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Research Methodology
Multiple Choice Questions

1- The main concept behind doing research is to

A- study and explore knowledge.
B- start with a predefined and clear-cut objectives.
C- get new ideas.
D- define clear objectives.
E- all the above.
2- In order to begin research, one must
A- start with a number of clear goals.
B- start with a number of predefined objectives.
C- have a well defined research method.
D- solve the research problem.

3- Doing research requires drafting a

working outline, which is A- having a

predefined and clear-cut objective(s).

B- planning to get answers for what, why & where type of questions.
C- having a clear idea about the research problem solution.
D- none of the above.
4- Research objectives falls into a number of categories that include
A- planning to get answers for what, why & where type of questions.
B- considering the logic behind the methods we use in the context of the
C- formulative, concept, and planning for research methods.
D- exploratory, descriptive, diagnostic and experimentation research.
5- Formulative research studies is a category of research that aims to
A- achieve new insights of a concept.

B- analyze characteristics of something.
C- determine the frequency with which something occurs.
D- test the relationship between variables.

6- Diagnostic research studies is a category of

research that aims to A- achieve new

insights of a concept.

B- analyze characteristics of something.

C- determine the frequency with which something occurs.
D- test the relationship between variables.

7- Descriptive research studies is a category of

research that aims to A- achieve new

insights of a concept.

B- analyze characteristics of something.

C- determine the frequency with which something occurs.
D- test the relationship between variables.
8- Research is considered to be more than just a way of skills, it is
A- planning to what, why and where type of questions to determine a
B- a way of critical thinking about professional aspects of related to your
C- the research methods used within the research methodology.
D- discovering the relationship between variables.
9- Research aims for finding “answers” to

“questions” it implies A- a framework

of philosophies.

B- using valid and reliable methods and techniques.

C- an unbiased design.
D- all the above.
10- Research philosophies refers to
A- approaches and the discipline.


B- correct procedures in the discipline.

C- ideas to discover.

D- objectives to consider in the

research process. 11- In order to make

the research reliable, it requires that

A- there is no deliberate attempt to either to conceal or highlight

B- quantitative and qualitative methods are to be used.
C- repeatability and accuracy are provided for the quality of measurement
procedures used.
D- the solution to the research problem is known in advance.
12- In order to make the research unbiased, it requires that
A- there is no deliberate attempt to either to conceal or highlight
B- quantitative and qualitative methods are to be used.
C- repeatability and accuracy are provided for the quality of measurement
procedures used.
D- the solution to the research problem is known in advance.

13- The main difference between research

and non-research is A- the type of

skills we use to discover something.

B- the utilization of acceptable scientific methodology to
solve problems to create new knowledge.
C- the quantitative and qualitative methods that are to be used.
D- all the above.
14- Biased research refers to
A- drawing conclusions by introducing oneʼs own vested interest.
B- no deliberate attempt to either conceal or highlight something.
C- repeatability and accuracy are provided for the quality of measurement
procedures used.
D- each step of the research is valid and objective.
15- Descriptive research is the type of research that
A- is made for performing the basic or pure research; itʼs a theoretical

B- is intended for finding some solution to the problem considered.

C- includes fact-finding enquires and surveys.
D- uses available information as the base to make the further critical
16- Analytical research is the type of research that
A- is made for performing the basic or pure research; itʼs a theoretical
B- is intended for finding some solution to the problem considered.
C- includes fact-finding enquires and surveys.
D- uses available information as the base to make the further critical
17- Applied research is the type of research that
A- is made for performing the basic or pure research; itʼs a theoretical
B- is intended for finding some solution to the problem considered.
C- includes fact-finding enquires and surveys.
D- uses available information as the base to make the further critical
18- Fundamental research is the type of research that
A- is made for performing the basic or pure research; itʼs a theoretical
B- is intended for finding some solution to the problem considered.
C- includes fact-finding enquires and surveys.
D- uses available information as the base to make the further critical
19- Research can be classified from three perspectives
A- philosophies, validity and unbiased.
B- controlled, systematic and empirical.
C- rigorous, valid and critical.
D- application, objectives and inquiry mode used.

20. The Research Process have certain characteristics. One of the

statements below are not part of these characteristics


A – Controlled & Systematic

B – Quantitative & Qualitative
C – Critical & Empirical
D- Rigorous & Valid
21. A good qualitative problem statement:
a. Defines the independent and dependent variables
b. Conveys a sense of emerging design
c. Specifies a research hypothesis to be tested
d. Specifies the relationship between variables that the researcher
expects to find
22. The “tool” function of theory is to:
a. Summarize existing knowledge
b. Summarize existing hypotheses
c. Suggest new relationships and make new predictions
d. Suggest new theories
23. The statement of purpose in a research study should:
a. Identify the design of the study
b. Identify the intent or objective of the study
c. Specify the type of people to be used in the study
d. Describe the study
24. Why is the statement “What are the effects of extracurricular

activities on cognitive development of school age children” not a

good statement of a quantitative research question?

a. Because there is no connection between

extracurricular activities and cognitive development

b. Because there are not enough school age children engaged

in extracurricular activities to conduct the study


c. Because the study would be too difficult to do given all

the different extracurricular activities

d. Because the statement was not specific enough to provide an

understanding of the variables being investigated
25. A qualitative research question:
a. Asks a question about some process, or phenomenon to be explored
b. Is generally an open-ended question
c. both a and b are correct
d. None of the above

26. According to the text, which of the following orders is the

recommended in the flowchart of the development of a research
a. Research topic, research problem, research purpose, research
question, hypothesis
b. Research topic, research purpose, research problem, research
question, hypothesis
c. Research topic, research problem, research purpose, research
question, hypothesis
d. Research topic, hypothesis, research problem, research question,
research purpose

27. It is essential that you evaluate the quality of internet resources

because information obtained via the internet ranges from very poor

to very good.
a. True
b. False
28. One step that is not included in planning a research study is:
a.Identifying a researchable problem
b.A review of current research
c. Statement of the research question
d.Conducting a meta-analysis of the research
e. Developing a research plan
29. Sources of researchable problems can include:


a.Researchers’ own experiences as educators

b.Practical issues that require solutions
c. Theory and past research
d.All of the above
30. A key characteristic of past research that guides researchers in new
research questions is that:
a.Extensive research conclusively and definitively answers research
b.Studies typically generate more research questions than they answer
31. Which of the following is a function of theory?
a.Integrating and summarizing current knowledge
b.Making predictions
c. Explaining phenomena
d. All of the above are important functions of theory

32. A review of the literature prior to formulating research

questions allows the researcher to do which of the following?
a.To become familiar with prior research on the phenomenon of interest
b.To identify potential methodological problems in the research area
c. To develop a list of pertinent problems relative to the phenomenon of
d.All of the above
33. Sometimes a comprehensive review of the literature prior to data
collection is not recommended by grounded theorists.
34. What kind of ideas can’t be empirically researched?
a.Effectiveness of different methods of instruction
b.Description of educational practices
c.Issues of values and morality such as the correctness of having prayer in


d.Factors helpful in predicting future drug use

35. Which of the following is not a database containing

information to be used during the literature review?

c. SocioFILE
d.all of the above are potentially useful data bases
36. Computer database searches can be done:
a.With a computer with CD-ROM drive
b.At the library
c. Online
d.All of the above
37. The feasibility of a research study should be considered in light of:
a.Cost and time required to conduct the study
b.Skills required of the researcher
c. Potential ethical concerns
d.All of the above
38. A formal statement of the research question or “purpose of research study”
generally _____.
a.Is made prior to the literature review
b.Is made after the literature review
c. Will help guide the research process
d.All of the above
e. b and c
39. Is the following qualitative research purpose statement “well stated” or
“poorly stated”?

“The focus of the present study was to explore distressing and

nurturing encounters of patients with caregivers and to ascertain the
meanings that are engendered by such encounters. The study was

conducted on one of the surgical units and the

obstetrical/gynecological unit of a 374-bed community hospital.”
a. It is a well stated
b. It is poorly stated
40. Which of the following quantitative research questions is superior?

a. “What is the effect of participation in various

extracurricular activities on academic performance?”

b.“What effect does playing high school football have on

students’ overall grade point average during the football


41. A statement of the quantitative research question should:

a. Extend the statement of purpose by specifying exactly the

question(s) the researcher will address

b. Help the research in selecting appropriate participants,

research methods, measures, and materials
c. Specify the variables of interest
d.All of the above
42. The research participants are described in detail in which section of the
research plan?
a. Introduction
b. Method
c. Data analysis
d. Discussion
43. Research hypotheses are ______.
a.Formulated prior to a review of the literature
b.Statements of predicted relationships between variables
c. Stated such that they can be confirmed or refuted
d.b and c
44. Hypotheses in qualitative research studies usually _____.


a.Are very specific and stated prior to beginning the study

b.Are often generated as the data are collected, interpreted, and analyzed
c. Are never used
d. Are always stated after the research study has been completed
45. A research plan _____.
a.Should be detailed
b.Should be given to others for review and comments
c. Sets out the rationale for a research study
d.All of the above
46. The Method section of the research plan typically specifies
a.The research participants
b.The results of prior studies that address the phenomena of interest
c. The apparatus, instruments, and materials for the research study
d.The planned research procedures
e. a, c and d
47. The Introduction section of the research plan
a.Gives an overview of prior relevant studies
b.Contains a statement of the purpose of the study
c. Concludes with a statement of the research questions and, for
quantitative research, it
includesthe research hypothesis
d.All of the above
48. According to your text, which of the following is not a source of research
a. Everyday life
b. Practical issues
c. Past research
d. Theory

e. All of the above are sources of research ideas

49. In the research process, the management question has the following
critical activity in sequence.

a. Origin, selection, statement, exploration and refinement

b. Origin, statement, selection, exploration and refinement
c. Origin, exploration, selection, refinement, and statement
d. Origin, exploration, refinement, selection and statement

50. The chapter that details the way in which the research was conducted is
the _________ chapter

a. Introduction
b. Literature review
c. Research methodology
d. Data analysis
e. Conclusion and recommendations

51. Business research has an inherent value to the extent that it

helps management make better decisions. Interesting information
about consumers, employees, or competitors might be pleasant to
have, but its value is limited if the information cannot be applied to a
critical decision.

a. True
b. False

52. The researcher should never report flaws in procedural design

and estimate their effect on the findings.

a. True
b. False
53. Adequate analysis of the data is the least difficult phase of research for
the novice.

