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Elie M. OTAYEK Ph.D., P.E.

Assistant Professor – USEK
Acting as Head of the Civil Engineering Department (2014-2018)

Ph.D. (Concordia University, Qc, Ca), 2016

M.Eng. of Building Engineering (Concordia University, Qc, ca), 2009
M.Eng. of Civil Engineering (Lebanese University – ULFG II, Leb), 1995

Office: H309A – Engineering Building Block H – Kaslik Campus

Phone: 961 9 600 927 ext. 1927
Mobile: 961 3 272087
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Elie OTAYEK, PhD, P.E, MASCE is an assistant professor, and was acting as Head of the Civil
Engineering Department at USEK University (2014-2018); Dr. Otayek has more than 20 years of experience
in designing and managing construction projects in Lebanon, Canada and Golf Region.
His research work includes Bridge Management Systems and 3D-CAD Modeling. He has developed a bridge
management system via an Artificial Intelligent Environment that integrates BrIM technology to generate
efficient method to select an appropriate bridge type at conceptual design phase and forecast associated initial
cost, maintenance cost, constructability and other relevant parameters.
Dr. Otayek has been actively involved in several academic and professional organizations. He is a member of
the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) acting as faculty advisor for the ASCE-USEK Student
Chapter at USEK University; he is a registered professional Engineer with OIQ syndicate (Quebec, Canada)
since 2008; and he affiliates to the OEA (order of Engineers and Architects - Lebanon).
Dr. Otayek has served in many academic committees, he has acted as chair for many conference sessions
(LAAS, LAU CIB, etc…), and he was deeply involved with the ABET Accreditation process for the Civil
Engineering Department during their technical visit to the department after establishing the curriculum of the
Civil Engineering programs (BE & Master). He has an active member in the Hit4Med project by teaching
many related courses and by establishing the related Master program in Transportation and supervising many
Master students (Students are actually pursuing PhD program in Europe).

Research Interest

• Sustainable Construction Projects;

• Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Conventional and Sustainable Construction Projects;
• Repair and Rehabilitation of Civil Infrastructure;
• Integrating Bridge Information Modeling using the Artificial Intelligence Technics;
• Bridge management Systems;
• Transportation innovative for Safety and Highway Construction;
• Material Sustainability, characteristics, behavior and performance;
• Structure and Construction Materials Analysis;
Teaching activities
• GMC310 – « Statique » - Statics
• GMC330 – « Mecanique des Solides » - Solids Mechanics (Dynamics of Rigid Bodies )
• GMC360 – « Dessin Industriel » - Mechanical Design Drawings
• GMC440 – « Resistance Des Materiaux » - Strength of Materials
• GMC472 – « Laboratoire RDM » - Lab. Strengthening of Materials
• GCV310 – « Beton Armé I » - Reinforced Concrete I
• GCV320 – « Dessin Technique » - Technical Drawings
• GCV401 – « Analyse des Structures » - Structural Analysis
• GCV405 – « Beton Armé II » - Reinforced Concrete II
• GCV460 – « Gestion des Projets » – Management and Site Organisation
• GCV462 – « Règlementation des Bâtiments » – Building Legislation
• GCV514 – « Dallages » – Pavement Analysis, Design and Maintenance
• GCV521 – « Constructions Métalliques » – Steel and Mixed Structures
• GCV525 – Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of Buildings
• GCV526 – « Projet de batement » – Building Project
• GCV596/597 – Final Year Project for BE Degree
• CVE691/692 – Thesis I & II for Master Degree

Supervising Graduate Students

Wehbe Rania, 2018, “Trip generation model using regression analysis for shopping centers at urban areas in
Lebanon”; Master of Civil Engineering in Transportation, M.A.Sc; Holy Spirit University of Kaslik - USEK.
Aoun Joelle, 2018, “Alleviating traffic congestion on the roadway section between Beirut and Jounieh”;
Master of Civil Engineering in Transportation, M.A.Sc; Holy Spirit University of Kaslik - USEK.
Saroufim Alain, 2018, “Costs associated with road accidents and traffic congestion in Lebanon”; Master of
Civil Engineering in Transportation, M.A.Sc; Holy Spirit University of Kaslik - USEK.
Rita Dikranian, 2019, “Solid Waste Management in Lebanon with Concrete Containing Different Type of
Wastes”; Master of Civil Engineering in Building and Structure, M.A.Sc; Holy Spirit University of Kaslik -

• Choueiry Elias, Aoun Joelle and Otayek Elie, 2019 “Alleviating Traffic Congestion in Lebanon with
Special Emphasis on the Roadway Section: Beirut-Jounieh”, Advances in Transportation Studies: an
International Journal.

