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Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R.

UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058

Employment Status of Architecture Graduates

of the University of Northern Philippines

Fatima Nicetas Rabang-Alonzo


This study aimed to determine the employment status of Architecture

graduates of the University of Northern Philippines (UNP), Vigan City from
2001 to 2011. The study employed the descriptive-survey method of research
using a survey-checklist and documentary analysis. It also utilized the
internet in gathering information especially about the overseas contract
workers and migrants.

The 166 respondents include registered and licensed architects (RLAs)

who passed the Architect’s Licensure Examination (ALE) administered by the
Professional Regulation Commission-Professional Regulatory Board of
Architecture (PRC-PRBoA), and those who have not passed or taken the ALE,
casually termed as underboard. The frequency, percentage, and mean were
used in treating the data.

The greatest number of respondents belongs to SY 2010-2011 while

the least number comes from S.Y. 2008-2009. Most respondents are
employed in the locality referring to the Province of Ilocos Sur where UNP is
situated, while Metro Manila and overseas come close in vying for the second
place of employment. CAD Technicians/Operators constitute most of the
respondents followed by Architects. Majority of the respondents are
employed as contractual, a status they prefer so that they are able to
transfer to other jobs after end of contract. Most of them are employed in
Architecture-related jobs as architects, architectural designers/inspectors,
CAD technicians/operators, and draftsmen.

Keywords: employment status, architecture graduates, Architect’s Licensure

Examination, tracer study

Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R. Alonzo
UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058


The Architect’s Law RA 9266, defines Architecture as the art, science, or

profession of planning, designing, and constructing buildings in their totality, taking
into account their environment, in accordance with the principles of utility, strength,
and beauty. Architectural practice encompasses the provision of professional
services in connection with site, physical planning and design, construction,
enlargement, conservation, renovation, remodeling, restoration, or alteration of a
building or a group of buildings.

The same law also defines an architect as a person who is professionally and
academically qualified, registered, licensed, and legally allowed under the
Professional Regulation Commission-Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture
(PRC-PRBoA) to practice architecture who shall affix his signature and seal on all
architectural plans, drawings, specifications, and all other contract documents
prepared by him or under his direct supervision.

On the other hand, an underboard performs architectural works under the

supervision of an architect and can work in jobs related to architectural practice but
cannot sign his name under or use the title “Architect” nor can he enjoy the rights
and privileges of one.

Architecture as a discipline deduces from knowledge and skills from the

sciences, humanities, and fine and applied arts. It applies itself to providing shelter to
all activities of man in all places under varying conditions, understanding each place
within distinctive physical, historical, cultural, social, political, and virtual
environments. Our built environment is formed and transformed as a result of
architectural proposals done by engaging with the spaces, buildings, cities, and
landscapes where we live. Architectural study is centered on design.

Architectural education is part of the construction industry exerting an

important influence on the way this industry changes and develops. During the
course of architectural education, the knowledge, understanding, and skills
developed are broad, holistic, and value-laden. Most undergraduates aim ultimately
for professional licensure or accreditation or a related career.

The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Architecture program is a 5-year academic

curricular program compliant with CHED Memorandum Order No. 61, s. 2006:
Policies, Standards, and Guidelines for Architecture Education with the goal to train
and develop students’ proficiency on the theories, practices, and techniques of the
Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R. Alonzo
UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058

architectural profession. The curriculum includes courses or fields of study related to

architecture such as interior design, landscape architecture, urban design, urban
planning, regional planning, environmental planning, housing, real estate
development, educational management, business management, project
management, construction management and technology, building administration
and maintenance, engineering, and architectural research, as embodied in RA 9266
and the Architects’ National Code.

Based on tuition fee rates for school year 2010-2011 (DOLE 2012), an
Architecture degree costs around P30,000 to P45,000 per semester in private schools
and universities while tuition fees in public educational institutions offering the same
program would cost about 20 percent to 40 percent less.

