15.0 Minimum credits for Project Report
15.1 The student should get a minimum of D grade for project report for a pass in major
15.2 If the student fails to get D grade for project report, he or she shall resubmit the
project report after modifying it on the basis of the recommendations of the examiners.
This can be done immediately after publication of results.
16.0 Viva Voce Examination
16.1 At the end of fourth semester, each student shall attend a comprehensive viva voce
examination. Viva Voce examination shall be for 2 credits with 18 weights.
16.2 The Viva Board shall have at least two members. The University shall appoint the
16.3 The viva voce will be about all the courses of the four- semester programme,
including project reports.
16.4 The student should get D grade for a pass in viva voce. Weightage for viva voce
examination shall be split in the following order
a. Knowledge in the subject- 6 Weights
b. Knowledge in the Project Report-6 Weights

c. Communication skills, presentation skills etc- 6 weights
17.0 Scheme of Instruction and Examination
17.1 Semester One
Course Course Title Internal External Total Type
Code credit credit Credit
BUS IC 01 Business Communication 0.8 1.2 2 Core
BUS IC 02 Management Theory and 1.6 2.4 4 Core
Business Ethics
BUS IC 03 Business Laws 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS IC 04 Organizational Behaviour 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS IC 05 Environment and Business 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS IC 06 Managerial Economics 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS IC 07 Quantitative Techniques 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS IC 08 Accounting for Managers 1.6 2.4 4 Core
Total in semester 12.0 18.0 30

17.2 Semester Two

Course Course Title Internal External Total Type
Code credit credit Credit
BUS 2C 09 Soft Skill Development 0.8 1.2 2 Core
BUS 2C 10 Marketing Management 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS 2C 11 Financial Management 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS 2C 12 Operations Management 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS 2C 13 Human Resources 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS 2C 14 Management Science 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS 2C 15 Management Information 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS 2C 16 Business Research 1.6 2.4 4 Core
Methods for Management
Total in semester 12.0 18.0 30
17.3 Semester Three
Course Course Title Internal External Total Type
Code credit credit Credit
BUS 3C 17 Advanced Strategic 1.6 2.4 4 Core

BUS 3C 18 Strategic Cost 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS 3C 19 Entrepreneurship 1.6 2.4 4 Core
Development & Project
BUS 3C 20 Supply Chain Management 0.8 1.2 2 Core
BUS 3C 21 Investment Management 1.6 2.4 4 Core
Functional Elective 1 1.6 2.4 4 Elective
Functional Elective 2 1.6 2.4 4 Elective
Functional Elective 3 1.6 2.4 4 Elective
Total in semester 12.0 18.0 30

17.4 Semester Four

Course Course Title Internal External Total Type
Code credit credit Credit
BUS 4C 22 Corporate Governance 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS 4C 23 International Business 1.6 2.4 4 Core
BUS 4C 24 Management Control 1.6 2.4 4 Core
Functional Elective 4 1.6 2.4 4 Elective
Functional Elective 5 1.6 2.4 4 Elective
BUS 4C 25 Major Project 3.2 4.8 8 Dissertation
BUS 4C 26 Comprehensive Viva Voce 2.0 2
Total in semester 11.2 18.8 30
Grand Total 47.2 72.8 120

18.0 Time Limit for Completion and Validity of Registration

The registration for MBA shall be valid for five academic years including the academic
year of registration. A student is expected to complete all the MBA courses within these
five years.
19.0 Failed students
19.1 If a student fails in any course or courses, he or she shall reappear in that course or
courses in the regular examinations of the respective semester of any of the successive
batches of MBA students.

19.2 If they fail to pass in any course or courses within the five years, then they shall be
required to reregister for the course they did not complete by paying the fees fixed by
the university and appear for the university examination.
20.0 Change in curriculum and Chances to students
20.1 If MBA curriculum change is implemented in any year, the students who registered
under the old scheme shall be allowed to appear in those courses in which they failed,
subject to a total of three chances and a time limit of five academic years including the
academic year of registration for MBA.

21.0 Discontinuation and Readmission

21.1 If a student wants to discontinue from MBA programme, he or she can do it
provided the student pays the fee as is required by the general regulations of the
University. But readmission may be allowed only if the student has completed at least
the first semester with a minimum of 75% attendance and has registered for University
examinations in the first semester courses, provided the Department, Centre or Institute
agrees to readmit him or her to the next semester of the MBA programme.
22.0 Pass minimum
22.1 Each student shall secure a minimum of 2 GPA for 4 credit courses and 1 GPA for 2
credit courses in the university examination for each course for a pass in that course.
The classification of results may be as follows:
Letter grade Range of Grade Point Average Performance level
A 3.5 to 4.0 Excellent
B 2.5 to 3.49 Very good
C 2.2 to 2.49 Good
D 2.0 to 2.19 Average
E 0.5 to 1.99 Poor
F Below 0.5 Very poor

22.2 A candidate who passed the courses in the first two semesters in regular sitting or
supplementary sittings before the completion of the course and any of the third and
fourth semester papers by taking one supplementary chance after the completion of the
course (one chance for third semester papers and one for fourth semester papers) shall
also be given class/grade, based on the percentage of marks obtained by him or her.

23.0 Specialization
23.1 There shall be two categories of specialization: full specialization (five courses)
and dual specialization with three courses from one area and two courses from another
23.2 If the student opts for and passes in a minimum of five courses in any elective area,
he or she may be issued mark lists showing full specialization as Marketing
Management, Financial Management etc.
23.3 If the student chooses three courses in one specialization area and two courses
from another specialization area, he or she may be issued mark lists with dual
specialization as Marketing Management and Financial Management etc
24.0 Specialization Electives:
24.1 Marketing
In Third Semester
BUS 3EM 01 Consumer Behavior and Marketing Research
BUS 3EM 02/ IB 02 Global Marketing Management
BUS 3EM 03 Marketing Communication Management
BUS 3EM 04 Brand Management
In Fourth Semester
BUS 4EM05 Sales Management
BUS 4EM06 Retail Management
BUS 4EM07 Services Marketing
24.2 Finance
In Third Semester
BUS 3E F01/IB 01 International Finance
BUS 3E F02 Corporate Taxation
BUS 3E F03/IB 03 Strategic Financial Management
BUS 3E F04 Indian Financial System
In Fourth Semester
BUS 4E F05/IB 05 Forex Management
BUS 4E F06/IB 06 Risk Management
BUS 4E F07/IB 07 Financial Derivatives
24.3 Human Resource Management

In Third Semester
BUS 3E H01 Managing Self and Others
BUS 3E H02 Performance Management
BUS 3E H03 Human Resource Planning and Development
In Fourth Semester
BUS 4E H04/ IB 04 Global Human Resource Management
BUS 4E H05Management of Training and Development
24.4 International Business
In Third Semester
BUS 3E F01/IB01International Finance
BUS 3E M02/IB02 Global Marketing Management
BUS 3E F03/IB03 Strategic Financial Management
BUS 3E H04/IB04 Global Human Resource Management
In Fourth Semester
BUS 4E F05/IB05 Forex Management
BUS 4EF06/IB06 Risk Management
BUS 4E F07/IB07 Financial Derivatives
24.5 Systems Elective
In Third Semester
BUS 3ES 01 Systems Analysis and Design
BUS 3ES 02 Data Base Management Systems
BUS 3ES 03 Electronic Commerce
In Fourth Semester
BUS 4ES 04 Enterprise Resource Planning
BUS 4ES 05 Business Process Re engineering
24.6 Tourism and Hospitality Management
BUS 3ET 01 Tourism Products of India
BUS 3ET 02 Tourism Marketing
BUS 3ET 03 Tourism Policy Planning and Development
BUS 3ET 04 Sustainable Eco Tourism
In Fourth Semester
BUS 4ET 05 Travel Agency and Tour Operations Management
BUS 4ET 06 Front Office and Housekeeping Management

BUS 4ET 07 Hotel Operations
25.0 For all other matters which are not specified in this regulation the common
regulation for PG Programme under CUCSS for affiliated colleges will be applicable.
26.0 MBA Part Time Programme
26.1 All the above provisions are applicable to MBA Part Time Programme. In addition,
to be eligible for admission to MBA Part Time Programme, a candidate should have a
minimum of three years’ work experience with any organization. In the absence of
employed candidates, such seats can be filled by candidates other than employees.
26.2 The duration of the programme shall be four semesters spanning over two years
with a minimum of three hours of lecture on every working day and six hours’ lectures
on Sundays and Public Holidays. In all semesters the total number of contact hours of
MBA Part-time programme must be equal to total number of contact hours of regular
MBA Programme.
27.0 Scheme of Instruction and Examination of Part Time MBA Programme:
It is same as that of full time MBA programme mentioned in the regulation

28.0 Detailed Syllabus

Time: 30 hrs 2 credits
Course objectives:
 To understand the process of business communication, and
 To acquire required skills to manage business communication
 To give awareness about and to help develop the personality of the students.
Module I
Business Communication – meaning - need – process – methods – written, verbal, non-
verbal, visual, telecommunications; - internal and external , upward and downward,
lateral; barriers to communication – physical, psychological, linguistic, mechanical.

Module II
Communication through letters, business letters, layout of letters, kinds of business
letters, characteristics of a good letter; application for appointment - resume –
references; appointment orders; Business enquiries – offers and quotations; orders-
execution of orders – cancellation of orders. Letters of complaint, letters of agency –
status enquiries; circulars and circular letters; notices; reports by individuals; reports
by committees; annual report; writing of reports. Non-verbal communication - Body
language – kinesics - proxemics, Para language. Effective listening: Principles of

effective listening; factors affecting listening. Interviewing skills: appearing in
interviews; conducting interviews.

Module 111
Group Communication-Meetings; Need, Importance and planning of meetings, Meeting
notice, Agenda, Minutes, Press release, Press conference, Meeting Presentation,
Elements of Presentation, Designing Presentation, Visual Support.
Corporate Communication, Scope and Importance-Components, Role of social media in
communication. Annual Reports

1. Dan O’Hair et al. Strategic Communications in Business and the Professions, Pearson.
2. Dalmar Fisher, Communication in Organizations, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.
3. Thill Bovee and Schatzman, Business Communication Today, Pearson.
4. Chaturvedi P.D. and Mukesh Chaturvedi: Business Communication, Pearson
Education New Delhi
5. Nithin Bhatnagar & Mamta Bhatnagar: Effective Communication and Soft Skills,
Pearson Education New Delhi
6. Balasubramanyam: Business Communications; Vikas Publishing House, Delhi.
7. Kaul: Effective Business Communications, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
8. Sangheetha Magan: Business Communication, International Book House, New Delhi

Time: 60 hours Credits 4
Course objectives:
• To understand the process of business management and its functions, and
• To familiarize the students with current management practices.

Module I
Nature and scope of Management; evolution of management- Schools of management
thought; F.W. Taylor and Henry Fayol; Behavioral approach to Management.
Management as a Science and an Art; management process.

Module II
Functions of management- planning: planning premises; types of plan; planning
process; Organization – Theories, types, importance, organization structure- Line and
Staff functions - Conflicts; centralization and decentralization; delegation; types,
principles, elements, Coordination, Directing – Supervision, Communication.

Module III
Directing – motivation, leadership – Theories; importance – Controlling principles –
Dynamics of Groups at work, work group behaviour and productivity; work and
motivation Manager vs. leader; leadership and motivation; leadership styles; theories of

motivation. MBO: - team creation and Management; Management of Change –
importance, objectives and methods.
Module IV
Ethics, Culture and values; importance of culture in organizations; Indian Ethos and
value systems; Concepts of Dharma; Nishkama karma and purusharthas; Model of
Management in the Indian socio-political environment; Work ethos; Indian Heritage in
production and consumption. Corporate social responsibility and Corporate
Governance; Transparency; International and other Ethical bodies.

Module V
Business Ethics; relevance of values in Management; Holistic approach for managers in
decision-making; secular Vs. spiritual values in Management; Ethical relativism; whistle
blowing; stress in corporate management. Ethics Management; Role of organizational
culture in ethics; structure of ethics management; Ethics Committee; Ethics Officers and
the CEO; Communicating Ethics; Ethical Audit;

1. Koontz, H and Weihrich, H: Management, McGraw Hill Inc, New York.
2. Drucker, Peter, F: Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices, Allied
Publishers, New Delhi.
3. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, Principles of Management: Text and Cases, Pearson,
4. Biswanath Ghosh, Ethics in Management and Indian Ethos, Vikas, New Delhi, 2009.
5. B.L. Bajpai, Indian Ethos and Modern Management, New Royal Book Co., Lucknow,
6. Chakrabortty, S.K., Ethics in Management: Vedantic Perspectives, Oxford University
Press,New Delhi, 1995.

60Hours 4 credits

To develop knowledge and skills in the understanding of the general legal
framework, and of specific legal areas relating to business, recognising the need
to seek further specialist legal advice where necessary.

Module I
Law of contract—Indian Contract Act 1872-essentials of a valid contract-offer, acceptance,
competence, consent, consideration, legality of objects-performance of Contracts — breach
of contract and remedies—quasi contracts.
Module II

Special contracts—bailment- agency- Sale of Goods Act 1930 – definitions - essentials of a
contract of sale and hire purchase- Sale and agreement to sell – goods, types – Conditions
and warranties - transfer of property in goods – delivery - rights of an unpaid seller—
auction sale.
Module III
Indian Partnership Act 1932—definition –formation-registration-partnership deed, minor
in partnership-rights, duties and liabilities of partners—dissolution. Consumer Protection
Act 1986— consumer – complaints, grounds, time - unfair and restrictive trade practices—
consumer grievance redressal machinery, district, state, and national level, jurisdiction.
Module IV
Indian Companies Act 1956—Nature and types of companies - incorporation,
commencement of business - documents associated with formation - issue and allotment of
shares-dematerialization of shares - transfer and transmission of shares — management
and directors — meetings and resolutions—postal ballot- buy back of shares - prevention of
oppression of mismanagement — merger and acquisitions.
Module V
Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 —Types and characteristics of negotiable instruments -
Promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques — parties- holder and holder in due course -
negotiation—crossing, endorsement, dishonor and discharge-banker and customer. Right to
information Act 2005—salient features - information-request-fee—response- social issues

1. Gulshan: Business law

2. M.C. Kuchhal, Business Laws, Vikas

3. M.C. Shukla: Mercantile Law, S. Chand New Delhi, 2010

4. B. N. Tandon: Indian Company Law

5 Negotiable Instrument Act.
6. Right to Information Act.

4. Credits

Course objectives;
1. To understand the dynamics of interpersonal, intra group and inter group
behavior at workplace and
2. To gain practical knowledge in change management and organization

Module I

Introduction to Organisational Behaviour- Meaning and Definition of OB- Environment
and OB-Approaches to OB-Scientific-Behavioral and Contingency approaches-OB in
historical perspective.

