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SPE 70045

Simultaneous Determination of Reservoir Pressure and Initial Fluid-in-Place From

Production Data and Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure -- Application
Shie-Way Wang, SPE, Unocal

Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

determine average reservoir pressure and initial fluid in place
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery simultaneously. This new method does not require shutting-
Conference held in Midland, Texas, 15–16 May 2001.
in of production, nor does it require a prior knowledge of
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
drainage area, shape factor, and permeability under pseudo-
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to steady state condition.
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Objectives
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is The objectives of this study are (1) to present procedures on
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous how to simultaneously determine average reservoir pressure
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
and initial fluid in place from production data and flowing
bottom hole pressure for oil and gas reservoirs, and (2) to test
the validity of this new method with five examples employing
Abstract vertical and horizontal wells.
This work presents procedures on how to apply a newly
developed method to simultaneously determine the average Mathematical Formulation
reservoir pressure and initial fluid in place using surface This section gives a brief summary of a generalized material
production data and flowing bottom hole pressure. This new balance formulation of hydrocarbon fluid at reservoir
method is derived from a combination of a generalized condition. Detailed derivation of all the equations presented
material balance formulation and pseudo steady state theory. in this work can be found in reference (1) and definitions of
Reservoir simulation was used to generate production history symbols are given in the nomenclature section.
and flowing bottom hole pressure via hydraulic tables, which
were used to calculate average reservoir pressure and initial Oil Reservoirs
fluid in place in order to validate the accuracy of this new (I) Material Balance Equations for Cumulative Fluid
method. Five examples were investigated for production with Production
vertical and horizontal wells in oil and gas reservoirs at For oil reservoirs, the material balance equation with constant
constant rate or constant flowing bottom hole pressure. Cf is represented by equation (1).
Calculated initial-fluid-in-place and average reservoir
pressures agree very well with that derived from reservoir
simulation. This new method is useful in analyzing surface N p Bo
N= (1)
production data in the following conditions: (1) reservoirs S C Cf 
significantly lack data, (2) buildup tests are inconclusive in ( Bo − Boi ) + Boi  wc w +  ∆P
determining average pressure, (3) buildup tests are expensive 1 − S wc 1 − S wc 
or difficult to run such as wells in tight and over-pressured
reservoirs or with subsea completion. (II) Material Balance of Oil Production Rate
Assuming no water influx and negligible water production, the
Introduction material balance equation of oil production rate at reservoir
A frequently encountered difficulty in material balance condition is represented by equation (2).
calculation is lack of shut-in reservoir pressure. Without
shut-in reservoir pressure, it is very difficult to perform Qo
material balance calculation. However, production data seems N = Np +  dP 
to be available most of the time. If we can make use of sand-  
face production rate and flowing bottom hole pressure, then it
Ct  
 dt 
 
is possible to develop a new method which can be used to

where Qo is in STB/D and Ct is defined as (v) The intersection point of the two curves for equations (1)
and (2), respectively, will yield N and Pavg simultaneously
Cf since both equations represent the same reservoir.
Ct = C o + Cw + (3) In steps (iii) and (iv) one needs to scan pressure from
1 − Swc 1 − Swc initial reservoir pressure to a reasonably lower limit and
calculate Bo(P), Co(P), and ∆P = (Pi –P) corresponding to the
(III) Average Reservoir Pressure Decline Rate selected pressure values. The decrement can be 100 psi or
(A) Constant Rate Depletion other appropriate values. For example, Pi may be 5000 psi
Under pseudo-steady state condition, if production rate is and the next several points could be 4900 psi, 4800 psi, etc.
approximately constant, then equation (4) can be used to
estimate the decline rate of average reservoir pressure, Pavg, Gas Reservoirs
from the decline rate of flowing bottom hole pressure, Pwf. (I) Material Balance Equations for Cumulative Fluid
For gas reservoirs, the material balance equation with constant
 dP   dP 
 dt  =  = cons tan t (4) Cf is represented by equation (7).
Pavg  dt  Pwf

 Pi  
 Z 
 
(B) Variable Rate or Constant Bottom Hole Pressure  i 
 G p
Under pseudo-steady state condition, if production rate
fluctuates or flowing bottom hole pressure is approximately
  Pi
− P

 
Zi 
( )
Z 
 (7)
G =
 
( )
constant such as pumping wells, then equation (5) describes
the relationship between the decline rate of average reservoir  P   S wc C w + C f 
1+  Z
 ∆P
pressure and that of flowing bottom hole pressure.
  Pi − P

  Z i 
( )   1 − S wc
Z 

 dPwf   dPwf   dPavg   dPwf* 

       
 dt        Assuming the initial condition, surface production rates,
 Q(i −1)  dt  Q(i )  dt Q(i +1)  dt Q(i +1) and PVT data are available, then equation (7) contains two
= = = (5)
unknowns: G, the initial gas in place, and P/Z at reservoir
Q(i −1) Q(i ) Q(i +1) Q(i +1)
where P*wf is the corrected Pwf that we are trying to solve (II) Material Balance of Gas Production Rate
and Q(i) is the production rate at t=ti. Assuming no water influx and negligible water production, the
material balance equation of gas production rate at reservoir
P*wf can be calculated from equation (6), which is a finite condition is represented by equation (8).
difference form of equation (5).
 2P 
Q 
 Pwf (i ) − Pwf (i − 1)   Pwf (i + 1) − Pwf (i ) 
 Z  (8)
    G = Gp +
 t (i ) − t (i − 1)  =  t (i + 1) − t (i )  (6)
 dm ( P ) 
 
1 / 2[Q (i ) + Q (i − 1)] 1 / 2[Q (i + 1) + Q (i )]  dt a 

where m(P) is defined in equation (9) and ta is pseudo-time

A plot of P*wf vs. time allows us to estimate dP*avg/dt.
defined in equation (10).
Solution Algorithm for Oil Reservoirs
p pdp
Equations (1) and (2) can be solved simultaneously to obtain m( p ) = 2 ∫ (9)
initial oil in place, N, and average reservoir pressure, Pavg, po µZ
according to the following steps.
(i) Plot Pwf vs. time and apply equation (4) to obtain dP/dt for
t dt
constant rate production
t a = ∫t (10)
(ii) For variable production rate or constant bottom hole
pressure, first use equation (6) to calculate P*wf, then plot P*wf
µ gCt
vs. time to obtain d P*wf/dt.
(iii) Plot N as a function of pressure P from equation (1) Equation (8) is valid at any time t or ta. If surface
(iv) Plot N as a function of P from equation (2) on the same production data, PVT data, and Ct are available, then equation
figure of step (iii) (8) contains three unknowns: G, P, and dm(P)/dta. In equation

