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Military History Anniversaries 01 thru 15 Jun

Events in History over the next 15 day period that had U.S. military involvement or
impacted in some way on U.S military operations or American interests

 Jun 00 1943 – WW2: USS Runner (SS–275) missing. Date of sinking unknown. Possibly sunk by a
Japanese mine or combined air and surface attack off northeastern Honshu, Japan. 78 killed.

 Jun 01 1779 – Post American Revolution: Benedict Arnold, a general in the Continental Army during
the American Revolutionary War, is court-martialed for malfeasance. Because of the way that he
changed sides, his name quickly became a byword in the United States for treason or betrayal. His
conflicting legacy is recalled in the ambiguous nature of some of the memorials that have been placed
in his honor.

 Jun 01 1812 – War of 1812: U.S. President James Madison asks the Congress to declare war on the
United Kingdom.

 Jun 01 1813 – War of 1812: Chesapeake vs HMS Shannon -- HMS Shannon, commanded by Captain
Philip Broke, was under orders to intercept any ship that tried to enter or exit the Boston harbor where
it was stationed. He sent a message to the USS Chesapeake’s commander James Lawrence goading
him to battle, but Lawrence had already set sail before receiving the note. Around noon the USS
Chesapeake cleared Boston Harbor and Captain Broke, believing that his challenge had been met,
allowed the Chesapeake to approach his ship. As the ships neared each other, they opened fire. The
Shannon inflicted significant damage upon the Chesapeake and before long the two ships had been
lodged together. Both captains called on their men to be ready to board. But before Lawrence could
lead a boarding party he was fatally wounded. When he as carried below, he was quoted at saying,
“Don't give up the ship; fight to the last man”. These words immortalized him. Lawrence's death
demoralized his troops and there were few left alive to lead a charge onto the Shannon. Within five
minutes, Broke and his troops were able to capture the Chesapeake.

Capt. James Lawrence (left), Capt. Philip Broke (right) and USS Chesapeake (center)

 Jun 01 1861 – Civil War: Battle of Fairfax Court House - First land battle of American Civil War
after Battle of Fort Sumter, first Confederate combat casualty. Casualties and losses: US 8 – CSA 8.

 Jun 01 1862 – Civil War: Peninsula Campaign - Battle of Seven Pines (or the Battle of Fair Oaks)
ends inconclusively after 2 days, with both sides claiming victory. Casualties and losses: US 5,031 -
CSA 6,134.

 Jun 01 1916 – WWI: Germans launch attack on British lines in Ypres Salient » As German and
British naval forces clash in the North Sea during the Battle of Jutland and the French resist the
persistent German siege at Verdun, German army troops launch a major attack on British lines in the
Ypres Salient on the Western Front.

As the nexus of an Allied salient that blocked any German advance to the English Channel, the town
of Ypres, Belgium, saw nearly constant fighting during World War I. Three major battles—in October-
November 1914, April-May 1915 and July-November 1917—punctuated a stream of smaller attacks,
including one on June 1, 1916, by German troops. The Germans advanced 700 yards through the British
trenches along a 3,000-yard front near Ypres; among the casualties were one British general killed and
one taken prisoner. Within 48 hours, however, the British were able recover some of the captured
On the same day, at the city of Verdun, France, where French troops had been under siege since
February 21, 1916, the Germans began a fresh attack against Fort Vaux, one of two principal fortresses

used to defend Verdun. The other, Fort Douaumont, had fallen on 25 FEB, but Fort Vaux had managed
to hold out for three months under a relentless German onslaught. A previous assault, on 2 MAR, had
been thrown back by French forces, though one of the prisoners taken that day was Captain Charles de
Gaulle, wounded in the thigh by a German bayonet. The German attack that began 1 JUN proved too
much for the French defenders, and on 7 JUN the Germans finally captured Fort Vaux and its 600
surviving soldiers.
Verdun itself, however, continued to hold out, as the French desperately urged their allies, Britain
and Russia, to launch offensives of their own to divert German men and resources. Russia responded
first, with the famed Brusilov Offensive—named for General Alexei Brusilov—that nearly decimated
the Austro-Hungarian army on the Eastern Front. In early July, Britain struck the Germans near the
Somme River in France, as grinding, bloody battles continued on all fronts of World War I.

 Jun 01 1918 – WWI: Western Front - 26 day Battle for Belleau Wood began. Allied Forces under John
J. Pershing and James Harbord engage Imperial German Forces under Wilhelm, German Crown Prince.
Marine Captain Lloyd W. Williams of the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines uttered the now-famous retort
"Retreat? Hell, we just got here."

American Marines in Belleau Wood (1918)

 Jun 01 1941 – WW2: Crete falls to German forces » The last Allied stronghold in Greece, is
captured by German forces at high cost to both sides.

NASA photograph of Crete (left)

In late 1940, the Greek army, reinforced by the British air force, decisively repulsed an Italian
invasion of their nation. In April 1941, these triumphs turned to defeat when Nazi leader Adolf Hitler
turned his undefeated German Wehrmacht against the country. The German army advanced so quickly

in Greece that the British were forced to cancel plans to send reinforcements to the country. On 23
APR, the Greek king and his government evacuated to Crete, an island south of the Greek mainland,
and on 24 APR a general Allied evacuation to the island began. For the next six days, the Germans
bombarded the Allied ships streaming to Crete, killing some 15,000 Allied sailors and troops. By 29
APR, however, almost 50,000 British, Greek, Australian, and New Zealand troops had reached the
safety of the heavily fortified island.
Three weeks later, the German invasion of Crete began, and more than 20,000 German parachute
troops landed on the island within a few days. Under heavy resistance from the Allies, the Germans
succeeded in gaining control of an airfield and were thus able to fly in a steady number of
reinforcements. On 26 MAY, the Allies began to move to the southern coast of Crete, where an
evacuation to British-controlled Egypt began. By 1 JUN, the last of some 20,000 surviving Allied troops
had escaped, and Crete fell to the Axis.

 Jun 01 1942 – WW2: News of death camp killings becomes public for first time » a Warsaw
underground newspaper, the Liberty Brigade, makes public the news of the gassing of tens of thousands
of Jews at Chelmno, a Nazi-operated death camp in Poland—almost seven months after extermination
of prisoners began.

A year earlier, the means of effecting what would become the “Final Solution,” the mass
extermination of European Jewry, was devised: 700 Jews were murdered by channeling gas fumes back
into a van used to transport them to the village of Chelmno, in Poland. This “gas van” would become
the death chamber for a total of 360,000 Jews from more than 200 communities in Poland. The
advantage of this form of extermination was that it was silent and invisible.
One month before the infamous Wannsee Conference of January 1942, during which Nazi officials
decided to address formally the “Jewish question,” the gas vans in Chelmno were used to kill up to
1,000 Jews a day. The vans provided the “Final Solution” for Adolf Eichmann and other Wannsee

attendees. The mass gassings were the most orderly and systematic means of eliminating European
Jewry. Eventually, more such vans were employed in other parts of Poland. There was no thought of
selecting out the “fit” from the “unfit” for slave labor, as in Auschwitz. There was only one goal: utter
On June 1, 1942, the story of a young Jew, Emanuel Ringelblum, (who escaped from the Chelmno
death camp after being forced to bury bodies as they were thrown out of the gas vans), was published
in the underground Polish Socialist newspaper Liberty Brigade. The West now knew the “bloodcurdling
news… about the slaughter of Jews,” and it had a name—Chelmno.

 Jun 01 1944 – WW2: USS Herring (SS–233) sunk by Japanese Army shore battery (Guards Division
52) off Matsuwa Island, Kuriles. 83 killed.

 Jun 01 1964 – Vietnam War: Top U.S. officials meet in Honolulu » Top U.S. officials concerned
about the Vietnam War gather for two days of meetings in Honolulu. Attendees included Secretary of
State Dean Rusk, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Gen.
William Westmoreland, Gen. Maxwell Taylor, and CIA Director John McCone, among others. Much
of the discussion focused on the projected air war against North Vietnam, including a list of 94 potential
targets. There was also a discussion of the plan for a joint Congressional resolution.
The meeting was convened to develop options for President Lyndon B. Johnson in dealing with the
rapidly deteriorating situation in Vietnam. In March 1964, Secretary of Defense McNamara had
reported that 40 percent of the countryside was under Viet Cong control or influence. Johnson was
afraid that he would be run out of office if South Vietnam fell to the communists, but he did not want
to employ American military power on a large scale because of the impact that such actions might have
on his Great Society domestic programs. Upon returning from the meeting in Honolulu, several of
Johnson’s advisers, led by William Bundy, developed a scenario of graduated overt pressures against
North Vietnam, according to which the president, after securing a Congressional resolution, would
authorize air strikes against selected North Vietnamese targets. Johnson rejected the idea of submitting
the resolution to Congress because it would “raise a whole series of disagreeable questions” which
might jeopardize passage of the administration’s civil rights legislation. However, the idea of such a
resolution would surface again in less than two months.

A North Vietnamese P-4 engaging USS Maddox

In August 1964, after North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked U.S. destroyers, in what became
known as the Tonkin Gulf incident, McNamara and Rusk appeared before a joint Congressional
committee on foreign affairs. They presented the Johnson administration’s arguments for a resolution

authorizing the president “to take all necessary measures” to defend Southeast Asia. Subsequently,
Congress passed Public Law 88-408, the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, giving President Johnson the power
to take whatever actions he deemed necessary, including “the use of armed force.” The resolution
passed 82 to 2 in the Senate, where Wayne K. Morse (D-Oregon) and Ernest Gruening (D-Alaska) were
the only dissenting votes; the bill passed unanimously in the House of Representatives. President
Johnson signed it into law on August 10. It became the legal basis for every presidential action taken
by the Johnson administration during its conduct of the war.

 Jun 01 1977 – Vietnam War: Vietnam Veterans group announces support for Nixon » In support
of the Nixon Administration’s conduct of the war, a group named the Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace
declares that it represents the majority of the U.S. veterans that had served in Southeast Asia, and calls
the protests and congressional testimony of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War “irresponsible.”
On 19 APR, as a prelude to a massive antiwar protest, the Vietnam Veterans Against the War began
a five-day demonstration in Washington, D.C. The generally peaceful protest, called Dewey Canyon
III in honor of the February and March operation in Laos, ended on 23 APR with some 1,000 veterans
throwing their combat ribbons, helmets, and uniforms along with toy weapons on the Capitol steps.
Earlier they had lobbied with their congressmen, laid wreaths in Arlington National Cemetery, and
staged mock “search and destroy” missions.

 Jun 01 1977 – Cold War: Soviets charge Shcharansky with treason » The Soviet government
charges Anatoly Shcharansky, a leader among Jewish dissidents and human rights activists in Russia,
with the crime of treason. The action was viewed by many in the West as a direct challenge to President
Jimmy Carter’s new foreign policy emphasis on human rights and his criticism of Soviet repression.

Shcharansky, a 29-year-old computer expert, had been a leading figure in the so-called “Helsinki
group” in the Soviet Union. This group came into existence in 1975, after the signing of the European
Security Act. The European Security Act, also referred to as the Helsinki Accords, was the result of
U.S. and Soviet efforts to reinvigorate the spirit of dÝtente. The two nations called 35 other countries
together to discuss a variety of topics, and the final agreements signed at the meeting included
guidelines for human rights. Although the Soviets signed the act, Jewish dissidents in Russia
complained that their rights continued to be violated, particularly their right to emigrate.
These Jewish dissidents and other human rights activists in the Soviet Union came together to form
the Helsinki group, which was designed to monitor Russian respect of the 1975 act. Shcharansky was
one of the best known of this group, particularly because of his flair for sparking public interest in
human rights violations in Russia. President Carter used the situation of Russian Jews as an example
of the human rights violations he wished to curtail when he came into office in 1977. The Soviets

responded with a series of arrests of Helsinki group leaders and the deportation of others. Shcharansky,
the most vociferous of the group, came in for the harshest treatment. In June 1977, he was charged with
treason, specifically with accepting funds from the CIA in order to create dissension in the Soviet
Union. After a perfunctory trial, he was sentenced to 14 years in prison. He was finally released in
February 1986, when he and four other prisoners were exchanged for four Soviet spies who had been
held in the West.
Shcharansky’s arrest and imprisonment elicited a good deal of criticism from the American people
and government, but the criticism seemed merely to harden the Soviet position. It was not until after
Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985, promising a freer political atmosphere in the Soviet Union,
that Shchransky and other political dissidents, such as Andrei Sakharov, were freed from prison and
internal exile. Despite the relatively freer atmosphere of the Gorbachev years, members of the Helsinki
group, as well as other Soviet dissidents, continued to press for greater democratic freedom and human
rights right up to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

 Jun 01 1990 – Cold War: Superpowers to destroy chemical weapons » At a superpowers summit
meeting in Washington, D.C., U.S. President George H.W. Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev
sign a historic agreement to end production of chemical weapons and begin the destruction of both
nations’ sizable reserves of them. According to the agreement, on-site inspectors from both countries
would observe the destruction process.
The treaty, which called for an 80 percent reduction of their chemical weapon arsenals, was part of
an effort to create a climate of change that would discourage smaller nations from stockpiling and using
the lethal weapons. First developed during World War I, most countries in the world were in possession
of the technology needed to build chemical weapons by 1990, and some, such as Iraq, had engaged in
chemical warfare in preceding years. The United States and Russia began destroying their chemical
weapons arsenals in the early 1990s. In 1993, the U.S., Russia, and 150 other nations signed a
comprehensive treaty banning chemical weapons. The U.S. Senate ratified the treaty in 1997.


 Jun 02 1814 – War of 1812: US Wasp Captures 10 British Ships -- The USS Was captured her first
vessel, the 207-ton bark Neptune, on 2 June 1814. Eleven days later, she took William, a 91-ton brig,
and burned her. Wasp encountered the 131-ton, armed brig, Pallas, on the 18th and captured her—
apparently without resistance—and scuttled her. Her fourth victim— which she took on the 23rd—-the
171-ton galiot Henrietta, was given up to the prisoners she had thus far taken. Three days later, she
captured and scuttled the 325-ton ship Orange Boven.
On 28 June, she came upon the 21-gun sloop-of-war Reindeer some 225 miles west of Plymouth and
brought her to battle. The fight lasted only 19 minutes; but, during that brief span of time, the two ships
traded a murderous fire of grape and solid shot. Several times, Reindeer's crew tried to board Wasp;
but the American crew repulsed them on each occasion. In the end, Wasp's own ship's company boarded
Reindeer and carried the day. Wasp suffered six hits in her hull, and some of her rigging was shot away,
but she remained sailable. After taking prisoners on board, setting fire to Reindeer, and watching her
explode, Wasp set course for L'Orient, France. En route, she took two more prizes, the 112-ton brig
Regulator on Independence Day and the 151-ton schooner Jenny two days later.

 Jun 02 1862 – Civil War: General Robert E. Lee took charge of the battered Confederate forces before
Richmond, which was soon reorganized and designated the Army of Northern Virginia.

 Jun 02 1863 – Old West: Alarmed by the growing encroachment of whites squatting on Native
American lands, the Shawnee Chief Tecumseh calls on all Indians to unite and resist.

 Jun 02 1863 – Civil War: Gettysburg PA - During the second day of the battle Confederate General
Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia attacks General George G. Meade’s Army of the Potomac
at both Culp’s Hill and Little Round Top, but fails to move the Yankees from their positions.

 Jun 02 1864 – Civil War: After the arrival of the Union VI and XVIII Corps and the seizure of some
real estate to the west, Confederate troops of General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia dug
trenches and erected breastworks along a seven-mile front around Cold Harbor.

 Jun 02 1865 – Civil War: American Civil War ends » In an event that is generally regarded as
marking the end of the Civil War, Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith, commander of
Confederate forces west of the Mississippi, signs the surrender terms offered by Union negotiators.
With Smith’s surrender, the last Confederate army ceased to exist, bringing a formal end to the bloodiest
four years in U.S. history.
The American Civil War began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate shore batteries under General
Pierre G.T. Beauregard opened fire on Union-held Fort Sumter in South Carolina’s Charleston Bay.
During 34 hours, 50 Confederate guns and mortars launched more than 4,000 rounds at the poorly
supplied fort, and on April 13 U.S. Major Robert Anderson, commander of the Union garrison,
surrendered. Two days later, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for 75,000

volunteer soldiers to help quell the Southern “insurrection.” Four long years later, the Confederacy was
defeated at the total cost of 620,000 Union and Confederate dead.

 Jun 02 1917– WWI: Several weeks after King Constantine I abdicates his throne in Athens under
pressure from the Allies, Greece declares war on the Central Powers, ending three years of neutrality
by entering World War I alongside Britain, France, Russia and Italy.

 Jun 02 1917– WWI: Canadian Lieutenant William Avery Bishop of No. 60 Squadron, Royal Flying
Corps flew his Nieuport 17 behind German lines to attack an enemy aerodrome, claiming three victories
in the process. Although he had no witnesses to the feat, his commander accepted his story, which led
to him being awarded the Victoria Cross.

 Jun 02 1944 – WW2: United States begins “shuttle bombing” in Operation Frantic » American
bombers of the Fifteenth Air Force launch Operation Frantic, a series of bombing raids over Central
Europe, alighting from airbases in southern Italy, but landing at airbases in Poltava, in the Soviet Union,
in what is called “shuttle bombing.”

The Fifteenth U.S. Air Force was created solely to cripple Germany’s war economy. Operating out
of Italy, and commanded by General Carl Spaatz, a World War I fighter pilot, the Fifteenth was
recruited by a desperate Joseph Stalin to help the Red Army in its campaign in Romania. In exchange
for the Fifteenth’s assistance, Stalin allowed the American bombers to land at airbases within the Soviet
Union as they carried out Operation Frantic, a plan to devastate German industrial regions in occupied
Silesia, Hungary, and Romania. Given that such bombing patterns would have made return flights to
Foggia and other parts of southern Italy, the Fifteenth’s launching points, impossible because of
refueling problems, the “shuttle” to Poltava was the solution that made Frantic a reality.
Before it was shortened to Frantic, the operation was dubbed Operation Frantic Joe-a commentary
on Joe Stalin’s original urgent appeal for help. It was changed to avoid offending the Soviet premier.

 Jun 02 1944 – WW2: D-Day date set » The date for D-Day, the Allied invasion of Normandy, was
fixed for 5 JUN. Originally 4 JUN, it was acknowledged by Allied strategists that bad weather would
make keeping to any one day problematic. German General Karl von Rundstedt, intercepting an Allied
radio signal relating the 4 JUN date, was convinced that four consecutive days of good weather was
necessary for the successful prosecution of the invasion. There was no such pattern of good weather in
sight. The general became convinced that D-Day would not come off within the first week of June at

 Jun 02 1965 – Vietnam War: First contingent of Australian combat troops arrives » The first contingent
of Australian combat troops arrives by plane in Saigon. They joined the U.S. 173rd Airborne Brigade
at Bien Hoa air base. Another contingent of 400 Australian troops would arrive by ship on 8 JUN.
These Australian troops became part of the Free World Military Forces, an effort by President Lyndon
B. Johnson to enlist other nations to support the American cause in South Vietnam by sending military
aid and troops. The level of support was not the primary issue; Johnson wanted to portray international
solidarity and consensus for U.S. policies in Southeast Asia and he believed that participation by a
number of countries would do that. The effort was also known as the “many flags” program.

The Australian government had first sent a small aviation detachment and an engineer civic action
team to Vietnam in 1964. They were increasing their commitment to the war with the deployment of
the 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (RAR). In 1966, the Australians once again increased
their troop strength in Vietnam with the formation of the First Australian Task Force, which established
its own base of operations near Ba Ria in Phuoc Tuy province. The task force included two infantry
battalions, a medium tank squadron, a helicopter squadron, as well as signal, engineer, and other support
forces. By 1969, Australian forces in Vietnam totaled an estimated 8,000 personnel.

 Jun 02 1967 – Vietnam War: Green Beret doctor convicted in court-martial » Capt. Howard Levy,
30, a dermatologist from Brooklyn, is convicted by a general court-martial in Fort Jackson, South
Carolina, of willfully disobeying orders and making disloyal statements about U.S. policy in Vietnam.
Levy had refused to provide elementary instruction in skin disease to Green Beret medics on the
grounds that the Green Berets would use medicine as “another tool of political persuasion” in Vietnam.

Levy, invoked the so-called “Nuremberg defense,” justifying his refusal on the grounds that the
Green Berets would use the training for criminal purposes. Levy’s civilian attorney also argued that
training the Green Berets compelled him to violate canons of medical ethics. The Green Berets were

soldiers first and aid-men second; therefore, their provision of medical treatment to civilians in order
to make friends was illegitimate, for it could be taken away as easily as given. The court was not
persuaded and the ten-officer jury found him guilty on all charges, sentencing him to three years at hard
labor and dismissal from the service. Levy was released in August 1969 after serving 26 months and
immediately became active in the “GI coffeehouse protests” in Army towns around the country.

 Jun 02 1977 – Cold War: Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov walks out of a meeting with
representatives of the British and French governments, signaling the Soviet Union’s rejection of the
Marshall Plan. Molotov’s action indicated that Cold War frictions between the United States and Russia
were intensifying.

 Jun 02 1997 – Terrorism: McVeigh convicted for Oklahoma City bombing » Timothy McVeigh, a
former U.S. Army soldier, is convicted on 15 counts of murder and conspiracy for his role in the 1995
terrorist bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

On April 19, 1995, just after 9 a.m., a massive truck bomb exploded outside the Alfred P. Murrah
Federal Building. The blast collapsed the north face of the nine-story building, instantly killing more
than 100 people and trapping dozens more in the rubble. Emergency crews raced to Oklahoma City
from across the country, and when the rescue effort finally ended two weeks later, the death toll stood
at 168 people, including 19 young children who were in the building’s day-care center at the time of
the blast.
On 21 APR, the massive manhunt for suspects in the worst terrorist attack ever committed on U.S.
soil resulted in the capture of Timothy McVeigh, a 27-year-old former U.S. Army soldier who matched
an eyewitness description of a man seen at the scene of the crime. On the same day, Terry Nichols, an
associate of McVeigh’s, surrendered at Herington, Kansas, after learning that the police were looking
for him. Both men were found to be members of a radical right-wing survivalist group based in
Michigan, and on 8 AUG, John Fortier, who knew of McVeigh’s plan to bomb the federal building,
agreed to testify against McVeigh and Nichols in exchange for a reduced sentence. Two days later, a
grand jury indicted McVeigh and Nichols on murder and conspiracy charges.
While still in his teens, Timothy McVeigh acquired a penchant for guns and began honing survivalist
skills he believed would be necessary in the event of a Cold War showdown with the Soviet Union.
Lacking direction after high school, he enlisted in the U.S. Army and proved a disciplined and
meticulous soldier. It was during this time that he befriended Terry Nichols, a fellow soldier who,
though 13 years his senior, shared his survivalist interests.