a. True
b. False

54. The validity and reliability of the data should be checked occasionally

a. True
b. False

55. Researchers are tempted to rely too heavily on data collected

in a prior study and use it in the interpretation of a new study

a. True
b. False

56. What is a good research? The following are correct except


a. Purpose clearly defined

b. Research process detailed
c. Research design thoroughly planned
d. Findings presented ambiguously

57. Greater confidence in the research is warranted if the

researcher is experienced, has a good reputation in research, and is
a person of integrity

a. True
b. False

58. A complete disclosure of methods and procedures used in the

research study is required. Such openness to scrutiny has a positive
effect on the quality of research. However, competitive advantage often
mitigates against methodology disclosure in business research.

a. True
b. False

59. Research is any organized inquiry carried out to provide information for
solving problems.

a. True
b. False

60. In deduction, the conclusion must necessarily follow from

the reasons given. In inductive argument there is no such
strength of relationship between reasons and conclusions.

a. True
b. False

61. Conclusions must necessarily follow from the premises.

Identify the type of arguments that follows the above condition.
a. Induction
b. Combination of Induction and Deduction
c. Deduction Variables

62. Eminent scientists who claim there is no such thing as the

scientific method, or if exists, it is not revealed by what they write,
caution researchers about using template like approaches

a. True
b. False

63. One of the terms given below is defined as “a bundle of

meanings or characteristics associated with certain events, objects,
conditions, situations, and the like

a. Construct
b. Definition

c. Concept
d. Variable

64. This is an idea or image specifically invented for a given research and/or
theory building purpose

a. Concept
b. Construct
c. Definition
d. Variables

65. The following are the synonyms for independent variable except

a. Stimulus
b. Manipulated
c. Consequence
d. Presumed Cause

66. The following are the synonyms for dependent variable except

a. Presumed effect
b. Measured Outcome
c. Response
d. Predicted from…

67. In the research process, a management dilemma triggers the need for a

a. True
b. False

68. Every research proposal, regardless of length should include two basic
sections. They are:

a. Research question and research methodology

b. Research proposal and bibliography
c. Research method and schedule
d. Research question and bibliography

69. The purpose of the research proposal is:

a. To generate monetary sources for the organization

b. To present management question to be researched and its importance
c. To discuss the research efforts of others who have worked on related
management question.

70. A proposal is also known as a:

a. Work plan
b. Prospectus
c. Outline

d. Draft plan
e. All of the above

71. Non response error occurs when you cannot locate the
person or could not encourage the respondent to participate in

a. True
b. False

72. Secondary data can almost always be obtained more quickly and at a
lower cost than

a. Tertiary
b. Collective
c. Research
d. Primary

73. The purpose of __________________ research is to help in the

process of developing a clear and precise statement of the research
problem rather than in providing a definitive answer.

a. Marketing
b. Causal
c. Exploratory
d. Descriptive

74. The following journal article would be an example of

--------------------- research; “ The benefits of florescent lightning on
production in a factory setting.”
b. Interviewed
c. Basic
d. Stupid
75. The scientific method is preferred over other ways of knowing because it
is more:
a. Reliable
b. Systematic
c. Accurate
d. All of the above
76. Quantitative researcher’s preoccupation with generalization is an attempt


a. Develop the law like findings of the natural sciences

b. Boost their chances of publication
c. Enhance the internal validity of their research
d. Demonstrate the complex techniques of statistical analysis
77. What is the basis of the scientific method?
a. To test hypotheses in conditions that are conclusive to its success
b. To formulate a research problem and disprove the hypothesis
c. To formulate a research problem, test the hypothesis in
carefully controlled conditions that challenge the hypothesis
d. To test hypotheses and if they are disproved, they should be
abandoned completely

78.Which of the following is the best hypothesis statement to address

the research question, "What impact will the new advertising
campaign have on use of Brand B?"Select correct option:
a. The new advertising campaign will impact Brand B usage.
b. The new advertising campaign will increase Brand B trial.
c. The new advertising campaign will cause increased Brand B
usage at the expense of Brand C.
d. The new advertising campaign will increase Brand B's market

79.Which one of the following is not an assumption of science?

a. There are reoccurring patterns in the world.
b. Events happen because of preceding causes.
c. We can discover solutions to problems of interest.
d. Theoretical explanations must agree with common sense
80. A review that only demonstrates familiarity with an area is rarely
published but it often is part of an educational program is which type
of review?
a. Integrative reviews
b. Theoretical reviews
c. Self-study reviews
d. Historical reviews

81. A literature review requires

a. Planning
b. Clear writing


c. Good writing
d. All of the above
82. The facts that should be collected to measure a variable, depend upon the
a.Conceptual understanding
b. Dictionary meaning
c. Operational definition
d. All of the above
83. Which of the following is the best hypothesis?

a. Students taking formative quizzes will perform better on

chapter exams than students not taking these quizzes
b. Taller students will have higher test scores than shorter students

c. Students taught in a cooperative group setting should

do better than students in a traditional class
d. Students using laptops will do well
84. What is an hypothesis?
a. A prediction of a relationship between certain variables
b. An experiment that tests certain predictions
c. An independent variable
d. A dependent variable
85. An operational definition is that bears no relation to the underlying concept
b.An abstract, theoretical definition of a concept
c. A definition of a concept in terms of specific, empirical measures
d. One that refers to opera singers and their work
86. What a research is?
a. A lab experiment


b. A report
c. A systematic enquiry
d. A procedure

87. If a researcher is studying the effect of using laptops in his

classroom to ascertain their merit and worth, he is likely conducting
which type of research?

a. Basic

b. Applied

c. Evaluation

d. Experimental

88. In the statement 'an examination of the effects of

discretionary behavior on employee performance' employee
performance is the:

a. Independent variable

b. Dependent variable

c. Extraneous variable

d. Causal variable

89.The most difficult sources to locate are

a. Dissertations

b. Policy Reports and Presented Papers

c. Government Documents
d. Scholarly Books

90. A concept is a generalized idea about--------------

a. A class of objects
b. Attributes
c. Occurrences
d. All of the above

91. What is the reason for consulting handbooks, yearbooks,

encyclopedias, or reviews in the initial stages of identifying a research
a. They are readily available.

b. They provide an overview of the issues related to a topic.

c. They are primary sources
d. They avoid reporting statistical data so one can interpret the results
more easily

92. What is opposite of a variable?

a. A constant
b. An extraneous variable
c. A dependent variable
d. A data set

93. Qualitative and Quantitative Research are the classifications of

research on the basis of Select correct option:
a. Use of the research
b. Time dimension
c. Techniques used
d. Purpose of the research
94. The most critical areas of an article to read is:
a. Results section
b. Introduction
c. Abstract
d. Limitations

95. ________________meanings attached to a concept create problems of

a. Unambiguous
b. Vague
c. Clear
d. Dictionary
96. Rationalism is the application of:
a. Research solution
b. Logic and arguments
c. Reasoning
d. Previous findings

97. Why do you need to review the existing literature?

a. To give your dissertation a proper academic appearance, with lots of
b. Because without it, you could never reach the required word-count
c. To find out what is already known about your area of interest
d. To help in your general studying

98. The application of the scientific method to the study of business problems
is called:

a. Inductive Reasoning
b. Deductive Reasoning
c. Business Research
d. Grounded Theory

99. Which of the following is a discrete variable?

a. Age
b. Nationality
c. Test score
d. Income

100. Which of the following is a discrete variable?

a. height
c. miles per gallon
d. number of children

101. According to Empiricism, which of the following is the ultimate

source of all our concepts and knowledge?
a. Perceptions
b. Theory
c. Sensory experience
d. Logics and Arguments

102. If a researcher was studying the use of various instructional

approaches to the “multiple intelligences” of his students, he is
likely to be conducting which type of research?
a. Basic
b. Applied
c. Evaluation
d. Grounded Theory
103. Under which of the following research method is not applicable?
a. Health Care
b. Business
c. Government Offices
d. Imaginary worlds

104. Which of the following statements is false?

a. Discrete variables allow measurement of an infinite
number of fractions of units of measurement.
b. Discrete variables can only have whole number values.
c. Continuous numbers can only have whole number values.
d. Continuous measures do not allow for scores that fall between two
number values

105. To explain, predict, and/or control phenomena are the goal


a. Tradition
b. Inductive logic
c. Deductive logic
d. The scientific method

106. Which of the following is most beneficial to read in an article?

a. Methods
b. Introduction
c. Figures
d. References

107. Which of the function is not a function of clearly identified research

a. They guide your literature search
b. They keep you focused throughout the data collection period
c. They make the scope of your research as wide as possible
d. They are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument

108. The function of the research design step in the research process is to
a. inform the reader of what you want to attain through the study.
b. search the existing literature in the area of research.
c. formulate the problem statement to decide what you want to find
out about.
d. provide for the collection of relevant information with minimal cost,
effort and time.

109. In preparing for the research design, the researcher should consider
a. objectives of the research study.
b. methods used for data collection.
c. source of information.
d. data analysis
e. all the above.
110. In carrying out the research design step considering IT fields, the
researcher should
a.- consider only pure technical issues.
b- consider other non-technical issues.
c- must have primary data secondary data.
d- use only observation methods in collecting data.

111- For primary data collection, several methods are

usually considered such as a- observation, survey
and experimental.
b- structured, unstructured.
c- direct, indirect.
d- none of the above.

112- The limitation of the observation data

collection methods is that a- they do not
deploy a means to measure certain
b- they do not deploy a means to measure certain behaviors and are
c- sometimes people may not be interested in help and just give any data.
d- none of the above.

113- In comparison, the most cost effective data

collection method is usually a- observation
b- survey methods.
c- experimental methods.
d- research methods.

114- The limitation of the survey data

collection methods is that a- they do not
deploy a means to measure certain
b- they do not deploy a means to measure certain behaviors and are
c- people may not be interested in help and just give any data.
d- none of the above.

115- Experimental research is appropriate when

a- the proof that is sought is to see the effect of certain variables over
other variables.
b- it is necessary to get at facts first hand and their resources.
c- doing certain things is required to stimulate the production of desired
d- none of the above.

116- When selecting a sample for the “sample

design”, the sample represent a- the whole
possible set.
b- a segment of the whole selected at random.
c- a segment of the whole that best represent the set.
d- the whole set.

117- Ethical concerns should be considered in data collection that

involves people, which include a- avoiding bias.
b- using inappropriate research methodology.
c- incorrect reporting.
d- inappropriate use of information.
e- all the above.

118- In analyzing data step of the research process, operations are

involved in the following sequence a- tabulation, classification
and editing.
b- classification, editing and tabulation.
c- tabulation, editing and classification.
d- none of the above.