Additionally, the curriculum requires a post-baccalaureate, pre-licensure

two-year Diversified Training Experience (DTE) consisting of varied experiences in the
different phases of architectural service. Within this period, graduates should
become employed along the fields of architectural practice to earn their DTE.

Still, the ultimate goal of a graduate is to pass the Architect’s Licensure

Examination (ALE) to legally practice the profession of architecture. The ALE is
conducted twice a year in the Philippines in January and June by the PRC-PRBoA, and
once a year in November in the Middle East when the PRC-PRBoA goes to Qatar, KSA
and UAE to give the examination. However, there are graduates who are not able to
take the ALE while they continue to be employed in jobs related to architectural
practice in the years that follow after the prescribed two-year DTE. Some also get to
land in jobs divergent to their education and training.

Employment is highly competitive among graduates of Architecture in the

Philippines. In urbanized centers in the Philippines, primarily Manila, such as the
University of Santo Tomas (UST), University of the Philippines (UP), Far Eastern
University (FEU), Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT) and Saint Louis University
(SLU) in Baguio City, the number of Architecture graduates in these institutions is
relatively high, while in the University of Northern Philippines (UNP) where the
program has been offered since 1971 – is a provincial state institution producing an
average of 20 graduates a year, thus, making the job hunt stiffer.

The UNP College of Architecture maintains a record of its graduates and ALE
passers. However, there are no updated records or documents as to who are
gainfully employed commensurate to their architecture education and training that
prepared them to work in the industry.
Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R. Alonzo
UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058

It is on this premise that this research was conducted. The UNP College of
Architecture hopes to trace the employment competitiveness of its graduates along
place of employment, work status, and work assignments. The results will provide a
basis for the College to continue improving its curriculum, teaching methods,
approaches, and the learning styles of students as well.

The study aimed to determine the employment status of the graduates- both
RLAs and underboard- of the College of Architecture, University of Northern
Philippines, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur from School Years 2001 to 2011 in terms of year of
graduation, place of employment, work assignment, and work status, and work
related to the degree.

In the Philippines, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) was created

through Republic Act No. 7722, also known as the Higher Education Act of 1994, to
supervise tertiary and graduate education. Its mandate includes promotion of
quality education, adopting appropriate steps that ensure accessibility of
education to all, and protecting and ensuring academic freedom for continued
intellectual growth, advancement of learning and research, development of
responsible and effective leadership, education of high-level professionals, and
enrichment of historical and cultural heritage.

Under CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) no. 61, s. 2006, a school offering
Architecture is required to follow a curriculum relevant to the present needs and
latest international standards which will provide students with comprehensive
knowledge, skill, and competence in the field; the totality of their growth and
development within the framework of democratic ideals and values; and the
preservation, conservation, and promotion of Filipino architectural heritage within
the global context.

Thus, CHED, through its Technical Panel for Architecture, Engineering, and
Technology Education has formulated a Graduates Competency Standards for the
Bachelor of Science In Architecture to attune the architecture program to the goals
and mission of CHED and the nation and make architecture education responsive to
the growing demands for human resources in business and industrial world. Below
is a list of the competency standards:

1. Develop communication skills;

2. Initiate and conduct architectural research and development for the
advancement of the profession;

Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R. Alonzo
UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058

3. Design the built environment in the context of ecological balance and

sustainable development and conservation of cultural and historical
4. Provide professional services in the realm of the scope of practice in
5. Maintain active membership in the accredited professional organization
to establish local and international linkages and networks;
6. Participate actively in legislative and policy-making concerns affecting
the profession;
7. Participate in the evaluation of the architectural education program and
its relevance to current trends and development;
8. Act as mentors to the aspirants of the profession through diversified
training and apprenticeship program;
9. Upholds the dignity and integrity of the professional and promotes the
highest ethical standards in the practice of the profession;
10. Develop conceptual knowledge in building science and technical system
11. Understand architectural business and organization.

