California Government and Politics Unit-Finished

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Please respond to the following questions and prompts.

Chapter 1:

Describe California’s diversity with attention to lands, regions, resources, people, and

California’s length covers the distance between New York City and Jacksonville, Florida.
California is the third largest state in square miles and supports a rich variety of terrain.
Northern California is know for their wineries, the redwoods, heavy water consuming crops
and mountain resorts such as Lake Tahoe. Southern California is mainly identified with its
arm days, and wide beaches. California’s most important resource is it’s water. The ethnic
and geographic diversity of today’s California is astounding. Their population is growing at
a rate of 1,400 per day.

Chapter 2:

Historically, who has “ruled” California? What historical developments contributed to

modern California?

Mexico, Spanish, have ruled California. The 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo concluded
the war, ceded California to the United States. 1849 Constitution and the gold rush were a
few of the main contributions to modern California.

Chapter 3:

1. How many words are in the California constitution? How many times has it
been amended?

54,000 words and it has been amended nearly 500 times.

2. The original California constitution was written in 1849. When was the 2nd
constitution written?

It was ratified in 1879.

3. California’s constitution contains substantial trivia, including the minimum

annual salary for teachers. What is that minimum?


4. What is the initiative?


Allowing voters to directly place constitutional amendments and statutory

proposal on the ballet.

5. What is the referendum?

Allows voters to approve or reject statutes already passed by the legislation.

6. What is the recall?

Allows the electorate to remove elective officials between elections.

7. In 2000, how much more tax revenue did California send to the Federal
Government than it received in Federal spending?

In 2000 the state sent a record $30 billion more to Washington in taxes than it
received in federal spending.

8. According to the text, what is California’s economic ranking in the world?

Seventh largest in the world

9. What INS program was started to stop illegal immigration?

“Operation Gate Keeper”

Chapter 4:

Describe the impact of Proposition 13.

The consequences were dire. Local governments, counties and school districts
became increasingly dependent on state “bailouts”. The property tax was to only grow by
2 percent per year. It also made it increasingly difficult to raise most taxes.

Describe two ways that the Initiative has been abused in California.

1) Encourage local officials to approve land use projects that generated sales taxes not
controlled by prop 13.

2) Misplaced confidence in legislators as competent representatives. Misplace confidence in


How do you Recall an elected official in California?

People must gather signatures equal to 12 percent of the votes cast in the previous
Chapter 5:

Using Table 5.1, describe who is most likely to vote in California.

45-64 year olds and white voters.

Who is prohibited from voting in California?

Those under 18 years old, noncitizens, legally insane.

Using Figure 5.1, describe the political geography of California.

35% Liberal, 27% Liberal Democrat, 25% Conservative Republican, 4% Jewish, 33%
White women

Chapter 6:

Name some of the most influential newspapers in California.

Sacramento Bee, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Examiner, La Opinion.

Chapter 7:

What is partisan gerrymandering?

Splinters or packs voters in such a way as to favor or disfavor the election of

republicans and democrats.

What is incumbent gerrymandering?

Protects incumbents regardless of party.

Chapter 8:

Who are the major officials of the California executive branch?

Secretaries, State and Consumer Services, Business Transportation, Child Development

and Education, Food and Agricultural, Health and Welfare Resources.

Chapter 9:

Describe how since 1972, California has flip-flopped on the death penalty.

The legislation reinstated capital punishment with special circumstances.

How many inmates are there on California’s Death Row?

By 2003 there were more than 600 inmates on death row. In 1972 it had

been considered unconstitutional.

Chapter 10:

How many counties are there in California?

Thirteen Charter Counties

Name 10 California counties that you have never heard of before.

Mono, Inyo, Plumas, Lassen, Modoc, Shasta, Tehama, Butte, Glenn, Yuba, Stanislaus,
Mariposa, Tuolumne, Madera, Kern


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