119- Editing is an operation carried in the analysis of data step of

the research process, in involve a- arranging data in groups on
the basis of common characteristics.
b- examining the collected raw data to detect errors and correct them.
c- summarizing raw data and displaying them in compact form for further
d- all the above.

120- Classification is an operation carried in the analysis of data

step of the research process, in involve
a- arranging data in groups on the basis of common characteristics.


b- examining the collected raw data to detect errors and correct them.
c- summarizing raw data and displaying them in compact form for further
d- all the above.

121- Tabulation is an operation carried in the analysis of data step of

the research process, in involve a- arranging data in groups on
the basis of common characteristics.
b- examining the collected raw data to detect errors and correct them.
c- summarizing raw data and displaying them in compact form for further
d- all the above.

122- In classification of the analyzed data, the

research would usually try to a- use simple
b- use manifold classification.
c- use class-interval classification.
d- any of the above based on needs.

123- In tabulation is considered essential in analyzing data research step

a- it facilitates comparison, conserves space and provides basis for
statistical computations.
b- it arranges data in rows and columns for further editing.
c- it uses manifold or intervals which are much easier to work with.
d- all the above.

124- In qualitative data analysis, the following steps are

usually followed in this order:
a- identify codes, assign themes, classify responses and then integrate.
b- identify main themes, assign codes, classify responses and then
c- integrate data, identify themes with suitable codes and then classify.
d- none of the above.

125- The quantitative data analysis are most suitable for

a- large well-designed & managed surveys.
b- theme accurately represent sample.
c- preforming content analysis.
d- none of the above.

126- The process of “Content Analysis” means

a- statistical analysis of the collected “contents” based on responses.
b- analyzing the contents in order to count the number of answers and
have conclusions.
c- analysis of the interview contents to identify main themes based on
d- none of the above.

127- The generalization and interpretation research

process step depends highly on a- the content
analysis performed.
b- research field and researcherʼs work.
c- theory and procedures used in the field.
d- the intended conclusions.
e- all the above.


Q128 Which of the following is not an essential element of report writing?

a. Research Methodology
b. Reference
c. Conclusion
d. None of these

Q129 Testing hypothesis is a ________

a. Inferential statistics
b. Descriptive statistics
c. Data preparation
d. Data analysis

Q130 Is it possible to apply projective techniques for exploratory investigation?

a. Yes
b. No

Q131 What is the purpose of doing research?

a. To identify problem
b. To find the solution
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

Q132 Which method can be applicable for collecting qualitative data?

a. Artifacts (Visual)
b. People
c. Media products ( Textual, Visual and sensory)
d. All of these
Q133 Which of the following is non-probability sampling?

a. Snowball
b. Random
c. Cluster
d. Stratified

Q134 In group interview their are _______


a. One interviewer and one interviewee

b. More than one interviewer and one interviewee
c.One interviewer and more than one interviewee
d. More than One interviewer and
more than one interviewee

Q135 Which of the following are associated

with behavioral observation?

a. Non-verbal analysis
b. Linguistic analysis
c.Spatial analysis
d. All of these
Q136 Uniting various qualitative methods with quantitative methods can be
called as........

a. Coalesce
b. Triangulation
c. Bipartite
d. Impassive
Q137 Multistage sampling is a ________

a. Probability sampling
b. Non-Probability sampling

Question 138 What is distinctive about "Mode 2" knowledge production?

a) It proceeds in a linear fashion building on existing knowledge.

b) It is driven primarily by an academic agenda.

c) It involves academics, policy makers and practitioners in problem solving.

d) It places limited emphasis on the practical dissemination of knowledge.

Question 139 Which of the following is not an example of a middle-range


a) Labour process theory

b) Contingency theory

c) Strategic choice

d) Structuration


Question 140 An inductive theory is one that:

a) involves testing an explicitly defined hypothesis.

b) does not allow for findings to feed back into the stock of knowledge.

c) uses quantitative methods whenever possible.

d) allows theory to emerge out of the data.

Question 141 What is the epistemological position held by a positivist?

a) There is no substitute for an in-depth, hermeneutic understanding of


b) Scientific research should be based on value-free, empirical observations.

c) Events and discourses the social world prevent us from having

direct knowledge of the natural order.

d) It is important to remain optimistic about our research, even when things

go wrong.
Question 142 An interpretivist perspective on the issue of leadership suggests

a) 'good' leadership can be measured.

b) leaders are born and not made.

c) it is a construct that is used to make sense of social action.

d) all leaders act in the same way regardless of context.

Question 143 Which of the following is an ontological question?

a) Should I use questionnaires or interviews in my project?

b) What can (and should) be considered acceptable forms of knowledge?

c) How long is it since I last visited the dentist?

d) Do social entities have an objective reality, external to social actors?


Question 144 The constructionist ontological position suggests that:

a) social phenomena and their meanings are constantly being accomplished

by social actors.

b) individuals are born into a world of rules and structures that they cannot

c) building and construction work presents an ideal opportunity

to exercise the sociological imagination.

d) social facts and objects have an external reality, independently

of the people who perceive them.

Question 145 According to Burrell & Morgan (1979) which one of

the following is not a paradigm within business research methods?

a) Radical structuralist

b) Radical positivist

c) Functionalist

d) Interpretative
Question 146 Quantitative research is:

a) more likely to take a deductive approach.

b) more likely to take an objectivist ontological position.

c) more likely to be informed by a positivist epistemological position.

d) all of the above.
Question 147 Qualitative research strategy places a value on:

a) using numbers, measurements and statistical techniques.

b) generating theories through inductive research about social meanings.

c) conducting research that is of a very high quality.


d) all of the above.

148 What is a research design?

a) A way of conducting research that is not grounded in theory.

b) The choice between using qualitative or quantitative methods.

c) The style in which you present your research findings, e.g. a graph.

d) A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data.

Question 149 If a study is "reliable", this means that:

a) it was conducted by a reputable researcher who can be trusted.

b) the measures devised for concepts are stable on different occasions.

c) the findings can be generalized to other social settings.

d) the methods are stated clearly enough for the research to be replicated.
Question 150 "Internal validity" refers to:

a) whether or not there is really a causal relationship between two variables.

b) whether or not the findings are relevant to the participants' everyday


c) the degree to which the researcher feels that this was a worthwhile
d) how accurately the measurements represent underlying concepts.

Question 151 Lincoln and Guba (1985) propose that an alternative

criterion for evaluating qualitative research would be:

a) impressiveness.

b) trustworthiness.


c) joyfulness.

d) messiness.
Question 152 Naturalism has been defined as:

a) viewing natural and social objects as belonging to the same realm.

b) being true to the nature of the phenomenon under investigation.

c) minimising the intrusion of artificial methods of data collection into the


d) all of the above.

Question 153 In an experimental design, the dependent variable is:

a) the one that is not manipulated and in which any changes are observed.

b) the one that is manipulated in order to observe any effects on the other.

c) a measure of the extent to which personal values affect research

d) an ambiguous concept whose meaning depends on how it is defined.

Question 154 What is a cross-sectional design?

a) A study of one particular section of society, e.g. the middle classes.

b) One that is devised when the researcher is in a bad mood.

c) The collection of data from more than one case at one moment in time.

d) A comparison of two or more variables over a long period of time.

Question 155 Survey research is cross-sectional and therefore:

a) High in replicability but low in internal validity.

b) High in internal validity but low in reliability.

c) High in ecological validity but low in external validity.


d) None of the above

Question 156 Panel and cohort designs differ, in that:

a) Cohort studies involve quantitative research, whereas panel studies are


b) A panel study does not need rules to handle new entrants to households.

c) Only a cohort study will suffer from sample attrition.

d) A panel study can distinguish between age effects and cohort effects, but
a cohort design cannot.
Question 157 Cross cultural studies are an example of:

a) Case study design

b) Comparative design

c) Experimental design
d) Longitudinal design
Question 158

Which of the following requirements for a dissertation may depend on your


a) Whether an abstract should be included

b) The format for referencing

c) The word limit

d) All of the above
Question 159

The role of a project supervisor is to:

a) make sure you keep to your schedule and deadlines.

b) provide intellectual support, guidance and critical feedback.


c) negotiate access to the research setting on the student's behalf.

d) give you a reading list.

Question 160

You can manage your time and resources best, by:

a) working out a timetable.

b) finding out what resources are readily available to you.

c) calculating a budget for likely expenditure.

d) all of the above.

Question 161

What did Marx (1997) mean when he suggested that "intellectual

puzzles and contradictions" can be a possible source of research

a) The researcher may feel that there is a contradiction in the

literature, presenting a "puzzle" to be solved.

b) Students can develop their IQ levels by attempting to solve

intellectual puzzles.

c) Unless you can find a logical contradiction, you have no basis for
conducting research.

d) All of life is a puzzle, so any aspect of life can be researched.

Question 162

How can you tell if your research questions are really good?

a) If they guide your literature search.

b) If they are linked together to help you construct a coherent


c) If they force you to narrow the scope of your research.


d) All of the above.

Question 163

Which of the following should be included in a research proposal?

a) Your academic status and experience.

b) The difficulties you encountered with your previous reading on the


c) Your choice of research methods and reasons for choosing them.

d) All of the above.

Question 164

Which of the following should you think about when preparing your research?

a) Your sample frame and sampling strategy.

b) The ethical issues that might arise.

c) Negotiating access to the setting.

d) All of the above.

Question 165

Why is it helpful to keep a research diary or log book while you are conducting
your project?

a) To give you something to do in the early stages of your research when

nothing is happening.
b) Because funding councils generally demand to see written
evidence that you were working every day during the period of the

c) To keep a record of what you did and what happened throughout the
research process.

d) It can be added to your dissertation to ensure that you reach the

required word limit.


Question 166

What can you do to ensure your physical safety during your research?

a) Be alert to the possibility of exposure to danger.

b) Avoid interviewing alone in the respondent's residence.

c) Make sure someone knows where you are and how you can contact
them in an emergency.

d) All of the above.

Question 167

What practical steps can you take before you actually start your research?

a) Find out exactly what your institution's requirements are for a


b) Make sure you are familiar with the hardware and software you plan
to use.

c) Apply for clearance of your project through an ethics committee.

d) All of the above.