(9), Po is a low base pressure (14.7 psia) and P is the  m[ Pwf ](i ) − m[ Pwf ]( i − 1) 
prevailing Pwf or Pavg of interest. In theory dm(P)/dta should be  
evaluated at Pavg , which is often unknown. The link between  t a (i ) − t a (i − 1) 
[dm(P)/dta] at Pavg and [dm(P)/dta] at Pwf is described in next 0.5[Q(i ) + Q(i −1) ] (15)
 m[ Pwf* ] (i +1) − m[ Pwf ](i ) 
 
(III) Reservoir Pressure Decline Rate
 t a (i + 1) − t a (i ) 
(A) Constant Production depletion =
For gas reservoirs, the average reservoir pressure decline rate 0.5[Q(i +1) + Q(i ) ]
satisfies equation (11) under pseudo steady state condition.
Solution Algorithm for Gas Reservoirs
 ∂m( p )   ∂m( p )  Equations (7) and (8) can be solved simultaneously to obtain
  =  (11) initial gas in place, G, and average reservoir pressure, Pavg ,
 ∂ta  Pavg  ∂ta  Pwf according to the following steps.
(i) Plot m(Pwf) vs. pseudo-time ta and then apply equation (11)
A Cartesian plot of m(Pwf) vs. pseudo time ta will yield a to obtain dm(P)/dta for constant rate production
straight line under pseudo-steady state condition and its slope (ii) For variable production rate or constant bottom hole
will be the same as that of dm(Pavg)/dta. Computation of ta pressure, use equation (15) to calculate P*wf, then plot P*wf vs.
follows the formula proposed by Agarwal (2) as shown in time to obtain d P*wf/dt.
equations (12) and (13). (iii) Plot G as a function of pressure P from equation (7)
(iv) Plot G as a function of P from equation (8) on the chart of
(t − t j −1 ) step (iii)
[I ( P ) − I ( P )]
t a ( P) ≈ ∑
(v) The intersection point of the two curves, i.e. equations (7)
j =1 (Pj − Pj −1 )
j j −1 (12)
and (8) will yield G and Pavg simultaneously since both
equations represent the same reservoir.
The integral I(P) is given below
Five examples were studied to validate this new method.
p dP
I ( P ) = ∫p (13)
Reservoir simulation was used to generate production history
µ g ( p )C t ( p ) and flowing bottom hole pressure, and average reservoir
pressure. Production data and flowing bottom hole pressure
were used to determine initial fluid in place and average
(B) Constant Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure pressure at various depletion stages by constructing one plot of
For constant flowing bottom hole pressure with variable material balance for cumulative production and another plot
production rate, the decline rate of average reservoir is zero, for production rate under pseudo steady state condition. The
which renders equation (10) non-functional. Then the pressure calculated reservoir pressure and initial fluid in place were
decline rate can be calculated from the following equations: then compared to that derived from simulation.
The theory was tested for (a) Cartesian coordinate system,
 dm(Pwf )   dm(Pwf )   dm(Pavg)  examples 1, 2, and 5, and (b) cylindrical coordinate system,
      examples 3, and 4. The problems tested include production
 dta Q( i −1)  dta Q(i )  dta Q(i +1) using vertical and horizontal wells and permeability ranging
= =
Q(i −1) Q(i ) Q(i +1) (14) from 1 md to 40 md. In all the plots, a blue curve is used for
the materiel balance of cumulative production and a red curve
 dm(P ) 
 wf
 is used for the material balance of production rate under
 dta  pseudo steady state condition.
 Q(i +1)
Q(i +1) Example 1: Horizontal Well in Oil Reservoir,
Constant Production Rate
where P*wf is the corrected Pwf which we are trying to Reservoir parameters used in simulation:
solve. Grid number: Nx * Ny * Nz = 50 x 50 x 5 = 12500
Grid size: ∆X = 107.24 ft; ∆Y = 105.87 ft; ∆Z = 46 ft
P*wf can be calculated from equation (15), which is a finite Well Location: I = 21 –30; J = 26 – 26; K = 3
difference form of equation (14). Well Length: 1,000 ft
Porosity: 0.15
Permeability: Kx = Ky = 40 md; Kz = 4 md
Top of structure: 10,000 ft subsea

