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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,

Vol. 5, No. 3, 2014

A Students Attendance System Using QR Code

Fadi Masalha Nael Hirzallah
Faculty of Information Technology Faculty of Information Technology
Applied Science University Applied Science University

Abstract—Smartphones are becoming more preferred II. RELATED APPROACHES/WORK

companions to users than desktops or notebooks. Knowing that
smartphones are most popular with users at the age around 26, There are many proposals for Automatic Attendance
using smartphones to speed up the process of taking attendance Systems in the literature and in the market. Most of them do
by university instructors would save lecturing time and hence focus on applications to be installed on the lecturer device,
enhance the educational process. This paper proposes a system whether a smartphone or a laptop. In the section, we will
that is based on a QR code, which is being displayed for students mention briefly few of these proposals.
during or at the beginning of each lecture. The students will need
to scan the code in order to confirm their attendance. The paper
Reference [2] proposes software to be installed in the
explains the high level implementation details of the proposed instructor's mobile telephone. It enables it to query students'
system. It also discusses how the system verifies student identity mobile telephone via Bluetooth connection and, through
to eliminate false registrations. transfer of students' mobile telephones' Media Access Control
(MAC) addresses to the instructor's mobile telephone; presence
Keywords—Mobile Computing; Attendance System; of the student can be confirmed.
Educational System; GPS
Reference [3] is another example on a proposal that uses
I. INTRODUCTION real time face detection algorithms integrated on an existing
Learning Management System (LMS). It automatically detects
Taking students’ attendance by university instructors during and registers students attending on a lecture. The system
each class is a time consuming process especially when classes represents a supplemental tool for instructors, combining
are big. Some faculty policies require this task to be performed algorithms used in machine learning with adaptive methods
by the instructor in each lecture. In other words, out of the total used to track facial changes during a longer period of time.
hours that are assigned to a given course, which is typically
forty-five hours per semester, up to eight hours may be lost to On the other hand, in [4], the proposal uses fingerprint
perform this process that usually takes around ten minutes per verification technique. They propose a system in which
lecture. fingerprint verification is done by using extraction of minutiae
technique and the system that automates the whole process of
Statistics in [1] shows that 42% of smartphone users have taking attendance.
an average age of 26 years old. Thus, with the widespread of
smartphones among university students, this paper addresses Since biometrics are concerned with the measurements of
the problem of such a waste in the lecture time and proposes a unique human physiological or behavioral characteristics, the
system that offers to reduce it by almost 90%. The proposed technology has been used to verify the identity of users. It is
solution offers a QR code for the students to scan it via a becoming critical to be able to monitor the presence of the
specific smartphone application. The code along with the authenticated user throughout a session. Thus, another proposal
student identity taken by the application will confirm the [5], discusses a prototype system that uses facial recognition
students’ attendance. technology to monitor authenticated user or students. A neural
network-based algorithm was implemented to carry out face
This way, the system will save not only time but also detection, and an eigenface method was employed to perform
efforts that were supposed to be put by instructors during each facial recognition. The experimental results demonstrate the
lecture. It will speed up the process of taking attendance and feasibility of near-real-time continuous user verification for
leave much time for the lecture to be given properly. high-level security information systems.[5]
The proposed system also takes care of preventing We noticed that most proposals do involve applications
unauthorized attendance registration using multi-factor being used by the instructor during class. Hence, if the
authentication. That is, it considers “Something you know”, attendance system requires some action from the instructor,
“Something you have”, and “Something you are” to confirm then the class time will be disturbed each time the instructor
the student identity. allows some late students into the class. On the other hand, our
In what follows, we will discuss some related work in proposal does require the instructor to do nothing extra beyond
section 2. In section 3, we will give an overview to QR codes. presenting the slides of the course to the students. Hence,
In section 4, we will explain how the system works, and finally students may register their presence at any time they wish
in section 5, we will conclude the paper. during the class, while having in mind that registration times
are recorded.

