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Chapter 1: Introduction to Project Management ......................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2: The Project Management and Information Technology Context ............................................... 5
Chapter 3: The Project Management Process Groups: A Case Study ........................................................... 8
Chapter 4: Project Integration Management ............................................................................................. 12
Chapter 5: Project Scope Management ...................................................................................................... 16
Chapter 6: Project Time Management ....................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 7: Project Cost Management ........................................................................................................ 25
Chapter 8: Project Quality Management .................................................................................................... 29
Chapter 9: Project Human Resource Management .................................................................................... 33
Chapter 10: Project Communications Management .................................................................................. 38
Chapter 11: Project Risk Management ....................................................................................................... 43
Chapter 12: Project Procurement Management ........................................................................................ 46

Chapter 1: Introduction to Project Management

1. Many organizations claim that one of the advantages of using project management is ____.
a. lower profit margins c. lower quality
b. lower costs d. lower worker morale

2. Because a project often requires resources from various areas, many projects cross ____ or other
boundaries to achieve their unique purpose.
a. financial c. departmental
b. spatial d. technological

3. The project ____ usually provides direction and funding for the project.
a. leader c. manager
b. sponsor d. director

4. Project ____ is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to
meet project requirements.
a. sponsorship c. technology
b. advice d. management

5. ____ are the people involved in or affected by project activities and include the project sponsor, project
team, support staff, customers, users, suppliers, and even opponents to the project.
a. Managers c. Directors
b. Stakeholders d. Citizens


6. In the example of the project of building a house, the sponsors would be the potential ____.
a. contractors c. managers
b. support staff d. homeowners

7. Project ____ management ensures that the project will satisfy the stated or implied needs for which it was
a. scope c. time
b. quality d. cost

8. Project ____ management involves generating, collecting, disseminating, and storing project information.
a. risk c. communications
b. procurement d. resource

9. Project ____ resource management is concerned with making effective use of the people involved with
the project.
a. human c. communications
b. risk d. procurement

10. Project ____ management, the ninth knowledge area, is an overarching function that affects and is
affected by all of the other knowledge areas.
a. cost c. integration
b. quality d. time

11. What works on one project may not work on another, so it is essential for project managers to continue to
develop their knowledge and ____ in managing projects.
a. time c. funding
b. resources d. skills

12. Although information technology project managers need to draw on their information technology
expertise or the expertise of key team members, they must spend ____ time becoming better project managers
and ____ time becoming information technology experts in order to successfully lead their project teams.
a. less/less c. less/more
b. more/less d. more/more

13. Most people agree that the modern concept of project management began with the ____.
a. Great Wall of China c. Egyptian pyramids
b. first space shuttle d. Manhattan Project

14. ____ was the key industry behind the development of several project management techniques.
a. NASA c. Steel manufacturing
b. The military d. Marine biology


15. In ____, Henry Gantt developed the famous Gantt chart as a tool for scheduling work in factories.
a. 1817 c. 1927
b. 1917 d. 1957

16. A Gantt chart displays a project’s start and finish dates in a ____ format.
a. pie chart c. bar graph
b. line graph d. calendar

17. The longest path through a network diagram that determines the earliest completion of a project is called
the ____ path.
a. essential c. critical
b. important d. vital

18. By the ____, the military had begun to use software to help manage large projects.
a. 1960s c. 1980s
b. 1970s d. 1990s

19. ____ was an early project management software product that helped managers analyze complex schedules
for designing aircraft.
a. Artemis c. Vega
b. Columbia d. Oberlin

20. ____ project management software integrates information from multiple projects to show the status of
active, approved, and future projects across an entire organization and provides links to more detailed
a. Investment c. Enterprise (t tra đc là đáp án này)
b. Active d. Budget ( k chắc)

21. Being an information technology project manager involves understanding project management, the
information technology function, and the ____ environment of the project.
a. social c. business
b. computer d. spatial

22. A PMO, or Project ____ Office, is an organizational group responsible for coordinating the project
management function throughout an organization.
a. Management c. Municipal
b. Money d. Marketing

23. There are several project management degree programs available, and a(n) ____ number of people are
earning Masters degrees and doctorates in project management.
a. unchanging c. decreasing
b. increasing d. steady


24. PMI provides certification as a Project Management ____ (PMP)--someone who has documented
sufficient project experience and education, agreed to follow the PMI code of professional conduct, and
demonstrated knowledge of the field of project management by passing a comprehensive examination.
a. Producer c. Professional
b. Practitioner d. Professor

25. By the end of 2002, there were approximately ____ people certified by PMI.
a. 1,000 c. 50,000
b. 5,000 d. 500,000

26. ____ tools are often recommended for small projects and single users.
a. Low-end c. High-end
b. Midrange d. Expensive

27. ____ tools, sometimes referred to as enterprise project management software, provide robust capabilities
to handle very large projects.
a. Low-end c. High-end
b. Midrange d. Inexpensive


28. The figure above is an example of a(n) ____ management tool.

a. portfolio c. technology
b. information d. project

29. The Project Management ____, a Web site for people involved in project management, provides an
alphabetical listing of and links to hundreds of products that help manage projects.
a. Center c. Consortium
b. Alliance d. Facility

Chapter 2: The Project Management and Information Technology Context

1. The term systems approach emerged in the ____.
a. 1940s c. 1960s
b. 1950s d. 1970s

2. Systems ____ is a problem-solving approach that requires defining the scope of the system, dividing it
into its components, and then identifying and evaluating its problems, opportunities, constraints, and needs.
a. analysis c. management
b. philosophy d. system

3. Organizational and ____ are both examples of spheres in the systems management model.
a. analytical c. philosophical
b. marketing d. technological

4. The systems approach requires that project managers ____ view their projects in the context of the larger
a. never c. sometimes
b. rarely d. always

5. The ____ frame of an organization focuses on producing harmony between the needs of the organization
and the needs of the people.
a. symbolic c. human resources
b. structural d. political

6. According to the ____ frame, what is most important about any event in an organization is not what
actually happened, but what it means.
a. structural c. human resources
b. symbolic d. political

7. The R in an ERP system stands for ____.

a. resource c. retrofit
b. rescue d. reframing


8. A ____ organizational structure is the hierarchy most people think of when picturing an organizational
a. management c. functional
b. project d. matrix

9. Project managers have the ____ authority in a pure project organization and the ____ amount of authority
in a pure functional organization.
a. most/most c. least/most
b. most/least d. least/least

10. In a ____ organizational structure, the project manager has little or no authority.
a. functional c. strong matrix
b. weak matrix d. project

11. External stakeholders include ____.

a. functional managers c. concerned citizens
b. support staff d. the project team

12. According to the 2001 Standish Group study, the most important factor for helping a project succeed is
a. having clear business objectives c. user involvement
b. experienced project management d. executive support

13. Information technology project managers work ____ in an environment in which top management values
information technology.
a. poorly c. slowly
b. adequately d. best

14. The head of information technology is often called the Chief ____ Officer.
a. Technology c. Information
b. Executive d. Professional

15. The concept and development phases are often referred to as project ____.
a. feasibility c. cycles
b. acquisition d. deliverables

16. The implementation and close-out phases are often referred to as project ____.
a. feasibility c. cycles
b. acquisition d. deliverables


