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Violation Index

Topic Subtopic Item Citation P/PF/C

Equipment & Utensils 42 4-901.11 C
Air Dry
Wiping Cloths 39 4-901.12 C
Allowed on Premises 36 6-501.115 PF/C
Handling Prohibition 36 2-403.11A PF
Animal Foods TCS Food
Approved Source Food 9 3-201.11 B P
Air Gap 49 5-202.13 P
Carbonator Dual/Check 49 5-203.15 C
Design 49 5-202.14 P
Location 49 5-204.12 C
Backflow Prevention Device
Pump use 49 5-304.12 C
Required 49 5-203.14 P
Scheduled Inspection 49 5-205.13 PF
Sewage 49 5-402.11 P/C
Enclosed 51 6-202.14 C
Toilet Number 51 5-203.12 C
Bathroom Toilet Tissue Available 51 6-302.11 PF
Trash Receptacle Covered 51 5-501.17 C
Handwashing, Toilet
Bugs Pests
Can Opener Food Contact Surface 14 4-601.11 A PF
Cast Iron Use Limitation 45 4-101.12 C
Attachments 53 6-201.17 C
Cleanability 53 6-201.11 C
Cleaning During Appropriate Time 53 6-501.12 C
Coverings & Coatings 53 6-201.16 C
Good Repair 53 6-501.11 C
Outer Openings 36 6-202.15 C
Surface Design 53 6-101.11 C
Studs, Joists, Rafters 53 6-201.18 C
Utility Lines & Pipes 53 6-201.12 C
Boiler Water Additives 26 7-204.13 P
Container Reuse 26 7-203.11 P
Drying Agents 26 7-204.14 P
Label - Original Container 26 7-101.11 PF
Label - Working Container 26 7-102.11 PF
Lubricants 26 7-205.11 P
Restriction 26 7-202.11 PF/C
Sale 26 7-301.11 P
Storage 26 7-201.11 P
Usage 26 7-202.12 P/PF/C
Washing Fruits & Vegetables 26 7-204.12 P
Sanitizer; Medicine
Definition X 1-201.10 X
CIP Equipment
Characteristics 45 4-202.12 PF
Cleaning Products Chemicals
Eggs 20 3-501.16 B P
Cold Holding
TCS Food 20 3-501.16 A 2 P
Consumer Advisory Description 23 3-603.11 PF/C
Microwave 16 3-401.12 C
Plant Food for Hot Holding 32 3-401.13 PF
Raw Animal Foods 16 3-401.11 P/PF/C
Variance, Non-Continuous Cooking
Equipment 31 4-301.11 PF
Methods 31 3-501.15 PF/C
Time & Temperature 18 3-501.14 P
Copper Use Limitation 45 4-101.14 P/C
Date Marking Ready to Eat 21 3-501.17 PF/C
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Violation Index

Topic Subtopic Item Citation P/PF/C

Delivery Receiving
Doors Walls
Drinking Restriction 4 2-401.11 A C
Eating Restriction 4 2-401.11 C
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Highly Susceptible Populations 24 3-801.11 B P
Eggs Holding Temperature 20 3-501.16 B P
Pasteurized Eggs 28 3-302.13 P
Receiving Raw Eggs 10 3-202.11 C P
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Bodily Discharge 5 2-401.12 C
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Air Dry 42 4-901.11 C
Alternative Manual Warewashing 46 4-603.15 C
Contamination Observed 14 4-602.11 P
Cooking & Baking 14 4-602.12 C
Good Repair 45 4-501.11 C
Equipment Lubrication Reassembly 45 4-902.12 C
Prohibitions for Storage 42 4-903.12 C
Sanitization 14 4-702.11 P
Sanitization Methods 14 4-703.11 P
Storage 42 4-903.11 A-B C
Unclean 14 4-601.11 A-B PF/C
Food Contact Surface, Non-Food Contact Surface
Exterior Openings Walls
Fingernails Maintenance 38 2-302.11 PF
Fish Freezing Records 12 3-402.12 PF/C
Absorbent Material 53 6-501.17 C
Carpeting 53 6-201.14 C
Cleanability 53 6-201.11 C
Cleaning - Dustless 53 6-501.13 C
Cleaning - Frequency 53 6-501.12 C
Fixed Equipment Elevation 45 4-402.12 C
Good Repair 53 6-501.11 C
Indoor Surface Design 53 6-101.11 C
Junctures 53 6-201.13 C
Mats & Duckboards 53 6-201.15 C
Outdoor Surface Design 53 6-102.11 C
Utility Lines & Pipes 53 6-201.12 C
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Approved Source 9 3-201.11 B P/PF/C
Containers Labeled 35 3-302.12 C
Contamination - Cross 13 3-302.11 P/C
Food Contamination - During Prep 37 3-305.14 C
Contamination - Storage 37 3-305.11 C
Display 37 3-306.11 P
Safe, Unadulterated & Honest 11 3-101.11 P
Labels, Receiving, Temperature, Cooking, TCS Food

