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My privilege to be in front of you to share this informative talk about Anti-Drugs Campaign.

My due respect to all the teachers, classmates, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning!

Drug Addiction is one of the pervasive issues in planet Earth. As time goes by the issue getting
bigger and bigger. Once you’re an addict you’ll forever be an addict! But one thing for sure if you
believe that you have a chance to choose what is right, you can always choose what is right! And
that is right!
We have so many factors that trigger us, to Try and to Use the said Illegal Drugs. One of that is
what we called curiosity. Yes, it is. Curiosity is not about all your desires to learn something, try
to be matured enough think twice, thrice and even in a million times for you to understand the
real essence of taking those unlawful behavior. From your existence you have in your mind the
idea of initiative, utilize it wisely as you grow for you to appreciate of being human. Another
factor, people usually take drugs to have fun or escape the pressures of life. Drug users among
students are particularly worrying. It was reported that several traffickers operate
around schools by cheating, forcing or giving free illicit drugs to students. Once the students are
addicted, they then go to the traffickers to buy the illicit drugs. If they do not have money, they
steal it from their family members or others. Young generation your so pity, once you know
already the possible outcomes specially when if it leads you to a danger, my friend it’s not too
late to refrain trying to take that.
Drugs addiction is harmful not only for the addicted but also has negative impact on the fabric of
the society. Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body or mind works. The effects
of such an addiction can cause dangerous changes in the mind, body, heart, other important
organs and spirit of the drug addict. Drug is a depressant that slows down the functions of the
central nervous system. In other words, drugs can ruin our future, dreams and even life. The most
disturbing aspect of drug addiction is that it is reaching epidemic proportions in the whole world.
People in our part of the world are increasingly becoming addicted to all kinds of drugs including
street drugs and prescription drugs etc.
Drugs addiction is a very serious problem and even if the addict is using prescribed drugs, the ill
effects can be very harmful indeed. It is, therefore, important that the government takes
administrative, legal and policy measures that put an end to the menace of drug addiction. The
right kind of information can help the addict avoid overdosing and it can also prevent medical-
related complications. It is time that societies and governments took a firmer view about
preventing and stopping drugs addiction. There should be a community plan that should be
implemented to stop addiction to drugs. This plan must identify the specific drugs that youth are
using. It should build on existing resources such as existing drug abuse prevention programmes
and it should also develop short-term goals relevant to proper implementation of research-
based drug abuse prevention programmes. For how long shall we turn a blind eye to such critical
issues? It is now time to be responsible in our actions.
Again, SAY NO TO DRUGS! If you already started, it’s not too late to START NEW LIFE and to START

Thank You.

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