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Course:Physical education Instructor Name:Mrs.

Naiyana Penpoo Quarter 1

Sport: Athletics Lesson / Week: 1 p1 ,2 Lesson Length :55mins

Lesson Topic Athletics 4. Do high knee move forward to the side

line (opposite side),2 laps
Equipment Field ,flag belt, Ice cream cone
and disc cone. 5. Do shuffle along side the field(left to right
Content Students will learn how to –right to left 2 laps
Objectives used energy from some 6.Group students 4 person each group and
muscle to run or know make them run same time (set new or same)
mechanic of movement(legs
Period 2
and arm)
Language Students able to demonstrate 1. All students run 2 laps around field and
Objectives how to start when they have back to make a big circle do stretching exercise
together by asked some of them lead warm up.
to join the running
competition or show how to 2. Practice sprint (short distance)
run fast.
3. All students sit together study how to start
Vocabulary Sprint,speed,Athletics,lane, and reach to the finished line when they have the
false,height,anaerobic, competition(choose student demonstrate)
4.Group students 2 group practice skill and
Sentence Frames -
choose new group ,3 person each and let they
Homework - separate their group space to practice.

5.Group students 3/group do the running race

Introduction and Recap (5 and record score from last period and talk about
how and why score different than first start.
1. Asked what the students already know
about Athletics(run ,high jump, long
jump, shot put ,javelin ect.)
2. Teacher tell students about what do Warm down and review 5 min
they will learn in this lesson and how to
exercise for this sport.(sprint run) -Do stretching exercise, review about lesson and
3. Today’s lesson introduction on short asked them question,
run (sprint)
-check students health before let they go change
Activity 1: Warm-Up (12-15 in school uniform (next subject).
Student Objectives: Create a foundation of fitness
by that the students can utilize and build upon to
create positive momentum throughout the year.

1. Jog around the field 2 laps

2. Do stretching exercise, lead by teacher

and next period lead by students

3. Game (warm up)

Activity 2: Sprint (stand start)15

Period 1 1. Teacher groups students 4 person
each group (sprint same time and record score)

2. Teacher call students sit together and

teach how to run fast and demonstrate all skill
need and show the real sprint and make all
students practice step by step and teacher walk
around for advise and observation.

3. All students line up (side line field) do

high knee on their spot(4 laps)
Course:Physical education Instructor Name:Mrs.Naiyana Penpoo Quarter 1
Sport: Athletics Lesson / Week: 4 P7-8 Lesson Length :55mins

Lesson Athletics line and walk around to observed and advised

Equipment Baton, field ,lane, disc cones and 1.2. pass the baton to their team
ice cream(60)
1.3 Receive the baton (open, close palm)
Content :Students will learn many style of
Objectives passing and receive the baton and 1.4. Practice sprint while holding baton and pass
know about the relay run and lean how it in the running lane
to receive and pass baton ,how to set running relay competition score each
runner for each lane if they will have the team (record by teacher)
Period 4. Students do almost the same last period
Language :Students know and can show good but Teacher add some more techniques for run
Objectives pass or bad pass(receive)the baton faster.
and can join team running relay too.
1.1Teacher around team running run again 2
Vocabulary Relay, blisters, baton, hydration rounds then record score and compared later(they
Sentence should take shorter time than first round)
1.2. Add game running relay game called wing

Introduction and Recap (10

1. Today lesson is on passing and receive
the baton prepare to do the running relay Warm down and review 5 min
2. Why students have to know about passing -Do stretching exercise, review about lesson and
and receive the baton and how much asked them question,
effect your team if you cannot receive well
in the running relay and they will study -check students health before let they go change
about each position in the same lane. in school uniform (next subject).

Activity 1: Warm-Up (15 minutes)

Student Objectives:

1.Jog in the soccer field forth – back 3 laps

2. Students group by 4 choose one to be

leader and then jog same line around the soccer

3.All students back to make a circle do

stretching exercise

4. Teacher teach how to receive and pass the

baton ,demonstrate and lastly thing is rules for
running relay.

