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Kitchen Equipment
and Recipes Wash your Safety
First in the
Revised May 2016 by Julie Garden-Robinson, Ph.D., R.D., L.R.D., Food and Nutrition Specialist
hands with
warm water
Reviewed by members of the 4-H Healthy Lifestyles Committee: Macine Lukach and Callie Johnson
and soap. Kitchen
Scrub for at
Learning Objectives: least 20 seconds.
Identify and use kitchen equipment Wear clean clothes and an apron.
Correctly measure liquid and dry ingredients If you have long hair, tie it back so
Know the meaning of creaming, whipping, beating, stirring, folding hair does not get in the food.
Be able to read and follow a simple recipe Be sure your work area is
clean. Use warm, soapy water
and a dishrag to clean up spills. Use
Let’s Get Acquainted With Kitchen Utensils a spray bottle with bleach
A good cook needs good tools. He or she needs to know (1 teaspoon of chlorine bleach per
where to find them in the kitchen. Cooking tools quart of water) to sanitize surfaces.
are called utensils. Let the bleach solution air-dry.
Here are some of the utensils
you will need:
1. paring knife
2. set of nested measuring cups
for dry ingredients
3. rubber scraper
4. mixing spoons
5. glass measuring cup for liquids 1.
(with space above “cup” line) 8. 5.
6. measuring spoons
7. cookie sheet
8. mixing bowls
9. rotary beater 2.
10. spatula


North Dakota State University, North Dakota

Reviewed May 2016
The things that go int
o a recipe are
called ingredients. Fo
Activity: Naming Kitchen Equipment r example, the
ingredients in muffin
s may be flour, suga
Visit the NDSU Extension Service website ( salt, baking powder, r,
vegetable oil, eggs an
and see “Can You Name This Kitchen Equipment?” You will see milk. Learn where th d
e flour, sugar and ot
pictures of common kitchen tools, and you can try to name them. ingredients are kept her
in your kitchen.

Measuring Activities
We use utensils to measure ingredients. When we measure ingredients, we need to be very exact,
especially when we are baking. Otherwise, our product will not turn out right.

Activity 1: Let’s Measure Flour Activity 3: How to Measure Fats

Get out the flour and your utensils: flour sifter (optional), Utensils you need are measuring cups, rubber scraper
dry measuring cups, tablespoons, straight-edged and an utensil with a straight edge.
utensil (such as a dinner knife with a
Method 1. Have fat (butter, margarine, shortening) at
straight edge).
room temperature. Pack firmly into a dry measuring cup
Step 1: Since most flour is presifted, with rubber scraper. Level off with a flat edge of a knife or
skip to Step 2. If it is not presifted, hold spatula.
the sifter over waxed paper or a shal-
Method 2. For cold,
low pan and sift the flour. Flour is sifted
solid fats, fill a liquid
because it packs together and you will
measuring cup with 1
get more flour than the recipe calls for.
cup cold water. Pour out
Step 2: Lightly heap the flour with a as much water as the
spoon into the correct-sized measuring cup. Do not shake down amount of shortening in the
the flour in the cup because this will just repack it. recipe. Then add the cold
shortening, keeping it under
Step 3: When the flour is piled high in the cup, level it off with a
the water line until the water
spatula or straight-edged knife. Using a dry measuring cup instead
rises to make 1 cup. Drain water.
of a liquid measuring cup allows you to level the top and get the
right amount of ingredient into your recipe. Example: For ½ cup of shortening, pour away ½ cup of
water in a 1-cup measuring cup. Add shortening until the
Remember: Pile, then level.
water rises to reach the 1-cup line.
Note: if you pack the flour into a cup, you will be adding too much
Date completed:______________________
flour to your recipe. You could end up with a dry baked product.
Date completed:______________________ Activity 4: How to Measure Liquids
Use a liquid measuring cup that has a space above the
Activity 2: How to Measure Sugar 1-cup mark so you won’t spill the liquid. If you were to
You will need a measuring cup, waxed paper or shallow pan, and use a dry 1-cup measuring cup, you would have to fill the
a spatula or dinner knife. cup to the brim and you could spill some. If you spill, then
you do not have an accurate measure.
White sugar: Dip the cup into the sugar;
level off with a straight-edged utensil. White Set the cup on the table and pour in the liquid. Now lean
sugar does not need to be sifted unless it is down so your eyes are level with the cup and you can tell
lumpy. when you have exactly the right amount.
Brown sugar: Pack the sugar firmly into
the measuring cup. When it is taken out, it will Activity 5: How to Measure
hold the shape of the cup. Store brown sugar in a Liquid Spoonfuls
tightly covered container to keep it moist. You will need measuring spoons and a bowl.
Spoonfuls of Dry Ingredients Dip the spoon into the ingredients
Dip the spoon into the ingredients; level off with a straight-edged and, being careful not to spill, put
utensil. the liquid into the mixing bowl.
Date completed:______________________