Question 168

There is a tendency for debates about ethics in social research to focus

on the most extreme cases of ethical transgression. Why might this
create a misleading impression?
a) Because these studies did not actually take place.

b) Because it makes social researchers look like nasty, unscrupulous


c) Because this implies that ethical concerns do not pervade all social

d) Because most social research is in fact

ethically sound and infallible.

e) Question 169

Which of the following ideas is not associated with the stance of situation


a) Anything goes

b) Principled relativism

c) The end justifies the means

d) No choice
Question 170

Why is it argued that ethical transgression is pervasive in social research?

a) Because most researchers do not bother to follow a professional code

of ethics.

b) Because researchers rarely provide their participants with all

the information they might want to know about a project.

c) Because it helps us to justify the more extreme forms of

unethical conduct that we prefer to pursue.

d) Because sociologists want to present themselves as inconsiderate and

Question 171

Which of the following is a form of harm that might be suffered by research


a) Physical injury

b) Stress and anxiety

c) Impaired development

d) All of the above

Question 172

Why is it important that personal data about research participants are

kept within secure, confidential records?

a) So that the participants cannot find out what has been written about


b) In case individuals, places or organizations can be harmed

through identification or disclosure of personal information.

c) So that government officials, teachers and other people in

authority can have easy access to the data.

d) To enable the researcher to track down individuals and

find out more about their lives. Question 173

Which method is most commonly associated with a lack of informed consent?

a) In-depth interviewing

b) Qualitative content analysis

c) Covert observation

d) Structured

interviewing Question


Why is it "easier said than done" to ensure that the principle of informed
consent is adhered to?

a) It is not practicable to present every participant with all the

information about the study.

b) Sometimes it is desirable to withhold certain pieces of

information, such as the length of time an interview will take.
c) If the participants knew exactly what the researcher was
intending to study, they might change their behavior.

d) All of the above.

Question 175

Apart from the fact that it is "not a nice thing to do", what is an
important ethical disadvantage of deceiving participants?

a) It can damage the professional reputation of the researcher and their



b) It makes it more difficult to gain access to deviant or hidden


c) It means that records of personal data about the participants cannot

be made anonymous.

d) None of the above.

Question 176

Which of the following is an example of deception in business research?

a) The obtaining of company material without permission.

b) The researcher wearing a disguise during an observation.

c) The researcher representing their research as being about a different


d) The researcher failing to ask permission to interview someone.

Question 177

What problem does a research organization face when drawing up an ethical


a) Identifying relevant legislation that should guide behaviour.

b) Reflecting the difficulty of making truly ethical decisions.

c) Incorporating assessments for the ethical behaviour of participants.

d) All of the above.

Question 178

An operational definition is:

a) one that bears no relation to the underlying concept.

b) an abstract, theoretical definition of a concept.

c) a definition of a concept in terms of specific, empirical measures.


d) one that refers to opera

singers and their work. Question 179

The importance of measurement in quantitative research is that:

a) it allows us to delineate fine differences between people or cases.

b) it provides a consistent device or yardstick.

c) it allows for precise estimates of the degree of relationship between


d) all of the above.

Question 180

The difference between measures and indicators is that:

a) measures are unambiguous quantities, whereas

indicators are devised from common sense understandings.

b) indicators have a more direct relationship to the underlying concept

than measures.

c) measures are intuitively devised and then applied as if they were

direct indicators of a concept.

d) indicators are unambiguous quantities, whereas measures

are subjective and value-laden. Question 181

The split-half method is used as a test of:

a) Stability

b) Internal reliability

c) Inter-observer consistency

d) External validity


Question 182

Which of the following is not a form of measurement validity?

a) Concurrent validity

b) Face validity

c) Conductive validity

d) Converg

ent validity

Question 183

Quantitative social researchers rarely claim to have established causality


a) they are more concerned with publishing the results of their

reliability tests.

b) they do not believe that this is an appropriate goal to be striving for.

c) they keep forgetting which of the variables they have manipulated.

d) they tend to use cross-sectional designs, which produce only

Question 184

One of the preoccupations of quantitative researchers is with generalization,

which is a sign of:
a) External validity

b) Internal reliability

c) External reliability

d) Inter

nal validity

Question 185

Quantitative research has been criticised because:

a) the measurement process suggests a spurious and artificial sense of



b) the reliance on instruments and procedures makes it high in

ecological validity

c) it underestimates the similarities between objects in the natural and

social worlds

d) all of the above

Question 186

The term 'reverse operationism' means that:

a) the theories we devise will often hinder our attempts to measure


b) the measurements we devise can sometimes help to develop a


c) techniques such as factor analysis have no place in social research.

d) driving instructors always make you practice

the most difficult manoeuvre. Question 187

Written accounts of quantitative research rarely include the results

of reliability and validity tests because:

a) researchers are more interested in reporting their operational


b) researchers don't really think that these tests are important.

c) journal editors have banned these kinds of articles.

d) researchers are more interested in reporting their substantive

Question 188

A sampling frame is:

a) a summary of the various stages involved in designing a survey.

b) an outline view of all the main clusters of units in a sample.

c) a list of all the units in the population from which a sample will be


d) a wooden frame used to display

tables of random numbers. Question 189

A simple random sample is one in which:

a) from a random starting point, every nth unit from the sampling frame
is selected.

b) a non-probability strategy is used, making the results difficult to


c) the researcher has a certain quota of respondents to fill for various

social groups.

d) every unit of the population has an equal chance of being selected.

Question 190

It is helpful to use a multi-stage cluster sample when:

a) the population is widely dispersed geographically.

b) you have limited time and money available for travelling.

c) you want to use a probability sample in order to generalise the


d) all of the above.

Question 191

The standard error is a statistical measure of:

a) the normal distribution of scores around the sample mean.

b) the extent to which a sample mean is likely to differ from the

population mean.

c) the clustering of scores at each end of a survey scale.

d) the degree to which a sample has been accurately stratified.

Question 192

What effect does increasing the sample size have upon the sampling error?

a) It reduces the sampling error.

b) It increases the sampling error.

c) It has no effect on the sampling error.

d) None of the above.

Question 193

Which of the following is not a type of non-probability sampling?

a) Snowball sampling

b) Stratified random sampling

c) Quota sampling

d) Convenien

ce sampling Question


Snowball sampling can help the researcher to:

a) Access deviant or hidden populations

b) Theorise inductively in a qualitative study

c) Overcome the problem of not having an accessible sampling frame

d) All of the above

Question 195

Which of the following is not a characteristic of quota sampling?

a) The researcher chooses who to approach and so might bias the

b) Those who are available to be surveyed in public

places are unlikely to constitute a representative sample

c) The random selection of units makes it possible to calculate the

standard error

d) It is a relatively fast and cheap way of finding out

about public opinions Question 196

The findings from a study of training and skill development among

employees of a company can be generalised to the population of:

a) All employees of that company

b) All employees in that industry

c) All unskilled employees in that industry

d) All graduate-level

employees Question 197

The term 'data processing error' refers to:

a) activities or events related to the sampling process, e.g. non-response.

b) faulty techniques of coding and managing data.

c) problems with the implementation of the research process.

d) the unavoidable discrepancy between the

sample and the population. Question 198

Why is it important for structured interviews to follow a standardized

a) To increase validity, as the interview can be adapted for each respondent.

b) To increase reliability, because all respondents receive the same interview


c) To allow for an in-depth exploration of the topic.

d) To make it easier for untrained interviewers to carry out complex surveys.


Question 199

Standardizing the interview schedule can reduce interviewer variation in terms


a) the way in which questions are phrased by the interviewer.

b) the order in which questions are asked.

c) the procedures used to code and analyse survey data.

d) all of the above.

Question 200

Closed ended questions are those that:

a) have a fixed range of possible answers.

b) prevent respondents from allocating themselves to a category.

c) encourage detailed, elaborate responses.

d) relate to the basic demographic characteristics of respondents.

Question 201

Which of the following is not a disadvantage of telephone interviewing?

a) Researchers do not have to spend so much time and money on travelling.

b) Some people in the target population may not own a telephone.

c) It can be difficult to build rapport over the telephone.

d) Interviewers cannot use visual cues such as show cards.

Question 202

The acronym "CATI" stands for:

a) Camera-activated telescopic interviewing.

b) Computer-assisted telephone interviewing.


c) corrective anti-terrorist interviewing.

d) critical analysis of telepathic interviewing.

Question 203

Which of the following might you include in an introductory letter to


a) An explanation of who you are and who is funding your research.

b) An overview of what the research is about and how the data will be

c) A statement of their ethical rights to anonymity, confidentiality, etc.

d) All of the above.

Question 204

A filter question is one that:

a) ensures that all respondents are asked every question on the schedule
and in the same order.

b) leaves a space for respondents to write long and detailed answers.

c) helps the interviewer to avoid asking irrelevant questions by

directing them elsewhere on the schedule.

d) allows supervisors to distinguish between good and bad interviewers.

Question 205
Which of the following is not advised when planning the question order of a
structured interview?
a) Be wary of asking an earlier question that alters the salience of later

b) Expect some variation in the order in which questions are asked.

c) Leave questions about sensitive or embarrassing issues until later in the


d) Group the questions into logically organised sections.

Question 206

A show card is:


a) one that prevents respondents from expressing their opinions about a


b) one that encourages explicit discussion of sensitive or personal


c) one that prompts respondents to choose from a range of possible


d) one that researchers must present when they compete at pony club
Question 207

The response set of "acquiescence" can be a problem in that:

a) some people consistently agree or disagree with a set of questions or


b) respondents tend to give answers that they think are socially desirable.

c) the structured interview is so conducive to reciprocity that male

respondents find it hard to stop talking.

d) researchers who wear very strong perfume will distract their

Question 208

Which of the following statements is correct?

a) Self-completion questionnaires are a type of postal survey.

b) Postal surveys can include self-completion or email surveys.

c) Self-completion questionnaires can include postal or email surveys.

d) Email surveys are a type of postal questionnaire.

Question 209

One of the advantages of self-completion questionnaires over structured

interviews is that:

a) they are quicker and cheaper to administer.

b) they create interviewer effects.

c) they have greater measurement validity.


d) they are less prone to

inter-coder variation. Question 210

Which of the following is not a disadvantage of self-completion

questionnaires compared to structured interviews?
a) The respondent can read the whole questionnaire before answering
the first question.

b) The researcher cannot ask many closed-ended questions.

c) The researcher cannot probe or prompt respondents for more detail.

d) The respondent may not answer all questions, resulting in missing

Question 211

Which of the following steps can be taken to improve response

rates to a self-completion questionnaire?

a) Write a personalized covering letter to introduce the research.

b) Enclose a stamped addressed envelope with a postal questionnaire.

c) Send out polite reminder letters.

d) All of the above.