Module II
Individuals and organisation-Foundations of Individual behaviour-Motivation and
Behaviour- Theories of Motivation-Motivation at work-MBO-Motivation and Job
performance- Perception Process- Barriers to Perception-Perceptual selectivity-
Learning;Theories of Learning- Learning reinforcemnt-Attitude and Behaviour-
Personality-Stress and Behaviour

Module III
Group Dynamism-Group meaning and Definition-Reason for group formation-Types of
groups-Successful group behaviour-Group Decision making-Intergroup relations and
Module IV
Group communication-Leadership in group-Creativity and group decision making
Module V
Characteristics of organisation-Organisational structure and design-Meaning and
importance-Type and determinants of organisation structure-Organisational change
and development-Resistance to change-Managing change-OB and OD- OD Interventions


1. Stephen Robinson, Management, Prentice Hall

2. F. Luthans, Organisational Behavior, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1995.
3. Stephen P. Robbins, Organisational Behaviour, Pearson, New Delhi, 2005.
4. McShane et al, Organisational Behaviuor, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
5. Anderson and Barker, Effective Enterprise and Change Management, Blackwell
Publishers Ltd, Oxford, 1996
6. French and Bell, Organisational development, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,
7. SR Kao et al. Effective Organisation and Social Values, Sage Publications, New
Delhi, 1994.
8. Jit S Chandan, Organisational Behaviour-Vikas Publishing House Private Ltd

60 Hours 4 credits

Course objectives:
• To acquaint the students to the emerging trends in business environment which will
help the students to develop the ability to analyze the competitive business
environment to appraise the environmental pressures on business and
 To understand the government policies and current issues in Indian perspective

Module I
Business Environment –Meaning and definition, characteristics, objectives,
classification of Business environment: Nature, concept and significance of Micro
environment and Macro environment – environmental analysis. Globalization –
strategies, World Trade Organization – implications, Public Sector in India- role in
economic development, Privatisation, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and related

Module II
Nature and progress of economic reforms, Monetary and fiscal policies, Export Import
Policies, Competition Act 2002, Foreign Exchange Management Act. Industrial policy of
India. Make in India- Startups-Mudra Bank- Digital India-Skill India.

Module III
Domestic Vs Foreign Investment-FDI and Indian Economy- Natural and scope of FDI-
FDI policy in general and FDI in various sectors of the Economy-Role of FII in Economic

Module IV
Sustainable Development-Implication of demography in growth and economic
development-Energy Management- Green Energy-Energy and Eco system-Climate
change and sustainable development- Sustainable consumption- Alternative
technology-Environment Management Systems and Standards- ISO 14000

Module V
Environmental Accounting- Environmental Ethics- Envrionmental Loss-Pollution and
waste management – Water resource management-Social Cost benefit analysis-CSR- Bio
Diversity and Corporate Ethics. -impact of technology on business.

1. Sundaram & Black, International Business Environment, PHI, New Delhi.
2. Francis Cherunilam: “Business Environment”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
3. K. Aswathappa: “Legal Environment of Business”, Himalaya Publishing House, Delhi.
3. Adhikary, M.: “Economic Environment of Business”, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
4. Panday.G.N-Environmental Management-Vikas Publishing House
5. Uberoi.N.K-Environmental Management- Excel Books- New Delhi
6. Gupta and Das: Environmental Accounting-Wheeler Publishing

Time: 60 Hours 4 credits

Course Objectives
1. To acquaint the student with the concepts and techniques of micro and macro
economics and
2. To enable them to apply this knowledge to business decision-making.

Managerial Economics – definition, scope and importance, business decisions and
concepts of managerial economics – incremental concept, marginalism, equi-marginal
concept, the time perspective, discounting principle, opportunity cost principle.

Module II
Utility and Demand Analysis – concept and types of utility; Laws of demand; elasticity of
demand; demand forecasting – techniques.

Module III
Production function – production with one variable input, law of variable proportion;
production with two variable inputs; production isoquant; isocost lines; Estimating
production functions; cost concepts and break even analysis

Module IV
Market structure – perfect and imperfect competition; monopoly, duopoly, oligopoly;
monopolistic competition, pricing methods under these competitive environments.

Module V
National income concepts and measurement; Business cycles and contra cyclical
policies; Economic planning and development models; Mahalnobis model; Harod-
Kaldore model.

1. Paul .G. Keat, Philip.K.Y.Young, Sreejatha Banerjee, Managerial economics-
Economic tools for today’s Decision makers, Pearson education.
2. H.L.Ahuja. Managerial economics- Analysis of managerial decision making, S.Chand,
New Delhi
3. Adhikary,M: Business Economics, Excel Books, New Delhi 2000
4. DD Chaturvedi & SL Guptha, Managerial Economics, International Book House, 2012
5. DN Dwivedi, Managerial Economics, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2012

60 Hours 4 credits
Course objectives:
• To understand statistical tools for quantitative analysis
• To understand the process of using statistical tools for validating findings and
interpreting statistical results.

Module I
Probability: basic concepts; approaches; theorems- addition, multiplication, conditional
and Bayes; business applications of probability.

Model II
Probability distributions: random variable; expected value of random variable; Binomial
distribution; Poisson distribution, Normal distribution and Exponential distribution.

Module III
Correlation and regression: Simple, partial and multiple correlation; regression
analysis; business application of correlation and regression.

Module IV
Statistical inference: Basic concepts; standard error; central limit theorem; Sampling
and types of sampling; large sample tests, small sample tests; tests for means; tests for
proportions; tests for paired observations; Non-parametric tests- Chi-square test, sign
test, Wilcoxon, Krushkal Wallis test, Waid – Wolfowitz test; analysis of variance.

Module V
SPSS for data analysis: data entry in SPSS; Data analysis tools in SPSS; Calculation of
Descriptive statistics, Correlation and Regression; Regression model for forecasting
with SPSS

1. Tulsian, P.C. and Vishal Pandey,: Quantitative Techniques, Pearson Education, New
Delhi 2004.
2. Aczel: Complete Business Statistics, Tata Mc McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Levine, David M, Timothy C. Krehbiel and Mark L.Berenson: Business Statistics,
Pearson Education, New Delhi 2004.
4. Richard L.Levin and David S. Rubin; “Statistics for Management”, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi.
5. N.D. Vora: “Quantitative Techniques in Management”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
6. S.P. Gupta: Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
7. Hooda, R.P.: “Statistics For Business and Economics”, Macmillan, New Delhi.
8. GC Beri, Business Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill Co, New Delhi
9. SPSS Manual

60 Hours 4 credits

Objectives: To develop knowledge and understanding of the underlying

principles and concepts relating to financial accounting and technical proficiency
in the use of double-entry accounting techniques including the preparation of
basic financial statements. To enable students to familiarize with the basic concepts in
accounting and finance. Focus must be laid on fundamental principles rather than doing
complicated problems.
Module I
Accounting an introduction – meaning – concept of accounting –functions of accounting -
accounting conventions accounting concepts – International Accounting Standards -
Documentation and recording of business transactions - classifying and summarization of
business transactions – journal — subsidiary books – ledger - cash book - trial balance –
Module II
Final accounts of sole trader — Trading and profit and loss accounts—Adjustment of
different items – Corporate financial statements - specimen forms – preparation of
Module III
Analysis of financial statements – tools and techniques —Ratio analysis—meaning and
Significance — classification of ratios — liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, profitability ratios,
turnover ratios – computation of ratios.
Module IV
Fund flow analysis – meaning of fund – fund flow analysis – importance of fund flow
statement – difference between fund flow statement and income statement — preparation
of the fund flow statements – statement of changes in working capital – computation of fund
from operation – sources and application of funds.
Module V
Cash flow analysis — meaning – importance – difference between cash flow and fund flow
statements – cash from operating activities - cash flow from investing activities – cash flow
from financing activities – preparation of cash flow statement - Utility and limitations.
1. Financial accounting—Ashoka Banerjee – Excel publications, New Delhi,
2. Accounting principles—Anthony—Irwin Publishers
3. Financial Accounting of Management—Ambariosh Gupta—Pearsons Education
4. Fundamentals of Financial Accounting—Narayanaswamy
5. Corporate Accounting—Dr. V.K.Goyal—Excel books
6. Introduction to Accounting—Pru Marriott & J R Edwards –Sage Publications
7. Accounting for Managers, NK Guptha & Vidhu Bansal, International Book House

Time: 30 hrs 2 credit

Course objectives:
To foster an all round development of students by focusing on soft skills and also to
make student aware about the importance, the role and the content of soft
skills through instruction, knowledge acquisition, and practice.

Module I
Introduction to Soft Skill Development. Right personality for the job-Softskills and
Personality Traits at different stages of the career growth-Values and Ethics-Personality
Analysis-Differnt concepts of Personality Development-Personality and Leadership
Qualities- Personality Assessment-Communication Skills-Spoken-Written and Body

Module II
Soft skills Demanded by Employer-Soft skill as a competitive weapon-Classification of
softskills-Time Management-Attitude-Responsibility-Integrity and Trust-Consistency
and Predictability-Teamwork and Interpersonal skills-Empathy and Listening Skills-
Communication and Networking

Module III
Body Language-Innerself and personality-Introduction-Emotions displayed by
bodylanguage-Body language exhibited during different professional interaction-Group
Discussion-Video conferencing-Job interview-Nonverbal communications-Reasoning-
Flexibility-Culture and Personality


(There should be adequate exposure to demonstrations with audio video mehods,

games, case studies, role plays, field works, presentations, debates and discussions,
simulation of real life situations, stress exercises, team exercises, planning exercises,
personality testing and feedback etc.Yoga demonstrations should also a part of this
course delivery system)

1. Barun K Mitra: Personality Development and Soft Skill Development-OUP
2. Personal Development for life and work by Wallace & Masters
3. Bovee Business Communication Pearson Education
4.Pernrose John et al: Business Communication fro Managers-Cengage Learning


60 Hours 4 credits
Module I
Introduction to marketing management--Concept, nature and importance of marketing;
Evolution of marketing concept; Marketing environment—Micro environment of
marketing and macro environment of marketing –Domestic marketing and international

Module II
Consumer behaviour- buying roles and behaviour; Individual consumer behaviour and
institutional consumer behaviour-- models of buying decision; factors influencing
buying decision—cultural ,social, personal and psychological factors—buying process—
consumer adaptation process—changing patter of consumer behaviour.

Module III
Market segmentation, targeting and positioning – levels and patterns of segmentation;
effective segmentation; market targeting; positioning methods and strategies.
Marketing research - Scope and types of marketing research.

Module IV
Product and pricing decisions- Concept of product; product line and product mix; new
product development; packaging and branding; brand extensions; Pricing decisions-
factors influencing price decisions; pricing strategies; Product life cycle stages and
strategic marketing decisions; Promotion and Distribution-Promotion mix; Promotion
mix; advertisement budget; media planning; measuring advertisement effectiveness.
Sales promotion - objectives, tools and techniques. Distribution channels- physical
distribution decisions; channel intermediaries; channel management. Wholesaling and
retailing- retail marketing, retail formats.

Module V
Marketing organization and control systems- organizing marketing department;
marketing control techniques- annual plan control, profitability control, strategic
control. Product Marketing Vs Services Marketing-Green Marketing-Gender based
marketing-Marketing for nonbusiness organisation.
A minimum of five cases are compulsorily discussed in class room.

1. Kotler, Philip and Gary Armstrong: Principles of Marketing, Pearson Education, New
Delhi 2004.
2. Stanton, W.J., Fundamentals of Marketing, McGraw Hill, New York 1994.
3. Saxena, Rajan: Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2004.
4. Kotler, Philip: Marketing Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi 2005.
5. Ramaswamy, V.S. and Namakumari S: Marketing Management, Macmillan, New Delhi,
6. Rajendra P. Maheswari, Marketing Management, International Book House, 2012
7. Neelamegham, S, Marketing in India; Cases and Readings, Vikas New Delhi, 1988

60 HOURS 4 credits

1. To understand the different financial functions to be discharged by a finance
2. To analyze the impact of financial decisions on business enterprise.

Module I
Financial Management—objectives—profit maximization, wealth maximization—
finance function—role of finance manager—strategic financial management—economic
value added—time value of money.

Module II
Investment decision—capital budgeting techniques—pay back method—accounting
rate of return—NPV—IRR—discounted pay back method—capital rationing—risk
adjusted techniques of capital budgeting.—capital budgeting practices.

Module III
Capital structure decisions—cost of capital—computation of cost of debt, preference
shares, equity and retained earnings—weighted average cost of capital—Theories of
capital structure—NI approach NOI approach-traditional—MM theory—indifference
point— fair capitalization—over and under capitalization.

Module IV
Working capital management—factors determining working capital—estimation of
working capital—inventory management techniques—receivables management—
management of cash and marketable securities—techniques of cash management—
committees on working capital and their findings and recommendations.

Module V
A. Sources of long term finance—conventional and innovative sources—Leasing —
Factoring — securitization—dividend theories—Walter’s model—Gordens model—MM
approach—legal aspects of dividend—formulation of dividend policy. B. Corporate
governance C. Financial engineering

Coverage of the questions: 60% Problems and 40 percent theory

Reference Books:
1. Van Horne James.C: Financial management and policy ( Prentice Hall of India)
2. Jim Mc Menamin : Financial management- An Introduction ( Oxford)
3. Pandey. I.M: Financial Management (Vikas Publishing House)
4. Ravi M Kishore: Financial Management ( Taxmann)

60 Hours 4 credits

Course objectives:
• To gain an in-depth knowledge of production and operations management, and
• To understand the ways of improving productivity and operational efficiency.

Module I
Nature and scope of production and operations management; historical development;
operations strategy; different production systems- product, process, flexible and
computer integrated; layout; layout planning. Operation Strategy in global

Module II
Material management- Materials planning and inventory control; JIT; Material Planning
Budgeting and Material Requirement Planning; Purchase management; stores
management; Material handling principles and equipments; quality assurance;
acceptance sampling; Statistical Quality Control; Total Quality Management; ISO 9000.
Line balancing.

Module III
Operations decisions: production planning and control in mass production systems,
batch/job order manufacturing. Facility location; capacity planning- models; Process
planning- aggregate planning- scheduling- Maintenance management concepts;
Industrial safety.

Module IV
Work study, method study, work measurement, work sampling, work environment.
Capacity Planning and Break Even Analysis. Outsourcing and supply chain strategy.

Module V
Production planning and control in different production systems; aggregate planning;
short-term scheduling; maintenance management. ERP solutions and its functionalities
in operations Management.

1. Russell, Roberta S, and Bernard W.Taylor III, Operations Management, Pearson
Education, New Delhi 2004.
2. Chase, Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, Tata McGraw Hill, New
3. Buffa, E.S., ‘Modern Production Management’, New York, John Wiley, 1987.
4. Adam, E.E. and Ebert, R.J., ’Production and Operations Management’ Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi 1995.
5. Chary, S,.N., Production and Operations Management’, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi

6. Jayheizer/Barry Render et al Operations Management: Pearson Education

Time: 60 hours 4 credits

Module I
Introduction to Human Resource Management—Importance--scope and objectives of
HRM. Evolution of the concept of HRM- Approaches to HRM- Personnel management Vs
Human Resource Management-HRM and competitive advantage- Traditional Vs
Strategic human resource management— HRM and HRD-- Growth of HRM in India.

Module II
Human resource planning, Recruitment and selection—Job analysis—uses of job
analysis-process of job analysis-job discretion- job specification methods of job
analysis- methods of human resource planning- Conventional Vs strategic planning—
job evaluation—Recruitment--constraints and challenges of recruitment-source of
recruitment-methods-Indian experience in recruitment.

