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Global Internet

2017.08.18 v002

It can be hard to get the Internet performance

you need when you share the space with
3 billion* other users.

What is Global Internet? Features

With at least 3 billion* users in the world today, the Internet is a Extensive IP backbone coverage
crowded environment. Using it to connect people and offices can
result in unacceptable variation in availability, quality and user Achieved through Telstra’s private and consortium cable capacity
experience. This problem is often compounded by a lack of visibility across Asia Pacific, Europe, Americas and Middle East.
into site-to-site performance, hindering the ability to measure and
improve. In contrast, Telstra’s Global Internet services provide you Strong domestic and international peering
with dedicated, robust and secure access to a single network, as
Ensures short hop connectivity to global content and users.
well as access to 24/7 monitoring and customer service.
Low latency traffic routing into China
An Internet Gateway into China through our bilateral peering links
Optimal performance and efficiency across the HK/Mainland border to the Chinese carriers.
Telstra also provides a dedicated, uncontended connection over Online monitoring and reporting
the internet to our customers around the globe. You will experience
symmetrical upload and download with static and dynamic IP Access to Performance reports for International and Domestic
addressing. (Australia) service through respective portals that enables you to
monitor your global traffic.
By consolidating your services with a single provider you can
minimise complexity and increase efficiency. Telstra streamlines Service levels
access management to multiple global locations by providing
dedicated connectivity and a wide variety of DSL speeds and up to Provides you with targets and rebate options based on service
10Gbps Ethernet connection speeds. The use of multiple routing delivery, availability and Round Trip Delay (RTD) for our Standard and
options over the network provides the low latency and optimised GID Economy Service. Standard GID Service also includes Packet
performance your business demands. Delivery Ratio (PDR) and Mean Time to Restore
Whether you need Internet connectivity globally or in Australia,
Telstra is able to provide you with one quote, one order form and A choice of flexible services
service schedule that includes all information you need for a
consistent customer experience. Businesses that want to connect, communicate and collaborate via
the Internet need flexible and scalable solutions. That’s why we offer
Global flexibility and scalability our Global Internet services in these options:
In order to extend your reach even further, Telstra has assembled Global Internet Direct standard
international peering arrangements to minimise the total number
of data hops required to reach a destination. With access to over Ideal when differentiation of mission critical traffic is required.
100Gbps of private peering across Asia, over 300Gbps in the
US and more than 100Gbps in major network access points around Global Internet Direct Economy
the world, Global Internet offers the flexibility and scalability you
require. A cost effective option if you need to operate applications that are
less sensitive to delays, such as email and web browsing.
A quality experience for users
Global Internet Extension
Our cable systems span over 400,000kms and integrates multiple
landing points and core router sites to ensure a diverse and Expanded IP coverage in over 200 countries via a wide range of
redundant network. We are committed to delivering a quality user access options, providing comprehensive and cost effective option
experience and we achieve this goal thanks to our consistent for backup or remote connectivity.
network architecture, IP backbone diversity, 24/7 multi-lingual
GIobal Internet Direct PBS
customer service, customer performance management portal and
strong focus on service level agreements. An On-Net internet offering in China.
Balances capacity, capability and costs Telstra Internet Direct (TID)
Depending on the scale, location and criticality of your services, Connection to Telstra’s high performance, carrier grade public
Global Internet can enable cost-effective and secure access for Internet offering in Australia.
remote sites joining into an IP Virtual Private Network (VPN) or can
act as an integrated VPN backup. This expands your options and *
allows you to balance capacity, capability and costs accordingly.

Contact your Telstra account representative or email [email protected] for more details.
Asia: +852 2827 0066 • Americas: +1 877 835 7872 • EMEA: +44 20 7965 0000 • Australia: +61 2 8202 5134

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