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Matt Corey


Mr. Cross



Adderall was first synthesized in Germany in 1887. It has been used

pharmaceutically in the U.S since 1927. Adderall today is mostly used to help ADHD as

well as sleeping disorders. “Drugs like adderall work to compensate for deficits not

increase performance” according Dr. Eugene Arnold. Adderall was created by two guys

named David D’Andrea and Jerome Schentag. In 1929 a biochemist in California

named Gordon Alles injected himself with 50 milligrams of adderall to experience the

effects of it. Alles was trying to develop a drug that would be more effective than

ephedrine which was used to treat asthma, allergies and colds. He started to take notes

about the effects of amphetamine. The effects that he was experiencing and he came

up with his nose was drying up, was in a state of “well being”, and was having trouble

sleeping at night. Around the same time Nazi Germany was gaining power. It has been

estimated that over 200 million methamphetamine were used by the German troops

between 1939-1945. The pills would help the Germans march for very long distances

during that time without the soldiers getting tired.

The chemical formula for adderall is C9H13N. The four ingredients that are in

adderall are Dextroamphetamine Saccharate, Amphetamine Aspartate,

Dextroamphetamine Sulfate and Amphetamine Sulfate. Adderall increases

serotonin,dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain.The brain senses that there are

enough neurotransmitters present, due to Adderall’s influence, and stops producing

them, changing some of the brain's natural reward circuitry.

Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant. It works by increasing the

availability of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine and dopamine your central nervous

system connections. This speeds up your brain activity. For people who have ADHD the

drug help people by calming them down and helping them focus. The drug keeps the

ADHD person more alert and attentive. According to Arnold,” Give a person with ADHD

a stimulant and they are relatively back to normal.”

For people who don’t have ADHD it helps you keep yourself awake if you are

driving or writing a paper. People with narcolepsy use this drug to help them stay

awake. Narcolepsy is when you always fall asleep even if you aren’t even tired. There is

also evidence of adderall helping with memory, along with depression.

Adderall can be bad for you. Some short term effects the drug can have are

appetite suppression and unhealthy weight loss. You can become more irritable, have

trouble sleeping and have feelings of restlessness. It can jump start your cardiovascular

system, a little too much. There can be serious side effects in taking adderall. It can

cause an abnormal heart rate, heart attacks, high blood pressure, seizures and even

sudden death. You can be left with permanent heart scarring and have heart related

problems for the rest of your life. These effects can happen if you take a larger dose

than described according to many medical experts.

In doing research adderall can help people with ADHD with helping them focus

and keeping calm. For people who don’t have ADHD it is mostly used for depression,

narcolepsy and truckers. WIth the evidence that I have found it shows that adderall can

be used in good and bad ways. Mostly in a good way the people that use in a good way

is the people that actually need it, like people who have ADHD or you just have a

prescription for it. The people who use in in a bad way are the people who use it for

studying or just do it because someone told them. My opinion on the drug is that it is

good if you are allowed to use it.

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