Moreover, the UK-based Centre for Education in the Built Environment

(CEBE) gives a list of abilities or experiences that a graduate in architecture typically
must have in order to be employed:

1. Worked in an interdisciplinary environment and collaborate with others;

2. Has responded to a broad range of interests including social and ethical
3. Could communicate effectively using visual, graphic, written, and verbal
4. Could work autonomously in a self-directed manner, thereby developing
the practices of reflection and of lifelong learning;
5. Willing to work in teams;
6. Manages time and work to deadlines;
7. Uses digital and electronic communication techniques;
8. Could analyze problems and use innovation, logical and lateral thinking
in their solution;
9. Be flexible and adaptable in approaching an issue, problem or

Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R. Alonzo
UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058

Additionally, CEBE provides other employability-related skills which can be

developed that include the ability to:
1. conceptualize, investigate, and develop the design of three-dimensional
objects and spaces;
2. create architectural designs that integrate social, aesthetic, and technical
3. conceive architectural designs on a specific site in the context of urban
4. research, formulate, and respond to programs or briefs appropriate to
specific contexts and circumstances;
5. form considered judgments about the spatial, aesthetic, technical and
social qualities of a design within the scope and scale of a wider
6. reflect upon and then relate ideas to a design and to the work of other;
7. produce designs that demonstrate the integrative relationship of
structure; building materials and constructional elements and the
relationship between climate, service systems, and energy supply;
8. exercise informed and reflective judgement in the development of
sustainable design;
9. use a range of visual, written, and verbal techniques to communicate
architectural designs and ideas;
10. select and use design using design-based software and multimedia
applications; and
11. listen and engage in informed dialogue.

On the other hand, Navarro, et al., (2003) in their study stated that
employability is a measure of the productivity of education because it is reflective of
the economic value added to the person who underwent the educative process; that
one of the indicators that a school has fulfilled its mission statement is through the
employability of its graduates, adding that employability is usually measured in terms
of waiting time.

Further, Navarro, et al. mentioned Santillan’s (1988) study where majority of

graduates gained employment ranging from 10-12 months after graduation and that
the most needed qualification was the Bachelor’s degree or title. Said study
recognized that employability is affected by two economic factors that affect job-
hunting: 1) scarcity of employment opportunities and 2) manpower needs of the
community that may not relate to the skills training of graduates. The study also
affirms that these concerns directly relate to the country’s brain-drain characterized

Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R. Alonzo
UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058

by a large number of graduates seeking employment abroad because of lack of

employment in the home country.

Likewise, Navarro, et al. (2003) confirm that drafting subjects are basic to the
jobs of Architecture and Engineering graduates who are mostly employed in
construction firms.

The Department of Employment (DOLE) published the Employment Guide for

Students and Jobseekers (2012) to help students and jobseekers start their
employment options and how to prepare for their choice. This Guide is organized
along three options for employment: (a) wage employment, whether local or
overseas; (b) self-employment; and (c) skills training and upgrading of qualifications.
The wage employment option covers the normal job cycle ranging from job
application to termination of employment. The self-employment option deals with
the entrepreneurship or practice of profession cycle. The skills training and
upgrading of qualifications option provides the individuals with the information on
how to improve their chances of employability by acquiring skills and furthering their

Below is an extraction from the Guide which gives the state of local
employment vis-à-vis in-demand land-based jobs under overseas employment
opportunities for architecture and related fields:

Local Employment Opportunities

Industry Hard-To-Fill Jobs

Construction Engineer (Civil, Electrical, Design, Structural,
Planning & Contract)
Ownership Dwellings & Real Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Surveyor,
Estate Architect

Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R. Alonzo
UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058