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 5, No. 3, 2014


QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the

trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional bar
code) first designed for the automotive industry in Japan. Bar
codes are optical machine-readable labels attached to items that
record information related to the item. It was initially patented;
however, its patent holder has chosen not to exercise those
rights. Recently, the QR Code system has become popular
outside the automotive industry due to its fast readability and
greater storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes.
The code consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a
square grid on a white background. The information encoded
may be made up of four standardized types ("modes") of data
(numeric, alphanumeric, byte / binary, Kanji) or, through
supported extensions, virtually any type of data
A QR code, as shown in Fig.1 is read by an imaging
device, such as a camera, and formatted algorithmically by
underlying software using Reed-Solomon error correction until
the image can be appropriately interpreted. Data is then As mentioned earlier, the system is composed of two
extracted from patterns present in both horizontal and vertical modules: the Server and the Mobile Modules. The Server
components of the image. The QR features are listed in table 1. Module can be integrated with the eLearning platform used by
Figure shows a sample of an unencrypted QR code that will be the institution or it can be a separate application depending on
needed by the proposed system. the choice of the developer. The following subsection will
describe the tasks for each module.
A. Server Module
The Server Module performs the following tasks:
 Mediates students’ attendance requests with the
eLearning system.
 Generates a QR code for the instructor
 Runs Identity check
Fig. 1. Quick Response Code
 Runs Location check
IV. THE PROPOSED SYSTEM An example of an eLearning platform, which is an open
The system lies between online learning and traditional source application that has become very popular in recent
learning as a facilitation for the attendance record-keeping years, is Moodle. Moodle is used by many institutions
process, in a way that enriches the lecture time so that it can worldwide. Among its features is Taking Attendance. It allows
better be utilized in giving useful materials rather than wasting the instructors to take attendance online by calling names and
the time taking attendance. checking online the appropriate checkbox next the student
name. The checkboxes or radio-buttons offered are marked by
The system requires a simple login process by the class P for Present, L for Late, and A for Absent. One of the Server
instructor through its Server Module to generate an encrypted Module jobs is to automatically mark the right radio-button on
QR code with specific information. This can be done at any the attendance sheet list.
time before the class. During the class, or at its beginning, the
instructor displays an encrypted QR code to the students. The This module can be developed as a plug-in module to
students can then scan the displayed QR code using the system Moodle. When a student sends his/her information via the
Mobile Module, provided to them through the smartphone Mobile Module to the server, as shown in Figure 3, the server
market by the university. Along with the student’s facial image in turn sends the Student ID, the lecture date and time, the
captured by the mobile application at the time of the scan, the attendance status, and a small size image of the student face
Mobile Module will then communicate the information captured by the Mobile Module to the eLearning platform. This
collected to the Server Module to confirm attendance. The way, the Moodle plug-in will save the transaction as well as
whole process should take less than a minute for any student as register the appropriate attendance status. To generate the QR
well as for the whole class to complete their attendance code, the instructor logs in the Server Module or the eLearning
confirmation. Smartphones may communicate with the server system (if the Server Module is developed as part of the
via either the local Wi-Fi coverage offered by the institution or eLearning system), to enter the information needed by the
through the internet. system into the QR code.

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 5, No. 3, 2014

Fig. 3. Snapshot of the first slide

The third task of the Server Module is to run an identity

check on the registered students. This is done by comparing the
facial image sent per transaction and that stored image on file
for the student in question. A matching score will be added to
Fig. 2. The proposed system infrastructure the attendance sheet so the instructor could perform a manual
check either during the lecture or after the lecture. The identity
The instructor may choose then to encrypt this code check, or image comparisons, can be done once the attendance
depending on the level of protection needed. The QR code, registration transaction is received, or at a later scheduled time.
with or without encryption, will include the following
Although it is recommended to perform the job once the
student signs in with the system to be marked as present, but if
 Course and section ID the number of students and concurrent lectures are large
compared to the speed of the server, then the job could be
 Date and beginning time of the lecture performed say at a random instant in the second half of the
 Instructor name lecture. The purpose of this job, is to allow the instructor to
check the results of the identity check before the end of the
 Some random passcode lecture, if he/she wishes to do so.
The information in Fig.1 can be interpreted as shown in Finally, a location check will be performed. This task will
Table 2: be discussed later.


The Mobile Module is the part that students usually install
Course: 1301120 on their smart phones. This could also be integrated with the
Section: 1 Mobile part of the eLearning platform, or a standalone
Instructor: Prof. Nael Hirzallah application that communicates with the Server Module. As
Date: 1/1/2014 mentioned earlier, the communication will be through the local
BeginTime: 10:00AM Wi-Fi network, or it could be through the internet.
Passcode: 6FgT4E As depicted in Figure 4, once the student sees the QR code
on the screen, he/she opens the Mobile application. If it is the
The instructors in turn copy this QR code and paste it on first time after restarting the Smartphone, the system requests
the first slide to be displayed in the lecture. If the instructor the student to enter a username and password. Once logged in,
policy is to allow late students in his class and would like to the system prompts the student to click on the start button. The
mark them as present or late, then the QR code should also be system will then capture the face of the student. The facial
copied on one of the four corners of as many slides as the image will be checked against standard facial conditions, such
instructor wishes. as locating the eyes. Once the image is accepted, the system
When the students are in class, the first thing that should be requests the user to scan a QR code within a very short time.
done is to pull out their smartphones, open the Mobile Module, Once the code is scanned, the system sends the information to
and scans the QR code. Figure 3 shows the QR code in one of the server and resumes working in the background. With that,
the slides of the lecture. the process is considered completed. The server in turn will
send back an acknowledgment that the process is complete.

