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International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 4, No.

1, February 2014

Conceptual Design and Validation of Meta-Model for

Active e-Learning
Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi and Sonia Ayachi Ghannouchi

 consisted in proposing a comprehensive meta-model that can

Abstract—Active Learning improves student attitudes and be used to design active e-learning courses. To validate the
develops thinking and writing skills. It is increasingly proposed meta-model and the mapping for the instructional
recommended as a teaching method to improve learning. In this design of active e-courses, we considered the KAB (Know
paper we are interested in the transformation of a face to face
active course into a web-based active course. First we propose a
About Business) case study. Indeed, this course has been
mapping between concepts related to active instructional designed by the ILO (International Labor Organization) and
methods and corresponding online concepts. Further to this concerned an entrepreneurship education program for higher
mapping exercise, a meta-model, including pedagogical and and vocational Education. The KAB course has been
technical concepts, is designed. In order to evaluate and validate transformed into an online version. A learning management
the proposed mapping and meta-model a case study is carried system (Moodle) has been used in order to provide
out. It concerns the transformation of an entrepreneurship
active course into an online version and its deployment in the
collaboration and communication facilities, and to combine
context of a training of trainers. the positive effects of active learning and online learning.
This active KAB e-course has been experimented in some
Index Terms—Active learning, active e-learning, meta-model, Tunisian universities. In particular we have been interested in
mapping, instructional design. the training of trainers, which has been offered to 16 learners.
In this context we developed and submitted a questionnaire to
these learners and analyzed the answers given. Histograms
I. INTRODUCTION have been generated to emphasize results of our analysis,
Active Learning improves student attitudes and develops which permitted us to validate the proposed meta-model.
thinking and writing skills. It is increasingly recommended as The paper is structured as follows: First we introduce
a teaching method to improve learning. Active learners strive active learning and the benefits of its web-based version. We
to take greater responsibility for their own learning by taking then provide an outline of our research questions, followed
a dynamic role in deciding how and what they need to know, by a mapping exercise between the techniques used in
what they should be able to do, and how they are going to do face-to-face active courses and those used in online courses.
it [1]. Examples of active learning methods include In section five, we look at research conducted in this area and
collaborative learning, problem-based learning, case studies, introduce our active e-learning meta-model, with a focus on
projects, simulations, and technology uses. These methods the main functionalities needed in this type of learning. We
encourage student engagement with critical thinking, then outline a case study which follows from the KAB
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of information. Moreover, experiment to validate the concepts presented in our model.
during the last few years, e-learning has been promoted in Finally a discussion is provided to highlight the main
various disciplines and constituted a new way of giving lessons and recommendations concerning the use of this
courses in many universities. Various courses have been model in the instructional design of active e-courses and its
therefore concerned by an instructional design process, potential for generalization.
which enabled their transformation in an online version.
In this context, and since we were the instructional
designers of many online courses, we have been able to study II. ACTIVE LEARNING AND ICT
the constraints to be considered in transforming a course Active Learning is defined as a planned series of actions or
based on active pedagogy into an online version. We also events to invite the participant to process, apply, interact and
examined the impact of information and communication share experiences as part of the educational process. When
technologies on active learning, which is referred in this active learning strategies are used, the participant is reading,
paper as “active e-learning”. Our experience has also enabled talking, writing, describing, touching, interacting, listening
us to identify a mapping between the concepts, related to an and reflecting on information and materials presented [2].
instructional method, needed in active courses and those Active learning promotes problem solving, critical
needed in active e-courses. A step forward after this mapping thinking and manipulation of materials, analysis, synthesis
and evaluation of information. Active learning focuses on the
Manuscript received July 9, 2013; revised September 10, 2013.
desired outcome for the participant as a result of the learning
Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi is with PRINCE Research UNIT, ISITC H-Sousse, activity [2]. Several studies have shown that students prefer
Sousse University and Virtual University of Tunis, Tunisia (e-mail: strategies promoting active learning to traditional lectures
[email protected]).
Sonia Ayachi Ghannouchi is with RIADI Research lab, ISG, Sousse
University, Tunisia. Much of the literature on active learning shows a

DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2014.V4.366 42
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2014

significant improvement in long term retention and level of and performance measures, Develop interactive instructional
understanding. [4] .Furthermore, active learning improves materials and Validate the interactive instructional materials.
student attitudes and develops thinking and writing skills,
which is why it is recommended as a teaching method to
improve learning [5]. Instructional Active Learning
Active E-lerning Technique
Method Technique
In addition, the development of ICT have enabled the
Online documents for case
creation of tools which make collaborative work easier, such
Paper case studies, studies ( Pdf, Word, …) Audio,
as communication tools (e-mail, forum, chat, Case methods External video recording of case studies
videoconference, …) and document sharing and management Interveners video recording of external
tools. Concerning courses based on ICTs, we can find in [6] a interveners
set of dimensions that has been identified needed to ensure Discussions and working using
quality in e-learning courses. Among these dimensions, we Large Group collaborative and
Discussions, communication tools
find interaction, course structure and learner support. These Team Based Small Working Forums for Group discussion
dimensions are also important aspects to consider in the Learning Groups, Chat for group synchronous
instructional design of active e-courses. Indeed a major Small group communication
benefit of the use of active methodologies together with ICTs projects Wiki for group collaborative
is that they contribute to the development of students’ work
capacity to actively research and undertake responsibility for Live Class General Forum Discussions
Focused- discussion Forums for Group discussion
their own learning process, and to solve problems using their
discussion Live Group Chat for group synchronous
own resources. discussion discussion
Face-to-face Online cooperative games
Role-play Online individual games
III. RESEARCH QUESTIONS Face-to-face Online cooperative games
Serious Games Online individual games
Active learning aims to focus on the learner, on his/her
needs and on his/her involvement in the learning process.
Lecture & Paper lecture
Enhancing active learning with ICTs would enable learner to Online learning resources (Pdf,
Direct notes
achieve better comprehension, retain the information for a Word, ppt, …)
Instruction Paper
longer period and find the course more stimulating and documents
useful. Problem
Discussion Forums, Chats
More precisely, in this work, we propose the following -Based Brainstorming,
Mind mapping tools
Learning Collect of
research questions, concerning the instructional design of Web search and collect of
(PBL) & Information
active e-courses: Inquiry Paper surveys
 How to transform an active course into an active e-course Learning
Electronic surveys
and which tools enable active learning in e-courses? Individual
 Which concepts are taken into consideration during the assignments Individual online assignment,
instructional design of online courses, how are they Individual Quiz
classified and how are they linked? presentation Assessment of individual
Participation in contributions in
 Which learner skills are targeted by active e-courses? class discussion forums
 Which tutor skills are required for tutoring an active discussions
e-course? Group Group online assignments,
 What are the key benefits that can be expected from the assignments Group wiki
design and use of an active e-course? Face-to-face Online Peer Assessment
Table I visualizes the mapping between both techniques peer (Surveys, E-forms..)
and various instructional methods. The presented
instructional methods are detailed below [7], [8].
In the following section we propose a meta-model in We also find the Dick and Carey Systems Approach Model
which all the methods/techniques presented in table 1 and for Designing Instruction which includes interconnected sets
used to ensure active e-learning appear as concepts. of procedures and techniques employed by the instructional
designer to design, develop, evaluate, and revise instruction
[10]. Another model, which can be applied for various types
IV. META-MODEL FOR ACTIVE E-LEARNING of courses is the ADDIE model, which is a generic and a
simplified instructional systems design (ISD) model. It is
A. Related Work composed of the following phases: Analyze, Design,
Many models exist in literature about the way in which the Develop, Implement, and Evaluate [11].
instructional design of online courses must be realized. On the one hand, these models focus more on the steps to
Nevertheless, these models generally don’t consider courses be followed in order to perform the instructional design of
based on active pedagogy. In fact, Esseff and Esseff [9] courses. They do not take into consideration the specificities
developed their approach for instructional design and of each pedagogical and communication technique necessary
proposed the IDLS model composed of the following to these courses. Moreover these models do not focus on the
components: Design a task analysis; Develop criterion tests use of ICTs in such courses.