Initial pressure: 5,340 psia at 11,530 ft subsea of 44 MMSTB and the corresponding reservoir pressure in
Swi: 0.532 excellent agreement with that calculated by reservoir
Co: 2.75E-5 simulation, (Pavg at t=456 and 1004 days highlighted in red in
Cw: 3.0E-6 table 4).
Cf: 4.0E-6
Oil gravity: 50 0API Example 3: Vertical Gas Well with Constant
T f: 263 0F Production Rate
Tubing diameter: 4.5 inches Reservoir parameters used in simulation:
THP limit: 400 psia Grid Number = Nr *Nθ *Nz = 20 * 1*5 = 100
Qo: 6000 STB/D Initial Pressure = 6,696 psia at 10,000 ft subsea
Initial Oil in Place: 44 MM STB Well Location: at the center of a circle
Skin factor: 0 r w: 0.375 ft
r(i+1)/r(i) : 1.5
PVT properties are listed in Table 1. Table 2 shows the Perforation: 125 ft
simulated production rates (QGP, CGP, QOP, COP), tubing Porosity: 0.151
head (THP), flowing bottom hole (Pwf), and reservoir Permeability: 2 md isotropic
pressures (Pavg) at various depletion stages. Table 3 shows Bo Top of structure: 10,000 ft subsea
and analysis of production data at three selected times: (1) t = Initial pressure: 6696 psia at 10,000 ft subsea
273 days, designated as point A, (2) t = 456 days, point B, and Swi: 0.4
(3) t = 639 days, point C. Cw: 2.6E-6
In table 3 the header N(MB) denotes initial oil in place Cf: 4.5E-6
calculated by material balance equation [eq. (1) for oil and eq. Gas gravity: 0.664
(7) for gas] and N(PSS) denotes initial oil in place calculated T f: 231 0F
by material balance of production rate [eq. (2) for oil and eq. Tubing diameter: 4 inches
(8) for gas]. The same notation is also used in gas reservoirs. THP limit: 300 psia
The decline rate of flowing bottom hole pressure is shown Qg: 2.0 MM SCF/D
in figure 1, which has a slope of 3.5498 psi/day. Plots of Initial Gas in Place: 24 BSCF
material balance and pseudo steady state equations are shown Skin Factor: 0
in figure 2 for t=273 days and figure 3 for t=639 days. The
intersection point gives the original gas in place (OGIP) of 44 Table 6 shows the simulated production rates, tubing head,
MMSTB and the corresponding reservoir pressure in excellent flowing bottom hole, and reservoir pressures. Since this is a
agreement with that calculated by reservoir simulation (Pavg at gas reservoir, pseudo pressure and pseudo time need to be
t=273 and 639 days highlighted in red in table 2). The plot for calculated first as shown in table 7. Table 8 shows the
t=456 days was omitted to save space. However, it can be analysis of simulated production data at t = 821 days (point 1),
shown to yield the same OGIP if one plot it in the same way 1096 days (point 2), and 1826 days (point 3), respectively.
as that in figures 2 and 3. In table 8, the header G(MB) and G(PSS) denote that the
initial gas in place is calculated from material balance of
Example 2: Vertical Well in Oil Reservoir, Constant cumulative production and instaneous production rate
Production Rate (pseudo-steady state theory), respectively. The same notation
Reservoir parameters used in simulation are the same as those is also used in table 11, example 4.
in example 1 except the well location. Figures 7 and 8 show plots of pseudo pressure m(Pwf) and
m(Pavg) vs. pseudo time, respectively. The slope in figure 7 is
Well Location: I = 26 – 26; J = 26 – 26; K = 1- 5 1.0366 psi/d and the slope in figure 8 is 0.9991 psi/d. The
Perforation: 230 ft agreement between the slopes calculated from
Qo: 2500 STB/D [dm(Pwf)/dta(Pwf)] and [dm(Pavg)]/dta(Pavg)] is a proof of the
validity of equation (11). Plots of material balance and pseudo
Table 4 shows the simulated production rates, tubing head steady state equations are shown in figure 9 for t=821 days
pressures, flowing bottom hole pressures, and reservoir and figure 10 for t = 1826 days. The intersection point gives
pressures at various depletion stages. Table 5 shows PVT the original gas in place (OGIP) of 24 BSCF and the
data and analysis of production data at three selected times at t corresponding reservoir pressure in excellent agreement with
= 456, 731, and 1004 days, respectively. that calculated by reservoir simulation, (Pavg at t=821 and 1826
The decline rate of flowing bottom hole pressure is shown days in table 6).
in figure 4, which has a slope of 1.47 psia/day. The plots of
material balance and pseudo steady state equations are shown
in figure 5 for t = 456 days and in figure 6 for t= 1004 days.
The intersection point gives the original gas in place (OGIP)

Example 4: Vertical Gas Well with Constant Flowing Tubing diameter: 3.5 inches
Bottom Hole Pressure THP limit: 300 psia
This example consists of three flow regimes. It started with Qg: 10 MM SCF/D
constant surface production rate, followed by variable rates at Initial Gas in Place: 34 BSCF
constant flowing bottom hole pressure, then returned to Skin Factor: 0
constant rate production. All basic data are the same as that
used in example 3 except the production rate, which were Table 12 shows the simulated production rates, THP, Pwf
increased from 2 MMSCF/D to 3 MMSCF/D. and Pavg at various depletion stages. Table 13 shows
Table 9 shows the simulated production rates, tubing head, calculated PVT properties as a function of pressure and table
flowing bottom hole, and reservoir pressures. Notice that a 14 shows the analysis of production data at t=579, 1034, and
good part of THP in table 9 has zero values, which was 1491 days, respectively. The pseudo steady state, decline rate
omitted by the simulator when production mode switched of flowing bottom hole pressure is shown in figure 17 and the
from rate constraint to bottom hole pressure constraint. It is plots of material balance and pseudo steady state equations are
an artificial effect and the true THP is not zero but simply did shown in figure 18 for t=579 days and in figure 19 for t=1491
not get printed out. Table 10 shows detailed information on days. The intersection point gives the original gas in place
how to convert constant Pwf into corrected P*wf. In table 10, (OGIP) of 34 BSCF and the corresponding reservoir pressure
the column labeled with dta(P*wf) denotes the value of ta in excellent agreement with that calculated by reservoir
calculated for the time interval between tj-1 and tj. The last simulation, (Pavg at t=579 and 1491 days highlighted in red in
column in table 10 is the summation of ta from t=0 to any t in table 12).
future, i.e. it is the sum of ∆ta(P*wf) over time.
Table 11 shows PVT data and analysis of production data Conclusions
at t = 517 days (point 1), 670 days (point 2), and 1065 days 1. A total of five examples were investigated for
(point 3), respectively. Figure 11 shows simulated production production from vertical and horizontal wells with constant
rate and flowing bottom hole pressure vs. time, and figure 12 production rate or constant flowing bottom hole pressure
presents the corrected flowing bottom hole pressure, P*wf, constraints. The calculated initial-fluid-in-place and average
transformed from true Pwf derived from reservoir simulation. reservoir pressures agree very well with that derived from
The transformed P*wf is essentially parallel to Pavg as shown in reservoir simulation.
figure 12. Figures 13 and 14 show plots of corrected Pwf vs. 2. The advantages of this new method include (a) requiring
time and the best fit of a straight line for each of the first two no knowledge of drainage area or shape factors in estimating
producing regimes, respectively. Figure 15 presents a plot of average reservoir pressure, (b) being less prone to data error
material balance and pseudo steady state equations of one data by analyzing production data over a longer period of time, and
point selected from the first constant rate flow regime and (c) not invoking any decline curves.
figure 16 shows similar plot for one data point selected from 3. This new method is useful in analyzing surface
the flow period with constant flowing bottom hole pressure. production data under the following conditions: (a) reservoirs
The intersection point yields an OGIP of 24 BSCF and the significantly lacking data, (b) buildup tests are inconclusive in
corresponding reservoir pressure in excellent agreement with determining average pressure, (c) buildup tests are expensive
that calculated by reservoir simulation, (Pavg at t=517 and 670 or difficult to run such as wells in tight and over-pressured
days highlighted in red in table 9). reservoirs or with subsea completions.