17. A preliminary or rough cost estimate is developed in the ____ phase.

a. implementation c. concept
b. development d. close-out

18. A ____ is a deliverable-oriented document that defines the total scope of the project.
a. BIOS c. PMP
b. CIO d. WBS

19. A definitive cost estimate is most likely to be produced in the ____ phase of a project.
a. development c. concept
b. implementation d. close-out

20. The last phase of the project life cycle is ____.

a. close-out c. concept
b. development d. implementation

21. ____ is an example of an ASD life cycle model.

a. RAD c. XP
b. Waterfall d. Prototyping

22. Recently, the term ____ software development has become popular to describe new approaches for
managing software development projects.
a. active c. atypical
b. ancillary d. agile

23. Scrum sprints normally last ____ days.

a. 10 c. 30
b. 20 d. 40

24. Scrum works best for projects using ____ technology.

a. object-oriented c. database
b. outdated d. automotive


25. The figure above shows the phases of the ____ life cycle.
a. product c. systems development
b. project d. adaptive

26. By breaking projects into ____, top management can make sure that the projects are still compatible with
the needs of the rest of the company.
a. products c. data
b. scrums d. phases

27. Most trade schools, colleges, and universities did not start offering degrees in computer technology,
computer science, management information systems, or other information technology areas until the ____.
a. 1960s c. 1980s
b. 1970s d. 1990s

28. The National Science Foundation found that ____ is a skill needed in every major information technology
field, from database administrator to network specialist to technical writer.
a. programming c. editing
b. project management d. marketing

29. Effective project managers are ____.

a. talkative c. self-questioning
b. visionaries d. poor motivators

Chapter 3: The Project Management Process Groups: A Case Study

1. Project management consists of ____ knowledge areas.
a. two c. nine
b. five d. twenty

2. One of project management knowledge areas is ____.

a. procurement management c. information
b. technology d. quantity

3. Projects involve ____ project management process groups.

a. two c. seven
b. five d. nine

4. One of the project management process groups is ____.

a. initiating c. transferring
b. sending d. combining


5. ____ processes include actions to begin or end projects and project phases.
a. Planning c. Executing
b. Controlling d. Initiating

6. ____ processes include devising and maintaining a workable scheme to ensure the project addresses the
company’s needs.
a. Planning c. Executing
b. Controlling d. Initiating

7. A common ____ process is a performance review during which any necessary changes are identified, and
a staff member is selected to analyze and manage those changes.
a. executing c. initiating
b. controlling d. planning

8. ____ processes include formalizing acceptance of the phase or project and ending it efficiently.
a. Planning c. Closing
b. Controlling d. Executing

9. Examples of ____ processes include developing the project team, providing leadership, assuring project
quality, disseminating information, procuring necessary resources, and delivering the actual work.
a. initiating c. closing
b. planning d. executing ( may be)

10. The PMBOK Guide 2000 identifies ____ outputs.

a. two c. eight
b. four d. ten

11. Clarification of ____ is one of the four outputs listed in the PMBOK Guide 2000.
a. needs c. constraints
b. issues d. demands

12. Some organizations require an approved corporate project request and an initial and detailed business case
in a phase called ____-project initiation.
a. pre c. after
b. post d. semi

13. According to JWD’s business objective, the company’s strategic goals include continuing growth and
a. gaining marketshare c. portability
b. collaboration d. profitability


14. The main purpose of a project plan is to ____ project execution.

a. prohibit c. follow
b. guide (Đoán đấy) (đúng r đấy :) d. eliminate

15. One of the outputs related to a project’s scope is a(n) ____.

a. activity list (đoán tiếp)(đoán sai r :) c. project schedule
b. cost estimate d. WBS(tra được)

16. A planning process that belongs to the knowledge area of time is ____ definition.
a. scope c. activity
b. cost d. quality

17. Creating an organizational ____ is an output involved in organizational planning.

a. role c. plan b. chart d. directory
18. Creating a(n) ____ management plan is an output related to the organizational planning of human
a. staffing c. priority
b. risk d. communications

19. The scope statement lists the importance of documenting the product characteristics and requirements,
summarizes the ____, and describes project success criteria.
a. questions c. deliverables
b. issues d. techniques

20. After the project title, date, and the name of the person who prepared the statement, the next section of the
scope statement is the Project ____.
a. Characteristics c. Deliverables
b. Requirements d. Justification

21. WBS stands for the Work ____ Structure.

a. Bulletin c. Building
b. Background d. Breakdown

22. On JWD’s WBS, status reports are part of the ____ stage.
a. planning c. executing
b. controlling d. closing


23. The figure above is an example of a ____ chart.

a. Gantt c. Summary
b. Hierarchy d. WBS

24. The highlighted boxes in the chart above represents tasks on the ____ path.
a. important c. information
b. critical d. executive

25. Executing the project involves taking the actions necessary to ensure that activities in the project plan are
a. initiated c. completed
b. deleted d. considered

26. It usually takes the most resources to accomplish project ____.

a. planning c. input
b. hiring d. execution


27. The figure above represents a portion of a ____ report.

a. calendar c. planning
b. Gantt d. milestone

28. ____ is the process of measuring progress towards project objectives, monitoring deviation from the plan,
and taking corrective action to match progress with the plan.
a. Controlling c. Executing
b. Planning d. Reforming

29. Controlling affects ____ other phases of the project life cycle.
a. no c. all
b. some d. two

30. The ____ process includes verifying that all of the deliverables are complete and often includes a final
a. initiating c. planning
b. closing d. controlling

Chapter 4: Project Integration Management

1. There are ____ main processes involved in project integration management( 5 phases 6 processes)
a. two c. four
b. three d. five??

2. Projects that are somewhat ambiguous at the beginning are often described as having a fuzzy ____.
a. high-end c. back-end
b. rear-end d. front-end

3. Most people consider project integration ____ the key to overall project success.
a. management c. clients
b. programmers d. marketers

4. ____ management involves identifying and managing the points of interaction between various elements
of the project.( search đáp án là integration)
a. Interlace c. Interface
b. Interproject d. Interpreted

5. The ____ process of project integration management is project plan development.

a. first c. third (trong lect là thứ 3 nhé mn - nhật)
b. second d. fourth


6. In order to integrate across project management knowledge areas and across the organization, there must
be a good ____ plan.
a. floor c. marketing
b. project d. coding

7. Every project needs a ____.

a. tailor-made software package c. sponsor
b. Gantt chart d. sales team

8. The description of the project in the project plan should be written in ____ terms.
a. layperson’s c. financial
b. technical d. legal

9. The project ____ should always be the contact for project information.
a. plan c. programmer
b. sales executive d. manager

10. Project controls should be described in the ____ section of the project plan.
a. organizational c. overview
b. management and technical approaches d. project schedule

11. The acronym CASE stands for Computer Aided Software ____.
a. Engineering c. Entertainment
b. Experimentation d. Education

12. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard 1058.1 describes the contents of
a(n) ____.
a. Gantt chart c. Software Project Management Plan
b. Object-oriented Management Plan d. Software Development Plan

13. The ____ process of project integration management is project plan execution.
a. first c. third
b. second d. fourth (thứ 4 nhé - nhật)

