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Instruction Leaflet

Jagd Repetierer der Serie

Hunting repeaters of the series

Bitte sorgfältig lesen, bevor Sie

dieses Gewehr zusammenbauen
oder benutzen.
Please read carefully before you
assemble or operate this rifle.
Definitions ..................................................... p.03
Preface .......................................................... p.19
Safety instructions ........................................ p.19
General handling of rifles and pistols ........ p.20
Ear and eye protection ................................ p.22
Laws .............................................................. p.22
Product related safety instructions .............. p.22
Liability .......................................................... p.23
Technical data .............................................. p.23
Before first shooting ..................................... p.24
Cocking, loading and safety operation ..... p.24
Unloading ..................................................... p.25
Magazine ..................................................... p.25
Bolt ................................................................ p.25
Trigger ........................................................... p.25
Two and single stage triggers ..................... p.26
Double set hunting trigger ........................... p.28
Trigger chart ................................................. p.30
Sight set ......................................................... p.31
Cleaning, care, maintenance, lubrication .. p.31
Accessories ................................................... p.32
Warranty ....................................................... p.32
Copyright ...................................................... p.32
Warranty card .............................................. p.33

Begriffsbestimmungen / Definitions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7

16 15 11 13 12 11 10 9
1 Schaftbacke 1 Cheek piece
2 Kammergriff 2 Bolt handle
3 Sicherung 3 Safety
4 Schloss 4 Bolt
5 Verschlusshülse 5 Action
6 Patronenauswurfbereich 6 Ejection area
7 Visierung 7 Sight set
8 Lauf 8 Barrel
9 Mündung 9 Muzzle
10 Riemenbügel 10 Sling swivel
11 Fischhaut 11 Checkering
12 Magazin 12 Magazine
13 Abzugsbügel 13 Trigger guard
14 Abzug 14 Trigger
15 Schaft 15 Stock
16 Schaftkappe 16 Butt plate

Preface correct handling of your rifle or should you
have additional questions, please do not
Dear Friends of ANSCHÜTZ, hesitate to contact a competent gunsmith
or dealer or our factory directly. This
You have made a good choice, now that instruction leaflet is extraordinarily
you have decided to buy an ANSCHÜTZ important. Make sure that it is always with
product. The many great results obtained the rifle especially when it is sold, lent or
with ANSCHÜTZ rifles by shooters, otherwise given to a third person.
participants in the Olympic Games as well
as in World and European championships Only use as follows:
throughout the world made your choice
easy, as your rifle has benefited from our ANSCHÜTZ manufactures precision
great experience of making fine sporting products which, depending on the model
and target rifles since 1856. World-wide, type, are exclusively meant for civilian
ANSCHÜTZ rifles are respected because target shooting and hunting.
of their fine accuracy, impeccable design Combat and defense shooting and
and immaculate workmanship. Should you competitions in which the shooter moves
still be unaware, they include: while shooting, must not be shot with
ANSCHÜTZ rifles and pistols. It is
The famous ANSCHÜTZ small bore target especially not allowed to aim and shoot at
rifles, target air rifles and target air pistols, people. The rifle, pistol or the stock must
small bore biathlon rifles, hunting rifles and not be used to beat somebody. Please also
shotguns in diverse calibers, small bore sin- see the chapter „The Ten Commandments
gle loaders and repeaters, Flobert rifles, of Firearms Safety“ as well as the chapter
silhouette pistols, silhouette rifles and „General handling of rifles and pistols“.
Varmint rifles.
Additional copies of this booklet can be
Safety instructions
This ANSCHÜTZ firearm has been carefully
Attention: test fired and inspected before shipment
from the factory. The mechanism of this
Please read carefully the following articles firearm has been properly designed, tested
before using this rifle. It is extremely and fitted with the utmost attention to safety.
important that you become thoroughly However, any mechanical device can fail
familiar with this rifle and its operating and no such device can prevent accidents
characteristics by carefully reading and caused by carelessness or thoughtless
understanding the instructions in this booklet handling. ANSCHÜTZ cannot control the
before you attempt any use of it with handling of each firearm once they have
ammunition. Always remember the left the factory. Please take the time to
sequence of disassembly. Should you still inspect the firearm carefully before use.
have problems with the safe usage and
UNDERSTANDING OF IT’S SAFE USE There is no substitute for personal
AND PROPER HANDLING CHARACTE- responsibility and common sense in the
RISTICS. handling, use and storage of pistols.
Securely store your unloaded guns away
Warning: from access by children or unauthorized
This rifle can be dangerous if it is not used
correctly or if this instruction leaflet is not
observed. The privilege of ownership and General handling of rifles and
safe use of your rifle carries a personal
responsibility that no one should take lightly. pistols
Rifle accidents would not occur if the Although it can be assumed that shooters
following rules of shooting safety were are familiar with the following rules we
observed. would like to emphasize them once again
for reasons of safety. All pistols are
The Ten Commandments of Firearms hazardous objects. Extraordinary care has
Safety to be dedicated to their use and storage.
•Learn the mechanical and handling 1. Treat every rifle as though it was loaded.
characteristics of the firearm you are Do not take anyone’s word or automatically
using. assume it is not loaded. Check your rifle
•Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe
personally each time you handle it. The safe
and courteous way to carry a rifle when
•Pistols should be unloaded when not
you are with others is to leave the bolt open
in use.
so that they can easily see that the rifle
•Be sure the barrel is clear of obstructions
cannot be fired. Make sure that the rifle is
before using.
not loaded when you stop shooting. Make
•Be sure of your target before you shoot.
sure your rifle is unloaded before every
•Wear shooting glasses and ear protection
transport. Never pick up your rifle with your
when you shoot.
finger on the trigger or the trigger guard.
•Never climb a tree or fence with a loaded
•Don’t shoot at a hard surface or at water. 2. Whenever you pick up your rifle, point
•Never transport a loaded firearm. the muzzle at the ground. Always point the
•Avoid alcoholic beverages or drugs and muzzle of the barrel in a safe direction.
don‘t smoke when shooting or handling Never pull a rifle towards you by the muzzle.
a gun or a pistol.
3. Only use your rifle in approved shooting
ranges. Shoot your rifle only under good
visibility and daylight conditions. If you use