Example 5: Horizontal Well in Gas Reservoir Nomenclature

Reservoir parameters used in simulation: Bg = gas formation volume factor, RB/SCF
Grid number: Nx * Ny * Nz = 60 x 13 x 10 = 7800 Bo = oil formation volume factor, RB/STB
Grid size: ∆X = 196.85 ft; ∆Y = 164.04 ft; Boi = initial oil formation volume factor, B/STB
∆Z = 29.53 ft Cf = rock compressibility, 1/psi
Well Location: I = 20 – 42; J = 4 – 4; K = 4 - 4 Co = oil compressibility, 1/psi
Well length: 4526 ft Cw = water compressibility, 1/psi
Porosity: 0.12 G = original gas in place, SCF
Permeability: Kx = Ky = 1.1 md; Kz = 0.077 md Gp = produced wellhead gas, SCF
Top of structure: 10482 ft subsea N = initial oil in place, STB
Initial pressure: 4550 psia at 10570 ft subsea Np = cumulative produced oil, STB
Swi: 0.64 P = pressure, psia
Cw: 2.6E-6 Qg =gas production, MMSCF/D
Cf: 4.5E-6 Qo = oil production, STB/D
Gas gravity: 0.664 Swc = connate water saturation
T f: 231 0F Tf = reservoir temperature, 0F
Tsc = temperature at standard condition, 0R

We = water influx, RB
Wp = water production, RB Table 1: PVT Properties of Example 1
Z = gas compressibility factor P Bo Rs Uo
Psia rb/stb scf/stb cp
6000 1.789 1300 0.28
Greeks 5500 1.807 1300 0.27
µ = viscosity 5345 1.813 1300 0.27
5000 1.826 1300 0.27
4500 1.849 1300 0.26
Abbreviation 4000 1.875 1300 0.26
BHP = bottom hole pressure 3500 1.905 1300 0.25
CGP = cumulative gas production 3000 1.942 1300 0.24
COP = cumulative oil production 2885 1.951 1300 0.24
QGP = gas production rate 2600 1.791 1064 0.25
2250 1.650 845 0.27
QOP = oil production rate
1800 1.509 618 0.29
QWP = water production rate 1300 1.380 410 0.31
THP = tubing head pressure, psia 800 1.265 221 0.34
400 1.155 38 0.39
The author thanks Unocal for permission to publish this paper. Table 2: Simulated Production Data, THP, and Pwf of Example 1
References dd/mm/yy days mscf/d mmscf B/D mstb psia psia psia
1. Wang, S. W., “Simultaneous Determination of reservoir 1/4/1999 90 7800 702 6000 540 5040 1818 4824
Pressure and Initial Fluid-in-Place from Production data 1/7/1999 181 7800 1412 6000 1086 4732 1578 4515
1/10/1999 273 7800 2129 6000 1638 4414 1368 4197
and Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure – Theory”, SPE-
1/1/2000 365 7800 2847 6000 2190 4091 1164 3873
70061, SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery 1/4/2000 456 7800 3557 6000 2736 3766 995 3548
Conference, Midland, Texas, 15-16 May 2001. 1/7/2000 547 7800 4267 6000 3282 3434 822 3216
2. Agarwal, R. G., “Real gas Pseudo Time – A New 1/10/2000 639 7800 4984 6000 3834 3093 636 2875
Function for Pressure Buildup Analysis of MHF Gas 1/1/2001 731 7506 5674 6000 4386 2911 527 2676
Wells”, SPE fall meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1/4/2001 821 7887 6371 6000 4926 2861 469 2569
1979. 1/7/2001 912 9127 7172 5854 5465 2790 400 2390
1/10/2001 1004 8431 7949 4762 5920 2724 400 2337
1/1/2002 1096 8712 8744 4267 6323 2657 400 2259
1/7/2002 1277 9146 10374 3584 7015 2529 400 2142
1/1/2003 1461 9124 12065 2996 7606 2402 400 2057
1/7/2003 1642 8660 13668 2519 8093 2290 400 1987
1/1/2004 1826 7792 15167 2125 8511 2200 400 1938
1/1/2005 2192 5780 17616 1444 9146 2060 400 1875
1/1/2006 2557 0 18903 0 9461 1990 0 0
1/1/2007 2922 0 18903 0 9461 1991 0 0
1/1/2008 3287 0 18903 0 9461 1991 0 0
1/1/2009 3653 0 18903 0 9461 1992 0 0

Table 3: Analysis of Production Data, Horizontal Well, Example 1

Point A Point A Point B Point B Point C Point C
Pavg Bo N(PSS) N(MB) N(PSS) N(MB) N(PSS) N(MB)
Psia rb/stb mm stb mm stb mm stb mm stb mm stb mm stb
5345 1.8130 44.5 45.6 46.7
5100 1.8222 44.5 170.3 45.6 284.5 46.7 398.6
4900 1.8306 44.5 94.2 45.6 157.3 46.7 220.5
4700 1.8398 44.5 65.3 45.6 109.1 46.7 152.9
4500 1.8490 44.5 50.1 45.6 83.7 46.7 117.3
4300 1.8594 44.5 40.7 45.6 68.1 46.7 95.4
4100 1.8698 44.5 34.4 45.6 57.4 46.7 80.5
3900 1.8810 44.5 29.8 45.6 49.8 46.7 69.8
3700 1.8930 44.5 26.3 45.6 44.0 46.7 61.7
3500 1.9050 44.5 23.6 45.6 39.5 46.7 55.3
3300 1.9198 44.5 21.5 45.6 35.9 46.7 50.3
3100 1.9346 44.5 19.7 45.6 33.0 46.7 46.2
2900 1.9498 44.5 18.3 45.6 30.5 46.7 42.7