• Otayek Elie, Wehbe Rania and Massaad Zaher, 2019 “Autonomous Vehicle Implementation in
Lebanon: Opportunities, Challenges and Ethical Decisions”, International Conference of Engineering
Risk (INCER-2019).
• Wehbe Rania, Otayek Elie M. and Massaad Zaher, 2017 “Using Intelligent Transportation Systems to
Enhance Pedestrian Safety at Beirut Signalized Intersection”, IEEE, MTS 2017 Napoli, 26-29 Jun

• Choueiri Elias M., Aoun Joelle and Otayek Elie M., 2017 “Effectiveness of the newly introduced
Variable Message Signs in Lebanon on driver behavior”, IEEE, MTS 2017 Napoli, 26-29 Jun 2017.

• Choueiri Elias M., Saroufim Alain and Otayek Elie M., 2017 “Effectiveness of the newly introduced
Variable Message Signs in Lebanon on road safety”, IEEE, MTS 2017 Napoli, 26-29 Jun 2017

• Otayek Elie, 2016 “Integrated Decision Support System for Bridges at Conceptual Design
Stage”, Final Thesis Report for Ph.D. of Building Engineering, ENCS, BCEE, Concordia
University, Quebec, Canada.

• Otayek Elie and Jrade Ahmad, 2016 “Optimization for Bridge Type Selection Using Artificial
Neural Network”, CSCE2016 Resilient Infrastructure, London, UK June 1-4, 2016.

• Otayek Elie, Jrade Ahmad and AlKass Sabah, 2013 “Integrating the Artificial Intelligence techniques
into Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM)”, CSCE 2013 Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada May
29 – June 1, 2013.

• Otayek Elie, Jrade Ahmad and AlKass Sabah, 2012 “Integrated Decision Support System for Bridges
at Conceptual Design Stage”, CIB W78-2012 Conference, the 29th International Conference on
Applications of IT in the AEC Industry Beirut, Lebanon 17-19 October 2012.

In Progress

• Otayek Elie, Wehbe Rania and Massaad Zaher, 2019 “Trip Attraction Models Using Regression
Analysis for Shopping Centers in Lebanon”, CSCE Annual Conference – General Conference.

• Otayek Elie and Dikranian Rita, 2019 “Performance and Sustainability of the Concrete Containing
Different Types of Solid Wastes”, CSCE Annual Conference - 7th International Conference on
Engineering Mechanics and Materials.

• Otayek Elie, Jrade Ahmad and Zhenhua Zhu, 2018 “Guiding a Decision’s Subjectivity for Bridge
Type Selection at the Conceptual Design Phase”, Publisher Not defined yet.
Saint Joseph Street, Keserwan, Lebanon
Tel: 961 3 272087 - [email protected]; [email protected]