14. The majority of time on a project is usually spent on ____.

a. analysis c. development
b. testing d. execution


15. The main function of creating project plans is to guide project ____.
a. marketing c. interface
b. development d. execution

16. Most systems analysts begin their careers as ____.

a. programmers c. clients
b. project managers d. sales representatives

17. Good project plan execution also requires a ____ organizational culture.
a. large c. supportive
b. distracted d. wealthy

18. ResNet was the first large information technology project at Northwest Airlines led by a(n) ____
manager, and it was a roaring success.
a. financial c. project
b. business d. accounting

19. Project managers or other team members can create Gantt charts using software such as Microsoft ____.
a. Project 2002( chắc chắn rồi, đoán gì) c. Internet Explorer
b. Windows XP d. Windows NT

20. The figure above shows a schematic of the ____ process

a. project integration management c. systems development life cycle
b. project life cycle d. integrated change control


21. The project ____ provides the baseline for identifying and controlling project changes.
a. manager c. deliverable
b. plan d. software

22. Information technology often used to be referred to as data ____.

a. transference c. automation
b. interpretation d. management

23. Project managers should use ____ performance reports to help identify and manage project changes.
a. written and oral c. oral
b. written d. neither written nor oral

24. The goal of a ____ meeting is to communicate what is most important on the project quickly.
a. stand-up c. pack-in
b. front-end d. get-out

25. It is the ____ responsibility to integrate all project changes so that the project stays on track.
a. sales representative’s c. project manager’s
b. client’s d. programmer’s

26. Project management is a process of ____ communication and negotiation.

a. reducing c. disregarding
b. constant d. occasional


27. The above figure shows a software application tool’s creation of a(n) ____.
a. workflow diagram c. Gantt chart
b. object model d. project life cycle

28. The main purpose of a project plan is to facilitate ____.

a. explanation c. thought
b. stasis d. action

Chapter 5: Project Scope Management

1. CIO refers to the Chief ____ Officer.
a. Inspection c. Interpretive
b. Information d. Isolation

2. Many factors involved with project success, such as user involvement, clear business objectives,
minimized scope, and firm basic requirements are elements of project ____ management.
a. scope c. planning
b. funding d. initiation

3. The term ____ refers to all the work involved in creating the products of the project and the processes
used to create them.
a. enactment c. scope
b. enterprise d. development
4. The term ____ describes a product produced as part of a project.
a. input c. process
b. output d. deliverable

5. There are ____ main processes involved in project scope management.

a. two c. five
b. three d. nine

6. ____ involves committing the organization to begin a project or continue to the next phase of a project.
a. Scope planning c. Scope definition
b. Initiation d. Scope change control

7. A project ____ is a key document for formally recognizing the existence and providing a broad overview
of a project.
a. charter c. action
b. plan d. deliverable


8. Scope ____ involves developing documents to provide the basis for future project decisions, including the
criteria for determining if a project or phase has been completed successfully.
a. definition c. verification
b. change control d. planning

9. Scope ____ involves subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller, more manageable
components.(Tra đc là Creating WBS)
a. planning c. verification
b. definition d. change control

10. The project team creates a work breakdown structure (WBS) during the scope ____ process.
a. definition c. initiation
b. change control d. planning

11. Scope ____ involves formalizing acceptance of the project scope.

a. definition c. verification
b. planning d. change control

12. Scope changes, corrective action, and lessons learned are outputs of the scope ____ process.
a. verification c. planning
b. initiation d. change control (May be)

13. The term “SWOT” analysis refers to analyzing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and ____.
a. Treats c. Time
b. Threats d. Traffic

14. Many information systems are classified as ____ because they directly support key business strategies.
a. secret c. profitable
b. ancillary d. strategic

15. One method for selecting projects based on broad organizational needs is to determine whether they first
meet three important criteria: need, funding, and ____.
a. value c. time
b. will d. deliverables

16. ____ are undesirable situations that prevent an organization from achieving its goals.
a. Problems c. Opportunities
b. Directives d. Assets


17. ____ are chances to improve the organization.

a. Problems c. Initiatives
b. Directives d. Opportunities (May be)

18. ____ are new requirements imposed by management, government, or some external influence.
a. Objectives c. Directives
b. Goals d. Incentives

19. EDI stands for ____ data interchange.

a. economic c. event-driven
b. electronic d. effective

20. A(n) ____ rate is also called the required rate of return, hurdle rate, or opportunity cost of capital.
a. development c. opportunity
b. discount d. availability

21. The formula for the discount factor is ____ where r is the discount rate and t is the year.
a. 1(1+r) c. 1/(1+r)
t t

b. t/(1+r) d. r(1+t)

22. ROI stands for return on ____.

a. interest c. intelligence
b. information d. investment
23. A balanced ____ is a methodology that converts an organization’s value drivers, such as customer
service, innovation, operational efficiency, and financial performance, to a series of defined metrics.
a. scorecard c. equation
b. Gantt chart d. charter

24. A project ____ is a document that formally recognizes the existence of a project and provides direction on
the project’s objectives and management.
a. goal c. charter
b. definition d. initiative

25. A scope ____ is a document used to develop and confirm a common understanding of the project scope.
a. plan c. initiative
b. chart d. statement

26. The project ____ describes the business need that sparked creation of the project.
a. plan c. budget
b. justification d. strategy


27. The process of breaking work into manageable pieces is called scope ____.
a. definition c. orientation
b. planning d. development

28. A work ____ structure is a deliverable-oriented grouping of the work involved in a project that defines the
total scope of the project.
a. definition c. breakdown
b. development d. benefit

29. A(n) ____ is often depicted as a task-oriented family tree of activities, similar to an organizational chart.
a. ROI c. Internet site
b. Gantt chart d. WBS

30. A WBS can be shown in ____ form as an indented list of tasks that shows the same groupings of the
a. pie chart c. Gantt chart
b. tabular d. bar graph

31. A(n) ____ package is a task at the lowest level of the WBS which generally should represent roughly
eighty hours of effort.
a. benefit c. work
b. investment d. production

32. Tasks under initiating include selecting a project manager, forming the project ____, and developing the
project charter.
a. team c. budget
b. goal d. liturgy

33. The ____ tasks vary the most from project to project, but many of the tasks under the other project
management process groups would be similar for all projects.
a. initiating c. planning
b. closing d. executing

34. Tasks under planning include developing a(n) ____ statement, creating a WBS, and developing and
refining other plans, which would be broken down in more detail for a real project.
a. scope c. independent
b. budget d. closing

35. One approach to developing work breakdown structures is to use ____.

a. formulas c. guidelines (may be)
b. investments d. contractors


36. When constructing a WBS, in the ____ approach, you use a similar project’s WBS as a starting point.
a. top-down c. guideline
b. bottom-up d. analogy

37. To use the ____ approach in creating a WBS, start with the largest items of the project and break them
into their subordinate items.
a. top-down c. analogy
b. bottom-up d. mind-mapping

38. When constructing a WBS, in the ____ approach, team members first identify as many specific tasks
related to the project as possible and then aggregate the specific tasks and organize them into summary activities,
or higher levels in the WBS.
a. top-down c. analogy
b. bottom-up d. mind-mapping

39. The ____ approach is a technique that uses branches radiating out from a core idea to structure thoughts
and ideas.
a. top-down c. analogy
b. bottom-up d. mind-mapping