In early 1991, McVeigh served in the Persian Gulf War and was decorated with several medals for
a brief combat mission. Despite these honors, he was discharged from the army at the end of the year,
one of many casualties of the U.S. military downsizing that came after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Perhaps also because of the end of the Cold War, McVeigh shifted his ideology from a hatred of foreign
communist governments to a suspicion of the U.S. federal government, especially as its new elected
leader, Democrat Bill Clinton, had successfully campaigned for the presidency on a platform of gun
The August 1992 shoot-out between federal agents and survivalist Randy Weaver at his cabin in
Idaho, in which Weaver’s wife and son were killed, followed by the April 19, 1993, inferno near Waco,
Texas, which killed some 80 Branch Davidians, deeply radicalized McVeigh, Nichols, and their
associates. In early 1995, Nichols and McVeigh planned an attack on the federal building in Oklahoma
City, which housed, among other federal agencies, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
(ATF)–the agency that had launched the initial raid on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993.
On April 19, 1995, the two-year anniversary of the disastrous end to the Waco standoff, McVeigh
parked a Ryder rental truck loaded with a diesel-fuel-fertilizer bomb outside the Alfred P. Murrah
Federal Building in Oklahoma City and fled. Minutes later, the massive bomb exploded, killing 168
On June 2, 1997, McVeigh was convicted on 15 counts of murder and conspiracy, and on 14 AUG,
under the unanimous recommendation of the jury, he was sentenced to die by lethal injection. In
December 2000, McVeigh asked a federal judge to stop all appeals of his convictions and to set a date
for his execution by lethal injection at the U.S. Penitentiary at Terre Haute, Indiana. McVeigh’s
execution, in June 2001, was the first federal death penalty to be carried out since 1963.
Michael Fortier was sentenced to 12 years in prison and fined $200,000 for failing to warn
authorities about McVeigh’s bombing plans. In a federal trial, Terry Nichols was found guilty on one
count of conspiracy and eight counts of involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to life in prison.
In a later Oklahoma state trial, he was charged with 160 counts of first-degree murder, one count of
first-degree manslaughter for the death of an unborn child, and one count of aiding in the placement of
a bomb near a public building. On May 26, 2004, he was convicted of all charges and sentenced to 160
consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole.


 Jun 03 1861 – Civil War: Union defeats Confederacy in the third day of the Battle of Gettysburg at
Philippi West Virginia, the first land battle of the war. Casualties and losses: US 23,049 - CSA 23,000
to 28,000 estimated of their 75,000 force.

"The Harvest of Death": Union dead on the battlefield at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania,
photographed July 5 or 6, 1863

 Jun 03 1864 – Civil War: Union disaster at Cold Harbor » Union General Ulysses S. Grant makes
what he later recognizes to be his greatest mistake by ordering a frontal assault on entrenched
Confederates at Cold Harbor, Virginia. The result was some 7,000 Union casualties in less than an hour
of fighting.
Grant’s Army of the Potomac and Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia had already inflicted
frightful losses upon each other as they wheeled along an arc around Richmond, Virginia—from the
Wilderness forest to Spotsylvania and numerous smaller battle sites—the previous month. On 30 MAY,
Lee and Grant collided at Bethesda Church. The next day, the advance units of the armies arrived at
the strategic crossroads of Cold Harbor, just 10 miles from Richmond, where a Yankee attack seized
the intersection. Sensing that there was a chance to destroy Lee at the gates of Richmond, Grant
prepared for a major assault along the entire Confederate front on 2 JUN.
But when Winfield Hancock’s Union corps did not arrive on schedule, the operation was postponed
until the following day. The delay was tragic for the Union, because it gave Lee’s troops time to
entrench. Perhaps frustrated with the protracted pursuit of Lee’s army, Grant gave the order to attack
on June 3—a decision that resulted in an unmitigated disaster. The Yankees met murderous fire, and
were only able to reach the Confederate trenches in a few places. The 7,000 Union casualties, compared
to only 1,500 for the Confederates, were all lost in under an hour.
Grant pulled out of Cold Harbor nine days later and continued to try to flank Lee’s army. The next
stop was Petersburg, south of Richmond, where a nine-month siege ensued. There would be no more
attacks on the scale of Cold Harbor.

 Jun 03 1916 –National Guard: The National Defense Act is signed into law, increasing the size of
the United States National Guard by 450,000 men.

 Jun 03 1940 – WWI: Operation Catapult - British naval forces destroy the French fleet at Mers-el-
Kebir, a port in Algeria, in order to prevent Germany from co-opting the French ships to use in an
invasion of Britain.

 Jun 03 1942 – WW2: Japan begins the Aleutian Islands Campaign by bombing Unalaska Island’s
Dutch Harbor fuel tanks, and a ship used for power generation (the Northwestern), as well as smaller
random targets. In total, less than fifty men were killed in action

 Jun 03 1952 – Korean War: A rebellion by North Korean prisoners in the Koje prison camp in South
Korea is put down by American troops.

 Jun 03 1968 – Vietnam War: The U.S. command in Saigon releases figures showing that more
Americans were killed during the first six months of 1968 than in all of 1967. These casualty figures
were a direct result of the heavy fighting that had occurred during, and immediately after, the
communist Tet Offensive.

 Jun 03 1968 – Vietnam War: Le Duc Tho joins negotiations in Paris » Le Duc Tho, a member of
the North Vietnam Communist Party’s Politburo, joins the North Vietnamese negotiating team as a
special counselor. The Paris peace talks had begun in March 1968, but had made little headway in
ending the war. In August 1969, Tho and Henry Kissinger would begin meeting secretly in a villa
outside Paris in an attempt to reach a peace settlement. It was these private talks that would ultimately
result in the January 1973 Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring the Peace in Vietnam. Awarded
the Nobel Peace Prize with Kissinger in 1973, Tho, aware that the North Vietnamese were still planning
to conquer South Vietnam, declined the honor.

 Jun 03 1969 – U.S. Navy: The USS Frank E. Evans (DD-754) is cut in half by the HMAS Melbourne
after inexplicably cutting across the Melbourne's bow killing 74 of the Evan's crew when the bow
section sunk. The stern section was sunk as a target in Subic Bay on 10 Oct 1969.

The stern section of USS Frank E. Evans on the morning after the collision.

 Jun 03 1970 – Vietnam War: Nixon calls Cambodian operation a success » In a televised speech,
President Richard Nixon claims the Allied drive into Cambodia is the “most successful operation of

this long and difficult war,” and that he is now able to resume the withdrawal of U.S. troops from South
U.S. and South Vietnamese forces had launched a limited “incursion” into Cambodia on 29 APR.
The campaign included 13 major ground operations to clear North Vietnamese sanctuaries 20 miles
inside Cambodia. Some 50,000 South Vietnamese soldiers and 30,000 U.S. troops were involved,
making it the largest operation of the war since Operation Junction City in 1967. The announcement of
the Cambodian operation gave the antiwar movement in the United States a new rallying point. News
of the incursion set off a wave of antiwar demonstrations, including one at Kent State University that
resulted in the killing of four students by Army National Guard troops and another at Jackson State in
Mississippi, resulting in the shooting of two students when police opened fire on a women’s dormitory.
In his speech, Nixon reaffirmed earlier pledges to bring the Cambodian operation to an end by June
30, with “all our major military objectives” achieved and reported that 17,000 of the 31,000 U.S. troops
in Cambodia had already returned to South Vietnam. After 30 JUN, said Nixon, “all American air
support” for Allied troops in fighting in Cambodia would end, with the only remaining American
activity being attacks on enemy troop movements and supplies threatening U.S. forces in South
Vietnam. Nixon promised that 50,000 of the 150,000 troops, whose withdrawal from Vietnam he had
announced 20 APR, would “be out by 15 OCT.”

 Jun 03 1989 – China: Crackdown at Tiananmen begins » With protests for democratic reforms
entering their seventh week, the Chinese government authorizes its soldiers and tanks to reclaim
Beijing’s Tiananmen Square at all costs. By nightfall on 4 JUN, Chinese troops had forcibly cleared
the square, killing hundreds and arresting thousands of demonstrators and suspected dissidents.

On 15 APR, the death of Hu Yaobang, a former Communist Party head who supported democratic
reforms, roused some 100,000 students to gather at Beijing’s Tiananmen Square to commemorate the
leader and voice their discontent with China’s authoritative government. On 22 APR, an official
memorial service for Hu Yaobang was held in Tiananmen’s Great Hall of the People, and student
representatives carried a petition to the steps of the Great Hall, demanding to meet with Premier Li
Peng. The Chinese government refused the meeting, leading to a general boycott of Chinese universities
across the country and widespread calls for democratic reforms.
Ignoring government warnings of suppression of any mass demonstration, students from more than
40 universities began a march to Tiananmen on 27 APR. The students were joined by workers,
intellectuals, and civil servants, and by mid-May more than a million people filled the square, the site
of Mao Zedong’s proclamation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.
On 20 MAY, the government formally declared martial law in Beijing, and troops and tanks were
called in to disperse the dissidents. However, large numbers of students and citizens blocked the army’s

advance, and by 23 MAY government forces had pulled back to the outskirts of Beijing. On 3 JUN,
with negotiations to end the protests stalled and calls for democratic reforms escalating, the troops
received orders from the Chinese government to seize control of Tiananmen Square and the streets of
Beijing. Hundreds were killed and thousands arrested.
In the weeks after the government crackdown, an unknown number of dissidents were executed, and
hard-liners in the government took firm control of the country. The international community was
outraged by the incident, and economic sanctions imposed by the United States and other countries sent
China’s economy into decline. By late 1990, however, international trade had resumed, thanks in part
to China’s release of several hundred imprisoned dissidents.

 Jun 03 1990 – Cold War: Bush and Gorbachev end second summit meeting » President George
Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev end their three-day summit meeting with warm words of
friendship but without any concrete agreement concerning German reunification.
Bush and Gorbachev held their second summit conference in Washington, D.C. The main topic of
conversation was the future of a reunified Germany. Communist rule in East Germany had already
crumbled and the Berlin Wall was torn down in 1989. Differences arose between the United States and
the Soviet Union, however, over the issue of a reunified Germany in Cold War Europe. The United
States wished for the new Germany to be a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),
which had been created in 1949 as a mutual defense organization to oppose Soviet expansion into
Western Europe. The Soviet Union, already somewhat fearful of a reunified and armed Germany,
expressed grave concerns over German membership in NATO. Gorbachev proposed that the new
Germany be a member of both NATO and the Warsaw Pact, the communist bloc equivalent of NATO.
Also part of the discussions at the second summit was the fate of Lithuania, the Soviet republic that had
proclaimed its independence in late 1989. The Soviet government responded harshly to the Lithuanian
independence movement, imposing economic sanctions and threatening military intervention. The
Bush administration was clearly in favor of independence for Lithuania and asked the Soviet
government to cease its threatening attitude toward the republic.
No agreements were reached at the summit concerning either Germany or Lithuania, or any other
issue for that matter. President Bush, however, preferred to end the meetings on a positive note,
declaring, “We’ve moved a long, long way from the depths of the Cold War. I don’t quite know how
to quantify it for you, but we could never have had the discussions at Camp David yesterday, or as we
sat in the Oval Office a couple of days before, with President Gorbachev, 20 years ago.” Events of the
next year, however, rendered moot the issues that had been raised at the summit. Economic and political
turmoil in the Soviet Union led to Gorbachev’s resignation as president in December 1991, at which
point the Soviet Union ceased to exist.

 Jun 03 2017 – Terrorism: Terrorists attack London Bridge » During one horrific 8-minute period
on eight people were killed as a band of terrorists drove a van through a pedestrian walkway on the
London Bridge. The men then exited, armed with pink steak knives, and proceeded to slash and stab
people in a nearby market. The attack was the third to take place in London in 2017.

Just minutes before 10 p.m. a van filled with three attackers inconspicuously crossed the London
Bridge twice. When it reached the end of the bridge the second time, the van made a U-turn, mounting
the pavement and mowing down pedestrians. At the end of the bridge, the terrorists crashed into a
nearby pub, where they exited with knives taped to their wrists and fake bombs strapped to their bodies.
The men ran from the vehicle, slashing and stabbing through the Borough Market as they screamed
“This is for Allah.” They randomly entered bars and restaurants, stabbing whoever came into their path.
People tried to fight them off, throwing crates, chairs and glasses, but in the end, 48 people were injured.
By 10:15 all three terrorists had been killed by authorities.
The terrorists were found to be Khuram Shazad Butt, 27, a British citizen born in Pakistan who is
believed to have been the leader of the attack; Rachid Redouane, 30, who said he was Moroccan and
Libyan; and Youssef Zaghba, 22, a Moroccan-Italian man. The men are reported to have had large
amounts of steroids in their system. 2017 was one of the most intense periods for terrorist attacks in
England. Arrests for terrorism-linked offenses rose to a record 379 in the 12 months leading up to the
attacks, an increase of 67% from the year before.


 Jun 04 1754 – American Revolution: Lt. Col. George Washington builds Fort Necessity » During
the Seven Years’ War, a 22-year-old lieutenant colonel in the Virginia militia named George
Washington begins construction of a makeshift Fort Necessity. The fort was built to defend his forces
from French soldiers enraged by the murder of Ensign Joseph Coulon de Jumonville while in
Washington’s custody. One month later, the French, led by Jumonville’s half-brother, won
Washington’s surrender and forced confession to Jumonville’s murder.

The Ohio Valley had long been a contested territory among French Canadians, various Indian groups
and the British colonies of Pennsylvania and Virginia. When the French began to establish fortifications
along the river and refused Virginia’s written demand that they depart, Virginia’s governor, Robert
Dinwiddie, dispatched Washington to complete and defend a Virginian fort at the forks of the Ohio.

Upon their arrival, Washington discovered that a scouting party led by Jumonville was nearby.
Fearing that the French were planning an attack, Washington struck first, successfully ambushing the
small party. In one of history’s murkier moments, Jumonville was murdered by Washington’s Indian
ally, Tanaghrisson, while the monolingual Washington struggled to interrogate the French-speaking
Canadian. Jumonville’s murder in captivity incited a strong French response, and Washington was
unable to defend his makeshift Fort Necessity from French forces led by Jumonville’s half-brother.

Washington surrendered on 4 JUL and signed a confession—in French, which he could not read—to
Jumonville’s assassination.

Benjamin Franklin had drafted his Albany Plan for Union earlier that spring, in the hope that united
colonies could better orchestrate their own defense and governance. Colonists voted down the proposal
everywhere it was presented. After Washington displayed his incompetence on the Ohio, the British
decided it was time to save their colonies from themselves and dispatched two regiments of Redcoats
under General Edward Braddock to America. Braddock too suffered a humiliating defeat at the forks
of the Ohio; it took the British and their colonists seven years of world war to redeem themselves. The
Seven Years’ War would go on to strip the French of their American empire and test the bonds of the
British empire in America.

 Jun 04 1845 – Mexican*American War: Conflict begins over dispute of the Rio Grande being the
southern border of the U.S.

 Jun 04 1862 – Civil War: Confederates evacuate Fort Pillow » Confederate forces slip out of Fort
Pillow, Tennessee, a key stronghold on the Mississippi River, clearing the way for the Union capture
of Memphis. Fort Pillow lay south of Island No. 10, the Confederates’ key defense from a Northern
assault. Although considered a backup to Island No. 10, Fort Pillow was really a significant fortification
in its own right. After a Union campaign captured the island in early April, Fort Pillow was all that
stood between the Yankees and Memphis.

At the beginning of the war, Union military leaders had concocted the Anaconda Plan, which called
for the dismemberment of the Confederacy piece by piece. The first part of the plan involved capturing
the Mississippi River through operations from both the north and the Gulf of Mexico. By mid-April, a
combined Union land force and naval squadron approached Fort Pillow. Most of the land force,
however, had to be diverted to serve in northern Mississippi, so only 1,200 troops remained. Although
the land force was too small to take the fort, Yankee ships began a weeks-long bombardment. On 25
MAY, an additional flotilla arrived to step up the pressure on the Confederate bastion.
Events in northern Mississippi sealed the fate of Fort Pillow. The Confederates evacuated Corinth
on June 4 and fell back to a more defensible position in central Mississippi, leaving Fort Pillow
dangerously isolated in Union-held territory, with no support from the southeast. On 4 JUN, the Rebel
garrison slipped away from the fort, destroying what cannons and provisions they could not carry with
them. That set the stage for the capture of Memphis on 6 JUN.

 Jun 04 1916 – WWI: The Battle of Lutsk marks the beginning of the Brusilov Offensive, the largest
and most successful Allied offensive of World War I.

 Jun 04 1919 – U.S.*Costa Rica: Latin America Interventions: U.S. Marines invade Costa Rica.

 Jun 04 1939 – WW2: Holocaust. The MS St. Louis, a ship carrying 963 Jewish refugees, is denied
permission to land in Florida, in the United States, after already being turned away from Cuba. Forced
to return to Europe, more than 200 of its passengers later die in Nazi concentration camps.

 Jun 04 1940 – WW2: Operation Dynamo at Dunkirk ends » As the German army advances through
northern France during the early days of World War II, it cuts off British troops from their French allies,
forcing an enormous evacuation of soldiers across the North Sea from the town of Dunkirk to England.
The Allied armies, trapped by the sea, were quickly being encircled on all sides by the Germans. By
May 19, 1940, British commanders were already considering the withdrawal of the entire British
Expeditionary Force (BEF) by sea.

British and other Allied troops waiting to be evacuated from the beach at Dunkirk, France, 1940.

On 6 MAY, the British began to implement Operation Dynamo—the evacuation of Allied forces
from Dunkirk. As there were not enough ships to transport the huge masses of men stranded near the
beaches, the British Admiralty called on all British citizens in possession of any seaworthy vessels to
lend their ships to the effort. Hundreds of fishing boats, pleasure yachts, lifeboats, ferries and other
civilian ships of every size and type raced to Dunkirk, braving mines, bombs, torpedoes and the ruthless
airborne attacks of the German Luftwaffe.
During the Dunkirk evacuation, the Royal Air Force (RAF) successfully resisted the Luftwaffe,
saving the operation from failure. Still, the German fighters bombarded the beach, destroyed numerous
vessels and pursued ships within a few miles of the English coast. The harbor at Dunkirk was bombed
out of use, and smaller civilian vessels had to ferry the soldiers from the beaches to the warships waiting
at sea. But for nine days, the evacuation continued—a miracle to the Allied commanders and the rank-
and-file soldiers who had expected utter annihilation. By 4 JUN, when the Germans closed in and the
operation came to an end, more than 338,000 soldiers were saved. In the days following the successful
evacuation, the campaign became known as the “Miracle of Dunkirk.”

 Jun 04 1940 – WW2: The Dunkirk evacuation ends - British forces complete evacuation of 338,000
troops from Dunkirk in France. To rally the morale of the country, Winston Churchill delivers his
famous "We shall fight on the beaches" speech.

 Jun 04 1942 – WW2: Battle of Midway Island begins » Japanese Admiral Chuichi Nagumo,
commander of the fleet that attacked Pearl Harbor, launches a raid on Midway Island with almost the
entirety of the Japanese navy. As part of a strategy to widen its sphere of influence and conquest, the
Japanese set their sights on an island group in the central Pacific, Midway, as well as the Aleutians, off
the coast of Alaska. They were also hoping to draw the badly wounded U.S. navy into a battle,
determined to finish it off. The American naval forces were depleted: The damaged carrier Yorktown
had to be repaired in a mere three days, to be used along with the Enterprise and Hornet, all that was
left in the way of aircraft carriers after the bombing at Pearl Harbor.

On the morning of 4 JUN, Admiral Nagumo launched his first strike with 108 aircraft, and did
significant damage to U.S. installations at Midway. The Americans struck back time and again at
Japanese ships, but accomplished little real damage, losing 65 of their own aircraft in their initial
attempts. But Nagumo underestimated the tenacity of both Admiral Chester Nimitz and Admiral
Raymond Spruance, commanders of the American forces. He also miscalculated tactically by ordering
a second wave of bombers to finish off what he thought was only a remnant of American resistance
(the U.S. forces had been able to conceal their position because of reconnaissance that anticipated the
Midway strike) before his first wave had sufficient opportunity to rearm.
A fifth major engagement by 55 U.S. dive-bombers took full advantage of Nagumo’s confused
strategy, and sunk three of the four Japanese carriers, all cluttered with aircraft and fuel trying to launch
another attack against what they now realized—too late—was a much larger American naval force than
expected. A fourth Japanese carrier, the Hiryu was crippled, but not before its aircraft finished off the
noble American Yorktown.
The attack on Midway was an unmitigated disaster for the Japanese, resulting in the loss of 322
aircraft and 3,500 men. They were forced to withdraw from the area before attempting even a landing
on the island they sought to conquer.

 Jun 04 1944 – WW2: Rome falls to the Allies, the first Axis capital to fall.

 Jun 04 1944 – WW2: USS S–28 (SS–133) lost during ASW exercises off the Hawaiian Islands. 50

 Jun 04 1944 – WW2: A hunter–killer group of the United States Navy captures the German submarine
U–505 – the first time a U.S. Navy vessel had captured an enemy vessel at sea since the 19th century.

A boarding party from the USS Pillsbury (DE 133) works to secure a tow line to the newly captured German U-boat U-505 on Jun 4,
1944. Note the large U.S. flag flying from the periscope.