Table 4: Simulated Production Data, THP, and Pwf of Example 2 2557 1/1/2006 2000 5114 3626 4531 4686
2922 1/1/2007 2000 5844 3423 4294 4451
3287 1/1/2008 2000 6574 3227 4065 4225
dd/mm/yy days mscf/d mmscf b/d mstb psia psia psia
3653 1/1/2009 2000 7306 3039 3846 4008
1/4/1999 90 3250 292 2500 225 2017 5052 5216
1/7/1999 181 3250 588 2500 453 1905 4925 5089
1/10/1999 273 3250 887 2500 683 1867 4796 4960 Table 7: Values of m(P) and I(P) of Example 3
1/1/2000 365 3250 1186 2500 913 1837 4666 4830 P Z Ug m(P) Cg Ct I(P)
1/4/2000 456 3250 1482 2500 1140 1796 4536 4701 Psia cp psi^2/cp 1/psi 1/psi psi^2/cp
1/7/2000 547 3250 1778 2500 1368 1732 4406 4570 14.7 1.000 0.0140 0.00E+00
1/10/2000 639 3250 2077 2500 1598 1651 4273 4437 300 0.978 0.0142 6.45E+06 3.41E-03 3.41E-03 2.94E+06
1/1/2001 731 3250 2376 2500 1828 1573 4139 4304 800 0.946 0.0148 4.58E+07 1.31E-03 1.32E-03 2.09E+07
1/4/2001 821 3250 2668 2500 2053 1511 4007 4172 1000 0.935 0.0151 7.15E+07 1.05E-03 1.06E-03 3.23E+07
1/7/2001 912 3250 2964 2500 2280 1454 3872 4038 1200 0.926 0.0154 1.02E+08 8.81E-04 8.90E-04 4.58E+07
1/10/2001 1004 3250 3263 2500 2510 1404 3735 3901 1400 0.918 0.0158 1.39E+08 7.54E-04 7.63E-04 6.14E+07
1/1/2002 1096 3250 3562 2500 2740 1359 3597 3763 1600 0.911 0.0162 1.80E+08 6.56E-04 6.65E-04 7.90E+07
1/7/2002 1277 3250 4150 2500 3193 1281 3323 3489 1800 0.907 0.0166 2.25E+08 5.78E-04 5.87E-04 9.86E+07
1/1/2003 1461 3250 4748 2500 3653 1211 3040 3206 2000 0.903 0.0170 2.75E+08 5.13E-04 5.22E-04 1.20E+08
1/7/2003 1642 3169 5331 2500 4105 1164 2775 2945 2200 0.902 0.0175 3.29E+08 4.58E-04 4.68E-04 1.44E+08
1/1/2004 1826 3124 5907 2500 4565 1123 2713 2896 2400 0.902 0.0180 3.87E+08 4.12E-04 4.21E-04 1.69E+08
1/1/2005 2192 3657 7123 2500 5480 1055 2523 2793 2600 0.904 0.0185 4.47E+08 3.71E-04 3.81E-04 1.96E+08
1/1/2006 2557 4927 8708 2500 6393 992 2317 2657 2800 0.907 0.0190 5.11E+08 3.36E-04 3.45E-04 2.26E+08
1/1/2007 2922 6670 10858 2500 7305 772 2104 2488 3000 0.911 0.0196 5.77E+08 3.05E-04 3.14E-04 2.57E+08
1/1/2008 3287 7078 13515 2089 8165 400 1944 2297 3200 0.917 0.0201 6.45E+08 2.78E-04 2.87E-04 2.91E+08
1/1/2009 3653 5939 15877 1544 8816 400 1893 2155 3400 0.924 0.0207 7.15E+08 2.53E-04 2.63E-04 3.26E+08
3800 0.941 0.0218 8.60E+08 2.13E-04 2.22E-04 4.05E+08
Table 5: Analysis of Production Data of Example 2 4300 0.967 0.0232 1.05E+09 1.74E-04 1.83E-04 5.15E+08
Point A Point A Point B Point B Point C Point C 4800 0.997 0.0246 1.24E+09 1.44E-04 1.54E-04 6.40E+08
Pavg Bo N(PSS) N(MB) N(PSS) N(MB) N(PSS) N(MB) 5300 1.031 0.0260 1.44E+09 1.22E-04 1.31E-04 7.80E+08
5800 1.066 0.0273 1.64E+09 1.04E-04 1.13E-04 9.34E+08
psia rb/stb Mm stb mm stb mm stb mm stb mm stb mm stb 6300 1.104 0.0285 1.84E+09 8.95E-05 9.87E-05 1.10E+09
5345 1.8130 44.2 44.9 45.6 6500 1.120 0.0290 1.92E+09 8.49E-05 9.42E-05 1.18E+09
5100 1.8222 44.2 118.5 44.9 190.0 45.6 261.0
6650 1.131 0.0294 1.98E+09 8.15E-05 9.07E-05 1.23E+09
4900 1.8306 44.2 65.6 44.9 105.1 45.6 144.3
6696 1.135 0.0295 2.00E+09 8.05E-05 8.97E-05 1.25E+09
4700 1.8398 44.2 45.5 44.9 72.8 45.6 100.1
4500 1.8490 44.2 34.9 44.9 55.9 45.6 76.8
4300 1.8594 44.2 28.4 44.9 45.4 45.6 62.4 Table 8: Analysis of Simulated Production Data, Example 3
4100 1.8698 44.2 23.9 44.9 38.4 45.6 52.7
Point-1 Point-1 Point-2 Point-2 Point-3 Point-3
3900 1.8810 44.2 20.7 44.9 33.2 45.6 45.7
3700 1.8930 44.2 18.3 44.9 29.4 45.6 40.4
3500 1.9050 44.2 16.5 44.9 26.4 45.6 36.2
6650 397.3 24.3 530.4 24.9 883.7 26.3
3300 1.9198 44.2 15.0 44.9 24.0 45.6 32.9
3100 1.9346 44.2 13.7 44.9 22.0 45.6 30.2 6500 92.3 24.0 123.2 24.6 205.3 26.1
2900 1.9498 44.2 12.7 44.9 20.4 45.6 28.0 6300 45.2 23.7 60.3 24.2 100.5 25.7
5800 19.2 22.6 25.7 23.2 42.7 24.6
5300 11.7 21.5 15.7 22.0 26.1 23.5
Table 6: Simulation Production data of Example 3
4800 8.3 20.2 11.1 20.8 18.4 22.2
TIME DATE QGP CGP THP BHP Pavg 4300 6.2 18.8 8.3 19.4 13.9 20.8
Days dd/mm/yy mscf/d mmscf psia psia psia 3800 4.9 17.2 6.6 17.8 10.9 19.2
90 1/4/1999 2000 180 5286 6467 6613 3400 4.2 15.8 5.5 16.4 9.2 17.9
181 1/7/1999 2000 362 5215 6383 6530 3200 3.8 15.1 5.1 15.7 8.5 17.1
273 1/10/1999 2000 546 5143 6300 6447 3000 3.6 14.3 4.8 14.9 7.9 16.4
365 1/1/2000 2000 730 5072 6217 6364
2800 3.3 13.6 4.4 14.1 7.4 15.6
456 1/4/2000 2000 912 5003 6137 6284
2600 3.1 12.7 4.1 13.3 6.9 14.8
547 1/7/2000 2000 1094 4935 6057 6205
2400 2.9 11.9 3.9 12.5 6.4 13.9
639 1/10/2000 2000 1278 4867 5978 6126
2200 2.7 11.1 3.6 11.6 6.0 13.1
731 1/1/2001 2000 1462 4800 5900 6047
2000 2.6 10.2 3.4 10.7 5.7 12.2
821 1/4/2001 2000 1642 4735 5823 5971
1800 2.4 9.3 3.2 9.8 5.4 11.3
912 1/7/2001 2000 1824 4669 5747 5895
1600 2.3 8.4 3.1 9.0 5.1 10.4
1004 1/10/2001 2000 2008 4605 5672 5821
1400 2.2 7.5 2.9 8.1 4.8 9.5
1096 1/1/2002 2000 2192 4541 5598 5746
1200 2.1 6.6 2.8 7.2 4.6 8.7
1277 1/7/2002 2000 2554 4420 5457 5606
1000 2.0 5.8 2.6 6.3 4.4 7.8
1461 1/1/2003 2000 2922 4299 5316 5466
800 1.9 4.9 2.5 5.5 4.2 6.9
1642 1/7/2003 2000 3284 4182 5179 5330
300 1.7 2.8 2.3 3.4 3.8 4.8
1826 1/1/2004 2000 3652 4066 5044 5195
2192 1/1/2005 2000 4384 3840 4781 4934