Updated on: Mar 2019

Dear Sir,
It is my pleasure to get chance to submit this letter attached to my curriculum vitae for your
review and consideration in order to be evaluated and assessed.
I have a very strong interest in pursuing a teaching career. With many years of experience
working both in the engineering design field as well as construction management, coupled with
academic experience, I have a diverse background with much to offer.
I have earned a B.Eng degree (which is equivalent to a master degree) in structural engineering
and later on graduated with a Master degree and then a Ph.D of building engineering in construction
management. All degrees allowed me to collect an extensive knowledge combining the structural design
field and the construction management domain. Appendix A
Getting my Master from Concordia University – Montreal - Canada under Courses option
allowed me to enhance my knowledge into the two areas mentioned here above within the 11 courses
that have been covered during my Master program; five of them were in structural design field and the
other six courses in construction management area covering many projects and case studies. Appendix A
Moreover, I have passed the exams, tests and experience requirements for the “OIQ - Ordre des
Ingénieurs de Quebec” to earn the “Professional Engineer” title. I am a member in this association
since 2008. In addition to “OIQ –Quebec” membership, I am also a member of “OEA-Beirut” since
1995 and “7 Gardients” since 2010. Appendix A
Further to my academic and professional experience, I’ve attended numerous trainings focused
on classroom education, course preparation and other activities. These allowed me to establish my own
teaching strategy focusing three main objectives: How to draw student attention to the class material,
how to understand student level of learning and how to structure the lecture to fit in the student brain
model with the diversity that may exist in class group. Therefore, student attention, student
understanding and student knowledge testing are the main focus points during any class or lecture I
deliver. Affiliated to many associations (ASCE, CSCE, AISC, Golden key, Sept Gardients, OIQ, OEA)
illustrates the level on knowledge and academic level based on scientific criterion.
As for the delivery methodology I rely on “Courses outline (Syllabus)”, “Lesson Plan” and “Map
Concept” that are very well structured and aimed to provide the full comprehensive introduction of the
course itself. Teaching technologies as PowerPoint presentation, lecture notes posting through student
university Moodle and others can also be used as needed further to more advanced technology like
portable touch screen and smart white board.
To this End, taking into consideration what have been listed previously, and with my current
academic activities as well as my hands on experience in the engineering field both Design and
Construction, I would like to be considered to become a member of your esteemed teaching crew,
clarifying my ability to instruct courses covering the civil engineering and construction management

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Here under is listed some of courses that I have already thought:
Civil Engineering (Structure Area):
- Statics, Strength of Materials, and Structure I & II (RDM & “Ossatures)
- Steel and mixed Structures
- Soil Mechanics & Foundation Design
- Reinforced Concrete, under ACI2005, BAEL91 Rev 99, EC & CSA23 -04 codes
- Seismic and Wind Design (PS92, UBC 97, IBC 2006, NBCC05)
- Bridge Design
- Construction Materials
- Maintenance, Rehabilitation and retrofitting
- Etc…
Building Engineering (Construction Management Area):
- Construction Management. (Project Management)
- Building Economics, Project cost Estimating and Value Engineering
- Heavy Equipment management.
- Scheduling, Planning & Cost Control.
- Etc…
Here below some of attended training sessions and workshops:
- Introduction to ABET Accreditation, USEK
- 3rd Teaching Workshop in Pavement Analysis, design and Maintenance, Catania, It
- Engineering Professional Skills Assessment, USEK
- «Securité et Santé des chantiers » - CSST – Montreal, Qc, Ca
- Graduate Seminar in University Teaching, CTLS, Montreal, Qc, Ca
- “Attestation de Formation Professionnalisme”, OIQ, Qc Ca.
- « International Commercial Arbitration » Program

Affiliate to:
- Order of Engineers and Architects, Beirut,Leb.
- “Ordre des Ingenieurs du Québec, OIQ”, Québec, Canada – P.E. (professional Engineer)
- American Society of civil Engineers, ASCE, USA
- Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, CSCE, Ca
- American Institute of Steel Construction, INC – AISC, USA
- Société des Sept Gardiens, Québec, Ca.
- Golden Key International Honour Society
- Evaluation Comparative des études effectuées hors Québec, ca
- « International Chamber of Arbitration & Consulting « I.C.A.C.
I am fully confident that my bilingual teaching ability (French & English), qualification and
experience meet the requirements of the opened position, and I do trust the fact that I will be an
asset for your institution.
Engineering Consultancy & CM

Elie Otayek – Letter Letter for teaching opportiunity.doc - 2/2

Saint Joseph Street, Al Bouar, Keserwan, Lebanon
Tel: 961 3 272087 – 961 9 444 123
E-mails: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Holding a Canadian Permanent Resident Card


Ph.D. of Building Engineering in Construction Management- 2018
Building, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Qc, Ca. (GPA 4.0)

I.C.A.C. “International Chamber of Arbitration & Consulting” Conference; International

Commercial Arbitration & Fidic Contracts; American University of Sciences AUS; Oregeon USA

«Introduction to ABET Accreditation” Seminar for 2 days (15 hours)

Certificate of Attendance – at USEK University conducted by Prof. Joseph L. Sussman &
Prof. Winston F. Erevelles, Oct. 2017 “University of Catania”, Sicilia, It.