Question 212
Why is it generally better to present fixed choice answers in vertical rather than
horizontal form?

a) It takes up less space on the page.

b) It encourages respondents to choose more than one answer.

c) It allows questions to be spread over more than one page.

d) It makes the layout of the questionnaire more clear and



Question 213

When using a Likert scale with a long list of items, it is usually better to:

a) arrange the answers horizontally, in abbreviated form.

b) list the answers vertically, for each consecutive item.

c) omit any instructions about how to select an answer.

d) list all questions on one page and

all answers on another. Question 214

In order to identify response sets in a Likert scale, you could:

a) pre-code all items consistently from 1-5.

b) reverse the scoring of pre-coded answers.

c) only include items about socially desirable behaviours.

d) include explicit instructions to

respondents not to deceive you. Question 215

Corti (1993) makes a distinction between two types of researcher-driven diary:

a) Valid and reliable diaries

b) Quantitative and qualitative diaries

c) Structured and free-text diaries

d) Open or closed

answer diaries Question


The 'time-use' diary can provide quantitative data about:

a) the amount of time respondents spend on certain activities every day.


b) the subjective meanings that concepts of 'time' have for different


c) the way respondents make sense of their life stories in narrative


d) the historical significance of clocks, watches and

other devices for measuring time. Question 217

One advantage of using diaries in quantitative research is that:

a) there is little danger of attrition, as respondents tend to be highly


b) they are likely to elicit data about sensitive issues or deviant


c) they highlight the thoughts, feelings and experiences that are unique
to each respondent.

d) none of the above.

Question 218

An open question is one that:

a) allows respondents to answer in their own terms.

b) does not suggest or provide a limited range of responses.

c) can help to generate answers for closed questions.

d) all of the above.
Question 219

In order to post-code answers to open questions, it is necessary to:

a) count the frequency with which each answer has been given.

b) categorise unstructured material and assign a code number to each


c) identify the three most commonly cited responses and give them a code.

d) find out where each respondent lives and make a note of their postcode.


Question 220

Which of the following is not an advantage of using closed questions in a

a) It reduces the risk of variability in the way answers are recorded.

b) It makes answers easier to process and analyse.

c) They prevent respondents from giving spontaneous, unexpected answers.

d) Closed questions are quicker and easier for respondents to complete.

Question 221

Informant factual questions are those that:

a) enquire about personal details such as age, income and occupation.

b) ask people about the characteristics of a social setting or entity that they
know well.

c) seek to find out about people's attitudes and opinions on a range of


d) try to identify the normative standards and values held by a social group.
Question 222

Which of the following is a general rule of thumb for designing questions?

a) Always bear in mind your research questions.

b) Never ask a closed question.

c) Always use vignettes rather than open questions.

d) Use ambiguous terms to put respondents at ease.
Question 223

You should avoid using double-barrelled questions in a survey because:

a) they rely too much on a respondent's memory.

b) they make the questions too long, so respondents lose interest.


c) they are too abstract and general in scope.

d) they confuse respondents by asking about two different things.

Question 224

Leading questions should also be avoided because:

a) they suggest ways of answering and so may bias the results.

b) they create a mismatch between the question and its possible answers.

c) they involve negative terms and unnecessary jargon.

d) they ask about several different things at the same time.

Question 225

A vignette question is one that asks respondents to think about:

a) family obligations to care for sick relatives.

b) an intensely painful and sensitive issue in their personal life.

c) a scenario involving imaginary characters in a realistic situation.

d) their favourite kind of salad dressing.

Question 226

The value of piloting a questionnaire is that it helps you to:

a) test out your questions on some of the people who will be in the final
b) identify and amend any problems in the question wording, order and

c) find out what a trained pilot would think of the subject matter.

d) all of the above.

Question 227

A question bank is a useful resource for:


a) studying the way questions have been successfully used in previous


b) stealing other people's questions without their permission.

c) learning more about your topic so that you can devise leading questions.

d) keeping the money from your funding agency in a safe place.

Question 228

Which of the following is a problem associated with survey research?

a) The problem of objectivity

b) The problem of "going native"

c) The problem of omission

d) The problem

of robustness Question


The key advantage of structured observation over survey research is that:

a) it does not rely on the researcher's ability to take notes.

b) the researcher is immersed as a participant in the field they are


c) it does not impose any expectations of behaviour on the

d) it allows you to observe people's behaviour directly.
Question 230

What is an observation schedule?

a) A set of explicit rules for assigning behaviour to categories.

b) A timetable of days on which you plan to carry out your observation.

c) A list of questions to ask your interviewees.


d) A way of testing for

measurement validity. Question


Mintzberg conducted a study of what managers do in their day-to-

day work. This is an example of observing behaviour in terms of:

a) Individuals

b) Incidents

c) Short time periods

d) Long time

periods Question


It may not be possible to use a probability sample to observe behaviour in

public places because:

a) the findings of such studies are not intended to have external validity.

b) it is not feasible to construct a sampling frame of interactions.

c) it is difficult to gain access to such social settings.

d) researchers prefer not to use random

samples whenever possible. Question 233

Which of the following is not a type of sampling used in structured
a) Focal sampling

b) Scan sampling

c) Emotional sampling

d) Behaviour sampling


Question 234

Cohen's kappa is a measure of:

a) inter-surveyor consistency.

b) intra-observer validity.

c) intra-coder validity.

d) inter-observer consistency.
Question 235

What is meant by the term "reactive effect"?

a) If people know they are being observed, they may change their

b) Research subjects may have a bad reaction to the drugs they are

c) Researchers sometimes react to their informants' behaviour with


d) The categories on an observation schedule

may not be mutually exclusive. Question 236

What did Salancik mean by "field stimulations"?

a) Being immersed in the field can help to simulate the experience of

your informants.
b) Researchers can intervene in and manipulate a setting to observe the

c) Surveys conducted in the field are more effective than structured


d) Some researchers find their projects so

stimulating that they have to lie down. Question 237

One of the criticisms often levelled at structured observation is that:

a) it does not allow us to impose any framework on the social setting.


b) it only generates a small amount of data.

c) it is unethical to observe people without an observation schedule.

d) it does not allow us to understand the meanings behind behaviour.

Question 238

Quantitative content analysis is an approach that aims to:

a) objectively and systematically measure the content of a text.

b) reach an interpretive understanding of social action.

c) engage in a critical dialogue about ethical issues in research.

d) provide a feminist alternative to 'male-

stream' quantitative methods. Question 239

Which of the following could be subjected to a textual content analysis?

a) Interview transcripts

b) Newspaper articles

c) Song lyrics

d) All of the above

Question 240
Why did Harris look at newspapers from Australia, the UK, the
USA, and China for his study on courage?

a) Because these four nations were considered to be the most


b) To take into account any cultural variation in the way that courage
was perceived.

c) To make sure there would not be a capitalist bias in the reportage.


d) Because these happened to be available

in plentiful supply. Question 241

Which of the following is not an example of a 'unit of analysis'?

a) Validity

b) significant actors

c) Words

d) subjects and

themes Question


Why might a researcher want to count the frequency of certain words or

phrases in a text?

a) It increases the reliability of the coding measures

b) It is a good way of finding out about the researcher's favourite words

c) To identify particular interpretative frameworks

d) It shows which words are most common

in business English Question 243

The purpose of a coding manual is to:

a) provide a form onto which the data can be entered.

b) provide researchers with instructions about how to code the data.

c) list all the categories that have been omitted from the schedule.

d) test researchers' knowledge of statistics.


Question 244

The data from each row in a coding schedule can be entered into a
quantitative analysis computer program called:

a) Endnote

b) N-Vivo

c) Outlook

Question 245

One of the potential pitfalls in devising a coding scheme is that:

a) it can be difficult to obtain a random sample of newspapers.

b) you might run out of photocopier paper.

c) the categories may not be mutually exclusive.

d) the unit of analysis is too clearly defined.

Question 246

Which of the following is not an advantage of content analysis?

a) It allows us to observe otherwise inaccessible populations at first

b) It is a transparent and easily replicable technique.

c) It allows us to track changes in media representations over time.

d) It is a non-reactive method.
Question 247

If coders differed in their interpretations of the categories in the

schedule, this could negatively affect the data's:


a) Internal generalisability

b) Intra-interviewer reliability

c) Construct validity

d) Inter-coder reliability
Question 248

The term "secondary analysis" refers to the technique of:

a) conducting a study of seconds, minutes and other measures of time.

b) analysing your own data in two different ways.

c) analysing existing data that have been collected by another person or


d) working part time on a project alongside other responsibilities.

Question 249

Why might secondary analysis be a particularly useful method for students?

a) It is relatively easy to do.

b) It saves time and money.

c) It does not require any knowledge of statistics.

d) It only requires a half-hearted effort.

Question 250
Which of the following is not an advantage of secondary analysis?
a) It immerses the researcher in the field they are studying.

b) It tends to be based on high quality data.

c) It provides an opportunity for longitudinal analysis.

d) It allows you to study patterns and social trends over time.


Question 251

The large samples used in national surveys enable new researchers to:

a) Avoid using probability sampling

b) Identify any bias in the question wording

c) Evaluate the inter-coder reliability of the data

d) Conduct subgroup analysis

Question 252

Which of the following is not a disadvantage of using secondary analysis?

a) The researcher's lack of familiarity with the data.

b) It is a relatively expensive and time consuming process.

c) Hierarchical datasets can be very confusing.

d) The researcher has no control over the quality of the data.

Question 253

Which of the following provides official statistics that could be analysed as

secondary data?

a) Local Government Survey (LGS)

b) Expenditure and Food Survey (EFS)

c) Dwelling and Furnishings Survey (DFS)

d) Rowing and Oars Survey (ROS)

Question 254

What is one of the advantages that official statistics have over structured
interview data?

a) The researcher can conduct natural experiments in the field.

b) They are completely objective and reliable.


c) They have greater measurement validity.

d) They allow the researcher to identify social trends over time.

Question 255

Studying levels of labour disputes may provide unreliable and/or invalid data

a) definitions of labour disputes change over time.

b) sectoral variations might be caused by unresearched factors.

c) employers may exercise judgement in reporting some disputes but not


d) all of the above.

Question 256

What is the "ecological fallacy"?

a) The assumption that secondary data analysis can be carried out at home.

b) The mistake of observing people in their natural setting.

c) The error of making inferences about individual behaviour from aggregate


d) The myth that it is easy to research environmentalist action groups.