Table 9: Simulated Production Data of Example 4 609 5700 5674 1.58E+09 8.92E+08 9.82E+06 2.08E+08
639 5700 5643 1.57E+09 8.83E+08 9.44E+06 2.17E+08
670 5700 5616 1.56E+09 8.74E+08 9.70E+06 2.27E+08
dd/mm/yy days mscf/D mmscf psia psia psia
700 5700 5594 1.55E+09 8.67E+08 9.34E+06 2.36E+08
1/1/1999 0 0 0 6696 6696 6696
731 5700 5574 1.54E+09 8.61E+08 9.62E+06 2.46E+08
1/4/1999 90 3000 270 5197 6352 6572
762 5548 5548 1.53E+09 8.53E+08 9.57E+06 2.55E+08
1/7/1999 181 3000 543 5090 6228 6448
790 5513 5513 1.52E+09 8.42E+08 8.59E+06 2.64E+08
1/10/1999 273 3000 819 4984 6104 6325
821 5476 5476 1.51E+09 8.31E+08 9.45E+06 2.73E+08
1/1/2000 365 3000 1095 4881 5983 6204
851 5441 5441 1.49E+09 8.20E+08 9.08E+06 2.83E+08
1/2/2000 396 3000 1188 4846 5943 6164
882 5405 5405 1.48E+09 8.10E+08 9.31E+06 2.92E+08
1/3/200 425 3000 1275 4814 5906 6127
1/4/2000 456 3000 1368 4780 5866 6087 912 5370 5370 1.46E+09 7.99E+08 8.95E+06 3.01E+08
1/5/2000 486 3000 1458 4747 5827 6049 943 5334 5334 1.45E+09 7.89E+08 9.18E+06 3.10E+08
974 5298 5298 1.43E+09 7.78E+08 9.11E+06 3.19E+08
1/6/2000 517 3000 1551 4713 5788 6010
1004 5264 5264 1.42E+09 7.68E+08 8.75E+06 3.28E+08
1/7/2000 547 3000 1641 4681 5750 5972
1035 5229 5229 1.41E+09 7.58E+08 8.98E+06 3.37E+08
1/8/2000 578 3000 1734 0 5711 5933
5700 1065 5194 5194 1.39E+09 7.48E+08 8.63E+06 3.45E+08
1/9/2000 609 2672 1817 0 5898
5700 1096 5159 5159 1.38E+09 7.38E+08 8.85E+06 3.54E+08
1/10/2000 639 2290 1886 0 5870
5700 1127 5124 5124 1.37E+09 7.28E+08 8.79E+06 3.63E+08
1/11/2000 670 1957 1946 0 5846
5700 1155 5093 5093 1.35E+09 7.19E+08 7.88E+06 3.71E+08
1/12/2000 700 1681 1997 0 5825
5700 1186 5058 5058 1.34E+09 7.09E+08 8.67E+06 3.80E+08
1/1/2001 731 1438 2041 0 5807
1216 5025 5025 1.33E+09 7.00E+08 8.33E+06 3.88E+08
1/2/2001 762 3000 2134 0 5548 5770
1/3/2001 790 3000 2218 0 5513 5736 1247 4991 4991 1.31E+09 6.91E+08 8.54E+06 3.97E+08
1/4/2001 821 3000 2311 0 5476 5700 1277 4958 4958 1.30E+09 6.82E+08 8.21E+06 4.05E+08
1/5/2001 851 3000 2401 0 5441 5665 1461 4758 4758 1.22E+09 6.29E+08 4.91E+07 4.54E+08
1642 4567 4567 1.14E+09 5.80E+08 4.62E+07 5.00E+08
1/6/2001 882 3000 2494 0 5405 5629
1826 4383 4383 1.07E+09 5.35E+08 4.50E+07 5.45E+08
1/7/2001 912 3000 2584 0 5370 5594
2192 4030 4030 9.37E+08 4.54E+08 8.39E+07 6.29E+08
1/8/2001 943 3000 2677 0 5334 5559
2557 3700 3700 8.14E+08 3.85E+08 7.66E+07 7.05E+08
1/9/2001 974 3000 2770 0 5298 5523
2922 3385 3385 7.01E+08 3.24E+08 7.01E+07 7.76E+08
1/10/2001 1004 3000 2860 0 5264 5489
3287 3082 3082 5.97E+08 2.71E+08 6.40E+07 8.40E+08
1/11/2001 1035 3000 2953 0 5229 5454
3653 3000 3000 5.70E+08 2.57E+08 6.04E+07 9.00E+08
1/12/2001 1065 3000 3043 0 5194 5420
1/1/2002 1096 3000 3136 0 5159 5385
1/2/2002 1127 3000 3229 0 5124 5350
1/3/2002 1155 3000 3313 0 5093 5319
1/4/2002 1186 3000 3406 0 5058 5285
1/5/2002 1216 3000 3496 0 5025 5252 Table 11:Analysis of Production Data, Example 4
1/6/2002 1247 3000 3589 0 4991 5218 Point-1 Point-1 Point-2 Point-2 Point-3 Point-3
1/7/2002 1277 3000 3679 0 4958 5185 P G(MB) G(PSS) G(MB) G(PSS) G(MB) G(PSS)
1/1/2003 1461 3000 4231 0 4758 4988
1/7/2003 1642 3000 4774 0 4567 4798
6650 375.3 24.3 470.9 24.0 736.3 25.0
1/1/2004 1826 3000 5326 0 4383 4617
6500 87.2 24.0 109.4 23.7 171.1 24.8
1/1/2005 2192 3000 6424 0 4030 4270
6300 42.7 23.7 53.5 23.4 83.7 24.4
1/1/2006 2557 3000 7519 0 3700 3946
5800 18.1 22.6 22.8 22.4 35.6 23.4
1/1/2007 2922 3000 8614 0 3385 3639
5300 11.1 21.5 13.9 21.2 21.7 22.3
1/1/2008 3287 3000 9709 0 3082 3346
4800 7.8 20.2 9.8 20.0 15.3 21.1
1/1/2009 3653 1488 10546 0 3000 3135
4300 5.9 18.8 7.4 18.6 11.6 19.7
3800 4.6 17.2 5.8 17.1 9.1 18.2
3400 3.9 15.8 4.9 15.8 7.7 16.8
3200 3.6 15.1 4.6 15.0 7.1 16.1
Table 10: Calculation of Corrected Pwf of Example 4 3000 3.4 14.3 4.2 14.3 6.6 15.4
2800 3.1 13.5 3.9 13.5 6.1 14.6
time BHP P*wf (x) m(P*wf) I(P*wf) dTa(P*wf) Ta(P*wf) 2600 2.9 12.7 3.7 12.7 5.7 13.8
days psia 2400 2.7 11.9 3.4 11.9 5.4 13.0
0 6696 6696 1.98E+09 1.25E+09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2200 2.6 11.0 3.2 11.1 5.0 12.2
90 6352 6352 1.85E+09 1.12E+09 3.32E+07 3.32E+07 2000 2.4 10.1 3.0 10.3 4.7 11.3
181 6228 6228 1.80E+09 1.08E+09 3.22E+07 6.54E+07 1800 2.3 9.2 2.9 9.4 4.5 10.5
273 6104 6104 1.75E+09 1.03E+09 3.19E+07 9.73E+07 1600 2.2 8.4 2.7 8.5 4.2 9.6
365 5983 5983 1.71E+09 9.93E+08 3.11E+07 1.28E+08 1400 2.1 7.5 2.6 7.7 4.0 8.8
396 5943 5943 1.69E+09 9.79E+08 1.03E+07 1.39E+08 1200 2.0 6.6 2.5 6.8 3.8 7.9
425 5906 5906 1.68E+09 9.67E+08 9.60E+06 1.48E+08 1000 1.9 5.7 2.3 6.0 3.7 7.0
456 5866 5866 1.66E+09 9.54E+08 1.02E+07 1.59E+08 800 1.8 4.8 2.3 5.1 3.5 6.2
486 5827 5827 1.65E+09 9.41E+08 9.79E+06 1.68E+08 300 1.6 2.7 2.0 3.1 3.2 4.2
517 5788 5788 1.63E+09 9.29E+08 1.00E+07 1.78E+08
547 5750 5750 1.61E+09 9.16E+08 9.65E+06 1.88E+08
578 5711 5711 1.60E+09 9.04E+08 9.89E+06 1.98E+08

