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錦 州 銀 行 股 份 有 限 公 司
Bank of Jinzhou Co., Ltd. *
(a joint stock company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability)
(Stock Code: 0416)
(Stock Code of Preference Shares: 4615)


This announcement is made by Bank of Jinzhou Co., Ltd. (the “Bank”, together with
its subsidiaries, the “Group”) pursuant to Rule 13.51(4) of the Listing Rules.

References are made to the announcements of the Bank dated 29 March 2019 (the
“Announcement”) and 14 May 2019 in relation to, among other things, the delay in
publication of the 2018 Annual Results. Unless otherwise defined, terms used in this
announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Announcement.


Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP and Ernst & Young (collectively, “EY”) were
appointed as the auditors of the Bank at the last annual general meeting of the Bank
held on 29 May 2018 to hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general
meeting of the Bank.

On 31 May 2019, the Board and its audit committee (the “Audit Committee”)
received a letter (the “Resignation Letter”) from EY tendering their resignations as
the auditors of the Bank (the “Resignation”) with immediate effect.



In the Resignation Letter, EY stated that during the performance of the audit of the
Bank’s consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018, EY
noted there are indications that the actual usage of proceeds of certain loans granted
by the Bank to its institutional customers were not consistent with the purpose stated
in their loan documents. In view of this, EY requested for additional supporting

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documents to evidence the customers’ ability to service the loans, particularly the
collateral that could be enforced, and the actual usage of such loans in order to assess
the recoverability of such loans (the “Outstanding Matters”). EY has brought the
Outstanding Matters to the attention of the management of the Bank and the Audit
Committee. However, as at the date of the Resignation Letter, EY and the Bank are
unable to reach an agreement on the extent of documents required to address the
Outstanding Matters. Accordingly, EY is unable to complete the audit procedures for
the year ended 31 December 2018.

In respect of the Outstanding Matters, the Bank reiterates that it has been working
closely with EY to provide the required additional information and documents and
discussed with EY on various occassions about the proposed solutions to the
Outstanding Matters with a view to complete the audit work as soon as possible.
However, after numerous discussions and as at the date of this announcement, no
consensus was reached between the Bank and EY on the Outstanding Matters and the
proposed timetable for the completion of audit.

EY confirmed in the Resignation Letter that, save as disclosed above, there are no
other circumstances connected with the Resignation which EY considers should be
brought to the attention of the Shareholders or creditors of the Bank in relation to the
change of the auditors of the Group.

To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, save as disclosed above, there are no other
circumstances or matters in connection with the change of the auditors of the Bank
that need to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders.

The Board would like to take this opportunity to express its sincere gratitude to EY
for its professional services rendered to the Group during the past period.

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Pursuant to the articles of association of the Bank, the Board may fill the vacancy in
the office of the auditors following the Resignation and fix the remuneration of the
auditors so appointed.

The Bank is pleased to announce that the Board has decided to appoint Crowe (HK)
CPA Limited as the new auditors of the Bank to fill the casual vacancy following the
Resignation and to hold the office until the conclusion of the 2018 annual general
meeting of the Bank. The official appointment is now subject to the completion of the
audit engagement acceptance procedures which are now being conducted.

The Bank will use its best endeavors to assist Crowe (HK) CPA Limited in
completing the audit works for the year ended 31 December 2018 and currently
expects to publish the 2018 Annual Results by the end of August 2019.


At the request of the Bank, trading in the H shares and offshore preference shares of
the Bank on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited has been suspended with
effect from 9:00 a.m. on 1 April 2019. Trading in the H shares and offshore
preference shares of the Bank will remain suspended until the publication of the 2018
Annual Results.

By order of the Board

Bank of Jinzhou Co., Ltd.*
Zhang Wei
Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, the PRC

31 May 2019

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr. Zhang Wei, Mr. Huo Lingbo, Ms. Liu
Hong, Mr. Wang Jing, Mr. Sun Jing and Ms. Wang Xiaoyu, as executive directors; Ms. Gu Jie,
Ms. Meng Xiao, Mr. Li Dongjun and Ms. Tang Fang, as non-executive directors; Mr. Choon Yew Khee,
Mr. Lin Yanjun, Mr. Chang Peng’ao, Ms. Peng Taoying and Ms. Tan Ying as independent non-executive

* Bank of Jinzhou Co., Ltd. is not an authorized institution within the meaning of the Banking
Ordinance (Chapter 155 of the Laws of Hong Kong), not subject to the supervision of the Hong
Kong Monetary Authority, and not authorized to carry on banking and/or deposit-taking business
in Hong Kong.

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