Overseas Employment Opportunities: In-demand Land-based Jobs

Major Occupational
Industry/Sector/Skill Country
Professional, Architecture & Engineering: Malaysia, Macau, Middle
Technical, Medical, AutoCAD Draftsmen, East, Belgium, Germany,
and Related Firefighters, Engineers (Civil, Japan, Norway, KSA, Libya,
Workers Piping, Design, Seychelles, Macau, US,
Scheduling/Planning, Chemical, Korea, Middle East,
Mechanical, HVAC Design, Belgium, Spain, Italy,
Structural, Bio-Medical, Poland, Switzerland,
Communication and Denmark, Finland, Norway,
Agricultural), Emergency Brunei, Singapore, Taiwan,
Medical Technicians Switzerland, Israel, Japan

Production & Construction Workers: Brunei, Japan, Macau,

Related Aluminum Installer, Malaysia, Taiwan, CNMI,
Workers Carpenter, Concrete Poland, Germany, Cyprus,
Electric/Mechanical Libya, Oman, UAE, KSA,
Assistants, Electricians, Korea, Poland, Germany,
Erectors, Fabricators, Cyprus, Libya, Oman
Finishers, Draftsmen, Drillers,
Foremen, Heavy equipment
Operators, Helpers/
Watchmen, Mason, Pipe
Fitters, Plaster Painters,
Plasterers, Plumbers, Riggers,
Safety Officers, Welders,

In this same material, DOLE supplies the information on the salary of

architects which is viewed as attractive. An architect who works in the country
receives a monthly salary ranging from P18,000-P40,000 depending on the type of
employer, while Filipino architects employed in the Middle East receive a monthly
salary of $1,500 to $3,000, again depending on the type of employer. In other foreign
countries, pay and benefits range higher than local rates.

DOLE moreover gives a picture of employment opportunities for architects

where on the overall, job opportunities are good in spite of the fact that economic
fluctuations, particularly in the construction industry, affect the demand for
Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R. Alonzo
UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058

architects. Yet, the steady growth of non-residential and residential construction

continues to provide enough job opportunities for practicing architects.
Demographic trends also support the increase in demand for the profession because
an increasing population will require construction of more houses, schools, health
care facilities such as hospitals, commercial office spaces, entertainment facilities,
shopping centers, and other types of structures. A recent and exciting trend is the
outsourcing of local architectural firms by foreign firms for production of
construction drawings of projects which is expected to be sustained with the
unprecedented growth in the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry in the
Philippines. Opportunities for overseas employment are also expanding particularly
in the Middle East countries because of construction boom brought about by a
prospering economy. Increasingly, there are better opportunities for Computer-
Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) technology because CADD is now the practice of
all architectural firms.

Architects may also be employed in the industries of construction, real

estate, renting, and business activities.

The horizon for career advancement for Architects is bright, according to

DOLE. Architects eventually manage entire projects when they have acquired
considerable experience in their work, others may advance to supervisory or
managerial positions in large establishments, some become partners in established
firms while others may set up their own architectural firms and become independent
practitioners. For career moves, architects may also enter related fields of graphic,
interior, or industrial design; urban planning; real estate development; civil
engineering; and construction management.

DOLE also gives a List of Tasks that an architect performs:

1. Provides pre-design services - conducting feasibility and environmental

impact studies, selecting a site, and specifying the requirements the
design must meet; prepares drawings and a report presenting ideas for
the client to review;
2. Develops final construction plans;
3. Prepares cost analysis;
4. May assist client in obtaining construction bids, selecting a contractor,
and negotiating the construction contract;
5. Visits construction site to ensure that the contractor is following the
design, using specified materials and meeting the specified standards for
the quality of work;
Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R. Alonzo
UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058

6. Makes long-range planning for land development; and

7. Directs activities of workers engaged in preparing drawings and
specification documents.

Further, DOLE lists the Skills and Competencies of an architect:

1. Ability to visually communicate ideas to clients;
2. Ability to conceptualize and understand spatial relationships;
3. Artistic and drawing ability;
4. Excellent communication (written & oral) skills;
5. Computer literacy - knowledge of computer - aided design and drafting
6. Strong organizational skills with attention to details; and
7. Managerial & supervisory skills.

