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Biol Fertil Soils (2002) 35:231–237

DOI 10.1007/s00374-002-0462-8


H. N. Asghar · Z. A. Zahir · M. Arshad · A. Khaliq

Relationship between in vitro production of auxins by rhizobacteria

and their growth-promoting activities in Brassica juncea L.

Received: 30 July 2001 / Published online: 13 April 2002

© Springer-Verlag 2002

Abstract Rhizobacteria were isolated from the rhizo- Introduction

sphere of different Brassica species and assayed for their
ability to produce auxins in vitro. The isolates varied Beneficial rhizobacteria are often referred to as plant
greatly in their potential for auxin production (ranging growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). These encom-
from 0.33 to 11.40 µg ml–1). L-Tryptophan (an auxin pre- pass all bacteria that inhabit plant roots and exert a posi-
cursor) addition to the media increased the auxin produc- tive effect by various mechanisms, ranging from a direct
tion by several fold. Based upon in vitro auxin produc- influence (e.g. increased solubilization and uptake of nu-
tion and growth promotion of B. juncea seedlings caused trients or production of plant growth regulators), to an
by various isolates under gnotobiotic conditions, promis- indirect effect (e.g. suppression of pathogens by produc-
ing isolates were selected and tested in pot trial to ob- ing siderophores or antibiotics; Kloepper et al. 1989;
serve their effects on growth, yield and oil content of the Glick et al. 1994). These beneficial bacteria are also re-
same Brassica species. Results showed that seed inocu- ferred to as yield-increasing bacteria (YIB; Chen et al.
lation with different isolates of rhizobacteria significant- 1994).
ly increased plant height (up to 56.5%), stem diameter Plant scientists became interested in the study of
(up to 11.0%), number of branches (up to 35.7%), num- PGPR due to their potential for improving crop growth
ber of pods per plant (up to 26.7%), 1,000-grain weight and yield. Direct growth promotion by PGPR was first
(up to 33.9%), grain yield (up to 45.4%) and oil content reported by Lifshitz et al. (1987). They studied the
(up to 5.6%) over the uninoculated control. Isolate S54 growth promotion activity of Pseudomonas putida strain
gave the most promising and consistent results. Highly GR 12–2 in gnotobiotic growth pouch assay and reported
significant correlations between L-TRP-derived auxin that inoculation of rapeseed with GR12–2 significantly
production by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria increased root length, shoot height and phosphorus up-
(PGPR) in vitro and grain yield (r =0.77**), number take compared with an uninoculated control. In China,
of pods (r =0.78**) and number of branches per plant results of multi-year trials on rapeseed indicated that ap-
(r =0.77**) of B. juncea were found. It was hypothesized plication of PGPR increased the yield by up to 11.5%
that these PGPR may influence the growth and yield of (Mei 1989). In a repeated field trial at four locations,
inoculated plants by production of auxins in the rhizo- rapeseed inoculation with Bacillus cereus strain 83–10
sphere of inoculated plants from the L-TRP present in the increased the grain yield by 17.2% compared with an un-
root exudates, although other mechanisms of action inoculated control (Xia et al. 1990). Inoculation with
might have also contributed. PGPR was also associated with increased oil content.
Kloepper et al. (1988) collected 4,000 bacterial strains
Keywords Rhizobacteria · Plant growth-promoting from the root zone of rapeseed and screened them at
rhizobacteria · Auxins · Brassica 4–14°C on the basis of growth promotion, metabolism of
seed exudates and root colonization. They further tested
887 strains for growth promotion of rapeseed in green-
house trials and reported that 35 strains increased grain
yield up to 57% compared to an uninoculated control in
one of the two test years. Three strains increased yield
H.N. Asghar · Z.A. Zahir · M. Arshad (✉) · A. Khaliq by 6–13% during the 2-year trial. In another study,
Department of Soil Science, University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan Kloepper et al. (1991) found that inoculation with PGPR
e-mail: [email protected] increased the emergence and dry weight of 2-day-old
Tel.: +92-41-627793 rapeseed seedlings by 123% and 79%, respectively, over