Module III
Placement, Induction and Internal mobility of human resource. Training of
employees—need for training-objectives- approaches --methods-philosophy of
training-training environment- areas of training- Training evaluation- Executive
development- Concepts- methods and program- promotion and transfer.

Module IV
Performance appraisal and career planning. Need and importance- objectives- process-
methods and problems of performance appraisal- performance appraisal practices in
India. Concept of career planning –features- methods –uses career development-
succession management in Indian context.

Module V
Compensation management and grievance redressel. Compensation planning-
objectives-Principles of wage administration-wage systems-state regulations in wage
administration-factors influencing wage system-Indian practice in wage administration.
Grievance redressel procedure- discipline- approaches- punishment-essentials of a
good discipline system. Labour participation in management and workers

Human Resource Management- Text and Cases-- VSP Rao

Human Resource Management- Garry Dessler & Biju Varkkey, Pearson, 2012
Human Resource Management—Snell, Bohlander
Amstrong’s Hand book of Human Resource Management, Kogan Page, 2012
Human Resource Management- Pravin Durai, Pearson, 2010

60 Hours 4 credits

Module I
Management Science: Scope and importance; Linear Programming- Applications,
advantages and disadvantages – formulation of problem - assumptions - Graphic and
simplex methods - Duality and shadow pricing; sensitivity analysis- simple problems.

Module II
Transportation and Assignment Problem - Transportation model and its applications in
business problems - without degeneracy. Assignment Model and its applications to
solution of business problems.

Module III
Decision theory: framework; payoff tables; regret tables; Decision under certainty,
uncertainty and risk; methods of incorporating risk; value of perfect information;
Decision tree and its uses.

Module IV
Network Analysis: Construction of network diagramme – CPM and PERT – Time
Analysis, Cost Analysis – Time cost trade off - crashing

Module V
Queuing Theory: Structure, assumptions, uses and characteristics. Single channel with
infinite population – multiple channel with infinite population – Simulation: concepts
and applications. Monte Carlo Simulation – limitations of simulation – simulation
through computer software

1. Hillier ,Frederick S and Hillier, Mark S: Introduction to Management Science, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2004.
2. Mathur , K and Solow, D, Management Science, Eaglewood Cliffs, New Jersey Prentice
Hall Inc, 1994.
3. Theirouf, R.J. and Klekamp, R.C.: Decision Making Through Operations Research, John
Wiley, New York 1989.
4. Hillier, Frederick S and Lieberman, Gerald J: Introduction to Operations Research,
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2003.

5. Narang A.S., Linear Programming and Decision making, Sultan Chand, New Delhi
6. Hamdy A. Taha, Operations Research, Pearson, 2012.

60 Hours 4 credits
Course objectives:
• To understand the process of information generation and communication in
• To understand the process of IT application development and use in organisations
• To provide a basic understanding about security issues of information resources.
Module I
Evolution of MIS: Concepts; framework for understanding and designing MIS in an
organisation; MIS and other related disciplines: MIS and Management Accounting, MIS
and Computer Science, MIS and OR, MIS and Organisational Behaviour, MIS and
Management. Concept of information; definition, features, types, process of generation
and communication; quality and value of information; information overload;
techniques for managing overload; summarizing; filtering; inferences and message
routing. System concept; definition, types and characteristics of system-control in
systems: feedback: positive and negative; negative feedback control system, input,
process and output control; law of requisite variety.
Module II
Structure of MIS: Basic structural concepts: formal and informal information systems;
public and private information systems; multiple approaches to the structure of MIS:
Operational elements (physical components, process, and outputs for users), activity
subsystems, functional subsystems and decision support – synthesis of multiple
approaches into a conceptual structure for MIS.
Module III
Information systems: Transaction Processing Systems, Office Automation Systems,
Information Reporting Systems, Decision Support Systems, Executive Support Systems,
expert systems and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems.
Module IV
Systems Development and Implementation: System development methodologies; SDLC
approach; prototyping approach and user development approach- Systems Analysis;
systems Design; Concepts of database and database design; system implementation;
management of information system projects; system documentation – information
system audit.
Module V
Computer Networks: LAN, WAN; topologies; distributed data processing and
client/server computing. Security of information resources; threats to information

resources; security systems for risk management – social and ethical issues of
information technology.

1. O’Brien, James A: Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
2. George M.Scott: Management Information Systems, McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi.
3. Schultheis, Robert and Summer, Mary: Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
4. Gordon B Davis, et. El: Management Information Systems, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
5. Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon: Management Information Systems – Managing the Digital Firm,
Pearson Education, New Delhi 2011 .
6. Effy Oz, Management Information Systems, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
7. Haag, Cummings and Mccubbrey: Management Information Systems for the Information Age, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004
8. Post, Gerald V and Anderson, David L: Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
9. Nirmalya Bagchi, Management Information System, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi 2010
10. Hitesh Guptha, Management Information System, International Book House, New Delhi, 2011

60 HOURS 4 credits
 To understand the process of doing research in business and other social
 To acquire required skills to undertake research projects as part of the
 To enable to acquire required skills to undertake research projects for the
business and commerce

Module I
Research— concepts – research methodology – approaches to business and social
research – scientific methods – types of research – research designs.

Module II
Formulation and planning of research - selection of problem – setting of objectives -
formulation – hypotheses – measurement of variables – research plan – literature
review – conducting the research

Module III
Data collection— primary data – methods and techniques of primary data – secondary
data – methods and techniques — interviews – surveys – census and sample surveys –
Editing, classification and codification of data – using computer packages.

Module IV

Data Analysis – qualitative data analysis – descriptive quantitative data analysis – tests
of measurement and quality – using computer packages

Module V
Writing and presenting the report—planning report writing —report format –
footnotes and bibliography - presentation – report generation and presentation using
computer packages

1. Mathew David & Carole D. Sutton, Social Research: The Basics, Sage Publications,
New Delhi
2. O.R. Krishnaswami, Methodology of Reseach in Social Sciences, Himalaya
Publishing House, Mumbai.
3. Ajai S. Gaur and Sanjaya S. Gaur: Statistical methods for practice and Research,
Sage Publishers.
4. Deepak Chawla & Neena Sondhi, Research Methodology, Vikas Publishers, 2011
5. Naval Bajpai, Business Research Methods, Pearson, 2013
6. CR Kothari, Research Methods and Techniques, New Age International, New

Time: 60 hrs 4 credits
1. To understand the fundamentals of strategic management, and
2. To develop the capability to formulate and implement strategies

Module I
Strategic Management – Military origin of strategy, Evolution- Concepts and
Characteristics of Strategic Management- types of strategy: functional strategy, business
strategy, global strategy and corporate strategy – role of vision and mission statements-
strategic management process; role, functions and skills of board and top management
in strategic management. Stake holders in business and their role in strategic
management. CSR, Ethical and Social Consideration in Strategic Management-Case

Module II
Strategy Analysis and Formulation-Company's resources and copetitive position
analysis- organisational capability analysis-Strategic advantage analysis-Core
competence- Distinctive competitiveness. Analysis of External Environment-SWOT
Analysis-Industry Analysis-Porters five forces model of competition-Corporate portfolio
analysis-BCG-GE Models.

Module III

Generic competitive strategies- Low cost-differentiation-focused differentiation.
Stability Growth strategies-vertical integration strategies-mergers, acquisition and
takeover strategies-Strategic alliance-Global strategic partnership- Tailoring strategies
to specific industries- GEC Model; 7S Framework; stakeholders’ expectations analysis;
competitive analysis; Scenario planning.

Module IV
Strategy Implementation - project implementation - procedural implementation -
behavioral implementation; managing resistance to change. New Business model and
strategies for virtual business.

Module V
Strategy Evaluation and Control – tools and techniques of evaluation - control
techniques and process - DuPont Control model, Balanced Score Card-etc.

1. William Glueck : Business policy – Strategy formulation and management action
2. Rue : Strategic Management
3. Donal F Harvey : Business policy and Strategic Management.
4. R.M Srivasthava: Management policy and Strategic Management.
5. Ravi M. Kishore: Strategic Management- Text & Cases, Taxmann
6. Francis Cherunilam: Business Policy and Strategic Management.
7. Azhar Kasmi : Business Policy
8. Bhattacharya : Strategic Management.
9. Gary Hamel and CK Prahlad -Competing for the future HBS Press

Time: 60 hrs 4 credits

To develop knowledge and understanding of management accounting techniques
to support management in planning, controlling and monitoring performance in
a variety of business context

Module I
Cost Concept-Classification of Cost-Elementwise classification-Functional wise
classification-Classification for exercising control over costs-Classification based on cost
behaviour-Techniques for separation of costs
Module II
Marginal Costing-Definition and Meaning-Featurs of marginal costing-Formulae used in
Marginal costing-Marginal Costing and Absorption Costing-Application of Marginal
Costing in Decision Making. Break Even and CVP Analysis.
Module III
Costing in Service Sector-Service Cost Units-Service Cost Analysis-Operating Cost
Statement-Transport-Hotel and Hospitals.Process Costing- Joint Product and Bye
Product-Equivalent Production.
Modue IV
Activity based costing- Need and Importance-Relavance-Cost Drivers-Steps in Activity
based costing-
Module V
Cost control and Cost reduction-Need and Importance-Cost control process-Cost
reduction process-Methods and techniques of cost control and reduction- Value analysis
and engineering-Impact of Value analysis of on profit volume and value.Target costing-
Kaizen costing-ERP-JIT.

1.Cost Management- Ravi M Kishore, Taxman Publication
2. Cornerstones of Cost Management- Hansen Mowen- Cengage Learning

Time: 60 hours 4 credits

Course objectives:
1. To provide a basic understanding to the students about the role of small business
an economy and to set up manage business firms.
2. To provide them with necessary knowledge and skills for project formulation and
project management relevant for business.

Module I
Entrepreneur: definition and functions; characteristics of entrepreneur; innovation
entrepreneur; role of entrepreneur in economic development; floating of small
features of small business; advantages of small business; setting up small scale
industrial unit; government regulatory framework for small business.
Module II
Identification of business opportunities for small business: project ideas, screening of
project ideas; environment scanning and opportunity analysis; Market demand
demand forecasting; technical analysis: materials and inputs; production technology;
product mix; plant location and layout; selection of plant and equipment;
Module III
Concept of Project : Generation and screening of project idea-- Project formulation--

market demand and situation analysis-- technical analysis; financial analysis,
of project risk, firm risk and market risk, cost benefit analysis, social cost benefit
analysis—Environmental appraisal of projects – stress on environment--a project
Module IV
Project planning-- Developing project teams-- setting goals and getting commitment--
project scheduling;-- resource management-- project implementation-- Using micro
project for project management: Major features of MS project and their application in
project management.
Module V
Project Implementation---project management organization--importance of project
management organization---monitoring and control of projects--parameters for
monitoring and control--process of monitoring-PERT/CPM and network techniques in
project monitoring and control- computer based project management.
1. Bhavesh M Patel : Project Management
2. Prasanna Chandra: Projects-planning, analysis selection-implementation and
3. Vasant Desai : Project Management and entrepreneurship
4. Harvey Maylor : Project Managemt.
5. Jack R Meridith : Project Management- A managerial approach
6. Ghattas, R.G. and Sandra L McKee: Practical project management.

Time: 30 2
Course objectives:
• To understand the concepts, practices and importance of logistics management and
supply chain management and
• To develop skills and competence to design and operate logistics facilities.

Module I
Introduction to Logistics and its interface with Production and Marketing; Measures of
logistics; Physical distribution and logistics.- Logistics Systems Analysis and Design;
Warehousing and Distributing Centres; Location. Transportation Systems: Facilities
and Services; Dispatch and Routing Decisions and Models; Inventory Management
Module II
Logistics Audit and Control; Packaging and Material Handling; International Logistics
Management; Logistics Future Directions. Warehousing and Storage-- Transportation-
land, water and air.
Module III

Introduction of supply chain-logistics and supply chain—functional coordination—
supply chain relationship—cooperation and collaboration with supply chain partners—
supply chain synergy. Supply chain value strategy—supply chain flow cycle- demand
management.-- supply chain information system—intercompany and intra company
information- relationship marketing and supply chain management.

1. Bowersox, D.J. and Closs, D.J.: Logistics Management: A System Integration of Physical
Distribution, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 1996.
2. Ballau, Renald H.: Business Logistics Management’ Prentice Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs,
New York 1992.
3. Beal K.,:A Management Guide to Logistics Engineering, Institute of Production
Engineering, USA 1990.
4. Martin Christopher: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Pearson, 2011.
5. Shapiro, R: Logistics Strategy: Cases and Concepts, West, St. Paul, 1995.
6. John T. Mentzer: Fundamentals of supply chain management—Response books.
7. Chopra, Sunil and Peter Meindle: Supply Chain Management, Pearson Education, New
Delhi 2005.
8. Mentzer, John T., et el: Ed., Supply Chain Management, Response Books, New Delhi
9. Ballou, Ronald H: Business Logistics / Supply Chain Management,
Pearson Education, New Delhi 2004.

60 Hours 4 Credits
To understand the characteristics of securities markets and the instruments traded
To be able to analyze risk and return of securities and manage portfolios of investments.

Module I
Investment –meaning and definition-Objectives of Investment - types of investment—
Security markets; Primary market/new issue market; functions of primary market;
right issue, book building, private placement; organised stock exchanges; functions of
stock exchanges; listing of securities; trading and operational mechanism of stock
exchanges; settlement and clearing; Dematerialisation.

Module II

Valuation of securities – bond and equity valuation –Concepts of risk and return –
systematic and unsystematic risk; risk and return of securities; risk and return of a
portfolio; Numerical problems in bond and equity valuation, return and risk of
securities and portfolio and calculation of security and portfolio beta to be covered.

Module III
Security analysis – fundamental analysis: economic, industry and company analyses-
technical analysis : meaning of technical analysis; basic principles of technical analysis;
Dow Theory; chart patterns; Elliot wave theory; mathematical and technical indicators:
EMA, ROC, RSI and MACD (theory only); Market Indicators: Breadth of the market and
Odd-lot index; Efficient Market Hypothesis: weak form, semi-strong form and strong
form of efficient market hypothesis.

Module IV
Portfolio management – Portfolio analysis: risk and return of a portfolio; diversification
of risk - Portfolio selection: Markowitz’s Efficient frontier theorem; Sharpe’s single
index model; Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)- Portfolio evaluation –methods of
evaluation- portfolio revision (theory only) - Numerical problems in portfolio risk and
return, Sharpe’s single index model, Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Portfolio
Evaluation to be covered.

Module V
Institutional arrangement for security investments-SEBI and its functions- Mutual
funds: meaning; concepts; types of mutual funds-merchant bankers: concept of
merchant banking; services provided by merchant bankers - Depositories and
Depository participants; functions of depository; Dematerialization; NSDL and CSDL -
Credit rating services.
(50 % theory and 50% problems)

1 . Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J Marcus and Pitabas Mohanty: “Investments” Tata McGraw Hill Education
Private Limited, New Delhi
2 . Gordon J Alexander, William F Sharpe, and Jeffery V Bailey: “Fundamentals of Investments, Prentice-
Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi
3. S. Kevin: “Security analysis and portfolio Management”, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New
4. Prasanna Chandra: “Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Tata McGraw Hill Education
Private Limited, New Delhi
5. Punithavathy Pandian, “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management ”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi.
6. Thummuluri Siddaiah: “Financial Services” Pearson Education, Delhi
7. K. Sasidharan & Alex K. Mathews, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011


Time: 60 hrs Credit:4

1. To give a braod understanding of the corporate governance framework for corporate
2. To give specific ideas about the recommendations of various committees in different parts
of the world for improving corporate governance .