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Violation Index

Topic Subtopic Item Citation P/PF/C

Definition X 1-201.10 X
Characteristic 45 4-101.11 P/C
Cleanability 45 4-202.11 PF
Contamination Observed 14 4-602.11 P
Cutting Surfaces 45 4-501.12 C
Dry Cleaning 45 4-603.11 C
Food Contact Surface Lubrication 45 4-902.11 C
Sanitization Frequency 14 4-702.11 P
Sanitization Methods 14 4-703.11 P
Unclean 14 4-601.11 A-B PF/C
Wet Cleaning 46 4-603.14 C
Cast Iron, Lead, Copper, G. Metal, Sponge, Wood, Non-Stick
Coating, CIP Equipment, Can Opener
Containers Labeled 35 3-302.12 C
Food Storage
Location 37 3-305.11 C
Maintained Frozen 31 3-501.11 C
Freezing Parasite Destruction 12 3-402.11 P
Records - Fish 12 3-402.12 PF/C
Galvanized Metal Use Limitation 45 4-101.15 P
Cleaning Frequency C 4-802.11B 42
Use Limitation - Single Use 13 3-304.15 A P
Gloves Use Limitation - Slash Resistant 44 3-304.15 B-D C
Use Limitation - Cloth 44 3-304.15 D C
Hand Washing, Fingernails, Linens
Grade Covered or Obscured ENF 8-904.110 A 7 X
Placement 50 5-402.12 C
Grease Trap/Interceptor
Hair Restraint Effectiveness 38 2-402.11 C
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Accessible 8 5-205.11 A PF
Automatic Handwashing 8 5-203.11 C
Drying Agent Availability 8 6-301.12 PF
Location 8 5-204.11 PF
Number 8 5-203.11 PF
Hand Sinks Signage 8 6-301.14 C
Sole Use 8 5-205.11 B PF
Soap Availability 8 6-301.11 PF
Steam Mixing/Auto/Self Closing 8 5-202.12 B-D C
Temperature 8 5-202.12 A PF
Waste Receptacle 52 5.501.16 C
Wastewater Disposal 53 6-501.15 C
Antiseptics 6 2-301.16 PF
Clean Condition 6 2-301.11 P
Frequency 6 2-301.14 P
Hand Washing
Location 6 2-301.15 PF
Procedure 6 2-301.12 P
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Highly Susceptible Population
Eggs, Juice, Ready to Eat
Eggs 20 3-501.16 B P
Plant Food 32 3-401.13 PF
TCS Food - Cold 20 3-501.16 A 2 P
TCS Food - Hot 19 3-501.16 A 1 P
Hot Holding TCS Food 20 3-501.16 A 1 P