Question 257

Why has the secondary analysis of official statistics been seen as an

"unobtrusive" method?
a) It increases the risk of "reactive effects" from participants.

b) The researcher is removed from the social settings that they are

c) The data were originally collected for the same purposes as those of the
current researcher.

d) They do not intrude too much into the researcher's spare time.
Question 258

What is the difference between interval/ratio and ordinal variables?


a) The distance between categories is equal across the range of

interval/ratio data.

b) Ordinal data can be rank ordered, but interval/ratio data cannot.

c) Interval/ratio variables contain only two categories.

d) Ordinal variables have a fixed zero point, whereas interval/ratio variables

do not.
Question 259

What is the difference between a bar chart and a histogram?

a) A histogram does not show the entire range of scores in a distribution.

b) Bar charts are circular, whereas histograms are square.

c) There are no gaps between the bars on a histogram.

d) Bar charts represents numbers, whereas histograms represent

Question 260

What is an outlier?

a) A type of variable that cannot be quantified.

b) A compulsive liar who is proud to be gay.

c) A score that is left out of the analysis because of missing data.

d) An extreme value at either end of a distribution.

Question 261

What is the function of a contingency table, in the context of bivariate analysis?

a) It shows the results you would expect to find by chance.

b) It summarizes the frequencies of two variables so that they can be


c) It lists the different levels of p value for tests of significance.

d) It compares the results you might get from various statistical tests.


Question 262

If there were a perfect positive correlation between two interval/ratio

variables, the Pearson's r test would give a correlation coefficient of:
a) - 0.328

b) +1

c) +0.328

d) - 1
Question 263

What is the name of the test that is used to assess the relationship between
two ordinal variables?

a) Spearman's rho

b) Phi

c) Cramer's V

d) Chi Square
Question 264

When might it be appropriate to conduct a multivariate analysis test?

a) If the relationship between two variables might be spurious.

b) If there could be an intervening variable.

c) If a third variable might be moderating the relationship.

d) All of the above.
Question 265

What is meant by a "spurious" relationship between two variables?

a) One that is so ridiculously illogical it cannot possibly be true.

b) An apparent relationship that is so curious it demands further attention.


c) A relationship that appears to be true because each variable is related to

a third one.

d) One that produces a perfect negative correlation on a scatter diagram.

Question 266

A test of statistical significance indicates how confident the researcher is about:

a) the inter-coder reliability of their structured interview schedule.

b) passing their driving test.

c) understanding the difference between bivariate and multivariate analysis.

d) generalising their findings from the sample to the population.

Question 267

Setting the p level at 0.01 increases the chances of making a:

a) Type I error

b) Type II error

c) Type III error

d) all of the above

Question 268

What is the advantage of using SPSS over calculating statistics by hand?

a) This is how most quantitative data analysis is done in "real research"

b) It reduces the chance of making errors in your calculations.

c) It equips you with a useful transferable skill.

d) All of the above.

Question 269

In SPSS, what is the "Data Viewer"?


a) A table summarizing the frequencies of data for one variable.

b) A spreadsheet into which data can be entered.

c) A dialog box that allows you to choose a statistical test.

d) A screen in which variables can be defined and labeled.

Question 270

How is a variable name different from a variable label?

a) It is shorter and less detailed.

b) It is longer and more detailed.

c) It is abstract and unspecific.

d) It refers to codes rather than variables.

Question 271

What does the operation "Recode Into Different Variables" do to the data?

a) Replaces missing data with some random scores.

b) Reverses the position of the independent and dependent variable on a


c) Redistributes a range of values into a new set of categories and creates a

new variable.

d) Represents the data in the form of a pie chart.

Question 272
How would you use the drop-down menus in SPSS to generate a frequency

a) Open the Output Viewer and click: Save As; Pie Chart

b) Click on: Analyze; Descriptive Statistics; Frequencies

c) Click on: Graphs; Frequencies; Pearson

d) Open the Variable Viewer and recode the value labels


Question 273

Why might you tell SPSS to represent the "slices" of a pie chart in different

a) Because the program tends to crash if you ask it to use colour.

b) Because the patterns form symbolic visual images of different social


c) In order to make full use of the facilities that SPSS can offer.

d) If you do not have a colour printer, it makes the differences between

slices clearer.
Question 274

When cross-tabulating two variables, it is conventional to:

a) represent the independent variable in rows and the dependent variable

in columns.

b) assign both the dependent and independent variables to columns.

c) represent the dependent variable in rows and the independent variable in


d) assign both the dependent and independent variables to rows.

Question 275

In which sub-dialog box can the Chi Square test be found?

a) Frequencies: Percentages
b) Crosstabs: Statistics

c) Bivariate: Pearson

d) Gender: Female
Question 276

To generate a Spearman's rho test, which set of instructions should you give
a) Analyze; Crosstabs; Descriptive Statistics; Spearman; OK

b) Graphs; Frequencies; select variables; Spearman; OK


c) Analyze; Compare Means; Anova table; First layer; Spearman; OK

d) Analyze; Correlate; Bivariate; select variables; Spearman; OK

Question 277

How would you print a bar chart that you have just produced in SPSS?

a) In Output Viewer, click File, Print, select the bar chart and click OK

b) In Variable Viewer, open bar chart, click File, Print, OK

c) In Chart Editor, click Descriptive Statistics, Print, OK

d) In Data Editor, open Graphs dialog box, click Save, OK

Question 278

Which of the following is a method that is commonly used in qualitative


a) Self-completion questionnaires

b) Surveys

c) Ethnography

d) Structured observation
Question 279

What is meant by the term "grounded theory"?

a) Theories should be tested by rigorous scientific experiments.

b) As a social researcher, it is important to keep your feet on the ground.

c) Theories should be grounded in political values and biases.

d) Theoretical ideas and concepts should emerge from the data.


Question 280

A sensitizing concept is one that:

a) provides general guidance for more flexible research.

b) imposes a predetermined theoretical model on the social world.

c) helps the researcher to investigate sensitive issues.

d) allows the researcher to measure very small changes in a variable.

Question 281

Which of the following is not a component of Guba and Lincoln's criterion,

a) Transferability

b) Measurability

c) Dependability

d) Credibility
Question 282

Respondent validation is the process by which:

a) the validity of an interview schedule can be measured.

b) researchers ask their participants to comment on an account of the


c) the problem of low response rates to a survey can be overcome.

d) participants collaborate with the researcher to design the research.
Question 283

Why do qualitative researchers like to give detailed descriptions of social


a) To provide a contextual understanding of social behaviour.

b) Because once they have left the field, it is difficult to remember what


c) So that they can compare their observations as a test of reliability.

d) Because they do not believe in going beyond the level of description.

Question 284

The flexibility and limited structure of qualitative research designs is an

advantage because:

a) the researcher does not impose any predetermined formats on the social

b) it allows for unexpected results to emerge from the data.

c) the researcher can adapt their theories and methods as the project

d) all of the above.

Question 285

Which of the following is not a criticism of qualitative research?

a) The studies are difficult to replicate.

b) There is a lack of transparency.

c) The approach is too rigid and inflexible.

d) The accounts are too subjective and impressionistic.

Question 286

Which of the following is not a contrast between quantitative and qualitative

a) Distance vs. proximity of researcher to participants
b) Generalization vs. contextual understanding

c) Hard, reliable data vs. rich, deep data

d) Interpretivist vs. feminist

Question 287

Why has qualitative research been seen to have an affinity with feminism?

a) It allows women's voices to be heard, rather than objectifying and

exploiting them.


b) It has always been carried out by female sociologists.

c) It allows the researcher to control variables and suppress women's voices.

d) It claims to be value free and non-political

Question 288

Which of the following is a component of ethnographic research?

a) Being immersed in a social group or setting.

b) Participant observation, interviews, and/or documentary analysis.

c) A written account of an ethnographic study.

d) All of the above.

Question 289

What is one of the main disadvantages of using the covert role in ethnography?

a) It can be hard to gain access to the social group.

b) It is difficult to take notes without arousing suspicion.

c) The problem of reactivity: people may change their

behaviour if they know they are being observed.

d) It is usually too time consuming and expensive to be a realistic

Question 290
Which of the following will not help you to negotiate access to a closed/non-
public setting?
a) Gaining the support of a "sponsor" within the organization.

b) Obtaining clearance from a "gatekeeper" or senior member of the


c) Joining in with the group's activities without introducing yourself.


d) Offering something in return, e.g. a

report of the findings. Question 291

What is a gatekeeper?

a) A senior member of the organization who helps the

ethnographer gain access to relevant people/events.

b) A senior level member of the organisation who refuses to allow

researchers into it.

c) A participant who appears to be helpful but then blows the

researcher's cover.

d) Someone who cuts keys to help the ethnographer gain access to a

Question 292

What is the name of the role adopted by an ethnographer who joins in

with the group's activities but admits to being a researcher?

a) Complete participant

b) Participant-as-observer

c) Observer-as-participant
d) Complet

e observer

Question 293

Why is an ethnographic study unlikely to use a probability sample?

a) Because the aim of understanding is more important than that of


b) Because the researcher cannot control who is willing to talk to them.

c) Because it is difficult to identify a sampling frame.

d) All of the above.


Question 294

What is meant by the term "theoretical saturation"?

a) Deciding on a theory and then testing it repeatedly.

b) The point at which a concept is so well developed that no further

data collection is necessary.

c) A state of frustration caused by having used every possible

statistical test without finding any significant results.

d) The problem of having used too many theories in one's data analysis.
Question 295

What is the difference between "scratch notes" and "full field notes"?

a) Scratch notes are just key words and phrases, rather than lengthy

b) Full field notes are quicker and easier to write than scratch notes.

c) Scratch notes are written at the end of the day rather than during key

d) Full field notes do not involve the researcher

scratching their head while thinking. Question 296

Why does Stacey argue against the idea of a feminist ethnography?

a) Because it creates a non-exploitative relationship between the
researcher and the researched.

b) Because she fundamentally disagrees with all feminist principles.

c) Because she thinks that the fieldwork relationship is inherently


d) Because she does not think that ethnography is a useful research

Question 297

What are the two main types of data that can be used in visual ethnography?


a) Positivist and interpretivist

b) Qualitative and quantitative

c) Nominal and ordinal

d) Extant and research-driven

Question 298

Which of the following makes qualitative interviewing distinct from structured


a) The procedure is less standardized.

b) "Rambling" off the topic is not a problem.

c) The researcher seeks rich, detailed answers.

d) All of the above.

Question 299

Which of the following is not a type of qualitative interview?

a) Unstructured interview

b) Oral history interview

c) Structured interview

d) Focus group interview

Question 300
Why is it helpful to prepare an interview guide before conducting semi-
structured interviews?

a) So that the data from different interviewees will be comparable

and relevant to your research questions.

b) So that you can calculate the statistical significance of the results.

c) In order to allow participants complete control over the topics they



d) To make the sample more representative.