your rifle in an indoors range, make sure it fire. Do not put your finger on the trigger
is adequately ventilated. Make sure that when operating the safety or whenever you
there is a safe bullet trap which can be seen are not ready to shoot.
from all sides and that there is no one in
the vicinity of your target. Be absolutely sure 8. When not in use your rifle should be
of a safe backstop and target. Never fire stored in a locked and secure place
at a hard, smooth surface or water. Never accessible only to you. Check first to make
shoot at a skyline target or into the air. Do sure it is unloaded. Store the rifle with
not shoot at anything from which a bullet uncocked trigger. Store ammunition in a
might ricochet. Never fire your rifle with the separate and secure place. It is your special
muzzle in the water or against any other responsibility to make sure that at all times
material to avoid an accident or damage and especially when you are not present
of your rifle. your rifle is well secured, out of any reach
of children and other unauthorized persons
4. Be sure that you use the correct am- and in no way accessible to them. For the
munition. The correct caliber can be seen safe storage of your rifle even in a locked
on your rifle. Load your rifle only when you cabinet or safe the use of an additional
are at the range and ready to shoot. Use trigger lock is recommended. Even if you
only genuine ANSCHÜTZ magazines. Do use such a device, your rifle always must
not exceed the stated magazine capacity. be unloaded when not being used.
Alterations to the rifle or the use of non- Only give your rifle to authorized persons.
ANSCHÜTZ magazines and accessories Never let your rifle be used by anyone who
may cause malfunctions. is not familiar with the safe handling of a
rifle and these instructions. This rifle must
5. Always keep your rifle clean. Be sure only be used by a responsible adult or
the bore is not obstructed by dirt, water, under his or her supervision.
grease or any other foreign materials.
Never try to shoot out any obstruction. If a 9. Watch for any change in the operation
shot has not been released when the trigger of your rifle which might impair its safety.The
has been pulled, direct the barrel in a safe safety is only guaranteed as long as the
direction, activate the safety, open the firearm is in faultless condition. If you
action and carefully remove the bullet. suspect or note a defect or malfunction, stop
using it immediately, unload the rifle, make
6. Serious injury and damage can result sure that it is not under pressure and send it
from the use of the wrong ammunition, to a competent gunsmith, the factory or its
bore obstructions, or incorrect cartridge recommended repair station for inspection.
components. Note: Apart from normal cleaning the rifle
must only be disassembled by an
7. Place the safety fully into „S“ or „F“ authorized gunsmith.Please note that your
position - never inbetween. Always keep firearm must also be checked by an
safety in full „safe“ position until ready to authorized gunsmith when it has been