40. The tendency for project scope to keep getting bigger and bigger is called ____ creep.
a. project c. scope
b. process d. guideline
41. The 1995 Standish Group CHAOS study found that key factors associated with information technology
project success include user involvement and a clear statement of project ____.
a. budget c. values
b. requirements d. staff

42. Research and practice indicate that in order to verify project scope and control scope change, you need to
improve user ____ and reduce incomplete and changing requirements and specifications.
a. output c. input
b. technology d. safety

43. JAD stands for joint ____ design.

a. accuracy c. artistic
b. availability d. application

44. Common techniques for selecting projects include focusing on broad organization needs, categorizing
projects, performing financial analyses, developing weighted scoring models, and using balanced ____.
a. pie charts c. Gantt charts
b. scorecards d. portfolios


45. A type of software, called a(n) ____ management tool, aids in capturing and maintaining requirements
information, provides immediate access to the information, and assists in establishing necessary relationships
between requirements and information created by other tools.
a. project c. information
b. regulations d. requirements

Chapter 6: Project Time Management

1. According to the 1995 CHAOS report, unsuccessful information technology projects that were planned to
take one year ended up taking ____ years to complete.( có thông tin là 1.22)
a. 1.4 c. 2.2
b. 1.8 d. 2.6

2. Overall, ____ issues cause the most conflict over the life of a project.
a. budget c. planning
b. schedule d. verification

3. There are ____ main processes involved in project time management.

a. two c. six
b. four d. ten

4. Activity ____ involves identifying the specific activities that the project team members and stakeholders
must perform to produce the project deliverables.
a. conflict c. verification
b. modification d. definition
5. Activity ____ involves identifying and documenting the relationships between project activities.
a. duration c. control
b. development d. sequencing

6. Activity ____ estimating involves estimating the number of work periods that are needed to complete
individual activities.
a. duration c. development
b. sequencing d. control

7. Schedule ____ involves analyzing activity sequences, activity duration estimates, and resource
requirements to create the project schedule.
a. sequencing c. control
b. development d. duration

8. Schedule ____ involves managing changes to the project schedule.

a. sequencing c. development
b. duration d. control


9. Activity ____ involves reviewing the activities in the detailed WBS, detailed product descriptions,
assumptions, and constraints to determine the relationships between activities.
a. budgeting c. sequencing
b. definition d. management

10. There are ____ basic reasons for creating dependencies among project activities.
a. three c. eight
b. five d. nine

11. ____ dependencies are inherent in the nature of the work being done on a project.
a. Mandatory c. External
b. Discretionary d. Relationship

12. ____ dependencies are defined by the project team.

a. Mandatory c. External
b. Discretionary d. Relationship

13. ____ dependencies involve relationships between project and non-project activities.
a. Mandatory c. External
b. Discretionary d. Relationship

14. A project ____ diagram is a schematic display of the logical relationships among, or sequencing of,
project activities.
a. Gantt c. schedule
b. bar graph d. network

15. In the figure above, the letters A through J represent activities with ____ that are required to complete the
a. dependencies c. budgets
b. schedules d. deliverables


16. A PDM, or ____ diagramming method (PDM) is a network diagramming technique in which boxes
represent activities.
a. precedence c. parallel
b. predictive d. primary

17. ____ is a relationship in which the “from” activity cannot start until the “to” activity is started.
a. Finish-to-start c. Finish-to-finish
b. Start-to-start d. Start-to-finish

18. ____ is a rarely used relationship in which the “from” activity must start before the “to” activity can be
a. Finish-to-start c. Finish-to-finish
b. Start-to-start d. Start-to-finish

19. An example of a ____ relationship is when quality control efforts cannot finish before production
finishes, although the two activities can be performed at the same time.
a. Finish-to-start c. Finish-to-finish
b. Start-to-start d. Start-to-finish

20. The number of workdays or work hours required to complete a task is called ____.
a. duration c. effort
b. length d. time
21. On a Gantt chart, a(n) ____ is a significant event on a project with zero duration.
a. marker c. milestone
b. goal d. inning

22. The critical path method (CPM) also called critical path ____ is used to predict total project duration.
a. requirements c. therapy
b. divisions d. analysis

23. Slack or ____ is the amount of time an activity may be delayed without delaying a succeeding activity or
the project finish date.
a. flotsam c. excess
b. float d. padding

24. A(n) ____ pass determines the early start and early finish dates for each activity.
a. forward c. late
b. backward d. early


25. ____ is a technique for making cost and schedule trade-offs to obtain the greatest amount of schedule
compression for the least incremental cost.
a. Costing c. Creating
b. Crashing d. Culling

26. ____ tracking involves doing activities in parallel that you would normally do in sequence.
a. Parallel c. Slow
b. Simultaneous d. Fast

27. The Theory of ____ (TOC) is based on the fact that, like a chain with its weakest link, any complex
system at any point in time often has only one aspect that limits its ability to achieve more of its goal.
a. Complaints c. Constructs
b. Constraints d. Conventions

28. ____ Law states that work expands to fill the time allowed.
a. Parkinson’s c. Murphy’s
b. Gantt’s d. Stevenson’s

29. Lucent Technologies Outside Plant Fiber Optic Cable Business Unit used critical chain scheduling to
reduce its product introduction interval by ____ percent.
a. 20 c. 40
b. 30 d. 50

30. ____ Technologies Group successfully implemented critical chain scheduling to manage more than 200
concurrent projects in nine locations.
a. Lucent c. Synergis
b. Antarctic d. U.S.

31. ADM stands for ____ diagramming method.

a. advanced c. assertive
b. arrow d. anchor

32. ____-on-arrow (AOA) is a network diagramming technique in which activities are represented by arrows
and connected at points to illustrate the sequence of activities.
a. Activity c. Advances
b. Arrow d. Articles

33. A(n) ____ pass is a project network diagramming technique that determines the late start and late finish
dates for each activity in a similar fashion.
a. forward c. fast
b. backward d. slow


34. A(n) ____ is when a single node is followed by two or more activities on a network diagram.
a. start c. milestone
b. arrow d. burst

35. A(n) ____ occurs when two or more nodes precede a single node on a network diagram.
a. mesh c. merge
b. milestone d. burst

36. The equation for the PERT ____ average is: (optimistic time + 4(most likely time) + pessimistic time)/6.
a. weighted c. slack
b. probabilistic d. constraint

37. A(n) ____ Gantt chart is a Gantt chart that compares planned and actual project schedule information.
a. information c. singular
b. tracking d. inverted

38. One of the first ____ checks a project manager should make is to review the draft schedule usually
included in the project charter.
a. time c. progress
b. reality d. account

39. ____-coding involves entering all activity dates manually instead of letting the software calculate them
based on durations and relationships.
a. Cold c. Hard
b. Hot d. Slow

Chapter 7: Project Cost Management

1. The additional percentage or dollar amount by which actual costs exceed estimates is called the cost ____.
a. excess c. completion
b. availability d. overrun

2. EVM stands for ____ value management.

a. excess c. eventual
b. earned d. economic

3. Project ____ management includes the processes required to ensure that a project team completes a
project within an approved budget.
a. cost c. scope
b. time frame d. goal


