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Retail Food Establishment Inspection Report Score Rating

Bureau of Environmental Health Services

Division of Food Protection & Rabies Prevention

Establishment Name Inspection
Date Start Time End Time
Type of Inspection Address / / : :
Category Follow up
Permit # City County Zip
- - 1 2 3 4 o Within ______ days
Foodborne Illness Risk Factors & Interventions Good Retail Practices
Supervision OUT CDI Safe Food & Water OUT CDI
1 IN PIC Present, Demonstration, Certification, Performance 2 28 IN NA Pasteurized eggs used where required 1 0
Employee Health 29 IN Water and ice from approved source 2 1
Management; employee knowledge; responsibilities & 30 IN NA Variance obtained for specialized processing methods 1
2 IN 2
reporting Food Temperature Control
3 IN Proper use of reporting, restriction, and exclusion 2 Proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment
31 IN 1 0
Employee Good Hygienic Practices for temperature control
4 IN Proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use 2 1 32 IN NA NO Plant food properly cooked for hot holding 1 0
5 IN No discharge from eyes, nose, or mouth 2 33 IN NA NO Approved thawing methods used 1 0
Preventing Contamination by Hands 34 IN Thermometers provided and accurate 1 0
6 IN Hands clean & properly washed 4 2 Food Identification
7 IN NO No bare hand contact with RTE foods 3 2 35 IN Food properly labeled: original container 1 0
8 IN Handwashing sinks supplied & accessible 2 1 Prevention of Food Contamination
Approved Source 36 IN Insects & rodents not present; no unauthorized animals 2 0
9 IN Food obtained from approved source 2 1 Contamination prevented during food preparation,
37 IN 2 1
10 IN NO Food received at proper temperature 2 1 storage & display
11 IN Food in good condition, safe, and unadulterated 2 1 38 IN Personal cleanliness 2 1
Required records available: shell stock tags, parasite 39 IN Wiping cloths: properly used and stored 1 0
12 IN NA NO 2
destruction 40 IN Washing fruits and vegetables 1 0
Protection from Contamination Proper Use of Utensils
13 IN NA Food separated & protected 3 2 41 IN In-use utensils: properly stored 1 0
14 IN Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized 3 2 Utensils, equipment and linens: properly stored, dried
42 IN 1 0
Proper disposition of returned, previously served, and handled
15 IN 2 1 Single-use and single-service articles: properly stored
reconditioned, and unsafe food
43 IN 1 0
Time/Temperature Control for Safety (TCS Food) and used
16 IN NA NO Proper cooking time and temperature 3 2 44 IN Gloves used properly 1 0
17 IN NA NO Proper reheating procedures for hot holding 3 2 Utensils & Equipment
18 IN NA NO Proper cooling time and temperatures 3 2 Equipment, food & non-food contact surfaces approved,
45 IN cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used 2 1
19 IN NA NO Proper hot holding temperature 3 2
20 IN NA NO Proper cold holding temperature 3 2 Warewashing facilities: installed, maintained & used; test
46 IN strips 1 0
21 IN NA NO Proper date marking and disposition 3 2
22 IN NA NO Time as a Public Health Control: procedures & records 2 1 47 IN Non-food contact surfaces clean 1 0
Consumer Advisory Physical Facilities
Consumer advisory provided for raw or undercooked 48 IN Hot and cold water available; adequate pressure 2 1
23 IN NA 1
foods 49 IN Plumbing installed; proper backflow devices 2 1
Highly Susceptible Populations 50 IN Sewage and waste water properly disposed 2 1
24 IN NA Pasteurized foods used; prohibited foods not offered 2 1 51 IN Toilet facilities: properly constructed, supplied & cleaned 1 0
Chemical 52 IN Garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained 1 0
25 IN NA Food additives: approved and properly used 2 1 53 IN Physical facilities installed, maintained and clean 1 0
26 IN Toxic substances properly identified stored and used 2 1 Meets ventilation and lighting requirements; designated
54 IN 1 0
Conformance with Approved Procedures areas used
Compliance with variance, specialized process, reduced Chapter 8 & 9 Violations
27 IN NA oxygen packaging criteria or HACCP plan 2 55 IN Chapter 8: Compliance & Enforcement
Remarks: 56 IN C
hapter 9: Standards for Additional Operations 1

DHEC Inspector Name _______________________________ DHEC Inspector Signature ____________________________ Phone # ___________________________

PIC Name ________________________________________ PIC Signature _______________________________

Consecutive violations may be subject to enforcement action and penalty Page 1 of ___
Information collected on this form is subject to public scrutiny or release as well as the Freedom of Information Act
Retail Food Establishment Inspection Report

I. Purpose

Items with a point value circled indicate violations observed during this inspection.

Based on this inspection report, items marked out of compliance must be corrected by the next routine inspection or such a
period of time as may be specified in writing by the Department. Failure to comply with this notice may result in suspension
of your permit, or downgrading of the establishment.

If required, an inspector from the Department will return within 10 days of this inspection to conduct a followup inspection.

II. Explanation and Definition

In = In compliance
Out = Out of compliance
NA = Not Applicable
NO = Not Observed
CDI = Corrected During Inspection

Foodborne Illness Risk Factors and Interventions - Contributing factors that increase the chance of developing foodborne

Good Retail Practices - Preventative measures to control the addition of pathogens, chemicals, and physical objects into food.

III. Score & Rating

Score Rating
88-100 = A
78-87 = B
<77 = C

IV. Category
Categories of a Retail Food Establishment may be assigned based on the complexity of foods prepared and the facility’s
compliance with the Regulation.

V. Point Deductions
Items that have a second point value available are allowed to be corrected during an inspection and may be scored at the
reduced point value. Violation correction and point deductions are at the discretion of the Department.

To obtain a copy of the SC Regulation 61-25, Retail Food Establishments, or to learn more information, please go to

DHEC-1722AW (06/2016)

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