Table 12: Simulated Production Data of Example 5 Table 13 : PVT Properties of Example 5
Date Time QWP QGP CGP THP Pwf Pavg P Z Ug Cg Ct
mm/dd/yyyy days stb/d mscf/d mmscf psia Psia psia Psia cp 1/psi 1/psi
06/01/2000 0 0.0 0 0 0 4535 4539 4538 0.9810 0.0240 1.5792E-04 1.7627E-04
06/02/2000 1 2.3 10000 10 4009 4476 4537 4400 0.9728 0.0235 1.6779E-04 1.8491E-04
06/05/2000 4 2.3 10000 40 3985 4458 4532 4200 0.9614 0.0229 1.8095E-04 1.9807E-04
06/14/2000 13 2.3 10000 130 3948 4425 4518 4000 0.9508 0.0224 1.9603E-04 2.1315E-04
07/11/2000 40 2.3 10000 400 3867 4352 4475 3800 0.9410 0.0218 2.1304E-04 2.3016E-04
09/30/2000 121 2.5 10000 1210 3679 4183 4351 3600 0.9320 0.0213 2.3207E-04 2.4919E-04
01/01/2001 214 2.6 10000 2140 3490 4012 4211 3400 0.9240 0.0207 2.5348E-04 2.7060E-04
04/01/2001 304 2.8 10000 3045 3323 3860 4077 3200 0.9170 0.0201 2.7764E-04 2.9476E-04
07/01/2001 395 3.0 10000 3950 3165 3716 3946 3000 0.9112 0.0196 3.0496E-04 3.2208E-04
10/01/2001 487 3.2 10000 4870 3008 3574 3815 2800 0.9067 0.0190 3.3597E-04 3.5309E-04
01/01/2002 579 3.4 10000 5790 2855 3435 3685 2600 0.9036 0.0185 3.7130E-04 3.8842E-04
04/01/2002 669 3.6 10000 6695 2706 3300 3559 2400 0.9019 0.0180 4.1175E-04 4.2887E-04
07/01/2002 760 3.8 10000 7600 2562 3169 3435 2200 0.9018 0.0175 4.5846E-04 4.7558E-04
10/01/2002 852 4.0 10000 8520 2415 3036 3310 2000 0.9033 0.0170 5.1299E-04 5.3011E-04
01/01/2003 944 4.3 10000 9440 2269 2903 3186 1800 0.9065 0.0166 5.7763E-04 5.9475E-04
04/01/2003 1,034 4.5 10000 10345 2127 2774 3065 1600 0.9113 0.0162 6.5594E-04 6.7306E-04
07/01/2003 1,125 4.8 10000 11250 1985 2645 2946 1400 0.9178 0.0158 7.5366E-04 7.7078E-04
10/01/2003 1,217 5.2 10000 12170 1840 2513 2825 1200 0.9258 0.0154 8.8051E-04 8.9763E-04
01/01/2004 1,309 5.6 10000 13090 1695 2381 2705 1000 0.9352 0.0151 1.0542E-03 1.0713E-03
04/01/2004 1,400 6.1 10000 14000 1550 2249 2587 800 0.9460 0.0148 1.3104E-03 1.3276E-03
07/01/2004 1,491 6.8 10000 14910 1404 2116 2470 600 0.9580 0.0145 1.7326E-03 1.7498E-03
10/01/2004 1,583 7.6 10000 15830 1255 1980 2351 400 0.9711 0.0143 2.5700E-03 2.5871E-03
01/01/2005 1,675 8.8 10000 16750 1102 1841 2233 200 0.9851 0.0141 5.0735E-03 5.0906E-03
04/01/2005 1,765 10.4 10000 17655 942 1701 2116 100 0.9925 0.0140 1.0075E-02 1.0092E-02
07/01/2005 1,856 12.7 10000 18560 757 1556 1999
10/01/2005 1,948 15.9 10000 19480 521 1403 1880 Table 14: Analysis of Production Data of Example 5
01/01/2006 2,040 18.6 9342 20340 400 1271 1768
04/01/2006 2,130 20.7 8384 21098 400 1166 1668 Point A Point A Point B Point B Point C Point C
07/01/2006 2,221 23.0 7544 21781 400 1075 1577 P G(pss) G(MB) G(pss) G(MB) G(pss) G(MB)
10/01/2006 2,313 25.4 6791 22406 400 992 1494 psia BSCF BSCF BSCF BSCF BSCF BSCF
01/01/2007 2,405 27.8 6125 22969 400 920 1419
04/01/2007 2,495 30.1 5544 23471 400 856 1351 4538
07/01/2007 2,586 32.3 5026 23926 400 800 1289 4400 42.6 235.9 47.1 421.2 51.7 607.4
10/01/2007 2,678 34.1 4500 24340 400 753 1232 4200 40.4 94.8 45.0 169.3 49.6 244.1
01/01/2008 2,770 35.7 4043 24712 400 712 1180 4000 38.5 58.5 43.0 104.5 47.6 150.7
04/01/2008 2,861 37.2 3650 25044 400 677 1134 3800 36.5 41.9 41.0 74.9 45.6 108.0
07/01/2008 2,952 38.4 3307 25345 400 647 1092 3600 34.8 32.5 39.3 58.0 43.9 83.6
3400 33.0 26.3 37.6 47.0 42.1 67.8
3200 31.4 22.0 35.9 39.3 40.5 56.7
3000 30.0 18.9 34.5 33.7 39.1 48.6
2800 28.6 16.4 33.2 29.4 37.7 42.3
2600 27.5 14.5 32.0 25.9 36.6 37.4
2400 26.4 13.0 31.0 23.2 35.6 33.4
2200 25.5 11.7 30.1 20.9 34.7 30.2
2000 24.8 10.7 29.3 19.1 33.9 27.5
1800 24.2 9.8 28.7 17.5 33.3 25.2
1600 23.7 9.1 28.3 16.2 32.9 23.3
1400 23.4 8.4 27.9 15.0 32.5 21.7
1200 23.1 7.9 27.7 14.1 32.2 20.3
1000 23.0 7.4 27.6 13.2 32.2 19.0
800 23.1 7.0 27.6 12.5 32.2 18.0
600 23.1 6.6 27.7 11.8 32.2 17.1
400 23.4 6.3 27.9 11.3 32.5 16.3
200 23.7 6.0 28.2 10.8 32.8 15.5
100 23.8 5.9 28.4 10.6 32.9 15.2