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2014

On the other hand, we observe that a lot of work has been technological media and is related to tools, needed to ensure
done in the field of the instructional design rather than on communication and collaboration among learners, and types
hypermedia designing of courses. Most of the design of online resources offered for learners. The last
methods that have been used are general purpose hypermedia sub-meta-model is about skills and involves concepts related
design methods which do not allow conformance of design to targeted learners competencies and required tutors
models to latest learning technology standards. In [12], an competencies in active e-courses.
attempt for facilitating the conceptual design of web-based 1) Instructional method sub-meta-model
educational application by meta-modelling content and
The instructional methods detailed in our mapping are
navigational structure of courses is given. We find also in [13]
presented in this sub-meta-model and are in relationship with
a pedagogical meta-model composed of four packages: the
activities and resources required for delivery of active
learning model, the unit of learning model, the domain model
e-courses. This sub-meta-model addresses the pedagogical
and the theories of learning and instruction. However in this
level needed in active courses. This level includes the
model the focus is on the learner and not on the role of staff.
concept of activity which is practiced by a learner. Activities
Models for active learning have been addressed in some
may be either learning activities or may target knowledge
research. For example, IMS has proposed a model for active
learning based on its learning design specification [14]. evaluation of a learner or learners and are then considered as
However, the specificities of technological environments are assessment activities. The content proposed to learners in
not addressed in this model. active e-courses is composed of activities and learning
In [15] a learning model made up of three interdependent resources, is related to a set of objectives and has specific
and mutually reinforcing components is developed that is ergonomics. The resources come in the form of lecture notes
based on current learning theory, practice and research. or case studies. We have considered this typology, because it
Moreover, in [16] the authors propose a model for self is most appropriate to active learning. The various concepts
directed learning. Whittington and Yacci propose the Active are given in the following figure (Fig. 2).
Learning for Classroom Management Model as a method to
structure active learning experiences [17].
All these models focus more on active pedagogy and
consider neither the instructional design of these courses nor
the role of ICTs in this type of courses.
B. Meta-Model Description
The mapping provided in section 4, leads us to identify all
instructional methods, means and techniques used to ensure
active e-learning. Based on these concepts, we propose in this
section a meta-model that constitutes a theoretical framework
for describing active e-course, and permits us to answer some
of our research questions outlined at the beginning of this
work. The meta-model (Fig. 1) is divided into three
sub-meta-models: instructional methods sub-meta-model,
skills sub-meta-model and technological media

Fig. 1. General active e-learning meta-model.

Fig. 2. Instructional method sub-meta-model.

These sub-meta-models outline pedagogical and

2) Skills sub-meta-model
technological concepts needed in active e-courses as well as
targeted learners skills and required tutors skills for In this sub-meta-model, we consider the main skills
deploying such courses. The first sub-meta-model concerns required for the tutor and the targeted ones for learner in
the instructional methods and refers to the pedagogical active e-courses. The learner may belong to a working group
concepts needed to deploy learning resources and activities in and has the possibility to practice the proposed activities and
active e-courses. The second sub-meta-model addresses access a learning content.

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2014

Learners are assisted by tutors who demonstrate some key concerns data collection tools such as mind mapping tools,
competencies, including group facilitation and animation. In surveys and web search tools.
this type of course, learners will also acquire competencies of Concerning the online resources described in this
an intellectual, methodological, personal and social nature. technological sub-meta-model, various types are considered,
Details regarding these different skills are presented in the including online lecture notes and slides, audio and video
following figure (Fig. 3). resources and online serious games. Details regarding these
concepts are given in Fig. 4.


The KAB (Know About Business) course draws on the
successful introduction of this program by ILO in more than
20 countries since 1996. It is in this context that collaboration
started in January 2008 between the university of Sousse and
ILO [18]. The project included three phases. The first phase
consisted in transforming the content of the KAB program
into an online version. A team composed of experts in
e-learning was tasked with setting up the online version. This
group was composed of experts from Algeria, Morocco and
Tunisia. The work was supervised by the Swiss Group of
Fig. 3. Skills sub-meta-model. Cooperation in e-learning (CoseLearn). The second phase
consisted in launching the pilot teaching of this program in
3) Technological media sub-meta-model four Tunisian universities during two periods of six-months.
To deploy an active e-course, we need to use various A group of 16 participants from these universities were
technological media including tools and online resources. trained on the content and the teaching approach and the
active e-course was offered to approximately 1000 students.
The third phase consisted in evaluating this pilot experiment
and studying the possibilities to generalize the program to the
Tunisian university system. The main KAB objectives are to
positive attitudes towards enterprises and self-employment.
KAB content divided in nine modules was restructured
and transformed during one year using ICT tools in order to
make it more interactive and accessible online. The process
produced a set of pedagogical web-based resources in
various formats including Word documents, PowerPoint
presentations, Scorm packages, Flash animations, etc.
These resources were deployed on the learning
management system Moodle using communication and
assessment tools. Once the modules were prepared, a pilot
experiment was launched in four Tunisian universities,
involving approximately 1000 students.