«Pavement Analysis, design and maintenance» 3rd Teaching Workshop (32 hours)
Certificate of Attendance – TEMPUS & HiT 4Med Highway and Traffic Engineering,
Nov. 2014 “University of Catania”, Sicilia, It.

«Engineering Professional Skills Assessment» certificate by Global Professional Skills Assessment,

LLC & USEK Quality Assurance and Institutional Effectiveness Office, three Hours Training,
Oct. 21-2014, kaslik,. Leb.

«Securité et Santé des chantiers» Certificate of Attendance – CSST, May 2011

“Ecole des métiers de la construction”, Montreal, Ca.

Certificate of Achievement – CTLS, Oct 2011

Graduate Seminar in University Teaching Concordia University, Montreal, Ca.

Master of Engineering (M.Eng) Building Engineering – Construction Management, June 2009

Building, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Qc, Ca. (GPA 3.77)

Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) Civil Engineering – Structure & Public Works, June 1995
Civil Engineering, Lebanese University Engineering Faculty II, Roumieh, Lebanon
(Equivalent to a Master of Civil Engineering) (GPA 82/100)


A Master in Civil Engineering since 1995, from the ULFG II (Univertité Libanaise Faculté de Genie,
branche II), coupled to another Master of Building engineering in Construction Management acquired from
Concordia University, Montreal, Ca and then a PhD degree in construction management, further to many
training programs in management and safety were the back ground of more than Twenty years of experience
in the professional engineering fields. Wide professional experiences in structure design and project
management are conducted and made me able to achieve the tasks listed hereunder with a high level of the

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professionalism, expertise and accuracy with a remarkable capacity to manage the works and its related
problems and to lead team members further to high ability to support the work stresses:

Management Field: (on many simple and complex projects from small to medium sizes)

• Coordinating with the site team (engineers, draftsman…etc.)

• Create the infrastructure for site personnel
• Set the document control system (ISO 9001:2005) and Contracts
• Equipment deployment and management
• Technical submittals and tracking
• Company safety rules & regulations
• Method statement preparation
• Quality and Quantity Control
• Cost control & cash flows
• Variation orders preparation
• Claims and contract correspondences
• Value engineering solutions
• Preparation of periodic report of work progress
• Cost Estimation and LCCA (Life-cycle Cost Analysis)

Consultancy in design Field: (Senior Civil Engineer)

• Owner Rep
• Site Supervision and Control
• Reinforced Concrete and steel structure design with Seismic/Wind analysis (under ACI/UMC &
• Preparation of the Execution drawings and conducting the coordination task for the different trades.
• Shop Drawings, Quantities and Specifications (BOQ & Specs)
• Preparation of the inspection reports
• Technical Supports and control
• Engineering judgment analysis, and proposing alternative solutions with economically analyzed

Furthermore, and taking into consideration that I am a membership at the OEA (Ordre des Ingenieurs et
Architectes Liban) and at OIQ (Ordre des Ingenieurs du Quebec – P.Eng), I am conducting continuously
researches concerning the structure design and construction management as a member of ASCE and through
the position of Head of the Civil Engineering Department at Holy Spirit University of Kaslik - USEK
(Université de Saint-Esprit – Kaslik) University. As chair, I have conducted a team work to achieve the
needed works for ABET Accreditation lead to a break my experience to higher professional levels.


USEK University (Head of the Civil Engineering Department) Since 2013

GMC310 – « Statique » - Statics

GMC330 – « Mecanique des Solides » - Solids Mechanics (Dynamics of Rigid Bodies )
GMC360 – « Dessin Industriel » - Technical Drawings (Civil)
GMC440 – « Resistance Des Materiaux » - Strength of Materials
GMC472 – « Laboratoire RDM » - Lab. Strengthening of Materials
GCV310 – « Beton Armé I » - Reinforced Concrete I