Can You Answer These Questions?
Why does some flour need to be sifted? Why is a straight-edge utensil necessary Should you use a liquid cup for dry
for leveling when measuring? _________ ingredients and dry cups for liquid
ingredients? Explain.________________
How do you measure cold, solid fat? ________________________________
________________________________ Date completed:________________
Why do you lean down to see how much
liquid is in a measuring cup? _________
How does measuring brown sugar and ________________________________
white sugar differ? _________________

Reading a Recipe Activity

Try These Questions:
Activity: Let’s Read a Recipe
1. How much pancake mix do you need?___________________
Have you ever read a recipe? To make recipes easy, follow
these suggestions: ___________________________________________________
Read the entire recipe before you begin to cook.
Ask someone to explain anything you don’t understand. 2. What equipment do you need?_________________________
Find the necessary ingredients listed. ___________________________________________________
Decide what equipment will be needed. ___________________________________________________
Do any special “beforehands,” such as preheating the ___________________________________________________
oven or melting butter.

3. To what temperature should you preheat the griddle? _______

a kes
Apple Panc ___________________________________________________
ith apple
1 Granny Sm pancake mix
1 ¼ c. any ty 4. How do you know when to flip the pancakes?______________
ci n n a m on
½ tsp.
1 egg ___________________________________________________
2 tsp. canola ___________________________________________________
w -fa t m ilk ray
1 c. lo w ith cooking sp
o r sk ill e t
griddle nd thinly
Lightly coat a edium heat. Peel, core a 5. How do you know the pancakes are done?
rm owl,
and heat ove rings. In a large mixing b til
slice apple in to
r p a n ca ke batte Stir un
r. ___________________________________________________
dients fo s are
combine ingre evenly moist. (Small lump r ___________________________________________________
ts a re u g h .) Fo
ingredien m a ke s pancakes to the griddle
ix in g
OK. Overm ple ring on
, place an ap ple ring, Date completed:______________________
each pancake 1/4 cup batter over an ap .
ut ple
and pour abo nter and covering the ap ther
th e ce co o k o
starting in le s a ppear. Turn a
nd light brown on both sides.
til b u b b
Cook un
4. Flip the pancakes when bubbles appear; 5. Pancakes are done when they are
tly brown.
side until ligh
apple corer, bowl, griddle, pancake turner (others?); 3. Heat to medium heat;
kes each).
gs (two panca grams (g) fat,
Answers: 1. 1 ¼ cup; 2. Measuring cups, measuring spoons, knife, peeler and/or
s si x se rv in
Make es, 4
se rv in g h as 160 calori r.
Each fibe
rate and 1 g
24 g carbohyd
Mixing Activities
We need to know one more thing before we can start to bake. We need to Quiz: Do you know
understand some of the directions found in recipes. the cooking term?
1. This word means you are to move
Activity: Let’s Explore Mixing Terms ingredients around in a circle with a
To Cream Fat spoon:
This may be done with a spoon (a wooden spoon works well) or _______________________________
an electric mixer. Beat the shortening until it is smooth and fluffy.
You often are directed to cream shortening and sugar. If you use 2.This word is used when you are to mix
a spoon, rub the ingredients against the side of the bowl to soften fat (such as butter) and sugar until it is
and mix. Then beat until fluffy. fluffy:
To Beat
This direction means to vigorously mix ingredients together to
3. This word means you are to mix
make sure they are thoroughly combined. Sometimes it means
ingredients vigorously:
to mix air with the ingredients. This can be done with a spoon,
fork or beater. The recipe usually will tell you which to use. _______________________________
To Stir 4. This word means you are to mix in an
When a recipe tells you to “stir,” mix the ingredients around in a circle ingredient, such as egg whites, gently:
with a spoon to make sure they are combined well.
When adding flour to a liquid mixture, the more you work it, the
tougher the finished product will be. Stir flour as little as possible 5. This word is used when you
except when making products such as bread and pizza dough that incorporate air, such as making a
need more mixing. topping for pie.
To Whip _______________________________
Ingredients are whipped to incorporate air to make a lighter, fluffier
product. This is done with a beater. Think about what cream looks Date completed:________________
like. Then imagine what whipped cream looks like.
To Fold
Answers: 1. Stir; 2. Cream; 3. Beat; 4. Fold; 5. Whip

When a recipe says to “fold” in an ingredient, it means to mix gently.

A clean rubber scraper or wooden spoon works well to fold in Activity: Let’s Make Pancakes
ingredients. Bring the scraper or spoon down through the mixture,
Now that you know how to measure
across the bottom and up over the top until the ingredients are
and read a recipe, try making pancakes
well-blended. Folding is done when a mixture is very delicate. For
using the recipe in this handout. Be sure
instance, if you want to add cheese to beaten egg white, the white
to get help from an adult.
would break down and lose all of the air if you handled it roughly.
Date completed:________________

More Information and Recipes to Try Science Whys

See “Now Serving: Well-measured Recipes” available at: at the heat in an
Did you know th er of the right in the cent
is the most even th e racks
place foods on
Visit oven? Be sure to the food is in the
(click on “For Kids” for fun links to learn more about food and nutrition) so the center of .
center of the oven
For snack recipes and video demonstrations, see

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