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Class rules are an important aspect of every classroom.

They provide guidelines

that allow students to know what is expected. Class rules need to be simple, easy
to follow, and posted for your students to see. One of the keys to writing great
rules for your classroom is to keep them general enough to cover a variety of
situations but also specific to your students, classroom, and school.

At the beginning of each school year, go over the rules in class with your students,
leaving time for questions and discussion. Provide the rules to parents as well, so
they're aware of your expectations for the school year. With a reasonable set of
clear, specific rules, you can anticipate a well-run classroom.

1. Come to Class on Time

To keep the classroom running smoothly, everyone needs to be on time and ready
to start class. Students outside the door and rushing in after the bell has begun to
ring will be considered tardy. You must be in your seat when the bell rings to be
counted as on time.

2. Start Your Assignment When the Tardy Bell Rings

Directions will be posted on the board or on the projection screen when you
arrive for class. Please do not wait to be reminded to begin your assignment.

3. Attend to Personal Needs Before Class

Use the restroom or stop at your locker before class to avoid causing disruption
for your fellow students. Hall passes are limited, so please do not ask for a pass
unless you have a true emergency.

4. Bring Required Materials Every Day

Unless you have been instructed otherwise, come to class prepared with all of the
required materials you were advised to bring at the beginning of the school year.
Do not interrupt the teacher or other students to ask to borrow items you forgot
to bring to class.

5. Talk When Permitted

Most of the time, you must raise your hand in class, wait to be called on, and then
speak. There may be times during group work when quiet talking is permitted. Be
aware of when talking is and isn't allowed. It is important that students remain
quiet during exams until all students have finished.
6. Use Polite Speech and Body Language
Unkind teasing and impolite behavior are unacceptable at all times and may lead
to further discipline. Be respectful of other students when they are speaking. Any
form of bullying will not be tolerated.

7. Don't Cheat
Students caught cheating will receive a zero and a phone call home. Both the
student who shares his work and the person who copies it will suffer the same
consequences. Be mindful of accidental cheating by covering your paper during
exams and preparation of other graded assignments.

8. Listen and Follow Directions

It is important for you to pay attention in class and follow the teacher's
directions. You will be a more successful student if you listen in class and follow

Classroom Rules & Procedures


 Arrive to class on time or have a written pass from a teacher.

**Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.


 Show respect for oneself, classmates, and any adults in the classroom.

**Refrain from talking/making noises while the teacher or another student is speaking; avoid put-
downs and horseplay, etc.


 Bring planner, notebook/folder, pens/pencils, and any other materials needed daily.

**Always maintain previous homework/classwork assignment's in folder; make-up missed work

when you are absent.

**Remember, it is the student's responsibility to communicate with the teacher in order to make-
up any missed work.

 Participate in a positive and constructive manner in class activities.

**Stay on task; 5 minutes on hall pass; avoid cheating on both tests and homework; please sit
quietly and pay attention, no heads on the desks (be an active listener), etc.


 Follow all school policies regarding hats, cell phones, dress code, eating/drinking in class, etc.

**See Student Planner for specifics.


1. Verbal warning
2. Written warning
3. Detention with the teacher
4. Parent notification/office detention

Detentions are to be served either before school, 7:00am - 7:30am or after school, 2:20pm - 3:00pm
within 2 days of the assignment depending upon the nature and/or severity of the situation. Failure to
serve a personal detention will result in serving an administrative detention.

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