an uninoculated control. Similarly, a significant increase tures were isolated by dilution plate technique using glucose pep-
in emergence rate was also observed due to inoculation tone agar medium (GPAM; Wollum II 1982). Bacterial colonies
showing prolific growth were selected and purified by further
with certain root colonizing bacteria, including Pseudo- streaking on fresh plates. Slants were prepared on GPAM and re-
monas (Kloepper et al. 1986). Bertrand et al. (2001) iso- frigerated at 4°C for further studies. These isolates were main-
lated 13 rhizobacteria from rhizoplane and rhizosphere tained by transferring them to new slants after every 20–30 days.
of canola (Brassica napus) to evaluate their plant
growth-promoting activity. Eight of these 13 bacteria in- Auxin production
duced a significant increase in root dry weight ranging
from 11–52%. The most important direct PGPR effect Sterilized broth of GPAM (25 ml) was put into glass tubes and in-
was found with isolates belonging to the genus Phyllo- oculated with 0.1 ml rhizobacterial cultures (108–109 cells ml–1)
incubated at 28±2°C for 24 h with occasional shaking. The con-
bacterium (Bertrand et al. 2001). Chen et al. (1994) iso- tents of the tubes were filtered through Whatman filter paper No.2
lated PGPR strains from the roots and rhizosphere soil before measuring auxin production as indole acetic acid (IAA)
and used these to inoculate sterile peat. For many years equivalents. In measuring the IAA equivalents, 3 ml of the filtrate
(1979–1990) they grew rapeseed inoculated with five were pipetted into test tubes and 2 ml Salkowski reagent
(2 ml 0.5 M FeCl3 +98 ml 35% HClO4) were added to it. The
strains and observed a significant increase in yield tubes containing the mixture were left for 30 min for color devel-
(11.5% over the uninoculated control). Significant yield opment. Intensity of the color was measured spectrophotometrical-
increases in many other crops such as wheat, maize and ly (detection limits 0.2–45 µg/ml) at 535 nm. Similarly, color was
potato have also been reported in response to inoculation also developed in standard solutions of IAA and a standard curve
with PGPR (Iswandi et al. 1987; Javed et al. 1996; was established by measuring the intensity of this color (Sarwar et
al. 1992). The same procedure, except for amendment of broth
Khalid et al. 1997; Zahir et al. 1998). with 5 ml 0.5% filter sterilized L-TRP solution, was repeated for
Plant growth-regulating substances are naturally oc- L-TRP-dependent auxin production by the rhizobacteria. Auxin
curring organic compounds that influence physiological production by the two most efficient isolates (S89 and S54)
processes in plants. Several studies have demonstrated was also confirmed by HPLC-UV (Shimadzu SPD-10A) analysis
(column, CLC-ODS C18-Shim-pack, 4.6 mm internal diameter,
the potential of rhizosphere microflora to synthesize 250 mm long; flow rate, 1.0 ml min–1, mobile phase, methanol and
plant growth regulators (PGRs) in vitro (Frankenberger water, 70:30; sample injected, 20 µl; detection, 280 nm).
and Arshad 1995). Microflora that are able to produce
PGRs in vitro are present in appreciable numbers in
Jar experiment
the rhizosphere of plants. Sarwar and Kremer (1995)
screened 16 different bacterial isolates belonging to the Inoculum of each culture was prepared (50 ml portions of the
genera Enterobacter, Xanthomonas, Pseudomnas, Alcali- GPAM broth) by incubation at 28±2°C for 4 days. Two sterilized
genes and Agrobacterium originating from the rhizo- filter paper sheets were soaked in inoculum (108–109 CFU ml–1);
these filter papers were saturated with inoculum and then six sur-
sphere of various plants. They found that all of the rhizo- face-sterilized seeds (with 0.1% acidified HgCl2 solution) of raya
sphere isolates were more efficient producers of auxins (B. juncea L.) were placed on one sheet of the moist filter paper and
than soil isolates not associated with plant roots. Similar- were covered with the other moist sheet so that they were sand-
ly, 13 species of Azotobacter out of 14 (93%) strains iso- wiched between the sheets. These sheets were then rolled and
lated from the roots of berseem, cotton, maize, pea placed in a glass jar. In the case of the uninoculated control, steril-
ized (autoclaved) inoculum was used. Sterilized Hoagland solution
and wheat produced auxins (Apte and Shende 1981). (Hoagland and Arnon 1950) was applied to the jars to provide nutri-
Fuentes-Ramirez et al. (1993) reported that all 18 strains ents. The jars were arranged according to a completely randomized
of the plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium, Aceto- design with six replicates in a growth room maintained at 20°C. The
bacter diazotrophicus from 13 cultivars of sugarcane had jars were kept in the dark during the pre-germination period. After
germination, 10 h of light were supplied daily. After 10 days, root
the ability to produce indole acetic acid (IAA) ranging length, shoot length and fresh shoot weight were recorded.
from 0.14 to 2.42 µg IAA ml–1. Arshad and Frankenberg-
er (1998) and Zahir et al. (2000) reported that addition of
tryptophan (TRP) as an auxin precursor substantially in- Total root length
creased auxin production. For the measurement of root length, fresh roots were cut into 1-cm
Keeping this in mind, indigenous rhizobacteria were pieces and randomly spread in a tray, marked with gridlines, of
isolated from the rhizosphere of different Brassica spe- known area (A) in cm2 and total length of straight lines (H) in cm.
cies at different locations, and a relationship was deter- The total number of intersections (N) of roots with lines were re-
corded with a telecounter. Total root length (R) in cm was calcu-
mined between in vitro auxin production and their ef- lated as described by Newman (1966).
fects on various growth parameters in B. juncea.

