Sibunag River Development Project: Industry Sector: Business Type: Location Type

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Industry Sector: Business Type: Location Type:

 Eco-tourism  River Cruise Tourism Services  Rural
 River cottages and souvenir

Contact Name: Mobile: Stage:

Mayor Luben G. Vilches +639185311522  Concept
Mrs. Marilin C. Divinagracia +639399193122
Mrs. Marilou M. Nieles +639399017430

Asking Price: Gross Revenue: Cash Flow:

 ~₱5,400,000.00PH  For discussion with the  For pre-feasibility study
 ~$ 130869.00 CAD proponent
 As of November, 2013

Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment:

 Multi-Purpose Facility (tables,
chairs, shelves, lights and
sound fixtures and equipment,
flat-screen LCD monitor &
projector), floating cottages &
rafts, furniture & fixtures,
Personal Protective Equipment

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(e.g. lifejackets, etc.)

Business Description:

A new and promising river-tourism destination with its cool and cleanest environment

Sibunag River – a free flowing fresh water at the upstream and estuarine at the downstream portion.
The length of the river is approximately 10 kilometers within the territorial jurisdiction of Sibunag
meandering in a north to south direction and ultimately discharged to Guimaras Strait and is considered
as the longest river in the Province of Guimaras.

The downstream of Sibunag River located between Barangay Alegria, Sibunag and Barangay San Antonio,
Nueva Valencia is very rich habitat of seafood such as crustaceans and mollusks, while the upstream will
provide the cool settings of endemic trees, providing as forest cover. During summer, it has been the
refuge of the locals due to its clean, fresh & cool water.

It is proposed to develop the area as a river-tourism destination with the following amenities and

 Construction of a multi-purpose facility the includes the reception, briefing area, safety and
protective equipment storage room, food stalls/ restaurant and a weaving demonstration facility;
 Building of Floating Cottages and Rafts
 Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (Safety Gears)
 Rowing and Fishing
 Construction of Esplanade
 Improvement of the Access Road – (Government Sector)
 Construction of the Landing Area – (Government Sector)

The target customers will be the domestic and foreign tourists. They can have more fun preferably on
summer from the months of October-May.

Problem|Opportunity: Solution: Market Interest:

 No internet connection  To develop highly competitive  No competition within the
 Poor road condition tourism facilities, attraction/ province since it is the only
 Limited transportation destination in the area municipality to have this
 Poor water system  To manage and protect the ecology potential tourist interest
 Compliance of environmental laws/ of the area (longest river in the province)
ordinances/ permits and licenses  To promote and ensure year-round  Presence of rural bank, Land
requirements tourists arrival for Guimaras Bank and partnership with the
 Site development/ construction of  To increase income of the locality DepEd family in the
structures/ facilities for the river  To generate employment municipality, support of the
cruise  To contribute in the reduction of provincial government
 Establishment of business operations poverty incidence in the Province of
and management system Guimaras through provision of
 Procurement/ establishment/ alternative source of income

Management Team: Expected Returns:

 Hon. Luben G. Vilches, Hon. Mervin V. Under study
Infante, Hon. Glicerio G. Edang, Hon.
Daylenn A. Deza, Hon. Rolly F.

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Gamarcha, Mrs. Marilin C.
Divinagracia, Mrs. Marilou M. Nieles,
Engr. Zaldy C. Domalina, Engr. Analin
G. Cambonga, Mrs. Romelyn M. Biñas,
Mr. Paciano M. Opelario, Ms. Emma V.
Gallos, Brgy. Tourism Council

Current Market: Distance from International

 The target customers will be the local Airport:
and foreign tourists. The expected  The approximately estimated
number of these customers will be at travel/road distance can be
75 persons/ day. around 41.17 km to 44.75 km

Distance from Marine Port: Private Road Access:

 2.5 Kilometres eastern seaport  For arrangement
 21 kilometres from Jordan Wharf

Local Government Services: Social Services: Environmental Services:

 IRA – support projects, logistics, lot Skills registry system (CBMS) is Protection and conservation of the
donations/ Deed of Usufruct/ Right of available, presence of PESO Sibunag River ecosystem
Way  Organized and functional  Tree/ mangrove planting/
accommodation establishments rehabilitation activities
 Coastal and river clean-

Economic Services:
 One (1) rural bank situated at Brgy.
Concordia (Banco de Arevalo).
 Land Bank of the Phils. in San Miguel,

Corporate Social Responsibility:

Since the Proposed Project is anchored on the river ecosystem, the proposed tourism facility developer shall work hand in hand
with the organized community and the Local Government Unit in conserving the natural ecosystem of Sibunag River. One of the
environmental benefits is that the river will be conserved since it is the source of livelihood for the local residents.

Investors can provide livelihood opportunities for local residents by putting up complementary infrastructures.

Prepared by:

MSWDO/ Designated Mun. Tourism Officer
Municipality of Sibunag, Province of Guimaras

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 Longest & biggest river in  No internet connection  Presence of National  Sustainability
the province of Guimaras  Poor road condition Government to fund  Climate Change effects
 At present, the river is  Limited transportation road improvement
used for navigation of  Poor water system  More investors will
small fishing/ motor come in
boats, fishing, presence of  Approved BuB (Fish
mangroves and nipa Processing Center and
 Presence of organized fund for Fishing
groups Processing)
 Operationalization of  Road Development
Sibunag Port Project includes
 River Project is included in Guimaras as a Tourism
the CLUP Destination & Priority
 Road Development
 National Port Authority
presence & support

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