Module I
Corporate governance an overview: Public governance system- different views-
different systems-Public governance structure. Menaing and definition of corporate
governance- Historical perspective- CG in various countries such as Canada, US, UK,
Italy, France Germany, Japan, China and India.Corporate G overnance machanism an
overview- 4 p’s of CG, people, purpose, power and performance .
Theoretical base of Corporate governance Models- Anglo saxon model, German model,
Japanese model, control model, Indian model. Principle s of corporate governance.
OECD principles- Stake holders obligations- essentioals of a good Corporate gov
ernance system. Growth of Corporate governance in India. Mc Kinsey surver on
corporate governance. Agent –principle relationship- share holders and CG- investors
problem and protection- Legal frame work of Cg- Indian companies act. Accounting
standards, SEBI act. Securities contract act- Clause 49 of the listing rules. Other
stakeholders and CG, employees, institutional investors, customers, govt. community.
Administrateve frame work of CG.-issues in managing dominant shareholders.

Module II
Various committees on corporate governance: Sarbanes Oxley Act. World bank and
corporate governance- Blue Ribabd committee- Cadbury committee- Green bury
committee- Kings committee- Security exchange commission- Kumaramangalam
committee- Narayana Moorthy committee- Naresh Chandra committee- and JJ Irani
committee on corporate governance.

Module IV
Corporate governance framework- BOD, Board committees – audit committee-
remuneration committee- Auditors and CG. Bankers and corporate governance-CG
and business ethisc. Corporate governance and CSR- Corporate governance and media-
role of public policy and CG- Role of government- role of regulators. Financial
reporting-details to be reported to external parties- whicile blowing machanism in CG.

Module V;
Corporate governance in Indian scenario- emergance of CG issues in India-
Implementation of Birla committee recommendations- Need for standardisation of CG
rating system- Pioneers in CG practices. Land mark cases in corporate frauds in recent
years, enron fraud, world com fraud, AIG insurance case, baring bank case, lehman
Brother case, Sathyam case, Tata finance case, Sahara case.

1. References: A. C. Fernando, Corporate governance- Prinicples , policies and practices,

Person education.
2. Kesho Prasad, Corporate Governance, PHI.
3. Joshi Vasudha, Corporate Governance.
4. Swami Parthasarathi, Corporate Governance- Machanism and practices .


Time: 60 hrs 4 credits

Module I
Introduction to international business-Local, regional, national, international and
global business—management orientation of overseas business-Theories of
International Trade-ethno centric, poly centric, region centric and geocentric
orientation--reasons for internationalization of business-factors restricting
internationalization of business—major global companies in the world.

Module II
Theories of International Trade: Classical theory of comparative cost advantage-
Absolute-Relative-Haberler's theory of opportunity cost-Mills theory of reciprocal
demand-Factor endowment theory-Country similarity theory-New trade theory-
Theory of mercantilism-International product lifecycle theory-Implications of trade
theories-Gains from International trade-Terms of trade-Balance of Payment-India's
foreign trade- an overview, Trade Barriers-Tariff and Non tariff barriers.

Module III

International business environment: Cultural, social, political and legal,

technological ,economic and trade environment- Free trade area, Customs Union,
Common Market-Economic Union-Bilateral and Multilateral Trade Agreement and
WTO,IMF, WORLD BANK, BRICS BANK etc—natural and demographic environment.
Opportunities and threats of Indian companies in international market. Problems
and prospects of foreign companies in Indian market.

Module IV

Strategy development in international business—the firm as a value chain—global

expansion plan- : International business locations- factors influencing locations-
factors restricting location .Value chain analysis, risk analysis, cost benefit analysis.
Business entry strategy-exporting, licensing, investment, joint ventures, green field
investment, strategic alliance, global strategic partnerships.
International business functional strategies: International production strategy—
international financing strategy—international human resources strategy and
international marketing strategy.

Module V
Organizational structure and control system for international business: Centralized
Vs decentralized structure-functional, divisional, product based and matrix
structure. Global business planning system-global business organizing system--

information system-global business control system Integration of international

1. Anant K Sundaran& J. Stewart Black: The international Business environment.
2. Porter’s : Competitive strategy
3. Friedmann &J.Kim: Political risk and international Business
4. Rakesh Mohan Joshi-International Business OUP
5. M.L. Jhingan: International Economics, Vrinda Publications


Time: 60 hrs 4 credits

The course is designed to allow student to gain knowledge, insights and
analytical skills related to how the finance managers go about designing,
implementing and using planning and control systems to implement corporate

Module I
Conceptual framework of management control: Nature of Management Control
Systems, Understanding Strategies, Behaviour in Organizations, Responsibility
Centers, Revenue and Expense Centers, Profit Centers, Responsibility
Accounting, Inter-divisional Transfer Pricing, Measurement of Divisional
Performance including Performance Evaluation - Qualitative and Quantitative,
Investment Centre and Measuring and Controlling Assets Employed.

Module II

Techniques of management control process: Strategic Planning, Steps in
Management control process Budget Preparation, Planning and Procedures,
Budgetary Control, Analysis of Variance, Performance Budgeting, Accounting
Aspects of Control including Internal Audit and Control and Value for Money,
Analysis and Reporting, Variance Reporting.

Module III
Analyzing Financial Performance Reports, Performance Measurement,
Management Compensation, Behavioural
aspects of management control such as motivation and morale, Goal
Congruency, Participative and Responsive Management.

Module IV
Variation in managerial control system: Controls for Differentiated Strategies,
Service Organizations, Multinational Organizations and Management Control of

Module V
Strategic Cost Control: Pricing decision including pricing strategies, Pareto
Analysis, Just-in-time Approach, Material Requirement Planning, Enterprise
Resource Planning, Total Quality Management, Balance Score Card, Bench
Marking, Theory of Constraint, Uniform Costing and Inter firm comparison,
Profitability analysis - Product wise / segment wise / customer wise.


1. Allen, B. R., Brownlee, E. R. II, Haskins, M. E., & Lynch, L. J. (2005).

Cases in management accounting and control system (4th ed.). New
Delhi: Pearson Education.
2. Anthony, R. N., & Govindrajan, V. (2007). Management control systems
(12th ed.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Cooper, R., & Kaplan, R. S. (2004). Design of cost management systems
(2nd ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
4. Kaplan, R. S., & Anderson, S. R. (2007). Time-driven activity-based
costing: A simpler and more powerful path to higher profits. USA:
Harvard Business School Press.
5. Kaplan, R. S., & Cooper, R. (2009). Cost & effect: Using integrated cost
systems to drive profitability and performance. USA: Harvard College.
6. Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (2008). Execution premium: Linking
strategy to operations for competitive advantage. USA: Harvard
Business School Press.
7. Shank, J. K. (2006). Cases in cost management: A strategic emphasis (3rd
ed.). USA: Cengage Learning.
8. Shank, J. K., & Govindarajan, V. (2008). Strategic cost management: The
new tool for competitive advantage. New York: Free Press.

Marketing elective


60 Hours 4 credits
Course objectives:
1. To understand the basics of consumer decision-making processes, and,
2. To understand the information needs for helping the consumer in decision- making.

Module I
Consumer behaviour – concepts; nature, scope and applications of consumer behaviour;
Consumer behaviour and marketing strategy; profiling consumers and their needs;
Market segmentation and consumer research; psychographics and life-style; Consumer
behaviour audit. Consumer involvement and decision-making; Consumer decision-
making process; Information search process; Evaluative criteria and decision rules.

Module II
Individual influences on buying behaviour; Consumer as an individual; Theories of
personality; personality and market segmentation; consumer perception; consumer
needs and motivation. Personal influences and attitude formation. Learning and
consumer involvement; Communication and consumer behaviour. Reference group
influence in buying decisions; opinion leadership. Family life cycle and decision-
making; Social class concept and measurement. The buying process: problem
recognition and information search behaviour; information processing; alternative
evaluation; Purchase process and post purchase behaviour. Models of consumer
decision-making- early models, Howard Sheth model. Recent developments in
modelling consumer behaviour.

Module III
Culture and Consumer behaviour: Core culture and sub cultures. Role of culture in
consumer buying behaviour. Profile of Indian consumers; Behavioural patterns of
Indian consumers; Problems faced by Indian consumers; Consumer protection in India;
Public policy and consumer behaviour.

Module: IV
Marketing research an overview- Need and importance- Marketing information system
and marketing research- Components of MIS-Steps in Marketing Research- Problem
formulation- Research design-Secondary and primary data-Research instruments-
scales techniques-Data acquisition methods.

Module V:
Statistical summarization – Data analysis- Tools of analysis- parametric and non
parametric tests- Report writing.

1. Hawkins, Best and Coney: Consumer Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2004.
2. Schiffman, L.G. and Kanuk, L.L.: Consumer Behaviour, Pearson, New Delhi, 2011.
3. Laudon, David L and Bitta Albert J Della: Consumer Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi 2005.

4. Mowen, John C: Consumer Behaviour, Macmillan, New York 1993.
5. Assael, H: Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Action, South Western, Ohio 1995.
6. David Luck and Ronald Rubin: marketing Research PHI

Marketing Elective/ IB Elective -common

60 Hours 4 credits

Course objectives:
• To understand the international environment for marketing, and,
• To gain an in-depth understanding of global marketing practices.
Module I
International Marketing: Meaning and Definition; Scope and Importance of
International marketing; International, multinational and global marketing. Reasons for
international marketing; Forces restricting international marketing; Management
orientation to international marketing; Challenges of international marketing.

Module II
International economic environment: Different economic systems; Big emerging
nations; Low income, middle income and high income countries. International trade
environment; Preferential trade agreements; Specific trading groups; International
social and cultural environment; Understanding culture. Political, legal and regulatory
environment. Concept of sovereignty; Political risk; International legal system; Business
issues in legal systems; Approaches to dispute settlement. International regulatory
environment; WTO.

Module III
International market entry strategy: Factors influencing entry strategy; Modes of entry;
Exporting; Problems in exporting; Measures of import restriction and export
promotion; International payment system. Licensing; Foreign Direct Investment;
Strategic Alliances; Global strategic partnership and relationship enterprise.

Module IV
International marketing mix strategy: International product strategy; Factors affecting
product strategy; International promotion strategy; Integrated marketing
communications; Global advertising; Global personal selling; Global sales promotion
and publicity; International distribution strategy.

Module V
International marketing information system and marketing research; Steps in
international marketing research; Special issues in international marketing research.
International marketing organisation system; International marketing control system.
Foreign trade policy of India; Exim Policy; Analysis of foreign trade of India.

1. Keegen, Warren and Mark Green: Global Marketing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

2. Cateora, Philip R, and John L Graham: International Marketing. Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi 2005.
3. Kripalani, V.H.: International Marketing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
4. Ministry of Commerce, Government of India: Export Import Policy 1992-97.
5. U.C Mathur: International Marketing- Text and cases : Sage publications

Marketing Elective


60 Hours 4 credits
Course objectives:
• To understand the process of marketing communication and,
• To gain an in-depth understanding about sales promotion.

Module I
Marketing communications: Introduction to integrated marketing communications;
Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity and public relations. Need and
importance of integrated marketing communications. Legal and regulatory aspects of
integrated marketing communications; Advantages and disadvantages of marketing
communications to the producer, consumer, advertising agencies and society.

Module II
Consumer behaviour and marketing communications; Communication process; Wilber
Schramam’s model, Two step Flow of Communication, Theory of cognitive dissonance
and clues for advertising strategists.
Module III
Advertising: Meaning; Definitions; importance and scope; Advertising agencies;
functions of advertising agencies; Building of advertising programme- Message,
headlines, Copy, Logo, illustration, Appeals, Layout; Creativity in advertising; Copy
preparation and testing; Campaign planning; Media planning; Budgeting; Evaluation;
Timing of advertising; Selection, Compensating and appraisal of advertising agency;
Television advertising; News paper advertising; Magazine and periodical advertising;
Ethics in advertising; Regulatory framework for advertising.
Module IV
Sales promotion: Importance and scope; Need and objectives of sales promotion;
Consumer promotion; channel promotion; Timing of sales promotion; Measurement of
impact of sales promotion; sales promotion budgeting.

Module V
Publicity and public relations: Relevance, scope and importance. Methods of publicity.
ifferent types of publics and their role in marketing; Managing publics; Methods of
publicity; Publicity materials; Public relations officer- role and functions; Personal
selling strategy- importance and role; Scope of personal selling.

1. Aaker, David A et. el.: Advertising Management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi

2. Belch, Geroge E. and Belch, Michael A: Advertising and Sales Promotion, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi 2004.
3. Jones, John Philip: Behind Powerful Brands, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2000.
4. Hard, Norman: The Practice of Advertising, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford 1995.
5. Kenneth E Clow & Donald Baack, Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing
Communications, Pearson, 2012

Marketing elective

60 Hours 4 credits
Course objectives:

• To understand the strategic significance of brand building, and,

• To understand the formulation and implementation of brand building strategies.

Module I
Concepts of Brand: Importance of branding; types of branding; Brand awareness; Brand
essence; Brand personality; Brand identity; Brand associations, brand image and; Brand
loyalty; Brand equity; Product vs corporate branding. New band development.

Module II
Branding strategies: Brand name selection; Brand building tools; Brand extension
decisions; Related extension and unrelated extension; family vs individual brand names;
Multiple branding; Private vs national branding.

Module III
Brand positioning and re-launch: Brand building and communication. Brand
repositioning. Indian cases on brand positioning and repositioning.

Module IV
Evaluation of brand equity: Models for evaluation of brand equity.

Module V
Branding for international markets. Protection of brand assets. Brand audit;

1. Aaker, David A: Managing Brand Equity, Free Press, New York.
2. Sen Gupta, Subrato: Brand Positioning, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi 2004.
3. Chaturvedi, M: New Product Development, Wheeler Publications, New Delhi.
4. Kapferer, J.N.: Strategic Brand Management, Kogan Page, New Delhi, 2012.
5. Kuller, K.L.: Strategic Brand Management, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
6. Moorthy, Y.L.R.: Brand Management, Vikas Publication House, New Delhi. 2012
7. Aaker, David A: Building Strong Brands, Free Press, New York 1996.

Marketing elective

60 Hours 4 credits
Course objectives:
• To acquaint the students with the concepts and practices of sales management,
• To enable them to develop capabilities to design and implement sales programmes.