Question 301

Which of the following is not one of Kvale's ten criteria of a successful

a) Passive

b) Knowledgeable

c) Sensitive

d) Interpreting
Question 302

What is a "probing question"?

a) One that inquires about a sensitive or deeply personal issue.

b) One that encourages the interviewee to say more about a topic.

c) One that asks indirectly about people's opinions.

d) One that moves the conversation on to another topic.

Question 303

What can you do to reduce the time consuming nature of transcribing


a) Use a transcribing machine

b) Employ someone to transcribe for you

c) Transcribe only selected parts of the interviews

d) All of the above

Question 304

What is involved in "purposive sampling"?

a) Using a random numbers table to select a representative sample of



b) Deciding on a sampling strategy early on and pursuing it relentlessly.

c) Strategically selecting respondents who are likely to provide relevant


d) Sampling units of time rather than individual persons.

Question 305

How does Oakley suggest that qualitative interviewing should be

used as an explicitly feminist research method?

a) By creating a more equal relationship between interviewer and


b) By invading the privacy of women and treating them as objects.

c) By imposing academic interpretations upon women's accounts of the


d) None of the above.

Question 306

Which of the following is an advantage of qualitative interviewing relative to

participant observation?
a) It allows you to find out about issues that are resistant to observation.

b) It is more biased and value-laden.

c) It is more likely to create reactive effects.

d) None of the above.

Question 307
Which of the following is a disadvantage of qualitative
interviewing relative to participant observatiofvn?
a) It has a more specific focus.

b) It is more ethically dubious, in terms of obtaining informed consent.

c) It may not provide access to deviant or hidden activities.

d) It does not allow participants to reconstruct their life events.


Question 308

Conversation Analysis (CA) and Discourse Analysis (DA) differ from

other qualitative research methods in that they treat language as:

a) a method rather than a theory.

b) a resource rather than a topic.

c) a theory rather than a method.

d) a topic rather than a resource.

Question 309

In CA, the term "indexicality" means that:

a) the meaning of an utterance depends on the context in which it is


b) speech acts can be listed and indexed after transcription.

c) words are constitutive of the social world in which they are located.

d) people tend to wave their index finger

in the air while speaking. Question 310

Which of the following is not one of the basic assumptions of CA?

a) Talk is structured

b) Talk is forged contextually

c) Talk can be measured and predicted

d) Analysis is

grounded in data

Question 311

In a CA transcript, what does the symbol "(.)"?


a) An intake of breath

b) A prolonged sound

c) Emphasis on the following word

d) A slight pause
Question 312

What is meant by the term "adjacency pair" in CA?

a) An interviewer and interviewee sitting next to each other.

b) Two linked phases of conversation.

c) Two similar questions asked in rapid succession.

d) A mechanism used to repair an

embarrassing mistake. Question 313

What have conversation analysts found that people generally do to

"repair" the damage caused by a "dispreferred response"?

a) Provide accounts of their action.

b) Correct themselves and give the preferred response.

c) Brazen it out and pretend they don't care.

d) Run away in a panic.

Question 314

What do discourse analysts study?

a) Forms of communication other than talk.

b) The way discourses "frame" our understanding of the social world.


c) The rhetorical styles used in written and oral communication.

d) All of the above.

Question 315

What is meant by the term "ethnographic particulars"?

a) Specific people who are involved as key informants in an


b) A participant observation schedule that is used in qualitative


c) Factors outside the immediate context of an interaction.

d) The "here-and-now" context of situated talk.

Question 316

Potter and Wetherell use the term "interpretative repertoires" to refer to:

a) the process of making non-factual data appear to be factual.

b) the general resources people use to perform discursive acts.

c) the frames of reference audiences use to hear messages.

d) the stock of academic knowledge

people draw upon in sociology. Question 317

The anti-realist inclination of many DA researchers is controversial
because it leads them to assert that:

a) there is no pre-existing material reality that constrains individual


b) social structures determine the way individuals use language.

c) the technique is incompatible with feminist principles.

d) quantitative research is inherently superior to qualitative research.


Question 318

What are Scott's four criteria for assessing the quality of documents?

a) Credibility, reliability, accuracy and meaning

b) Comprehensiveness, accuracy, value and rigour

c) Authenticity, credibility, representativeness and meaning

d) Objectivity, subjectivity,

authenticity and value Question 319

Why does Bryman raise questions about biographies of Walt Disney?

a) Because access to materials in the official Disney archives is tightly


b) Because they have been "ghost written" by other authors.

c) Because they are not representative of all great figures in cartoon


d) Because he never enjoyed watching Lady

and the Tramp as a child. Question 320

Why might a collection of personal letters from the early

twentieth century be low in representativeness?

a) Because it would be difficult to read old-fashioned styles of

b) Because it can be hard for a modern day researcher to understand
such materials.

c) Because they are protected under the Right-to-Privacy legislation.

d) Because they were preserved by a small number of powerful

companies only.
Question 321

Why might business researchers be interested in analyzing photographs as a

form of visual data?


a) To find out more about fashion, artifacts and everyday life in a

particular social setting.

b) To study the way photographs present idealized depictions of

company life.

c) To help them to see what has not been photographed and why.

d) All of the above.

Question 322

Which of the following is not an example of an official document?

a) A report of a public inquiry into a disaster.

b) A PhD student's collection of interview transcripts.

c) Documentation from a pharmaceutical company about a new drug.

d) A leaked memo from one member of

parliament to another. Question 323

Which of the following can be studied as a documentary source from the mass

a) The minutes of a company board meeting.

b) Coresspondence between an employee and employer.

c) Newspaper articles about a particular issue or event.

d) The staff newsletter produced

by a private company. Question 324

Why can it be difficult to establish the authenticity of virtual data?

a) Because we do not know who wrote the material on a web site.

b) Because virtual data are not as good as actual data.

c) Because it may require specialist "inside knowledge" to understand

the text.

d) Because it is usually presented in

the form of visual images. Question 325

Why is it important to study the way audiences "read" cultural documents?

a) To demonstrate how audiences passively accept whatever they are


b) Because their interpretation of it may differ from that intended by the


c) Because sociologists are running out of new things to research.

d) Because there is a lot of funding available for focus group studies.

Question 326

How does qualitative content analysis differ from quantitative content analysis?

a) It is always preceded by ethnographic research.

b) It involves counting the number of times certain words appear in a


c) It is less rigid, as researchers are constantly revising their concepts.

d) It is less likely to be used by feminist researchers.

Question 327

What is semiotics?
a) The study of semi-detached houses.

b) A half-baked attempt at social research.

c) The method of semi-structured interviewing.

d) The science of signs.

Question 328

In analytic induction, what happens if the researcher finds a deviant case?


a) They ignore it and carry on.

b) They must either redefine or reformulate the hypothesis.

c) They conduct a parametric statistical test.

d) They give up and decide to be

quantitative researchers instead. Question 329

Which of the following is not a tool of grounded theory?

a) Theoretical sampling

b) Coding

c) External validity

d) Constant


Question 330

What do Strauss and Corbin mean by "open coding"?

a) Breaking data down and examining it to identify themes and


b) Coding without the intention of building a theory.

c) Drawing open brackets alongside key words and phrases.

d) Telling everybody about the way you have coded the data.
Question 331

What is a "substantive theory" in Strauss and Corbin's view?

a) One that operates at the highest level of abstraction.

b) One that is highly controversial and provokes a critical response.

c) One that relates to an empirical instance or substantive topic area.


d) One that is amenable to

statistical analysis. Question 332

What are memos?

a) Notes that researchers write to themselves.

b) Reminders of what is meant by key terms or phrases.

c) Building blocks for theorizing.

d) All of the above.

Question 333

Why should you start coding your data as soon as possible?

a) To sharpen your focus and help with theoretical sampling.

b) Because researchers always run out of time at the end of a project.

c) Because it is the easiest task to do.

d) To make sure that your initial theoretical

ideas are imposed on the data. Question 334

Why are Coffey and Atkinson critical of the way coding fragments qualitative

a) Because this is incompatible with the principles of feminist research.

b) Because it results in a loss of context and narrative flow.

c) Because they think it should fragment quantitative data instead.

d) Because they invented the life history

interview and want to promote it. Question 335

What is the difference between a concept and a category in grounded theory?


a) There is no difference between them.

b) A concept is the name for a specific group of categories.

c) Concepts are dependent variables and categories are independent


d) Concepts are grouped into categories.

Question 336

Why did Riessman (1993) have problems coding data using traditional
qualitative methods?

a) She was still learning them at that time.

b) She was confused between concepts and categories.

c) Because narratives are unsuitable for coding.

d) She lost her notes.

Question 337

What is one of the main ethical problems associated with

conducting a secondary analysis of qualitative data?

a) The participants may not have given informed consent to the reuse of
their data.

b) It involves deceiving respondents about the nature of the research.

c) The secondary analyst must adopt a covert role and is at risk of
"going native".

d) Respondents are likely to experience physical

harm as a result of the process. Question 338

What does the acronym "CAQDAS" stand for?

a) Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software

b) Complicated Analytical Questions Deserving Answers Soon


c) Constant Aggravation Queried Directly And Swiftly

d) Content Analysis Quantification: Durkheim And Statistics

Question 339

How is CAQDAS different from quantitative data analysis software?

a) It only works on Apple Mac computers.

b) It requires detailed knowledge of statistics.

c) There is no industry leader.

d) The programs do the analysis for you.

Question 340

Which of the following is not a criticism of the use of CAQDAS in social

a) It reinforces the idea that code-and-retrieve is the only way to conduct
qualitative analysis.

b) It results in the fragmentation of data and a loss of narrative flow.

c) It may not be suitable for focus group data.

d) It is not very fast or efficient at retrieving sections of data.

Question 341

Which of the following is not an advantage of using CAQDAS in social research?

a) It makes the process of qualitative data analysis more transparent.

b) It is faster and efficient than analysing by hand.

c) It involves learning skills that are specific to each program.

d) It helps you to map out the relations between ideas and themes in the
Question 342

In what format should you import your project documents from Word into

a) .jpg or .mpg


b) .pdf of .exe

c) .htm or .com

d) .doc or .rtf
Question 343

In which window can you read through, edit and code your documents?

a) Document Viewer

b) Node Explorer

c) Project Pad

d) Welcome Screen
Question 344

What are the two types of node used in NVivo?

a) Seed nodes and weed nodes

b) Shrub nodes and grub nodes

c) Flower nodes and power nodes

d) Tree nodes and free nodes

Question 345

You code your data in NVivo by:

a) applying nodes to segments of text.

b) using a pre-set coding frame.

c) entering the data case by case as "variables".

d) changing the spelling of certain words to disguise their real meaning.