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Violation Index
Topic Subtopic Item Citation P/PF/C
Food Storage 37 3-303.12 C
Ice Used as Coolant 37 3-303.11 P
Used as Food 29 3-202.16 P
Insects Pests
Highly Susceptible Populations 24 3-801.11 A P/C
Juice Pasteurized 27 3-404.11 P
Unpasteurized - Label 27 3-404.11 B PF
Jewelry Use Limitation 38 2-303.11 C
Approved Source - Wholesale 9 3-201.11 C P/PF/C
Chemicals - Original Container 26 7-101.11 PF
Chemicals - Working Container 26 7-102.11 PF
First Aid 26 7-208.11 A PF
Food Storage Containers 35 3-302.12 C
Frozen Food 10 3-202.11 E PF
Juice for HSP 24 3-801.11 A P
Labels Medicine 26 7-207.11 B PF
Packaged Food at Retail 35 3-602.11 C
ROP Fish 33 3-501.13 E C
ROP w/out Variance 27 3-502.12 B 3 PF
Shellfish - Shucked 35 3-202.17 PF
Shellstock 12 3-202.18 PF/C
Unpasteurized Juice 27 3-404.11 B PF
Consumer Advisory
Lead Use Limitation 45 4-101.13 P/C
Intensity 54 6-303.11 C
Shielded 54 6-202.11 C
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Cleaning Frequency 42 4-802.11 C
Cleanliness 42 4-801.11 C
Food Contact 13 3-304.11 C P
Laundry Facilities 53 4-803.13 C
Mechanical Washing/Drying 42 4-803.12 C
Prohibitions for Storage 42 4-903.12 C
Storage 42 4-903.11 A C
Storage of Soiled 42 4-803.11 C
Use Limitation 37 3-304.13 C
Washer/Dryer 53 4-301.15 C
Wiping Cloths, Gloves
First Aid - Label 26 7-208.11 A PF
First Aid - Storage 26 7-208.11 B P
Label & Location 26 7-207.11 B P
Refrigerated Storage 26 7-207.12 P
Restriction 26 7-207.11 PF
Personal Items
Cooking 16 3-401.12 C
Equipment, Non-Food Contact Surface
Miscellaneous Contamination Prevention 37 3-307.11 C
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Non-Continuous Cooking Procedure - Variance Compliance 27 3-401.14 P/PF
Procedure - Variance Obtained 30 3-401.14 P/PF
Cleanability 45 4-202.16 C
Contamination Observed 47 4-602.13 C
Good Repair 45 4-501.11 C
Non-Food Contact Surface
Splash Resistant 45 4-101.19 C
Unclean 47 4-601.11 C C
Nonstick Coating Use Limitation 45 4-101.18 C
Outer Clothing Clean Condition 38 2-304.11 C
Personal Items Storage 26 7-209.11 C
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Violation Index

Topic Subtopic Item Citation P/PF/C

Definition X 1-201.10 X
Person in Charge Exclusions & Restrictions 3 2-201.12 P
Present 1 2-101.11 PF
CFR Requirements 26 7-206.11 P
Pesticides Rodent Bair Stations 26 7-206.12 P
Tracking Powder 26 7-206.13 P
Controlling Pests 36 6-501.111 PF
Insect Control Devices 36 6-202.13 C
Removal of Pests 36 6-501.112 C
Refuse; Physical Facilities
Poultry TCS Food
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Premises Outer Openings 36 6-202.15 C
PIC Person in Charge
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Approved 49 5-201.11 P
Plumbing System Cleanable Fixtures 49 5-202.11 P
Good Repair 49 5-205.15 P/C
Pressure 48 5-103.12 PF
Contamination 13 3-302.11 C
Raw Animal Foods Cooking 16 3-401.11 P/PF/C
Separation of Raw and RTE 13 3-302.11 P
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Date Marking 21 3-501.17 PF/C
Ready to Eat
Discard 21 3-501.18 P
Highly Susceptible Populations 24 3-801.11 C P
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Cleaning Receptacles 53 5-501.116 C
Drain Plugs 52 5-501.114 C
Good Repair 53 5-501.111 C
Refuse Outside Receptacles - Design 52 5-501.15 C
Premises free of Junk 52 5-501.115 C
Refuse Removal Frequency 53 5-502.11 C
Stored Refuse 52 5-501.110 C
Trash Corral Clean 53 6-501.114 C
Hot Holding - Meat Roast 17 3-403.11 C
Reheating Hot Holding - Not Meat Roast 17 3-403.11 P
Immediate Service X 3-403.10 X
Frozen Food 10 3-202.11 E PF
Package Integrity 11 3-202.15 PF
Receiving TCS Food - Hot 10 3-202.11 D P
TCS Food - Cold 10 3-202.11 A,B P
TCS Food - Free from abuse 10 3-202.11 F PF
Roof Exterior - Protective Barrier 36 6-202.16 C
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Specifications 14 4-501.114 P/PF
Food Contact Surfaces 14 4-701.10 C
Sanitization Frequency 14 4-702.11 P
Methods 14 4-703.11 P
Test Kits 46 4-302.14 PF
CFR Requirements 26 7-204.11 PF