Module I
Sales management- Concepts, scope and importance; Objectives of sales management.
Sales function and the sales organisation; Types of sales organisation. Nature of selling;
Module II
Sales force management- selection and training; Sales job analysis; Sales job
description; Recruiting; Sales person selection; Screening, interviewing/testing,
induction and placement. Designing sales training programmes; Deciding training
content, selection of training methods; Execution and evaluation of training

Module III
Salesmanship; Theories of salesmanship- AIDA theory; Right set of circumstances
theory; Buying formula theory and Behavioural equation theory. Qualities of salesman;
Motivating salesmen; Compensating salesmen; Requirements of a good sales
compensation plan; Types of compensation plans; steps in designing a salesman
compensation plan.
Module IV
Sales territories – Concept of sales territory; Procedures for setting up sales territories;
Assignment of sales personnel to territories; Sales budget and sales quota; Purpose,
form and content of sales budget; Sales quota- Concept and types of sales quota; Quota
setting procedures; Administering sales quota.

Module V
Performance evaluation for salesmen: standards of performance; Relation of
performance Standard to personal selling objectives. Sales meetings; Planning and
staging sales meetings, sales contests; Sales control; Sales audit; Sales analysis;
Marketing cost analysis.

1. Anderson, R: Professional Sales Management, Prentice Hall of Inc., New Jersey 1992.
2. Spiro, Rosann L, Stanton, William J and Rich, Gregory A: Management of Sales Force,
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2005.
3. Dalrymple, D.J.: Sales Management: Concepts and Cases, John Wiley, New York 1989.
4. Stilt, Cundiff and Govoni: Sales Management- Decisions, Strategies and
Cases, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
5. Donaldson, Bill: Sales Management, McMillan,

60 Hours 4 credits

Course objectives:
1. To understand the importance or retail and its strategic dimensions, and
2. To enable them to design and operate retailing facilities

Module I
Retailing: Nature and scope; Retailing scenario in India, Wheel of retailing: Types of
retailing – Ownership-based, store based, and non-store based retailing – Vertical
marketing system

Module II
Strategic planning in retailing—Retailing environment and customers; Designing
retailing information system and research Location and Organisational decisions –
Trading area analysis; Site selection; Organisational patterns in retailing.

Module III
Operations Management: Budgeting and resource allocation, Store format and size
decisions, Store layout and space allocation; Store security aspects; Credit Management.

Module IV
Product Assortment decisions – merchandise forecasting: Buying and handling
merchandise; -inventory management—merchandise pricing: merchandise labeling and

Module V
Retail promotion; building retail store image; role of atmosphere; Layout planning:
Retail promotion mix strategy — retail store sales promotion schemes, retail control;
controlling retail operations.

1. Barry Berman and Joel. R Evans: Retail management – A strategic approach:—
Pearson education
2. Pradhan: Retail Management, Tat McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Berman, Barry and Joel Evans: Retail Management, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
4. Levy, Michael and Barton A Weitz: Retail Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
5. Cooper, J: Strategy Planning in Logistics and Transportation, Hogan page, London.
6. Cox, Roger and Paul Britain: Retail Management, Prentice Hall, Harlow.
7. Guptha, Ramesh Mittal & Ruchi Nayya, Retailing and E-tailing, International Book
House, 2011.

60 Hours 4 credits
Course objectives:
 To develop insights into emerging trends in service sector of the economy, and,
 To gain practical knowledge in marketing service products.

Module I
Emergence of Service economy: Nature of services; Unique characteristics of services;
Goods and services marketing; Classification of services; Origin and growth of Service
marketing. Service marketing mix;

Module II
Service product development: The service encounters; Service consumer behaviour; Service
management trinity; Service experience; Service quality. Service failure and recovery;
Service blue printing.

Module III
Service vision and service strategy; Quality issues and quality models of service
Quality function deployment; Customer defined service standards; servicescape; Customer
satisfaction; Customer satisfaction surveys; integrated marketing of services.

Module IV
Demand and supply management for services; Advertising, branding and packaging of
Employees’ roles in service delivery. Customers’ role in service delivery.

Module V
Marketing of Various Services: Marketing of financial services; Marketing of
Healthcare services; Marketing of Tourism services; Marketing of educational
services; Marketing of legal and professional services.

1. Zeithaml, Valarie A and Bitner, Mary Jo: Services Marketing, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi 2004.
2. Woodruffe, Helen : Services Marketing, Macmillan India, New Delhi.
3. Lovelock, Christopher H.: Managing Services: Marketing Operations and
Human Resources, Prentice Hall Inc, New Jersey 1995.
4. McDonald, Malcom and Payne: A Marketing Planning for Services,
Heinemann, Butterworth 1996.

Finance Elective/ IB Elective Common

60 hours 4
Module I
Balance of payments – Structure of BOP: Current Account; Capital Account; –
Disequilibrium – Adjustment mechanism – Relation between balance of payments and
foreign exchange rates – Theories of exchange rates – Purchasing Power Parity theory;
Interest rate Parity Theory; Arbitrage in forward market: Covered Interest Arbitrage;
International Fisher Effect - Factors influencing exchange rates. Numerical problems in
covered interest arbitrage to be covered.
Module II
International Monetary System – Exchange Rate Mechanism – The Gold Standard – The
Bretton woods system – the present system of floating rates – Alternative Exchange
Rate Regimes: Fixed Exchange Rate systems; Floating Exchange Rate Systems -
convertibility of currency.
Module III
IMF- its functions- special schemes of lending – conditionalities of IMF loans – IMF’s role
in providing international liquidity SDR’s – International financial markets and
Module IV
Foreign exchange markets – Structure of Foreign Exchange Market- Features of foreign
exchange market; market participants – spot market – forward market - foreign
exchange rates – exchange rate quotations – Direct quotes and indirect quotes – spot
and forward transactions – spot rate and forward rate – forward premium and forward
discount – forward rate quotations : outright forward quote and swap quote – factors
affecting forward rates - Cross rates – Arbitrage in spot market: two currency arbitrage;
Triangular arbitrage – TT rates and Bill rates.

Numerical problems in direct and indirect quotes, cross rates and two currency and
three currency arbitrage to be covered.
Module V
Foreign currency derivatives (Theory only) – currency forwards, currency futures,
currency options and swaps - Foreign exchange risk and exposure – operating exposure,
transaction exposure and translation exposure – Management of foreign exchange
exposure with hedging – Internal hedging (theory only): leading and lagging, exposure
netting, currency risk sharing, hedging through sourcing and hedging by choosing the
currency of invoice – external hedging: hedging with forward and futures(theory only);
money market hedging (theory and problem).
Numerical problems in money market hedging to be covered.
Books :
1 . Maurice Levi : International finance, Routledge
2. Bruce G Resnick and Cheol S Eun: International Financial Management, Tata McGraw-
Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
3 . S. Kevin: Fundamentals of International Financial Management, PHI Learning Private
Limited, New Delhi.
4 . Thummuluri Siddaiah: International financial Management, Pearson Education, Delhi
5 .Vyuptakesh Sharan: International Financial Management, PHI Learning Private
Limited, New Delhi

Finance Elective


60 Hours 4 credits
Course objectives:
• To acquaint the students with the corporate taxation laws in the country, and,
• To gain enough knowledge to manage corporate taxes.

Module I
Income Tax Act- basic concepts and definitions; Income; Agricultural income; Assessee;
Person; Average rate of tax; Assessment year; Previous year; Residential status;
Residence and incidence of tax. Heads of Income.

Module II
Computation of income under the head Profits and Gains from Business or Profession;
Chargeability; Deductions expressly allowed; Expenses allowable under certain
restrictions; Expenses expressly disallowed; Maintenance of accounts; Compulsory
audit of accounts; Computation of profits and gains; Problems on computation of
income from business or profession.

Module III
Computation of total income; Set off and carry forward of losses; Deductions from total
income applicable to corporate assesses. Assessment of companies: Definition of
company; Indian company; Domestic company; Foreign company; Obligation of
companies; Computation of taxable income; Determination of tax liability; Problems on
computation of tax liability of companies.

Module IV
Tax planning: Tax avoidance; Tax evasion; Tax management; Tax planning with
reference to financial management decisions such as Capital structure, inter-corporate
dividend and transfers, dividend policy and bonus shares. Tax planning with reference
to specific managerial decisions like make or buy decisions, own or lease decisions,
repair or replace decisions and shut down or continue decisions.
Module V
Tax planning with respect to managerial remuneration, mergers and acquisitions,
foreign collaborations and joint ventures, Implications of avoidance of double taxation

1. Ahuja, G.K. and Gupta, Ravi: Systematic Approach to Income Tax, Bharat Law House,
Allahabad 1999.
2. Singania, Vinod K.: Direct Taxes :Law and Practice, Taxman, Delhi 1991..
3. Prasad, Bhagavati: Direct Taxes: Law and Practice.

4. Sreenivas, E.A.: Handbook of Corporate Tax Planning, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi

Finance Elective/IB Elective common

60 Hours 4 credits
Module I
Strategic financial management an overview—Agency theory-Conflict of interest.
Business valuation methods – dividend yield method – earnings yield method- earnings
ratio method – ROI valuation method. Capital asset pricing model – dividend growth
valuation model.
Module II
Valuation of securities: approaches to corporate valuation, valuation of equities
including cash flow, dividends and earnings approach- valuation of debt – valuation of
convertibles and derivatives. Black- Scholes model -valuation for mergers and
Module III
Corporate restructuring – Broad areas of restructuring – rationale for diversification –
techniques for corporate restructuring – expansion techniques - joint ventures, business
alliances, foreign franchises, intellectual property rights – Disinvestment techniques –
sell off – de merger (spin off) management buyout – liquidation- leveraging buyout-
other techniques – going private – share repurchase – buy-in reverse merger.
Module III
Mergers and acquisitions – types of amalgamations- methods of take-over – motives and
strategies influencing M&A- Motives of cross boarder M&A- Categories of M&A-
methods of payment in M&A – steps in merger transactions – tax benefits of merger
transactions – reverse mergers – steps in reverse mergers – defensive strategies in
hostile takeovers.
Module IV
Corporate restructuring – Broad areas of restructuring – rationale for diversification –
techniques for corporate restructuring – expansion techniques – M&A , takeovers , joint
ventures, business alliances, foreign franchises, intellectual property rights –
Disinvestment techniques – sell off – de merger (spin off) management buy-out –
liquidation- leveraging buyout- other techniques – going private – share repurchase –
buy-in reverse merger.

Module V
Financial reorganization – leverage buy-out- concept of LBOs – stages of LBO operation
- sources of value generation through LBO . International sources of finance –

1. Robert Allen Hill, Strategic Financial Management
2. Rajni Sofat and Preethi Hiro, Strategic Financial Management
3. Samuel C. Weaver and John Fred Weston, Strategic Financial Management
4. Ravi. M. Kishore : Financial management

5. Prasanna Chandra : Financial management
6. I.M.Pandey: Financial management

Finance Elective
60 Contact hours 4 credits

Module I
Indian financial system – an overview. Money market – call money market – commercial
paper market – commercial bill market – certificates of deposits – treasury bill market –
gilt edged securities market. Capital market – an overview - capital market instruments
- capital market reforms –primary markets – methods of raising funds from primary
market- public issue global markets – issue of American depository receipts and global
depository receipts – guide lines on their issue – emerging trends.

Module II
Financial services- nature – characteristics – role of financial services in economic
development – relevance of the study of financial services – factors influencing the
growth and development of financial services industry – types of financial services

Module III
Merchant banking – historical perceptive – nature of services provided by Merchant
bankers – structure of merchant banking firm – setting up and managing a merchant
bank – SEBI regulations on merchant banks – under writing – stock broking –
depositories – tax planning services – port folio management services – factoring
services and practices – card business – credit cards and debit cards.

Module IV
Credit rating: approaches and process of rating – credit rating agencies – CRISIL and
ICRA, CARE ratings for financial instruments – methodology of rating. Leasing: concepts
and classification of leasing – present legislative frame work of leasing – lease
evaluation (lessor’s and lessee’s point of view)- tax aspects of leasing. Hire purchase:
introduction – concepts and characteristics – legal aspects and tax implications –
financial evaluation.

Module V
Stock exchange business and practices – insurance – role of insurance in financial frame
work – general insurance – life insurance – marine insurance and others.

1 L.M. Bhole: Financial Institutions and Market
2 I. Friend M Blume, J Crocket: Mutual Funds and other Institutional Investors
3 N.J.Yasaswy: Personal Investment and Tax Planning
4 Julia Holyoake, William Weipers: Insurance 4th edition
5 M.Y.Khan: Financial Services
6 Sriam. K: Hand book of leasing, Hire purchase and Factoring.

7 Bhatt. R.S : Financial system for economic development
8 Pandey I.M: Venture Capital – The Indian Experience
9. Punithavathy Pandian: Financial Services and Markets, Vikas

Finance Elective/ IB Elective

Time 60 hours 4 credits
Module I
Meaning of the Term “Foreign Exchange”, Exchange Market, Statutory basis of Foreign
Evolution of Exchange Control, Outline of Exchange Rate and Types, Import Export
India’s Forex Scenario: BOP crisis of 1990, LOERMS, Convertibility.3 Introduction to
International Monetary Developments: Gold standard, Bretton Woods’s system, Fixed-
Flexible Exchange Rate Systems, Euro market.
Module II
Finance Function: Financial Institutions in International Trade. 5 Non resident
Accounts: Repatriable and Non Repatriable, Significance for the Economy and Bank. --
Methods of IN Trade Settlement: Open Account, Clean Advance, Documentary Credit,
Documentary Collection. -- Documentary Credits (Letter of Credit): Types of LC –
Parties, Mechanism with illustration.
Module III
Documents involved in International trade: Statutory Documents, Financial Documents,
Transport Documents, Risk Bearing Documents. 9 INCOTERMS: C.I.F., F.O.B., C.I.P.
Financing of Imports by Opening of Letter of Credit: Documents required, Trade and
Exchange Control Formalities, Sanction of LC Limit. -- Export Finance: Financing of
Export/ Deemed Export: Pre ship, and Post Ship Finance, Export Methods --, E.C.G.C. and
other formalities. Uniform Custom Practices of Documentary Credits -- Uniform Rules
Module IV
Introduction to Exchange Rate Mechanism: Spot- Forward Rate, Exchange Arithmetic.
-- Deriving the Actual Exchange Rate: Forwards, Swap[s, Futures and Options.
Guarantees in Trade: Performance, Bid Bond etc.
Module V
International Financial Institution--• International Monetary Fund—functions--•
Special Drawing Rights• International Bank for Reconstruction and Development--•
International Finance Corporation--• International Development Association
1. “M.VY.Phansalkar”, All about Foreign Exchange & Foreign Trade, Englishedition,
2. “Walter.OCHYMSKI”, Foreign Exchange Management, Book sorge Publication,2006.
3. “Julian Walmsley”, Foreign Exchange & Money Markets Guide, John wiley, 2006.
4. “Bimitris and N.Shyrafos”, New Technology of Financial Management, Johnwiley,
5. “Surendra.s.Yadav, P.K.Jain and Max peyrard”, Foreign Exchange Markets
understanding derivatives & other instrucments, Macmillan.

6. “B.P.Mathur”, Foreign Money in India, Macmillan
7. “Yarbrough”, The World Economy ,Trade & Finance, 7th edition, Cengage learning .
8. “Seethapathy.K.and Suhulakshmi.Y”, Foreign Exchange Management, ICFAI.
9. “Yadav”, Foreign Exchange Markets, Macmillan, 2007.
10. “Thomas von Ungern”, Strategic Foreign Exchange Management, Black well
Publishers, 1990.