Question 346

Which of the following is a kind of search that can be carried out in NVivo?

a) Single node search

b) Intersection search

c) Specific text search

d) All of the above

Question 347

Which is the correct sequence for creating a memo in NVivo?

a) Sources, Memos, New, Memo in this folder

b) Nodes, New type, Memo to self

c) Sources, Documents, Browse, Import Memo

d) It is not possible to create memos in NVivo

Question 348

The natural sciences have often been characterized as being positivist

in epistemological orientation. Which of the following has been
proposed as an alternative account?

a) Marxism

b) Subjectivism

c) Interpretivism
d) Realism
Question 349

How is it argued that qualitative research can have "empiricist overtones"?

a) Semi-structured interview schedules are used to quantify behavior.

b) There is an emphasis on direct observation of people and social settings.


c) Qualitative researchers prefer to conduct statistical analyses of their data.

d) It typically involves testing a clearly defined hypothesis.

Question 350

Why might we say that quantitative researchers also try to study social

a) Because the method they use most is the in-depth interview.

b) Because their written reports usually refer to an interpretivist


c) Because surveys and questionnaires are used to examine attitudes and


d) Because they observe human behaviour in a laboratory.

Question 351

Why does Bryman argue that research methods can be seen as

relatively "free-floating" or autonomous?

a) Because researchers often change their minds about which method to


b) Because most qualitative researchers are Hippies who believe in free


c) Because there is no longer any meaningful distinction between

quantitative and qualitative research.
d) Because there is no inevitable connection between a
researcher's choice of method and their epistemological/ ontological

Question 352

Which of the following is not one of the contrasts that has been
made to distinguish between quantitative and qualitative
a) Behaviour versus meaning

b) Numbers versus words

c) Traditional versus modern

d) Artificial versus natural


Question 353

What does the term "quasi-quantification" refer to?

a) The use of words like "many", "some" or "often" in qualitative research.

b) A poor attempt at statistical analysis.

c) The use of a survey instrument that has not been tested for inter-coder

d) The way scientists talk about their data in numerical terms to

enhance the credibility of their findings.

Question 354

Why is it argued that qualitative research may not really be "naturalistic"?

a) Because participant observation has to be overt and so causes reactivity


b) Because methods such as interviews and focus groups constitute artificial

social settings.

c) Because quantitative methods such as structured observation

tend to take place in more naturalistic environments.

d) Because it is concerned with the social world rather than the natural
Question 355

What is "ethnostatistics"?
a) The study of the way statistics are constructed, interpreted and

b) The study of the way ethnic minorities are represented in official


c) A new computer program designed to help lay people understand


d) An interpretivist approach made famous by the work of Garfinkel (1967).

Question 356

In what way does the thematic analysis of interview data suggest


a) It demands the use of computer programs like SPSS.


b) It is based on numbers rather than text.

c) It involves establishing the frequency of particular words, phrases or


d) It is usually followed by a stage of rigorous statistical testing.

Question 357

How does quantification help the qualitative researcher avoid being accused of

a) By allowing them to focus on extreme examples in the data and ignore

the rest.

b) By providing a structure to an otherwise unstructured dataset.

c) By making it more likely that official statistics will be included in their


d) By providing some idea of the prevalence of an usual or striking response.

Question 358

What is the name of one of the arguments that suggests that research
methods are inextricably linked to epistemological commitments?

a) Triangulation argument

b) Postmodern argument

c) Embedded methods argument

d) Positivist argument
Question 359

Which version of the debate about multi-strategy research suggests

that quantitative and qualitative research are compatible?

a) Technical version

b) Methodological version

c) Epistemological version

d) Feminist version

Question 360

What is triangulation?

a) Using three quantitative or three qualitative methods in a project.

b) Cross-checking the results found by different research strategies.

c) Allowing theoretical concepts to emerge from the data.

d) Drawing a triangular diagram to represent the relations between three

Question 361

How might qualitative research facilitate quantitative research?

a) By providing hypotheses that can later be tested.

b) By helping with the design of survey questions.

c) By informing the schedule of a structured interview.

d) All of the above.

Question 362

How might quantitative research facilitate qualitative research?

a) By identifying specific groups of people to be interviewed.

b) By showing the frequency of different responses to a survey item.

c) By imposing a rigorous positivist framework on it.

d) By combining laboratory experiments with structured observation.

Question 363

Whereas quantitative research tends to bring out a static picture of social life,
qualitative research
depicts it as...
a) symmetrical

b) statistical


c) processual

d) proverbial
Question 364

How might qualitative research help with the analysis of quantitative data?

a) By identifying a sample of respondents for a follow-up study.

b) By providing hard, statistical data about them.

c) By making the research more value-laden and subjective.

d) By helping to explain the relationship between two variables.

Question 365

How can multi-strategy research help us to study different aspects of a


a) By reducing the standard deviation of scores around the mean.

b) By allowing the researcher to interview first women, and then men.

c) By revealing both the macro and the micro level.

d) By making it unnecessary to have more than one stage in the research

Question 366

When might unplanned multi-stage research be described as a "salvage

a) When the researcher abandons their original strategy and starts all over

b) When the second research strategy is used to explain unexpected or

puzzling results.

c) When there is a paradigm shift from quantitative to qualitative research.

d) When it is ethically unsound to use only one research strategy.

Question 367

Which of the following is not a feature of multi-strategy research?


a) It is inherently superior to mono-strategy research.

b) It must be competently designed and conducted.

c) It must be appropriate to the research questions.

d) The skills of all researchers must be well integrated.

Question 368

Which of the following is not a problem associated with using websites as

sources of data?
a) The sample of websites is only as good as the keywords used to search for

b) It is difficult to find any websites about most topics in business research.

c) New websites are constantly appearing while others are disappearing.

d) The content of websites is likely to change as they are updated.

Question 369

What is distinctive about asynchronous online communication?

a) The interviewer and their respondents write at different times.

b) It cannot take place on the World Wide Web.

c) It occurs in real time, with participants responding to questions


d) It cannot be conducted by email.

Question 370
What is a virtual ethnography?

a) The use of visual data rather than written texts for content analysis.

b) A technique used to facilitate online focus groups.

c) A study that uses participant observation but not interviewing.

d) An ethnographic study of an online community or social setting.


Question 371

Which of the following is a practical problem associated with asynchronous

focus groups?

a) It is difficult to send out a welcome message to participants this way.

b) Moderators cannot be available online 24 hours a day.

c) Not all participants will have access to the required conferencing


d) Participants do not have enough time to write detailed responses.

Question 372

An advantage of conducting an interview online rather than face-to-face is that:

a) it saves time and money as no travelling is involved.

b) informants have more time to give detailed, considered responses.

c) there is no need to transcribe the data.

d) all of the above.

Question 373

Which of the following is not a disadvantage of conducting focus groups online?

a) Those who are fastest at typing may dominate the discussions.

b) It is more difficult to establish rapport without non-verbal cues.

c) Normally shy participants may find it easier to "speak" in this setting.

d) It is easier for people to ignore questions or drop out of the study.
Question 374

The two ways of distributing on-line surveys are:

a) Quantitatively and qualitatively

b) With an interview schedule or an observation schedule


c) By email and via the World Wide Web

d) Face-to-face or by post
Question 375

What is the main advantage of an attached email questionnaire over an

embedded one?

a) It retains more of the original formatting and so tends to look more


b) It requires less expertise for the respondent to open and reply to it.

c) Recipients will be reassured that the message does not contain a virus.

d) It is easier to code the answers from this type of questionnaire.

Question 376

Why is it argued that samples recruited online are not representative of the
general population?

a) Because online researchers only use random probability sampling


b) Because Internet users are most likely to be white, young and middle

c) Because women are less likely than men to volunteer for online social

d) None of the above.

Question 377
What is the advantage of using Internet surveys to supplement traditional
postal questionnaires?

a) Postal questionnaires generally produce a higher response rate.

b) It makes all of the data more directly comparable.

c) Online social surveys generally produce a higher response rate.

d) It boosts response rates by allowing people to respond in the

way that is most convenient for them.


Question 378

What is rhetoric?

a) The type of rapport that is usually established in in-depth interviews.

b) An ancient form of poetry.

c) A technique used to assess the external reliability of a data source.

d) The attempt to persuade or convince an audience, often through

Question 379

Which of the following is not usually found in a report of a quantitative study?

a) Measurement

b) Introduction

c) Confession

d) Results
Question 380

The introductory section of a research report should aim to:

a) identify the specific focus of the study.

b) provide a rationale for the dissertation, or article.

c) grab the reader's attention.

d) all of the above.
Question 381

What is the purpose of the conclusion in a research report?

a) It explains how concepts were operationally defined and measured.


b) It summarizes the key findings in relation to the research questions.

c) It contains a useful review of the relevant literature.

d) It outlines the methodological

procedures that were employed. Question 382

In a report of quantitative research, an empiricist repertoire serves to:

a) confuse the reader with long and technical words.

b) demonstrate the researcher's reflexivity about their role in the

research process.

c) give the impression that the results were objective and logically

d) provide a confessional tale of what went wrong in the procedure.

Question 383

Which of the following is not normally included in a written account of

qualitative research?
a) An introduction, locating the research in its theoretical context.

b) An explanation of the design of the study.

c) A discussion of the main findings in relation to the research


d) A decision to accept or reject the hypothesis.

Question 384

Postmodernist theorists challenge the idea of objective truth by arguing that:

a) there are many possible ways of interpreting and representing social


b) it is important to uncover the social laws that operate in an external


c) only women have the unique standpoint needed to be able to make

universal truth claims.

d) all of the above.


Question 385

Apart from postmodernism, what other intellectual trend has

stimulated an interest in the way social scientists use rhetorical devices
in their writing?

a) Positivism

b) Social studies of science

c) Traditional ethnography

d) Existentialis

t philosophy Question


A reflexive business researcher will be inclined to write about:

a) The effects that their values, biases and theoretical leanings might
have had upon the data collection and analysis.
b) The way in which their findings unfolded naturally and inevitably through
logical deduction.

c) The way in which their findings are objectively truthful and valid.

d) The unproblematic and straightforward procedures of

designing research, building a rapport with participants and
interpreting the findings.
Question 387
The three forms of ethnographic writing that Van Maanen (1988) identifies are:

a) Positivist stories, interpretivist stories and realist stories

b) Native accounts, tourist accounts and voyeuristic accounts

c) Realist tales, confessional tales and impressionist tales

d) Feminist accounts, ethnomethodological accounts and postmodern



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