Data from ten promising isolates (labeled as PGPR) were subject-

Materials and methods ed to statistical analysis and these isolates were selected for pot
trial in a wirehouse.

Rhizosphere soil samples were collected from canola (B. napus Pot trial
L.), toria (B. campestris L. var. Toria), Gobi sarsoon (B. carinata
A.Br.), sarsoon (B. campestris L.) and raya (B. juncea L. Czern & The inocula for the pot trial were prepared by growing the selected
Coss) from different locations. One hundred rhizobacterial cul- PGPR in nutrient broth at 28±2°C. The inoculum suspension
Table 1 Auxin production by
rhizobacteria isolated from dif- Species Isolate IAA equivalents µg ml–1
ferent Brassica species (aver-
age of three replicates ± stan- Without L-TRP With L-TRP
dard error; IAA indole acetic Mean ± SE Mean ± SE
acid, L-TRP L-Tryptophan)
B. napus S1-S9 0.36±0.114 to 9.20±0.566 11.47±0.628 to 15.27±0.144
B. campestris var. Toria S10-SS27 1.66±0.675 to 10.92±1.436 2.42±0.75 to 19.13±0.412
B. carinata S28-S45 2.37±0.098 to 11.07±0.891 5.53±0.233 to 21.43±0.931
B. campestris S46-S73 0.33±0.18 to 5.95±0.024 4.93±0.943 to 24.43±0.223
B. juncea S74-S100 0.35±0.265 to 11.40±0.262 5.17±0.476 to 24.60±0.330

Table 2 Effect of rhizobacteria on shoot weight, root length and shoot length of a Brassica juncea seedlings in laboratory experiment
(average of six replicates ± standard error)

Isolate Shoot weight (mg) ± SE Root length (cm) ± SE Shoot length (cm) ± SE

S1-S100 6.67±3.043 to 45.0±3.909 1.03±0.423 to 18.8±0.664 0.95±0.397 to 8.4±0.285

(108–109 CFU ml–1) was injected into sterile peat (100 ml kg–1,
seed to peat ratio 1:1) and incubated for 24 h at 28±2°C before us-
ing it for seed coating. For inoculation treatments, seed dressing
was done with inoculated peat mixed with 10% sugar solution,
while for the uninoculated controls, the seeds were coated with the
same but sterilized (autoclaved) inoculum suspension. Six inoculat-
ed seeds of B. juncea were sown in pots having 12 kg pot–1 sandy
clay loam soil (pH 7.1; ECe, 3.5 dS m–1; organic matter, 1.1%; to-
tal N, 0.06%; available P, 20.6 mg kg–1 and extractable K, 300 mg
kg–1 soil). There were six replications and pots were arranged ran-
domly according to a completely randomized design in a wirehouse
under ambient light and temperature conditions. One week after
germination, the plants were thinned to one plant per pot. The fer-
tilizer NPK was applied at 50/75/50 kg ha–1, respectively. Pots
were irrigated when needed. Different yield and yield-contributing
parameters were recorded at maturity. The seed oil contents were
determined by using Soxhlets apparatus as described by the Asso-
Fig. 1 HPLC chromatogram of L-Tryptophan-dependent auxins
ciation of Official Analytical Chemists (1984). Data were analyzed
produced by isolate S89
statistically as described by Steel and Torrie (1980).