 Jun 04 1961 – Vietnam War: Kennedy and Khrushchev agree on neutrality for Laos » President
John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev of the Soviet Union, meeting in Vienna, strike a
bargain to support a neutral and independent Laos.
Laos had been the scene of an ongoing communist insurgency by the Pathet Lao guerrillas. In July
1959, the North Vietnamese Politburo had formed Group 959 to furnish weapons and supplies to the
Pathet Lao. By 1960, the Pathet Lao was threatening the survival of the Royal Lao government. On
January 19, 1961, when President Eisenhower was about to leave office, he told Kennedy that Laos
“was the key to the entire area of Southeast Asia.” Kennedy considered intervening in Laos with U.S.
combat troops, but decided against it.
Nevertheless, the American president did not want to lose Laos to the communists. Kennedy was
prepared to accept neutrality for Laos as a solution. Eventually a 14-nation conference would convene
in Geneva and an agreement was signed in July 1962, proclaiming Laos neutral. This took care of the
situation in Laos for the time being, but both the communists and the United States soon ignored the
declared neutrality of the area.

 Jun 04 1965 – Vietnam War: Walt takes command of 3rd Marine Division » Maj. Gen. Lewis
Walt takes command of the 3rd Marine Division from Maj. Gen. William Collins. Walt was
concurrently named Commander of the III Amphibious Force (III MAF), the first corps-level Marine
Corps headquarters in history. As such, Walt was in command of two Marine divisions and responsible
for I Corps Tactical Zone, the northernmost region of South Vietnam, which bordered the Demilitarized
Zone. His command also included serving as Chief of Naval Forces Vietnam, as well as being Senior
Adviser to the commander of South Vietnam’s I Corps, who was responsible for the security of the
northern portion of South Vietnam. After supervising the U.S. and South Vietnamese build up in that
region from 1965 to 1967, General Walt returned to the United States and later served as Assistant
Commandant of the Marine Corps. He retired from active service on February 1, 1971.

 Jun 04 1965 – China: Tiananmen Square massacre takes place » Chinese troops storm through
Tiananmen Square in the center of Beijing, killing and arresting thousands of pro-democracy protesters.
The brutal Chinese government assault on the protesters shocked the West and brought denunciations
and sanctions from the United States.

In May 1989, nearly a million Chinese, mostly young students, crowded into central Beijing to
protest for greater democracy and call for the resignations of Chinese Communist Party leaders deemed
too repressive. For nearly three weeks, the protesters kept up daily vigils, and marched and chanted.
Western reporters captured much of the drama for television and newspaper audiences in the United
States and Europe. On June 4, 1989, however, Chinese troops and security police stormed through
Tiananmen Square, firing indiscriminately into the crowds of protesters. Turmoil ensued, as tens of
thousands of the young students tried to escape the rampaging Chinese forces. Other protesters fought
back, stoning the attacking troops and overturning and setting fire to military vehicles. Reporters and
Western diplomats on the scene estimated that at least 300, and perhaps thousands, of the protesters
had been killed and as many as 10,000 were arrested.
The savagery of the Chinese government’s attack shocked both its allies and Cold War enemies.
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev declared that he was saddened by the events in China. He said he
hoped that the government would adopt his own domestic reform program and begin to democratize
the Chinese political system. In the United States, editorialists and members of Congress denounced
the Tiananmen Square massacre and pressed for President George Bush to punish the Chinese
government. A little more than three weeks later, the U.S. Congress voted to impose economic
sanctions against the People’s Republic of China in response to the brutal violation of human rights.


 Jun 05 1864 – Civil War: Union routs Rebels at the Battle of Piedmont » At the Battle of Piedmont,
Virginia, Union forces under General David Hunter rout a Confederate force led by General William
“Grumble” Jones, giving the North their first real success in the 1864 Shenandoah campaign.
As part of his attempt to knock out the Confederates in Virginia, Union General Ulysses S. Grant
sent Franz Sigel to neutralize Rebel forces in the Shenandoah Valley in western Virginia. But Sigel did
little to assist Grant, instead presiding over a Union defeat at New Market on 15 MAY. Hunter, who
replaced Sigel, quickly moved toward the rail center at Staunton with some 11,000 soldiers and another
5,000 cavalry troopers. Resisting him were about 5,600 troops under the command of Jones and John
D. Imboden, cobbled together from various Confederate units scattered about western Virginia.
As the Union force marched south to Staunton, Imboden moved his part of the army to block the
Yankees. They met north of Piedmont, where Hunter attacked on the morning of June 5 and forced
Imboden to retreat. After being reinforced by Jones at Piedmont, the Confederates spread out to stop
the Federals but left a small gap in their lines that later proved fatal. The Union troops pressed through

the gap, and Jones was killed while leading an attempt to drive the Yankees back. The Confederate line
was broken, and the Southerners retreated. Six hundred soldiers were killed or wounded, and another
1,000 were captured; the Yankees lost 800. Rebel opposition evaporated, and Hunter entered Staunton
the next day. The victory cleared the way for Union occupation of the upper Shenandoah Valley.

 Jun 05 1864 – Post Civil War: Cleveland denies widow her husband’s military pension » President
Grover Cleveland vetoes a bill that would have given a pension to war widow Johanna Loewinger,
whose husband died 14 years after being discharged from the army.
Mr. Loewinger served in the Civil War, enlisting on June 28, 1861. He was discharged a little less
than a year later for what the army surgeon’s certificate called chronic diarrhea. He received his pension
until his death in 1876. After his death, his widow, Johanna, applied for a widow’s pension, but was
denied since her husband died from suicide by cutting his throat with a razor and not from any long-
term disability caused by his military service. Johanna claimed her husband had suffered from insanity
triggered by his military service and felt entitled to the benefits.
After failing to get the pension through military channels, Johanna appealed to a member of
Congress to petition the president with the bill asking that her request for a pension be granted. After
reviewing the matter, Cleveland declared all previous inquests into the former soldier’s unfortunate
death to be satisfactory and vetoed the bill.

 Jun 05 1917 – WWI: Conscription begins in the United States as "Army registration day". Ten million
U.S. men begin registering for draft.

 Jun 05 1942 – WW2: United States declares war on Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania.

 Jun 05 1942 – WW2: FDR warns Japanese against using poison gas » President Franklin D.
Roosevelt issues a stern statement warning Japan to stop using poison gas in its war on China.
At this point during World War II, the United States and Japan were engaged in battle in the Pacific;
Japan was also at war with China. Roosevelt received intelligence reports that Japanese military forces
had used poisonous gas and other forms of what he called inhuman warfare, including biological agents,
on innocent Chinese civilians, which violated the Geneva Convention of 1925, an international
agreement on the rules of engagement in war. Roosevelt warned that if Japan continued to use chemical
warfare against China, the U.S. would consider such actions tantamount to a chemical or biological
attack on America and the United Nations and respond with similar attacks. The president minced no

words, stating that retaliation in kind and in full measure will be meted out. We shall be prepared to
enforce complete retribution. Upon Japan will rest the responsibility.
Japan had first used chemical weapons in China in 1937 during the Wusung-Shanghai campaign of
the Second Sino-Japanese war. U.S. military intelligence learned in 1942 that in addition to poisonous
gas, Japan had used biological weapons in Changte, China. After the war, the Allies discovered the
existence of Japan’s Unit 731, a special military unit that experimented on prisoners of war to develop
biological weapons. Ironically, the U.S. was secretly developing its own biological warfare program
with Roosevelt’s full knowledge and approval at the time of his warning to Japan.
Japan continued its use of these weapons, but on a smaller scale, until the end of the war, managing
to keep its activities secret. A 1995 article in The New York Times by Nicholas Kristof suggested the
existence of evidence that the U.S. prevented Unit 731 from going on trial for war crimes in exchange
for its data on human experiments. So far, the infamous Unit 731 has never been placed on trial.

 Jun 05 1944 – WW2: More than 1,000 British bombers drop 5,000 tons of bombs on German gun
batteries placed at the Normandy assault area, while 3,000 Allied ships cross the English Channel in
preparation for the invasion of Normandy—D-Day.

 Jun 05 1944 – Cold War: George Marshall calls for aid to Europe » In one of the most significant
speeches of the Cold War, Secretary of State George C. Marshall calls on the United States to assist in
the economic recovery of postwar Europe. His speech provided the impetus for the so-called Marshall
Plan, under which the United States sent billions of dollars to Western Europe to rebuild the war-torn

In 1946 and into 1947, economic disaster loomed for Western Europe. World War II had done immense
damage, and the crippled economies of Great Britain and France could not reinvigorate the region’s
economic activity. Germany, once the industrial dynamo of Western Europe, lay in ruins.
Unemployment, homelessness, and even starvation were commonplace. For the United States, the
situation was of special concern on two counts. First, the economic chaos of Western Europe was
providing a prime breeding ground for the growth of communism. Second, the U.S. economy, which
was quickly returning to a civilian state after several years of war, needed the markets of Western
Europe in order to sustain itself.

On June 5, 1947, Secretary of State George C. Marshall, speaking at Harvard University, outlined
the dire situation in Western Europe and pleaded for U.S. assistance to the nations of that region. “The
truth of the matter,” the secretary claimed, “is that Europe’s requirements for the next three or four
years of foreign food and other essential products–principally from America–are so much greater than
her present ability to pay that she must have substantial additional help or face economic, social, and
political deterioration of a very grave character.” Marshall declared, “Our policy is directed not against
any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos.” In a thinly veiled reference
to the communist threat, he promised “governments, political parties, or groups which seek to
perpetuate human misery in order to profit therefrom politically or otherwise will encounter the
opposition of the United States.”
In March 1948, the United States Congress passed the Economic Cooperation Act (more popularly
known as the Marshall Plan), which set aside $4 billion in aid for Western Europe. By the time the
program ended nearly four years later, the United States had provided over $12 billion for European
economic recovery. British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin likened the Marshall Plan to a “lifeline to
sinking men.”

 Jun 05 1967 – 6 Day War: Israel*Egypt/Syria » Israel responds to an ominous build-up of Arab
forces along its borders by launching simultaneous attacks against Egypt and Syria. Jordan
subsequently entered the fray, but the Arab coalition was no match for Israel’s proficient armed forces.
In six days of fighting, Israel occupied the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, the Golan
Heights of Syria, and the West Bank and Arab sector of East Jerusalem, both previously under
Jordanian rule. By the time the United Nations cease-fire took effect on June 11, Israel had more than
doubled its size. The true fruits of victory came in claiming the Old City of Jerusalem from Jordan.
Many wept while bent in prayer at the Western Wall of the Second Temple.
The U.N. Security Council called for a withdrawal from all the occupied regions, but Israel
declined, permanently annexing East Jerusalem and setting up military administrations in the occupied
territories. Israel let it be known that Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai would be
returned in exchange for Arab recognition of the right of Israel to exist and guarantees against future
attack. Arab leaders, stinging from their defeat, met in August to discuss the future of the Middle East.
They decided upon a policy of no peace, no negotiations, and no recognition of Israel, and made plans
to defend zealously the rights of Palestinian Arabs in the occupied territories.
Egypt, however, would eventually negotiate and make peace with Israel, and in 1982 the Sinai
Peninsula was returned to Egypt in exchange for full diplomatic recognition of Israel. Egypt and Jordan
later gave up their respective claims to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank to the Palestinians, who
opened “land for peace” talks with Israel beginning in the 1990s. A permanent Israeli-Palestinian peace
agreement remains elusive, as does an agreement with Syria to return the Golan Heights.

 Jun 05 1968 – Vietnam: Robert Kennedy shot after California primary » Senator Robert Kennedy
(D-New York), a leading critic of the Johnson administration’s policy in Vietnam, is shot after making
a statement announcing his victory in California’s Democratic presidential primary; he died the next

Kennedy had initially been a supporter of the Johnson administration’s Vietnam War policy, but he
became increasingly critical after President Lyndon B. Johnson approved the resumed bombing of
North Vietnam in early 1966. Kennedy had declared his candidacy for the Democratic presidential
nomination in March 1968 after Senator Eugene McCarthy’s surprisingly strong showing in the New
Hampshire primary. When Johnson announced that he would not run for his party’s nomination,
Kennedy became the front-runner. On the day of his death, he had just defeated McCarthy in the
California primary.

 Jun 05 1967 – 6 Day War: Laird testifies before Congress » Testifying before a joint Congressional
Appropriations Committee, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird says the increase in U.S. military
activity in Vietnam could add up to $5 billion to the 1973 fiscal budget, doubling the annual cost of the
war. This increased American activity was in response to the North Vietnamese Nguyen Hue Offensive,
also called the Easter Offensive, which had been launched on 31 MAR.

This offensive was a massive invasion by North Vietnamese forces designed to strike the blow that
would win them the war. The attacking force included 14 infantry divisions and 26 separate regiments,
with more than 120,000 troops and approximately 1,200 tanks and other armored vehicles. The main
North Vietnamese objectives were Quang Tri in the north, Kontum in the Central Highlands, and An
Loc farther to the south.
In response, President Richard Nixon had ordered massive support for the South Vietnamese
defenders and their U.S. advisers. The number of U.S. Air Force fighter-bombers in Southeast Asia
was tripled, and B-52s were quadrupled. Nixon ordered additional ships to join the 7th Fleet, sending
the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk from the Philippines to join the carriers already off the coast of Vietnam
in providing air support.


 Jun 06 1775 – American Revolution: Marinus Willett and a small group of Sons of Liberty confront
British soldiers and seize five wagonloads of weapons as the Redcoats evacuate New York City.

 Jun 06 1813 – War of 1812: Battle of Stoney Creek » Near present-day Stoney Creek, Ontario a
British force of 700 under John Vincent made a night attack on an American encampment with twice
its force. Due in large part to the capture of the two senior officers William Winder and John Chandler
of the American force, and an overestimation of British strength by the Americans, the battle was a
victory for the British, and a turning point in the defense of Upper Canada. Casualties and losses: US
154 - UK 214.

 Jun 06 1862 – Civil War: Union claims Memphis in naval battle » The Union claims Memphis,
Tennessee, the Confederacy’s fifth-largest city, a naval manufacturing yard, and a key Southern
industrial center.
One of the top priorities for Union commanders at the start of the war was to sever the Confederacy
along the Mississippi. In April 1862, the Union scored major victories toward this goal with the capture
of New Orleans in the south and the fall of Island No. 10 in the north.
For seven weeks following the defeat of Island No. 10, Yankee ships pounded away at Fort Pillow,
40 miles north of Memphis. On 4 JUN, a Rebel garrison abandoned the fort after Confederate troops
withdrew from Corinth, Mississippi, leaving them dangerously isolated in Union-held territory. The
next day, the Union flotilla steamed to Memphis unopposed. The city had no fortifications, because the

Confederates had directed their resources toward strengthening the installation upriver. All that stood
between the Yankees and Memphis was a Rebel fleet of eight ships.
On the morning of 6 JUN, thousands of residents lined the shores to watch the action. Three
Confederate ships were rammed and sunk, and one Union ship was struck and severely damaged. Union
guns aboard the other ships began a devastating barrage that destroyed all but one of the Confederate
vessels. The Rebel fleet was decimated, while the Union suffered only four casualties and one damaged

 Jun 06 1865 – Old West: William Quantrill killed by Union soldiers » The man who gave Frank and
Jesse James their first education in killing, dies from wounds sustained in a skirmish with Union
soldiers in Kentucky.

Born and raised in Ohio, Quantrill was involved in a number of shady enterprises in Utah and Kansas
during his teens. In his early 20s, he fled to Missouri, where he became a strong supporter of pro-slavery
settlers in their sometimes-violent conflict with their antislavery neighbors. When the Civil War broke
out in 1861, the 24-year-old Quantrill became the leader of an irregular force of Confederate soldiers
that became known as Quantrill’s Raiders.
By 1862, Union forces had established control over Missouri, but Quantrill’s Raiders continued to
harass the northern army and unguarded pro-Union towns over the next three years. Quantrill and other
guerrilla leaders recruited their soldiers from Confederate sympathizers who resented what they saw as
the unfairly harsh Union rule of their state. Among those who joined him was a 20-year-old farm kid
named Frank James. His younger brother, Jesse, joined an allied guerrilla force a year later.
In August 1863, Frank James was with Quantrill when he led a savage attack on the largely
defenseless town of Lawrence, Kansas. Angered that the townspeople had allowed Lawrence to be used
as a sporadic base for Union soldiers, Quantrill and his guerrillas shot every man and boy they saw.
After killing at least 150 male civilians, the raiders set the town on fire.
In May 1865, Quantrill was badly wounded in a skirmish with Union forces, and he died on this day
in 1865. Since Quantrill’s men were guerillas rather than legitimate soldiers, they were denied the
general amnesty given to the Confederate army after the war ended. Some, like Frank and Jesse James,
took this as an excuse to become criminals and bank robbers.

 Jul 06 1918 – WWI: Battle of Belleau Wood begins » The first large-scale battle fought by American
soldiers in World War I begins in Belleau Wood, northwest of the Paris-to-Metz road.

In late May 1918, the third German offensive of the year penetrated the Western Front to within 45
miles of Paris. U.S. forces under General John J. Pershing helped halt the German advance, and on 6
JUN Pershing ordered a counteroffensive to drive the Germans out of Belleau Wood. U.S. Marines
under General James Harbord led the attack against the four German divisions positioned in the woods
and by the end of the first day suffered more than 1,000 casualties.
For the next three weeks, the Marines, backed by U.S. Army artillery, launched many attacks into the
forested area, but German General Erich Ludendorff was determined to deny the Americans a victory.
Ludendorff continually brought up reinforcements from the rear, and the Germans attacked the U.S.
forces with machine guns, artillery, and gas. Finally, on 26 JUN, the Americans prevailed but at the
cost of nearly 10,000 dead, wounded, or missing in action.

 Jun 06 1942 – WW2: Battle of Midway. U.S. Navy dive bombers sink the Japanese cruiser Mikuma
and four Japanese carriers.

The sinking of Mikum

 Jul 06 1944 – WWI: D-Day » Although the term D-Day is used routinely as military lingo for the
day an operation or event will take place, for many it is also synonymous with June 6, 1944, the day
the Allied powers crossed the English Channel and landed on the beaches of Normandy, France,
beginning the liberation of Western Europe from Nazi control during World War II. Within three
months, the northern part of France would be freed and the invasion force would be preparing to enter
Germany, where they would meet up with Soviet forces moving in from the east.

With Hitler’s armies in control of most of mainland Europe, the Allies knew that a successful
invasion of the continent was central to winning the war. Hitler knew this too, and was expecting an
assault on northwestern Europe in the spring of 1944. He hoped to repel the Allies from the coast with
a strong counterattack that would delay future invasion attempts, giving him time to throw the majority
of his forces into defeating the Soviet Union in the east. Once that was accomplished, he believed an
all-out victory would soon be his.
On the morning of June 5, 1944, U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the supreme commander of
Allied forces in Europe gave the go-ahead for Operation Overlord, the largest amphibious military
operation in history. On his orders, 6,000 landing craft, ships and other vessels carrying 176,000 troops
began to leave England for the trip to France. That night, 822 aircraft filled with parachutists headed
for drop zones in Normandy. An additional 13,000 aircraft were mobilized to provide air cover and
support for the invasion.
By dawn on June 6, 18,000 parachutists were already on the ground; the land invasions began at
6:30 a.m. The British and Canadians overcame light opposition to capture Gold, Juno and Sword
beaches; so did the Americans at Utah. The task was much tougher at Omaha beach, however, where
2,000 troops were lost and it was only through the tenacity and quick-wittedness of troops on the ground
that the objective was achieved. By day’s end, 155,000 Allied troops–Americans, British and
Canadians–had successfully stormed Normandy’s beaches.
For their part, the Germans suffered from confusion in the ranks and the absence of celebrated
commander Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, who was away on leave. At first, Hitler, believing that the
invasion was a feint designed to distract the Germans from a coming attack north of the Seine River,
refused to release nearby divisions to join the counterattack and reinforcements had to be called from
further afield, causing delays. He also hesitated in calling for armored divisions to help in the defense.
In addition, the Germans were hampered by effective Allied air support, which took out many key
bridges and forced the Germans to take long detours, as well as efficient Allied naval support, which
helped protect advancing Allied troops.
Though it did not go off exactly as planned, as later claimed by British Field Marshal Bernard
Montgomery–for example, the Allies were able to land only fractions of the supplies and vehicles they
had intended in France–D-Day was a decided success. By the end of June, the Allies had 850,000 men
and 150,000 vehicles in Normandy and were poised to continue their march across Europe. The heroism
and bravery displayed by troops from the Allied countries on D-Day has served as inspiration for

several films, most famously The Longest Day (1962) and Saving Private Ryan (1998). It was also
depicted in the HBO mini-series Band of Brothers (2001).

 Jun 06 1964 – Vietnam War: U.S. reconnaissance jets shot down over Laos » Two U.S. Navy jets
flying low-altitude target reconnaissance missions over Laos are shot down by communist Pathet Lao
ground fire. Washington immediately ordered armed jets to escort the reconnaissance flights, and by 9
JUN, escort jets were attacking Pathet Lao headquarters. The downing of the two reconnaissance
aircraft and the retaliatory strikes were made public, but the full extent of the U.S. involvement in Laos
was not. In fact, the U.S. fighter-bombers were flying combat missions in support of Royal Lao forces
in their war against the communist Pathet Lao and would continue to do so until 1973.

 Jun 06 1972 – Vietnam War: South Vietnamese forces clear Kontum of communist troops » South
Vietnamese forces drive out all but a few of the communist troops remaining in Kontum. Over 200
North Vietnamese had been killed in six battles in and around the city.
The city had come under attack in April when the North Vietnamese had launched their Nguyen
Hue Offensive (later called the Easter Offensive), a massive invasion by North Vietnamese forces
designed to strike the blow that would win them the war. The attacking force included 14 infantry
divisions and 26 separate regiments, with more than 120,000 troops and approximately 1,200 tanks and
other armored vehicles. In addition to Kontum, the other main North Vietnamese objectives were
Quang Tri in the north and An Loc farther to the south.
Initially, the South Vietnamese defenders were almost overwhelmed, particularly in the
northernmost provinces, where they abandoned their positions in Quang Tri and fled south in the face
of the enemy onslaught. At Kontum and An Loc, the South Vietnamese were more successful in
defending against the attacks, but only after weeks of bitter fighting. Although the defenders suffered
heavy casualties, they managed to hold their own with the aid of U.S. advisors and American airpower.
Fighting continued all over South Vietnam into the summer months, but eventually the South
Vietnamese forces prevailed against the invaders and retook Quang Tri in September. With the
communist invasion blunted, President Nixon declared that the South Vietnamese victory proved the
viability of his Vietnamization program, which he had instituted in 1969 to increase the combat
capability of the South Vietnamese armed forces so that U.S. troops could be withdrawn.