In this section we describe the approach, that we adopted
in order to validate the elaborated meta-model.
A. Aim of Case Study and Participants
In this case study, our aim was to give more insight in the
possibilities of designing and deploying an active e-course
through a Learning Management System (LMS). The pilot
Fig. 4. Technological media sub-meta-model. case study was conducted on KAB course offered by the
University of Sousse. In this exploratory study, the number of
This technological sub-meta-model addresses four types of participants was 21, but those who concretely participated in
tools that should be adopted by learners in an active the evaluation were 16 from 4 Tunisian Universities. Data
e-learning environment: communication tools, collaborative was gathered at the end of the course from the participants.
tools, assessment tools and data collection tools. The first
type includes chat, forum, awareness and email. The second B. Research Methodology
type includes wiki, general forum and group forum. The third The research methodology can be divided into three parts.
includes individual and group assessment tools. The last type In the first part, we designed and elaborated a questionnaire

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2014

that permitted us to validate the established meta-models. In Concerning the intellectual skills, our evaluation has
the second part, we conducted training on KAB active shown that this kind of active e-learning enhances the critical
e-course and distributed the questionnaire to learners, who thinking capacities of learners and gives them the opportunity
participated in the course. In the third part, we collected to express their opinion and criticize the opinions of other
information from learners and proceeded to their analysis to participants. Regarding the methodological skills, we
permit an evaluation of our case study and therefore a observe that active e-learning improves methodological
validation of our meta-model. know-how of learners by giving them the opportunity to plan
and organize information and to layout content Tutor skills,
C. Questionnaire: Design and Procedure
also presented as core concepts in our meta-model, were
Based on the active pedagogy and active e-pedagogy evaluated on the basis of our questionnaire. The first skill
processes, we have developed a meta-model which draws relates to management of group work. The majority of
upon several modeling concepts and constraints. The design learners strongly appreciate the tutor’s role as a facilitator of
of the questionnaire will help us validate this meta-model and group work. The second skill concerns the facilitation of
facilitate its future uses in online courses based on active learning. We observe that the majority of learners strongly
learning. This questionnaire, which can be found in appendix appreciate the tutor’s role as a facilitator and ot as a
A, has been elaborated and distributed to learners. It traditional teacher: instead of explaining concepts. He /she
concerned learner’s attitude towards active e-course and leads learners to discover and understand the course through
consisted of Likert-scale type questions. practice activities. Section four is about appreciation of
These questions were arranged in four thematic sections. active e-learning by learners. First we observe that learners
The first section is composed of six questions. It highlights strongly appreciate the idea of using active e-learning and
the concepts needed for the instructional design of this type strongly agree that active-learning improves their
of course and is related to both instructional methods performance, more precisely their knowledge assimilation
sub-meta-model and technological media sub-meta-model. and productivity.
The second and the third sections concern the skills
sub-meta-model. The second section is composed of eight
questions related to learner competencies needed in active VII. DISCUSSION
e-learning. These competencies can be divided into three
In order to transform an active course into an active
types: intellectual skills, methodological skills and personal
e-course, an instructional design process has to be adopted.
and social skills. The third section includes two questions to
This process of instructional design and active e-course
assess the skills required from the tutor in an active e-learning,
development must be based on a mapping between the
particularly in relation to the management of group work and
face-to-face version and the online version of each
the facilitation of learning.
instructional method. This mapping is composed of concepts
The fourth section includes four questions not directly
needed in traditional active learning and their equivalent
related to our meta-model, but more generally to the
concepts in the online version. It was used in the
efficiency and productivity of such active e-learning.
transformation process of our case study and was therefore
D. Data Analysis and Results validated. The questionnaire permitted us to validate the
Given the exploratory nature of the study, and despite the sub-meta-models presented previously. Indeed, section one
limited sample size, the results of the questions presented in permitted us to validate concepts presented in both
the questionnaire have been deeply analyzed. Responses to instructional methods sub-meta-model and tools
all Lickert-scale questions in the questionnaire and concise sub-meta-model. Sections two and three were used to
observations of learners were collated into a single document. validate
Raw data functioned as the essential unit of analysis. Given concepts related to skills sub-meta-model. Section four
the context of our research, a data analysis has been contributed to validate general acceptance of active
conducted with respect to our questionnaire sections. e-courses.
The first section assesses the scenario adopted for the These sub-meta-models constitute a theoretical framework
online version of the KAB online course. The results of the for conducting the instructional design of active e-courses.
evaluation have shown that ergonomics (colors, fonts, We finally conclude that the results of our evaluation show
backgrounds), structure, level of interactivity, degree of that active e-learning was well received by learners,
variety, assessment activities and scheduling of activities are particularly in terms of improving performance, productivity
important aspects to consider in active e-learning courses. and efficiency. This leads us to confirm the adequacy of
Interactivity (i.e. hyperlinks, animations, etc.) also plays e-learning with active based courses. In a previous work, we
an important role in learning and should be further enhanced have analyzed and designed the various tutor functions
in active learning e-courses to enable the simulation of some needed in classical e-course [19]. These functions are still
activities included in the required competencies for delivery of active
The questionnaire allowed us also to evaluate the learners’ e-course.
competencies that are presented in our meta-model for active
e-learning and to estimate their importance. These
competencies can be divided into three types: intellectual VIII. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
skills, methodological skills and personal and social skills. In this paper we proposed a meta-model of active