Auxin production

The results (Table 1) revealed that auxins (expressed as

IAA equivalent in µg ml–1) were detected in liquid cul-
tures of bacterial isolates from all the Brassica species and
these increased when supplemented with L-TRP. Without
added L-TRP, the auxin production was highest (11.40 µg
ml–1) in the case of isolate S87 isolated from raya whereas
the isolate (S73) isolated from the rhizosphere of sarsoon
produced the lowest amount (0.33 µg ml–1). When L-TRP
was added to the medium, the highest auxin production
(24.6 µg ml–1 IAA equivalents) was by the isolate S89
from raya species while the minimum (2.42 µg ml–1) was
by a rhizobacterial strain S27 isolated from toria. The in- Fig. 2 HPLC chromatogram of L-Tryptophan-dependent auxins
crease in auxin production in response to L-TRP applica- produced by isolate S54
tion varied (ranging from 2.42 to 24.6 µg ml–1) with rhizo-
bacterial isolates. Auxin production by the most efficient Jar experiment
isolates, S89 and S54, was also confirmed by HPLC-UV
analysis. Study revealed that both isolates had the ability Data (Table 2) revealed that out of the 100 rhizobacterial
to produce IAA and indole-3-acetamide (IAM) from the isolates 68% increased the shoot weight, 30% decreased
added L-TRP (Figs. 1 and 2). it, while 2% of isolates had no effect on shoot weight in
Table 3 Effect of selected
rhizobacteria on shoot weight, Isolate Shoot weight (mg) Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm)
root length and shoot length of
Brassica juncea seedlings in Control 21.7 b 7.4 f 5.97 e
laboratory experiment (average S26 36.7 a 16.4 abc 7.6 abc
of six replicates). Means shar- S33 33.3 a 14.9 bcd 6.4 de
ing the same letter(s) do not S38 30.0 a 14.3 cd 6.6 de
differ significantly according to S54 41.7 a 13.5 d 8.4 a
Duncans Multiple Range Test S55 31.7 a 16.7 ab 7.1 bcd
(P =0.05) S74 45.0 a 17.8 a 7.9 ab
S82 40.0 a 18.8 a 8.3 a
S84 30.0 a 11.9 e 5.9 e
S87 40.0 a 18.0 a 6.8 cde
S89 35.0 a 18.7 a 7.8 abc

Table 4 Effect of selected rhizobacteria on the plant height, stem replicates). Means sharing the same letter(s) do not differ signifi-
diameter, no. of branches per plant, no. of pods per plant and cantly according to Duncans Multiple Range Test (P =0.05)
1,000-grain weight of Brassica juncea in pot trial (average of six

Isolate Plant height Stem diameter No. of branches No. of pods 1,000-grain Grain yield Oil contents
(cm) (mm) per plant per plant weight (g) (g/plant) (%)

Control 107.0 f 8.25 d 7.0 c 330.8 e 2.8 b 9.5d 41.9 c

S26 133.3 de 10.0 abc 9.5 a 409.8 abc 3.6 a 13.1ab 43.0 bc
S33 146.2 bcd 9.8 abc 8.0 bc 345.0 de 3.3 a 10.1 cd 42.1 c
S38 145.3 bcd 10.8 ab 8.5 ab 365.8 cde 3.3 a 11.3 bcd 42.0 c
S54 167.5 a 10.5 abc 8.5 ab 419.0 a 3.8 a 13.8 a 44.2 a
S55 126.0 f 9.3 cd 9.0 ab 403.0 abc 3.8 a 12.4 ab 42.4 c
S74 144.5 bcd 9.8 abc 8.0 bc 378.8 abcd 3.5 a 11.6 bc 42.4 c
S82 129.8 de 9.5 bcd 8.0 bc 370.8 bcde 3.6 a 11.1 bcd 42.9 bc
S84 158.8 ab 11.0 a 8.3 b 414.3 ab 3.6 a 13.1 ab 43.6 ab
S87 135.8cde 10.0 abc 9.0 ab 370.5 bcde 3.5 a 11.2 bcd 42.3 c
S89 150.0 bc 9.5 bcd 9.5 a 408.8 abc 3.5 a 13.1 ab 42.2 c