Elie Otayek - CV CV - Elie OTAYEK LEB 20190309.doc-2/5

GCV320 – « Dessin Technique » - Technical Drawings
GCV401 – « Analyse des Structures » - Structural Analysis
GCV405 – « Beton Armé II » - Reinforced Concrete II
GCV460 – « Gestion des Projets » – Management and Site Organisation
GCV462 – « Règlementation des Bâtiments » – Building Legislation
GCV514 – « Dallages » – Pavement Analysis, Design and Maintenance
GCV521 – « Constructions Métalliques » – Steel and Mixed Structures
GCV525 – Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of Buildings
GCV526 – « Projet de batement » – Building Project
GCV596/597 – Final Year Project – Bachelor of Engineering
CVE691/692 – Thesis I & II – Master Degree

Concordia University 2008-2011

Teaching Assistant TA for many courses

BLDG 6851 - Project Cost Estimating – Dr. A. Jrade
BLDG 7871 – Construction Equipment Mgt – Dr. A. Jrade
Research for a project and report:
“Seismic Modeling Analysis” – Dr. K. Galal

Training & Working out 2004-2006

Robot Soft: Design & Structure Design

AutoCAD: Application for 2D and 3D design and drafting
Civil Engineering Technical Drawings & Details


Served as session’s chair (ENG_1CCE: Engineering I) in the Iaas15 conference

USJ 2015 Apr 15-17
Member at ASCE Lebanon Section Committee
USEK-ASCE Student Chapter Advisor



• Choueiry Elias, Aoun Joelle and Otayek Elie, 2019 “Alleviating Traffic Congestion in Lebanon with
Special Emphasis on the Roadway Section: Beirut-Jounieh”, Advances in Transportation Studies: an
International Journal.

• Otayek Elie, Wehbe Rania and Massaad Zaher, 2019 “Autonomous Vehicle Implementation in
Lebanon: Opportunities, Challenges and Ethical Decisions”, International Conference of Engineering
Risk (INCER-2019).

• Wehbe Rania, Otayek Elie M. and Massaad Zaher, 2017 “Using Intelligent Transportation Systems to
Enhance Pedestrian Safety at Beirut Signalized Intersection”, IEEE, MTS 2017 Napoli, 26-29 Jun 2017.

• Choueiri Elias M., Aoun Joelle and Otayek Elie M., 2017 “Effectiveness of the newly introduced
Variable Message Signs in Lebanon on driver behavior”, IEEE, MTS 2017 Napoli, 26-29 Jun 2017.

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• Choueiri Elias M., Saroufim Alain and Otayek Elie M., 2017 “Effectiveness of the newly introduced
Variable Message Signs in Lebanon on road safety”, IEEE, MTS 2017 Napoli, 26-29 Jun 2017

• Otayek Elie, 2016 “Integrated Decision Support System for Bridges at Conceptual Design Stage”,
Final Thesis Report for Ph.D. of Building Engineering, ENCS, BCEE, Concordia University,
Quebec, Canada.

• Otayek Elie and Jrade Ahmad, 2016 “Optimization for Bridge Type Selection Using Artificial
Neural Network”, CSCE2016 Resilient Infrastructure London, UK June 1-4, 2016.

• Otayek Elie, Jrade Ahmad and AlKass Sabah, 2013 “Integrating the Artificial Intelligence techniques
into Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM)”, CSCE 2013 Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada May 29
– June 1, 2013.

• Otayek Elie, Jrade Ahmad and AlKass Sabah, 2012 “Integrated Decision Support System for Bridges at
Conceptual Design Stage”, CIB W78-2012 Conference, the 29th International Conference on
Applications of IT in the AEC Industry Beirut, Lebanon 17-19 October 2012.

In Progress

• Otayek Elie, Wehbe Rania and Massaad Zaher, 2019 “Trip Attraction Models Using Regression
Analysis for Shopping Centers in Lebanon”, CSCE Annual Conference – General Conference.

• Otayek Elie and Dikranian Rita, 2019 “Performance and Sustainability of the Concrete Containing
Different Types of Solid Wastes”, CSCE Annual Conference - 7th International Conference on
Engineering Mechanics and Materials.

• Otayek Elie, Jrade Ahmad and Zhenhua Zhu, 2018 “Guiding a Decision’s Subjectivity for Bridge Type
Selection at the Conceptual Design Phase”, Publisher Not defined yet.