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 5, No. 3, 2014

The proposed system will need three steps from each

Open Application student. These steps are opening the application, capturing the
face, and scanning the QR code. The system uses multi-factor
authentication to authenticate students. These are “something
you know” which is represented by username and password,
Log in the system Y First Time “something you have” which is represented by the Smartphone
owned by the student, and finally “something you are” which is
N represented by matching the facial image of the student. Thus,
N unauthorized users are not easy to get access to changing the
presence status of one student.
Enter Start or However, for taking attendance, the challenge is in the fact
Start Timer Minimize that the system must guarantee that such a process do really
take place within the classroom and not outside. The only
N fraudulent act that may happen is when a student sitting outside
Start a classroom receives an image of the displayed QR code from a
student sitting inside, via some communication medium such as
San QR Code
email. This may be enough to simulate the process as if it taken
Y place inside the classroom. To prevent this, the location of the
Mobile phone information will accompany the information sent
Time Expires Y to the server.
Capture Face
Currently, Global Navigation Satellite Systems,
Y N (GNSS) receivers are becoming more and more sensitive due to
ceaseless progress in chip technology and processing
Send information N power. High Sensitivity GNSS receivers are able to receive
to Server Facial check satellite signals in most indoor environments and attempts to
determine the 3D position indoors have been successful, [6].

Runs system in
Besides increasing the sensitivity of the receivers, the
technique of A-GPS can be used, where the almanac and other
information are transferred through a mobile phone.
Furthermore, as smart phones embrace always-on, ubiquitous
location, location-based sensor fusion will become a standard
ABI Research’s report, “Location-based Sensor Fusion:
Acknowledge Companies, Technologies, and Revenue Opportunities,” [7]
Process outlines how sensor fusion will evolve to support indoor
completion location and the companies best placed to succeed in this space.

Fig. 4. Mobile Module Flow Chart Once the location information is sent to the server, the
center of class will be calculated for all the smart phones
As stated in the previous section, the server verifies the locations received until the time of the check. The distance
identity of the students by running a facial match. The from the center of each Smartphone will be recorded along
matching weight along with the facial image will be stored with the facial matching weights. This will allow the instructor
against the presence status of the student. The instructor may to do a check on the awkward positions of the phones or
recheck any of the student’s presence during the lecture by awkward matching weights during class. In other words, the
manually checking the updated attendance list that shows the following information will be communicated to the server per
matching weights during or after class. transaction:

V. ANALYSIS  Student ID from application account

Standard security procedures require a simple username and  Class and time details from QR code
password. Such information is called “Something you know”
 Smartphone location from device
or “What you know”. Thus, it is easy for unauthorized users to
gain access to a user’s private data such as personal and The list of attendance that shows the status of the student
financial details and then use that information to commit versus the Facial matching weight and Distance can be
fraudulent acts. presented to the instructor upon his/her request. Figure 5 shows
an updated attendance list after both facial image matching and
Using a username and password together with a piece of
distance calculations processes are performed.
hardware or device that only the user has makes it harder for
potential intruders to gain access and steal that person’s
personal data or identity.

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 5, No. 3, 2014

technology to efficiently benefit from the complete assigned

time assigned to a lecture. Time taken by instructors to take
attendance may be viewed sometimes as a waste of the lecture
time, especially when classes are big. For that, we have
proposed a way to automate this process using the students’
devices rather than the instructor’s device. In other words, the
instructor need not do anything extra during the class beyond
presenting the slides of the subject to be taught to the students.
The proposed system allows fraud detection based on the
GPS locations as well as the facial images taken for each
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support
Fig. 5. Updated Attendance Sheet received from Applied Science University that helped in
publishing this article.
Figure 6 shows snapshots of the Mobile application.
[1] Smartphone Users Around the World – Statistics and Facts, visited on February 12, 2014
[2] Jamil, T. ; Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Sultan Qaboos Univ., Al
Khod, Oman, Automatic attendance recording system using mobile
telephone , Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 2011 19th 1297 -
[3] Shehu, V. ; Contemporary Sci. & Technol., South East Eur. Univ.,
Tetovo, Macedonia ; Dika, A. , Using real time computer vision
algorithms in automatic attendance management systems, Information
Technology Interfaces (ITI), 2010 32nd International Conference on 397
– 402
[4] Saraswat, Chitresh; Kumar, Amit, An Efficient Automatic Attendance
System using Fingerprint Verification Technique. International Journal
on Computer Science & Engineering . 2010, Vol. 2 Issue 2, p264-269
[5] Qinghan Xiao ; Interdept. Biometrics Working Group, Gov. of Canada,
ON ; Xue Dong Yang, A facial presence monitoring system for
information security, Computational Intelligence in Biometrics: Theory,
Fig. 6. Snapshots of the Mobile Module Algorithms, and Applications, 2009. CIB 2009. IEEE Workshop on,
March 30 2009-April 2 2009 , 69 - 76
VI. CONCLUSION [6] Indoor Positioning:
These days it is required to keep up with the latest visited on January 10, 2014
technologies, especially in the field of education. Educational [7] Location-based Sensor
institutions have been looking for ways to enhance the Fusion
educational process using the latest technologies. Looking at based-sensor-fusion-companies-tec/visited on January 10, 2
the existing situation, we have thought of using the mobile

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