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Lunchtime Talks!!!

First Grade & Second Grade
11:20 - 12:00

Third Grade
12:00 - 12:40

Fourth Grade & Fifth Grade
12:20 - 1:00

Reward for Participating is ONE LOLLIPOP!!!!

First Grade & Second Grade Discussion Schedule
What is the nicest thing you’ve done?
● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

What is a bully?
● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

What do you do if you see someone getting bullied?

● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

If you see someone feeling sad, what do you do?

● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

Why do we smile?
● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

Wait by Door as Students Exit

Give kids either a high five or fist bump based on what picture they push.
(Pictures of a fist bump or high five posted next to door)

You’re Awesome!
You’re Amazing!
You’re So Cool!

Each of them are allowed to grab one extra lollipop on the way out!
Third Grade Discussion Schedule
What is the nicest thing you’ve done?
● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

What is a bully?
● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

If you see someone getting bullied, what do you do?

● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

If you see someone feeling sad, what do you do?

● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

Why do we smile?
● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

Wait by Door as Students Exit

Give kids either a high five or fist bump based on what picture they push.
(Pictures of a fist bump or high five posted next to door)

Dude, you’re Awesome!

Dude, you’re Amazing!
Dude, you’re So Cool!

Each of them are allowed to grab one extra lollipop on the way out!
Fourth Grade & Fifth Grade Discussion Schedule
What is the nicest thing you’ve done?
● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

What is a bully?
● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

If you see someone getting bullied, what do you do?

● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

If you see someone feeling sad, what do you do?

● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

Why do we smile?
● Students Respond
● Mitchell Responds
● Questions and/or Comments?

Wait by Door as Students Exit

Give kids either a high five or fist bump based on what picture they push.
(Pictures of a fist bump or high five posted next to door)

So Cool!

Each of them are allowed to grab one extra lollipop on the way out!
Mitchell’s Responses in Accordance to Grade Level

First Grade & Second Grade

What is the nicest thing you’ve done?

I have helped my classmates with their homework assignments.

What is a bully?

A bully is someone who is sad. Someone who pretends to be happy by hurting other people. It is
not okay to do that.

What do you do if you see someone getting bullied?

Be a superhero! Stand up and tell the bully to stop. Like this: Please stop. If they do not stop, go
to a teacher.

If you see someone feeling sad, what do you do?

Be happy! Give them hugs or high fives. Make them feel better.

Why do we smile?
Smiles help make days brighter. It will make anyone feel good inside.
Third Grade

What is the nicest thing you’ve done?

I have helped my classmates with their homework assignments.

What is a bully?
A bully is someone who is sad. They think teasing other people is fun. It will make them feel
better. The bully is wrong. Hurting other kids will make him feel worse.

If you see someone getting bullied, what do you do?

Be a hero! Stand up and tell the bully to stop. Like this: Hey guys, we shouldn’t do this. Why
can’t we all be happy? Come on, let’s all play kickball. If someone continues to get bullied, go to
a teacher.

If you see someone feeling sad, what do you do?

Be happy! Give them high fives and motivate them. Dude, that’s awesome! Good job! Or that
was amazing! Way to go!

Why do we smile?
Smiles help people solve problems. Someone can feel bad at anytime, so it’s important to always
be cheerful to help them through the day!
Fourth Grade & Fifth Grade

What is the nicest thing you’ve done?

I have helped my classmates with their homework assignments.

What is a bully?
A bully is a victim. They feel bad everyday, so they make others feel bad. Only if everyone is
happy will there be no more bullies.

If you see someone getting bullied, what do you do?

Be a leader! Take a stand to protect someone from getting hurt. If you can’t help them, go to a

If you see someone feeling sad, what do you do?

Be someone amazing! We are all very lucky to be surrounded by loving families. By helping
others, we can make a difference in the community.

Why do we smile?
We smile because we believe in a bright future. A future where everyone is happy and there are
no problems in the world! That is a future we can achieve!!!

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