4. ____ planning involves determining what people, equipment, and materials a project team should use to
perform project activities and the quantities of each resource.
a. Scope c. Resource
b. Cost d. Development

5. The output of the resource planning process is a list of resource ____.

a. goals c. ideas
b. requirements d. plans

6. Cost ____ involves developing an approximation of the costs of the resources needed to complete a
a. budgeting c. estimating
b. control d. planning

7. The main outputs of the cost estimating process are cost estimates, ____ detail, and a cost management
a. development c. scope
b. budget d. supporting

8. Cost ____ involves allocating the overall cost estimate to individual work items to establish a baseline for
measuring performance.
a. budgeting c. control
b. analysis d. estimating
9. The main output of the cost budgeting process is a cost ____.
a. graph c. analysis
b. baseline d. estimate

10. The main outputs of the cost control process are revised cost estimates, budget ____, corrective action,
estimate at completion, and lessons learned.
a. charts c. updates
b. timelines d. goals

11. Profit ____ is the ratio between revenues and profits.

a. margin c. scope
b. life cycle d. cost

12. ____ costing allows you to see a big-picture view of the cost of a project and develop an accurate
projection of a project’s financial benefits.
a. Project scope c. Development
b. Life cycle d. Profit


13. ____ costs or benefits are those costs or benefits that an organization can easily measure in dollars.
a. Sunk c. Indirect
b. Direct d. Tangible

14. ____ costs or benefits are costs or benefits that are difficult to measure in monetary terms.
a. Indirect c. Intangible
b. Direct d. Tangible

15. ____ costs are costs related to a project that an organization can trace back in a cost-effective way.
a. Direct c. Sunk
b. Indirect d. Intangible

16. The cost of electricity, paper towels, and so on in a large building housing a thousand employees are
examples of ____ costs.
a. tangible c. direct
b. intangible d. indirect

17. ____ cost is money that has been spent in the past.
a. Direct c. Sunk
b. Indirect d. Intangible

18. Contingency reserves, also sometimes called ____, allow for future situations that may be partially
planned for and are included in the project cost baseline.
a. unknown knowns c. unknown unknowns
b. known unknowns d. known knowns

19. Management reserves, sometimes called ____, allow for future situations that are unpredictable.
a. unknown unknowns c. unknown knowns
b. known unknowns d. known knowns

20. A ROM or a rough order of ____ (ROM) estimate provides a rough idea of what a project will cost.
a. maintenance c. magnitude
b. money d. misdemeanors

21. ____ estimates are used for making many purchasing decisions for which accurate estimates are required
and for estimating final project costs.
a. Budgetary c. Rough
b. Definitive d. Absolute


22. ____ estimates use the actual cost of a previous, similar project as the basis for estimating the cost of the
current project.
a. Analogous c. Parametric
b. Bottom-up d. Constructive Cost

23. One popular parametric model is the ____ Cost Model, which is used for estimating software
development costs based on parameters such as the source lines of code or function points.
a. Creative c. Coupled
b. Collaborative d. Constructive

24. EVM or ____ value management is a project performance measurement technique that integrates scope,
time, and cost data.
a. excess c. earned
b. eventual d. elapsed

25. A(n) ____ is the original project plan plus approved changes.
a. description c. forecast
b. baseline d. assignment

26. The ____ value (PV), also called the budget, is that portion of the approved total cost estimate planned to
be spent on an activity during a given period.
a. prepared c. periodical
b. planned d. participant
27. The ____ is the total direct and indirect costs incurred in accomplishing work on an activity during a
given period.
a. planned value c. actual cost
b. earned value d. budgeted cost

28. ____ is the earned value minus the actual cost.

a. Schedule variance c. Schedule performance index
b. Cost performance index d. Cost variance

29. The ____ performance index can be used to calculate the estimate at completion (EAC), an estimate of
what it will cost to complete the project based on performance to date.
a. completion c. spreadsheet
b. cost d. project


30. The figure above shows the earned value chart for the project after ____ month(s).
a. one c. twelve
b. five d. thirteen

Chapter 8: Project Quality Management

1. Currently, about ____ percent of U.S. homes have computers.

a. 25 c. 75
b. 50 d. 95

2. It took only ____ years for fifty million people to use the Internet compared to twenty-five years for fifty
million people to use telephones.
a. two c. fifteen
b. five d. twenty
3. ____ is defined as the totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or
implied needs.
a. Fitness c. Performance
b. Conformance d. Quality

4. ____ for use means a product can be used as it was intended.

a. Fitness c. Performance
b. Conformance d. Quality

5. Quality ____ includes identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and how to satisfy
those standards.
a. assurance c. planning
b. control d. development


6. Quality ____ involves periodically evaluating overall project performance to ensure the project will
satisfy the relevant quality standards.
a. assurance c. planning
b. control d. development

7. Quality ____ involves monitoring specific project results to ensure that they comply with the relevant
quality standards while identifying ways to improve overall quality.
a. assurance c. planning
b. control d. development

8. ____ is the ability of a product or service to perform as expected under normal conditions without
unacceptable failures.
a. Performance c. Hardness
b. Maintainability d. Reliability

9. ____ generates ideas for quality improvements by comparing specific project practices or product
characteristics to those of other projects or products within or outside the performing organization.
a. Development c. Benchmarking
b. Scope assessment d. Planning

10. ____ is action taken to bring rejected items into compliance with product requirements or specifications
or other stakeholder expectations.
a. Rework c. Adjustment
b. Acceptance d. Rejection

11. VOC stands for ____ of the Customer data.

a. Volume c. Value
b. Voice d. Variety
12. Six Sigma principles for quality follow an improvement process called DMAIC, which stands for Define,
Measure, Analyze, ____, and Control.
a. Integrate c. Illuminate
b. Invest d. Improve

13. Standard ____ measures how much variation exists in a distribution of data.
a. derivation c. deviation
b. distribution d. difference

14. A ____ distribution is a bell-shaped curve that is symmetrical regarding the average value of the
a. normal c. negative
b. regular d. deviation


15. Six 9s of quality is a measure of quality control equal to 1 fault in ____ million opportunities.
a. 1 c. 6
b. 5 d. 9

16. A ____ chart is a graphic display of data that illustrates the results of a process over time.
a. calendar c. time
b. control d. procedural

17. The seven ____ rule states that if seven data points in a row are all below the mean, above the mean, or
are all increasing or decreasing, then the process needs to be examined for nonrandom problems.
a. qualities c. straight
b. point d. run

18. A(n) ____ test is done to test each individual component (often a program) to ensure it is as defect-free as
a. user c. unit
b. integration d. system

19. ____ testing ensures subsets of the entire system work together.
a. User c. Unit
b. Integration d. System

20. ____ testing focuses on the big picture to ensure the entire system is working properly.
a. User c. Unit
b. Integration d. System

21. ____ acceptance testing is an independent test performed by end users prior to accepting the delivered
a. User c. Unit
b. Integration d. System

22. The ____ Trilogy consists of quality improvement, quality planning, and quality control.
a. Deming c. Crosby
b. Juran d. Gantt

23. ____ stressed that the costs of poor quality should include all the costs of not doing the job right the first
time, such as scrap, rework, lost labor hours and machine hours, customer ill will and lost sales, and warranty
a. Deming c. Crosby
b. Juran d. Gantt