 Jun 07 1776 – American Revolution: Lee Resolution presented to Continental Congress » Richard
Henry Lee of Virginia introduces a resolution for independence to the Continental Congress in
Philadelphia; John Adams seconds the motion. Lee’s resolution declared: “That these United Colonies
are, and of right out to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the
British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and
ought to be, totally dissolved; that measures should be immediately taken for procuring the assistance
of foreign powers, and a Confederation be formed to bind the colonies more closely together.”

During the ensuing debates, it became clear that New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware,
Maryland and South Carolina were as yet unwilling to declare independence, but would likely be ready
to vote in favor of a break with England in due course. Thus, Congress agreed to delay the vote on the
Lee Resolution until 1 JUL. In the intervening period, Congress appointed a committee to draft a formal
declaration of independence. Its members were John Adams of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin of
Pennsylvania, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Robert R. Livingston of New York and Thomas
Jefferson of Virginia. Thomas Jefferson, well-known to be the best writer of the group, was selected to
be the primary author of the document, which was presented to Congress for review on June 28, 1776.
On July 1, 1776, debate on the Lee Resolution resumed as planned, with a majority of the delegates
favoring the resolution. Congress thought it of the utmost importance that independence be
unanimously proclaimed. To ensure this, they delayed the final vote until 2 JUL, when 12 colonial
delegations voted in favor of it, with the New York delegates abstaining, unsure of how their
constituents would wish them to vote. John Adams wrote that 2 JUL would be celebrated as “the most
memorable epoch in the history of America.” Instead, the day has been largely forgotten in favor of 4
JUL, when Jefferson’s edited Declaration of Independence was adopted.

 Jun 07 1863 – Civil War: Rebels turned back at Milliken’s Bend » A Confederate attempt to rescue
Vicksburg and a Rebel garrison held back by Union forces to the east of the city fails when Union
troops turn back the attack at the Battle of Milliken’s Bend, Louisiana. By late May 1863, Union
General Ulysses S. Grant had surrounded Vicksburg, the last major Confederate possession on the
Mississippi River. In one of the more remarkable campaigns of the war, Grant had slipped his army
around the city, dove toward the middle of Mississippi, and then bottled up Vicksburg, Mississippi,
from the east. He held off one Confederate army while pinning another, commanded by John C.
Pemberton, in the city. Grant then laid siege and waited for surrender.

Since Grant’s army was holding off Rebel forces to the east of Vicksburg, the Confederates would
have to come from across the Mississippi to stage a rescue attempt. General Edmund Kirby Smith,
commander of the South’s Trans-Mississippi Department, dispatched a force under Richard Taylor to
attack Federal supply lines on the western side of the river. Taylor aimed the assault at Milliken’s Bend,
once a key supply point for the Union forces, just north of Vicksburg. Unfortunately for the
Confederates, the Yankees had already moved the supply point several miles away.
Before dawn on 7 JUN, the advancing Confederates encountered Union pickets and began driving
them back toward the river. But once the Yankee defenders were backed up to the Mississippi, Union
gunboats began blasting the Rebels with grapeshot and canister. The Confederates withdrew, while
Federal gunboats broke up nearby attacks before they could materialize.
Confederate losses stood at 44 killed, 131 wounded, and 10 missing; the Union suffered much
heavier losses: 101 killed, 285 wounded, and 266 missing. Hardest hit were the newly formed African-
American regiments that were made up of freed slaves from captured areas in Arkansas, Mississippi,
and Louisiana. The 9th Louisiana lost 45 percent of its force.

 Jun 07 1866 – 1,800 Fenian raiders are repelled back to the United States after they loot and plunder
around Saint-Armand and Frelighsburg, Quebec. The ultimate goal of the Fenian raids was to hold
Canada hostage and therefore be in a position to blackmail the United Kingdom to give Ireland its

 Jun 07 1917 – WWI: Battle of Messines Ridge - British 2nd Army, led by Herbert Plumer, scores a
crushing victory over the Germans at Messines Ridge in northern France, marking the successful
prelude to an Allied offensive designed to break the grinding stalemate on the Western Front.

 Jun 07 1932 – Post WWI: Over 7,000 war veterans march on Washington, D.C., demanding their
bonus pay for service in World War I.

 Jun 07 1942 – WW2: Battle of Midway ends » One of the most decisive U.S. victories in its war
against Japan–comes to an end. In the four-day sea and air battle, the outnumbered U.S. Pacific Fleet
succeeded in destroying four Japanese aircraft carriers with the loss of only one of its own, the
Yorktown, thus reversing the tide against the previously invincible Japanese navy.

In six months of offensives, the Japanese had triumphed in lands throughout the Pacific, including
Malaysia, Singapore, the Dutch East Indies, the Philippines, and numerous island groups. The United
States, however, was a growing threat, and Japanese Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto sought to destroy the
U.S. Pacific Fleet before it was large enough to outmatch his own. A thousand miles northwest of
Honolulu, the strategic island of Midway became the focus of his scheme to smash U.S. resistance to
Japan’s imperial designs. Yamamoto’s plan consisted of a feint toward Alaska followed by an invasion
of Midway by a Japanese strike force. When the U.S. Pacific Fleet arrived at Midway to respond to the
invasion, it would be destroyed by the superior Japanese fleet waiting unseen to the west. If successful,
the plan would eliminate the U.S. Pacific Fleet and provide a forward outpost from which the Japanese
could eliminate any future American threat in the Central Pacific.
Unfortunately for the Japanese, U.S. intelligence broke the Japanese naval code, and the Americans
anticipated the surprise attack. Three heavy aircraft carriers of the U.S. Pacific Fleet were mustered to
challenge the four heavy Japanese carriers steaming toward Midway. In early June, U.S. command
correctly recognized a Japanese movement against Alaska’s Aleutian Islands as a diversionary tactic
and kept its forces massed around Midway. On June 3, the Japanese occupation force was spotted
steaming toward the island, and B-17 Flying Fortresses were sent out from Midway to bomb the strike
force but failed to inflict damage. Early in the morning on June 4, a PBY Catalina flying boat torpedoed
a Japanese tanker transport, striking the first blow of the Battle of Midway.
Later that morning, an advance Japanese squadron numbering more than 100 bombers and Zero
fighters took off from the Japanese carriers to bomb Midway. Twenty-six Wildcat fighters were sent
up to intercept the Japanese force and suffered heavy losses in their heroic defense of Midway’s air
base. Soon after, bombers and torpedo planes based on Midway took off to attack the Japanese carriers
but failed to inflict serious damage. The first phase of the battle was over by 7:00 a.m.
In the meantime, 200 miles to the northeast, two U.S. attack fleets caught the Japanese force entirely
by surprise. Beginning around 9:30 a.m., torpedo bombers from the three U.S. carriers descended on
the Japanese carriers. Although nearly wiped out, they drew off enemy fighters, and U.S. dive bombers
penetrated, catching the Japanese carriers while their decks were cluttered with aircraft and fuel. The
dive-bombers quickly destroyed three of the heavy Japanese carriers and one heavy cruiser. The only
Japanese carrier that initially escaped destruction, the Hiryu, loosed all its aircraft against the American
task force and managed to seriously damage the U.S. carrier Yorktown, forcing its abandonment. At
about 5:00 p.m., dive-bombers from the U.S. carrier Enterprise returned the favor, mortally damaging
the Hiryu. It was scuttled the next morning.

Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto still had numerous warships at his command, but without his carriers
and aircraft he was forced to abandon his Midway invasion plans and begin a westward retreat. On June
5, a U.S. task force pursued his fleet, but bad weather saved it from further destruction. On June 6, the
skies cleared, and U.S. aircraft resumed their assault, sinking a cruiser and damaging several other
warships. After the planes returned to their carriers, the Americans broke off from the pursuit.
Meanwhile, a Japanese submarine torpedoed and fatally wounded the Yorktown, which was in the
process of being salvaged. It finally rolled over and sank at dawn on June 7, bringing an end to the
At the Battle of Midway, Japan lost four carriers, a cruiser, and 292 aircraft, and suffered 2,500
casualties. The U.S. lost the Yorktown, the destroyer USS Hammann, 145 aircraft, and suffered 307
casualties. Japan’s losses hobbled its naval might–bringing Japanese and American sea power to
approximate parity–and marked the turning point in the Pacific theater of World War II. In August
1942, the great U.S. counteroffensive began at Guadalcanal and did not cease until Japan’s surrender
three years later.

 Jun 07 1942 – WW2: Japanese land troops on the islands of Attu and Kiska in the Aleutians »
Japanese soldiers occupy the American islands of Attu and Kiska, in the Aleutian Islands off Alaska,
as the Axis power continues to expand its defensive perimeter.
Having been defeated at the battle of Midway—stopped by the United States from even landing on
the Midway Islands—the Japanese nevertheless proved successful in their invasion of the Aleutians,
which had been American territory since purchased from Russia in 1867. Killing 25 American troops
upon landing in Attu, the Japanese proceeded to relocate and intern the inhabitants, as well as those at
Kiska. America would finally invade and recapture the Aleutians one year later—killing most of the
2,300 Japanese troops defending it—in three weeks of fighting.

 Jun 07 1944 – WW2: Battle of Normandy – At Abbey Ardennes members of the SS Division
Hitlerjugend massacre 23 Canadian prisoners of war.

 Jun 07 1948 – Cold War: Czechoslovakian president Benes resigns » Eduard Benes resigns as
president of Czechoslovakia rather than sign a new constitution that would make his nation into a

communist state. His resignation removed the last remnant of democratic government in
Czechoslovakia and cleared the way for a communist-controlled regime.

Benes, a popular national figure in Czechoslovakia, had been elected “president for life” in 1946.
Almost immediately, however, he faced a challenge from the Communist Party, which pushed for him
to adopt a pro-Soviet foreign policy and communist economic practices. Throughout 1946 and 1947,
the Communist Party grew in strength, helped by the economic and political turmoil left over from the
recently ended war and also by ham-handed U.S. policies that threatened the Benes regime with
economic sanctions if it did not purge the communist elements from Czechoslovakia. In February 1948,
the communists staged a political coup, and pushed opposition parties from the government. The
communists allowed Benes to remain in power, however, perhaps with the belief that his stature and
popularity would be of use to them in their consolidation of power.
In May 1948, the communist-controlled Parliament produced a new constitution patently designed
to serve the interests of the Communist Party. For Benes, this was apparently the last straw. On June 7,
1948, he issued a letter of resignation. In it, he cited poor health as the primary reason for his decision,
but the conclusion of the letter strongly suggested his disgust with the proposed constitution. He
expressed his “wish that the Republic be spared all disaster and that they can live and work together in
tolerance, love and forgiveness. Let them grant freedom to others and enjoy freedom themselves.”
Shortly after Benes’ resignation, the communist premier, Klement Gottwald, took over as president.
In the West, Benes’ resignation was accepted as the regrettable but inevitable climax of communist
machinations in Czechoslovakia. Both the United States and Great Britain expressed their remorse at
the passing of the Benes regime and strongly condemned the tactics of the Communist Party. Beyond
military intervention, which was never even considered, there was nothing either nation could do to
change the situation. The Communist Party dominated Czechoslovakia until the so-called “Velvet
Revolution” of 1989 brought about a restoration of democratic government.

 Jun 07 1965 – Vietnam War: Westmoreland requests 44 battalions » General Westmoreland

requests a total of 35 battalions of combat troops, with another nine in reserve. This gave rise to the “44
battalion” debate within the Johnson administration, a discussion of how many U.S. combat troops to
commit to the war. Westmoreland felt that the South Vietnamese could not defeat the communists alone
and he wanted U.S. combat troops to go on the offensive against the enemy. His plan was to secure the
coastlines, block infiltration of North Vietnamese troops into the south, and then wage a war of attrition

with “search and destroy” missions into the countryside, using helicopters for rapid deployment and
evacuation. Westmoreland had some supporters in the Johnson administration, but others of the
president’s advisers did not support Westmoreland’s request for more troops, because they disagreed
with what would be a fundamental change in the U.S. role in Vietnam. In the end, Johnson acquiesced
to Westmoreland’s request; eventually there would be over 500,000 U.S. troops in South Vietnam.

 Jun 07 1972 – Vietnam War: McGovern continues to campaign against the war » Senator George
McGovern (D-South Dakota) announces at a news conference that he would go “anywhere in the
world” to negotiate an end to the war and a return of U.S. troops and POWs. McGovern, who had swept
the Democratic Party spring primaries, was one of the earliest and most vocal opponents of American
policy in Vietnam and he made the war one of the central issues of the campaign. To many American
voters, McGovern’s call for an immediate end to the war was tantamount to unconditional surrender.
Incumbent Richard Nixon, who had campaigned on pursuing “peace with honor” in Vietnam decisively
defeated McGovern when it became known that his envoy, Henry Kissinger, was close to negotiating
a settlement with the North Vietnamese in peace talks.


 Jun 08 1776 – American Revolution: Battle of Three Rivers » The American army in Canada
had suffered a severe blow in the disastrous attack on Quebec City on December 31, 1775. Although
a heavy flow of supplies and reinforcements allowed the Americans to maintain a presence in the
vicinity of Quebec into 1776, massively superior British artillery made siege by them impossible,
and disease and attrition further thinned their ranks. After the British evacuated Boston in the
spring of 1776, Washington sent Brigadier General Sullivan north to replace the fallen John
Thomas as commander in Quebec. He took command of the sick and faltering invasion force, sent
some of those forces on an unsuccessful counterattack against the British at Trois-Rivières

He decided to establish a base at Sorel, on the American side of the St. Lawrence River midway
between Quebec and Montreal, from which he could maneuver and yet hold upper Canada. One of the
first things Sullivan did upon his arrival was to launch an attack on the British garrison holding Trois
Rivieres. The attack was a fiasco. Sullivan began what was intended to be a surprise attack at 3:00
A.M. The local guide turned on the Patriots and led them down the wrong road. When they discovered
that they had been tricked they attempted to backtrack, but to save time they left the public roads and
started cross country. They soon found themselves stuck in a swamp.
They reached dry ground about daybreak, and were seen and fired upon by British vessels in the
river. In their effort to take cover within the bordering woods, they found themselves falling into another
swamp. At that point the group fanned out in all directions and became separated. At some time after
8:00 A.M., Anthony Wayne and about 200 men met up with a group of redcoats, but the Americans
were successful in the skirmish that ensued. William Thompson, in control of the main body of the
Patriots, was stopped by a line of entrenchments that the British under Gen. John Burgoyne had quickly
Thompson did not hesitate to launch an attack on the British lines, but the Patriots were forced to
retreat under heavy fire. That retreat was cut off by British troops who had encircled the Americans,
and the Patriots fled through the woods toward Sorel. Carleton did not want to take the Americans as
prisoners and so they were allowed to escape. He commented to one of his officers at the time: "What
would you do with them" Have you spare provisions for them" Or would you send them to Quebec to
starve? No, let the poor creatures go home and carry with them a tale which will serve his majesty more
effectually than their capture."
They continued for about 2 days, reaching the bridge at Riviere du Loup, over which the British let
them pass. Despite his wishes, 236 Americans surrendered to Carleton rather than continue on in flight.
Nearly 400 Americans lay dead in the confused fighting at Trois Rivieres, compared to only about a
dozen British.

 Jun 08 1862 – Civil War: Confederates score victory at the Battle of Cross Keys » At the Battle of
Cross Keys, Virginia, Confederate General Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson’s notches another victory
during the campaign in the Shenandoah Valley. Sent to the valley to relieve pressure on the rest of the
Army of Northern Virginia, which had been pinned on the James Peninsula by Union General George
McClellan’s Army of the Potomac, Jackson’s force staged one of the most stunning and brilliant
campaigns of the war.

On 25 MAY, Jackson routed a Union force commanded by Nathaniel Banks at Winchester in the
northern Shenandoah Valley. The defeat sent panic through Washington, D.C., because Jackson was
now poised to invade the capital from the north. President Lincoln ordered Banks to regroup and head
south into the valley, while an army under Irwin McDowell headed in from the east, and one under
John C. Fremont moved in from the west to pinch Jackson’s troops and destroy his army.
Jackson led the Yankees on a chase south through the valley, beating the Union forces to Port
Republic, the site of a crucial bridge where the Federals could have united to defeat Jackson. He kept
the bulk of his force at Port Republic and sent General Richard C. Ewell and 5,000 troops to nearby
Cross Keys. On 8 JUN, Freemont’s troops advanced on Ewell’s and launched a halfhearted attack that
failed to disrupt the Confederate lines. Fremont engaged only 5 of his 24 regiments, followed by a mild
artillery bombardment. Casualties were relatively light, with Ewell losing 288 men to Fremont’s 684.
Cross Keys was only a prelude to the larger Battle of Port Republic on 9 JUN, but it was another
Union failure in Jackson’s amazing 1862 Shenandoah campaign.

 Jun 08 1862 – Old West: Apache Chief Cochise dies » Chief Cochise, one of the great leaders of
the Apache Indians in their battles with the Anglo-Americans, dies on the Chiricahua reservation in
southeastern Arizona.
Little is known of Cochise’s early life. By the mid-19th century, he had become a prominent leader
of the Chiricahua band of Apache Indians living in southern Arizona and northern Mexico. Like many
other Chiricahua Apache, Cochise resented the encroachment of Mexican and American settlers on
their traditional lands. Cochise led numerous raids on the settlers living on both sides of the border, and
Mexicans and Americans alike began to call for military protection and retribution.

War between the U.S. and Cochise, however, resulted from a misunderstanding. In October 1860, a
band of Apache attacked the ranch of an Irish-American named John Ward and kidnapped his adopted
son, Felix Tellez. Although Ward had been away at the time of the raid, he believed that Cochise had
been the leader of the raiding Apache. Ward demanded that the U.S. Army rescue the kidnapped boy
and bring Cochise to justice. The military obliged by dispatching a force under the command of
Lieutenant George Bascom. Unaware that they were in any danger, Cochise and many of his top men
responded to Bascom’s invitation to join him for a night of entertainment at a nearby stage station.
When the Apache arrived, Bascom’s soldiers arrested them.
Cochise told Bascom that he had not been responsible for the kidnapping of Felix Tellez, but the
lieutenant refused to believe him. He ordered Cochise be kept as a hostage until the boy was returned.
Cochise would not tolerate being imprisoned unjustly. He used his knife to cut a hole in the tent he was
held in and escaped.
During the next decade, Cochise and his warriors increased their raids on American settlements and
fought occasional skirmishes with soldiers. Panicked settlers abandoned their homes, and the Apache
raids took hundreds of lives and caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damages. By 1872,
the U.S. was anxious for peace, and the government offered Cochise and his people a huge reservation
in the southeastern corner of Arizona Territory if they would cease hostilities. Cochise agreed, saying,
“The white man and the Indian are to drink of the same water, eat of the same bread, and be at peace.”
The great chief did not have the privilege of enjoying his hard-won peace for long. In 1874, he
became seriously ill, possibly with stomach cancer. He died on this day in 1874. That night his warriors
painted his body yellow, black, and vermilion, and took him deep into the Dragoon Mountains. They
lowered his body and weapons into a rocky crevice, the exact location of which remains unknown.
Today, however, that section of the Dragoon Mountains is known as Cochise’s Stronghold.
About a decade after Cochise died, Felix Tellez–the boy whose kidnapping had started the war–
resurfaced as an Apache-speaking scout for the U.S. Army. He reported that a group of Western
Apache, not Cochise, had kidnapped him.

 Jun 08 1941 – WWII: Allies (British and Free French forces) invade Syria and Lebanon in Operation

 Jun 08 1944 – WWII: Normandy » U.S. General Omar Bradley, following orders from General
Eisenhower, links up American troops from Omaha Beach with British troops from Gold Beach at
Colleville-sur-Mer. Meanwhile, Russian Premier Joseph Stalin telegraphs British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill to announce that the Allied success at Normandy “is a source of joy to us all,” and
promises to launch his own offensive on the Eastern Front, as had been agreed upon at the Tehran
Conference in late ’43, and thereby prevent Hitler from transferring German troops from the east to
support troops at Normandy.

 Jun 08 1949 – Cold War: FBI report names Hollywood figures as communists » Hollywood
figures, including film stars Frederic March, John Garfield, Paul Muni, and Edward G. Robinson, are
named in a FBI report as Communist Party members. Such reports helped to fuel the anticommunist
hysteria in the United States during the late-1940s and 1950s.

The FBI report relied largely on accusations made by “confidential informants,” supplemented with
some highly dubious analysis. It began by arguing that the Communist Party in the United States
claimed to have “been successful in using well-known Hollywood personalities to further Communist
Party aims.” The report particularly pointed to the actions of the Academy Award-winning actor
Frederic March. Suspicions about March were raised by his activities in a group that was critical of
America’s growing nuclear arsenal (the group included other well-known radicals such as Helen Keller
and Danny Kaye). March had also campaigned for efforts to provide relief to war-devastated Russia.
The report went on to name several others who shared March’s political leanings: Edward G. Robinson,
the African-American singer; actor and activist Paul Robeson; the writer Dorothy Parker; and a host of
Hollywood actors, writers, and directors.

“Hollywood Ten”

The FBI report was part of a continuing campaign by the U.S. government to suggest that
Hollywood was rife with communist activists who were using the medium of motion pictures to spread
the Soviet party line. Congressional investigations into Hollywood began as early as 1946. In 1947,
Congress cited 10 Hollywood writers and directors for contempt because they refused to divulge their
political leanings or name others who might be communists. The “Hollywood Ten,” as they came to be
known, were later convicted and sent to prison for varying terms. In response to this particular round
of allegations from the FBI, movie tough-guy Edward G. Robinson declared, “These rantings, ravings,
accusations, smearing, and character assassinations can only emanate from sick, diseased minds of
people who rush to the press with indictments of good American citizens. I have played many parts in
my life, but no part have I played better or been more proud of than that of being an American citizen.”

