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M I D T E R M E X A M I N A T I O N I N O R G A N I Z A T I O N A N D M A N A F E M E N T |1

Prepared by: Mr. Rogelio R. Ornido Jr

Rasay St., Toril, Davao City

Tel. No. (082) 291 – 1882 / Fax No.(082) 291-2053
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Official Website: SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL


1. Write all your answers on the Learning Activity Sheet.
2. Erasures, superimpositions, and any other form of transformation of answers are not allowed.
3. Do not write anything in the questionnaire.

Instruction: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
Skill: Knowledge/Understanding Items: 40 Items

1. Who is the proponent of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

a. Abraham Maslow c. Michael Maslow
b. George Maslow d. Andrea Maslow
2. According to Maslow, what is the first need that must be met?
a. Safety c. Belongingness
b. Esteem d. Physiological
3. According to Maslow, if a student is having a difficulty staying on task…
a. Her esteem needs are not being met.
b. Her belong needs are not being met.
c. Her physiological needs are not being met.
d. All of the above.
4. A self-actualized person is:
a. lacking autonomy but has many friends.
b. is common in the population.
c. has few peak performance.
d. a person who focuses on problems outside of themselves.
5. Maslow believed that basic needs should be met in order to move to a higher level.
a. True c. More true than false
b. False d. More false than true

6. The following are example of physiological needs except one. Which is the exception?
a. Sleep c. Shelter
b. Food d. Friends

7. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is considered to be what type of approach?

a. Behaviourist c. Psychological
b. Humanistic d. Constructivist

8. The first stage in Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs is known as the…

a. Esteem c. Psychological
b. Self-Actualization d. Social

9. The need to have structure in one’s day to day life falls under what stage of Maslow’s Hierarchy of
a. Esteem c. Psychological
b. Self-Actualization d. Social
M I D T E R M E X A M I N A T I O N I N O R G A N I Z A T I O N A N D M A N A F E M E N T |2
Prepared by: Mr. Rogelio R. Ornido Jr

10. The order of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs from bottom to top is…
a. Safety, Belonging-Love, Self Actualization, Self Esteem, and Physiological
b. Psychological, Security, Happiness, Ego, Self-actualization
c. Physiological, Safety, Belonging-love, Self-Esteem, and Self-Actualization
d. None of the above.

11. The following are considered to be intrinsic factors of Hezberg’s Two Factor Theory except one,
which is the exception?
a. achievement c. growth
b. recognition d. security

12. The following are not considered to be extrinsic factors of Hezberg’s Two Factor Theory except one,
which is the exception?
a. achievement c. growth
b. recognition d. security
13. In Alderfer’s ERG theory, R represents as…
a. relatedness c. responsibility
b. recognition d. readiness
14. Who is the main proponent of Alderfer’s ERG theory?
a. Claynton Alderfer c. Frederick Alderfer
b. Abraham Alderfer d. Mc’Joey Alderfer

15. Who is the main proponent of Hezberg’s theory?

a. Claynton Hezberg c. Frederick Hezberg
b. Abraham Hezberg d. Mc’Joey Hezberg

16. Which of the following theory predicts that employees are motivated to work well because of the
attractiveness of the rewards or benefit that may possibly receive from a job assignment?
a. Hezberg’s Theory c. Equity Theory
b. Expectancy Theory d. Alderfer’s Theory

17. Which of the following theory focuses on employees’ response?

a. Hezberg’s Theory c. Equity Theory
b. Expectancy Theory d. Alderfer’s Theory


Test II. Odd Man Out. Choose the letter of the item that does not belong to the group. Write
only the letter of the item on your answer sheet.

21. a. organization design c. rewards and recognition

b. workplace planning d. career development
22. a. passive c. dependent
b. unaware of self d. independence
23. a. achievement c. company policies
b. career development d. personal growth

24. a. recognition c. relations with others

b. job security d. rate of pay
M I D T E R M E X A M I N A T I O N I N O R G A N I Z A T I O N A N D M A N A F E M E N T |3
Prepared by: Mr. Rogelio R. Ornido Jr

25. a. personal growth c. personal life

b. company policies d. quality of supervision

26. a. rate of pay c. responsibility

b. motivational factors d. achievement

27. a. information c. alternatives

b. actions d. goals
28. a. vision c. picture
b. values d. dreams

29. a. purpose c. commitment

b. mission d. dreams
30. a. beliefs c. moral principles
b. values d. purpose
31. a. integrity c. discipline
b. compassion d. core values
32. a. strengths c. opportunities
b. weaknesses d. key result areas
33. a. threats c. harm
b. weaknesses d. strengths
34. a. business process c. employees
b. owner d. customers
35. a, specific c. attainable
b. measurable d. goals
36. a. investor c. stockholder
b. customer d. owner
37. a. strength c. opportunities
b. weaknesses d. key result areas
38. a. chaos c. political intrigues
b. fall of organizations d. performance
39. a. SSS c. PAG-IBIG
b. PhilHealth d. DOLE
40. a. shared profit c. joint and individual liability
b. disagreements d. separate legal personality

Test III. Essay. Read the case carefully and apply the management theories and concepts of
solving the problem. Write your statements legibly with no erasures. You will be
graded based on the following criteria: Content 5 and Synthesis of Learning 5.

41-50. Ricardo Cortez and Josie Hernandez were partners in a footwear factory in
Marikina. They had 200 workers in the 1990s, who helped them manufacture different
designs of shoes, slippers, etc… which they displayed and sold by the thousands in
their store at the Cubao Expo. They were considered very successful at that time.
Their footwear business slowed down when low-priced Chinese she imports
became popular in the Philippine market. Ricardo and Josie often quarrelled about
money matters and management styles. Ricardo had more entrepreneurial
characteristics: creative/innovative, flexible, updated on new trends, and was willing to
M I D T E R M E X A M I N A T I O N I N O R G A N I Z A T I O N A N D M A N A F E M E N T |4
Prepared by: Mr. Rogelio R. Ornido Jr

take risks. Josie belonged to the “old school” of businessmen we could not understand
Recardo’s propositions regarding the rehabilitation of their business: getting business
loans, introducing unique footwear designs, opening “tiangge” stalls, online selling, etc.
She was contented with the small profits they were making.
Since their business is a partnership, Ricardo cannot carry his plans without
Josie’s content. Josie’s pessimism, for him, is unacceptable and he foresees the closure
of their business in a few more years if Josie will go on with her way of thinking.
1. If you are in Recardo’s place, what will you do to solve their business problem?
Explain your answer.
2. In the future, what legal form of business would you like to set up? Explain your


(5 points) (4 points) (3 points) (1-2 points)
The work manifest The work shows
excellent content. substantial
Work shows
There’s an excellent elaboration of
elaboration of content. There are
points in the There is a need
content. only some points
content. However, to revise the
Explanations are not that need to be
there’s a entire content
Content so lengthy, but are clearly explained
substantial due to major
very detailed. There in a much detail.
number of minor enhancement of
are so many things However, there
but not so many the content.
one can learn or are many things
major revisions
understand from the one can learn or
content. understand from
the content.
The output shows
The output
The output understanding
showcases and practical There’s a need
excellent applications of to revise the
understanding and
understanding and learning, but entire output.
Synthesis practical
practical minor There’s poor
of applications of
applications of enhancement is application of
Learning learning. Theories
learning. Theories required on major theories and
are mentioned, but
are excellently areas. Theories other relevant
require little in-
included and are stated but concepts.
depth analysis and
applied. major analyses
are required.

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