Also, the Agency gives the Physical Attributes and Characteristics

of an architect, namely: Creative; Artistic; Responsive to client’s needs;
and Ability to work independently or as part of a team.

The Agency likewise lists AutoCAD under the Technical Education

and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Programs/Courses with High
Employment Rates.

The importance of quality education, training and experience of the Filipino

architect is all the more highlighted with the ASEAN Mutual Recognition
Arrangement (MRA) for Architectural Services to be implemented in 2015. The
Philippines is a member-country signatory together with the governments of Brunei
Darussalam, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of Indonesia, Lao People’s
Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Union of Myanmar, the Republic of Singapore,
the Kingdom of Thailand, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The prime objective
of the ASEAN-MRA 2015 is to facilitate mobility of Architects within the ASEAN
Region by 2015.

The ASEAN Architect, to be recognized, must have, among other

qualifications, acquired practical and diversified experience of not less than ten years
of continuous practice of architecture after graduation, of which at least five years
shall be after licensure/registration and at least two years of which shall be in
responsible charge of significant architectural works. The eligible ASEAN Architect
shall be permitted to work as a Foreign Registered Architect of the Host (ASEAN)
Country in collaboration with an architect of the host country or in independent
practice within the area of his own recognized competency.
Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R. Alonzo
UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058


The study employed the descriptive-survey method of research and

documentary analysis using the 2001 to 2011 UNP Registrar’s Records of graduates
to validate the responses of the respondents and the PRC ALE results for those who
took the examination. The survey-checklist was used to elicit the school and work
attributes of the respondents namely: year of graduation, place of employment,
work assignment, work status, and work which may or may not be related to the
degree. The research also utilized the internet in gathering information about the
respondents especially the overseas contract workers and migrants. There were 166
architecture graduates from School Years 2001 – 2011 who served as respondents of
this study. The frequency, percentage, and mean were used in the statistical
treatment of the data.


Distribution of Respondents According to Year of Graduation

and Employment Status

The greatest number of respondents (29 or 17.6 %) belongs to SY 2010-2011.

In descending order, this is followed by graduates of SY 2005-2006 and 2006-2007
with 19 (11.5%) respondents for each said School Year. Equally, there were 18
(10.8%) respondents in SYs 2002-2003 and 2003-2004, respectively. There were 16
(9.6 %) respondents in SY 2009-2010. SY 2002-2003 and SY 2003-2004 have the
same number (8 or 10.8%) of respondents. Similarly, there were equal number (15
or 9.0%) of respondents in SY 2001-2002 and SY 2004-2005. In SY 2007-2008, there
were nine (5.4 %) respondents. The least number (8 or 4.8%) of respondents belong
to SY 2008-2009.

It is surmised that the greatest number of graduates were from SY 2010-

2011 which could be a good indication that UNP is attracting more students to enroll
in the BS Architecture program.
Place of Employment. There are 71 (42.8%) employed in the locality.
Locality, as a place of employment refers to the Province of Ilocos Sur where UNP is
situated. There are 49 (29.5%) employed in Metro Manila while 46 (27.7%) are
employed overseas. It is evident that in Ilocos Sur alone, the professional services of
architects and related architectural jobs provided by the underboard are needed.
Apparently, there is an increase in construction activities in the locality. The findings

Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R. Alonzo
UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058

also imply that the Architecture profession is growing in demand locally and

Work Assignment. Almost half (46 or 27.7%) of the respondents are CAD
Technicians/Operators, 33 (19.9%) are architects, an equal number of 29 (17.5%)
work as draftsman and along other fields, respectively; 23 (13.9%) work as
architectural designers; and the least (6 or 3.6%) are architectural inspectors. It can
be generalized that the work assignments of the respondents are related to