Design Experience

Otayek Engineering for Construction - OEC - Al Bouar – Lebanon 2008-Present

Consultancy & Construction Management Services
Design & Supervision – Covering Projects in Lebanon, Africa, Europe, North Amarica & UAE
Commitments with many companies (MH&A, Asmar Group, etc…)

Civil Design Co. – Longueil – Qc, Canada 2007-2008

As Structural Engineer – Cold Formed Steel – Racking, Industrial Shelving.

Serhal Consultant Office - Hamra – Lebanon 2002-2005

As Civil Engineer, Structural Designer & Supervision on many projects
Shop drawings, BOQ and Specs

L.D.C. - Broummana – Lebanon 1999-2002

As Civil Engineer, Structural Designer, Coordinator Engineer

Elie Otayek - CV CV - Elie OTAYEK LEB 20190309.doc-4/5

S.C.I.E.M.M.A. (Office of Sleiman Haddad eng.)- Jel al dib - 1997-1999
As Civil Engineer – Structural Designer
“Lebanese University, Engineering Facult project – Hadath Campus.”.

MODEX - Jounieh - Lebanon 1995-1997

As Civil Engineer – Structural Designer & Site Engineer (Execution & Supervision)
Plans & Reports

E.S.E.C. Beyrouth - Sin EL Fil - Lebanon 1995

As Civil Engineer – Site Engineer, Concrete Work at “CAP SUR VILLE”
Quantity reports for executed parts.

Construction Management Experience

Otayek Engineering for Construction OEC - Al Bouar – Lebanon 2008-Present

Consultancy & Construction Management Services
Construction Management & Owner Rep.

STRATUM s.a.l. – Jounieh – Lebanon 2005-2007

As project manager on “Convivium V project “– Jemmayzeh

MODEX - Jounieh - Lebanon 1999-2005

As Project Engineer – Supervision and Managing construction works
Coordinator, Owner Rep, General Manager.


Practice & Familiar with ACI, BAEL, CSA, NBCC, UBC, IBC, PS, ASCE, EC codes.

Set of software of typing, planning, structure and drafting programs:
Ms Office, Autocad, PCA, Staadpro, Robot, Ms Project & Primavera, etc…

Arabic, French, English.

Prof. Marwan Al Rassy, Ex-Chair Dr. Ahmad Jrade, Ph.D., MASCE,
Department of Civil Engineering Associate Professor
Main Building, Engineering Faculty II Department of Civil & Construction
ULFG II, Roumieh, Lebanon Engineering
Tel: 961 4 821 063 – 961 3 772 632 Ottawa University
E-mail: [email protected] Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Tel: 613 897 2290
Prof. Khaled Galal, Ph.D., Ass. Chair E-mail: [email protected]
Department of Building,Civil &
Environmental Engineering, Concordia Eng. Sleiman Serhal
University, H3G 2W1 Serhal Consultancy Office - Owner
EV 6.167, 1515 St. Catherine W., Qc,Ca. Hamra, Makdiseh Street
Tel : 514-848-2424 Ext 3196 Tel: 961 1 345 003 – 961 3 327 100
E-mail : [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

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Appendix A
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The World General Headquarters for
International Arbitrators (WGHIA) ~
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Certifies that the training of:
Mr(S). ELIE OT~~E~
which had been delivered by:
~ Is training of good stand, and is in ~
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accord with the American and European
standards of the ADR training

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Certifiate Check www.wgh-ia.tondon

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Y?'~!f ~~~ Y?'~'r ~~~
The American University Of Sciences proudly certify that


has successfully completed the University program and

passed the final examination in the field of

Aus© International Commercial Arbitration cHs 90

AUS© International Arbitrator (ICA)

We have granted this award in this field by the authority vested to us by

the University in U.S.A

AUS@ Professional Diploma majoring In:

International Commercial Arbitration & Fidic Contract

Issued in U.S.A on : Aug, 04st_ 2018

Grade : Excellent

SN: AUS.3500589.1CA

(]Jean's Office

U.S.A, State Of Oregon

18OT294706 (mg)

14 May, 2018

Mr Elie Otayek
C/- Anthony Takchi
Australian Migration Guide Pty Ltd
PO Box 3879

Dear Mr Elie Otayek,

Please find attached the results of your Skills Assessment from VETASSESS for your nominated occupation of
Construction Project Manager (ANZSCO Code: 133111).