Activity 2: Running Relay(15

Students will practice by group or pair up with their

Period 4. Practice passing and receiving baton

1.After study about the running relay ,teacher

choose 4 students each group and allow they
practice group by group (Teacher let they run same
Course:Physical education Instructor Name:Mrs.Naiyana Penpoo Quarter 1
Sport: Athletics Lesson / Week: 1 p1 ,2 Lesson Length :55mins

Student Objectives: Students will learn the basic of

throwing (many style of throw) and they can
modify to use it in their life style, for relaxed and
some of students can apply to be a player in the

Period 5 javelin

1.Teacher explain and demonstrate how to

throw each style (teach one style each time
and around students practice (separate
students to be two group)group 1 throw group
2 stand far from group 1 and take turn to
Lesson Topic Javelin, Discus
Equipment 30 cones, 15 Javelin or Example Students line up side line and facing
into the field do throwing skill (used tennis ball
more,25 discus,15Tennis throw)and used the javelin throw(fish throw)
balls , 15 hula hoop
Content : Students will learn how to used 2. Students line up and throw javelin 3
students same time, teacher observed
Objectives energy from some muscle to
until all class done
throw or know mechanic of 3.Teacher give some advise and allow
movement with new material students throw at the same time(record
(new sport), Javelin and discus. score)each students do 3 laps each and
record the best score.
4. Race game (javelin throw)
Language :Students will can show how to
Objectives throw the javelin , discus and Period 6
can tell other how to do the 1. Teacher explain and demonstrate how
completed skill to throw the discus
Vocabulary Discus, javelin
2. Students practice by used the hula
Sentence Frames hoop.
3.Pair up students and make them facing
to their pair practice ground discus(4 laps)
Introduction and Recap (10
minutes) 4. All students line up behind the side line
soccer field practice discus throwing one by
1. Provide more option for students one ,teacher walk observe and advised .
to know new sport that some of students 5. All students throw the discus same time
never know before and they can try to and go get it back and try again (about 3laps)
do it themselves.
2. Today’s lesson introduction on Javelin throw 6. Students have competition with their
and discus throwing classmate , each student throw 3 times and
record score by teacher.
Activity 1: Warm-Up (12-15
Student Objectives: Student will study how to
train muscle to prepare for this sport. Warm down and Review5
1.Jog short distance(teacher set line for jog),5
1. Asked some students show the skill and do
2. Do sprint (side line soccer field) stretching exercise together.

3. Do slide from side line soccer field to half 2. Review skill in this lesson and asked some
field and slide back (2 laps) question.(asked some students show the skill )

4.Do balance exercise

3. check up students health , prepare to next
5. Stretching exercise subject.

Activity 2: Throwing
Course:Physical education Instructor Name:Mrs.Naiyana Penpoo Quarter 1
Sport: Athletics Lesson / Week: 4 P7-8 Lesson Length :55mins

5. Stretching exercise

Activity 2: Throwing
Student Objectives: Students will learn the basic of
throwing (many style of throw) and they can
modify to use it in their life style, for relaxed and
some of students can apply to be a player in the

Period 5 shot put

1.Teacher explain and demonstrate how to

throw shot put (teach one style each time and
around students practice.

2. All students bring 1 dodge ball each line up

same line and practice

3.Separate students to be two group)group 1

Lesson Topic Shot put throw group 2 stand far from group 1 and take
turn to practice.(used real shot put)
Equipment 30 cones, 15 Javelin ,15
discus and 25 dodge ball 4. Students line up same line and teacher will
Content : Students will learn how to used call one by one and give them advice.
Objectives energy from some muscle to 5. All students throwing shot put same time (3
throw or know mechanic of laps),record score(choose the best score).
movement with new material
Period 8 Competition(shot put, javelin and
(new sport), shot put,Javelin and
discus. 1.Seperate boys, Girls(3 students
Language :Students will can show how to each team),allow choose their team.
Objectives throw the shot put javelin , 2.Do competition(record score)
discus and can tell other how
Warm down and Review5
to do the completed skill
Vocabulary Shot put minutes
Sentence Frames 1. Do stretching exercise together.
2. Review skill in this lesson and asked some
Introduction and Recap (10 question.

minutes) 3. check up students health , prepare to next

1. Provide more option for students
to know new sport that some of students
never know before and they can try to
do it themselves.
2. Today’s lesson introduction on shot put and
review all throwing sport.
Activity 1: Warm-Up (12-15
Student Objectives: Student will study how to
train muscle to prepare for this sport.

1.Jog around the soccer field 2 laps

2. Do slide from side line soccer field to half

field and slide back (2 laps)

4.Do high knee jump forward and try to do

Course:Physical education Instructor Name:Mrs.Naiyana Penpoo Quarter 1
Sport: Athletics Lesson / Week: 1 p1 ,2 Lesson Length :55mins

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