impaired by external conditions such as Laws
corrosion etc. or when it dropped. When
you assemble or disassemble your firearm, Please obser ve the corresponding
never try to do it by force. Unqualified regulations and laws for the use of pistols
handling or disassembly can cause injuries in your country. Please also observe the
or irreparable damage of the rifle. corresponding safety rules of sports
10. Your rifle should always be handled
with extreme care. Make sure that it is never
dropped or placed in such a way that it Product related safety
can fall. For transport purposes your rifle instructions
should be dry and clean. We recommend
an approved protective gun case. Important note for the handling of
11. You must be in good physical condition
and mental health and not under the influence 1. Unload your rifle immediately if you do
of any substance (drugs, alcohol) which might not intend to continue shooting. Remove the
impair vision, dexterity or judgement. Do not bolt or leave it open at least. In the case of
use your rifle when you are tired. Tiredness a repeater remove the magazine as well.
may result in a loss of control. Make sure there is no cartridge left in the
12. Clean your hands carefully after
shooting and cleaning your ANSCHÜTZ 2. Make sure there is nobody in the area
product. Residues of bullets, powder or oil of case ejection.
might impair the health of your skin.
3. If you store the rifle remove the bolt and
13. Your ANSCHÜTZ rifle has been store the bolt uncocked in a separate place.
carefully built and inspected by skilled
technicians to provide maximum efficiency. Important note for the handling of
The service life depends on the owner’s ammunition:
care and on cleaning following this
instruction leaflet. 1. Exclusively use clean, factory loaded and
new ammunition in the caliber approved
for your rifle and which corresponds to the
Ear and eye protection regulations of C.I.P. and SAAMI.
You should always use approved hearing 2. Be aware that the range of a bullet
protection and approved shatterproof eye starting from cal. .17 HM2 or cal. .22 l.r.
protection while shooting. Please remember might be 1.6 km or even longer. Therefore
persons near you to also wear hearing also be sure of the safety of the impact area.
protection and approved shatterproof eye
Liability Hunting Repeaters of the
Series 1400 and 1500
1. ANSCHÜTZ does not assume any
responsibility or payment of damage claims (Match 64)
for damages of any kind resulting from the
disregard of these instructions, non-qualified Technical data:
treatment or repair, the use of non-original Please find the model type on the barrel
ANSCHÜTZ spare parts, incorrect handling and the serial number on the receiver.
or care, negligence, removal of the knot
varnish or unauthorized modifications. 1416
Caliber: .22 l.r.
2. The wood of the stock or grip as well as Barrel length: 58 cm / 23“
Total length: 105 cm / 41“
the PRO grip equipment have been very
Weight approx.: 2.5 kg / 5.5 lbs
carefully checked by factory inspectors
Magazine: 5-shot
prior to shipment and has been determined
to be free of defects. Certain kinds of abuse, 1417
such as a dropping or falling down can Caliber: .22 l.r.
cause damage to the wood for which the Barrel length: 35 cm / 14“
owner is solely responsible. We also Total length: 83 cm / 32.5“
assume no responsibility for defects resulting Weight approx.: 2.4 kg / 5.2 lbs
from inappropriate transportation (mail, Magazine: 5-shot
plane, etc.). Please immediately contact 1502
your forwarder in such a case. Caliber: .17 HM 2
Barrel length: 58 cm / 23“
3. Changes, alterations or manipulations to Total length: 105 cm / 41“
this product or any of its parts are prohibited Weight approx.: 2.7 kg / 6.0 lbs
and might infringe pistols regulations. Such Magazine: 5-shot
changes or alterations can significantly 1516
impair the safe use of our product and can Caliber: .22 Win. Mag. R.F.
lead to accidents involving severe or even Barrel length: 58 cm / 23“
fatal bodily injuries. Any product warranty Total length: 105 cm / 41“
will automatically lapse in case changes or Weight approx.: 2.5 kg / 5.5 lbs
alterations are implemented. Users are Magazine: 4-shot
requested to carefully inspect the product 1517
with regard to possible changes and Caliber: .17 HMR
alterations before use. In case of doubt you Barrel length: 58 cm / 23“
should contact us for further information. Total length: 105 cm / 41“
Weight approx.: 2.5 kg / 5.5 lbs
Magazine: 4-shot
Heavy Barrel rifles are approx. 0.2 kg /
0.5 lbs heavier.
Before first shooting •ready for shooting when the red dot on
the receiver is visible (fig. 2).
•Wipe away excess oil from the surface
of the barreled action and the rifle.
•Pull a cleaning patch through the barrel Please note:
from the chamber towards the muzzle
several times. The safety lever must latch properly in one
of the two positions. The lever must never
be situated between the two. When the
Cocking, loading and safety safety wing is actuated, the trigger must not
operation be touched. The trigger must not be
released either when the safety wing is in
•Degrease the bolt and the interior of the the „safe“ position.
barrel without leaving lint.
•Open the reinserted bolt and pull it back Safety:
to the stop.
•Now push the bolt forward to close the The safety at the receiver locks the trigger.
breech. A cartridge from the magazine With regard to safety aspects the safety
is fed into the chamber of the barrel. Now advertently is hard to move. Nevertheless,
push the bolt handle completely down- the bolt can be opened also in the “safe“
wards. The bolt is now cocked, the rifle is position, for example to remove a cartridge
ready for shooting. from the case.
•After firing, lift the bolt handle and pull You can only operate the safety lever when
the bolt fully to the rear. This will cock the bolt is cocked.
the bolt again and eject the empty case.