Finance Elective/ IB Elective

Time 60 hours 4 credits

The basics purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of the
Underlying concepts, strategies and issued involved in the management of risk.
This course will provide the skills to identify and measure risks, quantify risks and
create risk response strategies to deliver decisions that meet stakeholder

Module I
An overview of risk management – Investors and risk management, the
profitable side of risk management; Risk management process – risk models;
Derivative - Hedging Currency Risk , Hedging Risk through Forward
Contracts, FAS-133, Indian Derivatives Market, Types of Futures Contracts,
Pricing of Stock Index Futures, Pricing of Currency Options, Using Currency
Options, Speculating with Currency Options.

Module II
Interest rate Swaps – rationale, liability and asset based interest rate swaps,
pricing of swaps, forwards and options on swaps, Creating value with risk
management- financial distress and investment, risks in banking- credit risk,
interest rate risk, off balance sheet risk, foreign exchange risk, political risk and
country risk, liquidity risk Measuring and managing Interest rate risk – the
maturity model, the maturity model with a portfolio of assets and liabilities, The
duration model, Duration and convexity, limitations of the duration model,

Module III
Models for the evaluation and management of Credit risk and credit derivatives –
default risk models, credit risk models – Altman’s model, off balance sheet risks
and liquidity risks, credit risks of derivatives. A firm wide approach to risk


Module IV
Measuring risks for corporations, the maturity model, Value at
risk – Var models, Portfolio risk, Risk adjusted return on capital, Identifying and
managing cash flow exposures. Hedging interest rate risk with futures, options
and swaps.

Module V
Using options to create hedges, The Black Scholes model
Using Options on Interest Rate Futures to Control Interest Rate Risk - Options
on Futures versus Options on Physicals , Complications of Hedging with Options
on Futures , Protective Put Buying Hedge Strategy , Covered Call Strategy and
Its Limitations, Creating Collars , Comparison of Hedging with Futures and
Futures Options. Using Interest Rate Swaps, Caps and Floors to Control Interest
Rate Risk.

1. Bessis, J. (2002). Risk management in banking. (2nd ed.). New York: John
Wiley & Sons.
Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi
2. Bhalla, V. K. (2001). Financial derivatives: Risk management. New Delhi: S.
Chand & Company.
3. Chance, D. M. (2003). An Introduction to derivatives and risk management
(6th ed.). USA: Thomson, South Western.
4. Chorafas, D. N. (2000) Credit derivatives & the management of risk. USA:
Prentice Hall.
5. Cuthbertson, K., & Nitzsche, D. (2001). Financial engineering: Derivatives
and risk management. New Delhi: John Wiley & Sons.
6. Madura, J. (2008). Financial markets and institutions. USA: South West
7. Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. M. (2007). Financial markets and institutions:An
Introduction to the risk management approach

Finance Elective/ IB Elective



Time 60 hours 4
This course sets up study in the field of investments related to options, futures
and other derivative securities. The course will acquaint students with derivative
securities, markets, pricing, hedging and trading strategies of derivative

Module I
Introduction to financial markets: forwards, futures, options, bonds, swaps and
other derivative instruments. Determination of forward and future prices: Pricing
of futures and forwards on investment assets, commodities, currencies and
interest rate.

Module II
Hedging strategies using futures: Short hedge and long hedge using futures,
cross hedging of portfolio and commodities using futures.
Basic Option Pricing: European options, American options, forward-spot parity,
put call parity, the binomial option-pricing model.
Asset price random walks: Stochastic Finance, diffusion processes, Ito’s lemma,
lognormal distribution, modelling option prices.

Module III
Valuation of derivatives in Continuous Time: The Black and Scholes model,
volatility estimation in BS model, Extensions of Black and Scholes formula,
options on stock indices, currency and futures. Sensitivity analysis (the “Greeks”)
and hedging of options, Delta, gamma and vega hedging using options and

Module IV
Financial Engineering: Construction of option strategies in various market
situations and their pay off; Betting on a large price decrease, betting on a small
price increase.

Module V
Exotic options: Compound, binary, barrier and Asian options, options involving
several assets. Swaps Transactions: Interest rate swaps, currency swaps,
commodity swaps and equity swaps; Pricing and valuation of swaps. Credit
default swaps, valuation of credit default swaps. Value at risk: Normal linear
VaR, Historical simulation, value at risk for option portfolios.


1. Avellaneda, M., & Laurence, P. (2000). Quantitative models of derivative

securities .USA: International standard books.
2. Bhalla, V. K. (2008). Investment management. New Delhi: Sultan Chand.
3. Chance, D. M. & Brooks, R. (2009). Derivatives and risk management (8th
ed.). USA: Cengage Learning.
4. Hull, J. C. (2009). Options futures and other derivatives (7th ed.). New
Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.
5. Jarrow, R., & Stuart, T. (2000). Derivative securities (2nd ed.). Cincinnati:
6. Neftci, S. N. (2000). An introduction to the mathematics of financial
Derivatives (2nd ed.). USA: Academic Press.
Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi
7. Piliska, S. (2004). Introduction to mathematical finance. UK: Blackwell

8. Wimott, P. (2009). Quantitative finance (2nd ed.).UK: John Wiley& Sons.
The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be
announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.

HRM elective
60 Hours 4 credits

Course objectives:
• To gain an understanding of self and its various dimensions and
• understand the interpersonal dynamics and its impact on organizations.

Module I
Concepts of Self Ego and ego states – skills – introduction to Transactional Analysis –
use of Psychometrics – projective / situational tests – tools and techniques.

Module II
Group as a medium for learning – Group cohesiveness – interpersonal communication –
interpersonal awareness – interpersonal feedback – interpersonal trust – Johari
Window – Group decision making – group synergy – team building – sensitivity training
– Rational – Emotive Therapy – Assertiveness training.

Module III
Counselling – Approaches to counseling - counseling process - beginning, developing
and terminating a counseling relationship and follow up – Assessing client’s problems –
selecting counseling strategies and interventions – Application of counseling to
organizational situations with a focus on performance counseling.

Module IV
HRD Intervention – HRD approaches for coping with organizational changes.

Module V
Cross cultural differences and management implications – cross cultural leadership and
decision making – Cross cultural communication and negotiation.

1. Maclennen, Nigel, Counselling for Managers, Grover, Aldshot, 1996.
2. Cormer, L.S and Hackney H, The Professional Counseller’s Process Guide to
Helping, Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1987.
3. Bennis, W,G, Essay in Interpersonal Dynamics, Dorsey Press, USA, 1979.

4. McShane, StevenI and Von Glinow, Mary Ann, Organisational Behaviour, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2005.
5. Moore M.D et al, Inside Organizations: Understanding the Humaan Dimensions,
Sage, London, 1988.
6. Adler, N.J. International Dimensions of Organisational Behaviour, Kent
Publishing, Boston, 1991.
7. Hofstede, G. Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work related
Values, Sage, London, 1984.
8. Journals

HRM elective
60 Hours 4 credits

Course objectives:
• To gain an in-depth understanding of organizational and managerial performance
• To gain practical knowledge in setting up team management, target setting and
Module I
Concepts of organizational performance: Vision and mission: Communicating and living
shared view; Competencies and behaviors for effective performance; Establishing the
skills, knowledge and attitude required for the organization’s future; Recruiting and
developing against the agreed competencies; Performance standards and targets;
Clarifying, communicating and reviewing organizational goals and targets; Linking
group and individual responsibilities to organizational performance.
Module II
Performance management: Meaning and importance of Managerial Performance;
Critical success factors analysis for managerial performance; Business System analysis;
Management styles and performance; Style of communication; Performance appraisal:
Instrument for performance appraisal; Evaluation of managerial performance. Setting
performance standards; measurement of performance; Time management;
Module III
Management style: Relationship orientation; Task orientation; Working in teams: Team
development; coaching and training; Leadership Skills and Motivation. Setting
objectives and targets; Setting smart goals; chasing targets;
Module IV
Indicators of performance for different levels of management; Criteria for evaluating
performance of junior level managers, middle level managers and top level managers;
Tracking performance; Feedback management for performance improvement.
Module V
Organizational culture and managerial performance: Developing appropriate culture for
superior performance; Focusing individual and organizational learning on improved
performance; Rewards and performance - Defining appropriate reward systems;
Ensuring the link between performance and rewards; Limitations and boundaries of
performance related rewards; Using effective methods of reviewing performance and
development; Performance based cultures and structures.

1. White, Alasdair.: Performance Management
2. Robert Bacal, Performance Management, McGraw Hill
3. Harvard Business Essentials, Performance Management
4. Herman Aguinis, Performance Management

HRM Elective
60 Hours 4 credits

Course objectives:
1. To give the students a deep understanding of process of HR planning.
2. To familiarize them with the methods for HR development.

Module I
Introduction to HR planning—meaning and definition, objectives of HRP, benefits of
HRP, problems of HRP, process of HRP, Hr demand forecasting-techniques-HR supply
forecasting-skill inventories-management inventories, wastage analysis. Redundancy
strategies, retention strategy, retention plan, macro level man power planning and
labour market analysis- work flow mapping, recruitment and succession planning.
Macro level manpower planning and labor market analysis; Organizational HR Planning;
Stock taking; Workforce flow mapping; Age and grade distribution mapping.
Recruitment and succession planning.

Module II
Job analysis, meaning and definition, job description and job specifications, steps in job
analysis, process of job analysis, method of collecting job data. Why job analysis, job
design—career management and career planning- selection process.

Module III
Performance management: Performance planning; Potentials appraisal and career
development; Tools for measuring performance.

Module IV
HRD climate; work culture; Quality of work life(QWL) and management of change; TQM
and HRD strategies; HRD in strategic organization

Module V
HR Information systems; HR Valuation and accounting; HR Audit; Culture Audit; Career
assessment - Models.

1. Bernardin, John H: Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2004.
2. Arthur M, Career Theory Handbook, Prentice Hall Inc, Englewood Cliff, 1991.
3. Belkaoui, A.R. and Belkaoui ,JM, Human Resource Valuation: A Guide to
Strategies and Techniques, Quarum Books, Greenwood, 1995.
4. Dale, B, Total Quality and Human Resources: An Executive Guide, Blackwell,
Oxford, 1992.
5. Greenhaus, J.H., Career Management, Dryden, New York, 1987.
6. Mabey, C and Salama, G., Strategic Human Resource Management, Blackwell,
Oxford, 1995.

HRM/IB Elective
60 Hours 4 credits

Course objectives: The objective of the course is to develop a diagnostic and conceptual
understanding of the cultural and related behavioral variables in the management of
global organizations.

Module I: International organization – approaches to the study of comparative

employment policy –convergence theory, Marxist theory, the cultural approach –
the institutionalism perspective/functions-Globalization and HRM.

Module II: International HRM models –Poles adaptation of the Harvard model- the
Brewster and Bournois model of International HRM –controversy International
HRM- Problems of global research – evidence of international HRM-
Internationalization of business – types of global business-Impact of inter
country differences on HRM.

Module III : International staffing –Policies and practices –Techniques and sources of
global recruitment ,selection process-global labour market differences-global
compensation –Managerial transfers-Global Management Development-
techniques- management qualifications and characteristics, motivation and
retention of talent, 360 degree feedback- international adjustments- repatriation.

Module IV:Comparative Labour Relations- International Pressures on National

Practices- Multinational Ownership and collective bargaining- women in global
business- quality circles- participative management- An overview of HRM in USA,
UK, Japan, West Germany and Russia- Innovative management techniques and
their influences

Module V: HRM in Global Organizations – Ethics in International business- Western and

Eastern Management thoughts in the Indian context.


VSP Rao: Human Resource Management—Text and Cases

HRM Elective
60 Hours 4 credits

Objectives: To familiarize the students with the requirements for designing appropriate
systems for management of organizational career development, roles identity and with
the concepts of the Managerial competency approach and its relevance to career

Module I: Training process an overview—training, development and education,

structure of training origination—role competencies and positions of training
professionals—training as a system, training process models-evolution of training
role—strategic training and development process, implications of strategies for
training—training environment, models of organizing and training departments.

Module II: Learning and learning styles—David Kolb’s learning style model, VAK model,
principles of learning, Blooms taxonomy, andragogy and pedagogy, synergogy for team
learning—learning theories, reinforcement theory, social learning theory, goal theory,
need theory, expectancy theory, adult learning theory, information processing theory,
learning and knowledge management- Robert Gagne’s The nine events of instruction.

Module III: Training needs analysis, organization analysis, person analysis, task
analysis. Need assessment techniques, training design and development—Principles,
design process, Types of costs in training program, lesion plans- Training
implementation, approaches, seating arrangements, selection and training of trainees,
training aids, teaching and facilitation skills.

Module IV: Technical training—training for TQM, attitudinal training, training for
management of change, training for productivity, training for creativity and problem
solving, training for leadership. Training communication, evaluation process .Donald
Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model-outcomes used in evaluation training program—
Methods of data collection for training evaluation—cost benefit analysis, Future of
training and development.

Module V: Management development—objectives of MD—Methods of MD, models of

management development. Compulsory case analysis.

1. Lyntop R. Pareek.U: Training for development.
2. Buckley R and Caple: The theory and practice of Training
3. Peppar, Allan D: Managing the training and development function.
4. John Patrick: Training Research and practice.

International Business Elective/Finance Elective

60 hours 4 Credits

Module I
Balance of payments – Structure of BOP: Current Account; Capital Account; –
Disequilibrium – Adjustment mechanism – Relation between balance of payments and
foreign exchange rates – Theories of exchange rates – Purchasing Power Parity theory;
Interest rate Parity Theory; Arbitrage in forward market: Covered Interest Arbitrage;
International Fisher Effect - Factors influencing exchange rates. Numerical problems in
covered interest arbitrage to be covered.
Module II
International Monetary System – Exchange Rate Mechanism – The Gold Standard – The
Bretton woods system – the present system of floating rates – Alternative Exchange
Rate Regimes: Fixed Exchange Rate systems; Floating Exchange Rate Systems -
convertibility of currency.
Module III
IMF- its functions- special schemes of lending – conditionalities of IMF loans – IMF’s role
in providing international liquidity SDR’s – International financial markets and
Module IV
Foreign exchange markets – Structure of Foreign Exchange Market- Features of foreign
exchange market; market participants – spot market – forward market - foreign
exchange rates – exchange rate quotations – Direct quotes and indirect quotes – spot
and forward transactions – spot rate and forward rate – forward premium and forward
discount – forward rate quotations : outright forward quote and swap quote – factors
affecting forward rates - Cross rates – Arbitrage in spot market: two currency arbitrage;
Triangular arbitrage – TT rates and Bill rates.