24. Quality ____ are groups of nonsupervisors and work leaders in a single company department who
volunteer to conduct group studies on how to improve the effectiveness of work in their department.
a. diagrams c. assurances
b. controls d. circles

25. ____ diagrams trace complaints about quality problems back to the responsible production operations.
a. Fishbone c. Quality
b. Gantt d. Crop

26. Key concepts in the ____ methods are that quality should be designed into the product and not inspected
into it and that quality is best achieved by minimizing deviation from the target value.
a. Crosby c. Deming
b. Taguchi d. Ishikawa

27. ____ Design methods focus on eliminating defects by substituting scientific inquiry for trial-and-error
a. Cost c. Robust
b. Fishbone d. Quality

28. Juran and many other quality experts argue that the main cause of quality problems is a lack of ____.
a. investments c. attention
b. time d. leadership

29. The cost of ____ is the cost of conformance plus the cost of nonconformance.
a. quality c. leadership
b. competition d. success

30. ____ means delivering products that meet requirements and fitness for use.
a. Performance c. Superiority
b. Conformance d. Availability

31. A cost incurred to correct an identified defect before the customer receives the product is called a(n) ____
a. prevention c. internal failure
b. appraisal d. external failure

32. Items such as scrap and rework, charges related to late payment of bills, inventory costs that are a direct
result of defects, costs of engineering changes related to correcting a design error, premature failure of products,
and correcting documentation all contribute to ____ cost.
a. prevention c. internal failure
b. appraisal d. external failure


33. A cost that relates to all errors not detected and not corrected before delivery to the customer is called a(n)
____ cost.
a. measurement c. internal failure
b. appraisal d. external failure

34. ____ models are frameworks for helping organizations improve their processes and systems.
a. Maturity c. Aging
b. Management d. Development

35. Organizations at the ____ maturity level have established basic project management processes to track
cost, schedule, and functionality for software projects.
a. initial c. defined
b. repeatable d. managed

36. At the ____ maturity level, the software processes for both management and software engineering
activities are documented, standardized, and integrated into a standard software process for the organization.
a. repeatable c. optimizing
b. managed d. defined

37. At the ____ maturity level, organizations can enable continuous process improvement by using
quantitative feedback from the processes and from piloting innovative ideas and technologies.
a. optimizing c. initial
b. repeatable d. defined

38. DeMarco found that the average large company devoted more than 60 percent of its software
development efforts to ____.
a. coding c. maintenance
b. debugging d. design

Chapter 9: Project Human Resource Management

1. According to a December 2002 report, hiring by non-IT companies outpaces hiring by IT companies by a
ratio of ____ to one.
a. three c. nine
b. six d. twelve

2. ICT spending stands for information and ____ technology spending.

a. computer c. collapsible
b. communication d. contact


3. Just under ____ percent of the graduates earning Bachelor’s degrees in computer related fields are female.
a. 20 c. 60
b. 40 d. 80

4. According to the ACM-W co-chair, girls and women are not turned off by technology, but by how it is
used in ____.
a. movies c. society
b. networking d. business

5. Project human resource management involves ____ primary processes.

a. two c. four
b. three d. five

6. According to Maslow, the most basic human need is ____.

a. safety c. physiological
b. social d. self-actualization

7. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is organized as a(n) ____.

a. pyramid c. circle
b. chain-of-command d. inverted pyramid

8. According to Maslow, you can begin meeting your esteem needs as soon as you have finished meeting
your ____ needs.
a. safety c. physiological
b. self-actualization d. social

9. Herzberg referred to factors that cause job satisfaction as ____.

a. hygiene c. self-actualizers
b. motivators d. starters

10. The ____ Apperception Test (TAT) is a tool that measures individual needs using McClelland’s
a. Theoretical c. Thematic
b. Technological d. Testing

11. The main categories of needs, according to McClelland, are achievement, ____, and power.
a. accolade c. safety
b. hygiene d. affiliation


12. McGregor’s Theory Y is sometimes referred to as ____ relations theory.

a. human c. motivator
b. classical d. need

13. Theory Z is based on the ____ approach to motivating workers.

a. Scandinavian c. American
b. Chinese d. Japanese

14. Thamhain and Wilemon identified ____ influence bases available to project managers.
a. three c. nine
b. six d. twelve

15. Thamhain and Wilemon found that when project managers used work challenge and ____ to influence
people, their projects were more likely to succeed.
a. penalty c. authority
b. expertise d. money

16. ____ power is based on an individual’s personal charisma.

a. Referent c. Expert
b. Legitimate d. Reward

17. Covey’s final habit is ____.

a. be proactive c. think win/win
b. sharpen the saw d. synergize

18. ____ listening is listening with the intent to understand.

a. Synergistic c. Empathic
b. Endemic d. Sympathetic
19. If a process is ____, it often takes more than one pass to refine it.
a. synergistic c. iterative
b. hierarchical d. organic

20. A responsibility ____ matrix (RAM) maps the work of the project to the people responsible.
a. aptitude c. association
b. affiliation d. assignment


21. The figure above is an example of a(n) ____.

a. RAM c. OBS
b. WBS d. OC

22. RACI charts show Responsibility, ____, Consultation, and Informed roles for project stakeholders.
a. Affiliation c. Authority
b. Accountability d. Accessibility

23. The figure above is an example of a(n) ____.

a. RACI chart c. OBS
b. RAM d. resource histogram

24. The main outputs of the ____ process are project staff assignments and a project team directory.
a. staff acquisition c. human resource management
b. team development d. organizational planning

25. An important part of staffing plans is maintaining a thorough and accurate inventory of employees’ ____.
a. hardware c. software
b. skills d. education


26. ____ means more resources than are available are assigned to perform work at a given time.
a. Mirroring c. Overallocation
b. Resource loading d. Synergy

27. The main purpose of resource leveling is to create a ____ distribution of resource usage.
a. smoother c. slack
b. larger d. crisis

28. When resource leveling using histograms, you should be employing the strategy from the computer game,
a. Quake c. Pong
b. Space Invaders d. Tetris

29. Training should be provided in a ____ fashion.

a. fastidious c. more-is-more
b. just-in-time d. traditional

30. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was first developed based on ____’s theory of psychological type.
a. Piaget c. Jung
b. Maslow d. Freud

31. In the MBTI, the other side of the Feeling dimension is ____.
a. Thinking c. Sensation
b. Intuition d. Perception

32. The 1985 MBTI study found that ____ percent of information systems developers were introverts.
a. 25 c. 75
b. 50 d. 100

33. The most productive teams should be limited to ____ people.

a. 1 to 3 c. 7 to 10
b. 3 to 7 d. 10 to 14

34. The second stage of the basic team-building stages is ____.

a. forming c. norming
b. performing d. storming

35. The third stage of the basic team-building stages is ____.

a. forming c. norming
b. performing d. storming


36. The resource ____ view of Project 2002 shows such information as the names of the people working on a
project and the total number of hours they are scheduled to work.
a. usage c. matrix
b. development d. project

37. If someone is overallocated, Project 2002 automatically puts a(n) ____ in the column to the left of their
a. star c. plus sign
b. exclamation point d. minus sign