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2014

e-learning concepts, which can be used as a reference to members of my group was done correctly
using the platform.
transfer an active course to an e-learning environment.
13. I think that a collaboration could be
The KAB course has inspired us to analyze in depth the established when performing activities
active e-learning approach and to evaluate the proposed (mutual aid and exchange with others),
meta-model. We conclude that an e-learning version of an using the forums and wikis.
14. I felt that I was actor in my learning. I
active course could allow an equivalent degree of could choose my activities, my group and
interactivity and even a higher degree of interactivity for my working method.
some activities. This is made possible through the III. Questions on tutors’ competencies
possibilities offered by the ICTs. Active e-courses are very specific to active learning
15. I appreciated the tutor's role as a
stimulating as they play a critical role in developing learners’ facilitator of group work.
personal and social skills as well as their critical thinking and 16. I appreciated the tutor's role as
methodological abilities. Moreover, we have argued that this facilitator and not as a teacher: instead of
explaining the concepts, he/she leads us to
type of course strongly relies on tutor competencies in terms discover and understand ourselves through
of group regulation and learning facilitation. the activities performed.
This evaluation shows that more efforts need to be IV. General questions about e-learning
deployed in the instructional design of active e-learning based on active learning
17. I agree with the idea of using e-learning
courses. Therefore, in our future work, we intend to propose based on active learning.
an authoring tool that can be used by instructional designers 18. The use of e-learning based on active
in order to transform an active learning course in an learning improves my performance
(knowledge assimilation).
e-learning mode. The proposed meta-model will be
19. The use of e-learning based on active
integrated into this authoring tool and serves as a reference learning improves my productivity
for the instructional designers of active course. An alternative (progress in the course, number of
perspective could be to go deeper in each of the activities, etc.).
20. The use of e-learning based on active
sub-meta-models and focus for example on some techniques learning improves my efficiency
used in active e-learning such as group work, group (objectives achievement).
assessment, and project based learning.
APPENDIX [1] A. Glasgow, Doing Science Innovative Curriculum for the Life
Appendix A: Evaluation questionnaire of the e-learning based on Sciences, UK: Corwin press, 1996
[2] Ineedce. (2012). [Online]. Available:
active learning related to the KAB course. . For each question, tick the,
adequate case (X). Notations are from 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest).
[3] NTLF. (2012). [Online]. Available:
1 2 3 4 5 [4] T. Metcalf, “Listening to your clients,” Life Association News, vol. 92,
I. Questions on the scenario adopted for no. 7, pp. 16–18, 1997.
the course online CLE [5] L. M. Regueras et al., “Effects of Competitive E-Learning Tools on
1. I appreciate the ergonomics of the Higher Education Students: A Case Study,” IEEE Transaction on
presented course (colors, fonts, Education, pp. 279–285, vol. 52, no. 2, 2009.
backgrounds ...). [6] J. Insung, “The dimensions of e-learning quality: from the learner’s
2. I find that the structuring of the course perspective,” Educational Technology Research and Development, vol.
(resources and activities) is good. 59, no. 4, pp. 445-464, 2010.
3. I find that the level of interactivity of the [7] Alliance for clinical education. (2012). [Online]. Available:
course (hyperlinks, animations ...) is
correct. [8] Office of Information Technology, OIT. (2012). [Online]. Available:
4. I had opportunity to perform individual
activities and collaborative activities. [9] P. J. Esseff and M. S. Esseff, Instructional Development Learning
5. I find the assessment activities System (IDLS), 8th ed., ESF Press, pp. 1–12, 1998.
(assignments, MCQ, projects ...) well [10] W. Dick, C. Lou, and O. C. James, The Systematic Design of
chosen. Instruction, 6th ed., Allyn & Bacon, pp. 1–12, 2005.
[11] A. W. Strickland (2006). ADDIE. Idaho State University College of
6. I find that the distribution of time
Education, Science, Math & Technology Education. [Online].
depending on the nature of the course is
[12] S. Retalis, A. Papasalourus, and M. Skordalakis, “Towards a generic
II. Questions on competencies covered
conceptual design metamodel for web-based educational applications,”
by the active learning
presented at the conference Second international Workshop on Web
7. I expressed my opinion and criticized
oriented software technology IWWOST'02, Spain, June 2002.
the opinions of other participants.
[13] R. Koper and R. V. Es, “Modeling units of learning from a pedagogical
8. I was able to take advantage of the perspective,” R. McGreal, (Ed.), Online education using learning
information in the various resources of the objects (open and flexible learning), RoutledgeFalmer, Canada, 2004.
course. [14] IMS. (2011). MS Learning Design Information Model, Version 1.0
9. I had the opportunity to establish a plan Final Specification [Online]. Available:
through the development of a document or
a project. [15] E. L. Haslam, “A learning model that develops students' active learning
10. I had the opportunity to structure and and reflective practices,” presented at the Frontiers in Education
format a range of information through the Conference, on 27th Annual Conference. Teaching and Learning in An
development of a document or a project. Era of Change, Washington, DC, November 05 - 08, 1997.
11. I managed to interact with colleagues [16] L. Song and J. R. Hill, “A Conceptual Model for Understanding
and tutors, using available communication Self-Directed Learning in Online Environment,” Journal of Interactive
tools, such as chat and forum. Online Learning, vol. 6, no. 1, 2007.
12. The distribution of tasks between the