 Jun 08 1959 – U.S. Navy: The USS Barbero and United States Postal Service attempt the delivery of
mail via Missile Mail.

 Jun 08 1965 – Vietnam War: U.S. forces are available for ground support » A State Department
press officer notes that, “American forces would be available for combat support together with
Vietnamese forces when and if necessary,” alerting the press to an apparently major change in the U.S.
commitment to the war. Prior to this time, U.S. forces had been restricted to protecting American
airbases and other installations. The next day, the White House tried to calm the protests by some in
Congress and the media who were alarmed at this potential escalation of the war by issuing a statement

claiming, “There has been no change in the missions of United States ground combat units in Vietnam.”
The statement went on to explain that General Westmoreland, senior U.S. commander in Saigon, did
have the authority to employ troops “in support of Vietnamese forces faced with aggressive attack.”
Later in the month, Westmoreland was given formal authority to commit U.S. forces to battle when
he decided they were necessary “to strengthen the relative position of the GVN [Government of
Vietnam] forces.” This authority and the influx of American combat troops that followed forever
changed the role of the United States in the war.

 Jun 08 1967 – Six Day War: Israel attacks USS Liberty » Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats attack
the USS Liberty in international waters off Egypt’s Gaza Strip. The intelligence ship, well-marked as
an American vessel and only lightly armed, was attacked first by Israeli aircraft that fired napalm and
rockets at the ship. The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the
transmissions. Eventually, the ship was able to make contact with the U.S. carrier Saratoga, and 12
fighter jets and four tanker planes were dispatched to defend the Liberty. When word of their
deployment reached Washington, however, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered them
recalled to the carrier, and they never reached the Liberty. The reason for the recall remains unclear.

Back in the Mediterranean, the initial air raid against the Liberty was over. Nine of the 294
crewmembers were dead and 60 were wounded. Suddenly, the ship was attacked by Israeli torpedo
boats, which launched torpedoes and fired artillery at the ship. Under the command of its wounded
captain, William L. McGonagle, the Liberty managed to avert four torpedoes, but one struck the ship
at the waterline. Heavily damaged, the ship launched three lifeboats, but these were also attacked–a
violation of international law. Failing to sink the Liberty, which displaced 10,000 tons, the Israelis
finally desisted. In all, 34 Americans were killed and 171 were wounded in the two-hour attack. In the
attack’s aftermath, the Liberty managed to limp to a safe port.
Israel later apologized for the attack and offered $6.9 million in compensation, claiming that it had
mistaken the Liberty for an Egyptian ship. However, Liberty survivors, and some former U.S. officials,
believe that the attack was deliberate, staged to conceal Israel’s pending seizure of Syria’s Golan
Heights, which occurred the next day. The ship’s listening devices would likely have overheard Israeli
military communications planning this controversial operation. Captain McGonagle was later awarded
the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic command of the Liberty during and after the attack.

 Jun 08 1972 – Vietnam War: Nixon and Thieu meet at Midway » President Nixon and South
Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu meet at Midway Island in the Pacific. At the meeting, Nixon
announced that 25,000 U.S. troops would be withdrawn by the end of August. Nixon and Thieu

emphasized that South Vietnamese forces would replace U.S. forces. Along with this announcement of
the first U.S. troop withdrawal, Nixon discussed what would become known as “Vietnamization.”
Under this new policy, Nixon intended to initiate steps to increase the combat capability of the Republic
of Vietnam Armed Forces so that the South Vietnamese would eventually be able to assume full
responsibility for the war.
After the initial withdrawal was accomplished in August, 14 more increments departed between late
1969 and 1972. By the time the Paris Peace Accords were signed in January 1973, there were only
27,000 U.S. troops left in South Vietnam (down from a high of over 540,000 in April 1969). These
remaining personnel were withdrawn in March 1973 in accordance with the provisions of the Paris
Peace Accords.

 Jun 08 1972 – Vietnam War: Associated Press photographer Nick Ut takes his Pulitzer Prize–winning
photo of a naked 9–year–old Phan Thi Kim Phúc running down a road after being burned by napalm.

 Jun 08 1985 – U.S.*Bosnia: Downed U.S. Air Force pilot Captain Scott O'Grady is rescued by U.S.
Marines in Bosnia.


 Jun 09 1772 – American Revolution: British vessel burned off Rhode Island » In an incident that
some regard as the first naval engagement of the American Revolution, colonists board the Gaspee, a
British vessel that ran aground off the coast of Rhode Island, and set it aflame.

The Gaspee was pursuing the Hanna, an American smuggling ship, when it ran aground off Namquit
Point in Providence’s Narragansett Bay 9 JUN. That evening, John Brown, an American merchant
angered by high British taxes on his goods, rowed out to the Gaspee with a number of other colonists
and seized control of the ship. After leading away its crew, the Americans set the Gaspee afire.

When British officials attempted to prosecute the colonists involved in the so-called “Gaspee
Affair,” they found no Americans willing to testify against their countrymen. This renewed the tension
in British-American relations and inspired the Boston Patriots to found the “Committee of
Correspondence,” a propaganda group that rallied Americans to their cause by publicizing all anti-
British activity that occurred throughout the 13 colonies.

 Jun 09 1862 – Civil War: Stonewall Jackson concludes his successful Shenandoah Valley Campaign
with a victory in the Battle of Port Republic; his tactics during the campaign are now studied by
militaries around the world. Casualties and losses: US 1,002 - CSA 816.

 Jun 09 1863 – Civil War: Cavalry forces clash at the Battle of Brandy Station » The largest cavalry
battle of the war is fought at Brandy Station, Virginia.

After the Confederate victory in Chancellorsville, Virginia, in early May, Confederate General
Robert E. Lee began to prepare for another invasion of the North by placing General J.E.B. Stuart’s
cavalry at Brandy Station, just east of Culpeper, to screen the rest of the Army of Northern Virginia as
it started toward the Blue Ridge Mountains. Stuart used this time at Brandy Station to stage a grand
parade in order to boost morale and show off his dashing troopers to local residents.
Unbeknownst to Stuart, his pompous display was observed by uninvited Union cavalry and infantry
under the command of General Alfred Pleasonton, who lurked across the Rappahannock River. On
June 9, Pleasonton struck the surprised Rebels in a two-pronged assault. After initially falling back, the
Confederates eventually rallied, and the battle raged all day around St. James Church.
The battle’s key moment came when Union troops headed to seize Fleetwood Hill, an elevation
from which the Yankees could shell the entire battlefield. Confederate Lieutenant John Carter struggled
to mount a cannon on the hill and fired a single shot that stopped the Union troopers in their tracks. The
Yankee officer leading the charge suspected the Confederates had a line of guns sitting just over the
top of the hill, when in fact it was a single gun with barely enough powder for a single shot. Carter’s
heroic act saved the day for Stuart. The move bought time for the Confederates, and they held the hill.
The battle continued until late afternoon, with many spectacular cavalry charges and saber fights in
addition to hand-to-hand combat by dismounted cavalry. In the end, Stuart’s forces held the field.
Although it was technically a Rebel victory, the battle demonstrated how far the Union cavalry had
come since the beginning of the war. Stuart’s cavalry had been the master of their Union counterparts,

but its invincibility was shattered on that muggy Virginia day. Casualties and losses: US 907 - CSA
523. Result inconclusive.

 Jun 09 1915 – WW1: William Jennings Bryan resigns as U.S. secretary of state » Bryan resigns
due to his concerns over President Woodrow Wilson’s handling of the crisis generated by a German
submarine’s sinking of the British cruiser Lusitania the previous month, in which 1,201 people—
including 128 Americans—died.

Germany’s announcement in early 1915 that its navy was adopting a policy of unrestricted
submarine warfare concerned many within the government and civilian population of the United
States—which maintained a policy of strict neutrality during the first two years of World War I. The
sinking of the Lusitania on May 7, 1915, caused an immediate uproar, as many believed Germany had
sunk the British cruiser deliberately as a provocation to Wilson and the U.S.
Bryan, as secretary of state, sent a note to the German government from the Wilson administration,
lauding the ties of friendship and diplomacy between the two nations and expressing the desire that
they come to a clear and full understanding as to the grave situation which has resulted from the sinking
of the Lusitania. When the German government responded by justifying their navy’s action on the basis
that the Lusitania was carrying munitions (which it was, a small amount), Wilson himself penned a
strongly worded note, insisting that the sinking had been an illegal action and demanding that Germany
cease unrestricted submarine warfare against unarmed merchantmen.
The Government of the United States is contending for something much greater than mere rights of
property or privileges of commerce, Wilson wrote. It is contending for nothing less high and sacred
than the rights of humanity, which every Government honours itself in respecting and which no
Government is justified in resigning on behalf of those under its care and authority.

Objecting to the strong position taken by Wilson in this second Lusitania note, and believing it could
be taken as a precursor to a war declaration, Bryan tendered his resignation on June 9, 1915, rather than
sign it. The note and two more similar ones were sent to Germany, which was persuaded to curb the
submarine policy over the course of 1916 rather than risk further antagonizing the U.S.
Bryan’s resignation marked a significant turning point, as the Lusitania crisis had convinced his
successor, Robert Lansing that the U.S. could not remain neutral forever, and would indeed eventually
have to enter the war against Germany. As it unfolded, Germany resumed its policy of unrestricted
submarine warfare in February 1917; two months later, Wilson went before Congress to ask for a
declaration of war.

 Jun 09 1945 – WW2: The Red Army invades Karelian Isthmus in Finland » Russia penetrates into
East Karelia, in Finland, as it fights to gain back control of territory that had already been ceded to it.

According to the terms of the Treaty of Moscow of 1940, Finland was forced to surrender parts of
its southeastern territory, including the Karelian Isthmus, to the Soviet Union, which was eager to create
a buffer zone for Leningrad. To protect itself against further Russian encroachment, Finland allowed
Germany to traverse its country in its push eastward into Russia, despite the fact that it did not have a
formal alliance with the Axis power. Emboldened by the damage Germany was inflicting on Russia,
Finland pursued the “War of Continuation” and won back large parts of the territory it had ceded to
Moscow in the 1940 treaty.
But as Germany suffered setback after setback, and the Allies continued bombing runs in the
Balkans, using Russia as part of its “shuttle” strategy, Finland began to panic and made overtures to
Stalin about signing an armistice. By 9 JUN, the Red Army was once again in the East Karelia, and
Stalin was in no mood to negotiate, demanding at least a symbolic “surrender” of Finland entirely.
Finland turned back to its “friend,” Germany, which promised continued support. A change in Finnish
government resulted in a change in perspective, and Finland finally signed an armistice that gave Stalin
what he wanted: all the old territory from the 1940 treaty and a guarantee that German troops would
evacuate Finnish soil. Finland agreed but the German army refused to leave. Terrible battles were
waged between the two behemoths; finally, with the defeat of the Axis, Russia got what it wanted, not
only in Finnish territory, but also in war reparations to the tune of $300 million. Finland would become
known for its passivity in the face of the Soviet threat in the postwar era.

 Jun 09 1945 – WW2: Japanese Premier Kantaro Suzuki declares that Japan will fight to the last rather
than accept unconditional surrender.

 Jun 09 1954 – Cold War: Joseph McCarthy meets his match » In a dramatic confrontation, Joseph
Welch, special counsel for the U.S. Army, lashes out at Senator Joseph McCarthy during hearings on
whether communism has infiltrated the U.S. armed forces. Welch’s verbal assault marked the end of
McCarthy’s power during the anticommunist hysteria of the Red Scare in America.

Senator McCarthy (R-WI) experienced a meteoric rise to fame and power in the U.S. Senate when
he charged in February 1950 that “hundreds” of “known communists” were in the Department of State.
In the years that followed, McCarthy became the acknowledged leader of the so-called Red Scare, a
time when millions of Americans became convinced that communists had infiltrated every aspect of
American life. Behind closed-door hearings, McCarthy bullied, lied, and smeared his way to power,
destroying many careers and lives in the process.
Prior to 1953, the Republican Party tolerated his antics because his attacks were directed against the
Democratic administration of Harry S. Truman. When Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower entered the
White House in 1953, however, McCarthy’s recklessness and increasingly erratic behavior became
unacceptable and the senator saw his clout slowly ebbing away. In a last-ditch effort to revitalize his
anticommunist crusade, McCarthy made a crucial mistake. He charged in early 1954 that the U.S. Army
was “soft” on communism. As Chairman of the Senate Government Operations Committee, McCarthy
opened hearings into the Army.
Joseph N. Welch, a soft-spoken lawyer with an incisive wit and intelligence, represented the Army.
During the course of weeks of hearings, Welch blunted every one of McCarthy’s charges. The senator,
in turn, became increasingly enraged, bellowing “point of order, point of order,” screaming at
witnesses, and declaring that one highly decorated general was a “disgrace” to his uniform. On June 9,
1954, McCarthy again became agitated at Welch’s steady destruction of each of his arguments and
witnesses. In response, McCarthy charged that Frederick G. Fisher, a young associate in Welch’s law
firm, had been a long-time member of an organization that was a “legal arm of the Communist Party.”
Welch was stunned. As he struggled to maintain his composure, he looked at McCarthy and
declared, “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness.”
It was then McCarthy’s turn to be stunned into silence, as Welch asked, “Have you no sense of decency,
sir, at long last?” The audience of citizens and newspaper and television reporters burst into wild
applause. Just a week later, the hearings into the Army came to a close. McCarthy, exposed as a reckless
bully, was officially condemned by the U.S. Senate for contempt against his colleagues in December
1954. During the next two-and-a-half years McCarthy spiraled into alcoholism. Still in office, he died
in 1957.

 Jun 09 1959 – U.S. Navy: The USS George Washington is launched. It is the first submarine to carry
ballistic missiles.

 Jun 09 1965 – Vietnam War: CIA report challenges “domino theory” » In reply to a formal
question submitted by President Lyndon B. Johnson–“Would the rest of Southeast Asia necessarily fall
if Laos and South Vietnam came under North Vietnamese control?”–the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) submits a memo that effectively challenges the “domino theory” backbone of the Johnson
administration policies. This theory contended that if South Vietnam fell to the communists, the rest of
Southeast Asia would also fall “like dominoes,” and the theory had been used to justify much of the
Vietnam War effort.

The CIA concluded that Cambodia was probably the only nation in the area that would immediately
fall. “Furthermore,” the report said, “a continuation of the spread of communism in the area would not
be inexorable, and any spread which did occur would take time–time in which the total situation might
change in any number of ways unfavorable to the communist cause.” The CIA report concluded that if
South Vietnam and Laos also fell, it “would be profoundly damaging to the U.S. position in the Far
East,” but Pacific bases and allies such as the Philippines and Japan would still wield enough power to
deter China and North Vietnam from any further aggression or expansion. President Johnson appears
to have ignored the CIA analysis–he eventually committed over 500,000 American troops to the war in
an effort to block the spread of communism to South Vietnam.

 Jun 09 1972 – Vietnam War: South Vietnamese soldiers reach An Loc » Part of a relief column
composed mainly of South Vietnamese 21st Division troops finally arrives in the outskirts of An Loc.
The division had been trying to reach the besieged city since April 9, when it had been moved from its
normal station in the Mekong Delta and ordered to attack up Highway 13 from Lai Khe to open the
route to An Loc. The South Vietnamese forces had been locked in a desperate battle with a North
Vietnamese division that had been blocking the highway since the very beginning of the siege. As the
21st Division tried to open the road, the defenders inside An Loc fought off repeated attacks by two
North Vietnamese divisions that had surrounded the city early in April. This was the southernmost
thrust of the North Vietnamese invasion that had begun on March 30; the other main objectives were
Quang Tri in the north and Kontum in the Central Highlands.
Although the lead elements of the 21st Division reached the outskirts of the city on this day, they
did not represent significant reinforcements for An Loc, having suffered tremendous casualties in their
fight up the highway and the two-month siege was not lifted. It would not be lifted until large numbers
of fresh reinforcements were flown in to a position south of the city from which they then successfully
attacked the North Vietnamese forces that surrounded the city. By the end of the month, most of the
communist troops within the city had been eliminated, but the North Vietnamese forces still blocked
Route 13 and continued to shell An Loc.

 Jun 09 1972 – Vietnam War: John Paul Vann, the senior U.S. advisor in the Central Highlands, is
killed in a helicopter crash, probably shot down by a North Vietnamese unit. Vann had successfully
directed the battle against the North Vietnamese invaders at Kontum.

 Jun 09 1999 – Kosovo War: The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and NATO sign a peace treaty.


 Jun 10 1775 – American Revolution: John Adams proposes to Congress in a meeting in Philadelphia,
that the men laying siege to Boston should be considered a Continental Army led by a general.

 Jun 10 1861 – Civil War: Battle of Big Bethel. Confederate troops under John B. Magruder defeat a
much larger Union force led by General Ebenezer W. Pierce in Virginia. Casualties and losses: US 76
- CSA 8.

 Jun 10 1864 – Civil War: Battle of Brice's Crossroads. Confederate troops under Nathan Bedford
Forrest defeat a much larger Union force led by General Samuel D. Sturgis in Mississippi. Casualties
and losses: US 2610 - CSA 492.

 Jun 10 1871 – Korean Expedition (Sinmiyangyo): Captain McLane Tilton leads 109 U.S. Marines
in a naval attack on Han River forts on Kanghwa Island, Korea. Casualties and losses: US 3 - Kor 200+.

 Jun 10 1898 – Spanish*American War: U.S. Marines land on the island of Cuba.

 Jun 10 1940 – WWI: Italians renew battle on mountain-tops in Trentino » Italian troops launch a
renewed assault on Austro-Hungarian positions in the mountains of the Trentino region in northern
Italy, on the border with Austria.

The remaining alpine vegetation

The formidable nature of the northern Italian terrain—four-fifths of the 600-kilometer-long border
with Austria was lined with mountains, with several peaks rising above 3,000 meters—made the Italian,
of all the fronts during World War I, the least well-suited for battle. Nevertheless, upon their entrance
into the war in May 1915 on the side of the Allies, the Italians immediately took the offensive against
Austria in the Trentino, with little success. By the end of 1915, after four battles fought on the Isonzo
River, in the eastern section of the Italian front, Italy had made no substantial progress and had suffered
235,000 casualties, including 54,000 killed.
The Tenth Battle of the Isonzo—by the end of the war there would be 12—in May 1917 had met
with a similar lack of success for the Italians. A major Austro-Hungarian counter-offensive launched
on 3 JUN reclaimed virtually all of the ground Italy had gained; Italian Commander-in-Chief Luigi
Cadorna shut down the attacks on 8 JUN
Two days later, the increasingly frustrated Italians renewed the battle, attacking six mountain peaks
in the Trentino. Italian deserters had revealed details of the assault to the Austrians, however, and they
were able to counterattack successfully and hold their positions. The Italians did manage to capture one
mountain peak, however—the nearly 7,000-foot-high Mount Ortigaro—and take some 1,000 Austrian
prisoners. Two weeks later, the Austrians seized control of Ortigaro again, taking 2,000 Italian
prisoners. By the end of June, after three weeks of heated battle on the mountain peaks and passes, the
lines of territory had barely changed, at the cost of 23,000 Italian and nearly 9,500 Austrian casualties.

 Jun 10 1940 – WW2: Italy declares war on France and Great Britain » After withholding formal
allegiance to either side in the battle between Germany and the Allies, Benito Mussolini, dictator of
Italy, declares war on France and Great Britain.
What caused Il Duce’s change of heart? Perhaps the German occupation of Paris did it. “First they
were too cowardly to take part. Now they are in a hurry so that they can share in the spoils,” reflected
Hitler. (However, Mussolini claimed that he wanted in before complete French capitulation only
because fascism “did not believe in hitting a man when he is down.”)
Italy’s lack of raw materials had made Mussolini wary of waging all-out war previously. Britain and
France were also wooing him with promises of territorial concessions in Africa in exchange for
neutrality. But the thought of its Axis partner single-handedly conquering the Continent was too much
for his ego to bear. While Germany had urged Italy’s participation in September 1939, at this late date
such intervention would probably prove more of a hindrance than a help. For example, despite Italy’s
declaration of war on the 10th, it wasn’t until the 20th that Italian troops were mobilized in France, in
the southwest-and easily held at bay by French forces.
The reaction by the Allies to the declaration of war was swift: In London, all Italians who had lived
in Britain less than 20 years and who were between the ages of 16 and 70 were immediately interned.
In America, President Roosevelt broadcast on radio the promise of support for Britain and France with
“the material resources of this nation.”

 Jun 10 1940 – WW2: Norway surrenders to Germany » After two months of desperate resistance,
the last surviving Norwegian and British defenders of Norway are overwhelmed by the Germans, and
the country is forced to capitulate to the Nazis.

Two months earlier, on 9 APR, Nazi Germany launched its invasion of Norway, capturing several
strategic points along the Norwegian coast. During the preliminary phase of the invasion, Norwegian
fascist forces under Vidkun Quisling acted as a so-called “fifth column” for the German invaders,
seizing Norway’s nerve centers, spreading false rumors, and occupying military bases and other

Vidkun Quisling served as the Norwegian minister of defense from 1931 to 1933, and in 1934 he
left the ruling party to establish the Nasjonal Samling, or National Unity Party, in imitation of Adolf
Hitler’s Nazi Party. Although Norway declared neutrality at the outbreak of World War II, Nazi
Germany regarded the occupation of Norway a strategic and economic necessity. In the spring of 1940,
Vidkun Quisling traveled to Berlin to meet with Nazi command and plan the German conquest of his
country. On 9 APR, the combined German forces attacked without warning, and by June 10 Hitler had
conquered Norway and driven all Allied forces from the country.
Although Quisling was the head of the only political party permitted by the Nazis, opposition to him
in Norway was so great that it was not until February 1942 that he was able to formally establish his
puppet government in Oslo. Under the authority of his Nazi commissioner, Josef Terboven, Quisling
set up a repressive regime that was merciless toward those who defied it. However, Norway’s resistance
movement soon became the most effective in all Nazi-occupied Europe, and Quisling’s authority
rapidly waned. After the German surrender in May 1945, Quisling was arrested, convicted of high
treason, and shot. From his name comes the word quisling, meaning “trait» or” in several languages.