38. The figure above shows a(n) ____ report.

a. organizational chart c. workflow breakdown
b. RACI d. resource usage

39. ____ factors will cause dissatisfaction if not present, but do not motivate workers to do more if present.
a. Synergy c. Self-actualizing
b. Hygiene d. RACI

Chapter 10: Project Communications Management

1. Many experts agree that the greatest threat to the success of any project, especially information
technology projects, is a failure to ____.
a. work c. organize
b. profit d. communicate
2. ____ involves determining the information and communications needs of the stakeholders.
a. Performance reporting c. Communications planning
b. Information distribution d. Administrative closure

3. ____ involves making needed information available to project stakeholders in a timely manner.
a. Performance reporting c. Communications planning
b. Information distribution d. Administrative closure


4. ____ involves collecting and disseminating performance information, including status reports, progress
measurement, and forecasting.
a. Performance reporting c. Communications planning
b. Information distribution d. Administrative closure

5. ____ involves generating, gathering, and disseminating information to formalize phase or project
a. Communications planning c. Performance reporting
b. Information distribution d. Administrative closure

6. Communicating includes many different dimensions such as ____, speaking, and listening.
a. programming c. hiring
b. writing d. meeting

7. A well-publicized example of misuse of ____ comes from the 1998 Justice Departments high-profile,
antitrust suit against Microsoft.
a. meetings c. e-mail
b. software d. project management

8. Studies show that less than ____ percent of communications consist of the actual content or words
a. 2 c. 8
b. 5 d. 10

9. ____ meetings have no chairs, and the lack of chairs forces people to focus on what they really need to
a. Stand-up c. Oral communication
b. Concerns d. Consultation

10. If you were trying to assess commitment of project stakeholders, a(n) ____ would be the most appropriate
medium to use.
a. telephone call c. meeting
b. e-mail d. memo

11. A(n) ____ is an excellent way to give complex instructions.

a. hard copy c. telephone call
b. meeting d. e-mail

12. A(n) ____ is a excellent medium for encouraging creative thinking.

a. e-mail c. hard copy
b. voice mail d. web-site


13. A voice mail is a(n) ____ way to build consensus.

a. excellent c. inappropriate
b. adequate d. reasonable

14. The equation for calculating the number of communication channels is ____.
a. (n-1)/2 c. 2n-1
b. (n-1)(n-2) d. n(n-1)/2

15. Many information technology professionals work on ____ projects where they never meet their project
sponsors, other team members, or other project stakeholders.
a. scattered c. collaborative
b. virtual d. moving

16. ____ address where the project stands in terms of meeting scope, time, and cost goals.
a. Progress reports c. Change requests
b. Forecasts d. Status reports

17. ____ describe what the project team has accomplished during a certain period.
a. Progress reports c. Change requests
b. Forecasts d. Status reports

18. ____ predict future project status and progress based on past information and trends.
a. Progress reports c. Change requests
b. Forecasts d. Status reports

19. ____ allow(s) time to collect project records, ensure those records reflect final specifications, analyze
project effectiveness, and archive information for future use.
a. Status review meetings c. Administrative closure
b. Project integration d. Face-to-face discussions

20. ____ reflective statements written by project managers and their team members.
a. Project archives are c. A status review is
b. Formal acceptance is d. Lessons learned are
21. When using the ____ mode, project managers directly face a conflict using a problem-solving approach
that allows affected parties to work through their disagreements.
a. confrontation c. forcing
b. compromise d. smoothing

22. With the ____ mode, project managers bargain and search for solutions that bring some degree of
satisfaction to all the parties in a dispute.
a. confrontation c. forcing
b. compromise d. withdrawal


23. Managers who are very competitive or autocratic in their management style might favor the ____ mode.
a. confrontation c. forcing
b. withdrawal d. smoothing

24. When using the ____ mode, project managers retreat from an actual or potential disagreement.
a. confrontation c. forcing
b. compromise d. withdrawal

25. A meeting held at the beginning of a project or project phase where all major project stakeholders discuss
project objectives is called a(n) ____ meeting.
a. starter c. introductory
b. kickoff d. formative

26. A project description should include the project objective, scope, assumptions, cost information, and ____
a. schedule c. management
b. funding d. staffing

27. A letter of ____ provides similar information as a contract or project charter in a friendlier way.
a. atonement c. agreement
b. analysis d. administration

28. For a long report, it is also a good idea to include a one-page ____ summary that highlights the most
important information in the report.
a. analytical c. descriptive
b. administrative d. executive

29. ____ highlight significant events, such as having the letter of agreement signed, or the completion of
major deliverables.
a. Markers c. Reports
b. Milestones d. Audits
30. In the past few years, more and more project teams have started putting all or part of their project
information, including various templates, on project ____.
a. e-mails c. videos
b. reports d. Web sites

31. A communications ____ is a set of tools, techniques, and principles that provides a foundation for the
effective transfer of information among people.
a. infrastructure c. atlas
b. deliverable d. set-up


32. Communication ____ include providing an environment for open dialogue using straight talk and
following an agreed-upon work ethic.
a. techniques c. strategies
b. principles d. tools

33. A “digital ____ system” allows for rapid movement of information inside a company as well as with
customers, suppliers, and other business partners.
a. communications c. consolidation
b. transference d. nervous

34. According to Gartner Inc, more than ____ percent of people telecommute or work remotely at least part-
a. 37 c. 57
b. 47 d. 67

35. VPN stands for virtual ____ network.

a. personal c. private
b. political d. provision

36. ____ are now a common tool for presenting video, graphics, sound, voice, and participant feedback live
over the Web.
a. Telecasts c. Hyperlinks
b. Webcasts d. Promotions

37. In Microsoft’s Enterprise Project Management product, ____ management provides a centralized and
consolidated view of programs and projects which allows the user to evaluate and prioritize activities across the
a. resource c. portfolio
b. product d. account

38. The ____ feature of Microsoft’s Enterprise Project Management product enables an organization to share
knowledge immediately and consistently to improve communications and decision making, eliminate
redundancies, and take advantage of best practices for project management.
a. project collaboration c. software management
b. resource management d. portfolio management

39. The project plan and work results are important ____ performance reporting.
a. results of c. outputs of
b. decisions from d. inputs to


40. Administrative ____ consist(s) of verifying and documenting project results and ensuring that records
reflect final specifications.
a. acceptance c. contacts
b. closure d. directives

41. It is always a good idea to include ____ sections with stakeholder communication analyses to record
special considerations or details related to each stakeholder, document, meeting, and so on.
a. customer c. inventory
b. comment d. programming

42. If you want to praise a project team member for doing a good job, a(n) ____ would be more comfortable
receiving that praise in private.
a. introvert c. sensing person
b. extrovert d. feeling person

Chapter 11: Project Risk Management

1. William Ibbs and Young H. Kwak performed a study to assess project management ____.
a. maturity c. progress
b. development d. implementation

2. In the study performed by Ibbs and Kwak, the only knowledge area for which all ratings were less than 3
was ____ management.
a. procurement c. cost
b. human resources d. risk

3. KPMG, a large consulting firm, did a study that found that ____ percent of runaway projects did no risk
management at all.
a. 25 c. 55
b. 45 d. 75