comparison with the uninoculated control. In the case of rameters had significant correlation with in vitro auxin
root length, 73% of rhizobacterial isolates had positive production by the rhizobacterial isolates without L-TRP.
and 27% had negative effects. Shoot length was promot- However, when incubated in the presence of L-TRP, their
ed by 55% of rhizobacteria while 45% depressed shoot auxin production was significantly correlated with some
length compared with the uninoculated control. Statistical of the parameters observed.
analysis (Table 3) of the results for 10 promising isolates Maximum plant height (167.5 cm) was obtained upon
(out of 100 rhizobacteria) showed that shoot weight, root inoculation with isolate S54, which was 57% higher than
length and shoot length of B. juncea seedlings were the uninoculated control. Minimum increase in plant
significantly increased by inoculating with different iso- height was observed with S55, which was 17.8% higher
lates. Isolate S74 produced the maximum shoot weight than the uninoculated control, but this increase was sta-
(45 mg), 107% higher than the uninoculated control. tistically non-significant.
The increase in plant root length was highest (154% Inoculation with various PGPR increased (15.2% to
over the uninoculated control) when inoculated with S82 33.3%) stem diameter compared with the uninoculated
isolate. S84 was the least effective isolate but still it pro- control (Table 4). Isolate S84 was the most effective in
duced 60% longer roots as compared to the uninoculated increasing stem diameter significantly (33.3% over the
control. The maximum shoot length of 8.4 cm, that was uninoculated control). It was also statistically better than
43% longer than the uninoculated control, was observed isolates S82, S55 and S89. The smallest stem diameter
when seeds of B. juncea were inoculated with bacterial (9.3 mm) was recorded in plants where the seed was in-
isolate S54. The effect of S33, S38, S84 or S87 on shoot oculated with S55, which was not statistically different
length was not statistically different from the uninoculat- from the uninoculated control.
ed control. The majority of the PGPR significantly increased the
number of branches per plant (Table 4) except for S82,
S74 and S33. Plants inoculated with S26 and S89 had the
Pot trial same number of branches and these were 36% higher
than the uninoculated control. The number of branches
Statistical analysis of data (Table 4) revealed that some per plant correlated significantly (r =0.77 at P =0.01)
of the PGPR isolates had a significant effect on different with in vitro auxin production by PGPR isolates in the
parameters of B. juncea in the pot trial. None of the pa- presence of L-TRP.