Required Skill Level:

This occupation requires a qualification which is assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian
Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor degree or higher degree, in a field highly relevant to the nominated

In addition to this, applicants must have at least one year of post-qualification employment at an appropriate skill level
completed in the last five years which is highly relevant to the nominated occupation. If the qualification(s) are not at
the required educational level, or if the employment has been completed prior to the qualification, then the employment
will be assessed below the required skill level.

Points Test Advice:

For Points Test Advice, VETASSESS counts skilled employment within the last ten years in the nominated occupation
or an occupation in the same ANZSCO Unit group. Years needed to meet the Skills Assessment requirements will not
be counted.

Please submit this page and the following Skilled Migration Assessment outcome to the Department of Home Affairs
to support your visa application.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Mamta Chauhan
Manager, Skills Recognition - General Occupations

Please note that VETASSESS bases this assessment on evidence supplied by the applicant. If at any stage in the assessment process
fabricated, falsified or non-genuine evidence is detected, the assessment will be cancelled and the outcome will be recorded as negative. No
refund on the fee will be provided. The assessment of a person's suitability for employment, membership of a professional body, or further
study is a matter for the relevant authorities in Australia to determine. It is important to note that to work in some occupations in Australia
requires registration with the relevant Australian registration authority for that occupation. The above skills assessment is not an assessment
for occupational registration. The relevant registration authority may have different or additional requirements for registration.
18OT294706 (mg)


Name: Elie Otayek
Date of Birth: 2 March 1973
Nominated Occupation: Construction Project Manager
(ANZSCO Code: 133111)
Qualification/s: 1. Diplome d'Ingenieur awarded in 1995 by Lebanese
University, Lebanon is assessed as comparable to the
educational level of an AQF Bachelor degree and is
therefore at the required level.

Field of study Civil Engineering is highly relevant.

2. Master of Engineering awarded in 2009 by Concordia

Univeristy, Quebec, Canada is assessed as comparable
to the educational level of an AQF Master degree and
is therefore at the required level.

Country of employment: Lebanon

Employment assessed: 1. Owner / Construction Manager, Otayek Engineering Establishment (02/2013
to 04/2018)

The employment described above meets the minimum requirements for this
Skills Assessment Outcome: Positive
Based on the evidence provided, the qualification/s and employment described above meet the requirements of your
nominated occupation and are assessed as suitable for migration purposes.


The following claims of skilled employment made by the applicant are assessed as employment of at least 20 hours
per week which is at an appropriate skill level and closely related to the nominated occupation of Construction Project
Manager (ANZSCO Code: 133111):

1. From 04/2009 to 04/2018, Owner / Construction Manager, Otayek Engineering Establishment, Lebanon

Date deemed skilled for Points Test Advice:4/2009

Number of years assessed positively: 9.1

The following claims of skilled employment made by the applicant have not been included in the above calculation:

1. From 04/2008 to 03/2009, Owner / Construction Manager, Otayek Engineering Establishment, Lebanon


the employment was used to calculate the qualifying period required to meet the skill level of the nominated
or closely related ANZSCO occupation (Employment 1)
This advice is the opinion of VETASSESS and does not guarantee the awarding of any points under the skilled
migration points test. Determination of points under the skilled migration points test remains at the discretion of
delegated officers of the Department of Home Affairs. Please note that the date deemed skilled for Points Test Advice
is based on the evidence provided to VETASSESS and that only employment with sufficient supporting evidence has
been considered.

Dr Mamta Chauhan
Manager, Skills Recognition - General Occupations

14 May, 2018

Please note that a positive assessment result from VETASSESS does not guarantee a positive outcome of your visa application for migration
to Australia.

A VETASSESS Skills Assessment requires the qualification/s to be at the specified educational level in a highly relevant field. Employment must
be at an appropriate skill level, in a highly relevant field, of 20 hours or more per week for the specified period and completed in the last five
years. Applications which do not meet the educational and/or employment requirements cannot be assessed positively overall.

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