4. The possibility of loss or injury is called ____.

a. procurement c. risk
b. damage d. scope

5. ____ is an activity undertaken to lessen the impact of potentially adverse events on a project.
a. Human resources development c. Communications marketing
b. Risk management d. Procurement management


6. Risk utility rises at a decreasing rate for a risk-____ person.

a. averse c. neutral
b. seeking d. tolerant

7. Those who are risk-____ have a higher tolerance for risk, and their satisfaction increases when more
payoff is at stake.
a. averse c. neutral
b. seeking d. tolerant

8. A risk-____ person achieves a balance between risk and payoff.

a. averse c. neutral
b. seeking d. tolerant

9. Risk management ____ involves deciding how to approach and plan the risk management activities for
the project.
a. response c. monitoring
b. identification d. planning

10. ____ risk analysis involves measuring the probability and consequences of risks and estimating their
effects on project objectives.
a. Quantitative c. Identifying
b. Qualitative d. Monitoring

11. The main outputs of risk ____ include corrective actions in response to risks and updates to the risk
response plan.
a. identification c. monitoring and control
b. response d. analysis

12. ____ plans are predefined actions that the project team will take if an identified risk event occurs.
a. Fallback c. Backup
b. Contingency d. Unanticipated

13. The issue of whether users will accept and use a product or service falls in the domain of ____ risk.
a. financial c. timing
b. technology d. market

14. The basic concept of the ____ Technique is to derive a consensus among a panel of experts who make
predictions about future developments.
a. Alpha c. Delphi
b. Gantt d. Interviewing


15. ____ is a fact-finding technique for collecting information in face-to-face, telephone, e-mail, or instant
messaging discussions.
a. Interviewing c. Brainstorming
b. The Delphi Technique d. Analysis

16. SWOT analysis stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and ____.
a. techniques c. trust
b. transitions d. threats

17. System or process ____ charts are diagrams that show how different parts of a system interrelate.
a. Gantt c. pie
b. flow d. influence

18. Risk symptoms, or ____, are indicators of actual risk events.

a. milestones c. triggers
b. phases d. backlash

19. Risk ____ are numbers that represent the overall risk of specific events, based on their probability of
occurring and the consequences to the project if they do occur.
a. factors c. analyses
b. functions d. insights

20. Top Ten Risk Item ____ is a qualitative risk analysis tool.
a. Finding c. Maintaining
b. Following d. Tracking

21. A(n) ____ tree is a diagramming analysis technique used to help select the best course of action in
situations in which future outcomes are uncertain.
a. analysis c. risk
b. decision d. factoring

22. Expected ____ value is the product of a risk event probability and the risk event’s financial value.
a. momentary c. monetary
b. total d. base

23. Risk ____ involves eliminating a specific threat or risk, usually by eliminating its causes.
a. avoidance c. transference
b. acceptance d. mitigation


24. Risk ____ is shifting the consequence of a risk and responsibility from its management to a third party.
a. avoidance c. transference
b. acceptance d. mitigation

25. Risk ____ means tolerating the consequences should a risk occur.
a. avoidance c. transference
b. acceptance d. mitigation

26. ____ (by C/S Solutions, Inc.) is a comprehensive risk analysis tool that integrates with Project 2002 to
quantify the cost and schedule uncertainty associated with projects.
a. Risk + c. MSRisk
b. AllRisk d. Top Ten Risk

27. To use a(n) ____-based simulation to estimate the probability of meeting specific schedule goals, you
would collect optimistic, pessimistic, and most-likely duration estimates for project tasks on a network diagram.
a. PERT c. Monte Carlo
b. Mitigation d. Top Ten

28. ____ help you trace problems back to their root cause.
a. Influence diagrams c. Gantt charts
b. Flow charts d. Fishbone diagrams

29. ____ risk analysis involves assessing the likelihood and impact of identified risks to determine their
magnitude and priority.
a. Integrated c. Influential
b. Qualitative d. Trigger

Chapter 12: Project Procurement Management

1. IT professionals generally use the term ____ rather than procurement.
a. purchasing c. obtaining

b. outsourcing d. absorbing

2. The U.S. market for IT outsourcing was projected to pass $110 ____ by 2003.
a. thousand c. billion

b. million d. trillion


3. There are ____ central processes of project procurement management.

a. three c. five

b. four d. six

4. In ____, one must decide what to outsource, determine the type of contract, and create a statement of
a. procurement planning (k chắc) c. source selection

b. solicitation planning d. solicitation

5. An RFP is often issued at the end of the ____ process.

a. procurement planning c. source selection

b. solicitation planning d. solicitation

6. ____ involves managing the relationship with the supplier.

a. Source selection c. Contract administration (k chắc. đáp án: Contract Management)

b. Solicitation d. Contract close-out

7. ____ involves obtaining quotations, bids, offers, or proposals as needed.

a. Source selection c. Contract administration

b. Solicitation d. Contract close-out

8. A ____ decision is one in which an organization decides if it is in their best interests to produce
certain products or services themselves, or if they should purchase them from an outside organization.
a. make-or-buy c. give-and-take

b. sink-or-swim d. back-and-forth


9. The key output of ____ is the awarding of the contract.

a. contract administration c. contract close-out

b. solicitation d. source selection

10. At the end of ____, there is a formal acceptance and closure of the contract.
a. contract administration c. contract close-out
b. solicitation d. source selection

11. There are ____ central categories of contracts.

a. three c. five
b. four d. six

12. ____ contracts involve payment to the supplier for direct and indirect actual costs.
a. Time and material c. Fixed-price
b. Unit costs d. Cost-reimbursable

13. ____ contracts are most often used for services that are needed when the work cannot be clearly specified
and total costs cannot be estimated in a contract.
a. Time and material c. Fixed-price
b. Unit costs d. Cost-reimbursable

14. Time and material contracts are a hybrid of both fixed-price and ____ contracts.
a. lump-sum c. fixed-price
b. unit costs d. cost-reimbursable

15. The cost-reimbursable contract with the lowest risk to the buyer is the ____ contract. (Firm Fixed
a. cost plus percentage of costs c. cost plus incentive fee
b. cost plus fixed percentage d. cost plus fixed fee

16. The ____ is a description of the work needed for the procurement.
a. RFP c. CPIF
b. SOW d. FPI

17. A key factor in evaluating IT bids is the past performance record of the ____.
a. government c. bidder
b. buyer d. client


18. ____ do most of the work in the solicitation process.

a. Governments c. Buyers
b. IT managers(đoán ddaayss) d. Suppliers

19. Suppliers who are finalists in the source selection process are often asked to prepare a ____.
a. CPIF c. RFP
b. BAFO d. SOW

20. The final output from the source selection process is a(n) ____.
a. BAFO c. product
b. SOW d. contract

21. According to Department 56, Inc., Arthur Andersen charged them approximately ____ times as much as
they had agreed upon for a new outsourced computer system.
a. two c. four
b. three d. five

22. The final process in project procurement management is ____.

a. solicitation c. contract administration
b. source selection d. contract close-out

23. Contract files and formal acceptance are outputs from ____.
a. contract close-out c. contract administration
b. source selection d. solicitation

24. Most organizations use ____ software to create proposal evaluation worksheets.
a. word-processing c. database
b. spreadsheet d. presentation


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