The lateral safety can be operated in

cocked condition.

The rifle is

•safe when the red dot on the receiver is

covered (fig. 1).

fig.1 fig.2

Unloading •Let the trigger guard go and remove the
bolt over the released lock.
For safety reasons the rifle must immediately
be unloaded if you intend to stop shooting. To re-assemble the bolt
Remove the magazine and open the bolt.
This will eject the cartridge. Please also see Follow the disassembly procedure in
safety instructions for the handling of rifles reverse order. Make sure when inserting the
and firearms. bolt that the pin on the bolt head is in line
with the groove of the chamber.

•Remove the magazine from the magazine
well. The trigger has been pre-set by the factory
•Push the cartridges with the head first into in an optimum way and guarantees utmost
the magazine. safety.
•Push the magazine into the magazine well
until you hear that the magazine holder Warning:
has caught the magazine.
•Now open the bolt completely, push it Your ANSCHÜTZ trigger offers you a
forward and lock it. Thus the first cartridge variety of individual adjustment possibilities.
of the magazine is fed into the barrel, the Please note that your rifle always must be
firing pin is cocked. The rifle is now ready unloaded when any adjustment is carried
for shooting. out.

Bolt Please see the adjusting range for the

referring model from the trigger chart. It
The ANSCHÜTZ bolt might be necessary to remove the stock from
the barreled action for adjustments at the
The ANSCHÜTZ bolt is designed to be ex- trigger.
tra strong and reliable and is manufactured
to the closest tolerances. Bolt and came are Trigger adjustments must only be carried
lapped to assure very smooth operation. out by an authorized gunsmith.
Modifications at factory-set triggers might
To disassemble the bolt cause severe injuries or death.

•Disengage the trigger by pulling the safety Please also see the chapter „General Hand-
forward. ling of Rifles and firearms“.
•Pull the trigger guard and simultaneously
press the left lever (for right hand
versions) forward.

Two and single stage triggers guarantee perfect operation you should
always close the action carefully. If the sear
engagement of single stage triggers is too small
and the trigger weight is too low or if the first
stage of two-stage triggers is too short, the
trigger might release inadvertently by a sudden
impact or too powerful closing of the action if
the gun is loaded and not in the ”safe“ position.

Adjustment of the sear engagement for

assembled two-stage triggers with set
screw No. 1:
•if you turn it to the left (counter-clockwise):
3 2 1 sear engagement is shortened
•if you turn it to the right (clockwise):
sear engagement is extended
1. Trigger weight
Adjustment of an optimum sear engagement:
Adjust the trigger weight with set screw Make sure your rifle is not loaded. Cock
No. 2: your rifle and release the trigger. Check if
the trigger releases as desired.
•if you turn it to the right (clockwise):
trigger weight is increased (+) The sear engagement is too long:
•if you turn it to the left (counter-clockwise): There is a small distance between the
trigger weight is decreased (-) second stage and the release of the trigger.