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2014

[17] K. Whittington and M. Yacci, “Active Learning for Classroom She is involved, as part of her ongoing research, in several e-learning projects
Management Model,” presented at the Informing Science & IT and has co-authored various online courses for graduate students. She is
Education Conference (InSITE), Bulgaria, June 22 - 25, 2008. currently head of online earning department at her University
[18] ILO. International Labor Organization. What is KAB? [Online].
[19] R. Lewis et al., “Analysis and Modeling of Tutors functions,”
Computer Applications in Engineering Education (CAEE), Wiley
Editions, 2010, DOI: 10.1002/cae.20511. Sonia Ayachi Ghannouchi has a diploma in computer
sciences engineering obtained in 1993. Her PHD,
Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi is an assistant professor of presented in 1999, was entitled “a generic approach for
Computer Science at the University of Sousse, data reverse engineering”. She’s an assistant professor
Tunisia, and a graduate of the University of in computer sciences at the High Institute of
Braunschweig in Germany where she read for a Management of Sousse, in the University of Sousse. Her
master’s degree in Computer Sciences. She is a taught courses include: “Databases,” “Information
member of the PRINCE Research group at the systems” and “Software Engineering” offered in her University and
University of Sousse and her PhD was realized in “Reengineering” offered in the University of Manouba. Her research
collaboration with the Semantic Web group at the interests include: Business Process Reengineering, Software Reengineering
Institute of Information Systems of the University of Hannover in Germany. and e-learning. She is involved in several e-learning projects and has
Her research interests include innovative learning methods, technology co-authored and tutored various online courses for undergraduate and also
enhanced learning, Semantic Web, Web-based assessment and e-learning. graduate students.


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