Work Status. Majority (109 or 65.7%) of the respondents work as

contractual, 22 (13.3%) work as private practitioners who put up their own
architectural office; 13 (7.8%) work in other fields, such as project-based
construction; and 10 (6.0%) graduates have permanent positions in the government.
It was reported by some respondents that they prefer to work as contractual
because they do not want to stay long in one company and have the option to get
out from their current job/s when opportunity for greener pastures are available for

Work Related to the Degree. Majority (144 or 86.7%) are employed as

architects, architectural designers/inspectors, CAD technicians/operators, and
draftsmen, while 22 (13.3%) work in jobs not related to their degree such as putting
up entrepreneurial endeavors like t-shirt printing, working as office assistant, or into
sales. The latter could be due to lack of job opportunities or inability to find jobs
related to the degree or acceptance of job that came to be offered first or because of
attractive pay.


A great number of respondents graduated during the School Year 2010-2011

which showed that UNP is attracting more students to enroll in the BS Architecture

Majority of the respondents are employed in the locality (Province of Ilocos

Sur). However, there is relatively a large number of respondents who are employed
in Metro Manila and overseas which implies that the Architecture profession is
growing in demand locally and abroad.

Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R. Alonzo
UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058

Most of the respondents are CAD Technician/Operators, a work assignment

in high demand now in the design and construction industry especially for the
younger batch of graduates armed with very good skills in the latest CAD softwares.

Majority of the respondents work as contractual, a preference of the

respondents who do not want to stay long in their present job and have the option
to get out when opportunity for greener pastures are available for them.

Majority are employed in architecture-related jobs. This encompasses the

employment of all graduates, both ALE passers who provide professional services in
accordance with RA 9266, and the underboard who perform architectural works
under the supervision of an architect and can work in jobs related to architectural
practice but cannot use the title “Architect” or enjoy the rights and privileges of one.


The UNP College of Architecture should continue to attract enrollees to the

BS Architecture program by sustaining its good reputation as a producer of quality
graduates competitive with other Philippine and foreign schools particularly those
from the ASEAN. This can be achieved by regularly enhancing the curriculum and
qualifications of its faculty to match the global needs of the industry. An immediate
action would be the inclusion of latest softwares in the CAD courses to arm
graduates with this particular technical skill. Consistently also, the College must
imbue in the students the values of a good architect. The result would be increased
demand for and faster employment of UNP graduates as overseas contract workers
and as employees of well-known architectural firms in Manila and in the locality.
Their excellent training and education will likewise allow them to make good choices
in their employment.

While the UNP graduates find good Architecture-related employments, the

College should encourage and inspire all graduates to take the Architect’s Licensure
Examination. Passing the ALE should be the ultimate goal of completing the 5-year
academic program in architecture in order to legally practice the profession and to
fully enjoy employment as an architect with the rights and privileges accorded in
being as one.

Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines, F.N. R. Alonzo
UNP Research Journal Volume XXII January-December 2013 ISSN 0119-3058


Navarro, Remedios, (2003). The relevance and responsiveness of the course offerings of
the University of Northern Philippines to the manpower needs of region 1 (Vol.1),
Unpublished Dissertation, University of Northern Philippines, Vigan City, (typescript).

RA 9266. The Architecture Act of 2004.

Department of Labor and Employment. (2012). Employment guide for students & jobseekers

Commission on Higher Education. CHED Memorandum Order 61, s. 2006: Policies, standards
and guidelines for architecture education.

The ASEAN mutual recognition arrangement (MRA) on architectural services.

Online Sources

Department of Labor and Employment (2011). The Philippines labor and employment plan
2011-2016. Inclusive Growth Through Decent and Productive Work. Retrieved on April
22, 2012 from

Architect. Retrieved on April 22, 2012 from -


The Centre for Education in the Built Environment. Enhancing the student learning
experience. Retrieved on April 22, 2012 from

ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on Architectural Services (2007). Retrieved

on April 22, 2012 from


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