Six out of 10 isolates had a significant effect on the auxin production by Pseudomonas and Acinotobacter
number of pods per plant. The maximum number of pods isolated from wheat and rye rhizosphere ranging from
per plant (419) was produced in response to inoculation 0.01 to 3.98 mg IAA-equivalents per liter culture medi-
with S54 and the minimum with S33. The increase in the um. Similarly, Sarwar and Kremer (1995) screened 16
number of pods per plant as a result of inoculation different bacterial isolates belonging to the genera
ranged from 4 to 26.7% compared with the uninoculated Enterobacter, Xanthomonas, Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes
control. A significant correlation (r =0.78 at P =0.01) and Agrobacterium collected from the rhizosphere of
was observed between the number of pods per plant and various plants for auxin production. Four isolates of
in vitro auxin production by PGPR when incubated in Pseudomonas spp. from bulk soil were also capable of
the presence of L-TRP. producing auxins in vitro. Likewise, Fuentes-Ramirez et
Inoculation with all the PGPR increased 1,000-grain al. (1993) reported that all 18 strains of Acetobacter
weight significantly (Table 4). The increase varied from diazotrophicus isolated from the rhizosphere of 13 culti-
17.1% to 33.9% compared with the uninoculated control. vars of sugarcane had the ability to produce IAA in vitro
The maximum 1,000-grain weight (3.8 g) produced by ranging from 0.14 to 2.42 µg IAA ml–1.
inoculation with isolate S54 and S55 was 33.9% higher In agreement to our results, various other workers
than the uninoculated control. All treatments had approx- have also reported stimulation of auxin production in
imately the same effect on 1,000-grain weight, but dif- response to L-TRP application (Sarwar et al. 1992;
ference among the treatments was statistically non-sig- Martens and Frankenberger 1993; Zahir et al. 2000).
nificant. Mordukhora et al. (1991) screened 216 strains of the ge-
Table 4 reveals that most of the isolates (S54, S26, nus Pseudomonas for their ability to produce IAA and
S84, S89, S55 and S74) increased grain yield significant- observed that Pseudomonas was stimulated to synthesize
ly over the uninoculated control. The other isolates (S38, IAA upon the addition of tryptophan to the medium.
S87, S82, and S33) were non-significant on grain yield. Similar to our findings, auxin production by ten Azoto-
Maximum grain yield (13.8 g/plant) was obtained when bacter cultures isolated from maize rhizosphere ranged
inoculated with isolate S54 being 45% higher than the from 1.5 to 3.1 mg l–1. Selected Azotobacter cultures
uninoculated control. The grain yield had a significant were monitored for substrate- (L-TRP-) dependent auxin
correlation (r =0.77 at P =0.01) with in vitro auxin pro- production and it was revealed that supplementation with
duction by PGPR when incubated in the presence of L-TRP (10–3 M) resulted in a 171% increase in auxin
L-TRP. production by the Azotobacter culture Z4 (Zahir et al.
Isolates S54 and S84 significantly increased the oil 2000).
content of raya compared with the uninoculated control. Similar to our findings regarding variation in the abil-
Isolate S54 produced the highest oil contents (up to ity to biosynthesize auxin among rhizobacteria, many
44.2%), which were 6% greater than the uninoculated other workers also have reported that auxin production
control. Isolate S38 was the least effective in increasing by microbial isolates varied greatly within species and/or
oil content of raya. strains of the same species (Fuentes-Ramirez et al. 1993;
In pot trial, the plant height ranged from 107.0 to Mansour et al. 1994; Zahir et al. 2000).
167.5 cm, stem diameter from 8.2 to 11.0 mm, number In our laboratory trial, results showed significant in-
of branches from 7.0 to 9.5, number of pods per plant crease in shoot length (43%), root length (154%) and
from 330.8 to 419.0, 1,000-grain weight from 2.8 to shoot weight (107%) in response to inoculation with
3.8 g, grain yield from 9.5 to 13.8 g/plant and oil con- rhizobacterial isolates. Kloepper et al. (1991) also report-
tents from 41.9% to 44.2% in response to inoculation ed similar results. They found that inoculation with
with selective isolates. PGPR increased the emergence and dry weight of rape-
seed seedlings while Noel et al. (1996) found that inocu-
lation with PGPR significantly promoted the early seed-
Discussion ling and root growth of canola. The results of Glick et al.
(1997) also support the findings of our study. They ex-
In this study all rhizobacterial isolates produced auxins amined the early development of canola seedling with
(expressed as IAA equivalents) in the presence and ab- P. putida GR12-2 and found that this bacterium promot-
sence of L-TRP although much variation was observed in ed root and shoot growth. Similarly Bertrand et al.
the potential to produce auxins. Auxin production by all (2001) reported a significant increase in root dry weight
isolates increased when culture medium was supple- ranging from 11% to 52% in canola upon inoculation
mented with an auxin precursor, L-TRP. The L-TRP- with PGPR.
derived auxins were increased up to 24.6 µg ml–1which In the pot trial, seed inoculation with PGPR signifi-
was 184-fold more than that without L-TRP. This in- cantly increased plant height, stem diameter, number of
crease in auxin production due to L-TRP also varied with branches, 1,000-grain weight, number of pods per plant,
rhizobacterial isolates. This is in agreement with the grain yield and oil content from 5.6% to 56.5% over the
findings of many workers (Fuentes-Ramirez et al. 1993; uninoculated control. In agreement to our results, field
Leinhos and Vacek 1994; Sarwar and Kremer 1995; trials conducted by Mei (1989) and Chen et al. (1994) re-
Zahir et al. 2000). Leinhos and Vacek (1994) reported vealed that rapeseed inoculation with Bacillus cereus in-

creased the grain yield by 11.5%. Likewise, replicated Frankenberger WT Jr, Arshad M (1995) Phytohormones in
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and up to 11.4% and 14.7% increases in yields was ob- Freitas JR de, Banerjee MR, Germida JJ (1997) Phosphate-solu-
served with B. cereus strains A-47 over control yields bilizing rhizobacteria enhance the growth and yield but not
each year. In addition to yield promotion, PGPR inocula- phosphorus uptake of canola (Brassica napus L.). Biol Fertil
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