Numerical problems in direct and indirect quotes, cross rates and two currency and
three currency arbitrage to be covered.
Module V
Foreign currency derivatives (Theory only) – currency forwards, currency futures,
currency options and swaps - Foreign exchange risk and exposure – operating exposure,
transaction exposure and translation exposure – Management of foreign exchange
exposure with hedging – Internal hedging (theory only): leading and lagging, exposure
netting, currency risk sharing, hedging through sourcing and hedging by choosing the
currency of invoice – external hedging: hedging with forward and futures(theory only);
money market hedging (theory and problem).
Numerical problems in money market hedging to be covered.
Books :
1 . Maurice Levi : International finance, Routledge

2. Bruce G Resnick and Cheol S Eun: International Financial Management, Tata McGraw-
Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
3 . S. Kevin: Fundamentals of International Financial Management, PHI Learning Private
Limited, New Delhi.
4 . Thummuluri Siddaiah: International financial Management, Pearson Education, Delhi
5 .Vyuptakesh Sharan: International Financial Management, PHI Learning Private
Limited, New Delhi

International Business/ Marketing Elective

60 Hours 4 credits

Course objectives:
• To understand the international environment for marketing, and,
• To gain an in-depth understanding of global marketing practices.
Module I
International Marketing: Meaning and Definition; Scope and Importance of
International marketing; International, multinational and global marketing. Reasons for
international marketing; Forces restricting international marketing; Management
orientation to international marketing; Challenges of international marketing.

Module II
International economic environment: Different economic systems; Big emerging
nations; Low income, middle income and high income countries. International trade
environment; Preferential trade agreements; Specific trading groups; International
social and cultural environment; Understanding culture. Political, legal and regulatory
environment. Concept of sovereignty; Political risk; International legal system; Business
issues in legal systems; Approaches to dispute settlement. International regulatory
environment; WTO.

Module III
International market entry strategy: Factors influencing entry strategy; Modes of entry;
Exporting; Problems in exporting; Measures of import restriction and export
promotion; International payment system. Licensing; Foreign Direct Investment;
Strategic Alliances; Global strategic partnership and relationship enterprise.

Module IV
International marketing mix strategy: International product strategy; Factors affecting
product strategy; International promotion strategy; Integrated marketing
communications; Global advertising; Global personal selling; Global sales promotion
and publicity; International distribution strategy.

Module V
International marketing information system and marketing research; Steps in
international marketing research; Special issues in international marketing research.

International marketing organisation system; International marketing control system.
Foreign trade policy of India; Exim Policy; Analysis of foreign trade of India.

1. Keegen, Warren and Mark Green: Global Marketing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. Cateora, Philip R, and John L Graham: International Marketing. Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi 2005.
3. Kripalani, V.H.: International Marketing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
4. Ministry of Commerce, Government of India: Export Import Policy 1992-97.
5. U.C Mathur: International Marketing- Text and cases : Sage publications

Finance/IB Elective
60 Contact hours 4 credits

Module I Strategic financial management an overview—Agency theory-Conflict

of interest .Business valuation methods – dividend yield method – earnings yield
method- earnings ratio method – ROI valuation method. Capital asset pricing model
– dividend growth valuation model.
Module II
Valuation of securities: approaches to corporate valuation, valuation of equities
including cash flow, dividends and earnings approach- valuation of debt – valuation
of convertibles and derivatives. Black- Scholes model -valuation for mergers and
Module III
Corporate restructuring – Broad areas of restructuring – rationale for diversification
– techniques for corporate restructuring – expansion techniques - joint ventures,
business alliances, foreign franchises, intellectual property rights – Disinvestment
techniques – sell off – de merger (spin off) management buyout – liquidation-
leveraging buyout- other techniques – going private – share repurchase – buy-in
reverse merger.
Module III
Mergers and acquisitions – types of amalgamations- methods of takeover – motives
and strategies influencing M&A- Motives of cross boarder M&A- Categories of M&A-
methods of payment in M&A – steps in merger transactions – tax benefits of merger
transactions – reverse mergers – steps in reverse mergers – defensive strategies in
hostile takeovers.
Module IV
Corporate restructuring – Broad areas of restructuring – rationale for diversification
– techniques for corporate restructuring – expansion techniques – M&A , takeovers ,
joint ventures, business alliances, foreign franchises, intellectual property rights –
Disinvestment techniques – sell off – de merger (spin off) management buyout –
liquidation- leveraging buyout- other techniques – going private – share repurchase
– buy-in reverse merger.

Module V

Financial reorganization – leverage buy-out- concept of LBOs – stages of LBO
operation - sources of value generation through LBO . International sources of
finance – GDR,ADR,ADS.

1. Ravi. M. Kishore : Financial management
2. Prasanna Chandra : Financial management
3. I.M.Pandey: Financial management

HRM/IB Elective
60 Hours 4 credits

Course objectives: The objective of the course is to develop a diagnostic and conceptual
understanding of the cultural and related behavioral variables in the management of
global organizations.

Module I: International organization – approaches to the study of comparative

employment policy –convergence theory, Marxist theory, the cultural approach –
the institutionalism perspective/functions-Globalization and HRM.

Module II: International HRM models –Poles adaptation of the Harvard model- the
Brewster and Bournois model of International HRM –controversy International
HRM- Problems of global research – evidence of international HRM-
Internationalization of business – types of global business-Impact of inter
country differences on HRM.

Module III : International staffing –Policies and practices –Techniques and sources of
global recruitment ,selection process-global labour market differences-global
compensation –Managerial transfers-Global Management Development-
techniques- management qualifications and characteristics, motivation and
retention of talent, 360 degree feedback- international adjustments- repatriation.

Module IV:Comparative Labour Relations- International Pressures on National

Practices- Multinational Ownership and collective bargaining- women in global
business- quality circles- participative management- An overview of HRM in USA,
UK, Japan, West Germany and Russia- Innovative management techniques and
their influences

Module V: HRM in Global Organizations – Ethics in International business- Western and

Eastern Management thoughts in the Indian context.


VSP Rao: Human Resource Management—Text and Cases

Finance/ IB Elective
Time 60 hours 4 credits
Module I
Meaning of the Term “Foreign Exchange”, Exchange Market, Statutory basis of Foreign
Exchange, Evolution of Exchange Control, Outline of Exchange Rate and Types, Import
India’s Forex Scenario: BOP crisis of 1990, LOERMS, Convertibility.3 Introduction to
International Monetary Developments: Gold standard, Bretton Woods’s system, Fixed-
Flexible Exchange Rate Systems, Euro market.
Module II
Finance Function: Financial Institutions in International Trade. 5 Non resident
Accounts: Repatriable and Non Repatriable, Significance for the Economy and Bank. --
Methods of IN Trade Settlement: Open Account, Clean Advance, Documentary Credit,
Documentary Collection. -- Documentary Credits (Letter of Credit): Types of LC –
Parties, Mechanism with illustration.
Module III
Documents involved in International trade: Statutory Documents, Financial Documents,
Transport Documents, Risk Bearing Documents. 9 INCOTERMS: C.I.F., F.O.B., C.I.P. --
Financing of Imports by Opening of Letter of Credit: Documents required, Trade and
Exchange Control Formalities, Sanction of LC Limit. -- Export Finance: Financing of
Export/ Deemed Export: Pre ship, and Post Ship Finance, Export Methods --, E.C.G.C. and
other formalities Uniform Custom Practices of Documentary Credits -- Uniform Rules
Module IV
Introduction to Exchange Rate Mechanism: Spot- Forward Rate, Exchange Arithmetic.
-- Deriving the Actual Exchange Rate: Forwards, Swap[s, Futures and Options.
Guarantees in Trade: Performance, Bid Bond etc.
Module V
International Financial Institution--• International Monetary Fund—functions--•
Special Drawing Rights• International Bank for Reconstruction and Development--•
International Finance Corporation--• International Development Association
1. “M.VY.Phansalkar”, All about Foreign Exchange & Foreign Trade, English
edition, 2005.
2. “Walter.OCHYMSKI”, Foreign Exchange Management, Book sorge Publication,
3. “Julian Walmsley”, Foreign Exchange & Money Markets Guide, John wiley, 2006.
4. “Bimitris and N.Shyrafos”, New Technology of Financial Management, John
wiley, 2006.
5. “Surendra.s.Yadav, P.K.Jain and Max peyrard”, Foreign Exchange Markets
understanding derivatives & other instrucments, Macmillan.

6. “B.P.Mathur”, Foreign Money in India, Macmillan
7. “Yarbrough”, The World Economy ,Trade & Finance, 7th edition, Cengage
learning .
8. “Seethapathy.K.and Suhulakshmi.Y”, Foreign Exchange Management, ICFAI.
9. “Yadav”, Foreign Exchange Markets, Macmillan, 2007.
10. “Thomas von Ungern”, Strategic Foreign Exchange Management, Black well
Publishers, 1990.

Systems Elective
60 Hours 4
Course objectives:
 To understand the process of systems analysis and design, and,
 To gain a practical orientation to structured systems analysis and design.

Module I
Systems Development; Project Selection; Sources of Project Requests; Managing Project
Review and Selection; Project Investigation; Project Planning and Estimating; Project
Monitoring and Control;
Module II
Role of Systems Analyst and Designer; Approaches to Systems Analysis and Design-
Traditional approaches; Structured Approaches;
Module III
Structured Systems Analysis- The PARIS model; Planning the Approach- Objectives and
Constraints, Preparing for detailed analysis, Feasibility Study; Asking questions for
Collection of Data- planning and conducting interviews; Questionnaires, Observation,
Record searching, Document analysis; Recording Information – Data Dictionaries and
Case Tools, DFDs, Entity models; Interpreting information and Specifying Requirements.
Module IV
Systems Design: Design Objectives and Constraints; Human-computer interface design;
Systems Interfaces; Logical Data Design; File and Database Design; Physical Data
Design; Program Design. Software Testing- Unit Testing, System Testing, Integration
Module V
Selection of Hardware and Software- Processor, memory, Peripherals, Vendor Selection,
Software Selection; Operating System. Performance and Acceptance Criteria.
1. Awad Elias M: Systems Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
2. Kendall, E.Kenneth and Julie E.Kendall: Systems Analysis and Design, Pearson
Education, New Delhi 2005.

3. Whitten, Bentley and Dittman: Systems Analysis and Design Methods, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2003.
4. Hawryszkiewyez, I.T.: Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall
of India, New Delhi 1991.
5. Marco, T.D: Structured Systems Analysis and System Specification, Yourdon
Press, New Delhi 1989.
6. Whitten, J.L. et. El. : Systems Analysis and Design Methods, Galgotia, New Delhi
7. Yates, Don, Maura Shields and David Helmy;Ed.: Systems Analysis and Design,
Macmillan, Delhi 1994.
8. Hoffer, Jeffrey A, Marry B.Prescott, and Fred R.McFadden: Modern Systems
Analysis and Design; Pearson Education, New Delhi 2004.

Systems Elective


60 Hours 4 credits
Course objectives:
 To understand the importance of database systems for business management,
 To gain a practical orientation to database development and maintenance.
Module I
Concepts of Database: Data structures; File Processing and Access Methods; Data
independence; Schema; Database languages; Database users; Classification of database
systems; Evolution of DBMS.
Module II
E-R modelling; Features of data model; Entities and Entity sets; Attributes and Keys; E-R
Diagrams; Weak entities; generalisation and specialisation; Extended E-R model.
Physical Data Organisation; File organisation concepts – Sequential, indexed sequential,
hashed, multi ring and inverted B trees;
Module III
Relational model: Domains, Attributes, keys, Tuples, Relations; Relational database
schemas; Relational Algebra; Operations using SQL queries.
Hierarchical network models: Network model concepts; Records and Sets; CODASYL
and DBTG system architecture; Navigation; Simple queries. Hierarchical model
concepts; Record and links; Virtual records; DDL and simple queries.
Module IV
Database system architecture overview: Catalogs, Data dictionary, Query translator,
Optimiser, Access planner; Transaction processing; Concurrency control and Recovery
buffer management.
Module V

Oracle 9i: Features; Use of ORACLE for database applications; Simple applications for
management functions.
1. Hoffer, Jeffrey A, Marry B.Prescott, and Fred R.McFadden: Modern Database
Management; Pearson Education, New Delhi 2004.
2. Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan: Database System and Concepts, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi 2004.
3. Novathe and Elmasri: Fundamentals of Database Systems, Addison Wesley, 1991.
4. Loney, Kevin and George Kochi, Oracle 9i, The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi 2000.
5. Ullmann, Jeffry D, Principles of Database Systems, Galgotia, New Delhi 1990.
6. Post, Gerald V., Database Management Systems, Tata McGraw Hill.

System Elective

60 Hours 4

Course objectives:
 To understand the importance of database systems for business management,
 To gain a practical orientation to database development and maintenance.

Module I
Electronic Commerce (EC)- Definition, Scope and Types: B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C, Intra-
business EC . Electronic Marketing Process, Interdisciplinary nature of EC. Driving
forces of EC. Business models in E-commerce.
Module II
E-business strategies and their implementation; E-commerce for service oriented
industries- Online publishing, Securities broking, Travel and Tourism, Job market
services, Real estate, Cyber banking and auctions; B2B Electronic Commerce:
characteristics and Models of B2B E-Commerce;
Module III
Technology Infrastructure for E-Commerce: The Internet T\technology and standards;
Internet Protocols; EDI, Mark up languages, Web servers, browsers and Clients. Search
Engines, E-mails; Intranet and Extranet; Biometrics and grid computing. Development
of E-Commerce Portals:
Module IV
Electronic payment systems: Online Credit card; Electronic fund Transfer and Debit
Cards; Stored Value Cards and E-Cash, E-Cheque, Unified payment systems. Security
schemas in Electronic payment Systems.
Marketing for E-Commerce: Electronic marketing in B2B; Retailing on the Net – Online
shops, Online services, Career and job search services; Internet Marketing Technologies:
Web transaction logs and Customer profiling and targeting; Data warehousing and
mining; Spam; Marketing and Branding Strategies in E-Commerce. Online Marketing
1. Turban, Efraim, David King et. el.: Electronic Commerce: A Managerial
Perspective, Pearson Education Asia, Delhi 2002.
2. Kalakota, Ravi: Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison - Wesley, Delhi 1999.
3. Rayport, Jeffrey F and Jaworksi, Bernard J: Introduction to E-Commerce, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2003.
4. Smantha Shurety,: E-Business with Net Commerce, Addison - Wesley, Singapore
5. Rich, Jason R: Starting an E-Commerce Business, IDG Books, Delhi 2000.
6. Laudon, Kenneth C and Carol Guercio Traver : E-Commerce business.
Technology. Society, Pearson Education, Delhi 2005.
7. Stamper David A, and Thomas L.Case: Business Data Communications, Pearson
Education, New Delhi 2005.
8. Willam Stallings: Business Data Communications, Pearson Education, New Delhi

Systems Elective



60 Hours 4 credits

Course objectives:
 To understand the need for integration of business functions and processes, and,
 To gain a practical insight into the implementation of ERP package.

Module I
Enterprise Resource Planning: Evolution of ERP- MRP and MRP II; Need for system
integration; Early ERP packages; ERP products and markets.

Module II
ERP implementation: Identifying benefits from ERP implementation; Consultant
intervention; Selection of ERP; Process of ERP implementation;

Module III
Managing changes in IT organisation; Preparing IT infrastructure; Measuring benefits of
ERP; Integrating with other systems;

Module IV

Modules in ERP: Business modules of Popular ERP Packages; and their functionalities.
ERP for SMEs.

Module V
ERP implementation. Project planning, Package selection, Gap analysis, Customising and
configuration; Implementation control. Case studies in ERP implementation

1. Leon, Alexis : Enterprise Resources Planning, Tata McGraw Hill, new Delhi 2003.
2. Ptak, Carol and Eli Schragenheim: ERP, St Lucie Press, New York, 2000.