Trigger weight and first stage weight •Turn set screw No. 1 counter-clockwise
depend on each other with regard to the after cocking and releasing (approxi-
mechanic mechanism. If one of them is mately 1/8 turn each).
changed there will always be a corres- •Repeat this process until you do not feel
ponding change of the other as well. the second stage anymore. Then turn
1 / 4 turn back to the right. Thus the
2. Sear engagement optimum sear engagement is adjusted.

The sear engagement is the distance bet- The sear engagement is too short:
ween the second stage and the release of There is no second stage. The trigger
the trigger. releases un-defined without second stage.

Important note: •Turn set screw No. 1 clockwise for at least

1/4 turn after cocking. Then release the
To protect your precise trigger and to trigger and check if there is a second
stage. If not, repeat this procedure until
you feel a second stage. The trigger catches the cocking piston or
•As soon as you feel a second stage firing pin, but the trigger does not release:
proceed according to the points of the
paragraph „The sear engagement is too •Make sure that the safety of the trigger is
long“ to obtain an optimum sear engage- released.
The trigger does not catch the cocking
Adjustment of the optimum sear piston or firing pin:
engagement for assembled single stage
triggers with set screw No. 1: •The first stage trigger is adjusted too
•Cock the rifle. tightly.
•Turn set screw No. 1 (first stage) as long •Turn set screw No. 1 approx. 1-2 turns to
to the right until the trigger releases. the left. Procede according to par. 2.
•Turn set screw No. 1 from this position
approx. 1/4 turn to the left. 4. Safety

Warning: There is a safety lever at the right side of

the trigger. Please see chapter „Cocking,
Single stage triggers are very sensitive and loading and safety operation“.
must be operated with special care.
5. Maintenance
The sear engagement of 5/100 mm is ob-
tained after the action is closed. In Please see chapter „Cleaning, mainte-
combination with a minimum trigger weight nance, care, oils“.
there might be a malfunction and an
increased risk (independent shot

3. Malfunctions of the trigger due to

wrong adjustment procedure

If the trigger is not adjusted correctly mal-

functions may occur, tampering with the
trigger adjustments will not result in any
success. Therefore proceed as follows:
After every change the function of the
trigger must be checked. When the
malfunction is removed check the desired
trigger values and adjust them again if

Double set hunting trigger with the trigger cocked. Before you load
the rifle check that the trigger really does
operate properly.

You should be able to fire a round in these

➜ following three ways:

•Pull the front trigger until the rifle fires.

•Push the rear trigger forwards towards the
muzzle until the rifle fires.
The models of the series 1400 ST and 1500 ST •Normal way as described before under
are equipped with a double set hunting the description of the operation of the
trigger. The purpose of this trigger is to fire double set trigger.
the shot with a minimum of trigger pressure
(hair trigger). The double set trigger is Unclocking the double-set trigger when
operated as follows: the rifle is loaded:

•Pull the rear trigger towards you until it Extreme care must be exercised on
engages with an audible click. The trigger uncocking the double-set trigger.
is now cocked. CAUTION: If the release
pressure of the double-set trigger is ad- •Set the safety by pressing down the wing
justed too low, the shot could go off by of the wing safety being located at the
vibration. The release pressure is adjusted end of the bolt.
with the set screw (see picture). Turn •Press it down until it comes to a stop. The
counter-clockwise for higher pressure, graduated line must be straight in line with
clockwise for lower pressure. The double „S“ (safe). Hold the rifle in such a position
set trigger must only be adjusted by an that no damage or injury is caused if a
authorized gunsmith. round is fired inadvertently.
•Once the trigger has been cocked the •Unclock the double-set trigger by pulling
round can be fired by merely touching the front trigger.
the front trigger (first trigger). Do not touch
this trigger unless you really do wish to fire. There is a further, silent method of uncocking
the double-set trigger. Here, too, the safety
Attention: lever must be set to prevent the rifle from
Do not shake the rifle or expose it to
vibrations once the trigger has been •Pull the rear (second) trigger towards you
cocked. Stay at the place you wish to fire with your middle finger to the stop and
from because otherwise the round could be keep the trigger in this position.
fired inadvertently. If you do not fire, uncock •Now pull the front (first) trigger towards
the trigger immediately. Never walk about you with your index finger to the stop and

hold it there until you have slowly released
the rear trigger and it has returned to its
normal position.
•Afterwards slowly release the front trigger
in the same manner.