 Jun 10 1953 – Cold War: Eisenhower rejects calls for U.S. “isolationism” » In a forceful speech,
President Dwight D. Eisenhower strikes back at critics of his Cold War foreign policy. He insisted that
the United States was committed to the worldwide battle against communism and that he would maintain
a strong U.S. defense. Just a few months into his presidency, and with the Korean War still raging,
Eisenhower staked out his basic approach to foreign policy with this speech.

In the weeks prior to Eisenhower’s talk, Senator Robert Taft and Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg issued
challenges to the president’s conduct of foreign policy. Taft argued that if efforts to reach a peace
agreement in Korea failed, the United States should withdraw from the United Nations forces and make
its own policy for dealing with North Korea. Vandenberg was upset over Eisenhower’s proposal to cut
$5 billion from the Air Force budget.
Without naming either man, Eisenhower responded to both during a speech at the National Junior
Chamber of Commerce meeting in Minneapolis. He began by characterizing the Cold War as a battle
“for the soul of man himself.” He rejected Taft’s idea that the United States should pursue a completely
independent foreign policy, or what one “might call the ‘fortress’ theory of defense.” Instead, he insisted
that all free nations had to stand together: “There is no such thing as partial unity.” To Vandenberg’s
criticisms of the new Air Force budget, the president explained that vast numbers of aircraft were not
needed in the new atomic age. Just a few planes armed with nuclear weapons could “visit on an enemy
as much explosive violence as was hurled against Germany by our entire air effort throughout four years
of World War II.”
With this speech, Eisenhower thus enunciated two major points of what came to be known at the time
as his “New Look” foreign policy. First was his advocacy of multi-nation responses to communist
aggression in preference to unilateral action by the United States. Second was the idea that came to be
known as the “bigger bang for the buck” defense strategy. This postulated that a cheaper and more
efficient defense could be built around the nation’s nuclear arsenal rather than a massive increase in
conventional land, air, and sea forces.

 Jun 10 1953 – Korean War: Battle of Outpost Harry begins and lasts through the18th. Casualties and
losses: US ~514 - VC 4000+.

 Jun 10 1965 – Vietnam War: Battle of Dong Xaoi » Some 1,500 Viet Cong start a mortar attack
on the district capital of Dong Xoai, about 60 miles northeast of Saigon, and then quickly overrun the
town’s military headquarters and an adjoining militia compound. Other Viet Cong forces conducted a
raid on a U.S. Special Forces camp about a mile away. U.S. helicopters flew in South Vietnamese
reinforcements, but the Viet Cong isolated and cut down the troops. Heavy U.S. air strikes eventually
helped to drive off the Viet Cong, but not before the South Vietnamese had suffered between 800 and
900 casualties and the United States had 7 killed, 12 missing and presumed dead, and 15 wounded. The
Viet Cong were estimated to have lost 350 in the ground combat and perhaps several hundred more in
air attacks. Two Americans later received the Medal of Honor for their actions during this battle.

Two women and a child who survived two days of devastating fighting during the battle

First Lt. Charles Q. Williams assumed command of the Special Forces camp when his commanding
officer was seriously wounded in the early minutes of the battle. Williams repeatedly dashed through
heavy gunfire to rally the outnumbered defenders, receiving five wounds in the process. At one point,
the American forces were pinned down by a Viet Cong machine gun. Williams grabbed a 3.5-inch
rocket launcher and asked for a volunteer to help him go after the gun. CM3 Marvin G. Shields, a
member of the camp’s Navy construction battalion (Seabees) who had already been wounded three
times, stepped forward. Completely ignoring their own safety, the two attacked, with Shields loading
and Williams firing as they assaulted the enemy position. They destroyed the enemy gun, but on the
way back to friendly lines, Shields was mortally wounded. President Johnson presented the Medal of
Honor to Charles Williams in the White House on June 23, 1966. On September 13, 1966, Joan Elaine
Shields accepted her husband’s posthumous Medal of Honor from the president.

 Jun 10 1965 – Vietnam War: Westmoreland gives farewell press conference in Saigon » At a
Saigon news conference on the day he is to turn over command of U.S. forces in Vietnam to Gen.
Creighton Abrams, Gen. William Westmoreland offers his assessment of past and current trends in the
war. In defense of his attrition policy, Westmoreland declared that it would ultimately make continued
fighting “intolerable to the enemy.” He also explained that, because it was impossible to “cut a surface
line of communication with other than ground operations,” Washington’s ban on ground attacks to
interdict communist infiltration through Laos precluded the achievement of military victory.
Westmoreland denied, however, that the military situation was stalemated. Westmoreland’s approach
to the war had all but been discredited by the communist Tet Offensive, which was launched in January
30, 1968. In the wake of the widespread Viet Cong and North Vietnamese attacks, there was a review
of U.S. policy by the Johnson administration. When it was decided to de-escalate the war, halt the
bombing of North Vietnam, and go to the negotiating table, Westmoreland was reassigned to become
the Army Chief of Staff, a post he held until his retirement from the service in 1972.

 Jun 10 1991 – Clark AFB Philippines: Mount Pinatubo » About 14,500 personnel are evacuated
in anticipation of the eruption of Mount Pinatubo. Over the next several days, the eruptions killed
hundreds of people and sent tons of ash and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere.

In the early 1990s, about 30,000 people lived very close to Mount Pinatubo, which is 60 miles north
of the capital city of Manila. The volcanic mud that makes up the lower slopes provided good soil for
agriculture. The two major United States military facilities in the Philippines, Clark Air Base and Subic
Bay Naval Station, are only 15 and 25 miles away, respectively, from the volcano.
Pinatubo is a stratocone, a volcanic mountain that forms a dome made of lava. (Mt. Fuji in Japan is
another example of this type of mountain.) It was 5,725 feet high at the time of the 1991 eruptions. The
first indications of activity on the volcano were noticed on 2 APR, and in mid-May, scientists
discovered that sulfur dioxide levels were 10 times above normal at Pinatubo, a sign of an impending

eruption. Although the timing of the eruption could not be predicted, the readings raised alarms and
emergency preparations began.
Evacuation of the surrounding area began on 7 JUN. On the morning of 12 JUN, the first major
explosion occurred, blasting ash 62,000 feet in the air and destroying part of the mountain’s dome. The
eruption continued on and off for the next day and then, on the afternoon of 14 JUN, another big blast
spread gas and ash miles away. The final eruption took place the following morning, spewing 20 million
tons of sulfur dioxide into the air. Approximately 350 people were killed by the toxic emissions. The
early warning and preparations saved thousands of lives. The mountain lost nearly 1,000 feet in the
eruptions—it now stands at just 4,800 feet high.

 Jun 10 1999 – Kosovo War: NATO suspends its air strikes after Slobodan Miloševic agrees to
withdraw Serbian forces from Kosovo.


 Jun 11 1775 – American Revolution: 1st Battle of Machias begins. The war's first naval battle. After
2 days the Unity (U.S.) manned by Patriot militia captures the schooner Margaretta (British). Casualties
and losses: US 14 - Brit 13.

 Jun 11 1862 – Civil War: Stonewall Jackson concludes his successful Shenandoah Valley Campaign
with a victory in the Battle of Port Republic; his tactics during the campaign are now studied by
militaries around the world.

 Jun 11 1863 – Civil War: Battle of Brandy Station, Virginia.

 Jun 11 1864 – Civil War: A Confederate cavalry intercepts General Phillip Sheridan’s Union cavalry
as it seeks to destroy a rail line near Trevilian Station, Virginia. A two-day battle ensued in which the
Confederates drove off the Yankees with minimal damage to a precious supply line . Casualties and
losses: US 753 - CSA ~1,000

 Jun 11 1918 – WWI: After several months of an aggressive German offensive on the Western Front
during the spring and early summer of 1918, the Allies begin their counterattack, including an assault
on June 10, 1918, by four French and two American divisions on German lines near the town of
Antheuil-Portes in central France, some 45 miles from Paris.

 Jun 11 1940 – WW2: Britain demonstrates that it will not remain on the defensive, by bombing Italian
targets in response to Mussolini’s declaration of war on England and France.

 Jun 11 1942 – WW2: Lend-Lease aid to the Soviet Union » The United States and the Soviet Union
agreed to a lend-lease agreement. The deal was made to aid the Soviet effort in World War II. The pact
allowed for the United States to quickly build and supply the Soviets with planes, tanks, and other
supplies to combat Nazi forces in Central and Eastern Europe.
At this point, Nazi Germany had taken over much of Europe, including the western Soviet Union,
which made up the “eastern front” of the European Theater. The Nazi invasion meant the Soviets could
no longer supply their own troops with necessary equipment. The lend-lease deal helped the Soviets
hold off the Nazi threat. Soviet Premier Josef Stalin would later acknowledge the contributions made
by the lend-lease agreement: "Without American production [the Allies] could never have won the

 Jun 11 1943 – WW2: Operation Corkscrew is launched by Britain » After 10 days of bombing runs,
Britain lands troops on the Italian island of Pantelleria, off the southern coast of Sicily, in Operation
Corkscrew. The Italian garrisons surrenders upon orders from Mussolini, who would later deny the
order when the Germans express outrage. This defeat shakes the confidence of many in Mussolini’s
cabinet, since they had been assured that Pantelleria was impregnable. Britain would continue its
collection of Italian islands over the next two days, with the occupation of Lampedusa and Linosa—all
in preparation for the Allied invasion of Sicily itself in July.

 Jun 11 1943 – WW2: D-Day landing forces converge » Five days after the D-Day landing, the
five Allied landing groups, made up of some 330,000 troops, link up in Normandy to form a single
solid front across northwestern France.
On June 6, 1944, after a year of meticulous planning conducted in secrecy by a joint Anglo-
American staff, the largest combined sea, air, and land military operation in history began on the French
coast at Normandy. The Allied invasion force included 3 million men, 13,000 aircraft, 1,200 warships,
2,700 merchant ships, and 2,500 landing craft.
Fifteen minutes after midnight on June 6, the first of 23,000 U.S., British, and Canadian paratroopers
and glider troops plunged into the darkness over Normandy. Just before dawn, Allied aircraft and ships
bombed the French coast along the Baie de la Seine, and at daybreak the bombardment ended as
135,000 Allied troops stormed ashore at five landing sites. Despite the formidable German coastal
defenses, beachheads were achieved at all five landing locations. At one site–Omaha Beach–German
resistance was especially strong, and the Allied position was only secured after hours of bloody fighting

by the Americans assigned to it. By the evening, some 150,000 American, British, and Canadian troops
were ashore, and the Allies held about 80 square miles. During the next five days, Allied forces in
Normandy moved steadily forward in all sectors against fierce German resistance. On 11 JUM, the five
landing groups met up, and Operation Overlord–the code name for the Allied invasion of northwestern
Europe–proceeded as planned.

 Jun 11 1963 – Vietnam War: Buddhist immolates himself in protest » Buddhist monk Quang Duc
publicly burns himself to death in a plea for President Ngo Dinh Diem to show “charity and
compassion” to all religions. Diem, a Catholic who had been oppressing the Buddhist majority,
remained stubborn despite continued Buddhist protests and repeated U.S. requests to liberalize his
government’s policies. More Buddhist monks immolated themselves during ensuing weeks. Madame
Nhu, the president’s sister-in-law, referred to the burnings as “barbecues” and offered to supply
matches. In November 1963, South Vietnamese military officers assassinated Diem and his brother
during a coup.

 Jun 11 1967 – Israel*Arab Neighbors: Six-Day War » Ends with a United Nations-brokered cease-
fire. The outnumbered Israel Defense Forces achieved a swift and decisive victory in the brief war,
rolling over the Arab coalition that threatened the Jewish state and more than doubling the amount of
territory under Israel’s control. The greatest fruit of victory lay in seizing the Old City of Jerusalem
from Jordan; thousands of Jews wept while bent in prayer at the Second Temple’s Western Wall.
Increased tensions and skirmishes along Israel’s northern border with Syria were the immediate
cause of the third Arab-Israeli war. In 1967, Syria intensified its bombardment of Israeli settlements
across the border, and Israel struck back by shooting down six Syrian MiG fighters. After Syria alleged
in May 1967 that Israel was massing troops along the border, Egypt mobilized its forces and demanded
the withdrawal of the U.N. Emergency Force from the Israel-Egypt cease-fire lines of the 1956 conflict.
The U.N. peacekeepers left on 19 MAY, and three days later Egypt closed the Strait of Tiran to Israeli
shipping. On 30 MAY, Jordan signed a mutual-defense treaty with Egypt and Syria, and other Arab
states, including Iraq, Kuwait, and Algeria, sent troop contingents to join the Arab coalition against

Destroyed Egyptian planes and Israeli tanks advancing on the Golan Heights.

With every sign of a pan-Arab attack in the works, Israel’s government on 4 JUN authorized its
armed forces to launch a surprise preemptive strike. On 5 JUN, the Six-Day War began with an Israeli
assault against Arab air power. In a brilliant attack, the Israeli air force caught the formidable Egyptian
air force on the ground and largely destroyed the Arabs’ most powerful weapon. The Israeli air force
then turned against the lesser air forces of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq, and by the end of the day had
decisively won air superiority.

 Jun 11 1970 – Vietnam War: Battle for control of Kompong Speu in Cambodia » A force of 4,000
South Vietnamese and 2,000 Cambodian soldiers battle 1,400 communist troops for control of the
provincial capital of Kompong Speu, 30 miles southwest of Phnom Penh. At 50 miles inside the border,
it was the deepest penetration that South Vietnamese forces had made into Cambodia since the
incursion began on April 29. The town was captured by the communists on June 13, but retaken by
Allied forces on June 16. South Vietnamese officials reported that 183 enemy soldiers were killed,
while 4 of their own died and 22 were wounded during the fighting. Civilian casualties in Kompong
Speu were estimated at 40 to 50 killed.

 Jun 11 1989 – China: China issues warrant for Tiananmen dissident » In the wake of the Tiananmen
Square massacre on 4 JUN, China issues a warrant for a leading Chinese dissident who had taken refuge
in the U.S. embassy in Beijing. The diplomatic standoff lasted for a year, and the refusal of the United
States to hand the dissident over to Chinese officials was further evidence of American disapproval of
China’s crackdown on political protesters.

Fang Lizhi

In April and May 1989, hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered in Beijing to call for greater
political democracy in communist China. On June 4, Chinese soldiers and police swarmed into the
center of protest activity, Tiananmen Square, killing hundreds and arresting thousands. The Chinese
government used this brutal crackdown as a pretext for issuing an arrest warrant for Fang Lizhi, an
internationally respected astrophysicist and leading Chinese dissident. Although Fang had not
participated in the Tiananmen Square protests, he had been a consistent advocate of greater political
democracy and a persistent critic of government policies. In February 1989, more than one hundred
Chinese security personnel forcibly prevented Fang from meeting with visiting President George Bush.
In the June arrest warrant, Fang and his wife, Li Shuxian, were charged with “committing crimes of
counter-revolutionary propaganda and instigation.” Fang and Li immediately took refuge in the U.S.
embassy. Chinese officials demanded that the American government hand over the pair, but the U.S.
refused. Almost exactly one year later, Fang and Li were given free passage out of the country and they
left the U.S. embassy for the first time since June 1989. The action was part of a wider effort by the
Chinese government to repair some of the international damage done to its reputation in the wake of
the Tiananmen Square incident. In addition to Fang and Li, hundreds of other political prisoners were

also released. Fang and Li traveled to the United States and took up residence. Fang continued his
dissident activities against the Chinese government and taught in both America and Great Britain.
The incident indicated that feelings about what had occurred in Tiananmen Square ran high, both in
the United States and China. For America, the brutal attack on the protesters repulsed most people and
led Congress to pass economic sanctions against the Chinese government. In China, the refusal to hand
over Fang and the U.S. criticisms of what the Chinese government considered to be a purely internal
matter generated a tremendous amount of resentment. The issue of human rights in China continued to
be a major issue in relations between the U.S. and China throughout the 1990s and into the 21st century.


 Jun 12 1775 – American Revolution: British general Thomas Gage declares martial law in
Massachusetts. The British offer a pardon to all colonists who lay down their arms. There would be
only two exceptions to the amnesty: Samuel Adams and John Hancock, if captured, were to be hanged.

 Jun 12 1862 – Civil War: Confederate General J.E.B - Stuart begins his ride around the Army of the
Potomac during the Peninsular campaign in Virginia, after being sent on a reconnaissance of Union
positions by Robert E. Lee. Four days later, Stuart had circled the entire Yankee force, 105,000 strong,
and provided Lee with crucial information.

 Jun 12 1864 – Civil War: Battle of Cold Harbor – In the Overland Campaign Ulysses S. Grant gives
the Confederate forces under Robert E. Lee a victory when he pulls his Union troops from their
positions at Cold Harbor, Virginia and moves south. Casualties and losses: US 12,737 - CSA 4,505.

 Jun 12 1876 – American West: Journalist headed for Little Big Horn files dispatch » Marcus
Kellogg, a journalist traveling with Custer’s 7th Cavalry, files one of his last dispatches before being
killed at the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
A native of Ontario, Canada, Kellogg migrated with his family to New York in 1835. As a young
man he mastered the art of the telegraph and went to work for the Pacific Telegraphy Company in
Wisconsin. Sometime during the Civil War, Kellogg abandoned his career in telegraphy in favor of
becoming a newspaperman. In 1873, he moved west to the frontier town of Bismarck in Dakota
Territory and became the assistant editor of the Bismarck Tribune.

Marcus Kellogg George Armstrong Custer

A chance event in the winter of 1876 began Kellogg’s unexpected path toward the Little Big Horn.
While returning from a trip to the East, Kellogg was on the same train as George Custer and his wife,
Elizabeth. Custer was on his way to Fort Abraham Lincoln, near Bismarck, where he was going to lead

the 7th Cavalry in a planned assault on several bands of Indians who had refused to be confined to
reservations. After an unusually heavy winter storm, the train became snowbound. Kellogg improvised
a crude telegraph key, connected it to the wires running alongside the track, and sent a message ahead
to the fort asking for help. Custer’s brother, Tom, arrived soon after with a sleigh to rescue them.
Ever since his days as a Civil War hero, Custer had enjoyed being lionized in the nation’s
newspapers. Now, as he prepared for what he hoped would be his greatest victory ever, Custer wanted
to make sure his glorious deeds would be adequately covered in the press. Initially, Custer had planned
to take his old friend Clement Lounsberry, who was Kellogg’s employer at the Tribune, with him into
the field with the 7th Cavalry. At the last minute, Kellogg was picked to go instead-perhaps because
Custer had been impressed by his resourcefulness with a telegraph key.
When Custer led his soldiers out of Fort Abraham Lincoln and headed west for Montana on 31
MAY, Kellogg rode with him. During the next few weeks, Kellogg filed three dispatches from the field
to the Bismarck Tribune, which in turn passed the stories on to the New York Herald. (Leaving nothing
to chance, Custer himself also sent three anonymous reports on his progress to the Herald.)
Kellogg’s first dispatches, dated 31 MAY and 12 JUN, recorded the progress of the expedition
westward. His final report, dated June 21, came from the army’s camp along the Rosebud River in
southern Montana, not far from the Little Big Horn River. “We leave the Rosebud tomorrow,” Kellogg
wrote, “and by the time this reaches you we will have met and fought the red devils, with what result
remains to be seen.”
The results, of course, were disastrous. Four days later, Sioux and Cheyenne warriors wiped out
Custer and his men along the Little Big Horn River. Kellogg was the only journalist to witness the final
moments of Custer’s 7th Cavalry. Had he been able to file a story he surely would have become a
national celebrity. Unfortunately, Kellogg did not live to tell the tale and died alongside Custer’s
On 6 JUL, the Bismarck Tribune printed a special extra edition with a top headline reading:
“Massacred: Gen. Custer and 261 Men the Victims.” Further down in the column, in substantially
smaller type, a sub-headline reported: “The Bismarck Tribune’s Special Correspondent Slain.” The
article went on to report, “The body of Kellogg alone remained unstripped of its clothing, and was not
mutilated.” The reporter speculated that this might have been a result of the Indian’s “respect [for] this
humble shover of the lead pencil.”
That the Sioux and Cheyenne respected Kellogg for his journalistic skills is highly doubtful.
However, his spectacular death in one of the most notorious events in the nation’s history did make
him something of an honored martyr among newspapermen. The New York Herald later erected a
monument to the fallen journalist over the supposed site of his grave on the Little Big Horn battlefield.

 Jun 12 1898 – Spanish*American War: U.S. war ships set sail for Cuba.

 Jun 12 1898 – Spanish*American War: Philippine independence declared » During the Spanish-
American War, Filipino rebels led by Emilio Aguinaldo proclaim the independence of the Philippines
after 300 years of Spanish rule. By mid-August, Filipino rebels and U.S. troops had ousted the Spanish,
but Aguinaldo’s hopes for independence were dashed when the United States formally annexed the
Philippines as part of its peace treaty with Spain.