Systems Elective


60 Hours 4 credits

Course objectives:
 To understand the concepts, tools and techniques of BPR, and,
 To learn about the experiences of Indian business firms with BPR.

Module I
Business Process Reengineering: Conceptual foundations of Business Process
Reengineering; Need for BPR; Business process vs management process; Role of
Information Technology in Business Process Reengineering; Process of Business
Reengineering; BPR and TQM.
Module II
Process identification and mapping; Role/ Activity Diagrams; Process visioning and
Benchmarking. Types and process of benchmarking; Business Reengineering – a
strategy driven approach.
Module III
Business Process improvement; Business process redesign; Reengineering
methodologies and tools- Project management, coordination, modelling, business
process analysis, HR analysis and design and systems development.
Module IV
Man-management of BPR implementation; Reorganising people for organisational
Module V
BPR experiences in Indian industry: Case studies of two Indian companies.
1. Carr, D.K. and Johasson, H.J.: Best Practices in Re-engineering, McGraw Hill, New
York 1995.
2. Champy, James: Re-engineering Management: The Mandate for New Leadership,
Harper Collins, London 1995.

3. Jayaraman, M.S. et el: Business Process Re-engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
4. Coulson, Thomas, C.: Business Process Re-engineering: Myth and Reality, Kiogan
Page, London 1994.
5. Vikram Sethi and William R.King: Organisational Transformation through Business
Process Reengineering, Pearson Education, New Delhi 2003.
6. Davenport, T.H.: Process Innovation: Reengineering Work Through Information
Technology, Harvard Business School Press, Boston 1993.
7. Hammer, Michael: Re-Engineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business
Revolution, Nicholas Brealey, London 1993.
8. Peppard, J and Rowland P: The Essence of Business Process Re-engineering, Prentice
Hall Inc., New York, 1995.

Tourism Elective


Module I:
Tourism Product; Definition, Concept & Classifications, Nature & Characteristic of India's
Tourism Products: Seasonality & Diversities. Heritage - Indigenous, Colonial, Handicrafts of
India. Craft Meals. Fairs &. Festivals of Social & Religious importance.

Module II:
Performing Arts of India: Forms & Types, Classical Dances. Folk Dances of different
Regions & Folk Culture. Indian Music: Different Schools, Status of Indian Vocal &
Instrumental Music, Indian Music abroad. Indian Museums. Art Galleries. Libraries & their
Location, assets & characteristic. Indian cuisine: Regional variations.

Module III:
National Parks & Wildlife Sanctuaries: Locations, Accessibility, Facilities, Amenities,
Unique Selling Propositions (USP), Dachigam National Park, Corbett National Park,
Ranthambore National Park, Hazaribag National Park, Similipal National Park, Bhitarkanika
National Park, Bnadhvagarh & Kanha National Park, Bandhavagarh National Park,
Mudumalli National Park, Periyar National Park, Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve,

Module IV:
Hill Stations: Locations, Accessibility, Facilities, Amenities, Unique Selling Propositions
(USP), Gulmarg, Kullu & Manali, Shimla, Mussorie, Nainital, Panchmarahi, Mahabaleswar,
Chikmangulaur, Coorg, Waynad, Munnar, Ooty, Kodiakanal, Arakku, Horsley Hills,
Darjeeling, Gangtok, Shillong,

Module V

Beach Resorts of India. Locations, Accessibility, Facilities, Amenities, Unique Selling

Propositions (USP), Important Beaches in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala,

Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal, Lakshadweep, Andaman &
Nicobar Islands. Major Hill Stations. Tourist potential of Himalayas

Suggested Readings:
1. Robinet Jacob, Indian Tourism Products, Abhijeet Publications, Delhi.
2. Basham, A.L., A Cultural History of India. Oxford University Press, USA
3. Stephen Ball, Encyclopedia of Tourism Resources in India, Butterworth –Heinemann.
4. Manoj Dixit , Tourism products. New Royal Book Co., Lucknow.
5. Norman Douglas. Ed., Special Interest Tourism, John Wiley & Sons, Australia.
6. Robinet Jacob, Indian Tourism Products, Abhijeet Publications, Delhi.

Tourism Elective


Unit – I:
Understanding Marketing and Marketing Process: Marketing Concepts, Nature and Scope of
Marketing, Marketing Mix, Marketing Environment, Strategic Planning and Marketing
Process, Organizing and Implementing Marketing in the Organization. Services Marketing:
Concept, Definition, Characteristics with Special Emphasis on Tourism Services.

Unit – ll:
Developing Marketing Opportunities and Strategies: Marketing Information Systems and
Marketing Research, Consumer Markets and Consumer Behaviour, Business Markets and
Buyer Behaviour, Market Segmentation - Targeting and Positioning for competitive

Unit – Ill:

Developing the Tourism Marketing Mix: Managing the Product / Service, Product
DecisionsProduct Line, Product Mix, Product Life Cycle, New Product Development,
Branding and Packaging Decisions, Pricing Products - Pricing Considerations and
Approaches, Pricing Strategies and Methods.

Unit – IV:

Distribution Channel and Logistics Management-Channel Selection, Cooperation and

conflict Management, Promotion Decision – Promotion Mix: Advertising, Sales Promotion,
Personal Selling, and Publicity. 3 Additional P's of tourism services Marketing Mix. Process,
Physical Evidence and People.
Unit – V:

Issues in Marketing: Global Marketing, Direct Marketing, Marketing on the Web, Green
Marketing, Social Responsibility and marketing Ethics, Consumerism and Legal Issues.

Suggested Readings:
1. Morrison, A.M. Hospitality and Travel Marketing . Delmar Thomson Publishing

2. Kotler Philip and Armstrong, G. Principles of Marketing, PHI.
3. Stanton, Willam J. Fundamentals of Marketing, McGraw Hill. 13
4. Ramaswamy, V.S. and Namakemari, S. Marketing Management, McMillan.
5. Bhattacharya K. Sisir. Marketing Management, National Publishing House.
6. Dalrymple, J.D. and Parson, J.L. Marketing Management Strategy and Gases, John Wiley
and Sons

Tourism Elective


Unit – I:

Concept, need, objective, institutional framework and the principal lines of public tourism
policy; The role of govt. public and private sector in formulation of tourism policy. Roles of
international, national, state and local tourism organizations in carrying out tourism policies.

Unit – II:

Goal of national administration and tourism policy. Policy making bodies and its process at
national levels. Outline of L.K.Jha Committee (Ad-hoc Committee) - 1963, National Tourism
Policy -1982, National Committee Report-1998, National Action Plan on Tourism - 1992.

Unit – Ill:
National Tourism Policy-2002. Opportunities for investments in hotel sector & Tourism
related organizations. Incentives and concessions extended for tourism projects and resources
of funding. Case study of TFCI 23.

Unit – IV:
Background, Approach and Process, Techniques of Plan Formulation. Planning for Tourism
Destinations-Objectives, methods, steps and factors influencing planning. Destination life
cycle concept.

Unit – V:
Tourism planning at international, national, regional, state and local, the traditional, approach
and PASLOP method of tourism planning, Important feature of five year tourism plans in
India. Elements Agents, Processes and typologies of tourism development. Case study #E of
selected state tourism policies (West Bengal, Goa, Kerala, Rajasthan).

Suggested Readings:
1. Bezbarua M.P, Indian Tourism Beyond The Millenium.
2. Burkart & Medlik, Tourism; Past, Present and Future.
3. Gee, Chuck Y, James C. Makens , Dexter J. L. & Choy, The Travel Industry.
4. Murphy, Peter H, Tourism: A Community Approach.

Tourism Elective



Modulet – I:

Concept of Sustainable Development: Evolution, Meaning, Principles, Key Dimensions of

Sustainability, Stockholm Conference 1972 ( Human & Environment), World Conservation
Union 1980 – World Commission on Environment & Development (WCED) 1987 and
Brundtland Commission - Rio Declaration 1992 – Kyoto Protocol 1997 – World Summit on
Sustainable Development (WSSD) 2002 - Global Warming & Climate Change.

Module II:

Sustainable Tourism Development: Meaning- Principles - 10 Rs-Agenda 21 for Travel and

Tourism Industry - World Conference on Sustainable Tourism 1995 - Globe 90 Conference -
Berlin Declarations - Bali Declarations 2005 - Cape Town Declarations 2002 and Kerala
Declarations, Ecotourism- Quebec Declaration 2002 - Kyoto Protocol 1997 - Oslo
Declaration 2007.

Module III:

Planning for Sustainable Tourism: - Topographical Analysis - Analysis of Local Resources -

Land Use Pattern – Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Information
System (EIS), Environmental Management System (EMS) & Community Participation and
Types of Community Participation and Socio- Economic and Cultural Conditions -
Evaluation of Impact of Tourism Site - Zoning System - Carrying capacity & its Type.

Module IV:

Approaches of Sustainable Tourism- Standardization and Certification – Alternative Tourism

- Responsible Tourism - Collaboration and Partnership - Waste Management – Eco-friendly
Practices - Basic Laws & ideas in Ecology- Function and Management of Ecosystem-
Biodiversity 17 and its Conservation-Pollution-Ecological Foot Prints - Relationship between
Tourism & Ecology, Sustainable Tourism and Poverty Alleviation - Pro-poor Tourism and
Community Participation.

Modulet – V:
Eco- tourism - Evolution, Principles, Trends. Functions of Ecotourism - Mass Tourism Vs
Ecotourism -Typology of Eco-tourists - Ecotourism Activities & Impacts -Western Views of
Ecotourism. Eco- tourism travel essentials. Eco- tourism and protected areas: visitor
management for sustainability.Major Eco tourism destinations of India

Suggested Readings:

1. Inskeep, E. Tourism Planning: An Integrated and Sustainable Development Approach,

New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
2. Ritchie, J.R. & Crouch, I.G. Competitive Destination –A Sustainable Tourism Perspective,
CABI Publishing, UK.

3. Mowforth, M. and Munt, I. Tourism and Sustainability. Development and New Tourism in
the Third World. Routledge, London.
4. Middleton, V.T.C and Hawkins, R. Sustainable Tourism: A Marketing Perspective,
Butterworth – Heinemann, Oxford.
5. Weaver, D. , The Encyclopedia of Ecotourism, CABI Publication, UK. 6. Wahab, S and
John J. Pigram, J.J. Tourism, Development and Growth: The Challenge of Sustainability,
Routledge, London.

Tourism Elective


Course Contents:
Unit – I:
History & Growth of Travel Agency Business, Emergence of Thomas Cook & American
Express, Emergence of Travel Intermediaries, Indian Travel Agents & Tour Operators.
Interplay of Push & Pull Factors.
Unit – ll:
Travel Agents & Tour Operators: Differentiation and Interrelationship. Functions and
Organisational Structures of Travel Agency and Tour Operators. Linkages of Tour Operation
Business with Principal Suppliers, Government and Other Agencies. Incentive and
Concessions Applicable to Tour Operators in India.

Unit – Ill:
How to Set up Travel Agency/Tour Operation Business: Sources of Funding, Comparative
Study of Various Type of Organisation, Government Rule of Getting Approval, IATA Rules,
Regulations and Accreditation, Documentation, Sources of Earning: Commissions, Service
Charges etc.

Unit – IV:
Itinerary Preparation: Meaning, Importance and Types of Itinerary - Resources and Steps for
Itinerary Planning - Do’s and Do Not’s of Itinerary Preparation Tour Costing: Tariffs, FITS
& GITS. Confidential Tariff. Packaging: Types and Forms of Package Tour.

Unit – V:
Travel Documentation: Familiarization with TIM (Travel Information Manual), Passport &
VISA- Meaning, Types, Procedures, Validity, Necessary Information to fill the Passport and
VISA Form for Issuance, Health Certificates, Currency, Travel Insurance, Credit & Debit
Card, customs, currency, baggage and airport information.

Suggested Readings:

1. D.L. Foster , The Business of Travel agency Operation & Administration

2. Malik, Haris & Chatterjee,Indian Travel Agents

3. J.M.S. Negi, Travel Agency & Tour Operatiuons: Concepts & Principles

4. C.Y. Gee,Travel Industry 5. Yale P,The Business of Tour Operations

Tourism Elective


Module I:

Front Office Organization: Basic Layout and Design, Departmental Organizational Structure.
Front Office Personnel: Departmental Hierarchy. Attitude and Attributes and Salesmanship.
Job Descriptions and Job Specifications of Front Office Personnel.

Module Il:
Front Office Operations: The Front Desk- Equipments in use. The Guest Room- Types and
Status Terminology. Key Controls. Tariff plans. Types of rates.

Module Ill: Reservations: Need for reservations, definitions, importance of reservations.

Types of reservations. Sources and modes of reservations. Individual and group bookings.
Booking instruments - Booking diary, Conventional charts, A & D register etc. The
Reservation Cycle. Hotel Reservation Systems, CRS, Inter-sell agencies, Internet

Module IV: Franchise and management contracts. Indian Chain of Hotels. Target Markets.
Alternate Lodging facilities.

Module V:

Organizational Structure of Hotels: Small, Medium, Large. Lobby Arrangements, Layout and
equipment in use, Handling VIPs, Duty Rota and work schedules, Uniformed Service.

Suggested Readings:

1. Sudhir Andrews, Front Office Training manual

2. Kasavana & Brooks, Managing Front Office Operations
3. Ahmed Ismail, Front Office - operations and management
4. Michael Kasavana & Cane, Managing Computers in Hospitality Industry.

Tourism Elective


Module I :

Reservation & Registration: Sources and modes of reservation, Types of plans, types of
room rate, Discount and allowances, Group reservation, Fore-casting room reservation, Walk
- in reservation, Reservation chart and guest history card, Registration of guest at reception,
Guest registration card, arrival and departure register, C- Form, Lobby errand card, arrival
and departure report.

Module II:

ROOMS DIVISION: Functions of front office and house keeping department, Hierarchy of
front office and housekeeping department, their Attributes, duties and responsibilities,
Interdepartmental coordination, Departmental layout of Housekeeping, Functions of various
Departments of Housekeeping and front office, yield management: concept & function.

Module III:

RESTAURANT OPERATIONS: Restaurant equipments: Types, standard sizes, care,

cleaning and Polishing of various equipments, Duties of a waiter, mise-en -scene and mise -
en -place, Welcoming the guest, Rules to be observed while laying a table and waiting at a
table Different Types And Styles Of Services - Silver Service, American Service, English,
French, Russian, Buffet, Counter, Cafeteria, Food Courts, Room Service and Bar Service.

Module IV
DEPARTURE PROCEDURE: Procedure involved in checking out a guest at front-office,
Procedure involved in checking - out a guest at house keeping department, Group Check-out
procedures. Arrival & Departure formalities for both domestic & international Tourists.

Module V
HOTEL OPERATIONS IN INDIA: Leading multinational hotel chains operating in India,
Public sector in Hotelliering Business – Role, Contribution & Performance, Time share

Suggested Readings:
1. S.K.Bhatnagar, Front Office Management, Frank brother Publisher.
2. Sudhir Andrews Front Office Training Manual, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
3. Sudhir Andrews, Hotel H. K. Training Manual, Tata Mcgraw Hilt.
4. Manoj Madhukar, Proffessional House Keeping-Rajat Publications


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