In both cases the bolt remains cocked. The
trigger can be cocked again if desired.


Exercise the greatest care when performing

the foregoing actions. Practise several times
with an unloaded rifle until you have
thoroughly mastered the procedure and
always ensure that the rifle is pointed in a
safe direction at any time.

After firing, the empty case is ejected by

opening the bolt. A new cartridge is loaded
into the chamber by closing the bolt. Your
rifle is now ready to fire the next round.

Sight set Cleaning, Maintenance, Care,
Folding rear sight and tangent rear Lubrication
sight Even after considerable use, your
ANSCHÜTZ small bore match rifle will not
1. Elevation of folding rear sight: require much attention - a tribute to its solid
design, first class materials, well proven
•Loosen slightly both screws at the rear sight ANSCHÜTZ workmanship and precision.
•Shots are too low: If you follow the recommendations below,
Raise the slide you will help maintain the excellent
•The shots are too high: performance of your rifle for a long time.
Lower the slide
Regular care after every shooting:
2. Elevation of tangent rear sight:
•Please only use resin and acid free oils.
•Shots are too low: •Remove any residues from the barrel.
Raise rear sight elevator Clean with a lint-free cloth or pull cleaning
•The shots are too high: cords several times through the barrel
Lower rear sight elevator from chamber to muzzle to remove
deposits. Subsequently pull a slightly
3. Windage of folding and tangent oiled, lint-free cloth or cleaning cords
rear sight through the barrel to avoid corrosion.
•Clean the bolt and the loading tray with
To adjust windage to left or right tap the a slightly oiled cloth.
base of the rear sight in the opposite •Make sure that the metal parts of your
direction of the desired change of impact, rifle are protected against corrosion by a
using a soft metal such as aluminum or brass slight oil film. Do not use exessive oil.
punch. •Remove the oil film with a dry cloth or
cleaning cords before you shoot again.
Scope mounts: •Some ammunition leaves corrosive parti-
cles in the barrel. Therefore you should
thoroughly clean and oil the barrel each
time immediately after shooting to avoid

All ANSCHÜTZ rifles have a grooved,

11 mm rail to accept mounts for a telescopic

Accessories Copyright
Please ask for our catalog or take a look at Product specifications, design and model
our websites under www.anschuetz- changes are subject to change without prior or notice. Dimensions and colors are subject to
change. With reservation of misprints and
errors. Goods are subject to prior sale.
Warranty Delivery subject to the presentation of the
referring license for the purchase of firearms.
A warranty of 2 years will be issued. Parts
which are subjected to wear are not part of ANSCHÜTZ, the ANSCHÜTZ logo and the
this warranty. In the case of warranty we ANSCHÜTZ logo in connection with the
substitute the defective parts free of charge. slogan „Die Meister Macher“ (also in
Cases of warranty will only be accepted if modified spelling) and „Soft-Link®“ are
the article in question and the corres-ponding protected brands of J.G. ANSCHÜTZ
purchase receipt plus filled-in warranty card GmbH & Co. KG, Ulm, Germany. The
are presented. Warranty will not be unauthorized use of this brand name is not
accepted if changes or repair works have allowed and punishable.
been carried out by persons who are not
authorized, if the ANSCHÜTZ product is not All rights of this instruction leaflet reserved.
used correctly, if unlawful modifications or The use of the instruction leaflet, also in
manipulations have been carried out, if any excerpts, is not allowed without the
knotting has been damaged or if non-AN- permission of J.G. ANSCHÜTZ GmbH &
SCHÜTZ original parts were used. Co. KG and otherwise is punishable. This
is especially applicable for unauthorized
In addition a damage to your ANSCHÜTZ copying, translations and read-ins in
product is not subject to warranty if it is due electronic systems.
to an ignorance of this instruction leaflet or
improper care or treatment.

We wish you much pleasure and success

with your ANSCHÜTZ product and would
be pleased if you could let us have your
ideas on our products and the design of
this instruction leaflet.