The Philippines, a large island archipelago situated off Southeast Asia, was colonized by the Spanish
in the latter part of the 16th century. Opposition to Spanish rule began among Filipino priests, who
resented Spanish domination of the Roman Catholic churches in the islands. In the late 19th century,
Filipino intellectuals and the middle class began calling for independence. In 1892, the Katipunan, a
secret revolutionary society, was formed in Manila, the Philippine capital on the island of Luzon.
Membership grew dramatically, and in August 1896 the Spanish uncovered the Katipunan’s plans for
rebellion, forcing premature action from the rebels. Revolts broke out across Luzon, and in March 1897,
28-year-old Emilio Aguinaldo became leader of the rebellion.
By late 1897, the revolutionaries had been driven into the hills southeast of Manila, and Aguinaldo
negotiated an agreement with the Spanish. In exchange for financial compensation and a promise of
reform in the Philippines, Aguinaldo and his generals would accept exile in Hong Kong. The rebel
leaders departed, and the Philippine Revolution temporarily was at an end.
In April 1898, the Spanish-American War broke out over Spain’s brutal suppression of a rebellion
in Cuba. The first in a series of decisive U.S. victories occurred on May 1, 1898, when the U.S. Asiatic
Squadron under Commodore George Dewey annihilated the Spanish Pacific fleet at the Battle of Manila
Bay in the Philippines. From his exile, Aguinaldo made arrangements with U.S. authorities to return to
the Philippines and assist the United States in the war against Spain. He landed on 19 MAY, rallied his
revolutionaries, and began liberating towns south of Manila. On 12 JUN, he proclaimed Philippine
independence and established a provincial government, of which he subsequently became head.
His rebels, meanwhile, had encircled the Spanish in Manila and, with the support of Dewey’s
squadron in Manila Bay, would surely have conquered the Spanish. Dewey, however, was waiting for
U.S. ground troops, which began landing in July and took over the Filipino positions surrounding
Manila. On August 8, the Spanish commander informed the United States that he would surrender the
city under two conditions: The United States was to make the advance into the capital look like a battle,
and under no conditions were the Filipino rebels to be allowed into the city. On 13 AUG, the mock
Battle of Manila was staged, and the Americans kept their promise to keep the Filipinos out after the
city passed into their hands.
While the Americans occupied Manila and planned peace negotiations with Spain, Aguinaldo
convened a revolutionary assembly, the Malolos, in September. They drew up a democratic
constitution, the first ever in Asia, and a government was formed with Aguinaldo as president in January
1899. On February 4, what became known as the Philippine Insurrection began when Filipino rebels
and U.S. troops skirmished inside American lines in Manila. Two days later, the U.S. Senate voted by

one vote to ratify the Treaty of Paris with Spain. The Philippines were now a U.S. territory, acquired
in exchange for $20 million in compensation to the Spanish.
In response, Aguinaldo formally launched a new revolt–this time against the United States. The
rebels, consistently defeated in the open field, turned to guerrilla warfare, and the U.S. Congress
authorized the deployment of 60,000 troops to subdue them. By the end of 1899, there were 65,000
U.S. troops in the Philippines, but the war dragged on. Many anti-imperialists in the United States, such
as Democratic presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan, opposed U.S. annexation of the
Philippines, but in November 1900 Republican incumbent William McKinley was reelected, and the
war continued.
On March 23, 1901, in a daring operation, U.S. General Frederick Funston and a group of officers,
pretending to be prisoners, surprised Aguinaldo in his stronghold in the Luzon village of Palanan and
captured the rebel leader. Aguinaldo took an oath of allegiance to the United States and called for an
end to the rebellion, but many of his followers fought on. During the next year, U.S. forces gradually
pacified the Philippines. In an infamous episode, U.S. forces on the island of Samar retaliated against
the massacre of a U.S. garrison by killing all men on the island above the age of 10. Many women and
young children were also butchered. General Jacob Smith, who directed the atrocities, was court-
martialed and forced to retire for turning Samar, in his words, into a “howling wilderness.”
In 1902, an American civil government took over administration of the Philippines, and the three-
year Philippine insurrection was declared to be at an end. Scattered resistance, however, persisted for
several years. More than 4,000 Americans perished suppressing the Philippines–more than 10 times the
number killed in the Spanish-American War. More than 20,000 Filipino insurgents were killed, and an
unknown number of civilians perished.

In 1935, the Commonwealth of the Philippines was established with U.S. approval, and Manuel
Quezon was elected the country’s first president. On July 4, 1946, full independence was granted to the
Republic of the Philippines by the United States.

 Jun 12 1918 – WWI: First airplane bombing raid by an American unit, France.

 Jun 12 1940 – WW2: Paris on the verge of invasion » 54,000 British and French troops surrender
to German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel at St. Valery-en-Caux, on the northern Channel border, as the
Germans continue their gains in France.
Even after the evacuation of Dunkirk by the British Expeditionary Force, tens of thousands of British
and Allied troops remained in France. Overwhelmed by the German invaders, over 3,000 Allied troops

attempted to escape by sea but were stopped by German artillery fire. Surrender was the order of the
day; among those taken prisoner were 12 Allied generals.
But all was not lost, as Britain refused to leave France to German occupation. Prime Minister
Winston Churchill had already ordered more British troops back into France, and British bombers were
also attacking German lines of communication. British and Allied troops were still active in other parts
of France-some 50 British fighters and 70 bombers were moving on German forces.

But despite the British reinforcements and encouragement (Churchill flew to France himself to
encourage the French leaders), General Maxime Weygand ordered the French military governor of
Paris to ensure that the French capital remained an open city-that is, there was to be no armed resistance
to the Germans. In short, he was pushing for an armistice, in effect, capitulation. The enemy would be
allowed to pass through unchallenged. Weygand addressed his cabinet with his assessment of the
situation: “A cessation of hostilities is compulsory.” He bitterly blamed Britain for France’s defeat,
unwilling to take responsibility for his own inept strategies and failed offensives. Paris was poised for

 Jun 12 1943 – WW2: USS R12 (SS–89) foundered after battery flooded while off Key West, Florida.
42 died.

 Jun 12 1944 – WW2: John F. Kennedy receives medals » Lieutenant John F. Kennedy receives
the Navy’s highest honor for gallantry for his heroic actions as a gunboat pilot during World War II on
this day in 1944. The future president also received a Purple Heart for wounds received during battle.
As a young man, Kennedy had desperately wanted to go into the Navy but was originally rejected
because of chronic health problems, particularly a back injury he had sustained playing football while
attending Harvard. In 1941, though, his politically connected father used his influence to get Jack into
the service. In 1942, Kennedy volunteered for PT (motorized torpedo) boat duty in the Pacific.
In July 1943, according to the official Navy report, Kennedy and the crew of PT 109 were ordered
into combat near the Solomon Islands. In the middle of the night on August 2, their boat was rammed
by a Japanese destroyer and caught fire. Several of Kennedy’s shipmates were blown overboard into a
sea of burning oil. Kennedy dove in to rescue three of the crew and in the process swallowed some of
the toxic mixture. (Kennedy would later blame this for chronic stomach problems.) For 12 hours,
Kennedy and his crew clung to the wrecked hull, before he ordered them to abandon ship. Kennedy
and the other good swimmers placed the injured on a makeshift raft, and then took turns pushing and
towing the raft four miles to safety on a nearby island.

For six days, Kennedy and his crew waited on the island for rescue. They survived by drinking
coconut milk and rainwater until native islanders discovered the sailors and offered food and shelter.
Every night, Kennedy tried to signal other U.S. Navy ships in the area. He also reportedly scrawled a
message on a coconut husk and gestured to the islanders to take it to a nearby PT base at Rendova. On
August 8, a Navy patrol boat picked up the haggard survivors.
On June 12, 1944, while he was in the hospital recuperating from back surgery, Kennedy received
the Navy and Marine Corps medal for courage, endurance and excellent leadership [that] contributed
to the saving of several lives and was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval

 Jun 12 1944 – U.S. Navy: USS Missouri (BB–63) the last battleship built by the United States Navy
and future site of the signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender, is commissioned.

 Jun 12 1944 – WW2: American paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division secure the town of
Carentan, France.

 Jun 12 1965 – Vietnam War: South Vietnamese premier resigns » Mounting Roman Catholic
opposition to South Vietnamese Premier Phan Huy Quat’s government leads him to resign. The next
day a military triumvirate headed by Army General Nguyen Van Thieu took over and expanded to a
10-man National Leadership Committee on June 14. The Committee decreed the death penalty for Viet
Cong terrorists, corrupt officials, speculators, and black marketeers. The Catholics approved of Quat’s
resignation and warned the military against favoring the Buddhists, who asked for an appointment of
civilians to the new cabinet.

Phan Huy Quat Nguyen Van Thieu

 Jun 12 1970 – U.S. Army: After being appointed on 15 MAY, Anna Mae Hays and Elizabeth P.
Hoisington officially receive their ranks as U.S. Army Generals, becoming the first females to do so.

 Jun 12 1965 – Vietnam War: Lavelle testifies before Congress » Gen. John D. Lavelle, former
four-star general and U.S. Air Force commander in Southeast Asia, testifies before the House Armed
Services Committee. He had been relieved of his post in March and later demoted after it was
determined that he had repeatedly ordered unauthorized bombings of military targets in North Vietnam.
Court-martial charges were brought against him by his subordinates but were dropped by the Air Force
because the “interests of discipline” had already been served. Lavelle became the first four-star general
in modern U.S. history to be demoted on retirement, although he continued to receive full general’s
retirement pay of $27,000 per year.

 Jun 12 1987 – Cold War: Reagan challenges Gorbachev » In one of his most famous Cold War
speeches, President Ronald Reagan challenges Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down” the
Berlin Wall, a symbol of the repressive Communist era in a divided Germany.

In 1945, following Germany’s defeat in World War II, the nation’s capital, Berlin, was divided into
four sections, with the Americans, British and French controlling the western region and the Soviets
gaining power in the eastern region. In May 1949, the three western sections came together as the
Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany), with the German Democratic Republic (East Germany)
being established in October of that same year. In 1952, the border between the two countries was
closed and by the following year East Germans were prosecuted if they left their country without
permission. In August 1961, the Berlin Wall was erected by the East German government to prevent
its citizens from escaping to the West. Between 1949 and the wall’s inception, it’s estimated that over
2.5 million East Germans fled to the West in search of a less repressive life.
With the wall as a backdrop, President Reagan declared to a West Berlin crowd in 1987, “There is
one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause
of freedom and peace.” He then called upon his Soviet counterpart: “Secretary General Gorbachev, if
you seek peace–if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe–if you seek
liberalization: come here, to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this
wall.” Reagan then went on to ask Gorbachev to undertake serious arms reduction talks with the United
Most listeners at the time viewed Reagan’s speech as a dramatic appeal to Gorbachev to renew
negotiations on nuclear arms reductions. It was also a reminder that despite the Soviet leader’s public
statements about a new relationship with the West, the U.S. wanted to see action taken to lessen Cold
War tensions. Happily for Berliners, though, the speech also foreshadowed events to come: Two years
later, on November 9, 1989, joyful East and West Germans did break down the infamous barrier
between East and West Berlin. Germany was officially reunited on October 3, 1990. Gorbachev, who
had been in office since 1985, stepped down from his post as Soviet leader in 1991. Reagan, who served
two terms as president, from 1981 to 1989, died on June 5, 2004, at age 93.

 Jun 12 1987 – U.S.*North Korea: Otto Warmbier returns from North Korean prison in a coma » A
22-year-old student who was taken prisoner in North Korea 17 months earlier, returned home to the
United States in a comatose state. His return marked a warming of relations between the U.S. and the
pariah state known for its extensive human-rights abuses, casting new attention on how North Korea
treats foreigners in captivity.

After a five-day stay in the country as part of an organized adventure trip, the University of Virginia
student was arrested at Pyongyang airport in January 2016 for allegedly taking a propaganda poster
from his hotel room. His trial lasted just one hour, and he was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in a
North Korean prison. By March, he was in a coma.
Warmbier’s release came after North Korean officials reached out to the United States in May for an
emergency meeting. The two countries put aside tensions around North Korea’s nuclear program in
order to negotiate terms for setting Warmbier free. Otto was medically evacuated and flown back to
Ohio, where he was greeted by his parents and a small crowd of supporters. That same night, he was
brought to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. Doctors said he suffered from cardiopulmonary
arrest and was in a state of unresponsive wakefulness. They said scans showed extensive brain damage,
possibly due to abuse. The North Korean authorities explained his condition by saying that he had
contracted botulism and taken a sleeping pill.
A week later, Otto Warmbier was dead. His parents released a statement saying his death was an
inevitable result of “the awful torturous mistreatment our son received at the hands of the North
Koreans.” But they felt bringing their son home put him at peace. “When Otto returned to Cincinnati
late on June 13th he was unable to speak, unable to see and unable to react to verbal commands. He
looked very uncomfortable—almost anguished,” they wrote. “Although we would never hear his voice
again, within a day, the countenance of his face changed—he was at peace. He was home and we
believe he could sense that.” A month after Warmbier’s death, American citizens were banned from
traveling to North Korea.


 Jun 13 1777 – American Revolution: Marquis de Lafayette lands near Charleston S.C. in order to
help the Continental Congress to train its army.

 Jun 13 1864 – Civil War: Grant swings toward Petersburg » The bulk of the Army of the Potomac
begins moving towards Petersburg, Virginia, precipitating a siege that lasted for more than nine months.
From early May, the Union army hounded Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia as it tried to
destroy the Confederates in the eastern theater. Commanded officially by George Meade but effectively
directed by Ulysses S. Grant, the Army of the Potomac sustained enormous casualties as it fought
through the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and Cold Harbor.
After the disaster at Cold Harbor, where Union troops suffered horrendous losses when they attacked
fortified Rebels just east of Richmond, Grant paused for more than a week before ordering another
move. The army began to pull out of camp on 12 JUN, and on 13 JUN the bulk of Grant’s force was
on the move south to the James River. As they had done for six weeks, the Confederates stayed between

Richmond and the Yankees. Lee blocked the road to Richmond, but Grant was after a different target
now. After the experience of Cold Harbor, Grant decided to take the rail center at Petersburg, 23 miles
south of Richmond.
By late afternoon, Union General Winfield Hancock’s Second Corps arrived at the James. Northern
engineers were still constructing a pontoon bridge, but a fleet of small boats began to ferry the soldiers
across. By the next day, skirmishing flared around Petersburg and the last great battle of war in Virginia
began. This phase of the war would be much different, as the two great armies settled into trenches for
a war of attrition.

 Jun 13 1944 – WWII: Germany launches 10 of its new V1 rockets against Britain from a position
near the Channel coast. They prove to be less than devastating.

 Jun 13 1954 – Vietnam War: First nationwide civil defense drill held » Over 12 million Americans
“die” in a mock nuclear attack, as the United States goes through its first nationwide civil defense drill.
Though American officials were satisfied with the results of the drill, the event stood as a stark reminder
that the United States—and the world—was now living under a nuclear shadow.
The June 1954 civil defense drill was organized and evaluated by the Civil Defense Administration,
and included operations in 54 cities in the United States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Alaska, and
Hawaii. Canada also participated in the exercise. The basic premise of the drill was that the United
States was under massive nuclear assault from both aircraft and submarines, and that most major urban
areas had been targeted. At 10 a.m., alarms were sounded in selected cities, at which time all citizens
were supposed to get off the streets, seek shelter, and prepare for the onslaught. Each citizen was
supposed to know where the closest fallout shelter was located; these included the basements of
government buildings and schools, underground subway tunnels, and private shelters. Even President
Dwight D. Eisenhower took part in the show, heading to an underground bunker in Washington, D.C.
The entire drill lasted only about 10 minutes, at which time an all-clear signal was broadcast and life
returned to normal. Civil Defense Administration officials estimated that New York City would suffer
the most in such an attack, losing over 2 million people. Other cities, including Washington, D.C.,
would also endure massive loss of life. In all, it was estimated that over 12 million Americans would
die in an attack.
Despite those rather mind-numbing figures, government officials pronounced themselves very
pleased with the drill. Minor problems in communication occurred, and one woman in New York City
managed to create a massive traffic jam by simply stopping her car in the middle of the road, leaping
out, and running for cover. In most cities, however, the streets were deserted just moments after the

alarms sounded and there were no signs of panic or criminal behavior. A more cautious assessment
came from a retired military officer, who observed that the recent development of the hydrogen bomb
by the Soviet Union had “outstripped the progress made in our civil defense strides to defend against

 Jun 13 1971 – Vietnam War: Pentagon Papers published » The New York Times begins to publish
sections of the so-called “Pentagon Papers,” a top-secret Department of Defense study of America’s
involvement in the Vietnam War. The papers indicated that the American government had been lying
to the people for years about the Vietnam War and the papers seriously damaged the credibility of
America’s Cold War foreign policy.

The papers indicated that the American government had been lying to the people for years about the
Vietnam War and the papers seriously damaged the credibility of America’s Cold War foreign policy.
In 1967, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered his department to prepare an in-depth history
of American involvement in the Vietnam War. McNamara had already begun to harbor serious doubts
about U.S. policy in Vietnam, and the study–which came to be known as the “Pentagon Papers”–
substantiated his misgivings. Top-secret memorandums, reports, and papers indicated that the U.S.
government had systematically lied to the American people, deceiving them about American goals and
progress in the war in Vietnam.
The devastating multi-volume study remained locked away in a Pentagon safe for years. In 1971,
Daniel Ellsberg, a Defense Department employee who had turned completely against the war, began to
smuggle portions of the papers out of the Pentagon. These papers made their way to the New York
Times, and on June 13, 1971, the American public read them in stunned amazement. The publication
of the papers added further fuel to the already powerful antiwar movement and drove the administration
of President Richard Nixon into a frenzy of paranoia about information “leaks.” Nixon attempted to
stop further publication of the papers, but the Supreme Court refused to issue an injunction.
The “Pentagon Papers” further eroded the American public’s confidence in their nation’s Cold War
foreign policy. The brutal, costly, and seemingly endless Vietnam War had already damaged the
government’s credibility, and the publication of the “Pentagon Papers” showed people the true extent
to which the government had manipulated and lied to them. Some of the most dramatic examples were
documents indicating that the Kennedy administration had openly encouraged and participated in the
overthrow of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem in 1963; that the CIA believed that the
“domino theory” did not actually apply to Asia; and that the heavy American bombing of North

Vietnam, contrary to U.S. government pronouncements about its success, was having absolutely no
impact on the communists’ will to continue the fight.

 Jun 13 1973 – Vietnam War: Kissinger and Le Duc Tho sign new peace agreement »
Representatives of the original signers of the 27 JAN cease-fire sign a new 14-point agreement calling
for an end to all cease-fire violations in South Vietnam.

Coming at the end of month-long negotiations between Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho, the
settlement included an end to all military activities at noon on 15 JUN; an end to U.S. reconnaissance
flights over North Vietnam and the resumption of U.S. minesweeping operations in North Vietnamese
waters; the resumption of U.S. talks on aid to North Vietnam; and the meeting of commanders of
opposing forces in South Vietnam to prevent outbreaks of hostilities. Fighting had erupted almost
immediately after the original cease-fire that had been initiated as part of the Paris Peace Accords. Both
sides repeatedly violated the terms of the cease-fire as they jockeyed for position and control of the
countryside. This new agreement proved no more effective than the original peace agreement in
stopping the fighting, which continued into early 1975 when the North Vietnamese launched a massive
offensive that overran South Vietnam in less than 55 days. The war was finally over on April 30, 1975,
when North Vietnamese tanks rolled into Saigon.

 Jun 13 1982 – Great Britain*Argentina: Falkland Islands War ends » After suffering through six
weeks of military defeats against Britain’s armed forces, Argentina surrenders to Great Britain, ending
the Falkland Islands War.
The Falkland Islands, located about 300 miles off the southern tip of Argentina, had long been
claimed by the British. British navigator John Davis may have sighted the islands in 1592, and in 1690
British Navy Captain John Strong made the first recorded landing on the islands. He named them after
Viscount Falkland, who was the First Lord of the Admiralty at the time. In 1764, French navigator
Louis-Antoine de Bougainville founded the islands’ first human settlement, on East Falkland, which
was taken over by the Spanish in 1767. In 1765, the British settled West Falkland but left in 1774 for
economic reasons. Spain abandoned its settlement in 1811.
In 1816, Argentina declared its independence from Spain and in 1820 proclaimed its sovereignty
over the Falklands. The Argentines built a fort on East Falkland, but in 1832 it was destroyed by the
USS Lexington in retaliation for the seizure of U.S. seal ships in the area. In 1833, a British force
expelled the remaining Argentine officials and began a military occupation. In 1841, a British lieutenant
governor was appointed, and by the 1880s a British community of some 1,800 people on the islands
was self-supporting. In 1892, the wind-blown Falkland Islands were collectively granted colonial

For the next 90 years, life on the Falklands remained much unchanged, despite persistent diplomatic
efforts by Argentina to regain control of the islands. In 1981, the 1,800 Falkland Islanders–mostly sheep
farmers–voted in a referendum to remain British, and it seemed unlikely that the Falklands would ever
revert to Argentine rule. Meanwhile, in Argentina, the military junta led by Lieutenant General
Leopoldo Galtieri was suffering criticism for its oppressive rule and economic management and
planned the Falklands invasion as a means of promoting patriotic feeling and propping up its regime.

In March 1982, Argentine salvage workers occupied South Georgia Island, and a full-scale invasion
of the Falklands began on 2 APR. Argentine amphibious forces rapidly overcame the small garrison of
British marines at the town of Stanley on East Falkland and the next day seized the dependent territories
of South Georgia and the South Sandwich group. Under orders from their commanders, the Argentine
troops inflicted no British casualties, despite suffering losses to their own units. Nevertheless, Britain
was outraged, and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher assembled a naval task force of 30 warships to
retake the islands. As Britain is 8,000 miles from the Falklands, it took several weeks for the British
warships to arrive. On 25 APR, South Georgia Island was retaken, and after several intensive naval
battles fought around the Falklands, British troops landed on East Falkland on 21 MAY. After several
weeks of fighting, the large Argentine garrison at Stanley surrendered on 14 JUN, effectively ending
the conflict.
Britain lost five ships and 256 lives in the fight to regain the Falklands, and Argentina lost its only
cruiser and 750 lives. Humiliated in the Falklands War, the Argentine military was swept from power
in 1983, and civilian rule was restored. In Britain, Margaret Thatcher’s popularity soared after the
conflict, and her Conservative Party won a landslide victory in 1983 parliamentary elections.


 Jun 14 1775 – American Revolution: The U.S. Army is founded when the Continental Congress
authorizes the muster of troops.

 Jun 14 1777 – American Revolution: Congress adopts the Stars and Stripes » The Continental
Congress adopts a resolution stating that “the flag of the United States be thirteen alternate stripes red
and white” and that “the Union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation.”
The national flag, which became known as the “Stars and Stripes,” was based on the “Grand Union”
flag, a banner carried by the Continental Army in 1776 that also consisted of 13 red and white stripes.
According to legend, Philadelphia seamstress Betsy Ross designed the new canton for the Stars and
Stripes, which consisted of a circle of 13 stars and a blue background, at the request of General George
Washington. Historians have been unable to conclusively prove or disprove this legend.