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Violation Index

Topic Subtopic Item Citation P/PF/C

Service Sink Number 49 5-203.13 C
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Disposal 50 5-403.11 P
Liquid Waste & Rainwater 50 5-403.12 C
Sinks & Warewashing Equip 53 6-501.15 C
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Maintaining Identification 12 3-203.12 PF
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Single Service/Use Prohibitions for Storage 43 4-903.12 C
Storage 43 4-903.11 A,C C
Slacking TCS Food
Smoking Restriction 4 2-401.11 A C
Spacing Fixed Equipment 45 4-402.11 C
Sponge Use Limitation 39 4-101.16 C
Tag Label
Tableware Utensil
Test Kits Sanitization
Definition X 1-201.10 X
TCS Food Slacking 33 3-501.12 C
Holding Temp, Non-Continuous Cooking, Receiving
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Air & Water - Accuracy 34 4-203.12 PF
Calibrated 34 4-502.11 B PF
Food - Accuracy 34 4-203.11 PF
Temperature Measuring Device Functionality 34 4-204.112 C
Glass Exclusion 45 4-201.12 P
Good Repair 34 4-502.11 C C
Precision 34 4-204.112 PF
Probe Thermometers 34 4-302.12 PF
Temperature Cooking, Holding Temperature
Test Kit Provided 46 4-302.14 PF
Thawing Procedure 33 3-501.13 C
Highly Susceptible Populations 22 3-501.19 D C
Time as a Public Health Control
Methods 22 3-501.19 A-C P/PF
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Air Dry 42 4-901.11 C
Clean 14 4-601.11 A PF
Cleaning Frequency 14 4-602.11 P
Durable 45 4-201.11 C
Good Repair 45 4-502.11 A C
Utensils In Use & Between Use 41 3-304.12 C
Prohibitions for Storage 42 4-903.12 C
Sanitization 14 4-701.10 C
Sanitization Frequency 14 4-702.11 P
Sanitization Methods 14 4-703.11 P
Storage 42 4-903.11 A-B C
Food Contact Surface, Non-Food Contact Surface

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Violation Index

Topic Subtopic Item Citation P/PF/C

Compliance 27 3-401.14 P/PF
Documentation 30 8-103.11 PF
Obtained 30 3-401.14 P/PF
Adequate for Equipment 54 4-301.14 C
Clean 54 6-501.14 C
Drip Prevention 54 4-204.11 C
Filters - Cleanability 54 4-202.18 C
Filters - Dirty or Damaged 45 4-501.11 C
Hood Functioning Properly 54 6-304.11 C
Attachments 53 6-201.17 C
Cleanability - Exterior 53 6-102.11 C
Cleanability - Interior 53 6-201.11 C
Cleaning Frequency 53 6-501.12 C
Coverings & Coatings 53 6-201.16 C
Exterior - Protective Barrier 36 6-202.16 C
Good Repair 53 6-501.11 C
Junctures 53 6-201.13 C
Outer Openings 36 6-202.15 C
Studs, Joists, Rafters 53 6-201.18 C
Surface Design 53 6-101.11 C
Utility Lines & Pipes 53 6-201.12 C
Definition X 1-201.10 X
Cleaning Frequency 46 4-501.14 C
2 Compartment Sink 46 4-301.12 C-E C
3 Compartment Sink 46 4-301.12 A PF
Operating per Data Plate 46 4-501.15 C
Warewashing Equipment Pressure 14 4-501.113 C
Restriction of Handwashing Aids 8 6-301.13 C
Sink Size 46 4-301.12 B PF
TMD Provided 46 4-302.13 C
Use Limitation 46 4-501.16 C
Wastewater Disposal 53 6-501.15 C
Wastewater Sewage
Windows Walls
Air Dry 39 4-901.12 C
Cleaning Frequency 42 4-802.11 D-E C
Wiping Cloths Storage 39 3-304.14 C
Use Limitation 39 3-304.14 C
Wood Use Limitation 45 4-101.17 C

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