Dieser Artikel wurde zum Verkauf freigegeben, nachdem er
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Haltbarkeit und Funktion unter Beweis gestellt hat. Wir über-
nehmen für zwei Jahre volle Garantie auf Material- oder

Stempel und Unterschrift des Fachhändlers

Bearbeitungsfehler (ausgenommen Schaft- und Federbrüche),
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J.G. ANSCHÜTZ GmbH & Co. KG · Jagd- und Sportwaffenfarbrik
Postfach 1128 · D-89001 Ulm/Germany ·

<<<<GARANTIE>>>> <<<<WARRANTY>>>>
Cet article n‘a été mis en vente qu‘après une vérification After throrough testing of materials and finished parts this
minutieuse des pièces et matières à tous les stades de la item has passed a rigid final inspection as well as proof
fabrication ou après avoir subi un contrôle de fiabilité et testing or test shooting. If, despite these precautions, there
de bon fonctionnement au banc d‘épreuve. Nous la garan- is any failure due to defective materials or workmanship
tissons pendant deux ans contre tout défaut de matière ou (except brocken stocks and springs) within two years the
vice de fabrication (sauf contre les bris de crosse ou de necessary repairs will be carried out without charge, in so
ressorts) dans la mesure ou il peut être prouvé qu‘un défaut far as the item was evidently defective at the time of
éxistait déjà au moment de l‘achat de l‘article. Nous ne purchase. No claims under warranty can be accepted if
répondons pas des défauts résultant d‘une utilisation the item has been subjected to improper use or unauthorized
incorrecte ou de réparations. Nous nous réservons d‘exé- repair. The item will be either repaired or replaced at our
cuter la garantie soit par remise en état soit par échange. discretion. Claims for compensation – put forward for any
Les demandes en dommages-intérêts sont irrecevables quel- legal cause whatsoever – are excluded. This warranty card
le que soit la cause mise en avant. Veuillez faire remplir – completed and stamped by your dealer – must be
et signer cette carte par votre armurier et nous l‘adresser returned with the item for repairs.
avec l‘article.

J.G. ANSCHÜTZ GmbH & Co. KG · Jagd- und Sportwaffenfarbrik J.G. ANSCHÜTZ GmbH & Co. KG · Jagd- und Sportwaffenfarbrik
Postfach 1128 · D-89001 Ulm/Germany · Postfach 1128 · D-89001 Ulm/Germany ·

After throrough testing of materials and finished parts this
item has passed a rigid final inspection as well as proof
testing or test shooting. If, despite these precautions, there
is any failure due to defective materials or workmanship
(except brocken stocks and springs) within two years the
necessary repairs will be carried out without charge, in so
far as the item was evidently defective at the time of
purchase. No claims under warranty can be accepted if
the item has been subjected to improper use or unauthorized
repair. The item will be either repaired or replaced at our
discretion. Claims for compensation – put forward for any
legal cause whatsoever – are excluded. This warranty card

This rifle was bought from:

– completed and stamped by your dealer – must be
returned with the item for repairs.

Date / Date d‘achat:

Stamp of dealer
J.G. ANSCHÜTZ GmbH & Co. KG · Jagd- und Sportwaffenfarbrik
Postfach 1128 · D-89001 Ulm/Germany ·


Factory Service & Repair Centers USA
Congratulations on the purchase of one of the world‘s greatest pistols. To obtain service or
repair for your ANSCHÜTZ product send the gun together with the filled-in warranty card
freight prepaid to the National Service Center for ANSCHÜTZ at the following address:

Gunsmithing, Inc. J.G.ANSCHÜTZ GmbH & Co.Kg

30 West Buchanan Street Jagd- und Sportwaffenfabrik
Colorado Springs, CO 80907 P.O. Box 1128
Phone (719) 632-3795 D-89001 Ulm/Germany
Fax (719) 632-3493 Phone ++49-731-4012-0
Fax ++49-731-4012-700
10-Ring Service, Inc.
2227 West Lou Drive [email protected]
Jacksonville, FL 32216
Phone (904) 724-7419
Fax (904) 724-7419

We are proud to be a member of:

Serial No.: ..........................................................................
Bitte hier eintragen · Please fill in here

Originalschussbild Ihres Gewehres auf 50 m

Original group of your rifle at 50 m / 55 yards


Jagd- und Sportwaffenfabrik
Daimlerstrasse 12
D-89079 Ulm / GERMANY
DSchi · 06/04 · 3.000

Postfach 11 28
D-89001 Ulm / GERMANY
Telefon (++49)-(0)-731-4012-0
Telefax (++49)-(0)-731-4012-700
[email protected]

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