With the entrance of new states into the United States after independence, new stripes and stars were
added to represent new additions to the Union. In 1818, however, Congress enacted a law stipulating
that the 13 original stripes be restored and that only stars be added to represent new states.
On June 14, 1877, the first Flag Day observance was held on the 100th anniversary of the adoption
of the Stars and Stripes. As instructed by Congress, the U.S. flag was flown from all public buildings
across the country. In the years after the first Flag Day, several states continued to observe the
anniversary, and in 1949 Congress officially designated 14 JUN as Flag Day, a national day of

 Jun 14 1846 – Calif*Mexico: Bear Flag Revolt begins – Anticipating the outbreak of war with
Mexico, American settlers in California rebel against the Mexican government and proclaim the short-
lived California Republic.

The political situation in California was tense in 1846. Though nominally controlled by Mexico,
California was home to only a relatively small number of Mexican settlers. Former citizens of the
United States made up the largest segment of the California population, and their numbers were quickly
growing. Mexican leaders worried that many American settlers were not truly interested in becoming
Mexican subjects and would soon push for annexation of California to the United States. For their part,
the Americans distrusted their Mexican leaders. When rumors of an impending war between the U.S.
and Mexico reached California, many Americans feared the Mexicans might make a preemptive attack
to forestall rebellion.
In the spring of 1846, the American army officer and explorer John C. Fremont arrived at Sutter’s
Fort (near modern-day Sacramento) with a small corps of soldiers. Whether or not Fremont had been
specifically ordered to encourage an American rebellion is unclear. Ostensibly, Fremont and his men
were in the area strictly for the purposes of making a scientific survey. The brash young officer,
however, began to persuade a motley mix of American settlers and adventurers to form militias and
prepare for a rebellion against Mexico.
Emboldened by Fremont’s encouragement, on this day in 1846 a party of 33 Americans under the
leadership of Ezekiel Merritt and William Ide invaded the largely defenseless Mexican outpost of
Sonoma just north of San Francisco. Fremont and his soldiers did not participate, though he had given
his tacit approval of the attack. Merritt and his men surrounded the home of the retired Mexican general,
Mariano Vallejo, and informed him that he was a prisoner of war. Vallejo, who was actually a strong
supporter of American annexation, was more puzzled than alarmed by the rebels. He invited Merritt
and a few of the other men into his home to discuss the situation over brandy. After several hours
passed, Ide went in and spoiled what had turned into pleasant chat by arresting Vallejo and his family.

Having won a bloodless victory at Sonoma, Merritt and Ide then proceeded to declare California an
independent republic. With a cotton sheet and some red paint, they constructed a makeshift flag with a
crude drawing of a grizzly bear, a lone red star (a reference to the earlier Lone Star Republic of Texas),
and the words “California Republic” at the bottom. From then on, the independence movement was
known as the Bear Flag Revolt.
After the rebels won a few minor skirmishes with Mexican forces, Fremont officially took command
of the “Bear Flaggers” and occupied the unguarded presidio of San Francisco on July 1. Six days later,
Fremont learned that American forces under Commodore John D. Sloat had taken Monterey without a
fight and officially raised the American flag over California. Since the ultimate goal of the Bear
Flaggers was to make California part of the U.S., they now saw little reason to preserve their
“government.” Three weeks after it had been proclaimed, the California Republic quietly faded away.
Ironically, the Bear Flag itself proved far more enduring than the republic it represented: it became the
official state flag when California joined the union in 1850.

 Jun 14 1863 – Civil War: Second Battle of Winchester – A Union garrison is defeated by the Army
of Northern Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley town of Winchester, Virginia. Casualties and losses:
US 4,443 - CSA 269.

 Jun 14 1863 – Civil War: Second Assault on the Confederate works at the Siege of Port Hudson is a
costly failure for Major General Nathaniel Banks. Casualties and losses: US ~10,000 - CSA ~7,500.

 Jun 14 1940 – WW2: Germans enter Paris » Parisians awaken to the sound of a German-accented
voice announcing via loudspeakers that a curfew was being imposed for 8 p.m. that evening-as German
troops enter and occupy Paris. Check out for video on the occupation.

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had tried for days to convince the French government to
hang on, not to sue for peace, that America would enter the war and come to its aid. French premier
Paul Reynaud telegrammed President Franklin Roosevelt, asking for just such aid-a declaration of war,
and if not that, any and all help possible. Roosevelt replied that the United States was prepared to send
material aid—and was willing to have that promise published—but Secretary of State Cordell Hull
opposed such a publication, knowing that Hitler, as well as the Allies, would take such a public
declaration of help as but a prelude to a formal declaration of war. While the material aid would be
forthcoming, no such commitment would be made formal and public.
By the time German tanks rolled into Paris, 2 million Parisians had already fled, with good reason.
In short order, the German Gestapo went to work: arrests, interrogations, and spying were the order of
the day, as a gigantic swastika flew beneath the Arc de Triomphe. While Parisians who remained
trapped in their capital despaired, French men and women in the west cheered-as Canadian troops rolled
through their region, offering hope for a free France yet. The United States did not remain completely

idle, though. On this day, President Roosevelt froze the American assets of the Axis powers, Germany
and Italy.

 Jun 14 1944 – WW2: First B–29 raid against mainland Japan.

 Jun 14 1944 – WW2: USS Golet (SS–361) missing. Most likely sunk by Japanese guard boat Miya
Maru, auxiliary submarine chaser Bunzan Maru, and naval aircraft off northern Honshu, Japan. 82

 Jun 14 1945 – WW2: Battle of Bessang Pass – In Ilocos Sur province in Northern Luzon U.S and
Filipino forces assault the last stronghold of the Japanese imperial forces in a four month campaign
resulting in the first Filipino military victory of the war. It paved the way to the entrapment of
Yamashita’s forces in the Cordillera until the general’s surrender in September 1945. Casualties and
losses: US & RP 3,400 - JP 19,100.

General Tomoyuki Yamashita, Supreme Commander of Japanese Imperial Forces, comes out of the mountains to
surrender to the 32D 'Red Arrow' Infantry Division

 Jun 14 1968 – Vietnam War: Dr. Spock convicted for aiding draft resisters » A Federal District
Court jury in Boston convicts Dr. Benjamin Spock and three others, including Yale University Chaplain
William Sloane Coffin, Jr., of conspiring to aid, abet, and counsel draft registrants to violate the Selective
Service Act.

During the Johnson administration, Spock, a physician and the famous author of The Common Sense
Book of Baby and Child Care, was an ubiquitous figure at antiwar demonstrations. In April 1967, Spock,
Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., and entertainer Harry Belafonte led an estimated 300,000 people on
a march to the United Nations headquarters in New York City, the largest antiwar demonstration to date.
Spock was one of the original signers of A Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority, published in September
1967, which supported draft resistance and the right of servicemen to refuse to obey “illegal and immoral
The 1968 convictions were overturned in 1969. In November of that year, Spock joined a
Washington, D.C., antiwar demonstration of more than 250,000 people, sponsored by the New
Mobilization Committee, a group organized by Spock and others on July 4. In 1969, Spock was arrested
several times, but he continued his antiwar activities. On November 27, a new left-wing antiwar
movement, the People’s Party, nominated Spock as its candidate for president in the 1972 presidential
election. Though he did not win the election, Spock remained a prominent antiwar activist until the U.S.
withdrew from Southeast Asia.

 Jun 14 1969 – Vietnam War: U.S. command announces troop withdrawal » The U.S. command
announces that three combat units will be withdrawn from Vietnam. They were the 1st and 2nd Brigades
of the U.S. Army 9th Infantry Division and Regimental Landing Team 9 of the 3rd Marine Division–a
total of about 13,000 to 14,000 men. These troops were part of the first U.S. troop withdrawal, which
had been announced on June 8 by President Richard Nixon at the Midway conference with South
Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. Nixon had promised that 25,000 troops would be withdrawn
by the end of the year, and more support troops were later sent home in addition to the aforementioned
combat forces in order to meet that number.


 Jun 15 1775 – American Revolution: George Washington assigned to lead the Continental Army »
Washington, who would one day become the first American president, accepts an assignment to lead
the Continental Army. Washington had been managing his family’s plantation and serving in the
Virginia House of Burgesses when the second Continental Congress unanimously voted to have him
lead the revolutionary army. He had earlier distinguished himself, in the eyes of his contemporaries, as
a commander for the British army in the French and Indian War of 1754.
Born a British citizen and a former Redcoat, Washington had, by the 1770s, joined the growing
ranks of colonists who were dismayed by what they considered to be Britain’s exploitative policies in
North America. In 1774, Washington joined the Continental Congress as a delegate from Virginia. The
next year, the Congress offered Washington the role of commander in chief of the Continental Army.
After accepting the position, Washington sat down and wrote a letter to his wife, Martha, in which
he revealed his concerns about his new role. He admitted to his “dear Patcy” that he had not sought the
post but felt “it was utterly out of my power to refuse this appointment without exposing my Character
to such censures as would have reflected dishonor upon myself, and given pain to my friends.” He
expressed uneasiness at leaving her alone, told her he had updated his will and hoped that he would be
home by the fall. He closed the letter with a postscript, saying he had found some of “the prettiest
muslin” but did not indicate whether it was intended for her or for himself.

On July 3, 1775, Washington officially took command of the poorly trained and under-supplied
Continental Army. After six years of struggle and despite frequent setbacks, Washington managed to
lead the army to key victories and Great Britain eventually surrendered in 1781. Due largely to his
military fame and humble personality, Americans overwhelmingly elected Washington their first
president in 1789.

 Jun 15 1776 – American Revolution: Delaware declares independence » The Assembly of the
Lower Counties of Pennsylvania declares itself independent of British and Pennsylvanian authority,
thereby creating the state of Delaware.

Delaware did not exist as a colony under British rule. As of 1704, Pennsylvania had two colonial
assemblies: one for the “Upper Counties,” originally Bucks, Chester and Philadelphia, and one for the
“Lower Counties on the Delaware” of New Castle, Kent and Sussex. All of the counties shared one
Thomas McKean and Caesar Rodney, the same two men who represented the Lower Counties in the
Stamp Act Congress of 1765, proposed the Lower Counties’ simultaneous separation from
Pennsylvania and the British crown. McKean and Rodney, along with George Read, represented the
Lower Counties at the First Continental Congress in 1774 as well as the Second Continental Congress
in 1775-76. When Read refused to vote for independence, McKean had famously summoned an ailing
Rodney, who rode overnight from Dover, Delaware, to Philadelphia in order to cast his vote in favor
of independence and break the Delaware delegation’s stalemate.
McKean and Rodney were punished for their zealous pursuit of independence in an area heavily
populated by Loyalists. The first Delaware General Assembly, a body that owed its existence to
McKean and Rodney, chose not to return them to the Continental Congress in October 1776. But, after
Wilmington, Delaware, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, fell under British occupation, the second
General Assembly returned the two Patriots to the Continental Congress in October 1777. Both men
went on to serve as president of the state of Delaware. Rodney held the post from March 31, 1778, to
November 6, 1781. McKean served briefly as the acting president from 22 SEP until October 20, 1777,
while George Read traveled from Philadelphia to assume the post, left vacant by John McKinly’s
capture by British troops.

 Jun 15 1859 – Pig War: Ambiguity in the Oregon Treaty leads to the "Northwestern Boundary
Dispute" between U.S. and British/Canadian settlers.

 Jun 15 1863 – Civil War: Lincoln calls for help » President Abraham Lincoln calls for help in
protecting Washington, D.C., America’s capital city. Throughout June, Confederate General Robert E.
Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia was on the move. He had pulled his army from its position along the
Rappahannock River around Fredericksburg, Virginia, and set it on the road to Pennsylvania. Lee and
the Confederate leadership decided to try a second invasion of the North to take pressure off Virginia
and to seize the initiative against the Army of the Potomac. The first invasion, in September 1862,
failed when the Federals fought Lee’s army to a standstill at the Battle of Antietam in Maryland.
Lee later divided his army and sent the regiments toward the Shenandoah Valley, using the Blue
Ridge Mountains as a screen. After the Confederates took Winchester, Virginia, on 14 JUN, they were
situated on the Potomac River, seemingly in a position to move on Washington, D.C. Lincoln did not
know it, but Lee had no intention of attacking Washington. All Lincoln knew was that the Rebel army
was moving en masse and that Union troops could not be certain as to the Confederates’ location.
On 15 JUN, Lincoln put out an emergency call for 100,000 troops from the state militias of
Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, and West Virginia. Although the troops were not needed, and the call
could not be fulfilled in such a short time, it was an indication of how little the Union authorities knew
of Lee’s movements and how vulnerable they thought the Federal capital was.

 Jun 15 1864 – Civil War: Battle of Petersburg begins » During the Civil War, Ulysses S. Grant’s
Army of the Potomac and Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia collide for the last time as the
first wave of Union troops attacks Petersburg, a vital Southern rail center 23 miles south of the
Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia. The two massive armies would not become disentangled
until April 9, 1865, when Lee surrendered and his men went home.

In June 1864, in a brilliant tactical maneuver, Grant marched his army around the Army of Northern
Virginia, crossed the James River unopposed, and advanced his forces to Petersburg. Knowing that the
fall of Petersburg would mean the fall of Richmond, Lee raced to reinforce the city’s defenses. The
mass of Grant’s army arrived first. On 15 JUN, the first day of the Battle of Petersburg, some 10,000
Union troops under General William F. Smith moved against the Confederate defenders of Petersburg,
made up of only a few thousand armed old men and boys commanded by General P.G.T. Beauregard.
However, the Confederates had the advantage of formidable physical defenses, and they held off the
overly cautious Union assault. The next day, more Federal troops arrived, but Beauregard was
reinforced by Lee, and the Confederate line remained unbroken during several Union attacks occurring
over the next two days.
By 18 JUN, Grant had nearly 100,000 at his disposal at Petersburg, but the 20,000 Confederate
defenders held on as Lee hurried the rest of his Army of Northern Virginia into the entrenchments.
Knowing that further attacks would be futile, but satisfied to have bottled up the Army of Northern
Virginia, Grant’s army dug trenches and began a prolonged siege of Petersburg.

Finally, on April 2, 1865, with his defense line overextended and his troops starving, Lee’s right
flank suffered a major defeat against Union cavalry under General Phillip Sheridan, and Grant ordered
a general attack on all fronts. The Army of Northern Virginia retreated under heavy fire; the
Confederate government fled Richmond on Lee’s recommendation; and Petersburg, and then
Richmond, fell to the Union. Less than a week later, Grant’s massive army headed off the remnants of
the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Station, and Lee was forced to surrender, effectively
ending the Civil War.

 Jun 15 1864 – U.S. Army: Arlington National Cemetery is established when 200 acres (0.81 km2)
around Arlington Mansion (formerly owned by Confederate General Robert E. Lee) are officially set
aside as a military cemetery by U.S. Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton.

 Jun 15 1898 – Spanish*American War: U.S. Marines attack Spanish off Guantánamo Cuba.

 Jun 15 1913 – Philippine*American War: The 4 day Battle of Bud Bagsak ends with U.S. Brigadier
General John "Black Jack" J. Pershing troops completely annihilating the Moro resistance fighters
armed mostly with kris (dagger having a wavy double-edged blade), barongs (long, broad, leaf-shaped
knifes), spears, and few guns.

 Jun 15 1940 – WW2: The 10 day Operation Ariel begins - Allied troops start to evacuate France,
following Germany's takeover of Paris and most of the nation.

 Jun 15 1943– WW2: The “Blobel Commando” begins its cover-up of atrocities » Paul Blobel, an
SS colonel, is given the assignment of coordinating the destruction of the evidence of the grossest of
Nazi atrocities, the systematic extermination of European Jews.

Paul Blobel as an SS officer and a prisoner

As the summer of 1943 approached, Allied forces had begun making cracks in Axis strongholds, in
the Pacific and in the Mediterranean specifically. Heinrich Himmler, leader of the SS, the elite corps
of Nazi bodyguards that grew into a paramilitary terror force, began to consider the possibility of
German defeat and worried that the mass murder of Jews and Soviet prisoners of war would be
discovered. A plan was devised to dig up the buried dead and burn the corpses at each camp and
extermination site. The man chosen to oversee this yearlong project was Paul Blobel.
Blobel certainly had some of that blood on his hands himself, as he was in charge of SS killing
squads in German-occupied areas of Russia. He now drew together another kind of squad, “Special
Commando Group 1005,” dedicated to this destruction of human evidence. Blobel began with “death
pits” near Lvov, in Poland, and forced hundreds of Jewish slave laborers from the nearby concentration

camp to dig up the corpses and burn them–but not before extracting the gold from the teeth of the

 Jun 15 1944 – WW2: Battle of Saipan: The United States invade Japanese–occupied Saipan. The
battle lasts 24 days with an ultimate U.S. victory.

LVTs heading for shore on 15 June 1944. Birmingham in foreground; the cruiser
firing in the distance is the Indianapolis.

 Jun 15 1946 – Cold War: The United States presents the Baruch Plan » The United States presents
the Baruch Plan for the international control of atomic weapons to the United Nations. The failure of
the plan to gain acceptance resulted in a dangerous nuclear arms race between the United States and
the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
In August 1945, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, becoming the first and only
nation to use nuclear weapons during wartime. The successful use of the bombs not only ended World
War II, but also left the United States with a monopoly on the most destructive weapon known to
humankind. As Cold War animosities between the United States and the Soviet Union began to develop
in the months after the end of the war, a sharp discussion ensued in the administration of President
Harry S. Truman. Some officials, including Secretary of War Henry R. Stimson and Secretary of
Commerce Henry Wallace, argued that the United States should share its atomic secrets with the
Soviets. The continuing U.S. monopoly, they argued, would only result in growing Russian suspicions
and an eventual arms race. Others, such as State Department official George F. Kennan, strenuously
argued against this position. The Soviets, these people declared, could not be trusted and the United
States would be foolish to relinquish its atomic “ace in the hole.”
The battle between these two groups was apparent in early 1946, when the United States proposed
the formation of the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (UNAEC) to establish an international
control over the spread and development of nuclear weapons and technology. Bernard Baruch, a trusted
adviser to U.S. presidents since the early 20th century, was tapped to formulate the American proposal
and present it to the United Nations. Baruch sided with those who feared the Soviets, and his proposal
reflected this. His proposal did provide for international control and inspection of nuclear production
facilities, but clearly announced that the United States would maintain its nuclear weapons monopoly
until every aspect of the proposal was in effect and working. The Soviets, not surprisingly, rejected the
Baruch Plan. The United States thereupon rejected a Soviet counterproposal for a ban on all nuclear

By 1949, any discussion of international control of nuclear weapons was a moot point. In September
of that year, the Soviets successfully tested a nuclear device. During the next few years the United
States and Soviet Union raced to develop an ever-more frightening arsenal of nuclear weapons,
including the hydrogen bomb, MIRV missiles (missiles with multiple nuclear warheads), and the
neutron bomb (designed to kill people but leave structures standing).

 Jun 15 1964 – Pre Vietnam War: Johnson decides against submitting resolution to Congress » At
a meeting of the National Security Council, McGeorge Bundy, national security advisor to President
Lyndon B. Johnson, informs those in attendance that President Johnson has decided to postpone
submitting a resolution to Congress asking for authority to wage war. The situation in South Vietnam
had rapidly deteriorated, and in March 1964, Secretary of State Robert McNamara reported that 40
percent of the countryside was under Viet Cong control or influence. Johnson was afraid that he would
be run out of office if South Vietnam fell to the communists, but he was not prepared to employ
American military power on a large scale.
Several of his advisers, led by McGeorge Bundy’s brother, William, had developed a scenario of
graduated overt pressures against North Vietnam, according to which the president–after securing a
Congressional resolution–would authorize airstrikes against selected North Vietnamese targets.
Johnson rejected the idea of submitting the resolution to Congress because it would “raise a whole
series of disagreeable questions” which might jeopardize the passage of his administration’s civil rights
legislation. Just two months later, they revisited idea of a resolution in the wake of the Tonkin Gulf

In August, after North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked U.S. destroyers in what became known
as the Tonkin Gulf incident, Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara and Secretary of State Dean Rusk
appeared before a joint Congressional committee on foreign affairs. They presented the Johnson
administration’s arguments for a resolution authorizing the president “to take all necessary measures”

to defend Southeast Asia. Subsequently, Congress passed Public Law 88-408, which became known as
the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which gave President Johnson the power to take whatever actions he
deemed necessary, including “the use of armed force.” The resolution passed 82 to 2 in the Senate,
where Wayne K. Morse (D-OR) and Ernest Gruening (D-AK) were the only dissenting votes; the bill
passed unanimously in the House of Representatives. President Johnson signed it into law on 10 AUG
and it became the legal basis for every presidential action taken by the Johnson administration during
its conduct of the war.

 Jun 15 1965 – Vietnam War: U.S. planes bomb North Vietnam » U.S. planes bomb targets in
North Vietnam, but refrain from bombing Hanoi and the Soviet missile sites that surround the city. On
June 17, two U.S. Navy jets downed two communist MiGs, and destroyed another enemy aircraft three
days later. U.S. planes also dropped almost 3 million leaflets urging the North Vietnamese to get their
leaders to end the war.
These missions were part of Operation Rolling Thunder, launched in March 1965, after President
Lyndon B. Johnson ordered a sustained bombing campaign of North Vietnam. The operation was
designed to interdict North Vietnamese transportation routes in the southern part of the North Vietnam
and to slow infiltration of personnel and supplies into South Vietnam. During the early months of this
campaign, there were restrictions against striking targets in or near Hanoi and Haiphong, but in July
1966, Rolling Thunder was expanded to include the bombing of North Vietnamese ammunition dumps
and oil storage facilities. In the spring of 1967, it was further expanded to include power plants,
factories, and airfields in the Hanoi and Haiphong areas.
The White House closely controlled Operation Rolling Thunder and at times President Johnson
personally selected the targets. From 1965 to 1968, about 643,000 tons of bombs were dropped on
North Vietnam. The operation continued, with occasional suspensions, until President Johnson halted
it entirely on October 31, 1968, under increasing domestic political pressure.

[Source: & | May 2019 ++]


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