Figure 1: Plot of Pwf vs. Time, Example 1 Figure 4: Plot of Pwf vs. Time of Example 2

Pressure, psia
Pwf, psia

3500 4000
y = -1.4702x + 5202.7
3000 3500 y =-1.4702x +5202.7
2500 3000
2000 2500
1500 2000
0 500 1000 1500 2000
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time. Days
Time, days

Figure 2: Plot of OOIP vs. P at 273 Days, Example 1

Figure 5: Plot of OOIP vs. P at 456 Days, Example 2
70 80
60 70
Pseudo SS
60 Pseudo SS

50 Material Bal OOIP, MM STB Material Bal

40 40
30 30
10 0
0 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500
2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 Reservoir Pressure, psia
Reservoir Pressure, psia

Figure 3: Plot of OOIPvs. Pat 639 Days, Example 1 Figure 6: Plot of OOIPvs. Pat 1004 Days, Example 2

100 100
90 90
Pseudo SS 80 Pseuso SS

70 Material bal
70 Material Bal

30 20
20 10
10 0
2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500
2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500
Reservoir Pressure, psia
Reservoir Pressure, psia

Figure 10: Plot of IGIP vs. Pavg Plot at 1826 Days, Ex 3

Figure 7: Plot of m(Pwf) vs. Ta(Pwf)
1.8E+09 Material Bal
y = -1.0366x + 2E+09 40
1.6E+09 Pseudo SS
R2 = 0.9999 35

IGIP, bscf
1.2E+09 30

1.0E+09 25
8.0E+08 20
6.0E+08 15
4.0E+08 10
2.0E+08 5
0.0E+00 2.0E+08 4.0E+08 6.0E+08 8.0E+08 1.0E+09 1.2E+09 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Ta(Pwf) Pavg, psia

Figure 8: m(Pavg) vs. Ta(Pavg) Figure 11: Plot of Gas Rate and Pwf vs. Time
2.0E+09 3500 7000
1.8E+09 6500

Qg, Gas Rate, MSCF/D

1.6E+09 6000

Pwf, psia
1.2E+09 y = -0.9991x + 2E+09

2000 5000
1.0E+09 R2 = 0.9999
1500 4500
Qg 4000
6.0E+08 1000
4.0E+08 Pwf 3500
500 3000
0.0E+00 0 2500
0.0E+0 2.0E+0 4.0E+0 6.0E+0 8.0E+0 1.0E+0 1.2E+0
0 8 8 8 8 9 9
Time, days

Figure 12: Plot of Pavg and corr Pwf vs. Time

Figure 9: Plot of IGIPvs. Pavg Plot at 821 Days, Ex3 6800

50 6600

Material Bal 6400

40 corr Pwf
Pressure, psia

Pseudo SS 6200
IGIP, bscf


20 5600


10 5200

0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000
Time, days
Pavg, psia

Figure 13: Plot of m(corr Pwf) vs. Tda(corr Pwf), Figure 16: Plot of IGIP vs. Pavg at 670 Days, Ex. 4
segment 1
1.72E+09 45
1.70E+09 40
Material Bal
1.68E+09 Pseudo SS

IGIP, bscf
m(corr Pwf)

1.66E+09 25
1.64E+09 20

1.62E+09 y = -1.5488x + 2E+09 15

R2 = 1 10
1.58E+09 0











0.0E+0 5.0E+0 1.0E+0 1.5E+0 2.0E+0 2.5E+0
0 7 8 8 8 8
Pavg, psia
tda(corr Pwf)

Figure 14: Plot of m(corr Pwf) vs. Tda(corr Pwf),

segment 2 Figure 17: Pwf vs. Time, Example 5

1.59E+09 4500
y = -1.4752x + 4302.1
Pressure, psia 3500
m(Pcorr Pwf)

1.56E+09 2000

y = -1.0416x + 2E+09 1500

R2 = 0.9918 1000

1.54E+09 500
2.0E+08 2.1E+08 2.2E+08 2.3E+08 2.4E+08 2.5E+08 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
tda(corr Pwf) Time, Days

Figure 15: IGIP vs. Pavg at 517 Days, Ex. 4 Figure 18: G vs. P Plot at 579 Days, Example 5
50 70

60 Pseudo SS
35 Material Bal Material Bal

Pseudo SS 50
IGIP, bscf

25 40
15 30
5 20











0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500
Pavg, psia
Reservoir Pressure, psia

Figure 19: G vs. P Plot at 1491 Days, Example 5


60 Pseudo SS
Material Bal





0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Reservoir Pressure, psia

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